THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBUHG, SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1866. LO'OAL INTELLIGENCE. 'Tin: Continental 1Ui Hall Club will 'play a iimkli gnnio thh afternoon on the Knlr arounil. Wr, cnll llio ntlontlon of our i-ciuIpm to "tlio lulvertleoineiit of tlio Washington Jfittlonal Jicjmblican. A iu:iout of tlio iirocerdliiKs nml plntform ndoptcd nt n Johnston iiicettiifr "held In Townmla will bo found on tlio 'second page. WILLIAM L. Maddock. & C)., cleal ors In iliio groeerlw, No. 1 lf South Third 'Ktrefct (opposite tlio Oirard Bank), 'i'lilliulelphlu. Dan Iticr.'fl Circus nnd Menagerie nro 'nnhbtiiHw'l to appear hero on the SHh ;lnstnnt. Dan oiler a very Htiperior en tertainment, and will no doubt bo 11b 'cmlly patronized. Miss Wuhii has for sale an extensive 'V'ai'icty of articles, such as btntionery, yarns, eriibroldery, and tlio usual appur tenances of a variety store. Our readers vill bo well pleased with tlio Induce ments she offers. Seo advertisement In another column. Tin: organization of the Dloomslmrg Literary Institute has been perfected, nnd the stock of the company Is in de mand. No one doubts the beneilt to be derived from such an institution In our town. As a means of Increasing the wealth of the place it is particularly de sirable. OKI", day last week a child of Mr. Tottcn's, aged about four years, fell into u branch of tlio "Wapwallopen, near the powder mills, and was drowned. The water was not doep enough to cover the body. An hour uflcr It was misled Its agonized mother found It lying on lis back, Its chin above tlio water. Fatal Accidknts. On Wednesday last Archibald Miller was killed by a fall of coal, at IligJllne Hun, in Schuyl kill County, and on Saturday a young man named McCorinlck was killed at Bancroft's works, in Ashland. Both were natives of Ireland. Miller lias left a wife and family in a very dependent Htate. McCormlck was to be married on Monday. Court Pitoeui'.DiNG'i. Common wealth vs. S. Kittenliouse. Kocogni zance, fornication and bastardy. Set tled, and co.-ts paid. Commonwealth vs. 'William 11. Doyle. On motion, respite of bail till next ses sions. Commonwealth vs. Nathaniel Berry. Indictment, larceny. Defendant with drew his plea of not guilty, and pleaded guilty. Sentence of tlio Court, that ho bo conveyed to the Uouso of llefugo in Philadelphia by the Khoriil' of this county. Commonwealth iv?. Oeorge Lazarus. Indictment, obtaining money under false pretences. Not a true bill. Prolo cutor James W. Sankoy to pay the coats of prosecution. On Wednesday, on motion of Hobert K. Clark, Ksq., Jacob llolVnian and John B. Parker, Kmjs., wereadniitted to practise in the. several Courts of this county. George Longerberger's Kxccutors and r.S. Woolvcrton vs. Hugh Melteynolds elal. Kjectnient. Case decided on Sat urday. Verdict for the plaintill's. Connnonwoalth vs. Isiae Bird, jn dlctment, larceny. Defendant pleaded guilty. Sentence, pay costs of prosecu tion, and undergo an imprisonment of two years in the penitentiary for tlio Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Commonwealth vs. Charles Cotera. Indictment, passing counterfeit money. Not a true bill. Defendant di-charged. Commonwealth vs. Daniel Wanich. Itecognizance, rape. Defendants Jacob Wanich and Peter Jones held in lifteen hundred dollars for appearance of de fendant at next sessions of Oyer and Terminer. Commonwealth vs. Charles Eck. Be- cognlzance of defendant and David 1 tower bis bail forfeited, to be respited on appearance of defendant at next Hvr bions. NEWS ITEMS. Tin: Mobllo UeyMer denies having .announced General It. E. Leo as a can didafe for President. Tin: Democracy and Johnson Bopub Heans of Indiana have, made a fusion against the Disunionlsts. Govr.n.NOH Swann, of Maryland, in a letter, announces himself a supporter of President Johnson and his policy. Oni: real estate agency In Harrison' burg, Va., advertises no less than eighty' one tracts of land, farms, mill proper ties, etc. A tt.iiuifiu tornado, accompanied with hail, recently passed over Doulsian na and Arkansas, doing immense dam age to tho growing crops. Tin: Government lias established a Rational Soldier's Cemetery at tho Sev wi Pines, on tho Peninsula, anil tlio grounds aro being laid out. A pampiilut hasappearcd in London which predicts that tho world will come to an end in 1873, nnd that before that lime Napoleon will bo Emperor of tho world. Tin: Boston people nro agitating tho subject ol a grand new hotel at tlio Soutli End, to rival any establishment on the Continent. A building to coit two mil lions of dollars is talked of. Tiiiii:i: hundred German emigrant lauded In Savannah, Ga,, last week, anil wero at once engaged 1o work tho men nt ono hundred and sixty dollars a year, with board and lodging, and tho women lit ono hundred dollars. A London Journal states that Prince Charles of Hohenzollern lias not accept ed tho Hospodarsliip of Boiiiiauia, ten dored to him by tho provisional Govern inent. The Prince, it n said, consulted t tho King of Prussln, ns head of his fain ily, on tho subject, and his Majesty ml vised him not to accept tlio position un less oH'oicd to liini by tho Conference of Amos Kf.niiall, tho veteran polltl-l clan, Is about to make thu tour of Ktt rope Willi his family, to bo gone eighteen months Niiw Yonu State paid eighty-six mil lions four hundred and ilvo thousand six hundred and seventy-two dollars for soldiers' bounties during tho war. AT an election In Carlyle, 111., last week, the Cnnsi'fvitllvcs Carried their olUcors by xly iria,6i'lty. Idtst .year tlio Badlcals had twenty majority. Tin: Kngllsh IIousoofCoinmoiHls to bo aski'd to vote three thousand pounds a year for Princess Mary of Cambridge, on her marriage with Prince Von Teck. Komi: of tlio citizens of Philadelphia aro taking action for the purpose of prop erly providing for and educating Willie Deerlng, tho only survivor of tho Decid ing family, so inhumanly butchered. Tin: number of Americans visiting I'uropo Is shown, by the amount of pass ports issued by the Department of State, to bo largely increasing. Moro nave been Issued In 1800 than in any previous year. V phominu.NT oflleial ill the Treasury Agent's Department at Mobile, Ala., has been arrested and his books and papers seized. Cause, frauds on the Govern ment to the extent of ouo million dol lars, It Is stated. Tin: military commission, by order of General Grant, now In session in Norfolk for the purpose of Investigating the eau-es of the recent riotous proceed ings, is to bo conducted with clo-ed doors, and the evidence submitted di rectly to General (mint. Tin: Lancaster, England, Election Committee have reported to Parliament their belief that corrupt practices pre vailed extensively in that borough at the last election, which will probably lead to a suspension of tho writ and an inquiry under a commission. Tin-: Liberals of Nottingham, Eng land, have selected Lord Amberly and Mr. Handel Cossham as their candidates. It has not yet transpired who the con servative candidate will be. The clco tion, the first after the vote on the Ito form Bill, will be of great importance. Wk understand Mr. Garrison holds a commission from Ticknor and Fields to write an elaborate history of the antl slavery movement in this country. IIo is now assiduously at work In this di reclion, and it is expected tho iirst vol nine will be published the ensuing Win tor. Tin: unfortunate Ott, says the Paris .Steele, who was a-sassinaled by Count d'Eulenlierg, left four sisters advanced in age, whom he supported by his exer tions. A pecuniary indemnity for the beneilt of this family was applied for to the Prussian Government, but refused. A pamphlet on the subject has been since published, which, having been translated into German, has been seized at Berlin Tin: Imperial Commission of the Pari' Exhibition has favored Belgium in the space it has allotted to that country for the display of its arts and iiiuiiufhetuici. No less than seven thousand two hun dred untl sixty-live square metres have been placed at its disposal, in return for which the Belgian Chambers have au thorized their committee to raise a loan of twenty-four thou-aiid pounds for the expense of the exhibition. Br.m('i:n to the three years' standard there were during the war 2,irl,:;il white troops in the Federal service, and 1811,(101) negroes. Of the whites tliero were killed in battle or died of wounds S):l,0!):, anil of di-easo l."S,o:JO. Of the negroes there were killed 'J.'.i'Jl : died of ilisease(l,:!()I. The proportion of deaths from wounds to deaths from disease among tlio whites was one to two; among the negroes one to eight. Among the whites one in lifteen died of disease among the negroes one in seven. Anotiii:h ExTit.v Aswith every previous number this year, the American AyrievlturM for May comes In extra size, (forty largo pages), it i rich, not only in excellent reading-mat ter, but also, as usual, in many beaut l fill and instructive engravings. Among these are two exquisite ones, entitled "Pride and Humility: or. tlio Turkey and Asses," and "After Dinned-; or, the Dog and Monkey." This number con tains a full calendar of work for tin mouth, in the Held, orchard, garden, etc. The "Basket" gives lifty condensed articles on a great variety of subjects of general interest, including the usual ex posure of humbugs. Tho "Walks and Talks on tlio Farm" nro always full of practical hints. Following tills are sundry valuable articles with illustra tioiw on corn culture, broom corn, grass lands, peat swamps, poultry, bees; in teresting new facts on sheep-breeding j tho third one of tho three hundred dot lar prizo barn plans ; a line illustrated chapter on grouping plants in the gar den j tho tirst of an important original series on insects and vegetables, by l)r Gray, of Cambridge or Harvard Cni verslty; sundry articles on gardens fruits, etc. The "Household Depart ment" contains many useful hints in condensed form, Including sonio very sharp ones to " Men-folks," which every "family man" should read and heed. Tho "Children and Youth's Depart ment" lias tho usual variety of interest ing and instructive items, puzzles, pic tures, etc. Price of this number fifteen cents, or ono dollar and a half n year. Orango Judd and Co., Publishers, No II Park Bow, New York. MARRIED. At llio I I'sltloncii ir X, II, I'uwiit, 111 I.liiiastii'rt, on 111" till ultimo, I iv ,lu.,.ih I. ill)-, 1., Hniiuur Wi.m ii to Mauv Xia.VJS, uuth uf Dry Valli-y, Nortliuiiiui'iliiMil County, Jly tlio miio, In I lulit slicot, on tlio nil. Instant, J am km II, Johnson lo;i' A, IIiiumik, IMli of lltioiiiiliur'. DIEp. At Minn niiUi., till' county, on tlio 3lli lu.tnnt, I.i.i:.umi u, lliiss.uitila'Jye.iM, II inoili, anil iluys. In Bcott Tmvmlilp, Columlil.i County, on tin UOI Uul.lul, l.L.l I ltl,Vi:i,IMl, ll ;,il "yj yiMl', Tlio ilor.iNt'cl a nmst iMlm.tul,' I'iiUiii, nn. I UutlU w.a w luaiuy muuruut, i:. it. i.iiiio, ATTOItNKY-AT-LAW, Ofllce on Mnln Street, In white frnmo house, lie low tlio Uxchiingo lintel. llolicrt 1 Clink, ATTOHNUY-AT.LAW, onUo corner of Mnln ntul Mnrltnt felrccls, ovrr First National Haul:. Inlllt U. Flcctc, ATTOHNUY-AT-IiAYv, Onteo 111 ftoglslcr ntlil Hrcordcr's nlltco, la tho lluscincht nf llio Court House. AVolcy W'lrl, ATTOHNi:Y-AT-LAV, Ollloo nil Mnln Hlrool, over R II, Mlllor'n ftloro. C. II. llrnclo, ny, ATTOUN F.Y-AT-LAAV, Onico on Mnln Street, first door west of llio Court 1 toni Clinilt-M (J. Ilniklt, ATfO UNI Y- AT-1 A OlUponn Main Htrrpt.nvorH. II, MIlIor'H Mtnro. AVilllnin II. AIiIm.H, A'n,OUNi:Y-AT-I(AV, Catnwlsii, Va. ?I. 12, JncUttnUf ArJ'OHNKY-AT.I.AAV, Itcrwlele, Culumhln County, l'a. DI. M. Trrtit;hf ArroitNICY-AT-I.AW, llcrwlck, Colnmlila Comity, T'n. attohxi:y-at-tuv, Cfiitralla, Columbia County, Va, MM) AAj WHOM IT MAY COX- CKHN. rlrtiMi taku nollo that I, Ira Itomt aitii'I, of Ccnlii'vllk', CoUunhla County, having lmuj;lit the rollowliiK of propt'ity frniu IcttT Ilower, lo (Uh Inn that It l my Intt-ntton to lotul tlio Hiuno to tho saM Ilowcr, to wit: four ln-tls; one dozen chairs; ono lot of ttUhcH; una cup lioaru; one huroau; twvnty yanls of i-arpotj ono cooking stovo; ono parlor htovo; ono tuo-liorst1 wiiKon j ono tvohoiM' carrlagu; onodouhlo nvt of harness; one slnla set of harnoj lo tahlcH 1 wt plKM. II : A U( A I) A 1 1 M K U JJUHltAII I'Oll CATAAVJSSA! this way rem iiaiuiaixs. fiooils to ro:upaio with strlimonry of tho money market. Look and rompato prices heforo pur chasing oNowheiv. .lust call at the fuvoillu buil iiess staml of McNIN'CIt & HHUMAN, and yon will bomnt Ity thoohliulm? proprlotorwor t lielreleik, and fhovn llirouu their great variety More lieoof fhaturo,of t'omst'. They will uho you a fair ehaueo to spend your Ioom eliango, they trust mueh more protltahly than It can ho spent WM.'uhero, Tholr BTociic or niiY anons this Spring Is much turgor H H1 varlctle.s than usual. Their LADIES DUUXS CiOODS nro of tho nicest styles In maikct. They liavoa tluoa-osoitinonLof HATS, (JA1X, HOOTS AND HIIOIIH, siTMMKU ci.otiis, cAssrxins, CASI.MKItUS AND VJMTIXOS, and mi men ai ni titles common to Miclic-stablUh ment', besides n geueial a.ssoitmeut of iiAiti)'Aiu:t tixwauk, uui:i:xVAHi:, and mtocr:mi;s, rdl nt Rioatly ledueed pikes. They wish to eon duet their business on tho hyMcm at "l'AY AS YOU (JO,' ntul they think they ean atford to sell very rim.-in. 'i'liey lelnin llMIr Hi. inks ir m-tny pa I favors, and a-k the tut tire patronage of their former cus tomers and the public generally. Mi'XIXCII A SIU'MAX, QUSQU KHANXA UOTkU, Catawi-sii, l'a. The ubovo Hotel has lately been purchased bv IIKNHY J, CLAItK, and 1ms bei-n thoioimhly re- moilelUd, lvpjilred, and reluinMad. It will be found now, In lUarrauement and appointments, a lliht-elasrt lintel, and second ttt mme In the country. Persons In cllie wishing to spend the hot months lu the country, w ill do well to gho the proprietor a call. rpiIK XKW CiUOCKKY STOHK. X on Main Sttoet, ULOOMMIUIKI, I'A. A LAUOi: ASSOUTMKXT ()! XHW (iOOI)S Just received at iihxiiy (iior.u's xkw stoih:. lay Oooils, Hats and Caps, Hoots and Shoes, Molasses, Sugars, Teas, Coireo, Spices, llkV( rish, Salt, ltalshiK, Tol)acco,' h'ogart Candies Xotlon, Tojs, j'Locn, fki:i, Axn rnovisioxs loeiaer wiui a great variety ot notions gcucr- ally kept lu stoics, nrmui, rios, mi:at, and ruonccn taken In rxchango for gooil, for which tho high est matket prlco will bo paid, jmxin oiorit L a ntn:T nation l.t icuxal. piuai-uou naiiv aim Wi-emy, m Hi" Nat loual Capl lal, ilevnted (n the supoott of tho NATIONAL AOMtN'tATtt VTlnV containing, beside editorials on the leading topics ' lathst orrrciAL from iho M'vertd Ip.irtiiunt.s of tlio Oovcrn ment ; tin MiHT ItCLIAULH ItCPOllTS of the pro-eedhu-'sof the two Houses of Congress, and the supreme Court of tho United States, and the Con it of Claim; also TLLmilAl'JHC. ciKNKItATi. AND MI.CLLLA XLUUS Xr.Wft; tho most ItllLTAIU.T! AND LATC'sT UHrOltTS from tho Ai'rioultural Hureau, the I'leeilmeuV Hurean.mid fnau every other Impoitant source, u iii-nvf ie." i-nin." lorcmu ami tiomcsiic, thh itnrriiLicAN, daily and vj:i:i:ly. will mIvuivk1 be tuniMii'il whb an AMPLi: srrrLY or litlhahy matoui- riii.iin a.Mi j'uMi A nlelio will be reserved for a wend on tho AumANDscn;Nci;s HOOK KUVIKWS, WIT, IIUMOIt, Ac. T1IH TtTIMMlf.Tf'AV under the present man-wemcut. commonend In the midst oflhe Itebellloii. Januaiy, lfcHt,iind If ii Hiiu'ii IH-.-U 1 1 it- hi nt'" i , 1 1 nut iii'cu as 4'Hrnisi and silicon in Its suppoit or Abraham LIlH'oln nml IiIm win. iu.1l.-f I'm n..tiv.(l.. t anil nil, as niiv loiirnal prluteil Inside the lVdcml lines. iiiKiii't mar grouuu. men. am t luiiuir An diew Johnson standing lliinly In defemo of tho same nrinciple.. wo have no other Uut toin il irm or di'slrc to gratifv than to " l-'igtit It mit on this line" until (hi Itebellloii, armed or itlsaiined, Is 1 IIUIIJ' MUM 1 1 1 lit 11 V I 1 1 1 1 J HU UOWII, Tin: orrrciAL Aivi:uTisr.MrxTs of all tho Hxecutlw DepaitiuciitM of thu lloveru ment aio publUhei in tho NXTIONAL IIIM'IMILICVN DY Al'THoltlTY OP TIIK PHlWIlir.NT. Ti-:n.Ms-wi:r.K'LY. Ono copv ono year 92 (i) Oncropv nl motiltik J oo Threo copies one year , ."i ua i urea copies si mouths rn leu copti-s ono car, "i i Ten copies six months 7 ; A notion sendlni' us a i-hih of I went - kiihk.rii crs to tho Weekly, ami ), will bo cutltletl to an clracop gmilK. Tlio Hallv Natloiuil Itepublloan IsfurnMiod to Hi. hi !Miuruorr.s iil i pi'r auuuiii; "1 mr hl. moai.iv 1 1 ,t cjiacs "iii v ir'- Mitks W. J. MUtTUill tV co.t Vuia'uiJi3tuu, D. c. A N ACT m I'aovtnri foh Titn rmnmny nr a itftrstl t'fttl TIIK KMI'WIVMUNT aNI NUIiMUT 01' 1IIU 100 K IN 11(11 J-OL'MV OP lObUMIIIA. HtcTios 1. It enacted by thoNeimtoandlfotW of IlcpieoiitattesorttK'Coinlnonvealthof l'eiitw cvhanla In Oeiieral Assembly met, and It Is hoio bv enaetoil by tho authority or the same, That J, Ai l'unstod,.1flt'ob Harris, Lewis Vetter,Jese ltt man, Thomas Crovellng, Sr., Samuel Hugnrt, Wll liaat I .anion, William. 1, Ikeler.and.Iohn K.Orot?, boand are hereby appointed coiiiiiilsslonerf, hone duty ItHhall f or n majority of ttieiu,onor lieftn tho llrst davbf .Htly, Anno Domini one thousand olnht luiiulie-l and sixtyfM,to dtlernOfio niion and jairel'a. sueli rtal clutt a tlioy, or a major irv iif iiicin. ftluill derm uecesMal'v lui I lieiiceomi)- didton if tlio poor or Columbia Countv, nnd to tako n convcyarteo thoiefor lu tin' natno and for tho use of tho corporation im-liUonM In tin1 loUt'tli serlton of this f'.ct.nlid u ltlly their ptoteedlnifs Hi'leln under their li.uiiUaml tr-wU to the Clerk of thu ouaiter H-HHions or ('oiumnia rounty, to bo lltod fu hi olias and at me ncNt general eleelton llt nnntlHitil electors or Onllimhlll (InOlilV Kbnll elect tin eo respft table eltlens of the said county tn be di ret torn of the iwtorand of tho House of V.u pjovment fr Columbia County tor tho ensuing veaV, nml tin Judges of tho election of wald countv shall ircelvlng the returns trom the several election dlrlctM and casting up Iho UUmuer OI voon itiriein, or wiuou iniee o.ivs thercaner.cortlfy under their Imudsimd seats llio mimes fif oerftons sneltited dlitclorH lo tho Clerk ot tho Couit oftiUaitcr Sesstnus of said county. Wnonliall ll If inesaiu enmcan' in ms ouice, ana rmihu'lth ilve notice In wrlthiu lo ttie said dliif- fnrt nr ilii'lr iKdinr elected, and tliOKalddlicetor-t sh. ill meet at thoiMurt House, lu tho said county, IIIHIKMIIM 1U1I'UI, IN Mll'llll'IT IH'Al 1'IIMIIIIg their eloetlon, and dlvldo thomclU'M by tat Into tlueoelassi's, Uin pliico of tlio tltst. to bo vacated at tho expiration of tlm IliM ear, of the seeaidat llio c.xpliaiiou oi ioe sreniui ,vcnr, oi too I mm iu tl..i tvoitifin itfflin tlilnl Vi:r. iy Ihul tlu.vl vi-h.. Miall bechoseli after tho llrst chs tlon.aud In tho inrxle unovo iieseiinou, may seieior inruoyears, andonc'tblrd mar bo chosen annually. SniTlo.N -'. That tbesheiltl ot snld county shall, within ten dayn after the tiasagc of tills a t, notify tho cohtmlsslnnciB ot their appointment, and i lir ii ttny sliall meet for i ntoi lutr itinai Iheuothw assigned 'tlicaiibyhls at t, which said phieo of meeting fmuu io iu iuooiutourg, at mo court House. stri-rmsr ft. lirrv tlttector elected hi mnnnnr nntri'Mfi o. nr nnniHi leo us is lirnvioeii i i in lw llili soetlott of this act, shall, w Ithln ten itnvH after he Is nolltieil or ste-li rieillon or appoint incnt,aml betoro bocnteis upon thodutlcsnfsald nlltfti. tulcn nn oillti or attlimittlotl before u llisttei or the pcaeoof wild county to dlsrhargo the duties or director of the pour lor said county truly, l illli rullv.and Impartially, to tin best of his Judgment and ability, ami In easo of neglect or teliisal to tuko said oath or alllrmatlou within tho time ator(ald, he shall forftdt atul pay the sum of ton dnllui.s inr tho uso of llio pnur of snld countv, wuleli lino sliall no rccnvoicu nv inoiiuoctois lor tbetlmn Iiflni2 a.s del)ts are or sti.ill be bv hiw n- coverable, ana the directors ipialllhd aforesaid are lioreiiy auuioneo io aumiuistcr an oatli or aimmaiiuu in any case w neu n sunn ooueuessary in leifiiiou in iim' iiiuit-t in iiit'u (mire, Kitf-i i ns l. Tho said dlrertois shall torever here' aft oi, lu n.unoand In fa t,bo ono body politic and coi pnraio in law, loan iihciiisuiui purposes wiiin UluKV I'llllK'll til till' IIIHir f if till (!t)lltltV tit I'll. litmbla, and shall liave prrpetual succession, and ltui stio nlM no sucu, iiieau atiu no impleaded, tiy tin. luiitu- Ktvlc. lllltl title of lllrei-tori of tlu l'onr and of the lloiivo of llmploviuenl lor thu County ut Columbia, nnd by thai name shall and mav re ceive, take, and hold any lands, tenement, and norcoiiumcniK inn exeeenum me cany viimi' oi llu.nw,.ii.I Hint HIIV ir.n,l mi.l f-l.dttnltf whatsnevei'orthogltt, alienation, or,bejuosiorany nei-son or nelsons tthutsiH'er: lo Mircbase. take. and hold any lands and tenement within their county in ten simple orotnerw Ise.and erect suita ble hnlMlmrs lor tlieioet otlon. use.and ueeiuno- ilation ot" tho poor of said county; to pmvido all i inn's in-eessarv ion ne iimi iiit. i i iiiiiei ance. anil emphiyiaeiit of said poor; to appoint a tieaMirer iintiti illy, who Mini i give oouu wiiii mil ami ui eipnt sut-i tv for tho laithtuldlsebamoof tliedutle ol his oiUec, and at the expiration thereof for the payment una uenvery over io ins sueee.HMir in oi ilea ol all monevs. bonds, of notes, book accounts, or other paper. to tho said corporation belonging, which shiili then be remaiuinu In his hand, cits todv.and iMissessloti.nudsaidtllleetorssliall have nmier to emnlov atal at tiIea-uro lemovoastew- aid or stewards, matron or matron-, physician or pnysicians, surgeon or surgeons, aim an otuer at tendants that mav lio neeessary tor tho said poor lespetthely; to bind out as upprctitU , so that sucu upiuenllceshlp may expire, if males, at or before tho am of twciitv-ono ycats, If females, nt or bolore the ago of eighteen j eais, sucb iMior elul ilien ns shall enmo under their notice, oras mav lio bound appientlee, I'rurlilnl, no child sliall be lionud oiltslile or tlio County ot ( oUimoia, nor without thu bouctit of tho public bOhooU of tnoui.sirui. Snrriov Th nt the said Dlrcctoi-fi, any two of wnonis iaii consniuie a nuoruiu mr tueirausac tion of buslin.s, shall huo power auiuially, as soon a lor 1 10 rciurus ior me auuu.ti nv-ss. incuts iu said loitutv as Is mactlcable. to lav a rate or asosmuit not exceeding ono cent on the dollar, at any tune, upon an icai and per .tuial estates within tho counlv ufoiesaid. lor ilo liaviiiLr tho exnetiM's tf nun luising said farm. crcetinsald buildings, and maintaining tho noor In salt! eouutv, and sliall bo lovle 1 upon the basis of tho la-t adjusted valuation made tor icgulatlug coumy raie aim levies, uiki u.iMiig eauru i.ur ilupllcates of such rati's or a--csshients by them laid to be made, which shall lie signed by them. shall l"iie their wartanl to the collector of sueli tax. tin rein nutliot.trei and icmilring lilm tod tiinild, nsvtvi. Mini voIUh'I Ikiiii i' itv ptson tlicn ln named, lu Urn manner and by the same process as poor taxes are nowcoiieciatae; ami the said d h eel nrs shall, from the time of the providing I iv them of mi It able building lortheaecomndiitlnu tr said poor, oxeielse and perform within the said countv, ovept so t it as sin li acts, duties, mid powers a iv In rein expressly prescribed or limited, Snt'iioNii. As soon as the ald buildings shall have been erected or purchased, and ail tu'eeary aeeomodatlons provided thcieiu, notices shall Ito sen), signed by auv two of the dhectors, to tho overseen of the several townships of the said C.mntv of Columbia, rcipili lug them tot thu Ith lo brim, the poor ot their lopcetivo lownlilis to said ilouo ot employment, which older tho over seers ale lit tcby I'tijoiiust and lequliod lo comply with, or otherwise to lorfelt thcfo-.t of all tuture maintenance, exn'pt iu cases when by sickness, or any other sulllclcnt cow, any poor person cannot be removed; lu which case tho overset r sicill reja'cent tho same to tho neuiet Justice oi the peaee, who, belngsatlsfieil ot the truth thi'reof, sliall certlty the siiuti to the said directors, and at tlio same time Issue an order, under his hand and seal, to the mi Id overseer, dlteri lag them to main tain such poor until siu-h tlnio cs he or she mav be a situation to be removed, and then coiney tholn wiid piuperaiid deliver hliu or lier lo the steward or keeper of said Hou-o of lliiinloyment, together with the s.iKl onb'r; and the cliargo and expense of such temporary icliet and ot such renual sltatl be paid by tho said directors at a reasonable allowance. SKcnoN 7. The steward or manager of said Poor House is lieli by leuiilred j early, on the (list Monday ot .lamrtry In uich year, to lurnNh safit dlterto'rs a sttdeiiieiit ot ttio im ome of said rent eslalc, as ncaily as tho same can be done, also ot excess of his ox pi ndituies over ami above said Income; the amount and kind of person. il pro. pcrty then on hand, lueludlug grain, vt tvtrM; tlio number of poDi porMius admitted and dl chatgett during lh year, with tho number then thetoiu; tlio length of time caeh lematnetl; and tho name, age, and sex of each. Tho treasurer shall annually, on tho tlrst Monday of iich yi ar, render to said directors a Just and cornet a roan I of 111 tccclpts and disbursements during the pie ced lug year, and the said dl lectors sliall annually, lu the month or .limitary lu caeh year, publSh, in two papers published In ltlooiusburg, a statement of tho receipts, disbursements, and cxpondiluics of said corporation during the preceding .Mar, witli a stalemeiit of tho propeity, real and per sonal, then held by tin m. Si.otiun s. That tho compf matlou of the treas urer, collector, stiuard, minion, physician, and other otllceis and assistants shall lie lived by the din 'dors, and the compensation of thu dhectors shall b tlxcd bv the Hoard id' Auditors, who shall bo appointed b. the (Joint of Quarter Sessions of Maid county, nl null jc.illy settlement, f.jr thu next succeeding year. 1'roi'htctt, That tho com pensation of bald director!, from the pu-saue of llilsaet until the thst yearly setth ment, skull be tlxod by the Hoard of Auditor nt the Ilist yoailv settti ment, the directors to furnish tho mid audi tors a coircct lutouut of tho time and o peases lost and incurred by them In attending lo their duties, fiom hlch aecount tho Mild compensation shall lie tlxtd ami ndlustcd. SCi-t'loN t1. The said directors sh UI fiom lime to time icclv, provlda br, and emplo,,a( rdlng to tlic true Intent ami meaning of tills at t.all sia h poor and Indigent persons us shall bo entitled to k lief from am of iho social townships or tior oukIis of 1 'nlumblalUranty, and shall bo sent Ibeio bv an niHlerur uai r.itt tpr that purpc, under tho hands and si-als of any two Jubilees or the peace of tho said county, directed to the )ersiers ot Iho Poor of tlie proxr township or braoiuli. and tlio said dlrtclois 1110 hereby authorici, when tliey shall them it pioper and coiicuIeut to do, bo, 10 penult any poor person to be maintained; elsnwheio. J'ruvutrti, Thccxpcuscol their main- teliance does not iu any case oxectd that fa1 wliicli they could ho malutalneit at tlio Poor, Hon mi of the said County or Columbia. Sr.rriox That it shall ho lawlul lor Iho said dtrertors.or a m.ij-'ray of them, lu the case ot any person In their ch.iP.e ns a pauper owuiiiu or pos stuping any leal ointo or Interest In teal iinto, to apph to tho Com t of Common Pleas of Colum bia County, or any other con 11 lie in this Com moiiwoallh here ihehaid prop rty may lie situa ted, by petition, piavlng tho said Couit to grant them an older to m iKo sale of said real estate, or Interest therein, tor l no support and maintenance of said paujier. ami (hat the said Court, If lhiy deem It advisable alter considering tho applk'a t inn, shall grant unorder to said directors to make sallot said ical estate or lntcret therein, or any pari thereof, on sileh terms as the said Court shall think It advisable, mid the said dircctois shall, lu pursuancoof said order, oiler said real opiate, or iutotcht therein, on tho premises, at public sale, and Fell the same at ,uiMle out- ry, alter ghtng at least twenty davs pa I ilia notice of tho time and place of Mile, by tht t haud-bllls, put up in public places and by adi itUeuient In one newspaper published In the county v herein said property is situated, which sale so mndo the said dlrcctots shall return to thn aid court, and attor contirnia tion of tho same shall execute ami dcltvi r lo the pmchascr u deed of i oiioyiiUce for said t 'Male, on tho Mid purcli isoi'h full compllaiieu with Iho terms nnd conditions of said sale, which deed so imute bhall vest tlio property therein described to the grutiteo as fully and clleclually as Iho Mild pauper laid and en'oyed the same, mid Hint the said illuctoia hhall app the pioecods oj satd sale,oi somuchas piny bo nis-ess.iry, to the sup poilaiid iijiiintenaiiie of said iuHiper(aud li an'e shall remain after Ids or her death, and alter tlediiftlug iuip-ral m Uses, Oat said din e. tots shall pa ocrsnld balance to the leual lep ieseutatlcs of said p.mpor.upou demand made and security hoiu,' glwil to Indemniiy said di lee tors from tin cta'ms of all other persons, stUTptN 11. A mioium of said diiiitors shall, and they aro herehv enjoined and ivquhod, lo meet at the nald I lousy of i:mp!o, meat at least unco In eery month, and visit iho aparlnieiiU and mo (hid the poor aioeonifoilahly suppoiteil, and hoar all complaints, and icdn s, or .ust tn In- ii ire .M". all uiievtuiees that mnv happen b the nigh ct or mi . oiidiK t ot iiiin peisou in pel tuiuiu thvU'LtupUv iucnt urotliCtu-e. ni;iTiON ii. 111 cano 01 any vacancy, ny iicnuit rcHtgiiutlnii, or otherwise, of any of tins wild di rectors, tho remaining directors shall till such va cancy by the appointment of 11 citizen of their county, under the wuue penalty as Is plovldcd by tho lirst section of llilsmt,tom rauntll the next veiiornl election, when another director shall bo vin-ii'u, 10 pt'i vo as 11 no Micancy nau uappeucu, 1 km 11. ii claims ami uemumn exisiuig 11 1 tho time of this act being carried intoctrect shall have full fouo imd ctlecti as If this act had not parsed; and hen iho sumo may have IhtIi duly ttdjiutcd and settted, all moneys remaining In tho hands of the ovcrsccl, as well M (, uncollected tases levied for tin stippbrt r tbo poor lu llio sev eral Imviisbip, tu tlv County of c'tdumbbi, Mmll bo paid ovefn t!t StMH-'risn" itriho Highway of (heir iCspciUo townships, to bo by theiutl'n- uo, i'ii inn Mm 1 e in 11 1 on 1 nn 1 onus iiiereiti, SKTIIIKll. As.Mutl US the M Kit- or tho iVmiili- of Columbia shall have bt-eti remoMd to iho II oil so of ratinloVUICllt Of tho snld onUalv. nml the iHit-staudlitif taxes collected and nalil ovi.e in directed tti prelum thirteenth of thlsaet,theoiUco nfovursocr of (Iw pdor within tho fuceptitig town Miipssiuuii 10111 inenccioiui oe aistlisueu. Si.iTtoN l.r). That tho said directors or treasurem. or any ono or lunro of Iho taxpayers ot the ae- eepting iowmsiiijih, iiuiy, At iimn iwi'iiiy oays irom the J i al ly settlement by tho auditor us uii a esuld, appeal from such settlement to tho Couit of Com mon 1'ieas 01 i tmimma coumy. iu ine sumo man ner and under the sumo nrnvMon nnd reuulu- Hons that appeals troni seitleiuents by township iiudllorH are now allowed. Hi.tTloN 10. That tai money shall bo paid by tho treasurer except upon oiuoim orawu ny tno iniee nas anu sigucu ny ai icasi two 01 tnosam uirec si-ction 17. Cor tho nurtose of aseertalnlna tbi neuso of tho elllens nf Columbia County, as to tho extiedleiicv of erecting a l'oor House. It shall bo thodittyot caeh of the Inspector and Judges ior too several towusmim aim imrouus, ai ar election, to b ladd on the Ilist Tuesday of June Anno Domini ouo thousand eluht hundred am printed, fimn llieriualmed vob-rs lieu cor, labelled on tlio outside Poor House," and til tho Inside 1'orn I'isir Iliniso" or "Aira nst a rnor Hoiiso: and lr It shall iinnrar. uttou oast Inn un the otr.s 01 i no uuiercuT miruis, ai uie nmri nouso, on tho I'rldav rollowln-f tin said election, that a 10a- Joilty of tho qualified ehs-tors of any township or norougn are ior a l'oor iioii"", ineii ino inrego- II iii net to toKcoiicot as 10 inose towiismiw nr im tr oughs; hut If atuakaltvof tho vote. luaiiv town- shin or boioii'jh sicill Ih sunllist h l'oor Houe. thtutho lotegolng act to bo null and oldas to inn townmps or uoruugu.s voung againi sncn l'oor iioue. Sktion is. 'iiiniion-aceentingtownshinsorbor- oughs shall not be eulltled to vote for dltectois of 1110 sunt iiousooi employment: nor snail nicy nc cut it led to receive orenloy all v benefits or 11 d van- times ny virion 01 iiiisiici; norsiiiin iniMiireciors lie chosen iiom the said non-necem uu umnsu or boroughs; nor shall the auditors mentioned In tho eighth section of this act he appointed rrom any such townships nr honaigh, J'imUtttf That 1 ue alienors ni 1110 stun jiotiso 01 j.iimuo litem may lecelve paupers trom t ho same tinmnct opting lownsiups or iMirouKiisui uraiooi eomjiensaiiou Iter we k to beauned Uliouand settled bv tbo said Directors and Overseers of tho Poor of the town ships or boroughs so applying. Skerin; 11). All acts and Parts of acts lneonln tent wltli the provisions nl tills act, or supplied nereoy, aio uercuy repeaieo. .wv.'ii ik. i riiiniii, Speaker of tho House of ltepreseutatles, D. PLKMINCI, Speaker of tho Senate. Approved tho eleventh day ot Aplll,Anuo Dotal nl ouo thousand eight hundred and slxty-slv. A. O. CCltTIN. KLPCTION NOTICK. Pnrsnniit to the tanvlslotis of tbo foreirolnc Art of Assembly, notioc is belt bv irlvn that an e ec- tlou will bo'lu Id at tho usual place of holding tho general 1 lections nf the several townships and iionaiiinoi 1 ouunoia t amiy, 10 00 coooucieu ny the lospcctlvo election ameers or the same, mi Tiu sdnv. I 10 . 1 of .luiie. A.l). liil. hetweelt tin hours nfeiiiht o'clock a.m. and seven o'clock r.M.,to vi tin 111 hiii tho ouest ton of Inr a Poor House" or "Airalnst a Poor House." and to make leturil of said election at the Court House, on ITIday, the t Ig hill UilV 01 .June a in, ncconinig in jiih. riMIK AICIUCAX HAY 1CXIFK JL ASH roltlC W Hip ihiiUmhIbiiimI i'IIIpiio (it 'Cnliimlilii I'mmly wltuci'd tin- Irlnl of Imy finks 1111 tti f.irm nf Mr, l'ursi'l, in lli-mloi'lt 'I'nu-iwliln. on Mntulaw JInv . lfHl. lii'lwi't'll the Atnrrlcrtii Hay Ktitfi1 nml l-'nilc iiiiinur.ictiin'il hy Sl.ll'DU, WAI,l, SIIIlINKIl l'n., nf I.i'Wis limtr, l'a., itml tin1 huiuIi'I h rali'itt Hay limit; The Aincriran rnrl: llltcil morn hay In tuu' ili-.uii-'lit Hi. 111 tin- ltunil.'l In tliri'i1. f aio sntl ttcil It wilt take as mtirli lnv Intn lit. innw as twn iMtil Imrst's fan ilrau', AW also yaw H cnttltm tifiv. unit t 1 lilt tt rannnt lie lii-al asaliavlcll r anil la rrtnllv rccnmnii'iiil It as tin' lst hay fnik ami knit.' we liavi' I'M r mi'H. c. 1111 ikmii:nhki:, in:. 1-. f. Hauiiison, Vt'. It. Kimiss, .lllllN 1VK, .lniiv liK.rr.HicK, Iianii.i. Xovrii, 11., l't'itsi:i., MiriiAni. .Tiiiin Wm.r. Thi'V nlsnnintnif.if tnrr Itic ci'lclir.Unl llmki'v. l!i'iii"r ami Muwt'r, una iithi'i'a;!ili'iiltnral lmpl inrlitv. DLOOMSIIUIK! FAX'Y TUKM 1) MINfl AND IlOOlCHTOl'.i:, ni'coiiil iloor hulnw lint tnian'H, Main Ktiri't. Jlltt ICri'iV.'tl a IIL'VfFllltk of ziii'hyiis, wooi.r.N and corrox yaiinh, CDitsirrs, i.Acix, kmiiuoiiii:uux, MUSI.IN r.lKHNOS, l) TUI.MMINfN, mnl every variety of articles usually kept In u l'ANC'V STDlli:. Also SCIIOor, HOOKS, HYMN HOOK'S, lltllMIS, SITNDAY-SI'IIOOI. HOOK'S, mnl n lai'KV lot nf mi.sci:i.i.ani:ous hooks, accouxt and .mi:.mohandu.m hook's, HI..fN'IC DKIIDS, HOXDS AND .M()UTA(ill, ntul a Kcneral antl wellseleeteil assortiueut of PAl'Klt, KNVlU.Oltl'.s, Ae. A, 1. WKIIII. JAUhK KOUNDUY. A JOSIH'HSIIAIU'LKSS, HliMjinshurK, Pa. RT0V1X OF KVKHY VAiinrrv, pi.oransiiAitFs, PLoniiipoixTs, and all kinds of Castings, nn hand or supplh d on the sliorlcst iiotico and at tho cheapest lates. Castlncs lor COAL HltHAKFltS AND COAL M'IH'TF.S made lo order. JIKK lNSCltANCK. If you wMitn Ilo lcuiK mid dlo happy, go without delay and iNsriti: Yot'iti.ii'T, lu tho best Company lu the world, Tin: mutual Lin: insi-hanci: company OF NFAV YOltK. its cash Assirr Am-: siv,w.""i and Its annual dividend for the fiscal year of Wi amounts tnseventy.llvo jier cent, on all. tun t lei ptthiK jn'emlums, beluw tint largest dlvith'tnl ever deel.ireil by any eotiiimnv for the sanin lem;lli of time. For further Information apply lo P.S. 1US1IF.L, A;;ent, llloomstiur, l'a. J ATI ON A li KOUNDUY, HIiHiiiishuiK, Cohimbl.i County, l'a, The sub'-wllier, priiprlelor of the ubuve-naiiied extenslMt eslabllshmeiit, Is now prepared to re ceive orders for all kinds of MACHINF.UY FOIt COM.U'.ltllX. II LAST FUP.NAClt,.STATioNAllY FNIilNIX, MILLS, TllIllisIlINt! MACIIINIX, Ac. IIo Is also prepared to nt.iUe .stoves of all sizes mid patterns, Plow-Irons, and ewiy thing usually made lu llrst-elass Foundries, Ills extensive ficllltlcs mid practical workmen warrant hliu In recelvlnn llio larKCst cnliti.icts on tho most lenson.ibltt terms. (imlii of all kinds will be taken lu oxehniiKo for Cast lutes. This establishment Is located near Iho Lacka wanna anil liloomsbur Depot, Pirri'.H HILLMYHlt. QINIUL'S IjINK. Tho undersliiiied would resiieetfully iinnoiiiieu to I lit- cltlnus of HloouishiUK ami thu public ijuic rally that he. U lunnliiKaii OMNIlll'S LINK between this placental llio dllllrent railroad do. potmlally (Sundays i'.eepted), Incouuect with tlio several trains koIiik South and Vest oil thoCala wlssaaud tlll.imspoit Itallroad.mnl with tliosn KtiliiK Ninth and riiattlinn thu and Illooiiishurir Uallrtiad. His iiinulbusses am In sothl enndltlon, eomuin tllousuutl coin toi table, mid chut'Kt s reasonable. Persons wishing to meet or seo their fi lends do pm t, can be aeeiiiiioilalKil upon icnsiniiihlocliursse b le.ivin;; linu-l., nolle, nl not ol Hie hotels. J'ACOll I. O.HTON. Pioprlelof JpOltlv'H HOTHIi, ui.ijitui; w. M.vJM, iToitricinr. Thcnlmvp wi ll-kiiDwii lioli'l 1ms rpcrnlly Utiilfi'. K'nu rntlu'iil I'liaiiiti'H 111 Itn Intornul iirrnnijt'lfli'iits, unit Hn prtiiirlolnr aimniiiici'8 In hl former cinlntn nml thu travi lllnx Imblli: that liU ucciimtKlidlnni for t he colli foi t nf Ills mii'slBiirccorlinil tit nnno III llin nmtilry. 1II tnlilu will lilfiiy Im found xdp lilli'il, not only Willi fttilistutitlal fiKnl, Imt will) all Hut (IcllcncUnnf tlio miisoiI. I Ih wllirt anil ll rjltorn (c.M'fiit tlild IttlpUlilr Ijovi'rnRn littown in '.lA,f.'Jif'jl"J, l.Ut rlin-oil (lllci't frtnn lltu InipurtlliK Iioiisck, nre I'litlrnly pure, ntul fr" from nit Konotis ilrituK, Ho Istliankftilforiillln'ml patron- 11K0 111 tlio past, mitl will rotillnilit luitirrn It III tho tuture. (IKOlUli; W. MAUUMl. j a. eunsiCL, JI.VKJM, rAlUtl.l., rt.n IIIU.JV MANUKA CTUltKll, hiiiI ilrater 111 CAIiria'-IIAOH, VAI.tHt'H 1'I.Y.KITTH .Ac, Main Hired, Illoomstiurir, l'a, pUWDKlt KIXiH AND JiU.Mlllin. . .M. jiiij ivm to., llupert, Ta., Miiiilif.irturers nf l'oWDr.UKKdS, mid tlealori In till klmH of, Klve notlro Hint they me pieparetl to nrcontmlnle their I'ttslom With illspntch, mnl on llio cheapest .THW STOCK OK Cl.OTlIINU. Fresh arrival of Hl'ltlNO AND Sl'MMnil 000 tW. DAVID I.OWKNIir.IKI lnltes attention to Ills stock of CIIIIAP AND rASIlIONAHI.r. CI.0T1I1NCI. ut his store on Main Street, Iwtidtsiiniiliove tlio Ainei lcan House, lltoonisliuri!, l'a., whom he has Just received from New York ntul Philadelphia n full assoilmeut of mi:n and hoys' clothino, liirlinllnn tho most fashionable, diiinlile, nnd handsoniti DHiissnooiis, consisting nf HON, SACK', VltOCK, CUM, AND OIL-CLOTH COATS AND l'ANTS, of all sorts, sles, and colors. Ho has also replen ished Ills nliiiuly lnifio stock of KALI. AND WINTF.n SHAWI.s, STltU'llD, I'lOl.'l'.r.D, AND PLAIN VLSrs, SHIItTS, CHAVATS, STOCKS, COLLARS, jiANDKi:itciiii:rs,c.i.ovi, SUSPi:NDr.l, AND FANCY AHTICLF.S, lie has constantly on hand a lare nnd well-se-lectetl assoitinent ol' CLOTHS AND YP-STINOS, which ho Is prepartsl to make to order Into any kind nf clollihiK, on ery short notice, and In tlio liest manner. All Ids ilntlilng Is luado to wear, and most of It Is of hoiiiit inamtlactiiro. COLD WATCHF.S AND JHWF.LItY, of every dcscilptlon, tine nnd cheap. His easo of Jewelry Is not snrpns.ed lu llils place. Call and xaiiilne tils geueial a.soitincul of CI.OT1IINC1, WATCIIF.S, Ji:Vi:LUY, il'. david i.ovi:niiiiiki. QAUUIAGK MANUKACTOUY, Hlooinsburi;, Pa. M. C. SLOAN A UltOTlILlt, theMieeessoiNof WILLIAM SLOAN fc SON, continue the buslines of innklni; CAititiAcins, nudcims, and every style of FANCY WAGONS, which they have constantly on hand to suit cus tomer., Neer n.sln any liutteiial but the best and employing the most, experienced workmen, they hope to continue as heretofore to give entire satisfaction to eery customer. An Inspection of tlu.r work, and of the reasonable price asked for tbo same, Is sine to iusuio a sale. liMlHSU AltUIVAIi OK XKW .1. OOOlis. The uudersliiiied has Just arrived Hum tho (.'ity with a larun assortment of Ilruns, Medicines, I'aluls, oils, Varnishes, and l)yo htiiirs, Heady-Made Clothing, Perfumery, Toy and Fancy Articles, Druggist's (ilassware, Hriishes, Trusses and Suppoi ters,iuul a general assortment of every thing Hint belongs to a well-appointed Drug Store, Alo P.ilent Medicines ofall kinds, such us.Inyne's, Ayer's, Wishnit's, Wlnslow'H Southing Syrup, Ilrown's Troches, Swain's Panacea, linker's Cist Liver Oil, Iloull.tlul'.s Hitters constantly on Iiaiid. Also MOHOCCO LHATHKlt, KID, FHFNCII MOItOC CO, FltF.NCH CALFSKINS, PINK TItlMMINUS, HI.VDINOS, hy the tlo.eti or Also SIIOi:-FINDINJS, FISIllNfi-TACKLi:, &c. Having had a large cxpeilenco luthodriu; husl nitss, I would respectfully Invito those wishing anything lu that lino to call and see my spK-k be- fiiropurehashigelsewhere. "Ininedleliiesiiualily Is of Iho Ilit Importance," atiiis 11, .tiu 1 i.ii. p.OOD NHWS KOU KVKUYUODY. sl Owing to the I. He fall iu gold, FPilltAI.M W.F.LWLLL has reduced his prices to suit all buyers, either at wholesaluor retail. If you want SUfSAIts, COFFHIiS, TUAS, SYItUl'S, KPICIIS, CltAf'KlIllS, CANNKD FlUTfT, DKIFD FltUIT, WOODKS'WAHi:. FISH, hhans, ciifixi:, flouh, FKUD, Ae., Ae. Ae., p;lvenioaeall. FPIIHAIM W. F.LWF.LL. M clCKI.VY, NKAI. A- CO., .Noilliwesi comer in .Mam nun .11.11 Kct Sis,, lil.OOMSHUlttl, PA. Our old custotneismid the public generally can be accomodated with goisls of every stylo mid ipt.ility suited tor tho Spiiug trade, mid ut llio low est cost rates. The stock, consisting of Dry floods, Hals nnd Caps, llootf. and Shoes, lteady-Mude Clothing, Ionklu;j Classes, Wrapping P.ipcr, Paints and 0!I, U 1 0001 les, liiteeiiswan', llaiilwari', Tlmnnc, Isllt, Plaster, drain nml Sisds, Ae., Ac, .U' Is replenished wisUly or dally, n iiivewlly n'- iiulres, fiom New Y01U and Philadelphia, IHON AND NAILS, lu lan:e iUaulltie- mid ul leduced nUes, always oil hauil 1?XCIIAN(IK HOTKIi, All HUJOMSIllllHI, COMJMIIIA COUNTY, l'A. Tlio iimterslRiinl havlnt? purclinncil thN well known nml eentrall.v.loentetl house, tho Kxilmiinn lintel, ltunt6 oti MAIN HTUI'.KT, In HIiMitnitliiiru, liliifinllnli'ly ftpixntto tho Utiltiinlitn County Court House, reitpectfiill.v Informs hln filrtulH ntul Iho inililli! In Kotieral llmt llli houxo U now In onlcr ror tlio leeeplloli ntul rlitcrtiiltimoiit of trnvellerM whoinny liotlioseil to favor It with their ens tout, lln.linARpareil no exteno hi prepnrlni! tho KxehmiKO fur tint entertnlument (if liN uniftit, neither Klinll tliero Im ntiylhltiK wnntltiK (on hln pnitJtoiulnWer to their personal cottirort, Ills house Is spaeloiK, mid oiiJoj-h nti ckeollen't hull lii'sn loentloit, Onnillmssci run nt nil times Iielwcen tho V.x tlinnito Hotel nml tho Vnrlnui rnllrohtl depots, hy whleli trnvellers will ho plinsnntly convcyetl tt and from tlio respective stntlons In duo limit tn meet Iho ears. .10I1N l'. CAHI.0W. Hlooiiishurjl, Mtircli 12, IStVJ, riOliUMllIA COUNTY V. . AOiticttr.TurtAi, MoriKTV. Iho annual meetliiir nf tho Oiltiinlilit County Anrleultuial, llortlenltninl, nnd Meelianleiit As soetatlon. foithe election of onicers to perve mm year, will ho held at Iho Court House, In Htonms linrit, on Sattmliiv, the tntli of May, WW, nt two o'clock l'.M. A lull iit-teiulanee Is ileslrvd. SYI,VliSTi;ll 1'Ull.Hin.L, 1'iesldoiit. I,. II. nrPKHT, Secretary. JgAlCKH AND CONKEC'riONKU. 11. H. STOIINF.H lias nhvnys nn lmnd mid for s.ile KJtKMlI llltMAI), fjAKIW, AND'l'IlX, I'ltKNCII AND DOMrBTIC C0NFKCT10N, In every stylo nml variety, sin's, ruuiTft, nlal cverythlUK Us'unlly found Ih a riltST-CLASS CONFIXTIONKHY BTOItK. Huvliti: recently fitted up n new and clegaul ICn-CItP.AM AND E.TINQ SALOON, he Is prepared to nceomodrtto ladles nnd gentle men lu tho host stylo. JQUUti AND CIIIOMIUAL STOIUJ, Htooinshnri:, m. lmucis, ciir.MicAi.s, faints, pkhfumlhy, AND TOILirr AUTICLIX. F.Ynn & ji6yi;h respectfully Invito n contlnnnneo of patronani. Their Drills and Misllclnes nro all selected with tho greatest care, avoiding ns much as possible the lulnsluctlou of delirious nostrums, and nro purchascl lrom the best Importing houses lu the country. J'ATENT MCDICINra of nil kinds, InohidliiE Ayer's, .Tnyne's, Hollo wnyV, llostetter's, Wlsliart'M, HootUtid's, tkc. constantly on hand. COAL OIL AND ALCOHOL. HAIIt, TOOTH, NAIL, AND CLOTIIUS IlllUSHIiS PAINTS AND ClinMICAI.S of every vailety, and of llio host fiunllty. 1'ANCY TOILET AIITICL1S. The public may rely at nil times on procurlnK tho above nitleles, with all the new useful prepara tions kept In tlio best conducted establishments. niYsiciAN'S I'MsscninioN.s nnd Family KcoC'Ipts compounded with tho great est accuracy and dispatch. I'OVKS AND T1NWAKK. A. M. RUPF.UT announces to his friends nnd customers that ho continues the above business at his old place on main STiti:i:r, hloomsiiuho. Customers caii be accomodated With FANCY STOVF.S of all kinds, Stovepipes, Tinware, nnd every va riety of aitlelo lound in n Stoe and Tlnwarn lvs tabllsh incut lu tho cities, and on the most reason aide tcrui3. Itep.iirjugdoncat the shortest notice Si DOZCN MILK-rANS on hand for sale. pATAWISSA llAIiaiOAD. l''ioni and utter October -, 1SG-3, the trains will pass Hiip.'rt ns follows: (iiilNii N011111. Klmlra Mall nt 1 P.M.; i:rle i:press at '-MS a.?!. O01 vii Sochi. Philadelphia Mall at 11 a.m.; New York Fx press at I l'.v. U UOllCii: Winill, Buiit. T ACKAWVNNA AND II LOO J I. S Jj uvna I'AILHOAD. On and arter March II, lstjil, rassenser Trains will run as follows: SoriiiwAitn. Iavo Scranlon nt 1: 10 l'.M. and .1:.'0 A.M.; Kingston at 0 r.M. and U:.".l a.m.; Hltsiuis burgat S:2i r.M. and OSS) a.m. Arrive nt Nortlnun bei land nt Ml l'.M. and Iii.:a,m. NoiiTHWAUit. Ijeave Noithuinberland nl7 A.M. and ii l'.si.; Hkwimsburg at S:ii a.m. and (t:-i r.M.; Seranton nt ll:il.i a.m. and 0 r.M. Arrive ut beiiin ton at 12:10 a.m. and 115 r.M. II. A. FONDA, Kupt. Kingston, March IS, ISM. G UlKATlMCNNbVLVANIAKOUTU to thn NORTH AND Wr.ST. FOUH DAILY TltANINS. ON AND AlTUIl MAltCH 12, ISM, trains will leave as lolluws; Iave Wash'n, Leave Ilitlo. Kxpress Mall i.:20 a.m. 0:U0 a.m. Fast Line 7:.tU a.m. lilu r.M. Pltlsliiiiganil FrleFx I::tt r.M. 7:'Jll'.M. l'lttsbuig and i:tmlru l'.x....T:lij p.m. &:lj r.M. TWO THAINS ON SUNDAY, (Connecting at llaltlmoio,) Leave Washington at Ali mid 7:10 r.M, SLr.F.PING CAIW ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS. LOW FAUK AND (JUICK TIME. f'arsvun through fiom naltlmore to Pittsburg, Uric, or Fdmlru without change. J. N, DUHAltHY, . Pupeiliitonttent N.C.Il.It. PlIlLADKLl'llIA AND KUIlJ HAILltOAD. This great lino traverses tho iioilheriiaud northw est counties of Pennsylvania to tho city of Urio, of Lake Krlc. It has been iouse.1 and is operuted by the PF.NNSYLVANIA HAILltOAD COMPANY. Time of Passenger Trains at Norltiumls-rliind: Lkavi: lXsrwAuii. Urle Mall Tialn. Il:ii r.M, : Urlo Fxpress Tialu, :!:'ii.v.M.; Wnilra Mall Train, lu.ii A.M. Lkavi: WrsTWAun. Urle Mall Trnln, n a.m.; Urlo F.xpriss Train, 7:lli'.M.; Llmlm Mall Tialu, 1::." r.M. PasMiigerearsruntlirouglion tho Urlo Mall nnd Uxpiess '1'iaiiis witluait change both ways be tMieiri'lilliiilelphliianil I'.rle. Nkw Yiuik Cox.sKcrios. Invc New York at ! a.m., anlvo at Urio at :! A.M. ; Leave Uiiu at l:ij r.M., nrrl voal New Yoik ut MIm, Ulig iul sieeilng ears on all night trains. For lut'oi'iiiatlou respts'tlng passenger business: apple at the corner of Thlrlltth and Market sheets, Plillitdi iphla; and lor lieiglit business of the Company's agents. s. II. Klnasion,.Ir.,eornerofTHelfthnnd Market .-Meets, Philadelphia: .1. W. Iteviiolils, Krle; Wil liam mown, Agent xAUIMUimn- General Ficight Aueiit, Phlladeiphln. II. W. (IWINNUll, General Ticket Agent, Philadelphia, A. L. TYLUIt, fJenernl Suimrltllcndcnt, WHIlaiusiiort. March 22, I ) KADINO UAILKOAD. It HUMMUlt AltltANliUMICs'T. April 21, I'!. Great Trunk Line Irom the North nnd Noilhwest lor Philadelphia, New Y01I., Heading, Polts llio, Tauuuiua, Ashland, Iluuou, Allentowu, Uistoii) ' Train's leave Harrlshui-g for New York ns foi-low-si At ;t.7:l", andii:ii.iA.M.i and 2 aud ti:20i'.M eonui'i'ting with similar truths nu tho Peiinsvl. vanla, nnd iirrlvlng at New York utn;tn and 111 a.m., and .1:10 und lutfll r.M, Sleeping Cms 111 coinp.uiy thu .1 A.M. and U:2J l'.M. trains, without ' Lento IlarrlshnrgforltendliiK, Potisvllle.Tiuna iniii, .Mlnersvllle, Ashland, Pino GnncAllentown, ,iti,l l'hllil.lellilitil lit 7:10AM.. anil 2 mid 11-20 l'.M.. slopping ul Lebanon and jn ini'lpal M ny Stations, lllOII Jil l'.M. iraill lliai.lllg llOCinsu i,,uu,-m,iiiiu Pottsvllleor Plillatlelphla. For Pottsvllle, Schuv'. Mil ll.,,-..,, 11, ,.1 A,tli,,. hi K.llllf Iktll lllld Kill. iiiieliaiiiia flallroad, leat'e Ilarrlshurgat I lir.M. lleliiining, leave New Yoikut U AM., 12.M.,nntl S:liir.M.; Plillailelplil nils a.m. uui.s:ji p.m.; runs llle ut s;:Vi a.m. ami 2:l" l'.M.; Aslilnnd nt U nnd 11:1 1 a m., and l.uir.M.i Taiuaiiua at U:15 a.m. ami Is'avli 'i'li'ttsvillo Tor IlnrrlsburK, via Schuylkill and Misiiielmnua llallroud, at 7 A.M. Iteadliu Aeconiislatlon Train leaves Heading at il a.m., relurnlug from Philadelphia at i P.M. Coluiiihl.i Itallisiad Tndhs leave Heading nt IkJI and d:l.i p.m. inr Uphmta, Lltlr., Columbia, Ay.,Av. (in suiula.s leave New Yoik nt Phlln. delphla at h a.m. ami Sdl r.M., the ka.m. imln run nliu only to Heading; Poti.vllleiit s a.m.; 'laina (ilia at 7: v) A.M. ; I tin i l.burg at Wit ; nnd lleail inn al i:ti a.m. loi llanlslaiiL'. and A.M, lor New Yoik, nml l:.'.i l'.M. for Phllidelphla. roiiiinutatlon, Mlliane, Season, F,xeHUlon, nnd Scliisd Tickets ut iidmcd rales to and trom all '"lUggage chei'kisl llirunuh, l'.laht i-ouuds o bagiiugeullowuliaclipaksenKi.r, li. A, NICOt.LS, Oin. Supt, IteatlU' IV AinU
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers