IWofO Inquirer. KD WIR1). PA., F&IDAT, APRIL I, 18JO DIRECTORY.—The following is a directon of the Officers of Bedford County and tht Borough of Bedford, of the Ministers of Bed ford, and the time of meeting of the different associations: LLDFOBD COC3ITT OFFICERS. FVeeident Judge —lion. Alex. King. Aeeoeiatt Judge* —Win. G. Eichnlti and Gso. W. Gamp. Prothonotary, Regieter and Recorder. —John r. Heed. JHstrict Attorney —E. F. Kerr. Treasurer —Bsigh Moore. Sheriff— Williem Keyser. Deputy Sheriff —John A. LVssin. County Surveyor —Samuel Ketterman. Conniaionere —F. P. Beegle. George Eider, aid P- M. Barton Clerk —John G. Fisher. Cancel —John W. Dickeraon. Direetore of Poor —H. Egulf, Adam K. lenfyl, and J. I. Noble. Steward Samuel LeSbanfh. Couueel —J. W. Dickerson. Clerk— A. Ransom, Treasurer —William Bowles. Pl.yeician —l>T. F. C. Reamer. Auditore —M. A. Hunter, Owen McGin, and S. Whip. BOROIGH OFFICERS. Rurgeeo —V. Stack man. Anirtasl Rurgce* —Josiah Haley, Council —W. Bowies, Jonathan Brightbill, W. M. Cook. J. M. Shoemaker, Hiram Lents and J. Reed. Clerk —H. Nieodemua. Treaeuter —Jno. 11. Kush. CoueUMt —Richard Carboy, High Countable —Lawrence Defibaugb, School Direetore —Job Mann, Isaac Mengie, Geo. Mengie. Jacob Bowser. Geo. Mardorff. Geo 11. Mcngel, Secretary. H. Niedoains. Treasurer. ■hiISTIM. Kpier opal'an —Rev. Alfred J. Barrow. J'reebytcrian —Rev. R. F. Wilson. Lutheran —Rev. J. (J. McAttee. Jlethodiet —Rev. A. W. Gibson. Herman Reformed —Rev. 11. Heckerman. Roman Catholic —Rev. Thomas Heyden. ASSOCIATIONS. liedford Lodge, No. 320, A. Y. M., meets on the first Wednesday on or before full moon, in the liedford Hall, on the corner of Pitt and Richard streets. Peace Branch Encampment. No. 114, I. O. 0. F., meets on the first and anird Tuesday even ings of each month, in the Bedford Hail. Bedford Lodge, No. 202. I. 0. 0. F., meets er c Friday evening, in the Bedford Hall. liedford Lodge, So. 148, I. 0. G. T., meets in the Court House, on Monday evening of each week. Bedford Council , No. 502. 0. U. A. M., meets I D Thursday evening of each week, in the Mason i Hall. 11l STISGDO* A BBOADTOI- R. R.— Fall A rrogne ■ Mail Train leaves Mt. Dallas at 1.06 P. M. arrives at Huntingdon at 4.20 P. M. I.eaves Huntingdon at 8.40 A. M.—arrives at Mt. Dallas • t 11.52 A. M. Coaches leave Mt.Dallas for Bed : : i on the arrival of each train. Coaches lea\e Bedford for Mt. Dallas at 11.00 \ M. to connect with the Mail Train. The Post Office in Bedford will open at 7 o'clock M. and close at 8 o'clock P. M. during week days, and on Sunday will be kept open from 7 till S o'clock A. M. j %m\\ fairs. Important Notice. All persons knowing themselves indebted j ■o the late firm of Durborrow A Lntz, are hereby notified that all accounts must be set tied promptly. Those indebted for subscrip t. us will ascertain the facts and amount by cfvrence to the date on the yellow slip with their newspaper address. All bearing date prior to Jniy 15th 1868 are indebted to Dur borrow A Lntz for the amonnt due up to that rime. Accounts for advertising Ac., have been '"urwarded to all at various times. These ac counts must now be settled ; no longer indul gence can be given. Those neglecting this notice must not complaiu if they find their accounts in the hands of an officer for collec tion. Joxa Ltrrz. 2>iantf WELL'S TANNERY in Wells Township, Ful <->u Co., was destroyed by fire on the 18th The insurance will fully cover the loss. ACCIDENT. —Last Saturday Mr. Jacob Fet ters constable) was thrown out of a spring wagon and severely injured. M. E. CHURCH. —Next Sabbath is the first arterly meeting. Dr. B. B. Hamlin is ex peeled to preach in the morning at 10$ o'clock. ALL the Monthly Magazines, Periodicals and daily papers can be bad nt the Inquirer Book Store. ONE day last week, .V.r. Wm. Shaeffer sold his farm in Bedford Township, to Mr. .Jacob Miller for $6,600. EPISCOPAL SERVICE will be held in the Court House, on Sunday next, by Rev. Mr. Pedlope, and the Holy Communion adminis tered. ALL the Leading Newspapers published in the United States may be found on file at the Advertising Agency of G. P. Rowell A Co., f No. 40 Park Row, New York. THE Largest Newspaper Mail which goes any one firm in this country, is received by G. P. Rowell A Co., the New York Ad vertising agents. Their place of bnsiness is it' No. 40 Park Row. LOST.—Between the Corner at Metzgar's ardware store and Ed. McMullio's house, through the fields), a pocket book containing SIE.OO and valuable papers. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at this office. Go to the I.vqCIRCB Book Store for station ery, school books, miscellaneous books, news papers, magazines, pens, pencils, inks and every thing in that line. Don't be .afraid to go in and look around anyhow—No harm done f yon don't bay. THE Odd Fellows of this place intend cele brating the National Anniversary of the order on the 26th inst., by a public procession in full regalia, to proceed to the Cemetery, where they will dedicate the burial lot of Bedford Lodge No. 202 which has been beau tifully enclosed with an iron railing. As an appetizer, the Constitution Bitters are the best. As a remedy for headache, they are the best. As a cure for dyspepsia, the Constitution are the best. As a medicine to take, they are the best, and we advise all to try the Constitution Bitters. They are sold by all Druggists. BLANK receipts for the use of Treasurers of school Districts, and Justices' receipts for county taxes, Executions. Subpu nas, Sum monses, all kinds of blancs for school Direc tors, Judgment notes. Deeds Ac., Ac., always on hand at the IXJCIRER Book Store. THE Remarkable Properties of Brown's Bronchial Troches have been thoroughly tested since first introduced. The demand for them has steadily increased, and purely upon their own merits, they have found favor with those who, from Pulmonary, Bronchial, or Asthmatic complaints, require them. For Coughs and Colds they are efficacious. A WONG THE INDIANS.—Lieut. Herndon tells us that no tribes of aboriginees' are found in he deepest forests of South America, from the Andes to the Atlantic coast, that do not have and use DocL Ayer's medicines and Lowell cottons. "Tremont," "Suffolk," Boott," are seen stamped in large red and blue letters npon their garments, while Ayer's 'lis and Cherry Pectoral are among the treasures of their habitations. The native soil famishes them all their food and most of • r remedies, hot they suffer from some a:frictions which must have the interposition of higher skill.— Sentinel, Libtrty , Ya. Jtn MORRISON'S COTS. — New Enterprise is rap idly growing. Mr. Beck *r.d Mr. Farry have pot up several fine buildings during the past year, to be used as store-rooms, offices, and manufacturing shops. Our friends Messrs. Charles Buck, J. T. Ketring, J. P. Williams, J. Furry, and Dr. Charley l>ong. intend put ting up fine residences the coming Summer, and we understand Andrew Stayer A Bro. intent to start a grocery this Spriog. The town is being laid out in streets and eiget lots have been sold with a fair prospect of having • houses erected ou them before, long. Surely this is lire enterprise. We learn that our friend Mr. William Aaron intends erecting u fine brick building in Pattonville next Sum mer, the first story to be used for offices, and shops, and the upper story to serve as a town hall. The Pattonville Literary Society will certainly know how to appreciate a favor of that kind, as will also the people of the town ship. May the enterprise meet with un bounded success, i Mr. Austin Shoemaker intends erecting a I dwelling house on the border of Pattonville. Eberly's plaining mil! and sash factory ou Clover Creek (Waterside) is doing finely. The Woodberry High School, under the supervision of H. W. Fisher, Co. Sup't, will open in Woodberry on Tuesday, the ">th inst. DOST forget that the Inquirer Book Store is the place to buy school books, pens, inks, stationery Ac. FIRE! FIRE! FIRE!!!— Are you insured'.' If not, don t delay to secure a Policy in the Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company, of York Pa. The York insures against loss or damages by lightning, whether fire ensues or not. And live stock whan insured iu barns, are also insured against death by lightning ou the pJemises of the assured. These are uew features in insurance, (without additional cost), not extended to the assured bvanyoth er Company. The York is the only Mutual Compauy that never made an assessment. W. A. EDWARHS, Agent, lapriltf Bedford, Pa. MAUXOMA WATER. —Superior to the best imported German Cologne, and sold at hal "rice. tf. A TYPOGRAPHIC At. error occurred last week in our "local'' on fire. Instead of John Snoicden, it should have read John Growden. We learn since, that the lire originated iu the frame building from the stovepipe, and had gained such headway before it was dis covered,"that notwithstanding the repeated efforts of the friends and neighbors it was impossible to arrest it. The loss is eitimated from $2->OO to S3OOO. This is certainly a sad affair for Mr. Growden and lady to have their home, for which they had toiled roanj years, thus swept away. THE Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered in the Presbyterian chnrcb, of Bedford, by Kev. R. F. Wilson, next Sab bath, (April 3d.) The annual collection for Education, Pub lication and Freed men will be taken up. Service on Saturday at 2p. m. Sabbath morning at 101, arid evening at 7. After sermon on Saturday the congregation will determine as to the election of some more elders, aDd if the way be clear, proceed to their election. WE have watched the course of so many distressed, emaciated and forlorn dyspeptics, of worn-out and prostrated females, who have taken a new lease of life, and gradually re ceived vigor, strength, health, and the power of social pleasure from the effects of Planta tion Bitters, that we are not surprised at the Testimonials daily received. If it is a pleas ure to do good in tbe world, how full mast be the measure of the Proprietors of these cele brated Bitters. WHO WANTS A SEWING MACHINE ? —We have a new $.55,00 Grover and Baker sewing machine which we will dispose of on easy terms to any one who wants a good machine: and who does not want a good sewing ma chine? ALSO a new Singer Sewing Machine for sale as cheap as cau be sold in the com munity and on the best of terms. Itooks and Periodicals. Ai.i. books and periodicals noticed in this column are to be had at tbe INOCIRCR Book Store. Oca V OUXG FOLKS for April, contains: We Girls: The Daddy Long Legs and the Fly (ooem); Rye's Fritters: How Battles are Fought; Derby's Wedding: The Goose Race; How Uncle Blue Jacket Captured the Picket- Boat: The Two Catterpillars; The Evening Lamp: Our Letter-Box. Price 20cts. Fields Osgood A Co.. Publishers, Boston. THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY contains:—Joseph and his Friend IV ; The English Governess at the Siamese Court: The Advent Preacher; Through the Woods to Lake Superior: Cour age ; A Luroberwoman : Reviving Virginia ; Right and Left: My Triumph: The Gods of Wo Lee: An Alpnie Home and Literary No tices. Terms $4.00 per annum. Field Os good & Co., Publishers, Boston. THE CHILDREN'S HULK is the best Maga zine for children we have seen. Only $1.25 per year. Address T. S. Arthur A Sons 808 A 811 Chestnut St., Phila. THE MOTHERS MAGAZINE edited by Rev. D. Mead, is published at No. .7 Beekman Street, New York, by E. T. Farr, SI.OO per year. Send 1-5 cents aud get a copy by return mail. THE April number of GOOD HEALTH is brim full of interesting aud beneficial reading mat ter. We would recommend this Magazine to those of our readers who want to iearn of Physical and Mental culture. Published by Alexander Moore, Bromfield St., Boston. Terms $2,00 yearly. THE Aldine Press, for March contains : American Art in Solid Silver : A Bit of Ego tism : Referring to tbe Ledger; Whither (original poem); A Dream wbich was not all a Dream : Old Testament Shadows; The Crown of New England; Influence of Art on the Miud; Chateaubriand's Atata (secood pa per); Two Styles oi Engraving: Topics of the Month: Art: Music; New Publication; Wesley- Harper (obituary notice): and Stolen Sweets; Sutton, Bowr.e A Co., publishers, 23 Liberty St., New York. Price $2.00 per annum. On rollers to go by mail safely, 52.00. The Techxolouist.—The second number of this journal has reached us and is fully up to the promise held out by the first. It con tains a very fine full page engraving, on tint ed paper, giving the details of the East River Bridge Caissicn. Other articles of great in terest serve to render this number valuable, both to the practical man and to tbe general reader. Amongst them may be mentioned The Manufacture of Porcelain, Recent im provements in Distillation, Street Railways, Ocean I.ines of Telegraph, The Paris System "ot Drainage. Influence of Occupation on Health, The History of the Lucifer Match, Isomelrical Projection, The Science of Little Things, Ac., 4c. Those who desire to ex amine a copy of this journal should send twenty cents to the Industrial Publication eompany, 176 Broadway. New York. Metholiist Almanacs for 1870, for sale at he Inquirer Book Store. School books are selling cheaper at the Ixtji'ißEß Book Store than anywhere else in town. Tribi se Almanacs for 1870 for sale at tbe j Inquirer Book Store. SCHOOL BLANKS.—Articles of Agreement, between Director* and Teachers, Checl s ■ Bonds of Collectors, Warrants of Collectors Fond of Treasurers, A., for sale at the /ayo.rer office, j Occupational Ailments. I Fresh, pore air is a vitalizing elixir. Who- I ever is debarred hy circumstances from uu I restricted access to this invisible, but power ful stimulant, needs a medicinal invigorantoj some kind. The great object should be to choose the best. Popularity is a pretty good guarantee of merit in this scrutinizing and in telligent age, and.tried by this criterion, Hos > tetter's Stomach Bitters stands first among the invigorating and regulating medicines of ; the present day. To the wants of persons en gaged in indoor employments, especially in crowded factories where even with the best ■ possible ventilation the atmosphere is always in some degree polluted, this salubrious vegetable tonic is peculiarly adapted. The nature of the ingredients is no mystery. It coosiats of an absolutely pure diffusive stimu lant, tinctured—or rather surcharged—with the fluid extracts of sanatous roots and barks and herbs. The pharmacopoeia has its tinctures, but what are they? The juice of only a single root or bark or plant is present in each. Not one of them combines tbe three properties of a tonic, an aiterative, and an aperient. Alt these elements are blended in the Bitters: nor are these the sum of its medicinal recommendations. It is also a blood depurent and an antispasmodic. The baleful effect which air t>at bag been partially exhausted of its oxvgeu by frequent breathing produces on tbe vital organization, is notorious, and when this devitalized at tnosphere is superadded tbe raephitic vapor ; of hot air furnaces, it becomes deleterious and depressing in the extreme. To enable ; tbe system to bear up, even for a few hours \ each day against tbe debilitating influence of ! a vitiated atmosphere, a wholesome tonic and alterative is urgently required. This grand desideratum is supplied in Hostetter's Bitters, which as a strength sustaining, health-pro tecting agent has no rival either among offic inal or advertised medicines. laprlm MARKETS. BEDFORD MARKETS. I CORRECTED WEEKLY BY C. K. OSTEK A CO. White Wheat per bushel SI.OO Red " " " 90 ! Cora '■ " 80 ' Oats " " 40 Potatoes '• " 50 i Flax Seed " 1.73 Clover Seed " " $6.00(:6.50 Timothy Seed " " 3.00 Apples " " 75 , Flour, per barrel 5.60Q 6.00 Butter, per pound 30 Tallow " " 10 Beeswax " " 30 Lard " " 20 Pork " " 11 Wool '• " 40(,45 Turkey " " 8 Beef ,i " Eggs '• doz 20 Chickens " " 2.25 Wood—Hickory, per cord 4.00 " —Oak. " '• 3.00 PHIL'A LIVE STOCK MARKET. PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE MARKET. Pmi.sbcl.eiiu, March 28. —There is a steady demand for clover seed, and further sales are reported at $8 121a8 47}. Timothy is scarce, and may be quoted at $Sa6 25 Small sales of flax seed at $2 25a2 35 per bu-hel. There is no improvement to record in the tlour market, the demand being extremely light both for export and home consumption. Sales of Buo barrels, chieflly Pennsylvania ' extra family, at $-5 25a5 50 per barrel, in chiding North western do. do. in lot at ssa -5 75: Indiana and Ohio do. do. at $5 25aG 25; i j fancy lot at $6 -50a7 50: extras at $4 62)a4 75; j and superfine at $4 371a4 50. No change in i rye flour or corn meal. There is no change in wheat, and but little i demand for tbe article; small sales of Penn- j sylvama red at $1 lHal 25. Rye cannot be j quoted over 01c. Corn is unsettled, and | there is more offering: sales of 4,000 bushels | yellow at 95ca$l. Oats are in limited re quest, with sales of 2.000 bushels Pennsylva nia at 05c, and 1,200 light Delaware at 09c. j Barlev is dull; 6.000 bushels Canada sold at $1 071; 3,000 bushels ou secret terms, and 1,000 bushels New York, two rowed, at 85c. MARRIED. (In the 17th EGISTER'S NOTICE.—AH per- I\ sons interested, are hereby notified that the following named accountants have filed their ac counts in the Register's Office of Bedlord county, and that the same will be presented to the Or- 1 phan's Court in and for said County, on TUESDAY 1 the 261h day of APRIL, next, at the Court House in Bedford, for confirmation ; The account of G H. Spang and Wm M Hall, i Trustees to sell the Real Estate of John Reilcy 1 late of Juniata tp., Bodford coumy, dee'd The supplemental account of Abraham Ritchey, : ] Executor of the last will, Ac., of Abraham Hitch- ! ] ey. Sen , late cf Snake Spring tp., dec d. The account of James Carnell, Esq . Adminis trator of the Estate of John KennarJ, late of Monro# tp., dec d. The account of Jacob Bowers and Michael Bowers Executors of the last will. Ac , of John j G Bowers, late of Napier tp.. deed. The account of Leonard Griffin, Esq , Adminis- ! trator of the Estate of tieorge Peck, late of Ea st Providence tp., dee d The account of Samuel Boyer, Administrator of the Estate of Joseph Boyer, late of. uniata tp., dec d. The account Andrew X Baker Administrator of the Estate of William Smouse, late of Middle Woodberry towuship, dee d. The account of John Sparks, Trustee for the sale of Ihe Real Estate of Daniel Buzzard, late of West Providence tp., dee d. The acctunt of James Cessna, Esq, Executor ot tho last V. ill. Ac.. of John Miller, late of Cumber land Valley tp.. dee'd. i j The account of Daniel Mctzgar. Esq.. Guardian of Elmira Palmer, Susan Palmer. George Palmer, . an' Henrietta Palmer, minor children of Sophia , Palmer, late of Juniata tp , dee'd. The account of William England. Administra- . tor of the Estate of Elisabeth England, late of Snake Spring tp., dee'd The account of John A. Mowry, Administrator ; • of the Estate of Peter Mowry, late of Xapier tp . 1 ! dee'd. I 1 I The account of Leonard Bittner. Esq.. admin- I istrator of the Estate of Sophia Palmer, lat. of > Juniata tp , dec'd. The account of Jacob Baruhart. Administrator of the E-tate of Adam Brnhart. late of Bedford I tp , dec'd. The account of David Young. Executor of the last Will, Ac., of Henry Swartz, late of East Prov idence tp , dec'd. The account of David Young, administrator of the Estate of Mary Swarfs, late of East Provi dence tp., dec'd. The account of J. J. Barndoiiar, one of the Evecutorsof the last Will, Ac., of James Piper, late of Hopewell tp . dec'd. The account of Joseph R. College and John | College. Administrator of the Estate of llenry ; Collage, late of East Providence tp.. dee d The account of Anna Ober. Administratrix of the Estate >f Joseph Ober, late of South Wood ber ry tp dee d (as to personal Estate ) The account of Anna Ober, Administratrix of the Estate of Joseph Ober, late of South Wood berry tp., deceased, (as to real Estate.) The account of David Miller, Esq , Administra tor of the Estate ot George Deatricx. late of Har rison tp., dee d The account of Khoda Evans, Administratrix of the Estate of Cadwallador Evans, late of Cum berland Valley tp., dee d. The account of Jacob L. Albright, Esq . Trus tee for the sale of the Heal Estate of Robert Glos sen, iate of the State of Maryland, dec'd. The account of Nathaniel Kegg. Trustee for the sale of the Real Estate of John Kegg, late of Ju niata tp.. dee d. Certified JXO. P REED. Register mar.'ll w 4 LIST OF CAUSES PUT DOWN FOK TRIAL AT APRIL TERM. 1870, 251h day ) Thomas Growden vs Arch. BUir et al, Charles W. Colrin vs William J. Rook et ai. Thomas Growden vs Arcb Blair et al, Eli Thomas vs George Chacey et ai, R Ktrkpatrick A Co. vs Geo. R Eurodollar's Adm'r, Job M Shoemaker A Co. vs W T illiam A. Powell, Jaeob Bobliti vs David M. Black, Alex. McGregor's Adm'r vs Wm. A. Rciuinger. Elisa Collins vs John T Collins. Adui r Same vs Isaiah Collins. Adm'r, Bernard Clayhaugh vs Isaiah Mills. Wm M. Lloyd's indorsee vs School District Hope well township. Jacob Devure'a Kx'rs vs Michael Devore. Certified March 17. 187U mar 24w4. JON. P. REED. Prot'y. rnuis IS NO HI ÜBUG : X By finding 35 cents, with age. height, color of eye* and hair, you will receive, hy return uteil, ti eorrect picture of your future husband or wife, with name and date of marriage. Address W. FOX, P. 0. Drawer No. 24, FultuDtille, N. Y. 26mar4w ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Letter* of Administration having been granted to the subscriber by the Register of Bedford county, on theestate of Jacob Wagaman, late of Juniata tp., dee'd, notice is hereby given to those indebted to said estate to make immediate payment and those having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement. 2imar LEONARD BITTNER, Adm'r. 1 vIS.-OLCTIOX OF PARTNERSHIP. \J We, the undersigned, have this day dissolv ed partnership in the cabinet and marble business by mutual consent. The Cabinet business will be continued by R. V. Leo and the Marble manu factory by John 11. Rush. All the accounts Ac. of Leo A Co. will be settled by R. V. Leo, and all the accounts of Rush A Co. will be settled by John H. Rush. R. V. LEO, .March I#, 1870.-4t JOHN H. RCSH. rn'ERYBODV in wantof WALL PAPER ex- Xj amines the,s!ock at the Inquirer Book Store. JMwiteementjS. L 1 *?.. 0 ? VKPKB OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE in tie coun ty of Bedford, for the year 1870: Bedford Borough. Clai*. . . in i u * C ° Stur ® !S ®" 1 * Co do 20 00 14 £"" s U Lyons do 7 00 14 Robt Fran t Jo 7 00 IB Miller A Bowser do 2# 00 '• 1 ii' 44o, 'Kcr Hardware 20 00 "ii £. ho ® m * lle '' Store 12 50 14 * '•Defibaugli do 7 00 U * H Shuck do 7 00 ,13 Miss M Border do 10 00 14 Geo Reimund do 7 00 13 Mrs fc v Mowry do 10 Oil . i I nine Lipple do 7 M | 3 Ibos M I.ynch Hardware 10 00 | B IS M Blymyer A Co, Stoves A Tinware 12 50 I 4 Dr. IS F Harry Drugs 7 00 ■l4 H Ueckcrman t Son do 700 14 John O Smith Confections 7 00 14 Geo. Merdorff do 7 00 14 Mise M Fetterly Store 7 00 14 Daniel Border Jewelry 7 00 14 Lntz A Jordan Book (Store 7 00 l.t EM Fisher A Babies Store 10 00 ' 4 D W Croose Tobacconist 700 14 W C Garwood Store 7 00 14 Wm Riser uu 7 00 II Win M Lloyd Banker 15 00 14 I avid Brode Confections 7 00 14 Isaac Mcngcl Billiard! 7 00 Bedford Township. 14 Bedford Min. Springs Ten-pins 7 00 ' 4 H Anderson Store 10 00 11 WmLaney do 10 00 Cohrain tp. 1. 4 C James Store 10 00 K .Nans * Helrick do 10 00 11 Benj Kegg do 700 14 Satnl Hunt do 7 00 IlopetreO tp. 14 McCauiant A Byers Store 700 Harrison tp. I V B Wert* Store 7 (JO II las I'Shoemaker do 10 00 1J Chas Marboorg do 10 00 •Titniata tp. 11 llillcgas a Co Store 7 00 II Silas W Keyset do 7 no i i EN Fyan ACo do 7 oo II tieo Gerdill do 7 00 14 Joseph Fuller do 7 00 II Leonard Market do 7 00 „\ ap 'n r tp. 14 E Richards a Cw Store 7 oe 14 Chas Crisuiann aCo do 7 00 14 H. Shoenthall do 7 CO M. II oodLtrry tp. 111 J> F Keagy Ftore 10 00 15 A S Loogcnceker tCo do 10 00 1. Geo. Kautfiuan do 7 00 u. Jacob Brennemun do 10 00 4 Wm R Smith Drugs 7 00 ,4 Wm Roberts Store 7 00 14 Stover Busier do 7 CO S. H oodln try tp. 11 Bayer a Diddle Store 10 00 14 C L Buck x Bros do 7 00 14 LB Replogle do 7 0,, 14 Jonafhon Dav>s do 7 Oo Cast l'rortdtnrx tp. 14 Simon Kycum Store 7 00 14 Jacob Fclton do 7 00 14 J College A Bro do 7 00 llc. 10.01 Gov*, 8.40 2.55 7.24 10.05 Fisher's Summit 8.36 2.51 AR7.41 10.20 Sexton, T8.20 2.26 10.43 Riddlesburg, 2.09 10.52, Hopewell, 2.00 11.10 Piper's Run, 1.40 11.29 Tatesville, 1.20 11.45 Bloody Hun, 1.05 as 11.52 Mount Dallas, j LK 1.00 LE7.SC L* 10.30 Saxton, A* 8.03 AR2.25 8.95 10.45 Coalmont, 7.55 2.10 3.10 10.50 Crawford, 7.50 2.05 AR8.20 a R 11.00 Dudley, LE 7.40 L*1.55 Broad Top Cite. May 24, '6O. JOHN M KILLIPS, Supt. 'THE BEDFORD COUNTY BANK, BLOODS' RUN, PKXVA. Accounts Solicited from Banks, Bankers and others. Interest allowed on time deposits. Col lections mad- on all acceptable points. A gener al banking business transacted. Stockholders individually liable for deposits. STOCKHOLDERS: J. M. BELL, Q. W. UARKEIXOX, W. F. ORBISOX, D. p. fiVt.K, JOHX ECOTT, H. . FISHER, Tito WAS FISHLR, J. H. 6I.AZIER, W. DORRIB, — of First National Bank of Huntingdon, Pa. s. L. BI'SHELL, Bedford, Pa. a. arena. Kays Ilill, L'a. J. a. BAENDOI.LAR, Bloody Run, Pa. J.B.WILLIAMS, * do. J. W. BARSDULLAR, do. J. LITBOIS, do. ISfcbtf JOHN Di BOIS, Cashier. IMPORTANT.- YVE respectfully inform all interested that, January Ist 1870 our beoks will be closed. Every account there upon must be settled by CASH or NOTE without delay. After the period named above, a credit of ninety days will be given to all PROMPT PAYING customers, to whom we re turn our thanks. Don't fail to remember that our terms are THREE MONTHS, after which period, wc will charge interest on all accounts. A. B. CRAMER LIC! SALE The undersigned, Administrator with the Wfll annexed, of Nicholas Strayer, lete of Middle Woodberry township, Bedford county, dee d, by virtue of the authority and direction in said Wil! contained, will offer for sale, and sell by public outcry, upon tbe premises, on MONDAY, APRIL 4tb, 1870, all the following described Real Estate, situate in the township, aforesaid, to wit : All that oertain TRACT OF LAND, adjoining lands of Martha K. Duncan, dee'd, on the East and on the South, E. Hammond, Esq., on the West, and the heirs of John Cashman on the North, con taining 13J ACRES, more or Jess, about fifteen acres cleared, the balance of :he tract is well tim bered. This property will be offered whole or in pr.rls to suit the convenience of purchasers. Deed made and possession given immediate',/ upon compliance with conditions of sale. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M. of said day, when due attendance will be given and terms made known by JAMES MADARA, Adui'r with Will annexed of Nicholas Strajer, dae'd. llmartt (J I. SHIN G S A HA I IY7 BOOKSELLERS and STATIONERS, No. 2b'2 Ihulimore i St., Opposite Hanover. BALTIMORE. The largest and best assorted stock in tbe city, of SCHOOL. LAW, MEDICAL, DENTAL, CLASSICAL A MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. General Baching and Counting House Stationery of all kinds. Blank Books made to order in any style of Bind ing and Ruling. [ESTSBLISBED 1811.] fmarfim | P LANTATION BITTERS. S. TV—IS6U—X. Tltt# wonderful vegetable restorative is the I theel-anchor of the feeble and debilitated. Js a tonic and cordial Jor the aged and lan guid. it has no equal among stomachics. As a remedy for the nervous weakness to which women are especially srbject, it is supersed ing every other stimulant. In alt climates, tropical, temperate or frigid, it acts as a spt- j cijic in every species of disorder which under mines the bodily strength and breaks down j the animal spirits. For sale byall druggists, j 4mar6m CHERRY PECTORAL, ! For Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, such as ' Couyhs, Colds, H hooping Cough, llron chilis, Asthma, and Consumption. I'robobly never before in the whole history of medicine, has anytbing won so widely and so i deeply upon tbe confidence of mankind, as this excellent remedy for pulmonary complaints, j Through a long series of years, and among most ; of the raeee of men it has risen higher and high er in their estimation, as it has become better known. Its uniform character and powertocure '.be various affections of the lungs and throat, have made it known as a reliable pr- teeter against them. While adapted to milder forms of disease and to young children, it is at tbe same time the most effectual remedy that can b given for inci pient consumption, and the dangerous affections of the throat and lungs. As a provision against sadden attacks of Croup, it should be kept on hand in every family, and indeed as all are some times subject to colds and coughs, all should be provided with this antidote for chem. Although settled Consumption is thought in curable, still great numbers of eases where tbe disease seemed settled, have been completely ' cured, and the patient restored to sound health by the Cherry PectoraL So complete is its mas i tery over the disorders of the Lunge and Throat, that the most obstinate of them yield to it. When nothing else could reach them, under the Cherry ! Pectoral they subside and disappear. Singers and Public Speakers find great protec ; tion from it. Astbina is always relieved and often wholly j j cured by it. j Bronchitis is generally cured by taking the • I Cbeiry Pectoral in small and frequent doses, So g nerally are its virtues known tlia we need | not publish the certificates of them here, or do i more than assure the public that its qualities are fullv maintained. AVER'S AGUE CURE. For Fecer and Ague, Intermittent Freer, Chill Freer. Remittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Period teal or Bilious Feter, die., ond indeed ail the affections which arise from malarious, marsh, or wiasstatic poisons. As it name implies, it does CURE, and does not fail. Containing neither Arsenic, Quinine, Bis muth, Zinc, nor any other mineral or poisonons substance whatever, it in nowise injures any pa tient The number and importance of its cores in tbe ague districts, are literally beyond account, and we believe without a parallel in the history of Ague medicine. Our pride is gratified by the acknowledgments we receive cf the radical cures effected in obstinate cases, and where other reme dies had wholly failed. Unacclimated persons, either resident in, or travelling through miasmatic localities, will be protected by taking the Ague Cure daily. For Liver Complaints, arising from torpidity of the Liver, it is an excellent remedy, stimulating the Liver into healthy activity. For Bilious Disorders and Liver Complaints, it is an excellent remedy, producing many truly re markable cures, where other medicines had failed. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AVER dt CO., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass., and sold ■ all round the world. PRICE, SI.OO PER BUTTLE. 2ldccly DR. B. F. HARRY", Agent, i NOTICE TO THE CREDITORS OF REED & SCIIELL. The gentlemen composing the above firm are very desirous that their creditors should signify to them, by some concerted action, what time they are willing to give the assignees to convert their assets into money. Mr. Sehell has not ap pointed any individual assignees and is averse to doing so, and he is anxious to know what dispo sition the creditors would desire him to make of his property so as to realise the greatest amount for the creditors ot Reed A Scbell. The creditors arc, therefore, requested to meet in the Court House, in Bedford, on FRIDAY', the 2ith day of March, A. D. 1870, at I o'cioek. for the purpose of taking such action as to them may scctn meet. E. F. KERR, ISmar J. K- DI'RBORRoW. IAXECI'TORS* NOTlCE.—Letters testamenta j ry having been granted by the Register of Bedford county, to Aaron Evans and Jonathan Evans, on the estate of Joseph Evans, iate of Broad Top township, dee'd. all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate arc requested to unite payment without delay, and those hav ing claims will present them property authentica ted fr settlement. AARON EVANS, Eagle Foundry. Huntingdon 00. Pa. JONATHON EVANS, Ismarfit* Cassville, Huntingdon co. Pa. N'OTICE. — Money and Old Castings Wanted. —All persons knowing themselves to be in debted to tbe proprietor of the Bloody Run Foun dry, either by note or book account, will please call and settle between this and the fifteenth of April next. If this is not attended to, you will have vourselves to blame if tbere arc costs added. March 11, 1870 4t F. FULTON. ESTATE OF PRISCILLA ESH ELM AN, DEED. Letters of administration having been grant ed the undersigned by the Register of Bedford county, on tho estate of Priscilla Esbclman, late of Monroe twp., dee'd., all persons having claims against said estate will present them for settle ment, and persons owing said estate will please make prompt paTment GEORGE NYCUM, Adrn'r., Umar Monroe twp. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.—The undersigned w? appointed an auditor at the lete session of Orphans' Court of Bedford county, to distribute the assets among the creditors ol the estate of Martin T. Foor. late of East Providenee town ship, dee'd. He will meet all parties interested who may see fit to attend at bis office, in Bedford, on Thursday, the 24th day of March, A. D. 1870, at 1 o'clock, for the purpose of mak ing said dis tribution. J. R. DURBORROW, 11 mar Auditor. HARPER'S WEEKLY, HARPER'S BAZAR FRANK LESLIE, CHIMNEY CORNER, and all other Illustrated papers for sale at the Inquirer Book Store. tf DICKENS' NOVELS, full sets, at 25 cents per novel, at the Inquirer Book Store, tl HARPER'S W EEKLY, HARPER'S BAZAR FRANK LESLIE, CHIMNEY CORNER and all other Illustrated papers for salo at tba Inquirer Book Store. tf I ITIBI GREAT MEDICAL DISCOY'ERY ! DR. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS More tfuiit .'>oo,ooo persons bear testimony to their Wonderful Curative Effects. WHAT ARE THEY? They are not a VILK FANCY' DRINK, made of Poor Rum, Whiskey, Proof Spirits, and refuse Liquors, doctored, spiced and sweetened to please the taste, called "Tonics,'' "Appetiser?," "Restorers," Ac., that lead the tip pier on to drunkeness and ruin, but are a true medicine, made from the native Roots and Herbs of California, free from all Alcoholic stimulants. They are tbe GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER and LIFE GIVING PRINCIPLE, a perfect Renova tor and Invigorator of tbe System, carryiag off all poisonous matter, and restoring tlse blood to a healthy condition. No person can take thcs<- Bitter? according to directions, and remain long unwell. CIOO will be given for an incurable case, pro vided the bones are not destroyed bj mineral pri sons or other means, and the rjtel organ* wasted beyond tbe point of repair. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism, and Gout, Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, Bilious, lie mittent, and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liter, Kidneys, and Bladdsr, these Bit ters have been most successful. Such Diseases are caused by Y'itiated Blood, which is generally produced by derangement ot the Digestive Organs. FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS, whether in young or old, married or single, at tbe dawn of womanhood or tbe turn of life, these Tonic Bitters have no equal. JE®-Send fur a circular TIIEY ARE A GENTLE PURGATIVE AS WELL AS A TONIC, possessing also, the pocu liar merit of aeting as a powerful agent in reliev ing Congestion, or Inflammation of the Liver, and all the Y'isceral Organs Cleanse the Y'itiated Blood whenever you find it? impurities bursting through the skin in Pim ples, Eruptions or Sorea; cleanse it when it is foul and your feelings will tell yen when. Keep the blood pore and the health of the system will fol low. PIN, TAPE, and other WORMS, lurking in the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed anu removed. In Bilious, Remittent, and Intermittent Fevers, these Bitters have no equal. For full directions read carefully the circular aronnd each bottle, printed in four languages—English, German, French and Spanish. J. WALKER, Proprietor. 32 Commerce St., N. Y'. K. H. MCDONALD A CO., Druggists, and g- neral Agents, San Francisco and Sacramento, California, and 32 A 34 Com merce St., N. Y\ SSS-SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS A DEAL ERS. 4mar3m I WAS cured of Deafness and Catarrh by a tim ) 1 t>le remedy and will send the receipt free. MRS. M. C. LEGGET, Hoboken, N. J. Smart* FARMERS, Their Sons, and others, can make money rapidly, selling the NEW ILLUSTRATED FARMERS' MAN UAL, editei by Geo. E. YVaring, Jr., Practical Farmer and Author, and late Agricultural Engi neer of N. Y. Central Park. The best book for Farmers ever issued—AU need it before planting. I I* is a sound, labor saving, money making book, i Thousands have bought it, and thousands more I want it. lath Edition ready. Live Agents want ! ed. Profit- iarge. A. H. HUBBARD, | 4inar4w 499 Chestnut St., Pbila. TNFORMATIO X 1. IN THF. "PEOPLE'S JOURNAL." Ilow Teachers, Students, Retired Clergymen. I Energetic Young Men and Ladies can make $75 to $l5O per month during the Spring and Sum mer. A copy free. Send n use and address tc ! People's Journal, Philadelphia, Pa. ISiebJm HINKLEY KNITTING MACHINE FOR FAMILY" USE—simple, cheap, relia ble, Knits everything. Agents wanted. Circular and samp'e stocking Free. Address HINKLEY KNITTING MACHINE CO, I ISfeb.lni Bath. Me., or 176 Broadway, X. 1. 0 OS 8 I'M FT ION. BROXCniTIS, ASTHMA, and CATARRH. Curt-il by inhalation. Abbott's Inhaling fluid if tbe only remedy known that operates on tbe Long*—dissolves the tuberciet, which are thrown off, tbe cavities heal, and a cure is effected. Treat ment by letter or in person can be had only of Q. VAN III'MM ELL, M. D., 6auglom 16 West 14th St., N.V. $30 HISKLEV c„^r ,N,; MA S3O Tbe most perfect machine yet invented. Will widen and narrow, turn a heel, or point a toe. It will knit plain or ribbed. It will knit stockings, drawers, shirts, hoods, comforters, mit tens, Ac. It is cheap, simple and durable. It seta up its own work, uses but one needle, and re quires no adjusting whatever. It will do the same work that the Lsxnb machine will do, and easts less than half as mneh. and has not the tenth part of the machinery to get out of order. Circulars and samples mailed free on application. Agents wanted. All machines guaranteed. STRAW A MORTON Gent. Agents, j 20aov!y No. 20, Sixth SL, Pittsburg, Pa. : TMIE MAGIC COMB will change any A colored hair or board to a permanent black or brown. It contains o poison. Anyone can use it. One sent by mail for sl. Address MAGIC COMB CO., 24dec.1m Springfield, Mass. {EVERYBODY can be accommodated with A WALL PAPER at the Inquirer Book Store OATARRH, HEADACHE and WEAK EYES, POSITIVELY Ct"REP BT SASSAFRAS AND WITCH HAZEL. A package will be sent by mail pcti-paid on re ceipt of Twenty-fire cents. My Catarrh was immediately relieved by your Sassafras and YVitch Haxel. Rev. ASA BROYY'N. I can read without wearing spectacles and the weakness is entirely gone since using your Sassa fras and Witch Hazel. NORMAN BARNES. Y'our Sassafras and YVitch Haxel has never fail ed to relieve mv headache within fire minutes. Mrs. SARAH JONES. Circulars seut free and a liberal inducement is offered to Agents everywhere. Address Rev. MARTIN DUTTON, 18feb3m Bible House Station, New Y'ork. A SPLENDID ARTICLE of Blank Deeds on the best parchment paper, for sale at the Inquirer office. 8 ARS APAIULLA, FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. 'l'bc reputation this excellent medicine enjoys, is derived from its cures, many of which are truly marvellous. Inveterate cases of Scrofulous dis ease, where tbe system seemed saturated with cor ruption, have bees purified and cured by it. Scrofulous affection? and disorders, which were aggravated by the scrofulous contamination until they were paiufally afflicting.have been radically cured in such great numbers in almost every sec tion of the country, that tbe public scarcely need to be informed of its virtnes or uses Scrofulous poison is one of the nost destruc tive enemies of our race. Often, this unseen and unfelt tenant of the organism undermines the con stitution. and invites tbe attack of enfeebling cr fatal diseases, withont exciting a suspicion of its presence. Again, it seems to breed infection through the body, and then, on some favorable oecaeion, rapidly develop into one or other of its hideous forms, either on the snrfaec or among the vitals. In the latter, tubercles may be suddenly deposited in the lungs or heart, or tumors formed in tbe liver, or it shows its presence by eruptions on the skin, or foul ulcerations on some part of the body. Hence the occasional use of a bottle < of this BARe APA RII,LA is advisable, even when no active symptoms of disease appear. Persons afflicted with the following complaints generally find immediate relief, and. at length, cure, by the use of this SA IMA PAPILLA: .St. Anthony's Fire, Pose or Erysipelas, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scold Head, Ringworm, S'ore Eyes, Sore Ears, and other eruptions or visible forms of Scrofulous disease. Also in the more concealed forms, as Ityspepsia, Dropsy, Heart Disease, Fits, Epilepsy, Seuralejia , and the Various Fleerou* affections of the muscular and nervous systems. Syphilis or Venereal and Mercurial Diseases are cured by it, though a long time is required for subduing these obstinate maladies by any med icine- But loDg continued use of this medicine will cure the complaint. I.eucorrhcea or Whiten, Cterini Ulcerations, and Female Diseases, re commonly soon relieved and ultimately cared by its purifying and invigorating effect. Minute Di rections for each case are found in our Almanac, supplied gratis. Rheumatism and Gout, when caused by accumulations of extraneous matters in the blood, yield quickly to it, as also Liter Complaints, Torpidity, Congestion or Inflamma tion of the Liter, and Jaundice, when arising as they often do, from the rankling poisons in the blood. This SAPSAPAPILLA is a great resto rer for the strength and vigor ol tht system. Those who are Languid and Listless, Despondent, Sleepless, and troubled with Nervous Apprehen sions or Fears, or any of the affections symptom atic of Weakte?s, will find immediate relief and convincing evidence of its restorative power upon trial. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AY'ER A CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemists. J&!- Sold by all Druggists Everywhere. lTdeely HPRUE BLUE, WATER PF.OOF and PARLOR 1 MATCHES, YYholesale and retail at llfcbkm G. K OSTKR A CO-S.