The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 19, 1866, Image 2
in Gpotumbinn, (Ikouui. li. moohi:, r.oirott. JU.OOMH1HJUO, H.VTOKH.VY, MAY IP, RAILROADS IN THIS COUNTY. Tun milking of a railroad up tho val ley of Little Fishing Crcok, which shall lend to tho AVost Branch by one arm, and by another ia.-H through Sullivan County, and connect with Northern Im provements, Is one of tho thing: greatly to bo desired In this section. This would conuileto tho list of main lines by which tho county can reasonably bo traversed. AVe aro Informed that when tho C'ata wlssa Railroad was about to bo finished, on the resumption of work upon It, It was contemplated to locate It from Rupert by way of Littlo Fishing Creek, to find Its connections upon tho West Rmnch. This design was abandoned by the com pany for want of funds; but as tho law required thorn to come to tho mouth of Fish 1 ng Creek wl th t hci r road , they came to Rupert, and then turned abruptly clown tho valley to Danville, and formed their connection upon a short lino with thoSunbtiryund Krio Road at Milton. At present wo have the Lnrkawnnna nnd Dloomsbttrg Itoad, crossing the county along the north side of tho river, and tho Catawlssa Itoad, crossln; it from southeast to northwest. Tho upper end of tho lino, however, being deflected from a duo course, by being thrown west to Danville, leaves an eligi ble route north from the river unoccu pied. Thcso lines, however, furnish very cxtensivo accommodations to the people of tho county, for all purposes of trade or travel, and if it wore possible to occupy tho valleys of Littlo Fishing Creek, of both Littlo and Big Fishing Creeks, by additional roads, the county would be completely accommodated, tho Roaring Creek A'nlley alone except ed. Rut It is plain that with its termi nus at Milton, and Danville as a way point upon the route, tho Catawlssa Road should never have been construct ed to Rupert ; at least it should not have been brought to that point with refer rnco to its general purposes as a througli route. Coming down tho Catawlssa Creek, it should have proceeded from its mouth along one or tho other banks of tho river to Danville, instead of turn ing up tho river and crossing near the mouth of Fishing Creek, thus dlverg- Ing from its proper route. Now, how ever, that tho Catawlssa Road has passed Into tho hands of tho Atlantic and "West ern Company, nnd forms a link in the great chain of railway communication between Now York nnd tho Pacific, its location to Rupert need not bo regretted by those who shall own tho improve ment. A railway interest so colossal as that which will hereafter control it will promptly make all necessary corrections in tho location of its main lino for gen- oral purposes, and will naturally enou extend an improvement from Rupert north, to liml those connections which were originally intended by tho Cata wlssa Company, and others which may bo suggested, in the directon of Brad . ford and Central New York. A road, therefore, from Catawlssa, extending, by Rupert, north and northwest, may properly become a branch or the great through railway routo between the Fast and the West. There aro legal dlllleul tles which may obstruct tho immediate execution of tho agreement between the Catawlssa Company and the great through railroad Interest; but this diffi culty will doubtless bo but temporary. Ry Judicial decision, or by appropriate legislation, tho existing contract will be alllrnied, or some supplemental contract authorized. For purposes of trade and communi cation witli other sections and remote points, the people of this county must rely upon railroad improvements. Tho canal will bo relied upon only for the carriage of coal and n few other products, where tho iuestions of expense and de lay in transportation will permit. Un fortunately, as a channel of communi cation and trade, the great river which cuts through tiio county Is almost worth less. Passing through broken moun tainous regions in its course, its bed Is orten rough, shallow, unnavigable, and It is obstructed by dams. If wo secure tho ascent of fish up its streain, by unv of tho devices now proposed, wo will got from it about all the results of which it is capable, except as a feeder to slack Water canals. "Wo mast, therefore, rely upon rauroad improvements, among which one by way of Littlu Fishing Creek .seems practicable and probable of accomplishment. AVo suppose n railroad up Rig Fishing Creek is not to bo thought of since the collapso of tho Green Creek Petroleum Company I IN THE ANTE-ROOM. Thk following affecting sceno is de , Hcribed by a correspondent In tho Jlepub--lean, professing to writo from Wash ington, under date of March 2(5 : "A few days slneo I met your repre- Fcntativo, tho lion. U. Mercur, in tho unte-room of tho Kxecutlvo Chamber. nnd near by was a largo delegation of menus m oi mo Administration from tho Iato Confederacy, evidently there for the purpose of assuring Mr. Johnson now heartily they loved him, anil how unqualifiedly they ' accepted tho situa tion' in which tho result of tho war had placed them. I observed that tho Judge's counlennnco did not wear its uccustonied placid, good-natured tqipear nnco; I ventured to inquire If anything upeciai nan nnpponed or an unpleasant nature. Nothing special,' was tho la conic reply. ' 1 low long havo vou been waiting to seo tho President,' 1 contin ued. 'About two hours,' was the re sponse. 'Vou expect to bo able to see Mr. Johnson,' J wild. Tho Judge, look ing toward tho ex-Rebs for a few mo ments as though trying to count them, responded, ' Well, It looks rather doubt- mi.' " Seeing tho above statement In tho Republican of 20th March, on tho day following Its publication, wo had tho cu riosity (being In Washington) to inquire Into the fact, und distinctly that uo " large delegation, from tho lute THE Confederacy," nor any delegation what ever from that section, had called upon tho President "n few days" before March 0, as stated by tho writer of tho above. As to the statement that Mr. Mercur waited In the ante-room " two hours" before ho was received, It may or may not bo true. The assertion of this cor respondent Is but slight proof of tho fact. Rut 11 may possibly bo trae, be cause such cases of waiting occur con stantly, and are unavoidable. Tho mal ice and meanness In this case consist in publishing tho fact (Ifltbeono) without explanation, and with the iiecompiitiy injrfalsehoodnbout thedelegatlon of'ex- Rebs." Theplaln design was to represent tho President nsniMng one Mercur very badly, and preferring ex-Rebs to him. The readers of tho Republican were to be made Indignant at the insult to their Congressman, obliged to stand cooling his heels for two hours in the ante-room, when, perhaps, Thau. Stevens wanted his voto in the liouso on some anti- Johnson measure; and while "a largo delegation of ex-Rebs" enjoyed his mor- tiflcation. Rut tho correspondent has made up his Indignation story rather clumsily; he must improve in his stories if lie Is to bo very useful to his employers. What was he there for himself? Was It to beg some favor or profess friendship, so that, in belying tho President after ward, ho might be ungrateful and 1 reach' erousaswell as false? And how badly the point of " two hour's delay" Joins to tho statement of nn ex-Reb. delegation I ccordlng to ids story the ex-Rebs. had not been admitted anymore than Mercur at the end of those famous " two hours," from which it appears they had not kept him out at all; and all this wonderful tale, upon his own showing, may he taken as puro twaddle, if it is not to be described as something worse. Rut tho material part of this story is a sheer fabrication. REMARKS OF SENATOR COWAN, Any statement which tends to explain moro fu lv the President's views on leading questions acquires a peculiar in tercst in tho midst of tho numerous nils- statements and perversions of facts that nro continually belmr made. In this connection wo give below the doelnra tlon of Hon. Kdgar A. Cowan, recently made in tho Senate: " It must be remembered that this is not n Government of absolute power. It is a Government of law, and there is no right to Impose any penalty not previa ed bv law. An attempt has been made and is being made, to create an opinion that the President is deserting mo piat form on which ho was elected in not DimishiiiL' traitors. Rut I will say in behalf of tho President I Will say for tho President to the Senate, 'Get your tribunal, and live hundred, or live tiinu ffiiml if von want tlioin. of the lenders with .Toil' Davis at their head, are ready for you.' I suppose that it will not lie contended that the president snau turn into a nubile prosecutor. There are cit izens enough, with intelligence oiiougl and bring them througl tlienrillll.lrvcll.'lllliels wi thill tllO t'llltcll- es of the law ; and I say on the part ofi the President, if you fix your triimnais and get vour machinery roimy you rim have live hundred or live thousand oi them to-morrow, and you need not bo particular about the selection ; you can select mem yourselves, anu iiu,su, who can throw the blame in tills matter upon the President ? But they niu-t not lie tried bv a military commission, as thev havo been declared cxtra-Juiliclnl by iiio Supremo Court." THE LOCAL PEESS. The unanimity which marks tho de nunciation of tho Coi.umihak by our contemporaries, is, to say tho least, si; nlflcant. and a striking illustration ol tho truth of tho old saying, " Extremes meet." We can but feel that they aro not sufllciently grateful to us, and that instead of denunciation wo should rc celvo praise; for wo havo for some time past supplied them with sufllcient male rial for that portion of their papers which is devoted to the abuse of others. It is hardly confined to n single column, however, but is a prominent feature in every one. Tho Democrat and Slur, in tho issue following tho appearance of our first number, showed a hopeful sign of im provement in its choice of language, and wo really felt that the work of refornia tlon laid commenced ; but a lapse of two weeks intervening between the publlcn tlon of the first and second numbers of tho Coi.umman left it without the strength of our moral support, and it fell back into its old ways. AVo havo not entirely abandoned It, however, and hope In time to see It become gentleman ly nnd courteous In tone ; then it will ap proach moro nearly to what we intend tho Coi.umiita:; shall bo truly a family journal. When that tlmecoineswobliall be able to publish more interesting ex tracts from the columns of our contem porary than the second of tho two we give below : Tin: Coi.umiuajj. This Is tho title of tho 1) sorgnnlzer's new miner, at th s place, which made Its llrst appearance on Saturday last, bearing tho date of May , and promises to appear every Saturday, regularly, after tiiis date. Tho paper looks well, is printed upon If noiu-iaco typo, aim in size will compare favorably with any of our country ex changes. It is conducted hvUcnwo II. Moore, Ksq,, of some other place besides inis. in pom ics wo scarcely Know where to find It ; but It promises to "sup port nil principles and measures of poli cy which look to tho consolidation of tho Union ;" besides supply n want very much felt in tills immediate neighbor hood, by establishing an " Independent Journal." Jl it means to support prlncl pies looking toward tho restoration of the Union. It. to bo consistent in all tilings, should undoubtedly place at tho nend ot its columns me uiinio oi lion 1 leister Clymer for Governor. Tho prin clples avowed and maintained by Mr. Clymer. tho standard-bearer of tho Bo- mocracy of this State in tho present campaign, look to no other object than tho restoration of tho Union through President Johnson's plan. Whv not then support tho man for Governor who supports Johnson's policy, and " thus riso auovu ino passions oi mo past V" SifAMi:! Shami:!! Tho fuglemen of iiiorobUJiniANiirostiiuiyingtocoimc iuvh iu siqipuri uicir paper. mi me COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBTJRG, SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1866. man who makes It his fiicclal (mines to solicit subscriptions mistook his man In one Instance. Tho solicitor saldt ' We have worn which we wish you to lo, but vou must llrst agree to take tho CotAJMiiiAN, else you cannot have our work." " ro, sir, begone," replied the 1ii.iiwiii-nt. " I ilim't nsk vmir Work under such a consideration ;'' and very politely Informed the depraved wretch that he was yet at liberty to do as ho Pleased about subscribing lor n paper. Men who thus attempt to drive people Into tho support or their opinions and measures aiinear to be unwilling to leave the ring of former military forcoand ar bitrary rule. AVe will not here mention tho name of our untramellcd nnd In dependent Democrat, but his name as well lis the just romiKO given ny mm, to lhi miserable tool of tho Columbian has already gone abroad. Jlo shall bo remembered. This Is truly a position unoccupied by any other paper In this county. The following nrticle Is from tho lie- publican of November !)(), 1805: The more we see of Andrew Johnson the more does our faith In him Increase. While no ono has doubted his patriot Ism and ildelity there are those who thought he would err Injudgment. lie Is proving hiniscii master oi tno situa tion. Andrew Johnson Is to bo trusted. JNo man has given a stronger proof of love for country and fidelity to tho Union tlinn lie. Go read the records of tho session of Congress of 'lin-'Ol. when, among all the Senators from ids part of tho country, .loiuison stood mono aim boldlv denounced tho rest as traitors; read the thrilling stories or '(11, when he was niriiln and again Insulted, threat ened, and assailed by bodies of infuriate men. when us property was connscaieu, his sick wife with her child driven into the street, a price set upon his bond, and his patriotism seemed to have for Its cost the loss of all ihat men held dear on earth, and even life itself; and then read the history oi his subsequent niiminis tratlon as Military Governor of Tonnes see, and tell us If Andy Johnson Is not to be trusted; Tho Columbia County Republican of prll 2(1, 18G(i, announce: the appoint' ment by tho President or Robert F Clark as Assessor or Internal Revenue for the Thirteenth District, the ofllco now leld by theeditor of tho Republican, and in the number for May 3 speaks of Pros ident Johnson as follows: We still hoped for better things and kept h cut. Hut his course now Is sucl as to make it Impossible for the party or men that nominated, elected, and nave rallied around him to longer support or defend him. He is disregarding his vol untary pledges, shamelessly falsifying ids record, nnd bending his energies to betray a faithful people. We cannot we dare not remain silent nny longer, Principles aro dearer tons than ofllco. and the demands of our country more imperative than the dicUims of tho President. Tho blandishments or pow- or cannot mako tin ralter. nor can tin: honors and the emoluments or place tempt us to sacrifice our principles or be tray our party. The. President Is a man or the vco vie. As In tho past, so In the future, we believe it is his determination to be true to them. Republican, February 15. Never were truer words written. The President has been true to the people and never truer than in his vetoes of tho Freedinen's Bureau Supplement and the Negro Citizenship Rill. These most profligate ami unconstitutional measures were vetoed by tho "man of the people" because he was true to duty and linn in its performance. A base or timid man would havo shrunk from tho encounter with numerous and powerful enemies. I To would have consulted his case if not his interests by acqutesciii; in those iniquitous and high-handed measures of faction. But because the President was true to tho people, true to his oath of olllce, and true to his lion est convictions of duty, and did not Hindi when pressed upon by faction tho zeal of radicals, fanatics, mid dc structives In ids favor has not onl " waxed cold," but been turned into the very bitterness of hatred. But, on the contrary, the zeal of honest,sensible, and patriotic men in the President's support and their admiration of his courage, un selfishness, wisdom, and virtue, has- been immensely strengthened and con finned. Tin-: newspaper-press of this county speak of the editor of tills paper as of "somo other place besides this." AV propose to enlighten them on this sub ject. At the outbreak of the war we were editing a paper in New York, butnban doned that occupation, and enlisted as private in tho Thirty-sixth Regiment o Now York Volunteers, In tho month of April, 1801. Wo served our full term of servico in that regiment, nnd were hon orably discharged, having received pro motions in tho meantime. Tills much by way or explanation. AVill our eon- temporaries lio equally candid, and in form us of their whereabouts during that time? Oun contemporaries are in a quanda ry. By some the uii.u.mihan' is pro nounced a Republican, and by others a Democratic paper. Bet us assure them again that it is neither ; it is not a po litical, but is, and will continue to bo, an independent Journal. AVhatovor it can do to restore harmony and concord between tho States it will do in all earn estness and sincerity : and how this paramount duty can best bo discharged wo must bo allowed to decldo for our selves. Believing President Johnson's plan for tho restoration of tho States to their former relations to bo tho best pro posed, while ho abides by that plan wo shall stand by him mid ills friends. AVi: havo observed that a portion of tho press of this country aro anxious to excito the indignation of tho people against the President for releasing C. C, Clay, of Alabama, on his parole, mid wo havo further observed that not ono of these Journals has laid tho candor and manliness to state that Mr. Clay was re leased upon tho recommendation of General Grant, Senator AVHson, and others, after a full and thorough Inves tigation of tho subject. Tinmt: nro now only threo Itovolu tlonary soldiers alive: Samuel Cook, of Hatfield, Mass.; Samuel Downing, of Carroll County, N, II.; nnd James Bar- hum, of Missouri. COMMUNICATIONS. To (he .Editor of the Columbian: I di'.mihi: to occupy somo room in our new paper, to explain my reasons for supporting your enterprise as it nlon man and a citizen of tills county, icemise I think that a good deal of mis' representation about tho motives of some who have Invited you to come here has I,,.,.., ntr.Mii.iiiwl bv liitf.riwf i.1 persons, t n iWt, Interest. Iii our snei'iiss in the Into war against the Rebellion, mwi 4imi.(ri,i .Hmt. no eiiViris bv ii dtl. ...... . n could bo (oo cront to assist tho fTJnvnrntiumf In lf front, wnvk. wlltctl. ' . . ..." , .' . ' as l understood it, was to Keep me country together, and keep In force ,m- fviiwHiiitliinnl of li-nnlillcan laws In every pari. In tho course of the -ir It via mn'isMirv in rnsiirt In iiiunv unusual and strong measures, and some- tlnwM HittiiN wiri! .limn wbti'h worn Ir- ' " " . tlwnicriit. tn li " "" . nmi,wl nr nviMisofl iv lin rlrnimistnn. cos of the time. Rut at the end or tho ,- ..II ronMiinnlitn luwniH must linve " - : di that a new state of things would nniilro n return to woll-sottlod lirlncl- V les of republican government proper to a timo or peace. Accordingly the habeas corpiu was restored somo time ago In the loyal States, and military ac tlon has glvtn way pretty generally to tho nction of tho civil power. Aim ni many other respects there havo been changes In public policy, mid it is to no nopcii mo intercourse oi ourpeopio wuu each other will bo more cordial and friendly than It was (luring tho war, when there was so much excitement, and when the most violent men in the country came to the surface of society, .iiid mm miicii more iniiuonco 111:111 usual. Now what sincere Union men nnd true patriots must desire above all other M. Bishop, T. M. AVoodrutl', and Phi things In national policy, is that tho lander hong. The meeting was contln- Union which was struck at by tho Re- bellion shall be entirely restored In such a way that it will bo secure hereafter, and that we shall have continued to us all tho blessings of constitutional liberty. But to obtain these things perfectly re- (itilrcs wise statesmanship as well as 1 good intentions in our rulers, and I have thought wo were peculiarly blessed by Prnviilonrn In lmvlii" for our President at this time a statesman of ripe expert- ence, witli n firm will, a love of Justice, and deep devotion to the Constitution of tlie country, who represents, nobly and truly, those Union principles Tor which wo contended in tho war, and which aro now to be applied in timo of peace. I shall expect you, in your now paper, to present to the people the policy of President Johnson regarding tho resto ration or the Union in a true light, and enable them to see with what good sense and sound wisdom lie has pro ceeded so far in ids great work, and also to explain tho position which ho now occupies regarding furtherineasiires hav ing tho same end in view. And I shall limin tlmtrvou will also present tho is sues betwA'ii him and his Jtadical ene mies upon tho future policy of tho coun try in so clear a manner that they can not bo misunderstood by any or your readers who desire to know the truth, and to sec good government firmly es tabl ished throughout our whole country. I do not desire to be critical or cen sorious upon the Columbia Count 1 lie- county ; but I must say, for the truth agreeable to their unwarrantable dicta requires it, that that paper does not ti(n, tho (Constitutions of such States be. ' , ... ,, l 1 . ..t.i ing now 111 perfect harmony with lh( represent, at this time, tho true princi- UIm!mlt.a Co'titution of the Unite, pies of Unionism, as I understand them, states; and In the flr-tt iilnce. it is devoted to ncL'rn AViri:ni:AS. The Congress of the Uni stillruge-a disunion proposition, which, :.. a.?. 1. ,.i- f f, i, , ,,,,,1 r,,,.,;,! In the hands or factions and fanatical men, is made the main instrument lor keeping tho country apart, and continu- ine nil the evils mid mischiefs resulttll" wnr Ihih been fmccil iiimn thiM-minlry by llioillj 111, ail UIUIA lis mill misuiiLis u.iiiiin lm,ml,ss f ,,. s.,, w,n,.,, In i.n-ult tlieretroni. in mat paper 01 I'onruaiy 8 there was nn article strongly sup- porting negro suffrage in the District of Columbia, and warmly approving tho pas-age Of n bill for that purpose through ,T i, , in... uiu Jioii-u m jvuii vnviiuuivt-n, nnu iiini. ten when the electors ill' the UUtrlet hull too w lien mo eiu.iors 01 mo insinu nnu nnitested UL'ainst it bv mi almost Uliaill- 1 . - . . .... IllOtlS vote, ill mis 11 opposed i-resi- dent Johnson, whoso known hostility to that outrageous measure has prevent ed the Senate from acting upon it. It i understood that If pushed by the Sen ate It would bo vetoed by tho President, and thus defeated. It has also in other iuiiuivj, iijiviu .m.m-i ..ii.uoi.mi.-, nr ported negroism 111 elections aim amend- ineiitu t. ti.n t'riiistitiitinii wiiteh miiriit ...v..... ... ..." v p... 11 is 1 1111,1 11. t.. i.ii.. committed to disunion agitation on this subject, which is Kept up to emnarass tho President and to keep the country .11. .1.1. 1.1 divided. t. 1,111 1 tn.r..ot.i.. 1 1 is imjiMisu uinii.sL i, iiu ! nmum on tlio admission of Representatives of States into Congress, and instead or . ..i.ii.i.i..ii...i.... .1.1....1...1 41...1. llllilisillllg lin!l ll-siiu;iii s viuivsim nnu subject, or lainy stating mem, nas mis- represented tho question and tried to excito prejudice upon it. It holds to tho heresy which has been so complete- ly demolished by President Johnson and other leading tmlon men, that tlio Statesarenotoutoftho Union (requiring reconstruction by an act of Congress tho very doctrine that was asserted by tho Rebellion, nnd which tho Union men or tho country resisted by war. Tho Republican untruly stated that tho President had recommended the passage of the creedmnn's Bureau Bill, and after his veto it neither took back the statement nor published tho veto. so timt tin, President mMit have a f ilr so that t ho I res dint might bin on l.m hearing beroro its readers. And while this has been Its course and conduct regarding the President and Ids policy, It has eulogized ids particular enemies In Congress who have defamed him and opposed his Administration Mr. Stevens lias been eulogized and Mercur praised and defended. AVhen I mmu or mi meso tilings, in wen as ... . - .. ... ., others which might ho named, I como to tho conclusion that a truo Union ..m.-u. ,.., M.i. i..i. ui. ,.ii ,, ti.r. unwi. .I,.lit ,! l ll. i,.!,,,,!,,!,., 11. . ...V... ...... ... u . ,.v.,i ...... ..,.i-,. , i . of unlonlsiii and justice, Is necessary in Just this section, where the people arc disposed to act right, nndtosupport good men and good principles in the govern' ment of the country, A Rr.Pt'iimt'AN oi' 1S(1. Towan-da, PA., May 0, 1S00 Tcrlhc Kdltor of the Cblumbian : Di:ah Shi. A large number of the friends of President Johnson met ni mo court iiouse, m tins piucc, on, evening last. The meeting was organ- Izod by calling Colonel Allen jHeKcnn to tho chair, and appointing two secrc- tar es. The court-room was densely crowned, mm mo greuiwi c'iuiihwmh ... ... .....1 ....11... .1. ... prevailed throughout, 'lhe meeting .i.i.,wt..i i... rt,w,n.Siiii(ii '.v umnrat,i . v,u..,..v. and Hon. II. W. Tracy. The followers of Stevens and Co. hero begin to treiu- bio as their deception and hypocrisy are being OXPOsed. HlO time H I10t ftir HIS taut when me iraiiucers oi i rcamcm. JollUSOIl will bo US lllUcll despised US the " . .. . . f i.i... .i nreh - traltors of tho South. Their chief . . . ....... . , .!....! SKICK 111 trade is iiusciiouu nun inn-ii,, and should they succeed in eurryinguicir point the COtlsequeilCCS Will 1)0 US disllS trons to me country as was uiu piui. m . .. . ii ..i- Davis and U. A Joiixsok RwunucAN. JOITNSON MASS MEETING, PtttistTAXT to a call of the supporters Lf pidcu Johnson und tho present Inttr.,tInl, n inrLro lin,i cnthusiaS' tic meeting was held In the Court House, n, Tmvmula. on Tuesday evening. May 8 () motioii. Colonel Allen MoKean was ,.i,fwm, urmtdent. After tho oblect or . ,m.(,ti,1r hud been stated by tho nrcwlcli-iit. S. W. Ruck and J. II. Pldn MpV) jr woro dted secretaries. The eimiVpinn appointed tho following per- Uonsa Committee on Resolutions: lion ir AV. Traev. Captain C. II. Ames, Franklin Blackmail, Daniel Decker, J ued bv Colonel Klhunan Smith, in the absence of the committee, who lnterest- ed tho meeting for a short time with an exposition of the views and aims of the Administration. Tho committee report ed the preamble and resolutions through their Chairman, lion. II. AV. 1 racy, who enforced tho resolutions upon tho consideration or tho meeting in a few remarks, whereupon, on motion, the mime were unanimously r.di pted, as To! lows : AViir.nnAS. AVe were or tho opinion, 11 Hio chirk davs or the Rebellion, that tho " war ror the Union" would triumph, nnd flint the valor mid patriotism of the Union-loving men ot me nation aim me nnllv wnild gloriously triumph over secession and all attempts 01 neuei ar niiosmiil Ilebi'lsviiipathizerstodisineni' I.,. Hir. l'iiiin of Btntfx " nnil that wm,n t'i,0 Hobellioii was crushed, 'mid the Rebel laid down his arms, and sub mlttedtotho Government of the United States, that the Union of States, for which ournrmies fought and bled, would stand before the world upon a firmer basis the wonder and admiration 01 an civilized Governments, as a lasting mon ument to the glory mm perpetuity 01 1 1. ii 1... . .....1 IVl'lllllllll.Ul IIISUIUWIMIS , .Will AViir.itnAS. The Rebellion has been mistiml liv force of arms, the Govern niimt of tho United Stnt(v vindicated and is now exercising rightful authority over all tho States at the present time, vet si-vnt.1 in P(nii,res--i nre denied to Ken- 'rcsontativos from seceded States in this Union, who have elected and have in nttendance Representatives of uunuis- tionaoie loyally, aim who uru cuum-ii to seats bv everv existing legal and con stitutiona'l test; but an unscrupulous malnrity In Congress deny tho-e ltepre- sentatives admission, and propose to V'a, stnk'3j1011 the twenty-llflh day of July, one thousand eight hundred and sl,.t-v'.().u. .uiopted a resolution in tho words following, to wit: ...,,,., Timt iim nmrat iiontomiiio civi iia.nn-t tim r.nntitutioirii n.ivmim.-m, nnu 1 .,L,,.i,,.v(,'ur.'('iiiia)riiu'i- ,V, i':,t;j?,,?.:;;,.,.!i win ri-i'miti. inn 11. tills war It 111 j;"'"" "M.r'iJlniaiim:: nr fur tlin mirpovMirnw'rllirmvliiaor hiti'ifi-rliiR wltnilinrllipiiirmiiiiialieii iiisiiiiiiiniisDi uioif siiiti-i, Imt In ili fi'iia una iiinintiiln lliuMipri'iiiuc "f "in CoiiIUiitlon nnil nil laws mailn In mirhu anci, ln(,r,.(,fi ul)1j t ,,.,.,. n,,, pninn lm ni Hi" Hunltv, I'limillty, ami rlalits nt I ho M-vrni 1 Stati'rt unhnnaiiiil : Ihat n.s sunn iw tin'M. niiji't an-aocoiuiilUlK-d lliowa far ought torenw." Thuru Jtcxolred. That wo hold toand believ that the Union of the United States was never broken up, severed, or abandon ed that an me ltebei armies 01 mesi called " Con fodoracv or Southern State with all their allies at homo and In P,u mm. cenililneil cimlil nut uf rlke line Kin te or iiortion (11 a riiatt) irom me Muericau rnlon : That an tno Mines areas niuen nieiiibers ofthis Government now -I..1...11!.. .,,,,1 ..1 1,1 lll'iuiu lin: .ivum-nniii, nun nniiiim i.,,.tn,i ,,..,1 1.,., ,, .1. nnil theiitteim t , I;co., tR,m outrtldu the pale of tla union, uy renising tno loyai ncopio o their Mines a representation m 1 engross 1 is 11 iitiltuui IIUS illlll til 1111 1111 ,Y USUI I l.l 1 11 Ml itiv.,,.1 ufi'i,., i,.,..,-r,, 11,. ,'v. jii.i'" n it, ... iv u..vv...... ,, our renewed coiilldcnce in me integrity stability, and devoted patriotism o President Johnson, viio, m me oiuiireai. oi t ie lie ie no n. coiueuiieii iigaius; se a, . ,,, . ,,, ,,, .,, IT.ilt,.,! Slt,it,w senate, and dolled armed rebellion Tennessee; who sprung from the people and nas ever been me enemy oi slavery , ""M.i" ,, Z Xil ! ....Her of the inensiiresand pollev of tli LdmiiiNtratIou of the lamented Bin coin, and wopledgo him our hearty siq port In his lalioix and policy Tor a Just complete, and permanent reconstruction oi me union. Jtcsolced. That wo have nn nbldln and steadfast attachment to tho princi ples of tho Union party as laid down at Baltimore, mid upon which Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson were so triumphantly elected, never doubting "That It is tho highest duty of every American citizen to maintain against ail their enemies the Integrity ot tho Un k mul thu pL.rnmne,,t authority of the Constitution and laws of tho United States'' Jiexolved, That In our Judgment no warrant can bo round In the Constitu tion or tlio United States or any law or Congress authorizing tho Senate and Ilouso ot Representatives of tho Unite States to pass a concurrent resolution leelaring "That In order to dose uzlta- iii!fiiiiirii.,!ir.,.if),i,iiiu p1.v-111.-1 uii- 1II.1I1 .1 1 llll l.ll..ll nlt.. Ill',, to liut,,rb thonetion or tho Government Us well us to quiet the uncertainty which Is agitating tho minds or the people or tlio cloven States, wh c i I ,, , ,. I....1.,..,..! I.. I... 1. I M""1 IU lio 111 llisur. I reetlou, i Senator or Representatlv hu(lhfl admitted Into either branch of 1 Congress from tiny ol the said state until Congress shall have declared stfch State entitled to such representation;" such unwarrantable action on the part of the two 1 iou-os, us wo most firmly be lieve, has served not only to Increase Biieh agitation, but greatly to disturb tho (pilot aiitl Increase tho uncertainty now pervading the public mind throughout tho length and breadth of the United States, as nothing can bo more clear and certain than that the loyal people or eve ry Suite In the Union havo tlierignitone presented in both branches 01 v.011 iviu uiii'li rlirlil linlnir secured hv the vi'ivimj ti.riiw of (lie Constitution, and this rk'ht was expressly acknowledged by Congress apportioning Representa tives hi tiuwc very otuies, wiine m ac tual rebellion, by an act approved tho 1th or March, 18(52, which was not to take effect until Ith of March, 180:1. Jlesolred, That treason against me overnment of the United States Is a rent and bunions crime, which should lie severely punished, that It may 1C' iwllmw in tin-iicniilc. AVe are tin- alterably opposed to compromising with traitors by bartering " universal anines- '" for " universal suffrage." Jtcwtvcd, That In the opinion of this meeting neither of tho conventions which have assembled at llarrisburg mil i.l.i.'.'il in iinitifniittiiii rnndiilates for . ' " .. ;. in. r inventor 01 tun 1:011 iimnw run" lo(lln nominiv liolitlcal record. nntecedeiils, and present surroundings Will justify me loyai men, wim iipiuoi. nnil Hiishiln the President. In giving tllli.rnf thmn nt lirpsi'llt 11 llonHV SUIJ- iort. Therefore they recommend the ailing of a convention of the menus f tho President to nut In nomination a rmiilliliiln fur (lovemor or this Common wealth whom they can more cheeriuiiy nnil I'oiisislciitlv Nuiinort. oinitv Committee of live be appointed Mcsoirca, Thai n i.cmrai manning iv the elmlr. whose ilntv It shall be to appoint committees of vigilance in each of the townships and boroughs of Brad: ford Lounty, and transact sucn oilier iHine.-s as mo best interests 01 tne uii' ;m party mav require. Jlctolced. That Miles Bishop. C. H Ames. Elmer Cowlos. G. II. Fnton. and 11. AV. Noble bo appointed as Senatorial conferees to confer with such other con ferees as may bo selected by other coun ties of this District, to select a Senatori al jjc ('"-ate to a state convention 10 nominate a candidate for Governor, If such a convention shall he called by me friends of President Johnson in this State. Jtesoleed, That Colonel Allen McKean mil ( iilnnel K. Kmltli urn hereby an- minted representative delegates to said (invention, ii the same snau no nem. Itcmlred. That the chair appoint ommitteeof five to make arrangements to establish a Union paper in the Bor ough of Towundn. to advocate the prin ciples or the Union party of the county and sustain the Administration of our patriotic President. Jivsoieea. That mo proceedings 01 1111 meeting be signed by the oillcers and published in mo mh.umiii an, puuiisueii it Bloonisburir. Pa., and such other pa ers in this congressional aim: senatorial district as please to publish the Mime. The President -appointed the follow ng named gentlemen nsiiieiiiborsol'the Standing Committee Tor the ensuing year : Colonel 13. Smith, J. A. hinder man, S. AV. Buck, Daniel Decker, Phi lander Long, J. M. Bishop, Solomon Stevens. The following named gentle men were also appointed by the chair to make arrangements for tho establish ment of a Union paper: II. AV. Tracy F. B. Ford, F.lhanun Smith, Uel 0, Porter, and J. If. Phinney, Jr. On mo tion the meeting adjourned. TIIE PRESIDENT. much President Johnson may difl'er with tho party which elevat ed him to power, it is very evident that he lias no Intention of throwing himself into the arms or any organization which lias even tlio smell of disloyalty upon its garments. 1 Iowcver much his view may clash with certain of tho Union leaders, lie manifestly intends, as he has declared, to fight his battles within the lines of tho Union party. In ids recent conversation with GovernorCox,of Oliio he said his whole heart was with tho body of truo men who carried tlio coun try througli tho war, and lie earnestly desired to maintain a cordial and perfect understanding witli them. After making tho most strenuous efforts to win over the Republican President tlio Democrats are at last coming to the conclusion that their labors will prov unavailing, if a sudden chango of ton affords any criterion to Judge rroin. For example, Senator Saulsbury sard.Iu tho course ol his lachrymose speech before gathering of tho faithful at AVashington on Saturday, that he was tired of sup porting a man who would not help him self; who let tho Connecticut election go against htm when ho could havo pre vented It ; who gives his offices to h enemies, and retains a Cabinet wholl Inimical to his policy. Tho World now wants it to lio under stood that "Air. .loiuison Is not our President." Democrats " praise and support him Just exactly as we should havopralscd and supported Mr. Lincoln We do not ask of him anything except not to desert himself. Wo do not as for olllces ; wo do not want them." It continues: "Tho President, in being afraid to idcntifi liimHif in any way with tl Democratic party (perhaps from motive oi delicacy, which we appreciate), can lose something; Imt that party whic needs no particular man can easily do without him. Clay left it, and thougl lew more nine men nave lived sine AVashington, the Democratic party man ageci to exist without linn, mid to be; him as often ns ho wooed the combat Wo do not envy Mr. Johnson his pre tended friends of Seward and Co.. when ho so often and bitterly denounced as enemies or tho Union, subverters of tho uinstiiution.tinciprovoKersot civil war. AVo did not ask him not to alllliato with them; hut ho knows that, though he asi; it, wo win not miniate with them their hands aro too red with blood and their pockets tod plethoric witli pub lic piuuuor." Tho AVuvi llkowlso changes Its attitude toward the President, and says: "If the President will consent fo 1 the tool of a faction, let him exectilo the unconstitutional laws ol those icgisia live monopolists, mil n he is Pros: dent of tho United States, ho need not tear to tramp o upon 1 in edicts of tl demagogues who are going through tho snow mid mocKory of legislation at Washington," Following the lead of these two Jou mils, we may now expect the rural Rem ocratle press will go still further, apd soundly bernto .Mr. Johnson lor not ful filling their expectations, and ningin himself along with them. Tho President, however, will doubt-" less pay little heed to, and care less about these unfriendly expressions of opinion. or need lie look lo mere party organi zations for approval nnd stippbfti If, Islng itbirt'tfllll partlc' nnd influences, fearlessly and c.Mrfiieiitiousiy pop fornls his Whole duty, the voice or tin! American people will upjilalfd' mill tip' hold hint. A'eW York Commercial AiU ertlscr. TIIE j?RANOniSE. Kqvai.i.y adverse to tho great exam- pies or nations In their career oi con-' quest, and alike abhorrent to the spirit of mercy which has hcretororo distill' gulshed our own country, Is the tlffwisd policy or debarring frotu friifitllfso until : certain date those who havo voiuiuiw rlly engaged III the Rebel servico. Those? familiar with tlio subject must be ilw'nrW that thoso who fought were tiny most honest, the bravest, and tho best por tion of the South. Their Influence In io work oT restoration Is most needed, because it is the most beneficial. They aro the natural leaders of the South, and mako them enemies by prescriptive; legislation Is to pursue nsuleldal policy. Outside of Fast Tennessee the men who withheld sympathy for their section were of littlo repute In their vicinage, and will bo or little value to the public now. There may be some Individual exceptions to this rule, but they nro ns raroas Inconspicuous. This proseriptivo course can have but one nifect, to engen der hatred nnd strire; which may fur nish pretext for further despotic enact ments. Indeed, but one purpose stands out in this whole plan of reconstruction, and that Is, to continue agitation unci ontroversy on geographical lines, in order to govern the nation by a sectional lartv under radical lead. The very proposition Is nn argument for Immedi ate representation of tlio loyal men whom the South havo chosen to sit In Congress. Not one valid reason for postponement is advanced. The great principle of universal suffrage, for wlileh so many prayers have been offered upr and ror which so many weary speeches have been made, is basely surrendered' ror political power. To retain power Congress has not only concluded to fling the liolitlcal rights of four millions or negroes to the wind, but dares, In the race of public necessity, and in detlnnco of every humane nnd Christian instinct, make eleven States the bagatelle of par ty machinations, and place niiNlons ac customed to the rights of freemen under the ban of degradation. AVhen honor in man is lost the best part of manhood goes with it. AVhen woman yields her chastity the glory of her sex vanishes, and she becomes the object or universal pity. Rut these individual Instances, melancholy us they are, do not nffect materially the world at large. AVhen, however, men who hold tho command- ng positions usually occupied bystutos- mon, whoso acts make up the weal or woe or nations, forget their duties to tlio law, eat their own words, violate their own professions, mid disregard tlio pub lic safety, for no other seeming object but tho retention of political power, then the fame of tlio Republic becomes Involved, the chastity of free institu tions is threatened, and at such times, by such deeds, nations become dishon ored, and tho glory of a great race is tarnished. National Jtepublieun. EASTERN SHORE RAILROAD. This work is a continuation or tho Delaware Railroad from tho Delaware line to Anniniisset, on the Chesapeake Bay. From the former to tho latter point the distanco is thirty-nine miles, mid it is completed nnd ready for opera tion to thu town of Princess Anne, Maryland, twenty miles, leaving nine teen miles to bo made. The Kastern Shore Railroad Company, which owns and is building tho road, 1ms nearly ex hausted IU means, and without help will not bo able to complete the work. Only sixteen thousand dollars, however, will be needed, and for this the compa ny appeals to the merchants and bttsl ness men of Philadelphia. This appeal has been Indorsed by our Hoard of Trade, and ought to be responded to nt once. The object or tho lino Is to open a through route of tho trade and travel,, between Philadelphia and -Norfolk,, without tlio interruption experienced on the Raltimoro route, and without the perils of tlio sea voyage. AVhen tin) road shall havo been finished to Annl--missct, n lino of superior steamers will ply in connection with it between that point and Norfolk. These flno steam ers havo been secured, and aro ready fo run as soon as tho road shall be finished and worked. Tho whole, or nearly all, of tho road from Princess Anno to An ninilssot is graded, and for fivo miles from Princess Anne it is nearly finished. The sixteen thousand dollars asked for will do tho work perfectly, and our tradesmen may bo assured thrt with, this help wo shall soon have the new line opened to Norfolk. Let it bo fur nished without delay. North Ameri can. AN ECCENTRIC INVENTOR. I.N" noticing tho death of Mr. Ap pold, the well-known engineer, a Lon don paper observes that tlio most ro innrkablo proofs of his cloverness ns nit Inventor were collected in hisown liouso and tho works adjoining it. There ev erything that could be made so was au tomatic. The doors opened as you ap proached them, and closed uftcr you had entered; wafer enmo unbidden into tho basins; when tho gas was lighted tho shutters clo-ed; a self-acting thermome ter prevented tlio tempernturo rising or falling above or below certain fixed points; nnd thealr supplied for ventila tion was both washed to cool and screen ed to cleanse it from blacks. F.ven tho gates of his stable-yard opened of them- selves as he drove through, and closed again without slamming. Captain Thomas Jovus, tho first white male born In Louisville, Ky, died in mat city on l-nuay, in nts seventy I eighth year,