Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, May 13, 1870, Image 2

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    sebfori> Inquirer.]
THE Woman's Rights movement is stead
ily gaining ground in England.
AT.TOO*A has a daily paper. It IS called
the Sun, so that the people may have sun
shine every day regardless of tbe weather.
CIVIL SEHAICE ROTO** is still agited
in Congress and is steadily gaining friends.
Let the press of the country continue to
agitate the matter until it succeeds.
6, s, 'J* miles of railroad were boiit in the
United States last year. There are now no
less than three hondred new roads projected
and aader contract.
THE House has passed a joint resolution
to adjourn on the 4th of July. If the Sen
ate concurs, they will have to rush business
very fast or they will not be ready for ad
journment at that time.
THE friends of protection to American
1 ibor are gaining ground in Congress, and
now express the hope that they will be able
to restore the iron sections ol the Tariff till
to tbe figures fixed bv the Committee of
Ways and Means.
AT last the House of Representative.;
has decided to grant a pension to Mrs. Lin
coln. Tbe amount of the pension is S3OOO,
to begin from the date of the passage of the
aet. It parsed by a vote of "2 to 51. It is
an act of tardy justice tbat should have
b Jen done long ago
THE Somerset Herald came to us last
week considerably improved and enlarged
and with a complete outfit of new type.
It is now quite a handsome paper and a
credit to the community tbat supports it
Tbe editor also announces the acquisition
of a new Gordon Jobber. Sure tbe rail
road is waking up Somerset. Sueeerts to
you, friend Scull.
THE Grand Army Journal is the name
of a new journal just issued at Washington,
D. C. It will be devoted to the interests of
the Grand Army of the Republic, and will
pay particular attention to naval and mili
tary matters. It is octavo in form, is filled
with excellent reading matter, and presents
a good typographical appearance.
WE HOPE none of oar readers will fail to
read the correspondence on the Poor House
question in this issue. We hope to lay
other communications before them on the
same subject from various parts of the
couDty. We prefer that the people shall
discuss it for themselves as far as possible,
and we are glad that a beginning has been
made this week.
• 11,657,793 39.
The Secretary of the Treasury reports
the above amount as the payment on the
national debt for the month coding April
3ntb, and *67,933,066 82 as the sum total
of the reduction of the national debt since
May Ist, 1869. Such figures are the strong
est recommendation that can be given as to
the integrity and ability of the Republican
REDUCTION OF TAXES.— It begins to be
definitely understood that all the internal
taxes, except on tobacco and whiskey, and
the stamp duties and incomes, will be abol
ished. The income tax will bring out a
spirited contest in which the tax will most
likely be retained and the rate reduced to
three percent and the exemption raised to
*2OOO. This would then be the most easi.
iy borne of all the interna! taxes, as it would
not faL upon more than 100,000 people out
of our 40,000,600, and they would all be of
the wealthier classes, on whom it would be
a very light burthen.
THE Gazette denie3 that the western
people horned their corn far fuel under
free-trade, and charges that it was done un
der the present tariff. We have always
given the Gazette credit for a reasonable
amount of intelligence, hut it certainly has
not forgotten that the burning of corn for
fuel in the western states occurred before
tho war, under Jimmy Buchanan's adminis
tration and a comparatively free trade rate
of duties. Neither can it hare forgotten
that the present tariff was not enacted until
more than a year after the rebellion had
began and that grain was one of the first
things to rise in price. The Gazette there
fore is wofully ignorant or deliberately false
in its statement in rertrd to this matter.
It can take whichever horn of the dilemma
it likes. We told the truth and the
Gazette knows or ought to know it Free
trade has always reduced the price of all
kinds of agricultural productions unless in
times of famine or war. We now make the
assertion that a comparison of prices will
show that the average price of grain for a
succession of years has always been higher
under a protective than under a free trade
or revenue tariff, when there has been no
out-side disturbing influence, such as for
eign wars or famines. It is clear to the
mind of every sensible man, tLat the pro
tection that boilds up home manufactures
and gives employment to large numbers of
laborers must make good Lome markets.
They know :l here from practical experi
ence, ever since our Broad top eoal region
has been developed, and they now declare
it every day in their anxiety to have fur
naces bui It and the iron ores of our ('uanty
worked in our own neighborhood.
The supplemental military act of the late
session of the legislature styles the active
militia of this Commonwealth, "the Nation
al Guard of I'cnneyhalua."
At the breaking out of the late rebellion,
tho patriotic response of the arms-bearing
j-ortion ofour people completely disbanded
all existing military organisations and con
verted the militia-num into the disciplined
soldier, the thoroughly tried veteran. There
is not a county in the Commonwealth that
could not, if called upon to day to guard the
national honor, fill its quota with acrom
pilshed soldiers, who learned the stern les
sons of war in actual service, and whose
discharges are their diplomas of honor as
graduates from bloody fields. Of such ma
tcrialwati the new military organizations of
l ~* ® ute oow being, in good part constitu
ted—schooled soldiers, organising to prac
tice the discipline and drill, tha military
knowledge already acquired, that they may
be prepared again to respond to any call
that may be made upon them, to meet any
emergency that may demand their service,
whether it be to prevent or repel invasion,
or to suppress insurrection, tumult or riot
"h great propriety, therefore, does the
new law style the active militia of our Com
monwealth, as now being constituted, the
-\atioHal Guard of Prhnzylcauia" —and
as contra-distinguished from the compara
tively undisciplined organizations of the old
' uni/ormed militia" pf this and other
Bfa'-.—TV-. r n ~' r%
Hon. John Cessna, member froir Penn
eylvMW, has iairodwssd m Ml is the Jc w
which promise® to heal all wound!, and re
deem Georgia from what seems aaimpeod
ing thraldom. / T 1
Mr. Cessna, heretofore but Sttle known
as the maker of our Reconstruction laws,
seems to have gathered wisdom<rcm quiet
ly observing the necessities of the case, and
has come to our relief with one of the best
and most comprehensive bills that has em
anated Item either branch of our National
Legislature. For this he will ever he grate
fully remembered by the thousands of strug
gling loyalists of Georgia.— Moron (Go)
Ameriean Ihiton.
Virginia is among the first of the States
to receive the impetns of the wave of immi
gration now rolling southward; and at this
time, her material prospects • fast bright
ening. Travellers through the State de
scribe a large percentage of the passenger
travel on her railroad trains as being com
posed of incoming settlers and those who
are prospecting over the country with a view
to purchase. Her large land holders have
reversed the old policy, and arc now willing
and even anxious, to sell their estates in
small or large tracts, and are extending a
cardial webrme to the immigrant, whether
from the Northern States or from Europe.
Thousands of acres of the best agricultural
lands on tbe continent are daily changing
hands, and the territory of Virginia is fast
filling up with an industrious and thrifty
I class of yeomen.
The mineral wealth of Virginia, although
known as far back as the Revolution, is just
beginning fo be appreciated. The iron work"
ers of Pennsylvania, whose ore-beds are
every year becoming more expensive to work
have been securing large tracts of valuable
ironbearing lands, in the region between the
Blue Ridge and the Greenbrier river. There
is an area of 20H miles in width by 120 in
length, through the middle of which pascss
the Chesepeake and Ohio Railroad, which,
probably contains iron enough to supply the
United States for the next thousand yearn
Beyond it, in the Kanahwa Valley, are de
posits of coal especially adapted for iron
smelting and steam purposes, upon which a
thoosand years demand will leave scarcely
an impression. The extension of the Chesa
peake and Ohio Road is now building
through this valley.
With her system of internal communica
tions completed, Virginia will be able to
reach with iron bands, northward, to the
lumber and grains of the Lakes. Westward,
to the Mississippi, with its stores of provis
ions, and southward, to the cotton fields of
Tennessee and Arkansas. She will then be
enabled to unite upon her own soil, the va
rious elements for great agricultural and
manufacturing eminence, and be raised in
her activity, as she is already politically
among the progressing labor-inviting Staets-
The Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad, which
for many years received the support and aid
of the State, is rapidly being completed
from its terminus, at the White Sulphur
Springs, to the Ohio River. Upwards ot
6,000 men are at work on the line. Messrs.
Fisk k Hatch, the reliable Bankers of New
Yok, who are the Financial Agents of the
Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad Company,
report very satisfactory sales of the Loan.
The Bonds as will be seen by their announce
ment elsewhere, are still to be had at the
same rate, and exchanges of other Securi
ties for these Bonds arc made at the best
[ market rates.
Hon John Cessna.
In February last, the Republicans of
Bedford County, Pa. assembled in Mass
Meeting, and, among other things, unani
mously recommended the gentleman whose
name heads this article "to the Republicans
of the District for re-nomination."
This, viewed merely in the light of jus
tice, is nothing more than they were bound
to do according to paity custom, usage and
procedure. But, underlying, or over and
controlling the assemblage, was the graver
and more important principle that, in this
age, honesty and moral worth, together
with ability, efficiency, decision and energy
of character, owing to their firm hold on the
public miod, demand their due appreciation
and cannot be disregarded with impunity.
Genial Jack Cessna, as he is fondly called
bv those who love him most, althongh a
new member, is quietly, but certainly, mak
ing his mark in Congress; and the heads of
the various Departments of the government
acknowledge his great worth hy the de
ference and respect they show him. They
know full well that he is working zealously
and successfully foT the welfare of the great
party that now controls the political inter
ests of the country.
The people of his district have great
reason to be proud of their Representative.
I hope they fully appreciate his worth.
He deserves, and should receive, the friend
ship, good-will and hearty support of every
Reared a democrat—a recognized leader
in the democratic party—enjoying high
political favors at its giving—obtaining and
retaining a no common celebrity among
politicians and statesmen everywhere—pos
sessing the rare quality of adapting himself
to every class of mind, and by his eloqnenoe,
tact, and power, commanding alike the
learned and the unlearned, he was a rapidly
rising man in the party which, ere its over
throw, ruled the country almost to its ruin.
When the rebellion came, and the prin
ciples of human freedom were assailed by
physical force, the energy of the man be
gan to folly develop itself, and his amazing
practical power to be felt. He joined the
Republican Party. Honest and patriotic,
he could Dot do otherwise. It was not in
bis nature to falsify his past record; and
therefore, with an honesty that was prool
against the blandishments of power and the
plottings of demagogues, he yielded a
cheerful obedience to the law of moral ac
tion which is inseperably connected with
the highest usefulness of man to man—
threw himself into the breach, and stood
among the foremost in resistance to the
wily and menacing doctrines and despotic
acts of those who would have ruined the
government and its institutions, and reared
in their stead the unhallowed temple of a
corrupt party.
We have thought, and still think there is
much in the individuality of Mr. Cessna,
calculated to impart instruction to tho
young Statesman and politician.
A modest simplicity—an unvarying
sincerity—reliance on Provide coo—a manly
assumption of trust—faithful execution of
duty, and a foil 'emembraooc of all the
relative duties of life, make up bis character,
and establish his oomraanding worth, im
perishable as honor itself.
These are attributes well befitting a
christian Statesman and pelitusiao; and be
who has such a foundation to rest the
superstructure of his political aspirations
upon, will not be found ''wanting when
weighed in the balance."
Poeacasing these attributes, we never
find John Cessna trencluog upon right—
never detect him in sacrificing his manhi>od
—forsaking consecrated truth, justice, and
right, nor abandoning the principles livid
down fur bis own government To these
attributes, in a high degree, we must at
tribute the unvarying success which mails
the political career of this gentleman. True,
this success has not been obtained without
a struggle. The friends of error and wioog
ate at all times powerful, and deal tasty
blows; and when he ficd from the party
whose natural balance is the practical re
pudiation of aU that is great and good,
while it falsely claims for itself superior
virtue, he was maligned, his motives
questioned, his character assailed—his vir
tue defamed, and time and again he was
subjected to the scurrility of political black
guards who make slander a part of their
profession. Nor was this all. Interested
partizans too, for selfish purposes, did
what they could, safely, to crowd down and
keep back the man whom they should have
hailed with joy and nphcld with might.
But all this proved to be no "lion in the
way," and Mr. Cessna has gone heedfully
but boldly ahead, coming forth from the
trial as gold with twice his former value,
and with a consciousness of power to which
he was before a stranger.
If he bear subsequent trials with the
same spirit, and follow resolutely in the
path of upright duty, and, (judging his
future by his past,) we have no doubt he
will, then, every question of his advanc
ment is forever settled, and settled in his
favor. Men are thinking beings, and not
raeic pieces of mechanism —or, what is
I little better-, the mere creatures of habit or
! slaves of custom. They compare those to
whom they delegate trust and power, as re
gards their end and aim, to the good which
is likely to flow from a general exercise of
that trust and power and if after making
due allowance for the fallibility of human
nature, they see that the common weal will
be promoted by the actions of their public
servants, the disappointments of the place
hunter, jealousy, personal hatred, tbe plot
ting of faction, and intrigue, will not be al
lowed to violate and crush out the high re
gard in which they hold those servants;
but, that power behind the throne, and
which is greater than the throne—the
people, uniting at an altar of common in
terest, will throw around their worthy ser
vants the mantle of their protection, and
defy the envious, and the disaffected, to do
them harm.
To specific facts in the political career of
Mr. Cessna, we have not alluded in this
paper. We did not intend to do so. But,
with your permission. Mr. Editor, we will,
at some future time, refer to them in detail
for the information of those of your readers
who have not had the opportunity of
knowing fully the history of him who so
ably represents them in Congress.
New Oxford, Adams Co.
In addition to the questions which have
been agitating Congress the past few months,
the following other business was disposed of
during the past week.
House concurrent resolution for adjourn
ment *>W die July 4 was discussed—a motion
to table it having been rejected, 15 to 14—
until the expiration of the morning hour,
when it went over.
Mr. Morrill, of Maine, from the Commit
tee on Appropriations, reported a joint
resolution to amend the act of April 20,
1870, relative to deficiencies for earn ing out
the reconstruction laws. Passed.
The calendar was then taken up when the
following bills were passed:
To aid the construction of the Oregon
branch of the Pacific Railroad.
Authorizing the Southern Minnesota Rail
road to connect its line with the Northern
Pacific Railroad.
For the relief of pre-emption settlers in
House joint resolution to pay the widow
of the late General Rawlins one year's salary
as Secretary of War.
To allow the settlement of the accounts
of disbursing officers of the army and navy.
To define the intent of the act to allow
deputy collectors of internal revenue acting
as collectors of internal revenue, the pay as
such. '
House bill to amend the bankruptcy act
relating to its operation in territories.
A joint resolution donating .condemned
cannon to the McPheraon Monumental As
sociation was passed.
Mr. Conkling introduced a bill to incor
porate the International Society of the
United States for the protection if immigra
tion. Referred to the Judiciary Commit
Mr. Harlan moved to take up the bill for
the sale of the Great and Little Osage In
dian Reservations and the removal of the
Indians to tho Indian Territory.
Messrs. Ramsey and Howe insisted upon
proceeding with the special order, the Frank
ing bill.
Mr. Harlan's motion prevailed, but pend
ing consideration of the bill the Senate went
into executive session, and soon afterward
The House Osage Indian Land bill came
up in order.
Mr. Morrill, of Me., moved to take up
the Legislative, Executive and Judicial Ap
propriation bill.
Mr. Edmunds made an ineffectual effort
to get up the bill to enforce the Fifteenth
Mr. Howe argued that the Franking bill
should take the precedence, and several
Senators insisted upon adhering to an al
leged noderstanding on the previous day to
take up Mr. Morrill's bill.
The Osage Indian Land bill was then pro
ceeded with, the question being on the
amendment of Mr. Ross, to take the land
from the Indians at twenty cents an acre,
and give them to certain railroads in Kan
sas at specified sums, giving settlers on the
reservation the right to purchase one
hundred and sixty acres each at f 1 25 par
Mr. Morrill, of Maine, spoke against the
bill, the passage of which, he said, would be
a legislative scandal. He moved to recom
mit the bill, with instruction to report a bill
for the removal of the Osage Indians to the
Indian Territory and the sale of their reser
vation for cash, as other public lands are
disposed of.
The bill was laid aside without action,
aod the bill to abolish the franking privilege
came up as the special order.
. Mr. Stewart moved to pass over the bill,
in order to take up the next special order—
the bill to enforce the Fifteenth amend
Mr. Ramsey called for the yeas and nays,
which were ordered, and the motion was
lost—yeas 25, nays 30.
Mr. Morrill, of Vermont, moved to pass
over the present business aod proceed with
the Legislative Appropriation bill. Carried
—26 to 21.
The bill granting a pension to Mrs. Lin
coln was discussed by Messrs. Trumbull and
Sumner favorably, and Mr. Edmunds id op
position, the latter gaying the Committee
on Pensions would report a bill accompanied
by evidence upon which Senators could form
their judgment this week, and was then laid
Mr. Sherman reported favorably upon
the bill to authorze the settlement of the ac
count* of officers of the army and nary
__ Mr. Trumbull reported adversely oa the
bill prescribing the rules of evidence in cer
tain cases; also, with an amendment the bill
to amend the bankrupt law; also several
bills on the same subject with a recommen
dation that the/ be indefinitely postponed.
Mr. Drake introduced a bill to promote
the greater efficiency of the navy and regu
late pensions in the navy and marine crors,
and for other purposes.
Mr. Harris introduced a bill for the relief
of the inhabitants of the city of Black Ilawk
Thyoint resolution appropriating $25,000
out of the funds of the Freedmen's Bureau
for the benefit ol the Wilberforoe Universi
ty was discussed and land over.
Changing the place of holding United
States COUI ts in .the Northern District of
Mississippi. For the survey of a railroad
route on the west bank of the Potomac river
near Georgetown to Harper's l'erry.
The Omaba and Northwestern land grant
Mr. Conkling submitted a report from the
Census Conference Committee and in reply
to questions, made a statement to show tnat
the compensation provided for the census
takers was alike adequate in the populous
and sparsely settled districts. The report
was adopted.
The bill limiting the.number fspecial
agents of the Treasury Department to fifty*
three and fixing their compensation was
amended and passed.
The Senate bill authorizing the Northern
Pacific Railroad Company to issue its bonds
for the construction of the road and to se
cure (he wtme by mortage, comming up,
Mr. Wfceetar raovod to put the bill on its
passage and addressed the House in advo
cacy of it.
Mr. Ha winy proposed to offer an amend
ment requiring all the land granted to the
company to be sold to actual settlers only,
and in quantities not greater than one hun
dred and sixty acres to any person, and for
a price not exceeding two dollars and a half
per acre, and made an argument in support
of that proposition.
Mr. Wilsou of Minn., opposed the amend
ment, and denounced the bill and the land
grant system as wrong in principle and an
outrage on the taxpayers. This road bad
already received 45,000,000 acres of public
land, and this bill proposes to give it 2,250,-
000 more. He supposed, however, that it
would be passed, for he thought he saw in
that provision of it which required Ameri
can raits to be used in the road, a combina
tion between land speculators and Lifb pro
tectionists, and he estimated that Mr.
Wheeler, Chaiiman of the Pacific Rairoad
Committee of the Whole on the Tariff bill,
leDt his aid to that combination.
After some further discussion Mr. Wheel
er demanded the previous question, which
was seconded —78 to 59, excluding all the
Mr. Stiles moved to lay the bill on the ta
ble. Negatived—yeas 58; nays 85.
Dilatory proceedings were continued there
after until 4:50 when, by a vote cf 76 to 67,
the House adjouancd to Monday.
Mr. Wells, from the Committee on tLe
Decline of American Commerce, reported a
bill authorizing the mail steam-hip service
from New Orleans, monthly, to Tampico,
Vera Cruz, Tobasco, Sisal and Ha vain,
Mr. Lawrence offered a resolution oalling
on the Secretary of War for all reports made
by Brevet Major General Terry relating to
Georgia, not ntready communicated to con
gress. Adopted.
The Civil Service bill was discussed by
Messrs. Finkelburg and Cobb, of New Ctro
lina, in its favor, and Messrs. Mavnard, Pe
cets, Bingham and l'ayne in opposition and
went over.
A full and authoritative statement frim
Geo. Jordan, for more than a year past
commander in chief of the Cuban patriots,
gives as a clear comprehension of 'he
situation in Cuba and an explanation of the
difficulties surrounding the struggling He
public. General Jordan has returned to
this city, but not, as has been charged, in
abandonment of the cause of the patriots.
On the contrary, he comes as the agent ot
their Government, and hopeful of their u ti
raate success through their present guerrilla
like operations, even though unaided from
abroad. He declares that there is no lack
of patriots eager for service under the Re
public unable to obtain arms, and that the
negroes and Coolies willingly tight under
the banner of revolution, and make soldiers
not inferior to the best. The countrv is
fully supplied with provisions—amply able,
indeed, to support an army equal to all the
requirements of th'e Republic. The Spanish
troops, with great barbarity, have destroyed
many valuable plantations, and, with unpar
ulleled ferocity, butchered hundreds of the
inhabitants; but they can hope to cut off
neither the supplies of soldiers nor food.
What Cuba lacks is material of war in the
shape of arms and ammunition, and this
only. To obtain such supplies is the main
purpose for which Gen. Jordan returns to
this country. He has no doubt that if arms
end ammunition are had, an army of patri
ots fully adequate to cope with the 40,0)0
Spanish troops on the island can soon he
raised, and with them he believes Havana
can be besieged in three months.
It is clearly evident—not so much from
the statement of Gen. Jordan as from othjr
general information—that the affairs of the
Cuban Republic have been mismanaged, it
home and abroad. Its army has been di
vided; military operations have beencarri'd
out upon no general plan, and the discipline
is plainly not as commendable as the bravery
displayed by the troops. But there has
been dereliction of duty elsewhere, and all
the more to be condemned because tie
difficulties of performing well that duty
were less than on the immediate scene of
strife. The business of the Republic, fcr
instance, has been mismanaged by the Juma
which sits in this city. We have given th*t
body, and do still give it credit for the zeal
which it has displayed for the cause of Cu
ban liberty and the energy employed in
furthering it. But the Junta has not been
as discreet as it was zealous, and much ofits
effort has been wasted in ill-considered en
terprises. Perhaps we shall see a. improve
ment in this matter, should Gen Jordan,
who is acquainted with both countries and
peoples, assume the direction of Cuban
matters here. Arms ought to be furnished
the struggling patriots, and we have not a
doubt that UDtier Gen. Jordan's direction
they will be obtained and forwarded. To
this end, as to the most pressing and im
portant need, tbe Cuban patriots in America
ought now to devote themselves. — N. Y.
The Supreme Court met yesterday morn
ing at ten o'clock in their room.
_ Present —Chief Justice Thompson, Jus
tices Agnew ana Shar.-wood.
On motion of John H. Briggs, Esq., Mr.
S. If. Ailemnn. of Harrisburg, being affir
med, was admitted to practice in the Su
preme Court.
On motion of Wallace Dc Witt, Esq.,
Mr. John Mills Hale, of Phillipsburg, Cen
tre county, was sworn and admitted to prac
tice in the Supreme Court.
The trial list of Cumberland, Perry,
Franklin, Fulton, Bedford and Somerset
counties was called over.
The Furnace Bank of Schuylkill County
v-t Charles Baber and George It. Kearcher.
Bill for preliminary injunction filed. Or
dered to be heard on the 4th Monday of
May, 1870.
Horn vs. Stewart—No. 22, May term,
1868; Somerset county. Non pros.
Critebficld vs. Baker—No. 68, May term
I860; Somerset county. Non pros.
Johns vs. Wells et al.—No. 19. May
terra, 1870; Somerset county. Continued.
Stutzman vs. Eyster—No. 42, May term,
1870; Somerset county. Non pros.
Oiler vs. Bonbrake—No. 87. May term,
1869: Franklin county. Argued—Kimmell
for plaintiff in error; Sharpe for defendant
in error.
Bitner et al. vs. Bitner et al. —No. 31
May term. 1870; Somerset county.
—Eimmel! and Steoger for plaintiffs in
error; Brewer and Sharpe for defendants in
On motion of W. M. Penrose, Esq., Mr.
J. A C. M'CuDe, of Carlisle, was sworn
and admitted to practice in the Supreme
On motion of W. H. Miller, Esq., Mr.
C. P. Hutu crick was sworn and admitted to
practice in the Supreme Court.
Barnard vs. Parker.—No. 39, May term,
1870; Franklin county. Submitted.
Horn vs. Biscore—No. 47 ; May term,
1870; I'randlin county. Continued.
Thompson vs. Kyner—No. 70, May term,
1870; Franklin -county. Called for areu
Riddlesburg Coal and Iron Company vs.
Rogers—No. 28, May term, 1870; Bedford
county. Submitted.
~ Eroad Top Coa! and Iron Company vs.
Riddlesburg Coal an ! Iron Company—No.
20, May term, ls7u; Bedford county. Sub
The following is the lint of Governors of
tho thirtv-bevcn Stales of the Union for
1870. These officers in seven of the State*,
vis: California Delaware. Kentucky, Jlary
land, New Jersey, New York, and Connec
ticut. are Democrats. In two, Virginia and
Tennessee, they are Conservatives, or in
definites. The figures stand for the years
in which their terms expire :
Alabama, WED. H. Smith, 1870.
Arkansas, P. Clayton, 1873.
California, 11. H. Haight, 1871.
Connecticut, James E. Eneiish, 1871.
Delaware. G. Saulsbury, 1871.
Rorida, 11. Heed, 1873.
Georgia, R. B. Bullock, 1872.
lUi'iois, J. M. I'aimer, 1870.
Indiana, Conrad Baker, 1872.
lowa, Samuel Merrill, 1872.
Kansas. James M. Harvey, 1871.
Kentucky, J. W. Stevenson, 1871.
liOuisiana, 11. C. Warmouth, 1872.
Maine, J. L. Chamberlain, 1871.
Maryland, Odin Bowie, 1872.
Massachusetts, William Claflin. 1871.
Michigan, H. P. Baldwin, 1871.
Minnesota, Horace Austin, 1872.
Mississinpi, J. L Alcorn, 1872.
Missouri, J. W. MeClurg, 1872.
Nebraska, David Butler, 1871.
Nevada, H. G. Blaisdell, 1871.
New Hampshire, O. Stearns, 1870.
New Jersey, T. F. Randolph, 1872.
New York. J. T. Hoffman, 1871.
North Carolina, W. W. Ilolden. 1873.
Ohio, R. B. Hayes, 1872.
Oregon, G. L. Wood, 1870.
Pennsylvania, J. W. Geary, 1873.
Rhode Island, S. Padcford, 1871.
South Carolina. R. K. Scott, 1871.
Tennessee, I). W. C. Sentcr, 1871.
Texas, E. J. Davis, 1871.
Virginia, G. C. Walker, 1874.
Vermont, P. T. Washburn, 1870.
Wisconsin, L. Fairehild, 1872.
West Virginia, W. E. Stevenson, 1871.
Arrival of the JhxloubtaMe General at Keto
York on a Brief I 'Uit—Hi* View of the
Situation in Cuba.
NEW YORK, May 6. —General Thomas
Jordan, late commaoder-in chief of the Cu
ban insurgents, arrived in the MOITO Castle
from Havana this morning and proceeded to
the residence of Henor Lemus, the Cuban
Minister to this country, to deliver impor
tant dispatches. Gen. Jordan is accotupa
nied by Col. Costillo, Maj. Betancourt and
other officers of the Cuban army, and after
a visit to Washington will return to Cub*.
His stay in this country, which has reference
to procuring munitions of war. will be brief.
Gen. Jordan reports that the Cuban cause
is in better condition than at any previous
stage and the success of the revolution de
pends only on time. The Cuban army now
numbers 10,000 men. well armed, equipped
and supplied with artillery and mountain
howitzers sufficient for the present needs of
service. The season is now in favor of the
revolutionists, giving them what they most
need, time for organization and collection of
supplies. There are not over eighty for
eigners io the Cuban army. Gen. Jordan
says that the Cubans are in no way discour
aged at the prospect, and that the Spaniards
have lost their opportunity for putting down
the revolution. Gen. Jordan left Cuba in a
small sloop, and, when three days out, was
chased by five steam gunboats, but a storm
arising he made his escape.
fMuetioh of Internal Taxation.
WASHINGTON, May 6.— Secretary Bout
well, in conference with the Senate Finance
Committee, was informed of their proposed
tnode of reducing internal taxation, and was
asked for his views thereon. It was agreed
to repeal the tax on a'l articles except whisky
tobacco, statu ps and incomes. It is believed
the repeal ol the tax on articles enumerated
in the bill, which includes sales, licenses,
gross receipts, special taxes of all kinds,
manufacturers, Ac., wi l redue the revenue
about forty millions. Secretary Boutwell
said he would not object to the increase of
exemption from income tax to two thousand
dollars, as it would not reduce the revenue
more than four or five millions. The Com
mittee favors a reduction of the tax to three
per cent, but it is opposed to any reduc
tion of exemption. The proposed bill, it
seems, does not meet the views of the Ways
and Means Committee. They will not eon
sent to allow the income tax to remain at
the present rate, and have virtually agreed
to reduce the tax to three per cent., and in
create the exemption to two tnousand dol
lars. This will be strougly foughl when it
comes up for consideration in the House,
but the impression prevails that it can be
THE Boston Advertiser reports that at
Maehiasport, Me., in the harbor opposite
the wharves, there is frequently an uphea
val, by some power altogether unknown, of
vast quantities of water, mud and stones,
to the distance of many feet, and with a fu
rious rushing noise. This phenomenon
occurred quite a number of times during the
last Summer, and once as late as a month
A POWDER TEST. —A Canadian didn't
believe a keg of powder which he had just
received was good, so he threw a coal of fire
into it. Several ef the shingles of the roof
wen: found, smuggled across the river into
America. It is also bellieved the man has
emigrated, as he has not been seen at borne
since the occurrence, although one of his
legs was found in Lower Canada.
THE leading Canadian papers now seem
to think that Canada has been imposed up
on in regard to the Fenian business. They
have come to the conclusion that there was
no' invasion projected or intended, and they
charge the Dominion Government with hav
ing stirred up the wai like fever for their
own purpose. The Canadian papers are
probably right in this matter; and we think
the people ought to hold the Dominion
Government responsible for raising a false
alarm which might hrve produced extreme
ly damaging results.
IT seems reasonably sure that an Indian
war is impending, and that active hostilities
will soon be begun. The Administration
has promptly taken vigorous action, and
ordered all the available military force to
the plains. If we are to have trouble, a
vigorous policy is undoubtedly the wisest,
and will prove most human in the cud.
The old story of justice and bad faith to
ward the Indians by the whites lies at
the bottom of the present trouble. It is a
sad commentary upon our boasted civiliza
tion that we should be so constantly ag
gressive toward so feeble a race, and that
we should be continually exasperating them
to acts of retaliation and revenge only to
make it necessary to chastise them. The
process has been going on many yeare, and
it is time some statesmanlike policy was at
cavating for the foundations of a new bridge
over the canal near Trenton, N. J., on Tues
day afternoon, a quantity of treasure in the
shape of old coins of much value was uneath
ed. One of the workmen threw up eighteen
pieces of gold, vaued at #IOO, and, overjoy
ed, threw reigns, and all the idlers from
Trenton are watching the laborers. Many
of the poor diggers have been quite lucky.
One of the coins bears date of 1732, and all
of them seem to be Spanish. A piece of
very pure metal has two castles on one side,
and two lions on the reverse, with the letters
S. B. V. and P. V. A. Under them are the
figures 7,4,1, and over the V. a figer 8.
Some think that the coin was buried by the
Hessians; but, from the coins beiDgSpanish
that seems impossible, and it may be a part
of the long-sought Kidd treasure.
SML'UUU.NU OPICM.—A letter has been
received at tbe Treasury Department from
the Collecter of Customs at San Francisco,
triving an account of the methods adopted
by the Chinese to smuggle opium into this
country. Every crack and crevice of a ves
sel, as well as every particle of clothing not
likely to be examined, become receptacles
for tbe great narcotic of commerce. It is
twisted iuto the forms ot roots and nuts, and
sometimes is ingeniouslv put up as packages
of agricultural seeds. It is also packed in
tea lead, and made into balls with strings
attached. These are sunk near the ship,
and when the sails arc drawn up, hidden
on board. When the last steamer arrived
from Hong Kong tbe revenue officials went
fishing for these spheres of somnolence and
captured a case of them containing seven
hundred of these balls, encasing four hun
dred pounds of opium,
TAXES.—The amount of reduction of
taxes aa proposed by the bill introduced in
the Senate by Mr. Sherman k aa follows:
On incomes, $14,000,000; sates, $8,753,-
000; groan receipts, $6,632,000; article* in
schedule A, $895,000; salaries of United
States officers, $683,000; passports, $27,-
000; legacies and successions. $2,848,000;
miscellaneous, $448,000; special tsxes. ex
©ept spirits and tobacco, which includes
liceme taxes and all taxes on employment.
$9,311,000. Total, $43,607,000. This will
leave the taxes on the following articles in
force: On distilled spirits, fermenting
liquors, tobacco, gas and inoome at the rate
of three per cent. All the stamp taxes or
taxes collectable are to be collected by
In pursuance of an Act of Assembly, to pro
vide for the collection of State, County, Poor,
Poor Building and Military Taxes in the County
of Bedford, approved the 13th day of April A. I>.
IRAS, the undersigned will attend at the times and
places bjlow named, between the hours of 9 o'-
clock A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M., for the purpose
nt receiving such Taxes, for the year 1870.
Monday. May 23d, at Joseph Mortimore's, for
Snake Spring Twp.
Tuesday and Wednesday, May 24th and 25th, at
Woodhcrry for Middle Woodberry Twp., and
Woodberry Bor.
Thursday, May 26th. at Pattonsville, for South
Woodberry Twp.
Friday. May 27(h, at Bloody Rua, for Bloody
Run Borough and West Providence Twp.
Saturday, May 28th at D. A. T. Black's, for
East Providenee Twp.
Saturday, June 4th, at Centcrrille, for Cumber
land Valley Twp.
Monday, Jane Bth, at Joseph Cessnas', for Harri
son Twp.
Tuesday, June 7th, at Buena Vista, for Juniata
Wednesday and Thursday, June Stb and 9th. at
Schellsburg, for Schellsburg Borongb and Na
pier Twp.
Friday, June 10th, at Pleasantville, for St. Clair
Wednesday and Thursday, June Isth and lAth,
at Bedford, for Bedford Twp.
Friday, June 17th at Bedford, for Bedford Bur.
Monday, June 20th, at St. Clairsville, for St.
Ciairsville Bor. and St. Clair Twp.
Tuesday and Wednesday, June 21st and 22nd, at
Mcwry's Mill, for Union Twp.
Monday, June 27th, at Sexton, for Sexton Bor.
Tuesday, June 28th, at Stonerstown, for Liberty
Wednesday, June 29tb, at Coaldale, for Coaldale
Bor. and Broadtop Twp.
Thursday, June 30th. at Capt. John Eichelber
ger's, for Hopewell Twp.
Saturday, July Ist,at Bridgeport, for Londonderry
Monday, July 4th, at Clearville, for Monr a
Tuesday, July stb, at Wm. Adam's Mill, for
Southampton Twp.
Wednesday, July 6tb, at Rainsburg for Rainsburg
Borough and Colerain Twp.
"All persons in said County who shall, on or
"before the 28th day of July aforesaid, pay to the
"said Treasurer the amount of his or her taxes,
"shall be entitled to a deduction of 5 per centum
A schedule of all unpaid taxes on ths 20th day
of August next, will be made out and delivered to
a Justice of the Peace for collection.
J Whereas, in and by an act of General As
sembly ol the Commonweslth of Pennsylvania,
entitled' An Act to allow the qualified electors
of Bedford county to vote for or against the sale
of the present Poor House property," it is en
joined upon me to give public notice of said elec
tion ; therefore, I. W. KETSKR, Sheriff of the
county of Bedford, do hereby wake k n own and
give this Public Notice to the electors of the coun
ty of Bedford, that an election will be held in
said county, on FRIDAY, the 27th day of MAY,
A. D., 1870, at the several election districts, in
accordance with the following sections of said
Act of Assembly :
"See/ion 2.—-That an election shall be held on
the 27th day of May next, at the usual polling
places, by the election officers elected at the
Seneral election, at which election all the quali
ed electors of said county shall be entitled to
vote, aDd those in favor of the sale of the present
Poor House property shall vote a ticket with the
words "Poor House' on the outside and the words
"For Sale of Poor House" on the inside, and
those opposed to the sale of the present Poor
House property shall vote a ticket with the words
"Poor House on the outside and the wo r ds
"Against tale of Poor House'' on the inside.''
Seetion 3.—lt shell be the duty of the several
return Judges to meet at the Court House in
Bedford, on the Monday next following said elee
tion, at I o'olock, P M., and if a careful eount
of the votes east show that a majority are in favor
of the sale of the presrnt Poor House property, it
shall be the duty of the Ccmmissioneri appointed
nnder the provisions of this Act to purchase other
real estate not exceeding one hundred and seventy
five acres, and erect thereon suitable buildings
for the accomodation snd maintenance of the
poor ; and if a careful count of the votes east
shows that a majority are against the sale of the
present Poor House property, it shall be the duty
of said Commissioners to erect suitable buildings
thereon, upon a site selected by them."
Given under my hand, at my office in Bedford,
this 3d day of May, 1870.
WM. KEY.SER, Sheriff
Sheriff's office. Bedford. Pa., 1
May 3d, 1870 —w3. 1
NOTICE. —The President and Man
agers of the Bedford and Stoyatown Tarn
pike Road Company, do hereby give notice, to
all wbom it may concern, that after the publica
tion of this Article, the tolls and duties wili be
vigorously prosecuted and collected by Law.
Be it enacted. Ac., That it shall be lawful for
them to appoint sucn and so many Toll Gatherers,
as they shall think proper, to collect and receive
of all and every person and persons using the said
road, the tolls and rates specified by law, AND
TO STOP ANY PERSON riding or leading any
horse or driving any horsea, cattle, swine, sheep,
sulky, chair, chaise, phaeton, cart, wagon, wain
sleigh, sled, or other carriage of pleasure, or bur
then. from passing through the said gates on
turnpike, until they shall respectively heve paid
the same.
And Provided, That if any person or persons,
owning, riding In, or driving any carriage of
burthen or pleasure as aioresaid, or owning, rid
ing, leading or driving any horse, or mule as
aforesaid, shall, with an intent to defraud the
said Company, or to evade the payment of any of
the tolls or duties aforesaid, pass therewith
through any private gate or bar, or along or over
any private passago way. or along or over any
other ground or land near to, or adjoining any
turnpike or gate, which be erected in pursuance
of this act; or if any person or persons shall,
with the intent aforesaid, take off or canse to be
taken off, any horse or other beasts or cattle of
draught or burthen, from any carriage of bur
then or pleasure, or shall practice any other
fraudulent means or device, with the intent to
evade or lessen the payment of any such toll or
duty, every such person or persons offending in
manner aforesaid, shall, for every such offence,
respectively forfeit and pay the president, man
agers, and company, fifteen dollars, to be sued
for aDd recovered with costs of suit before any
Justice of the Peace in like manner, and subject
to the same rules and regulations as debts of
equal amouot may be sued for and recovered.
A. E. SCHELL. Sec y.
April 25th, 1870 w3
ON SATURDAY, MAY 28, 1870. The un
deraigned, administrator of John Hull, late of
Napier tp., dee d, will sell at public aale on the
Sremiaee. about one mile south-west of Scbella
urg. a traet of land, aituate in Napier town
ship. adjoining lands of Dr. S. G. S'atler, Isaac
Horn, Nathan Boris and John W. Hull, contain
ing 159 acres, about 100 acres cleared aud under
fenoe, and about 40 acres good meadow, and the
rest well timbered, having thareon erected a
three-story brick house, a Dew ban a barn and
other necessary out buildings. There is a well of
water at the honse, apple, peach, and cherry
trees on the premises The land is well improv
ed, and is principally limestone, and will make a
good stock farm. This is a desirable farm in ev
ery respect.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, p. m., of said
day. Terms: One-third in hand st confirmation
of sale, and the remainder in two equal annual
paymentsthereafter JOSEPH GARBER,
apr2Bw4. Administrator.
I l for Trial at Special May Term, 1870, (30th
George Roadea va E. A. Fockier,
John W. Dnrean, Trustee vs E. Hammond, Esq.
et al.
John W. Duncan, Guar'n, vs E Hammond
Moses H. Goehnour vs same
John James vs same
Michael Shaeffer vs same
John Fickes vs same
Frederick Miller vs John M'llwaine
Lydia Flock vs Rebecca Ann Armstrong
Samne! Kensinger vs David KensiDger, Adm'r
Mary 0. Dclafield vs W.J. Patterson
Certified April 19, 1870
apr 28w4. JON. P. REED, Prot'y.
For Store Fronts, Factories, Ac. Heavy Crimped
Wire Clotb for Cleaning Ores, Coal, Ac. Heavy
Screen Cloths and Coal Screens, Wire Webbing
for SLeep and Poultry Yards, Paper Makers'
Wires, Brass and Iron Wire Cloth Sieves, Painted
Screens, Ornamental Wire Work. Every infor
mation bv addressing the manufacturers,
2Sfebly No. 11 North 6th St., Pbil'a.
jy^ASONRF. —
HARRY DROLLINGER of Hopewell, takes
this method of informing the public, that he is
prepared to execute at short notioe and in good,
and workmanlike style. Brick and Stone laying,
furnace building and repairing and all other work
in bis line, in Bedford and adjoining oonatiea.
Parties wishing to secure his service, wili address
him at Hopewell Bedford county Pa.
amines the stock at the Inquirer Book Star*
The advantages and attractions of this LOAM
for investment purposes, are many and impor
1. It is based upon one of the Great THROUGH
LINES between the SEABOARD Attn vhe
the greater gart of the line beio g in successful
running opperation
3. The Local Traffic, from the ttariealltii A<jri
cnlturnl regiou9 an>l Iron and Coal depotiU
adjacent, must be large and profitable.
4. The enterprise receives Important Concessions
and Privileges from the States of Virginia and
West Virginia.
5. It is under the management of efficient and
well known Capiva lints, whose names are
guarantees fur its Early Completion and suc
cessful opettdion.
6. The Bonds can be had cither in
form : they have thirty years to run, both prin
cipal and interest being payable in gold.
7. Tbey are of denominations of
#IOOO, #SOO and #IOO,
bearing interest at the rate of six per cent, in
coin, payable May Ist and November Ist.
From oar intimate acquaintance with the af
fairs and condition of the Company, tee knotc
the** erenritie* to be peculiar*# deeirable f and
enitahU for eafe employment of *urplue Capital,
and funding of Government Bond*, by Investors,
Trustees of Estate, and others who prefer abso
lute security with reasonable income.
Holders of United State® Five-Twenties are
enabled to procure these Bonde t bearing the same
rate of interest and having a longer period to
mm, and to realize a large increase of capital in
B nds and Stock dealt in at the Stock Ex
change. received in exchange for this Loan, at
the full market value, and the Bonds returned
free of express charges.
Pamphlets, Maps, and full information fur
nished on applcalion.
| to the room formerly occupied by 11. F Jr
| vine. In addition to hit large Mode of ready
j made clothing, lie hax added,
all of which he will sell at low:r figures thau
tbey can be bought anywhere else in town.
Give us a call.
In addition to their large stock of Stoves, Tin,
Sheet Iron A Copper wares, they hare added
House Furnishing Goods vix :
Fine POCKET and TABLE cutlery.
Plated TABLE and TEA SPOONS of all kinds.
BRUSHES, of all kinds,
and many other goods suitable for house keeper-.
All of which we will sell at the lowest cash prices.
Ed, $75 to S2OO per month, male and
female, to sell the celebrated and original
Common Sense Family Sewing Machine, im
proved and perfected ; it will hem, fell, stitch,
tuck, bind, braid and embroider in a most
superior manner. Price only sls. For sim
plicity and durability, it has no rival. Do
not buy from any parties selling machines
under the same name as ours, unless having
a Certificate of Agency signed by us, as they
are worthless Cast Iron Machines.
For Circulars uad Terms, apply or address,
22oct6m 413 Chestnut St., Phil'a.
Pronounced the fastest hook out- One Agent
reports 79 orders in 5 days.' It includes all that
is mysterious and interesting in the focus of
speculation, IS years' experience of the author ;
Portraits and Lives of Vanderbilt, Drew, Fisk,
Gould and many others. Filled with illustra
tions. Great inducements to agents . 1 Send for
circulars to WORTHINGTON, DU6TIN A CO,,
Uartiord Conn. 22apl4w
j W7 KN Ox,
Invites attention to his stock of finished wagons
and seasoned wood works. Shop one-half mil*
west of Radford. 27aug j
|UaJ (Estate.
The fubecriber offer* at private sale ~w
improved farm situated to Snake Bprin z Tw..
Bedford Co, Pa., two miiea from Mount Dallu
station, on the Boutin* :!™ and Broadt, r ,
road, eon tain in* 238 ACRES of g w i heetton,
land, about ISO acre* eleared and ander rood
fence, over 8M panels of which are port feore
the balance of the land it well timbered. The
improvement* are A GOOD LARGE FARM
HOUSE and Large Bank Barn and all eee<uv
ont building*. 3 Sever Failing Springe, 3 Qreh.
arde, 2 TENANT HOUSES and a good Sawmill.
The above Mansion Farm is in a good state - f
cultivation and is well calculated to make TW'j
FARMS. For farther particulars address,
•jan bloody Kan, Bedford Co., p.
The following lot of ground, sitaate in the town
of DuneansriUe, Blair 0., Pa., fronting on Ms a
street (or Turnpike) 75 feet anleiteodiog back
ISO feet, more or less, and having thereon erected
a large two story BRICK HOUSE, with base
ment and kitchen, and good cellar, frame Black
smith and Wagon-Maker's Shop, frame ttah;.
and other ont-baildings, with fruit -f differe-1
varieties on the lot. This would be a good sta-'i
for a Tavern or Boarding House, being coni.-■
ent U the Rolling Mill and Nail Factory, and the
Railroad. The House is in good repair and verv
pleasantly situated, with water at the door.
Also, A lot of SIX ACRES, aear the Chalybeate
Spring, one mile from the town of Bedford, ,,[
a Log Honse thereon erected. AdjoinL-.g lac ds
of Cbcnowith, Amos, Shannon and others
Also, 14 acres of Timber Land, adjoining the
Colfelt farm, end convenient to good road;. *
For further particulars apply to
Isht-iBEa Orrirr,
lSdectf Bedford. Pa
The subscribers offer at private sale the fell .
ing valuable tracts of land, vis:
No. I. The undivided half of a tract of land,
containing 227 acres, situate on the south-east
side of the Broad Top Mountain, lying partly in
Bedford and partiy in Fatten county, and ad
orning lands jo Samuel Danner, Jame. 8.-in
hurst and Wishart's heirs. TWO VEINS OF
COAL, one 5$ feet, the other 6) feet in depth have
been discovered on this tract.
No. 2. A tract 0f230 acre- near the afco id
joining the same lands, and supposed -o curtain
the same veins of coai.
No. 3. A tract of 400 acres, within two and a
half miles of the above tracu, lying on the North
side of the Harbor across the mountain, well tim
bered with oak and pine.
May 3,-tf. JOHN LUTZ.
The subscribers will sell a number of lots ad
ERTY in Bedford township,
On two of them dwelling houses have already
been erected. This is a spleudid opportunity to
buy a cheap and most desirable home, as the lots
He immediately opposite the Chalybeate Spring
Park, on the road, and not more than 120 yards
from the Spring, at the following low prices:
1. One-half acre lot with dwelling house and
other out-buildiugs, garden and fruit trees, an
the best of water con re Diet t, at S7BO, cash.
2. Half-acre lot $1 SO, cash.
2. naif acre lot SIBO, cash.
4. Half acre lot slßo,cash.
sand 8. Half acre lota with dwelling house,
brick yard, gardea and fruit trees thereon lor
SBSO, cash.
7. Contains three acre* covered with fro t
trees, and in a good state of cultivation, adjoin
ing the above lota, for $609, cash.
Any person desiring to bay u home, a few
yards ©at a#-Bedford, will find this offer worth
serions consideration.
mayS tf Real Estate Agent, Bedford, Pa
FIVE iots of ground in Bedford, 40 by 240,
formerly part of the Lyons' estate,
Two tracts of 140 acres each within three miles
of a depot on the Pacific Rail Road back of Oma
A tract cf bottom land timbered and prarie
two miles from Omaha City.
One third of 7,000 acres in Fnlton Ctnnty Pa.,
including valuable Ore, mineral and timber lands
near Fort Littleton.
Over 4,000 acres of valuable ore, coal and tim
ber lands in West Virginia.
ALSO, Twenty-five one acre lota, adjoining the
Borough of Bedford, with lime stone rock for
kiln or quarry on the upper end of ech.
Also, 320 acre# of land in Woodbnry co., lowa.
80 •' 44 Franklin - 4 lowa.
109 acres adjoining Bedford, with house, barn,
Ac., known as the "Amos farm."
Also, a farm of 107 acres in Harrison twp.
Also, Six acres near Bedford, with 2 houses,
stable and brick yard thereon.
June 21,-tf Bedford. Penn'a.
The subscribers will sell all tbat fine farm in
Bedford township, containing 180 acres, 95 of
which are cleared and nnder excellent fence, and
the balance, 95 acres, well timbered, adjoining
lands of Charles Helsel. John Schnebly, and oth
ers. The buildings are a two and a half story
LOG HOUSE and BANK BARN, with other
out-buildings thereon erc-ted. Water in every
field, with an excellent Saw Mill seat. A splen
did apple ere hard also thereon. Price liOOO.
TERMS: One third in hand and the balance in
three annual payments with interest.
June 21, Rest Estate Agent.
A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy,
and effectual for preserving the hair. Faded or
gray hair it toon rettorcd to ilt original color and
tic glott and frtrhnctt of youth. Thin hair is
thickened, falling hair checked, and baldness
often, though not always, cured by its use.
Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles
are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decay
ed. Bat such as remain can be saved for useful
ness by this application. Instead of fooling the
hair with a pasty sediment, it will keep it clean
and vigorous. Its occasional nse will prevent the
hair from torning gray or falling off, and conse
quently prevent baldness. Free from those dele
terious substances which make some preparations
dangerous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor
can only benefit but not barm it. If wanted
merely for a
nothing eise can be fonnd so desirable. Contain,
ing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white
cambric, and yet lasts longer on the hair, giving
it a rich glossy instre and a grateful perfume.
Prepared by
Da. J. C. AYER A CO.,
Practical and Analytical Chemito,
Price tI.OO.
3decly B. F. HARRY. A gent.
"VTOTICK.—AII persons having unsettled sc-
JX amines with Dr. WM. H. WATSON, dee d,
are hereby notified to call npon the undersign ea
Executor and settle the same without delay,
iisepif. WM. WATSON, Kxcoutor.
Wholesale and retail at
Hfeb3m G. R. OSIER A CO.'S.