The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 12, 1866, Image 2

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    f .' " "'j," 5BBr''" '"' '" ' jj"" '"' '",'n's;mT?l-j;LV'.f - 'f'fg'fftiiiwi ii hi MjHihii jr -' r r w ' I riwni wiwim. I'.w.m.. . i j .. n mi ...I. J J i mwuti n w pjiiJiiiijibirfii jcs u. .Hi.wiIiiih'i'w wiiKmiwii. mimipwifW iiimiiiiI Li.?.! mJ I
-with t(dN7MS3Bniv softly, 11 Rear
Colin J'OTiPfTiSM.M.iuii mill kissed
her limid!iiVlTliJvlliU Urn door of n
(lmnibei;a)ieiic(t'iiHl " FUlier Jerome,
ivltlr vctwubtjjieefy 9too(l before
thc7ii,fiTo young couple had nearly
fallen from giddiness, Mul they held
fast tojmehTotlmr. I kmtw not whether
hi? waSMlifc elfoct of Ihehatid-kisMiig
or the uwo they fell for the sago.
Marietta handed liltu the myrtln
wreath, llo laid It upon her head and
mlil, " Little children, love one anoth
er;" and then urged tin1 good maiden,
in the most touching and puthcllc man
ner, to love Colin. For the old gentle
man, from his hat-due; of hearing:, had
cither mistaken the namo of the bride
groom, or, from want of memory, for
gotten it, and thought Colin must ho
the bridegroom.
Thou Marietta's heart poftened under
tho exhortation of tho venerable father,
nnil with tears and sobsMio exclaimed,
" Ah I I have loved hlni for aloiigtlmo,
but ho hates me."
"I bate thee, Marietta?" cried Colin;
" my soul lias lived only in thee, since
thou earnest to Nupottlo. Ohl Mariet
ta, how could I hope and bellevo that
thou didst love mo? Does not all Ntt
poulo worship theo?"
" Why then dost thou avoid me,
Colin, and prefer all my companions be
fore mo V"
"Oh! Marietta, T feared and Irom
liled with love and anxiety when 1 be
held thee; 1 had not the courage to ap
proach thee; and when 1 was away
from theo 1 was most miserable."
As they talked thus with each oilier
tho good father thought they were
quarrelling; and ho threw bis arms
uround them, brought them together,
nnd said imploringly, " liittle children,
little children, love one another."
Then Marietta tank on Colin's breast,
nnd Colin throw his arms around her,
and both faces beamed with rapture
They forgot tho priest, th'cwholo world
Colin's lips hung upon Marietta's sweet
mouth. It was indeed only a kiss, but
(v kiss of. Bwcetcst self-forgetfulncss
Kach was sunk into the other. Both
had so completely lost their recollection
that unwittingly they followed the de
lighted Father Jerome Into tho church
and before the altar.
"Marietta!" sighed lie.
"Colin!" sighed she.
In tho church there were many de
vout worshippers ; but they witnessed
Colin's and Marietta's marriage with
amazement. Many ran before the close
of tho ceremony to spread tho news in
every direction throughout Nupoulo
"Colin nnd Marietta are married!"
"When tho solemnization was over
Father Jerome honestly rejoiced that he
had succeeded so well, and that Mich
little opposition had been made by tho
parties. Ho led them to tho parsonage.
i:xd of this MnuoiiABU': niBTony.
Tiir.X mother Manon arrived, breath
less ; she had waited at home a long time
for the bridegroom. Jleliad not arrived.
At the last stroke of the clock she grew
:mxlous,aud went to llerr Ilautmartin's.
There a new surprise awaited her. She
learned that tho Governor, together
with the olHcers of tho.Viguorie, had
appeared, and taken possesion of tho
accounts, chests, and papers of the Jus
tice, and at tho same time arrested Herr
" This surely is tho work of that wick
cd Colin," thought she, and hurried to
tho parsonage, in order to apologize to
Father Jerome for delaying the mar
riage. The good gray-headed old man
advanced towards her, proud of his
work, and leading by tho hand the new
ly married pair.
Now mother Manon lost hcrwits and
her speech In good earnest, when she
learned what had happened. Rut Colin
had more thoughts and powers of speech
than In his whole previous life. Ho
told of his love and tho broken cup, the
falsohoodof tho Justice, nnd how he had
unmasked this unjust magistrate in the
Viguorioat Grassse. Then ho besought
mother Manon's blessing, sinco all this
happened without any fault on the part
of Marietta or himself.
Father Jerome, who for a long time
could not make out whnt had happened,
-when heircceivcd a full explanation of
tho mnrriago through mistake piously
folded his hands nnd exclaimed, with
uplifted eyes, " Wonderful arcs tho dis
pensations of Providence." Colin and
Jfnrictta kissed his hands; mother
Manon, through sheer veneration of
Heaven, gave tho young cotiplo her
blessing, but remarked, Incidentally,
that her head-seemed turned round.
Frau Manon herself, was pleased with
her son-in-law, when she came to know
tho full extent of his property, and es
pecially when she found that Herr Ilaut
innrtin and his nose had been taken as
prisoner to Grasse.
" Hut am I then really a wife ?" ask
ed Marietta; "audreallyColin'swife?"
Mother Menon nodded her head, and
Marietta hung upon Colin's arm. . Thus
thoy went to Colin's farm, to his dwell
ing-house, through tho garden.
"Look nt tho Hewers, Marietta," said
Colin, "how carefully I cultivated them
for your cup I"
Colin, who had not oxpecled so pleas
ant an event, now prepared a wedding
feast on the spur of tho occasion. Two
days was it continued. All Nupoulo
was feasted. Whoshall describe- Colin's
rapture and extra vaganco?
Tho broken cup is preserved In tho
family to the present day, as a memori
al and fettered relic.
Tiro Hartford Ontrant pronounces tho
report of the Reconstruction Committee
unsatisfactory to both North and South.
Tho Springfield HrpuMtcan says : "Tho
radical wing of tho Republican, party Is
disappointed and dissatisfied with the
Congressional Comnilltcooti Reconstruc
tion, quite as much us If not more than
tho more- con-crvutivo portion of tho
party." It recommends that tho Ob
struction Cominltteo bo dls-olvod, and
ach House ilceldo for Itself us to tho
admission of claimants.
SHie (ifolumbian;
jKcttflti: it. Jiiioiii;, r.ttiToit.
.'fMH!intii,'H,yiTitn.v, may u Nut.
lit It tnaetid by the to-natc and House of tteprc
senlalires of Ihe I'nllnl Mates of Ami ilea in t mum ss
asstmbliit, Tint all Is'i-sons Isirii In Ilii' United
Sluice mill nut subject In nny foreign power, ox-
cltidhm Indians not luxist, lit lien declared tc
becltlons ortlip United Stales, without illstlnc
linn of color, ii nit llnMi'slinll Ik' iicicllxi-rlmliialloii
In civil ilnhtu or liiiiiiiinlllci iniioiiK tliu I iilnil 1
InnlH or liny SJIuto or Tcirllory of tin I'nltcil
Wiitinoli iKVoiint or nn i', color, or Ucvloiii con
illllon ot sluvny: I'itt tlic liilialilttinli nf cut'
riico nwl color, wlllioul vcpint to any prcvlon.s
coiiillllon of flu very or lnvoliintiiry mi lliutc, ex
ccil us a iiitiilslinii iit for crime whereof Uicurty
nli.ill Imu' lici'ii duly cnnvlctcil, hIi.iII liavo t lie
Kiiinn rlul it to make nnil enforco conlrmin, tn me.
.c aitlc, uiul kIuj c lili'iicc, tolnliorlt, imrctirtic,
loiiin, sell, linhl, uiul conu-y rent mul pcinonat
properly, mul to full ninli'ipial lii ni'lllof nil tn
ami iiiiKfiiUniiH for tno sccuilty of person unit
property, anil sliall lie sulijeel lolllte iinnNliineiit,
pnlno.nnit penall tea, mul to nonu oilier, any l.iw,
Ktatute, orillnnnee, rcKiitatlon, ur cutltim to tliu
eimlrary liotullliolaiullnpr.
Wi:tTiof S. liirf be It further emiclnt, That any
peiTon Mho, iiniler eolnr of any law, Ktatnte.orili-
li. nice, lCKiil.itlon, or cuiloin, shall FUliJect, or
eaii".e to l subjected, any liihalillmilof any Male.
or Territory to the deprivation of any right w
cured or protected by Uili act, or to dlirerent pun
jKliinent, pain", or penalties on account of Mteh
person hnvliiK t any (line been held In a eoiull
t Ion of slavery or Involuntary servitude, except
us a punishment fur the crime whereof the pint
shall have been duly convicted, or by reason of
his color or race, than Is piescribed for the pun
Isliiucnt of while persons, nhall be deemed utility
of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction, shall be
punished by tine not i xceedllii? one thousand dol
lars, or Imprisonment not oxccctlliiKoius year, or
both, in the discretion of the Court.
Sixtios 3. .tali be It furthrr rtmrtrit, That the.
District Comtsof the Uiillcd Wales, within their
resiK'etlvo districts, shall have, exclusively or the
Courts of the seveial States, conlancc of all
ci lines and oll'ences committed tmulnst the pro.
visions of this act, nnd also, concurrently with
Ihc Circuit (JourtH or tin' United Slates, orallcaus
cs, civil or criminal, ntli'clhi't persons whoaiede.
nled or cannot enrorco In the Courts or Judicial
tribunals or the Slate or locality where they may
bonny of the rluhts Bccnred totliem by the llrst
section of this net ; mid If any sultorpiosecullon
civil or criminal, has been or shall be commenced
In any State Court UKiilust any such person, or
against nny olllcer, civil or military, or other per
son, for any arrest ordinprlsonmeiit, trespass, or
wroncs done or committed by virtue or umler
color of nuthorlty derived from this act or the act
to enlarge the powers of the rieedtueirs Ilureau,
such defendant shall have the right to remove
such cause for trial to the proper District or Cir
cuit Comt In the manner prescribed by Iho "Act
relatlr.K to hiibcm eurinti and rcmilatlut; Judicial
proceedings In ceitaln cases," approved March
third, eighteen hundred and sixty-three. The
Jurisdiction In civil and criminal matters hereby
conrcrred on the Distrlctand Circuit Couitsorthc
United Mates shall bo exercl.'cd and enrorced hi
eonronulty with tho laws or tho United States, so
r.irassuch laws are sultuhlo to carry the same
Intoell'ect; but In all cases where such laws are
not adapted to the object, or 1110 dcllclenl In the
provisions necessary to furnish sultalilu remedies
and punish oirences against law, the common
law, as mn lined and changed by the constitution
anil statutes of the State wherein tho Court hav
ing Jurisdiction or the causo, civil or criminal, Is
held, so far as the samii Is not inconsistent with
the Constitution and laws of the United States,
shall beextended toniul govern said Courtsln the
trial and disposition or such cause, nnd, If of a
criminal nature, In tho Inlllcllon of punishment
on tho party found guilty.
Six-riox 1. And be ilfiirt'itr ewtetetlrini the Ills
trlct-Attoincys, Marshall, and Deputy Marshals
or tho United States, the ( oiiuulsslonersappolnt
ed bv the Circuit and TerrlloiaiCaiilMut I bo Uni
ted States, Willi powers of ancstlng. Imprison,
ing, or Isilllng ollenders against tho laws of the
United Stutcs.thootltccrs and agents of the freed-
men's lluicau, mid irrrj other v'Jieer 1110 ih-t.v be
tlHVhillil emimwircil tho J'rciiilenl n the t'mtiil
.Vfi'ct. shall be, and they nre iiereny, specially an
thnrl'.cd and ictUlre.d, the eipeme nf the Vnllcd
Utile, to Institute pioeeeillngs against all and
every person who shall violate tho provisions of
this net, and causo Jilm or them to lie arrested
and Imprisoned, or balled, as tho eae may lie, for
trial before such Court of the United States or Ter
lltorlal Court as by this act has cognlance of the
offence. And with 11 view to iillbnlllig leasona
hie protection tonll persons In thelrconstltution
ill rights of equality before the law, without ills
tincllou of nice or color, or previous condition of
slavery or involuntary servitude, except as a
punishment for crime, whereof the party sliall
have been duly convicted, and to the prompt ills.
charge of tho duties nr this act. It tlmll lie the dutu
lit the Cirenit Oinrls f the United S(ffri, itud the
Kitperinr nmrt of the Territories rtf the t'niteit Slritrl,
from time tv time, to tnerente ihe number uf Cxmunli-
itoners. no its tf aiford a iredjnind convenient nienm
for the urrenl and examination of ptrsom ehar'jed
tilth a violation of Ihts net.
Suction- .r. And be it further enacted, That said
Commissioners shall huvoconciii rent Jurisdiction
with the Judges of tho Circuit and District Courts
of the United States, and tho Judges of the Supe
rior Courts or the Terrllorles, severally and col
lectively, in term time and vacation, upon satis
ractory proor being made, to Issue VMurants mid
precepts, for arresting and bringing before them
all oll'eiulers against the provisions of this act,
and on examination to discharge, admit to ball,
or commit them for trial, us Iho facts may war-
Sixtws Ct, And be II further cnaelcd, That ltshull
he tho duty of all Marshitsiind Deputy Marshals
tn obey and execute all warrants and precepts Is.
sued under tho provisions or tills act, when to
tlieiu dlreetedi and should any Marshal or Deputy-Marshal
refuse tn receive such warrant or other
process when tendered, or to uncivil proper means
diligently to execute the same, he shall, 011 con
viction thoicot, bo fined In the sum of ono thou
sand dollars, to the use of the peison upon whom
tho accused Is alleged to have committed tho of.
fence. And tho better to enablo the said Conunls.
Kloners to execute their duties f.iillifully nnd
clllclently. In conformity with the Constitution or
tho United States and the requirements or this
net, ir.i are hercbj authorized and empowered,
leilhin their counties rciccttccty, to appoint, In icrlt
Inir, under their handi, aim one or more suitable
pcrsoni from lime to time, to execute all such war
rants and other proeeis ai inaij be issued bi them In
tho lawful performance of their respective duties;
and tho person so appolntisl to execute any war
rant or process as nforesald ii( hare authority
to summon and call to their aid the luitanders or
posse coinltiitus of the proper eounlii, or such poitlon
of the land or natal furees of the I'nited .Sri'e, or of
the militia, as tnai be neeesnirjt to the performunceof
the dutu with uhleh thejf are charucd, and to tnntcea
faithful obsenanee of the clause of the CXinAtititllmt
which prohibits staler:, In conformity with the
provisions of this net; and said warrants shuil
run and bo executed by said otneersi anywhere In
tho State or Territory within vvhlgh they are Is
sued, Hr.cTION 7, And be it further enacted, That any
person wM shall knowingly and wilfully obstruct,
hinder, nr prevent nny ntlleer, or other peison,
charged with tho execution of any warrant or
process Issued under the provisions of this act, or
nny person or persons lawfully assisting him or
them, from arresting any person forwnoseiippio
hension such warrant or process may have been
Issued, or shall reseuo or attempt to rescue such
poison from the cnvtoily or the ollh er, other ht
sou or poisons, or thosn lawfully assisting us
aforesaid, when so arrested pursuant to the an
thorny herein ulvtn and declared, or shall aid,
abet, ornsslstany person sonrrestednsuroresnld,
directly or Indirectly, to etenpo from the custody
or tho olllcer or other js itiei leiinlly nutIiorlzila.s
aroresald, or shall harbor or conceal any person
for whoso nnest 11 warrant or piocoss sliall have
been Isaiied us aloiesald, so iw lo pievent his ills
cover' and arrest after notice or knowledijeoftho
fact that a warrant ha been issued for tho appre
hension of such parson, shall, for c ither of sold
olll nccs, bo subject to a tlno not exceeding one
thousand dollniB, and Itupilsoument not excei d
lug six months, by Indictment nnd conviction
beforo tho District Court of tho United Hlati for
tho dlstilct In which Mild offence mny huv u Ihtii
commuted, or beforo the proper Com t of criminal
Jurisdiction, If committed within nny ono of the
organized Terilloiies of the culled states.
KKr-fiox H, And bo it further tnaetut, That the.
Dlolrltt-Attorucy tho JIiutluI. their tlepuuv,
ami Ihechrks of the said dlstilct, mul Territorial
t' ill he paid for (heir services the like
IVi h as may li iillmied to Ihetii for similar servi
ces In other cascsj and III nil eases where the pro
cis dliigs arc before 11 ComnilsslMiicr, hn shall be
entitled ton fee or teti dollais In full for his ser
Mies liuiirh case, lncluslvo of all services loci,
dcnttositch arrest mul examination. The per
snii riritrmns authorltiil tn rxicute the process to be
luiied bit such (immlssliuns for the arrest of olleu
iters against Hie piovislnns or this net thuH I in-
titled lo n fee ofjlee doltins for cafh pers'n he or
they limy arrest mid lake befoio nny such Com
missioner as nfoiesaid, telth svchii'lierfies as yuan
tie di am d reasonable lii such commissioner for such
other additional services as way be necessarily prr-
format by Idm or them, such asnttiiullngat the ex-
iimlnntlon, keeping the prisoner III ctKtndy, nnd
providing him Willi ToihI and lodging during Ids
dctculloii, nnd until the final ilctciiulnallnu of
such Commissioner, and liia"ni'ratfor performlntt
such athcrdulii's as mny lie required in the iiremtsis;
such fies tube made tip In conrnnnlty with the
fees usually charged by Ihe olllcers of the Courts
or Justice within the proper district or county, as
lienrns may be priicilcable, and paid out of Ihe
Tnasuryofthe Culled States on the ci rtijleatc of the
Juilye of the disti iil within ichteh the arrest Is mmle,
mul lo be rcroverable from the defendant as part
or the Judgment In case or com lctlon,
Hkction f. And he II fitrlhercnaeled, Thalvvhen
ever the President or the United Slates shall have
reason tn believe that offences have been or are
likely lo lie committed against the prov Islons of
this act within any Judicial dlstild, It shall ho
lawful for him, In lilssltsrretlnn, fotlnrf the Judge,
Marshal, and DMrtct-Attorney of such district tout
tend id such place uithtn the district, and for such
time as he may ib'sljrnate, tar the purpose of tho
more speedy arrest and trial of persons charged
Willi n violation or this act j mid It shall be tho
duty or every Judge or other olllcer, when any
such requisition sliall bo received by hlni, to nt
lend nt tho place and tor thu time therein desig
nated, Suction- in. Anil be it further enacted. That II
shall bo lawrul for the l'resldent of tho United
Stales, or such pi rson as he may empower for that
pitriiose, to employ such part of the land and naval
forces of the foiled Slates, nr of the militia, as shall
lie necessary to prevent the violation and enforce the
due execution of this act,
l'assed the Scnato l'obruary 2, IW.
Altcst : J, W. I'OltNr.V, Secretary.
A more accurate title for this measure
would bo the Negro Citizenship Rill;
but it is best known by the name given
above. It was the twin bill to the
Frecdmen's Rureati Supplement, which
came to such an untimely end under the
veto of the President. Roth were in
tended to carry out a system of Federal
interference and administration in the
Southern country, as a fixed anil perma
nent feature of national policy. Ry the
Frecdmen's Ilureau Supplement a vast
number of oflices were to lie established,
and n general system of management
over the relations of the white and black
races was to be Inaugurated, and the
provisions of the bill contained no limi
tation of time as to the exercise of the
powers provided for by it. No one is
able to give an intelligent estiiuateoftlio
expense it would have caused the (iov
ornnientofthoUiiltodStates; but itcould
not well have been, considering the
machinery provided and tho extent of
jurisdiction contemplated, less than
twenty-five or thirty millions per an
num. Kven tho present FrecdnienV
Rureati, though comparatively limited
in its jurisdiction and powers, costs the
Government in direct expenditure at
tho rate of eleven or twelve millions of
dollars per year, and it is to continue in
existence until April 2, ISO", being one
year from the date of the President's
Pence Pmclaiiialioii. A man might well
think thiscnormoiisoutlay sullicient for
tho particular objects in view. It is
about as much sis the whole yearly ex
penditure of thefJovermnent when John
(Jitincy Adams was President.
Rut wo intend to notice rather the
other bill establishing negro citizenship
throughout the country, commonly call
ed tho "Civil Rights Rill," and which
has been passed by Congress against tho
opinion of the President.
In tho first place this bill provides for
an indelinite number of Commissioners,
Presidential agents, and Commissioner
appointees. The fourth section declares
it to lie "The duty of the Circuit Courts
of tho United States, and the Superior
Courts of tho Territories of thu Cnlted
States, from time to time to increaso tho
number of Commissioners, so as to afford
a speedy and convenient means for the
arrest and examination of persons charg
ed with tho violation of this act:" that
is, they may appoint as many ofllcers as
they please under pretence of enforcing
the act. Tliesainoseetion,afternaniing
District-Attorneys, Marshals, and Com
missioners, adds: "And every other
olllcer who may be especially empower
ed by the President of tho United States
shall l)e and is hereby especially author
ized and required, at (lie expense of the
United Slates, to institute proceedings
against all and every person who shall
violate the provisions of this act, and
ctutso him, or them, to bonrrelcd and
imprisoned, or bailed, us tho case may
be, for trial," etc. And by the sixth sec
tion tho Conimi-sioners are " Authoriz
ed and empowered, within their coun
ties respectively, to appoint in writing
under their hands any one or more suit
able persons, from time to time, to e.e
cute all such warrants and other process
as may bo is-ued by them," etc. And
tho persons appointed "Shall have iiu
thority to summon and call to their aid
the bystanders or comltaitu of the
proper county, or hitch portion of tfa
land or naval forces of tho United States,
or of the militia, as may be necessary to
the performance of the duty with which
they are charged," etc. These numer
ous ottlcers, unlimited in number, and
witli duties vaguely defined, tiro vested
with powers never beforo conferred in
tliis country upon executive olllcers
Kven parts of tlto army and navy, and
tho mllltlaaud citizens, nre maclo sub
ject to tiio commands of tiny person ap
pointed by a Commissioner who Is him
self selected by nohlgheratilhority than
tho Judge of a Court, and who may be
wholly irresponsible and unlit to exer
else tho powers conferred.
A provision very much like this Is
found In the tenth section, which de
clares "That it shall bo lawful for the
President of the United States, or such
jicrnoH as lie may empower for that pur, to employ such portion of tho
land or naval forces of the United States,
or of the militia, as hliall bo necesary
to prevent tho violation and enforco the
duo execution of this net." This Is a
general, vague, nnd dangerous power,
and might bo prostituted to tho worst of
purposes; but what Is particularly oh-
servoblois that it may be exercised by
any person empowered by the President
for that purpose. The person employed
may bo nnybody whomsoever, not reg
ularly commissioned nor continued by
the Senate; In facta female, foreigner,
ornegro. Itdocinotrerpilrolegal learn
ing to understand that this tenth section
I t In violation of tiieConstltutlon, whlcli
carefully regulates the power of appoint
ment. The ninth section provides foramgra-
tory Courts, their places and times of
session unfixed by law or rule, but
wholly left to Presidential discretion.
It declares that it shall be lawful fur the
President, "In his discretion, to direct
the judge, .Marshal, and District-Attar
ney of such district to attend at such
place within the district, and for such
time as he may designate, for the pur
pose of a more speedy arrest anil trial of
persons charged witli n violation of the
act ;" and tho "Judge or other olllcer"
hIiiiII obey tho mandate. We bellevo
that never beforo in this country were
Courts placed under such Executive
The Judges of the Circuit Courts who,
under thu fourth section, appoint the
Commissioners who are to exercise judi
cial powers enforcing the act, tiro by the
eighth section to fix thu compensation
of tho Commissioner's appointees, and
the amounts allowed are to be paid from
the Treasury of tho United Slates upon
their certificates. .
Rut there arc provisions to the bill
still more grave and objectionable. Ry
the third section, in any State where any
right under the first section is denied or
cannot be enforced, all causes, civil awl
criminal, affecting tho persons or race In
ipiestton, are to lie brought In or r
moved to the Federal Courts. This
sweeping nnd portentous increase of
Federal Jurisdiction may justly excite
apprehension. Rut no account seems to
ha vo been taken of the fundamental and
revolutionary change which might be
produced by it, or which is contenipiat
ed by it. All the private litigation and
criminal prosecutions, which may con
eern millions of persons, are to lie thrown
into the Federal Courts, to burthen them
with business, and to produce incalcula
ble expense to tho United States. This
provision is in malignant violation of
Constitutional principles, as well as un
reasonable, impolitic, and expensive.
Rut the second section is the gem of
the hill. Its exposition by the President
in his veto message, and by Mr. Ring-
ham (a Republican member from Ohio)
in the House of Representatives, has
expo-ed It pretty generally to public no
tice. Sulllee It to say that It expo.-es
State judges and other olllcers to fine and
Imprisonment for construing or enforc
ing any law or regulation which nmv bo
held to conflict with tho provisions of
the act. The idea of punishing a judge
by a criminal prosecution for a mis-jiidg-
ment or wrong judgment upon a question
of law, or tho ofllcers of his Court for
executing 1 1 is decision, is monstrous. In
plain Knglisli this bill proposes to sub
stitute a criminal prosecution for a writ
of error. Instead of correcting tho er
rors of an inferior Court by an appeal or
other proceeding to a superior one, the
judge who gives the decision Is to lie lined
and imprisoned for his mistake, and the
ofllcers wlut execute his process are to be
punished also!
Rut tho most important question
which is to he examined is the question
of junrcr in Congress, under the Const!
ttition, to enact the hill into a law, and
particularly to enact the llrst section.
Rytiiat section "All persons horn in the
Cnlted Slates, and not subject to any
foreign power, excluding Indians not
taxed, are declared to be citizens of the
United States without distinction of
color, and there shall bono discrimina
tion in civil rights or Immunities among
the inhabitants of nny State or Territory
of the United States, on account or race,
color, or previous condition of slavery ;"
and further, such inhabitants "Shall
have t lie same right to make and enforce
contracts, to sue, bo parties, stud give
evidence, to inherit, purchase, lease, sell,
hold, and convey real and personal prop
erty, and to full and equal bcnellt of all
laws and proceedings for the security of
personal property, and shall be subject to
like punishment, pains, and penalties.
and to none other, any law, statute, or
dinance, regulation, or custom to tho
contrary notwithstanding."
From whence is derived tho authority
to enact this section'.' It cannot bo from
tho naturalization clause of the Consti
tution. To naturalize means to make a
mttice of one who is not, and tho power
to do this is completely Illustrated by
our naturalization laws, which necessa
rily apply to persons of foreign birth,
nnd to them alone. The authority giv
en to Congress." to pass uniform laws
of naturalization," therefore, has no re
lation to tlto present question, as fcoino
The argdinent then must turn upon,
tlie amendment to tho Constitution abol
ishing shivery. Ry that amendment
Congress was authorized to enforce
emancipation " by appropriate legisla
tion." Now appropriate legislation
must mean hero such laws as are neces
sary to execute and maintain the aboli
tion of slavery decreed by the previous
clause of tho amendment. The relation
of master and slave was to bo broken,
and never to be renewed. "Whatever is
necessary to this end, and appropriate
to its accomplishment, Congress may do
in Its legislative capacity ; hut It can do
nothing else by virtue of this power.
Testing tlieubovo section by tills rtile, It
stands unsupported by any arguments
or reason which can lie accepted by a
Just and reasonable mind.
Freedom is not citizenship, and n
power to make a man free Is not a pow
er to make hint a citizen, a member of
thu political body which constitutes the
State. A foreigner is a freeman, and yet
without any pretence to citlen-hlp, un
less ho become naturalized under some
law Nor nre
Indians citizens, although freemen and
born upon our soil. Wo nay then that
It Is manifest that iv power to make n
negro a freeman, In a particular state, Is
nut a power to make him a citizen of
the Stato or of the United State-.. It is
pimply and only a power to relieve hlni
from subjection to the will of another,
and such was undoubtedly the object,
and the only object) of tho Constitution
al Amendment. The amendment means
what It says, and doe- not mean some
thing el.-e.
So much for the citizenship attempted
to lie conferred upon emancipated slaves,
and all others, of every race and color,
bom within tho country (except untax
ed Indians). Rut tlie particular "civil
rights" conferred upon these new made
citizens are equally without warrant in
tlie Constitutional Amendment. For
Instance, a right " to give evidence" is
not a necessary Incident of freedom, nor
necessary even to Its enjoyment. To
give evidence Is rather a duty than a
right, where the law prescribes or per
mits It ; the right to hare evidence may
be conceived of in a civil rigid, but not
the other. Resides, everywhere tlie ml-mi-Muii
of witnesses to testify Is author
ized bylaws appropriate lo tlie jurisdic
tion, and the admission or rejection of
a witness lias no elfect upon hU ttutu a
a member of the social body. Slaves
may bo made witnesses by law, and
freemen may be rejected for various rea
sons which may appear sullicient to
those who enact the laws. An Inlldel
may not bo permitted to testify. Is lie,
therefore, less a freeman'.' A party In
Interest may ho excluded, and various
other persons, without impeachment of
their position or rights as freemen in
thu community. It must then appear
too plain for denial, that tlie Congres
sional power to enforce emancipation
does not involve tlie power to regulate
tho laws of evidence in a State, and to
determine who shall be admitted as wit
nesses in her Courts.
Take another" civil right" mentioned
in the section under examination ; that
of holding and conveying mil estate.
This right is withheld from foreigners
in many of our States, and in most coun
tries of tlie world, upon grounds of pub
lic policy. Rut the man would he laugh
ed at who should assort that such per
sons, incapable of holding real estate,
were for tltat reason not freemen.
Tho power to enforce the abolition of
slavery of negroes does not then extend
to endowing them with all the priviieg'
es of citizenship in a State, or to confer
ring upon them all such civil or political
rights as Congress may think tt-elul or
convenient to them. We are not here
considering what rights they ought to
possess, but the question of Congression
al power as to conferring rights upon
them under tlie Constitutional Amend
ment. Many of the rights mentioned
In the bill have been conferred upon the
freedmen already by legislation in tlie
South. Different provisions have been
adopted in different States ; but the gen
eral tendency is lo remove restrictions
and confer upon them such privileges
as are necessary and proper to their sit
uation and condition. Westippo-.e they
will receive and enjoy all the rights
which they are fitted to exercise more
securely and witli better results from
State legislation tliim from ('oiifrro.-.-'luii-al
enactments. The States which have
accepted emancipation will meet the
new condition of things in a proper spir
it much more likely in tlie ab-ence of
Congressional interference than under
Us pressure, and especially unauthorized
Rut our purpose is rather to point
out tlie objections to tlie so-called
" Civil Right.- Rill," than to enter upon
the general question of the treatment of
the colored race of the South. And as
to that hill (the argument against which
might be made much stronger), we think
it is most manifest that it is both injudi
cious and unconstitutional ; a measure
not to lie prai-ed, but condemned; and
that it will eventually meet witli that
general disfavor which always impends
over acts of folly, fanaticism, and vio
Tm: conductor of tlie Coi.u.MniAX is
a new man among tho people of Colum
bia County, but he does not llnd himself
engaged in a new vocation. 1 le pursues
here the employment which has engag
ed him el-ewhere, and which he learned
thoroughly in youth ns thu business of
his manhood; and in undertaking to de
fend tlie principles of Unionism, through
an independent press, he engages In no
strange or unwelcome work. 1 le found
himself voluntarily engaged, in the re
cent war, in supporting tlie cause of Un-ioni-m
against enemies in the field, and
his prolonged service beneath the nation
al Hag gave him increased devotion to
those principles of unity and constitu
tional order upon thosteru maintenance
of which against all enemies the future
of this great country depends. Tlie
man who lights for Union in time of
war may well defend It by his pen in
times of peace, lie varies the character
of his service, hut his object is tlie same.
Tlie men who attempted tt. take eleven
States out of tlie Union were Justly ob
noxious to the chastisement of thosword,
and they were smitten by it and sub
dued. Their cau-e went down under
the opprobrium of mankind. They
were trampled upon and crushed by
public power, and their rebellion and all
its works laid prostrate forever. Herein
was shown tho majesty of tlie law ad
ministered by public force: and herein,
also, was shown that love of Union, of
the integrity of our Republic, which in
spired, and yet inspires, tho breasts of
our people.
Rut the great work of restoration Is
not yet complete. Tho" bold, bud men"
wlui stood up in arms against the I'lilon
are defeated ; but men In civil life, who
would keep the I'nioii sundered and
impotent, and who would Intrude upon
the policy of the (fovernmeiit dNuu
ioulsiu in new forms, yet "strut their
brief hour upon tlie stage, and play fan
tastic tricks," to the injury and humili
ation of the nation. They tulle about
dead Plates, as If the war had been elll
cacioiH only to destroy, and not to save.
They hold the President of tho United
States to have been an alien enemy,
when elected, because ho was a citizen
of Tennessee. Though ho came to hl
high olllce, on the assassination of Mr.
hlncoln, by virtue of tho voles given
him by the American people, as their
Vice-President) he N, forsooth, from n
foreign or conquered country, which has
no existence as a Stale 111 tlie Union, and
whose loyal sons, who, timid Iho and
blood, upheld our cause In the darkest
hours of the war, are lo be considered as
subject captives, that hold their llvoi
and properly, and all their rights, sub
ject to the pleasure of a conquering
Against all these doctrines of disiin
lonlsni we protest, anil shall resist them
to the utmost of our power.
Tin: amended Revenue Rill intuit last
emerged from the Committee of Ways
and Means, and gone before the House
of Representatives and the country, hut
too late to have any oirect upon the col
lection of the taxes for lK(if). Oppres
sive and crushing as the existing taxes
are, we must bear their load foriinothcr
year, instead of receiving from theCiov
ernnient that relief for wlilch we had a
right to look. We at length know what
the Ways and Means propose. What
Congress may choose to make out of the
bill remains to be seen. The considera
tion of tlie question lias not yet begun,
and when it shall there is no guessing
where It may end. We embrace the
present occasion, therefore, of saying
that, in our Judgment, while the priuci
iples upon which the bill was framed
seem fair, the committee lias hardly
gone as far as It might Judiciously have
done in reducing our enormous load of
domestic taxation.
1 1 does not seem to have been borne
In mind by tho members of the com
mittee that tlie State and local au
thorities have, during the progress of
the civil war, become heavily embar
rassed with loads of debt caused by pul
ing bounties to volunteers to till their
quotas of troops under the conscription
law, and by maintaining the families of
soldiers during their absence in service
In New York State these debts reach an
aggregate of about eighty-live millions.
nnd everywhere in tho loyal States they
are enormous, and the peoplo have to
bear the burden of tho taxes to pay inter
est on these debts In addition to tlie na
tional taxation. Tlie great duties of
government are so largely devolved
upon Slates and local authorities, by the
frame-work of our institutions, as in the
nature of things to render it unavoida
ble that our State and local revenues
should be well sustained in order to
preserve order, enforce the laws, foster
improvements, etc.
In the large cities we see this 11
Iustratcd very Circibiy, but it would be
a serious mistake to suppose Unit the
rural districts are in anywise free from
these embarrassments. Their burdens
are quite heavy, and thus, between tlie
national, theState, and the local authori
ties, the taxpayers are about as badly
borne down by taxation as any part of
Knglund ever was, notwithstanding that
we have traditionally regarded Knglund
us peculiarly the laud of taxes. When
we recollect that till these various taxes
pass into the rents of property, tlie
prices uf provisions, tlie values of goods
and (he wages for all kinds of toil, it
will lie seen that it is noiisen-e to talk
of reducing the inllation by tlie mere
reduction of the paper currency. The
great evil is excessive taxation, and of
that it is our duly to try to rid tlie coun
try tis far as possible.
To President Johnson we are mainly
indebted for that great blessing, the
(lishaiidmenl of an Immense army, and
the discharge of the vast swarms of mili
tary employes rendered necessary bv
the civil war. It remains now for Con
gress to do its part of the work by re
ducing our taxation from a war stand
ard to that of peace; and however much
we may approve of the tax bill as re
ported, we may as well say frankly that
we approve of it only as a beginnin
and because we expect much more to
come In the way of a relief of tho pco
pie from these enormous taxes.
Of coitrso we do not disguise from
ourselves tlie fact that the necessities of
tlie National (iovcrnmentarelargrealer
now than they were before tlie war. Rut
we do not perceive any necessity for tlie
Secretary of tho Treasury increasing
them by maintaining such a ruinous
form of loan as the compound interest
notes, or by funding tho national green
back currency which now bears no in
terest, and so adding some twenty-fivo
millions annually to our burden. For
this sort of work we do not believe that
the loyal peoplo of this nation are con
tent lo go on paying such enormous
taxes, and submitting lo Mich an odious
ind Inquisitorial system as that umler
which we now labor. We aro glad to
notice that the Secretary Is beginning
to appreciate this common sense philos'
ophy, and shows the fact by putting a
top to the useless and burdensome ar
rangenient yclept " temporary loan,"
whereby tho (iovernnient pa HI interest
on tho deposits of compound interest
notes and other forms of its own issues,
and was unable to muko use of a consid
enihle fraction of it because it must ho
held ready to meet demands.
It has been demonstrated, beyond tho
shadow of a doubt, that the Uoverninent
stands In no need of an Increaso of our
debt, and that it can allbrd to reduce
the taxation largely. Wo trust that It
will do so In such a manner as to rid us
somewhat of tlie swarms of employes
rendered necessary by the present sys
tem of assessment and collection, the
t llect of which Is lo devour a large part
of tho taxes to pay expense of levying.
So far as wo can perceive, the present
bill will not ullord this reduction, nor
will there be nny material relief in that
respect so long as tlie income tax is re
tained. It N the assessment of that
which affords the chief excuse for the
employment of this herd of olllclals.
Candor requires that wo should bay,
also, that wo do not bellevo the tux-rid-den
people of the loyal States are will
ing to have their burdens continued In
older to carry Into effect such schemes
ai Congicas now has beforo it, in bills, to
squander nearly three hundred more
millions in bounties lo soldiers, ami
about as much more to pay war clalina.
So long as the nioney (teems to bo so
abundant, we may expect demagogues
in Congn.HS to be profuse lu voting It
away. If we want to .slop Ihls noi't of
extravagance we must reduce the taxes
far more largely than the pending bill
proposes. We have done about enough
for railroads, bounties, war expenditure",
canals, and all those things. It is now
time to help the tax-payers, and in their
name we demand a much larger reditC'1
tion than lite committee has proposed.
So long as the Income tax remains In
force all other reductions will eeem pet'
ty lit comparison, for this Is Immeasura
bly the most Inquisitive, tlie mo-il un
just, the most co-lly to assess and collect
of all the war taxes. It litis no business
among the burdens of peace, being in
Us character essentially an extraordlnn'
ry war measure. It 'should cease with
the necessities of the war which created
it, and nothing short of its total aboli
tion will ever cause n cessation of pop
ular clamor on tho subject. Knglish
ciitlcs favorable to our country and its
institutions hold up their hands in as
tonishment at the tremendous burdens
of taxation we are now bearing; and
the London J&onamht, after quoting
the schedules of the new hill, gives vent
to its surprise that the committee has
moved so timidly. In the very worst
of Kngland'si days of taxation no such
stun of revenue ever was collected there
ivs we go on idling up annually here.
The loyal and patriotic feeling created
by tlie war was so great that the people
were ready to endure tiny burdens re
quired by the, emergency ; and this sen
timent still has so much force that we
llnd the community passively awaiting
a reduction of taxes, without giving
shape to its real wishes In the matter,
while members of Congress Mint their
eyes to this fact, and propose to enact
laws which will largely augment our
national debt, and absolutely render it
impossible to reduce taxes. It seems to
us to bo time that this subject was ven
tilated thoroughly. The peoplo must
make their wishes known to those who
have the power to relieve them.
It is worth remembering that, as the
revenue arrangements now stand, the
great burdens of taxation fall upon tlie
Middle and New Knglund States, while
tho South, tho Far West, and the Pacific
States do not even pay the expenses of
the Uoverninent service in their respec
tive sections. 1 n whatever direction wo
look, we have got to pay tho piper. The
agricultural sections pay no adequate
share of tlie taxes, while they require
the major part of the (iovernnient out
lay. The present system, therefore, falls
most severely upon all of our peculiar
i i i teres Is. Nurth Am vrhaa .
With the present week came tho first
copy of the Columbian, a paper recently
established in Rloomsburg, Columbia
Having read it cirefullywe feel dis
posed to comment on its appearance and
its platform. In mechanical execution
it is superior to anything wo have seen
in tlto way of a country paper, and pre
sents an exceedingly readable appear
ance. In politics it is intensely Union,
regardless of party 'id for this appa
rent rea.-on is unju. dy denounced liy
both party organs of the county. In
this respect, however, it holds a position
similar to lite Administration at present,
and the fact ofit being thus denounced i.)y
both parties is one of the surest indica
tions of its occupying a position which
is agreeable to the moderate and think
ing men of both parties. Let its rosol vo
be strengthened to maintain tho Presi
dent in his policy, and to stand by tlie
Union undertheCoiistitution, believing
that it will meet with a hearty support
among the best men of Columbia and
adjoining counties. President Johnson
stands to-day a sheet-anchor between
the disunion Republicans of tho North
and tlie conquered disuniouists of the
South, around whom men who aro now
more deeply interested in the restoration
of tho Union than in tho advancement
of party can rally irrespective of creed.
Let us, fellow citizens, support the Pres
ident in his policy, and support the pa
per which gives htm succor.
Another coinmendublo feature- in tho
paper is its determination not to in
dulge in the vilest of slang In speaking
of Its political and personal opponents:
this does not preclude the right or hand
ling its opponents in u severe hut gentle
manly manner. This is certainly a man
ly and intelligent manner of defending
one's political position. The paper is
calculated to please and to prove instruc
tive, and cutting loose from party spirit,
westipposo it will not continually annoy
its readers with tho petty troubles of
politics. Ashlttiul Adrocute.
Tin: Coi.umiuak. This is tho tillo
of a new paper just started at Rlooms
burg, tlto llrat number of which is upon
our table. It is published by Georgo II.
Moore, and Is an earnest supporter or
tho Administration of President John
son. Wo certainly wish all such Jour
nals success. We make the following
extract from the salutatory of the editor:
iho ihltontiiitii Is Intended to ho pre
eminently u Journal of Unionism, to sup
port an principles uiul measures of poli
cy which look to tho 'consolidation of
tho Union,' tho object announced by
Oeneiiil Washington us thoprlnciploono
had In view hi favoring tlie Constitution
of tho United Slates. To Ibis endsupjiort
must be given to those men in publics
station who represent and uphold Union
principles and a Union policy. Thoy
must bo supported, their hands upheld,
llieir hearts clieeretl by words of approv
al and encouragement. Andontlioother
baud, public men who oiiposo tho unity
and harmony of the country, and who
would keep alive sectional or partisan
hatred to tho injury and detriment of
the people of tho United States, aro to
bo denounced and opposed."
The Cvlumlilun Is claimed as rt Repub
lican paper, but It Is on tho truo Demo
cratic truck, and wo hopo It will eon
tlnuo in well-doing. Wo hop'o it will
prosper. 'Scrunton llctihtcr.