THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBUJLIG, SATtJllDAY, JUNE 0, J 866. u (Mumbmu, oi:oiun: n. mooui:, uniToit. llI.OOMHltUllO, SATl'UPAY, Jt'.NT, P, THE COLORADO BILL. Tim veto of this liltt, on the llftcrnili ultimo, by President Johnson, will ren der proper notluo of somo points eon Jiccted with the proposed orpin 1 ait Ion of Colonulo Into u State. 'I'lie reasons Riven by the President for withholding his signature from the hill nro cogent, nml sufficient to Justify his notion ; but thoro uro other facts und considerations besldo those noticed In his message which ought to bo mentioned, mid some of the points mndu by hint may be am plified and enlarged for purposes of popular debate. I. An act was passed by Congress, and Approved March first, 1801, authoriz ing the people of Colorado Territory, nt n certain time and under certain legal regulations, to elect members of a con vention to form a State constitution for themselves, and upon Its adoption In a regular manner tho President was au thorized to Isstio his proclamation nn nottneing the admission of Colorado as a State Into the Union. "When this ena bling act was under consideration in Congress tho chairman of tho Commit tee on Territories of the Senate (Mr. Wade, of Ohio) stated that tho popula tion of the Territory was at least sixty thousand, and was stated by some to be as high as seventy or eighty thousand, nnd Increasing. Tho delegate from tho Territory nt that tlmo made similar representations, and Congress, in pass ing the bill, acted under the impression that the new State would soon contain n population equal to the ratio required under the general apportionment of members of Congress. It is now ascer tained and well known that tho Terri tory at that time did not contain more than one-third of tho number of Inhabl tants represented. In fact Congress was misled If not imposed upon as to the population of tho Territory nt that time. II. Pursuant tothoennbllngactabovo mentioned a convention was elected and a constitution framed; but upon belli; submitted to the vote of tho peoplo tho constitution was rejected. At the elec tion held on tho question of adoption only six thousand one hundred and ninety-two votes were polled, while tho majority against tho constitution amounted to tho relatively large mini ber of three thousand ono hundred and llfty-three. Tho peoplo did not desire a State organization, and so expressed themselves by a very decided vote. All the proceedings in the case were regu lar and lawful, being In conformity with tho act of Congress, nnd fully au thorized by it. Of courso with the re jection of tho constitution all power and authority under that act to organize a State came to an end. All authority under it was expended, and no further proceedings could bo had by virtue or under color of Its provisions. III. Nearly n year afterward, in 1805, a most remarkable proceeding was en tered upon by men in the Territory who were desirous of ti State organization, and desirous also of enjoying the va rious interesting olllees which would be called Into existence by It. Tho chair men of the Territorial committees rep resenting tho two political parties of the Territory Joined in making a rail for a new convention to form a State consti tution ! Under theircalldelegatos were elected, a convention held, and a con stitution made, which, being submitted to a vote, was adopted by a majority of ono hundred and flfty-llvo in a poll of Ave thousand nine hundred and live votes. This wholo proceeding front ho- ginning to end was without tho slight est authority of law. There was no net of Congress, nor of tho Territorial Leg islature, authorizing or regulating tho election of delegates to tho convention, the proceedings In tho convention il self, or the election 'or tho adoption of tho constitution. No man, whether ottlcer or voter, could bo punished for fraud nt either election, nor was there any authority to administer oaths to olllecr or cltizonntthose elections, much less to punish for any perjury commit ted. Thoro was therefore no guarantee for fairness at tho elections, nor for hon esty In the returns. It may well be doubted therefore whether the voico of tho people of Colorado was expressed at nil in tho proceeding, or whether a majority of ono hundred and llfty-three was nn actual nnd true return. IV. In tho veto message of tho Pros! dent tho facts are set fortli showing, as near as can ho ascertained, the actual population of tho Territory. Tho onlv census taken in tho Territory was that of 18(11, when there was a population of about twenty-fivo thousand, and n vote polled at tho Territorial election of about ten thoirand. At no subsequent elec tion has tho voto been nearly to high, and at tho irregular election, upon the atloptlon of tho last constitution, It foil under six thousand. Of course in n now Territory tho voting population boars a largo proportion to tho whole number of Inhabitants, because thoro nro fow females and children ; but Judg ing population by tho election returns, It la reasonable to concludo that tho number of people In Colorado is now no greater than it was in 1801, if in fact it has not been reduced. Here, then, Is tho ca.-o ofa Territory. with less than otic-fifth the number of Inhabitants required In tho old States for a member of Congress, asking for ad mission into tho Union ns a Stato, with n Representative iindtwoScnutors: that is, Colorado, with a population not ex ceeding that of Colunibla'County, is to Itavo an equal voice In tho Senate with tho great State of Pennsylvania' or New York. v V. 'Wltilo Colorado lias hut twenty fivo thousand or less of population the Territory of New Mexico has nearly ono hundred thousand, and Utah. still more; and yet it is not proposed now to admit either of tlieo into tho Union, Ono or two other Territories also exceed Colorado In numbers. It thus clearly appears that tho admission of Colorado us a Slate would bo an actor lavoriiisin, and create an invidious distinction among the Territories of tho United States. VI. At the present cession of Congress tho 1)111 for admitting Colorado, after undergoing full debate in the Senato upon tho merits of the question, was rejected by n voto of yeas, 1 1 j nays, ill. Subsequently, wlthouta new fact shown or any new argument produced, tho bill was reconsidered and passed. This courso of action requires explanation, and that explanation was furnished by Mr. Sumner, when he stated that tltere were whispers about that two more votes in the Senato were required for political purposes. A reason which had to be whispered, and could not be open ly staled by the advocates of the meas ure, Is certainly entitled to no respect or even toleration. Colorado was to be admitted for a partisan purpose, to give to tho political majority lit Congress still greater power. We arc Impelled to the conclusion that this was the solo reason for the passago of tho bill, and tho only one which can induce any hu man being to complain of the Presiden tial veto. THE ASSESSORSniP. Upon the establishment of this Reve nue District, corresponding to thcThlr teeuth Congressional District of the State, and composed of the Counties of Bradford, Wyoming, Sullivan, Colum bia, and Montour, tho appointment of Assessor was conferred upon Benjamin P. Fortner, who served for some time. But charges of misconduct were made against him, and an Inquiry institu ted, which resulted in his resignation of tho oillcc. Then Major Isaac S. Mon roe was unpointed, and held the place for sixteen months, until Novem ber last, when ho was removed, and Palemon John appointed. Tho latter has not been nominated to the Senate for confirmation, and as a matter of course, his appointment will expire with the present session of Congress. On the twenty-third of April the President nominated Hubert F. Clark, Esq., to the Senate as Assessor, and this nomination is pending. The question Is now ono of time with tho present in cumbent. Ho has held the place seven months without confirmation, but can not hold It permanently, under the terms of tho Constitution, without a nomina tion or new appointment by the Presi dent, which will not be made. Meantime he will secure profit to himself, and continue sonic small pa tronage to certain subordinates. Ho lias had 11. P. Portlier made a Deputy Assessor south of the river an appoint ment wholly unnecessary and has sev eral revenue agents quartered upon the Treasury, under pretence of inspecting distilleries. Thai his deputies and reve nue olllcers of the district have been used by hint in his private business to obtain subscriptions mid pntrouugo for his newspaper is notorious, and was to have been expected. But the band of reform will reach this ease presently, and substitute a compe tent nnd honorable oflicial for a greedy and importunate shark ! PROCLAMATION BY THE PRES IDENT. Wnr.m:A It lias become known to mo that certain evil-disposed persons have, within tho territory nnd jurisdic tion of tho United States, begun anil sot on foot, nnd have provided and prepared. ntuUtrn still engaged in providing and preparing, means for such a military ex pedition and enterprise, which expedi tion and enterprise is to be carried on from Uio territory and jurisdiction of tho United States against tho colonies, districts, nnd people of British North America, within tho dominions of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, with which said colonies, dis tricts, and people nnd kingdom thoUni- ted Slates are at peace. And whereas the proceedings aforesaid constitute a high misdemeanor, forbidden by the laws of tho United States as well as by the laws of nations ; Now, therefore, for the purpose of pre venting thoonrrylng on of (ho unlawful expedition and enterprise aforesaid from tho territory and jurisdiction of the I " ni- ted Slates, and to mnlntaln tho public peace as well as tho national honor, and enforceobedlenceand respect to tholaws of tho United States, I, ANDitr.w .Ton.v kon', President of the United States, do admonish and warn all good citizens of tho United Slates against taking part or in any wise aiding, countenancing, or abetting such unlawful proceedings; and I do exhort all judges, magistrates, mar shals, and olllcers In tho service of the United States to employ all their lawful authority and power to prevent and de feat tho aforesaid unlawful proceedings, and to arrest and bring to justice all persons who may be engaged (herein; and lifcpursuaucc of tho act of Congress in such case mndu and provided, I do -furthermore- nuthorlzo and empower Major-General George O. Meade, Com mander of tho Military Division of the Atlantic, to employ tho land and naval forces of tho United States and the mill tia thereof to arrest and prevent tho fit ting on foot and carrying on thoexpedi Hon nnd enterprise aforesaid. In testimony whereof 1 have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United Stales to be alllxed. Done ul tho City of Washington this sixth day of June, in tho year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and sixty-six, and in tho year of tho inde pendence of tho United States the ninetieth, Anduhw Johnson. By thu President: Wii.mam If. 8i;VAItI, Secretary of State. At least twelve hundred Mexican.- were executed In ono month, at Zucato- eas, under Mnximlllfan's docreo con demning to death those opposed to his Government. THE FENIANS. Titr. dally lupers are filled with nc counts of Fenian movements, nnd we transfer a portion of their reports to our columns. Reports from St. Armand, Canada, state that the town lias been evacuated by the Inhabitants, who removed every thing valuable that they could carry oil", and that tho people are flocklnguver tho border Into the States by hundreds. The bank deposits at Stunlnldge have all been removed to a snfo distance In tho Interior, and the citizens of the place are In tho wildest stato of alarm and excitement. The Canadian volunteers stationed nt Smith's farm, the first station near the railroad, on the other sldo of the line north front 1 IIghgate,underlook Monday evening to make some observations nonr tho line, under cover of the darkness; but when near tho place they desired to survey they were informed that tho Fe nians, over n thousand strong, were po-ted near by, and this bit of Informa tion proved too much for tho Kanucks, and olf they rushed llko mad, some throwing away their arms and altogeth er making n most disorderly retreat. Eleven hundred Fenians, fully armed and well drilled, passed through Shel don, ten miles east of St. Albans, near noon on Tuesday, and had baggago wag ons with them. They are moving north, and two mounted olllcers brought up the rear. Ninety-nine out of every one hundred of the people at St. A lbans aro friendly to the Fenian cause, and many have declar ed their intention of Joining issue with them when thotiniecoines,ns they have an old score to settle with the provin cials. General Spear, commanding the right wing of tho Feninn army, left St. Albans ut two o'clock on Tuesday, for Fairfield, where ho was to meet General Sweeny for tho purpose of holding a council of war. General Spear shortly nfterward re turned from Fairfield, accompanied by General Sweeny. They are consulting with closed doors nt the Weldon House. The United States forces aro encamped on the green, directly opposite and not one minute's walk from the bouse. Ev erything is remarkably (pilot. All the British volunteers have evac uated St. Armand, Canada, leaving their overcoats, knapsacks, etc., under an an ticipation of an advance of the Fenians. They locked tho wrong switch on the railroad and carried off the key. The train was delayed about an hour in con sequence. St. Armani is on Hie line which divides Canada from tho State of Vermont, and Is directly north of Fairfield and about twenty-five miles distant. It is also about the same distance from St. Albans, General Sweeny remained closeted with Generals Spear, Murphy, and Ma- bon until eleven o'clock i m. on Tues day. The result of tho conference, ns far as can at present bo divulged, is in Muistaneo mat j-enian prospects are brightening, and that tho boys menu fight. A large crowd congregated about tho hotel, and filled all the corridors, mix ions to get a glimpse of the General. A number of regular United States olllcers and .soldiers now on duty here, and most of whom hail been companions in arms with General Sweeny during the late war, mixed freely with tho crowd, and appeared delighted to see their old com mander again. No disturbance took pla-e, but everything passed off quietly Special dispatches from St. Albans of Tuesday say that the main column o the Fenians commenced moving from Fairllcld at four o'clock on Monday af ternoon, the column heading toward Cinadt. Major George P. Andrews, in com mand of a detachment of United States troops, seized a car load of arms und ammunition at DeKalb Junction, on Monday evening, and brought it to the Ogdeiisliurg Arsenal, which is now near ly filled with captured Fenian stores. American citizens who have visited Present t on Tuesday have been subject ed to many indignities front the provin cials. The presence of three thousand British troops at Prescott and vicinity lias inspired the Canadians wonderfully. This uncalled for exhibition of feeling is much resented. There are now In Malone, N. Y., six hundred Fenians housed in barracks, and each furnished with two rations dally. TRIAL OF JEFFERSON DAVIS. ltiriiMONi), V.., Junn.i, lsul. Gentlemen of the Grand Juri,l am happy to meet you again, and to know that you arostill living, notwithstanding tho assaults that have been made against you. Little need lie said In addition to tlio instructions given at Norfolk. Your hist session has made you historical, and I trust the efforts which have been made to intintidato you, and to Intpedo tho courso of Justice, will not make you les: faithful and earnest In the discharge of your publicdutles. Wo ought not to be surprised that the treasonable and li centious press of this State and city should wince, and rage, and becomo fu rious when treason and licentiousness aro exposed and arraigned for trial and punishment. Nor should wo bo stir prised at tho enormity nnd desperation exhibited when wo remember that this city has long been tho centra and seat of tho greatest tratlle in human beings that has ever disgraced tho world a tratlle which has annually employed many hundreds of moral monsters and many millions of capital, subsidizing thu press, pulpit, and polities of thoState, render ing Richmond moro infamous among men for Its participating In this great criino than all tho cities along the coasts of Seneganibla, Upper ami Lower Guiuqg, Congo, Loange, Angela, nnd Bengueln combined. The wonder rath er Is, that so many traces of kindness, humanity, and Christian civilization should liavesurvlved such debasing and barbarizing inlluencos, and let us thank God ami take courage that, more fortu nate than the devoted cities of antiquity wo can count more than ten men who have stood faithful among the faithless. The complaints of thrcnftaicd violence and Intimidation which have been for warded to mo by several of your mint- ier for your late heroic und patriotic ac tions have been submitted to the highest legal nnd military authorities of the Government, nnd I can assure you of tho earnest sympathy and firm support of all the olllcers of tiie law, not excelli ng tho President, Whom tho treasona ilu now flatter and fawn upon, but whom they will probably soon cursons heartily as they did two years ago. But, gentlemen, I tun glad to call your at tention to a law of Congress which puts your own vindication ns well as that of the country Into your own hands. In 1831 Congress enacted, as you will find on page four hundred and eighty-eight of the fourth volume of tho statutes at large, as follows : Skction il. And he it . further enacted. That if any person or persons shall cor ruptly or by threats or lorcu endeavor to Influence, intimidate, or impede any Juror, witness, or olllecr In any court of the United States In the discharge of his duly, or should corruptly, or by threats or lorce, obstruct or Impede, or to en deavor to obstruct or Impede, tho due administration of justice therein, every (orsoit or persons so oiieiidtng slum io liable to prosecution therefor by indictment, and shall on conviction therefor bo punished by a fine not ex ceeding five hundred dollars, or by Im prisonment notexceedliig three months, or both, according to the nature and ag gravation of the offense. Approved March second, ism. You will tints have it in you own pow er to exercise a wnoicsonio restraint upon licentious tongues und pens, and upon a press which, as a blind leader of tho blind, has been, and still is, one of the chief sources of past, present, and prospective calumny and misfortune. The murders, duels, assassinations, vio lent nnd uugoverned passions, ending in iolf-oonilagratton and soll-iinmolution unparullcd in any heathen country, tho poverty, suffering, agony, and degrada tion which have given this city of al most unequalled national capabilities its bad eminence, aro the legitimate fruits of tho teachings of its public press. Anything you can bo ablo to contribute toward its reformation will, in tho highest degree, bo serviceable to the cause of the country and of human ity. But, gentlemen, let us aid in the moderation and discrimination, for though a prostituted press is one of the greatest calamities, a free and virtuous press is one of the greatest public bless ings, the greatest ornament and support of public virtue. William 1$. Reed, of Philadelphia, then addressed the court as follows: May it please your honor, 1 beg to present myself, In conjunction with my colleagues, as the counsel for Jefferson Davis, a prisoner of State at Fortress Monroe, and under indictment for high treason in your i Ionor's court. We Und in the records of your Honor's court an indictment charging Mr. Davis with n high offence, and it lias seemed to us duo to tho course of justice, due to this tri bunal, due to tho feelings of one sort or another which may bo described as cry talizing around tho unfortunate man, that we should come at the very earliest day to this tribunal, and ask of your Honor, or more properly the gentleman who represents (lie United States, the simple question, what is proposed to be done with this indictment '.' Is it to bo tried? Is it and this is a question, per haps, that I have no right to ask is it to be withdrawn, or i-i it to be suspend ed'. If it is to lie tried, may it plea: vottr Honor, speaking for my colleagues and for myself, and for the absent cli ent I say with emphasis, and 1 bay it with earnestness that we come hero prepared instantly to try that ease, am we shall ask no delay at your Honor hands further than is neceary to bring the prisoner to face the court, and to enable him, under tho statute in such case made and provided, to examine the bill of indictment against him. Is it to lie withdrawn ? If so, justice and liu inanity seems to us to prompt that wo should know it. Is it to bo suspended postponed V If so, may it please the court, with all respect to your Honor and tho gentlemen who conduct the public business here, your Honor mti: understand us us entering our mos earnest protest. Wo ask a speedy trial on every charge that may be brotigh against Mr. D.ivls here or In othe civil tribunals in the land. Wo may be now hero representing, may It ploao tho Court, a dying man. For .thirteen mouths ho has been in prison. Tho Constitution of tho United Slates, guar antees to him not only an impartial trial, which I am sure ho will have, but a speedy trial ; and wo have come no slight distance. Wo havo come in all sincerity; wo havo come with all re speet to your honor ; wo havo come witl strong sympathies with our client, pro fcssloual and personal ; wo havo come hero .simply to ask that question. I ad dress It to tho District-Attorney, or address it to your Honor, as may bo tho moro appropriate, what disposition is proposed to bo mudo with tho bill of in dictment against Jefferson Davis, now pending for high treason V Major J. L. llenncssy, Assistant Uni ted States District-Attorney, said Hint ho had been entirely unaware of tho nature of the application Just made. In tho absence of tho District-Attorney, Mr. Chandler, ho was not prepared to answer tho question, but Ito would Im mediately telegraph to that gentleman tho fact of such an application having been made. Mr. Chandler would prob ably arrive in Richmond this evening. If ho failed to arrive, Major llonuossy stated that lie would himself bo prepar ed to answer the question to-morrow morning. Judge Underwood addressing tho counsel for Mr. Davis, said: Am 1 to understand that that would be satisfac tory? Mr. Reed-Entirely so. Sa.v FitANi'JsCi) is going to bo sup plied with water front a lake in tho nicrr.i .Novau.i .uouuiains by un aequo- twin two mimirou nines long. SALES OF OOLD BY TIIE SEC RETARY OF TIIE TREASURY. TltR.tSCUY IIIM'AIITMI'.NT, Jlllin 1, Sin, I have the honor to acknowl edge Uio receipt of the following resolu tion adopted by tho Uuiise of Represen tatives on tho twenty-eighth ultimo: Hcmlutt, 'flint tin' SVcrutiiry (if the Treasury bo tlrrctcil In Inform tlil Hnmu wlmt mnutmt ol (told ii'lnlialna to the I'lilti'il SIhIi-n Ims Im'cii miM by or lllnl'-r his aullini lly hImi'c tho 11 rtt inliilil, ami nt whiit nitcs i iitautlmmimpnl' Ihuiiaunt iii iikciUh IhmtiKh w h'tiii .-null mitui wort) clU'dcii, mi'l what ato of commlMlnM has houn nuthotlzi'il hy tho iKimrlmi'iit lor si-llliu tho miiih. In obedience to tho resolution I ro- peetfully report that the sales of gold belonging to the United States during the month of May, mudo by the Assist- ant-Treasurer of New York under thu general authority given hint by this De triment, amounted to tlie sum of $33,11(1,000. Tho agent by whom the sales were made was 3ir. P. M. Myers. 'f liecommisslon allowed to him for tunic- iting the sales and for thu responsibility of receiving tho proceeds and deposit ing tho same In the oillcc of the Assist ant Treasurer of the United States was one-eighth of ono per cent, the usual commission for such services, and the smallest commission at which sales can io made under tho regulations of the Board of Brokers, of which Mr. Myers is a member. The rates at which the gold was sold were as follows : $2(1,(!!J3, 0U0 at IMS, S'l,:i3(l,000 at 1!!0, $30,000 at 11101, $L',(lOtl,(lim at 1!JI, &l 13,000 at l'HJ. These constituted all the sales of gold made by this department since tho month of February last. In view of the criticisms of n part of the public press, and in order that the House might be put in possession of all tho facts connected with these sales, I requested Mr. Van Dyck, the Assistant Treasurer of New York, to infnr$i mo of tho circumstances under which they were made, tho reason for selling so largely, nnd the circumstances which had induced the mode of sale adopted by hint, and tho selection of this agent. Tho reply of Mr. Van Dyek, a copy of which is herewith submitted, is so com plete In its statements and so satisfac tory in its explanation of his action Umt it is hardly necessary for me to say any thing in addition to it in reply to the resolution of tho House. The coin re ceived into the Treasury had been per mitted for some time past to accumu late, to be held for the purpo-e of facili tating a return to specie payments, or to lie disposed of in any emergency which might render the disposition of it necessary for the protection of the na tional credit or preventing such a de preciation of the national currency as would effect injuriously the business of the country, and especially tho interest as the laboring and producing classes, It lias been my purpose, either by hold ing or selling, to keep the market steady until the industryof thu country, divert ed by the war from its legitimate chan nels, should bo brought again into full productive activity, and tints prepare tho way for a permanent resumption My instructions, given at various time.' to Mr. Van Dyck, have been to make no sales except for the purpose of supply ing the Treasury with currency, or for meeting tho necessary demands of com merce, or preventing successful combi nations either to impair the national credit or to produce serious fluctuations in prices. The correctness of these in structions has been indicated by the gen oral steadiness of tho market, the gradu al advance of currency toward the true standard of value, and the prevention of llnancial troubles which so many had anticipated us the legitimate conse quenceof the war and a superabundant circulating medium. In the exercise ot the discretion con ferred upon him Mr. Van Dyck has found it necessary for many months past to make but few sales; and had it not been for the demand which arose ii tho latter part of February, based upoi apprehended political complication and not upon commercial necessities which demand it was deemed judicious to meet, and the existing and unexpect ed llnancial crisis in Europe, tliegold In tho Treasury would have been permit ted to accumulate up to the present time, t he demand in rebruary was met by tho sale of some fifteen millions of dollars at a premium of between thirty-seven and thirty-eight per cent after which the rate gradually declined to twenty-four and one-half percent. but advanced again to near thirty pe: cent., beyond which point it was not deemed advisable that it should go; and as there was but little commercial do maud no sales by the Government were deemed necessary until unfavorable financial intelligence was received fron Europe. Upon tho receipt of tills Intel llgcnee the demand became active, bu it was met without a heavy depletion of tho Treasury. ( )n the receipt, however of the disastrous news by tho Cuba, tho demand assumed a serious character. Tills news reached New York late the afternoon, but before the stock board had closed. It was then too late to ob tain instructions from this department and sales were resolutely continued uiiild unparalleled excitement. Had thoro been time for Mr. Van Dyck to advise mo in regard to tho news brought over by the Cuba, and to receive my liistrue tions, the probability is that sales would have been suspended before- so large an amount of coin had been disposed of. But In the light of facts since developed, 1 concur in tho opinion expressed by him that a suspension of sales before tho demand had been freely supplied would have added to the excitement, and resulted In a panic which would have produced serious and extensive disaster. I received tho Intelligence of tlio unexpected heavy sales with regret; but I luivo since become Mitlsllod that tho action of tho Assistant-Treasurer and Ids agent was not only under the circumstances courageous, but judicious. This opinion, ns I am advised, Is en tertained by many of tlio soundest mer chants und bunkers of Now York. Tho correctness or incorrectness of it can be belter determined when tho effect of tlio sales and the lieivy, und perhap- conse- quent, shipment of com upon tlio Eng lish market and tho reactive inlluonce thereof upon our own shall bo fully as certained. it mav not bo improper for me, In conclusion, to remark, although the fact Is Indicated In the accompanying letter, that the selection of agents and tho manner of disposing of the gold were committed to the discretion of Mr. Van Dyclc, and that, but for the unexpected itles in February and May, the services of Mr. Myers, who for months had neg lected his owiibuslncsssln lookingnfter tho public Interests ut tho gold-room, would have been a gratuity to tho Gov ernment. I am, 'with great respect, II. Ml-CUI.WK'II, Secretary of 'the Treasury. Hon. Seiivvi.nit Coi.i'ax, Speaker of tho House of Representatives. BRAZIL AND PARAGUAY. Tin: news received on tho first Instant from the River Platto makes It certain that tho war which has now for more Hum two years been desolating tho At lantic Statesof South America is speedi ly drawing to a close. After several months spent lu preparation, the allies have at length succeeded in forcing u passage of the Parana, and in crossing their whole army into Paraguayan Ter ritory. After many rconnolssancosand skirmishes between tlio vessels of Hie Brazilians and th-j P.iw;u lynin, two Brazilian brigades, on April fifth, occu pied the island of Carvaiho, situated a few miles west of I'asodo la Patria.attlio continence of the Paraguay and thu Pa rana. On tho tenth of April, a large force of the Paraguayans made an attempt to dislodge tlio Brazilians in charge of the island battery, but were routed witlt great slaughter, losing In killed, wound ed, prisoners, and drowned nine hun dred to one thousand men, and fifty ca noes, or Hats, while the loss of tho Bra zilians did not exceed ono hundred and fifty. On tlio sixtecntli of April ton thousand Brazilians, under General Os- orio, effected a landing a little up tho Paraguay and drove back the enemy's skirmishers. On the next morning they defeated a Paraguayan of three thousand men with a great loss, and being joined by an equal force of Argentines and Ori entals, took possession of tho Fort of Itapicu (immediately northwest of Pano do la Patria). By tlio nineteenth, all tlio allied forco had passed over, with their cannon and cavalry, and encamped within a half a leaguo of the intrenched camp of tho Paraguayans. The latter did not make a stand, but abandoned their camp and retreated to their great stronghold, Hu maita (on the Parguay, a few miles ibovo the confluence of the Paraguay and tlio Parana). It was considered as erltiiu Hint Humaita could not bu held, and that the war would bo speedily ended. In addition to tho above force of the allies which entered tlio Para guayan country in its southwestern cor ner, another army of twclvo thousand Brazilians, under Baron Porto Alegro, had invaded Paraguay from the south east, and was marching upon the capi tal, Asuncion. Tho military superiority of the allies over the Paraguayans is now sd great that news of the submis sion of Lope, and the end of the war may be expected by the next mail steamer. With thu war will probably end tho Presidency of Lopez, and its chief re sult is likely to be a radical eliango in the constitution of Paraguay. 2Cew York Tribune. TAXATION. Had that magnificent pedlar, Sir Morton l'eto, but known that two-thlrd.- of the newspaper correspondents in this city were dMrous of doing his work gratis, lie might have saved the expense and trouble of making a book lo prove free trade good for America, and protec tion the very thing lor England. Excepting your correspondent and few others, all the gentlemen of tho press in this city are either in full sym pathy witli the intriguers against our industrial interests or strangely oblivi ous to their course. Else why hns Con gross been encouraged to delay the re duction of tho crushing war tax ttnti too late to take effect this year? And now that the outrageously delayed Rev enue bill has at length seen the light why is there not a greater reductioi made? The fact ought not to be longer disguis ed that tho last and present Congre.- liavo both neglected our industrial inter ests in the most shameful and inexcusa ble manner. And now that the subject Is before It, members uro frittering away time In discussing details, having pass ed entirely over the principal question, whether an overtaxed or lightly-taxed nation raises a revenue tho easiest. The ablo and industrious Special Com mission for examining the sources of national revenue, and tho means of col lecting the same, have been over the whole ground, and clearly pointed out how and whero tlio burden of our inter nal taxation was terribly oppressive to our Industrial Interests, idiuost without exception making us tho heaviest taxed nation on tlio face of tho earth paying a tax of some sixteen dollars per head to our total population one-third greater than that paid by Great Britain, and double that paid by tlio French people. Tho Commission did not rest here, however; they clearly pointed out tho means by which Congress might atonco relievo tho peoplo of tho most burden some and crushing features of tlio war tax, without endangering the revenues of our country. But Congress has, In its wisdom, seen fit to delay this all-lin portant subject live und onu-lialf pre cious months, using, meanwhile, "the contumacy of the President" us a cloak to cover up Its own sins of omission. 1 ant very well awaro that 1 am lay ing myself liable to tlio terrlblo charge of " copporheudlsin j" of trying to make favor with the President ; and otliersim liar charges which are hurled at any daring Republican who insinuates Unit Congress Is to be hold responsible for anything. But the lobby schemes on foot lu thl-clty for di plotlng Ha Nation- al Treasury of hundreds of millions, tlio r .'ports from all parts of tho country of hard times, high prices of living, with Incommensurate means of obtaining It, all Impel me to enter this protest ngtdnst tho ruinous delay on tho putt of Con gress of a duty which might, could, nnd should havo been performed 1n Decem ber last. IVashiwjtun Correspondence Xorth American. HEALTH OF JEFFERSON DAVlfl, Uxnnn direction of thu President D.r. Cooper lias made it medical examination of Jell". Davis, and reports ns follows: Voiitiibm Mn.viiuii, Va,, t(iy 1), lil'iMiiMrViimi I'nttvil Mates Arm, lfctjMfltf'l ). V.i Silt, 111 compliance with directions' from the President of the United Stntesi to me, given through the ofllco of tho Adjutant-General, I havo made a spo" oiul examination of State prisoner Jef ferson D.ivls, now in confinement nt this) post, and report the following to bu tho result of said examination: Ho Is con siderably emaciated, tho fatty tlsnie hav ing almost disappeared, leaving his skin much shrivelled. His muscles aro small, Haccld, and very soft, and he has but little muscular strength. Ho Is quite weak and debilitated. Consequently his gait is becoming uneven and irregular. His dlgodlvo organs nt present are In comparatively good condition, but Iio conif quickly deranged under anything' but thu most carefully-prepared food. With a diet disagreeing with him, dys peptic symptoms promptly mako theiY appearance, soon followed by vertigo, severe facial and cranial neuralgia, ami erysipelatous inflammation of the pos- erlor scalp and right side of uoio, whtelt piiekly affects the right eye, tlio only sound ono lie now has, and extend thrjugh the nasal duct into the interior nose. I lis nervous system is greatly do ranged, bjing much prostrated and ex cessively Irritable. Slight noises, which are scarcely perceptlblo to a man In ro bust health, cause, him much pain, tho description of the sensation being ns of one Hayed, and having every sentient nervo oxpul to the waves of .ound. Want of sloop has been a great and al most the principal cause of his nervous excitability. This has been produced by the tramp of tho creaking boots of tho sentinels on post round tho prison room, and tho relieval of tho guard at the expiration of every two hours, which almost invariably wakens him. Pris oner Davis states that ho has scarcely enjoyed over two hours of sleep unbrok en at one time since his confinement. Means havo been taken, by placing mat ting on the floors for the sentinel to walk on, to alluviato this sourco of disturb ance, but with only partial success. Ills vital condition is low, and ho has but little recuperative forco. Should ho bo attacked by any of the severe forms of disease to which tho tide-water region of Virginia is subject, 1, with reason, fear for tho result. A copy of this re port I have furnished to tlio Headquar ters of tlio Military District of Fortres Monroe, in compliance with orders from the Mujor-Gonerul Commanding. Respectfully, your ob't serv't, Gkoikik E. Cooi'int, Surgeon U. S. A. CHANGES IN PROPERTY LAWS. At tlio recent session of tlio Pennsyl vania Legislature several acts were pas -ed changing or modifying tho general laws of the Commonwealth relative to property and other rights. Some of tlio changes are important. We have no doubt that every one of them was de signed to affect some particular case; but still they now form a part of the general body of our Slate laws, and it is of in terest to tlio public to be informed or their passage, particularly as tho pam phlet laws aro seldom over published before the eloso of tho Summer. Tho following will give tho substance of those wo refer to : In all cases lu equity in which a spe cial injunction has been or shall bo granted by any Court of Common Pleas or District Court, an appeal to tho Su preme Court shall be allowed wlthoutaf ildavlt or security ; but such appeal shall not suspend the operation of such spec ial Injunction, or the proceedings in tho original suit. Any person whoso husband or wife is mm vo)iipo.i mentis, and possessed of real estate, is empowered to sell, mortgage, lease for years, and convey upon ground rent the same or any part thereof, under tho direction of tho Court of Common Pleas of tho proper county, whenover it shall appear that It is to tho interest of tlio owner thereof to make such dis position of the property. It Is to ho provided also that such salo shall divert. such premises from any estate or claim oi power ; and uny estato as tenants by mo courtesy. Thu powers and Jurisdictions conferred upon justices of tlio peace by tho land lord and tenant, act of December 15, ISO:!, are conferred upon the aldermen in this Commonwealth, any of whom may act with tlio like affect as may bo dono by any justice of tho peaco by vir tue of said net. All Judgments in foreign attachments heretofore liquidated in accordance wltli the law and practice as it was provlous. to May 8, 1833, uro declared valid anil binding Judgments, tho same as if thoy had been liquidated according to the provisions of tho act of said date, Tho Judge of u court boforo whom any writ of habeas corpus shall bo returna bio, Isonipowered to issue subpa'iias. and all other process necessary to compel tho uiieiKiancu ot witnesses. riltai ielph iu Lcdicr, Tin: Now York Board of Health in their cholera-proventlvo researches, havo discovered that ono or tho citizens of that place, who resides near Fifty lift h Street and Seventh Avenue, asks fur no better accommodation than Is afford ed by a barrel and u fow nieces of old curpoting, spread upon tho rocks In that region, uo also subsists upon dead nits und cats, and does nianyolher unusual things, tho wholo of which havo so as- louisneii tho Board of Health that they have proclaimed him tt " miUuuce, to he. uuioved 1'orlhwltU.