THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMKBTJEG, SATURDAY, MAY 5, 1866. T SUNSHINE ON TIIE IHLLS. I stooh upon the lilll, wlion Ilcnvcn'j wide nrch Wn ((lotion wltli tho uti' returning march, Ami woods wero brightened, nnd soft gales Went forth to Ul the min-clnd vnle. Tho clouds were fnrbencnth me! tntlie.1 In IljtTit, Tliey gathered mld-wny round the wooded height, And In their fudlnit glory Rhone Ltko liosli In bitttlo overthrown, An many n iilnnncle. with nhlftlnpr alance, Through tho gray mist thrusts up Its shattered lance, And rocklna on the elln" was left The dark lilno blasted, bare, and cleft. Tho veil of cloud was lifted, and below Glowed the rich valley, and tho river's flow Was darkened by tho forest's shade, Or glistened In tho whlto cascade; Where upward, In tho mellow blush of day, The noisy bittern wheeled his spiral wuy. I heard the distant waters dash, I saw tho current whirl and flash And richly, by the blue lako's silver beach, Tho woods wero bending with a silent reach. Then o'er the vale, with gentlu swell, The music of tho vlllago bell Camo sweetly to the echo-giving hills. And the wild horn, whoso voice the woodland fills, Was ringing to the merry shout That faint nnd far the glen sent out, Where, answering to the sutWen shot, thin smoke, Through thlck-lcavcd branches, from tho illngi broke. If thon art worn and hard beset With sorrows that thou wouldit forget; If thou wouldst read a lesson that will keep Thy heart from fainting and thy soul from bleep. Go to the woods nnd hills 1 No tears ' Sim the sweet look, that Nature wears. AGEIOULTUEAL. rllL.t Wheat vs. Ilrna.tenst. rhinoceros Is SO thick tlmt there IS little " M'S, .lOllll," replied 1110 mother, "II " J. C.' tried tho experiment of drill, use lit firing nt It ; nnd If it should be Is very beautiful ; nnd let mo s how you Ing in his seed wheat rs. sowing broad- penetrated, It Is u great chance that tho that you can ici rn n menu lesson cast. At tlrst tho drilled wheat looked bullet Hints tho itnininl's brain, as it is from this pretty thing, on remember, much tho best, but nt harvest tho broad- very small, and eonfliiod in n chamber mo otner nay, you i'10""1" VVP """s lnnlii.9 Inmr bv four hluh. was cross to you. ottsald, miner, jd men tho case, but in four eases out of Spnrrmnn relates tlmt on filling this re- lor, iintt I wero an mo time "' flvo drilling is tho better practice. It ccptnelo with peas, it was found to hold with you. owyouwoioiikuii . iiu saves seed, deposits it more evenly, nnd barely n quart, llo tried n human skull, of glass, which makes everything red nfiinirnriii il..iiili. nii.l In ii ilrv Aiittiinii niiil It eoinfortablvnccommo- because It is red. ion vero cioss . - v : .. . . , i -.,Ja ... ou enn nut tho seed down into the dated nearly three pints. you iiiougui,,.j ...s mo much faco rn WIT AND HUMOR. to a duel between tho two most skilful ..r 41.,. .tvl l-liLrlllu. It U lllflll'lllt lo Inmirlnoiinvthlngnioro ludicrous than Epitaph on n portrnlt painter tbn siicctaeln presented bv twenty or from life. ililrtA- nf them. (Mitnliabiiits all cuunllv A nn-r. of contention should -Taken be united in laving about them with tlic-lr thrown nway when thero is no longer sticks, and in avoiding or parrying the ny meat ou it. thrusts of their adversaries; especially vAXY persons, it Is said, nro enemies when perhaps halfa dozen of tho hcavi- because they do not know each other, est luive had the Ill-luck to lo-o their imj 0ftencr such because they do. balance, and Ilotimter Intothe most rltll- :.,,. ,I,mW811n9cn,KOlblis 'em? 1st earth, whereas if sown broadcast, Mr. Anderson's experiences in miming out mm j.-.. .4. ........... .... H ... ......... " " " , ..' Why to Ceylon, 01 course, wuoro mum of it will remain in tho dry sur- the rhinoceros are of tho most thrilling n goon uumor, mi b "-. -p "b 7 "' ' " , . " habitants nro nil single no's lungwese. j soil, nnd will not germinate until it character. Although he slew scores of body, moy too win seem ion.. ... iu - iwiuro. i . uKu ...... - T who comc9 011 the stage ex ns. them front bemud tno "snarm," ins in- mk ''' -", . r , ' Vi . actlv at his cue Is prompt, but Hie man .. . ... . .... i, t,. I .,!,. .-u 1m wlinf. 'nll wUll Mmu nf t 111. iriillll". I'V(11 tllO lllOit salttr- "Ll ' 111 "la 1 """1 ' . , vorltemodowasto-stain-iiiem. nr -, ................ - n -ho docs not come on at nil is prompter. compost for Common oarden Crp tell, of n monstrous whlto rhinoceros others to bt kind, gentle, loving; nnd nine. " X ,i,Ui,.m.1hw Fon surface during, to bo raked In Zrty put an end to his stalking, they, sen through the beautiful color of MOTIIEnSoI MEN. , wmtmns In o! nnerormighnmnnrng. Henmamire u1Iavli; got within new paces of n .klml dMK wUl seenimore beau- ZZ.TZ Jll min iniuniM. iiii.v ilii cimiuin rii'v ur n c.nia im u i tnr r tvi i it it or ujuii 1 1111 1 1 11 m i u-r." 1 . -. - - - m;! ,-nfJ 11V, i iiltlt stable li'iuor, and soften, ndd half n tlcr. i)llt it nearly cost mo dear; for, . I . A 1 l.-ttf ... 1 I ' . . ousnei piaster uuu mm u uusuet asncs, pnliled bv tho Hash of the cun, slie run- mlx Intimately, nddlng nt the same time .... ,,. uci, flirv that I had only one bushel of good soil or line muck. t!mo mmKx to throw myself ou my Uso within three days, or add two bun- ,mcl. ln .vhl,.i, m4tUm I reniulned 1110- eis more 01 nuicK. Don't Tnlllc. spent." At a trial, recently, n Cornish Jury re- Coinpost for Corn In the Illtl. mother of Washington with the great iu4 nf lur son. nnd lldt 1 1 lit list I . I0V. Ciiii,liti:NdonUtrtlknboutoacbothei ,.,,,,,., , t ,ro)(l who-o i (), A,ii,.-im vnrdlct: "(Jullty, Don't call one of your school-mates Lxiltlatiim hiw 11()t rlen from the first L.ltn 90lno ntti0 aoubt us to whether he deep-laid, solid Iiistrui'tlons of a mother. s tno ,nn, Often, too, that mother has been tlie nl- f exchanges-savs: "Dr. most only teacher, implanting with the , Worct.ster m,thr of n dlcllona- ul'Iv, nnother stingy, ttnother cross, be hind their backs. It is thomennest sort tlonless. 'ihis saved my 1110; or, not offc,ll Kven if they nro ngly, stingy, or ouservingine.snocamuiousuuui'u nun ua ,. ,.,. lmri i rl.f t TAK-f.lionmniitirnoiinbnrrel.bonedust Jsl ns ner icei ciu iiu.uu . It, mi.(H vml 1OVo to tell of faults ! It ... ...,....,.., i i ,.b ,,! . . . ; l.,,.U. 1mu-na mi lir-nt- tn mn that I felt l'""ul"-i -" , oneini3iiei,urymucKtwoiiarreis,cnam- .,..";"" "" ',,,,, Ir,,.,.inl, ... maKes you uncnarnmue, join Uvmpathv characteristic of the sex, as bcr-leythreopailfuls. Softcnthedryhen " ; quick sense of what Is due mannrowitii tno urine, anil masn mo "'p; --n . ous moon wneu you tame ituoui j .im The ntmlerpcst. This terriblo scourge still holds nl most undisputed sway among tho herds of Great Britain, so far n.s It lias pro grossed. Tho latest reports give over thirteen thousand cases per week, ns known bv tho Government ofllcers. Tho Inoculntion nnd other remedies prov ineffectual. Eirorts to prevent Its spread have been imperfect nnd weak, while tho cupidity of some individuals, and the heedlessness and ignorance of other has spread the seeds of tho contagion far and wide. Thero was nbuntlant knowl edge in tho country how to stop tho dis ease, but their Government was nfraid to act with energy, and all that 'has been done la sheertriiling. In the year 1857 tho Itoyal Agricultural Society of England, with tho Agricultural Societies of Scot land nnd Ireland, nnd receiving tho co operation of the Foreign OIHco of the Government, sent Professor Simonds, of tho Koyal Veterinary College, to the Continent, to investigate this disease. The very fullest opportunities wero af forded him, and ho made an extended nnd valuabla report. The conclusions at which ho iirrlvcd nro of especial In terest now that we, as a nation, are In exnetly the same condition that England was then. He found tho disease restricted to com paratively narrow limits this sldo of tho Steppes of Russia, from whence it occa sionally escaped in tho ordinary course of cattlo traffic into Austria, Hungary, Gallcia, and Poland, where it is usually, ns thej'say, "stamped out" being sur rounded by a military cordon, and all traffic in cattlo stopped within or out from tho district thus shut up from the rest of tho world. This practice is so perfectly effectual where tho disease Is understood that Mr. Simonds regarded it as entirely improbable that the dis ease would ever atlllct tho English farm er. Ho says: "No fear need bo enter tained that this destructive pest will reach our shotes. Its present great dis tunco from us would of itself ull'ord a fair amount of security ; but when we tuld to this that no cattlo llnd their way thenco to tho English market ; and that in tho event of the dheaso spreading from Gallcia it would have to break through hundreds of military cordons, one-after the other, before it could possibly reach tho u-estcrn side of tho German btates nnd moreover, that for years past com merce has been unrestricted, with re gard to tho importation of skins, hides bones, etc., of cattlo from Russia and elsewhere, all alarm, we believe, may ceaso with reference to its introduction into tho British Isles." This is very instructive showing us our great danger and warning us not to rest in fancied security, ns did our broth cr farmers of England, until herd after herd is swept away. It does not prove that this cordon principle is not effect I ve but only that some carelessness allowed tho escapo of diseased animals, or in Bomo way tho transit of tho disease fron tho countries wliero it is domesticated to tho coast, and to England. Tho fact remains, that perfect Insolation of the diseased and infected cattle, and of all persons, animals, nnd things which hav been in close proximity to them, or their excretions, is perfect security ngainst the disease. And wo want tho Legislatures to empower tho Executives of the differ ercnt States to act with all power and promptness, should any case occur i this country, even to tho using of the militia. American Agriculturist, X,oug Cut Feci better ttinn Short. A correspondent reasons as follows When a boy wo wero taught to cut straw and hay for horses ns short ns pos eible, nnd tho reason assigned was that horses would eat it sooner, nnd with greater avidity. In nfter life wo ob served tlmt it was not so good for the horses. Straw and hay cut ono inch long, for animals that do not chew tho cud, is far better that if cut to one-fourth inch. When straw is cut very short much of it goes into the stomach without being crushed. For this reason a great deal of it does not digest, ihough tl Juices of tho stomach would liavo di solved it, lind it been properly mastica ted. When n liorso begins to eat tho wdlvnry glands send a stream of saliv into tho animal's mouth, tomolsten and eoften tho feed, nnd to preparo It for more easy digestion. Therefore it is impor tnnt that every plcco of straw or hay should bo crushed nnd macerated bo twecn tho teeth nnd tho saliva thorough Jy mingled with whatover is eaten be fore it Is swallowetl. As saliva is a pow crftil solvent, tho organic structure of nil feed should bo broken up by tno teeth nnd the salivannd till tliosinall fragments brought in coutuct with the liquid. 1..n.nailw... ...U- tl.nrr..rt.1v with tl.n tllOUgll liappllj' OlllV for 0. lllOIttOJlt ', for f. . "VllnlltliniwlllvilllkllllWllbOllt i,nnn n.,.i mm,1 n ti,n hill, having impatiently snllfed the nlr, she .. . ,,... i, ,tn. i .... ,,.,, uu..i.u..u...Uv, ..w I.,..;, .., t ..., , ,r r n '') " V. . . Worth more than the best poudrette. wneuieu uuiu uu ...m.u hut: or elso tell them to God, nntl nsit Good also for nny root crop. speed.' I lllin to pardon them. That will be Chrlst-llke. If anybody snys to you " Oh, that Mary Willis d id such a naugh t y thing 1" call to mind some virtue that Man possesses, and hold tt up to her For your own sake learn to ry,nndinventorof Worcestershire sauce is dead." Such is lame. Titiiedltorofnpaper published in tho . . r.itr i.. i..ii., ,,r .f.ithoi-, i- .1,t,d, tin. nnl.W m- mountains 01 Uimunim ii-m ... - . crop. Fertilizer for r.nsvns. Onk bushel gypsum, two bushels ashes, ono bushel flno bonedust (sifted). Sow about one peck of tho mixture to the square rod. FOR YOUTHFUL HEADERS. THE TIGER-MOTHER. The Klll.1 Little Gill A vr.itY noor man had a very good praise. little girl. She hnd a fat, chubby, sweet make this a lmmt face, and her cheeks looked like peaches when they nro ripe. Her hair hung in thuslasm, ln Edmund Rurke.stnnrtingbesidchts mother learning ills first les.-ons from her. is a strikiti'r oxunmle of this. Too delicate to be sent to school, le.-s promis ing than his vivacious brother, Richard, Edmund, tho sou of the Dublin attorney, was formed by his mother's care, and at ing wild flowers In tho morning and wading through snow in me uvoinng. An Irishman seeing n work advertised entitled "Endless Amusement," re marked that it would be a cheap work to whoever could live long enough to read it. Tiir.ur. is ivi-enologlst in London who can tell thtmtents of u barrel by examining thad. Ho makes tho examination wlt gimlet. " What can yWer in tho pound?" asked the eredlloor it mined farmer. "Alust getitlenlo nil I have in tho pound Is a don key replied tho distress ed agriculturist. ' Ax officer, In Itle, happening to bow. n cannon balliVsedover his head, and took off that tho soldier who stood behind him. Voti see," said lie, " that a man never Us by iHlltoncs." "Sham, thanks torn." said a plain tiff to one of his wttsses, "for what you said In this case.!;" Ah, sir," re plied theeonseientiousinesiy-rnujiwi. think of what I dltln'tJy." im'iT.itr.s-T sounds ttol with differ ent degrees of voloelty?j call to din ner will run over a icncrc 101, u . minute nnd a half, while summons to work will take from five ten minutes. " Dor.s tho razor take lid well?" In quired a darkey, who vs shaving it gentleman from tho couiry. "Ye,s," replied the customer, wltitears in Ids eyes, " It takes hold ilrst-re, but don't let go worth a cent." A TiiAVr.i.nuu went Inton inn after a chower, and twked the lanord to show him n good fire; " for," Sd he, " I'm verv wet ;" and then, ttt.lng to tho waiter, ho said: "Bring n a tankard of ale immediately, for l'mnguy dry." A cat. even if she lie frlully, never approaches thee by a dlrectourse. 4 No , ttii, i , .i.,M ringlets all over her bead, and some No animal exhibits such devotedness rlc tothcre wouW have lniule her look lowiuu lis pruL-nj' ur, uiu .juiuii ... cat-tribe. Indeed, tho fact is a proverb in the mouths of tho native skckarla, or beaters. Speaking of a miser they ill say : " It is as easy to coax n tiger Ittcn from its mother as money from Is coffers." Some years ago some Eng- llko n fairy, with nice dresses and costly trinkets. But Lulu's father was poor, and her clothes were only decent ; but she, sweet girl, was kind and good, which is better than to bo rich. Riches have spoiled a great many little girls, ..... t ..... 1....1 .... ..I......... ii l.n aiutltiwl 1,1 lish officers, camped in the vicinity of "r Mulkapoor, went out tiger-hunting, and . mw. n . ing by, wretchedly clad, witli a pack on his back. Lulu thought lie must bo cold, or hungry, or need something to make him comfortable; so out she run, with out saying anything to her mother, and soon overtook the stranger. " Man !" said she, " my father always gives poor folks something to eat ; won't you come back and gel some bread?" Tho old man turned about as if he was surprised ; iie thought a bird of paradise had just dropped down thero and was itgged a splendid tigress, wmio re turning homo with tho trophy they found, In n secluded spot in the lee of a agged rock, what evidently was the lair of a tiger, for thero lay bones of both human and brute kind, and shreds and rags of clothing. More interesting than all, however, was the discovery ot tiny kitten, not more than a fortnight old, coiled in a corner, winking and blinking, and gaping nt the intruders, Tho hunters nt once decided that this must be the cub of the beast thej' had slain, and willingly took charge of the little orphan Tiger kittens are not captured every tiny: so when the hunters returned to their quarters the excitement in their ....... .PI... ,.,....l..r.n. LC.11 L Ull LU.lSi.lL'l.lulu. . liu iii:i4-a.;- i quired Kitten was provmcu wmi u uny My fathcr nlwnvg glvC3 poor f()1Ii uog-coliar and chain, ai tt attacne to golnething to eat. Won't you go back uiu luiu-iniiu, muni. iiu.uuuu.ii-u, .,.., , ,, ,,. un, l,rr,.1(l '"i to tnotiengiuoi an audience numuenng Tlieoldmausmiled; ho could not help nearly twenty. About two hours niter it lf h(J uul fuU cros3 hu coula not luivc tho capture, However, and just as it was ,.,. . , tillltslniit. it,, turned about. growing dusk, tho good people in the I ml Lum took his band and led him tent, wero cnecKCd in xne muisi 01 tneiv ,.,. (I Hw i,Illwl. what do vou thiol- sound that, enured the there to beat rather ir- hilarity by a bravest heart regularly. It was tho roar, or rather the combi nation of shriek and roar, peculiar to the tiger when driven mad with rage In nn instant the gambolling kitten be camo every inch a tiger, and strained, 8trantrer. while Lulu set him a chair with nil its baby strength, nt tho tether, ci0a0t0 the lire, and viewed him from -..1.11.. li li-.l ...! 41. 1 1 tl i lt. I . - . .. ... wiuiu u lujiiiL-.i uu u iuuu nu iu uiu j,CiUi to foot, as it she thought no was a terrible voico outside. Tho company Lazarus, as pure and as good, wero panic-stricken. There wns some- wo need not tell you how long he thing so sudden and unearthly in the staved, nor what he said about Lulu roar that it seemed as though the great w)ien he went away. We are more con tiger brought in an hour before hud Cerned to know what our readers will come to life again. Certainly tho tiger think and say about this kind little girl. in question was already flayed, but tho -vas it not a beautiful spirit that caused picture conjured up became not the her to think of tho beggar's wants? Op a rich man it was said : I'oot nnin. ho toiled day and night until he , ......i, j. frioiu but wind- her knee learned to rout deeply in bis f0rtv to train wealth, and has been . . .i ..... tuiildlties td rubbing character that which in most is crushed Wntehiinroveritovcrsinco forhis victuals ,....i.u thv reaches out by tho almost brutalizing nMeIn- iuui clothes. theeirentlv and then perhaiscratcho; TO YOUNG LADIES. tions thrown around tho early years 01 r, -rtrUtol mntrlstrates wero at the . mt . 1,v,,-ss m-cncblniriNnntucl li'vnii have a friend whoso eircum- uojs, mini, uij, uiiviuihuhuul, ...... .., tIl -, rots scattered through . ttl1 v.v..rv tub must s.nd on Its stances are known to be in nn unpros- knowing no inw but lorce. tlietown. They argued that under the 0WI) hottom." A sailor Jumed up and perous condition, nnd you see his tlaugb- Tho world will never know how many L.lrcuimtances It was impossible they , . ?ut, matlam, supposilt has no ters in costly garments, what are your " uiKlli.i.i.n, ...... ......... v.-.u ul mw(J bccn coliectea. hottom ?" " Then-it's no tu," return- feelings? Is not all admiration of their pumy, am. genius 0VUI1 s c . FBE3fcIIMAXl wishing to speak of L(1 ulllckly, and went o with her tho cream of the Liignsn poets, ioigui hermou. Ax old Carolinian oncesa'.: "I was in tho coar.-e machinery to which boj-- noou is comniiiien. , . ... . ,,., ,... r ,i ..v.... ...t..r.... ii..i, i,o,.oi Cm.,, the word, nnu sun., .. ......... ... .. i-..n...uiiv..j .... ......vv. ..v. , t.,f ,, l,n,l f., rv . ,. , , ....... .1 Art ll, ll ..... i ... .i.,. . ..i.,.i ..f n ets.-- a, wuii Kirn i ii! nisi ii i.v in ii.u j.ii .... linn, iii.iiiii-i rt niiL- ... Li.L- ,iif. v. iu .... t -- . . ... ii .-I.. t .... costume lost in mo sense 01 ns duiuij ihk a want of common honesty thus to spend tho money tlmt belongs to their father's creditors? Dress is n very fair index of a young nuyMnratiH,iHm ry,e I, .,, Imok-kootier to his i. Imhlndlmnd. Ibelleve it sense, modesty, g.H,d taste; and she Who -'f"'I'': ,... ' nt l,reakmt. - ,m ilftv dollrs in my l.Z,V .,";lf : in; are:; i k.. Our readers well " Why?" was tho response. " Becau-e i,ncket if I had not been boriat nil." ' L . ' n tw i i,.liHl., in that know how. from contributing to the pe- I don't bellevo it would ever settle." A ,jITT1)K ),.- five years -11, wbllo term must liave many of the substan- rlodical press, and instituting and con- a sriiooi.noY, liavlng good-naturedly writhing under the tortures c the ugue, tial (l'lialities that constitute a good char- ducting tho Annual Jlcghtcr, he rose hped another in a difficult ciphering was told by bis mother to rl.i up, and ni.tnrnml mi! essential to domestic com- to a place in parliament and to an niiiii- i,.sson, was nngrily questioned ny w take a powder sue nan prmn-.. ence in tlie allairs ol tho nation almost . . 1.'.... It.l. ln.i.riln(r, I . . .. 1.....?!.... ..f flu. u-nrtliv Oimkor. to whose merits the euurneu up .-'n"-" h"H- ,mv in the mmiin, uiu ...s.y v , .. .. , ...... , .1...... ....... ,.w. .1... . ,it o.l invn nl- stntcsmnn paid a noble tribute on the " 1 am giau una coucu ...... . ". ween, very in..; ... ... ...... . n..r.,r i.-iriimmmr. nnvth lie. said a nooK-Keeper iu iu ways been ueniimimmi. for fort. Wnnin vniiiin-L'irlsareant to think that without a parallel. tin. must Iniiiortant item in their dress His first speech, devoted totbo bill for is tlm material and triniminir, wliercas repealing tho American stamp act, clean stockings, neat shoes, smooth, well- evoked the valuable prai-e of the. great dominie: "Why did you wonc out nis lesson?" "To lessen his work," replied tlie youngster." lUn luck is simply a man with hi- him. " Powder, powder I" tin ne, ris ing upon ids elbow, and piting on n roguish smile, "mother, I ui'tnguul" Tnnr.i: was a successful feprll hoax 1 . I.. 1.1.. l...r.,.l,,.j ...inL-nt mill !1 11 111' !.. V....- nrlinliw (111 till! tilf. A 101)0 singmg. iiewasnotusec iosucnasoit, ,3,.,,,,,,,.,, and delicately clean bands, iCarl of Chatham and tlie gratitude or in ,,is nioutli, looking on to see how it was stretched between two Uildlngaon sweet voice as that ; and then ner miv iml, ,(n(1 twth wou,(l nlako tlL.IU ,(mk u mtinont. ... out- 0oo(1 ,ucU is IX mm of t'anal Street, on which u tiglt-rope pcr- sago was so kind anil good lady-like and better dressed in a His genius found a field suited to its t dMlu.ultlcj, his sleeves fiiniiw was announced to wlk. After Lulu thought the old nu n .1.1 not nn- - Uwn t, W)uIa ,)C tl,linillf, in tla. K,vat trial of War- up, vorU1g to make it come out waiting several hours vlewh' the rope, derstand her, because be stood and gnz- ymimt thte0 U. ron uMw. He died July 8, 1707, ue b thp ln;umt! ,rmv,i U'gan fo whisper cd upon her in silence. Sosheagain ,;,., aired sixty-seven. n"'11; .. . , .,. r. n,i (ii.r.,l r-"'"i-"""" . . - .'ttas tint eooKcry hook, im.v nt- -m""'uu,i ' i her mother thought when she saw her little daughter leading in that nigged tranger? " Here, mother," said Lulu, " is a poor lamo man who is hungry; won't you give lilin some ureattv" iier moiuer looked pleased, and liastened to iced the Those tilings which nro most essential to a neat amiearance nro most within llw riK.f.l. nf nnd therefore TlIIJ the neglect of them is not to be excused, causes Everybody can mend stockings and cloves, however old they may be. The sooner a enrment is mended after it he gins to require it the better, Most girls consider it a settled thing that darning stockings is a drudgery, and without entering at all into thomer its of the case, they cultivate an unreas onable dislike to it ; but as thero is noth inir in tlie whole economy of dress that EARTHQUAKES. .indents believed that the sea tho earthquakes. Experience without science may, lierhaps, mve hints to science without experience, Living for months in no slight fear of these always alarming, and nt that time tnrna?" said Miss C to a DooKseiier, liuuMMUt.T., in his decay, ras wimei "Xo, Miss, none," was the answer, than in his- nest iiij-s. jikcousiucxiu "Why," exclaimed the young lady, himself independent, at CaLis, because i' -irl.nt- Is tlie uso of telling us how to ho- "hnd little to depend iipon," nnu nuike a good dinner if you give us no when n hungry friend oboved, nt his ..intoao" modest table, "that nothtnr was nctier i " . . . ' , ' . . .. .. i. . n ..,.1. t i:m co il nee ." t ie Dcaiirenueu, i J I'll -..:ill.l .ilill'livii ... .. - i - . . .... ....r I ., constant visitors, it is impo-slble not to pit ; it was in vain that he scratched his neg yoiir paiuon; cum ui . uv;..v. itter. I be- head nothing would come out. " My inuu noiiiiiig. form some opinion on tlie matt lieve,tben,bytheactionofthewinds,tbe friends," said he, as be quietly walked ocean is forced occasionally into contact more pleasant lor that. There was, however, not nearly so much timo al lowed for speculation to tlie scared com pany ns writing these lines lias cost; for almost simultaneous witli the roar thero leaped sheer Into thecentroof tho tent a bold tigress, and without noticing a single man there, she caught her kid napped baby by tho napo of its neck, and giving it a Jerk, snapped tho little chain, and then, turning for tlie tent Ought not every boy and girl to be as thoughtful and kind? Remember the charming hymn: " I.lttlu .l.-i-d-i of klii'lnpss, I.lillo .vorili of low. Mulct, our L-.nlli uu UtU-n. hike tho Ilea, in ubo v. .. 1 ...... E.i.,.ltt it .nor.-.. Sj jwii by yuiilluul fiunils, mow lo OILAS .uu UU.lOII-1 l- Ul- ill .ll-illlllt llll., A Story for Itoyn, It is related of a Persian mother, that loor, trotted off at full speed. Afterall, 0n giving her son forty pieces of silver it appeared that tho llttlo thing did not for his nortlon, she made him swear belong to the tiger that was slain, but never to tell a lie, and said to the brave mother that bad tracked "Go, in son, I consign theo to God, nnu recovereu u. sanguinary mini- nnd wn s m not meet again tin tno uny eater as she may have been, ono can be 0f ud"ment." searceij' sorry to near mat not a gun was levelled at the great rejoicing crea- ho turo as she boro oif her young one, and her; that sho got clear oil. uui and lie answered " Forty dinarsure sewed up in my gar- irtfmtt. O HUJNTIJNtf TliiS lltlliMUUiiltUa. riM.n,w,l.l..l 1....1 tl,l,,l,1,. tlmt tl... Tun Bcchuna of South Africa, if lie iJ0V tCstt.d. Anotlier asked tho snmo be rich enough, purchases a gun where- question, nnd received tho same answer. At last tho chief called him, and nskett witli the realms of lire that occupy tin1 centre of the earth, and that the waves, turns tosueli good account as darning, repelled by tho flames, generate enor- !t .mirki. tl ...l.K-n It 11 illlldlPlll-. niOUS VOIUUIUS 111 SH..II1, ..IL1. . ..SI I Tliovosennnhiilvstaredandwoiidered nmisiy along ino nouo.-, t. ot f,.,,vh,. tlmt slit. 111,-i'd to darn as ii Willi mem tno niva oi in..-u .....w iu she bad expressed a fondness for the gions. This mass of steam-propelled ......i i. if ...... ..., ,,-ijuw t.. ..v...-. lava seeks everywhere to escape, and come this imaginary evil, let her begin makes for the volcanoes, and on its pas M-ltl. n lieu- set of stock llgrf. ttlko tlie SllgC UrCUKS Uiroilgu oi' Vliuvilll.v siuiKU- the eru-t of tho earth where it is the thom nt n slnti'd iiini! everv week. weakest. Arniiviii-tii-lesofdi-essuremore In tired in proportion, men, to men uearne.- I.v wnnt of care in tlie disDosal of them to great volcanoes, or to mam channels when oil' the person than when in wear; leading thereto, countries uie mine or if not nut nwiiv uroiier v they lire rum- less uuecien oy eaiiiiquuui-s. n. ui.u..., . . . 4 . - . ..... .... 1,.... .1 i ..ln.l nn. .mule to look worse than when i imagine nun uu- m .i "i..j .vi. ..u worn eurefullv for ti week. treating from the fires, which it may a ,.-,-ii,... -l.i li.w lntelv tnivclled iii have before approached, hieani Fnufce. savs a great ileal on the care may till be generated, but not with the amo violence as when, in the inimita ble manner described by Homer, Pluto 'I.cnp-.l lioni bin thrum,-, Kt Niptiinus arms hlionlcl lay , , Ills .lai U.iloiiilnlons ojii-n to ttio tiny." Comparing ideas with tho respected The youth went away, and tho par y everything nnd pi o travelled with were assaulted by rob- mmxmt icrs. One fellow asked the boy what ho u wJ ,)(J ft t ninuw which French ladles take of their clothes when not in wear. She describes how they fold up their dresses, and pin them un in towels, and place them careluliy nwav. The Kronen ceriaimy iiuiici-staiiu tho wlioleart or making tlie best appear- llud amiable late Bishop of Gibraltar, mice upon the smallest means ; and ns at Cephulonia, be iis-ured me that he every ono can do something better with j,mg entertained the same opinion as to her money than spend it unnecessarily the manner in which earthquakes prob- upon dress, it is well to '.earn the lesson .,,iy originated which they can teach, uthergoon intu its will helo you iu tills ; if you havo a a GOOD ANSWER. ut everything Max v years ago a minister was called with to attack tho dauntless black rhl noceros. much preferring, as nny ono who has a chancoof seeing Borelo in all his savago grandeur will nt.onco under stand, to send tho messenger ol death in tho shnno of a bullet from a safe distance, than to bear it ljmself nt tho end of ids soft-headed assagai ; indeed, rather than risk tho " pretty pickle" that would cor- what iie had. The boy replied: " I havo told two of your peoplo that ou take it oil', to the pastoral care of a church in the ol preserving vicinity of Boston, lloliadjiist preach- vour clothes ln nice order. ed bis first sermon, and tho body Tlie practice of coming Into tho parlor lind gone Into conference, with tho with your walking-dress on, and throw- young pastor presiding. It wassuggest ing your bonnet down on ono chair, and hy an nged brother that it might be your cloak on another; and then, when Well for tho church to fix upon some nt last you must carry them away, gam- amount as the salary ot mo pastor, so oring them up anyhow, holding yuur I tlmt lie might know what to depend bonnet by ono string, or with n grip in upon ; but instantly objection was mtulA the front that bends It, it will maiio them au over the house. " it istimeenough," tninly ensuo if tho Ill-tempered blado uot j,0 flUs0 1, my mother, to whom 1 should provotreachcrous.tho native who lma promised never to tell n llo." I bad forty dinars sewed up in my gar- ()ok jmu moreshabby than those which Mltd they, " to think about that. We lui-iun. Tho chief ordered the garments to bo ripped open, and the money was found. " And how camo you to tell this?" " Because," replied tho boy, " I would are always carried up stairs at once on tho person of tho wearer, and put away as they are taken oil. might fix upon a sum, nnd not be able to raise it. Let that remain uu.leter mined, and the church uncommitted." With this disposal of the salary question they pn-od to the next itemofhu-iness, which was to decide on what days rej goes out to hunt tho rhinoceros prefers depending on his bow nnd poisoned nr rows. Tills modo of hunting, however, nt least so say Cumnilng and Anderson, and other sporting travellers qualified to Judge, is extremely unproductive and tedious, ln conscquenco ot the poison (which thebushnien manufacture them selves from a sort of tarantula spider, by iv process which they keep scrupulously secret) growing so hard nnd dry on the nrrow-tips tlmt it either chips away on encountering tho nnlmal's tough hide, or else, on penetrating tho llenh, remains Intact, and without dispersing Its deadly qualities; A well-directed, common leaden bul let is sufllcient tomukotho biggest rhi noceros blto tho dust ; but for a long range, 6ny n hundred yards, two-thirds lead and one-third solder is beat, or, bet ter still, nil spelter. The head of the "Child, said tho robber, "art thou so mindful of thy duty to thy mother at thy years, nnd um I insensible at my ago of thoduty 1 owo to God? Give me thy hand that I may swear repentance on it." Ho did so, and his followers were struck with tho scene. " You have been our lender in guilt," said they to their chief, " bo thesaino in tho path of virtue ;" and taking tho boy'a hand they took the oath of repentance on it. A NEW GAME A xi:w game, called "Jelumot bur les.iue." has Just been introduced into ulnr services of tho church should bo evening parties in London and Purls, held. All eyes wero now iiirucu to me and Is rapidly coming Into vogue as an new pastor, expecting tlmt ho would infallible mirth provoker. The ous- state (lelllllteiy What nays no womii nu ters in this novel stylo of tournament with them. In answer to their iuqttl (always gentlemen) seat themselves on rles ou this point ho remarked, In n tho ground, with their knees drawn ui), careless manner: " isremren, i want my their shins crossed, and their hands preaching days to stand on the same clasped around tho latter. A stick, footing on which you have pin mo stun rather over u vnrd long. Is then placed ry. I cnirt commit niyseii 10 come ou under tho knees of each player, nnd tied nny particular day, for It might not bo flrmlv hi place with a handkerchief, in convenient always to do so. hoinoumor such a way that knees, stick, and hands 1 will como on the first Sunday In the are securely fastened together. Ai a inontli, then, again, t may nappeu nere I given signal the players, divided into on thosocoud or fourth, and then, again, two squads, dragtheniselvesabout upon J muy nut jinn it convenient w comic w , xr.w member of the EiglishHouso down the pulpit stairs, "my friends, I 0f Commons, who hnd n slov nnd liesi pity you, for you havo Just lost n line tatiug voice, recently. undertook to de discourse." bntethecattleplagueblll.aul astonished AN Irishman was summoned for re- the House by saying, "Pvo had the fusing to pay a doctor's bill, when he rinder-pest " Aftertlielijrstoflaugh- wns asked wny no rciuseu to pnj-. tor which wiium.-.., nn. iiu.u.jt. ..-. "What for should I pay?" said Paddy: permitted to continue "oiimy farm," "sure lie didn't give me anything but which considerably changed the aspect some emetics, and the nlver a one could of ullUIrs. I keep on my stomach at all. Diiuxcitliereignof Bonaparte, when Tiiacki'.uy tells of an Irishman wo- the arrogant soldiery affectedto despise mini begging nlnis of him, who, when all civilians, whom they, iunhcir bar- she saw him put his hand in his pocket, rack-room slang, termed Pekijis, Talley cried out, "May tho blessing of God rand ono day asked a general officer: follow you nil your life," but when lie "What is tlie meaning of ,tho word pulled out his snuff-box, immediately 'Pekln?'" "Oh," replied the General, added" and never overtake ye." " Wo eall all those Peklns who nro not " I'M. bet a sheep," said old Meredith mllitarj-." " Exactly," said Talleyrand, to his better half, "that our boy Otho Is "Just ns we cull nil military who are not. going crazy, for he's gritmin' nt Uie plough, lie's grinnin' at tho bam, and he's grinnin' to himself wherever he goes." " Old man 1" said his wife, "you l.m't know notliin'. a love-letter." Tho critter's got WnVJ" Lovr.'s SnAsoN'f. Thero nro four seasons in love, i-irst comes love De- fore betrothal, or spring ; then comes tlie summer, more anient and fierce, which lasts from our betrothal to tho A Captain" in the nnvy, meeting a altar; the third, the richly-laden, soft, friend ns ho landed at Portsmouth, dreamy autumn, tho honeymoon ; and boasted tlmt bo bad left his whole. ship's after it, the winter bright, clear winter, company the Happiest leiiows in me when you tuue sneiier ny your nresido world. "Why so?" nsked his friend, from tho cold world without, nnd find " Why, I have just flogged seventeen, every comfort and every pleasure thero. . .. , .... . , .. ..I nnu mey nro nappy u uL-r, ,., A J)AC.II;I,ou u,, p(.nn stiwt Pltt.. tho rest are happy that they escaped." 1(.kw, n thhnble. Ho stood A .ir.Ai.ous husband, being nb-ent awhile, meditating on the probable beau- from home, went to a clairvoyant in ty of tho owner, when ho pressed it to London to know what ills wife was his lips, saying: "Oh, that it were tho doing. "Ah," cried tho clairvoyant, 1 fair cheek of tho wearer!" Just as he "I see her; she expects some ono; the bad flnisfied t fat colored lady looked door opens; ho comes; sho caresses him out ofnn upper story window, nnd said: fondly; ho lays his head on her lap, " Biks, jlst please tolrowdat fliublo of and" husband mad with rage" he wags his tail." It wns tho dog. The hit-band was calmed. mine in do entry; 1 Jlst nowdrapt It." Tho man Is said to have fainted. Lovi: and lvxowi,i:r)(ii:.-ColbrIdge, in Eaw.yThainixo. Accustom a child one of tho most beautiful of similes, illus- as soon as it can speak to narrate his lit tle experience, ills chapter of accidents Ids griefs, his fears, his hopes ; to com- muuicate whnt ho has noticed in the world without, and whnt he feels strug- I'l.e Colore! Gink. A i.itti.p. bov ran to his mother, sav ing, "Oh, mother, I huvosuch n pretty the floor, each endeavoring to upset tho Just leave this matter as you have done thing. It is a piece of glass, and it Is others by jioklng at them wltlihlsstick, tho salary unsettled." Inn few mo- nil red. When 1 look through It every- and those whonreupset, oronly touched, incuts a specified amount had neeniixeii thing looks redtoo-tho trees, houses, are at ouco put out of the gumo; tho upon as the pastor's salary, and tlie pas green grass, mid your face, and even ranks of tho combatants nro soon thin- tor himself liadannounced deilnltely the vour blue eves." ncd, and the light is pie.-eiuiy narrowed - nay upon nu n m- .v....... ..u .. ..... traies tho pregnant truth, the nioro we know tho greater our thirst for knowl edge, and tho more wo lovo the moro instinctivoour sympathy: "Thowater lilly, In the midst of tlie waters, opens gling In the world within. Anxious to Its leaves and expands its petals at tho havo something to narrate, he will bo In- first pattering of tho shower, and re- 1 duced toglvonttentlon to objects nround Jolcesln tho rain dropping with a quicker him, and what Is passing In.tho sphere sympathy than tho parched shrub In of his Instruction, nnd to observo and the: sandy desert. note events will become ono of his first yuUK ,,A MlhS.,.A Iml . pleasures: nnd tills is tho groundwork of fmm Hll, ,,',,. ,!i u'i a thoughtful character. v v . .. ., . ' ;.,' .....v ...... ..v. ......... .... an omnibus for tho first time, sho took Fulling asleep ono day, after dinner, her seat, while her lover planted him-elf witli fcjir Richard Temple and Lord on the box with tho driver. Verj soon Cobham, tho latter reproached him with tho conductor began to collect the fares, ids drowsiness. Doddlngton denied hav- anil, approaching the rustic maiden, lie ing been asleep; and to prove lie hud said: "Your fare, miss." Tho rural not, oll'ered to repeat all Lord Cobham rosebud allowed a delicate pink to niaiii- had been saying. Cobluun challenged font Itself upon her cheeks, and looked him fo do so. Doddlngton repeated a down in soft confusion, Tho conductor story, nnd Lord Cobluun owned lie had was rather iistonlshed at this, but ven- iKH'n telling It. " Well," said Doddlng- tured to remark once moro : " Vour fare, ton, "and yet I didn't hear n word of nils." This timo tho jilnk deepened to it; but I went to sleep, because 1 know carnation us tho rustlu fbenuty replied: that about this timo of tho day you '"Deed, nnd If I tun gqodlookln', you . woifd tell tho' story." hadn'tought tosayitnloudaforofolkal" 4