IticMofO Inquirer. I F.DFOKB, PA., FRIDAY, MAT 13, IS7O. DIRECTORY.— The following is a directory of the OfScers of Bedfo"d County and the Borough of Bedford, of" the Ministers of Bod ford, and the time of meeting of the different associations: BEDFORD COUNTY OFFICERS. President Judge —Hon. Alex. King. Associate Judges —Win. 0. Eichnltx and Geo. W. Gump. Prothonotary , Register and Recorder*—John P. Reed. District Attorney —E. F. Kerr. Treasurer —Hugh Moore. Sheriff- —William Keyser. Deputy Sheriff —John A. Cessna. County Surveyor —Samuel Ketterman. Commissioners —F. P. Rcegle, George Elder, end P. M. Barton Clerk— John Q. Fisher. Counsel —John W. Dickerson. Directors of Poor —lt. Egulf, Adam K. Pensyl, and J. I. Noble. Steteard Samuel Defibaugh. Counsel —J. W. Dickerson, Clerk — A. J. Sansom, Treasure) — William Bowies. Physician —Dr. F. C. Reamer. Auditor* —M. A. Hunter, Owen McGiri, nd 8. Whip. BOROU6B OFFICERS. Burgess —V. Steckman. Assistant Burgess —Josiah Haley, Council —W. Howies, Jonathan Brightbill, W. M. Cook. J. M. Shoemaker, Hiram Lenta and J. Reed, Clerk —ll. Nicodcincs. Treasurer —Jno. 11. Rush. Constable —Richard Corboy, High Constable —Lawrence Defihaugh, Silo A Direetors —Job Mann, Isaac Mengle, Geo. Mengle, Jacob Bowser, Geo. Mardorff. Geo 11. Mcngel, Secretary. 11. Nicdouius, Treasurer. MINISTERS. Episcopalian —Rev. J. B. Pedelupe Presbyterian —Rev. It. F. Wilson. Lutheran —Rev. J. Q. McAttee. Methodist —Rev. A. W. Gibson. tier K! 'in Reformed —Rev. 11. Ueckerman. Hainan Catholic —Rev. Thomas Ileyden. ASSOCIATIONS. Bedford Lodge. No. 320, A. T. M., meets on the first Wednesday on or before full moon, in the Bedford Hall, on the eorncr of Pitt and Richard streets. Peace Branch Encampmeut, No. 114, I. O. 0. F., meets on the first and third Tuesday even ings of each month, in the Bedford Hail. Bedford Lodge, No. 202, I. 0. 0. F., meets ev ery Friday evening, in the Bedford Hall. Bedford Lodge, No. 148,1. 0. G. T., meets in the I. O. O. F. Bui'.dieg, on Monday evening of each week Bedford Council , No. 502, 0. U. A. M., meets on Thursday evening of each week, in the Mason ic Hall. HisvrsGDos <4 BBOADT'.O R. R.— Fall Arragne mcnt.—Mail Train leaves Mt. Dallas at 1.00 P. M. arrives at Huntingdon at 4.20 P. M. Leaves Huntingdon at 8.40 A. M.—arrives at Mt. Dallas at 11.52 A. M. Coaches leave Mt. Dallas for Bed ford on the arrival of each train. Coaches leave Bedford for Mr. Dallas at 11.00 A. M. to connect with the Mail Train. The Post Office in Bedford will open at 7 o'clock A. M. and close at 8 o'cioek P. M. daring week days, and on Sunday will be kept open from 7 till 8 o'clock A. M. Important Notice. All persons knowing themselves indebted to the late firm of Durborrow A Lutz, are hereby notified that all accounts must be set tled promptly. Those indebted for subscrip tions will ascertain the facts and amount by reference to the date on the yellow slip with their newspaper address. All bearing date prior to July 15th 1868 are indebted to Dur borrow A Lutz for the amount due up to that lime. Accounts for advertising Ac., have been forwarded to all at various times. These ac counts must now be settled ; no longer indul gence can be given. Those neglecting this notice must not complain if they find their accounts in the hands of an officer for collec tion. JONH LCTZ. 28jantf I)R. S. H. GC*MI' who is practicing with Dr. W. Watson has been appointed physician to the Poor of Bedford County, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Dr. F. C. Reamer, dee'd. Go TO the Resort for good navy at 75cts. per lb. 2t THE corner-stone of the Trinity Reformed Church of St. Clairsvi lie will be laid Sunday (22d ot May) at 10 o'clock. A number ol ministers from abroad will be present. FISHING TACKLE Focketbooks Penknives, pocket and dressing combs, al Crouse A Shire's Sign of the ludiun. 2t A SPLENDID assortment of Wall Paper from New York bas just been received at the IN QUIRER Book Store. CHANGES. —Important changes in time have been made on the 11. A B. T.jR. R. The mail trainarrivea at Mt. Dallas now at 11.1C A. M., giving ample time for parties coming to Bedford to get here in time fordinner. See changes in Directory and Time table. Go TO McLanahan, Stone A Isett Uollidays burg Pa., and buy your Drills, Cider Mills, Clover Separators aud every implement used on a farm. 13may5m Mr. SAMUEL lloLLlsoKßof Morrison's Cove will sell a fine farm, limestone land, situate about one mile from the town of Woodbury on the 21st of this month. Mr. Hoilinger is going west, and wanta to sell his property before he leaves. If any of our reader! want to buy a farm, it might pay them to attend the sale. REV. J. B. PEDKLCPE will give instructions in Latin, French and German to a limited number of pupils, and Mrs. A. Pedelupe will give instructions in music. See card in another column. IRON MEN. —Hon. Willam Kelly, Hon. Gonvcneur Kemble, R. P. Parrott, Esq., George Green Esq., L. T. Watson, Esq., R. A. Wright, Esq., and Dr. J. P. Kimball, all in the interest of the Kemble Iron Company, paid a visit to our town on Tuesday fast. They are here looking after the ore leases they made last Fall. We have heard nu merous reports of wonderful iron discoveries, lately, but as we can't trace them to reliable parties, shall say nothing about them. PLUG, Virginia, Turkish and Killickinick Smoking Tobacco Rt the Resort Sign of the Indian. 2t TESTED BY TIME. —For Throat Diseases, Colds, and Coughs, "Brown's Bronchial Troches'' have proved their efficacy by a test of many years. The good effects resulting from the use of the Troches have brought out many worthless imitations. Obtain only "Brown's Bronchial Troches." TOOTH, Hair, Cloth, Nail Shoe, Horse, Wall and Scrubbing Brushes, at the Re sort. 2t Mr. JOHN JAMES AND JACOB BARNHART Esq., have returned from a visit to Missouri. Tbey were out in that cooDtry prospecting for lands and specalations—We wish them all the success in the world, but would be sorry to see them "pull up stakes and dig for the prairies. Quite a number of our citizens are leaving us this Spring—When we get our rail, road here, w will have as many attractions as they have elsewhere, and instead of our citizens emigrating from the country, we will have a continuous flood of newcomers to assist us in caryingon our extensive manu factures and business of all kinds (which arc to come). Let us make a big pall, a steady pull, a long pull and a pull altogether for the railroad from ML Dallas to Bridgport and we will be all right for this and the next two or three generations. CHILD LOST.— On Wednesday the 4th inst., a little child of Stephen G. Wright of Broad top township, about two and a half years of age, was lost in the mountains belrreeD Wells Valley and the Village of Coaldale, and wandered about for twenty-one hours before it was found. It appears that Mr. Wright was working near Coaldale, about a mile and a half from home, and had taken two of the older children with him in the morning, in tending to send them back with a package for their mother. Being gone longer than usual, the mother became anxious about them, and started out to meet tbem, leaving the little child above mentioned and an older one in charge of the house. She was hardly out of sight, when these two young sters started after her and had gone some distance from the bouse when the older one concluded to go back, leaving the other alone in the road. In due time the mother re turned with the boys and found her youngest child missing. Upon inquiry, she learned the above particulars, and immediately in stituted a search, which was diligently kept up till five o'clock in the afternoon. Every nook and corner was examined, but no trace of the child could be lound. At this time a message was sent to the father and the news communicated to Couldale. The good citizens of that town, merchants, mechanics, miners, laborers, and all, joined in the hunt, traveling the country far and wide until mid n.ght when they adjourned only to reform the line early in the morning, l'he next morning Mr. B. F. Thomas, while on his way home for refreshments, found the child sitting by the trunk of a fallen tree about one mile from where the parents live, calling for its mother. Lie accordingly picked it up and carried it to its mother. We leave our readers to imagine the joy occasioned by this intelligence. The child appears to be none the worse off for this bit of romance, not withstanding it bad the whooping cough at the time, and was exposed to very inclement weather. "LITTLE THINGS." —We had a regular Spring rain on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, since which time cabbage and tomato plants have been thriving wonderfully. Several weeks ago we made a mistake in noticing the death of an aged citizen of Southampton twp. It should have read Michael Mills, instead of Michael Miller. He was 85 years, 6 months, and 26 days old. Thus far we hare better prospects for truit than we have had for several years. Apples are scarce and com mand good prices in town. A number of horse buyers have been in town the past week, and bought up the best stock to ship it to the East. They expect to be back on Circus day, (the 18lh) to make another haul. Horse flesh is ranging from $l5O to $250. A num ber of pavements were almost impassable on Friday after the rain, several in Mud Town and a whole lot on Main Street. A few loads of gravel at a small expense is all that is necessary to convert these detestifcle mud holes into respectible sidewalks, and if it is not done soon, we will inform the public who the delinquents are. The "Bedford Springs' and the various boarding houses in and about Bedford are making ample preparations for a big run of custom the coming Summer. It has been proven beyond doubt, that the "Bedford Springs" waters for medicinal pur poses are the best in the United States and hundreds of living witnesses from all parts of the country are willing to testify to it from experience. We notice a new pavement in front of the Anderson House—Who will be the next on the list of improvements. One •day last week, Mr. John Eversote, of South Wood'oery towsnbip, broke his leg, while in the act of felling a tree. Dr. Charles Long is pacticing medicine at New Enterprise. He is a competent physician, and deserves the patronage of that vicinity. Dr. Wm. Watson is laying a new floor in his office, on Pitt St., this weak, besides papering, painting, and everything else to make it cozy for this Sum mer. We understand that Israel Davis has been appointed post master at Mowery's Mills iri stead of J. H. Lambourn, resigned. A. W. Swope Esq., bas been appointed Post Master at Six Mile Run instead of Alfred Evans, resigned. George Purcell Esq., bas been appointed post Master to take charge of a new office at Green point and J. M. Purcell to take charge of one at Pnrcell's. These will all make good offi cers. THE Cesses. —Census-taking time is com ing around. We look forward with interest to the consummation of tti:. business. The Census taker will have to a a great many (apparently) impertinent questions, but as he only comes round every ten years, we hope every body will post bim correctly. With an eye to "locals," we shall watch the returns very closely. The deputy marshals appointed to take the census of Bedford County are: llev. F. Benedict, of Bedford Bor., William Kirk, of St. Clair twp., and Mr. C. C. Gariick of Mon roe. They are very highly respected citizens, competent to do the work, and will make very efficient officers. Mr. Benedict s field embraces Bedford Bor., Bedford township, Snake Spring, Cole rain, and Rainsburg Bor., Napier twp., and Schellsburg bor., Harrison and Juniata twp. Mr. Kirk has St. Clair twp., and St. Ciairs ville bor., Union twp., South and Middle Woodberry twps., and Woodberry bor., Lib erty, Broadtop, Saxton bor., and Coaldale. Mr. Garlick bas Londonderry, Cumber land Valley, Southampton, Monroe, East and West Providence, Hopewell and Bloody Itnn boroughs. SUPREME COURT. —Hon. S. L. Russell W. M. Hall Esq., M. A. Points Esq., J. W. Oickerson Esq., andE. F. Kerr Esq., left for Harrisburg on Monday last, to attend the Supreme Court in which the following casts from our county are pending: Riddlesburg Coal and Iron Company vs. Langdon. Dibert et al. vs. Jordan et al. Johns v 3. Wills et al. Broad Top Coal and Iron Company vs. Riddlesburg Coal and Iron Company. The Riddlesburg Coal and Iron Company vs. Rogers. Gump vs. Lingenfelter. Bush et al. vs. Lingenfelter et al. Lehman vs. Kellerman. ON Monday, the list of cases was called over, and the Broad Top Coal and Iron Com pany rs. Riddlesburg coal and Iron Company and the Riddlesburg coal and Iron Company vs. Rogers, were submitted. OLD FASHIONED CIRCUS. -On Wednesday, the 18th of May, G. G. Grßdy's old fashioned American Circus will exhibit in Bedford. It is said to be a perfect Circus, with surround ings more superb and complete than any ever witnessed in an American arena. Riders, leapers, vaulters, tumblers, somersaulters, grmnasts, horses unsurpassed in the world. One of the grand features of the occasion will be the three great clowns, the two Grady's and Lew Ginger, who will be worth bearing. Gradp's entertainment will give an oppor tunity to all who are fond of the circns to enjoy themselves. See advertisement in another column. RAILROAD STRIKE— We understand that all the hands working on the Pittsburgh and Connellsville railroad in the vie'raify of Bridgeport have stopped work and struck for higher wages. Ti.ey were getting $1.75 per day, but now demand $2.00. We hope but do not know that a compromise was effected. "GRADY'S CIRCUS" wont sooth the troub led mind as soon as the "Little Favorite" to be had only at the Resort, PrriT Jettons for special term, sth Monday 30th day of May, A. D. 1870. Abraham Kensinger, Liberty; John H. Barton, East Providence; Philip korgart, Bloody Bun Borough; Peter Gates, Hope well ; James Roades, Liberty; Gecrge D. Shock, Bedford Borough; Robert Ralston, j S. Woodberry; David Hefflel, M. Wcodberry; John Todd, Bedford; James Collins, South ampton; Alfred Wilson, Southampton; F. O'- Neil, Southampton; John Peunsl, Monroe; Benj. J. Uremmer, C. Valley, C. Claycomb, Union ; George Mcgraw, E. Frovidence ; W. Bowles, Bedford ; Daniel Cypher, Liberty ; Harrison Williams, Monroe; Win. Masters, Bloody Run ; E. Ellis, Napies ; George W. Powell, Juniata; John Gephart, S. Spring; E. Miller, St. Clair; Daniel Miller, C. Valley; Wm. Gorseech, Hopewell; M. Heckey, Juni ata ; E. F. Iraler, Bedford; Alex. Messer sraith, Monroe; Joseph C. Ickes, Union; J. B. Dicken, Bedford; John Claycomb, St. Clair; John B. Whip, C. Valley ; I). S. A. Tomlinson, Bedford; David Shaffer, Coleraio; Martin Yingltng, St. Clair; Daniel Fletcher, Monroe; Geo. Williams, Napier. "SHOO FLY KISER DON'T YOU WANT TO BUY A DORO'" was in town this week. A strange canine made the acquaintance of a mischievous party on Tuesday last, who un dertook to break the dull monolouy of town at his expense. Accordingly he was hitched to a tin pan, and subjected to several other "operations" best known to the "Knights of Dogdom," in order to get up the steam. This accomplished, he was piloted to South- Juliana street, his prow set due North, aud away he went through the principal streets at break-neck speed, a whoop and a howl at ev ry lp. Forty other dogs folio* , d 111 biß wake and joined in the chorus every three or four yards. We will not dispute that the qui et ot those localities through which this train passed was disturbed, but wc have oar doubts whether the point was made. A CORRECTION*. —We are happy to learn that the difficulty at Mt. Dallas has been satisfactorily arranged. The agent assures us that he is desirous of accommodating all parties to the extent of his power and au thority. The bank difficulty seems to have been the result of a misunderstanding; some one asked the agent for a blank check on Mr. Lloyd's bank, and he replied that he had none on hand as they did not transact their business with him, but in Bloody Run. This it seems was misunderstood and taken as a refusal to accept checks on Lloyd's bank. We are assured that the checks of all parties known to be responsible will always be accepted. There is a vicious practice by some parties of sending checks signed in blank, leaving the agent or teamster to fill in the amount of the freight to be paid. This is a bad and dangerous practice and should be broken up. THE COL'XTY COMMITTEE. —was to have convened on Court week, but as there were not enough members present to form a quo rum, that part of it was a failure. The main object in calling the meeting was to determine at what time the primary or nominating elec tion should be held. There is to be a Poor House election on the 27th inst, and it was at first thought that would be a suitable time to hold the nominating election, but it appears that a majority of the members of the com mittee who were present, were in favor of postponing the election until after harvest, as also were several prospective candidates. This of course is yet an open question, and will be decided by the Committee as early as circumstances will permit. THAT "Trade Mark" of Seward A Bentley's> A. M. 1864, S. 2., may seem a little obscure to the many who read it, but the many thou rands who have tried their valuable tonic, Constitution Bitters, fuil to see anything but good effects from them. They strengthen the weak and debilitated, amend shattered constitutions, place the ill and despairing ones firmly upon their pins again, and in short, are just what the suffering need. We speak of what we know, and our advice to the sick is, get a bottle and you'll agree with us, for the Constiution Bitters are certainly the best in use. CHEMISTRY is furnishing us new agents for fuel, force, food, and many other important aids over those we once possessed. Ports from which commerce was driven during the hot months hy their terrible fevers are visited all the year with impunity now. Many locali ties in the South and West kept tenanlless by their deleterious miasms are now filling up with populations under the protection of Ayer's Ague Cure. Their afllicting Chills and Fever are so effectually cured by this remedy that the disease no longer turns emigration aside or destroys the settler if he ventures upon its infected districts.— Gazette Independence Mo. — lMaylm FOR sllO. McLmahan, Stone A Iselt, Uollidaysburg, Pa., will deliver free of freight a Mower with gearing enclosed and warrant it to work well. They have also Hay-Rakes, Emery Mower-Knife-Grinders, Hay-forks Ac. 13may2m. WHO WANTS A SEWING MACHINE? —We have a new $55,00 Grover and Baker sewing machine which we will dispose of on easy terms to any one who wants a good machine: and who does not want a good sewing ma chine ? ALSO a new Singer Sewing Machine for sale as cheap as can be sold in the com munity and on the best of terms. IF you want good wall paper or window blinds, go to the INQUIRER Book Store. ALL the Monthly Magazines, Periodicals and daily papers can be had at the Inquirer Book Store. Health's Ucst Defence. "The weak eateth herbs," says St. Paul, so that eighteen hundred years ago the value of medicinal plants was appreciated. In the Old Testament botanical remedies are repeat edly recommended, but in no passage of sacred history is man recommended to swal low calomel, or blue pill, or any other miner al preparation. The sick were directed to eat herbs to strengthen them, to purify them, to heal them, to restore them. In that day the art of making vegetable extracts was un known. The herbal medicines were mere in fusions' It was reserved for a later age to unite the sanitary essences of touic, aperient and an tibilions roots, barks, and plants, with an ac tive stimulant, and thus secure their rapid diffusion through the debilitated or disordered system. The crowning triumph of this affect ive mode of concentrating and applying the virtues of medicinal vegetables was achieved in the production of Hosteller's Stomach Bitters. Never before had a perfectly pure alcoholic stimulant been combined with the expressed juices of the finest specifics of the vegetable kingdom. Never yet, though eighteen years bave elapsed since its intro duction, has this great restorative been equalled. It is taken at all seasons, in all climes, as the most potent safeguard against epidemics, as a protection against all un healthy exhalations that produce debility of beget disease; as a remedy for intermittent and other malarious fevers; as an appetizer; as a sovereign cure for dyspepsia; as a general tonic and invigorant; as a gentie, painless aperient; as a blood depurent; as a nervine; as a cure for bilious affections; as a harmless anodyne; end as the HEST HKKKSCE OK HEALTH under unfavorable circumstances, such as sedentary pursuits, undue bodily or mental exertion, hardship, privation and exposure. lMsylm Poor Home Corrcpondencc- Juxiata Crohhisos, Mat 9th 1870. Lutz & Jordan. ucaSumens I notice an article in your number of the 29th of April headed the Poor Hocse ques tion. I was in hopes some one more compe tent than myself would reply to it but so far none have been given which I noticed. I will give a brief statement of my views of the case, and what I think will prove to be the views of a majority of the voters in the county though they differ widely from those expres sed in the article referred to. In the first place I cannot understand why Bedford coun ty canuot sell and purchase a property as well as any individual. If the property for sale is advertised at public sale surely any person wishing to buy such property will not with hold their bids simply because it is sold by tbe agents of tbe county; and as regards the purchase of another I would jußt say that if the men selected for that purpose pay double what a farm is worth because the owner of said farm expects to get double its value when he sells to the county, tbey are not very competent for the task for which they were chosen. D. A. T. Black has a farm for sole and wonld sell it to tbe county as cheap as to any individual in the county. I have one for sale on which was raised the last sea son fire hundred bushels of wheat, eight .hun dred bushels of oats, one thousand bushels of ears of corn, plenty ot hay, pasture to sus tain a large stock of cattle and horses —never less tbau twenty five head of cattle and seven or eight horses, with a large and very sub stantial stone house of, I think, nearly doub le the capacity of tbe present alms house; ibis property can be bought for less man tu# present Poor Ilousa property will sell for, and will produce annually three times as much as that property. I have no doubt but j there are other properties that can be bonght at a fair price which will suit as well as this and I for one am perfectly satisfied to leave the selection to the men appointed for that purpose. It is well known that real estate is worth considerably more near the county seat than some distance off—one reason why the people want it sold —another is, they believe it can be managed better and cheaper. I have no doubt there are good men n Bed ford County who will contract to keep the poor of the county for one-half per head what it has cost the County the last ten years, and keep them better tban they have been kept and give satisfactory security for the faithful performance of that duty, provided they could have a say in the selection of a property on which to do it. It is really no wonder the tax payers are dissatisfied; tbey have no idea that there is any need for half as expensive a building as has been spoken of; one sufficiently commodious and com fortable, they think is all that is necess&ry. As to the Grand Jurors inspecting the I'oor House, I have had some experience in that matter. The men have been away from home perhaps a whole week and just after tbey are discharged they are sent to inspect tbe affairs in and about the buildings. Tbey are then very anxious to gst home and each man expects his neighbor to see that ail is right, and pays little attention to it himself. If three competent men were appointed for that duty, it would, I think, be much better attended to, at a very trifling cost. As lor the Doctors, I have been told by eminent physicians that none of us suffer for the want ot their services as much as is generally supposed. When it is really needed it can be procured in any part of the country. I proposed at the commencement of this article to be brief, and lest I have exceeded that bound, I will conclude by bopiog that some improvement will be made in regard to the management of our poor for the benefit of the tax payers. Yours respectfully, George Mbcraw. Editor of the Bedford Inquirer: As you hare politely opened your columns for remarks on the Poor House question, I would respectfully say, as a tax payer, if there be no impediment, sell the mill on a reasonable credit to a response's party, and apply the proceeds to the erection of a build ing seventy feet long, with wings forty feet long each, three stories high with balus strade all round and comfortable walks for the Poor. Twenty-five thousand dollars would effect this on the present site for the Poor. To purchase a farm near Bedford, would cost not less than eight thousand five hundred dollars, and the erection of a suitable build ing and inclosures from fifty to sixty f,ve thousand dollars. I have a fellow feeling for our tax ridden fellow citizens, and shall cast my vote against the sale of the present site of our Poor house —deeming it best to hear the ills we have, than fly to those we ktow not. ' Law. TALIAFEKKO. MARKETS. BEDFORD MARKETS. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY ii. R. OSTER A CO White Wheat per bushel SI.OO Red " " " 90 Corn " " 80 Oats " " 40 Potatoes " " 40@50 Flax Seed " " 1.76 Clover Seed " " $7.00@7.50 Timothy Seed " " 400@4.50 Apples " " 75 Flour, per barrel 5.0005.50 Butter, per pound 30 Tallow " " 10 Beeswax" " 30 Lard " '' 18020 Hams 20 (a) 22 Shoulder _.15@16 Sides 16@18 Eggs " doz. ... 15 Chickens " " 2.25 Wood —Hickory, per cord 4.00 " —Oak, u " 3.00 WOOL— Common Unwashed 27@30 Fine Merino do 28030 Common Tubwashed 38040 Fine Merino do 40045 PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE MARKET. PHILADELPHIA, May I'.— The flour market is without change worthy of special note. There is no demand for shipment, and the operations of the home consumers are con fined to their immediate wants. The sales foot up 000 barrels, including superfine at $4 37a4 624: extra at $4 871a5 12$: lowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota extra family at $5 25a5 80, the latter for choice: Pennsyl vania do. do. at $5 50a6 25: Indiana and Ohio do. do. at $5 75aC 50; and fancy brands at $8 75a0, according to quality. Rye flour is firm at $0 25. Brandywine corn meal is held at $5 75, without finding buyers. There is a fair demand for prime wheat at former quotations, but the offerings are light; inferior descriptions are almost unsalable. Sales of western and Pennsylvania red at $1 30a$' 40. Rye ranges from $1 03 to 106 for western and Pennsylvania. Corn is quiet, but without change. Sales of 4,- 000 bushels prime Peonsylvania and southern yellow at $1 12; and 1,000 bushels old western at $1 10. Oats remain as last quoted, Sales of western at 60a62c; Pennsylvania at (3a 65c, and light Delaware at 68c. In barley malt no sales wers reported. 3,- 500 bushels California barley sold on private terms. Whisky is in better demand. Sales of 60 barrels wood bound western at 1 05, and 50 barrels iron bound do at $1 07. QROUSE & SHIRES SEGAR FACTORS and TOBACCO, PIPE and SNUFF JOBBERS. East Pitt Street, Bedford, Bedford County, Pa. 29april70-ly TO THE CREDITORS OF REED A SCHKLL. i accepted the conditions of the reso lutiou adopted by the meeting of the creditors of Ree l A Schell on the 25th of March, and will meet them on Saturday the list day of May, at the Court House, in Bedford, at 10 o'clock P, M. Bedford 28ap170-3t JOHN J. SCHKLL. DIED- Noar Clearvillo, this eounty, Mar lot, 1870, MARGARET CORNELL, widow of Wm. Cor nell, eyed 66 years, 11 months and 29 days. Near Delphi, Ind., April 23, Miss ELIZABETH M. I'IPER, former); or Piper's Ran, Bedford eo., Pecs'a. Miss riper was born at Piper's Ran, in 1823, end resided there antil the fall of 1888, when sLe removed to Indiana, where she resided with her sister Mrs. Geo. Bowman. The deceased was no ted for her modest, retiring disposition, and for her pare, deep piety. She had been an invalid for years, bat bore her infirmities witb christian fortitude. Her life had been prolonged beyon her expectation, and beyond her desire. For some time her desire bad been "to depart and be with Christ." But her patience was as great as her desire, and she was willing to wait all the days of her appointed time. Her end was peace, per fect peace. On a quiet, pleasant, Sabbath eve ning. April 24th, her remains were carried to their last resting place to await tbe morning ol the resurcction. Cow. MARRIED. Or. the 28lh of April, by the Rev. C. U. ITetl man r Mr. GEORGE FREDERICK CROYLE and Miss MAEY JANE EICHER, both of Union tp. 3Uir gtdrertijsmfiits. All advertisements, except public sales and legal notices, will be inserted three months and charged accordingly unless otherwise ordered. NOTICE is hereby given that an application will be made for the pardon of JOHN MIL LER, convicted at February Sessions 1884 for horse ttealing. G. H. SPANG, 13 may Attorney for John Miller. jyj usicTl a nguagb sm Mrs. A. Pedelupe is prepared to give instruc -I*l— luvl.Sl.H Ot. ... or . Rot class instrument, to those desiring it. Rev. J. B. Pedelupe will take a limited number of pupils in the Latin, French and German Lan guages. Residence on East Penn St., a few doors east of the Presbyterian church. 13may3m ASSIGNEES' SALE OF VALABLK REAL ESTATE. The undersigned, assignees of Roed A Schell and Jaeob Reed, will offer at public sale, at the Court House in the Borough of Bedford on, WEDNESDAY, the Bth DAY OF JUNE, IS7, at 10 o'olock, A. M. the following described Real Estate, viz : No. I.—A lot ol ground, situate in the Bor ough of Bedford, fronting on Pitt street, with a large Brick house thereon erected, stable and all necessary out-buildings, being lot No. 160. No. 2.—A lot of ground adjoining the above, having thereon erected a frame office, being lot No. 161. No. 3.—4 vacant lots fronting on Penn street and being lots Nos. 139, 140, 141 and 142, (will be sold separate.) No. 4.—A lot of ground situate in Bedford township, being lot No. 3 in the plot ol lots laid out by S. M Barclay, fronting on the township road and extending back to the Raystown Branch of the Jnniata, containing about one acre, with a two story log dwelling honse thereon erected. No. 5.—A lot of ground adjoining the above, being lot No. 4, containing about one acre. No- B—A lot of ground being lot No. 2 in the plan of W. P. Schell, containing abont 2 acres. No. 7.—A tract of land situate in Bedford tp., containing about Id acres, being part of the Wat son Farm (will be sold in lots to suit purchasers.) No. B.—A tract of land in Bedford township, containing about 2 acres, with a saw mill thereon erected. No. 9.—A tract of land in Bedford township, containing 15 acres, 101 perches nett adjoining lands of Dewalt Harshberger, James Anderson, Esq., and H. Nawgle. No. 10.—A tract of land situate in Liberty twp-, (near Stonerstown I containing l'.<2 acres 80 perches (aboot one half bottom land), known as the "Long laim." No. 11 The one undivided half of a tract sitn ate in Londonderry township, adjoining lands of M. B.Miller and others, containing about lt> acres. No. 12—The undivided one third of a tract of land, situate in Harrison township, known as the Sulphur Springs property, eantaining 42 acres 50 perches. No. 13—-The undivided one-half of a tract of land in Liberty township, adjoining lands of Samuel Ilarvey, Martin Hoover and others, con taining about 312 acres. No. 14 A tract of coal land in Broadtop township, adjoining lands of James Figard and others, containing 12 aciwe and 24 perches. Terms made known on day of Sale. For furth er particulars inquire of Jacob Reed, or either of the undersigned. JOHN G. HARTLEY, H. NICHOPEMUB, 13tnay3t Auiyntet. NEW BOOK.—Agents sell lUOper week. Price $5. Address L. STEBBINS, Hartford, Ct. GO'"' A HAY!—4O new articles for Agents Sample free. H. B. SHAW, Alfred Me. SALESMEN. —Send for Circular, a first-clas 6 business and steady employment. B. F HOWE, 37 Arcb St., Philadelphia, Pa. YF EADVILLE THEOLOGICAL SCHOOL.— IVI Unitarian; educates Ministers; $l6O a year to poor students; begins August 29. Apply to A. A. LIVERMORE, Meadville, Pa. (CURIOUS, HOW STRANGE!—The Married J Ladies Private Companion contains the de sired information. Sent free for stamp. Address Mrs. H. METZGER, Hanover, Pa. \TTE will pay Agent a salary of $35 per week VV or allow a large commission to sell our new Inventions. Address J. W.FRINK A Co., Mar shall Michigan. \T7~ANTEI>; AGENTS.—S2# Wateh Iree. given W gratis to every live man who will act as our Agent. Business light and honorable; pays S3O per pay. Address R. MONROE KENNEDY A CO. Pittsburgh, Pa. BOOK AGENTS WANTED.—"ladies of the White House." No opposition. Steel engrav ings. Rapid Sales. For circulars, address U. S. Pi iMsßivu Co., N. Y. Cincinnati and Chicago. SALESMEN WANTED. —in a paying busi ness, S. KENNEDY, 413 Chestnut St., Phila. PSTCHOMANCY, FASCINATION or SOUL CHARMING. —400 pages: cloth. This won derful book has full instructions to enable tbe reader to fascinate either sex, or any animal, at will. Mesmerism, Spiritualism, and hundreds of other eurious experiments. It can be obtained by sending address, with 10 cents postage, to T. W. EVANS A CO,, No. 41 So. Eighth St, Phila- STAR SPANGLED BANNER.—A large 40 column paper, Ledger site, illustrated. Devo ted to Sketches, Poetry, Wit, Humor, genuine fun. Nonsense (of a sensible kind), and to the exposal*! of Swindling, Humbugs, Ac. Only 75 cts. a year, and a superb engraving "Evangeline," 1 1-2x2 feet, gratis, 30,000 circulation. Money refunded to all who ask it. It is wide-awake, fearless, truthful. Try it now. 75 cts. a year. Specimens Free- Address "BANNER," Hinds dale, N. H. PA TENTS. Inventors who wish to taJie ont Letters Patent are advised to counsel with MUNN A CO., edi tors of the Scientific American, who have prose cuted claims before the Patent Office for over Twenty Years. Their American and European Patent Agency is the most extensive in the world. Charges less than any other reliable agency. A pamphlet containing full instructions to inventors is sent g:tis. MUNN A CO., 37 Park Row, N. Y. ONE MILLION ACRES OF CHOICE IOWA LANDS FOR SALE, at S3 per acre and upwards, for cash, or on credit, by the lotva Railroad Land Co. Railroads already built through the Lands, and on all sides of them. Great inducements to set tlers. Send for our free Pamphlet. It gives prices, terms, locations: tells who should come west, what they shou'd bring, what it cost; gives plans and elevations of 18 different styles of ready-made houses, which the Company furnish es at from $250 to $ ,000 ready to set up. Maps sent if desired. Address W. W. WALKER, Vice President, Cedar Rapids, lowa. A MODEL HOUSE.—Being a cripple, I hare made house plsnuing a special study. One built last season has proved a model of conve nience, beauty, and economy. Descriptive circu lars of Plans, Views, etc., with general informa tion of value to all, sent free. Address (with sfhmp or script if convenient). GEO. J. COLBY, Architect, Waterbury, Vermont. EMPLOYMENT. tfk 1 A $0 HUNDREDS OF AGENTS MAKE QiU from $5 to $lO per day, in selling our Patkst Extension Rkel A*n Swifts, combined. Used in every family for winding Yam, Silks, Worst ed, Ac. Winds full size I skein, anu weighs less than one pound. Agents wanted. For terms Ac., address H. L. STORKB A CO., 13may Aubara, N. Y. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE.—NOTICE > horeby given, that Letters of administration have been granted to tbe undersigned, by the Register of Bedford County, on the estate of Daniel Smith, late of Middle Woodberry Town ship, deceased All persons indebted to said es tate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them prop erly authenticated, for settlement. JOSEPH B. NOBLE, 22ep!-1870 Waterside, Bedford Co. r 1M e. J_J Eastern Whitewash Lime that will not rub off, for sale at Lynch'f Hard wara Store. 22apl gMrrrtterment*. Q G.QR A D Y ~8 OLD-FASHIONED AMERICAN CIRCUSri! With attractions in point of Merit, Teas and Char acter, far suporior to any ever presented ixe the arena. Nothing bnt first-class Artists in evsry department. Ne subordinates thrust into prominent positions, and foisted upon the public as leading performers, but each and every one A STAR IN THE PROFESSION 1 A perfect Circus at last, with snrrwundingp more superb and complete than any ever -witness ed in any American arena. kidtrt, Leapert, VauJtert, Tumbler*, Som ermultert, Gynuuutr, QmtortiouifU. PAD, TRICK, TRAINED, LIBERTY and MENEGE HORSED UNBURPAB6ED IN THE WORLD. A complete concern in construction and outfit, and adequate to the wants of this enlightened at id progressive age. Novelty, Beauty, Grandeur, Advancement a ltd Improvement, Arc ry Detail Per/vet, Every iet A'ew. The Beet Hidtre, The Beet Leapert, 1 teet Gymnaite, and the Pour Beet CUnvne. Placed before tbe public in the beat possible style, and in a hitherto unprecedented manne::, at an enormous cost and a vast expenditure of tsuae and labor, making, altogether, an entertainment of matchless Grandeur and Beauty, giving the masses in opportunity of witnessing a real old fashioned AMERICAN CIRCUS in all its Pris tine Splendor. VIOLA LE CORPS D'ARENA, M'lle Maria Macartz, from tbe Oirquii Na poleon, Paris. The pride of the Haul EeoJe off Europe, and the most dashing and graeoJul lady rider in the world, fully meriting lb# title bee ! towed upon her by tbe Continental Press, as the "(Jueen of the Arena." M'MK BLANCHE MAUAR'jTE, Let# of Ashey't Amphitheatre, London, will ip. 1 other,The"da*hfi!jf"Hl!RDlT MRS. O. G. GRADY, Will introduce at each entertainment, her cele brated Arabian Steed, "Lady Wildfire." THE MILLER BROTHERS. The renowned Trapexe Performers, Tn mb lern, and Leapers. THE BELMONT BROTHERS, From the Hippodrome of der Kwnig, Berlin, Prussia; Champion Tumblers of tho World, and the original "Arabian Brothers," whose magnifi cent performance has found worthless imitations in all parts of the world, who. envying the fair fame of those matchless artists, have basely—yet unsuccessfully—attempted to rob thorn of their well earned laurels. MR. JEAN JOHNSON, The renowned. Scenic Rider, fit his bountiful rep resentation of the "Nations en Costume." MASTER FRANK MORGAN, The Wonderful Tumbler and Acrobatic Performer THE GROUP OF LEAPERS, TUMBLERS and VAULTKRB, Consisting in part of Messrs. Wentwortl, Bossuet, Armstrong, Belmont Brothers, Miller Brothers, Berry Brothers, Sands, Morgan, Hoyt, Me. Ac. Ac. DON PEDRO MARTINEZ, The Champion Juggler of America, whose feats | with the Knives and Torches never fail to call I forth the greatest applause. THREE GREAT CLOWNS ! G. G. GRADY, The World's Greatesl Jester. CHARLES GRADY'. Grotesque Clown. LEW GINGER, The Great Western Favorite. TO THE PUBLIC. As it is Mr. Grady's intention to confine his energies towards perfecting the exhibition within the arena, he does not, therefore, aim at making any public display; but the Band Chariot, contain ing Professor Speri's Silver Cornet Band, and the Trained Horses, will parade the principal stnets on the day of exhibition, for the purpose of her alding the arrival of the unprecedented OLD-FASHIONED AMERICAN CIRCUS; ADMISSION FIFTY CENTB. CHILMTKV rsnen TRS TEARS, 25 CRSTS. L i This Mammoth Circus will give TWO GRAND PERFORMANCES At BEDFORD, WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1870. { Afternoon exhibition commencing at two \ o'clock. Evening exhibition at 7 o'clock. 13 maylt rjIHE MAMMOTH CRYSTAL FRONT ONE PRICK STORE, OF J, M. SHOEMAKER, BEDFORD, PA. GOODS | JUST RECEIVED AT J. M. SHOEMAKER'S Mammoth Crystal Front, One Trice Store. GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT J. M. SHOEMAKER'S Mammoth Crystal Front, One Price Storrw GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT J. M. SHOEMAKER'S Mammoth Crystal Front, One Price Stcro. GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT J. M. SHOEMAKER S Mammoth Crystal Front, One Price B'o-e.. GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT J. M. SHOEMAKER'B Mammoth Crystol Front, One Price Stera. JJEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT J. M. SHOEMAKER'S Mammoth Crystal Front, One Price Store. Buy your Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Queensware, Leather, No tions, Fish, Tobacco, Ac., at J. M. SHOEMAKER'S Mammoth Crystal Front, One Price Store. Buy your Dry Good's, Groceries, Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Queensware, Leather, No tions, Fish, Tobacco, Ac., at J. M. SHOEMAKER'S Mammoth Crystal Front, Oue Price Store. Buy your Dry Good's Groceries, Clothing, Hate, Boots and Shoes, Qncensware Leather, No tions, Fish, Tobacco, Ac., at J. M. SHOEMAKER 8 Mammoth Crystal Front, One Price Store. Buy your Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Qncensware, Leather, No tions, Fish, Tobacco, Ac., at J. M. SHOEMAKER'S Mammoth Crystal Front, One Price Store. Buy your Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Hats- Boots and Shoes, Queensware, Leather, No tions, Fish, Tobacco, Ac., at J. M. SHOEMAKER'S Mammoth Crystal Front, One Price Store. Buy your Dry Goods, Grooeries, Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Queensware, Leather, No tions, Fish, Tobacco, Ac-, at J. M. SHOEMAKER'S Mammoth Crystal Front, One Price Stone. - NEW FEATURE! J. M. Shoemaker has ad ded a large and well selected stock of all kinds of CARPETS, at prices truly astonishing. Call and see. On and after the Srst, day of April, goods will be sold for Cath, Produce or ifeti only, at the very lowest prices. Call and exair'ae my stock and prices and you wilt he convinced that I its determined to give customers good bargains. ■ ■ J. M. SHOEMAKER. Bedford, Pa:, April 1,1870. A SPLENDID ARTICLE of Blank Deeds on the best parchment paper, for sale at the Inquirer office. j vts. A QUTS WANTBD'FOR THE PHYSICAL Llftt OF WOMEN. wmr-niTH thousand now beady. •r m. b. The Mil remrinMu saoee.i ~f tbe day. I* selling w*fc unprecedented rapidity. It contains Woman ought to know, and fc ? do - TB ■* suffering. Aa the only reprtadtewwrk upon the tingle and married Ufa, it it *no*ty recommended by Prof. Wm. A SF"?S MI V IW - U " k Hopkins, Rot. Hanry Wart ißeeobst, I>r. B.thaoD, Nra. R. R. tilmaou, ®TPoe. H. S. Kutnu, eet. Being eagerly f< ?> *h* Agents work i aaay. Son J r tamp for j>ug*Aet etc., to GEO, MACLKR.V, Publisher, 719 Sanaott St., Phil'a, Potrn'a. 3 School St., Boatoa, Haas, 85 Nassaußt., Nt York. REWABD DeBINO'B VIA FUGA caw all Liter, Kidney tad Bladder Disease, Organic Wvak.xesm, Female Affliction*, (Jtncral Debility an 4 all complaintJ of the Urinary Organs, in mile an-i female. till also he paid for -a* cams of Blind, Bleeding ot hckimg P44JBS that DbßiNu's Pile RftVKDY /nils totnety DeBING'B MAGIC LINIMENT cures Bkeu malic Pains, Sprains, Bruises, and Swelled Jointo, in Man or Beast, Sold everywhere. Send for Pamphlet. Laboratory —l 42 Franklin *L, 29aprsl7-ly Baltimore, Md. 1000 AQKNTS WANTED BINGLEY'S NATURAL HISTORY. Giriaj a clear ami intensely interestinr account t*i the infinite Tarietj of habits and modes of tifo, • of nearly tvttj known species of beasts, bird*, fishes, insects, reptiles molluscs and animaleulae of the globe. Fro a the famous London four-rol uine edition, with large additions from the not i celebrated naturalist of the age. Complete in one j large handsome volume of 10A2 pages, richly il l Intifdlai wlk IMb r|ArVtwl rmgi -I w >ngi<. WTOfiS j down to gold basis, to suit the masses. Should j outsell, fire to one, any book in the field. Term* the moat liberal. Fall particular* aent free. Ad dress, A. H. HUBBARD, pnb., 400 Chestnut St., Philm 22apUw I Was eared of Deafness and Catirrl by i aim pie remedy and will aend the receipt free. hapUw MRS. M. G. LEGGETT. Hoboken, N.J. ANTED. WANTED IMMEDIATELY.— FIVE Goon HFFII Wasted to kII the Improved W heeler A Wilson Lock Stitch Sewing Machine on a Salary. We will pay from 94U to 9150 per month, and all expense*. Horse and Wagon furnished by the Company. Beat of reforeaces must he given. No Capital Required. Call on, oraddrera WM. SUMNER A CO, 110 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa. $9 AAA A TKAK AND SXPKNBKS To V -) V' V/ U Agenu to aell the celebrated WIL SON SEWING MACHINES. The brat machine in the world. Stitch alike OH both tide* Owe M.a< hi.nk T.tTBocT Moivkt. For farther particu lers, addreta 15 N. 9th St., Philad'a, Pa. apl WANTED. —Traveling and local Agent* for the Delaware Mutual Life inaurunoo Co, for all parta of Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Reference required. Addrers, Branch Office DELAWARE MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO, N. W. cor. 9th and Cheatant Sta, Phila. 22apl4w TH K HA ND-~IN- ifx N ij~M~UT UAL LIFE IN SURANCE COMPANY want, a number at gwed Agents; also, a good General Agent for PretAargh and vicinity, also a General Agent ; fee the German eonnties of Pennsvlvauia. Ad dress Home Office, No. 112 South 4th Street, Pbii ! Delphi*. 22tpl4w r PHE MAGIC COMB Will change any eel- A ored hair or beard to! a permanent black or brown. It contains no poio on. Any one enn use it One aent by mail for sl. Address MAGIC COMB CO, 25mar3m Springfield, Maes. JjlOR READY MONEY! SIGN OF THE BIG PAD LOCK. HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS, iDclsdiag iron, nails, oils, painta and a full assortment ot build ing material. A great variety of shovels, fork, hoes, spades, rakee, chains, mill, cross rut and circular rawa and mandrels, bar a door bangers and hinges,ail sing ropes, Ac. to. THE OLD GENUINE GREBNCASTLK GRAIN CRADLES, Scythe*., Snaths, Ac. SHOE MA KEN'S FINDINGS AND LEATHER Of ALL KINDS. Springs, axles, rims, hubs, spokes, Shafts, poles, Wagon boxes and a (nil stock of wagon ware AT REDUCED PRICES. BABLBRT, WfHIPS, AC. Ac. DREERS WARRANTED FRESH AND GENUINE GARDEN SEEDS. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, in endless variety, including wood and willow.ware, mat*, I brushes, washing machines and wringers, family' scrfle* and a thousand other nseful articles. i HAVING REDUCED THE PRICES ot all onr goods to a cash level and having added lakgely to our stock since the decline in prices, -We oiler bar gains for ready pay and warrant*ll goods as rep resented. Sol B.S. MKTZGKR. M OF BP, HARDWARE STORE a frio r further east, directly oppnitt Bedford Hold. Having enlarged and otherwise improved ray Room I do most earnestly invite my customers and the public generally, to call j and see always a full stock of HARD W AA ZR, IE AND HOUSE FL'RNISII IN< J GOODS of all kinds, and prices to suit the times. AT THE SIGN OF THE BIG SA W. 22tpl T. M. LYNCH, XJEW TIN AND STOVE STORE. JOHN H.NICODEMUS takes this method of informing his friends and the public generally, that he has opened a NEW TIX AND STOVE STORE in Bedford, in the room lately occupied by Isaac Lippto. SIGN OF THE BIG COFFE POT. lie always has a full stock of TIN W A R E on hand and is prepared to do all kinds of work in bis line on shortest notice. Orders from the Country for SPOUTING or any other job work, attended to with prompt ness. Terms reasonable. Give us a call. IVaprilftm pLANTATION FITTERS. 8. T.—lß6o—X. This wonderful vegetable restorative is the sheet-anchor of the jeeble and debilitated. As a tonic and cordial for the aged and lan guid, it has iw equal among stomachics. As a remedy for the nervous weakness to which women are especially svbject, it is supersed ing every other stimulant. In all climates, tropical, temperate or frigid, it acts as a spe cific in every specie* of disorder which under mines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. For sale by all druggists. 4 martin rriHE BEDFORD HOTEL X FOR SALE OR RENT. The snbseriber now offers this well known hotel ; for Sal* or Rent. Possession given at nay time to suit purchaser. The building Is in good repair, having just been thoroughly re- fitted. For furth er particulars apply to JOSHUA J.SHOEMAKER. 26novtf Bedford Fa. A NHINISTRATOR'S NOTlCß.—Letters ef A Administration having been pultd to the uebeeribar iff tba Register of Bedford oonnty on ' the citato of Mai; Barclay dao'd, Ist* of Sewth Vfoodbetvy notion la hereby given to those indebted to 'aid estate to sank* immediate pay ment. and those having eintas agateiAtbe will prsec At tbam duly antMntfented fcr settle ment. .JOSIAH T. BARCLAY, Ada r. •may Woodheiry. §f $1 Af) TO #250 per Month Guaranteed. Sure pay. Wages paid weekly to Agents everywhere, selling onr Patent Sliver Mould White !Tii Clothes Lines. Business permanent For fall particulars address GIRAKD WIRE MILLS, Phila., Pa. fimnydv PARIS~ST SUNLIGHT AND GAS a LIGHT. A Work descriptive of the Mysteries, Virions, Splendors and Crimes, of the City of Paris. It contains 150 fine engravings of aetod Placet, Life end Scenes in Per is. Agents Wso ted. Ad dress. NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., omsy4w Philadelphia, Pa 49 Walnut St., Cini., O. QHKAP PAINTING,- 1 ( 100 lbs it the Pre Ana Compact's COLORS? Paint (costing $12.50) —— j will paint as much as 250 lbs. of a Lead and wear longer. For par w j liettlara. adtressS. Bowrx, See'y.. „ . No. 150 North 4th St , Phila. COST LKAD V 6may or 75 Maiden Late, It. Y. AG ENTS—CANVASSING BOOKB sent free forSECRETSOF INTERNAL REVENUE. The most remarkable book ever published, be ing a complete exposure of the powerful confed erations or "Rings" preying on our Government Showing up nil cliques from the lowest to the highest, Cabinet affairs and Congressmen as well a.* minor operators' systematic depredations, con spiracies, official corruption, political infiuence, patronage end wire pulling. A fearless Histor ical work, invaluable to every citlsen; containing .>4O pages, by a prominent Government Detective. Over 20,000 copies already scld. Agents wanted. Canrnssiag btoks free. Address W. FLINT, Publisher, Phila., Pa., Restoa Maaa., Chicago, 111. or Cincinnati, 0. 6*nay4w A GKNTB WANTEDf HAND-BOOK FOR THE NEW ) OF HUSBANDRY. A complete guide for farmers, young and old, by the celebrated Author and successful farmer. I OB), a. WSBIIW, Jr. of Ogdee Farm. | The large experience and recognfted ability of ! the Author guarantees a work of sterling merit. Among the subjects treated are Buying and Leas ing a Farm, Buildings, Improved Implements, Judicious Fertilising, Sub-toiling. Draining, Ro- Utioa of Crops, Batter Making, Cheese Factories, Breediag and care of Live Stock, their diseases and remedies, Ac., Ac., with many useful Tables. 600 pages rich with instruction and embolished with lull spirited engravings. Terms liberal, Circular free. "Secure an Agency at once." A. U. HUBBARD, Publisher, 6tnay4w 400 Chestnut St., Phila. rjIHE CHEAPEST LITERARY PAPER EVER PUBLISHED. THE NEW YORK FAMILY JOURNAL A new literary eight page paper containing in teresting reading of great merit by the greatest writers of the day. TERHS Ftrvr CE.VTS A TEAR. Hpecisaen copies sent freu for three months. Can vassers, Ladies or Gentlemen are offered great in ducements. Address FAMILY JOURNAL OFFICE. 13143ut Cor. 3d Avenue sad 9th St., N. Y. AGENTS WANTED.— Sioo to S4OO per MmA —Clergymen, School Teachers, Smart Young Men and Ladies wanted to Canvas for the New Book, "OUR FATHER'S HOUSE f on THE UNWRITTEN WORD, By Daniel March, author Of the pope IST "Night Sceoet." T%W master in thought weu language 'hoe* * untold riches and beafttle* in the Great House, vrifh its SltWtrfng Rowers, Singing birds. Waving palms, Rolling clouds, Beautiful bow, Sacred Mountains, Delightful Rivers, Mighty ocemo.y ThtUhduring voices, Blazing heavens and vfcat tfwsefw with coantlefs beings in millions of end reads to as in each the Unwritten >V o¥4n Hose-tinted paper, ornate engravings and f*srb binding. Send for circular, in which I* a lull description and nniveraal cocnttendatSoßl by the press, mini:-trra and college professors, in the strongest possible language. ZEfSLFR Jfc- CURDY A CO., lfi Bouth Mxih Stt&ft, ttiiladel- P hi s p - 22apl3w WELL 8 UARBOLIC TABLETS. * " After much study and scientific investiga tion as to the remedial qualities of Carbolie Aeid, Dr. Wells has discovered by proper combination with other articles in the form ot a Tablet, a spe cific for all pulmonary diseases. These Tablets ate a Sure Cure for all diseases of the RESPIRA TORY ORGANS, SORE THROAT, COLD, CROUP, DIPTHERIA, ASTHMA, CATARRH, or HOARSENESS; also a successful remedy for Kidney difficulties. Price 25 cents per Box. Sent by mail upon receipt of price, by JOHN 4s. KELLOGG, 22 Cliff St., New Y.rk. Ule Agent for the United States. SaplSw rjlHi; GREAT MIiDTOAI DISCOVERY ! "Dll. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS. More thin 500,000 ptrtont hear testimony to their Wonderftd Curative Effects. WHAT ARE THEY? They are not a VILE FANCY DRINK, made of Poor Rum, Whiskey, Proof Spirits, and refuse Liquors, doctored, rpieW and sweetened to please the taste, called "Tonics," "Appetiserr," "Restorers." Ac., that lead the tip pler OB to drunkeness and ruin, but are n true medicine, made from the native Roots and .'Herbs of California, fret from all Alooholic etimuUmte. They are the GREAT BLOOD PURIFIEB. and LIFE GIVING PRINCIPLE, a perfect Re,ova tor and Invigorator of the System, carvyiig off all poisonous matter, and restoring the blood to a healthy condition. No person can take these Bitters according to directions, and remain long anwell. 8100 will be given for on incurable cue, pro vided the bones are not destroyed by mineral po sons or other means, and the vital organs wisted beyond the point of repair. For Inflammatory and Chronic Bkcumaitm, and Goaty Dyprptin, or Indigestion, Bilious, Re mittent, and Intermittent Ferert, Dieeaetu o,' lit Blood, Liver, Kidney, and Bladder, these Bit ters have been most sueceesfnl. Such Diseases are oansed by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by derangement of the Digestive Orians. TOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS, whethe- in yonngorold, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters have no equal. for a circular THEY ARE A GENTLE PURGATIVE AS WELL AS A TONIC, possessing also, the pecu liar merit of acting as a powerful agent in reliev ing Congestion, or Inflammation of the Liver, and all the Visceral Organs. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you End Its impurities bursting through the skin in Pim ples, Eruptions or Sores; cleanse it when it is foul and your feelings will tell yeu when. Keep the blood pure and the health of the system will fol low. PIN, TAPE, and other WORMS, lurking in the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. In Bilious, Remittent, and Intermittent Fevers, these Bitters have no equal. FOT fnl! directions rd carefully the circular around each boUle, printed in four languages—English, German, Prench and Spanish. J. WALKER, Proprietor, 32 Commerce St., N. Y. R. H. MCDONALD A CC., Druggist', and general Agents, San Francuco and Sacramento, California, and 32 A 31 Com merce St., N. Y. ' S-U-SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS A DEAL ERS. 4mar3tu INFORMATION RS TUB - PEOPLE'S JOURNAL." How Teachers, Students, Retired Clergymen, Energetic Young Men and Ladies can make $74 to 1150 per month during'the Spring and Sum mer. A copy free. Send n ime and address to People's Journal, Philadelphia, Pa. 181eb3m IJINKLEY KNITTING MACHINE XI FOR FAMILY USE—simple, cheap, relia ble, Knits everything. Agents wanted. Circular and sample stocking Free. Address HINKLEY KNITTING MACHINE CO., WebSm Beth, Me., or 17# Broadway, N. Y. QONSUMFTION, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, and CATARRH, Cured by inhalation. Abbotfe Inhaling Fluid is the only remedy known that operates on the Lungs—dissolves the tubercles, which are thrown off, the cavities heal, and a cure is effected. Treat ment by letter or in person ean be had only of Q. VAN HUMMKLL, M. D., flan glim Ifl West 14 th St, N. Y. ©OAUINKLEY KNITTING MA-AQA S>OU CHINKS: OOLF The most perfect machine yet invented. Will widen and narrow, turn a beel, or point a toe. It will knit plain or ribbed. It will knit stockings, drawers, shirts, hoods, comforters, mit tens, Ac. It is cheap, simple and durable. It sets up its own work, nses but one needle, and re quires no adjusting whatever. It will do the seme work that the Lamb machine will do, and costs less than aalf as much, and has not the tenth part of the machinery to gut oat of order. Circulars and samples mailed free on application. Agents wanted. All machines guaranteed. STRAW A MORTON Gen'l. Agents, 20novly No. 20, Sixth St., Pittsburg, Pa. T> ELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. BRAN DE'S JTUSSILAGO. The wonderful Grannies for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sere Throat, Bronchitis, Wheeling, Irritation ed tba Uvula aad Toumls and Consumption, Ost B CuiM. Price Ave Cents. Seat by mail on receipt;of money. There is nothing equal to Baaxnas ICMIUIH, f ° Ageum'wanted everywhere, liberal inducements offend- Send for a TniSJ. Box. Address J. F. Sr. CLAIR A CO, 184*63 m 74 Third ATSfIUe, 8, Y.