The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 02, 1866, Image 2

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foutyd that onu wan hud nut rubbed Ills
against tho pot. Tho others' hands be
ing black with tho soot of tho pot was a
proof of tlielr Innocence.
"There," snld Lorenzo, pointing to
tho man with tho clean hands, there Is
tho man who picked your pocket.
" Tho culprit, seeing his detection, nt
onco acknowledged his guilt, and gave
up tho money.
11 IX) 110 II. MOOIIK, KDtTOlt.
On Tuesday lost tho hero and patriot
Scott died at West Point, about eleven
o'clock In tho forenoon. Ho had nearly
reached tho rlpo ngo of eighty years,
nnd expired peacefully, In tho full pos
session of all his Intellectual faculties.
Old as ho was, his death Alls our land
with sorrow. An accomplished soldier,
faithful to Ids country, to her Constitu
lion and her laws, his naino nnd memo
ry will live for many generations. With
n courage tlmt knew no fear, nnd a eon
Kclousness of generalship unsurpassed,
his devotion to pence may well bo con
bldered the crowning glory of his char
ncter. A Virginian by birth, lie recog
nized tho Union of States as his country,
nnd gavo to that Union an earnest and
unfaltering support. Withott being
politician, lie was onco tho candidate of
tho Whigs for President. Ho was em
phatically n conservative, nnd without
sympathy for radicalism in either tho
North or South. Let tho conntry pay
fitting tribute to his memory.
Tho imputation upon tho President
of the United Stated of intemperance is
one which may be received by many as
true, from tho mere lack of contradic
tion. It is entirely unfounded, as is
well known by all persons conversant
with tho facts. Tho present writer lias
had opportunities of information upon
this subject. Tho President is not only
n temperate man in ids habits, but lias
necessarily lived and acted upon a thea
tre where his conduct, since he assumed
tho duties of Ids office, lias been more
open toobservation than thatof any other
man In tho United States. Almost every
day since ho becamo President lie lias
received many visitors nnd seen many
persons, and those of all sorts and de
Hcriptions of people ; friends and foes ;
men of all sections; politicians and citi
zens ; clergymen and scoffers ; Congress
men, judges, foreign ministers, military
officers, ladies, and children ; in short, I
people of every description, as individ
uals or delegations, and has transacted
with them an amount of business which
would. havo broken down any man of
ordinary constitution or of irregular
habits. Tho amount of labor thrown
upon tho President of tho United States
by virtue of ids office Is enormous.
Ever since Mr. Lincoln became Presi
dent tho duties of tho office have been
Increasing, and they are now greater
than ever before. Tho disturbed condi
tion of tho country during tho war, and
its unsettled state since, havo caused
lids in part. Besides, tho enormous in
crease of administrative business in all
tho executive departments has alone
more than doubled the former duties of
tho station. In fact no man, except one
well trained to business, with vigorous
hodlly powers, and with regular habits,
can perform nt nil tho duties of that
great office. That President Johnson
lias very great capacity as n business
man, nnd great powers of physical en
durance (facts well known to all who
are acquainted with him), are owing tt)
an industrious, well-spent' life, and to
regularity of conduct. Usually from
eight or nine o'clock in tho morning
until near midnight there is a perpetual
stream of visitors to tho President, in
terrupted only by meals and Cabinet
consultations, and tho amount of ques
tions passed upon and business transact
ed, in any singlo day, is very great, and
if fairly stated, might seem to many al
most incredible. Dozens, and often hun
dreds of persons visit tho President
dally, and converso and transact busi
ness with him. And yet no human be
ing, of all tho many thousands who havo
had sueli personal intercourse during tiio
past year, lias ever discovered tho slight
est sign of Intemperance in ids conduct
or conversation. In short, this calum
ny can bo moro thoroughly disproved in
Ids caso than in thatof almost any other
person, whether in private or public
station. Tho imputation in his caso lias
never been noticed by him or by ids
friends. It lias been very properly
treated with silent contempt. Hut tho
malleo of faction knows no limit of de
cency or truth, and in safo quarters oC'
caslonally Indulges itself in tho mean
and malignant falsehood which wo havo
hero noticed, and which, whenovcr ut
tered, met by an iudiguant
and Hat denial. Whllo wo are upon this
topic It may bo well to refer to tho al
Ieged conduct of tho President upon In
auguration Day, In March, 18G5 ; for wo
suppose tho statement then published
concerning him has been the foundation
of all tho subsequent imputations In dis
paragement of his character as a tern
pcrato man. Ho had then Just arrived
from Tennessee, having risen from a bed
of sickness to perform tho Journoy to
tho Capital. In the forenoon of tho 4th
of March a largo mass of persons with
music called upon him at his lintel, and
Invited n speech. Ho complied with
tho request, and spoko to them somo
time in tho open nir, until ids voico
nearly failed him. when ho retired.
mmedlutely nfterward ho aceoinpan
nl tho Commlttco of Arrangements to
10 Senato to bo Installed as Vice-Presl
it, and tuero, under Ids circuinstan
cos of physical prostration induced by
disease, nnd with voice impaired by pre
vious exertion, ho delivered his Inaugu
ral address with somo dlfllcult'y nnd em
barrassment. Hut tho task was perform
ed, nnd what ho then said was afterward
faithfully published In the Congressional
Globe. Wo showed In n former article
how timely were Ids remarks on that
occasion, nnd how completely they
Indicated that policy In public affairs
which ho lias pursued since ho became
President. Hut few men living would
havo had the spirit and courage to go
through with a speech of somo length
In a condition of weakness and prostra
tion like that of Vice-President Johnson
on tho occasion referred to. Hut it was
well that ho spoko at that time, in spite
of dlseii'onnd an overtasked voico ; for
Ids speech remains on record to vindi
cate lilm forever from tho charge of
changing his views, of abandoning ids
convictions upon public policy, nfler ho
became President in consequence of tho
asnsslnntlon of Mr. Lincoln. Yes;
tlmt speech, which subjected him to un
just Imputations, is precious, powerful,
nnd conclusive proof of the consistency,
integrity, nnd good faith of ids Presi
dential conduct, showing, as it docs, that
Ids present policy is founded upon those
earnest convictions nnd patriotic views
which ho held in Tennessee during- tho
war, and expressed openly before he had
any expectation of filling tho Presiden
tial office.
One who frets and foams and swears
at tho " Disorganlzors,"nndwcnrc very
sorry to say there nrc such, has failed
with all ids astuteness to discover any
thing interesting in this sheet. In fact
his Judgment solemnly pronounced, and
doubtless after due deliberation, al
though ho belongs to a class not much
given to deliberate, is that tho
iiian is fiat. Wo receive nnd accept
this as nn opinion honestly expressed,
nnd confess that we arc neither surpris
ed nor disheartened thereat. Tho rea
son therefor is briefly stated. The men
who sit in judgment upon us havo been
badly educated. Ho who has been ac
customed from week to week to read a
newspaper that devotes never less than
a column, and sometimes an entire page,
to the grossest and most unseemly pe r
sonal abuso of private citizens, is not
expected to ilnd in this paper the food
ho relishes. What we furnish, to ids
taste, lacks spice; plain, unvarnished
truth sets not well upon his stomach.
Perceiving that we have abused nobody,
that we havo a personal quarrel witli no
one, seems to arouse Ids indignation,
nnd lie finds relief only in nbuse of this
paper and its friends. How much bet
ter for such a one, even in his old age,
with all his depraved and vicious appe
tites, to endeavor to reform. If one
struggle in that direction is not success
ful, let a persistent effort bo made. We
say to him, nnd the advice is cheerfully
given, to abandon, for a day at least,
tho habit into which ho has been school
ed, of thinking and speaking only evil
of his neighbors, and if lie rises not in
tho morning refreshed by sound sleep,
and with a clean conscience nnd a more
healthful stomach, he is surely an object
of pity if not disgust. If our advice is
taken, nnd nn eirort in tho reforma
tory direction made, lie need not long
bo nt n loss to know what lias been ids
success. If, as heretofore, lie enjoys to
originate and repeat slanders; if ho still
finds sucli public Journals ns devote
their columns to the dissemination of
these calumnies the only papers that to
ids taste are not flat; and if he still
thinks that ho and those who think ns
ho does are the only men whohavohon
est convictions or entertain an honest
opinion, while we would not discourage
him, wo feel bound in candor to say that
wo very much fear ho believes what is
false ; nnd let what may become of him
hereafter, here, at least, ho is unfit to
associate with gentlemen.
Wi: havo first fsays tho Baltimore
Sun, reviewing tho Into speeches of the
Cabinet officers tiio elaborate address
of Secretary Seward at Auburn, nicely
balancing thepiwumd roupon all tho
leading topics which agitato tho Ameri
can mind, uttering a sentiment of tho
largest patriotism in one sentence, nnd
passing in tho next into criticisms upon
undefined organizations, breathing a
soft word of censure here, nnd then a
word of praise and encouragement in
another place, nervously apprehensive
of tho declino and fall of whnt is called
tho National Union party, with tho rise,
progress, and work of which ho lias been
Identified, and which ho holds dear for
its memories and its hopes. Tills clear
ly is tho leading thought In the speech
of tho Secretary, and to tho preservation
of tiio darling child of ids political gen
oration his anxious caro is directed.
Tills wrings from tho sagacious Secre
tary an earnest deprecation against any
misunderstanding between tho Presi
dent nnd Congress, nnd tho labored effort
to show that if they but knew It thoy
nro not so far from him nnd his policy
as designing mischief-makers would
havo them believe. Ono testimony Is
clear on tho part of tho Secretary, that
tho exclusion of tho people from tho
rights of citizenship who havo laid down
their arms is as unjust and repugnant to
solid morals as it is condemned in policy
by all tho teachings of history, especi
ally by tho great lessons which tho re
cords of forty years of civil strife in Eng
land havo preserved for our Instruction.
Tho Secretary recognlz's fully nnd ad
mits distinctly wo might rather say
warns his friends most anxiously that
unless tho obstacles against peaco and
reconciliation nro removed, tho life of
the nation is extinguished; extinguish
ed moro certainly than it could have
been by tho red hand of war for that
tho continuance of provincial dominion
over any of tho States is Incompatible
with tho oxlstenco even of tho Federal
Union itself, nnd lie warns them that if
they are unfaithful to their trust, their
place, in tho order of destiny, will bo
assumed by some now and yctundovol
oped political organization. In nnother
part of the speech ho returns to tho idea,
which It would havo been too harsh to
develop in nil Its portentous trutli in
ono connection, lest ids deprecation
should offend by assuming tiio distinc
tive form of a threat as well as a warn
ing, and here ho declares that a failure
of reconciliation for an indefinite period
would bo disunion nnd revolution ; it
would bo Mexican or French anarchy ;
that tho people of tho United States
Justly fear, ablior, and detest disunion,
revolution, and nnnrchy, nnd that noth
ing can separato them from an inherent
life-saving iovo of tho Union.
That is true. Tho beating heart and
anxious countenance of every ono who
listened to the Secretary avouched its
truth, and lienco that undercurrent
which finds no distinctiveness of ex
pression in any part of tho speech that
extremists may hold on to tho pestilent
opinions which nro now prematurely
thrust In advance, with thocertaln pros
pect of retaining tho integrity of Rndl
cai ideas, and of finding their accom
plishment, If they will only not stay the
virtuous lmpallenco of tho nation to do
Justice to the claims of immediate rep
Tho speech of Secretary Stanton seems
of blunter and sterner stuff. Avoiding
the soft words of diplomacy, tho prop
er stylo of the State Department, the
precise, emphatic utterances, frank,
plain, and to the point, which belong to
military service, glvo us briefly theideas
of the head of.tho War Department. He
distinctly admits ids former advocacy
of the scheme to enforce upon tiieSouth-
crn Shitcs tho concession of tho right of
suffrage to the negroes, and that the ad
verso arguments, and tho President's
convictions that it was not within the
legitimate scope of his power, now com
mand the assent of ids judgment. With
equal frankness ho admits Ids advocacy
of tho Freedman's Hureau Hill nnd
of tho Civil Rights Hill, but as they
have passed from the arena of debate as
open questions, tho former having been
vetoed, and the latter, despite the veto,
become a law, lie regards them ns not
proper elements to lie mingled with the
present issuo before tho nation, which
is the Congressional plan of reconstruc
tion. Taking hold of the essence of this
plan, which is tho third section, with
out which, tho Secretary says, the
friends of the scheme declare the whole
of no value, ho unequivocally avows his
hostility to the exclusion of tho people
of the South, temporarily or permanent
ly, froin the elective frunclilso on nc-
count of their participation in the oppo
sition to tho Government. He conshl
ers that proof of present and future
loyalty is the only proper test, and that
every proper incitement to union should
bo fostered and cherished, and that he
can neither discover tho necessity, the
wisdom, nor tho justice of the measure.
Mr. Stanton thus frankly nnd plainly
arrays himself on the side of tho Presi
dent. One knows precisely where to
find him, and will attach the moro con
sequence to ids present position from
the fact that it seems to be tho lines
capeable conclusion of a powerful mind,
to which it lias been driven by the force
of reason and reflection, nnd in opposi
tion to former views nnd predilec
tions. In this respect, thespcech of Mr.
Stanton ought to exercise n marked in
fluence upon tho Representatives in Con
gress, as it probably will upon tho
public at large. For tho whole tone of
his speech shows that there has been no
cooling of the indignant aversion with
which lie regarded the enemies against
whom ho has been struggling for four
years, and that inexorable logic alone
forces him to ndndt that justice and
wisdom, no less than policy and charity,
forbid tho further exclusion of the
Southern people and States from their
equality before the Constitution and the
Accompanying the others is a speech
of Secretary McCuIloch, as distinct in
its stylo as Is the mind and character of
tho man from his official associates
Genial and warm, without disguise, and
with that just courtesy with which lie
honors all drafts upon tho Government,
tho head of the Treasury unrescrvedlv
places himself alongside the President
of tho United States, anil offers tho free
tribute of ids deliberate Judgment in
support of the policy of tho President.
Ho clearly tells ids hearers that lie is
opposed to all tinkering with the Con
stitution of tho United States, tho work
of our patriot fathers, tho founders of
tho Republic, tho glory of the United
States, and the admiration of the world.
nnd that unless tiio Union party (as it is
called) will discard Its hostility and nt
tempts to continuo the alienation bo-
tween tho two sections of tho country,
unless it will embnieo those principles
which look to harmony, to restoration,
and to peace, its days aronumbered.and
tho epitaph that will bo written on it
will be, " It knew how to prosecuto tho
war with vigor, but it lacked vigor to
avail Itself nt the benefits of victory."
In thlsjust and genial speech of tho
head of tho Treasury wo find reflected
tho Bentlmcnts of tho great West. Co
led to tho nation by tho patriotism of
tho Southorn States, peopled by tho en
ergy of tho North, that vast region
looks with sorrow upon tho estrange'
ment between its parent States. Its
sympathies aro with both, nnd Its inter
ests nro united to both. From its states'
men, acting out the wishes and feelings
of its sturdy yeoman, appropriately
como those gushlngs of honest hearts,
nnd those utterances from clear heads
which aro to win tho nation back to
unity and peace.
Tho remarks of Postmaster-General
Dennlson, whllo showing a dignified
deference to Congress, anil concern for
party perpetuity, as well ns tho general
interests of tho country, indicate em
phatic approval by that functionary of
nil that lias been done by tho President
to restore tho Southern Slates to their
constitutional relations. IIo declares
that the duty of tho Executive- branch
of tho Government has bom " fully per
formed" in that regard. Ho believes,
however, that time and discussion nro
bringing Congress nnd the President
moro nearly to each other that at least
they aro not ns wldo apart ns at tho
opening of tho session and that the
work of restoration calls for every eon-
cession authorized by the Constitution.
Tur. recent remarkable elopement of
nn Italian adventurer (who seven years
ago wedded tho widowof General Eaton)
wjth tho granddaughter of his wire, lias
created a sensation in political nnd fash
ionable circles, both in tills city and in
Washington. It lias also revived the
public Interest in the unfortunate wife,
who nt one time may have been said to
have controlled the fate of tho country,
or at least to have been tho chief cause
of n change in some of Its most impor
tant political relations. It will bo there
fore appropriate at tills present timo to
give a resume of the leading facts in tho
biography of tho party In this singular
caso with whom the public naturally arc
most concerned, namely, Madame Hour
ganaut, formerly widely known as Mrs.
General Eaton.
Tho father of this lady was a gentle
man of wealth nnd position, nnd tho
lady herself was possessed of great per
sonal attractions, remains of which aro
visible oven to this day. She was well
educated, and was gifted with a singu
lar fascination of manner; while not tho
least Importantclemcnt in her character
was a strength of will, a power of fixed
determination, which has sustained her
throughout ail the vicissitudes of her
eventful career. In the height of her
triumph as a hello nt Washington she
married n member of tho Timberiako
family, who was a purser in the United
States Navy. The nuptials wore cele
brated with eclat, and the father of the
bride presented her with a well-furnished
liouso (which in nfter days passed
Into the hands of the Italian drawing
master Rourgannni). Hy her first hus
band tho lady had several children.
Purser Tiinberlakewasan Intimate per
sonal friend of General Eaton, anil Is
said to have felt a presentiment that his
life was not destined to bo of great du
ration, and also to have expressed the
hope that, in tho caso of ids decease, Ids
whlow would unite herself to ids friend.
After tho death of Timberiako General
Eaton, in due courso of time, forwarded
an epistle to tho lady expressing ids sen
timents of admiration for her, having,
as lie expressed it, " known her and ap
preciated her alike ns n daughter, wife,
and widow," nnd desiring permission to
visit her. The permission was granted,
and Mrs. Timberiako becamo Mrs. Gen
eral Eaton.
Her second husband enjoying relations
of tho closest intimacy witli President
Jackson, ids wife in consequence as
sumud a high position among tho female
notabilities of the National Capital. She
was received in the kindest manner by
tho President, and was soon numbered
among the circle of his most prized ac
quaintances ; while her husband's posi
tion ns Minister of War still further
tended to enhance alike lier notoriety
and her influence. According to the
usual law which governs success in this
world Mrs. Eaton did not escape scan
dal. Rumor busied itself with her
name, and President Jackson himself
did not fail to receive his share of social
gossip. Tho opposition newspapers of
tho day could not afford to dispense with
such excellent opportunity for sensa
tional items, and the stories which
"linked In wrong" the President nnd
Mrs. Elton began to assume a political
Calhoun, nt that time Vice-President
and President of tho Senate, was bitter
ly opposed to tiio policy nnd person of
General Jackson, and having failed to
share the national confidence in ids su
perior by attacks on tho management of
tho Seminole war, looked around him
for more available material. The Enton
scandal wasaccordinglyskilfully,tliougl:
delicately, manipulated by him, and was
brought into practical shape. With the
truth or falsehood of tho scandal itself
wo havo naught to do; neither is it our
province to undertake to decide what
real credenco Mr. Calhoun in ids own
mind attached to the report. Suffice it
to record the facts. Mr. Calhoun, through
tho " femalo element in Washington,
nnd especially by his influence with tho
wives of tho various members of the
Cabinet, so arranged it that Mrs. Gene'
ral Eaton wns socially ignored by tho
ladies of tho Cabinet circle, thus increas
ing the scandal, and calling to its Inter
nal personal dissensions tho unfavorable
attention of tho nation. President Jack'
son, perceiving this, wrote in ids direct
way concerning tho matter to Mr. Cal
houn, who replied by n very diplomatic
note, stating that tho quarrel was em
phatieally a "ladles' quarrel," with
which men could not successfully inter
fcro; that "tho laws of tho ladies were
like tho laws of tho Medes and Persians,
and admitted neither of argument or
amendment;" witli much moro In
similar strain. On the receipt of this
epistio General Jackson determined nt
onco to act. Ho accordingly sent for
Mr. Vnn Huron, then Secretary of Stnte,
his political favorite, nnd explaining Ids
views, requested him ns n personal favor
to send in ids resignation. Mr. Vnn
Huron nt onco complied with tho rather
singular request, and of courso his roslg'
nation was immediately followed by
that of each and every member of tho
tho Cabinet.
It is stated that nt ono stngo of the
proceedings tho President was willing
to compromise with tho enemies of Mrs,
Eaton; withdrawing any claim of Ids
to tho prlvute social recognition of tho
lady, desiring only her public recognl
tion at receptions and great occasions.
Hut us tills compromise was rejected lie
acted as wo have above stated. And
thus Mrs. Genoral Eaton proved tho di
rect cause of tho dissolution of a Cabinet.
Dlroctly subsequent to this event tho
President, who never forsook a friend,
accredited General Eaton as United
States Minister to Madrid, and in a brief
period ids wife, directing her social tal
ents to the Old World, became almost
ns noted there as she had already ren
dered herself In the New. Sho visited
London and Paris, and finally settling
nt Madrid, established herself ns a de
cided favorite. Various anecdotes aro
recorded of her stay in tho Spanish
Court, for only one of which wo can find
spoco. It seems to have been a Spanish
custom when wishing to evince admira
tion for a lady to proffer her tome valu
able present, merely as a matter of form,
the lady being presumed to gratefully
decline the oiler. Mrs. Eaton was aware
of this custom and Its meaning or rath
er of Its want of meaning but being fond
of a Joke, determined to nvnil herself
of it, much to the consternation of those
who sought to compliment her. On one
occasion being requested to accept of n
case of Jewels, sho replied that " with
tho deepest gratitude she would do so,"
and forthwith ordered her attendant
to convey tho Jewels to her carriage.
Wo can Imagine the surprise nnd cha
grin of tho gallant presenter of the jew
els aforesaid. Tho diamonds were re
hired next day, but no futuro opportu
nity was given to repeat tho Jest. Mrs.
Eaton is also stated to havo Introduced
the American custom of kulttin gnmong
the ladles of the Spanish Court. Hut
we must proceed to morcscrious details.
General Eaton died, and his widow be
camo tho possessor of ids largo estate.
Sho also assumed the guardianship of
four or flvo grandchildren, who wore, by
Intermarriage, closely connected with
tho Randolph family of Virginia. One
of tlieso grandchildren occupies a post
in tho marine service of the United
SUites. Another, nnd the youngest, is a
clerk in the retail establishment of A
T. Stewart in tills city. Another lins
married a colonel in tho army, while
the fourth Is one of tho unfortunate vie
thus of the arts of the Italian Hoitraga-
This Italian adventurer camo to tills
country destitute of friends or means
earned a scanty livelihood as a vender
of Images then became, in conjunction
with a man named Marini, a dancing'
master; removed to Washington, be
came professionally acquainted with two
of the grandchildren of Mr. Eaton, who
attended his dancing school ; by their in
strumentality formed theaequaintanceof
Mrs. Eaton (she being sixty years of ago
nnd lie twenty), ascertained her wealth,
married her for her money in spito of
social nnd public opposition, obtained
the solo possession and control of her es
tate, betrayed her grandchild (his own
granddaughter by adoption), sold secret
ly, by means of a general power of attor
ney nnd his wife's unlimited trust and
love, all the property of his wife, pock-
oted the proceeds, sold out privately his
nominal business (straw goods, etc.),
and leaving behind him a cold and cruel
letter, departed last Wednesday in tho
steamer to Europe, accompanied by his
granddaughter, who by his means lias
been rendered but too well skilled in sin
and deceit.
A moro heartless, dastardly case of
complicated crime has seldom been re'
corded. Since the departure of the
chief actor in this strange tragedy vari
ous now facts havo boon broucht to
light. It lias been ascertained that Hour-
ganant, though according to his state
ment "alone in the world," has two
brothers residing in this city or vicini
ty, one of whom isn man of means.
Tho exlstenceof these relatives has been
successfully concealed from his wife and
adopted family for a period of seven
years, and has only been discovered by
It has nlso been ascertained that al
though in his farewell letter to his be
nefactress and wife lie states that lie has
mado provision for her maintenance,
such provision is of tho most dubious
character, the twenty dollars per week
promised being altogether in tho power
of somo mysterious confederate, who
can at any timo refuso to advance tho
money. Tho letter also states that ono
thousand dollars from tho sale of a cot
tago boJonging to his wife will shortly
bo placed in her hands ; but for this
statement also there Is no evidence save
his own word, under tho circumstances
no very trustworthy security. It also
seems that tho Italian lias not only roh
bed his wife of her all, but has also col
lected somo two thousand dollars belong
ing to the granddaughter, ids victim, so
that in reality tho villain has absolutely
deprived the two women wholly depend
ent upon him of every doilnr that they
possess in this world. The amount of
money with which ho lias decamped
will exceed, it is ascertained, forty thous
and dollars In gold.
In brief, a caso exemplifying moro
love, moro scoundrellsm, moro generos
ity, and moro baseness, more blind trust
and moro utter profligacy, ingratitude,
nnd worthlessnoss, has seldom or never
been mado public. Skilful lawyers havo
been engaged by tho friends of tho de
serted wife to ascertain If tho law can
liuve any hold upon tho fugitive; hut
wo fenr that ho lias escaped all ehancoof
In Its moral aspect alike, and its social,
whether wo consider the crimes them
selves or the historical status of somo
of tho parties, tho Hourgananl-Eaton
caso seems destined to rank among "tho
causes celebrees," iVrw York Tribune.
Commiksionwi TnuAKint Is about
making somo alterations in tho form of
tho patents issued from tho Patent Of
fico to inventors, which will greatly Im
prove tho nppenrnnccof that instrument,
bring it into a neater form, and conshl
erubly abridge tho nmnunt of labor to bo
expended In its preparation. It Is in
tended to reduce thoslzooftho instru
ment from fifteen by twenty Inches to
ton by fifteen Inches, thus rendering it
of a moro convenient slzo for mailing.
Tiio present largo vignette of tho Patent
Ofllco will bo replaced by a much small
er view of tho Patent Office, surrounded
by small medallion engravings, repre
senting tho advancement mado In ma
chinery In tho present century all to bo
engraved m tho highest stylo of tho
art nnd printed on fntrchnicht paper.
Tho seal of the Patent Office, liutoad
of the words " Seal of tho Patent Office,"
will hereafter contain "United States
Patent Office;" nnd the sentence below
It. "Countersigned," nnd "scnlcd with
tho seal of tho Patent Office," will bo
omitted. Tho specifications for the pnt
ontee, nnd the bound record In tho office,
will be printed Instead of written, ns
now. Another Important Improvement
is In the manner of Inserting tho draw
ing, which is required to bo ten by fifteen
Inches In dimensions. In tho present
form of patent the drawing cannot be
neatly insetted, hut in the form propos
ed it can bentljustcd with neatness and
precision. These changes can be made,
tho Commissioner thinks, without addi
tional expenso to tho Government, and
will render tho patent n credit to tho
office, and to this Government, when
sent nbroad.
Tun news from Europe as to financial
matters Is of an exciting character. It
excites tho greatest interest and some
perturbation lif the gold, stock, and ex
change market here, but does not nnd
need not create nhirm. Tho heavy fall-
es that were occurring In England,
the drain upon tho Hank of England,
nnd the raising of Its rate of Interest to
nine nnd ten percent., together with tho
financial condition of the Continent,
caused a great sensation. Tho London
Times says editorially, "Such excite
ment on nil sides has not been witnessed
since tho great erMs of 1825." Tho Lon
don Dally News characterizes It as " n
complete reign of terror on the stock ex
chance." Government found it ncces-
sary to como to the rescue. Mr. Glad
stone had a consultation with bankers
and others on the situation, when these
gentlemen represented to him that the
panic in London was " without parallel
in the financial history of the country."
Tho Chancellor of the Exchequer
thereupon addressed a letter to the Hank
of England ofl'erlng to afford relief by
all the means in his power, stating that
If it were necessary for tho Hank to is
sue notes beyond the amount allowed
by act, ho would make immediate ap'
plication to Parliament for an act of in
demnity. Hy tho very latest news it is
stated that the Government hod resolv
ed to suspend the Hank Charter act. All
this shows what an extraordinary crisis
Various opinions aro given ns to the
cnuso of this state of tilings. Excessivo
speculations aro generally stated as the
latent cause, and no doubt with truth
but tho immediate cause may be found
in tho feeling of apprehension, uncer
tainty, nnd distrust as to what may tako
place in Germany and Italy. The ques
tions of war nnd peace have been hang
ing in tiio balanco for somo timo past
sometimes inclining ono way and some
times another ; but now tho scale on tho
war side falls heavily. Lord Clarendon
declared in tho House of Lords that
England's good offices would bo freely
tendered if desired in tho German-Itnl
ian question (it is no longer a question
of the Schleswlg-Holstoln Duchies only )
"but tho result was discouraging, nnd
England could do nothing alone. Ho
feared the c n equences, nnd denounced
the war." Tho Paris Constitutionel says
that " France has ceased to give counsels
of moderation to Prussia, Austria, nnd
Itnly;" nnd It was reported that tho
Emperor Napoleon had mado a sign ill
cant speeeli at Auxcrrc, which the Paris
Hourso had accepted as n signal of war.
Tliero may be, however, a moro deep
seated cause of the panic than is gene
rally understood. Mr. Gladstone mado
lately a very remarkable speech, in
which he showed that r.ll the nations of
Europe aro in a state of bankruptcy, or
aro approaching that, and that they aro
overwhelmingly in debt, and yet contin
uing to borrow upon a depreciated credit
nnd a doubtful futuro. Havo not tho
eyes of tho people of England been open
ed by this start ling statement? Havo not
the peopleof other European nationssccn
tho truth so boldly asserted by ono of
tho first statesmen of tho ngo? Perhaps
Mr. Gladstone's novel and striking ex
position of the bankrupt condition of
European nations lias contributed to tiiol
present financial crisis.
Hut what concerns us most is tho effect
tho panic in Europe may produco on tho
business, credit, and security of this
country. Tho temporary effect may bo
bad. Our intimate and extensive com
mercial relations with Europo naturally
Involvo us to somo oxtent in financial
difficulties that occur there. But thii
can bo only limited, nnd in tho present
Instance moro sympathetic than real
Our securities abroad may decline with
foreign funds and stocks for tho hour,
nnd wo may experience a perturbation
to somo extent on Wall Streot, nnd in
tho price of gold for tho timo being; but
tills can be only temporary. Wo may
feel tho shock or excitement momenta
rily, Just as a bravo man in battle may
who runs with tho cowards whllo the
panic lusts, but who soon returns to as
sert his manhood and power. Conscious
of our strength wo shall return relnpsir
ed, and maintain our position. Tho im
mense wealth and resources of tho Uni
ted States aro now too well appreciated
to causo any great fear from panics in
tho Old World. Somo specie may bo
drawn from us whllo tho fover is high ;
but as soon as reason shall return, wheth
er thero bo war or peace, tho money of
huropo will How hero. Tills country af
fords at tho sumo timo tho best securitv
and largest profit for Investments, ami
in tho event of a general war abroad
money will How hero as naturally as tho
tldo flows. Wo need not bo undor mis
apprehension as to tho future. Wo shall
rise, as Mr. Gladstone Justly remarked,
as England and the nations of Europe
decline, for our capacity and resources
aro almost illimitable. Wo imiv oxpect.
consequently, that ns soon as tho first
oxciteiuent of tho crisis in Europe is
over our securities and credit will rise
higher than ovcr.At'ip York Herald.
Tho money
panic in England hns
PUKStMNT to public notice, a number
of soldiers belonging to Montour nnd
Columbia Counties met In Lyon's Hall,
In Danville, on Monday evening Inst,
On motion Colcmcl A. J. Frlck was call
d to tho chair, mid Lieutenant Penler
of Bloomsbu'rg, Wns chosen eecretnry.
Tho object of tiio convention, hnviiig
been stated, Cnptnfn C. W, Forrester,
CaptnlM J. H. Johnson, nnd C V .
Sholes were appointed a committee on
On motion Colonel Samuel Knorr, of
Columbk County, and Captain G. Lo
vetto, of Montour, were unanimously
chosen ns delegates, to represent thM
representntiVelstriot in tho Soldiers'
Convention, to meet In Pittsburg, oflfntf
fth of June next, under the cnll of Gen
end Hiirtranft.
Captain C. W. Forrester, rlififfnnu of
tho committee on resolutions, then re
ported the following, which were unnii
lniously adopted, ns the sentiments of
the soldiers in this convention :
Whmihas, In tho present crisis of
political ulnars, as in tho war for the
Union, wo lccognizo but two parties;
tho ono arrayed on tlicsido of right and
Justice, defending the principles for
wincn we as souuers lougni nguinsr me
Rebellion, nnd for which thousands of
our comrades in arms laid down their
lives; the other aiming to annul the lo-
ultimate fruits of our victories by urg
ing the admission of reconstructed Rebels
and unwashed traitors ton participation
in the control of the Go-ernment which
they attempted to destroy.
iccsoivca, unnt wo may cnaorsc tun
notion of the majority in Congress, in
protecting uio rignts oi tno loyal mil
lions of the nation, both in tho North
and in tho South, against the assump
tions of traitors, whether they aro found
sailing under the Executive clemency.
or in the garb of open hostility to tho
Jlesolred. That wo heartily approve
the determined nnd patriotic course of
our representative in Congress, Hon.
Ulysses Mercur: his unwavering devo
tion to the principles upon which he was
elected; his firm resistanco against tho
admission of members from tho Rebel
Stntes until peace is fully restored, nnd
the people or tnoso states snail iiavo
given tho nuarantecs required, and con
ceded equal nnd exact Justice to nil with
in tneir borders ; ms euons to secure nn
equalization of bounties these, nnd nil
Ids efforts in Congress, mark him as tho
faithful exponent of the loyal sentiment
of tho Thirteenth District, nnd we hero
pledge to him our earnest co-operation
In bestowing upon him a membership
in tho Fortieth Congress.
Jlesotved, That the selection of Mnjor
General John W. Geary as tho Union
candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania
meets our most cordial approval. His
ability, ids patriotism nnd personal In
tegrity, commend him to nil who honor
sound principles nnd heroism, in bat
tling nguinst armed treason for tho Un
ion. Wo pledge to him our hearty sup
port. On motion it was resolved that tho
proceedings of tho Convention bo pub
lished in tho Montour American and In
tho Columbia County Jtepublican.
A. J. FmcK, Pres't.
R. R. PKAI.KH, Sec'y.
yfajor-General O. O. Howard, Commis
sioner Frecdmcn,s Jlureau:
Tiik President directs that Colonel E.
Whittlesey, assistant commissioner for
tho Freedmen's Hureau of North Caro
lina; Captain F. A. Recly, superintend
ent of tho Hureau for tho Eastern Dis
trict of North Carolina; Captain Isaac
Roekran's, commissioner of subststenco
of volunteers, on duty in tho Freedmen's
Bureau; Dr. Rush, medical purveyor;
Rev. Mr. Fltz, assistant superintendent
of tho Hureau for tho Trent River Set
tlement ; Captain Wheeler, agent for tho
Hureau at Kingston, North Carolina;
G. O. Glavis, chaplain; Superintendent
Goldsboro ; Major J. C. Mann, assistant
quartermaster and financial ngont for
the Southern District of North Carolina;
and Major Charles J. Wiekcrshaw, sub
agent for tho Bureau ut Wilmington, to
bo immediately relieved from duty, nnd
ordered to report in arrest to Mnjor
General Rugcr, commanding the De
partment of North Carolina, who will
receive instructions in regard to their
trial as soon as charges can bo prepared
against them by tho Judge advocate
general. If tho following-named persons aro in
tho employment of tho Hureau, they
will in liko manner bo relieved, and or
dered to report in arrest to tho depart
ment commander: Row Horaco James.
of Massachusetts, ngent without pay of
inireau m Pitt County: nlso ids
clerk, named Hoyden; Mr. Winthrop
Tappan, of Malno; Mr. Potter, said to
lie Interested with Captain Seeiy; nnd
Mr. Brooks, said to bo interested with
Captain Rosekrans In cultivating plan
tations; also a brother of Captain Rose
krans, said to bo employed in tho com
missary department. You will pIeao
report your action In tho matter for tho
information of tho Secretary.
E. D. Townsknd,
Assistant Adjutant-General.
In the North Carolina StatoConvontinn
a motion was mado to adjourn sine die,
but was defeated. A message was ro
ceceived from Governor Worth, In
which ho says ho has no recommenda
tions to make for reconstruction meas
ures, but that tho action or Congress must
bo waited for. llosaysall aroloyal hero,
Including the Congressmen elected. Tho
President Is heartily endorsed, and tho
civil government is in eomplcto opera
tion. Tin: Springflold (Mass.) Jlepubllcan
says: "If members of Congress will
tako pains to Inqulro thoy will find that
not a few of tho most staunch nnd Inflii.
entlal Republicans nil over tiio country
beliovo that tho loyal representatives
from tho South should bo admitted to
Congress, nnd that their continual m.
elusion threatens ruin to tho party."
Tun State Department lias received
advices from London, April 21, tlmt tlw
rinderpest is decreasing rapidly, and will
boon disappear.
It Is stated that u French journal re
cently offered n prize for tho best new
novel, and received in rmly elchteon
hundred manuscripts,