Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, May 13, 1870, Image 1

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All advertisements fur leu then 3 months 19
cents per line for each insertion. Specie Inolieet
oro-helf addition*!. All resolutions of Associa
tions, communications of a limited or isdiridal
interest and notices of marriages and deaths, ex
ceeding fire lines, 19 ets. per line. All legal noti
ces of every kind, and all Orphans' Court and
othet Judicial rales, are required by law to be pub
lished U both paacrs. Editorial Notices 13 cents
per lino. Ail Advertising due afterfirst insertion.
A liberal discount made to yearly advertisers.
3 moots. 8 months, 1 year
One square.. * 4.50 $ 6.C0 $10.06
Twe squares - 6.09 9.09 16.00
Three squares...,. 8.00 11.00 30.00
One-fourth coluttn 14.00 20.00 33.00
Half column 18.00 23,00 43.00
One column 30.00 43.00 80.00
NBWSPBPBB LAWS. —We would call the special
attention of Post Masters and subscribers to the
LxqcißK to the following synopsis of the Kews
papet laws:
1. A Postmaster is required to give notice by
.etttr, (returning a paper docs not answer the law)
when a subscriber does not take his paper ont of
the office, and state the reasons tor its nut being
taken; and a neglect to do so makes the Postmas
ter rtpeoneible to the publishers lor the payment
2. Any person who takes a paper from the Post
office, a aether directed to his name or another, or
whether be has subscribed or not is responsible
for the pay.
3. If ape.-son orders his paper discontinued, he
must pay all arrearages, or the publisher may
continue to send it until payment Is made, and
ollect the whole amount, whether it be taken from
the office or not. There dan be no iegul discontin
uance until the payment is made.
4. If tbe subscriber order* his paper to be
stopped at B certain time, and tbe publisher con
tinues to send, the subscriber is bound to pay for
it, i/ he take* '< out of the. Poet Office. The law
proceeds upon tbe grout d that a man mast pay
for what he uses.
3. The courts have decided that refusing to take
newspapers and periodicals from the Post office,
or removing and bavin;; them uncalled for, is
prima facia evidence of intentional fraud.
* tyusiutitis (far<l*.
All business intrusted to him will be attended to
with great care. Upon notice will appear for par
ties in suits before Justices of the Peace in any
part of the county. Office with J. W. Diclterson,
Esq., on Juliana St., next door north of Stengel
House. 4marly.
yy C. HO LAH AN",
Jan. 28, '7O-tf
G. H. SPANG - A. IBS, jr.
Will promptly attend to all business intrusted to
their care in Bedford and adjoining counties.
Office in Gazette building, on tbe corner of pub
lie Square and Juliana street. Sap
Have formed a partnership in the practice of
the Law, in new brick buildiDg near the Lutheran
Church. (April 1, 1869-tf
lyj. A. POINTS,
Respectfully tenders his professional services
to the public. Office in the Isqpi REBuilding,
(second floor.)
ffiy-Coiiocticm promptly made. [April,l'69-tf.
ATTORNEY AT LAW, and Justice of the
Peace, BEDFORD, PA.,
Will faithfully and promptly attend to all busi
ness entrusted to his care in Bedford and adjoin
ing connties. Office in room on Juliana Street
lately occupied by Reed A Schell Bankers,
apll, 1869.—tf.
Will promptly attend to all businem intrusted to
hie care in Bedford and adjoining Counties.
Office on Juliana street <n the building occu
pied for many years by King A Jordan, and late
ly by Hall A Keagy.
Bedford, Pa.,
Will attend promptly and faithfully to all busi
ness entrusted to their care. Special attention
given to collections and the prosecution of claims
for Back Pay, Bounty, Pensions, Ac.
on Juliana street, south of the Court
House. Apri 1:69:1yr.
Will practice in the Courts of Bedford and ad
joining counties. All business entrusted to their
care will receive careful and prompt attention.
Pensions, Bounty, Back Pay, Ac, speedily col
lected from the Government
Office on Juliana street, opposite the banking
house of Reed A Schcll. Bedford, Pa. Apr l;69:tf
Respectfully tenders his professional ser
vices to the citizens of Bedford and vicinity.
Office an i residence on Pitt Street, in the building
formerly occupied by Dr. J. H. Uofius. [Ap'l 1,69.
>ll SCKL L\ N K OPS.
Will attend to allbn.inesa entrusted into his hands
with promptness and despatch. Will remit mon
ey V.y draft to any part ef the country. ITsely
Be keeps on b r ud a stock of fine Gold and Sil
ver Watches, Spectacles of Brilliant Double Refin
ed Glasses, also Scotch Pebble Glasses. Gold
Watch Chains, Breast Pins, Finger Rings, best
quality of Gold Pens. He will supply to order
any thing in his line not on hand. [spr.2B,'Bs.
Respectfully tenders his profest onal services to
the citixens of Bedford and vicinity.
Office three doors East of the Bedford House.
.It 0" Night calls attended to with promptness.
Apri! 8, 1878-tf
n N. HIC K OK,
Office at the old stand in
AU operations pertaining to
Surgical and Af echanica I Dtntutry
performed with care and
Anceetketict adminiriered, when derived. Ar
tificial teeth inserted at, per tet, 98.00 and up.
AT I am deteimined to do a CASH BUSINESS
or none, I have reduced the prices for Artificial
Tee'h of the various kinds, 20 per cent., and of
Gold Fillings 33 per cent. This redaction will be
made only to strictly Cash Patients, and all such
will receive prompt attentiou. 7febfiß
Transacts a General Banking Business, and makes
collections on all accessible points ia
the United States.
EXCHANGE bought and sold.
U.S. REVENUE STAMPS of all deeoriptione
always on band.
Accounts of Merchants, Mechanics, Farmers AND
all other solicited.
Ja. f, '7#.
for sale at the INQUIRER office, a fine assort
moot of Marriage Certificates. Clergymen and
JuiUeea thou'd Lure tbem.
Wbt IBcMorb 3humirtr.
L.UTZ & JORDAN, Editors and Proprietors.
gnquim Column,
Our facilities for doing ell kinds of Job Printing
are equalled by very few establishments in the
country. Order* by mail promptly filled. AO
letters should be addressed to
3 Joral anU ffirnttaf jlrtospaprr, Srtotrfc to riolitirs, ghucation, literature anh fHorals
THE cotton crop or last year Is estimated
| at 3,000,000 bales.
LOUISIANA owes $14,000,000. The annual
J interest on the bonds "nominally outstand
j ing" is stated to be $044,000.
I A CLERGYMAN consoling a young widow
| on the death of her husband, remarked that
she could not find his equal. "I don't know
about that," remarked the sobbing fair one;
"but I'll try."
TIIE effect of the Fifteenth Amendment
was focibly shown in Holland, Michigan, at
the recent municipal election in that place.
The town has Lut two ooloted rotors, yet
they were sufficient to change its political
complexion and elect the Republcan ticket
by a majority of one.
A SPECIAL cable dispatch says that the
conspiracy discovered in Paris is more seri
ous than was at first supposed. A largo
supply of bombs had been provided and was
seized by the police. The principal ring
leaders not yot unJ
the anxiety of the Government and citizens
is intense. The strictest surveillance is eve
ry where maintained, and the Tuiileries are
carefully guarded. Orders hare been issued
to the police to arrest all speakers who in
sult the Imperial family or Constitution of
STOPPING.— The Pacifiic Express train, on
the Pennsylvania Central railroad, ran yes
terday from Altoona to llarrisburg without
stopping, and also from llarrisburg to Phil
adelphia. This is the greatest distance ever I
traveled in this country by a locomotive
without taking, fuel or water. Owing to
the great competition on the New Y'ork
roads for the travel to the West, the Penn
sylvania railroad has determined not to be
behind, and now beats all competitors in !
time aud accommodations. When the train '
arrived in this city, from Altoona, the loco- '
motive had sufficient water in the tank to j
run with perfect safety. — llarrixbnrg Trie
A PUBLIC sale of a lot of images, vases
and water- : ars, made by the Aztec Indians i
and imported from Mexico, receutly took
place in San Francisco. Many of the vases !
resembled in style and ornamental finish j
those found in Egypt. The groups of ban
ditti, muleteers, beggars orange girls, drun
ken men and women, and images of Maxi
milian, Miramom and others are said to have
been true to the life. All were of fine clay,
and were made without the assistance of
mos answers this question by stating that
they arc cut up into small pieces, end these
arc put for a few days in chloride of'sulphur
which makes the leather very hard and brit
tle. After this is effected tbe material is
washed with water, dried, ground to pow
der and mixed with some substance which
makes the par'icles adhere together, a.sshel
laek, good glue, or thick solution of gum
It is then pressed into moulds, and shaped
into combs, buttons, knife handles, and
many oter articles.
Never whip your horse for becoming fright
ened at anv object by the road side ; for if
he sees a stump, a log or a heop of tanbark
in the road, and while he is eyeing it care
fully, and about to pass it you strike him
with the whip, it is tbe log, or stump or
the bark that has hurt him in his reason
ing and the next time he will be more fright
ened. Give liiur time to examine and smell
of all these objects, and use tbe war bridle
to assist you in bringing him carefully to
these objects of fear. Bring all objects, if
possible, to his nose, and let him smell of
them, and then you can commence to gen
tly use him with them.
To CLEAR PAINT.—The Coacbmakers'
Journal recommends bouse wives to save
themselves trouble by adopting the follow
ing mode: —Provide a plate with some of
the bcßt whiting to be had, and have ready
some clean, warm water and a piece of flan
nel, which dip into the water and squeeze
nearly dry, then take as much whiting as
will adhere to it, apply it to the painted sur
face, when a little rubbing will instantly re
move any dirt or grease. After which, wash
the part well with clean water, rubbing it
dry with a soft chamois. Paint thus cleaned
looks as well as when first laid on, without
any injury to the most delicate colors. It is
far better than using soap, and does not re
quire more than half the time and labor.
WASHINGTON, April 28.— 1t is a matter
of great doubt whether General Grant's ea
ger desire for an interoceanic canal across
the Daricn Isthmus Will be fully realized,
as the numerous reports, both of official and
private nature, from the Government sur
veying expedition now there are not very
It is considered by many that the best
course to pursue will be for the United Stacs
to aid a New York company, with Marshall
O. Roberts at its head, which has a conces
sion from the Mexican Government for a ca
nal across the Tehuao.e(jec route, but it is \
also a matter of doubt whether the Govern- ]
moot would be willing to dividp the honors
of such an undertaking with a private com
The great objection to this route has been
a sand bar in front of the outlet into tho
Gulf of Mexico, on which there wag only
about thirteen feet of water. It has, how
ever, been ascertained that below the bar is
the muddy bottom of the harbor, and expe
rienced navigators, including Admiral Por
ter, are of opinion that the sand bar can be
removed by digging.
IN boring an artesian well at St. Louis,
to a deph of 3,8431 feet, a curious circum
stance in connection with the tempcretare
was noted. The thermometer, which at
3,000 feet registered 106 deg. F., fell when
that depth was passed, marking but 105
dcg. at 3.500 feet.
THE DEVIL'S HARVEST. —Carefully com
piled statistics show that 600,000 lives are
annually destroyed by intemperance lb the
United States.
1,000,000 men and women are yearly sent
to prison in consequence of strong drink.
20.000 children are yearly sent to the poor
house for the same reason.
300 murders are auother of the yearly
fruits of intemperance.
400 suicides follow in this fearful cata
louge of miseries.
200,000 orphans are bequeathed each year
to the public and private charity.
$200,000,000 are ycurly expended to pro
duce this shocking amount of crime and
misery, and as much more is lost in lime
wasted from the same cause.
Let others write of battles fought
On bloody, ghastly fields,
W'here honor greets the man who wios,
And death ttie man who yeildi;
But I will write of him who fights
Aud vanquishes his sing,
Who struggles on through weary years,
Against himself, and wins.
lie is a hero staunch and brave,
Who fights an unseen foe,
And puts at last baneath his feet
Ilis passions base and low,
And stands erect in manhood's might,
Undaunted, undismayed—
The bravest man that drew a sword
la foray or in raid.
It calls for something more than brawn
Or muscle o'ercome
An cnwmy wkn mmrebeth not
With banner, plume, and drum—
A foe forever lurking nigh,
With silent, stealthy tread,
Forever near your board by day,
At night beside your bed.
All honor, then, to that brave heart,
Though poor or rich he be,
Who struggles with bis baser part—
Who conquers, and is free.
He may not wear a hero's crown,
Or fill a hero's grave ;
But truth will place his name among
The bravest of the brave,
—Phrenological Journal.
Slowly, slowly up the wail
Steals the sunshine, steals the shade ;
Evening damps begin to fall,
Evening shadows are displayed.
Round me, o'er me, everywhere,
All the sky is grand with clouds,
And athwart the evening air
Wheel the swallows home in clouds.
Shafts of sunshine from the west
Paint the dusky windows red ;
Darker shadows, deeper rest,
Underneath, and overhead.
Darker, darker, and more wan
In my breast the shadows fall;
Upward steals the lift of man
As the sunshine from the wall.
From the wall into the sky,
From the roof along the spire ;
Ah, the souls of those that die
Are but sunbeams lifted higher
"You arc altogether too harsh, Cornelia,
in your mode of treating Laura Lyon since
she became a member of our family. The
poor girl has more than once noticed, I am
very certain, your haughty, supercilious be
"Let her notice it, mamma," was Corne
lia Stanhope's 6corofully-spokenl answer,
while the young lady's handsome dark ores
flashed imperiously enough. "For my
pirrt, I find it quite impossible to restrain
my dislike for that girl. As for her being
a member of our family, I must say, insm
ma, that I decidedly object to her being
called anything of tbe sort. She is depen
dent upon our kindness—an orphan to whom
we have charitably given shelter—nothing
"But she is jour cousin, Cornelia—the
child of your dead father's dead sister."
"Who made a horribly low marriage, by
the way," retorted the young lady, "if re- '
port speak correctly. It is useless for you
to scold me, mamma, about my manner of'
conducting myself toward Laura. Between I
ourselves, I think it very probable that I i
shall treat hci much worse before I tfeat i
her much better. She is an out-and-out
"You arc shockingly wicked to call her
so," exclaimed Mrs. Stanhope, who, though
what is termed a weak woman, was now and
then given to transitory fits of strong-mind
edness in her mode of defending those she
loved. "There is nothing which you have
asked Laura to do since her arrival in the
house that she has refused, or even hesita
ted "
"Nonsense, mamma; I know what you
are going to say 1" Miss Stanhope broke in.
"Of course, Laura has arranged my hair
for the opera and for balls whenever I have
asked her. She Las also done several oth
or menial services. I don't know that I
am particularly obliged to her for perform
ing them. She is certainly well-fed and
clothed at the household expense; and she
should consider our kindness in thus feed
ing and cloth'ng her, ample payment for the
slight favors which are required at her !
hands. And now, please, discontinue this
argument on the subject of Laura. Apro
pos of the opera, Lord Ellcry has sent word
to know whether you and I desired to occu
py bis box this evening, I immediately
wrote an acceptance in reply to the note,
feeling sure that you would like to see
'Fouse' once again."
"Will he accompany us?"
A faint tinge of color stole in Cornelia
Stanhope's olive check. "Of course, mam
ma," she answered.
"I suppose so,' Mrs. Stanhope said.
"Do you know. Cornelia, that I considered
the attentions of Lord Ellery most marked
and devoted toward yourself?"
"Do yon, mamma?"—a short nervous
laugh followed the words.
"His father, the Marquis of Fancourt, is
very rich, is he not?"
"Worth two hundred thousand a year, I
"And you would marry him—if he asked
I you, Cornelia?"
The young lady bit her lip. The sen
! tence, "if he asked you," grated very disa
-1 greeably upon her ear. During the past
| two or three weeks, it had grown the ruling
purpose of Cornelia Stanhope's thoughts to
' become the wife of Viscount Ellery, She
; bad resolved that no amount of stern, stead
| fast endeavor should be lacking, on ber
j part, in the matter of attaining this object
i It is, indeed very probable that she had not
' yet fully satisfied herself as to whether love
' for Lord Ellery formed even a slight motive
of her present course of action, ba it is al
together SUTC that she was aware how domi
nant a motive wordly interest formed.
"How do you know that he has not al
ready asked me, mamma?" she said, in an
swer to her mother's question. "He calls
here very often, and you seldom interfere
with our tete-a-tetes."
Then Cornelia gave a musical little laugh,
that left her mother in doubt as to whether
she was serious or in fun, and disappeared
very abruptly from the room. But the
truth was that she only hoped the viscount
would propose; he really had not done so as
Meanwhile, on tlic afternoon of this con
versation between mother and daughter,
pretty blonde-hairei Laura Lyon sat in her
small, out of the way chamber, on the third
floor of Mrs. Stanhope's residence and won
dered what special reason Providence had
for sending her into the world, and why,
since she seemed to Lave been created to be
snubbed, and despised, and trampled on. it
would not be much better if her thoroughly
useless existence came to a close altogether.
These were very wicked thoughts, of
course; but then poor Laura, who had known
a life far different from her present one,
was excusable, perhaps, for thinking them.
liar, bad, indeed, been a life of quiet, do
mestic happiness, until that dark eighteenth
year, in which death followed upon death
with such fearful suddenness, and she was
made an orphan almost before she had com
prehended the bitter fact. Then had come
the knowledge of her father's insolvent con
dition and her own utter pennilessness.
Silently to herself—while she looked that
afternoon upon the anowy pavements of the i
streets beneath her, aad felt the cold of a
rapidly-strengthening December wind sweep j
past tbe panes, and chill them more and
more with every gust—silently to herself, I ;
say, did Liura Lyon recall the handsome,
genteel face of one whom she had kuown
and loved four years ago. It was the old
story. They had sworn very passionate
vows"to each other; but the course of true
love had run roughly, indeed, and her fath
er, unwilling that Laura should become the
wife of a poor man, had forbidden their
meetings. And at last the lover had re
solved to go and fight the world; and a final
stolen meeting bad taken place between
them, and he went to India, and—so it had
ail ended. If he bad ever written to her,
Laura had not received his letters.
Quite lost in her sad thoughts, she let
the day slowly darken until it had left her
little fttow completely in shadow. At last
a servant knocked at the door, saying,
"Dinner is served, Miss Lyon and Laura
presently descended to the dinning room.
Mrs. Stanhope and her daughter were
already seated at the table when their rela
tive entered the room. The latter's face,
Laura could not help observing, wore a sort
of angry scowl. Miss Stanhope soon gave
vocal proof that she was annoyed.
"Laura," she exclaimed. "You have a
horrid habit of coming down to dinner.
You almost always enter the dining room
after soup has been served. Perhaps you
would be able to appear more punctually if
we rang several peals of a huge bell."
Laura volunteered no response, under
standing how useless such a course would
prove. She seated herself, and, with the
exception of a few words to Mrs. Stanhope
to excuse her, received that lady's acquies
cence, and left the dining room.
She knew that her calm, patient silence
had in no manner shamed or humbled the
haughty, supercilious nature of her cousin
Cornelia. She knew that nothing could
ever change that cousin's contemptuous,
cruel treatment—nothing, except cither her
own absence, or that of Cornelia, from Mrs-
Stanhope's house. It was very hard, poor
Laura tearfully meditated, being called upon
almost daily and hourly to bear the covert
sneers and scoffs of one she felt to be her
moral inferior. How a pair of manly blue
eyes, that she had once known and loved to
gaze upon, would have flushed with indig
nation, in the old days of courtship, bad
she told that brave lover of hers any stosy
of injustice and insolence like that which
she could now tell.
"Oh, let me bid good bye to all hopeless
longings," the girl at leDgth murmcred.
"He can not know— he is far, far away—be
has, perhaps, forgot "
She somehow could not tell herself that
be had forgotten her. And so she sat in
her little chamber, and dreamed that he
loved her still very, very dearly, and that
they would one day meet.
Again there came a knock at the door.
This time a servant said, "Miss Cornelia
wishes, Miss Lyon, that you will please come
down stairs and arrange her hair for the
opera this evening."
Five minutes later, Laura stood meekly
behind her cousin's chair, arranging Corne
lia's glossy tresses as somehow only her
nimble fingers could arrange them. This
work performed, in countless minor details
of her toilet Cornelia did not hesitate un
blushingly to ask Laura's taste and assist
"You really would make a capital maid,"
Miss Stanhope remarked, as she surveyed
her costume in an opposite mirror, bring
now thoroughly dressed for the opera.
"Marie," glancing toward her French /em
me de cKambre, "will have to look out for
her laurels. Here, Liura, just carry my
white merino cloak down stairs, won't you,
while I follow ! I want you to pull out the
folds of my dress when 1 reach the diniDg
roorn, so that these flounces may not look
tumbled as I receive Viscount Ellery."
"Certainly," Laura said, receiving the
cloak which her cous n offered.
Miss Stanhope and ber cousin had been i
in the dining room about five minutes, when j
the former glanced impatiently toward a ;
clock on the mantle, exclaiming, "It cer j
tainly is very o3d that Lord Ellery doesn't
make his appearance. He ought undoubt
edly to be here by five minutes to eight o'-
clock; besides, 'Faust' is my fur orate opera,
and I don't want to miss a note of it. Mam
ma"—to her mother, who bad just entered
•—"isn't it strange that Irtrd Ellery is so
late ?"
Just as Cornelia finished speaking a doub
le knock sounded at the front door.
"That is he!" exclaimed the young lady.
"I am so glad." Then, after about three
minutes had elapsed, and the knock had
again souoded. "What is the reason, mam
ma that our door is not better attended to?
The idea of Lord Ellery being obliged to
knock twice ! It is perfectly scandalous."
"I sent Robert on an erraod just after
dinner," Sirs. Stanhope began, "and "
"Oh, of course," snapped Miss Cornelia;
j then, turning sharply toward her cousin,
"Laura, go the door."
But Laura Lyon stood as still as a statue.
"Do you hear me, Laura?" exclaimed
Miss Stanhope.
"Perfectly," was the calm response.
"I told you to go to the door."
"I know it."
"You mean to disobey me, I suppose, im
pertinent creature.'
"Cornelia!" interposed her mother's
pleading voice.
"Once again, Laura Lyon, I order you to
answer tha knock."
"Is my positico in this house no batter,
Cornelia, than that of a servant?"
Laura spoke the words in tones which a
faint, almost imperceptible, quiver shook ;
otherwise her demeanor was perfectly calm.
"No," was the unhesitating answer.
"You are merely a menial—nothing more."
"Y r ery well; in that case, I wiil obey or
She left the room with a steady step
though her wounded heart was beating pas
sionately, rebelliously, in her bosom. With
a steady hand, too, she unfastened tbe hall
door. A gentleman was standing outside.
"Are Mrs. and Miss Stanhope at home?"
he asked, politely. And his voice made
poor Laura's heart beat quicker than ever.
"Runost," •!> mU no* help nwmw
ing, " can it be you?"
"Laura! ' The gentleman had caught her
hands in both of his, and was gating eager
ly upon her face. "Ob, Laura," he went
on, in tremulous tones, "what miracle is
this? I have sought for you ever since my
return from India, but to no purpose. At
tbe bouse where you formerly lived they
know nothing of you. And now to find you
here, in Cornelia Stanhope's house! lean
scarcely believe my senses I"
"You oould not hare cred much for me,
Ernest Dale," poor said, through
her tears, "because—because you have nev
er written me a line since—since "
"Written you, Laura? I wrote no less j
than four times."
"Then the letters miscarried, Ernest, for
I never "
"For heaven's sake, Lord EUery. what is
the meaning of all this? 1 was not aware
that you knew my cousin, Laura Lyon,"
Cornelia Stanbo|>e spoke, standing on the
threshold of the dining-room door, her faoe
a picture of consternation.
Laura was not a bit awed by her cousin
just then, however.
"Ellcry!" she exclaimed, tuning toward
her old lover. "'What does this mean, Ern
est ? Your name is "
"Dale just the same, darling, as the
family name ; but Ellery is my title. The
recent death of my unmarried uncle sudden
ly made my father a marquis, and me, con
sequently, a viscount. Riches came to us,
also, unexpectedly at the same time, and by
the same incident."
"And so Cornelia's grand Viscount El
lery was all the while my own dear Ernest?"
Laura said, quite oblivious of her cousin's
" Y'es, darling," Lord Ellery said ; "and
I am sure that you cousin Cornelia will con
gratulate me on having found my long-lust
Did Cornelia Stanhope congratulate her
cousin ? She was obliged to do so at Laura
and the Viscount's wedding, a month later.
But there are some smiles that mean frowns
—some blessings that mask curses.
When men arc prosperous, and are mak
ing money, and consider themselves rich, I
wonder that it so seldom comes home to
them that they are liable to reverses, which
shall plunge their families into the utmost
pecuniary distress. Men know that busi
ness is subject to fluctuations, and '.bat
nothing is more frequent than that men
should in one year have all the comforts and
advantages of wealth, and the next year be
stripped bare. But a vicious hopefulness
prevent* them from realizing that they shall
ever be subject to this fate which befall
Men expect to live; they do not anticipate
bankruptcy. When times change, and the
pinch comes, it is too late for them to make
provision for the family. The wife, the chil
dren, the whole household, are suddenly
plunged into distress. Indeed, much as the
business man suffers for himself, his own
pangs are the least part of the suffering.
I have lived long enough to see the over
throw of a great maDy families because the
father, believing that be should live and al
ways keep them in comfortable circumstan
ces, had neglected to make an independent
provision for them.
At the man's death the estate proves
either insolvent or is reduced to a minimum.
The wife, not trained to business, is obliged
to settle the estate by agents. What with
unskillful management, carelessness or even
sometimes deliberate fraud, the residum
melts in her hands, and the widow, with
five or six young children to be fed, clothed
and educated, finds herself alone and penni
less! Habits cannot be changed in a day.
She lias not been trained to business. She
may have been a good housekeeper, but now
she must earn money, which is a very
different thing from ordering a household
skillfully. Some, utterly overmatched break
down under the trial, and the children arc
scattered, like young partridges, whose
mother the hawk has devoured.
I believe it to be the duty of every man
who is prosperous, out of deft, and making
money, to settle upon his wife a certain
amount of property, which shall not be ef
fected by either his bankruptcy orhia death.
This may be done by a life insurance—es
pecially if it be a policy which is not forfeited
by Deglect of payment. But a still better
way is to settle upon the wife a good house
and the furniture. Then, if misfortune
comes, the man will still have a home. He
will be secure at the root, and may begia
again with some hope. If death takes away
| the father, the nest remains. The children
i do not need to be scattered.
Some persons have questioned whether a !
scrupulous honesty would allow one to hold
back from creditors any part of a husband's
property. A settlement of property on
another, while debt hangs over it, either for
the sake of avoiding payment of debt, or ol
securing the family, would be fraudulent,
dishonest, and wicked. But if, while clear
ed of debt, the husband settles property on
his wife for the just maintenance of herself
and children, his after debts hare no more
claim upon that property than if he had sold
and transferred it to a neighbor instead of to
his own wife. No man has a right to leave
a family whom he has accustomed to afflu
ence liable to sudden and wasting poverty.
A provision made betimes, in property, for
the safety of his family in the case of death
or bankruptcy, may be aocepted and em
ployed, by the most sensitive conscience.
1 write strongly on this subject, because I
have seen so much distress arising from the
want of this precaution. — Henry Ward
I Beecher.
VOL.. 43i NO 19.
Wo were traveling on ground we had no
right 08. The only excuse was like that of
a military necessity—it was far better fish
ing tbiough the farms where the trout had
been preserved, than in open lota where ail
could fish.
It was early in the morning. We had
risen at three, ridden ten miles and struck
tbe creek as the trout were ready for break
fast. Looking carefully for a sheltered plaee
to hitch our horses, we slyly crept on be
hind fences, etc., till we reached the part oi
the stream not generally fished. A farm
house stood not a quarter of a mile away.
We saw the morning smoke curliog lightly
from a stove-pipe; saw a man and two boys
come out to do chores; saw a woman busy
about the door, and a ferocious bull-dog
wandering about the yard.
If ever we fished close it was then. Not
a whisper to disturb the birds or the owners
lof the tmird. Wc through (V. (mw
and dodged behind clumps of alders, lifting
large speckled beauties out of Ibe water un
til our baskets were full.
This was the time to have gone; but tbe
trout were so large and bit so readily that
we decided to string and hide what we bad,
and take another basketful. So at it we
vent. No sooner would the hook touch the
water than it had a trout We forgot the
bouse, tbe man, the boys and tbe dog.
Suddenly there was a rushing through an
oat field as if a mad bull was coming. We
looked toward the house, end saw the farm
er and his two boys on a fence, the woman
in the door, and the dog bounding toward
us. We saw it all—we had been discovered!
The well trained dog had been sent to hunt
us out, and, as the matter appeared, it was
safe to bet that he was doing that, thing
right lively.
To outrun tbe dog was not to be thought
of. There was no time to lose. He cleared
a fence and came for us just as we reached
a tree, and by great activity took a front
seat on a limb above his reach. Here was
a precious go 1 A vicious bull dog under
the tree, and the farmer and two big boys
ready to move down upon our works. It was
fiigbf, foot race, or fangs.
Tbe farmer yelled to his dog, "Watch
him, Tige!"
Tige proposed to do that little thing, and
keeping his eyes upon us, seated himself
under the tree.
Then spoke this ugly farmer man : "Just
hold on thar, stranger, till we get breakfist;
then wc will come and see you 1 If you are
in a hurry, however, you can go now!
Watch him, Tige!"
We surmised trouble; quite too much, for
thrice had that bold man of bull dogs and
agriculture elegantly walloped innocent
tourists for being seen on his suburban
premises. His reputation as a peace man
was not good and there arose a large heart
toward our throat.
is the essence of contracts, and the
saving ordinance of those vn trouble. We
had a stout line in our pocket, and a large
hook intended for rock bass, if we failed to
take trout. And as good luck would have
it we had got a nice sandwich and a piece of
boiled corn beef in our other pocket.
We called the dog pet names, but he
wasn't on it! Then wc tried to move down,
when he moved up ! At last we trebled our
bass line, fastened the limerick to it, baited
it with the corn beef, tied the end of the
line to a limb, and angled for a dog!
Tige was in appetite. He swallowed it,
and sat with his eyes on us for more; but
with no friendly look beaming from his
countenance. Not any!
Then he pulled gently on the line—it was
fast! Tige yanked and pulled; bat 'twas of
no use!
We quickly slid down the tree—almost
blistering our back doing it—seized our pole,
and straightway went thence somewhat
We found our string of fish, and reached
the buggy and a commanding spot in the
road it. time to sec the sturdy yeoman move
We saw him and bis cohorts, male snd
female, move slowly, as if in no haste. We
saw them look up the tree. kl e saw an
anxious crowd engaged about the dog. \N e
came quickly home and kindiy left the bass
line and hook to the farmer.
We are in this world to do. Did ever peo
ple realize this—that we were put here to
act? The curse put upon Adam effects us
all—we must all work in some way. Idle
ness is rust, deterioration is death; it is de
fearing God's purpose; shirking one's du
ly. We are made to work; eveiything in
dicates this—our heads, our feet, our brain,
our necessities, our enjoyments all point
to the first great intent, labor. So the bee
toils, the birds to perpetrate their specie.-
provide, their food, to sing, to sit still, only
to rest. Labor is motion. The whole world
is motiort. That which is most active is
the most healthy and enjoyable. S'agnant
water is foul; living" water pure. So with
the air; so with the man, pre eminently.
Ah, what health comes from action! what
strength ! what beauty!—beauty of expres
sion, agility, and the power to pl-a-c and
delight. This is what we want—we want it
everywhere. We want it, mark you, not
over done. We want it as God ordered it,
according to human progress—not to exhaust
and injure the body, and at the same time
the mind as well, to say nothing of the most
important of all, the morals for which we are
all made. Work mentally, morally, physic
ally; exercise the body, the mind, aod the
affections; that is their cultivation. But do
not strain thein, and thus hurt them; avoid
extremes. It is as bad to be too active as
too lazy. Act, then, as the wind acts, the
brook flows, the stars cour>e. Here there
is no clash, no hurt. — Ex.
THE HUM A* BODY.—The musdrs ofihe
human jaw exert a force of 534 lbs. The
quantity of pure water which b'ood contains
in its natural state is rery great, it amounts
almost seren eighths. Kt> 1 estimates the
surface of the lungs at 150 square feet, or
ten times that of the external body. The
blood is a fifth the weight of the body, i A '
man is taller in the moraine than at night
to the extent of half an inch or more, owing
to the relaxation of the cartilages. There
is iron enough in the blood of forty-two
men to make a ploughshare of twenty four
pouods or thereabouts. The human brain
is the twenty-eighth part of the body, but
in the borne the brain is not wore thau the
four hundredth.— Good HetiliK-
Tb ruc!u U published every Fcidat morn
log be following rote? :
Own -Toae, (in advance,)
" " (it not paid within fix m0t.)... $2.40
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Single copies of the paperfnrcuhed.fn wrappers
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Communications on unbjecU of local or general
nterest, are reapoctfully solicited. To ensnr* at
tention faTorsofthis kind must inrariably bn
accompanied by the narre of the author, not for
publication, but as a guaranty against imposition.
should be*" d" I *^' 118 office
1 'in'?, k JORDAST, Brnroan, Pa.
W hen a man fails in an enterprise how
prone is his fellowman to ascribe his want
of success to a tack of the qualities requisite
to overcome the natural impediments that
lie in the way of all men. And yet nearly
every one knows how far such an assump
tion is from the truth, 'cor nearly every
one can recall acquaintances possessed of
every qualification for surmounting the or
diuary difficulties that beset the path of ad
vancement who throughout their whole lives
are unable to make headway. They have
skill., industry, knowledge sod prudence,
and, after all, cannot rise above the level of
the general mass. Say what we may, des
tiny has more to do in shaping the careers
of men than men themselves have. Upon
no other reasonable hypothesis can the
marked difference observable in the measure
of reward meted out to men he Accounted
for. Nor, as might he coeoeivei-, does tins
| WN. imply preordination. It only assumes
| that the order of events, or what is better,
the relation of means to ends is such that
only a portion, and that a small one, of m an .
kind can obtain a chance to success fn
other words, that the chances of failure
greatly outnumber the chances of success in
ail departments of human endeavor It
proves nothing to the contrary to cite
the instances, of the merchant, the
manufacturer, or the professional man who
has risen in the same place and by the same
lu-truuieotality that witnessed the wreck of
predecessor. Circumstances may have
differed in the one case from what they were
in the other, want of patronage, perfidous
friends, unfortunate investments, domestic
afflictions, accidents, may have been the
common lot of one, while ceaseless-prosper
itv attmded the footsteps of his successor.
Men nmy embrace but they cannot make
opportunity; that is beyond the power of
the most powerful. They can only seize it
as it is presented, and for him who stands
not near as it passes swiftly by there is naught
to do but delve as cheerfully as he may, in
the humble sphere that fate has assigned
One man becomes rich and (treat, while
another equally capable, equally deserving,
continues poor and lowly, because opportu
nity was ever within reach of the first, and
never or rarely within reach or sight of the
second. Had Stewart sunk his patrimony
of ten thousand dollars in his first venture
on Broadway, his palaces would not be the
marval of tl at street to-day, yet would he
have Leen inherently the greatest merchant
of them a.I. Grant at Galena was an hum
ble citizen. Grant at the White liousc and
in history is at the summit of terrestial
greatness. But for the war the world would
not know his name, yet would he have been
no less a great soldier than now.
He who ia persistent, provident and prac
tical will do better than he who is lacking in
these qualifications, but without the aid
, that comes from special opportunity no man,
however gifted, will achieve what is called
success. The vanity, therefore, that springs
from the consciousness of successful effort,
like the notion that failure implies inefficien
cy partial or total always, has but a slight
foundation to rest upon.— huhatriul Amer
Bkeathisu. —lt is a well known fact
that people who habitually breath through
the nose are less liable to infectious diseases
and pulmonary complaints; one very com
mon benefit derived by such who sleep with
the mouth closed, is that they never awake
with the painful and disagreeable sensation
produced by a parched throat and cracked
lips. This may be a small matter, but I
think it ie deserving of attention. When
we break Nature's laws we must pay the
penalty.— Good Health.
A family which was residing in Lynn,
Mass., at last accounts, has, during the past
sixteen years, lived in sixteen different towns 1
and cities, and has occupied twenty-eight
different houses. During this moving period
i the wife has become the mother of eleven
"Tniuae re three hoars and a half lost
by you this morning," a superintendent said
to a tardy teacher. "I was only half an
hour late," he replied. ' True," said the
superintendent; ' but then there were seven
scholars waiting all that time fot you."
ed civilian was lately explaining to his sen,
who was quite a boy, the outlines of Italy,
and remarked, as usual, that they resem
bled in form a man's boot." ''Well" said
the little fellow, "if I live to be a man I'll
put my foot in it!"
TUB Hcprrst inquires, Why do nine out
of every ten newspapers call fusel oil fusil
oil ? It is probably because fusil being a
> tuu.ket, the liqnor in which it largely pre
dominates is warranted to kill at forty paces.
A Ji'GUK being asked what contributed
most to success at the bar, replied, "Some
succeeded by great talent, some by a mira
cle, but the majority by commencing with
out a shilling."
AN Irishman, byway of illustrating tho
horrors of solitary confinement, s.sttd that
out of one hundred pcr-ocs sentenced to en
dure this punishment for fife, only fifteen
suiVived It.
I AN lowa editor acknowledges the receipt
jof Congressional documents in advance of
j the mail," in consequence of a flock of
wolves and bears chasing the rider across
the prairies.
FAID a youngster in glee, displaying his
purchase to a bosom friend on tlxe sidewalk,
"Two cocoanute for ten cents! that will
make me sick to morrow, and I won't have
to go to school."
Ttrr. lion snd horse disputed one day as
to whose eyesight was the best. The lion
saw in dark night a white hair in milk; the
the horse saw a black hair in pitch. So the
horse won.
A YANKEB editor says : "The march of
■ civilisation is onward —onward —onwaid —
I like the slow but intrepid tread of u jack j.-s
towards a peek of oats !'
' A CINCINNATI horse ran orer a boy sc
f oently, but according to the papers, "no
' bones were broken except his skull. The
r boy died soon after.
\ Mr SIMKS eaysiflt wasn't for the hole
3 in the hoop youcouldn t put it on the tar
rel, and the barrel would burst.