f THE COLUMBIAN, BLOQMSrUKG, SATURDAY, III AY 12, 1360. 22. tl' LOOAL INTELLIGENCE. Tun review of Iho local press Is una voltlalily crowded out WM week. 'I'm: Grand Jury lms rcfiiMtl fo grunt tlio application to Incorporate Itlooins burtf. ALo Mltllln mul .lorse-ytowli. An Interesting article from tlm Phila delphia -AWi Anicrlean, u leading lie publican paper, will bo found on the second (rage. Vili.iam L. Madikick A Co., deal oh hi lino groceries, No. 1 in Mouth Third (Street (opposite the tlirard Bank). Philadelphia. Ouu rcadew will bo Inlerc-ted in tli.o.Uf the State Central Committee of the Infiiriiinf Inn mill nlneil 111 the net for the ncnnsoi'Viitlvn I'nliin nnrtv. establishment of n Poor House In this county, which we publish In another Column. Titu new Grocery Store or IlnNnv thoF.it, on Main Street, contains a va ried nnd full assortment of articles kept In stores of this kind. His facilities for illllng orders are ample, and as an addi tional inducement to purchasers, ho of fers to recelvo butter, eggs, meat, and produce In exchange for goods. "Wi: suggcht to our patrons to preserve their copies of tho Columiiian from the commencement of its publication, by placing them upon a regular tile, or laying them aside in some secure place. This will enable them hereafter to refer to any subject of interest, and to have the numbers bound In regular volumes for preservation. A little attention or trouble In this behalf will secure to them a valuable record of news and of events. CooitT Pnocr.r.niNds. Jacob llo-sler vs. William Slaughbach and wife. An action of slander. Verdict for plaintiff, $1)1.07 and co-ts. Commonwealth vs. Andrew dingle-'. Indictment, assault and battery. Ver dict, guilty. Sentence, lino of 10 and costs. Commonwealth vs. Nathaniel Perry. Indictment, larceny. Defendant pleads guilty. Sentence. Commonwealth r. George Lazarus. Indictment, obtaining money under false pretences. Not n true bill. Hugh "V. Melleynolds .. Peter 011 phant. Plaintiff takes non-suit. Kxecutors of George I.ongenberger, deceased, vs. Hugh V. Melleynolds, ct. a!. NEWS ITEMS. Tin: President has recognized Martin Lewis os Vice-C'ounsul of Denmark for the Stato or Maryland. Count Guhowski, a Polish exile, Well known in this country, died at his lodgings in Washington on the llliinst. Th.13 Canadian Parliament lias been Minunoned to meet on the Nth of June. Tho session will probably be a short one. Tin: telegraph reports that the stenni er Continental, with Mr. Mercer's bevy of New Kngland girls on board, has arrived at San Francisco. A TitiAi. of skill by the telegraphers of New Kngland and New York took place on Monday, the 7th instant, the lrize beUig a silver telegraph key. Tin: Pittsburg Commercial says: "Mr. Sumner is opposed to the report of the Peconstrui'tion Committee, and will propose a plan of his own, baed on ne gro sutfrage." ' Govi:nxon Pikkpont, of Virginia, lias appointed Hon. Alexander Jtives Judge of tho Court of Appeals, to fill tho vacancy occasioned by the death or Judge Thompson. Tin: Northern Central Jtnilroad or Pennsylvania lias narrowed the gunge or its road from Klmira to Canandaigua, and has a uniform guage from Wash ington to New York. A Prom: in Norfolk, leased some time ago for the enormous sum of two tlinu Dind four hundred dollars per annum, was on Friday week rented by auction for ilfty-sevcn dollars per month. Tin: Convention or Fast Tonne.-sce has adopted resolutions petitioning the Legislature ror an act allowing to East Tennessee a separate State government. There were only four dissenting voices. Tho convention has adjourned nine die. A CAM. has been made Torn conven tion to meet at Knoxville, on May !', composed of delegates from all counties in East Tennessee, to memorialize the legislature for leave to form a new fitatc, to bo called the Slate of East Ten nessee. TitHiu: nro fifteen iron-dads now In jiroecns of construction, three of them in New York, three at Cinelnnatti, two each at St. Louisnnd Pittsburg, and one each at Boston, Portsmouth, Philadel phia, Brownsville, Pa., and Kensing ton, Pa. Mns. Ji:rr. Davis and her liltlo daughter were admitted to Carroll Hall to see Mr. Davis on Thursday, the 3d instant. The meeting was wltnerv-ed only by the ollleer in attendance, but is reported to have been a most tender mid nllecting one. Jt is not known how long they will remain. Ln:i"ri':NANT-Gi:Ni:iiAi, Ghant at tended the exhibition, in Washington, of left-handed penmanship by n num ber of soldiers who were deprived In tho war of the corresponding member on tho right. The exhibition has been it great success. Prizes were given to tho successful competitors. In tho Massachusetts House or Itep rebentatives, on tho ;!d Instant, Speaker Rtono ruled that members of the House who would receive tho benefits of tho bill to equalise tho bounties of Slate troops, by reason of having been sol diers, would not be allowed to vote. Tho ruling was sustained. Tin: order of tho Secretary or the Treasury, or a recent date, suspending tho payment of all prize money upon which payment had not been made, has been rescinded, and payment on these lists will bo commenced after tho 1st of next month. Several hundred thou wind dollars are involved in these payments, Gf.ni'.iial Mitr.itMAN left St. London tho t!d In-tont for an extended tour through Wisconsin, Kimsn?, and Ne braska, witli u View to observe the pro Jeeted Paellle Jtnllroad routes and the propo-ed eastern termini. It Is believed that the property left to Tu It College by the lutoKylvantH l'aek ard will produeo three bundled mid fifty thousand dollars. This college, Is of the Universullst persuasion, and Is situated In Cambridge, Mass. Gf.nf.haii llr.Aitils now engaged In delivering a series of speeches through out the Hlate of Missouri on tho politi es issues 01 me nay, under menu-lilccs conservative L'nlon party Mus. Joux Wood, the actress, has sold her residence in New York to a nephew of Mr. George Peabodv, of Lon don, ror twenty-four thousand dollars, including tho furniture. Mrs. Wood returns to England about the middle of July. Mn. BU'KWlTlt, Coinml-sioner for the United States to the Paris Expo sltion, writes to Secretary Seward that there are as many assistant commis sioners witii him as he wants, nnd that persons really desirous of assisting the United States exhibition at that great fair can do so best at home. In Europe, In the year ISO", the amount of beet sugar raised was one billion two hundred and sixty-live mil lion pounds', and it is thought that the cultivation of Hie Migar beet, commen surate with the area adapted to its growth, would add hundreds of millions ol dollars annually to the wealth of the West. Wi: hoar that Tlcknornnd Field have become the custodians of the valuable copyrights of Mr. James Parton's popu lar biographies of Burr, Franklin, Jack son, and Butler, and that they will henceforth be his publisher an ar rangement which will doubtless prove mutually satisfactory, and from the fa cilities of publication enhance greatly Mr. Parton's reputation. Tin: "Executive Committee or tho Slate Central Committee or tho Union party or Maryland" held meetings in Baltimore, on Monday and Tuesday last, at which a resolution favoring the call for a State Convention was voted down, as was also a resolution in favor of con tinuing the present registry law and op posing its repeal, and a resolution endors ing the report of the Congressional Be con.stniction Committee. A resolution in opposition to negro snll'rago was adopted, and resolutions declaring that all the States are States in the Union, as before tho Bebellion, and denying the (tower to exclude a State or govern it as a Territory; declaring the qualification of electors to lie a reserved right of the States, with which Congress could not interfere by imposing universal suffrage; endorsing the reconstruction policy of President Johnson ; and pledging sup port to Governor Swnnn, on tho hypoth esis that ho is in full accord with the above platform, were nlso adopted. CHOLERA TO THE PUBLIC. Tun undersigned, having been request ed by tho Commissioners of Health of the City of New York to publish such Information as may bo of use to the peo ple at large in view of the anticipated approach of an epidemic of cholera, would most earnestly call the attention of the public to the following statement of facts, and beg their careful considera tion of the suggestions and advice. Whatever dill'erences of opinion may exist in regard to the cause and mode of propagation of tho cholera, all now agree in their observations in this ac knowledged fact , that itsgreatcst ravages and most fearful mortality are among the filthy, the vicious, and tliedestitute, and in fact it is almost confined to the imprudent, the intemperate, and tho-e who injure themselves by taking im proper medicines. CnmiiH'i.i, therefore, is of the first importance, both of your person and your hou.-es, particularly your yards, sinks, privies, and cesspools, where fresh chloride of lime should be dally sprink led, and the adjoining walls and fences surrounding them repeatedly white washed. Bo careful that (hero is no stagnant water either in your cellars or yard.., and if your ba-enients are damp, use fires in them frequently to burn up the foul air, and cau-ea mine perfect ventilation. lieniove all garbage at lea-l once a day, and twice if possible, mid permit nothing to remain on the preml-es to undergo decomposition. Keep your houses well ventilated. Be temperate in all thing'', both in eating and drinking. Be tunperate in excrelsc,in labor, both physical and men tal. Keep good hours. Take proper food, in reasonable quantities, at proper times. Plainly cooked meats, with boil ed rice, and bread, and thoroughly cook ed potatoes, should form tiio ordinary base of diet. Abstain from all unripe fruits, and stalo or partially decayed vegetables ; but above all, avoid excess of Intoxicat ing drinks of every kind. Wear llannel next the skin, and at all times maintain tho natural temperature of flio body by a sufficient amount of clothing. Avoid all exposure to sudden changes of temperature, and If acciden tally exposed ton storm, remove your wet boots and clothing as soon as pos sible. Tho cholera Is not the necessarily fatal disease which It Is commonly believed to be, but is n disease that is both preventable and curable. It Is always preceded by symptoms of languor and debility, with diarrluea, and in tliisslage Is almost always curable; but if neg lected nt this period, and the diarrluea permitted to continue until collup.-o comes on, It Is then almost always fatal. At tho very commencement of the dis ease io lo bed, and bluy there until iou arc mil, with warm flannel around the body, warm bricks or bottles of hot water to the feci if necessary, and if theie Is a tendency to nomit apply a lntiMnrd piaster over the stomach, if you have not got a bed, lie down on the floor and keep yourself warm, but by alt means retain the horizontal position all the time, not even getting up to attend to the evacuations, Imt use a bed-pan or other convenience for that purpo-e, nnd immediately send for some qunltllcd physician for advice. But above all tilings, ab'lalu from taking any of the advertised nostrums that will Hood the city, and swallow no medicines unless pieserlbed by n competent physician. Fair and denmdenrjj are the great sources of danger in all epidemics, but more especially so in cholera than any other. While, therefore, we would urge upon all the citizens tho Use of every pruden tial and precautionary measure, lot them preserve a calm and composed stato of mind, a cheerful heart, and dispel all fear; and by a confiding trust In an all wlse and merciful Providence, wo can reasonably hope to escape this scourge if we Implicitly obey His laws. lii:wis A Savui:, M.D., itesident Physician. Nr.w Papi:!!. We have received the first number of the Columbian, publish ed nt Blooiiishurg, Pa. J t Nil large sheet, and got up without regard to expense, its professions of principles nro rather vagueand indefinite. It avows Itself in favor of the Union, but does not seem to support tho Union candidate for Gover nor, General Geary. Party lines have been more clo-ely drawn in Columbia County than In any other county in the State, and as both parties have their pa pers, there would seem to bo" but a poor opening for a paper which supports neither; but ol this the publisher is the best Judge. Wo whh the new paper success in proportion to its merits. Jer sey tShorc I 'it telle. Nf.w Paii:i!. We have the first num ber of a new paper called the Columbian. published in Bloonisburg, Pa., by Cap tain (i. H. Moore. J t is ably edited and neatly printed. Jt claims lo beau in dependent journal. Success to tho new enterprise. Jerge; Shore Jeraltl. MARRIED. On thelMli ultimo, nenr Money, David Mas- ruts, (if .MlllvilU', oiiiuiUii (Anility, to rnn.m. Wii.i.i Js-, of Lyiimiliii; I'ounly. In Wnslilnst.m I). l'.,on tin' l.'thuUliii", liy 11,'v. J. A. Wiiller, (Ii.iiikii: II. Jliuiiir. tu l.izu; K. llKMlU.N, lliltll lit WtlslllllKtilll. DIED. In Ilsjiy, on tlio .Mh ultimo, vrry MHMenly, M.vttv I'.vhi.miim:, il.umhtiT ol' WlilUim (I. una KU:klHlli (tlttoti, nt'il ouu ycitr, si'M'ii mouths mul tw nty-ciulit iluys. In uv,'i'Vlllc, on tlicLMli ultimo, O. IIi'.niiy Sruw'Aur, son of A. 1!. mul Amies Stewart, agwl about two years. In l'lslilm; 1'riel; Tow nslilp, on tlic'JIth ultimo, Maiiiha si.mii:ii, ukuiI niiiciy-twoyi'ats. i:. ii. i. mn, ATTOItNi:V-AT-I.AW, Office on M.iln Street, In wiilti framo house, 1' low' tliej:.eli:llii) Hotel. ltiiliirl 1''. eliu k, ATTOItNHY-AT-LAW, Ollleo corner of Main and Market Sheets, over I " i i t National ILiulc. Inllil IS. Ki-eee, ' ATT( ) It N 1 1 V- AT-I, A W, (Xllee in ItfuKler ami lleconlcr's otllee, In the- h.lsemellt of tile Court House. "Wisley Wlrl, A'lTO UNI 1 Y-AT- r, A W, Onieeon Main Mreet.overS. II. Millei'x Store. (' It. llroi-ku ay, ATI'(i!lNi:Y-AT-r,AW, Ollleo on .Main Street, tlrst door west or tlio Court House. Cliurlrs ;. II.iiMi j , Ann ii in i : Y-AT-I.AW, nnieo on M ln Street, over MI. Miller's Slum. tVllllani II. Alilioll, AT I'O! t N 1 : Y- AT-1, A W, C.itawlssa, Pa. M. K. .Iiit'Kson, attokni:y-at-i,aw, llerwielc, CoIuniWa ('utility, Pa. ?!. 31. Tumuli, ATTO I ! N 1 1 Y-AT-1 , A W, liei'wiek, Coluiulila County, Pa. .11. 31. I.'V.lle, A'lTOItNr.Y-AT-I.AW, fVntralla, Columlilrt County, Pa. llllilt Nnill e. 'l'lie Pn si, ll , it mill .Hiillii- Kcrs ol Hi.. Calawlssa lirliUo L'om,any tins d.i declared u dhldetid of .'l per cent. i7 cents per Mrnc; on (la capital slock of Mild Company, pay able to tlie H icli'iol.li rs or llielr legal icprcscnla tlw.s on or alter I In rail Instant. JOHN MlAltl'UN.s, Trea.nuer. Citawlssa llildsje (illlee, Aprils, Hii'l. U US 1 1 T F.I I AN N A H ( )TE 1 iZ) ('aluwls.i, Pa. liie iiUivu Hotel Ian lately lieen pttrc!iaed liy III.NltY .1. 1 I.AItU", and lias l.ecn tlioionulily ie- lllod.'lled, repilleil, and leturlllsliwl. It Will !.' found now, In ItHiiiraUKemenl and appointments, a lli!t-cla Hotel, and second to none In tho country. Persons !u cilles w lsliluif to spend tl.e hut inunllis in Ilia country, will do well to bImi llio proprietor a call. rjUlK NEW GUOCERY STOKE, 1. on Main Street, IlLUOMSIiUltO, PA, A LAltUi: ASr.OUTMK.VT OP Ni:w CiOOD.s Just received nt llKNltY flinillfri NliWHTOIti:. Dry flood., lints nnd C.ips( Hoots find fihoes, Molasses, h'iljsars, Tens, CO lice, Spires-, nice, 1'Wi, Hall. liaising TuUUWX, CYuidlus, Notions Toys, 17.01111, l'UI'.P, AND PltOVJMONH, loaellicr wlllt n meat variety of notions (icnci ally licpt in stores, llll'ni.U, IIUOS, MDAT, AND PIHIDl'Ci: tuUen In cxclian,'.' Ioi'koisIs, tor which the hUh cm uiaikct price wil ho paid, HUSKY Clltir.lt. A N AC'f id I'ttovitinmn mn cKKcrtns of A nnrK mu tiik r.MPMn mist Ann stprniitr of inn loon is ntn mom of ini.itMiiiA. Si eriiix I. Or It pimrtfilhy IhnHtfiintonnd ltotup of It. picscntaiiM sol the Common w cult hot Petiu Iwml i In (leiieriil Assembly iik I.iuhI It Is here- liycil'lllPM L tile '.UIUOIll.v ol Hie Slime, 1 l.ni .1. A. l'll!Htod,.acol. Harris. Is1 wis Vet ler,.lene lli.tr man, I'liouiiu ( ic.'lliiit, Sr., Samuel llouart, Wil liam l,umoii, Will mi.), II-' li r.iiiid.lohii K.(. 1. it 1 and are III rcb aooolull'ileotlimisslonel s.w hose tllti.x It shall bi , 01-11 ill iJoiit of them, lai 01- beloi'e lh lltstila 01 Jut.,Auuo Doinint one thousand ciKlit biiudred utnl sKty-sIx, to determiu,' upon 1111 1 puu base such real estiilc ns they, fir n m-ijor. Ol lllCIll, suau lit. Ill lie. it.sn) ion oeiiceomo- ilatloti of the 1 o r of Columhl-i t'ount., and In tat..-11 comeviinip therefor ill the laime and for the lispof lh rnol.ltloll mt'tltlnned ill Ihe totllth snetlotl of tilts net. and celllty their bl-oeeeillliifs Herein lllllli r llieir u uios ami seius 10 111c 1 ict It ol thp ijtiarter scfsious or coiumiaa l oiinty, to bo tiled in Ids olllce, and at the next xcncwit i fcUlou the oualltlrd clei-tols of Columbia Colllltv shall cli it Hired rcpeetalilo i llli-tts of the wild county 10 tie 1 1 licet ors in me poor aiei 01 toe jiouseoi i.m ploytnclit loi Colitmlila County for the enulnit f.i r. 11 the juditesof Hip ch-ctloii of said county shall tiiimedlnlcly on reecHlnn the letutiis rrom the several clei tlon illstriels and enstnm up tli,. luiiiilH'r of votes therein, or within Iht-iu dnvs thercaftct.ecrtlly under their linndsnnd seals lla, mimes of ieisotn i,oplected dhectors to tlcj Cleik of Hip Court or ljuafler Sessions of said entintv, who shall lllo the said ccrllllcalu In his olllce, and fotiliwlth kIvp notice In writing to the said tlliee tors or their helm! elected, and Ihpsald dltcclors shall meet nl tho Court House, III the said count v, on the tlrst Monday of Noeinher ne.l ensuing Ihelr election, and divide themselves by lot into thrpeclas.es, the place of tho llrst to bo Micnlcd nt the explralloii or tlm llrst year, of the second at the cxphatlou ofthp second .icar, of tlm third nt Ihe o.plratpm ol tho third year, so tli.it those who shall ho chosen aller Hie llrst election. nnd inlhe mode nhovp described, mayscrGfor three years, nndone-thtid mav bo chosen niimially. si.c-nuN ?. That (he slierlll'or said enmity shnll, wllhlu ten ila s niter Hip p isiiseof Mils act, iiotlfv tlie commissioners of their appointment, and when thevsh ill lilei t forcnletluu lioou Ihe 1 idles assigned litem by this act, which said phtre of iiiceiing sii.ui oc 111 iiiooi.i-oiiii;, 111 am louit Hotle. Si.cnox n. livery director elected In ni'intier aforesaid, or appointed as is pioM.lcd in tne twelrih sei tlon of this net, shall, within ten ilavs nttcr he Is notltied of such eleitlon or appoint ment, and betoi-e he t uleis upon t hail nt hw of said olllce, tai.e an oath or ntllriiiatlon bctore it Jitsiiee of the pence of said county to illscliaii;e the duties of director of the noor for said county trutv. l.iltn. lolly, and itnpa it tally, to Hit. best of his Judgment nun lli'llliy, anil 111 cao 01 neieii or lerusat to lake said oath or nitlrmntlou wllhln Ihe time afotesaid. he shall lortclt aial pay the sum of ten dollars lot the tt.e ol the Ms,r of said cottntv, which Una shall be reeoveted by th.Mlh'eetors tor the time helium as debts are or shall he by latv le coM'iahle, and the dtteetots iiuallllcd asuforev,ii tire heichv nuthorlcd to nduiiuisti-r an ckiIIi or ntnrmatlou In m case when It snail be nucess,'ii ill lehlllon to the dull, s ol thelroltlce. Si.p-noN I. 'i'lte said diicclors shall forever herp ntler, in name and In tact, bn one lusly polMleand corporate in law, to id I Intents and pin poses wh-it-soeM-r relative lo tho poor of the County of Co lumbia, and shall lci e neltictllal sueccsslou. iut.1 may sue and be sued, l.lead and be impleaded, hv the 11:11111', stvle, and title ol llltei tors of tlio P00V nun 01 tne tiouseoi i.mpioymeiii lor me c ounty of Columbia, and by that name xh-ill and may t celve. tttlie, nnd hold any lands, leuemiuts, and heiedltuineniH not cxcccdluy the yeaily vahi.i ol ten thousand dollars, and any ko.k1s and i hull els whatsoever of the tilit, alienation, or he. piest of any pet sou or iiersotis w hat soever; to piucltat , take, and hold any lands and tenements wllhln thelr couiity In lee simple or otherwise, nnd ere.-t suit.,, bio bulldlmrs tor too rcceotlon. use. and aci-omo- dation of the poor of said count ; to ptniue ail thltms m-ei-ssary lor Ihe hsli;inj;,tii.iintenan"e,iiiid einployment or -Jiii.i poor; toappolut a treasurer annually, w ho sit. ill kivo bond with lull and sutll del it suicty for Ihe fat thfuldlschattie of Ihe. littles of his olllce, and nt the expiration thereof for the payment and itehcr, over to his successor in of lleo of till iii-ine, s, hottds, of notes, book accounts, or other papers lo the said corpotatlon belotisim;, which sliati then b) remaining in his hands, en., tody, and possession, and said directors shall It u c power to emt'lo.N mul at pleasure icmove a stew ard or stewntds, malum or mations. phslclan or nhvslclans. snr,eon or surifeons. and ail other tit. ietidunts that may be necessary lor Ihe said poor lest.eetUelv: to hind out lis mum-titiccs. so that sueli tipjircnllcesliip may expire, 11 malts, at or betoro tlie iie ot twenty-one jcars, if feiuales, at or before the atre of eighteen yeats.sucli poor, hli ilren us shall conic under their noll.-e, oras ina.c he hound apptentlces. Pt'uvtilctl, That 110 child ktt.ilt I... It. i.i.i.l ontslitn of It. t Pollute of 1 1 .1 n,.t. f , nor without the Uuiiflt of tlie puljlic schools of me ut.strici. StxTtosr .. That the said Dlroctots, any tw-o of whom shall constitute a otlolllttl lor the tratisae tlon of btisltie-s, shall have power annually, as soon tiller tne 1 it hi 11s lor inc animal ttssess nicnts in s-iid cottntv as Is practicable, to hie a int. or assessment not exceeding one tent oit the ilotlar, at any time, up. in all teal and er sotuil esiiiteo wltliln Iho county iifotcsaid. lortlc lravlmr the elt.-tises of oiirchtisltn: said faint ereetlu said I hi iltl lnixs, and maltiltiiniu;: I tin nsir 111 said county, and shall be levied upon lite basis ot the 1-ist adjusted valuation iitade lor rcuhitltiK eouniv icics auo levies aim o.-iMit cause.i t.ur dtiplleates of such rates or assessments by them 1 ild to he made, which sh.'lt be siuu.d by litem, shall tssii" their warrant to (he (olhvtor of such tax, therein attthon.lnc. mm reijiiirim; him todc- maud, lei-eHe, tin. I .stlteel ritaii cor.v ,elsou tliereiii named, lii tho manner and by the same, processus poor t:ic'Hnro now colli ctalile ; anil (he said direct 01-s shall, from the time of tlie prot niiu by them ot sit 11 able bit till hl(r lot llicaccoiuod.il lo't 01 said poor, cKct-.-lse and petlorm within tlie said county, except so far us such acts, dutus, ami powetsare heteiuevplesslv preseilbcil 01- lhullcd. st:t 1 10s it. s s.H.ti a. tlie said buildings sltalt nave iiecn erectct or t.tiicnased. end all nee. ssarv accomoiltitioiis proviih-d therein, notices shall ho seni, sine.i hv any two 01 tne itireciois 10 the oMi-seeis of tile several toW!idilns ot l ie said t'ounly of ('olumblii, re.tiiiin them forthwith to brill;; the poor ot their lespectlve townships to said House oil .mptovmeut, w men order Ihe ovei seeis tire hereby elifoined and leiiniled to eomph wlllt, or otherwise 10 forfeit the cost of all ftilin'e maintenance, except In cases when hysiekn.ss, or any other sutll.-iettt cause, any poor ptisott cannol be remoed; in which ease the overseers shall tepiesent the same to the m urest lustlee ot the peace, iv ho, bet nt. sat l-lled ol the truth thereof, shall ceitlly tne same n, the said ilitectori. and at Ihe same time issue an order, tin ler Ills liatid'aud seal, lo the said overseers, , I Ireetlnu them lo nialii liiitisitch poor iintllsticlitltneiis heorshemay bp a siitL.tiou tobeicmov.sl, and then cotiey the In said p inpcratid deliver hint or her to lite steward or keeper of said 1 louse of Kmpl.n incut, h lectin r Willi llie snld ordein mid the ciiart;t' ami expense of such tfinporui rebel and ot such removal shall he paid by the said dircctots nt u reasonable allowance. Hi:itios 7. Tlie sln(-itr.l or inanar of said Poor House is hereby tvi aired yeat ly. on the llrst Monday of .lamrtry In each j ear, to iiirnish said dhectors a slalem.'tit of tlie incotne of said real estate, as neat ly as Ihe same can be done, ai-oof excess 01 his expindltures oer and nboie said income; the nmoiint mid kind ot personal pro perty then on hand, In ludiuw irraiii, tt n'cni; the number of poor persons admitted an l dci churtreil dutim: the year, with tile number then thetein; lite lemrtli ol time each rcntahnsl; and tl.e name, at;.', and sex 01 etch, 'I'lte treinltrer shall annu:ill , on Ihe tltst Monday ol each year, render lo said .ihect as a Jttsl and eorreel ,'c-cotittt ot ins m-c.pts and dishurseiiients during the pie tedltni year, and the said dilcclor. shall ituttllaiiv, in the month ot .hum it-y in c tch year, pulilish, In two papets published in l!l-.om.t:tu, ti stun nieitt of the iceeipts, .llsta.isjm. nts, and expcuditiuoi ot said coisitti.,n ituim-: the preceding ccar, with n siatetiti nt of the ptopetty, leal nnd per sonal, lh. n held h. thelll. rsi.. 1 1. in s. That (he cotnp. usatlon of the trens tuer, collector, stew. ml, ui-itroti, tiliysielaii, and other oillcers and assistants shall be tlx. -.1 by the diiectoii, tin 1 ihe compensation ot the directors shall lie ilx.-d by the lion id ol Auditors, w ho shall be appointed by thiiCoitlt of luatlcr Sessions of sal. I coiiut,al each c.tily r.cttlciiicnt, for the next niccecdinu: i.tr. v tittnl, Ihai the com pensation ol said tllrci-tot's, ftom the passn of ibis act uiilll lh. ilrt j.-arlv ... itleinenl, shall be fixed I iv Ihe Hoard of A.nlitors nl the tlrst ycarle settlement, the directors to luiulsh the said auJi toi-s a eorre. t tic. .ami ol Ihe lime -iild expenses lost ami Inetiru.l b IIilui In ittb-ndtnt! lo their tliili. s, liotn w India. mil the snld comivusation sli-ill ii ' llx. d and a. busted. siihiii n. Tlie said duel tors shall from thno to time ieeele, provide lor.aii.l einnloy, nccordliu; to Iho line In :.-ut and mcanlmr ot lids tft, all such oooriui.l In litri nt ncl..ons as shall beelilltlr.l to relief lioiu any ot the several townships or hoi ottwhsoi Coluinbl i Con my, and shall be sent there by an order or w tin ant tor thai put pose, under tho hand, and seals ot a'lV t Wo Itlstlees of t ho lieaee ol the said county, directed to the Oversecis of Out poor ol tne i-roper lowiisinpor tiorottirit, and Iho said illre.'tors are h.-tehy authorized, t.-h n thev shall deem II oroner and conv.-iileiiL to do so, to penult any i person to be in untalue 1 (IscWh.lt. I'furi'i'f, rheeXpeUM' ot tiulrmalti- tclltilice doc.i not Ml all, c.t.e exc. ed that for which 111 y could he inalulailieil at the Poor House of the sal.) Colintv ol Cohlhlhi.l. skctios 10. Tint It -hall he law nil tor Iho sal 1 directors, or a imCoiliy ol ihciu,ln the case ol .un person In their ch-iree umi p-iupcr ownliii-or pos scssltcr ali. l'il eslate or lull test in teal estate, to apply to llu- Coat I ol i uniiuon pleas of Colum bia County, or ntiv other intuitu s p, n, c.m,. tuoti weal tit when- Hi-- s u I propel t mav he situa ted, by p. till. m, prn In-: tlie ntd Couit to Krani tlicin an older to make sale o said teal tsPite, or Intel est tllert-ill. tor tile stontorl and tiiidnli-tnioe.. of said pauper, and that the said Court, if they tl.s'iu It udvlsahlo afier cousliterliii: the applica tion, sh-ilt srnnt mi order lo snld illiectors toiu.iko sail of snld teal estate or luteiest therein, or an pari ui.'teoi, on sticti terms as t tie saw c onn snail think it advisable, umi the said dl ret Inrs shnll, In niirsiiaiice of said older, oiler said real estate, or Ittletesl therein, oil Ihe lilelnlses. nt oiil.ttc si.te .iii.I sell the smite at puhile out-cry, utter ulvlm; at least twenty !n s' public not ice of lite time and ptacooi sate, uy iitrce iiatl.l-oills, put up in public places and n n.eitlsein. iit In one newspapir nubltslied in Itto counlv w helelll said orooettv Is sttuatisl, wliicii sale so made the s.il.l illiectors snail return in inc stun c.iiui, and alter comirm-t-lion of the si.uie shall exetule mid d. liver to lite purchaser ucHee.1 of con vi car.ee tor said (state, on tho suld piiich.'isir'.s lull comiijlanco with the let in i aiin eoiiiiuions oi - ii.t sate, winch Ueisi so made shall vest tlte nronell , therein descrlbtsl to ihe Kiunlee us fully and dlccttitilly as the snld pauper lull and citjo) ed the suiue.aiid tlial tin. sild illiectors shall apply tho pusvods ol snld sale, orso much as mn he neccssaiy, to the sup- p. . , i, on lo.ooi.-llilliie oi site i pan per, II l. I 11 llllv li.tiow... ul.-.tl ...Ii, ..O..,. 1,1- .... .1.....1 'I aller dcilucthi-j luuernl exnenses, the said tflrec loisshall i.t over said baftiice to the lci;.il lep lesiiittilivesof tatd pauper, upon deiuuuil made and security bclniiulveii In indemnity said dl- iii'iois uoiti uie claims oi an oilier persons. SI.C1U.N 11. A otlolum of said tllreclois shall. and they nre hiichy enjoined nnd ie.ttiinl, lo iticct nt the said ilo.isc of Kuiiiloviiicul ntltinsl once In evciy mouth, and visit the apartments aitd see Ihtl the piMir me cottilortalil supported, and Ileal all coiuplitlllls, and tidress, oruuise (., oc red i, an utieviitices iii.ii iua.v uapis'ii n.v the lle-hll ol llllscilldllcl ..I ,111V l.irsoll Ol ll- soa milieu tiiipl.otiu.ui orotheiwl-ie. Si'iTlo.y 13. In enp of nny vneatn y. by dcnlh' rpslKifitloit, or olh. iwIsp, of nny of Iho wild di rectors, tlio rpinnlniim dln-cior shall fill Midi vn cuitcy bv the upiHiliiimcul or n cllireu or their eotnity, nniler I lie same penally as Is provided by tlie Hist si'ftlon of tills a. t, m m-rvn mil II the next BPIieral election, wh.-ti tmothcr tlln-clor shall ho clet ted, to serve as If no vacancy had bnppennl, Siaini.v Allclnhnsiiiniiiemauils oxlstlnirut lite time of this m l hi In earned Into eil'eet shall ltiiM' lull tot-ce and dice!, as ir mis ad had not lij'std; mul when Ihe saitn mav have I u dulv ii.llti.teil and s. nit. I, all ttioite.v s retiieinlmi III the bauds of tl verseer, ns Well iis the till. "Heeled luxes lev I. d for thcsllpKilt ol lite poor In thescv-jt-al townshliis, In the County ol Columbia, shnll be pnid over to Ihe Mitpervlsors of ihe Hluiivviiv of their . .pecllve townships, p, p.. IV tH ln ,.,. ploj (.1 toward rcpalrltiit Hie roads Ihctchi. Mm to II. As soon an Ihe poor of Ihe Counlv of Columbia shall have he.-it icmoveil to the House of nmploytueiit or the said count, and the oitbstattdlnu taxes collected and paid over as illii iild In section ihlrtcciith of this a-1, the olllce on n CI set-is ot lite l-oor w lllllli lite aecepi I llu low u Sill) sshallriom thclicefortb be abolished. Ht t-rniN 1.1. '11 utt the laid din dors or lieiistiicrs, or nny one or more or the taxpayers of the tie. ccjillmt townships, nitty, we hln Iw-eiityilnvs from the ycarlv si tilt men! by the auditors as nlotesald, appeal rioiu stieh settlement to the Comt ol Com mon Pleas of CottiinhLi County, In the same num. tier unit under tlie same piovislons and leuula lions that appeals from settlement, by township nudltm-Hiiic now allowed. snrrio.N hi. Thnl no money shnll ho paid by the Ireusnrer except upon orders drawn by the ilitcc tots and sisncil liy ut least two or the snld direc tors. Hi.ition 17. Tor thp purpose of tisceihilnlnit Ihe sense of the dlirelis of Coltltubla Colinly, us to the expediency of t-rcdltu a Poor House, It shall be the duty ot each of the Inspectors tin. I Judges for the several townships nnd hoiotihs, et nn elecllon, to he held on tlie tltst Tuesday of .lune, Auuo Domini one thousand i-luht bundled turn sixly-six to iteelve ticket, cilia r written or pi lull d, limit thcqtialll'.eil volets thcicor, Inhelletl on the outside "Poor House " mid In the inside " I'or a Poor Hoil-e" or " Actnlnsl tl Poor House;" nnd If-lt shall appear, npon casting up tho votes ol the lllll'elcnl tllslilels, nl III" Collll House, on the l'rld-iv followlnt' the snld elei'llon, that u ma Jotlty of lite iiuallllcd cleclors or nny township or horoti'ih ate b.v a Pi sir House, then tlie foreKo I nt; ad to taUectlect lis to those low nships or bor ouuhs; but If it majorlt.v of tlie voleslnany town ship ov hotouuli shall he uttalnst a 1'oor House, tin n the inrcitolm! net to be null ami void as to Ihe lowitsldp or boroughs Voting lualnst stidi Poor lioue, St i iion is, Thenon-iippeptlmrtowushlnsnrhor-oui'lis shaP mil he etitftlcd to vote tor illiectors of Ihe said House of l-'auploymeni ; nor i tin 1 1 thej he cnlilleil to r. Ive or. ti.,;. ativ betielits orttdvan- tni'es by vlllileol this ad; noi shall Ihe illiectors Is-1 hosen from the salt) uoti-acci ptiuic townships or horot.ulis; nor shall the nudllois liu-ntioned in the eighth section of this m'l he appointed Ironi linvsuch lowtlslilps or horoilKhs. 'mrhlul, Tiett the ilirutors of tlie said House ot Dinployiitent ni'tv- ret el vc p iitpers I nun th.'stititi'tion-ticceplitt ton nships or hoi'ouiihs id a rute of i ompi nsatjoti per week to benirreed up atand settled hyliiesal.l 1 Hied n-s and nveise. i s or (he poor ot tho town ships ot horounhs so npplvltttr. si (TION la. All ti Ms and p.u Is of ads Ineotisin- tent Willi the provisions ol tills tut, or stlppUial Itcrchy, ale hcieby n pi .del. .IAM1X II. KKI.I.HY. Speaker of tho House uf lit piesenhillvcs. It. 1'I.I.MtNU, Speaker of the Senate. Approved the eleventh ihv of Apt II, Anno Domi ni ouu thousand eight bundled and sl.vly.siv. A. II. Cl'lll'IN. rxnrriiiN notici:. Ptirsn-int lo Ihe prov isions of the foreuohts Act of A-semble. notice is hen by eiveli that all elec tion Will he held at Ihe tl-ll tl pi-tee of holding tlio '-relierid eleettonsof the ..evel'ltl towttsldwl nil. I bot-oueh of Columbia Colllltv. (o he conducted hv the resttecllve election oillcers of the same, on Tltisday, the .'111 ol .I'llte, A.D. l-lili, Is Iweell the Hours ot. 1-cni ocioct. .1.11. a n.t seven octoi 1; i'.m., to vote titioti the .,uos Ion ol " I'or it Poor House" or "Autllllsl it Poor House," and hi lll'tlle letliril of sal.l eleitlon at the ( otttt House. on I-i-lduy, the elrthih day uf .lune ai.tri-said, a. cording to law. SAMl'I'.l. .-..WDKIl, shit-nr. r pTl KA Ml-n 1 1 ( ' A N If AY ICXIEK J. AND l uP.K. We the niiilersltine.l dllens tit Columbia Coini'v vvilnes..! iht- trial of hay lorUs on (he tait'i ot Mr. Pttrs.-I, in Ile'itlock Township, on Morality, .Mav 7, lv(.ii, between Ihe Am.-rleali Ilav Istiileiiud l-'ort; inanul... 'luted bv SI.I!-'l:l!, WAI.I.N, MIUINl'.ll Co., ot Lewis Iiuim, Pa., and lite UntiilcCs Patent Hay Hook, The VmiTlean I-oric lilted more h iv In nno dr iiitihl titan the llitinh-1 In llnee. Wearenills tled It will take as much h-iv Into the mow ns two Hood horses can draw. We also saw- It ettttltiL; hay. and tbliil; it cannol be beat as a hay knife, iiud ch. erttilly iceomiueuil It as the hist hay folk anu untie we nave ever seen, c. lit n-KNiiKMii.i:, Dn. P. c. II vt'.ntsox, W. II. Koons, .loiix Dock, .inns- lii.11 1: 1 , K, HvNiiu. Novmt, II. Ulltl.fMll.I.im, SVIA PsTIT. l'CliSIT, Ml. ii.Ma. 1 1 11, 1.1 1;. .lotiN W01. p. '1 hey also ni-inul ictitre Hie telebralctl lltn-ltpyo Ilea per and Mower,uud other aurlcultui.il Itttple- lllellU. I.OOMSEUIKI FANCY Tltni- MINO AND nOOKSTOIli:, second iloor below Ilartntnn's, M-iln Street. Just tecelved tl new stock of Zr.PIIVHS, WOOI.IIN AND COTI'ON YAllNS, cousin's, i.Acr.st, r.MnitoiDi'ini-M, Ml'SMN l'.DOlNdS, DllISS TUIM.MINdS nnd every variety of nrllelps usually kept In 11 PANCY STOHK. Also SUIlOOr, HOOK'S, HYMN 1100 ICS, lllllMX, S II N D A Y-SC 1 IOOf , 1100 iS, and n law lot of Misci:r.i,ANi:ors hook's, ACCOl'NT AND MHJIOUANDU.M HOOKS, III.ANIC Dl-:i:i)S, PONDS AND .MOUTdAdllS,. titul tl general nnd well-selected nssorttneut of p.vpint, i:nvkuipi-s, .-.c. a. d. wr.nn. "(AGliH KOUNDUY. XJ JOSi:PHSIIAltPLIS, llloomsburg, Pa. stovi ok i:vi:iiy vaih irrv, Pl.oUUlISHAItlls, PLOl'llliPolNTS, and nil kinds of Cast huts, on hum! or supplied on the shorn .1 notice and lit the cheapest rates. Casthu's lor COAL IlllKAKKItS AND COAL SC1IUTKS made 10 order. I IKE INSURANCE If j 011 wish to live Ion:? nnd dlo happy, go without .May and iNsiriti-; Yont Lin-: III (holiest Company In the world, Tlli: MUTUAL Lll'i: INSPIlANL'i: COMPANY OI" NEW Yoliir. ITS O.VII AS.sHTS AIli: el'.W.IHt), and lis nnnual dlv Id.-tid for the llscal year of ISO.-, ninouuts to seventy-live i f cent, on nil paithi-li.-ttlug preiiilitins, hi Ins II -' luvgest illvidend ever ileclareil lt any eomiMii.' for Ihe same iuugtliof limp, l'orfiiithcriiifoiiiiallonupply to l'.S. JHSHKUABPllt, Jlltsimshur', Pn. TAT 1 ONA L 1'OUNEllY, llloomshmg, C'oliiinhln County, Pa, The Mihserllier, proprietor of the nbovr-nnniPd pxlcnslvo I'sttilillshuu'iit, Is nuvv pic'iiared to te cetv 11 ortleiN for nil klntU of MACHINKItY I-(JllCOLI.Ii:i:iI?i, 1ILAST l'l'l'.NACUs, STATIONAUY l'.NIJINI'.s, MILLS, TUlll'.SIIINH MACHIN1-Js,,vr. lie Is nlso prcpiirisl to make Stoves ol nil sles nnd patients, Plow-JrotM, and cverytliln usual! made In llrst-iiass roiuulti.-s. Ills exli nsive facilities mul prnctlcnl vroikmcu wnvrnut lilui in reeiivlng lite largest contracts, cm die most reiisonahto tonus. f irnhi ur nil I;liids will bo taken In cxcliaiiiw for Custins, Tlilsiistahllsiimont Is loentett nenr tlio Lacltn. wanna and llloomsliurjf llalltoad Ili'iiol, VKYVM llILLMYP.It. 0 MN I HUH LINE. Tlio undersigned would respectfully nniiniinco lo IhocllUciis of lllooinshnrK ami Iho publlo ,'cno. tally thnl lio Is I mining all 0MNII1F.SLIN1-: between llils place nnd the dlircronl railroad dct po'sil-illy (Suuihys oxccptptl), toroniits't Willi tho several trains going Smith anil West on tlio Willi, wlssn and Wllllumspoi t lliilliond, nnd with thoo going Not tl; nnd South on tlio Ijukaiuiiuiniuid llliHimshiii'K lliillioad, Ills Ouinlhiissiw nro in HootUoiullllon, (simuio. dlous nnd eoniloiiable, mul charges reasonable, iv mom, wudilngtu meet orseo their iilcndsile put I, can lie ticcotitod itctl upon leasoitahle charge bj , avlu.; tluicl.v lloll.-eal iinyol the holds. JAl'iU 1. uilllcN I'mnrului. jOUK'.S IIOTICL, (IKOlKli: W. MAtJOt'.Il, Proprietor. ThonlsiVD wpII-I;iiowii hotel hns ipccnlly uhder Koiicradl.nl cliniiKcs In Its Inlet tail niriiUKeincnls, utnl Its luoprlelor uiitiouuces lohls tornier custom iiti.l the linvi lllnn ptiltlie thai hi accoinoilitllons far tlie comfort of his quests it re second to iioiip In Ihe country. Ills table will alwajs he found sup plied, hot only wlllt stlblnlill:il rood, but vvllh nil tlie tiellcatlcsof Iho h usoii, Ills wines unit II iUors (except Ihnl popular lievctatie known us "Mcllrnrii"), piiri liased tilled from the Imporllnit houses, nro entirely pure, mul free Horn till . souoiisiIiuas,. He Islh mttfiil forn lils'tul ptitron nxo In lite past, nnd will colli litite loilesoi ve it in Ihefutitio. UIXntdK W. MAI'lll'.Il. X 1t. 1'tTltHEL. JIAtlNlXS, SADIII.T:, AMI TlllJMi MANUl'ACTUltllU, titnl ilcnlcr In CAIil'irr-llAdS, VAMSKS, I'LY-NIIIH .AC, Main Sired, llloomsbiirK, Pa, 'OWi)EH KEOS AND J,tJJIIJEIt. W. M. moniioi: A CO., ltupell, Pa., M.iuiif.U'lincrsof POWDKP.KIKiS, mul dealt rs In nil kinds of I.UMIIKIt, Klvo notleo Hint they ate prepaie.1 lo accomodate Ihclr custom with tllsi atc-li, and on thu cheapest terms. .TEW KTOt'K OK CLOTHING. l-'resli urrlval of SPltINd ANDKt'MJtKP. (iOODS. david i.owi:niii:u(i Invites nttcntlim to Ills stock of CIIIIAP AND I 'As H I ONA II Ml CI.O'l'IUNtl. nt his simp on Mnln SI reel, tw odnors nhovp the Ampilcnit llonsp, llloomshurr;, Pa., where ho has. Just received fiom New York mul Philadelphia 11 full itssorlnii ntof JtKN AND HOYS' CI)TI11N(I, Inclttdlna tho most fashlonahle, ilurahlp, nnd liandsont.) I)lli:.SS (IOODH, consist ttnr of nox, ss.veic, Fiionr, opm, and oii.-ct.otii COATS AND PANTS, of nil sort., sles, nnd colors. Ho lias also replen ished his alteady large stts-k of PALI, AND WINTP.It HHAVI.M, HTISIPHD, l-'Kltnir.D, AND PLAIN VP.STS, SHIIITH, CIIAVATH, STOCKS, C0r.t,AIIS, iiANDK'i:i:cim:i-.'s,(!i,ovi-:s, SlTSPI'.NDKltS, AND PANCY AUTK'I.r.S, He has constantly on hand n lnro nnd wcll-sp-lected tissoltuielit of CLOTHS AND VI-TINCIS, which ho Is prepared to make to order Into nny kind of clothing, on very slant notice, att.l in tlie best manner. All hii clothing is made lowcar and mod of It 1 of home manufacture. GOLD WATC1IIX AND .1 i:VKI.UY. of every descilptlnn, line nnd cheap. Illscnseof Jewelry Is not surpassed in this place, Call and examine his general iissoitittent of CLOTHINH, WATC1IUS, JI'.H'HLUY, Ac. DAVID LOWP.NlllTllO. QA1UUAGE MANUKACTOUY, niootushtirg, P.t, M. C. SLOAN IlIlOTIlnil, Hip successors or WILLIAM SLOAN SON, contlnuo tho business of making cAitniAciLs, nucicir-s nnd evciy sl.vleof FANCY WAfiONS, which lliey ltave conslanilv 011 hand to suit ens. turners. Never using any maletlal hut the best, and employing the most expeiienced workmen, they hope to continue as hen lofore to give entire nitlsfadlon to every customer. An Inspection of titeir work, nnd of Ihe leasonable price asked lor the same. Is sure to Insure u sale. IKESIl AltltlVAL OK NEW .'wi'. .0.- i.oiisisiKiu'il lias jttsi ill riven from tlio City with u large nsoi Intent of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, and Dye stalls, Ilcndy-.Mnde Clothing, Pcifttincry, To nn.l I'nncy Attlclcs, Druggist's (.liissware, lliushcs, Tiusses and Suppoi ters, and a general assoi tnient of ov cry. Ililugthat belongs ton well-appointed In tig Store, AlsoPatt ntMedlciuusofall kinds, such as Jayne's, Aei"s, Wlsliail's, Winslow's Soolhlng Kyi up, llrowu's Tioiites, Swain's Panacea, linker's Cod Liver Oil, Iloolland's Jlllters coiislanlly on hand. Also MUP.OCCO LUAiilllll, KID, PUIlNCil .M0110C CO, nillNCII CALFSKINS, PINK TllIJIMINOst, IIINDINtlS, by the ilo.en or ii.-iif-do.en, Also SlIOIMiNDINHs, FISHING -TACK LI 1, Ac. ilavlny I tail a large experience litthodiug bitsl- uess, I would iispeelfully Invito thoso wishing anything It) that lino to call nnd so my stock be fore purchasing elsewhere, "liuncdliinesnunllly Is of tlte llrst iinHiitance." 1UI1.X ii. anu 1,11. .OOD NEWH KOR EVERY 150 1)Y. (. Ina lo the late fall In gold, lU'llll.UM W.FIAVFLL lm retlucpil his prices to suit all btiyeis, cllhcrnt wltolcsalo or ictnll, If you wunt HUOAltS, COl-TF.r.", TL'AS, KYIIL'PS, SPICIW, CP.ACKKilS, CANNIll) lill'IT, I)HIi;D Fltl-'IT, WOODllNWAltK, I'IslI, llllANS, CHURSF, FI.IJFIt, fi:i:d, Ac, Ac. .te., give me n cull. FI'illiAIM W. LLWULU "rcl ELVY, NEAL & CO,, i.T.1. Nolthwestcolllel'ul .Mllill tlltd MlllkCt Sts'., lILOOMSlH-'llti, PA, Ourohl ctistoinetHtind the public generally can ho uceomoilaleil with goods of i.veiy stylo nnd ipiality sulloit lor tlio HjirliiK tinde, utnl at thu lowot cost rnlcs, Tlm stovU, cunilstlng of Dry (locsls, Hutu mill Caps, Hunts utnl Mines, ltendj-.MiuloCiolliliii?, Iiooklnj filnssps, Winjiilng Paper, l'alnUntid Oils, fljocerli's-, Qllt'iitswiuc, J llVilvrrc, 'rimvarc, KUt, PJnsicr, Grnltt runt Holds Ac, fiC, Ae., it replcnlslifil wtljly or i!nlly,iis ncccsslly re tliiiivs, lioniNuw Vmk (tint Philadelphia, IKON AND NAIL'S, In 1, 1 1-:' iiu.'inlllks nnd ut ted need laics, always oil baud. !?XrilAN(!E llnTlil,, I'i lll.O(IJl!sirilil, COld-MllIA COPNTY.PA. The linilerslmipil hiivlni; pinclinwl litis well kltowtintnl ceiilinlly.loniicil lioiisi',llii. ICMhalix.' Motel. situate 011 MAIN KTUKftr, in lllisimshuii', Imnicdlalcly opsiste Hip Colnmhln County Cotitl House, resHs'tfully Inforinsi his trlcinls titid Ihe public in general thai his lion -e Is now In onlcr for the teci ptloii nnd cuicilnlntnent or trnvcllcr , wlio tuny he disposed to favor It Willi their tii',. loin, lie litis spat.sl no expense tn prcpnrlnft tho KvlinliKC for tlio cnleiiiiliitiicnl of his chests, nclthir shall Ihcro li ithj Ihlni! vMintllii! (011 Ins pull) In minister to Ihelr personal comluil. Ills liottsu Is spiteloiis, nn.l enjoys nn Ixcellcnl Intsi ttess Ittciition. Otniilhusscs run nl nil tlmci Itptwrcn the i:.x clntiKo lloti 1 nod (ho vnrlotis railroad d.-pol.s, by wlili'h travellers will ho pleasantly couvpycil to and limit tlio respective millions In dun lime to hlcct tlm nirst. .10IIN F. CVfiLOW. llloomshurc!, Mnrclt 21, ISO). f lOLUjiinXcoUNTY V, , AoiticmrrDitAr, soctirrv. Iho ntinual iiipelhut of dir. Coltimhlii County Aurlenllunil, Horllcnllttral, nnd Jlechanlcal As. soclallon.fotthe election of ollleer to serve one year, will be held til tho Court House, In lllnotns. liiinr, on Saturday, thp ll'tli of May. lsot. ut two o clock l'.Mi A full allciitlnnco Is desired. , ,ttX!.',yh,',,l:,t '''USi:'I', Ptcsltlcnl. Is II. IltlPKlt'i', Heel-clary. T AKEK AND CONEIUTIONEU. 11. II. STOIINP.U lins nlwny.sl on lmtut ami for bnio I'UIXII IIUIIAI), C'AKICS, AND PIHSt, PltP.NCIt AND DO.MliSTIC CONI-'KCTION.S; In every lj to imit Mirlcly, NUTS, F11UITK, and ever thin!; ustinlly fountl In ri I'lIlST-CLASS CONKKCTIONP.nY STOlii:. Il'ivlug reeciuly lilted up a new nnd elegant ICP.-CllF.AM AND ILVT1N0 SALOON, hp Is prepared In nccuinodate ladles nnd penile nu n In tlie best style. JUUG AND CHEMICAL STORE, niooiiisburg, Pn, DIIUO'-, CHEMICALS, X'AINTS, PErtFUMBIlY. AND TOILET AUTICMS. I'.YKIl A MOYI-ilt i-esppclfullv Invite n contlntiancn of pntroune.s. Their Drugs nnd Medicines nro nil selected with the grenlest care, avoiding ns much ns possible tho Iiitiodiidlou of ileltrloui nostrums, and un purchased from the. best Importing homes In tho country. PATF.NT MF.niCINns) of all kinds, including Ayer's, Jnync's, Hollo wtty's, Hostcttcr's, Wlshart's, llouilaud's, Ac. constantly on hand. COAL OIL AND ALCOHOL. IIAII1, TOOTH, NAIL, AND cixiTiii-s nitusiins; FAINTS AND ClIIlMICALS of every variety, and of tho best quality. FANCY TOILIVr AUTicl.F-S. The puhile may rely nl all limes on procuring tlio ahovo aitl.ics, wllh nil the new useful ptcpaia- Hons kept In thu best conducted establishments!. physician's piir.sciuiTioNs nnd Family Receipts compounded Willi the grenl est accuracy ami dispatch. QTOVEH AND TINWARE. A. M. lUJPEUT atuiouncps to his friends nnd customers thnt ho continues the nhovo business nt his old plncoon MAIN STltF.KT, Ht.OOJlSllUF.a. Customers c-uti bo nccomodnted with FANCY STOVUS or nil kinds, Stovepipes, Tlnwnre, ami ever' va riety of article t.ntiul In n Stove ami Tlnwnre F-s-lahllsluiieiit In the cities, nnd oit the most icason able terms, llcpalrlugilonent tho shot test not ico S3 DOZL'.V -MILK-I'.VNSJ on hand for sale. pATAWISSA EAlLItOAD. XJ From and aller October 2, lS(i, the trains will pa is llupert as follows ; ilot.Mi Nonill. KlinliH Mall nt 1 I'.m.j Frio Fxpress nt -lis a.m. (loiNii Sol-Hi. Philadelphia Mall nt 11 A.M.; New Yolk Fxpress ut 1 p.m. C.KonOI-: WIIIIII, Supt. T ACKA WANNA AND BLOOMri- 1 J Ill'ltCI HAILltOAD. (in and alter -March II, lstsl, Pass-enger Trnlna will tun as tollows: Sof riiw.vjih. Leave Kcranloti nt l:W p.m. nnd A.r. ; Kingston n 1 11 r.M. nnd C;.V a.m. ; llloouts hnrgntsrJa p.m. anil !t;Ji)A.M. Airivoat Northum berland at ;i;Vi I'.M. and Ia.-.'1'i a.m. Nonruw'Ann. Leave Norllmmberlnnd nl 7 A.M. nnd a p. vt. ; llloomsburg nt s.-ii a.m. nnd (i:-t"i p.m. ; Scruiitou nt I km a.m. nn.l Ii p.m. Arrive nl Sciau- ton at IS in a.m. anil iu:l.) p.m. 11. A. FONDA, Hupt. Kingston, March 11. 1VM. f i t EAT 1 ENNH Y L VAN I A 1 SO UTE G to the NOltTII AND WFST, Font DAILY TKANINS. ON AND AlTFIl MA11CH U, 1OT, trains will letive as lollovvs; I "live Wnsh'n. Leave llalto. Fvpress Mail tir-ii a.m. ii.no a.m. 1 usi jauc ,:o,.M. liiio i'..-u. Plttsburi'nnil Fi le Fx I.'TH'.M. 7:'."t) p.m. Pittsbmgtiu.l Fliiiiia Fx.. ..7; H p.m. t':lj l-.ai. TWO THAINS ON SUNDAY, (Connecting tit Haltlmoie,) Lenvo Wuslilngton nt 'J:I." nnd 7;I0 r.sr. SLF.FIiNCi CAttS ON ALT, NIGHT TItAINS. LOW FAIti: AND QUICK TIME. Cars run throti:;li lroni llaltlmorp to PittKlmrcr. la'ic, or Fluiliu without chunge, ' .1. -x. in jiahh 1 . Superintendent N.O.lt.It. DIIILADELlMllA AND E1UE IIAILltOAD.-Thls m'cnt line tmverses tho northern and uorihwest count les of l'eniisivaitia lo tin. dlv of r.rle, or Lnko F.rie, It hits been lea.. d and Is operated by tho PCNNSVLVANI V It.VI I.ltOAl) COMPANY. Tltti" of Passenger Trains at Noitliuniheilatid; Lnvvi; Fasi w Attn. File MallTialn. ll.iii'.M.; Frle Fxpress Train, ll:S", a.m.; Klmira Mail Train, h.Wi A.M. la: vv 11 Wi'srw v P.O. Frle Mall Train. 5 A.M. 1 F.rle Fxpress Train, 7:11 p.m.; Fluilni Mull Train, 1; vi p.m. Passenger ears run throtmlinn tliclrlo Mall nml F.xpress i'taitis wllhout i hango both ways bo I ween Philadelphia and Frle. Ni:w Youk CoNM- i-no.v. Lcnvc New York nt 9 A.M., nrrlve at Frle at M"i A.M.; Lenve Kile ut i: P.M.,nirivc nt mw v 011; 111 : in p.m. l-aeg'llli steeping curs on an ingui iraius. For iiiiormatloii rcstieetlm uiis-ieiiger business apply at the coiner of i'hlrllelh and Mniket Slnets, Philadelphia; nml lor Height business of the ( otop'iuv s agents. s: It I. .-,..., 'Ii. . ..,.,t...,r'r,e.,tf-tli noil s,r,,,l-rf Stivd's, Polladelphi'it! .l.W.lte nobis, File; Vi II ll.uu ISiuvvn, Agent N.C.ll.I!., Il.-iltliiioiy. Clciierul Fielght Au.-nt, I'hlladclphla, II. W. (IWlNNFlt, Ch'iter.d Tii ket Agent. Philadelphia. A. L. TYl.Fll, (icnernl Snperinleiidiiit, Willlamsport. March i.', lvm. 1 EADING UA1LKOAD. Xt si'M.MF.it aiiiian(h:.mi:nt. Ain-ii at. tsit. (It-eat Ti link Llnotroui the North nnd Northwest lor Piilladelohta. New Yoik. llendlug. Poltsvllle. Tiiminiua, Ashland, Lebanon, Alleiitowii, Iston, Ac, Ac. 'I'ltilns lenvo HuriishuiK for Nework ns fol. lows! At tl. 7:10. nnd llilliA.. vi.. nnd nnd '.i;W P.M.. connecting with similar trains 011 tho Puins. vanla llallroad, nnd in riving nt rvew noil; nt wiu nnd hi A.M., and a. in and llltltl p,M, Slieplng Cuts nccoiiipany the J a.m. i.ud 8:au P.M. trains, without 1 hauge. Iitvi llarrl-burgforllendlng, Pollsvllle.Tniim (itl.t, Minel-sV III.', Ashhllld, Pine lilove.Allcnlovv II, nnd Philadelphia nt 7:10 am., nnd '- nnd It.'i r 11 , stopping at Lebanon and pilm-ipal Way stuttoits, the a -Vt cm, train mailing uoclose connections for PoMsv llleor Philadelohta. For Polls v llle. Schuvl- t.OI tl ....... .....1 V.tl...... .-I . s...l,.t.'llflll no,! ipiehaiilia lladroad, le iv e Ihirilsbinu at 1 15 p.m. Itettirulllg. leave N't w Yorknl !l AM.. I'i M. ,11ml b: Hi p.m. i Piiilu.l. lphla at s a.m. and p.m. ; Potts. vine at ;tn .v. si, an. 1 -:i.i i-.si.; .stoiuio hv u mm 11:1 1 a.m., and iMsii-.M.; iiima.pM.t 111 i';u a.m. ami t.eav,. Polts'vltlp ror Hnirlshltrv. la Hchuvikill nnd Sus.pieh.iui.a Itilli I, ut" a.m. Uea.lliig A 111 iditlion i'rnlu leave llPiullngnt ft A.M., I'diirulug I ron 1 Phil iddphla nt & p.m. Columbia lt.iilio.nl Tt.ilns have lien. Hug ut H.'-M nnd ll.'1'i P. vi. for Fpliruta, I. Hi., Columbia, A-c .Ac. On sun lays lenve New Yoik nt s.lu p.m.: liuln ilclphlii nt s, a.m. nnd .1:1 " p.m., Ihe s a.m. Urdu run. 11 1 11 1 out v to I lend to ji 1'otKv bloat s a.m. : I'alua- iilu at 7..'l" A.M.; li.iiTishuiirutWliA.M.i and Head- 111H lie t;. a.m. 101- 1 1111 1 ISOlll U. IIIIO I.VS ...... ,UI ew n i ru, nun I'.m. tor j'liti uietpitia. I'otiiliitltiitloli. Illiiiue. K, asoll. l'..VCUIslon. mill School rickets nl leduecd rules to unit Hum nil I onus. ISIKKiiae eii.'.'i.c.i iiiiiui.". i.'n'11) n'...s u, Uiggajc allowed eacli puss, ngi r. ... i. -s ll. ,Jl.l-s, VICII. lipi. Ilcaduig Pu pi lv '.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers