Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, April 01, 1870, Image 2

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    Ijebfori) Inquirer.
Free-traders complain terribly about the
hardships and high prices eaused by a pro
tective tariff. This is well illustrated in tLe
steel trade. Before the war all our steel
was imported, and foreigners had control o(
our markets. Protection during the war
built up the manufacture of steel in the
I'nited States to compete with the foreign
manufacturer. The result is that to day,
iu spite ol the high price of labor, we buy
steel with paper inoDey several cents pier
pound cheaper thau we could before the
war, when wages were low and we had no
protection. The manufacture of copper
sitows a similar advautage from protection.
Previous to the passage of the bill increas
ing the duty on copper, we had compara
lively no manufactures of eopjier though
we had the richest mines in the world.
Since then we have had manufactures built
up until we now complete with the British
manufactures. The result is that copper
is not only much cheaper at home but even
iu London it is only about half as high as
leforc our manufacturers were protected.
Previous to the erection of our niauufac
turics of copper it sold for $550 per ton in
London, now it sells for about S3OO per ton,
cheaper than ever before. Here we see
that not only our own people, but also the
people of foreigu countries were greatly
benefitted by the protection given to Amer
ican manufacturers. The same rule holds
good in iron and every other manufacture
for which wc possess facilities. In iron a
in copper we have the finest ores and coal
in the world, and a few years of liberal and
judicious protection will so build up the
manufacture and produce competition
among the producers of ircn that we will I
get it, like copper, cheaper than ever be- i
fore in the world. So it is with woolen,
cotton and silk manufactures. In silk nine
years have made an immense change in the :
trade. In 185'J we imported $20,000,000 \
worth of silks from Fraoct; in 1868 after a I
lew years of protection, we were able to
supply our own market to a largo extent,
and only imported about $6,000,000 worth. |
and kept the other $14,000,000, that we
would have expended under free-trade, at
home to pay and support American labor- j
crs. How people can be duped to believe 1
that a policy that enables us to do our own
manufacturing, employ our own people at
good wages and keep our money at homc
and ourselves out of debt abroad, is any
thing else than highly beneficial we cannot
comprehend. The argument of' the free
traders that protection is only for the bene
fit of manufacturers is simple nonsense, for
every school-boy knows that when any
branch of business is highly profitable, peo
ple arc induced to engage in it, and that
the competition thus brought about soon
brings prices to a reasonable rate, just as j
we have shown above in regard to copper j
and steel. The argument that it creates a
monopoly is also fallacious, for free-trade
not only itself creates a monopoly, but that
monopoly is a foreign one and has no other j
aim than to extort from us the highest ,
prices they can possibly procure, as soon as |
they can break down our own manufactu
rers. On the contrary manufactures built
up in our own country make home mar
kets, gives good wages to labor and pro
mote general prosperity, while competition
soon brings prices down to the lowest rates
consistent with prosperity to themselves and
the country.
The tariff'bill now/lending in Congress,
prepared by the Republican Committee of
Mays and Means, propose to reduce the
duties on tea and coffee, u .iking a reduction
of $60,000,000 in the revenue. The cheap
cning of tea and coffee bv the reduction
would make a saving of a dollar and a half
to every man, woman and ehi'd in the Uni
ted States. These are articles usr-d and
necessaries in every family, and one would
suppose that such a redueticn would receive
the hearty support of the party thai vaunts
itself as the Poor Man's Friend, as the
Democratic party does. What is the fact?
M hy with all its hypocritical cant about
friendship for the poor man, every member
ol that party in ( ongress vehemently opposes
this reduction in behalf of the poor. The
-amc bill proposes to levy a duty of seven
dollars per ton on foreign | ig iron import
cd. and proportionately higher duties on
more advanced manufacture? ol iron and
steel. Now the greatest consumers of iron
in this country arc the railroad monopolists
and it is those rich, overgrown corporation?
that clamor most loudly for cheap iron from
abroad, and these same Democratic free
traders are found clamoring for a reduction
of the duty on iron so a? to benefit the al
ready rich and tyrannical monopolies. They
Know that a high duty on iron encourage?
the manufacture here, gives an abundance
ol remunerative employment to our laboring
population and makes them prosperous and
happy, but they care uot for the laboring
poor, the Democratic party must court the
favor of the rich and powerful, aud the poor
may take care of themselves. Such is the
friendship of the Democracy for the poor.
How different the conduct of the Re pub
lican party. It advocates the reduction ol
duties on the necessaries of life and such
things as reach the houses of the poorest of
the land. It supports the policy that aims
to build up manufactures of every kind in
our own land, makes markets for our farm
er- aud gardeners and gives an abundance
o. well paid work to all who are willing to
abor. Such is and ever has been the re
cord of true Republicanism. It cares for
the best interests of our own people. It
protects the poor aud weak against the tieb
and strong, and aims to make all prosper
ous and happy by protecting our industries
against the pauper labor of Europe.
The ( ouiniittee ou the decline of Amer
ican Commerce, show in their report that
he former supremacy of our commerce was
in good part attributable to the cheapness
of ship building material, while wooden
ships were in use. Wood is now superse
ded and iron ships have the preference for
all kmds of freight as well as for passengers.
Maine and New England generally monop
o i. 'ooden ship-building, but the change
to iron will necessarily transfer this branch
of our industry to the Delaware and other
points convenient to eoal aud iron. This is
a significant fact in connection with the re
cent effort of Dawes and other New Eng
land members of Congress to have our
Navy lards transferred from Philadelphia
to New London. League Island is destined
yet to become the chief Navy Yard of the
country for the building of iron war,ships,
n the new era of iron ship-building Phila
delphia and the Delaware will yet lead the
van for the whole country.
I HE President hs declared himself in
favor of univets il amnesty and will send a I
message to that effect to Congress as soon 1
as Georgia and Texas arc admitted.
We omitted to call attention to the fact,
that in the cadetship investigation, a couple
weeks ago, it was discovered that one Gen
eral Alexander H. Coffroth while represent
ing this District, some years ago, in Con
gress, was unable to find a competent Demo
cratic bov in the whole District and was
obliged to go away up to N. Y. and D-oston,
yes, even to hated New England, to find two
boys able to enter West Poiut as cadets,
i It has been unkindly hinted by evil minded
parties that the immaculate General was
paid for going so far from home to find
cadets. As Congres3 has refused to in
quire into the perlormances of Ex-members
in the cadet-ship business, the world will
never be enlightened on this point. Now
in all charity, we will not charge the Gen
eral with having sold his appointments, but
we arc forced much against our will, to
' conclude that after searching the Democrat
ic families in the 10th District and perhaps
makiug a weary pilgrimage to other and
remote parts of the State and finding no
scion of Democracy bright enough to enter
West Point, he, in this dire extremoity be
i took himself to New England and there
soon found two likely yankee boys, whom,
out of pure love to New England, he
hastened to install in snug berths at West
Point It was a generous act, characteris
tic of the General, no doubt. But tben
what shall we say of the dullness and stu
pidily of Pennsylvania Democracy in whose
ranks not cveu ODO boy bright enough for a
cadet could be found? Well we are not
equal to the task of explanation. We will
leave that to the General and bis Democrat
ic friends, on the one condition that they
must not charge him with having received
pay. The General's above that. U'e hope
the Democracy will present some brighter
! boys the next time they send a Democratic
Congressman from this District.
In the investigation of this case, Robert
j B. Long, a ship carpenter by trade, and
i working at this time for well-known and
highly respectable ship builders iu the city
j of Baltimore, testified that be came in the
i same train on the night before the last Oe
; tober election with some Sfty five or sixty
utcn, whom he knew to be Marylanders, to
Philadelphia. That after their arrivel in
j that city they were taken by some Phila
delphia ward politicians to Nolan's tavern
at Eighth and ISansotn streets, where they
were entertained, and that many of them
voted the DEMOCRATIC TICKET more than
| once, at various precincts in the 4th ward.
That these men were promised $lO apiece
and their expenses. Some of them received
the money, but others did not. This party
was divided into gangs of eight to ten—that
some one would approach the party when
ever tbey came near an election poll, hand
iheui a slip of paper containing the names
and residences of those whom they should
personate and also a ticket: after which they
would walk up to the poll window and hand
the ticket in without being challenged.
The party was in this manner marched to
; various polls in the Fourth ward, and re
peat! d the same operation early and often.
j Such are the devices resorted to by the
j Democracy to carry elections. No wouder
they opposed the Registry law so fiercely.
Fair, houest elections find no favor in the
eyes of Democratic leaders. When the
people repudiate them for their dis
honesty and treason, they hope by fraud
and crime to still force themselves into
power and prey upon the people.
I BASE INGRATITUDE.—The Gazette of last
week, at the end of the report of Mr. Ful
ton, indulges in a most uncalled for and un
grateful fling at the very meaDS that have
built up our industry and that has rendered
possible the development of our own min
< ral rc-sourccs. The Gazette knows, or
ought soon to learn, that the very protee
tection atrainst which it embraces every op
port unity cast its miserable platitudes of
British free-tradrs, has been the means of
keeping up the Broad Top road and of bring
ing iron manufacturers into our county.
Without protection, the present interest in
the iron manufacture would not exist, and
not a dollar of capital would this day be
in rested in the development of our iron
in*ere-t-\ Ihe removal of the duties which
n..w foster our manufactures would, in a
few months, stop the furnace at Riddles
burg, close the mining operations in Rroad
Top and consign us to the poverty and idle i
i.e-s of the free-trade era of years ago. Yet
the Gazette has the br&z- n impudence in
'he guise of pretended friendship to oppose
the best interests of all our railroad, mining
and manufacturing interests. Party influ
ence before everything else lias always been
its motto, and there is small hope of its ina
! he New York Nun, a paper not given to
'he praise of public meD, thus complimeuts
Pennsylvania's new Senator:
Senator Scott, of Pennsylvania, infused j
into the recent debate in the Senate on the
funding bill something extremely rare and
much wanted in that body—namely, genuine
hnancial ability and a thorough knowledge
of his subject. It is refreshing to listen to a
man who brings to the discussion of the
topic he treat?, knowledge and information
which spring from an intimate acquaintance
with it, both practical and theoretical. It is
comforting to know also, that we still Lave
material in the country out of which to make
first class finance ministers, if we but knew
where to look for it.
GEN. SHERMAN is reported as opposed to
the A.'niy Retrenchment bill, on the grood
that retrenchment should begin in the civil
rather than in the military branch of the
Government service. Precisely. Gen. Sher
man is paid $18,750 per year; Chief-Justice
Chase, $0,500. Retrenchment should begin
in the civil service by all means. Gen.
Sheridan is paid $14,803 per year; Vice-
President Colfax, SS,OOO. Retrenchment
should begin in the civil branch of the Gov
ernment service. Gen. Ilalieck—our own
darling Halleek—is paid $9,862 per year;
the Secretary of War, $3,000. Sure enough
retrenchment should begin in the civil ser
vice" Of course Gen. Sherman is right
THE President supports the report of the
committee on the decline of American
Commerce by a message- to Congress in
which he strongly urges, some effective
measures for restoring our waning Com
merce to its proper position and rank as a
branch of our national industry. The re
port shows that we are paying from $20,-
000,000 to $30,000,000 annually to foreign '
shipping for freights, which should be
carried by our own marine. The com- j
mittee propose to foster the restoration ofi
our commerce by direct subsidies and draw- j
backs of various kinds.
1 HERE are 2511 pensioners on the State 1
for services in the war of 1812. On the
supposition that there are not 2511 persons
in the S'ate over 75 yeais of age the House
has appointed a committee to investigate
the validity of the pensions granted and to
cut of all unlawful applicants.
THE appropriation made to our com
mon Schools by the House committee ha?,
been reduced $250,000 by the Senate com
mitteo in their report. We sincerely hopt
the reduction will not be made. We need
an increase rather than a reduction. We
hope to see the friends of our Common
Schools take a firm stand against any r< -
d uctiou.
ANOTHER effort was made in the Legis
lature last week, by the Democracy, to re
peal the law abolishing Spring elections.
It failed as it deserved to do. The whol<
object was to avoid the effect of the registry
law, so as to open the way to old sty 1 •
Democratic frauds.
' THE revenue from income taxes in Eng
land in 1868 was 10,534,768 less than thai
of the United States for the same year.
Two Missouri Post Masters have recntlj
been sentenced to ten years imprisonmei.i
for robbing the mails.
THE legislature has fixed the 7th oi
April as the day for final adjournment.
We published a short article two week?
ago in reference to the above mentioned in
terests. We are since indebted to Joht
Fulton Esq., resident Engineer of the
Huntingdon and Broadtop Railroad, for si
copy of his report to the President am!
Directors of the road upon the importance
of the Bridgeport & Bedford extension, and
the immense value of the coal and iron in
tcrests through wbieh the road will pass.
The report is accompanied with a valnabk
chart showing the relative locations of the
Broad Top, Alleghany and Cumberland coa
fields, and the ore beds lying between them
as well as the location and connections o:
the H. A B. T. 11. R., and the projected
Bedford A Bridgeport Railroad. Wc ap
pend the report in full as one of great im
portance to the people of our County and
i hope they will give it a careful perusal. Ii
cannot fail to attract the attention of capi
talists abroad, and promote the rapid de
velopment of our mineral resources. In it,
Mr. Fulton has done a good work for uf
for which he deserves the thanks of out
people. The report is as follows :
"The belt of iron ores flanking the Broad
Top Coal Fields on the west, and extend
j ing from Huntingdon to the State line, be
j long to and can be controlled by Broad Top
interests. The main portion of it is along
side the Broad Top Railroad, and will he
smelted by coke from the Broad Top Field
The portion of' this belt between Bloody
; Bun and the State line—ahout fourteen
| miles of goi>d ore—will be smelted at Bloody
1 Bun; the furnaces can he connected with the
Railroad by a short branch from the west
end of River Bridge, when it shall be built.
A tram-road, with a small locomotive will
probably be used in conveyiug the iron ore
and limestone to the furnaces.
It is a remarkable fact that the largest
developments of iron ores flank the Broad
Top Coal Field. South ward, up Black
Valley the regular line of Ttissey's Mourn
tain is broken up by Bean's Core ; near the
State line beyond this, the measures are ir
regular, and split into terminal hills, the
iron ore thinning out and uncertain.
These surgeot iron ores flanking Broad
Top are again repeated in the loop curving
around the valley in which the town of Bed
ford is situated. This belt of iron ore is
rich and valuable, and has, to some extent,
heed secured by parties interested in Broad
Top._ The most valuable portion of this
belt is near the town of Bedford, curving
round Dutch Corner, and throwing a double
prong southward towards Cumberland. It
is reasonable to infer that as the ore de
posits go southward they will encounter,
in a modified manner, the Bean's Cove lin>
of disturbances, declining in quantity and
Bedford, as a centre for furnaces, will be
in a position from which all the ores of that
belt can be reached by lateral roads.
With the extension of the Broad Top
Railroad to Bedford, the carrying of coal for
iron smelting there, with the native trade ol
the district, will, in part, be secured to the
Broad Top interests.
The third Belt of ore, and the last in the
series as it plunges under the Alleghanies,
is found west of Bedford, flanking for quite
a distance the proposed railroad from Bed
ford to Bridgeport—sixteen miles. That
Broad Top should secure this connecting
link, is an important consideration, in view
of the rapidly growing interest in the iron
ores, and the now eager paesuit of their ac
quisition in a region w here pig metal can be
manufactured at a small cost.
But there is another feature in this con
nection which will exert an important influ
ence in the future operations of the Broad
Top Railroad. The Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad Company are now erecting a first
classs Rolling Mill at Cumberland, to roll
rails for their own road and its branches.
This, when in operation, will induce an in
creased demand for good pig iron; and as
the Mount Savage Iron Works is running
mainly on the carbonate iron ores of the
Coal Measures, they will undoubtedly reach
out for the nth fossil ore aloog the Bridge
port link. This connection will therefore be
made if only for the supply of iron ore
which it will op>en up, and the passenger
trade to Bedford Springs. The road from
Bedford to Bridgeport can be graded as
cheaply as the link from Mount Dallas to
But if this link is made as a branch of the
B. k 0. R. R. the operations in Cumber
land Coal will be ready to compete at Bed
tord with the Booad Top. Tbis competi
tion would neutralize, to some extent, the
benefits to Broad Top, by the extension of
the Road from Mount Dallrs to Bedford.
With the Bedford and Bridgeport division
iD its charge, however, it could regulate and
entirely control all competition from outside
It seems to me that with the well-defined
amount of mineral resources presented in
this intervening territorvand the sure source
of trade which must follow its manufacture,
that it is of sufficient importance to induce
those connected with the Broad Top inter
est to loe no time in securing a position to
command the carrying trade of this wide
field o! productive industry, which will be
so much in addition to the business and ton
nage lying more immediately on the line of
your Road.
The owners of Coal lands and shippers of
Broad Top Coal should also feel a deep in
terest in securing a home market for a por
tion of this coal, at least, thus supplement
ing the trade, and measurably removing the
sharp competition now existing in the East
em Coal Market.
A furnance of the size of that at Riddles
burg will consume in a year 22,000 tons of
coal, 8,5n0 tons of limestone, and 20,000
tons of iron ore, producing 7.600 to 8,000
tons of pig iron. Twenty furnaces would
require 140,000 tons of coal annually.
It is now decided that at least two addi
tional furnaces will be erected oa the line of
your Road this season, with the probability
that two more will be commenced before the
close of the year.
The loop of iron ore around Bedford con
tains four millions of tons, calculating the
rich fossiliferous ores only, and the Western
line or range, three millions of tons.
The developments during the past year,
of the three bands of iron ore deposits flank
ing the Broad Top Coal Field, have exhibit
ed the presence of almost inexhaustible
vuantiiies of iron ore.
It is 20 feet 1 inch thick, near Coffee
Run, in a compact seam of almost pure ore.
This—the Levant iron ore—has been tested,
and is now being used in the Cambria Com
pany's furnaces at Johnstown.
The Hematite and Fossiliferous iron ore-,
of the lower deposits, have been opened and
worked at many points in the region, yield
ing superior ore and showing unusual thick
ness in the deposits.
Calculations made with great care, from
reliable data, show that in the three large
deposits of iron ore flanking the Broad Top
field on the West, estimated to adipth con
veniently reached above water level, there
are at least five hundred millions of tons of
iron ore. This quantity of iron ore will re
quire, for its reduction in the furnace, moie
than five hundred millions of tons of coal.
The extension of the main line of the Rail
road to Bedford and a branch up Black Va!>
ley will develop Urge addition*! quantities
of iron ore.
The pre or angeraent evident in the topog
raphy of the Region for the concentration
of the iron ores, fuel and flux, on the neut
ral line of gravity, along the Railroad and
river base, is truly remarkable, for the belt
of the iron ore and the Coal Held are
notched at short intervals, by the valleys
and streams, transversely to their length, so
that locations are opeued for gravitating
the iron ores and fuel to the furnace sites
along the Railroad and river.
Nor is this new and wide lield of produc
tive industry shadowed by a singls element
of doubt, for sufficient practical work has
been done in it to settle definitely and con
clusively all considerations of Coat, Coke,
Iron Ores and Flux. They havo all been
proved to be of excellent quality, and the
fact exhibited that a superior pig iron can
bo made in this region somewhat cheaper
than any other locality in the State.
The outlying and detached position of the
j Broad Top Coal Field, have frequently led
i inquiring minds to investigate the design of
j its isolated posture, standing among and
I surrounded by the bold and frequent flex
; ures of the Juniata District. The recent
I ; developments of immense deposits of iron
| ore, the frequent concurrence of their out
: crops as they rise and sink in these wave
i i flexures, suggest the connecting link ; and
the answer is evident: The Broad Top
Mountain is a storehouse of mineral fuel,
i set out in a region rich in iron ores lying at
the base of the Coal Mountain. The flames
from one large furnace glare up like ancient
signal fires, announcing that the design in
j the deposition of the ores and fuel is undcr
. ; stood. Other furnaces will rapidly rise up
' and answer this signal, until the wide va!
| ley flanking the Coal Field will glitter with
| the fires of furnaces dotted along its length,
i and resound with the din of an industry so
| long neg'ee ed and r'strained.
HARRISBURQ, Pa., March 25. LSTO.
A hill has passed the House providing for
the erection of a monument to the memory
of the soldiers and sailors who were slain, or
lost their lives in the late Rebellion. The
bill provides that the monument shall be
erected in the public grounds at Harrisburg,
immediately in front of the western porch
of the capitol, and appropriates twenty
thousand dollars out of the State Treasury
for that purpose. The bill elicited a long
and partizan debate in the House, and was
passed by a pretty close party vote. It will
likely pass the Sen ite.
Contested election ease of the Senate has
been closed on the part of the sitting mem
ber, Mr. Watt, and the committee will meet
this evening for the purpose of hearing re
butting testimony. The investigation has
j unearthed a series of Democratic frauds that
are astounding, and as the case now stands
: Mr. IV att is entitled to the seat by a hand
! some majority. The testimony at the last
j meeting showed that a party of Baltimore
j ans, to the number of about sixty, were em
; ployed and came to Philadelphia on election
I day aud voted the Democratic ticket early
and often, in their usual manner. For this
work they were to be paid ten dollars each
and their expenses.
Passed last week, which takes nine and a
i half millions of railroad bonds out of the
I sinking fund of the State Treasury, and re
places them with bonds of roads not yet con
structed, has not been acted upon by the
Governor, It is generally thought that it
will receive his approval, although there is
a possibility of a veto. A great diversity of
I opinion exists in reference to the propriety
of the measure, and a good deal of opposi
tion has been developed to the bill since its
lor the city of Philadelphia has passed
the Senate, and has been reported upon
favorably by ihe committee to which it wa
referred in the House. There is little ques
tion of its passing that body, though its ap
proval by the Governor is still considered
i Has been under discussion in the Senate
j the most of the week, and only about half
! of the sections disposed of. The appropria
tion to common schools is made five hundred
thousand dollars, instead of seven hundred
and fifty thousand dollars as it passed the
House. The pay of members is fixed at one
thousand dollars and mileage, the salary of
the transcribing clerks increased two hun
dred dollars, and that of the other officers
remains as fixed by the law of ISGS. The
question of affording State aid to private
charities is again raised in the discussion of
the biil. Ibe House included quite a num
ber. but the Seoate Finance Committee cut
out all not recommended by the State Board
of ehariiies. In the Senate a strong effort
is being made to get them restored. The
policy of granting State aid to nearly every
local charity that comes to Harrisburg and
asks for it is subject to so many abuses that
it is questionable whether it ought to be
longer continued. The creation of a State
Board of charities, it was supposed, would
have the effect of settling the.-e questions,
but the tendency of the Legislature is to
override their recommendations and again
open the door to giving State aid to private
institutions in all portions of the .State.
The House has passed, and a committee
iu the Senate reported favorably, a bill to
prevent gambling and lotteries in this State.
The penalty for gambling is a fine of one
thousand dollars and imprisonment not to
exceed five years. This provision applies
to keepers of games. Lottery dealers are
punished in the same way, but those who
are gulled by the purchase of tickets are ex
empted. The duty of watching for such
games is imposed upon constables, and
keepers of hotels. inns and restaurants are
forbidden, under severe penalties, from al
lowing games iu their houses. The relatives
of those who lose are enabled to sue and re
cover in any court of record. The hill is
quite severe in its provisions, but perhaps
not more so than the character of the mat
ters legislated upon requires.
Quite a number of prominent politicians
have lately been in Harrisburg, looking after
legislation, which has given rise to con
siderable political discussion. The question
of the next Governorship thus early re
ceived its share of attention, and the chances
of certain aspiring politicians were fieely
gossipped over. In connection with the
Republicau nomination were mentioned the
names of Hon. W. W. Ketehum, of Lu
zerne; Col. Elisha VV. Davis, at present a
member of the House, from Philadelphia;
Gen. Harry White, State Senator, from In
diana; Gen. Hartranft. of Montgomery, the
present Auditor General; Gen. James L.
Seifridge, of Northampton, the present
( hief ( ,erk of the House, and Hon. James
L. Graham, State Senator, from Allegheny.
On the Democratic side the most prominent
gentlemen named are Hon. Wm. A. Wal
lace, State Senator from Clearfield; Hon.
VV m. A, Galbraith, of Erie; Hon. Charles
li. Buckalew, State Senator from Columbia,
and Gen. George W. Cass, of Allegheny.
has been abandoned by its friends, the
Governor having intimated that he would
veto the bill in case it snuld pass.
Both branches of the Legislature have
agreed to adjourn, finally, on Thursday, the
/tb of April.
XLlut co*!l;urss-sKcoM SESSION.
MONDAY, March HI. —SENATE, —Mr. Ab
bott from the Committee on Military Af
fairs, reported a bill, which WBB passed,
providing for the distribution of arms
among the Southern States according to
their quota under existing laws. The Geor
gia hill was up again, and discussed, but no
action taken.
Tn the HOI.SE. Mr. Buiks introduced a
hill to promote eotntuorec and amity between
the United States and Mexico by encour
aging American citizens in developing the
resources of that country. Referred to the
Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Mr. Lawrence submitted a bill for the
payment of the entire public debt and the
reduction of taxation, ile stated that the
>ill was prepare 1 hv one of the ablest minds
in the country. Referred to the Committee
of Ways and Means.
A bill was also introduced by Mr. Wil
liams, declaring it to be the duty of Con
gress to provide for the funding of the na
tionnl debt at a lower rate of interest, and
to extend the time for its payment to a pe
riod when it will be least oppressive to the
people, and that the interest-bearing debt
of the United States should not be increas
ed by causing a surrender of any part of the
present circulating medium not hearing in
terest, and by the substitution therefor of
interest-bearing bonds. Adopted. After
which the Tariff bill was discussed.
TUESDAY, March 22 d. —In the Senate
several bills were introduced and referred.
After which the consideration of the claim
of Adelbert Ames, Senator elect from Mis
sissippi, to a seat as Senator, was resumed
but the Senate adjourned before anything
was accomplished.
In the House the 1 'tab bill, reported from
the Committee on Territories some weeks
since, was taken up. It provides for the
abolition of polygamy. This led to a warm
discussion which oecnpied all the time.
WEDNESDAY, March 23d.—In the Son
nto the bill to promote the civilization of the
Indians and their progress in agricultural
pursuits was taken up and passed.
The case of General Amos was then taken
up and occupied the balance of the timr
with no definite result.
HOUSE. —The Speaker laid before the
House a message from the President, call
attention to the decline of American com
merce, as shown in the report of the Spe
cial Committee, and earnestly urgiug early
action thereon. He says the fact that thir
ty millions of dollars are annually paid to
foreign vessels as passage money is humilia
ting. Ho is of the opinion that direct ton
nage-subsidies are less liable to abuse than
indirect n>-i-tanee.
Mr. Brooks said he was very glad that
the President had recognized the great fact
of the destruction of American commerce,
and hop d it would secure speed? action,
especially in connection with the Tariff bill.
The Utah bill was then taken un. and
Mr. Hooper proceeded to address the Hou-e
in defence of polygamy. Other speeches
weie made, after which several sections of
the bill were then stricken on'. Among
them the sections confiscating the property
of persons convicted of polygamy, and em
powering the President to send troops and
enlist 40,00(1 volunteers when ho might
de- mit necessary. Al-o, the section appro
priating SIOO,OOO for the relief of person
rendered destitute or homeless by the en
forcement of this act.
The bill was then passed finally, and the
House, at half-past four o clock, took a re
cess until half pat seven o'clock this eve
ning—the session to be devoted to the de
bate nn the Tariff bill.
During the evening session several speech
es were made by Messrs. Hoi in sin and John
son, when the House adjourned.
THURSDAY, March 24th.—Immediately
after the reading of the journal of the pro
ceedings, pn motion of Mr. Sunnier, the
Senate went into executive se-.-ionfor the
consideration of the San Domingo treaty;
and, at 4.40 I*. M., adjourned.
In the House, the message of the Presi
dent relative to the decline of American
commerce was referred.
Mr. Logan, from tli-- Uoimuittec oti Mili
tary Affairs, presented a final report on the
cadet-ship traffic. The committee find that
quite a number of cadets have been appoint
ed from di-triets in which they did not re
side. These irregularities arose from a late
con-1 ruction of the law by the War and N'a
vy Departments, but the abuses arc now
being corrected. In eases other than those
already reported to the House, the testi
mony is generally confl cting, and the com
mittee is tin-n n.ou-ly of the opinion that
the facts do not justify a report of the testi
mony or further action in these cases.
The committee respectfully recommends
the pa-rage of the bill and resolutions ac
companying the report.
The bill provides 'hat a cadet must have
resided two years in a di-tiict from which
he is appointed prior to his uominatiou. At
least two competent per-ons must -wear to
such residence of two vnr-; that if it shall
1* discoveted at any time that an appoint
rurnt as a cadet was procured through pe
cuniary influences the cadet .-hall he at ouce
Mr. a-ked that action be first taken
on : he bill.
Mr. Niblack moved to amend by insert
ing one year instead of two.
Mr. Logan accented the amendment, and
the bill was oassed.
Mr. Logan asked that a vote he taken OD
'he resolution—that if is in evidence that
Commodore J i din 11. Up-bur, of the Navy,
paid one Landon $1,300 lor the appoint
ment of his son a cadet in the Naval Acad
iny. and that the Secretary of the Navy be
requested to convene a court martial for the
trial of Upshur for conduct unbecoming ao
officer of the naval service.
Mr. Logan -aid the facts were plain and
the law wa- plain, and the Committee had
simply performed a sworn duty in recotn
rni riding that the resolution be passed.
The resolution was then passed.
The House thtn went into Committee of
the Whole on the Tariff bill, which wa? dis
cus-id until ten o'clock I'. M., the hour of
adjournment of'the evening session.
MONDAY, March 21st.—Senate not in
session to-day. The House met at 71 o'-
clock in the evening when several bills were
introduced in 'he interest of Philadelphia.
TI ESDAY, March 22d. —In the Senate the
whole of the time was taken up in hills in
the interest of Philadelphia and consequent
ly of no interest to any of our readers. In
the Hou.-e there was nothing done of any
importance at all.
WEDNESDAY, March 23d.—The appro
priation bill engaged the attention of the
Senate, but no final action was taken upon
Among the new amendments, was one by
Mr. Connell, giving three thousand dollars
to Teachers' Institutes.
The Senate concurred in the House resolu
tion to adjourn on the 7t h of April.
In the House Mr. Ames offered a joint
resolution appointing Thomas Nicholson a
commissioner to investigate the eases of a'l
applicants for pensions, and to ascertain
whether any persons now receive pensions
who are not entitled to them. The com
missioner is to be paid $3,000 per antfum.
An attempt was made by Mr. Bunn to
report the Metropolitan Police bill, hut Mr.
Dailey objected to suspending the orders for
that purpose, and Mr. Davis moved to pro
ceed to its consideration The House re
fused to suspend the rules for its considera
tion by a viva vow, vote.
I UURKDAY, March 24th.—The Senate
had the Appropriation bill under considera
tion, but took no action on it.
The House bill providing for a geological
survey of the State was reported favorably.
House bill authorizing the Governor, Ad
jutant and Aaudilor Gentrals to erect a
monument on the Capitol grounds in honor
of the soldiers of Pennsylvania who fell in
ilie late war was considered.
Messrs. Adaireand Bonn moved to amend
by erecting a monument in Independence
Square. Not agreed to.
Mr. Shurlock moved to add the name of
Edwin Greble to the commissioners. Agreed
Brown moved to amend by pro
hibiting any coutraot being made for the
monument until the Superintendent of the
Soldiers Orphans fir. t ceitifies that all the
soldiers orphans have been provided for.
This amendment was ruled out of order as
not pertinent, and the biil passed.
The House bill diverting the taxes from
tavern licenses, retail Inkers, theatres,
restaurants, brewers etc., from the sinking
luod into the Stats Treasury, was passed.
Ihe House bill requiring the division
canvassers to prepare tno Toting lists usually
prepare:! by assessors, ate., was parsed to
the third rending and laid over.
EVENING SESSION.— -The llouso bill mak
ing it unlawful to issue store-orders in pay
ment for wages for labor, and requiring
sueh wages to be paid absolutely in cash,
was defeated in the Committee of the
Whole, and the House sustained tho ac
tion of the Committee by 40 yeas, to 33 nays.
From Tennessee.
NASHVILLE, March 27.— Tho action of
the President, in failing to comply with
Governor hientor's requisition for troops, is
thought here to mean something more than
was a' first supposed. It lias (teen stated
that Governor Center made the requisition
in order to secure from the President a re
cognition of the State of Tennessee, and hi
authority as Chief Magi.-trnic of the Com
monwealth, in order to prevent any move
ment looking to reconstruction by Congress.
Governor Senior has been summoned to ap
pear before the Reconstruction Committee
at Washington by General Butler, when he
j will testify as to the necessity of sending
j troops into Tennessee by the National Gov
ernment. Governor Seoter seems to un
derstand that the result will be a total re
construction of the State. He will with
draw the requisition, and declare that good
order now exists throughout the Slate.
Governor feenter leaves lor a-hington to
Partial returns from the election in dif
ferent parts of the S'ate show that the new
Constitution has btcu ratified by about 40,-
OHO majority.
Governor S-.snter has again refused f<
confirm the apt o n'men tof Judge Kingman,
of Kentucky, as State A vent of the Nash
ville A Kentucky Haiku,d, the .Judge hav
ing been a second time elected to that posi
tion by lb" !! oil f li i tors. The Gov
ernor in-i-t- that only a Teunessean is eligi
ble to that position.
The City ol Hot.ton.
A gentleman who lately arrived in this
town from England, informs us that the
Atlantic is full of icebergs, and the proba
bility is that the City of Boston struck one
of these dangerous obstructions in the vio
lent storm that occurred a few days alter
ber departure, and went down suddenly.
She had on board 107 passengers, beside
-10 officers, and the ordinary crew—in all
about 140 souls. Twelve of the steerage
I and to cabin pus-engers embarked at New
York; and 7 steerage and 43 cabin passen
gers at Halifax Among the latter were a
number of prominent merchants and six or
tight British officers, with their wives. The
Americans were chiefly liotn New York,
Philadelphia and Boston.
UoutwelPs Future Policy.
WASHINGTON, March 2s.— Secretary
j Boutwell's order to sell $2,000,000 in gold,
next month, and purchase $4,000,000 in
bonds, i- believed to be indicative of the
future policy of the Treasure Department
to sell more gold each succeeding month.
It is understood that in May $3,000,000 in
gold wili be disposed of, and $.">,000.00
wordi of bonds purchased on account of the
Sinking l-'und and Special Fund.
M tefcUniu oij.s.
The following are selected from thousands
of testimonials of similar character, as ex
pressing the reasons for the preference for
the GKOVRK & Bsktit Machines Over all
* * "I like the Grover A Baker Machine,
in the first plaae, because, if I bad any other
1 should still want a Urover A Baker: and,
having a (irover & Baker, it answers the pur
pose of all the rest. It does a greater variety
of work and it is easier to learn than any oth
er."—.Vis. J. ('. Croly (Jenny June.)
* "I have Lad several years' experi
ence with a Grover A Baker Machine, which
has given me great satisfaction. I think the
Giover-A Baker Machine is mere easily man
aged, and less liable to get out of order. I
prefer the Grover A" Bakpr, decidedly."—
Mrs. I)r. Watts, New York.
"1 have had one in my family for
some two years: and from what I know of its
workings, and from the testimony of many of
my friends who use the same, I can hardly
see how anything could be more complete or
give better satisfaction."— Mrs. Gen. Grant.
* * "I believe it to be the best, all things
considered, of any that 1 have known. It is
very simple and easily learned: the sewing
from the ordinary spools is a great advan
tage. the 6tick is entirely reliable: it does or
namental work beautifully; it is not liable to
get out of order."— Mrs. A. M. Spooner, 30
Bond Street, Brooklyn.
° "i am acquainted with the work of
the principal machines: and I prefer the Gro
ver A" Baker to them all, because I consider
the stitch more elastic. I buve work now in
the house which was done nine years ago,
which is still good."— Mrs. Dr. MeCready,
.So. 43 East 23a street, New York.
* * "More than two-thirds of all the
sewing done in my family for the last two
years has been done by Grover & Baker's
Machine, and I never had a garment rip or
need mending, except those rents which
frolicsome boys will make in whole cloth. It
is in my opinion hy far the most valuable of
any I have tried."— Mrs. Henry (Card
"The Grover A Baker Sewing Ma
chine has rendered in every respect the most
perfect satisfaction. It combines so many
advantages with beauty of execution and
economy in price that it is a necessity in ev
ery household."— Mrs. Governor Geary, Bar
risburgh. I'a.
* * "I have had the Grover A Baker
Machine for ten or twelve years in constant
use in my house. ! have seen and kuown
every kind ol family sewing, both personal
and household, accomplished upon the Gro
ver A Baker Machine to the entire satisfac
tion of all who were concerned."— Jtee. Ste
phen 11. Tyng.
" "I find the Grover A Baker stitch
will wear as long as the garments do—out
wear the garment, in fact. The stitcb will
not break on bias seams, whan stretched, as
others do: and neither does it draw the work."
Mrs. Dr. Whiting. 4 East 24 th street, New
* "We have a Grover A Baker Sewing
Machine for seven years in constant use,
hemming, felling, tucking, and everything
that the fingers can do. It is preferred over
all others on account of its durability of work,
elasticity and strength of stitch, ease of move
ment, and simplicity of construction."— Mrs.
General Buel.
* v "There could be no greater com
fort in a family than a Grover A Baker Sew
ing Machine. I have used one for the last
nine or ten years, Bnd I think it is decidedly
the best family Sewing Machine."— Mrs.Alice
B. Whipple, wife of Rev. Dr. Whipple, Sec.
Air. Miss. Association.
* "I have had an opportunity of ex
aminine and using other varieties of machines;
but I very much prefer the Grover A Baker
stitch, for strength, elasticity, and beauty. I
have seen no other machine so simple in its
construction, so easily understood and kept
in order."—Mrs. E. I). Sanborn, St. Louis.
The Grover and Baker Sewing Machine
Company manufacture both the Elastic Stitch
and Lock Stitch Machines, aud offer the pub
lic a choice of the best machines of both
kinds, at their estrblishments in all the large
cities, and through agencies in nearly all
towns throughout the country. Price Lists
and samples of sewing in both stitches fur
nished on application to Grover Sr. Baker S.
M. Co., Philadelphia, or to
2ifeb Bloody Ran, Pa.
For twenty five cents you can buy of your
Druggist or a package of SEA
MOSS FARINE, manufactured from
pure Irish Moss or Carrageen, which will
make sieteen quarts of Blanc Mange, and
a like quantity of Puddings, Custards,
Creams, Charls'te Russe, Ac. Ac. It is
hy far the cheapen, healthiest and most De
licious food in the world.
4mar6ia 53 Park jf. y.
Perhapf DO OD medicine is so universally re
quired by everybody a? o*tbartic, nor was ever
any before no universally adoptoil into use, in
every eountry and amone all classes, & this mild
but efficient purgative PILL. Tbe obvious rea
son is, that it, is a more reliable and far more ef
fectual remedy than any other. Those who have
tried it, know that it cured tbem ; those who have
not, know that it cures their neighbors aod friend?,
and all know that what it does once it does a!
ways—that it never fails through any fault or
neglect of its composition. We have thousands
upon thousands of certificates of their rewerkable
cures of the following complaint,*, but such cures
are known in every neighborhood, and we need
not publish /hem. Adapted to all ages and con
ditions in all climates ; containing neither calo
mel or any deleterious drug, they may be tak-n
with safety by anybody. Then sugar coating
preserve? them ever fresh and makes them pleas
ant to take, while being purely vegetable no harm
can rise from tbeir use in any quantity.
They operate by tbeir powerful influence on
the internal viscera to purify the blood and stimu
late it into healthy action--remove the obstruc
tions of the stomach, bowls, liver, and other or.
guns of the body, restoring tbeir irregular action
to health, and by correcting, wherever they exist,
such derangements as ar* the first origin of dis
Minute directions arc given in the wrapper on
the box, for tbe following complaints, which
these PILLS rapidly cure:---
TITE, they fhould be taken moderately to etiai
ulate the stomach and restore its healthy tone
and actior.
For LIVER COMPLAINT and Us varum*
symptoms. BILIO U S il EADA CH E, SICK
they should be jodltiously taken for each case, to
correct the diseased action or remove the obit rue
lions which cause it.
mild dose in generally required.
SIDE, BACK and LOINS, they should be con
tinuously taken, h- required, t>- change the dis
eased action of the system. With such change
those complaints disappear.
they should be taken in large and frequent doses
to produce the effect of a draatic purge.
For SUPPRESSION a large dose should be ta
ken as it produces the desired effect by sympathy.
As a DINNER PILL, take one or two PILLS
to promote digestion and relieve the stomach.
An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and
bowels into healthy action, restores the appetite,
and invigorate.' the system. Hence it is often
advantageous where no serious derangement ex
ists. One who feel* tolerably well, often finds
that a dose of these Pills makes him feel decided
ly better, from their cleansing and rcnovatingef
feet on the digestive apparatus.
Practical Chemist,
B. F. HARRY, Agt. lOde Lowell, Mats.
The Best (Xnd CJu:Q]><st note ill use.
S . <; . M AS O N ' s
This Pump ba been awarded the PIRST PRE
MIUM at the Neil 1 York, Ohio, and Pennsylva
nia state Fair*.
This Pump never freezes, from the fact that the
moment yon sfcpp puuq ing, the water gradually
I drops back to a level with the water in the well;
| con sequent! v you always get PURE COLD
1 WATER. It will force water any distance through
pipe, and in case of FIItE, is valuable, as water
may be thrown to tbe distance of from fifty to
sixty feot from its mouth, by attaching 3 or four
feet of small hose. It is DOUBLE ACTING,
and can be worked with ease. It is just tbe
thing to wash wagons, buggies, and water gar
dens, Ac., ana every farmer and mechanic should
have one of these pumps. As for Health, this
Pump has leen prraoaneed by our leading Phy
sicians as being one of the very best pumps now
in use. It is generally known that wooden pumps
hold the water in the stalk, and of course it tastes
more or less of the wood. This Pump leaves all
tbe water drop back just as soon as you atop
pumping, to tbe level of the water in the well.
So you get PURE COLD WATER from the bot
tom of the well every time you draw a bucket
full. There are about 92 of these pumps now in
use in this county, for one and two years, and
they have ALL given perfect satisfaction. Not
one of these has frozen since they ha ve been put
in. For reference I can give some of the very
best men in our town and county. Call and see
this pump work before purchasing any o'her.
PRICE LlST.—Three-quarter inch pump,
from 7 to 10 feet sls: from 10 to 15 feet sl*; from
15 to 20 feet S2O; from 20 to 25 feet $25; from 25
to 30 feet S3O; from 30 to 35 feet $35; from 35 to
40 feet $lO. Inch Pump.—From 7to lu feet S2O:
from 10 to 15 feet $23; from 15 to 20 feet S2B;
from 20 to 25 feet $33, from 25 to 30 feet
from 30 to 35 feet $43.
The undersigned has also the following coun
ties for sale, viz: Somerset, Fulton, Franklin,
Huntingdon, Blair and Center. Good deeds giv
en for fifteen years. For further information ad
drcs W. W. SHUCK,
General Agent,
3feb2m Bedford, Bedford eo., Pa.
Several Hundred Different Figure*.
Several Hundred Different Figures.
Several Hundred Different Figures.
Several Hundred Different Figures.
Several Hundred Different Figures.
Several Hundred Different Figures.
Largest lot ever brought to Bedford county.
Largest lot ever brought to Bedford county.
Largest lot ever brought to Bedford county.
Largest lot.ever brought to Bedford county.
Largest lot ever brought toHßedford county.
Largest lot ever brought to Bedford coanty.
for salt at the
for sale at the
for sale at the
for sale at tbe
for sale at the
for sale at the
Y E 11 ' S H AIR VIGO K,
A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy,
and effectual for preserving the hair. Faded or
gray hair it vooii reh ired to it* original color tend
the glote and fruhntst of youth. Thin hair is
thickened, falling hair checked, and baldness
often, though not always, cured by its use.
Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles
are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decay
ed. But such as remain can be saved for useful
ness by this application. Instead of fouling the
hair with a pasty sodimcnt, it will keep it clean
and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the
hair from turning gray or falling off, and conse- j
qucntly prevent baldness. F'ree from those dele- j
terious substances which m ike some preparations
dangerous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor
can only benefit but not harm it If wanted j
merely for a
nothing else can be found so desirable. Contain
ing neither oil nor dye, it does not -oil white
cambric, and yet lasts longer on the hair, giving
it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume.
Prepared by
Practical ami Analytical Chemiet,
Price SI.OO.
3decty B. F. HARRY, Agent.
W r IR En A ILIN (J ,
For Store Fronts, Factories, Ac. Heavy Crimped
WireClotb lor Cleaning Ores, Coal, Ac. Heavy
Screen Cloths and Coal Screens, Wire Webbing
for Sheep and Poultry Yards. Paper Makers'
Wires, Brass and Iron Wire Cloth Sieves, Painted
Screens. Ornamental Vire Work. Every infor
mation by addressing the manufacturers,
Safebly No. 11 North Bth St., l'hil'a.
Ail business intrusted to him will be attended to
with great care. Upon notice will appear for par
:iis in suits before Justices of the Peace in any
art of the county. Office with J. W. Dickerson,
Estp, on Juliana St., next door north of Mcngel
ilouvc, Juiarly.
gUal (Estate.
On Friday, March Sjth, 1 bTO.
There will he null] at public sale, <l3 the preuii.
ser, in Londonderry township, on Friday, March
25th, 1870, thefollowing described prooertv ri,
THE MANSION TRACT containing 262
acres. 160 acres Cleared, CO acre* good meadow,
and 100 acres bottom and limestone gravel, ali
in an excellent etate of cultivation, having there
on erected an excellent DWELLING HOUSE,
largo fiaine bam, and other outbuildings. Also,
a story and a-balf Log House with kitchen and
stable, in the town of Rridgeport, and a GOOD
SAM MILL on Big Will's Creek, with unsur
passed water power and in good running order.
This tract is situate at the junction of the BED
There can be little doubt that a depot will be erec
ted upon or immediately adjoining it, tbus reo
dering a considerable part valuable for BUILD
The above farm will be offered in parcels as
No. 1. About 76 acres adjoining where the pro
posed depot is to be erected, about 56 acres clear
ed and twenty acres timber, including Mansion
House and Barn.
No. 2. Containing about 85 acres; about M
acres cleared and twenty-five timber, including
House and Lot in Bridgeport, Saw Mill and wate"
No, 3. Containing about 100 acres; about 60
acres cleared and lorty acres timber.
Draft shown on day of sale.
N. B. Widow's dower to remain in the proper
ty until her death.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock P. M. of
said day, when further terms will be made known
Hk'NKY MILLER. Executoi
4mar of the last Will of John Miller, dee'd.
The subscriber oilers at private sale, a good
improved larui situated in Snake Spring Twp..
Bedford Co.. Pa., two raiies from Mount Dallas'
station, on the Huntingdon and Broadt >p rail
road. containing 230 ACHES of good limestone
land, about 180 acres cleared and under good
fence, over 800 panels of which are post fence,
the balance of the laud is well timbered. Th
improvements are A GOOD LARGE FARM
HOI 3E and Large Bank Barn and all noceiaary
out buildings. 3 Never Failing Springs, 3 Orel,
ards, 2 TENANT HOUSES and a good Sawmill.
The above Mansion Faiin is in a good state of
cultivation and is well calculated to make TWO
FARMS. For further particulars address,
"jan Bloody llun, Bedford Co., Pa.
The following lot of ground, situate in the town
of Duncansville. Blair eo., Pa., fronting on Main
street (or Turnpike) 75 feet and extending back
i ISO feet, more or less, and having thereon erected
a large two story BRICK HOUSE, with ba>-
men! and kitchen, and good cellar, frame Black
j smith and Wagon-Maker's Shop, frame jt.ii .<•
and other out-buildings, with fruit of different
varieties on tbe lot. This would be a good stand
for a Tavern or Boarding House, being convem
ent to the Rolling Mill and Nail F'actory, aDd the
Railroad. The House is in good repair and very
pleasantly situated, with water at the door.
Also, A lot of SIX ACRES, near the Chalybeate
Spring, one mile from the town of Bedford, with
a Log House thereon erected. Adjoining lands
of C'hir.owith, Amos, Shannon and others.
Also, It acres of Timber Land, adjoining the
Colfelt farm, and convenient to good toads.
F'or further particulars apply to
ISdectf Bedford, Pa.
The subscribers offer at private sale the follow
ing valuable tracts of land, via:
No. 1. The undivided half of a tract of land,
containing 227 acres, situate on the south-east
side of the Broad Top Mountain, lying partly in
Bedford and partly in Fuiton county, and ad
oiniag lands jo Samuel Danner, James Brin
hurit and Wishart's heirs. TWO VEINS OF
COAL, one ij feet, the other 6} feet in depth have
been discovered on this tract.
No. 2. A tract of 230 acres near the abo id
joining the same lands, and supposed -o cor tain
the same veins of coal.
No. 3. A tract of 100 acres, within two and a
half miles of the above tracts, lying on the North
side of tho Harbor across the mountain, well tim
bercd with oak and pine.
May 3,-tf. JOHN LUTZ.
The subscribers will sell a number of lots ad
ERTY in Bedford township,
On two of them dwelling houses have already
been erected. This is a splendid opportunity to
buy a cheap and most desirable home, .as the lots
lie immediately opposite tbe Chalybeate Spring
Park, on tbe road, and not more than 120 yards
from the Spring, at the following low prices:
2. One-half acre lot with dwelling house and
other oat-buildings, garden and fruit trees, an
the best of water convenient, at S7OO, cash.
2. Half-acre lot SISO, cash.
3. Half acre lot SIBO, cash.
4. Half acre lot siSo,casb.
5 and 6. Half acre lots with dwelling house,
brick yard, garden and fruit trees thereon lor
SBSO, casb.
7. Contains three acres covered with fruit
trees, and in a good state of cultivation, adjoin
ing the above lots, for S6OO, cash.
Any person desiring to buy a home, a few
yards out of Bedford, will find this offer worth
serious consideration.
JOHN LUTZ, Real Estate Agent, Bedford, Fa.
FIVE lots of ground in Bedford, 60 by 240,
formerly part of the Lyons' estate.
Two tracts of 160 acres each within three miles
of a depot on the Pacific Rail Read back of Oma
A tract of bottom land timbered and prarie
two miles from Omaha City.
One third of 7.000 acres in Fulton Ctunty Pa.,
including valuable Ore, mineral and timber lands
near Fort Littleton.
Over 4,000 acres of valuable ore, coal and tim
ber lands in West Virginia.
ALSO, Twenty-five one acre lots, adjoining the
Borough of Bedford, with lime stone rock for
kiln or quarry on the upper end of each.
Also, 320 acres of land in Woodbury CO., lowa.
SO " " Franklin •* lowa,
toy acres adjoining Bedford, with house, barn,
Ac-, known as the "Amos farm."
Also, a farm of 107 acres in Harrison two.
Also, Six acres near Bedford, with 2 houses,
stable and brick yard thereon.
June 21,-tf Bedford. Penn'a.
The subscribers will sell ali that fine farm in
Bedford township, containing ISO acres, !>5 of
which are cleared and under excellent fence, and
the balance, 05 acres, well timbered, adjoining
lands of Charles Uelsel. John Schnebly, and oth
ers. The bnildings are a two and a half storv
LOG HOUSE and BANK BARN, with other
out-buildings thereon erected. Water in every
field, with an excellent Saw Mill seat- A splen
did apple crchard also thereon. Price S4OOO
TERMS: One third in hand and the balance in
three annual payments with interest.
Juno 21. 1867:tf Real Estate Agent.
NOTICE. —All persons baring unsettled ac
counts with Dr. \YM. H. WATSON, dee'd,
arc hereby notified to call upon the undersigned
hxecutor and settle the same without delay.
3eptf. WM. WATSON, Executor.
The 11. A B. T. R. R. CO. have erected a large
r.,d convenient Cattle Yard at Mt. Dallas for the
purpose of accommodating Drovers and others
from Bedford ami adjoining counties.
Stock care will be furnished at all times.
2ifebtf J. McKILLIPS, Supt.