Juftni. ROCK HRE4D. The following ode wns to us for publication, by one wbosa digestion has, no doubt, been ruined, and hi* temper sadly soured by being com tidied to lire on the vil liucous compound to which h'.s ode is dedi cated. Vfe commend tt to all frugal house wives as a warning of the lamentable result they may expect il they brew "Sour Bread for tbeir spouses. Of all-the curse:, i have aver Seen — Have ever heard or read, I know of uoue that's half to meau As that embraced in soot bread; Mean fermenting sour bread ! Soul tormenting sour bread ! Frothing, faming. Heart consuming— Nasty, filthy sour bread! From it no good did eVr arise. But evils vast instead— A mischievous devil in disguise I swear is sour bread. Stomach bloating sour bread I "Bines" promoting sour bread ! Hissing bubbling— Stomach troubling. Gassy compound sour bread! Nt ailment is there in such trash, Hut ailment there instead ; It knocks the stomach all to smash. Disgusting sour broad: Bowel inflating sour bread! Dumps creating sour bread ' Wind producing. Body reducing. Villainous mixture, sour bread. No human stomach long could bear An enemy so dread, if copper-lined it out would wear If plied with sour bread. Dyspepsia maker sour bread ! Stomach achcr sour bread! Gas distilling. Digestion killing. Murderous demon sour bread! Old Satan in his fiery wrath, Would utter imprecations uread Were he compelled to live a month On seething sour bread: Entrail winding sour bread ! Stomach grinding sour bread 1 Twisting screwing. Cholic brewing. Misery making sour bread. And e'ea the angels tip above, Who flow'ry paths do tread, < ,'ould manliest no sign of lot e, If eating sour bread: Depressing scur bit ad ! Good suppressing sour bread ! Spirit soiling. Temper spoiling, Worst of evils ,our bread ! lis worse than razor to the neck, Or bullet thruugh the head, For liugering torments dwell in it— Your poisonous sour bread: Evil boding sour bread ! Bowel corroding sour bread ! Exterminating, . Vile inflating. Assassin 1 Devi! ! sour bread. DssptfTtc. ; avm, ( , jflV{kiu^ ; fto.sfhoUl. WHAT 1 KNOW OF FARMING. BY HORACE OIUKI.EV. 1 commence my essay with the qnestiou, i Will Farming Fay ? because, when 1 urged tut superior advantages of a rural life, I atn often tuet by the objection that farming don't pay. That, if trup, is a -crious matter. Let us consider: I do not understand it to be urged that ihe farmer who owns a large, fertile es'it'e. well fenced, well stocked, with a a od stoic of el fee ivu implement-, cams ive and thrive by farming. What is meant i-, that he who lias little but two broken bonds to depend upon j cannot make money, or cat make verv little, by farming. 1 think tho*e who nr.- Tv- j. :• ,ve u very inadequate tnntxplicii of the o dtculty encountered by eveiy po, young ~.uu w . curing a good start G Ufe, no matter in what ! pursuit. 1 came New Ym* when not quite of age, v u a good constitution, a fair eon::ne:i-bi .00l education, p,.,d health, good i habi: . and a j rettv fair trade—( that of print c... 1 think niv cullit for a campaign a gaiott adverse fortune wu- decidediy better than the aver :g : y e t ten Jong years elapsed oe;ore ii was ]. .1 -but 1 could remain lu re I.od make any decided headway. Meantime. . I HI auk no ! qi; sed no tolmeeo, attend ed uo balls c: other expensive en- ; tOilu.nmfwo. 1 ed hard and long whenev er I could find work to do, l,*t a month altogether hv-ickno s, and did very little in the way of helping others. I j u< J c ' e 1 that quite as many did w rse than J as did ' . Ik., and tfcit of the yoi.ng lawyers and doc tors who try to ■■ sUtblish themseß cs in their ' inofc.-sions, quite as many earn icis as earn i more than their bm board ■. u-it • the fir-' ! ten years of their struggle. John Jacob Artor, near the close of a ioug, , di.igent, prosperous career, whcrcii he amai -co a large foi-tuue, is tuud to have re ! • i 'i .:. if he v. ere to begin tilt again, ! • u had to eh' " between making bis first t >u: .:.d dollars with nothing to start on. < r with tha: thousand making ail that he lord attuj.iy accnmolated. he would deem the latter the easier task. Depend on it, young ! men. it ,s and must be hard work to earn i honestly your first thousand dollars. The ! burglar, the forger, the blackleg (whether he ! piay with cards, with dice, or with stock), may seem to have a quick and ea>v way of making a thousand dollars: but whoever makes that sum honestly with nothing hut his own capacities and energies as capital, j a Very good five-years' work, and may 'item himself fortunate if he finishes it so I soon. 1 have known men do better, even at (arm >ng- 1 recollect one who, wi.h no capital ! nu. ago, ,i w and !. ;r or five hundred dol- i lare bought f„enr Boston a farm of two | hundred mainly r >,:gh acres for 52,500, .-d paid for it out of its products within the next five year*, during which be had nearly doub- 1 led its value. 1 ! ost sight of him then : but 1 I have not a doubt that it he lived fifteen y ears I nger and had no very bad I 3e k he -vas ,.rth, as the net result of twenty years' • Sort, at least 100,000. But this man j *o, d rise 8t 4 o'clock of a winter morning, harm ss his span of horses and hitch them to hts .rge market wagon (leaded over nigh. . < me Urn miles to Boston, unload aud load ack again, be home at lair breakf.gt time, and hast dy swallowing hi, Be al, be fresh as j ? . a 7"! V r work, in which he would ead hu Wed men kaeprng thorn clear of the ra.e. but they , . . , . ' Ul proving set reel v aoythtog impossible to an indomitable will i work so Si 1 h onl - r to " ,f " rce the "■ ; great achievements are within the reach of ! whoever will pay their price. An energetic farmer bought, s ome twenty- i J? ars **>' a Ia T?e ffring f irm i n North . j vrn I ermont. consisting of some 150 ncree, ! auci costing him about $3,000. ll e had a small stock of cattle, which was ail Lis land would carry; but he resolved to increase that stoca by at least ten per cent, per annum, j and to 60 improve his land, by cultivation, fertilizing, clover, Ac., that it would amply cany that increase. Fifteen years later, he sold cut farm and stock for $45,000, and mi grated to the Weat. 1 did not understand that bo was a specially hard worker, but only a good manager, who kept his eyes wide open, let nothing go to waste and steadily devoted his energies and means to the im provement of bis stock and his farm. Walking one day over the farm of the late Prof. Maces, be showed me a field of rather less than ten acres, and said, *'l bought that field for $2,400, a year ngo lust September. There was then a light crop of corn on it, which the seller reserved and took away. I under drained the field that ball, plowed and sub soiled it, fertilized it liberally, and planted it with cabbage: and, wctn these matured, I sold them for enough to pay for land, labor, and fertilizer* altogether." The field was now worth far more than when he bought it, aud he had cleared it within fifteen mouths from the date of its purchase. I con sider that a good operation. Another year, the crop might hare been poor, or might have sold much lower, so as hardly to pay for the 'labor; bat there are risks in other pursuits as well as in farming. A fruit farmer on the Hudson above New burg showed me, three years since, a field of eight or ten acres which be had nicely set with Grapes, in rows ten feet apart, with beds of Strawberries between the rows, from which, he a- ured me, lhat his sales ex ceeded S7OO per annum. 1 presume Lis out lay for labor, including picking, was less than SBOO per annum: but it cost something to make this field what it then was. Sny that he bad spent 1,000 per acre in under draining. enriching and tilling this field, to bring it to tbis condition, including the cost j of his plants, and still there must have been a clear profit here of at least S3OO per acre. 1 might multiply illustrations: but Jet the . i veiling suffice. I readily admit that shift k-s-i farming don't pay —that poor crops don't pay —'hat it is hard work to make money by farming without some capital—that frost, or drought, or hail, or floods, or insects, may blast the farmer's hopes, after he has done his best to deserve and achieve success; but I insist that, as a general proposition, Good Fanning does pay —that few pursuits afford as g -od a prospect, as full an assurance, of re ward for intelligent, energetic, persistent ell -it-, as this dees. THE mariucr3 compass Las done some of the most important needle-work in the world. DON'T C.\: opt a washwoman to stand by her colors, for many of the latter do little but run. WHY is a rook with a cold like a preparation of nitre of silver?— Because his cawi-sffdb. MOVING for a new trial—Courting a second wife. Wiurti causes a girl the most pleasure, to hear herself praised or another girl run down? Tile man who calls his wife a bird must not be disappointed if she asks him to buy her feathers. A Western town is without a newspaper because "the l.adic-s' Sewing Society answers just as well." A MAX being requested to define hard drink i.ig. said "it was sitting on a rock sipping cold water.*' IK a wr.-r.an were to change her sex what sort of a being would she become? She would be a he then—a heathen. " WELL, wife, you can't say I ever contract ed bad habits." "No, sir, you generally ex pand them." BRASS though a good material, very soon loses its color whether on the knob of a door or human face. WHEN a petulant individual observes to you "You iiad belter eat me up, hadn't you?" don't you do it. "TALK about crocodiles weeping," said an old salt, "why, blast my eyes, harn't I ppen whale's blubber?" THE hog may not be throughly posted in nrtbnietic, but when you come to a "square root" he is there. "How came you to have a wooden leg?" "Wby my lather bad one, and so bud my grandfather. It runs in the family." A i AIIR advertising for a husband, is very pit tic-ilar to have it understood that "none need apply who are under six feet." That fn in-law," was the gentle reply of t he bitisi-iiig maiden. DEAN Swirr one day,—when a leg of mutton, very much overdone, had been brought to table—ringing the hell, direend th • cook to take it down, "and do it less." •SEME men wear out their bodies us an improvident uriizau a machine: lorn wiih i ipid motion when there is nothing to do, uod r repair when wanted. N<>aoi>v likes to be nobody; hut every br i> pi used to think himself somebodv. -Vi J everybody is somebody; but, when any body thinks himself to be somebody he gen erally thinks everybody else to be nobody. A s.ULOtt being a>ked how he liked his L-NU ■■ replied, "V\ hy. dye I took her for tn be only half cf me, as the parson says, but dash tue if she i~-n t twice as much as I. ! in einy h tar, but she L a Tartar." A KAU.WAY accident lately occurred, caused by the axle of a tender giving way, detuining the train several bouis. A lady inquired c-f a gentlemen passenger why it a., so delayed; he gravely replied, "Mad am, it was occasioned by what is often fo!- lowe ; by serious consequences—the sudden breaking of a lender attachment." \ T AMES OF APPLICANTS for Tavern and Restaurant Licenses, at Fub ruury feestioM. 1870, (2nd Monday. 14th dav) M: .ISO, Ott, Bloody Run bor TaTern VV illiam NVeimer.Clearritle, Mor.roctn . " ■John K. Ready. Coaldato bor , Levi Mangos. Juniata tp , u Isaac Mengel. Bedford bor . William M Pearson, U'oodbSrrvbor.. William A. Peterson Union tp . . Henry Roue. Cmtrevilie. William Spiers. Coaldale bor Alexander Taylor. Broad Ton tp., O DoanelF* Manly. Bridgeport. Londondary - Jacob Barnh&rt " t , Jvbn P. W eayerling. Bloody Run bor . Tave'r. Jno B. Amiek, St Clairsvillc, '. - i rl 7™i January 24tb, lsio. JNO P. REED, Cl'k RPHV Y | TH R N °. IN TH * BOOK ""I STATION loe 0r **l® the Inquirer Book Store. TO CASH BTJTEHS I READ AND SPEAK OF IT! COME SEE AND BE CONVINCED j~ G. K. OSTER & 00. ! Arc now receiving their usual exten ; sive and well assorted r , MOCK of NEW and DESIRABLE H 1 WINTER GOODS And are now offering Q J P UNPRECEDENTED BARGAINS I T0 Q iW CASH BUYERS! ► | [ij BRING ALONG YOUR CASH ffl Q and we will guarantee to SELL you |—j I GOODS at CHEAP asth>amc MAKE, ! STY'LE aud QUALITY can be had in 0 CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. ! d | 0 DON'T FAIL TO CALL ! £-) and get potted on the CASH PRICES; FE before you buy IT WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. CD Bedford, Nov. 18, IBfio ,:3iii 1 HSVO OOL QREAT DEDUCTION IN :P :R,XO IES OF DRY GOODS TO CLOSE OUT : WIDTTERI STOCK. i IJ A 11 G A I N S F0 R C A SH. A. 11. CHAM EH A. CO. Mjan'7o SARSAPA R I L L A , FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. The reputation this excellent medicine enjoy#, is derived from its cures, many of which are truly marvellous. Inveterate ease* of Scrofulous dis ease, where the system seemed saturated with cor ruption, have been puriticd and cured by it. I .Scrofulous nfl'ec?tions aud disorders, which were i aggravated by the -crofulout contamination until j they were painfully afflicting,have been radically • cured in rucb great numbers in almost even' sec tion of the country, that tbe public scarcely need to be in firmed of its virtues or uses. Scrofulous poison is one ot the nioi-t destruc ' tive enemies of our race. Often, this unseen and unfelt tenant of the organism undermines the con stitution, and invites the attack of enfeebling cr ; fatal diseases, without exciting a suspic on of its presence. Again, it seems to breed infection through the body, and then, on some favorable occasion, rapidly develop into one or other of its hideous forms, either on the surface or among the vitals. In the latter, tubercles may be suddenly ■ deposited in the lungs or heart, or tumors formed in the liver, or it shows its presence by eruptions on the skin, or fou! ulcerations on some part of the body. Hence the occasional use of a bottle • of this BAR SA PA RILL A is advisable, even no active symptoms of e appear. Persons ahlieted with the following eompla nts generally liud immediate r lief. and. at length, cure, hy the us© of this SA US APA Hit LA: St. Anthony* j Fife, lt'.HC or Ery*iptla*> Salt Rheum, | Scald Iff ad, Ringworm, So re Ey<*, Sore Earn, and other eruptions or visible forms of Scrofulou• j disease. Also in the more concealed forir-, as : Dropsy, Heart D,'*e closed. Every account thcrc-upon must be settled bv CASH or NOTE without delay. After the period named above, a credit of ninety days will be given to all ROMPT FAYING customers, to whom we re turn our thanks. Ilon't fail to remember that our terms ore THREE MONTHS after which period, we will charge interest or all accounts. A. B. CRAMER 4 Co. WASHINGTON HOTELT This fi-ege and commodious house, having been re taken by the subscriber, is now open for the re ception of visitors and boarders. Tbo rooms are large, well ventilated, and comfortably furnished. The table will aiwajs he supplied with the best the n arhct can afford. The Bar is stocked with the choicest hquors. In short, it is tnv purpose to keep, a FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. Thanking the public for past favors, I respectfully solicit a renewal of their patronage. N. B. Hock* will run constantlj between the Hotel and the Spring?. majl7/:Jj WM. DIBERT, PropV. A SPLENDID ARTICLE of Blank Dccda ou the best parchtnont paper, for tale at thn Inquirer office. A M„ 1864, s. 2. CONSTITUTION BITTERS THE; BEST TONIC AND STlt E N GTII E NI NG B ITTK US 15 USE. Alio, a most delightful an J exhilarating MEDICINAL BE V ERA UK. A wine glass full of CONSTITUTION AL BIT ! TEItS three limes a day, will be the best preventive of disease tlist can be used. {CONSTITUTION BIT TK U S CURE DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, COSTIVE.VESS, prevents FEVER AND AGUE, and ail liillious Diseases. They are the Stomach Bitters of the Age. They are prepared by SEWARD, BKNTLEY & CHENEY. DRUGGISTS, BUFFALO, N. Y. S., B. A C., al.-o prepare the ALIS >1 A FOR TII E H A 111, Which is the best llair Restorer, Ecnewcr, and Hair Dressing in in the market. It prevents Baldness, frees the bead from Dandruff, and thoroughly eradi cates all diseases of the scalp. Sold by all Druggists. Jtlapr A L IS MA, THE BEST HAIR RESTORER AND Rt.VUIVI'H IN THE WORLD! Restores gray and faded Hair to its ORIGINAL COLOR, removes Dandruff, CURES ALL DISEASES OF THE SCALP, j prevents BALDNESS, and makes the hair grow Soft, Glossy and Luxuriantly. ALISMA IS THE BEST The Cheapest, ami urnst satisfactory | OF ANY ARTICLE IN USE, : anil should be used by every one who admire* a BEAUTIFUL HEAD OF LLAIR. 1 Put up in two yiics: Small (8 ox.) $1.06; Large. (12 ox.) $1.50 per Bottle. j EACH BOTTLE IN A NEAT PAPER BOX ! SEWARD, BENTLEY & CHENEY, Druggist!, Buffalo, N. Y., Proprietors. They are ; also proprietors of SEWARD'S COUGH CURE, a splendid article for COl G II S, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, and all diseases of the THROAT AND LUNGS. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. ilOapr jj< E W A It D S C 0 U G II C u R E, ASAFE, CERTAIN AND SPEEDY C'IKE FOR I COLDS, COUGHS, ASTHMA. BRONCHI TIS, HOARSENESS, CROL P. INFLU ENZA. WHOOPING COUGH, IN CIPIENT CONSUMPTION, AND ALL DISKA-ES OF THE THROAT AND LUNGS. This COUGH CI RE lias been trie I for }'< tors, and the experience of THOUSANDS WHO HAVE I r-LU IT ; in the diseases above enumerated, have pronouc ed it to be n SAFE AND RELIABLE MEDICINE : and at lest ONE BOTTLE should be kef >t in every family as a ready remedy. Don't neglect a se vere Congu, or throw away money on worthless medicine. PRICE 50 CENTS PER BOTTLE. PREPARED BY SEWARD, BENTLEY & CHENEY, DRUGGISTS. BUFFALO, N. Y., who are also Proprietors of the Celebrated CONSTITUTION BITTERS & ALISMA. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. oOapr DEAD! READ!! READ!!! .llttldlt foil s II "nd( rfnl Pain Cure. . A Pure remedy for Rheumatism. Neuralgia. Lum bago, Growing Painp. Sprains. Bruiser, Stiffness i of the Joints and similar diseases. This wonderful remedy is composed entirely of vegetable ingredients. There are no injurious ! iuhstances used in its manufacture. For assurance of its excellent properties, read i the following certificates: Bk DFotiD, May IS, 1869. This is to certify that I have used Middlcton's Liniment for the Rheu matism, which I had in ray right shoulder so had that I eouM not get my hand to my head without great pain, and alter a few applications was en tirtly relieved. L. F. DART. BEDFOBD, May 1, Mr. Middleton: Dear •Sir:—Mrs. Bowser was in much suffering for some four weeks with Rheumatism, and got some of your Pain Cure, and tiio first night 1 applied it it eased tne pain; and after keeping on using it for two weeks she was restored to health. 1 teei it to be my duty, as it is a pleasure, to writo this recommendation tor the benefit of others. JACOB BOWSER. Bnnrosn, May 10. 1569. Mr. IV. W. Middle tor: Sir—l procured a buttle of your Liniment fur Rheumatism, and if gives me great pleasure in saying that after using it fur two days, my rheumatism was completely relieved. My sister was t offering, at tho same time, with Inflamatory Rheumatism in her right hand and wrist—after using it for several days she was relieved. 1 con sider it the best remedy I ever beard of. JOHN KEEFE. BEDFOBD, May 2!, ISO 9. This i to certify that I have used one bottle of Middle-ton's Lini ment, for Rheumatism, and think it a good cure and would recommend it to all persons that are afflicted with the above disease. AUGUSTUS GARTER. BEDFORD, May 2, IStl'J. Mr. Middleton: Sir— I procured one hottlc of your medicine and used one-half of it for Rheumatism, which effected a permanent cure up to litis time. I cannot be.-i --tate in saying that it is the host remedy 1 ever USE L! VA!U - ELI M. FISHER. BEDFORD, Aprill 4, 1369. Mr. W. W. Middle ton: This is to certify that I wis taken with Rhcu mati-m, in my right shoulder, oi. the evening of the Sth inst., so that I was unable to raise my hand to my face. I got some of your Pain Cure and applied it twice, and was entirely relieved. I would recommend to every one who suffers with Rheumatism to gi\e it a trial and be cured. ; Yours Ac. A.F.MILLIiR. BF.DPOUD, May 17, 1669. Mr. Middleton: Dear Sir—l have u. 1 several bottles of your medicine in my family, and find it to be all "y"o claim f„ r it. Yours, traly, JOHN HAFER. BEDFORD, May 13, 1869. This is to certify that ! 1 have used ' .Middleton's Pais Cure," for ithcu matism, and was verv ranch liencfitted by it JOHN HARRIS. V r £}* ""-client PAIN CURE is prepared onlv by W, W. MIDDLETON, Bedford. Pa., t , whom all oraers for the medicine should bo addre... 1 4june'69:ly PI&CRIANAMS. PERIODICALS 1876. Republished ley the Leonard Scott l\b tithing Co., New York. Indispensable to all desirous of being well inform ed on tbe great subjects of tbe day. L THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. This is tbs oldest of the serf s. In its main features it still follows in ibe path marked out by Brougham. Jeffrey, Sydney Fuiith, and Lord Hol land, its original founders and first contributors. 2. TIIE LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW, i which commences Its l!8th volume with the Jan | uary number, was set on foot as a rival to tbe Ebivßt Ri.il. It resolutely maintains its opposi tion in politics, and shows equal vigor in its liter ary dtpaitment. 3. THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW bas just closed Its 92d volume. In puiDt of liter ary abiliiy this Review Is fast r.sing to a level i with In competitors. It is the advocate of polit ical and religious liberalism. 4. THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW, now in its 51st volume, occupies a very high po sition in periodical literature. Passing beyond the narrow formalism of schools and parties, it sppea's to a wider range of sympathies and a higher integrity of conviction. | 5. BLACKWOOD'S EDINBUBG MAGAZINE wus commenced 52 years ago. Equalling tho Quarterlies in its literary and scientific depart ments, it has won a wide reputation for tho nar ratives and sketches which enliven its pages. TERMS FOR IS7O. per annum For any one of the Reviews . $4.00 J For any two of tbe Reviews 7.00 44 1 For any three of the Reviews 10.00 44 For all four of the Reviews 12.00 44 For Blackwood's Magazine 4.00 " For Blackwood and any one Review... 7.00 41 For Blackwood and twe of the Reviews 10.00 44 j For Blackwood and three of the Reviews 13.00 44 For Blackwood and the four Reviews.... 15.00 44 Single Numbers of a Review, sl. Fingle nutn , bers of Blackwood, 35 cents. Th* Reviews arc published quarterly; Blaek woud's Magazine ia monthly. Volumes commence ■ in January. CLUBS. A discount of twenty per cent, will be allowed to clubs of four or more persons, when the periodi cals arc s-ent to ooeaddress. POSTAGE. Tbe I'OBTAT.B on current subscriptions, to any part of the United States is Two Ccn*§ a number, to be prepaid at the office of delivery For back numbers the postage is double. PREMIUMS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS! New subscribers to any two of the above period mis for IS7O will be entitled to receive, one of the "Four Review** for 18(19. New sub scribers to all the five may receive Blackwood or two of the S Review* for 1889. BACK NUMBERS. Subset i'.-cTH may, by applying early, obtain back sets of the Reviews from Jan. 1865, to Dec. 1869, und oi li lack wood's Magazine from Jan. 1666, to Dec. at half tho currant subscription price. Neither premiums to Subscribers, nor dis eonot co Clubs, nor reduced prices for back num ber*, .'an be allowed, unless tho money is remitted direct to the Publishers. No premiums can be given to Clubs. Tbe January numbers wl! be printed Irom new I type, and arrangements have been made, which, ; it is hoped, will secure regular and eaily publico* ' tion. THE LEON AUD SCOTT PUBLISHING CO., 140 Fulton St., N. Y. Tho LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING COKPAKT j aiso publish the- FARMER'S GUIDE, ; to Scientific and Practical Agriculture. By Hen ry Stephens, F. R. 8., Edinburgh, and the late iJ. I*. Norton, Professor of Scieniific Agriculture in Yale College. New Haven. 2 vols. Royal octa vo. 1600 pages and numerous Engravings. Price, $7. By mail, post-paid, SB. lOdec j( I O T<) TII E 8I G X O F T IFE BIG S A W i AND SEE A FULL STORK OF EVERYTHING IN THE HARDWARE LINE AT THE LOWEST PRICES. BOUGHT FOR CASH, AND WILL BE SOLD AS LOW AS FAIR DEALING WILL PERMIT. MY DESIRE IS NOT ONLY TO SELL GOODS, BUT TO SELL CHEAP AND GIVE SATISFACTION. The stock consul* in part of— CARPENTERS' TOOLS, AXES, FORKS. SHOVELS, RAKES, HOES, BRUSH AND GRASS SCYTHES, SNATHS. LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF CL'T LERY IN' BEDFORD. IRON, STEEL, CARRIAGE FIXINGS, THIMBLE SKEINS, IIOKSE SHOES, AXLES, SPRINGS, LOCKS, LATCHES, HINGES, SCREWS, NAILS, (all kind?,) GRINDSTONES A FIXTURES, SADDLERS' Jt CABIN ET-M AK E US' HARD WA UK. OILS, PAINTS, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, (all -lies,) SOLE-LEATHER. UPPER, CALF-SKINS, MOROCCOS, TOPPINGS, LININGS, LASTS, AC. LAMPS, SHADES, PURCELAIN DO., BEST COAL OIL. LANTERNS, POWDER, SHOT, CAPS, SAFETY-FUSE, HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, SHAFTS and POLES complete. BUCKETS, TUBS, CHURNS, ICE-CREAM FREEZERS, BRUSHES, BROOMS, DOOR-MATS, OILCLOTHS, CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES. I FLOWER POTS, VASES, HANGING BASKETS, VALISES, BARN DOOR ROLLERS and RAIL. PICKS AND MATTOCKS. ROPE OP ALL KINDS. T. M. LYNCH. I Bedford, J UNE 4. YY ALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. ! Several Hundred Different Figure*. ; Several Hundred Different Figures. Several Hundred Different Figures. Several Hundred Different Figures. Several Hundred Different Figures, j Several Hundred Different Figures. Largest lot ever brought to Bedford county. Largest lot ever brought to Bedford county. Largest lot ever brought to Bedford county. Largest lot ever brought to Bedford county. Largest lot ever brought to Bedford county. Largest lot ever brought to Bedford county, for sale at the for sale at the for sale at the for rale at the for sa'e at the for sale at the INQUIRER BOOK STORE. INQUIRER ROOK STORE. INQUIRER ROOK STORE. INQUIRER BOOK STORE. INQUIRER ROOK STORE. INQUIRER ROOK STORE. CHEAPER THAN EVER SOLD. CHEAPER THAN EVER SOLD. CHEAPER THAN EVER SOLD. CHIC A PER THAN EVER SOLD. CHEAPER THAN EVER SOLD. CHEAPER THAN EVER SOLD. yyißi: RAILING, WIRE GUARDS! For Store Fronts, Fact">riea. 4c. lloavy Crimped Wire Cloth for Cleaning Ores, Coal, Ac. Heavy Screen Cloths and Coal Screens, Wire Webbing for Sheep and Poultry Yards, Paper Makers' Wire!, Brass and Iron Wire Cloth Sieves, Painted {Screens, Ornamental Wire Work. Every infor mation by addressing the manufacturers, M. WALKER A SONS. 12febly No. 11 North fith St., PHIL'A. ARCHITECTURE. General and detailed plans and drawings, Tor churches and other public building, private resi dences Ac., furnished short notice and at rea sonable prices. C. N. 111CKOK. *>ino4y Bedford. Pa. MAGAZINES. —The following Magaxinea 'or sale at the Inquirer Book Store: ATLAN TIC MONTHLY. PUTNAM'S MONTHLY LTPPINCOTT'S, GALAXY, PETERSON, GO DBY, MII'M. DKMORESTS, FRANK LESLIE RIVERSIDE, etc.etc. ft EVERYBODY in want of WALL PAPER ex amincs tbe atoek at tbe Inquirer Book Store. EW GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT J. M. SHOEMAKER'S Bargain Store. GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT J. 31. SHOEMAKER'S Bargain Store. GOODS JUBT RECEIVED AT J. M. SHOEMAKER'S Bargain Store. EW GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT J. M. SHOEMAKER'S Bargain Store. a "Vf EW GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT J. M. SHOEMAKER S Bargain Store. GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT J. 31. SHOEMAKER'S Bargain Store. Buy your Dry Good*. Groceries, Clothing, Hati, Boot! and Shoes, Queensware, Leather, No tions, Fish, Tobacco, Ac., at J. M. SHOEMAKER'S Bargain Store. : Buy your Dry Good's, Groceries, Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Queensware, Leather, No tions, Fiih, Tobacco, Ac., at jJ. M. SHOEMAKER'S Bargain Store. Buy your Dry Good's Groceries, Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Queensware Leather, No tions, Fish, Tobacco, Ac., at J. M. SHOEMAKER'S Bargain Store. Buy your Dry Goods, Grocories, Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Queensware, Leather, No tions, Fish, Tobacco, Ac., at : J. 31. SHOEMAKER'S Bargain Store. j Buy your Dry Goods, Groceries, Clo'biog. Hats, Boots and Shoes, Queensware, Leather, No tions, Fish, Tobacco, Ac., at J. 31. SHOE-MAKER'S Bargain Store. Buy your Dry Goods, Groceries. Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Queensware, Leather, Na tions, Fish, Tobacco, Ac., at | J. 31. SHOE3IAKER S Bargain Store. If you want BARGAINS go to .! 31. SHOEMAKER'S. If you want to SAVE .MONEY go to J. M. SHOEMAKER'S. Bedford, Pa., June 11. P E M O 3' E D TO THE 0 O L O N A 1) E BUILDING MILLE R & BOWSE R HAVE REMOVED TO THE COLONADE BUILDING ; and ofier great bargains in all kinds of goods in order to reduce their stock before making spring purchases. They have on hand DRY GOODS, READY 3IADE CLOTHING, FANCY NOTIONS, COTTON YARNS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, GROCERIES, QUEENS WARE, TOBACCO, CIGARS, BROOMS, . BASKETS. WOODEN WAKE, &c. Look at some of their prices: CALICOES, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16. GINGHAM, 12i, 15, 18, 20. MUSLIN, 10,12, 14, 15. 18, 20. CASSIMKRKS CLOIHB, SATINETT and LAI>IES SACKING at very low prices. Ladies, Gent's and Misses Shoes. Sandals and Overshoes in great variety. Men's, boys and youths boots: best Coffee, Tea, Sugar and Syrup at market prices. Feed and Flour lor sale here at all time?. 1 MTe inv*te all to call and see the goods, and com- j pare price?, before buying your goods. Our motto j is, short profits. TKHMS—Cash, notes or products. apl3 6S QITI ZENS' CO-OPERATIVE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF BEDFORD, PA. Incorporated, March, 1869, by Special Act of the Legislature of Pennsylvania. This company is organized on the Co-Operative Mutual Plau. The membership fee is graded according to the age of the applicant, and is lower than other mu tual companies. The payment of the nietnbershipjfec entitles the member to a life policy. Every member in this company bas a vote in controlling the funds of the company, and has an equal share in the funds. The amount of money paid is so little that every one can insure. This Company is purely{a HOME Company. OFPICEKS : Hon. SAMUEL L. RUSSELL, Prest. J. R. DURBORKOW, Vice PresL E. F. KERR, Secretary. O. E. SHANNON, Treasurer. DIRECTOM: J. M. SHOEMAKER, J. B. WILLIAMS, T. 11. Lvoxs, J. ty. DICKERSOX, D. R. APOERSOX. Gen. Agent, W. A. EDWARDS. Circulars, Pamphlets and full particulars given, on application to the Secretary of the company, OR '0 W. A. EDWARDS, mar,l'69Wyt en. Agent, Bedford, Pa Agents wanted in every County and ! Township in the State. pteffUanmiiS. Q.ROVER & BAKEII'S FIRST PREMIUM ELASTIC STITCH FAMILY SKW IN G MACIII NE S , 405 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. 115 MARKET STRFET, HARRIBBURG. POINTS OP EXCELLENCE. "BEAUTY AND ELASTICITY OF STITCH. PERFECTION' AND SIMPLICITY OF MA CHINERY. USING BOTH THREADS DIRECTLY FROM THE SPOOLS. NO FASTENING OF SEAMS BY HAND AND NO WASTE OF THREAD. WIDE RANGE OF APPLICATION WITH OUT CHANGE OF ADJUSTMENT. THE SEAM RETAINS ITS BEAUTY AND FIRMNESS AFTER WASHING AND IRON ING. BESIDES DOING ALL KINDS OF WORK DONE BY OTHER SEWING MACHINES, THESE MACHINES EXECUTE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL AND PERMANENT EMBROI DERY AND ORNAMENTAL WORK. ®B-THE HIGHEST PREMIUMS AT ALL i THE FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS OF THE ; UNITED STATES AND EUROPE, HAVE i BEEN AWARDED THE GBOVEF. A BA i : KER SEWING MACHINES, AND THE WORK , DONE BY THEM, WHEREVER EXHIBITED IN COMPETITION. I VERY HIGHEST PRIZE, THE CROSS OF THE LEGION OF HONOR, WAS CONFERRED ON THE REPRESEN TATIVE OF THE GROVER A BAKER SEW ING MACHINES, AT THE EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE, PARIS, 1867, THUS AT TESTING THEIR GREAT SUPERIORITY OVER ALL OTHER SEWING MACHINES. PRICE LISTS AND SAMPLES OF SEW ING FURNISHEE ON APPLICATION. For sale by F. M. MASTERS, 28tnay Bloody Run, Pa. HUNTINGDON A BROADTOP RAILROAD. On and after Thursday, Sept. 16, 1869, Pas senger Trains will arrive and depart as follows: ] CP TRAISS. DOWS TRAINS Accotn Mail. STATION'S Aecom Mail. | P.M. A- M. J A. M. . P. M. UfcU LB 840 Huntingdon, AKIV.IU AR4.20 I 6.02 5.46 Lung Siding 10.02 4.12 j 6.17 9.00 McConnellstown 9.46 3.65 i 6.21 9.07 Pleasant Grove, 9.37 3.48 \ 6.40 9.22 Markleeburg, 9.22 3.32 | 6.56 9.3S Cottte n.u. 9.03 3.16 7.0S 9.46 Kongo A Heady 8.55 3.09 ! 7.18 10.01 Cove, 5.40 2.55 i 7.24 10.05 Fisher's Summit 8.36 2.51 AK?.4I 10.20 Sazton, LES.2O 2.26 10.43 Riddlesburg, 2.08 10.52 Hopewell, 2.00 11.10 Piper's Run, 1.40 11.29 Tatesville, 1.20 11.45 Bluody Run, 1.05 AR 11.52 Mount Dallas. LSI.OO I ' : i L 87.50 LB 10.30 Sazton, AR 8.05 AR2.25 8.05 10.45 Coalmont, 7.55 2.10 8.10 10.50 Crawfurd, 7.50 2.05 ARS.2O AR 11.00 Dudley, LB 7.40 L 81.55 Broad Top City. May 24, '69. JOIIN MKILLIPS, Supt. AGENTS WANTED, AGENTS WANT- Ed, $75 to S2OO per month, male and female, to sell the celebrated and original Common Sense Family Sewing Machine, im proved and perfected : it will hem, fell, stitch, tuck, bind, braid and embroider in a most superior manner. Price only sls. For sira- [ plicity and durability, it has no rival. Do j not buy from any parties selling machines under the same name as ours, unless having j a Certificate of Agency signed by us, as they are wcrihless Cast Iron Machines. For Circular&and Terms, apply or address, H. CRAWFORD 4 CO., 2*2oclt>m 413 Chestnut St., Phtl'a. Y ALL AND WINTER FASHIONS. MRS. M. A. BINDER has just arrived from Paris and London with the iate.-t designs, person ally selected fron the greatest novelties; also, the most elegant Trimmings to he secured in Paris. LACES, RIBBONS, VELVETS. BRIDAL VEILS, Flowers, Fine Jewelry, and Trimmed Paper Patterns, Dress and Cloak Making. Exclusive agent for Mrs. M. Work's celebrated system for cuttinglndies' dresses, sacques, Ac. N. W. corner of Eleventh and 24sep6m Chestnut Sts., Phil'a. IyjASONRY. HARRY DHOLLINUER of Hopewell, takes this method of informing the publio, that he is prepared to execute at short notice and in good, and workmanlike style. Brick and Stone laying, furnace building and repairing and all other work in his line, in Bedford and adjoining counties. Parties wishing to secure bis service, will address him at Uopowell Bedford county Pa. Boctly. J W. K N O~X , BUILDER OF FIRST-CLASS LIGHT AND HEAVY WAGONS, Invites attention to his stock of finished wagons and seasoned wood works. Shop one-half mile west of Bedford. 27aug i> us rota. The Subscribers respectfully inform the public, that they arc prcoared to do all kinds ol PLAIN and FANCY PAINTING, PAPER HANGING Ac., at shortest notice, in town and country. And all kinds of Wood Imitation car fullj- executed. Price moderate. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. Shop on corner of Pitt and Richard Sts. M. P. SPIDKL, A WM. MIXNICU. 9aprlS69 lyr SCHOOL BLANKS.—Articles of Agreement between Directors and Teachers, Checks Bonds of Collectors, Warrant* of Owllentora. Bond of Treasurers, Ac., for sale at the inquirer office. HARPER'S WEEKLY, HARPER'S BAZAR FRANK LESLIE, CHIMNEY CORNER and all other Illustrated papers for sale at the Inquirer Book Store. tf NOTICE. —AH persons having unsettled ac counts with Dr. \VM. H. WATSON, dee'd, are hereby notilied to call upon the undersigned Executor and settle the same without delay. Sceptf. WM. WATSON, Executor. MARRIAGE CERTIFCATES.—OU HAND AND for sale at the Inquirer office, a fine assort ment of Marriage Certificates. Clergymen and Justices should hare them. gcjjfes kt. X 11 E 1 N 0 U I* R E R BOOK STORE, opposite the Mengel House, BEDFORD, PA. The proprietoi tehee pleasure in offering to the public the following article* belonging to the Book Business, at CITY RETAIL PKICES; MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS: Dream Life, Reverie* of a Bachelor, Bryant's, ililleck's, Jean Ingelow's, Tupper's, roe's, M iiton'a, Whittjer's, Longfellow's, Tenncy son's, Bayard Taylor's, Walter Soott's, Wadsworth'i, Grey's Poems, 100 Selections; Two Marriages; The Initiali; Pkoenixiaau; A. Ward, bis book; Nasby's Letters; Dictionary of Quotation*. Maeauly's England; Homespun; Kathrina; Bittersweet; Enoch Arden: Tent on the Beach; Snow Bound; Country Living; Companion Poets; Tom Brown at Rugby, Baker's Secret Service; and many others. NOVELS: Miss Mulbach's. Dicken's (25 eent edition Marrayatt's, Sir Walter Seott's (25c edition Mies Ellen Pickering's, G. W. M. Reynold'*, Eugene Sue's, Alexander Dumas, Sir Edward Lytton Bulwer's, I _ . BTiraeli'!, i W ilkie Collin's, 1.. „ George Sand's, Mrs. Henry Wood's, | Wild Western Scenes, j Widow Bedott Papers, Caxton's, j Mrs. Candle's Curtain Lectures, Guardian Angel, | Pec den n is, i The Newcomes, | Young America Abroad, Robinson Crusoe, I Initials, Early Dawn, Major Jones' Courtship, Charcoal Sketches, j Travels of Major Jones, Ac. Ac. Ac. BIBLES, HYMN BOOKS, 4C.; Large Family Bibles, Small Bible?, Medium Bible?, Lutheran Hymn Books, Methodist Hymn Books, Smith's Dictionary of the Bible, History of the Books of the Bible; Pilgrim's Progress, Ac. Ac. Ac. Episcopal Prayer Books, Presbyterian Hymn Bodks, SCHOOL BOOKS: ABC Cards, Primers, Osgood's Speller, Uaub's Speller, Osgood's Ist, 2nd, 3d, 4th, and stb Readers. Brook's Normal Primary, Normal Mental, Ele mentary, and Normal, Written Arithmetics, Mitchell's New First Lessons, New Primary, and Intermediate Geographies, Brown's First Lines, and English Grammars, Watren and Mitchell's Physical Geographies, Logging's Common School History of the Unite States, Webster's Pocket, Common School, and Una bridged Dictionaries, Cleveland's Compendium oi English Literature, Cleveland's Compendium of American Literature, Cleveland's Literature of the 19th Century, Coppee's Academic Speaker, Sergeant's Standard and Intermediate Speakers, Young American Speaker, Western and Columbian Orator, Schoulday Dialogues, Xortheod'a Dialogues, Exhibition Speaker, American Scnool Dialogue Book, Payson, Dunton, and Scribner's Copy Books, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, Ac. TOY BOOKS. Cinderella, Mother Goose, Old Mother Hubbard, Little Red Riding Hood, The House that Jack Built, Grand Father Goose s Rhyme?, Ac. STATIONERY Congress, Legal Record, Foolscap, Letter, Congress Letter, Sertnon, Commercial Note, Ladies' Gilt, Ladies' Octavo, Mourning, French Note, Bath Post. Damask Laid Note, Cream Laid Note, Envelopes, Ac. BLANK BOOKS. Day Books. Ledgers, Account Books, Cash Books, Pocket Ledgers, Time Books, Tuck Memorandums, Pass Books, Money Boobs, Pocket Books. INKS AND INKSTANDS. Barometer Inkstands, Gutta Percha, Cocoa, and Morocco Spring Pocket lnksLuid?, Glass and Ordinary Stands for Schools, Flat Glass Ink Wells and Rack, Arnold's Writing Fluids, Hover's Inks, Carmine Inks, Purple Inks, Charlton's Inks, Eukolon for pasting, Ac. PENS AND PENCILS. Gillot's, Cohen's, Hollowbush a Carey's Payson, Dunton, and Scribner 1 * Pens: Clark's Indellible, Faber's Tablet, Cohen's Eagle, Office, Faber's Guttknccht's, Carpenter's Pencils, Ac. PERIODICALS. Atlantic Monthly, Harper's Magaiine, Madame Demorest's Mirror oi Fashions, Eclectic Magazine, Godey's Lady's Book, Galaxy. Lady's Friend, Ladies' Repository, Old Guard, Our Y'oung Folks, Appleton's Railway Guide. Nick Xax, Yankee Notions, Budget of Fun, Jolly Joker, Phunny Phellow, London Punch. Lippiucott's Magaiine, Riverside Magazine, Northern Monthly, Waverly Magazine, Bullou s Magazine, Gardner's Monthly, Harper's Weekly Frank Leslie's Illustrated, Chimney Corner, New York Ledger, New York Weekly, Wilkc's Spirit of the Times, Harper's Barar. Every Saturday, Living Age, Pen and Pencil, Putnam's Monthly Magaiine, Arthur's Home Magaziue, Oliver Optic's Bo; s and Girl's Magaiine sc. Constantly on hand to accommodate those who want to purchase living reading matter. Only a part of the vast number of articles per taining to the Book and Stationery business, which we are prepared to sell eheaper than the cheapest, are above enumerated. Give us a call. We buy and sell for CASH, and by this arrange ment we expect to sell as choap as roods of thu class are sold anywhere. LUTZ A JORDAN. June 10, 1868.