THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOM SJ3TJHG, SATUItDAY, JUNE 9, 186(3. LOOAL INTELLIGENCE, ' NVlI.i.IAM L. Maddocic A Co., duu Cra In lino groceries, No. 115 South Third Street (opposite iho Glnml Dunk), Pliilnilelnlilit. We nro pleased to nolit-o tlio superior convcynnco furnished travellers by Mr. Glrton. As a regular lino of transfer from tho depot, Rupert, and other point.-, I Ilia Vehicle cannot be surpassed In this section, and indeed, few In the cities "will compare favorably. As an enter "prising business man, It Is especially our duty to cnll tho attention of our renders to.lilm. "WiJ publish In another column u no tice of ft meeting of the stockholders of Iho llloomsburg Literary Institute, to be held In the a rand Jury Boom, on Saturday, the sixteenth Instant, to select n location for tho Institute buildings'. Professor Henry Carver has been olect fcd principal of tho Institute. Tho su perior ability of tills gentleman for tho position to which he lurs been chosen Is well known by parents. As a teacher lie has the rare faculty of interesting his pupils in their studies, and in conse quence a great improvement is observa ble In their education. Vn understand the Copper-Johnson party of tills District are talking of noini--Jiatlng our friend Hubert F. Clark for Congress! Weil, it will bo about as rasv a job and quite as .-atlsfuctory to defeat nini as any other man. llcpubli can. If a report of the kind above stated is' ntloat, it originated with tho editor of the Hepublican, or ills peculiar friend"', nnd Is of courso without foundation. To originate and give currency to the same was iv most happy conception. There had bccnaconslderablefallingoll'in the number and virulence of tho communi cations appearing in the Republican abti hIvo of Mr. Clark its staple reading matter was decreasing. Look out now for a renewed nnd continuous honi from the whole pack of puppies who fawn around our contemporary,:and crawl in tho dust nnd lick his feet. Tub following is the oillclnl return of tho votes for and against n County Poor Houso : TotrHthtjii. Ilenton Heaver Hloom llerwlck Hriarereek Cntnwlssu Centrnlla Horough Conyngenni Centre I'lshlne Creek Franklin Greenwood Hemlock Jackson. IiOCII3t Montour Madison Mt. Pleasant Minim MMn Ornngo l'lno touring Crock tsuear Loat rSeolt.. 1'orr.U. Agnlmt 1. II. 1.17 ... 1 ...227 ... 1 7:t I m lis 10-1 Ii (II m 11!) .71 1 8 a !"!"in7 1IH lit iVii w K1I frl inn 1 61 M IX) . 21 . 11 , II . 21 NEWS ITEMS. Thk publication of the Iticliniond Republic has been resumed. A patent has recently lieen granted for a machine for making and dressing button-holes. Mk.Thkodouh Tilton writes to tlio editor of tlio 1'hrenological Journal that ho (Tilton) lias as yet done nothing worth mentioning. A max named Kills has niado prepa ration to hutch "sixteen hundred tlnus nnd chickens" by steam during the com lngscason, on his ranch on tho American lUver, in California. AVk hear that Kdwin Forrest, the tragedian, purposes on his return from California to carry out a long contem plated scheme by founding nnd endow--lug in Philadelphia a homo for retired actors. A HWiTCH-TF.xni'.H lifts lieen convict cd of manslaughter, with a recommenda tion to mercy, at Newark, X. J By his neglect to replace a switch on tlio Now Jersey Itailroad tho through "Washing ton train ran on" tho track and two lives wcro lost. Thk Birmingham petition for the.Ke fonn bill, presented recently by John Bright to Parliament, was signed by forty-four thousand two hundred and thirty-six persons, and occupied live hundred and sixty-four yards, or nearly tho third of n miio of paper. Thk Republican, (the new Johnson Pittsburg daily), in nnnouncin?; its po Bltion upon tho Johnson pojicy, says: " No hunibuggery of party organization will control us to tho support of men or measures entertaining essential differ ent views from thoso hero avowed." It was announced by the AVestern press a few days ago that Brevet Briga- dlcr-aeneral II. II. Heath, Colonel oftlio Seventh Iowa Cavalry, had been mus tered out of sor vico dishonorably. Upon examination of tho case, General Grant has caused that order to bo revoked, the charges against tilts meritorious oillcer having been fully nnd satisfactorily ex plained. It Is announced that thoomeial Infor mation of tho Intention of tho Kmperor of Franco to withdraw his troops from Mexico has created n profound sensation In that country. Tlio Liberals nro re joicing greatly over tho matter, but the udiiorents of Maxaniilian nro downcast, and fear that it forbodes tho downfall of his empire Tliero nro rumors atlont In tho city of Mexico that Maxninillnn contemplates abdication beforo thu en tiro French contingent Is withdrawn j but upon this subject nothing authentic appears to bo known. Tjik Ilnrrlsburg Telegraph speaks of 'the roports of Genornl Steaitniun In regard to tho Memphis riots, giving de tailed information of that brutal trans rtction." Genoral Steadman has not been In Memphis beforo nor since tlio riots; knows nothing about them j hm mndo no roports in relation to them j mid for months lias hud his entire ntleii 'iloii nnd tlmo taken up with investigat ing nnd reporting tho "brutal tran-ae- ilo'us" qf tho Frecdincu's Bureau ngents In Virginia, and North uwj South Carolina. Tin: body of n woman was found In tlio Ohio Ulver near the Stale line, on Friday morning last. Her name Is un known. On her person was found thir ty thousand dollnrj In greenbacks. Tin: Democratic State Convention of Ohio resolved to co-operato at tlio polls with nil men, without reference to their past pnrty positions, who honestly sup port tho President In his policy of resto ration. Phusons acquainted with K-.imt-schatka are uuanlmoiH lit extolling its capabilities, and tire persuaded that an American coiiip.inythat should purchase from, or work It for tho Hus-dim Gov ernment would tlnd a mine of gold In this too long neglected appendage of the Kusslnn empire. Tin; Froedinen's Bureau agent at Mobile has untitled the Mayor to coao putting colored persons In tlio chain gang, or lie Will proceed ag-dnst hint under the Civil Bight's bill. The May or replies that he Is simply carrying out a city ordinance, and will continue to enforce It until restrained by military force. A gentleman connected with the Government, on duty along the Canada frontier, in a letter written to Washing ton, 1). C, conllrius tho recent report of the successful war now being waged upon smugglers by tlio olllcers of cus toms, lie states that the revenue and detective force are ill vigorous operation in all tho districts, that of Oswego ex cepted. Notice fly resolution adopted by the Tnstpps of tin Hloomsliurg Literary Institute, lit ti mi-i-tlng lii-lil on lla- thhty-llrst of Mnv, WW, the secretary was aulhnmcd In notlly tlie stock holders, liy notice In tho pnp'ors, to iwtI In Iho (Iriiiul Jury nmm, In Hloomshurg, on Saturday, .In in sixteenth, bet ween tlio hours of Com nini six fi'dix-lc i-.m., to ilcc'lili! hy vntu iiioii.thi- location fur tin- Instltutn buildings. The stockholders will take notice, inn! act accordingly. I. W. HAKTMAN, Secretary Hurd of Trustees. Ii. II. I.llllc, vrroit.-i;Y-AT.r,Av, Ofllce on Main Stree t, In white frame house, ho. low the Exchange Hotel. Iloliri I 1 Clark, ATTOHNHY-AT-LAW, Odlce corner of Main ami M.uket Streets, over First National Hank. .lolm Freeze, ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW, Ollleo In llogistcr and Kccordcr's olllcc, 111 the hiiseincnt of thu Court House. J Wesley Wlri, ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW, Cilice on .Main street, over H. 11. Mlllei V Store. C 11. llrm-Uu-ay, ATTOIINi:V.AT-I,AW, Olllcn on Main Htrcet, Hist Ooor west of the Court House. Chin Iih llnrkley, A'ri'01tN'i:Y-AT-LAW, Olllceon Main Street, overs. II. MlllorN Store. vciiiium ii. Allium, attouxi:y-at-i,aw, Cataw Isva, I'a, Mi 11. .Tack-ton, Arronxnv-A'r-r.AW, r.orwick, Colutntil.'i County, l'.i. .11. .11. TlHIIIl, Arronxi:Y-AT.i.AW, llerwlck, Colutnlila County, I'a, Jl. M. l.'Velle, A'n'OI5Nr,Y-AT-I.AV, Centrnlla, Cohunhla County, Pa. QOWKIt BABXICS & POTTS, uooKsi:i.Li:ns axi statioxi:us, ami Dealers In CUIITAIX AXI) WAIJ. 1'AIT.IiS, No. 37 Xorth Thlnl Street, below Arch, l'hllaileliihla. rulillshors of Sanilers'H New Ucidcrs, llrook-s's Arlthuiellcs, Uolierts's History of the l'nito.1 states, I'cllou'i. Diitllne JI.iis, Ac. Illaiik-Ilooks on hauil, ami m-ule to onler. "..' 2STAULlSIU-:i) IS2S. a. w. CAiti'U.vncu, hicx.szky a co., WHOLi;sAiii: lmuGuisTs, Xo, 7i7 Market Street, ono door below DIkUIIi, l'hl'.nileli.hl:!. nitres, Mi:i)icixi:s, ciikmicai.s, I'AlXTri, OII.S, CLASS, VAUNISIIKS, DYI'.S, ami every ot her alt Icle pertnlnlns to tho business, of the best ijunlity, ami at lowest market rates. NDKKWS, WILlvINri A CO., Dealers In I'onuiGX AXI) DOMESTIC J)11Y fiOODS, Xo..Vil Maiket Street, Phlln.leli.hl,.. gXYBKB, HABltlS & BASSKTT, Manufacturers ami Jobbers or Ml'.X'S AND liOY'.S CI-OTIUXn, Xos. S..' Market, ami 'ii2 Commerce Street, l'hlliulcli hln. "yyKAVKIt it Sl'ltAXKLi:, wiioi.iiSAi.i: onoci:i:s axd commi.ssiox JinilCHAXTS, Xos. 2S5 ami i.7 Arch Street, l'hllailcli.hla. yT I. BUItlClIAHT, Importer ami Dealer In ir.ox axi sti:i:i-, No. m 1'ront Street, rhllailelphl.i. jKAL KSTATK FOB SALIC, llitate of lloblson, ileecai-eil, Tiini:i; vai.uaiii.i-: jiuminisw stands, o 1 Main Street, niooiiisburK, niljolnlns Iho Court House, ami nearly niiiKwitu lb" Iv.teh.mmi Hotel, TWO SMAU. 1IOUS1X AND LOTS, on lllcl'o Alley, known as tlio "Kprliij! Ils." ONi: IIOUS1J AND LOT 011 Itik-l; street. Also TI5ll)i:il I. AND, In Jay Township, Llk County, AI10UT riVi: HUNDItl'.D ACIU2S, ttrll tlniliPivd with whlte.plnii ami hemlock ooi laiinlna liuiil, Tlio ubuu pioiu rty will be oll'ercil at i'juvati: sam: until the first of August next, on hlch il.iy, If not sold, tl will be oilered at rwiiMc ham:, on tho pruiiihii, near tho Court Hoiiko, at ten o'clock a.m. Apply to Iho hubsurlbers, or to Miss ISAUIXLA ItOJIIbON, Iiioon.shuis. Al.bX. Iipiin.ON M.111CU Chunk, A. I'ARIJU.. Hasletoii . Lj rt. l?.STATK01MOSKPH IIAY1IUBST, .lli I)I;ui:aHI:. To Maty, Intermarried with DivM Iliohst; Sufliin, lulerinurrloil with (loor,;e strlekert r.llen, Intermarrlcil with Cyrin II. A pU'liliin; Ikualocl, Lllrjihetli, ami Ilenajnh, lineal deeeiuk'litu of Joseph Ilayhurst, latu of OnttiKO Township, la wild County of Columbia, iloeeased, nnd nil other persons Interested. You nro hereby cited to bo and appear befoul tho Jutlnes of our Orphans' Court, to bo held at lIloomslMlrn, III Mild county, on thn first Monday of September next, then and there to accept or icfuso to tako the real estuto of tho ald Joseph Hayhurst, deceased, Hit llatu In Oiani;o Township, Columbia County, at Iho appraised value put upon It by 1111 Inipiost, duly awarded by the Couit nnd returned by the Shcilir, or how cnusuwliy tlio Kami! should not be sold. Witness the Honorable William Ktwell, President of our said Couit, at lltoomshurtf, May tenth, A.l). lsili). .Ii:ssr. COLEMAN, Clerk O. C. IlbooMsni-iid, Juno 7, WW. TX TIIK KSTATK OF SAMUKL .L SIIUll'A DIICKAHHIJ.-The (.'ommonwealth or l'enusylvatilii to Joseph II. shuluj Andrew Sbult; Samuel n.siliullzi KlisliaSluilt.j Nancy, Intermnrrled wllh (lenrhart ICIlje Sarah, Inter m.irrled with Joseph llrltaln j Naainiih, liiterniar rled with Samuel White j Mary Ann, Intermarried wllh Samuel It. York; laiclndn Shullzj Joseph Oscar 1'. Shult.s Mary llllen Shiilt?.; Harriet Shultj Thomas Shullzj .ephaiilah Sluiltz; and Albert A. Smith, Youiuid each of you nro heieby cited and commanded lo bound appear, In your proper persons, at an Oi jdian's Court, to bo holden at lllooiiisliuiii, In nnd for the said county, the first, Monday of September next, then mid there toauswerthe bill or petition of Samuel ll.sliullz, admlnlstriitoi- of Samuel Sluiltz, latu of Denton Township, In the County of Columbia, deceased, pi'iiyhu: tho Court to decree the speettle perform. anco of contract helwceii said Samuel Sluiltz, do. ceased, and l'.llsha sliult. and Joseph H. Sluiltz, uccordlhi! to tho true Intent and meaning thcreor, or show cause why the specllle pcrfoinianco of s'lld contract shoul I not he decreed. Witness the Ilonoralilo William niwell, 1'resldent of our said Court, at 111. 10111. burg, tho eleventh day of May, A.l). WW. .IIISSi: COI,i:.MAN, Clerk O. C. llLooMsnuim, .Iuni-7, WW. 17STATF. OF.IOIlX SAXKKY, SB.. JlJ DI:C1:asi:d. To Jacob Saukey; Samuel Sankeyi .lobnSankeyi Cyrus Sankcy j James W. S.inkeyj Mary Ann Sankcy, Intermarrlod with Aaron Wolfj I.ydl.i Saukey, Intermarried with Jumps (I. l'rll?.: Susan ltoliihurd; and M.iry Cath- mine llelithard; tin-last two named ale minors of l'olly Sankcy, Into Polly Itelshard, deceased, heirs and lej-al representatives of John Sankcy, Sr., do. ceased. You me hereby cited lo be nnd appear before the Judges of our orphans' Court, at an Or phans' Court to be held at Uloomsburn, In said county, the first Monday of September 11e.1t, then and there to accept or refuse to tak-i the leal estato of tho said John Kinkey, Sr., de ceased, at the nppralsed valuation put upon It by an inriuet duly awarded by said the Court, and returned by tho Shcrlir.or show cause why the snmeshoulil not bo sold. Witness the Honorable William Klwell, President of our said Court, at llloomsburt,', the tenth dav of May, A.l). Wll. JIXSi: COI,i:.MAN, Cleik O. C. llLooMsnritn, June 7, WW. CIIKUIFF'S SALK. BY VIBTUK J of sundry wilts of ViwUtinni 7.Vi.ho ami l'u-H Ihcirs toniedlreetod, Issued out of the Court 01 Common Pleas of Columbia Countv. will be exised to publln sale, at tho Court House, In lllooiiisbui):, on Tuesday, the 'Jilth dav of June, WW, at one o'clock In the afternoon, the followhii; ilescrlbed real estate, to wit: A ccilaln tract of land, situate In Suuirlnaf lownsoip, i -iiiumoia i ouniy, i-oniauiini? si; V KN-TY-'SIX ACItK-s, more or less, hounded on the south by lands of Joshua Hess; on the west In lands of David Kocbner- 011 the north bv land's of Jeremiah Hess; and on the east bv lands of .niiiuw Hooens, wnereou is eieeieu an out 101; turn Willi the anntirlenanees. Heleil, taken In execution, nnd to be sold as the propony 01 .lames rsicisie, neceased, in tho hands of his administrator, Jane sickle. A LSI). A certain farm nnd tract of land.sltuite In Cata wlssa Township, Columbia Countv, hounded on tho south bv 1. 111. Is of Samuel Millard, and other moos 01 .1.1.1 incner; on 1110 west tiv land or Sol onion IMwiix: on the north by land or Uenlamln Homer and others- and on tho east bv laud of iciicn nixes neirs, eonialnlllK 1 :i i 1 1 TY-XIM. .w iiw ami nun iiuiiiiren ami iwentv-nlne perch es, wiiereon Is erected II Inj; 11 ; about sixty acres or which Is hiipioed laud. ALSO One other farm mid tlact of land, situate parllv 111 Catawlssa tout isirlly In I-'i-aiilcrin Townships, Coliiiiibl.i County, hrMiuded on the south hv land or John Scott : oil the east by land ot Jollli Scott nnd land of Miirv Heie-ock; on the west bv land or .Mary lleacoclt and land or lUrain .1. Kcndcr; ami 011 the north by a public road and land ot lit rum.!. Ilea ler,c.iitallllllKSi:Vi:XTY-SIX AfitKS and one liuuilii-d and live porches, w hereon Is vrocted a two-story brick dHellliiK-hoiise, a los; o, a 11 npp.e aim peacn orcnaro, aim an improv ed land. One other lot or laud, situate partly In Catawlssa and luvitly in l'rauklin Townships, Columbia Counly. bounded on the south by laud or John Richards; 011 thewest and north bv land or Mary He.icook; ami on the east by land 01 .lolm Scott, contalnlnK I'li-'TKHN ACItl'S.all Improved land, but without liulldlims, with the appiiitenaiices. Seized, taken in cx-eeutlon,and to be solii ns tlie proieity or Jeicmlali P. I'lncher and Abel Tlioin as. SAMl'lII. SXYDKlt, Sberitl'. M ILLKB'S STOBK. l'I!lII AIlltlVAI, OK si'itixri axd Hi'MMi:u ooons. The subscriber has Just returned from the cities with another lari;o and select assortment of SI'ItlXCi AND SUMMKIt HOODS, purchased lu New York and Philadelphia at the lowest liKiire, ami which ho Is determined to sell on as moderate terms as can bo procured elsi where In Dlonmshmtc. His slock comprises 1-ADir.S' DltlV-S (IOODS of the choicest styles and latest fashions, together Willi a lai'Ke assortment of . C.upetK, Oilcloths, Clolhs, C.isslmores, Shawls, l'lanncls, Silks, While (ioods, I.lnens, Hoop Skirls, Muslins, Hollowwnre, Ceilarware, Hardware, Queeiisware, (irocerles, Hoots nnd Shoes, Hats and Caps, Hoop X'ets,, LookliiK-fila'ses, Tobacco, CollVe, Susars, Teas, Itlce, Allspice, (Sinxor, Clliuauion, Nutmegs, AXD NOTIONS CiKNKItAI.I.Y. In blunt, ever, Ihlnii usually kept in country stores, to which ho hixiles tlio attention of th'e uhlle Kcnerally, The highest price will bo paid for country produce hi exchange for kooiIs, K. H. Mll.I.lUt, Al'c.ido lllllldlnKS, llloomsbiiri;, Pa. rpjlK XKW "tiUOCKB Y STOBK, 4. 011 Main street, IlbOOMSlltJIttl, PA, A i.Alini: A.SSOIITMKXT OF NI1W CJ00DS Just received nt Hi:xitY (iioi'.its xi:w SToni:. Dry (Joods, Hals nnd Caps, llooli ami Shoes, Molasses, Sugars, Teas, Cnilee, Spices, ith-e, J'lsh, Sal!, Italslus, Tobaiv, Cam It. s, Nollons, Tny, 1'i.oni!, n:ui, axd phovisions, together wllh 11 Hreat vnilety of notions ".i-ner-ally kept In stoics, inrmcit, i:ous, mi:at, and piioduci: taken In lAehanse lor koo Is, for whlih the lilgli ei.t murJict rrlce will be paid. HI.NUY CK.LI!. t.BArl) OPI3XINO J (lltAND OPKNINd UllAND OPKNINO OIIAXI) OlH'.NIXtJ GltANl) OPKXIXO HPlllXd AXD SUMMl'.ll (lOOIW, Sl'llINtl AND Bl!MMi:il (IOODS, HPItlNfl AND StIMM I'M (IOODS, Sl'ltl.NIl AND SUMMl'.ll (IOODS, SPItiXCI AXI) SUM.Miat (JOOIH, cnuslstlUK of loiidstlni: of condslhu: or consist Ini; of conslstln;! of DItY (iOOI)S, DItY OOODS, DUY (IOODS, DItY (IOODS, DItY UOODS, HATH AXD CAPS, HATS AXI) CAIN, 11ATO AXI) CAPS, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AXD CAPS, HOOTS AXD SIIOIM, HOOTS AXI) SIIOP.S, 1100 IX AXD S1IOIX, IliiOIS AND SIIOIX, hoots axd snoi:s, ItKADY-MADK (T.OTIIIXd, hi:ady-madi: clotiiixi!, ltlCADY-MADi: CLOTIII.VO, UK.M)Y-MADM t'l.OTIIINO, ki:ady-.madi: clothixci, i.ooic 1 xo-rir.AssKs, i.oi)isixc.-ni.Assr.s, I.OOKINd-OI.ASSKS, i.ooKixo-ni.Assix, i.ooKixii-or.Assus, XOTI0NS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, PAINTS PAINTS PAINI'S paints I'A I NTS AND OILS, AND OILS, AND OILS, AXD OILS, AXI) OILS, (illOCKIIIRS, (!uo(:i:iiir.s, (moci:itn:s, fiiiour.uiKs, oitocuimx, Ql'I'XNSWAItK, (ji'r.r.xswAiti:, (H'i'.KxswAiti:, hh:i:xswaui-:, liUKHXSWAItK, HAUDWAIli:, HAItDWAIti:, HAItllWAltK, HAUDWAIli:, HAItDWAIii:, TINWAltn, TINWAlli:, TINWAltK, TINWAIti:, TINWAItL', S I.T, SALT, SALT, HALT, SALT, risii, risii, risir, PITH, l'lSll, rin.MN and siir.os, flltAIN AND Si:i:iisi, (UtAIN and sunns, ciltAIN AND SUDDS, oitAix and si:i:ds, Ac.. .U' Ac, AT McKHLVV, NKAL .MclvIILVY, NI1AI. Mt'IvKI.VY, NIIAI. MclvIILVY, NKAL McKlvLVY, NHAL CO.'f, CO.'S, CD.'S, CO.'S, CO.'B. Northwest corner of Main nnd Market Streela, Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main and .Market Streets, Northw est corner of Main and Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main and M.uket Streets, IlLOOMsill'lld, PA., IILOOMSItlMtH, PA,, IlLOilMMII'IIO, PA llLOO.MSlll'Iid, l'A HLOOMHHUltd, PA. IKON AXD NAIL", JIUiX AND rXAUX, litON AND NAII.S, lltON AND NAII.S, IKON AND NAII.S, In liirue quantities and at reduced rates, alwny on baud, punm; salu of valuaiili: iii:al iwtati:. Ill pursuance of nn outer of the Orphans' Court of Columbia County, Pa., on Saturday, the 21d day of Juno next, nt ten o'clock In tho forenoon, Philip ''oust, ndinlnl.lintor of Daniel Kiutn, lata of Cooper Township, Montour County, deceased, will expose to side, by public emlu ,at tlio house or Iltuimucl Ijh-jiius, In Montour Township, n eel tain trai t of laud, situate In Montour Township, ColuinblA County, iul.ohiliii(lanilsori:mainiel Uy zarus on Iho east, the Ulver Susquehanna on Iho south, nnd tho line dlvldlm? the Counties of Co luinbla nnd .Montour on the run hi, contalnlnK ellily-tw 0111 tes and sixly-sl.x perches neat ineas. nre.iibiait Iwi nty aciesof whkh is Improved or ticareil Intnl. Ijite thn estate of paid deceased, slluito lu tlio Township of Monto-ir and county nroresald. JISIJ COLLMAX, Clerk. llbooMsncitn, May i Wai, CONDITIONS ()!' MALI:. Twenty.nve per cent, of the piiichaso money to be paid by the purchaser to the administrator on the day of sale; the residue of tho 1110. ney to be paid In ono year from the continuation ill. !., Willi lulerust (mm tho eoulli niatlon, The purchaser to pay for deed mid stumps, PHILIP POLST, Administrator. May i Win. gCIIKLL, BKBGKB A CO., (!i:ni:i:al commission miuiciiants, Dealers lu risir, salt, ciiin'.sr,, piiovisions, a-c, Nos, liiniid l.'l North Wharves, uboc Auii St., Philadelphia. Hole nRonls for Wilcox's Wheel Grease, In bar rels, kei;s, ami cans. JOIIX STBOUP A CO., Successors to Hti imp A Ihother, WIIULIMALi: DKALl'.I'.S IX I'lslI, No. 21 North Wharves, and 2" Nortli Water St., Philadelphia. 17 J. LKSTKlt, Wholesale anil ltelnll Dealer In I'0Ili:i(lN AND D0MKSTIC CAltlT.TS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SIIADMS, Ac-. No. 2!) Nortli Second Street, opp. Christ Church, Philadelphia. rpO ALL WHOM IT MAY COX X CKUN. lieasu take notice that I, Ira ltoad anno!, ofCeiitrevllIo, Columbia County, having bomdit the followlns list of property from Peter Ilower, do declare that It Is my Intention to lend the same to the said llower, to wit: four beds; one dozen chairs; one lot of dishes; 0110 cup board; one bureau; twenty yards of carpet; one cisiklng stove; one parlor stove; ono two-horse wiikoii; que two-horse carrlnuo; one double set or harness; one single set of harness; two tallies; twoplsrs. IUA 110A DA11MKL. JLJUBBAII FOB CA'l'AWISSA! THIS WAY KOll DAItOAINS. (Ioods to eomparo with strhmeney of tho money market, liok and compare prices before pur chasing elsewhcie. Just cull nt tho favoilte busi ness stand of Mt-XIXClI & SIUTMAX, and you will be met bytheoblli-InK propiletorsor their cleiks.uiul show 11 Ihrouh tbelrureat Miriety stole fiee or charge, of course. They will kIvc yon a fair chance to spend your loose chance, they trust much morn prolltably than It can bo spent elsewluie. Their STOCK OK DItY (IOODS this Sprhiix Is much larger in nil Its vailctlcs than usual. Their LADIUS1 DItUSS (IOODS are of the nicest styles lu market. They haven lino assoitincut of HATS, CAPS, LOOTS AXI) SIIOLS, SUMMLl! CLOTHS, CASSIXHTS, CAS-OJIHItL'S, -NI) VJiSTINOS, and numerous arlbles common to such establish ments, besides a ueticral assortment of HAUDWAiti:, tinwaih:, (u'i:i:nswaiu:, and oitoci:nn, all at i;reatly icduced prices. They wish to con. duct their business 011 the system of "PAY AS YOU do," nnd they think they can afford lo sell verycheap, They return their thanks lor many past favors, and ask the lot lire iatroua.-e or their former cus toiueis ami thu public Kenerally. MlNINCH A SIH'MAX. jjlAlOMSBUBCi FAXCY TB1M- MIXd AXD IlOOlCSTOlti:, secoiiil door below Harlmun's, Main Street. Just received a new stock of '.lU'IIYItS, WUOLHX AXI) COTTON YAIINS, coiisirrs, lacks, i:MimoiDi:i!ii:s, muslin i:duini;s, duis tiumjiin(!.s and e try variety of aitlcles usually kept lu a I'.VXCY STOlli:. Also SCHOOL HOOKS, HYMN HOOKS, IHHLHS, SUNDAY-SCHOOL HOOIvS, and a laro lot of .Misci:i.LANi:ous hooks, ACCOUNT AXI) MUMOllANDl'M HOOKS, 1ILAXK Di:i:i)S, I10XDS AXD MOItTtlAdUS, and a jeueral and well-stlecteil iissoitmeut of p.Pi:ii, i:xvi:lopi:s, ac, A. D. WLIIIl. OAOLH FOUXDBY. J Josi:i'nsiiAi!i', Hloomsbiii, Pa, ST0V1X 01-' i:T.HY VAUIUrV, PLOUdlWlIAllRS, l'l.oUCIIIPOIXTS, and all kinds of Castings, on hand or supplied on the slimiest notice and lit tho cheapest rates. Castings lor coal ih:i;aki:h.s and coalsciiutus made to order. "JMFH IXSUBAXCIC. If you wish to llvo Ion;; and die happy, go without delay and INSUltr.YOL'llUPH III tho host Company In the world, thu mutual nn: insuiianci: company Ol'NI'.W YOltK". its cash AHMrrs aim: cr.,rvw and Itsiinnual dividend for the llscal year of l.-j amouuls to seM-nty-Ilve per cent, on all pmtlcl- patins piviiilums, beliii Iho largest dividend over declared by any company for tho same length of time. I-'or fttrllier Information apply to r.S.ltI81ti:L,Aseiit, JiltsjinsburK, Pa. J"AT10XAL FOCXDBY, Hlooinsburrf, Columbia Counly, Pa. Tho suhscilber, proprietor ofthe aboi-naincd extensive estalillshmeut, Is now prepared to re, celvo orders for nil Kinds of MACHINLItY 1'Olt COM.iniUns, HLAST rUUNAClX, STATIONAItY HXdINlis, MILL'S, Tllltr-SIIIXCi MACIIINKS, Ac. Ho is also piepmed lo iiiako r-UAus of all sles ti net pattern', Plow-Iron-, mid ever tlilna usually made 111 Ili'st-class roiimiiies. Ills exlen-dve facllllliss uml wnikinen wai rant hint lu rccchliut iho largesl conlruets on the most rcusouahlu teiins, drain of nil kin Is will bu taken In exchange for Castings, This 1 stabhshiiient is hunted near Hie wuuu.i auJ Hi' 'at t' U Tiii'.i.i.l i'. , ' Pi II '. I 1 1.1 m.u; QMXIBUS L1XK. 'J ho utiderslHiied would rcieclfiilly nnnmitico to Hie cltlr-cim of Illooiiifcbnr and tlio public gene rally that he Is tunning an OMNIItU.lLlNi: between this place and thudlircieht railroad de pots dally (Sundays excepted), lo connect with Iho several Irnlns Kolns South nnd West on the dtn wlssu and Wllllainsport Itailroad, ami with those Knlnn X01U1 and South on the Lackawanna uml nioomsbunt P.allroad, - His Omtilbusses are lu ?ooil condition, commo dious and coniloi table, and charges lcnsoiinble. Persons wishing to meet or see their fi lends de part, run be accomodated tliu 1 cnsouable charge by leaving timely notice nt nny of tho hotels. .1 A CPU L. (1 1 1 tT( )XL Pis i wlet on rpilK AMKBICAX HAY KXIFK X AND I'OHIC We tho undersigned cltlens 01 I'oluiiibl.i County witnessed the tiial or hav forks on the farm or Mr. Pursel, lu llembs k lowiishlp oii Monday, May 7, Win, between tlie 'V'.'f,''.1.';'"1 .M.".v. 1'UU' .n.1."1 1 "rl' mannractiireil by SLII'Lll, WALLS, A Co.. 01 l.wls. burg, Pa., and the lliindi I s Patent Hay Hook. Tlie American l"ik lilted more hav lu one diauglit Ihiill the Itlllidel lu thiee. We'are satis tied It will take ns much ba into tlie mow ns two unod horses inn diaw. N e also saw It cutting hay, and think It cannot be heat nsa bsv ktitte and cheeiiully lecommeml It as tbo best Hay roik anil knife w e have ever seen, c. IlirrrsiiKNiiiii, I mi. r, c, ItAimtsoN, W. H, Kooxs, John Dovk, John DKri.ini'K, IUmki, N0vr.1t, II. Dun. r.Mii. 1. 1:11, Pi-iwi:r., MirllAKT. IlKT.t.Ktt, JOHN- WoM 'I hey also niiiiiutaelure Iho celebrated Huckee Iteaiier and Mower, and other agilcultural lniple meiils. ponies 110TU1., Oi:olldi: W. MAUOLP., Proprietor. The above wi'll-known hotel has ris-enlly tinder gono radical changes in lis Internal arrangements, and lis proprietor announces lo Ids former custom and Ihe ttavelllug public that his accomodations for thecotiitoit of his guests are second to none in tlio country. His table will nlways be found sup Idled, not only with substantial food, but with all the dellcaeiesor the season. Ills wines and li quors (except that popular besoingo known ns "Mellmrii''), lain based direct Ironi Iho impeding houses, me iiitlrely pure, and free from all lsjl sonous drugs. He is thankful for a liberal patron age In tho past, and wlll.contlnue to deserve It In tlieluture. OHOIldi: W. MAUGKli. J" B. PUBSKL, HAltNUSS, SADDI.i:, AND THUNIC MANUl'!, and dealer In CAP.l'UT-HAOS, VAI.tSLS, l'LY-NLTS .Ac-., Jlnln street, Hlonnisburg, Pa. poWDKU KKtiS AXI) LUMBKB. W. M. MONllOi: A CO., llupcit, I'll,, Manufacturers of POWDKIt K1XIS, and dealers In all kinds of I.UMIU'.I!, give notice that they are prepared to accomodate their custom with dispatch, and on tho cheapest terms. TKW STOCK OF CLOT1IIXG. I'rwsli arrival of SPKINC. AND SUMMl'.ll GOODS. David Lowi:xni:ita Invlles nltentlan to his stock of ciii:ap and pasiiionahli: clothing. nt his store oil Main Sti eet, twodoors above the American House, P.loonisburg, Pa., whom he has Just received from New York and Philadelphia a roll nssoilmcnt ol MIIN AND HOYS' CI.OTIIIXd, Including tho most fashionable, durable, and handsome HUESS GOODS, consisting of HOX, SACK, I'llOCK, GUM, AXD OIL-CLOTH COATS AXD PANTS, of alt sorts, sizes, nnd colors. Ho has nlso replen Islieil his already large stock of FALL AXD WIXTI'.n SIIAWL, STHU'KD, ridrilLD, AXD PLAIN VHSTS, SIIIUTS, CUAVATS, STOCKS, COLLAItS, iiAXDKi:ucnn:rs, oi.ovix, .suspi:xd::iis, axd fancy auticlp.s, lie has constantly on hand a largo and well-selected ussoitnicnt of CLOTHS AXD VIXTIXdS, which ho Is prepaicd to make to order Into any kind or clothing, on very shoit notice, and lu the best manner. All his clothing Is to wear, ami most of It is of home manufacture. GOLD WATCHUS AXD. lUWin.IlY. of every desf-ilptloii, line and cheap. Ills case of Jewehy Is not stiipasseii lu this place. Call and examine bis general assoitincut of CLOTHING, WATCIIKS, JHWULllY, c. DAVID LOWUNJIUHO, c UHBIACiK MAXUFACTOBY, Hloonisburz, Pa, M, C. SLOAN A HltOTHKlt, tho successors of WILLIAM SLOAN A SOX, continuo tho busluets of making CAltltl.UJKS, uuGCillX, mid every stylo of I'AXCY WAGONS, which Ihev hnvoi-onstantly on hand to suit ens. miners. Never using any maleiial hut Iho best and cmplojiug the most experienced worktiu n, Oiov bono to f lint 1 11 lie as hpt'etnam. In .rl v.. nut lii. satisfaction to every customer. An inspci fton of their woik, and ol the icasouable price asked for the same, Is sure lo insure a sale. 7UFSII ABBIVAL OF XKW i; noons, que undersigned has Jut mrived Ironi the City with a largo nssortiiieut of Dings, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Yr.rtit.shos, and Dye Stud's, lUudy-Mndc Clothing, Peifumeiy, Toy and l'ancy Articles, Druggld's Glassware, Hiu.hes, Trusses andSuppoiters,niidagenep.iln.sorlincntnfeveiy tiling that belongs to a well-appoiuud Ding Store. Also Patent Medlchiesof all kinds, such as Jayue's, Aycr's, Wlshart's, Winslow's Sisiililng fynip, Ihown's Troches, Swain's Panacea, Haker'a Cisl LIut Oil, llootl.ind's Hitters coiisluntly on hand. AJii Monoc-co r,r.ATii:n, kid, pnuxcit mouoc- C0, rilllXCH CALFSKINS, PINK TltlMMIXGS, HIXniXGS, by tho dozen or naif-dozen, Also Slior.-I'IXDINCIS, riMUNd-TACKI.i:, Ac. Having had u large experience lu the drug husl uess, i would respectt'iilly invito thoso wishing auythlni; lu that Hue to call and keo my Mock be fore pun basing elsowheie, '-lliinedlclnesquallty Is of Iho Hist linpoi lance." JOHN It. MOVHIl. Q.OOl) XKWS FOH i;VKItYl!ODY. Owing to Ihe late fall In gold, Kiiiit.u.M w. i:i.wi;lt. Ins reduced his prices to suit all buyers, either nt wbnlowdo or ictall. If you want sugaiis, ctoi'i'inx, ti:as, sykups, spjcr.s, CIlACKlUtS, CANNIII) I'KUIT, IIIIIMD ntuiT, wooi)i:nwaih:, risir, 11 i:ans, ciiui'.si:, 1'i.orii, Pl'l'D, Ac.. Ac. Ai., , .v i :. t !ii: . i w u wi ! i 1?XC1IAX(1H 1IOTKL, Ali HUIOMSHIIIKI. COLl'MllIA fVllfKTV. I'A. Tin lilhlemlglied liiivlliK puulmsed this Well- Known and ccnlrally-loraled house, tlio I'.xcIiiuiri) Hotil.sltuntootl MAINHTItKLT.Itl llloomsburg, Inimedlntcly opposite the Columbia County Court House, respectfully Informs Ids friends and tlm public In general that Ids linuso Is now In order for the reception nmt entertainment of travellers who may bo disposed to favor It Willi their ens' torn. Ho hu.4 spared no exis-nso In preparing thn llxibango for tlio entertainment of Ids giusls, neither shall there bo aiijtbhipf wanting (on Ids part) to minister to their peisonnl comfort. Hln houso Is spacious, mid injoya nn excellent tiual ness location. OiiinlbussoH run nt nil times between tho 13x chaiiRo Hotel nnd tho various railroad depots, hy which travellers will be pleasantly conveyed to and from tbo rcspectlvo stations Indue time to meet tho cars. JOHN V. OASLOW. llloomsburg, March 22, lsGrt. CUSQFK1IAXXA IIOTKL, I J Catawlssa, Pa, The nlKe llolel lias lately been purchased by ni:NltVJ.CLAIti:,alid has been tlioroiicblv re- modelled, u-palred, ami lefiirnlshcd. It will bu found now, In lis arrangement and appointments, u Ilrst-class Hotel, and second to iiono 111 tho country, Persons In cities wishing to siend tlio hot months In the country, will do well to e'vo the propiiclur a call. pAKKlt AXD COXFKCTIOXKB. JI. Jl. t-JUll.MJH has nlways on Iiniut and for said ItlXU HUHAl), CAKIifl, AND TUX, rill'.NCII AND DOMmTIO CONI'miONa in cveiy sty to and variety, NUTS, PUUITS, mid everj thing usually found In a 1THST-CLASS CONI'IXTIONI'.ItY STOIIU. Having recently lilted up n new nnd elegant ici:-ciu:am and katino saloon, he Is prepared to accomodate, ladles ami gentle men In the best style. J-BUU AXD 01IKMICAL STOBK, nioomsburg, Pa. DP.UGS, CIIKMICAI.S, PAINTS, PKttl'UMnitY, AND TOILUT AIITICL1M. LYUIl A MOYHIl respeetfillly Invito n rrmtlminnce of patronage. Tlielr Dings and Medicines are all selected with the greatest i-.ire, nvoidlng as lnucli ns posslhlo the IntriHluctlon of delirious nostrums, mid arn purchased from tho best imporllna house-i In tho country. PATHNT .MHUICINra of all kinds, Including Aycr's, Jayno's, Hollo way's, Hostetter's, Wlshart's, Ilbollaiid's, Ac. constantly on band. COAL OIL AND ALCOHOL. IIAIIt, TOOTH, NAIL, AND CLOTH MS nm?sm-4 l'AINTS AND CHEMICALS of every variety, nnd ot the best quality FANCY TOILirr AltTICLKS, The public may rely nt all times oh procuring tho above articles, with all Iho new useful prepara tions kept In tho best conducted establishments. PHYSICIAN'S PIIUSCItllTlONS and Family itecelpts compounded with the great est accuiaey nnd dlspnlch. S' 1'OVES AXD TIX"WABE. A. Mi P.UPr.HT nniionnccs to his lriomts nhd customers that ho continues the above business at hlsold place on MAIN .STP.l'.CT, HLOOMSHURO. Customers can be accomodated vlth FANCY STOVnS of all kinds, Stovepipes, Tinware, and overy va rlet.v of article found in a Stove and Tinware lis. tabllshiiient hi thctltics,ntid tin thcinost icasou able tctius, Ilcjialrlngiloiicnt thoshortcstnotleo S5 DOZUN MILK-PANsJ on band for sale. riATAWISSA BAI LBOAD. J I 'loin and alter October 2, lwj, the trains will pass lliqieit as iollows; Goisii Nouin. Kltnira Mall nt i r.Ji.; Erlo Uxpressat :ls A.JI. iliiisii Soi-Tii. liilladolphla Mall at 11 A.M. New Yolk Express at 1 r.Ji. I.I.OIIGF. WKHH, Snpt. T ACKA.VAXXA AXD BLOOMS j iiriid nAii.niiAD. (in ami after Mai eh II, lx, Pascligcl-Trains will inn as tnllows: Soi"iiiwaiiii. Leave Scranton at i;i) i-.?r, and .WO. a.m. ; Kingston at il i-.m. and ti: V. a.m. ; lllooins liurgat s.-aip.M. and H:2oa.m. Arrive at Noitlium bi'iiatid at n:M i-.m. and Un it a.m. Nonnni'Auli. Leave Northumberland nt 7A.M. and .rj i.M.; lUoomsbuig at s;3 a.m. ami (1:21 i-.m,; Sennit, n at IhKJ a.m. nnd :i i-.m. Arrive at Scran ton at 12:1' a.m. and 10:15 r.M. II, A, I'OXDA, Pupt. ICJ iigslnn, March l.'.. WW. rB EAT PKXXS Y L V AXI A BOUTE VT to the NOItTH AND WEST. I-'OUrt DAILY TltANIN.-?. ON AND AITEP. JIAUCII 12, 1SWI, trains will leave as follows: Leavo Wash'n. Leave Hatto. l'.xpress Mail (Ml A.M. l:00 a.m. I'ast Line 7: a.m. liloi-.M. Pittsburg and EiieE.v I: i-.m. 7ft p.m. l'lttsbiugand Elmlra Ex... .7:10 p.m. V:l i-.m, TWO THAINS ON SUNDAY, (Connecting at Haltlmoie,) Ltavo Washington nt 2: 15 and 7:10 r.M. SLEEPING CAKS ON ALL NIGHT THAINS. LOW 1'AltE AXD 1'UICK TIME. Cars run through from Halllnioro to Pltlsbnrg, Erie, or Elmiia without change. J. X. DUHAItltY. Supeiinlendeiit N.Cll.Ii. 1")1IILADKLP1IIA AXD KB IK .1 HAILI'.o D. This great lino traverses tho northern ami noithwest counties of Pennsylvania to the cliv of Erie, or liku Erie. It lias been leased and is operated hy tbo PENNSYLVANIA KAILltOAD COMPANY. Time ol Passenger Trains at Noithnmberland: l.tuvi: Eihiw-Aiin. Eiie Mail Train, ll:2,j i-.m.j File Expies:. Train, .'1:2., a.m. ; ElmtiaMaltTr.dll, M::: a.m. Liavi; WiTWAun. Eile Mall Tiahi, 5 a.m.; Erie Express Train, 7:11 P.m.; Elmlra Mall Tialu, l:Vi p.m. ' P.ism nger ears npi through on thoErlo Malt and Express Trains without chango both vas. tc twi en Philadelphia ami Kile. Nmv Youk Con matrix. Lcnvo New York nto A.M., arrive at Erie at M a.m.; I.eauKiiuut l:M P.M., arrive at New York at a: 10 p.m. Elegant sleeping cam on nil night trains. For iiiibrmatioii respr etln-j passenger business applv at the corner of Thirtieth and Market .-streets, Philadelphia; and lor Height Uishussof the Company's agents. S. 11. Kingston, Jr., cornel-of Twelfth nnd Market streets, Philadelphia: J. W. Ileynulds, Eile; Wil liam Drown, Aiieut N.C.ll.lI.. Ilsltliaore. it. ii. Houston; General Freight Am-nt. liillodelnhln. If. W. (iWINNElL GenemI Ticket Aki nt. Itillndelphln. A. TYI.l'.n. fienord Superintendent, Wllllamsport, Nlriitl 2-', lsi. 1 KADIXtJ BAILItOAD. XL hl'MMEll Altl'.ANGEMEXT. April .'.Wsl. Great Trunk Line Ironi the Ninth nnd Northwest lor Philadelphia, New Yoik, Heading, Pottsvlllo. Tiiuiaqua, Ashland, Lebunon, Allciituwu, liistou A''- '. .. . 'Indus leave Hnriishurg for NewYoik ns ftd lown: At :i, 7:lo, uml li.a5A.M., and 2 and ti:S) pji., ismiKs-tlng wltli similar trains on th-. Pennsyl vanla Itailroad, and arriving nt New Yoik at.'iMU and 10 a.m., and 3: lit ami 10;:f i-.m. Sleeping Cats, accompany tho3 a.m. nnd H:20 p.m. trains, without Leave II " rlsburcr for Heading, Pottsvlllo, Tama qua, im is Hie, Ashland, Pine Grove. A llentown, ami Philadelphia at 7:10 am., and 2 and p.m., stopping nt lA'luiuon and prwH-hml Way Mntlons, the irjj p.m. train unking unclose connections for Potlsvllluor Philadelphia. For Puttsvllle, Sclmyl. kill Haven, and Aubiiin. la S.-hu iklll and hsos- qiiehanni liatlroail, lens e ilaiiisbui-gat i 15 P.M. lU-luruing, lisie New Yoikat ti AM,, 12m., and S: W p.m. ; Philadelphia at s .m. and :1: p.m. ; potts. vino in ami .:i- p.m.; .vsniami ai u nnil 11:11 am., mid huip.M.; Tamaqua at U; 11 A.M. ami I mid s:J.-ip,. I.eae l'.niillo fur Ilnrrlsburg, via Sciuilkll! ,llid Susquehanna liailroad, at 7 A.M. Heading Ac onu slat ion 'I'raln h axes lli-adlU);Ab ') a.m., letiiiiiiiiu fioii) Phlladelplila at .. p.m. Cnliiiiilila Itailioad Tialns leave limiting nt iVOJ and l'.i ') CM. for Fpliriila, l.lllz, Columbia, Ac., Ac. (lu Mimtays leav. New York at p.m.; liilla ilelilila at s a.m. and M'i p.m., the sa.m. tialu run. ulliil oulv to Kindluix: Pottsvlllo nl sa.m.: 'ininii. qua at 7::) a.m.; Ilnrrlsburg at H:M .M.; and Itead- uig in l: vi a.m. lor iiarrisiaiig. ami H'.mj a.m. lor New Vol k, an 1 IM p.m. lor Philadelphia, Commiitaltiui, Alileiige, Sensoii, Excursion, mid School Tickets at Icducid rides lo and liom all HlltS. H.iiiKive clieeki-l tlu-oip-li. Fillty pounds ot 'stggage allowed . i. h t - ll -or. ,. . . 1 is jl I -i iiii. rj-.