RATES OP ADVERTISING. ' All advertisement* for leu th*n 3 months 19 cents per line for each m"rtion Specie '.notices one-bslf eddtiioeel. All resolutions of Associa tions, eomtnanicfttioos of ft limited or iadividal interest end notices of marriages sod deaths, ex ceeding fire Usee, 10 cts. per line. All legal noti ces of every kind, and all Orphans' Court and other Jadicial sales, are required hy lawtc be pub lished in both papers, Editorial Notices 15 cents per line. All Advertisingdoe afterarst insertion. A liberal discount made t yearly advertisers. S moots. 6 months. 1 year One square t 4.50 t . .• Twe squares 8.00 8.00 10.00 Three squares 8.00 12.00 20.08 One-fourth eoluutn - 14.00 20.00 35.08 Half column - 18.00 25.00 45.00 One column 30.80 45.80 80.00 SSVIMHS Laws.—We would call the special attention of Post Masters, and subscribers to the Isonaaa to the followiug synopsis of the News paper laws: 1. A Postmaster ie required to pre notice !>;f tetter, (returning a paper doee not answer the law) when a subscriber does not take his paper out of the office, and state tbe reasons tor its not being taken; and a neglect to do so makes tbe Postmas ter rcpsonsikU to tbe publishers for the paymcnt 2. Any person who takes a paper from the Post office, whether itrected to his name or another, or whether he has subscribed or not is responsibls for the pay. 3. If a person orders his paper discontinued, he mast pay ail arrearages, or the publisher may continue to send it antil payment is made, and oilect the whole amount, wketker ft 5e taken from tie office or net. There can be u. legal discontin uence until the paymant is made. 4. If the subscriber orders bis paper to be stopped at a certain time, and the publisher con tinues to send, the subscriber is bound to pay for it, ifke takes it out of the Poet Office. The law proceeds upon the ground that a man must pay for what he uses. 5. The courts hare decided that refusing to take newspapers and periodicals from the Post office, or removing and having them uncalled for, is prima facia evidence of intentional fraud. SProftssioaal & susitt*;ss (Sards. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. C . II 0 L A HAN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BcnroiiD, PA. Jan. 28, '7O-tf A LEX. KING. Jft. f A T TORRE }-J T-LA H". BEDFORD, PA., All business entrusted to his caie will receive prompt and careful attention Office three doors South of tbe Court House, lately occupied by J. W. Dickvmm. BOV2O AND LINGENFELTER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BKOPORD, FA. Have formed ft partnership in the practice of | the Law, in Dew brick building Dear the Lutheran Church. 1, 1888-tf j y. A. POINTS, " ~ ATTORNEY AT LAW, BXDPOUD, PA. Respectfully tenders his professional services i to the public. Office in the I.voei ssßuilding, 1 (second floor.) promptly made. [April, 1'69-tf. 17-SPY M. ALSIP, li ATTORNEY AT LAW, BftDrottn, PA., Will faithfully and promptly attend to all busi ness entrusted to his care in Bedford andadjoio n g counties. Military claims. Pensions, back j pay. Bounty, Ac. speedily collected. Office with j Mann A Spang, on Juliana street, 2 doors south of the Mangel House. apll, 1809.—tf. JR. DURBORROW, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BenroitD, Pa., Will attend promptly to all business intrusted to bis car*. Collections made on the shortest no- j tice. He >s, al.o, a regularly licensed Claim-Agent andwi) give special attention to the prosecution . 'lit * against the Government for Pensions, Bach I ay, Bounty, Bounty Lands, Ac. Office on Juliana street, one dor South of the Inquirer office, and nearly opposite the 'Menge! House" April 1, 1869:11 S. L. fiVS SELL J. H. LO3GEKECKEE RUSSELL A LONGENECKKR, ATTORNEYS A COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Bedford, Pa., Will attend promptly and faithfully to all busi ness entrusted to their care. Special attention given to collections and the prosecution of claims , for Back Pay, Bounty, Pensions, Ac. on Juliana street, south of the Court j llouse. Apri l:9;lyr. J- M'n. SHARPS - HERB SUARPE A KERR, .1 TTORSE YS-A T-LA W. Will practice in the Courts of Bedford and ad joining counties. All business entrusted to their care will reoeiTe careful and prompt attention. Pensions, Bounty, Back Pay, Ac., speedily col lected from the Government. Office on Juliana street, opposite tbe banking house of Heed A Seheil. Bedford, Pa. Apr l:69:tf PHYSICIANS. QR B. F. HARRY, Respectfully tenders his professional ser vices to the citiaeas of Bedford and vicinity. Office an i residence on Pitt Street, in the hnilding formerly occupied by Dr. J. H. Hofins. [Ap'll,B9. .MISCELLANEOUS. TACOB BRENNEMAN, tJ WOODBERRY. PA., SCRIVENER. CONVEYANCER, LICENSED CLAIM AGENT, and Ex-Officio JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Will attend to all business entrusted into his hands with promptness and despatch Will remit mon ey by draft to any part of the country. ITsely DANIEL BORDER, PITT STREET, TWO POORS WEST or THE BED FORD HOTEL, BESFORU, PA. WATCHMAKER ASD DEALER IN JEWEL RY. SPECTACLES. AC. He keeps on hand a stock of fine Gold and Sil ver Watches, Spectacles of Brilliant Double Kesn ed Glasses, also Scotch Pebble Glasses. Gold Watch Chains, Breast Pins, Finger Rings, best quality of Gold Pest. He will supply to order any tbing in his line not on hand. [apr.2B,'Bs. W. CROUSE. • DEALER IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, PIPES, AC. On Pitt street one door east of Geo. R. Osier A Co.'s Store. Bedford, Pa., is now prepared to sell by wholesale all kinds of CIGARS. All orders promptly filled. Persons desiring anything in his line will do wall to give him a call. Bedford April 1. *K9.. P N. HICKOK7 DENTIST. Office at the old stand in BAEX BCILDISG. Juliana St., BEDFORD. All operations pertaining to Surgical and Mechanical Dentistry performed with care and WARRANTED. Anmstketies administered, teken desired. Ar tificial teetk inserted at, per set, 98.00 and up. *ca~d. As I am deteimioed to do • CASH BUSINESS or none, I have reduced the prices for Artificial Teeth of the various kinds, 20 per cent., ar.d of Gold fillings S3 per cent. This reduction will be made only to strictly Cash Patients, and all such will receive prompt attention. 7feb63 w M. LLOYD ' • BANKER. Transacts a General Banking Business, snd makes collections on all accessible points in the United State*. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. GOLD, SIL VER, STERLING and CONTINENTAL EXCH ANGE bought and sold- U. 8. REVENUE STAMPS cf all deueriptions always on hand. Accounts of Merchants, Mechanics, Farmer* and all other solicited. INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. Jan. 7, '7O. UN X CHANGE HOTEL. HI HUNTINGDON, PA. This old establishment baring been leased by J. MORRISON, formerly proprietor of the Mor rison House, has beer, entirely renovated and re furnished and supplied with all tko modern im provement* and conveniences necessary to a first ciass HoreL Tbe dining room has been removed to the first fio,.r and is now spacious and airy, s.ed the cham bers ere all well ventilated, and the nruprietor will en dear or to make his guests perfectly at home. Address, J. MORRISON, SxcnasßE HOTEL, Sljalytf Huntingdon, En. LUTZ &. JORDAN* Editors and Proprietor*. gapim (tolumn. '£ party. They include i the jewels that were pawned by Isabella— not the I-aliella of the Period, but tbe oih- ! er—to fit out Columbus on bis voyage to i di-eover Atueriea. A portion, if not all the jewels that have been added to the Spanieh crown since that time are with them, and i the entire lot has been pledged as collateral for a loan to somebody. The amount of the I I loan and the name of the party who negotia ted it are not gircn. but could probably be j ' ascertained by application to the proper au j thnrities of the Mexican capital. ! BF.ETHER DEPENDS HIMSELF. Mr. Beecher, in a recent review of his tweoty three )ears' ministry at Plymouth Church, defended himself against the charge of I* i ing a sensational preacher, saying that he ' had always tried to set forth the Gosple in i its purity. He added: "A most interesting j faet came to my knowledge a day or two ago. A Roman priest, who had been con vened to Protestantism, told me that in Rome be went into a bookstore, where he found a book made up largely of my ser mons. translated into Italian, and addressed to the faithful of the Romish Church, a "aids to devotion." It would not do to know who the author was. Leaving out the name, it was considert d good enough preaching for even the old Church of Rome. I am satisfied to have my name thus un known. It is testimony of the catholicity and universality of the spirit of Christ, when you take away the names and the boundaries of prejudice, and shows that which is good Gospel here is good Gospel everywhere, even under the pontifical tiara. '* THE FUTURE OF EUROPE.—The Paris corre-pondent of the Chicago Tribune , in a letter ju-t received, says: There is n iw ho vering over Europe an immense cloud of revolution, which gains in size daily, cx tending over manufactures, the labor of the working cla-ses. politics, and religion. The social order of Europe, shaken to its founds lion, is ciacking on all sides, and iu all coun tries. Is this a passing cloud, resulting on ly in a few flashes of lightning and a slight fall of raio? Or is it one of those great so ctal hurricanes let loose by the new condi tions of our time, by improved locomotion, aud more widely diffused instruction, which Will change the face of Europe in order that it may be reconstructed in some other fash ion? Ido not know, but certainly the cloud is over us, and all who are not fools see and feel it as one soes and feels the storm in the 1 heavy days of spring. We. at Paris, are plunged in polities. We laugh and jest as we always do. but the balls, private parties, i and theaters even, suffer by this g