Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, May 06, 1870, Image 1

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All advertisement* for less than S months 10
eents per line for each insertion. Special notices
one-half additional. All resqlaiicns of Associa
tions, communications of a limited or indiTidal
interest and notices of marriages and deaths, ex
ceeding five lines, 10 cts. per line. All legal noti
ces of every kind, and all Orphans' Court and
other .Tndicial sales, are required by law to be pub
lished in both papers, Kditoria! Notices 15 cents
per line. All Advertising due aftersrjt insertion.
A liberal discount made to yearly advertisers.
3 monts. 6 months, 1 year
One square $ 4.50 $ 6.00 SIO.OO
Twe squares 6.00 9.00 16.00
Three squares 8.00 12.00 20.00
l>ne-fourth column 14.00 20.00 35.00
Half column 18.00 25.00 45.00
Oneeolumn 30.00 45.00 80.00
N*WSNAPR.A LAWS.— Wo would call the special
a "ention of Post Masters and subscribers to the
I 'otrißßß to the following synopsis of the News
paper laws:
1. A Postmaster is required to give notice by
teller, (returning a paper anes not answer the law)
when a subscriber uoes not take bis paper out of
the office, and state tho reasons lor its not being
taken; and a neglect to do so makes the Postmas
ter repeoneibU to tho publishers (or the payment.
2. Any person who takes . paper from the Post
office, whether directed to his nama or another, or
whether he has subscribed ot not is responsible
t'or the pay.
3. Il a person orders bis paper discontinued, be
must pay all arrearages, or the publisher may
' <mtin ue to send it until payment is made, and
lileot the whole amount, whether it be taken fro*
•lie ojjiee or not. There can be no legal disoontin
. lenec until tbe payment is made.
4. If the subscriber orders bis paper to be I
topped at a certain time, and the publisher eon !
tinucs to send, the subscriber is bound to pay for '
it, i/ke take*ito,it of the Poet Office. The law
proceeds upon tbe ground that a man must, psv
for what he use§.
5. The courte have decided that refusing to take
newspapers and periodicals from tho Post office,
r.r removing and having Jhem uncalled for, is
prima /acta evidence of intentional fraud.
i , i
& gusitxess (Sards.
.1 .--G ;, -asgi
BtSPrOBP, l'\.
All 1 i 'rcs.i intrusted to him will be attended to
wiiu gnat care. Upon notice wiil appear fot par
tita iu ?!iits before Justices of the Peaco in any
I of the county. Office with J. ff. Dickerson,
Esq., on Juiiana St., next door north of Mengel
House. itnarly.
C . II O L A 11 A N ,
Reppuko, Pa.
Jan. 28, 7-tf
... B. spine A. KING, jr.
Baopoitn, PA.
Will prctuptly attend to all business intrusted to
•heir care in Bedford and adjoining counties.
1 tfice in Gazette building, on the corner of pub-
Square aod Juliana street. Sap
Have formed a partnership in the practice of
the Law, in new brick building near the Lutheran
Church. [April 1, 1860-tf
Respectfully tenders his professional services
t • the public. Office in the Iv.jui naßuilding,
(second Boor.)
iST~Collections promptly made. [April, 1'69-tf.
ESPY M. alkip.
ATTORNEY AT LAW, and Justice of the
Peace, Beppori>, PA.,
Will faithfully and promptly attend to all busi
ness entrusted to his care in Bedford andadjoin
eonnties. Military claims, Pensions, back
pay, Bounty, Ac. speedily collected. Office in
room on Juliana Street lately occupied by Rsed
A Schell Bankers. apl 1, 1883.—t1.
Will promptly attend to al] business intrusted to
his car# in Bedford and adjoining Counties.
Office on Juliana street in the building occu
pied for many yeaTs by King <J Jordan, and late
ly by Hall & Keagy.
Bedford, Pa..
Will attend promptly and faithfully to nil busi
ness entrusted to their care. Special attention
given to coPectiona and the prosecution of claims
for Back Pay, Bounty, Pensions. Ac.
on Juliana street, south of the Court
House. Apri 1:69:1yr.
Sharps a kerr,
Will practice in the Courts of Bedford and ad
joining counties. All business entrusted to their
•are will receive careful and prompt attention.
Tensions, Bounty, Back Pay, Ac., speedily col
lected from the Government,
Office on Juliana street, opposite the banking j
us# of Reed A Scheil. Bedford. Pa. Apr l;69:tf I
Respectfully lenders his professional ser- ■
vices to the citizens of Bedford and vicinity.
Office an 1 residonce on Pitt Street, in the building '
formerly occupied by Dr. J. 11. Ilofia*. [Ap'l 1,89. I
MlB CBLL AN K 01' S.
Will attend to all business entrusted into his hands
with promptness and despatch. Will remit mon
ey by draft to any part of the country. 17sely
ronn HOTKL, Bexroßn, PA.
He keeps on har.d a "rock of hue Gold and Sil
ver Watches, Spectacles of Brilliant Double Refin
ed Glasses, also Scotch Pebble Glasses. Gold
Watch Chains, Breast Pins, Finger Rings, best
quality of Gold Pens. He will supply to order
any thing in his line not on hand. [apr.2B,'6s.
Respectfully tenders his professional services to
the citizens of Bedford and vicinity.
Office three doers East of the Bedford House.
TAT Night calls attended to with promptness. I
April 8, 1870-tf
(i N HIC KO K .
Office at the old stand in
Bak.'v BTRILPIXO, Juliana St., BEDFORD.
Ml operations pertaining to
Bnrg ical and Mechanical Dentistry
performed with care and
A nrrsthetics administered, when desired. Ar
■inl teeth inserted at, per let, SB.OO and up.
As I am deteimined to do a CASH BUSINESS
or none, I have reduced the prices for Artificial
Teeth of the various kinds, 20 per cent., and of
Gold Fillings S3 per cent. This reduction will be
made only to strictly Cash Patients, and all such
will receive prompt attention. 7feb6B
Transacts a General Banking Business, and makes
collections on all accessible points ia
the United States.
EXCHANGE bought and sold.
1 . S. REVENUE STAMPS of all descriptions
always on hand.
Accounts of Merchants. Mechanics, Formers and
all other solicited.
Jan. 7, '7O.
for sale at the Inquirer office, a fine assort
:'■■■nt of Marriage Certificates. Clergymen and
Justices should have them.
LL'TZ & JORDASi Editors and Proprietors.
I-UTZ & J O R D A N ,
Our ffteilitia* for doing *ll kinds of Job Printing
*re squalled by Tory few ostablishmenU in the
country. Orders by mail promptly filled. All
letters ihoold be addressed te
.3 ?ioial d\',u i J fnrial jilffcuspapct, 23fbotftJ to politics, Obitcation, Hitpratutc anti J&otals.
It effort Inquirer.
A private letter front Wyoming says:
j "Now send along your superfluous women!",
which is as much as to say that the aet was
passed for the especial purpose of enticing
the ladies to tfco Territory.
AN important rumor has been circulated
ihal Minister Thornton protested against
the ratification by this Government of the
D iricn ship canal treaty, on the ground that
| it violates the provisions of the treaty be
| tween the United States and England, pro
i viding that in such enterprises both coun
tries shall be equal partners.
fHE vote in the Indiana Conference of the
M. E. church on the question of lay delega
tion stands 2,812 for aud 2,277 against, in
the several districts, and the miuisterLl
vote before the Conference was sixty -seven
in favor. Txw miijacHjt Nporfc i <k> OO
mittee on tbe "Methodist Book Concern was
endorsed, on the ground that ten persons
wore more likely to be correct in the judg
inent of the case than three.
SENATOR REVELS does not seem inclined j
to accept the patronage cf any one. He !
exacts all the etiquette due to his office, and !
to a man who thought ha was conferring a 1
favor by inviting him to call at his rooms j
at Willard's, the Senator replied: "/am at
2S North A street, and shall be p'easqd to I
havcyoH call on me."
A \ JKGINIA correspondent writes that 1
notwithstanding the friends of Mrs. Stone- j
wall Jackson have indignantly denied the re
port that that lady was soon to be married !
to a well known Boston millionaire, it is not
very probable that they will deny that she
is soon to be married to one of Virginia's ;
most distinguished divine?.
THE HOUSE decides by a close vote in fa- 1
vor of increasing its membership. The sup
plementary act of 'O2 limited the number of j
Representatives to 241. The present bill i
increases the number to 275, with suitable ;
provision for the rights of new States yet to
be erected. Tbe main oposition was made
by Republican members. With so close a
vote in the House, the fate of the measure ;
in the Sena'c is very uncertain.
THE passage of the Congressional appor
: tionuicnt bill I y the House on Monday is
| regarded as a shrewd dodge on tbe part of
the west and south to gain additional power
i and, in fact, control the action in making
1 the permanent apportionment. A few slight
concessions were made to the eastern and
middle States, but in the main the new ad
i ditional members will come from the south
and west. The eastern members f'ougbl
tho bill hard, but tbe west and south carried
it through l>y their combined strength.
In the Chicago Common Council Monday
night a report was presented stating that
during the late war the railway companies
were allowed, in consideration of the in
creased cost of iron aud other materials, to
raise their fare from five to six cents, for
those not buying tickets, but that now, ou
account of the depreciation in prices, the
rates should be reduced, and if the compa
nies do not make such reduction in ten days
the Corporation Counsel will investigate
whether they have not, by such illegal
charges, forfeited their charters.
THE Louisville C< 'trier—Journal is not
excessively complimentary to these Demo
crats who lave so suddenly changed their
bate into affection for I lieiaffiMorcd brother.
That paper say?:
When a man who has been a rampant se
cessionist and a bull-headed hater of aboli
tionism all his suddenly takes the negro
to his arms as a long-lost brother or sister
and commences to abuse the white people at
the same time, ycu have but to point your
j gun at him and pull the trigcr if you wish
1 to shoot down a full blown scalawag in search
' of negro votes.
THE vitality statistic* of Michigan have
: ju?t been published. The fact brought out
: that will strike the reader as the most sin
-1 gular is, that the professional men were the
; longest-lived class. The average age ofclor
• gymen and physicians was 5'J years, while
that of farmers was 51,27 years, being even
; less than that ot shoemakers, whose average
age was 55,50. Clerks enjoyed a shorter
jife than any other class, only 33.14 years
j being allotted to them. Of the various dis
■ eases that swept away the people, consump
' tion was the most fatal, its victims number
| jng 841, out of a total number of deaths of
S 0,326.
THE liazar originated in rather a curious
way. A Get man servant girl who was em
! ployed in the family of Fletcher Harper, Jr,
used to receive the Bazar of Berlin from
her friends at home. The ladies of the
family happening to see the paper, sugges
ted the feasibility of establishing a similar
periodical in this country. The project was
carried out, and an arrangement was effec
ted, as already stated, to obtain advance
sheets and duplicate plates from the Bazar.
It is not generally known that the Paris
fashions are copied from Berlin, and by the
present arrangement the newest styles arc
published in New York simultaneous with
—if not in advance of those in Paris.
THERE is said to be living in the neigh
borhood of Dumfries, Prince William coun
ty, Va, the widow of a revolutionary sol
dier—Mrs. Chloe Flatford, who has reached
the unusual age of 115 years. She enjoys
good health, but is very deaf, and her eye
sight is somewhat impaired. She has lost
all of her teeth, but has a thick suit of gray
hair. Her memory is good. She says she
was a grown woman at the time of the sur
render of Lord Comwallis at Yorktown.
She is in the receipt of a pension from the
United States Government, and is very
comfortably cared for. Tbe old lady both
chews and smokes tobacco.
GEN. VAN VLEIT at the Philadelphia
meeting to honor the death of General Thom
as, said: "We entered West Point together;
we studied together; we roomed together;
we graduated together, and we were assign
ed to the same regiment and ordered to Flo
ida; and there in the everglades, in the war
in Mexico, and in the late rebellion, we were
more or less together, and in all that time
I never knew him to be guilty of an unkind
word or act. He stated to me a short time
before being transferred to the command of
California, that he had never solicited an
appointment or asked for a promotion.
This was characteristic of the man who, in
the face of defeat, could carry the field of
1 he red-winged merle from bendiog spray,
With graceful pinions poising,
Pourg out a liquid roundelay
In jubilant rejoiciDg:
The cock-grouse drums on sounding log-
The fox forsakes tho cover.
The woodcock pipes from fen and bog,
From upland leas the plover.
The speckled trout darts up the stream
Beneath the rustic bridges,
IV bile flocks of pigeons glance acd gleam
O er beech and maple ridges:
1 he golden robin thrills bis note
Among the netted shadows,
1 he bob o'-link, with mellow throat,
Makes musical the meadows.
The peeping frogs with silver bells,
In rhythmical ovation,
King out a chime of treble swells
Iu,lui\4*n ■
The low of kine is mingling with
The song of lark and sparrow.
And fallow fields are growing blithe
Beneath the plough and harrow.
The moon all night, serene and white,
i On lake and stream is glowing,
While rippling fountains seek her light,
Through woodland valleys flowing;
And all night long a low sweet song
Sweeps o'er the misty hollow,
From marsh and fen, from hill and glen,
I-'rom brook, and field, and fallow.
It is the time of pleasant things,
When Love makes up bis issues,
And hearts well up, like bidden springs,
From rusted cells and tissues —
A time to hear at break of day
A silver-chorused matin—
A liquid fretwoik in crochet
On atmospheric satin, —
A time to feast the soul, the eyes,
To watch each bird that passes,
And half surmise that birds are wise,
And men are only asses;
And then to turn aud raise the load
With weary shoulders bending,
And take the old, well beaten road
That leads—unto tho ending.
—From Lippincott' * Magazine for Nay.
TJIK following exquisite hymn, written for
the occasion by John G. Whittier, was sung
by the choir of Arlington Church, Boston,
during the funeral services over the remains
of the HOD. Auson Bftrliiigame;
With silence only as their benediction
God's angels ccme,
Where in the shadow of a great affliction
The soul sits dumb.
Yet would we say what every heart approvetb,
Our Father's will,
Calling to Ilim the dear ones whom he loveth,
In mercy still.
Not npon us or ours the bolemn angel
Hath evil wrought
The funeral anthem is a glad evangel;
The good die not.
God calls our loved ones, but we loved not
What He has given;
They live ou earth in thoughts and deeds
as truly
As in His Heaven.
' Throe girls domiciled in the very next
room ! By the beard of Mahomet and Con- j
fucius' spectacles, there's an end of my
writing for one month, at least!"
Kenneth Ross pushed his papers into a
confused heap, shut his writing-desk with
a vindictive snap, and lighted a cigar in a;
sort of quiet dispair.
"Three chattering, noisy, giggling girls
—three of 'em. each with a tongue three
times its proper length! There's my cou
sin Flora, Alice Aymer, and Rosa Fernall—
blue eye?, black eyes, and melting gray; by
the way, that little monkey Rosa isn't bad
looking. J rather fancy that peculiar shade
of filbert brown hair, and big gray eyes, and
checks where the blood flutters like a pink ;
pennon. Rosa Fernall would mtke a tolcra- i
ble study for my next heroine. I may as
well put her to some useful purpose.
Ileigho ! Itliiuk Aunt Meg was crazy to
invite all those girls here at once."
Kenneth Ross paused a moment, as the
merry peal of girlish laughter echoed io the
adjoiniug apartment. He bit his lip.
"They're laughing at me, I'll bet my opal
scarf-pin. Girls always think a bachelor
fair game; they've no more respect for the
dignity of man than so many Brazilian
monkeys. 1 see nothing so very ridiculous
in my manners, or personal appearance."
And Mr. Ross loooked rather complacent
ly in the mirror opposite, which reflected
an oval brown face, with shining black hair
and mustache, brilliant dark eyes, and a
mirthful, spirited mouth.
Tup, tap, tap, sounded softly on the panel
of his door, even while he was engage! in
taking this poreotial survey of himself, and
he bad just time to take his heels off the
tabie before Miss Flora Edgeworth put her
sunshiny little head into the room.
"Cousin Kenneth, are you there?"
"Well, what's wanting now ?" was Mr.
Ross' rather ungracious response.
"May we couie in?"
"Why, you'll come iu, whether I grant
permission or not, and I may as well say
"I just want the girls to see what a dear
little scholarly den you've got here, all
hung with pictures and meerschaums and
deer's horn?, and darling dismal skulls,
Flora threw open the door, and admitted
her two companions—rosy, laughing dam
sels of eighteen and twenty one.
"Here he is, girls, the old bachelor, as be
appears in his native wilds."
"Now I tell you what, young ladies,"
said Mr. Ross, throwing his half smoked
cigar deliberately out of the window, "I'll
trouble you to be a little less unceremoni
For Alice and Flora had pounced on his
sheets of loose manuscript like honey bees
on a bed of heliotrope, and were already
laughing over the rather illegible cbirog
rapby. Miss Fernall stood near the door
a little confused and very pretty, in her
blushes and uncertainty.
"Alice! Floral don't t" she appealed.
"It's no use, Miss Rom!" said Kenneth
dispairingly. "They are regular little
pirates, and I don't see why they don't
hoist the black flag at once, and hare done
) with it. Girls, tn'N you be so kind as to
leave my writing desk alone? Where's
your homage to the dignity of manhood ?"
"What an absurd idea, Kenneth," said
. Flora audaciously, as she tried the key of
the desk. "The digDity of manhood, in
deed ! I for one never could properly ap
preciate it."
"That is your own loss," said Mr. Ross,
solemnly. "A woman is—well, she's noth
ing but a womao; while a man possesses all
the majesty of human nature, combined
with— There's no use in looking in that
drawer, unless you are particularly inter
ested in blacking brushes and old boots."
"How can you, Flora?" pleaded the
shocked Rosa.
"Oh, my! Girls," twittered Miss Edge
worth ecstatically, "here's a bottle of real
farina cologne! Out with your pocket
handkerchiefs, quick! Goon, Ken.; what j
were you saying about the majesty of-- j
what's its name?"
But Mr. Ross preserved a stately si j
lence. j
"Don't be cross, Kenneth," said Flora, 1
sprinkling a scented dew on her yellow j
curls from the slender, foreign shaped hot- !
tie. "We're going down to the post-office I
now. Rosa Fernall has written a twelve :
page letter to her sweet-heart out iu Can :
, ada—"
"Flora!" exclaimed Rosa Fernall, turn- j
ing scarlet.
—"And," pursued the relentless Flora,
"we're going to post it. Come girls; the
sun is getting more oppressive every mo
And the next moment Mr. Ross was left
alone in the Summer silence of the room, i
with the heavy musk rose nodding at the
open casement, and the dreamy murmur ;
of maple boughs and far-off bees in his
"A twelve-page letter to her sweetheari!"
pondered Mr. Kenneth, with a very omin
ous contraction of his eyebrows. "She must
have had something very interesting to |
write. I wonder who he is. Canada, eh? !
1 wish it was Van Dietuan's Land."
Mr. Ross rose from his easy chair, aud j
began to walk up and down the floor.
"It's too confounded hot to breathe
here!" he gait s , impatiently taking up his
straw hat. "I'll go and take a tramp in the i
woods. Twelve pages! what could she have
found to fill up twelve pages?"
Flora Edgeworth had succeeded io plant
ing a rankling thorn in her cousin's breast j
all unconscious though she had been.
The sun was low iu the cloudless west
ern sky when Kenneth Ross returned from
his abstracted ramble in the woods, and the
wide, old-fashioned country house was very
still, as he ascended the oaken staircase and ;
went absently along the corrider toward his
own apartment.
"Hallo I"
Mr. Ross gazed vacantly around the room
with something of the bewildered feeling }
that might have belonged to the Eastern j
: Prince, when he found himself transported
I I'rotn pole to pole in an enchanted dream.
"I'm in the wrong room, Ido believe— I
for there is Flora Edgeworth's white zeph- '
j yr shawl on the bed, and Rosa's black vel !
vet Derby hat, and no end of ribbons and
gloves and lace collars on the bureau. I ,
don't sec how I ever came to make such a
blunder—l must have been in a brown I
lie balanced the coquettish little black
velvet "Derby hat" on his hand as he spoke.
"So this is the fashionable style of cha
/tcau, efc? It certainly is a fact that women
borrow their chief dress nowadays from the
I nobler sex. This hat is just a fac simile o(
my last summer's tile, aud that little saque I
: with the big horn buttons is my cut-away j
coat over again, I wonder now whether j
I llosa's little hat would fit me!"
| 31 r. Ross adjusted the article of dress
! jauntily on one side of his curls and view
cd himself, not ill pleased, in the large
"Upon my word, it don't look so bad,
only this long flapping vail is confounded
ly in the way. And now where's the saque?
A little tight in the sloaros, but otkorwuio
quite a decent fit, if a fellow holds his arms
j well back. There's Alice's blue muslin
dress. I've two minds and a half' to put
! them OD, just for the joke of the thing."
A momentary silence ensued, broken by
the rustling of muslin.
"Don't meet around the waist by a good
six inches, but I can hold it up. I wonder
what makes the thing drag on the floor and
-ling round one's legs so. Oh, I know—
the crinoline ought to go under."
For the "dignity of manhood" we arc re
luctant to chronicle the fact that our hero,
intent- on his tableau solitarie, did actually,
then and there, proceed to the closet and
piratically take down a hoop-skirt, which
he solemnly put on.
"Jupiter! how comical it feels!" he
ejaculated, with au amused face. "Why,
I shouldn't dare to go within a yard of a
vase or statuette, and I'm quite certain I'd
swamp all the chairs and tables I came near.
Bother this trailing muslin—always in the
way I"
For Mr. Ross had unthinkingly plunged
his masculine boot through the delicate fab
ric of the dress.
"I'm not cirtain but that I should make
quite a nice looking woman." mused Len
neth, strutting backward and forward before
the mirror, with his Derby hat balanced
daintily, and the blue muslin revealing about j
a foot and a half of calf-skin boot and trow- j
sers. "On the whole—Tomb of the Prophet! j
is that the girls?"
Mr. Ross gave a blindly desperate jerk at ;
his sacque, and a pull at the crinoline ; but j
all in vain. The sweet, gay voices, inter- j
mingled here and there with a ring- j
ing laugh, or a snatch of song, drew nearer
and nearer. For an instant Mr. Ross wild- j
ly contemplated a rush through the hall to
his own door, but a moment's reflection c-on- ;
vinced him that such a retreat would be rim- i
ply impossible.
"I must stay aud face it out!" thought j
he, with a cold perspiration breaking out on j
his forehead; "but hold on there's the !
closet. It's just possible they will only stay
here a minute or two."
And Mr. Kenneth Ross, totally oblivious !
of the "majesty of man," fled precipitately
into the closet, stumbling over the crinoline
and muslin in a most disastrous manner,
and hopelessly splitting open the scams of
poor Alice's sacque.
jto"Why the deuce didn't I think to secure
the key?" he thougt, as the girls streamed
into the room. "However, I can hold tight
on the door handle, If any one attempts to
get in. If\ By Jove, if the girls should
see me in this rig I should never hear the
last of it. I don't see either, why I'm not
obliged to play eavesdropper against my
He leaned up against the shelves, and
breathlessly awaited the progress of events.
"V hy !" ejaculated a soft voice—Rosa's
own—"where'B my Derby? Was I careless
enough to leave it down stairs? Flora you
have hidden it."
"I wonder what you'll accuse me of next?'
said Flora, in an injured voice.
You told Mr. Ross that cousin Simon's
letter was to —to —''
"Your sweetheart! Well, he ought to
be, T'm sure. Mr. Simon Myntrose is the
handsomest young man I know."
"Oh, Flora 1 he don't compare with Mr.
"Rosa Fernall, be honest," said Flora,
' speaking indistinctly, with two or three hair-
I pins in her cherry mouth; "which do you
I like best—Cousin Ken., or Simon Mon-
I trose?"
I "Flora !"
i -'Tell me now, honestly."
The answer came in a low, half inaudible
| voice.
| "Kenneth!"
The heart under Alice's sacquc gave a
great joyous jump. Mr Kenneth Ross'
head came in contact with something on the
upper shelf, and down came a rain of band
boxes on his occiput.
There was an instant's terrified silence, and
then all the girls began to scream in chorus.
"Mercy," ejaculated -Mice, "what is it?''
"How silly we all are," said Rosa tremu
lously; "it's only the cat."
"As if a cat could make such a noise as
that," sobbed Flora. "Call Unele JohD.
Bring a revolver. Alice, do look and see
what it is."
"No—you look," faltered Alice, retreating
behind the bureau.
"I'll look myself," said Rosa Fernall,
bravely advancing to the rescue. But when
the door handle refused to turn, even she
"Some one is holding the door inside.
Call the men."
"There's no necessity." quoth a voice
from behind the panels, and the next mo
ment the closet door flew ojien. disclosing a
tall form in blue muslin and crinoline, and
a countenance whose utter sheepishness can
never be described.
"Cousin Ken." shrieked Flora.
"Mr. Ross," faltered Miss Ferna)!.
"W r hy, it can't be possible," ejaculated
Aud then the three girls clung to each
other in irrepressible paroxysms of laughter.
"The fact is ladies," commenced Kenneth
confusedly, "I— Won't sotne one help me
off with this mousetrap of a hoopskirt? Miss
Alice, I'm very sorry I've split vour sacque
open, but— Well, if you won't stop laugh
ing I can't explain, that's the long and the
short of it."
But Rosa Fernall had stopped laughing
already and the pink of her cheeks was deep
ening into scarlet. She had just remember"
ed the words carelessly spoken in that, very
room not five minutes ago.
In an inexplicably short space oftiinc Mr
Ross had torn off his feminine adornments,
and fled ignorniniously, followed by the peals
of laughter of his cousin and Alice Aymer.
Rosa—strange little piece of contradiction—
hud began to cry.
"Poor little thing ! she's hysterical," said
Aunt Meg, who had just appeared on tbe
But Rosa Fernall was not hysterical.
The full, delicious moon of Summer was
in the mid-heaven that oignt, as Kenneth
Ross strolled into the gardon, moodily puf
fing at a cigar, and contemplating the feasi
bility of leaving Warburgh to avoid tbe girls'
"I was a fool!" quoth Kenneth, aloud ;
"but — Who's thero?"
It was Rosa, with two or three white clove
pinks in her band, coming from the lower
part of the garden. And by the full bril
liant moonlight, Kenneth saw the traces of
tears on her cheek.
"Rosa, you have been crying!" *
"No, I Imveu'i I" Audio prove tlie
truth of her assertion, Rosa began to cry
"Look here, Rosa," said the young man
gravely, "I have been thinking of leaving
Warburgh to-morrow."
Rosa cried on.
"But," pursued Mr. Ross, "IT stay if—
if—you'll only tell me to my face what you
told my cousin when I was hidden away
like a great, foolish rat in a trap, Rosa'
Speak to me, little one !"
"Whatshall I tell you " faltered Rosa.
"That you love me ! that you will be my
dear and cherished wife !"
And she told him so —in the language
lovers best like to hear. And Mr. Kenneth
Ross stayed in Warburgh, and braved the
ridicule of Alice and Flora, with little
Rosa marshaled on his side.
But he never read the girls any more
homilies on the dignity of manhood, or the
majesty of human nature. To use Miss
| Flora's expressive language, "It wouldn't
have gone-down!"— N. V. Ledger.
ADVICE TO PARENTS. —A letter from a
druggist calls attention to the enormous sale
of a preparation known as ' 'soothing syrup,"
an analysis of which is alleged to detect a
large per centage of morphine, and from
which several cases of narcotie poisoning
have been reported in menieal periodicals
of high authority. It is averred that not
only are children proportionately less toler
ant thau adults of the action of opiates, but
that in them the operation of these drugs
is exceedingly capricious and uncertain, and
hence medical writers are unanimous in im
pressing tbe utmost caution in their admin
istration to the young. Hoffman states
that opiates arc dangerous to children, not
only in their immediate effects, but as lead
ing, in some instances, to "permanent men
tal imbecility and loss of museular power,"
and warns against the popular custom of
giving anodynes for slight attacks of colic or
other pain.
EAR ACHE.—There is scarcely any -ache
to which children are subject So bad to bear
and so difficult to cure as ear ache. .-But
there is a remedy never known to fail. Take
a bit of cotton batting, put upon it a pinch
of blaek pepper, gather it up and tie it, dip
it in sweet oil, and insert it in the ear. Pat
a flannel handkerchief over the head to keep
it warm. It will give immediate relief.
THE press, the pulpit, the petticoats—
tho three ruling powers of the day. The
first spreads knowledge, the eecocd, morals,
and the third spreads considerably.
VOL. 43: NO 18.
Marriage is a fair transaction on tho face
1 ov it.
But iz quite too often put-up jobs
in it.
It ig an old institushnn, older than the
pyramids,, aud az phull ov. hyroglypics that
nobody can prase.
History holds its tongue who the pair
waz who first put on the silkeo harness, and
promised to work kind in it, thru thick and
thin, up hill and down, and on the level,
rain or shine, survive or perish, sink or
swir i, drown or float.
But whoever they wos, they must have
mado a good thing of it, or so menny ov
their posterity would not hav harnessed up
since and drove oat.
Thare is a great moral grip to marriage ;
it iz tbe morter that holds the soshul bricks
But there ain't but darn few pholks who
put their money in matrimony who could
sit >k>o and (ri written opinyon win on
artii they com to did it
This iz a grate proof that it iz one ov
them natural kind of ackidents that hap
pen, jr.-t az birds fly out ov the Best when
tbey hav feathers enuff, without being able
tew tell why.
borne marry for buty, and never diskovcr
their mistake; this is lucky.
Bum marry for money, and don't see it.
Sum marry for pedigree, and (eel big for
six months, and then very sensibly cuui tew
the conclusion that pedigree ain't no better
than skim milk.
Some marry bekawe3 they bav bin high
sted sum where else; this is a cross match,
a bay and sorrel; pride may make it endu
Sum uiatry for love without a cent in
their pocket, nor a friend in the world, nor
a drop of pedigree. This looks desperate,
but it is tkit strength of the game.
If marrying for love ain't a success then
matrimony is a ded beet.
Sum marry because they think wimmiu
will be scarce next year, and live tew won
der how tbe crop holds out.
Sum marry to get rid of themselves, and
discover that the game was one that two
could play at, and neither win.
Sum marry the second time to get even
and find it a gambling game—the more they
put down the less they take up.
Sum marry tew be happy, and not find
ing it, wonder where all the happiness goes
when it die?.
Sum marry they can't tell why. and live
tbey can't tell how.
Almost everybody gets married and it is
a good joke.
Sum many in haste, and then sit down
and think it carefully over.
Sum think it over carefully fust, and then
set down and marry.
Roth ways are right, il they hit the uiaik.
Sura marry rakes to convert them. This
iz a little risky, and takes a smart mission
ary to do it.
Sum marry coquetts. This is like buying
a poor farm heavily mortgaged, and work
ing tho balance of your days to clear off the
Married fife haz its chances, and this iz
just what gives it its favor. Every boddy
luves to phool with the chances, bekauze
every boddy expects to win. But I am
authorized tew state that everyboldy don't
But after all, married life iz full az cer
tain az dry goods bizness.
No man can swear exactly where he will
fetch up when he touches calico.
Kno man kan tell jist what calico haz
made up its mind to do next.
Calico don't know even herself.
Dry goods ov all kinds iz the child ov cir
Sum never marry, but this iz just ez ris
ky; the disease iz tbe same, with another
name to it.
The man who stands on the banks shiv
ering, and dassent, iz more apt tew ketch
cold than him who pitches hiz bead fust in
to the river.
TKaro xar bat fow wbo acici LUdiij If
kause they wont —they all hanker, and most
on them starve with bread before them
(spread on both sides) just for the lack of
Marry young / iz mi motto.
I hev tried it, and I kuow what I am
talking about.
If enny boddy asks you why you got tuar
ried (if needs be), tell him you don't read
Marriage iz a safe way to gamble—il' you
win, yu win a pile, and if you loze, you
don't lose ennytbiog, only tho privilege of
living dismally alone, and soaking your own
I repeat it, in italics, marry yuny '
Tber iz but one good excus. for a uiar
riage late in life, and that iz—" nrcond mar
\ riaye.—Josh Biffiny*.
There is a long catalogue of wants yet
wanted. Wanted, men who will condemn
wrong in friend or foe —fear or favor; wrong I
in themselves as well as others, themselves
before others. Wanted , men who know I
their places and will fill them, and not push
for other and greater and more lucrative and
responsible, which thev can't fill. It is the i
push of small men into big places, the over
leaping of ambition which so embarrasses
affairs, movements of govtrnuients, armies,
and finance. Wanted, men who know their
own businc-s, will stick to that, and let
everybody's else alone; who will be con'ent
that God shall rule the universe without
their engineering, and that uiun shall go his
way without their meddling. Wanted, men
"not too lazy to work, nor 100 proud to be
poor; willing to eat what they have earned
aud wear only what they have pail tor."
Wanted, men with no hinges in their knees,
no criuging in their manner, uo craven in
their hearts, who are going to stand up
straight in their honest manhood, not flunky
to money, or learning, or place, or circum
stance —only and always and everywhere
downright, self respecting men. Wanted,
men who shall be men in treatment of their
wives—not Jiitter, cynical, Mipercil'Sus domi
neering, aggravating; hat men of the chari
ties and courtesies they show to other wo
men, with a little ot the chivalry flung in.
HantaZ, men who sre going to stick by one
another in tbeir straits; who ate going to
make friendship no fiction, trade no cheat
ing, politics no barter, religion no form, life
no shipwreck and death no horror!
Mr. SMITH says that "a lady can - show
anger as well by her back, in leaving a
! room, as by her face," This must be when
1 her "back is up."
The lirociitsii 1* poblithed every BBIDA* morn
tog he following rates:
OK* "yeA*, (in advance,).., JJ-00
" " (if not paid within aix moc.i... $2 60
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All papers outside of the county discontinued
without notice, at the expiration of the time for
which the subscription has been paid
tiingleeopieeofthe paper famished, in wrappers
at fire cents each.
Communications on subjects of local or general
ntereet, are respectfully solicited. To ensure at
tention favors of this kind must invariably be
accorapaniod by the name of the author, not for
publication, bat as a guaranty against imposition.
All tetters pertaiaing to business of the office
, should be addressed to
T/UXZ A JORDAN, B*nro*i, Ps.
The following is from a communication iu
Hearth and Home, by an eminent phyei
cian :
"Called to prescribe for Mrs Andrew's
inflamed eyes; learned that she had a bit of
cinder in her eyes; occurred while traveling
in the cars four days ago; eye very much in
flamed, painful and attended with severe
head ache. This is one of hundreds of cases
where a little knowledge would not have
been a dangerous thing, and would save a
world of pain. Nothing is more distressing
to a traveler than a piece of cinder in the
eye, and no dis-rder is moreeasily reme
died. Calling the family together. I pro
ceeded to show them that it was not an eye
wash that Mrs. Andrews needed to relieve
her suffering, but the removal of the foreign
The cinder will be found just underneath
the margin of the upper lid, where there is
a small groove or gutter for the flow of tears
to the inner angle of the eye. Foreign
bodies tend to fall into this groove, and if
they are very angular, like cinder, they ad
here in spite of the current of tears which
now Sow in great abundance, and sooner or
later carry off smooth substances. Now if
yon will raise the margin of the upper lid
and turn it over, the cinder or grain of sand
will be exposed; and may easily be removed
with the point of a pencil, or with the finger
covered by a handkerchief.
I then demonstrated this simple operation
on 01 eof the boys, thus: Taking my pen
cil in my tight fingers, with the thumb and
first finger of ury left hand I seized the eye
lashes of the upper lid, and drawiug the lid
gently out from the ball, jtressed the point
of the pencil downward upon the upper sur
face of the lid, about one fourth of an inch
from its margin, and at the tame time car
ried the uiarcin upward o"cr the pencil by
the eve lashes, when the lid readily rolled
over the pencil so as to expose completely
the gutter described.
I then asked one of the young ladies to
perform this operation upon bcr mother,
which, after two or three failures, she ac
complished, and as I had predicted, small
angular pieces of cinder were found beneath
the matgin of the lid, which she very adroit
ly T< moved with the point of the pencil.
Mrs. Andrews expressed immediate re
lief. So much interest was felt in this pain
less operation, that all in turn performed it,
being much aided by requiring the person
operated upon to look downward when the
lid was being everted, and upward when the
operator wished to restore the lid."
for Congress, and his opponent was a young
man, who had "never been to the wars,"
and it was the custom of the old revolu
tionary hero to tell the hardships he had
endured. Said he :
''Fellow-citizens : I have fought and bled
i for my country- I helped to whip the British
■ and the Indians. 1 have slept on the field
Jul' battle, with no other covering than the
canopy of heaven. I have walked over the
frozen ground till every footstep was marked
with blood—"
Just about this time one of the sovereigns,
who had become greatly interested in his
tale of sufferings, waked up in front of the
speaker, wiped the tears from his eyes with
the extremity of his coat tail, and interrupt
ed him with: "Did you say you had font
the British and the Injins?"
"Yes, sir."
"Did you say you slept on the ground,
while serving your country, without any
"I did."
"Did you say your feet etovered the ground
you walked over with blood ?"
"Idid," said the speaker, exultiogly.
"Well, then," said the sovereign, as he
gave a sigh of tearful emotion, "I guess I'll
vote for t'other fellow; for I'll be blamed if
you ain't done enough for your country."
our readers are familiar with an oblong
brow nut, offered for sale in most of our
fruit and confectionary stores, and known as
the pecan nut. ft belongs to the hickory
family, and is a native of the extreme South
ern States, being found in the greatest
abundance in Southern Louisiana and Tex
as. Within the past few years considerable
attention has been paid to its cultivation in
the States named. It is a very productive
fruit, a tree at full maturity yielding from
one to two barrels, which sell readily at from
twenty five to thirty-five dollars per barrel.
It thrives well in any good hickory soil, and
succeeds admirably in the "bottoms" or
rich ridge soils of Florida, Texas, Louisiana
and other Southern States.
MEAN MEN. —Henry Ward Beecher says
of mean men : "I have hope of wicked
men; slender hope of a mean one. A wick
ed man may be converted and become a
prominent saint. A mean men onght to be
converted six or seven times, ono right af
ter the other, to give him a fair Btart and
put him on an equality with a bold, wicked
man. I have known men who thought the
object of conversion was to cleanse them as
a garment is cleansed and that when they
are converted they were to be hung up in
the Lord's wardwrobe, the door of which
was to be shut, so that no dust could get at
them. A coat that is not used, the moths
eat; and a christian who is hang np so that
he shall not be tempted, the rnotbs eat him;
ami they have poor food at that."
several large potatoes and put a pint of cold
water over theui; when settled, pour it off,
spread your silk upon the table, and jwot
with a sponge a small part of the silk, and
iron with a fiat-iron just a little warmei
than you can handle with your hands bare.
If it is too hot it will burn your si ;k. I have
just done over a silk dress that I have had
four years, and it looks almost as well as
new. To stiffen ribbons or old silk, take a
lump of gum arabic about as large as a hick
ory nut; dissolve it in a pint of water, and
dip the silks or ribbons into it, and iron
them immediately. If they are soiled, they
should be washed and dipped in a weak
solution of alum water.
AN important scrap of news has con.e
from the ancient land of Moab. A
scribed stone was found almost in th
of that once war like kingdom or
Mesha, a monarch whose name r
the " Book ot Kings,'' has reoorf
his exploits. There are also oa
which occur in Scripture, ar
identified, facilitate the work