Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, April 01, 1870, Image 1

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All adrcrtilaments for leu than 3 months IS
cents per line for each insertion. Specia 1 notices
one-half additional. All resolutions of Associa
tions, communications of a limited or iodividal
interest and notices of marriages and deaths, ez
ceding five lines, 10 eta. per line. All legal noti
ces of evert kind, and all Orphans' Court and
other Judicial sales, are required by law to be pub
lished in both papers. Editorial Notice* 15 cents
per line. All Advertising due after first insertion.
A liberal discount made to yearly advertisers.
3 monts. 6 months, 1 jear
One square $ 4.50 $ 6.06 *IO.OO
Tire squares .(H> 0.0(1 16.00
Three squares 8.00 13.00 30.00
One-fourth column 14.00 20.00 35.66
naif column 18.00 3XOO 45.60
One column 36.00 45.04 80.00
Xivirtrts Laws.—We would call tlsu special
attentkn of Pt Hasten and subscriber? to the
I.vQrtite* to tbo following synopsis of the News
paper laws:
1. A Postmaster is required to give notice hj
r-tter, (returning a paper does not answer the law;
hen a subscriber does not take his paper out of
the office, and state the reasons tor its not being
taken; and a neglect to du so makes the Poetane
ter r*fuinnrib{* to the publishers for the payuteuL
3, Any }>erson who takes a paper from the Post
c ffice, whether directed to hii name or another, or
whether he has subscribed or not is responsible
•or the pay.
3. If a person orders hi* paper discontinued, he
mast pay all arrearages, or the publisher may
continue to sea l it until payment is made, and
olleet the whole amount, v Loiter 11 be lain, from
'•" tr sot There can be n. legal discontin
ucocc until the payment is made.
4. If the subscriber orders bis paper to be
stopped at a certain time, and the publisher con
tinoesto send, the subscriber is bound to pav for
it, if he take* it out of tie Pott Ojxct. The" law
■ roceeds. upon the ground that a man must pay
for what ho uses.
The courts have decided that refusing to uki
newspapers and periodicals from the Post office,
or removing and 'having them uncalled for, is
prima facia evidence of intentional fraud.
C . H 0 L A II A N ,
Jan. 28, '7O-tf
t LEX. KING . JK.,
All business entrusted to hi? care will receive
prompt and careful attention Office three doors
South of the Court House, lately occupied by J.
IT. Dicksrson. * nov2s
Have formed a partnership in the practice of ■
tbe Law, in new brick building near the Lutheran
Church. [April 1, 1860-tf !
Respectfully tenders his professional services
:o the public. Office in tbe ISQCI r,v.Build tog, !
•econd floor.)
promptly made. [April,l'69-tt
Will faithfully and promptly attend to all busi
i ?=i entrusted to his care in Bedford and adjoin-
B g counties. Military claims, Pensions, back
pay, Bounty, Ac. speedily collected. Office with
.Mann A Spang, on Juliana street, 3 doors south
of the Men gel Hon se. apll, 1863.—tf.
Will attend promptly to all besiness intrusted to
his care. Collections made on the shortest no- :
He ■„ also, a regularly licensed Claim Agent
and nti give special attention to the prosecution j
'tit ? against the Government for Pensions, '
Back l ay, Bounty. Bounty Lands, Ac.
Office on Juliana street, one door South of the
ugairer office, and nearly opposite the 'Mengel
House" April 1. 186V:tf |
Bedford, Pa.,
* iVill attend promptly and faithfully to all busi
ness entrusted to tbeir care. Special attention
riven to collections and the prosccutioa of claims
r Back Pay, Bounty, Pensions/Ac.
JS9T-Office on Juliana street, south of the Court
House. Apri 1:69:1yr.
Will practice in the Courts of Bedford and ad
joining counties. All business entrusted to their
,re will -ceive careful and prompt attention.
Pcnsior anty, Back Pay, Ac., speedily col
lected fro .e Government.
Office on Juliana street, opposite tbe banking
honse of Reed A SchelL Bedford, Pa. ApT l:69:tl
Respectfully tenders his professional scr- (
Tices to the citizens of Bedford and vicinity. !
Office an 1 reiidence on Pitt Street, in tbe building
formerly occupied by Dr. J. H. Hofius. [Ap'l 1,69.
W'il'. attend to all business entrusted into bis bands
with promptness aad despatch. Will remit mon
ey by draft to any part of the country. 17?ely i
lie keeps on band a stock of fine Gold and Sil
rer Watches, Spectacles of Brilliant Double P.eSn.
Ed Glasses, also Scotch Pebble Glasses. Gold
Watch Chains, Breast Pins, Finger Rings, best
ualityof Gold Pens. He will supply to order
any thing in his line not on hand. [apr.2S,'t>s.
On Pitt street one door east of Geo. R. Oster
k Co."? Store. Bedford, Pa., is now prepared
to sell by wholesale all kinds of CIGARS. All
orders promptly filled. Persons desiring anything
Is his line will do well to give him a cull.
Bedford April 1. '63..
Offie* at tbe old stand in
BASK BriLDtso, Juliana St., BEDFORD.
AH operations pertaining to
Surgical and .Vechanical Dtntittry j
performed with care and
Jn.eslhetic* administered, teien derived. Ar
tificial teeth inierted at, per tet, fiti.OO and y>-
As I am dete:mined to do a CASH BUSINESS
or cone, I have reduced the prices for Artificial
Teeth of tbe various kinds, 20 per cent., and of
Gold fillings 33 per cent This reduction will be
made only to strictly Cash Patients, and all such '
will receive prompt attention. 7feb6S .
Tracsaets a General Banking Business, and makes
collections on all accessible points ia
the United State?.
EXCHANGE bought and so'd.
1.8. REVENUE STAMPS of all descriptions j
always on hand.
Accounts of Merchants, Mechanics, Farmers and !
ail other solicited.
Jan. 7, *7O.
This old establishment baring been leased by
J. MORRISON, formerly proprietor of the Mor
rison Bouse, has been entirely renovated and re
iurnished and supplied with "all the modern im-j
p- ,vemnt> and conveniences necessary to a first
ciars Hotel.
Tbe dining room has been removed to the first
fioor and is now spacious and airy, and the cham- i
t-ers are ail well ventilated, and the proprietor I
will endeavor to make his guest? perfectly at
ktWM. Address, J. MORRISON, j
... , EXCBAKSK Horat.
-ljnljtf Huntingdon, Pa. |
LI'TZ &. JORDAN Editor* and Proprietor*.
inquirer (tuhnnn.
Oar facilities far doing nil kinds of Job Printing
are equalled bj very few establishments in the
country. Orders by tuail promptly filled. All
letters should be addressed to
a local anb Wnirral Arhwpaptr, Orbotrt to politics, Literature anh jttcrals.
BBcbforb Inquirer.
AMONG the A lark a rivers are the Atutoa
coolaknchargut, Noectichigur, Kuyuyckuk,
("ounecovah, Unalachhtt, acd Golsova- !ioh
ka, along whose banks lire in almost Area
dian bliss the Cuyckanickpuks Y akutckv
litmiks, Sakiatskylitmiks, Ankacbagamueks,
; Mekutonecutzocoris, and other tribes with
| equally simple nomenclature.
THE following joint resolution, to allow
owners or homestead to deduct the interest
paid on mortgages thereon from their iv
curne returns, was adopted by the National
House of Representatives ou the 14th inst.
It is now in the hands of tho Finance Com
mittee of the Senate, who will, it is hoped,
report on it immediately: "Be it Resolved,
&c., That the mortgagor of a homestead
whereon he resides is authorized to deduct
frotn his income for taxation the amount ol
interest paid on such mortgage in each year.
THE measles for the last month, has been
an epidemic in the town of Sterling, Illinois,
and surrounding country. Like the merci
less savage, the disease has spared Deither
age nor sex. Parents ot forty or fifty yi. Id
ed to tbe malady, and lav by the .-ide of
their feverish youngster?. The complaint
seemed to be unusually contagious. Once
in a family or neighborhood, ail who bad
hitherto e-taped were turc to be down in
the legal number of days after exposure.
In some districts, schools were closed, and
in others so thinned that operations might
a? well have been suspended.
THE House Military Committee favors
expulsion from West Point of all cadet?
shown by the recent investigations fo have
been improperly appointed. They also pro
pose introducing a resolution condemning
all persons engaged in securing such ap
pointments. This may seem severe and
unjust to the innocent youths who are to
suffer, but we are told that the sins of the
fathers shall be visited upon the children,
acd it may also be justifiable as a measure
of justice to these candidates whose claims
on the score of merit were ignored in favor
of corrupt influence.
CUBA has her traitor—fieneral Napoleon
Atango. Holding an important oeoimacd
in the revolutionary army, lie surrendered
to the enemy, and is now busy with Captain
General Deßodas about "the restoration of
peace"—which is an euphemism for com
pletely crushing the supporters of the pa
triot cause. Whether Arango was bribed
by "Spani-h gold, ' or is treacherous for
tiie mere love of treachery, or has quarreled
with .the Cuban leaders, is Dot yet deter
mined. ■ Arango's name is prejudicial to
him Napoleons have a habit of serving
popular liberty scurvy tricks, even when
tbey have sworn fidelity to it.
THE appearance of 1 oited States troops
and the Congressional talk of reconstructing
the Slate have had a good effect in Tonne?
see, her citizens are holding public meetings
at tbe State Capital and memorializing Con
gress upon the conditi n of public affairs.
There seems no doubt that the reports of
outrages in that Ftate are exaggerated, they
always are io such cases; but they have a
foundation in truth: and to the removal of
every justification—even the slightest—for
Congressional interference rather thau to
public protest, the citizens of Tennessee
(X'ght t) devote themselves. Acts speak
louder than words; ibe annihilation of a
single Ku-Klux-Klao is worth a score of
THE revolution created in the manufac
lure of steel by the improved patented pn>-
j ccss of Bessemer, has effected wondrou?
changes in the price of many articles into
1 the manufacture of which steel enters large
j ly. The patent for the process expired a
?bort time since, and the invention is now
j the porjierty of the public. But it seems
i that Bessetcer's ingenuity was not wholly
\ exhausted in the discovery of that single
famous process. He has just made another
disco rery, by which all the waste material
that, by the former process, could not be
converted into sled, can be converted. As
j ibis waste was equal to thirty p.r cent., be
claims that be still has the advantage of
those who are now privileged to use his first
patent, from the fact that he undersells
; them. In order to compete with him they
must now purchase his second patent, or
' pay a royalty for the right to use it His
income from the royalties derived fiom bis
first patent, have for some years past been
six hundred thousand dollars a year.
A BILL TO reorganize the system of gov
erning the Indians has been completed by
i the House Committee. It proposes to
colonize them all in one territory, under
| three classes, a general, superintendent to
have charge of each class, and no more
treaties to be made with them. In regard
to the colonization scheme, it yet remains
to be seen whether it wil! work or not.
ftonie time ago a system of jutting the
tribes on reservations was instituted, but it
docs not see in to Lave worked very well.
| owing to the difficulty of getting them on
! the reservations. The same difficulty of
catching the hare presents itself in the
colonization scheme. But there is no ques
tion about the expediency of abolishing the
j treaty system. It is an anomaly legislation
to make treaties with the inhabitants of our
j own land—our own citizens, in fact, and the
! system has long been a vehicle for abuses
and swindles that will only cease with ite
IN VJEW OF the sending of a message to
the President by Governor Scnter, of
Tennessee, requesting that United States
troops may by placed at his disposal to pre
serve order in that State, it is interesting to
refer to the action of the Government when
a similar request was made in September.
1868, by a joint select committee of the
State legislature. The Legislature passed
a resolution appointing the committee, with
instructions to ask military as.-istance. and
their communication to the i'resident was
referred to Major General Scholeld, then
Secretary of War, who, on the Utb oj
September, addressed a reply stating that
the necessary instructions had been issued
to General Thomas, and also stating that
"the President instructs me to say, in reply
to your communication, thar. the military
power of the Uni'ed States will be employed
whenever and so far as it may be necessary
to protect the civi! government of Tennessee
against lawless violence, and enable the Gov
ernment to execute laws of that State and
protect its law-abiding citizens."
by Joii.v e. wHirriEß.
| Who, looking backward from big manhood's
: prime,
! Sees not ibe spectre of hia mis spent lime?
And, through the shade
Of funeral cypress, planted thick behind,
Hears no reproachful whisper on the winds.
From his loved dead?
Who bears no trace of passion's evil face?
Who shnn6 thy sting, O terrible remorse?
Who does not cast
On the thronged pages of his memory's book.
At times, a sad and half reluctant look,
Regretful of the past?
Alas! the evil which wt- fain would shun
\t e do, and leave the wished for good undone:
Our strength to day
Is but to-morrow's weakness, prone to fall;
Poor, blind, unprofitable setvants all,
Are we alway.
et wbo, thus looking backward o'er his j
Feels not hi* eyl'ds wet with grateful tears,
If he hath been
Permitti , weak and sinful as he was,
To cheer and aid in some ennobling canse
His fellow men?
If he hath hidden the outcast, or let in
A ray of sunshine to the cell of sin:
If he hath lent
Strength to the weak and in an hour of need.
Over tfap suffering, mindless of his creed
Or home, hath bent:
He has not lived io vain. And while he gives
The praise to Him in whom he moves and
With thankful heart.
He gases backward, and with hope before,
Knowing that from his works he nevermore
Can henceforth part.
It was one dsy last February, when the
noble St Lawrence was covered with ice as
Liiuht as crystal and as smooth as a mirror,
that in company with Let tie Mordaunt, I
went out skating. The ice was over a foot
in thickness, but a strong wind had a few
days previous opened a channel in the cen
tre of the river, ic which much loose ice
wa? floating. had Dever before had
a pood to skate upon that would compare
with it, and, as she was an accomplished
skater, she was delighted. I have always
maintained that a pretty girl never appears
to better advantage than when she is en
gaged in skating; and I had always thought
Letile was a very pretty girl and had be
came quite captivated by her charm?', but
she never appeared half so lovely to me as
upon this occasion, and as we went boldly
forward, or circled in the most graceful man
ner, you may depend that I enjoyed myself
highly, and think she did also.
The river is about two miles in width
where we wore skating, and in the distance
were to be seen the several islands that lie
a short distance above the Gallop Rapids,
and are famed for their power, which is so
great that no vessel can approach within a
considerable distance of the lower part of
them. There is a single channel through
which steamers are sometimes piloted a:
favorable seasons of the year; but to attempt
to pass them out of the channel, or without
skillfull pilctagc. would he the madde.t of
There were a considerable number of
skaters out with us; but we struck out bold
ly for the centre of the river and soon were
at a con-iderable distance from them. We
did not stop until within a few rods of the
open water, knowing as we did that the ice
was sufficiently strong to bear us. We bad
skated three or four miles, and felt the
necessity of resting a few moments, and ac
cordingly stood for a while, gazing upon the
blue water* cf the flowing river and the
surrounding scenery, which is very fine. I
rather think that I cast an occasional glance
at the features of my fair companion, which
were radiant with the glow of excitement
occasioned by the exercise of skating. We
stood there rather longer than we intended
to, for we carti- d on an animated convcrsa
tion and the moments passed swiftly. At
length L-ttie suddenly remarked :
"Look where we are.''
"I see, * said I. not comprehending her
meaning. "Had you forgotten it?"'
"We are farther down the river than we
were when we stopped. We were then op
posite to that windmill," pointing to the
ruins of one that stood upon the opposite
band, a relic of the last century, about half
a mile above u-\
Somewhat surprised at this. I looked
around us, and was not long in discovering
: the cause of the change. We were afloat!
The ice upon which we were standing had
become separated from the main body and
carried away by the action of the current.
As it was a large piece, being at least one
eighth of a mile in extent, I felt no very
great apprehension in regard to our safety,
thinking it would soon float against "The
: edge of the firm ice, so that we could easily
I get off it. and so have the occurrence to re
member only as a pleasant adventure. 1
assayed Ia: trie ibat there was no danger,
and we piatieu'iy waited for the current to
rclea-e us from captivity upon our floating
island, continuing our conversation as cheer
fully as before. My expectations were not
fulfilled, for in about half an hour we had
reached the open river where the rapidity
of the current had either carried away the
ice or p>revented its formation, and now the
fearful truth Cashed upon my mind we arc
going directly toward? the Gallop KaptiJs,
and at a rate that would bring us to theui
in less than ac hour.
Lettie must have noticed the expression
of my countenance, for she clung to me and
said :
' l)o not tear to alarm me by telling me
the worst. Are we in very great danger?"
"I am afraid we are," I replied; "but
keep up your courage and we wiil hope for
! the best."
Eagerly I scanned the surrounding land,
hoping to observe some one whose alten
tion I might attract. I skated around the
edges of the ice and halloed as loudly as
possible, but the wind made it impossible
for me to be beard at any great distance,
and we were unnoticed. It now blew quite
violently, and caus :d the water to run ovet
the ice, r idering it quite difficult for us tc
stand up. nd breaking up the ice that wc
*ert upon, rendering it still smaller and
threatening to hasten our doom. On we
drif ed, hope fading as we passed onward,
atid the voice of death seemed to sound in
the d.?tnt roar of the rapids that was now
to be faintly heard in the distance. I gave
; up all hope of attracting attention, and re
turned to Lettie.
"Be as firm and brave as possible," sa d
i addressing her; "for unless there is a spe
cial intervention in our behalf, I do Dot see
what can save us from running into the rap
ids. Ihe icc will be da?hed to piece?, and
we must jeri?h.''
I had feared that she would be overcome
at hearing this; but, although as pale as the
icc- that we were standing upon, and hardly
able to stand without support, she bore it
Is there no hope?" she faintly inquired, j
her tone indicating that she did not expect
an affirmative answer.
I see no possible chance of escape," I
replied; and our speed continued to increase 1
and louder grew the roar of tbe rapids as
we neared them.
'How long will it be before we sltal
reach them?" aha asked.
"We cannot have but a few minutes long
er to spend on earth," I replied.
She leaned upon me, but I felt stronger
wbeo supporting her than when a'one. I
saw no way to avert our fa'e, and exoectcd
to be in eternity in a short time. Although
life was dear to toe, I would most willingly I
have relinquished it, if by so doing hers could
have been saved. Y'et tbe fate that decreed :
that we were to die together, robbed it of .
all its terrors as far as I was concerned. It
was then I realized how much I loved her, j
and I felt I could not die without telling her
of it.
"Lettie, said I, "we shall soon be at j
the rapids, but I cannot die without telling
you how dear you are to me. I would
quickly sacrifice iny life to save yours: but
this it denied me. If we were spared I
would offer you the homage of a lifetime.
Will you accept it for all eternity ?"
A faint flush overspread her cheeks as 1
ceased speaking, tfcc last time I thought
that tbey would ever be crimsoned before
tbey were cold in death. She clung still
closer to me, and a firmer pressure of the
band was tbe sufficient and ouly answer. I
felt tbat I was loved !
For a few moments we were both silent
I noticed that her Uars were flowing, and
the sight of tbeui almo?t caused me to lose
my self-possession. We had already passed
several of the islands that stud the river im
mediately above the rapids, and our rate
of speed was constantly iDtTeasing. I drew
her closely „to are and endeavored to pre
pare myself for the approaching moment,
when we would go down together to a wa
tery grave. My mind was busy, and I won
dered how long it would be before our fate i
would be known; of the various conjectures !
iLat our disappearance would give rise to |
and where our bodies would be found, or if
they would become entangled among tbe j
rocks and our fates known and if in the '
death-struggle we could still maintaio hold
of each other, I aUo wondered in what man
ner our deaths would be announced in the
journals of the day. Whether it would be ,
a "melancholy accident,'' or if we were
found clinging to each other, or as a "ro
mansie casualty," and fancied what the j
emotions of various persons would be when
they learned of it. These reflections were
all stopped by my noticing a fisherman's hut
upon an island only a short distance from us. j
with a couple of men engaged at work in
front of it.
I pointed it out to Lettie, and said, "We
may yet be saved, if I can only attract their ,
attention. Have courage and I will attempt
I left her and proceeded to the extreme j
edge of the ice nearest to the iriand. and then I
gathering all my breath for an effort called '
to them. As oar lives depended upon the j
result, 1 made a much louder noise than I |
could upon an ordinary occasion, although
my emotion was at first so great that I
could hardly control my voice. At length •
I succeeded, and had the satisfaction of see- i
ing e boat put out after us. Although we !
were at some distance from them, and going !
very rapidly. I had no doubt that they would j
overtake us. Jnst as everything seemed to .
be well again, I was surprised to hear a cry !
I from Lettie, which caused me to look J
around quickly. I was startled by the new
aspect of affairs. The ice. owing to the ac- j
tion of the waves, and my weight upon one |
edge, had parted, and we were upon scp
! erate pieces. Lettie had sunk down upon
the ice and was gazing earnestly towards j
ine. The pieces of ice were caught in ed- j
dies and went off in opposite channels; but
' it was with the greatest delight that I saw
the boatman row after her, leaving me to
my fate, and when I had passed the island j
and looked back, I saw that she was res- :
"Faie in the boat!" my feelings almost •
overcame me: and if ever I earnestly re- j
: turned thanks to an overruling Providence. '
it was then. Although I was at a consider
able distance from her, I caught a last j
- glance, and saw that, although almost faint
ing, she was gazing after me. I knew that
the boatman would not think of following I
me, for I was now upon the edge of tee j
rapids. The principal events of my 1 <•
passed rapidly in review through my niiu 1- ■
and my memory was very active; but the \
sweetest reuse inherence of all was of that |
Uiomeot daring the la-t hour, wbvu l>tttic :
confessed that she loved me.
The last hope had fi d, and I was calcu
latiug the moments that would elapse be
fore the ice would be dashed to pieces, when
turning round to take a farewell look at
earth and sky, I saw a canoe, propelled by a
roupie of skillful voyagers, coining rapidly 1
ifter me. but although it fairly seemed to j
-tip over the waves, it hardly seemed to
' gain on me. The water dashed over the
rake of the ice, and I was wet and almost
1 insensible. The pursuiug craft reached me ;
just in time to save me, and I saw that it
was one of light birch bark, and that my
rescurers were Canadian Indians. It was
drawn cut upon the ice, and I was placed
| in the bottom of it and cautioned to lie per
'ectly still. Then, launching it. they seized
their paddles an! devoted their energies to
the management of their frail cralt. It was
imposssbJe to proeced back, so over tbe
rapids we went. No craft ether than the
one that wc were in, snd guided by expe
rienced persons, would have ever gone
through safely. Now running within a few
inches of a rock, now circling around the
outer edge of an eddy, and then skipping
ovei the boiling waters and plunging down
j a waterfall. A motion of mine or a false
strike of theirs WGuld have capsized us and
sent us all into eternity. But we were safe:
and I quickly rejoined Let tic, who soon re ,
covered from the effects of her ride.
I rewarded my rese irers a? well as umuey
could do ?o, for snatching me from the jiws
|of destruction, and they were more than
. satisfied.
Lottie and I wi l pi_?jn be joined in wed
lock; and I Lope that our voyage down the
stream of life may be more pleasant than
was our excursion down the St. Lawreoce.
Treasure Trove, near Natchez
Many of our readers will no doubt remem
ber the great excitement which existed about
a year ago in this vicinity, caused by the as
sertion of an old negro sorccre-s that a
quantity of tbe treasure of the onoe celebra
ted Captain Kidd was buried a short dis- ;
tance from the National Cemetery, near
what is familiarly known as the "Devil's i
Punch Bowl." Quite a number of our
colored citizens, believing the stories of this
old woman, engaged in the work of dig
ging for the hidden treasure in a spot which,
by the aid of the black art, she had pro- :
Bounced it to be buried.
Tbey progressed in tbeir "labor of love"
(of gaioj for a number of weeks, without
success, and finally gave up iu despair, a
heavy rain having discommoded them to a
discouraging extent. Time passed on, and
tbe event has perhaps escaped tbe minds of
nearly all to whom the mysterious affair was
oogu : xaut. and but for tbe event which we
are about to chronicle, would perhaps have
never disturbed their brains again. How
ever, we will on to our story, which is as
strange as it is true.
Shortly after a heavy storm, a few weeks
ago, a couple of negro boys, while hunting
in tbe vicinity of the excavations made by
tbe discomfited treasure sevkers of one year
since, chanced to find a dingy, rusty old
square box. which was so bound about with
metal as to almost resemble an iron box. It
was with difficulty that the two combined j
could move it, and to carry it was out of the
V bile one of th:iu remained near this
queer-looking old box. the other went home
for bis father. Tbe father, his wife, and
another colored man, repaired to the spot, l
and remembering the old sorceress' ta'e. at
once concluded they had found at least a
portion of the treasure. Events have
proved that they were not ami?s in their
conjectures. But they moved very can
tiouslv in the matter, lest they should be .
discovered, and so under tbe cover of night
the box was removed to their little cottage. '
I p to the early part of this week they con
fided their secret to no living person, but a :
serious affair having occurred between tbe j
boys, the matter i being at first but vaguely j
hinted at) came to the ears of our reporter. !
He repaired to the house on Wednesday i
night for the purpose of examining the j
treasure found.
The box in which it was found is abort
three feel long by two feet wide, evidently
made of a species of cedar, and is firmly
bouud by strips of iroD, running around
laterally and diagonal! . and fastened with
j long nails, clinched inside. The treasure j
| consists principally of aDeient Spanish gold j
: and silver coid, dated from 1-150 up to 1530, i
and it is adjudged that there is at least
$30,000 worth of them. Besides the coin
there are several gold buckles and various
other articles, seeming to have been worn
as ornaments. A great number of silver
ornaments were in the box. which it appear
ed were used a? seme part of their sword
It is impossible to tell wbat metal any of
the coins or ornaments are cemposed of by
their looks, for all have a mouldy, green
appearance, fully attesting to the lapse of
i time since they were luried. A little gold
en cross, with an image of cur Saviour,
i establishes the religion of the people who
buried the treasure, and from the dates on
the various ct ins it is believed that the
[ treasure thus unearthed at this late day
i was buried by none other than the late j
Hernando Ik Soto and his followers, about -
I the year IG4O, as it is well known that the j
discoverer of the mighty Mississippi was in
; this vicinity about that time, and also that
; he was seriously troubled by the hostile In
j dians.
A piece of perch ment found in the box
was so old and musty that no characters
could be discerned upon it. As a whole,
; the discovery of this long hidden treasure
forms no inconsiderable event in our history,
and will throw a new light upon the ad
ventures of the hardy Spaniards who fre
i quented the spot where now stands our j
' beautiful city, ceDturies ago. A number j
i of individuals have visited the hut, and i
j examined the coins, and all agree with the j
i views of the writer as to whom tie treasure I
j was buried by.
I A prominent gentleman has bargained :
for the box and its contents, with a view of
I removing them to New York, where the
coins will bring a large price from anti
| < juarie-— Xalcltez, Arte South Feb. 20.
I'hTsical Changes in the Great Desert.
The inland Umpire has the following re- ,
markable statement concerning the process ;
i of change going on ail over the great inland
dei-ert between California and Miss :ur'. It
' sajs:
For some tiuie past there has been a quea
j tion before the people of this basin and of
the plains east of ibe liocky Mountains, '
j that has as yet failed to be satisfactorily an
; swered. It is: Why are the streams car- j
tying more water than in former years? ;
The great plains are fast losing their arid
nature, and through them are running!
1 streams in places where twenty years ago
there was not a drop of water; and where
at that time there were small streams, they
are now very much enlarged. In tnanv
cases this change has been of much value as
; it has given to the traveller a supply of
water that had previously been denied.
When the first emigrants crossed the
plains to California the great objection urged
to the trip was the scarcity of water on the
great part of the route. Within a few years
this has been all changed, and in the beds
of old streams that were dry when first
found there is now water for all the purpo
! ses required.
The Laramie plains are not now destitute
of water, whereas some years ago there was
none, and the traveller had to carry water
■ on passing over them. There ean be no
: doubt that for the last ten ycais there has
been a continued increase of water through
; out the whole desert country between the
VOL. 43: > 0 13.
Missouri and the Sierra Nevada. The Ar
kansas was dry in 1862 from the Pawnee
I'ox to tbe Cimaron crossing, and previous
to that time the Pecos was dried up so that
at many places the inhabitants were obliged
to dig for wate*. And tbe Moro Valley and
Piaius were at that time almost destitute of
vegetation. Now tbe vegetation is luxuri
ous, and it is oue of the very best v. beat
growing sections.
, Denver was built on tbe bauk* of an ex
inct creek, which it was supposed would
cmain dry; but after tbe settlement, to tbe
stonisbmcnt of tbc people, it became quite
a stream, and is now crossed bv bridges.
The Hiferfano, the Iloysobtcos, and others
that were dry during the summer icontka
ten years ago, arc now constantly running in
fair streams. We are satisfied that along
the whole line ol the Union Pacific Railroad
there is much more moisture in the earth
than there were only a few years since.
Again, Salt Lake is seven feet higher than
it was ten years ago, and it is constantly ri
sing, and it has been urged by those who
have paid attention to tbe subject, that the
rise of water there would produce a solu
tion of the Mormon question before Con
gress would act upon it. When tbe Salt
Lake shall rise a few feet higher wc shall
look for its overflow to reach the Shell
Creek range, as evidently at ODe time
water'did cover what is now only an arid
valley, not direct in its course, but cut up
with ranges, still the continued valley can
be traced. This great increase of water
will work a great revolution in tbc opinion
of the people as to the capacity of the great
plains for agricultural purposes.
The only reason why tbe great plains can
not l*e made into good fruit farms is tbe
lack of water and timber, as tbe land in rich
ness ha? no superior. Tbe increase of water
of which we have spoken will do away with
one objection, and tbe discovery of coal over
a distance east of Salt Lake for over six bon
dred miles will obviate the other
The man who travels over tbe Union Pa
cific railroad twenty-Eve years from this
time will find that tbe sage brush has given
way to crops of all kinds growing in tbe
greatest luxuriance: and that the sturdy far
mers with happy homes have taken tbe
places of the wacdtring red men. In our
own State this increase of moisture has teen
noticed, and the old settlers do not hesitate
to say that in many places the streams have
increased more ihaD one fourth in size dur
ing the past five year.- and in some places
where there was no water then there is now
small but constantly running streams.
The Pfciladelpb ia 3 jrth American re- j
marks: Protection is the only "next step '
in American progress that we recognize, and
that we shall not assent to its being set aside
for any other agitation got np by the free
traders byway of a diversion, The Republi
can National Convention of 1500 presented
a platform that distinctly announced the
protection of American industry to be one
ol the fundamental tenets of the party. On
that basis the party has stood ever since,
and on that it passed successive amendatory
■ aiiffs, all raising the duties, and all inten
ded avowedly to build np American indus
try. On that basis we raised oar productive
capacity to such a point as (o carry the re
public successfully throogh the greatest war
of modern times, and to sustain the burdeD
of a tremendous debt. It was, indeed, the
long continued devotion to manufacturing
iudostry that endowed the north with
strength sufficient to cope with the slave
holders' insurrection, lacked as it was by
England. And now this system that ba
done so much for us, and that is recognized
all over Europe as the secret of our vast
progress, is attacked in its stronghold, and
we are coolly asked to pay attention to half
a dozen wayside agitations, chiefly gotten up
to divert the attention of the people from
The Republican party is composed of mas
ses too intelligent to be deceived in tbis way.
If advocates of women's rights and teetota
lism and soi&l equality of races, and all the
other issues of a fast age, have managed to
creep into prominent positions in the party,
their views mu-t not be taken as represcn
ting those of the masses; and if they are not
satisfied to follow the party under the ban
ncr of protection, let them hold a separate
convention, as in I>>4, or try their luck with
the Democrats, as in 1868. The Republi
can party cannot be both for protection and
free trade. It must be one or the other,
for the two systems are diametrically oppo
sed to eaeh other. With those who are on
the fence, and take a little one way and a
little the other; who. in fact seem to have j
no principles of their own, we have no quar- j
rel. They will find out where they stand j
when they know which side is the strongest-
All we have to say is, that if the Republi
can party is not for protection, we must
have a party that is. We arc not content
to follow free-trade leaders, DOT to fight un
der a free-trade banner. But we know that
we speak for an immense majority of the ;
Republican party everywhere when w; say ;
that it is emphatically for protection, and j
that it regards with suspicion all free trade
journals and politicians.
SUNSHINE AND CLOUDS. —Ah, this beau- j
tlfol world 1 I know not what to think of
it. Sometimes it is all sunshine and g'ad
r.css, and Heaven itself lies not far off; and
then it suddenly changes, and is dark and
1 sorrowful, and the clouds shut out the day.
In the lives of the saddest of us there arc
; bright days like this, when we feel as if we
could take the great world in our arms.
Then come gloomy Lours, when the fire
will not barn on our hearths, and a!! with
out and within is dismal, cold and dark.
1 Believe me, every heart ha- its secret sor
: rows which the world knows not, and often
| times we cali a man cold when he is only
YOUNG AMERICA.— The youngest couple
known are in tioffstown, S. H-, the grooui
: being 1C and the bride 11-j years old. A
clergyman whom they called on thought it
was a bit of fun, and sent them to the town
clerk for a "sfifikit," but on the way up a
man married them for 3T cents. The wife
attend? school and talks gravely about her
old man.
A YOUNG man recently having succeeded,
after much persuasioo, in getting a kiss from
a girl, went and told of it. One of her ac
quaintances met her and said, "So Mary,
John says that you let bim kiss yon. "I
did let him, after he had teased me an hour
but it was a tight squeeze even then. "' "So,
ho!" exclaimed the other, "he did not men
j tion that"
r * A ri': w?.' ?wsrj?w
The Incviua U published ei*ry Ffcroar morn
>ng be following rate* ;
Osa 'Taan, (in adrsae*,) fcl.Oh
" " (if not paid within sixmo*.}... s3.ih
" " (U not paid within the year,)... I3.SC
All paper* outid* of the county Jijeontinned
without notice, at the expiration of the time -for
which the subscription he* bees paid.
SiDgieeop&softbe paper famished,in wtepper*
•I five cent* each.
Communications on subject! of !•>?: or general
nterest, are retpcctfufljr solicited- To ensure at
tention favor* of tbi* kino must invariably be
accompanied by the name of the author, not for
publication, hut at a guaranty against imposition.
Ail letter* pertaining to business of the eQca
should be addressed to
Transits of Vi otts arc as rare as they are
! important. They occur in couple* in Jane
and December, aboat eight years apart, and
'ben not again for several generations.
Kepler was aware of the phenomenon, and
as early as IG<>4 announced that one would
take place in 1761, but young Ilorrocks, of
Liverpool, with belter table* and additional
data, calculated that there would be a trans
it on the 4-h of December, 1639. He let a
fiieod into the secret, and they turn, oa tbc
day named, for Venus was punctual, were
the first ever known to observe if. It was
soon calculated that one mu-t have taken
place on the 6th of Itea-rober, 1661, end
another in Juno, 1726, and that the next
would not occur till the sth of June, 1761.
But oi all the transits, past and to come,
the climax would be, i hat of tbe lid of June.
1769, when Venus passed across tbe disc of
the sun, very near the centre. The next
one, but not visible in this couutry, will
take place five years hence, on the Bth of
December, 1874, which will be a grand ODe
for science, considering the great advance
in scientific instruments, but far inferior to
ihe last. If however it produces only half
a dozen Ca? ar.- it will be a god-send to this
rapid country. I/Ct young folks take note
of tbe date, 1874. Another will occur on
tbe Oth of I>eceuibcr, 1882, but not again
till nearly five quarters of a century later,
on the 7th of June, 2<A>4: to be followed
eight years afier, on the sth of June, 2012:
to be repeated in December, 2117, and so
on. The last transit of Venus was a con
junction of planets coincident with the birth
of twelve imperial men of nature, more re
nowned than the twelve Caesars. No other
single year probably, before or since, ever
produced such men as Napoleon, "Welling
ton, Soult and Ney; Brunei, Mebeiuet AH,
Turner, Sir Thomas Lawrence, Chateau
briand and C'astlercacb: Cuvier and Hum
boldt, men who upturned tbc world and set
it tight again: who revolution zed science,
art, politics, states, and the affairs of man
Consumption is not a disease of the lung-,
but one of the system, showing itself in the
lung*. If you fully comprehend this, you
are ready for the common-sense treatment-
Avoiding all local treatment, by inhalation,
all the panaceas, including whiskey and cod
liver oil, fashionable to-day, exploded to
morrow. employ those natural methods,
about which wise doctors never differ.
1. Walk in all kinds of weather, two or
three tiroes a day. If too weak for this,
begin with the saddle.
2. Hanging by the hands, in rings, sus
pended from the ceiling, six feet above the
floor, swingiug backward and forward, side
ways and in a circle The effect upon the
walls of the chest is very remarkable. I have
known such swiniging to reduce the
very sensibly in a week. In each exercise
continue till slightly fatigued.
Z Wash the entire skin in tepid water and
gool neutral soap every morning, on return
ing from the first walk, and rub the skin to
redniss every night on going to bed, with
sharp hair gloves. Lawrence's English pat
ent gloves are the he 4. All druggists sell
4 Sleep much, retiring before nine, ad
ding a nap in the middle of the day. Nev
er forget that good ventilation during the
hours of sleep is vital in every case of dis
eased lungs.
5. Eat for breakfast and dinner oatmeal,
cracked wheat, beef, mutton, plain bread,
potatoes, and other vegetables, except to
matoes. U.-e no pastry or other trash. Eat
no supper.
6. Cultivate jovial people. Laughter is
the most precious of all possible exercises
for chronic lung affection.-.— Dr. Dio Letei*.
CHEERFULNESS. —Nothing is better under
stood than that there is a connection be
tween cheerfulness and good digestion, and
the trite expression, "to laugh andget fat.'
undoubtedly has its origin in observation, if
not in philosophy. What an astonishing
amount and variety of food can be dis]>oscd
of, and perfectly digested, at one sitting of
two or three hours, by a company of cheer
full and happy, not to say jolly and merry,
old friends, and that without alcohol, or
any other unnatural stimulus to help diges
tion. I venture to say tnore than three
times as much as the .-ame individuals could
eat and digest iu the same time if each took
j his meals by bint self.
And this cne fact is worth more than ail
| else I can write to show the dependence ol
the digestive powers on the state of the
oiind, and to prove that he must be lean
and haggard who, keeping his mind con
| stantly on his business, bolts his meals in
sileucc and solitude, even in the presence of
; Lis family. I commend it to the carcfnl
| consideration of uncomfortable mortals who
; never properly digest their food, and whose
I bones are too poorly clothed with flesh, and
, too poorly protected even to allow them
| quiet rest, and who, therefore, cevv "fat,
■ sleek-headed men, and such as sleep o'-
nights."— From How Not to be Sick."
WINTER RULER. —Never go to bed with
cold or damp feet In going into colder
air, keep the month resolutely closed, that
by comjielliug the air to pass circuitously
through the nose and head, it may become
warnted before it reaches the lungs, and
tbu- prevent those shocks and sudden chills
which frequently cod in pleurisy, pneumo
nia, and other forms of disease. Never
sleep with the head in the draught of an
open door or window. Let more covering
be on the lower liutbs than on the body.
Have an extra covering within easy reads
in case of a sudden and great change of
weather during the night, N'-ver stand
still a moment out of doors, after having
walked even a short distance. Never ride
j near the open window of a vehicle for a
! single half minute, especially if it has been
1 preceded by a walk; valuable lives have tbu*
i been lost, or good health permanently de
stroyed. Never put on a new boot or shoe
in the beginning of a walk.
COMET COMlNG.— Celestial curiosty seek
ers are promised a novelty next June in the
return of Bioecke's comet, which has been
whisking its tail through space for these ever
so many hundred yuars. The advent of this
phenomenon will afford much gratification
to all taking the trouble to lock heavenward
at the riaie of its appearance