The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 16, 1866, Image 2

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Sfto (ifdumlriim.
tiKomii: ii. moohi:, r.iimitt.
From Washington.
A Nr.w 'oiiKi:iiirthoniiinoorCrtnip
bell liiis Just given t(i Hid world smite
.piccr revelations concerning the testi
mony lately adduced liy the .ludlclury
Committee or the I lou.-i tending to im
Louisiana, for the part taken by Iiini in Confederate States, unless we except tno
til.. Into rcbo service. Mr. Poiissenu Ktiuo oi j eimessee, .pm.. .c.i i c cci
once occupied tl.o eminent position or '"Xo
uCoiiinioiliiroliitlioUHltcd.Slnto.sNnvy. ,llL,nt (( n Ktuto constitution has hud the
Tin: Joint Committee on Itoconstrtte-
s'lncllnn ill' tilt ticnlilc. All t 10 SO-Cllll
I'd legislation of State conventions mid
Legislatures bus been hud unilertlionilli
turv dictation. Jf tin- President nmy, ut
his will mid nndor hi-! own authority,
EUNMENT. Tin: new from tlio "pent of
war" represents tlio l'eninnsns hasten
ing buck to the States, with the princi
pal mot ivo of securing tho onrllost moans
of reaching their homes. AVo can well
picture tho fecllngof ttttordespuir which
tho conntcniiiicos of these poor fellows
must express. Tho " liberation of Ire
land" is so dear to every Irishman's
heart that to fall in whnt they conceive
to bo a grand slurtlng-polnt to the ac
complishment of that end necessarily
involves a largo amount of disappoint
ment. AVo happened to bo In Now York at a
tlmowhen a soitad of AVitlkcr's men re
turned from Nicaragua, and tho utter
loneliness of feeling that was Impressed
on their countenances has never been
effaced from our memory. Shoeless,
lint less, with clothes barely tho embodi
ment of tho name, and their bed tho
cold stones of tho City Hall steps, they
wcro truly pitiable objects, fitit the be
nevolent hearts of American provided
for their wants, and they were in every
instance furnished means to proceed to
their homes.
Though in a less destitute condition,
probably, but nevertheless too nearly
approaching it, tho Fenians have been
loft on tho border of tho United States.
Tho Government lias furnisliedall who
t-o desire transportation to their homes,
wisely exacting, as a neces.-ary precau
tion to a HUe expense, a bond to refrain
from a second attempt ngaiiistn govern
ment witli which we arc at peace.
In tho course or tho Government tow
ard tho Vonhtns Wo seo eminently dis
played tho honest principles of a true
Htatesman. "With a large portion of the
Amerieau people outside tho.-o belong
ing to tho Fenian organization in sym
pathy witli their cause, and with tho
practical example of Urltish. neutrality
durlngourlatcwurberorehim, President
Johnson chose tho wisest-plan be
cause an honest one and upheld tho
dignity and honor or tho United Stales
by refusing to adopt a course for which
lie would have had many defenders, but
not the sanction of honest principle!.
That there must huvo been a heavy
prof-suro brought to bear to induce him
to act otherwise all will allow who are
conver.-ant witli tho occurrences or tlio
past week, and the ea-y access to tho
Presidential ear. But throughout all
tho President's ilrninoss jf mind upheld
him, and he has placed the name United
States far in advance or all other coun
tries in its faithful adherence to flie law
or nations, and the honesty of purpose
of a great and free Kopublie. I or thi
if for no other reason, Andrew Johnson
Hhould receive the gratitude of the
In i.. .. 41 I i 1.. 1...4 1. I TiKii-mi I ..., ..wt iili .Hill tut... in mm ill I in ill I'll lil
..II. ...1.. lif IIm.Ij I,, (Iwi ii.wutn.ii nil l'H lBU"e lllllll lliill ill inil.i i inns..-! niivuiti luinm mj" -
plicate Jeir Davis in the ussus-l nation ,,.....,.,., .... Kr,iliv ()r ,t ,m,i. executive, iiuallfy persons to appoint
plot. Ho shows that a gross syslem of of longriss on i l. . M - Ht,,m(0M ,,-, t,h,c:t iR.prcsei.tntlves, and
frauds and perjury has been resorted to S ant of sinice fori., s tl epu 111 call, u .if t,ln.)(nvt,r olhcw appoint and elect
to nrovo Davis and othei-s conspirators tlio entire report, which Is. pilte lengthy, theni, he thereby practically controls the
h no I or ., i. 1 icks ui. his asset- We liowcver give tl.o salient portions organization of the legislative depart
In the matter, anil hacks i P ms as. u After n 1oiil ovnlnnntlon of the ment; tho constitutional form ot gov
lions by racts that starlle all who are fa- (,r A1 r,11 ""'I-. S "1 .... .. .. eminent is therebv uractlcally destroyed
lug excellent easts of the head nnd or
that thiunble-iS right hand which gave
so important a duo to the detection or
the criminal. Theso casts were exhibi
ted during the examination of the body
to-day. The beetle-browed, repulsive,
aulmal-ltko look of tho face, tho low
forehead and brutal features which have
been made so familiar to tho public by
the artist's skill, were all there; but us
was before remarked, In tho stolid ex
mill IN lintverx nhnr bod 111 the Kxoell
live. All. i w vour cuiiiiiiiiice mi
nut fur n liintneiit liniitito to the Presi
dent any such design, but cheerfully
. i i .1 i.. i ... ...i.i. i... 1...11. ........ ii or.n.j reasons which com ici nieiii u inu urn
miliar wmi mo n-i"""",' .-v" in,.,, i,,,,...
that manv of (ho witnesses test Mod ,1UT, , i.. v.ui.i....
.,.u,r ,,i.i..f..l nniiies. nnd that no eii, uwj, nij
ii i... ii.i.. i .... AVo now iirrinnse to HtMte. US irieilV US
sucn persons ii uiun-.ii.ii-.ii.iu unu n- , . '.:.,,., . r, , .J iiml nrfiicl- eonco.lo lo him tho lliosi pauioiu: mo-
eorded witnesses exist. In addition j iZXv , lives, they cannot but look wit .alarm
to thl", ho states that when Mr. Con- '"i.e . . V upon a precedent so lraugni wnn uan-
nory, who was the
or . tet ecu ve in mo case, was asue.i 10 ii- nuiw ... ,...,..(,,
. . , '. I nil. K ntes boninio vacant 111 the year ainquiuo
proceed to iew oric unit
corroborating evidence or his own stale
incuts, which lie had prevl.
3 principal witness j-'irt. The seats or Senators nnd Hop- uVAllU'n?,V!!Liv or t.rovldlnir
case, was asked to resentatlves ; for tl.o so-called t mleder- -A ' , " t& ElfS
I it lit Xltiriitl III Ht 11 HI VIll'Illl l 111 l ill' I n:--- ,
procure some " .ViiiVi scs-iloii or "m' restoring the insurrectionary hiaics
h.s.iwns,a,e. ZpA Z?&
meins, which no nan previously voiiui- tary wniiiirawai oi uieir iiinininn i, j," inii.. (,. :.; rinvnrii.iii'iit mill tlio
teered'tofurnNh.that he gave tho oill-
cor who was sent with him tl.o slip in ' l ".'i"1 t n Vas 'lone throughout tho conquered territory, as
New York; lias actually run away, as X
is sujiposeu, 10 iiviim u jiuiM'i'iiiiuii mi mm uovernmeiii oi uie i nui u numn, -
perjury, and has not been heard from by with u! n),th. The conclusion of your ,
tho olllcer or committee for several u ''-k, n.ittee, thereAire, Is that tl.o so-c,
WOCKi. v jinur wi messes nave nmiu nn- ojnnnJIJy f(
ward nun coiiiessc.i in iuivhik " tlic same rtiaies urn u i onu uiuut ; v,, r,"7o(n(lM. thnf liororealloVvlnir
rKM,. 'I'linnri'lvv.l ,,f IlnniM. Orooll'V. Which llVC.l 1111(1 WHL'ed Wlir. llV SCH illl.1 ' - .". . 1 ' V. A.i . .H
.....v.j. -. , i.. 4i. iii,i rriiiu sucu renreseniauiiii imiiiiiim; rrauni
.vinriHtus Sc he . Horace F. Clark, and y '""' ni",,rl u." Vf"""," r.n fntnn. i.imh-o mid safety should bo a-
' " ' itiii iiftiiTiiiiiiifi iiiiirt i ii i i iiini i . , . . . ,
other New Yorkers revived the rumors "V,..., , -ivhU-li neriod the ltehel armies quired; that this can only ue loun.i in
or JeiV Davis's release on ball, nnd re- the Ci.iiM.l l.iva.led hui-Ii ehanges of t he orgmi h : huv as sha
port went so far as to assert that Mr. tho loyal States, burned i their to
Greeley was to he one of the bondsmen. 011 i i l r p. ""'v n. V imvt. rof.rescntation as an
. ...... ..... . ,S,i..I..l, l,...!!.. i
When asked by a Kndieal ir he desired ,. va soldiers, and Imposed an In- equltal.lo l.ajis; s in n u x as g ma u "
the release or Jeir, ho retorted by asking CKaset ,)titlnul ' burden ..r not k'ss tivason, nnd protect
the interrogator ir ho was in ravor of than three billion ilve hundred million S' t ftd r Xl
the indellni.o Imprisonment of the rep- AuSS toget 1-
,.rentativoof live millions TT$Z .r,nn? 1 &
1 T t on ;;'UI, Seiudo. SK WrSS and' IS
r, WHson, and others on the jf, J! ro Haffi !!S several biHs'de
f Davis's lilx.ration on bail, and u signed to mrry tl.o same into ellcct, be-
suined and occupied the political, legal, u,',V,' .y' . ; iUU r(inrt .,...
and practical relation r enemies .r tl.o JL-lore clo, ng tl s rej . M"1' ' 1 flutes 't'his nosition is estab- mittee beg leave to state that specitie
. tt .. 1 1lfMltl1lllt1WI!1 tiling mil unit (I'll to them are
Mr. O'Conor is , til. here, fW. ,1 ( "1 ! re.S v the resldts or concession, after n king
or ho !!!"?
cease until all their armies were captur- "smie. ui inu "V . i.
ed.tlieirn.ilitarypowerdestroyed.their scheme, your commit ee su li i t it
civil ollicers, State and Conrcdorato, ta- Congress as tho Kt they 1 K
, ken priM.ners and put to tllght, every upon, in the hope that its n per lecti
1m ii , ui.,.,. .,.'i ..,r..,i.V,..,(,. mav ho cured, and its dellcielicies sli
...Ill I. !.. 41... !.. "WW' ni""- -""-. .h". !.,1,. 1 i.
oi uiuo, vie.1 wnn icu uiiiei in mil- hi- u-riiiiient obliterated, their territory piieu ny iLj,-i-.iiiii -
troduction or resolutions condemning overrun and occupied by tlio Federal ar- when dually adopted it
Ox the Fourth or July next tho sol
diers or Pennsylvania are to return to
tho Statu"" authorities tho tings which
thev bore hi tho late wnr. Their tutter-
cd condition will plainly tell their histo
ry, and it Will bo a welcome sight to
many a battlo-sc.ti'red veteran to see tin
emblem of ids dos'otion. It vill not bo
without significance cither, for while it
will tell him that thirty-six States are
Jn tlio Union, his reading of the proceed
ings or Congress confronts him with tho
fact that tho members of that body still
refuse to recognize tlio accomplishment
of the work for which ho toiled and won
nnd that, although ho is discharged.
thnt pence to which ho looked forward
with such hopefulness is something
far In the future in their eyes. IIo sees
on that ling each star or equal lustre
nnd tho full number of States In the
Union represented. Yet ho is told by
Congress that but twenty-tlvo Stntes are
members or the Union. "What a con
Announcements hnvo been mado by
Homo or tlio Paris correspondents or tho
American press that several or thu most
stringent provisions or tlio French pat
cut laws will bo suspended during the
"Universal Fxhlbltlon of 180", so thnt no
patent right cm bo infringed if correctly
hiocured. A letter hiw been received
from Commissioner Ileckwlth on tho
subject, in which ho writes thnt this is
nn error, nnd thnt thero has been no stiS'
pension or modification of tho patent
laws or any portion of them, nor i.i tiny
mich measure contemplated by tlio Im
perial Commission nor by tho govern
mcut. lloth tho laws and the formal!
fieri will remain unaltered. It has also
been stated that exhibitors from tho
"United States will lie permitted to dl
play for sale duplicates of such articles
contributed to tho Kxposlthm as they
may dcslro to introduce to tho notice of
foreign purchasers. This is practical)!
at all times; but no ciiange lias been
mndo nor Intended to 1m mndo in tlio
laws nnd regulations regarding foreig
products imported for sale. All such
products will bo subject to tho u-iial
duties and charges. Xac Yuri: Jlcruld,
obtain the good-will of the lnerchanta IMPORTANT DECISION,
and of the people, and this may nlso in the Into United Stntes nnd Colom-
prove to he one or the most eillciont i.rt commission the ease or Augustus C.
nlds to reconstruction. J'tlhulcljihlu Fret Involved a question H5 Important
Uihjei: ns to excite general discussion among
. thedlplomits. It was argued by Mr.
THE WESTMORELAND COUNTY S. S. Cox for tho claimant, mid by Mr.
MUltDEIt Carlisle for Colombia, niitlmib-.eiiui?Mtly,
AVE mentioned u few days ago the " !?XlYX
Tor the United Stntes, nnd General Sal-
, 4 ' . . V ."" fanner living about four miles from "V
t.ression of those motionless font tires .........4 w .. i for the Un
there was no trace of siiirerlng, physlcnl ' " J: znr, Commissioner Tor Colon.bln, nnd tho
There w.w nothing, iw inr t . , . , .... umpire, Sir Frederick Urucc, una accin-
been obtulned. Since then eircums.u,,. aZ.
linvo been dove h.ped which point to Tt(! mncd .... ()mm
or mental
as one can Judge from the lineaments of
the dead, hut complete, unmitigated
The result of thero invostlgntluns will
doubtless be given to the medical world
In a more fitting form than cnirbo even
tho son of the murdered mnn ns the por
,...1 ......... in i.i.,,, nlirht of Inst week he wns
uiieiiipieu nuiu , "in iiuuiii, uuiLiuMf,
. 1 .. .... . III I'lfl lit I
lll,.l , , ,. ... . ,.,., .,,l,ll, ...Ila ,1n.
pctrntor of tho deed, nnd on Friday r.. ' . . w , . in
nrrest;i I nnd stroyed by the famous riot of April 1G,
The 011- 1 urgcu mm uiu iuiniu-
rnry residence mere nnti inu owiiuisio
of real estate gave color to his national
ity, nnd mndo him n uw Grenndlaii
Z r , "Tf .inrintr citizen. Ills orlglunl don.lcil w;ns In the
, ..... i ...... ........... TT . . ,
lg three hundred dollnrs
bounty money. Since the expiration or
. .1 t CI4..4.. . I 14 t.n..l 1... 41...
ooumy ........ " '7,;; V 1 doned it ; thnt he continued his residence
' Ponnsylvnniu, where he was bom,
. . ii " V;rt ; n innrrml In inii nt (Jroonyluirir.
it can do no harm to mention one or two "re s.ory, u ur , u
Vi UIVJ lllllll i-.iimi.ii..v -x... - - , . . 1 ,.r ,...11., .
..n,,,,,,.,,,, niwt.m.irli.m evniiilimtloll. WHO IS 1100UI iwemy eais ... i.Be, v;....-.i-
Probst wns killed by simple hanging.
In tho words of the sentence he wns
hung by the neck until ho wns dead.
There was no device adopted to kill him
in any other way ber.iro the jerk nnd 10.10 an ...s . u. . 0ven when ho hnd his plnco or business
tension or tho rope did its work. In in San Francisco, nnd thnt lie never
France there wns a lanious executioner - dwelt in Panama, but was only there ns
once who used to give the rope a panic- i'" . . ,, u,,eI1t of a .company domiciled eiso-
ular twirl as he sent his victim off, so ns a ..ay or u. . e., . .. ... . ilLd(k,(1 t,mt
to dislocate his neck. Probst's neck wns .vouiiff man requeste. 1 . s f, t .( r to re- Anicr,nm dt,e nml t)mt
not broken by his fall of about three pay the three hundred do! M lit Irntl WW eIlttlcd to coiiiiwtirintloii for tl.odo-
feet; there was no derangement of tl.o deposited In M J" " .J? struction of his property, of whatever
vertebral column: there was no pressure marry, lho latiur ruusiii, saJml, una tll., ...-,, so. ... ,)r0i.crtv
on tlio spinal marrow. There wns no
rupture of tho Jugular vein or carotid
marry. 1 no ,. , s. v acst.ri1)ton, the more so us that property
Joseph was to. young t in ., a. 1 u'.tliiintoly wmnoctwl and s.ipi.le
tlmt if ho would wait until no Mai or .,i i.t.
itiiiiiitufi viivj . uii'ti ui v......-. , 1 ..t . iiiciiinrv 111 nit: liivcnsiii-un i-n-iii-uvi uj m
arterv, nothing Injured except n delicate nge, nnd would marry ncconung 10 111s
bonv process and a small muscle. In father's wishes, he should have his three
ley was
ubject of
favored it-to the extent of alarming, ir
not displeasing, some or his party n-sO'
lutes. Ho left Tor ew 0rk0.1Sun
dnv uvenitnr,
lmt im littl.. or nn nroL'- 5 . ' , 41... ' ... "....i'.ii,. ..i,.i.,i..n. nnd eurcful coiiiimriso.i of conilicting
. :.. ::..:.;". 7. i? vv.. ' ' vr. 1 ... 1 : .,.,ini..Ms. r..on a ..uostion of sucii nuur
ress I I I e I. auui. i nu .iifs.iiiiiiium is u is, ..iicii...l'.iis, unu sjfi.-i.uih.-!-. - i--- , ... , .......i .. it ij i,,
that he expected to ob.nin some lavor-1 ft, .The Ht&U thus contoat ed M "d.
iblo consideration of the case, or ho , . L' ., i ! , V , ,n be exnected that all should think alike.
would not have devoted so much time ,.,,...',,,,.11 ..n tiu-ir nrniies 'were cantur- Sensible of tho imperfections of the
I., it. ..,1 tiu.iriiiiiitiii'v.Miu-er.Iosti-oved. their scheme, your committee su.iniit it to
In the House, on Monday, Mr. An- eivil ollicers, State and Confederate, ta- - g.ess as e , . T(
conn,ofPen,.sylvauin,n.,dMr.SclienclM S, : .1, ,, u cured, and its dHlcieneies sup-
wisdom, and that
may tend to re
the conduct of Great Kritnln
ter observing her neutrality
late war; and 11 re-olutinn
issed, with only four dissentin
directing tl.o Committee on Foreign Af- sition is also established by judicial de
ih li
the neutr
Ian movement. Third. HaviiiL' voluntarily denrived
The attack of Senator Fessendon on thein-elves of renrosentation in Congress
tlio bill introduced by Senator Sherman for tl o crim mil purpose of destroying
tn fonsniiii iti. tin. iiiiiwi-4im.l .leht nr tin. "K! I'odenil Union, nnd having reduced
lo consolidate the bonds niiddeht ol the tliemsolvc-s bv the net of levying war to
liovermnem oas pur u quieius 011 iiini the condition of nubile enemies, they
nie:isim Tor this session at least. The hnvo no rlu-lit to conmlnin of teninornry
bill wns so worded thnt it contained one exclusion from Congress ; but, on the
of the largest Jobs ever presented to ;. - g t'I. ",Vf"
Congress. No person supposes that Mr. I,lmiiii,.(i theniselvesbv crime from narti
Sherman had any other object in view eipating in the (iovernnient, the burden Ltn,.u,th Xow it lies an inert mass on
than that of funding the debt into one now rests upon n.eni, l.e ore. ciain g 1fl,.t11LMll,1it .Tcirerson Coll.-e.
. . ... ...I T 1.1 11 II llTl Til I 111 Tllltir IfirilllT I'll Mill 1 - - - n - n
tyleof bonds at a reduced interest; mil . - '., IUnt ... .,....,.1,,... ... i)r. William H. Pancoast. the talented
it is probable that ho approved the gen- rL.SUIUIJ Koderul relations. In order to young Summer lecturer at that intltu-
eral principles ol the bill without slop- (i(, tins they must prove that they have Uon assisted by his colleague Dr. S. W.
ping to exanuno im.y 11s .leiaus. i ..e ... " . ' . V; r'T " , , iross, together with n number of well-
bill wns a concoction of Jay Cooke and ,Z' W h' t he" tH uX n. ! know',, surgeons, made this nrternoon n
1110 national uaiiiv imeresi, ...... ..s MaWs of the United States: that all hos- post-mortem examination of the body,
...,!., ,.t l,,.,., t.w...,iiiii tif.rii.uM thev Iiundred dollars oouineii. cjoi.iu .inj,-. j-
"f""t ""!- ''-.- , , 1 41.,. ,,. u,,i
may do so there still unless the garrotte woms, ...... - -m
has come into universal use tho execu
tioner pushed the criminal oil' n ladder
and then Jumped on his shoulders and
sat down there, while the assistant ex
ecutioner hung to the wretched crea
ture's legs. This was done with the in
tention of putting him out of misery.
Probst's death was caused by his own
weight alone, and this gives the invest!
gntion in tills case a peculiar interest
Perhaps ho did not die from sumcatlon
mentarv to the necessities created by tho
Transit Itoute, the preservation of good
order nml peace along which route tlio
Republic or Xow Oreiindn dcclnres to
1 - l. A 1..4I.... nf If.. 1I..1.11I4. I., ftl.t.4
, ....... 41... f..fl. t.,.,wl out tr HO IUU llll.iu.llliuil UI lis nuuimj 144 1......
IJI1 .U.lllllIlN III" 11.1. iv. s....v.. ,,,... ,.f !, ,.,
1.1, il.i.Ij T,,.l. ...1,1 1.1- tun Cllis.l Ul l.lBl-B. iun.--4n.iuu. ......
1I1S 1IV11IS. ...I.-V Mil ...... '" . .. ,
niw Ti. tectlon, nnd to compensation for danm-
iiui.1, .111 ..i.i.... r 41 ,.r If 41.1.4
orotiiers Aeiu uiu ius. swui.
soph having in ills possession a large K ' . ..Vi.
si edrevolwr with all tl.o barrels load- hotel property is equitably en tied,
ed. He soon separated himself from his umpire .liuitod the case or Pncitles,
; 4. ..... '4....... ,..,. u Ikltisli subject, whoso house ill Greeco
. ... 41
In not bet- mies, and the people reduced to thecon- store peace am. .im,..u..,N ... j: '..
l.iu-s in thn nitlon ol enemies con.uerg( in war, en- . ."-- '-i'"-"'v
, ... . titlwl only by public law tuch rights, on a more stable roiuidatio .
was dually ..,.....,, .-...' t.(m,iitions as mistlit be - Fessi .vii:n,
g votes, voui'lisafed bv the connueror. This 110- JAMES A . l.ltl.MRs,
reeling uiu v.... .11.1. tier 01. j'.ire.j;.. ii- siinm is uisw iiimi-uni j... ....... .
Irs to consider tho policy of repealing el-ions, and is recognized by the Presi-
, ..4 , , , 4.4, 1- dent 111 nub ciroelaniatioiis,documents,
o neutrality laws in view of the ! en- mMl.SI)l.(.i.iK.s.
lit 1 Ui i.iit.
(ir.oudi: H. Williams,
J. M. IIowaud,
TiiADDKfrt Sti:vi:ns,
Jl'STtN S. MollKlLL,
John A. Hincsiiam,
(inoiuii: S. lloL'Twm.i..
I'he dissentients are Senator Johnson
md Representatives (iriderand Rogers.
Rut yesterday (June eighth) the body
of Anton Prob-t was
itioiiieis. unu iiuiiiniu iiiii...-i ...- , , , , 4. 4 .t.i..
of hi... until his return home, at which wns destroyed, nnd he d tlmt ownershl ,
ui uiui in 1 , ,,ftho collided with lonir resl-
timo It wns noticed ny some persons ------ tr ,
handling tl.o revolver that two of the u,m ""i l " ,V
, , ., , 1. ...... ,1..,.l..i..l iriin fitlinf l.v 11 f ili'jn I vmtvv .- w .......v.. ...
nulls llll.t iivl-ii instil... t;. ... ..... ...... v.. - . . ....
.. . . . , 4... ri'plliu, t int lir.mortv. nor denrivo mill
in ,.ii.i.,l..vv. as ml-ht bo siii.oosed : for did not return during ine day, am. w..- " " " 7 ,' ,..
1 .., u-.,s , , s,.(.iwl(m r I.iood In the body was not found until Tuesday after- .r. . " JiV
brain, in the heart, or in the lungs. The
lecturer seemed to incline strongly to
the opinion that lie had died from the!
hock to the nervous system, caused by
1.10 Muiuen 1 an. 11 i...s .. .. . platform of principles of tlic National
dentil must have been Immediate, and the plate uiirt 111s i.u icr i.ij, i n . 'IT,,, ,.,,. ', u-,wi,i .,. ti (
almost painless. If this supposition that l.e had been murdered for his mo- Union Uub of as ingto , D. C. .
.. .... .. .. ...... .1,1,1 flint In. mil rf.l'Ol veil tW.l IIIIIIOIS I umtl" mr .uuuimi vmu uu
should prove correct, tieain ou.inu jr,. ........ i-,Mmi.
lows will be deprived of half its terror, inrougn uiu ..en... j..; ...s.. -"'- H01,.ALi:xANi)i:uw.iiANtiAi.L,of wmwukUi
Pn.list's brain was 11 a hea thv condi- ncreu Hearing iu
tion, weighing thirty-six ounces.
full of lire and
,A """"" . .. . . . . .. . ...... ...... :.. 41... Hon. A. .1. KKYKEN1.AI.!,. of lllilldlf.
digestive organs must hnvo heenremarK- .-.'.-" ... ..... .. 1I(m Wl,,tlAM Vi jomnstox, of i'ci.niTaiiin.
ably good, for in his stomach there was loreneiui aim one in me iei..i..u. v.- tiei;rV.
T ' I i . A1 .....1 f 1. .....1 .....1 1-.1 In In . Tl r 11.. ............... I.
hardlv n trace of the breakfast eaten tween tnreo mm imu iuhhi... uu.i. u,.wi.. .. ...
only three hours before death. Tho body had been taken lrom tno poison.
,w nml white where not dlscol- An Innuost was held on AN ednesdny,
oreil bv sufl'u-ion or blood ns before de- but the startling " revelations" ot young c. K. mrrnsiibcsr. (l'resia.'i.t NtinnM niik nf
. .. ; i,. .'i fi Shnl.i were not doveloiied before the Cmiim. rr.', mul of tlio llrm of nilU'iihomu,
scriue.1. i.e.. ii wi cut in. nn IU1.-1U - -- ...
was no foam at the mouth, no discharge J""1' ' suDse.iuentiy, however, tno ci
tl... ...istrlls. The miner 111) was emiistuneos of tho murder nnd Joseph's
sli-'htly swollen. Without -olii" into peculiar deme.inor and statements were Hon. Thomas n. HTit.i.wr.u., of iudinun.
those more revolting details which, muen in comieciiou in. uiu i.m.
though necessary to be witnessed some- he had In his possession iv much larger
tini.w. It wf.ri, worse than useless to de- portion of money than could no account
scribe, let mo here clo-e for the ed for by his known operations, and on
tills narrative or Jiorrors. Corrcxjion- i-ruiay uve.uii'i nu iiw n.--.v;u
Trai Vt,rk ITeriiM. lodged ill jail.
The utmost excitement concerning tno
'not," as tho lecturer very aptly re
tile mirnosos huve cea-ed: and should
ivo adequate guarantee .against luture .,'. ,rl.i.r.. ,,.,. r,.,.ii,. ..r ,,,r.
t,.,....,.t. .... . I .nlw.111,.11 M'.ili'li will tiriivn ...... v.., ......... ...... ......
satlslaetorv to tho (iovernnient against bid euno-ity, nut solely witn n desire to
which they reiioiie.i, and iy wnosoarnis mcrenso it possime too store 01 si-iemuic
they were subdued. .. knowlotlL'e." At the hour nnnointcd
worded that it gave them two per cent
commi ion ns agents in carrying out the
funding business. If the bill should be
come ti law it would secure to Jay Cooke
and Co. in tho neighborhood of forty
millions of dollars. At least tills much
would be absorbed by the national bank
Interests, at the expense of tho (lovern
ment. Tho exposure of this fact has lm,i(.r the Federal C.m-tltutlon, they ,. U1m row above tho operating-table
Killed ine uiu, uiu. an are now waiciiiiig can ...ny in: lesiuu-u iiiuiun. n, mu i. i
to nCO wlntt nil
next to enable the
tl.o wind.
.'. 7. . .... 11 1111,11 41.141... .-. ...v. ..... ..i.fw.ii.v.i
J'inirth. Having by this treasonable ., . .,ii,.,i ,iniiiiiiti.itrf whi..h is
withdrawal fr.mCongrecs.andby Hag- u unipl itL.itrt, uhkli is
rant rebellion and war, forfeited nil shaped somewhat like the upper half of
civil and political rights and privileges an hour-glass, tho tiers of sents rising
under the Federal C.m-titutlon, they mw upon row uhovo tho operating-table
II, nnd nil nre now watching can only bo restored thereto by the per- , .ontrl, ...m w,i,.,,.,llr ils thevas-
inoasure will be presented 'i.-i"' '.l authority of that coustitu- JJ0 ' , 'i hainVof mv-
i..ti.,,.....i i....,i-a t,..-,.i ,. tioiml power against which they rebell- eend, was packed with a mass oi an-
o the national banks to huso utl mi(1'bv which tl.ey wcro subdued. ions spectators. When tho body was
fifth. Those rebellious enemies were
Tho IIou-o of Representatives some comptcrcd by the people of the United
acung through uu tno co-oiin-
..,i,.l. i.r. iiof.,1 .1 Viwnlllttllll l'l.filll.h tlin State
.. V....., ..T V.... , - -.. ,' 4, .',. f 1
i..,. . i- f.. ..... ,. f. l.,. r.iri.ui.,l ii ii lie iiiaiicne.- oi ine iiuve. in..i.-..i, mm
the President to cau-o to bo furnished n t i)VtiloKswutlvi) j.1,.u.t,1K.ntHU)ne.
ll-t of tho claims ol Aiiioritwi UtDsnw .n,,, ,....,,, f pniiimcmr iiru iiotH) vrnt-
now pending in mo united iuies jjega- ed in the rresident tnnt no enn nx aim
tion ut Caracas against Venezuela, with regulate tho terms oi settlement mm
.. 1...1 ti r fi... ..r confer coiiirressional renre.-entution un
it iiiiui minimum ui t nu- i.insu ii luiii- , , 4..14,..,, -v'....
...... . 011 com iiuiuii lveuei.s 11. .1. ii.iuui.-. inn
pianit and 1110 reason why payments nu, w i uny WilV) qualify enemies or tho sumo place all around thu throat ; it
huvo not been enforced during a long the Government to exercise its luw-mak- m,l( ., wlCre the knot hud boon tied
series oi yours, mid want inonsuros nre .g, j e . iio ... j .s . tl.o enr. and disam.oared entirely
iw.,Miivt. l.rin.r t iiuii ,.l..t... UU'llClS IO I.OUUClll IIIWl'l 111 UIU 1' I'lll'l 111 .. . .
..w. ......... ... ....... ..... .. v......... - , 1 - ... ......,, nvi.r t in .i.riitlil fr ill.. . so t int t in fit.
4 , tilj Ul .HllVlll l.lll I'l l.vt Ills, ii .11111 mill - ,
specu.N nose. iiioi-OLiei.uj 01 f5iaie, to tl, .,.,,,,,..,..,,,,,.,,.. .,11 4ilf ,l,.i,!iitmi.nts nf thn fnrrnw ilt.1 not l.iiM.f. I1111111..H.
i .......1 .... ..- : ---4------ . . - -
wuom uie resoiuuoii was reierrc.i, re- m,i which political power Is vested. And ,ttely after donth there wns no suffusion
brought in there was little in its out
ward nppenranco to indicate loan unscl
entitle observer that there lay before him
u mass of clay out or which the gallows
hud strangled llfo but tho day before,
except n purple furrow around the neck
marking tho position or tlio rope. Thi
furrow was not continuous, nor was it in
piled unu n convention providing lor iioiicuiuo several .iniu.iu.i.iui.iis ui um - , , . , , ,,r,,m ,..
thendJu.-t.nont of these clulms is under- I'-nt to tho piople of the Confed- " J l' ; '.
u,.,.,i ... 1.,. ...,i,m ii... ...... i.i.......i,.. orate States cannot be considered ns ox- swelling ot tno tongiu,, no nisioi tion ot
stood to bo under tho consideration tending bevond the purposes declared, the eyes or features; in fact none of
ot tlio Senate. Is presumed, and can only bo regarded us provisional tho. 0 hoi-riblo tu'.-omimnimcnt.s which
makes it unnecessary, as it is believed permission by tho Commander-in-chief
to bo Inexpedient with reference to the n jno urniy to do co tuiii nets, ine vu-
nnti.nml intore-ts to nnlilM. thn lMll' whereof is to be deteniiliiod by
national ii m rists, to ptibiisi tlio infor- the con.-titutloniil government, and not
mutloli called for by tho resolution. ..(. v ,v tho ICxeontlvo nower.
Tho Senate in Kxocutlvo session on . Uth. Tl.o ouestioii beforo Congress
uro commonly supposed to bo insopai-.v
ble front such a death. The eyes had
boon extracted for examination under
the mlero.-eopo, but the cavities wero
tilled with cotton, nnd tho lids drawn
..... .......... ... i-v. .... 1 . , I11I1V.14 111111 4.ULIUH, 4,14.4 141.J 4411.T 141.11144
Monday conlirmed ... n.llowlng non.l- ' ' rffi "'XTS osed. WRh a powerful electrlo light
nations: alkor 11. beatos, to bo Col- at tlu-ir own pleasure and on their own no image of uny sort could bo discovered
lector oi i usionis ui Liucago, Illinois; terms, to imrucipato in luniaug inws on the retina
This is almost eonclusiv
tho theory thnt In the eye of
F.lljnh R. Willis, to be Collector of Cus- r ineir coiuiuerors; whether couiuer- ln T!fuin
touts nt Plymouth, North 01!!; "' person, as in a camera ob-cura
James AV. Stone, to bo agent for the thev were defeated and overthrown, to there is retained u photograph of the
L'l T...1I... . 11... tit 1 . 1 t.. 11 . .11 .11 0.1 .. . ... I. .. . .... .
niuiiA. .iiiui.iiis. .n u.e .ui-ssissmni in uie ine nans 01 congress, unu inrougn tneir lust objects seen 111 1110. this theory bus
Territory pf Dakota; Paul Krank, of renresontntives seize tlio (Jovernnieiit bl.,.u mndo the nucleus of several very
Now i ork, to bo Mnrshnl
lar Court ut Knnngnwa
II. Thomson, Postmtt;
New York. its pensioners, the. widows nnd orphans d whero the noles of tho electric lint
j-i.u. i'iuiik, .11 ; ' , rr ,1 """-" neon miiiio 1110 nucleus 01 several very
,,r r tliszi ta!r-,,,:,t Tt1 ,K'ar V10
1, Japan ; Charles imtoit, Its navy, its forts and arsenals, t-.-t of practical investigation. 4U1 in-
ister nt Coming, Us whole civil administration, itscredlt, eision in the right side of tho neck mark-
peiisation which he claimed as 11 llrltish
On Tuesday morning Joseph said that subject
lie hnd dreamed of his father lylngdead
in a Held, nnd latersaid that ho had con
suited n fortune-teller, who described
Tll 1: following is the list or ollicers ami
He also remem-
SllOtS lirc.l. 1110 ritr-l'mMnilt.
TIU bodV WHS round US described, With two Hon. I.axiki. S. Noi.ton, of Mlnn.'sotn.
J,IS ... ... ... 11,.,. 1 I l.'VVL'.V.. . T , ,.f 1IH..I.I.
l'owiir & (.'oi.
Incentive Oimmitlre.
Hon. Ouhkm Clay Hmitii, of Kentucky.
Hon. W. A. IlL'in.Kimi, of D.tkolii.
l'lntforin of tlio NntloiiAl Uuloit Clnb.
1. Il'sah'rit, Tlmt wii nro now, liiirutofora, nr-
U.Mitly iiltnclii'd to tlio Union of tin- StittfH under
tlio C'olistltlltlo.i of the Ul.ltiil Hlntes; wn
ileny tin. rlKlit of imy Stall. In seeiile, nn.l lioM
Hint nil iitteinptH nt KeeeMion nre null ami volil;
that nil tluiStuti's nrn noiv Stale-i ot this Union,
ns liefore. the Ke.ielllo... nml woileny thoiKiirerof
SUFFERING AT THE SOUTH FOR affair prevails throughout the entire re- the deneral Government, unilerih.iCo.utltutlon,
1.1 .-.i.-!iiiie 11 main iroiu uiu union or to govern 11,
as a Territory.
i y.v.iofi'cif, That our eonfldonco in tl.o nlitllty,
l.iteKrity, patrlotl.m, .mil KUitefUunuihlpof rnwl-
siioit-r time ngo we called attention
to tho condition t.r the South as to food
Rut letters constantly received show
that matters are oven more serious thnn
gi.m about the scene of tho lnurder.-
1'ittsbury Pout,
greatly for want of theslniplest neccssa
ries of life. In Tuscaloo.-n, AIn., though
11 small town or from three to four thou
sand inhabitants, there are seventeen
hundred rations issued : and so on
tni-iTj A ci-Ti pa TT? a m T.mTTCiVTT.T.T' l,,'"t Johnson Is .i.ulln..nlHlul, nml wo cordially
I 'MW. U .11.- 4.-11,-11.. D1I. .11 .14. It.lllllllin.lllllUll.
FltOM tllOl40UisVillO.oltni(tfori'ndny a. ltnolxnl. That cinlnnw tlm rnnlntlnn of
wo hnd liinigined, nnd through much ()r week we clin tho followintr: K''ii.-r.'s-i'f July, itssi, iieciarini,' tlm oi-joct oriiio
lurger sections of tlio country. AVliero ..Ti,Is .ratherlntr ot the whole tobacco wnr'"VT p"rt '" 1,0 tl,fl ,1''fl'"1'" ""d ,n,lln,en-
. ...1.1 .1 ....44 4 41... hui. 1 in, in uu ."".uiu iMILV I)f 1lo M11,ri)Ill.1P ()f tin CuiiHtltutlon an.l
our .a.iu-i. .....u.-is mu m- J interests Of tllO West mill HOUtllWCst the,, r..rtatl(.n of thn Union, with thu illnity.
worst; Willie ami oiacKS lire siniemiK proves to be one or tho largest and ei.unllty, rlt!hn of tho nuvvrnl Mutt- u.ilm-
111, it kinfi.s:,fill nll'nilw nf tlm lrlllil nvnr I'ain u.
, ,, r ,, ,,, ., ., I. Itnolrnl, Tlmt In thn hinsu.-iRO of tlm Chlrn
held. Men interested in tlio tobacco ,,, ,rf lm ,. s vloWa hy ,h0 ntll
trade nre present from NewOrlenns nnd rroiiient i.incoin in hu nmt inauxunii nddren.
nil the lower river cities, from St. LotllS, "T,Klt themalnlennne.. lnvlolnteof tho rlKhU ot
' ' I Uln,..u .....I ...... ...I.. 11.. nf .1... ....I.... ... 1.
1V..,.lf I'M. f !, .,f. -V,.... -i.-v...... u. ..;;...,..,.,. 0.1....,
4, , ,...41..... ,.i 4,,.. cf.,4,. ' 10 oi'iei unu 1.-OHIIOI lui owiiuoiiieiucinsiuuiinnii
u.iui.K" '". sti:ii..iis ,u i.iu .,..1..-, York, JJllltimore, I'hlladClphill, UIUI neeordl..i:lo its mvn judK.uent cxcluKlvely. nut..
trom .ortii to noiitii 4iiiunmu. x-eopiu nt,or v.i.,tnrii cities. Tho number or Jectonlytothnt-onstliullonof the. 1-nltmlnuit.n.
want money, hut tliey want rood so !iij nr t..i,.i,,.,. mi nviiiiiitim. u is."".-"""! iothatii.nnneoof imirer on which tlm
much more thnt no speculation would nPrly six Iium,r0lli nnd ,ot nt "ud n" "lour pullllcftl
be ntoro welcome to tno liiiiabitaius or tobacco taken together cannot bo shown & itrmimt. That under tho constitution of t'l.o
protiiabio to 1110-0 engaging in it lor tno m 0 World. The day was most proni- un",'i," rcmTveii iiiuinnrvrruiHtntratiis
m.vt thrni. iiiniillw thnn ta lniv 1111 I'lirn ., , ' , ,', , 11 rlht to prciicrllw thn funlincallonii of i-leetoru
next lliree niomiis iiiau to otij tij) torn tloits. nn.l all or tho wnrehou'.os were ., ..i. .
., . ,. ,, , ,, 4 m . - - 1 1 ii, , ., ..willll ,( mill, IT.1TM U4 1IIW
aim oncon aim smii uiem to an pans oi thronged with men whoso talk wns or irlneiiiM of our Oovernmcnt for conn-res', ta
tllO inlcrior Ot AllUMtlUl, Ueorgln, UIUI i,,,,,,,,,.,. .,.. , 11 4,..,. ..Vl,.,.-- u. .,. force lmlvorsalmirrmnn upon nny potllmv of tlm
South Carolina. It would be n work or I)le,wi;1.0openel,,t the Roono Warehouse TZt """ok"w''wl"ofl"
mercy to the South, prodtico good feel- for t,iu JlH,,w.ti,m (,r the committee. Ar- o 'wmi, "Tlmt munt Ik, nn,t r-
111J4 UHI.1U .... .uu ti, m... tor thelrlabor was over tho ntiction coin-
highly remunerating. A gentleman of II1Plu.l.l, ,,y iri,ring for sale tho preml-
iuogroaiesire,speciuoiiiiy, .i.u.o upper ..... llo,i10.ul ,.r mnuructurIiiL' lonr.
pnrt o. wmin Luro inn, mi w, m u ot- Th( 1)ilI(lln , ,,,n(,, ,u.Iril;Iv ,nviu.(i tli
tut lnof jiftMitJul 11.1)- iVitif nu iliik I - .
" .' - inn. r.'ii hoi m. is inn noon rent noil. - ion rtuiita uiiaruii.eni in ih..,i, i... n... .,,,.hi, .n..
greater is tno want ot corn mm nncon .,st t.ui.w.titors conimenoed to 7- ""-"', 'riuit nil ihesmtc of tint Union am ine neoiiiu aiu uu g.a.t anil nii.Miius ,..,i,,.i 4,.., l,v,,. fmir ' "" """".uuuii o mo unneu rsiaun
to sen.l n .v ll-tanco for them, and thnt . '" ?..' , V. .V....V . . . . I lo r':'"--"!"!"1"" """ "f th naUon.
,, , ,,' ,, i .i i HUix.iuii ui... iwei.i.v, unu uifii in. i.iit unu uiat nil lo,ni ineiuliorn duly loctil nnd re-
uu-.v Kiiuuy jiu.y uti. luiiims in.4 i.uiuui tw() woro f.i!oilt. A St. Lllllis btl VCr lllld "u'lieil, havlns the roiiuUlle iiialinentlon asiirc
101-corn, 111 gOUl, paid Oil tUO Spot; that ,r,. -r.WJ1,iln.,n r ,.,1P ...... ,..,.A wnnin ny law.sliould lioiulnillU'd tii their noatH
is eotial to tWO dollars nnd chxl.tV .. .. .,m. T ' ",' V ,1?' J"! 'l'-ustU..,out ,.neeeary ,le,ay l,y the.r
cents In greenbacks. I le proposes to a hull(lml mi(l arty ! and cheers from the
UIf.Hl l.JS.-llll IllltV.l 1. ll.illl 111 11)111 mill ,1,,1 fri.(,l n,.,..,l ..,.w. .,t
bacon, Just for his circle, to Charleston, .,!. 4,,...nt.. n.." .,..' . ,-''',,Tllnti,,'s'J'i'.'orlmoii.icii(houiiV
nn.l (lmt 1... will tl....... tn " . T. 1 ' ' " I i" u w.'aroii,ti ta ,
...... ....w... ...... .... ..... ....... . . ... .I.,
meet it nnd bring it up by railroad to hundred!
tno bpaneiiburg District, ami auownnii-
main ono nnd tudlvlutiln forever;" that the war
lor lit preservation havlnu ln'on liit-.i.uM tu a trl.
umphant clone, nml supremacy of tho CoiinIUii.
lion, the rlshts of tho Stales under Urn
Constitution uro to In inalnlnhinl Inviolate, nml
nun loyal clllzi'.is within illitrlctH
rciiectlvi. Ilonscii, end. Jlnuv, lieli.B the Judso nt
Ihiielectlon, return, .indu.mllricatlun'i ofllaowit
I inen.iiers.
i com pro-
next COIlieS tllO LotllsVllle hid of flvo inlilliKWlllltnillarsliy Imrtcrlui:" universal m-
Aguln cheers and laughter T',". ";r "iuveiiiMiirr.iKi'." tlm t.'.iri.liniiii. 'I'lin,. .. -''""'. u Hiyu.ei.1 or tun nallonni
shuro of the prollts. This Is n section of ,. " , .,, of , , . . ' , ,,, ,, ' ,! '. ,"!"'"""' wwr tn '"' rcpudu,
.,, , ' . .,, .I,,.,,,, .., ,,,,,,, eensod, nnd St. Loui.- canto bravely up, mi; no iiui.t or oi.iiiBition incurrwi in
-".- v ........ hiddlng llvo hundred and twenty-live. "-''.er whatever in nM. if treason or iiui.oi.
A proposition Is pending beforo tlio I" those perished in the w
.., , n.t,.,..f!,.,.,i,i t..i,iei, if ,i,.,..,. d sale y
Tin: Ilradford Arynx coines to us
printed on new type, nud In nu enlarged
form. AVo nro pleased to eo that tho
editor lias adopted our stylo of adver
tisements, bcoau-o it is lndl-pon-iblo to
liuiko n jmper present a truly neat ap
pearance. Tlio stylo of putting adver
tisements in papers In tlieslmpoof hand
bills wo hope to seo entirely discarded
by our country newspapers, and lit no
ticlngjlio beautiful iippenrnnco tholr
ffitt presents this Is not tho least distin
guishing feature. It is really of more
benefit to advertisers nl.-o, from tho fnet
thnt neat ndvertlsemonts jirc-ent a moro
readable nppenranre. AVo nro really
proud of our exchange, tho Aryan,
cannot too highly extol it i typograph.
Po-tmastei-f!eneral, which, if adopted, turnwl over to the i keeping of its recent I'loiuptlnj-d tl.o nervous system replied
in ti-i.y iiuiii.-iiiiii,t ii-uucu .nu eiieuiios witiioui tieiav, nnd witnotit iorsomotimo iwoor tnroo nours niter
now charged on books between this imposing sucn conditions as. in the life wnscxtlnct. Kven thosniiillermus
country nnd Croat Ilrltain. It content- ) 110 closer tlio race, such us tho IcmlorUitt
l.lates the levying, by each country, or aml 1U titutloiw may de- M,Jierhrl, (mXYfl i,w-forn.ed their
its rates or domestic postage only upon Xemith. The history of mankind ex- functions uccarntoly. The upper lip
bonus transmitted in the mails
the two countries
Upon tho recommendation of Senator
Poinoroy, who made a personal nppllcu- ston, would liavo been dlsn-ters of loss nml fall, or tho lingers open and shut.
tion to tno rresident lor tho pardon ol magnitude, lor now armies could have These wero effected by very slight cur
only ujion Xcrtwh. Tho history of mankind ex- functions uco,rutoly. The upper Hp
Is between hlblts no example of such madness ami twitched, thomoutlisinilodiindgrhined,
t t !,! in! "w ',''-i;'sorvutlon Vi,io applications to other sets of inns-
, , u , ... protests against it. The surrender ot , V .in ,
or Son tor JJrant t() w mA ,,y Hht.rmml to.Joh,,. vl 11,lu w'f. ri-o
Lewis M. t'oxsettn, or South Carolina, ,1"1--' uu-.n, now n itiies iougn , nim 1110 routs of tho electrlo Until. To-dav lior-
a privnteersman during tl.o lato war, X'J,1, SJtHB tlons of tl.o face and body wore di-color-
tho hitter has received tho desired K.v- lug b'loodshci'l, allowed tho Itebolllon to 1,(1 -'' sutru.-lon of blood ; but this lias
ecu t ivo cleiiioney. This is tho llr.-t and tnko form nnd wither force, would ho all occurred recently, some tin... ..rtei-
only cn-o of niiy olllcer of tlmt condition HiirpaMjwl III infamy by tlio matchless tho execution, and might
hnvlng boenpardonod by tl,o President. (lllngitKso'.Slv l-'l the sui.joct dle.l
Thn nn WVilnosilnv nn ll.n i 1.111 "m . .. ' ' i-iii.aj 'I'Iui fl-K.i- wl
' ....,..' 1,1 'eian.i.i., nuiu proper pieeauuoiis
application nf Admiral Shubrle, United shall have been taken to secure tho un
lit have taken
died from other
cau-es. Tho visitor, as ho examined tho
body, was ilrst struck with thoubsonoo
Slates Navy, (Governor .1. Miull.-on .'''it', '"' tho national safety. of all uppeurnnco of Milloring. Jlosaw
Jii;mn. 41 nil-i.i i-il B.liltt l. ill nils re- lmfiiro him llui fniiini nf n wtntinr tri.ll
irt. and n tho evidoii.'.) siibinltteil. ...f . 11,0 -'1"" u strong, well-
1'uylor succeeded In tak-
ally AVells, orLoulslana, and others, directed I in tK-hlem nd lu'r,,r0 hlm 11,0 fwmo of "tro'.
u ml a wnrraiit of jiurdon to be 1-wied to jiroo'r has been nll'ordwl to Coii'Ti s of a eondlllonotl, mipurontly perfectly
phy. Lawieuco Uott-'eau, of Now Orleans, I constituency in tiny of the Wealled thy Mr. Taylor -.ticcecded li
armies in times past, but so exhausted ,j0ul,vIU(( nil8wew 1v0 hlmh.t;, "''''""wurww.
of provisions that it must bo Sltpp 0(1 ,lf... , ,,.,,, 4,.,. ,,... ,1,1,,,.i.,J d.,, ' lliat wumnlinlly ..ndonsn tho
lllllll tlm now e runs .-nt In Thn u-rlter nfly! 1,11,1 ' 11,0 1 "l1"''-"1"" MlOllts, tornllou policy of ITesldent John-on w trl.e,
llll il tho HOW Clops get III. IhO W liter , d lnlIj,hti.r TI1(J ,,uctt,,nm. trlotlo.conMllutlonal. and In liarmonv tvlll
fit thill- IlittfiH Im. n imu ii mil In ... -,ti I " I. . ..
.,. .4un ..--..v. 44US11 iiiiimii-ii ui.iu.-i in vuin Waitetlt noniiswer; "once" still no ".v'uhc'"mt una purpose of thoiwopiu in tlm
nnd n hundred In cotton now growing, nus,..,,r. twice" no mid down ml''"1',,lo,"r""'i"'"iiii; win. tho platform
but can get no food for lilsl.nnds until " "1 J,' ,, , ,,' P 'm' ? Arr n 1','nV r o" T",''!', wlt" """""'
.. " . . ... , , . , Went thO hummer, "sold" to Mr, IJ, policy oftlm latn l'rildent Lincoln, thiinctlo.i of
thonew ciopsconioiii. And this is but rus.selinun, or Louisville, nt llvo him- "-'''"""'ui."
a ralr hpecimen or tho best parts or .. , ,iftv ,iii..-. i.,,,,,!,.,,,. " ""'"', That tho uatiou owM.tiantiii8.irhi.
Upper South Carolina, Uoorgla, nnd ' J ' " ' , , .' r ' "f R?",,i1,u tMiim soldier. ..d..iior of t.,iatn
, .,.,.. 4 ttM4i ,.....!. POUIUIS, JhlS Hogshead W.tS raised In tvarforthobuppremlnuuf tholtoliolllon.andthat
Alabama, nt len-t, With corn hero pur
t-. ...L -.', uiu r Stu (, received by tho Lou
chant.;, osiieeinllv thn.-.i rnllnliln . ..? ... . .... . . .
, . .. ..... .. ... itiymo Wnreiiouse. Tho weight was
correspondents lit tl.o South, and do.- t- llvo hull(lr,(l ml(1 lfk,,n pomis. ilC!t.
ous or opening up connections n the t n.nwrk,llu ,irl,0 eVPr
railroad towns .n ll.n interior nf thn rrit. ... , . .... ....
, ,. ut.i ... ... . - . ii i i. i , l'1"'1 inr any toDiicco in limit, and lully
... itu-i, .. ,i u nntitlPj, Louisville to wear tho honors
this matter. It would bo doing a wise r.0..i all tlio worll. Kentucky tobacco
und, us well us u probably pro- ..,.,..,, ....... vlr.,,...a ' .... .,,,
Ultimo thing, Ju-t now, to mnko such
Hurt County, Ky., by Carpenter nnd .'r.imiiics of Um fallen i.ero.-, who iiini that
uiu i-oiiuiry iniKiii nvn, nro tun ward of tho xo.
pie, and tdiould bo cared for hy tlio Ooveriimont,
shiiuucnts, nnd the openings thus ho
cured for future trade may bo invnluu
ble, Peojiio may bo glutted with dry
goods nnd lunnuftictures of nil kinds
from tho North, nml will even do with
out them while they fool poor, but they
cannot do without food ; and those who
now supply tlio t-tun'of life will thereby
reached higher than A'irginia, und sold
for more money,
Cotton In Ooorgln bus commenced to
hlo.-som. The recent rains huvo over
whelmed the crops In many places with
gross. AVIicat throughout tho Stale is
harvested, und although tho crop turns
out better than was fonrrd some time
eago, tt Is by no menus excellent.
Tin; Treasury Department has receiv
ed n copy ofu circular, tlmt has been gen
orally distributed throughout tlio coun
try hy nn establishment in Now York,
in wlilch they stnto thnt for ilfty dollnrs
hi currency they will procure for parties,
lifty-ilvu dollars in tlio now llvo-cent
coin. Tlds Is a transparent attempt ut
.swindling, It has already been an
nounced that asMioiius tho coin Is ready
for distribution quantities, In ilfty-dol-Inr
packages, may bo obtained by nil
dressing tho director or the Mint nt