The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 05, 1866, Image 2

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u Columbian;
II. MOOIti:, I'.DtTOIt.
llt-OOMHlltUKl, HATl'ltliAY, MAY B, W
Tin: Cor.UMMAX commences Its exist
ence wllh (lio present number, nnil u
statement of Its objects nnd general char
acter will bo expected. It is Intended to
supply, bo fur as tills Immediate section
is concerned, a want very generally felt
in tins country at this time n want of
Independent Journalism, which shall
riso abovo the passions of the past, and
nddress itself earnestly but fairly to the
living questions of the hour.
The- CoiiUMiitAX will bo an Indepen
dent Journal, with reference- to past
party organizations, and, so far as its
main principle of conduct will permit,
with existing ones also, lint its Inde
pendence is not to bo Neutrality. It
will have opinions to express and defend
upon most subjects of current debate,
without disguise, and with complete
The- CouniniAN will not occupy the
exact ground of any other Journal in
tlds county, or generally In this section
In this county the Ancient Democracy
have nn organ for tho expression of their
sentiments in tho Democrat and Star,
and another in tho Gazette of Berwick
These are competent to expound tho res
olutions of '03, and also tho moro mod
ern doctrines of their party. On tho
other hand, tho Columbia County Jlepub
lican may bo taken as tho representative
of radical opinion In that party or fac
tlon opposed to the l'resident. Its boast,
only recently made, is that it is radi
cal. Tho truth of this boast will not be
questioned. It gives its whole heart and
devotes its utmost fealty to tho support
of radical measures. And in adjoinln
counties existing Journals fall under the
same lines of classification.
Rut tho Cor.UMiHAN is intended to be
pre-eminently u journal of Unionism,
to support all principles and measures of
policy which look to tho "consolidation
of the Union," tho object announced by
General Washington as tho principal
one had in view in forming the Consti
tution of tho United States. To tills end
support must bo given to those men in
public station who represent and uphold
Union principled and a Union policy.
They must bo supported, their hands up
held, their hearts cheered by words of
approval and encouragement. And, on
the other hand, public men who opiftise
tho unity nnd harmony of tho country,
and who would keep alive sectional or
partisan hatred to the injury and detri
ment of the pcoplo of tho United States,
arc to bo denounced and opposed.
Union men, and independent men of
all parties, tho Columbian conies to you
speaking words of true patriotism, pure
loyalty, and salutary truth, and asks a
hearing and approval, and confidence
nnd support. It will not hello its en
gagements nor disappoint the trust of its
patrons. That it may do good and win
an honorable name among tliojournals of
tho country is the desire and hope of Its
conductor, and ho will give all earnest
and honorable means to secure thcao ob
jects. 1 J
It is a common trick of the Disunion
ists to represent tho President as desir
ous of introducing unrepentant Rebels
into Congress. They rant and tear over
this falsehood in tho liopo that ignorant
men, and men of strong passions, will
be mis-led by it, and becomo instru
ments in their hands, or as clay in tho
hands of tho potter, to bo shaped and
moulded to their purposes. Nothing
can be moro untrue than this assertion
of theirs, as they well know, and as can
ba proved beyond question by referring
to plain and notorious facts. Lot us ex
amine somo of them.
1. Largo classes of leading men of tho
South were excluded by the President
from his General Amnesty Proclama
tion of last year, and many more than
were excluded by Mr. Lincoln's Procla
mation of Amnesty, published during
tho war, for tho purpose of reclaiming
tho South, restoring it to tho Union, and
renewing its representation in tho Fed
eral Government.
2. Special pardons issued by l'resi
dent Johnson, to persons of tho classes
excepted by him, amount tobutusmall
percentago of tho wholo number of such
persons, nnd have been granted only
upon submission and petition, and
upon proof of loyalty ; nnd all to whom
amnesty or pardon lias been extended
have been required to tako u stringent
oath of allegiance to tho United States
3. Tho President has caused now loyal
fitato constitutions and Stato govern
ments, to replace those which existed in
tliQso-ealled Confederacy; so that all
tho instruments and machinery of tho
Rebellion have been made to disappear;
and in tho now constitutions express
provisions have been Inserted to repudi
ate all Rebel indebtedness of every des-
At tho instaneo of tho President
Islatures of thoreorganizodStales
Ijuriy adopted tho amendment
Institution of tho United States
t oiling slavery, and tho Secretary of
otato nas, in consequence 01 mat action
by them, announced tho adoption of
tho amendment by a vote of three,
fourths of all tho States. Tho amend
ment is now a provision of tho Constitu
tion, binding ovory Stato and every
citizen, and irrepeulable, except by a
like vole of three-fourths of tho States.
fl. Tho President has steadily and al
ways advised tho Southern people to
send loyal Senatorsnnd Representatives
to( ()ngress,andnonoothers. Helms been
urgent upon this point, and still insists
upon It as one of the material points In
his policy of restoration, we believe
that no unpardoned persons have been
selected us Senators or Representatives
in tho reorganized States, and it has
never been thodeslro or expectation of
tho President that such should be ad
mitted Into either House of Congress.
Most of tlie leaders and Influential men
of the Rebellion are now excluded from
Congress by this rule or principle of poli
cy, if Congress shall act in concert with
the l'resident In enforcing It. The power
of pardon is with the President, and lie
has exercised that power cautiously and
prudently, in good faith and with great
wisdom, with the double purpo-e of
facilitating tho complete restoration of
tho Union and excluding unrepentant
and leading Rebels from ofilelal power
and Iniluence. By this policy loyalty
Is cultivated and encouraged, and reun
ion promoted, while tho demands of
justice against conspicuous oll'enders are
regarded and enforced.
(!. The President, in his annual mcs.
sage, called the attention of Congress to
tho necessity of legislation to enable tho
United States Courts to act upon the
eaes of Jefferson Davis and tho other
Rebel leaders, and subsequently sent to
Congress his correspondence with Chief-
Justico Chase, showing the refusal of
tho latter to hold court at Richmond
until Congress should act. Now why
has not Congress acted? "Why this de
lay for more than four mouths, while
tho Disunionlsts in and out of Congress
have howled about Rebels going un
punished, and even untried '.' One way
to keep Rebel leaders out of Congress
would bo to convict them in court of
treason. That would exclude them
effectually ; for, even if they were not
hung or permanently imprisoned, they
would no doubt be pardoned only upon
conditions which would exclude them
from otlico under tho United States. Hut
tho fact is, tho Disimionists do not want
any Rebels punished in theeourts. They
prefer to force universal negro suffrage
upon the whole country, as the condition
of universal amnesty to Rebels. Their
leaders have openly said this in Congress
their cry is, " Universal suffrage and
universal amnesty." They have no ob
jection to receiving unpardoned and
" red-handed" Rebels into Congress with
open arms and shouts of welcome, if the
ballot-box can bo degraded into the
glitter at tho same time.
7. Tho oath act passed during the war
requires every member of Congress, upon
taking his seat, to swear that he has
never voluntarily been engaged, directly
or indirectly, in rebellion, and provides
ti severe punishment for taking theoath
falsely. This amounts to universal ex
elusion from Congress of all Rebels,
great and small, and it depends upon
Congress alone to enforce it. Knch I louse
is tho Jiulgo of the qualifications of its
members, and neither the President nor
the Supreme Court can interfere. It is
true that tho validity of this law is ques
tioned by some, but it is not questioned
by tho majority in either House, who
have full power to enforce it.
We have thus proved that tho Presi
dent lias no desire nor intention to have
unrepentant Rebels admitted into Con
gress, and that lie lias not acted with
any such purpose. It issaid that slavery
caused tho Rebellion. Then, as it is
abolished, nnd irrepealably abolished,
by Constitutional amendment, the great
cause of Rebellion is removed. And in
agreeing to tho amendment, at tho in
stance of tho President, Southern men
liavo given us nn express guaranty
against future danger from this cause.
And by this act, of theirs; by theirappli
cations for pardon; by their submission
to tho laws; by their taking oaths of re
newed allegiance; by their repudiation
of Rebel indebtedness; and by their re
organization of loyal State governments,
they have exhibited repentance for tho
past, and furnished a justification for so
much of clemency and confidence as lias
been extended to them by tho President
of the United Slates. In tills connec
tion should bo read, by every citizen
desirous of ascertaining the truth, the
instructive explanation of his policy
given by the President to Governor Cox,
of Ohio, In the Interview between them
about the end of February. No one
ran read tho report of what was said by
the President on that occasion without
being impressed with a conviction of Ids
sagacity, integrity, nnd patriotism, and
also of tho wisdom of his course, and the
propriety of supporting him in Ids great
but arduous work. His is not a policy
of distrust, jealousy, selfishness, or sec
tionalism; it is national, disinterested,
and judicious, and at tho tamo limo
bold, independent, and manly. He
knows, as all reasonable men must
know, that in any possible reunion of
tho country, more or less of trust, and
confidence, and forbearance, and magna
nimity must bo exercised, and that to
carry on our great and puro system of
republican government wo must obtain
and hold tho consent of tho governed,
nnd by a Just and broad-minded policy
Inspire respect and awaken attachment
for the power which demands their obe
dience. Hut while these considerations
have been kept in view by tho President,
ho has been careful to obtain all tho se
curities possible for tho future peace and
harmony of tho country, and has never
contemplated tho sudden admission into
Congress of tho leading men of the Re
bellion, as has been impudently asserted
by his disunion enemies of the present
time. And this is what we proposed to
show in our present examination of ids
past conduct nnd present views upon
tho subject of restoration.
AVi: call tho attention of our renders
to tho President's veto of tho Civil
Rights Rill, published on our first page.
It is worthy of iv careful perusal. For
tills veto the President has been nnd
continues to bo most vehemently nnd
maliciously denounced. This denuncia
tion is mainly by thoo who read neith
er the bill itself nor the veto.
Upon one subject we choose to" be ex
plicit In the outset of our editorial labors
we mean tho subject of personalities.
V journal has opportunities for olfendtng
or wounding the sensibilities of individ
uals which it would bo ungenerous and
criminal toembrace. Keeping within tho
limits of the laws which punish defama
tion, it-may inflict grievous wrong upon
tho cltlzeii,uud gratify that love of sean
dal and personal abuse which will always
bo too extensive without beliigcultlvated
nnd encouraged. 1 1 lias become too com
mon for newspapers in this country to
abuse private citizens with a freedom
and pertinacity better suited to some
other placo than a civilized community.
It is neither witty, Chrlstlanlike, nor
gentlemanly, howmuchsoovcr it may
gratify tho spleen and malignity of an
editor, to assign nicknames to respecta
ble citizens. The practice hitherto has
not been, nor ever can be, indulged in
by an editor who has any of the instincts
of n gentleman. It Is, in short, a base,
unmanly prostitution of tho function of
journalism to the purposes of petty re
sentment or ingratitude, and is sure to
result in tho disgrace and discomfiture
of its author.
Rut n Journalist lias duties as well ns
privilege; ills function is educational ;
to instruct tho people in good manners
and civility of language, as well as to ex
pound Ids views upon more recondite
subjects, and to convey to them the cur
rent Information of the times. Wo do not
mean that ho should always speak with
cold and stately sobriety. Ho maybe,
upon occasions, jocose, amusltig, famil
iar, witty, or humornu. And ills duties
may require lilm to speak plainly of in
dividuals, and even sometimes to expose
their errors or imperfections. Rut lids
should be dono rarely, and only for a
u fill purpose, and from no motive
founded in personal spleen, mortified
vanity, or malice. The Coi.umiiian
proposes to speak of its contemporaries
and of private citizens under the restraint
of those rules which govern gentlemen,
and which are necessary to tho peace,
harmony, and contentment of tho social
state. It will receive no insult unrobuk
ed; but It will not assume to itself tho
post of censor over men wlioaro not sub
ject to its jurisdiction nor accountable to
it for their conduct who are not, upon
public and manly grounds, obnoxious
to its censure and castigatlon.
Suiiscnii'Tioxto a newspaper Is a pri
vate contract between the publisher and
tho subscriber. Tills contract, unless tho
contrary is stipulated, terminates at
tho end of ono year from its date.
Thereafter it is the privilege of the sub
scriber to discontinue ills paper at any
time afterpayment of whatever may be
due. This is at once law and common
sense; at least we are of that opinion,
and shall, in our conduct of this journal,
act' upon it. To take or not to take
our paper is a clear right that every citi
zen may exercise without subjecting
himself to "uiso from us. We
desire, therefore, lo say to our subscrib
ers that if at tho end of tho year, when
tho private contract between them and
us has expired by its own Kmitation,
they shall be dissatisfied with this paper,
either with its moral or political tone,
they will bo permitted to discontinue it
without public attention being drawn to
tho fact in our columns, and without
any effort on our part to injure them in
their business. To this rule wo shall
faithfully adhere. Refore wo would con
sent to so debase ourselves as to adopt
any other wo would gladly abandon
our enterprise.
UNnini this head wo propose to give
weekly brief extracts from neighboring
newspapers upon topics of interest, ac
companied by such observations as shall,
appear to us to be appropriate. Tills
will boa convenient mode of alluding to
many things scarcely suited to elaborate
treatment in our strictly editorial de
partment. Wo will thus also bo enabled
to convey to our reader" an idea of the
spirit and character of other journals,
which might not otherwise come under
their observation.
TltK COMT.MIHAN Is to ben npirnnnnrr.
and not a hand organ of sect, party,
clique, or interest. We propose to ptib-
nsn tno proceedings ot all party conven
tions and meetings, with moro or less of
fulness, and with fairness, ussunilntr that
our readers will bo alilo to Judge
for themselves between what Is good and
what is objectionable in the sentiments
or actions of public bodies and popular
meetings, and do not expect to find it
necessary to caution them against ac
cepting all that wo print as conveying
oiiriudividual sentimontsoreonvictlons.
These will bo conveyed, from time to
time, in our editorial columns.
A country newspaper, which must
liavoa good part of its circulation among
farmers, and among people who culti
vate gardens and lots, ought to bestow a
reasonable amount of attention to ques
tions of agriculture and horticulture,
including tho cultivation of fruits, and
tho management of tho garden. Wo
propose, therefore, to publish, from good
periodicals devoted to these subjects,
occasional articles of merit nnd Interest,
practical in character nnd suited to tho
wants of our patrons; and wo shall be
able occuslonuhly to furnish original ar
ticles devoted to tho samo subjects.
Tin-: delay in tho issue of our first
number was unavoidable, owing to our
Inability to procure tho press and mate
rial for its publication from tho manu
facturers nt tho time agreed upon. It
will 1)0 observed that our first number
is dated Saturday, May C. Tho second
number will bo issued on Saturday,
May 12, and regularly thereafter on
overy Saturday. Wo hndsolected Tues
day in our regular publication day, but
havo madothoehangoout of deference to
the wishes, of a number of our subscribers.
Tun slzo of the CoM'miiiax is pre
cisely that of tho Roston tbmmon
wealth, n weekly four-page nowspn
Iter, wiilch ranks iiniong the first In tills
country for form and general appear
ance. The Coi.UMiiiAN is of the largest
convenient size for tho form adopted,
nnd has been deliberately chosen by us
as combining the advantages of neatness
and convenience, along with ample
space, moro perfectly than any other.
Where sheets of great size are required,
as in city papers, they aro very properly
broken Into eight-page forms ; but their
extended space is beyond tho present
requirements of this locution. We liopo
to make our Journal pleasing to tho eyo
in its general appearance, and lustruc
Itvo to tho mind in its contents n wel
come and valued weekly visitor to all
our patrons and readers.
It Is a common practice, when new
papers aro established or old ones en
larged, for contemporaries to greet
their advent or improvement by com
plimentary or friendly notices. And
even such newspaper projects, before
they are carried out or accomplished
when in embryo merely receive such
kind of notice. Thishas not been exact
ly realized In the case of tho Coi.UM
niAN. Our contemporaries here have
not been complimentary in their lucu
brations upon tho subject of the new
paper, but have indulged indenunelntlou
of it, and in calumnious assertions con
cerning the objects of those connected
with its establishment. Instead, there.
fore, of taking commendatory extracts
from their columns, we have left to us
only tho privilege of collecting and ar
ranging some of the choice and spark
ling, but unfriendly notices with which
they have favored tho public.
The Democrat and Star, of 3 arch 21,
announced that :
" There is a plot in process of fornia
niation to establish a new organ- in
Rloonisburg, which shall gat iter its
strength and support from all parties,
and number among its leaders the most
violent and inveterate enemies of the
Democratic party. It is one of the in
alienable privileges of an American cit
izen to eliooso his course; yet ire do not
see tho present necessity for a new paper
in this county."
Of course our neighbor, tho junior of
tho Jkmocrul and Star, can see no neces
sity, propriety, or policy in a new paper
which may, peradventure, run from
him some subscriber or advertisement;
and in the excitement of ids visionary
speculations ho imagines lie has discov
ered a concerted " plot" against his bus
iness interests. To prevent tho " plot"
from gathering head and becoming a
success, ho proceeds to appeal to the De
mocracy against it as a scheme of tho
Republican "Disorganizes" for
"The disruption and defeat of the
Democratic party of this county, along
with tho person of the Jlepublican editor
And further on, he adds:
"Again we warn our Democratic
friends to be prepared for the coining
conflict. Stand firmly and unfliiieliiii"-
ly to the great Democratic principles.
I That is. subscribe for and support im
J)cmocrat and Slar. Keep aloof from
the designing combinations of our most
bitter enemies."
This eloquent warning is followed by
a still more eloquent article upon
"Wolves in Sheep's Clothing." Tho
Junior says:
"That such bipeds ('.') aro again to
ravage Columbia County, under the
mask of Johnson men,' there no longer
appears to be a shadow of doubt."
The important discovery of tho Junior,
that wolves aro bipeds, or animals upon
two feet, is somewhat now in natural
history, and equally interesting is ills
discovery that sheep's clothing upon a
biped is a Johnson mask. It is very
evident that tho Junior's ideas upon nat
ural history and masquerades are slight
ly mixed, and require readjustment in
his mind.
The Junior thou indulges in what wo
may describe as a left-handed defencoof
Senator Ruckulcw, against alleged com
plicity with the disorganizing "bipeds"
aforesaid, and exclaims:
"No, fellow Democrats; we think we
know Mr. Ruckalew too well ever to
imagine that ho would thus "sell his
birthright for n mess of pottage."
Now what is hero meant by birth
right, and what a mess of pottngo means,
and how ono is to bo sold for the other
in this ease, are all obscurities, which it
would be well for the Junior to explain
in his next disquisition upon " bipeds."
The heighth of the sublime, however,
is reached In his following appeal to
"fellow Democrats:"
"When you road tills, stop nnd medi
tate, contemplate your treatment at tho
hands of theso men tho Republican
Disorgantzersl, who are preparing to
solicit your lavor; revolve it in your
minds, then raise your hands and stamp
your foot, and swear, by God and high
Heaven, that no social ties, no earthly
power, all tho United States Senators in
America, can never delude you to wor
ship at tiio political shrino of a set of
knaves and demagogues."
No wonder tho Junior is opposed to
" Union prayer-meetings" in Rloonis
burg. Such terrific oaths us he recom
mends aro not exactly in tho' prayer
meeting style, but one better suited to
" bipeds" who have been educated in fish
markets and at street corners. Tho Jun
ior'sgrniiiiiiarmight bo Improved, but his
capacity for venting " hlghfalutln" and
somowhai irreverent language cannot,
in view of tho abovo eloquent burst, lie
any longer questioned. It is almost
equal to a paragraph, in tho samo num
ber of ills paper, under tho head of " An
swers to Correspondents," In which somo
imaginary person is enlightened upon a
point in tho Junior's educational career,
and also In tho juvenile employments
of King David, "tho sweet singer of
Hero Is tho passage:
"J.C. A. Our most Important les
sons in composition were learned by
writing squibs with a pencil on tho
mill lloor, posts, and boards. If you try
you can accumulate knqwlcdgo in any
portion. Remember that David, the
Shepherd King of Israel, studied tho
heavens nnd tho earth while wutehliiL'
ids father's Hocks on tho Plains of
We have no doubt that these mill
"squibs" Would bo moat Interesting to
tho public if they could bo recovered
and published. If yet in existence upon
tho " mill floor, posts, and boards," and
not entirely obscured by cobweb, dust,
and Hour, It would bua good thlngto send
our young men of academies and schools
toconteniplate,lu theirorlgiual location,
those first dawnlngs of genius in one of
our edllorinl " bipeds." That " knowl
edge can boaccumulated In any position"
is also an Important announcement,
and particularly that it can bo obtained
while lying upon one's back star-gazing,
after the example of King David, who
studied tho heavens while "watching
ids father's Hocks on tho Plains of Ju
dea." At a later date (March 28) the Demo
crat and Star announced that
"Tho faction opposed to the editor of
tno YiiyiKWicdnareaiiout to start an organ
of their own, to be styled the Coi.i'M
niAN, with Captain Moore, late of the
Washington Chronicle office, ns editor.
We learn that their first edition will ap
pear on the lnth of April, or that after
that date we shall havo three newspapers
In Rloonisburg two Republican and
one Democratic."
Take notice, all good people, there will
be, too Republican newspapers and one
Democratic. No Democrats aro to touch
tho new paper, which will be strict
ly a Republican organ; tho Democrat
and Star is the only sheet which will
deserve their patronage and lie worthy
of their money. Stick to our shop,
and you will bo completely safe against
"plots," "conspiracies," "disorganize
ers," " wolves in sheep's clothing," and
all sorts of " bipeds," who may desire to
"ravage Columbia County." All tills
is "important if true;" but we must
pnusc to observe that wo choose todetlne
our own position, instead of having it
defined by others, nnd shall do so, in
our own way, in our editorial columns.
We will add that "Captain Moore" is
not " lato of tho Washington Chronicle
office," never having had any connec
tion whatever with tlfat establishment.
Whllesuch has been our greeting from
tho Democrat and Star, on tho other
hand, tho Jlcpublicun has assailed our
enterprise upon precisely opposite
grounds. According to the former the
Coi.UMiiiAN is to distract, divide, weak
en, and injure tho Democracy, which
it assumes to have especially in charge;
while, according to the Jlcpublicun, it is
to disorganize and damage the Republi
can party, in tho good fortunes of which
the Jlcpublicun feels a deep if not disin
terested concern.
On tho loth of February our enterprise
was announced by tho Republican wa "a
flank movement of the enemy," and
sundry hints, inuendoes, and assertions
(niostiy false), as to its authors and sub
jects, were indulged in. It said further :
'Tlie President need" no new organ
here. We have always stood by him,
supported him, and continue lo do so.
The Republicans of this county do the
same. And we know their temper and
feelings well enough to say in advance
that they will frown down all these ef
forts at disorganization, because they
know their success can only aid our
enemies and tlio enemies of tho Presi
Again, in tho same number, appeared
tho following:
"The Disorganizes here have conclud
ed to play into the hands of the Copper
heads. The bargain is made."
Tho following week tho Jlepublican
said :
"Our expose, in our last issue, of tho
intended " flank movement of the ene
my" fell like a bombshell in the guer
rilla camp. It was a stunner. J low tho
d 1 did Doctor John find it out? was
tho amazed liiiiuiry all along their line.
It is enough for us that we know all
about a, and aro able to ontjlunl; thum in
their secret plottiugs to distract our
On tho 22d of March it exclaimed:
" The Republican party of this county
is a unit. It will remain united. The
attempt to distract and divide it has
failed. Tho Copperhead hope of
division or dissension win not no realiz
ed. Tho true spirit is manifested, the
right sentiment is operating."
This happy state of things, and the
coiuplctocuiitcntmcntof the llcjiublicun,
seem, however, to havo been disturbed
immediately afterward, for on the 21)tli
of March it said:
"The Disorganizes havo got out a
prospectus, and aro canvassing for their
new paper. Having dono our duty to
our friends and to tho party, inoxposiiig
the plottiugs of these men, wo feel com
paratively indifferent to their move
ments." Rut tills asserted indifference does not
seem to havo been real ; for a little fur
ther on natural indignation breaks forth
as follows:
" Lot every true Republican woigli
well these facts, and the influence for
evil his support will glvo this corrupt
enterprise, before ho agrees to subscribe
to tho now paper."
Tho term "corrupt enterprise" is
strong, but the provocation which begets
it is very griovous, being no less thnn
an attempt at independent Journalism
without tho slightest regard to the pecu
niary welfare of tho Republican.
Throughout all theso extracts it will
bo seen that tho main point put forward
and insisted upon is tho peril to the
Republican party arising from the new
paper. There is no suggestion of indi
vidual interest in tho writer. Ho is
only concerned nnd anxious about party
Interests; and us to tho l'resident, ho is
ills fast friend, supporter, and defender,
and tho intrusion of ii Johnson paper
into tho county is denounced as quite
unnecessary, if not impertinent.
AVo need hardly repeat that wo choose
to define our position for ourselves,
througlt"our own columns, and we shall
exercise our right to do m with feelings
of utter contempt for the interested and
malicious picture of our enterprise
drawn by tho Jlepublican, We choose to
bojudged by our own performances, and
not out of tho mouths of interested en
emies. Wo might glvo other extracts from
both of our contemporaries subsequent
in date to tho foregoing nnd similar In
character; but "enough Is us good as a
feast." AVo havo no design to inflict
a surfeit on our readers, AVo hope,
however, that they, like ourselves, will
bo amused In reading, in connection
with each other, tho contradictory, in
consistent, absurd, groundless, and Im
pertinent denunciations or tho
iiian by its rivals. AVe can almost for
give our neighbors their malice, Ill-tem
per, and Injustice, In consideration of
the amusement they haVo furnished the
public, nnd of the destruction by each of
the accusations made against us by the
Tm'.iti: is no doubting that it was tho
Monopoly that killed the General Rail
road Law the only question Is, what
wore tho tools with which it did ltV In
other words, what Senatorsoted to re
cord the will of the Monopoly1.' Let us
look nt tho record.
The motion to submit the question of
a General Railroad Law to tho people of
the Stato came up in the Senate on the
fth of April, and was defeated by the
following vote:
Avns If, 1!. llpnnlslci', f'nrbim, Mniiriic, t'llto,
inM Wiivni'i T. .1. Uliiiilmm, AlfiilH'ii.'! It. A.
Ilriiivn. fjiHTcncii. Ilul Iit, nml Aiiilbtriing; A. 11.
(Ilnlz, nrlt anil ( 'ti ml 101 In tut : .1. I,, (Iraliam, Al
li'liliony ; Win. lliipltlii-, Wnslitnctim mill llinvrrj
o. 1. Juiim, IliicUs; .Inlni Iitla, Wi'stnnni-lntnl,
l'livi'tlc, mul (Irvpiie; M. 11. Unvrv, Cmwftirtl mill
r.rli'i 1. II. Mniil"iiH'ry, Nmlliiiiiilii'rlmul, Mini-turn-,
Columbia, mul Sullivan; (). ll.Kflinll, I 1 1 1 t H
nml Niilli:inilMiii W.A.Wiillari,,Clc.irllclil,(iiii-
I'lmi, i iiuioii, i nroit, mul I :iu ; .i. Willis, i.yi'Din
Klu, Union, ami Hnyik'ri Henry Wlillu, Cambria,
IniUmia.iiiiil .k'M'.'i-Miii.
Nays H. I'hainu'ys, r.miraM(.r!fliri;of.'mitioH,
Vlillailclplila; ('. M. nnniivaii, l'lillinlnlplila: .1.
M. Intnl. ip, I.niii' mli'v; Kirk IIiiIiik. Hlalr, limit
Iiil'.Iuii. ivntrr, Mllllln, Juniata, ninl IVrry j I,. W.
Hull. Ill.ilr Iliiutlimiliin.lVntit', Mimiu,.liinlata.
anil Perry: Tli'inuw llniti1, Mirwr, Vi-iinuxo, ami
u nnen: if. . iiimsi'iiinuer, siiiinersei, neiinmi
...... ...,! 1 T II ir.....i cj...
llllil I'MIU'li: iininil" .Mlllll.fll, iMllillwtll, i-.ll-nill
liannn anil Wvoinlnn; 1. MK'outuiuliy, Franklin
ami AilaniH! .rcrenilafi Nlehnl. I'hll.iifelnlil'i; W.
M. Itiuiilnll, Miiivlklllt .1, 1'.. IIIiIkwiiv, hill.ulrl
plila: 11. ltover, Clu ster, liel.iwiiri'.iinil.Miinluiiiu
erv: I,. II. Sliiipinaker, I.uartiu; W. Wnrlliliiitlon,
CliiMter, Delaware, mul .MonlKDinery; I). Memlng,
IMIipillll mm l,eiMUI)11.
Tim lie ninei'iita ntlnir ava wero Messrs. Hon rils
lee, (Hat, Hopkins, .laines, tjitlii, Mnntconiery,
SH-nnil, wanaee, anil wans n. inn iieninerius
voting nay were Messrs. Donovan anil UiiiHl.ill
The Hepiililli-.ins votlna aye weie Messru. Mn
liatn, llrnwne.draliiiin, I.nwry, nml While The
Uepuhlleans votliuxnay were Messrs. Chnnipneys,
Coiiuell.lliiulap, Iliiynes, 1 Inge,! louse toMer, Iin
ilon, .MeConnouliv, NieliolM, Itlilirway, Itoyer,
(Shoemaker, Worthiiiston, anil I'Tenilnn 15.
The nlrovo is a. record for tho people to
examine preliminary to going into con
volitions for nominating candidates for
tho Fall campaign. AVe perceive that
tho local papers, in certain quarters, aro
praising .Senators who voted against the
General Law as faithful representatives
especially as to tho railroad interests, of
their constituents, when the fact Is they
are, have been, and ever will bo faithful
servants to tho Monopoly. Let not
the people bo deceived. Let them ex
amine the nvord of their representa
tives. They who refused to allow the
question of a General Law to be submit
ted to tho people will find themselves
before that tribunal. Let tho inquiry
be searching, and the decision promptly
and firmly rendered. J'ittsbury Com
Xo pardons are now considered by the
President unless they have special pecu
liarities to recommend them, and oven
these few eases furnish a considerable
addition to the labor of tho departments
employed in the preparing of them.
The method used in obtaining a pardon
is as follows : Tho petitioner sends Ids
or her application either to tho Attorney-
General or tho l'resident, in which is
set forth tho offences committed ; the ex
tent of the offence; the exception under
which the pardon is asked ; theassurauce
of present loyalty and faithhilallegianco;
and the recommendations of one or more
prominent individuals. Jf the pardon
is to be granted, tho l'resident directs
the Attorney-General to make a requisi
tion on theSecretary of State for pardon,
upon which tho Department of State
fills up a pardon and transmits it to the
Attorney-General for Ids endorsement.
The Attorney-General theusonds it to the
l'resident for his signature, who returns
it to the Department of State for tho
great seal and the signature of the Sec
rotary of Stato; after which it is for
warded to the petitioner. Major Andrew
Iv. Long, Assistant Adjutant-General on
tho staff of the l'resident, has charge of
the duties relating to pardons at the ICx
eeulivo Mansion. Colonel M. F. l'leas
ants and Major F. U. Stilt have charge
of tho J'ardon Rureau of the Attorney
Gonoral's office; and Messrs. George
iiartlo.ind and William Daggett have
been assigned tuthoso duties in the Par
don Rureau of tho Stato Department.
JrsT a quarter of a century ago Pro
fessor Daniell, at the request of the Rrit
Isli Admiralty, made an examination
of somo samples of water from the Af
rican coast, found that they contained
sulphuretted hydrogen, and showed
that sulphuretted hydrogen was produc
ed when decaying organic matter came
in contact with sea water. Ho pointed
out that tho places most favorable for
this reaction wero those which had be
come extremely unhealthy, and suggest
ed that sulphuretted hydrogen and the
diseases prevalent might stand in tho re
lation of cause and effect. If wo observe
the waters of tho Hudson and Kast Riv
ers wo find that they are salt, and that
tho utmost euro is taken to bring our fer
menting sowago in contact with them.
Twenty-five years have passed, and we
are now in possession of tho researches
of Kulenberg, Know, Fablus, nnd many
others on tho effects of poisoning by sul
phuretted hydrogen and its allied com
pounds. The ell'ects of theso gassesliavo
been found to vary with tho circum
stances under which tho patient has been
exposed to their influence, and probably
also from tho varied nature of a mixture
of gasses containing those among oth
ers, till tho non-medical reader hardly
knows what disease may not bo caused
by their noxious fumes. Typhus and
various malarious fevers, dlarrhma, chol
era, with other diseases, have been as
cribed to their influence; wllh how
much reason tho doctors must decide.
Rut taking cholera, as an example, be
cause there is a general dread of this
pestilence appearing hero, I find that its
ell'ects on tho system aro said by FIckel
to be those which would result from a
relaxation of tho nervun vagus, a nerve
which exerts an important inlluenee
on the animal secretions, I turn to tho
cases of poisoning by sulphurottedjiy
ilrogen, as given by Kulenberg, and "find
tluil "sulphuretted hydrogen in tho I
smallest quantities prodUil'fs, not merely
violent vomiting nnd colUc pains, but
also accelerates tho clrcullatlon of th
blood, and increased the Vcparation of
carbonic acid, urea, and utljcueld. The
larger the reacting quantify tho luor'
marked Is the depression uilul deblllf.-,
and, lastly, the paralysis ofl'io clrculi-
tory and nervous system.-! Agali,
l'ettenkofl'er lias observed tf it chofirn
can bo propagated by the- fo d einaia
tlon of cholera patients ; llmthfliW
shown that, where (as in NliVYivk)
tho watoY Is good, It Is probabl ' prom-
gated solely In this way ; and SiVwn lad
long previously shown that theUw
cholera patients could, wlthoixif uiio-'r-golng
any putrefaction, evolve siili'hu
retted hydrogen. I do not ' that.
FIckel is right, nor do I Intend lot'erincd
from theso statements that ehoV'f H
merely poisoning by sulphuretted1'.
drogen. Thequcstinn,"how large nqVu
tlty of sulphuretted hydrogen miitlbo'
present in order to produce evil resu'n"''
will bo asked; and 1 think that thtils'
pertinents of Kulenberg will warrlnt
mo in saying that exposure for a;Vv
hours to an atmosphere containing Aio
ten-thousandth of its bulk of sulnhut
ted hydrogen would produce senslu
results, and that nrotracted exnosurcilo
a far smaller quantity might beiicen.v
panied by serious ones. Sulphuretlll
ll Vlll'nirpn is lint, il mis. tlifirofnrn. It k
" "? "-i , t
which we can expose ourselves with i W
punlty. Fortunately, it has a detesta I
smell, which warns us of its prescn eel
even in small quantities. '
Yet sulphuretted hydrogen, thou gh1
perhaps one of the most poisonous gases
is not by any means the only poison
ous gas that wo let loose In tills city.
There are probably a dozen others nlw.iy-
present, to a greater or less extent, -lor
is this mode Just mentioned the oily
ono adopted for loading tho air with ui
son. There is a list, taken from Ku'ii
berg, of the various manufacturers 4o
generate the gas. Manufacturers of m-'
drette, butchers, tanners, glue iiiamf
hirers, bono boilers, sugar refiners, (
tillers of spirits mid petroleum, sta
makers, brewers, and gas works
among those who add their quota
the volumes of this gas sent forth
poor sowers, rotting inanure,aml Imrr
fect water-closets. A'cic York Jive Ay
J'ost. j I
Tin: nr. aro on tho globe about lN
Ono.000 of souls, of which iMiil.OUII.Of
of the Circassian race; 0."iL,,(i()U,Oli(jV
the Mongol race; 1!)0,000,0()0 aro
Kthiopian race; 17(1,(1110,000 are?
Malay race; and 1,000,000 are
Ande-American races.
There aro !1,(JIS languages spoken
1,000 different religions. k
The yearly mortality of the gloll.
0,:.'!.'!,:!::1 persons. Thus at tho rat'i
01,50 1 per day, :),v;!0 per hour, CO
minute. So each pulsation of our )
marks the decease of some human
The average of human life is f
six years.
One-fourth of tho population die at o
before the ago of seven years, one-hal
at or before seventeen years.
Among 10,000 persons one arrives at
the ago of 100 years, ono in COO attains
the ago of 00, and one in 100 lives to the
ago of 00.
Married men live longer than single jf
ones. In 1,000 persons r,r, nwrrv, andfe
more marriages occur in June and l)e-l
counter man m any otner inontlis in the If1"
One-eighth of the whole population i
l'roicssinns exercise a great lniluencil j.
on longevity. f
In 1,000 individuals who arrivo at tlui I
age of 70 years 12 aro priests, orators, or)
puuiio speaKors; -m aro agriculturists;
.'W are workmen ; ii2 soldiers or mttitnrv
employes ; 20 advocates or enginierJ
27 professors; and 25 doctors. Tlo
who devote their lives to the prol
tlon of that of others dio tho soone
There are iVW.OOO.OOO Christians; fl;
00!),000 Israelites; 00,000,000 of the Asi
atic religion ; 100,000,000 Mahomcduns,
200,000,000 Pagans. In the Christiai'
churches 180,000,000 profess the Romur,
Catholic; 7'i,000,000 profess tho GreeJ-,
faith ; 80,000,000 profess tho l'rotestaiy
Hint highness the Princess Kpou
wore a most superb thick whlU; mo'i!
....t...... .in- i..m. .. i,.,,,- is
luuiijui; sins, luui, uii tv iuiin n, w .
trimmed with handsome point Aleiujij i
lace, having rich ruches of tullo an
pink artificial daisies all round it. T f
body and sleeves wero also trlmivd V
with sliver ribbon and daisies. 'Jin V;
bertha was composed of rich lace, rb- jf
lions, and daisies. Her slender wast
was encircled with a celnturo compost I j
of sapphires and diamonds. On li'i ,f
arnishoworedlamondbracelets. Aroiud (
her neck was clasped a superb dlaino'd
necklace. Her head was adorned wth f
a tiara of diamonds, arranged hi ho
shape of Indian wheat, tho weigh or
which was very great. An iiiini iiso .
branch, forming a geranium flowi In.
full blossom, conipo-ed of opals, liu
moilds, emeralds, rubies, and imietii sts,,
formed tho stomacher of her dress A S
pink satin Turkish cloak, with sic ve-i j
and wipe, was placed on her shouh 'rs.
Her face was covered with a rich 1! -us-
sols laco veil, one end of which was
placed over tho head, and the otlierhnd
crossed over the mouth and nose, pajsed
round tho back of tho neck, and tucked
down behind tho cloak. Her feet wero
incased in whlto silk stockings, w)ilto
satin shoes, richly embroidered with
colored silks, ju'iirls, and gold and silver (
thread, with high gold heels, over which
she wore a pair of yellow morrocco
ponshei slippers. In her hand she held
u rich pink silk parasol, lined with whlto
atln, trimmed with a deep silver fringe, ,
with a gold handlo, Inlaid with a great
variety of precious stones. On A
,rors wero a largo yellow dinnw
beautiful sapphire ring. Hgni
illicit held overhead a hrridsonio
pink silk umbrella.
Tin: artlst-nulhor,
is sick in Arizona.
W-rf.J Mill