Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, April 15, 1870, Image 1

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AU advertisements for ten then 3 months 10
cent* per line for each insertion. Specie i notice*
one-half addition*!. Ail resolution* of Assoeia
tione, commanicetiom of e limited or ittdividal
intereet end notice* of marriage* end deaths, ex
ceeding Are line*, 10 cle. per line. All legal noti
ces of overs hind, end all Orphan*' Court end
other Judicial sales, are required by lew to be pub-'
luhed in both papers. Editorial Notices 15 cents
per line. AU Advertising due after first insertion.
A liberal discount made to yearly advertisers.
2 moats. 6 months, 1 year
One square $ 4.50 $ 8.00 SIO.OO
Twe squares 6.00 #.OO 18.00
Three squares 8.00 12.00 20.00
One-fourth column - 14.00 20.00 . 35.00
Half column.— —... 18.00 25.00 45.00
One column.. 30.00 45.00 80.00
Liw.—We would cull the spwiel
ilteetioa of Poat HuUrs end rabKrihen tithe
Liqueur to the following synopsis of the Start
paper lawt: •
L A Postmaster U required to giro notice iy
•etttr, (returning a paper doer not anrwer the law)
when a subscriber does not take hi* paper out of
the ofllee, and atate the reasons lor jtr not being
taken; and a neglect to do so makes the Postina"
ter repooaeiUt lothe publishers for the payment.
2, Any p rion who takes a paper from the Poet
office, whether directed to hit name or another, or
whether he has subscribed or aot is responsible
for the pay.
S. If a person orders hi* paper discontinued, he
must pay all arrearages, or the publisher may
continue to send j* until payment it made, and
ollect the whole amount, whether tt he tatem from
the office or net. There can be n. legal discontin
ue.nee until the payment ia made.
4. If the subscriber orders bis paper to be
stopped at a certain time, and the publisher eon
tinucs to send, the subscriber ia hound to pay for
it, t/hs takes it owl of the Poet Ofict. The law
proceeds upon the ground that a man must pay
for what he uses.
5. The courts have decided that refusing to take
newspapers and periodicals from tha Post office,
or removing and having them uncalled for, is
p. i mo facia evidence of intentional fraud.
?rofrssioaai & (Sards.
Bedford. Pa.
All business intrusted to him will be attended to
with great care. Upon notice will appear forpar
tks in suits before Justices of the Peace in any
part of the county. Office with J. W. Diekerson,
Ksip, on Juliana St., next door north of Mengel
House. fmarlv.
W C. IfcO LA HA N,
Bedford, Pa.
Jan. 2S, TO-tl
t LEX. KING. Jn.,
All business entrusted to his care will receive
] rcmpt and careful attention Office three doors
- itb of the Court House, lately occupied bv J.
W. Diekerson. * nov26
Have formed a partnership in the practice of
tbe ', in new brick building near the Lutheran
Church. [April 1, 1889-tf
i.efpeetfuUy tenders his professional services
to the public. Office in the la'yci Rtßuild ing,
- cond floor.)
y®~Coileetions promptly made. [April, 1'69-tf.
■ l ATTORNEY AT LAW, Bedford, PA.,
Will faithfully and promptly attend to all busi
r.oi entrusted to his eare ia Bedford and adjoin
n g counties. Military claims, Pensions, Lack
, ay. Bounty, Ac. speedily collected. Office with
Mann i Spang, on Juliana street, 1 doors south
fthe Mengel House. Api 1, 1869.—tf.
Bexford, Pa.,
Will attend promptly to all besiness intrusted to
his care. Collections made on the shortest no-
He •*. also, a regularly licensed Claim Agent
and tl give special attention to the prosecution
'lit s against the Government for Pensions,
b k I ay. Bounty, Bounty Lands, Ac.
t'Sce on Juliana street, one door Sontb of the
Inquirer office, and nearly opposite the'Mengel
H 'use" April!, 1869:tf
Attorvbvs A Cocssbleobs at Law,
Bedford, Pa,
Will attend promptly and faithfully to all busi
ness entrusted to their care. Special attention
given to collections and the prosecntion of claims
tor Back Pay, Boonty, Pensions, Ac.
J®~Office on Juliana street, south of the Court
H'use. Apri 1:69: lyr.
Will practice in the Conrts of Bedford and ad
joining counties. All business entrusted to their
ire will receive careful and prompt attention.
Pensions, Bounty, Back Pa", Ac., speedily col
lected from the Government.
Office on Jnliana street, opposite the banking
h use of Reed A Schell. Bedford, Pa Apr !;69:tf
Respectfully tenders his professional ser
vices to the eitixea* of Bedford and vicinity.
OSce an 1 residence on Pitt Street, in the building
fcrmerly occupied by Dr. J. H. HoSut. [Ap'l 1,69.
Will attend to all business entruated into his hands
with promptness and despatch. Will remit mon
ey by draft to any part tf the country. 17sely
roRo hotel, Bur oris Pa.
He keeps on hand a stock of fine Gold and Sil
ver Watches, Spectacles of Brilliant Double Refin
ed Glasses, also Scotch Pebble Glasaee. Gold
Watch Chains, Breast Pins, Finger Rings, beet
oualityof Gold Pena Ha will supply to order
any thing in his line not on hand. [spr.2B.'6s.
On Pitt street one door east of Geo. R. Oster
A Co.'s Store, Bedford, Pa., is now prepared
to sell by wholesale all kinds of CIGARS. Ail
orders promptly filled. Persons desiring anything
is his tine will do well to give him a call.
Bedford April 1. '69..
N N. II I c K^TK
•office at the old stand in
Baxb Buildivo, Juliana rt., BEDFORD.
Ml ■ irations pertaining to
Surgical and Mcchanical Dtntulry
performed with care and
-i nrtthetiet administered, uira desired. Ar
••jictai teeth interted at, per eel, 98.00 and up.
As I am aeteimined to do a CASH BUSINESS
or none, I have reduced the prices for Artificial
Teeth of the various kinds, 20 per cent., and of
Gold Fillings 53 per cent. This reduction will be
mi ie only to strictly Cash Patients, and all such
will receive prompt attention. 7feb6B
Transact* a General Banking Business, in i makes
collections on all accessible points ia
the Un, ted States.
EXCHANGE bought and sold.
b.S. REVENUE STAMPS of all descriptions
always on hand.
Accounts of Merchants, Mechanics, Farmers and
all other solicited
J an. *, '7O.
for sale at the laymrar office, a fne assort
ment ef Marriage Certificates. Clergymen and
- n-Uces ahouid have them
LUTZ & JORDAN) Editors and Proprietors.
Jaquirfr Column.
Oar facilitiee for doing all kind* of Job Printing
are equalled by very few eetabliehaenu in the
country. Order* by Kail promptly filled. All
letteri abould be addreeaed to
a 2-oral anft ©metal Jlrtospapcr, Bcbotrb to I'olitirs, ©Duration, literature aim j orals.
A Di'Krqct: husband vent to Indiana t
secure a divorce from bis trusting wife, be
the chilis and fevers shook him into his rigiti
mind, and he went back repentant to ask for
A woKDKftrtl. exhibition at a Vermont fait
was a frying pan that came over in the May
flower. That is nothing to what we shall
have here in a few days—May flGwers them
A CiXcissiTi lady created an exciteinen
the other morning, by claiming to have bee n
robbed of $6,000 by two men who came up
into her room in a balloon. She proved to
be slightly balloonatic.
Ax English resident of Philadelphia sug
gests that the British people and Englishmen
iu this country raise a fund for the relief of
the widows and orphans of the men lost by
the sinking of the Onei-la.
Ax octogenarian of Chicago tried to poison
his daughter and two grand children by pot
ting deadly nightshade into the potatoes.
They call this a ''dreadful attempt at notor
iety,"' in Chicago
AFTER the Tan it bill is disposed of, the
l anding bill wiil not be immediately taken
up, as waa designed. Other bills are press
ing. and, with the Tariff measnre, will occupy
the House for a mouth hence at least
Oxe day last week the Prince of Wales
hunted with the Earl ofMacclesfield'shounds,
d.ned with Lord Sydney, and wp u t to a dance
at the Duke of Marlborough's in the evening.
Hard work : but;l is a sesspn of penance.
.Gex\ Bctler s resolution, which he at
tempted to offer in the House the other day.
gives the consent of Congress to the Domini
can Republic becoming part of the United
States, with the consent of a majority of the
people of that island. He will again present
the resolution, and have it referred to the
Foreign Affairs Committee.
L x vtiXEi) benefits are not the lot of human
ity. At a sale of unclaimed express pack
ages at Denver on the 26th ult., a man bought
a iarge box for SB. On opening it, he finds
currant jelly and oats mingled inseparably.
He bitterly complains that there is too much
jelly for good horse feed, and too much oats
for jelly cake.
A Mrs. Chiribill, who advocates Wo
man Suffrage in \ ermont, refused the compa
ny of a man who is a member of the Woman
Suffrage Association, and declared that he
must leave the canvass or she would leave
the State. He is said to have needed her
support, being drunk. It is ratber early in
the history of this movement for it to suffer
from the vice that is so apt to overcome the
A correspondent of The ISotlott Common
ictallh states that the chair now occupied by
Senator Revels is not the actual piece of fur
niture once used by Jefferson Davis. In
April, 1861, when the Sixth Massachusetts
regiment—that had been altacked in Balti
more just previonsly—was gua-ding the Capi
tol, some of the soldiers ascertained, by in
quiry, which chair had been occupied by the
rebel chief, and broke it to pieces. Perhaps
the thought that the precious relic was thus
saved from the contaminating touch of the
colored Senator may reconcile the friends of
Mr. Davis to the circumstances of its destruc
If women realiy believe themselves anxious
to assist the vast numbers ot their sex who I
with difficulty support themselves iu onr
crowded cities, let them organize plans to
cooTey the surplus to those parts of the coun
try where there is famine of women. It is
said, for instance, that at Scale's Diggings.
Sierrn County, California, there are only two
single ladies to CO single gentlemen: and when
the married folks get up balls and meetings,
the emulous sixty break into platoons of
thirty adorers apiece to each of the at
tractive two. \\ e doubt moreover, whethei
there is an instance on record of a California
miner seeking a divorce, and wives are pret
sure of good treatment when their places are
so hard to supply.
Srts* ScrEßStrimj.—The New York cor
respondent of the Bostoo Journal describes a
new invention for displacing steam by elec
tricity, and says that lathes, planing machines
and other mechanical arrangements are driven
by this power. To run an engine of twenty
horse power by this invention would require
only a space of three feet long, two feet wide
and two feet high. The cost pet Jay would
be thirty five cents. On a steamship no coal
would be required, ar.d the space now used
for coal and machinery could be used for
Ihe stubborn resistance of electricity to
mechanical use heretofore has, it is believed,
been overcome. A continuous battery has
been secured and other difficulties removed,
principally through the coil of the magnet. If
the invention works as well on the large scale
as it does on the machinery to which it is
now applied, steamships will soon ply the
ocean nnder the new propelling power. A
machine of great capacity is being construc
ted and will soon be on exhibition in New
ork. The whole thing, mighty enough to
carry a Cunarder to Liverpool, cantre secured
in a small trunk.
Tue Ohio Wohex.— They bo Sot Want to
Vole. —The women of Ohio will yet make
themselves heard on the question of suffrage.
One hundred and forty one of them, living in
Loraine county, all intelligent and higblv
educated, have already sent to the I.egisla
ture the following memorial: We aeknow
iege no inferiority to men. We claim to have
no less ability to perform the duties which !
God has imposed upon us, than they baTe to
perform those imposed upon them. We
believe that God has wisely and well adapted
each sex to the proper performances of the
duties of each. We believe our trusts to b
as important and sacred as any that exist on
earth. We feel that our present duties fill up
the whole measure of our time and abilities:
and that tbey are snch as none bat ourselves
can perform. Their importance requires us I
to protest against all efforts to compel ns to
assume those obligations which cannot be
separated from suffrage: but which canoot be
performed by ns without the sacrifice of the
highests interests of our families and of
society. It is our fathers, brothers, husbands
and sons, who represent us at the ballot box. ;
Our fathers and brothers love us. Our hus
bands are onr choice, and one with ns. Our
sons are what we make them. We are con- I
tent that they represent as in tbe corn field,
the battle field, and at the ballot box, and we
them in the school room, at tbe fire side, and
st tbe cradle: believing our representation,
even at the ballot-box, to be thus more full
and impartial than it could possibly be, were
all women allowed to vote. We do, therefore
respectfully protest against any legislation to
establish "Woman's Suffrage" in our land, or
n any part of it- It is reported that daring
the reading of the names attached to tbi
memorial the little handful of members who
Lclievcia aoman i-.uffinge retired iuconfasion.
All day the low-bung clouds have dro) fed
Tbeir garnered fullness down ;
All day that solt gray mist balb wrapped
Hills, valley, grove, and town.
There has not been a sound to-day
To break the calm of nature:
Nor motion, I might almost say
Of life, or living creature —
Of waving bough, or warbling bird,
Of cattle faintly lowing :
I could bars half believed 3 heard
The leaves and blossoms growing.
I stood to hear—l love it well—
The rain's sound ;
Small drops, but thick and fast tbey fell,
Down straight into the ground.
For leafy thickness is not yet
Karth's naked breast to screen,
Though every dripping branch is set
With shoots of tender green.
Sure since I looked at early morn,
Those honeysuckle buds
Have swelled to double growth T it>t ihorn
Hath put forth larger studs :
That lilac's cleaving cones have burst,
The milk-white flowers revealing :
Even now, upon my senses first
Metfcinks their sweets are stealing.
The very eatth, the slesmy air.
Is all with fragrance rife :
And grace and beauty everywhere
Are flushing into life.
L>owu,downthey come,— those faithful store.-.
Those earth-rejoicing drops !
A momentary deluge pours.—
Then thins, decreases, stops.
Aud ere the dimples on the stream
Have circled out of sight,
Lo! from the west a parting gleam
Breaks forth of amber light.
But yet, behold ! abrupt and loud,
Come down the glittering rain :
The farewell of a passing cloud.
The fringes of her train.
In the Fall of lsUfi i was traveling east
ward in a stage coach from Pittsburgh over
the Mountains. My fellow travelers were
:wo gentlcmc-n and a lady. The oldest gen
ltman's appearance interested ice exceed
ngly. In years he seemed about fifty: in
sir and manner he was calm, dignified and
polished, and the contour of bis features
was singularly intellectual. He coversed on
iifferent topics uutil the road bc-cauie more
ibrupt and precipitous ; but on my direct
ing his attention to the great altitude of a
precipice, on the verge of which our coach
wheels were leisurely rolling, there came a
marked change in his countenance. His
syes, lately filled with the light of intelii
gence, became wikl, restless and anxious—
the mouth twitched spasmodically, and the
forehead wa- beaded with a cloud of pres
piration \\ ith a sharp, cunvulsive shud
ler, be turned his gate from tho eiHrtr
beigl t, and clutching my arms tightly with 1
both hands he clung to me like a drowning
' Use the cologne,'' said the lady, hand
ing me a bottle with the instinctive good
ness of her sex.
I sprinkled a little on his faee, and he be
came more composed; but it was not until
wc had entirely traversed the mountain. and
descended into the country beneath, that
his features relaxed from their perturbed
look, and a-sumcd the placid, quiet dignity,
that I bad at first noticed.
"I owe an apology to that lady,'' .-aid he
with a bland smile and a gentle inclination
of the head to our fair companion, "and
some explana'ton to my fellow travelers al
so; and perhaps I cannot better acquit my
self of the double debt than by recounting
the cause of my recent agitation.
"It may pain your feelings," delicately
urged the lady.
"On the coutrary it will relieve them,"
was the respectful reply.
Having signified our several desires to
hear more, the traveler thus proceeded
"At the age of eighteen I was light of
heart and I fear [be smiled] light of head
A fine property on the banks of the Ohio
acknowledged me sole owner. I was hast
ening home to enjoy it, and delighted tc got
free from college life The month was Oc
tober, the air bracing, and the mode of con
veyenee a stage like this, only more cum
brous. The other passengers were few—
only three in all—one old, gray-headed
planter of Loui-iana, bis daughter, a joyous,
bewitching creature, about seventeen, and
his son, about ton years of age."
' They had jast returned from France,
of which country the young lady discoursed
in terms so eloquent as to absorb my entire
"ThefatLer was taciturn, but the daugh
ter was vivacious by nature, and we soon
became so mutually pleased with each other
that it was not until a sudden flash of light
ening and a heavy dash of rain against the
windows elicited au exclamation from my
charming companion that I knew how the
night passed. Presently there came a low,
rumbling sound, and then several tremend
ous peals of thunder, accompanied by suc
cessive flashes of lightning. The rain de
scended in torrents, and the angry wind be
gan to howl and moan through the fores,
"I looked from the window of our rc
biclc. The night was dark and cloudy, but
the lightning showed the danger of our
road. We were at the edge of a fearful
precipice. I could sec at intervals huge,
jutting rocks, far away down its side, and
the sight made me solicitous for my fair
companion. I thought of the mere hair I
breadths that were between if and eternity;
a single little rock in the track of our coach
wheels, a tiny billet of wood, a tap root
of a tempest-torn tree, restive horses, or a
careless driver—any of these might hurl us
from our sublunary exigence with the speed
of thought
'Tis a perfect tempest,' observed the
lady, as I withdrew my head from the win
dow. How I do love a sudden storm.
There is something grand about the winds
when fairly loose among the bills. I Bever
encountered a night like this, but Byron's
magnificent description of a thunder storm
in the Jura., recurs to my mind. But are
we on the mountain yet?
" 'Yes wc have begun the ascent'
" 'ls it not said to be dangerous?'
" 'By no means,' I replied in as easy a
tone as 11 >uki as some.
" 'I ouly wish it try- daylight so that vq .
might enjoy the mountain scenery. Hut
j what g this ! ami ehe covered ber face from
a sheet of lightning that illuminated tb,
rugged mountain with brilliant intensity.
1 eai after peal of thunder instantly
succeeded ; there was a heavy volume of
| tain coming down at each thunder burst,
; and with deep moaning, as of an animal in
dreadful agony, breaking upon our ears. I
found that the coach had conic to a dead
Louise, my beautiful fellow traveler, be
came as pale as ashes. She fixed her eyes
on mine with a look of anxious dread, and
turning to her father, she hurriedly re
marked .
'd\e are on the mountain.'
I reckon we are. was the unconcerned
"With instinctive activity, I put my head
through the window and called to the driv
er, but the only answer was the moaning of
an animal, borne past me by the swift winds
of the tempest I seized the handle of the
door and strained in vain—it would not
yield. At tbo instant I felt a cold band
in mint nd heard Louise articulate in my
ears the following appalling words :
My God we are lost, the horses have
been struck down by lightning, ami in their
efforts to rise, have broken the tongue of
our coach. We will be thrown over the
Never shall I forget the fierce agony
with which I tugged at the coach door, and
called on the driver in tones that rivaled the
fierce blast of the tempest, whilst the con
vietion was burning in my brain that the
coach was being slowly moved backward !
"I rushed against the door with all my
force, but it withstood my utmost efforts.
Oac side of our vehicle was sensibly going
down. The moaning of the agoniaed ani
ma] became deeper, and I knew from his
desperate plunges that it was one of our
horse*. Clash upon crai-h the thunder roll
ed orer the mountain, and vivid flashes of
lightning flashed over our heads. By the
light I could see for a momeut the old plant
er standing erect, with bis hands on his son
and daughter, head raised to heaven, ard
his lips moving as if in prayer. I could see
Louise turn her ashen cheeks to me for as
sistance; and I could see tbe bold glance of
the boy flashing defiance at the war of ele
ments and the awful dangerthat awaited hirn
There was a roll, a desperate plunge, a harsh
grating jar, a sharp, piereing scream of mor
tal terror, and I bad but time to clasp Lou
ue firmly with one hand round her waist,
and seize the fastening* attached to the
roof with the other, when we were precipi
tated over the precipice.
'T can distinctly recollect preserving con
sciousness for a few seconds of time,
how rapidly my breath was being exhaust
ed, but of that dreadful descent I soon lost
all further knowledge by a concussion so
violent that 1 was instantly deprived of ail
The traveler paused. His features work
ed for a moment or two, as they did when
we were on the mountain ; he passed his
hands across bis forehead as if in pain, and
then r*aroed his thriUiug naratirc.
"Oo a low ooucb, in an humble room of
a small country house. I next opened my
eyes in this world of light and shade. Gen
tle hands smoothed my pillow, gentle feet
elided across my chamber, and a gentle
voice hushed all my questionings. I was
kindly tended by a young girl of sixtecD.
Ooe morning, finding myself sufficiently
recovered to sit up. I insisted on know
ing all:
"lou were discovered sitting on the
ledge of rocks amidst the branches of a shat
tered tree, clinging to the roof of your bro
ken coach with one band and the insensible
form of a lady with tbe other.
' And the lady 1" 1 gasped, scanuing the
girl's face with an earnestness that made
her blush.
'• Sthe was saved, sir. by the tree that
saved you."
"And her father and brother!'" I de
" 'Were found both crushed to death at
the bottom of the precipice, and we buried
them in one grave down in our meadow.'
' I'oor Louise! poor orphan! God pitj
TOO. I muttered in broken tones uncon
" "God pity her indeed, sir,' said she
with a gush of heartfelt sympathy. Woule
you like to see her?
"I found her bathed in tears for hei
kindred, and she received me with a sorrow
ful sweetness of manner. I need not detail
you by describing the efforts I made t(
soothe her grief, but briefly acquaint yot
that I succeeded, and twelve months aftei
the dreadful occurrence which I related wt
stood at the alter as man and wife. Sh<
still lives to bless me with her smiies, bui
on the anniversary of that dreadful nighi
she secludes herself in her room, and de
votes the boor of darkness to solitary pray
"As for me," said the traveler, while i
faint blu>h tinged his noble brow, "as foi
inc, that accident hue rcduocd ate to the
i condition of a physical coward at the righi
I of a mountain precipice.
"'But the driver," a*ked the lady pascn
| ger, who had listened to tbe story with much
attention, "what became of the driver, atid
did you ever learn the reason of bis dese;
- ing his post?"
"His body was found ou the road with ri
a few steps of the place were the each wen!
over. He had been struck dead by the
same flash of lightning that blinded thcies
tive horses."
financial transaction occurred in ODe of the
dock offices a day or two since. By some
means or other it happened that the office
bov owed one of the clerks three cent 9, the
clerk owed the cashier two cents, and thc
casbier owed tbe office boy two cents. One
day last week the office boy having a eont
in his pocket concluded to diminish bis debt
and therefore handed the nickel over to tbe
clerk, who, in turn, paid half of bis debt by
giving the coin to tbe cashier. The latter
handed the cent back to the office boy, re
marked, "now I only owe you one cent"
The office boy again passed tbe cent to the
clerk, who passed it to the cashier, who
passed it back to the office boy, and the lat
ter individual squared all accounts, paying
it to the clerk, tberby discharging his entire
debt. Thus it may be seen how crcat is the
benefit to be derived from a single cent if
only expended judiciously—Buffalo £>-
JOHN NEAT, says some perron? read mail
kind as ih'-y do a proof sheet, to find the
errors an-i omuiifcsi-jn=.
Concerning the possibility of seeing arti
i filial light at a great distance, the Ordinance
Surrey furnishes the most interesting and
trustworthy experience. It is necessary,
io the highly scientific details of such a sur
vey, that certain elevated spots should be
rendered visible at great distances one from
another, for the determination of large tri
angles of which the angles can be accurately
measured. The custom has generally been
to wait for a clear sky, and then to employ
a powerful telescope to view the summit of
a distant mountain. When Colonel Colby
was placed in eharge or the Irish Ordinance
Survey in 1524. heat once saw the necessity,
in so misty a climate as that of Ireland, of
employing some intense artificial light to
render the stations visible one from another.
Lieutenant Drummond had, shortly before
that period, conceived the idea that the al
most unapproachable light of incandescent
lime, reflected from a parabolic mirror, might
be used as a night beacon: and Cylby and
he thereupon proceeded to test the theory
in practice. A particular station, called
Siieve Snaught, in Donegal, bad long been
looked for from Davis Mountain near Bel
fjmt a Jutaiwa of uiTty.cir miles The
mist, day after day, wa too great to j>eruiit
it to be seen; and then Colby determined to
employ Drummond's light. The-night se
lected was dark and cloudless, the mountain
was covered with snow, and a cold wind
gushed across the wintry scene. Colby was
on Davis Mountain, Drumuiond on Slieve
on the instant the latter displayed
his lime light, the former saw it as a brilliant
star, shinning over the intervening Lough
Neagh. It was a complete success of a
beautiful experiment. The light was pro
duced by lacing a small ball of lime, only a
quarter of an inch in diameter, in the focus
of a parabolic mirror, and directing upon it
through a flame arising from alcohol) a
stream of oxygen gas: the huie became white
hot, giving out a light, the intensity of
which alike surpassed conception and de
scription. It is literally true that a tiny bit
of lime was visible sixty-six miles distant;
for it was not flame that was seen, but the
actual white-hot iirue itself. The experi
ment having once succeeded, it was applied
in various ways. One of the famous tri
angles established by Colonel Colby had for
its three points Ben Lomond in Dumbarton
shire, Cainsmuir in Kirkcubbrigbtshire,
aud a mountain in Antrim in Ireland; each
station was rendered, by the lime light,
visible from each of the other two, although
the distances were sixty seven, eighty-one.
and ninety five miles respectvely. On an
other occasion he even exceeded a hundred
miles, by this wonderful light.
The ordinance surveyors have also suc
ceeded in reudering th ,-ir far distant stations
visible in the daytime, by a peculiar em
ployment of sunlight, ismall pieces of pol
ished tin, speculum metal, silvered copper,
or looking-glass, are so fixed in apparatus,
that the sun's rays may be reflected in a
line leading to the distant 'tation, where a
telescope renders the ray visible. Little
gleams of sunshine have thus been rendered
vi-ible at distances exceeding a bundled
Sea signals arc being improved almost as
decidedly as land signals. A simple and
bandy system ofda-h and-dot flash signals,
for u=e at night when flags cannot be seen,
has been introduced into the navy. The
electric light, the lime light, and a peculiar
lamp which burns petroleum vapor incited
by a kind of blowpipe, all have been tried,
and ail are available under diverse circum
stances, as well as Argaod and other lamps.
The principle i- to give long flashes and
short flashes, the light being visible for a
greater or less number c-f seconds at a lime.
\ arious modes of applying opaque screens
and other temporary obstacles have been
adopted to regulate the alternations of long
and short flashes; but, when once adjusted,
and properly worked, the long and short
flashes are translated into nautical words
and phrases by means of a dot-and-dash
codebook. Two ships are thus able to
"peak with" each other at night when
several miles apart; and an admiral com
manding a fleet may be able to signal to
every point of the compass at once, by
using what is called an "all-round" light.
All the Tear Iluu nJ.
The young women of our country are to
decide the grrat controversy now arising be
tween the Christian and Pagan ideas ol
marriage. I would not seem insensible to
all the sweet and pure and loftv family life
in our country. But I cannot shut my eyes
to the cloud that seems rising to eclipse out
home. If we can believe half we hear, and
sec and read, we mu.-: be wilfully blind not
to see that the American home is threatened
with destruction. A growing multitude cl
people all over our land, especially ia the
Western American States, now in.-ist on try
ing a series of new experiments in marriage.
They have d.cJed that marriage is not a
Christian sacrament of love between one
man and one woman, only to be entered in
to with holy fear and unselfish consecration
and only to be di--olved by tbat sin which
strikes at the heart of a family. Tbey are
giving the old Pagan systems a new trial.
In savage countries a woman refuses to be
married at the peril of her life, and tin y treat
a woman who cannot satisfy her noblest
womanhood in marriage, more like a barba
rous th&n a Christian community. They
prepare their daughters for the best market
and buy and sell at tbe altar as basely as
women are sold in the slave markets of tbe
Orient. Tbey fill the souls of ourgirls with
falsehood and folly on this most sacred theme
aud behold them enter the most difficult and
solemn relation of life as giddy and thought
less as a flock of buttflies are drifted before
a summer wind. They make a young lady
such an expensive luxury, that the young
man she could love and honor, runs from
her in affright, seeing tbe bankrupt act and
the sheriff in the very lines of her face. They
offer a premium ou sensuality, by making
marriage almost a game of chance, and build
up the house of perdition on tbe ruins of
the home. And we have permitted tbern to
go to the Legislature and make laws ol di
vorce that are the scandal ofa Christian age
and unless repealed, will resolve western so
ciety into a house cf uneleanness and social
anarchy. Under the reckless administration
of tbee laws wo virtually abolish Cbristain
marriage and permit men and women to dis
port themselves through a succession of u
nions scarcely more lasting lhau tbe leagues
of infamy itself. ThelaDd isswarmingwith
male and f';tnale philosophers who teach
VOL,. 43: NO 15.
oar boys and girls that love is as free as air,
and that our passional* caprices are the
rightful law of our life.
There is but ooe power iu American civil
ization that can save as from plunging into
a slough of such all prevailing sensuality as
this world has never Men and that is the
jwwer of Christain womanhood, if the
consecrated mothers and daughters of this
laod will rise op in holy indignation and re
buke this whole abominable idea of marriage,
will resolve that with them at least matri
mony shall bo a sacrament of the soul, en
tered upon only from high and holy senti
ments, used for the uplifting of society, ad
hered to "for better or for worse;" if tbey
will brand this infamous looseness that is
preached as a reform, with the foul name it
deserves, and try to keep our young women
out of promiscuous society where female
delicacy is trampled into a common mire of
vulgar familiarity; if they will demani a
thorough revision of our laws of divorce and
command our law makers to shut these open
gates of perdition through which multitudes
of deluded people are pouring dowo to soci
al death; they may, through the Messing of
jod inaugurate a new era of parity and gen
uine family life.— Star in (he West.
Monsieur X. is the most learned of the
members of the trench Academy, but with
al he is the most absent-minded of men.
Irately, while riding in an omnibus, he was
engaged in mentally discussing a problem,
so reference to the ether which surrounds
the earth s atmosphere, ffe had forgotton
the omnibus, the conductor and his fellow
traveller.-. 3lean while, a lady handed him
a ten franc piece to pass to the conductor.
1 lie savant took the money mechanically,
twirled it in bis Sogers, and theu all abscr
bed in his reflection on the problem he was
considering, put it in his pocket. The peo
ple were astouished. The lady appealed to
the conductor, who called a sergeant de viile.
The savant, who was totally oblivious of all
that had happenc-d, followed the police agent
to the magistrate's office. Ffe walked along
gaily, for he bad discovered the solution of
the vexed question.
They arrived at the magistrate's, the
sergeaut told his story; and Monsieur X,
still engaged in his problem, was questioned
by the official:
"Monsieur. said the magistrrte, "I
wait your explanation. He candid, aod do
not attempt to deny what appears to me
already abundantly proved."
After a moment of hesitation, the face of
Mon-ieur X. brightened, and with all the
ardor of youth, he commenced:
"It is beyood all doubt that the ether
comprise- all the elements of matter, and.
consequently, of life. The concentration ol
the primordial molecules has resetted in the
formation of the spheres."
And so he continued for a quarter of an
Lour, to the utter amazement of the ser
geant de ville. The magistrate, who was
also somewhat of a philosopher, had listened
with great attention and much interest tc
the remarks of the academician, and his
answers were judicious and logical. At lasi
after a discussion of more than an hour, an;
upon a purely scientific question, Monsieu:
X. exclaimed. "Come, aod I will con vim-*
you by satisfactory proofs;" and to his greui
astonishment, the sergeant de ville saw the
judge and the accused go out arm in-ariu.
The poor man. much worried by this sin
gular behaviour, followed his chief saying
to himself, "'.Surely tbey are a pair ofninnie*.
Something will eertainly happen." How
ever, the two philosophers walked along
together, passed along the Louvre, over the
Pont des Arts and entered the palace of the
The sergeaut de ville who had thus far
followed them stopped. "Faith," thought
he. "the magistrate knows his buisness; hs
will come out all right."
The magistrate did come out, but it was
not until after the session of the Academy,
of which he had been a spectator, that he
remembered the affair of the ten franc
piece, and told the savant what his absence
of mind had led to, which the latter imme
diately hastened to correct.
Yesterday afternoon a two cent dog
sprang from an alley on High street, closey
followed by a five cent brick. Konnding the
corner at right angles he came in contact
wi:h the feet of a Dutch woman who was
carrying a jag of molasses in one hand and
a basket of eggs in the other. The sudden
collision of the dog with her extremities
threw her from her feet, and she sat down
upon the basket of eggs, at the same time
breaking the jag of molasses upon the side
walk. A young gentleman, carpet bag in
hand, anxious to catch the train, was run
ning close behind and stepping upon the
fragments of the jug and its contents, sat
down upon the chest of the Dutch woman,
who said "Mein Goth" The young man
said something about mad dog, but iu the
excitement of the moment said it back
wards. In the meantime the dog had rnu
against the feet of a team of horses, attached
to a load of potatoes, and they taking fright,
s'arted for home. The end board being
out, they unloaded the potatoes along the
mad as they went. Crossing the railroad
track about a mile from this place, the wag
on caught in the rail and tore ooe of them
from its place. A freight train coming
along a few minutes later, was thrown from
the track, smashing up a dozen cars, and
killing thirty or forty hogs. The horses oo
reaching borne ran through the barn yard
and overturned a milk pail, the contents of
which another two cent dog licked np. One
of the horses having broken his leg was
killed this morning and the other crippled
for life. It is now a mooted question wheth
er the man who threw the brick at the two
cent dog, or the man who owns it is respon
sible for the chapter of accidents whicn fol
lowed. Some think they do. — Kxchaugt.
DI KING a recitation on Xaturil History,
in one of our well-kuowu colleges,, a stu
dent in pur.-uit of knowledge concerning the
habits of animals, said :
"Professor, why docs a cat while eating,
turn her head first one way, and then tb:
oHler ?"'
'For the reason,' replied the Professor,
"that she can't turn it both ways at once.
A VtH'N'o lady in Newark, when her jeal
ous admirer sent back her letters with a re
quest that she would return bis, answered
that she regretted that she could not comp'f
immediately, as she had lent them to i
young gentleman to read
WHEN is a lawyer strongest? Wheu HE i
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TX'TX A JORDAN, Cactoap. PA.
There is a good deal of truth in the re
mark that ts-ay writing is very hard
reading. Grace. lightness and vivacity are not
unfrequeotly the r era It of exceedingly hard
and pains taking labor. We have an illus
tration of this in the writings of the late
N■ P. Willis, which owed their popnlaritjr
to these very qualities. A writer in the iatc
nutnb ir of the Homr Juvrual. in giving an
estimate of the literary character of Mr.
Willis, says: "Although all of Willis's
writings, judging from their easy elegance,
seem to have flowed from his pen without
the least effort, those of his friends who
knew him most intimately assure us that he
was far from being a ready writer. Four
or five pages of foolscap were with him a
good morning's work, and it sometimes hap
pened that these pages contained so many
erasures that they would not make, half a
column in his paper. He was always most
pains taking and conscientious Parton.
who was junior editor with him for several
years, says he knew him one evening to
write and re-write a sentence for two hours
before h ir** satisfied with it. He did
the very best he could every time be put
the pen to the paper.' " This statement
will doubtless apply to s> great many other
writers celebrated for the gracefulness of
their style. Like Sheridan s "impromp
tus," their "airy nothings" are the product
of hard labor in the literary workshops.
Writing that seems to he "as easy as roll
ing off a log," is sometimes the result of
labor as hard as that required to roll the
aforesaid up a steep hill.
said Lord .Bacon. A man is what money
he has, in words or thought, says many a
uian far inferior to Lord Bacon. Neither
of these sayings may be exactly the truth,
though the former is more nearly correct.
A man s knowledge cannot 1* separated
from him, but is part of himself, and will
be throughout this and another life. It
can no more be annihilated than the mind
itself. It may be forgotten for a time, but
it trill bo Onee octmred. it u •
sure and eternal possession. But a man
money is not part of himself. It is external
anf cannot be incorporated into his being
It is perishable, and may be acquired by in
heritance. or the merest accident. Knowl
edge can be gained only by the efforts of the
individual himself, and its possession is a
sure indication that a man has control of his
powers, that be can bravely meet and over
come difficulties, and ean steadily apply
himself to ooe object until he has accom
plished it. When man leaves this earth he
parts with his money forever. Bui his
knowledge, his tastes, his habits of Teelinc
and actiug will accompany him beyot>d the
boundary of this life Which then is the
wiser man. he who devotes all his time and
energies to the acquisition of money, or he
who devotes a part of them to the acquisi
tion of knowledge?— Pittsburgh Goaettr.
the year 1010, during the reign of Malcolm
1., Scotland was invaded by the Danes, who
made a descent on Aberdeenshire, selecting
the still hour of midnight as the time to
make a descent on Stane's Castle. When all
was ready, and there was a reasonable hope
that the inmates of the castle were asleep,
they commenced their march. They ad
vanced cautiously, taking of their shoes to
prevent their footsteps being heard. They
ipproacbed;the lofty tower, their hearts beat
ing in joyous anticipation of victory. Not
a sound was heard from within, and they
could scarcely refrain from exclamations of
delight: for they had but to swim across the
moat, and place scaling ladders, and the
castle was theirs. But in another moment
a cry from themselves aroused the inmates to
a sense of their danger, the guards flew to
their posts, and pursued the now trembling
Danes, who fled before them, and the inva
ders were repulsed. The cause was that the
moat, instead of being filled with water
was in reality dried up and overgrown with
thistles, which pierced the unprotected feet
of the assailants, who, tortured with pain,
forgot their cautious silence, and uttered
the cry which had alarmed the inmates of
the castle; and from that day the thistle
has been the national emblem.
tysburg Star relates the following anec
dote highly compiimetary to our lately
elected United States Senator: —"We are
glad to notice that President Grant has
made a rale to receive no calls on the Sab
bath, and has forbidden his Secretaries to
bring him any letters or telegrams, except
they are on important public buisness, in
answer to something he has called for. In
this connection, it may not be improper to
give an incident that recently occurred in
Washington equally creditable to Senator
Scott of Pennsylvania. Ooe Sabbath morn
ing a member of the Senate sent Mr. Scott
a package of papers with notice tbat be
would call in the evening to confer on the
subject matter. Calling according to prom
ise, the inquiry was made wether be had
examined the papers sent to liiui. Senator
Scott, who is a ruling elder in the Presby
terian Church, promptly replied tbat be had
not —that be bad been accustomed to ob
serve the Christian Sabbath, aed did not
propose to look at them till Monday morn
ing—-as this was Sabbath evening be expec
ted a usual to go to church. Ami to church
he went."
ious advantage to man. in every pursuit or
vocation, to seeure an adviser in a sensible
woman. In a woman there is at once a
subtle delicacy of tact and a plain soundness
of judgment which arc rarely <x>mbioe-i to
an equal degree in man. A woman, if she
be really your friend, will have a sensitive
reguard for your character, honor, and re
pute. She will seldom connnel you to do
shabby things . for a woman friend always
desires to be proud of you. At the same
time her constitutional timidity makes her
more cautious than your male friend. She
therefore seldom counsels you to do animpru
dent thing. A man's best female friend is
a wife of good sense and heart, whom be
love*, and who loves him. But supposing
the man to be without such a helpmate,
female friendship he must have, or his intel
lect will be without a garden, and there will
be many an unheeded gap even in its strou
rest fence.
AT what time of life may a man be -id
! to bclooK to the vegetable kingdom? When
'ong experience ha.' made bins siec