The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 12, 1866, Image 1
4' . SJhc." Columbian, AN INDEPENDENT JOURNAL, is i'Uni.titt:n nvnuv hatcuiiav, in llliininilmrg, Cfllitmliln County, Pn. TlIttMM. Two Dollars ft year, In ndvnnce. If not paid In advance, Two Dollars and I'irty Outs, Address nil k-ltrrt to (IKOItOl! It. MooltK, MHor of Iho Cor.CMiilA.v, lltoonisburg, Columbia County, Fu. KATIE LEE AND WILLIE GllAY, Two brown heads with tossing curls, lied lips shutting over peal Is, Hare feel, while and wet ultlnW, Two eyes black and two eyes blue, I.lltle boy nml Kill were tbey, Kutlo. Leo ami Wllllo CI ray. Triipy were mtandlng w hero a brook, Heading like n nlieilieril'K crook, Flashed ItM silver, nml thick ranks Of willow fringed Us lunik, Half In thought-ami half In plav, lCatlo Uo nlid Wllllo Clray. They ho J checks like cherries red j Jin was taller, moil n head i Hho, with nrms like wreaths of snow, Swung n basket to nml fro, (As they loitered, half In play,) Chattering to Wllllo Clray. " Pretty Katie," Willie said, And there entile- n of red Through the browuness of his check, "Hoys are strong and gills arc weak, And I'll carry, ho I will, Katie's basket up the hill." Katie answered, wllh n laugh, " You shall carry only half," Crhcn said, tossing back lur curls,) " Hoys are weak as well as girls." Do yon think that Kallo guessed llulf tho wisdom sho expressed? Men are only boys grown tail ; Hearts don't change much, nflcr nil; And when, long years from that day, Kallo Lee and Wllllo dray Stood ttiahl beside the biook Heading like n shepherd's crook, Is It Rtrango that Willie said, While again u dash of red (.'rou ncil the browuness of his cheek, " I am sluing and you are weak, Life Is but nsllppeiy sleep Hung with shadows cold and deep ; " Will you trust mo, Kutlo dear? Walk beside mo without fear? May I carry, If I will, All your burdens up the hill?" And she answered, with a laugh, " No; but you may carry half." Closo besldn tho llllle brook, 1 tending like n shepherd's crook, Working, wllh Its silver hands, Late nnd early at the bands, Stands a cottage, wheio to-day Katlo lives with Willie liruy. In Hie porch sho Kits, and lo! Swings u basket lo mid no, Vastly different from the one That sho swung In year agone; 'J'hli il long, and dtri, and widt'. And has rockrrs at the side. THE BROKEN GUI'. Fi:o.M tiii; ur.uMAN or szciiokki:. . MAItlKTTA. Xatouli:, it is true, is only a very lit tle place on the liay of Cannes ; yet it is pretty well known through nil Provence. It lies in tho shade of lofty evergreen palms, anil darker orange trees; hut that alone would not make it renowned. Still they say that there tiro grown the most luscious grapes, tho sweetest roses, iind the handsomest girK 1 don't know hut it is i-o ; in the meantime I helieve it most readily. Pity that Xapoulo is so .small, and cannot produce more luscious grapes, fragrant roses, and handsome maidens; especially as wo might then have some of them transplanted to our own country. As, over fcinco the foundation of Xn poule, all tho women have been beauties, so the little Marietta was it wonderof wonders, as the chronicles of tho place declare. She was called the Utile Marietta ; yet she was not smaller than a girl of seventeen or thereabouts ought to be, seeing that her forehead just reached up to the lips of a grown man. Tho chronicles aforesaid had very good ground for speaking of Marietta. 1, had I stood in tho shoes of tho chronicler, would have done the same. For Mari etta, who until lately had lived with her mother Mnnon at Avignon, when she came back to her birthplace quite up-ot tho wholo village. Verily, not tho houses, but the people and their heads; and not the heart- of all tho people, but of those particularly whoso heads and hearts nre always in great danger when in the neighborhood of two bright pyes. I know very well that such a position is no joke. Mother Mnnon would have done much better if sho had remained at Avignon. Hut she had been left a small inherit mico, by which sho received at Xapoulo an estate consisting of somo vine-hills, and a houso that lay in the shadow of a rock, between certain ollvo tree.3 and African acacias. This is a kind of tiling which no unprovided widow over re jects; and accordingly, in her own es timation, fcho was us rich and happy as though sho were tho Countess of Prov ence, or something like it. So much tho worse was it for the good peoplo of Xapoulo. They noversuspect od their misfortune, not having read in Homer how ni single pretty woman had illlert all Greece and Lesser Asia witli discord and war. HOW TIIU MISrOUTUNK cajiu aiiout. Mauii:tta had scarcely been fourteen tlayti in tho, between tho olive trees und tho African acacias, before very young man of Xapoulo knew Mint alio lived there, and that thero lived not, in nil Provence, a moro charming &irl than tho ono in that house. Went sho through tho village, sweeping lightly along like a dressed up angel, her frock, with its palo green Iwdlco, and ornnge-leaves anil rose-buds upon tho bosom of it, fluttering in tho breeze, and ilowers nml ribbons waving about tho btraw bonnet, which shaded her beautiful features; yes, then tho gravo old meu spako out, and the young ones were struck dumb. And every where, to tho right and left, little win dows and doors wero opened with "a good-morning," or "n good-ovenlng, Marietta," tw It might bo, while she nodded to tho right and left with a pleas ant smile. - If Murletla walked into tho church nil hearts (that is, of tho young people) forgot lleuveii; ull eye turned from VOL J.-XO. 2. the saints, and the worshipping linger wandered Idly among tho pearls of tho rosary, 'litis nitist have eetlalnly nro voked much sorrow, at least among the more devout. The maidens of Xapoule mrtlctilarlv became very pious about this time; for they, most or all, took tho matter to heart. And they were not to be blamed for it ; for since the advent of Marietta more than one prospective groom had become cold, and more than one wor shipper of some beloved ono quite In constant. There were bickerings and re preaches on all sides, ninny tears, pert I licit lectures, and even rejections. Tho tal,V was no longer of marriage, but of sepa.-nllons. They began to return their pledges of truth, rings, ribbons, etc The old persons took part with their children; criminations and strife spread rrom house to house; It was most do plorablo. Marietta is tho. cause of all, said tho pious maidens llrst; then tho moth ers said it ; next the fathers took it up ; anil finally all, even the young men Hut Marietta, shielded by modesty and innocence, like tho petals of the rose hud in its dark green calix, did not stis pod the mischief of which sho was the occasion; and continued courteous to everybody. This touched tho young nien.wliosaiil, " Wliycondcninthepure and harmless child '.' sho is not guilty !" 'I lien the fathers said tho same thin then tho mothers took it up; nnd final ly all, even the pious maidens. For, let who would talk with Marietta, she wasstiro togaln theircsteem. .So before hair a year hud passed everybody had spoken to her, and everybody loved her. lint she did not suspect that she was the object of such general regard, as she had not before suspected that she was tho object or dislike. Does tho vio let, hidden in the down-trodden grass think how sweet it is? -Mm' every one wished to make amends for tho Injustice they had done Marietta. Sympathy deepened the ten derness of their attachment. Marietta found herself greeted everywhere in more friendly way than ever; sho was more cordially welcomed ; moreheartily invited to tho rural sports and dances. AHOIT Till: WK'KIII) COMX. A i.i, men, however, are not endowed with tender sympathy, hut some have Hearts hardened like Pharaoh's. 'Pin-. arises, no doubt, from that natural do pravity which lias como upon men in conseijueneo ol the tail of Adam, or be cause, at their baptism, tho devil is not brought siilllciently under subjection. A remarkable oxamnlo of this hard ness of heart was triven bv one Colin. the richest farmer and nronrietor in Xa poule, whose vineyards and olive trar- (lens, wiioso lemon and orange trees, could hardly be counted in a dav. One thing particularly demonstrates the tier verscness ol Jus disposition: lie was twenty-seven years old, and had never yet asked lor what purpose girls had iieen created. Title, all the peonle. especially dnm- sals ol' a certain age. williiurlv f'ormive him this sin, and looked upon him as ono or tho best young men under the sun. His line llgure, his fresh.-uncm-barrassod maimer, his look, Ids laugh, enabled him to gain tho favorable opin ion or the arorcsiud people, who would have forgiven him, had there been occa- ion, any ono ol the deadly sins. Mat the (lec-Mon or such judges is not always to be trusted. While both old nnd youngat Xapoule had become reconciled lo the innocent Marietta, and proilcrcd then-sympathies to her, Colin was the only one who had no pity upon tho poor child. JfMari- ettta was talked of, ho became as dumb as a fish, if he met her In tho street, he would turn red and while with anger. and east sidelong glances at her of the most malicious kind. If, at evening, the young peoplo met uiion tho sea-shore near the old castle ruins, for sprightly pastimes, or rural dances, or to sing catches, Colin was the merriest among them. Hut as soon as Marietta arrived the rascally fellow was silent, and all the gold in tho world couldn't make him sing. What a pity, when lie had such a flue voice! every body listened to it so willingly, and lis store of songs was endless. Ml the maidens looked kindly upon Colin, and he was friendly with all of them, lie had, as we have bald, a roguish glance, which the lasses feared and loved; and it was so sweet tliev would like to have had It painted. lint, as might naturally lie expected, the of fended Marietta did not look graciously upon him. And In that she was per fectly right. Whether he smiled or not it was all tho same to her. As to his roguish glance, why, sho would never hear it mentioned ; and therein too she was perfectly right. When lie told n talo (and ho knew thousands), and ev erybody listened, she nudged her neigh bor, or perhaps threw tufts of grass ut Peter or Paul, and laughed and chatter ed, and did not listen to Colin at all. Tills behavior quite provoked tho proud fellow, ho that he would break oil' In the middle of his story and stalk suddenly away. itevengo Is sweet. The daughter of mother Mnnon well knew how lo tri umph. Yet Marietta was a light good child, and quite too tender-hearted. II' Colin was silent, it gave her pain, ir ho was downcast, she laughed no more, ir he went away, sho did not stay long behind, but hurried to her home, and wept tears or ropenlnnco, more beautiful than tho-o of (ho Magdalen, although the had net .Iniicd liU flic Magdalen BLOOMSBUKG, SATURDAY, Tin: ctn .Tciihmi:, the pastor of Xa poulo, was an old man of seventy, who possessed all the virtues or a saint, and only one railing; which was, that by reason or his advanced years, he was hard or hearing, hut on that very ac count his homilies were more accepta ble lo the children oT his baptism and blessing. True, he preached only of two subjects, as if they comprehended tho wholo of religion. It was either, " Lit tle children, love one another," or it was, " Mysterious are the ways of Prov idence." And truly there is so much Faith, Love, and Hope in these that one might at a pinch bo saved by them. The llttlo children loved ono another most obediently, and trusted In the ways of Providence. Only Colin, with his flinty heart, would know nothing or either; for even when he professed to bo friendly, ho entertained the deepest malice. Tho Xnpoulesc went to the annual market or fair or tho city of Vence. It was truly a Joyful time, and though they had but little gold to buy with, there were many goods to look at. Xow Marietta and mother Million went to the fair with the rest, and Colin was also there, lie bought a great many curiosities and trilies for his friends, but ho would not spend a farthing for Marl elta. And yet ho was always at here! bow, though ho did not speak to her nor sho to him. It was easy to see that he was brooding over some scheme or wickedness. Mother Million stood gazing before a sho;), when she suddenly exclaimed, "Oh! Marietta, see that beautiful cup! A queen would not be ashamed to raise it to her lips. Only see: the edges are of dazzling gold, and tho flowers upon it could not bloom more beautifully in the garden, although they are onlv painted. And in the midst of tills Par adise! pray see, Marietta, how the ap pies are smiling on tho trees. They are verily tempting. And Adam cannot withstand it, as tho enchanting Kve oilers mm one lor lood: And do see how prettily the little frisking laml skips around the old tiger, and tho snow white dove with its golden throat stands there before tho vulture, us if she would caress him !" Marietta could not satisry herself with looking. " lad I such a cup, mother !" said she, "It is far too beautiful to drink out of, 1 would put my flowers in it and constantly peep into Paradise We are at tho fair in Vence, but when J look on (ho picturo, I fool nw if J worn ill J'aradi-e." So spoke Marietta, and called all her companions to the spot, to share her ad miration ol the cup; but the young men soon joined the maidens, until at length hall' the inhabitants of Xapoule were assembled before the wonderfully beautiful cup. Hut miraculously beau tiful was it mainly from its inestimable, translucent porcelain, with gilded ban dies and glowing colors. They asked the merchant timidly: "Sir, what is the price of it'."' And lie answered: "Among friends, it is worth a hundred livres." Then they all became silent, and went away in despair. When the Xupouloso were all gone from the front of the shop, Colin came there bystcallh, threw the merchant a hundred livres upon the counter, bad the cup put in a box well packed with cotton, and then carried it oil'. What evil plans he had m view no one would have surmised Xear Xapoule, on bis way home, it being already dusk, ho met old .1 acq ties, the Justice's servant, returning from the Holds. Jacques was a very good man, hut excessively stupid. " I will give thee money enough to get something to drink, Jacques," said Colin, "if thou wilt bear this box to Million's bouse, and leave it there; and ir any one should see thee, and Inquire from whom the box came, say, 1 A stran ger gave it to me.' lint never disclose my name, or 1 will always detest thee." Jacques proinNed this, took the drink money and the box, and went with it toward the little dwelling between tho olive trees and the African acacias. Tim CAitRii:it. Biivoiti: be arrived, there, ho encoun tered his master, Justice Jlautiuartin, who asked: "Jacques, what art thou carrying'.'" " A box for mother Mnnon. hut, sir, I cannot say from whom it comes." "Why not V" " Hocau-o Mr. Colin would always de test me." " It is well that thou canst keep a secret. Hut it is already late; glvo me the box, for J am going to-morrow to see Mrs. Mnnon ; J will deliver it to her, and not betray that it came from Colin. It will save thee a walk, and furnish mo u good excuse for calling on the old lady." Jacques gave tho box to his master, whom ho was accustomed to obey ex plicitly In nil things, Tho Justice bore it into his chamber, and examined it by the light witli some curiosity. On the lid was neatly written with red chalk: 'or the lovely and dear Marietta." Hut Jlerr Ilatitniartln well knew that this wiw some of Colin's mischief, and that some knavish trick lurked under the whole. Ho therefore opened the box can fully, for fear that a mouse or rat should be concealed within. When he beheld the wondrous cup, which he had seen at Vence, ho was dreadfully shocked ; for 11 err Iluutniartin was a skill'ul casuist, and knew that the In ventions and devices of tho human heart tiro evil from our youth upward. He saw at onco that Colin designed this cup as a means of bringing misfortune upon M.iiiett.i perb, in t give out. when It should bo in her possession, that It was tho present of homo .successful lover in tho town, or tho like, so that all decent peojile would thereafter keep tiloof from Marietta. Tlieiefore 1 1 err Haiitmartln resolved, in order to pre vent any evil reports, to profess himself tlicglver. Moreover, ho loved Marietta, and would gladly have fooii her observe more strictly toward himself the say ing of tho gray-headed priest Jerome, " Llttleehlldreu, lovo one another." In truth, II err llautmartln was a little child llfty years old, and Marietta did not think thesayingapplled particularly to him. Mother Mauon, on the contrary, thought that tho Justice was a clever little child; ho had gold and a high rep utation, from ono end of Xapoule to the other. And when tho Justice spoke of marriage, and Marietta ran away in uflVight,iiiotheiSMnnon remained sit ting, and had no fear for tho tall, staid gen tleman. It must also be confessed that there wero no faults in his person. And although Colin was the handsomest man in the village, yet tho Justice far surpas sed him in two tilings, namely: in the number or years, and in a very, very big nose. Yes, this 110-.0, which always went before the Justice, like a herald, to proclaim his approach, was a real elephant among human noses. With this proboscis, his good purpose, and tho cup tho Justice went the fol lowing morning to tho house between the olive trees and the African accacies. "For the beautiful Marietta," wild he, "1 hold nothing too costly. Yesterday you admired tho cup at Vence; to-day allow me, lovely Marietta, to lay It and my devoted heart at your feet." Million and Marietta wore transported beyond measure when they beheld the cup. Million's eyes glistened with de light; but Marietta turned and said, "I can neither take your heart nor your cup." Then mother Minion was angry, and cried out : " Hut I accept both heart and cup. O, thou llttlo fool, how long wilt thou despise thy good fortune? For whom dost thou tarry? AVill a Count of Provence make thee his bride, that thou scornst tho Justice or Xapoule? I know better how to look after thy in terests. llerrHautmartin, I deem it an honor to call you my son-in-law." Then Marietta went out and wept bitterly, and hated the beautiful cup with all her heart. Hut the Justice, drawing the palm of his llabby hand across his nose, spoke thus judiciously : " IMotlicr Mnnon, Jim vy untiling. Tho dove will at length, when it learns to know me better, give way. 1 am not impetuous. have some skill among women, and before a quarter of a year passes by I will Insinuate myself into Marietta's good graces." "'I by no-o is too large for that," whispered Marietta, who listened out side the door, and laughed to herself., In fact, the quarter or a year passed by, and I Iorr 1 lautmartin had not yet pierc ed her heart even with the tip or his nose. Tin: fi.owi:ius. Pruixn this quarter or a year Mari etta had other all'airs to attend to. The cup gave iter much vexation and trouble, and something else besides. For a fortnight nothing else was talk ed ol in Xapoule, and every one said, it is a present from the Justice, and the marriage is already agreed upon. Mari etta solemnly declared to all her com panions that she would rather plunge to the bottom of the sea than marry the Justice; but the maidens continued lo banter her all the more, saying, " Oh, how blissful it mu-t be to ropo-o in the shadow of his nose!" This was her llrst vexation. Then mother Mnnou had the cruelty to lorce .Marietta to rinse out the cup every morning at the spring under the rock, and to till It with fresh flowers. She hoped by this to accustom Marietta to the cup and heart of the giver. Hut Marietta continued to hate both the gift and giver, and her work at the spring became an actual punishment. Second vexation. Then, when in tho morning she came to the spring, twice every week sho found on tho rod;, immediately over il, some most beautiful flowers, handsome ly arranged already for the decoration of the cup. And on the flower stalks a strip of paper was always tied, on which was written, J)i:.n Maisiutta. Xow no one need expect to inipo-e upon lit tle Marietta, as ir magicians and fairies were still in tho world. Consequently! lie knew that both the flowers and pa pers must have come irom lierr Jliiut- niartin. Marietta, indeed, would not smell them because tho living breath from out the Justice's nose hud pur- ftiined them. Xevertheiess sho took tho flowers, because they wero liner than wild flowers, and toro the slip of paper into a thousand pieces, which she strewed upon the spot where the flowers usually lay. Hut this did not vex Jus tlco lluutiiini'tln, whose love was unpar alleled in Its kind, as his no.-o was in its ;iud. Third vexation. At length It came out, In conversation with Hcrr Hautmartin, that he was not the giver of tho beautiful flowers. Then, who could it be? Marietta was utterly astounded at the unexpected dl-covery. I henceforth she took the dowel's from the rock more kindly; but further Ma rietta was what maidens are not wont to be very Inquisitive. She conjee tuicd llrst this and then that young man in Xapoulo. Yet her conjectures were In vain. Sho looked and listened far into tin night; she ro-o earlier than ti-tt, l. iiu' 'it' I'm n ami Jl tmeil Hi MAY 12, i860. vain. And still twice a week in the morning tho miraculous flowers lay upon the rock, and upon tho strip of paper wound round them sho always read the silent sigh, Dr.Ait Maihiitta ! Such an Incident would have made oven the most indifferent Inquisitive. Hut curiosity at length becamo a burn ing pain. Fourth vexation. WK'Ki:iNT.U tTON WIClCr.DNIlSH. Xow Father Jerome, on Sunday, had again preached front the text, " Myste rious are tho dispensations or Provi dence." And little .Marietta thought, If Providence would only dispense that r might at length Und out who Is the llower dispenser. Father Jerome was never wrong. Gnu summer night, when 11 was far too warm for rest, Marietta awoke very early, and could not resume her sleep. Therefore she sprang joyously from her couch, astiiefli-otstreaksordawn flashed against tho window of her little cham ber over the waves of the sea and the Leriniaii Isles, dressed herself, went out to wash her forehead, breast, and arms in the cool spring. She took her hut with her, intending to take a walk by the sea-shore, as she knew of a retired place for buttling. In order to reach this retired spot it was necessary to pa-s over the rocks be hind the house, and thence down through the orange and palm trees. On this occasion Marietta could not pass through them; for, under the youngest and most slender of the palms, lay a tall young man, in profound sleep near him a noscgayof most splendid flowers. A white paper lay thereon, from which, probably, a sigh was again breathing. How could Marietta get by there? She stood still, trembling with fright. She would go lioineagain. Hardly had sho retreated a couple of steps ere she looked again at the sleeper, and remain ed motionless. Yet the distance pre vented her from recognizing his face. Xow the mystery was to be solved or never. She tripped lightly nearer to the palms but lie f-cemed to stir then she ran again toward the cottage. His movements were but the fearful im aginings of Marietta. Xow she returned again on horjway toward the palms- but his sleep might perhaps bo only dissembled swiftly she ran towards the cottage but who would flee for mere probability ? She trod moro boldly the path toward the palms. With these fluctuations of her timid and joyous spirit between frigid and cnrlosKy, M idi iIicm, to mid fn, trippings between the house and the palm tree she at length nearly approached the sleeper; at the same time curiosity be came more powerful than fear. "What is he tome? My way lead me directly past him. Whether he sleeps or awake I will go straight on." So thought Million's daughter. Hut she passed not by, but stood looking direct ly 111 the face of the flower-giver, in order to bo certain who it was. Hesidi he slept as if it were the first time in a month. And who was it? Xow who el-e should 't be but the arch, wicked Colin? So it was ho who had annoyed tho gentle maiden, and given tier m much tumble with Hcrr 1 lautmartin, because lie bore a grudge against her; he had been the one who had teased her with flowers, in order to torture liercttrlo-lty. Wherefore? He hated Marietta. H( behaved himself always most shame fully toward the poor child. He avoid ed her when he could ; and w lien be could not, he grieved the good-natured little one. With nil the other maidens of Xapoule liewasniorechatty, friendly, and courteous than toward Marietta. Consider he had never once asked her to dance, and yet she danced bewitch iugty. Xow there he lay, surpri-cd, taken in the act. P.evenge swelled in Marietta's bosom. What di-gnice could she sub ject him to ? She took the nosegay, un loosed it, strewed his present over the sleeper in scorn. Hut tho paper, on which appeared again the sigh, "Dear Marietta," she retained, and quickly into her bosom. She wished to preserve this proof of his hand-writing. -Miiriena was siy, .ow sue would go away. Hut her revenge was not yet satisfied. She could not leave tho place v, itliout returning Colin's ill-will. She took tho violet-colored silken ribbon from her hat, and threw it lightly around the sleeper's arm and around the tree, and with three knots tied Colin fast. Xow when he awoke how as tonished he would be! How his curi osity would torment I1I111 to a-cert.iln who had played him this trick! That lie could not possibly discover. Ho much the better; it served him right. Marietta had only been too lenient toward him. She seemed to regret her work when sho had finished it. Her bosom throbbed impetuously, indeed, I believe tliat a little (ear filled her eye, as she compassionately gazed upon the guilty one. Slowly she retreated to the orange grove by tho rocks she looked around often ; slowly ascended the rocks, looking down among the palm trees as she ascended. Then she hatoned to mother Mauon, who was tailing iter. Tin: 11 vt-iianp. That very day Colin practised new mischief. What did he? He wi-hed to shame Hie poor Marietta publicly. Ah 1 she never thought that every one in Xa poulo knew her violet-colored ribbon ! Colin remembered II but too well, Proudly ho bound It around his hat, and exhibited It to the gaze of all the world as a conquest, And male end IV ui.ih 'Tl-'d mi', "lie has ri ''hert If 'Si PMCK FIVE CENTS. It from Marietta." And all tho maid ens said angrily, "The reprobate." And all the young men who liked to t.eo Ma rietta, cried out, " Itoprobato." "Howl mother Million?" shrieked tho Justice llaulinartin, when ho came to her house ; and he shrieked so loudly that It re-echoed wonderfully through bis nose. "Howl do you suirer this? my betrothed presents the young pro prietor Colin with her hat-band J It Is high time that wo celebrate our nup tials. When that is over then I shall have a right to speak." "You have a right!" answered mother Million ; " if tilings are so, tho marriage must take place forthwith. When that is done all will go right." "Hut, mother Million, Marietta al ways refuses to give me her consent." " Prepare the marriage feast." "Hut sho will not even look kindly at me; and when I seat myself at her side the little savage jumps up and runs away." " Justice, only prepare the marriage least." " Hut ir Marietta resists-" " We will take her by surprise. We will go to I'atlmr Jerome on Monday morning early, and ho shall quietly celebrate the marriage. Tills wo can easily accomplish with him. 1 nm her mother. You tho first judicial person in Xapoulo. He mii.- t obey. Marietta need know nothing about it. Karly on Monday morning I will send her to Father Jerome all alone, witli a mes sage, so that she will suspect nothing. Then the priest shall speak earnestly to her. Hair an hour afterward we two will come. Then swiftly to the altar. And even if Marietta should then say no, what consequence is it ? Thu olil priest can hear nothing. Hut till then, mum to Marietta and all Xapoule. So the secret remained with the two. Marietta dreamed not of the good luck which was in store for her. She thought only or Colin's wickedness, which had made her tho common talk of the whole place. Oh ! how she re pented her heedlessness aiiout the rib bon ; and yet in her heart she forgnx'e the reprobate his crime. Marietta was far too good. She told her mother, she told all her playmates, "Colin lias found my lost hat-band. I never gave 11 10 iiini. no only wishes to vex me with it. You all know that Colin was always ill-disposed toward me, and al .ways sought to mortify me!" Ah! the poor child 1 she knew not what new abomination the malicious fellow was again contriving. tup. iiKoKr.x iti Eaiu.x- in the morning Marietta went to the spring with the cup. Then1 were no flowers yet on the rock. It was still quite too early; for the sun bad scarcely risen from the sea. Footsteps were heard. Colin came in sight, the flowers in his hand. Marietta became very red. Colin stammered out, "Good-morning, Marietta;" but the greeting came not from his heart ; lie could hardly bring it over his lips. " Why dost thou wear my ribbon so publicly, Colin?" said Marietta, and placed tho cup upon the rock. "I did not give it thee." "Thou didst not give it to me, dear Marietta?" asked lie, and inward rage made him deadly pale. Marietta was ashamed of the false hood, drooped her eyelids, ami said, after awhile, " Well, I did give it to thee, yet thou shouldst not have' worn it so openly. Give it me back again." Slowly lie untied it ; his anger was so great that lie could not prevent the tears from filling his eyes, nor the sigh.- rrom escaping his breast. " Dear Mari etta, leave thy ribbon with me," said In' softly. " Xo," answered she. Then his suppressed passion changed into desperation. Sighing, he looked toward Heaven, then sadly on Mari etta, who, silent and abashed, stood by the spring witli downcast eves. Ho wound the violet-colored ribbon around the stalks of the Hewers, said, '"there, take them all," and threw the flowers so spitefully against the mag nificent cup upon the rock that it wiv thrown down and dashed to pieces. -Maliciously lie lied away. Mother Mauon, lurking behind the window, had seen and hoard all. When the cup broke hearing and sight left her. Siie was scarcely able to speak for very horror. And as she pushed with all her strength against the narrow window, to shout alter the guilty one, it gave way, and with one crash fell to the earth and was shattered in pieces. So much ill-luck would have discom posed any other woman. Hut Mauon 0011 recovered herself. "How lucky that I was a witness to tills roguery !" exclaimed she ; " ho must to the Justice. He shall replace both cup and window- sash witli his gold. It will glvo a rich dowry to Marietta." Hut when .Mari etta brought In the fragments of the battered cup, when Million saw the Paradise lost, thegood man Adam with- mt a head, and of I've not a solitary limb remaining, the serpent unhurt, triumphing, the tiger safe, bill the little Iamb gone even to the very fail, as if the tiger had swallowed If, then mother Mauon screamed forlh curses against Colin, and said, " ue can easily see that this came from tho hand of tho Devil." Tiir-'nuiifNAi.. Sim: took tho crip in one hand, Marl- letta In tho other, and went about nine o'clock to where Hcrr Hiiulmartln was woil lo sit in judgment. She there 1 I mi;i .-l-v "i.l sl,iV(.'l the Onrt Hfiunnv Ivwh Mib.eiiient In One S4U.110 one hiphlliiBTSBKHBigr. Two Tin eg " Timizz. r, ort Kmir 49 S?....7.....j!Sf! i.nt(D Jliilf eolunilt " JSSi....T.fl!!. ,:io"fj l)nc coluinh) " 13 00 lAerutor'H nliil Administrator' Jbtlee 11 01 Aiiitllnr'n NoUc ..ghpjjg... IMltorlnl Nollecs twenty triitu prr line. Oilier mUTrllsmii'iilH Inserted aeonllng to fc ilal ctiiill'iHl, broken cup and the Paradlso lost. Ma- rietta wept bitterly. Tho Justice, when he Raw tho broken cup and his beautiful bride luteals, flew into so violent u rago toward Colin that his no-o Was as x'lolet-colored as Marietta's well-known hat-band. Ho Immediately dispatched his bailiffs to bring the criminal before him. Colin camo overwhelmed with grief. Mother Mnnon now repeated her com plaint with great eloquence, before Jus tice, balllirs, and scribes. But Colin listened not. Ho stepped to Marietta nnd whispered to her, " Forgive me, dear Marietta, as 1 forgave tiieo. I brokothyeiipuninlontloniilly ; hut thou, thou hast broken my heart 1" "What whispering Is that?" cried Ilerr llaittmartin, with magisterial au thority. "Hearken to tills aceu.-alloii, and defend yourself." "I liiwo nought to defend. Ibrokotho cup against my will," said Colin. 'That I verily believe," said Mari etta sobbing ; " I am ns guilty as he ; fori offended and angered him; then ho threw tho ribbon and flowers to me. He could not help It." " Well, I should like to knowl" cried mother Million. "Do you intend to defend him? Mr. Justice, pronounce ills sentence. He lias broken the cup, and he does not deny it ; and I, on his account, the. window will ho deny that? Lot us see." "Since you cannot deny it, Mr. Colin," said the Ju-tice, " you must pay three hundred livres for tho cup, for it is worth that ; and then for," " Xo," interrupted Colin, " it is not worth so much. I bought it at Vence, at the fair, for Marietta, for ono hun dred livres." " You bought it, sir, brazen faco ?" shrieked the Justice, and Ids wholo faco became like Marietta's hat-band. Ho could not or would not say more, for he dreaded a disagreeable investigation of the matter. But Colin was x'oxed at tho imputa tion, and said, " I sent tills cup 011 tho evening or tho fair, by your own ser-x-ant, to Marietta. There stauds Jac ques in the door. Ho is a witness. Speak, Jacques, did I not give thou tho box to carry to Mrs. Million?" Herr Htuitmartin wished to inter rupt this conversation by speaking loudly. But the simple Jacques said, " Only recollect, Hcrr Justice, you took away Colin's box rrom me, and carried what was in it to Frau Manon. Tho box lies, even now, there under the papers." Then the bailiffs were ordered to re mox'o the simpleton; and Colin xvas also directed to retire until ho should be sent for again. " Very well, Mr. Justice," interposed Colin ; " but tills business shall bo your last in Xapoule. I know this, that you would ingratiate yourself with Frau Mil lion and Marietta by means of my properly. When you want mo you will have to ride to Grasse, lo the Go'- ernor's." w itii that Colin departed. Herr Ilatitniartln was quite puzzled with tliis ail'air, and in Ids confusion knew not what he xvas about. Mrs. Manon shook her head. The ail'air was dark and mysterious to her. " Who will now pay me for tho broken cup?" she asked. "To 1110," said Marietta, with'glow- ing, brightened countenance, "tome it is already paid for." MYSTnitiors Difirr.KSATioKH. Colin rode that same day to theGox-- ernor, at Grasse, and came back early the next morning. Hut Mr. llautmar tln only laughed at him, and remox'cd all mother Million's suspicions by swearing lie would let his nose lie cut off if Colin did not pay throo hundred livres for the broken cup. I to also went with mother Manon to talk'wTth Father Jerome aiiout tho marriage, nnd im-pres-ed upon I1I111 the necessity of earn estly setting before Marietta her duty, as an obedient daughter, of not oppos. ing the will of her mother in her mar riage. This the pious old man promised, although he understood not the half of what they shouted In his ear. Marietta took the broken cup into her bed-chamber, and now truly loved It ; and it was as If Paradlso wero planted in her bosom, since It had been destroy ed on the cup. When Monday morning came mother Manon said to her daughter, " Dress yourself handsomely, and carry this myrtle wreath lo Father Jerome; ho wants it for a bride." Marietta, dressed in her Sunday clothes, took the myrtle wreath iinsii-plciously, niid carried It to Father Jerome. On tliu way Colin met her, and greet ed her joyfully, though timidly; and when sho told him wheroshe was taking tho wreath Colin said, " I am going tho sumo way, for 1 am carrying tho money for the Church's tenths lo tho priest.'" And as they went on he took her hand silently, and both trembled, as If they designed some great crime against each other. Hast thou forgiven me?" whispered Colin anxiously, " Ah ! Marietta, what have I done to thee, that thou ait so cruel toward 1110?" She could only say, " He quiet, Colin, you shall have the ribbon again ; and 1 will preserve the cup, since it emtio from you 1 Did it really come from you ?" "Ah! Marietta, canst thou doubt It? All 1 hax-o 1 would gladly glvo thee. Wilt thou, hereafter, be as kind to 1110 as thou art to (libel's?" She replied not. Hut as she entered the parsonage -he looked a-Ido al him, oelwh'ti mv hS H i" -.s niisf Ivwh Mibseuuent llWrWrrJWi tli tliliii-rti. fti 2 01 ..,1(0