Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, January 21, 1870, Image 1

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All advertisements for less than 3 months 10
cent? per line for each insertion. Specie 1 notices
one-half additional. All resolutions of Associa
tions, communications of a limited or indiridal
interest aud notices of marriages and deaths, ex
ceeding fire lines. 10 eta. per line. All legal noti
ces of every kind, and aH Orphans' Court and
other Judicial sales, are required by law to be pub
lished iu both papers. Editorial Notions 15 cents
per line. Alt Advertising due ailerfirst insertion.
A liberal discount made to jeariy advertisers.
3 monts. 6 months. 1 year
One square $ 4.50 $ 6.00 SIO.OO
Twe squares 6.00 0.00 16.00
Three squares 8.00 12.00 20.00
One-fourth column 14.00 20.00 35.00
Half column 18.00 25.00 45.00
One column 30.00 45.00 80.00
KsrAPi LAW*. —We would cell the special
attention of Post Masters and subscribers to the
Inquirer to tho following synopsis of the News
paper laws:
1. A Postmaster is required to give notice by
titer, (returning a paper does not answer the law)
when a subscriber does not take his paper out of
the office, and state the reasons tor its nut being
taken; and a neglect to do so makes the Postmas
ter reptomiblc to the publishers for the payment.
2. Any person who takes a paper from the Post
office, whether directed to bis name or another, or
whether he has subscribed or not is responsible
for the pay.
3. If a person orders his paper discontinued, he
must pay all arrearages, or the publisher may
continue to send it until payment is made, and
ollect the whole amount, whether it be taken from
the. office or wot. There can be no legal discontin until the payment is made.
4. If the subscriber orders his paper to be
stopped at a certain time, and the publisher con
tinues to send, the subscriber is bound to pav for
it, if he takes it out of the Poet Of See. The law
proceeds upon the ground that a man must pay
for what he uses.
5. The courts have decided that refusing to take
newspapers and periodicals from the Post office,
or removing and having them uncalled for, is
prima facia evidence of intentional fraud.
groteiSiooai ft %\uine$fi gards.
All business entrusted to his eare will receive
prompt and careful attention. Office three doors
South of the Court House, lately occupied by J.
W. Dickcrson. nov26
Have formed a partnership in the practice ot ,
-.ho Law, in new brick building near the Lutheran ;
■Church. [April 1, 1869-tf
yj. A. POINTS,
Respectfully tenders his professional services !
to the public. Office in the Inqui unllui idiog, j
(second floor.)
rSTCollections promptly made. [April,l'6#-tt j
Will faithfnlly and promptly attend to all bust- i
ness entrusted to his care in Bedford and adjoin- j
r, g counties. Military claims, Pensions, back
pay. Bounty, Ac. speedily collected. Office with
Mann A Spang, on Juliana street, 2 doors south
ofthe Mengcl House. apll, 18(19.—tf.
Will attend promptly to all business intrusted to
his care. Collections made on the shortest no- 1
He J, also, a regularly licensed Claim Agent j
and ail give special attention to the prosecution i
.'.lis.s against the Government for Pensions, !
Back I ay, Bounty, Bounty Lands, Ac.
Office on Juliana street, one door South of the j
Inquirer office, and nearly opposite the 'Mengel j
House" April 1, I
Bedford, Pa.,
Will attend promptly and faithfully to all busi- !
ness entrusted to their care. Special attention
given to collections and the prosecution of claim; j
for Back Pay, Bounty, Pensions, Ac.
on Juliana street, south of the Court
House. Apri i;69:lyr.
Will practice in the Courts of Bedford and ad- I
joining counties. All business entrusted to their
care will receive careful and prompt attention.
Pensions, Bounty, Back Pay, Ac., speedily col
lected from the Government.
Office on Juliana street, opposite the banking '
house of Reed A Schell. Bedford, Pa. Apr l;69:tf
Respectfully tenders his professional ser
vices to tho citizens of Bedford and vicinity.
Office an i residence on Pitt Street, in the building
formerly occupied by Dr. J. 11. HoSus. [Ap'l 1,69.
Will attendtoallbu-iness entrusted into his hands
with promptness and despatch. Will remit mon
ey by draft to any part of the country. 17sely
Ue keeps on hand a stock of fine Gold and Sil
ver Watches, Spectacles of Brilliant Double Refin
ed Glas-es. also Scotch Pebble Glasses. Gold
Watch Chains. Breast Pins. Finger Rings, best
quality of Gold Pens. He will supply to order
any thing in bis line not on hand. [apr.2B,'6s.
j ) W. € ROUSE,
On Pitt street one door east of Geo. R. Oster
A Co.'s Store, Bedford, Pa., is now prepared
tc sell by wholesale all kinds of CIGARS. All
orders promptly filled. Persons desiring anything
iu his line will do well to give him a call.
Bedford April 1. '69.,
.V* ... ~ DENTIST.
Office at the old n&nd in
All operations pertaining to
Surgical and Mechanical Dentutry
performed with care and
Awretkctice administered, taken detired. Ar
tificial teeth ineerted at, per eet, SB.OO and up.
ts r am deteimined to do a CASH BUSINESS
or none, I have reduced the prices for Artificial
Teeth of the various kinds. 20 per cent., and of
Gold Fillings. S3 per cent. This redaction will be
made only to strictly Cash Patients, and all such
will receive prompt attention. 7feb6B
' * • BANKER.
Transacts a General Banking Business, and makes
collections on all accessible points in
the United States.
EXCHANGE bought and sold.
1 REV EN I E STAMPS of all descriptions
always on hand.
Accounts of Merchants, Mechanics, Farmers and
ail other solicited.
Jan. 7, '7O.
This old establishment having been leased by
J. MORRISON, formerly proprietor of the Mor
rison House, has been entirely renovated and re
furnished and supplied with all the modern im
provements and conveniences necessary to a first
class Hotel.
The dining room has been removed to the Erst
9our and is now spacious and airy, and the cham
bers are all well ventilated, and the proprietor
will endeavor to make his guests perfectly at
home. Address, J. MORRISON,
- ljulytf Huntingdon, Pa.
t,')'™' sATE has enlarged her residence on
for , the Purpose of taking bearders
weekly or yearly. 3declt
IaUTZ & JORDANt Editor* and Proprietors.
Jftiquim Column.
~ |<
I <
Our facilities for doing *ll kindi of Job Printing i
are equalled by very few establishments in the :
country. Orders by mail promptly filled. All ' I
letters should be addressed to !
I '
WW Drbotrt I(>olitire, ©JmratTon, iteattSTanl. jttorals."
GOVERN, v HAYES, of Ohio, suggested in
J bis message I ' .be Legislature that provision
be made for a through examination of the
workings of the New York Inebriate Asylum
with the view of establishing a similar in
stitution in Ohio.
THE nail mills at Wheeling have all stop
ped operations to take stock. The aggre
| gate number of kegs of nails made in that
city last year, the Intelligencer says, will
reach six hundred and fifty thousand. In
cluding the production of the mill at Ben
wood, it would swell the aggregate to eight
hundred thousand
HAIR CLOTH skirts, to take the place of
: hoops, Lave recently been imported. There
is a flounce around the bottom, in round
plaits, on all except the front breadth, and
the upper part of the back has rolls of the i
material, for a quarter of a yard, in imitation
of the bustle.
THEY have secured a new anaesthetic in
1 ranee, to supersede chloroform and its va
rious substitutes. It is a chemical com
pound, and is called "chloral." It is not
inhaled, but swallowed, when it produces '
a perfect insensibility without any dangerous
accompaniments. This is, in surgical prac
| tice, a discovery of the utmost importance.
A ERMONT has at last arrived at such a
pitch of civilization that it sees what a bad ;
mistake it is to tax machinery. Its Legis
lature has exempted from taxation for five j
years all manufacturing establishments '
t hereafter to be erected in that State, and
all the capital and machinery used in opera
ting them, and also the capital and ma- '
chinery put into buildings already erected,
hut not now used for manufacturing pur- '
poses, whenever the capita! used amounts
to one thousand dollars or more.
IIJE Polish Land Lmigration Company.
Oi which Hon. Caleb Cusbing is President,
has just purchased 33,000 acres ofland. ly
ing on both side 3 of the James River, in
Amherst, Rockingham and Bedford coun
ties, \ irginia. It is proposed to place a
colony of Poles on the purchased tract, and
the transportation of such emigrants to this ;
country will at onee be begun, under the
charge of Gen. Smolenski, the director of '<
-THE Chicago Tribune makes this positive
grammatical pciat: "Will editors of quar
i tcrlies and of the New \ork Tribune have
the grace to learn that woman is a noun,
and cannot be used as an adjective; that we
can have woman-lovers or woman-haters,
but we will not submit to woman-speakers
nor woman teachers; that we can have female
' speakers and female teachers; but we rebel
against female colleges, female hospitals,
and all other female objects of the neuter
THE revolution which has broken out in
I the Mexican state of San Luis Potosi is the
i worst of two or three which have happened in
that state within our memory. It has cap
tured a Governor and the most of a Legis
lature, and has brought down upon it an
order from Juarez calling out a portion of
the national guard, if any such force have
effectual existence in that state. Worse
news, however, is the resignation of General
Alatorre, one of the bravest and ablest, and
perhaps now the most necessary of the Mexi"
can Generals, who follows his late command
er, General Diaz, into retirement.
Two of the ycuthful nobility ol England
have been distinguishing themselves lately.
Lord Albert Pelhatn Clinton has won a
wager of 50 pounds sterling by walking ten
miles in two hours, in the presence of a se
loci circle of friends, at Hackney Wick. The
Court Journal admits that he had "no pre
tentions to style, his feet coming down
heavily at every stride," but he walked the
distance within three minutes of the pre-
I scribed time. "Loud cheers greeted the
j pedestrian at the termination of the feat,
i which was accomplished solely by great
I gameness."
THE community of Carter's Station,
\ irginia, was considerably exercised a few
days ago by the announcement that a Mr.
Lyon, who lived in the neighborhood, had
, married his mother. It seems that Lyon's
father had been twice married, and the
children by the first wife continued to live
in the family alter the second marriage.
Lyon, the father, died, leaving his second
■wife a widow, and Lyon, the son, married
his father's widow. The clerk issued the
license without a knowledge of the facts,
and the minister requested to solemnize the
marriage declined; a magistrate likewise re
fused, and the pair crossed over to Stony
Creek, where they were unknown, and were
I HE WAGES OF LABOR.—Before the dis
; covery of America, money was so scarce
that the price of a day's wvifc was fixed
by act of the English Parliament in 1351 at
i one penny per day; and in 1314 the allow
ance of the chaplain to the Scotch bishops
(then in piison in England) was three half
pence per day. At this time 24 eggs were
: sold for a penny, a pair of shoes for 4 pence,
a lat goose for 2i pence, a hen for a penny,
wheat 3 pence per bushel, and A fat ox for
six shillings and eight pence. So that, in
those days a clay's work would buy a hen
1 or two dozen eggs; two days' work would
buy a pair of shoes, and a fat ox cost eighty
days work. On the whole human labor bro't
in the average about half as much food and
perhaps one-fourth as much cloth or !
clothing as it now dees. On the whole, we !
guess "the good old times" were not worth I
recalling. [The above facts are given in
Adam Clark's Commetary cn Matt. xx. 2.]
IIEBE is another good word for Alaska
from the San Francisco Bulletin-.
Whenever the timber resources of Alaska
have been brought to view as an element
of future wealth, some one of the many
volunteers who are depreciating that country
is ready to inform the world that there
is a plenty of timber this si Je of Alaska.
Wo have before us some data furnished by
a resident of Sitka, wbich shows among
other things that thare is an extent of
country bordering on the coast of Alaska,
equal to twenty miles of width and "iOO
miles in length iD which the white and yellow
cedar predominates. How much more ex
tensive the "Cedar Country" may be our
informant did not know. The cedar tim
ber is there inexhaustable. Our redwood
timber covers a limited area, and at the i
present rate of destruction will not last fifty j
years. The time will come when the cedar !
forests of Alaska will be more famou3 and a
greater source of wealth than are now the
redwood forests of California. Probably no i
tree is now growing upon the Pacific coast
of so much real value as the red cedar of!
BEDFORD, Px., FRf DA V, JAN. 21 •
W by don't he come? he promieed roe
He surely should be here,
1 And Pa and Ma are out to tea —
For occe the coast is clear.
I wonder what he wants to say ?
When last his leave he took
He asked roe twice at borne to stay—
I wonder how I look !
Oh my ! I'm almost out of breath '
Suppose be asks ? what then?
I'll certainly be scared to death,
I'm so afraid of men.
I think I'll have him though, at last —
Bat first I'll answer no—
tor many a girl by harrying fast.
Outstrips her tardy beau.
j Oh, here he comes—his step I hear,
And now he'll soon begin 1
I would not for the world appear
In haste to let him in 1
After having passed the summer in visit
ing the principal towns of Germany, the
celebrated pianist Liszt arrived at Prague,
j in October, 1846.
1 ho next day alter he came bis apartment
was entered by a stranger—an old man,
whose appearance indicated misery and suf
fering. The great musician received him
with a cordiality which he would not, per
haps have shown to a nobleman. Encour
aged by his kindness, his visitor said—
"l come to vou, sir, as a brother. Ex
cuse me if I take this title, notwithstanding
the distance that divides us; but formerly I
could boast some skill in playingon the piano,
and by giving instructions I gained a com
fortable livelihood. Now lam old, feeble,
burdened with a large family, and destitute
of pupils. I live at Nuremburg, but I came
to Pi ague to seek to recover the remnant of
a small property which belonged to my an
cestors. Although nominally successful,
the expenses of a long litigation has more
than swallowed up the trifling sum I re
covered. To-day I set out for home—pen
"And you have come to iue? You have
done well, and I thank you for this proof oi
your esteem. To assist a brother professor
is to mc more than a duty, it is a pleasure.
Artists should have their purse in common;
and if fortune neglect some, in order to
treat others better than they deserve, it only
makes it more necessary to preserve the
equilibrium by fraternal kindness. That's
my system ; so don t speak of gratitude, for
I feel that I only discharge my debt."
As he uttered these generous words, Li.-zt
opened a drawer in his writing case, end
started when he saw that this usual deposi
tory fur his money contained but three du
cats. He summoned his servant.
"Whereis the money?" he asked.
"There, sir," replied the man, pointing
to the open drawer.
"There! Why, there's scarcely anything."
"I know it, sir. If you please to remem
ber I told you yesterday that the cash was
! nearly exhausted."
"You tee, my dear brother," said Liszt,
smiling, "that for a moment I am no richer
than you ; but that does not trouble me. I
i have credit, and I can make ready money
start Irom the keys of my piano. However,
as you are in haste to leave Prague and re
; turn home, you shall not be delayed by my
present want of funds."
So saying he opened another drawer, and
taking out a splendid medallion, gave it to
the old man.
"There," said he, "that will do. It was
; a present made to me by the Emperor of
j Austria—his own portrait set in diamonds.
; The painting is nothing remarkable, but the
j stones are fine. Take them and dispose of
them, and whatever they bring shall be
; yours."
| The old musician tried in vain to decline
|so rich a gift. Liszt would not hear of a
refusal, and the poor man at length with
drew, after invoking the choicest blessing of
heaven on his generous benefaetor.
He then repaired to the shop of the prio
| cipal jeweler in the city in order to sell the
diamonds. Seeing a miserably dressed man
j anxious to dispose of magnificent jewels,
i with whose value he was unacquainted, the
master of the shop very naturally suspected
his honesty; and, while appearing to exam
ing the diamonds with close attention, he
whispered a few words in the ear of one of
his assistants. The latter went out, and
speedily returned, accompanied by several
j soldiers of police, who arrested the unhappy
I artist in spite of his protestations of inno
j cence.
"You must first come to prison," they
i said; "afterward you can give an explana
| tion to the magistrate."
The prisoner wrote a few lines to his bene
: factor, imploring his assistance. Liszt hast
ened to the jeweler.
"Sir," said he, "you have caused the ar
: rest of an innocent man. Come with me
I immediately, and let us have him released,
j He is the lawful owner of the jewels inques
| tion, for I gave them to him."
"But, sir, " asked the merchant, "who
: are you?"
"My name is Liszt."
"I do not know any very rich man of that
: name."
"That may be; yet 1 am tolerably well
| known."
"Are you awaac, sir, that those diamonds
arc worth six thousand floriDS—that is to
say, about five hundred guineas, or twelve
thousaud francs?"
"So much the better for him on whom I
have bestowed them."
"But in order to make such a present you
must be verv wealthy."'
'My actual fortune consists of three du
"Then you are a magician !"
"By no means; and yet, by just moving
my fingers, I can obtain as mueh money as
I desire."
"Then you must be a magician !"
"It yon choose I'll disclose to you the
magic I employ."
Liszt had seen a piano in the parlor be
hind the shop. He opened it, and ran his
fingers over the keys; then, seized hy sodden
inspiration, he improvised one of those soul
touching symphonies peculiar to himself.
As ht sounded the first chords, a beauti
ful young girl entered the room. While
the melo y continued she remained speech
less and imui jtable ; then, as tjie last note
ditd away, she cried, with irressistible en
Bravo, Liszt! ,tis wondrous!,'
"Dost thou know him, then, my daught
fer t asked the jeweler,
j t 'This is the first time that I have had the
t&as iro of seeing or hearing him," repliied
** j "hut I do know that none living, save
Liszt. could draw such sweet sounds from
the piano."
|Ex pressed with grace and modesty, by a
young girl of remarkable beauty, this ad
miration could not fail to be more than flat
tering to the artist. However, after making
lis best acknowledgements, Liszt withdrew,
in-order to deliver the prisoner, and was ac
ccftnpanied by the jeweler.
f<rieved at his mistake, the worthy mer
chant sought to repair it, bj inviting the
two musicians to supper. The honors of
fho table were done by his amiable daughter,
who appeared no less touched i the gener
ostty of Liszt, than astonished at his talent.
That night the musicians of the city sere
naded their illustrious brother. The next
, jlay the nobles and most distinguished in-
MRWmtsof Prague presented themselves
at his door. They entreated him to give
cocerts, leaving it to himself to fix any sum
h pleased as a remuneration. Then the
jffeler perceived that talent, even in a pe
coiary light, may be more valuable than
tt most precious diamonds. Liszt eontin
td to go to his bouse, and to the mer
cint s great joy, he soon perceived that bis
ilaghter was the cause of these visits. He
bran to love the company of ihe musician,
ad the fair girl, his only child, certainly did
I ri hate it.
; Jne morning, the jeweler, coming to the
pnt with German frankness, said to Liszt,
How do you like my daughter?"
'She is an angel I"
\\ hat do you think of marriage? M
! "I think so well of it, that I have the
gatest possible inclination to try it."
What would you say to a fortune of three
diion francs?"
I would willingly accept it."
Well, we understand each other. My
tighter pleases you ; you please my daugh
t. her fortune is ready—be my son-in-law."
"With all my heart."
J he marriage was celebrated the following
And this, according to the chrouieles of
ague, is a true account of the marriage
<the great pianist, Liszt.
Vc arrived at loola, the Birmingham of
iisia, on the morning of the 3d of Jan.
1 18. Our party was composed, including
raelf, of some fifteen jolly sporting young
boelors, who bad all clubbed together, the
i bier to eDjoy tbo winter's sports. Being
i avery desirous of engaging in a stirring
vf hunt, having heart! that, the winter
hg very severe, they had congregated in
las numbers in the neighborhood of Toola,
whad accordingly a few days before set
o from St. Petersburg, and arrived as
are-mentioned safe in Toola. Immediate
ljipou our arrival we proceeded to the
Ut market and bought up a large quanti
of refused matter, rotted carcasses of
eep, pigs, etc., which we obtained for a
■re trifle.
Loading a sledge with it, we ordered the
iver to take and empty it out near the
idsida, about twelve miles from the town,
an opening between two fir woods. The
ct of our intended excursion becoming
town, we were the whole day besieged with
•plications, begging for permission to ac
ropany u j , from many of the wealthy citi
nsond neighboring gentry. Answering
ostof them with a courteous invitation to
iint their ladies and come and sup with
p, v soon had our rooms so crowded that
e we obliged to engage the large dining
.all 'the hotel to accommodate our guests.
Air supper wo commenced dancing, and
vcreiout half through a set of quadrilles
where were interrupted by the entrance
of tlvoung man we had placed to watch
our L He informed us that the wolves
werc.thering together and had already
; com need their supper.
It s a beautiful moonlight night when
we sted, the wind blowing hard, with a
keenharp frost; just a night to enjoy a
rapiringing gallop. We accordingly set
spuro our horses and rattled along as
fast the slippery nature of the road war
31' and numerous were the laughable
scraj and predicaments some of our party
got ion the road. One young girl named
31at. persisted in riding on the extreme
vergf the track, and, as may be supposed,
the w on either side being, with the ex
cept of a slight upper crust, extremely
softer horse slipping, they loth rolled
overd were literally buried, though not
hurt With a good deal of difficulty we
her and bor horse out, and scolded
her eh, at which she only laughed, de
clarishe had enjoyed it much.
Oirriving at the edge of the forest a
specie met our gaze which caused the
bra\ heart amongst us to tremble. In
stead" the fifty or sixty wolves we had ex
pevy t.O moot, the plain, AO far a a woooulJ
set every direction, was covered with
mng, fighting masses of dark form=. and howling over pieces of the bait.
cr they were tearing one from the oth ,
e Coming to the conclusion thai prudence ,
v the better part of valor, we were just j
tut retiring to the nearest village when j
d brained Matilda fired her pistol at the j
irest group, wounding one severely, and ;
use howling brought the rest upon us in j
ody. Falling back about a hundred yards .
the place where some decayed trunks of j
fcs had fallen across the road, we halted |
i formed in square behind them awaiting
i outdaught.
Ve had not long to wait. We had hardly j
tned into line and loosened our revolvers |
tn we were attacked by about five hun
td red, open mouthed, howling devils, j
it rushed at our horse*' throats. Volley j
ar volley we poured in among them, j
try shot telling in such a mass and cover -
i the ground with writhing, struggling
qjses. But as one fell a fresh one oceu
]d its place, and although the front rank
sunk back in terror as their compauions
1 shrieking around them, they were forced
(again to renew the charge by those in the
)ur horses were trembling in every limb
d.owl upon howl announced the number
tl ferocity of our fots. Some of those
bind at last thinned away, two Russians
sed their flasks, and, advancing to our
bastnork of trunks, laid a heavy train of
pvder along it.
.fast as the front rank again rushed upon
us and placed their paws upon the train,
one of the men snapped a pistol at it.
j There immediately arose a bright flash,
I illuminating the scene of ca.nage vividly.
; None of our number had as yet go hurt,
j The wolves shrank back, conquered by this
j novel phenomenon, several of their number
severely burnt.
The trick of the train of powder having
driven them oft for awhile, we siowly de
camped, and when, as we thought, weli out
of their hearing, we spurred ahead and made
straight for the village of Carachrva.
The implacable demons followed us right 1
into the center of the village, where we 1
turned and stood at bay, determined to end
the business one way or another. The
peasants, awakened by our cries and rapid
vol eys, as well as by the howling and roar
ing of the wolves, came out in numbers to
j our assistance. Organising our body as
well as possible, we all dismounted and pre
pared for the encounter, armed with pistols,
scythes, guns, axes, etc.
On rushed the gaunt, hungry looking
imps of darkness, open mouthed, with their
blood-stained tongues banging from between
their teeth. Nobly and bravely did the
girls then exert themselves, reloading our
guns as fast as we fired them, and the peas
ants dashed manfully into the middle of the
pack, murderously wielding their long
scythes, mowing off legs and cutting the
wrotches in two.
| Soon it became evident that the wolves
\ were fleeing in every direction, rending the
; air with their lamentations, and leaving
over two hundred of their number on the
field of battle, whereas on our side no one
was hurt, with the exception of the German
before mentioned, whose skull was found a
few days afterwards on the road side, com
pletely polished. Thus ended one of the
most exciting wolf hunts it was ever my
luck to be engaged in. The peasants de
clared it was seldom they were bold enough
to enter so large a village, but they were
doubtless mad with hunger.— New York
The truth About the first meeting with
closed doors, (that is, on the 10th,) is com
ing out. It was a scene of the greatest con
fusion. lam now told that the minority
was 130. It was the Archbishop of Temes
var, in Crotia, it is now said, who was mak
ing a Latin speech, protesting against the
forms and arrangements as interfering with
the independence of the Bishops, when the
bell rang and he was called to order. There
upon, it is added, the Primate of Hungary
came to his rescue, and in his tern was call
ed to order in a like manner. Upon this
Hupanloup made a strong observation in
good French and left the Hall, with the
Archbishop of Paris and a hundred others,
in fact, breaking up the meeting. All the
Bishops complain that they are powerless,
that they have had no time to know what
they are wanted to do; that they have only
had eight days to make one another's ac
quaintance; finally, that the Hall is intoler
able. They are dying of cold, and they can
not hear one auutlivi. TL<_j m, itie pres
ent accommodation is utterly inadequate;
that they require many more rooms, and
those larger than what have been improvis
ed in and about St. Peter's. I hear that
some of them say the Council ought to have
been held at Lateran or the Quirinal, where
they might have had a whole palace for their
work, and rooms lor conversation and other
business. They are now obliged to find op
portunities for mutual information and con
ference where they can, and Cardinals and
others who happen to have palaces at their
oommand, are holding nightly large re
unions. Very late ones, too, I suspect, for
the streets are getting noisy at midnight,
more so than when I came. Thus the first
meeting on the tenth ended with an abrupt
adjournment, and I cannot doubt that of
to-day has done also. This is not very prom
ising for the presumed object of the Coun
cil, which every day recedes further into the
iioibo of vain aspirations. If the doctrine
>f infallibility is adopted, it is now said pos
itively the French Concordat will be at once
withdrawn, and Pius IX. will find that with
a new position, new relations will also have
to be arranged. So strongly is this inten
tion announced that the Pope's friends ac
:use France of dictating, and Frenchmen do
not deny the imputation. The situation is
iesciibed on both sides as gravistima; and
nobody sees the way out of it. except by
iontinual adjournments, till time itsclfbring
some sort of escape. But as for aDy conclu
sions being come to and proclaimed by Jan- '
uary Gth, is pronounced impossible.
* * * * The Papal authorities have
housed the Bishops with careful and dis
criminating hospitality. Those who could
not be absolutely (rusted have been lodged
with safe companions, in the proportion of
one weak brother to half a dozen strong.
In one palace, two or three known to want
their faith confirmed, are in charge of ten
stout believers. The Jesuits have had the
manipulation of the flock, and have done it
Tljnrfl Js not onp of tlu.m wl,nhn<s not.
his feelings sounded and reported upon dai
ly—and the common study of the printed
papers compels all to speak. In this way
it will be ascertained what points can be
pressed—supposing it desirable to press j
them —and what not. But the Pope will j
propably not propose at all what he would
have to withdraw. The American Bishops,
I hear it said, plead their own difficulties at:
home. The Syllabus has excited a great I
deal of attention there, and has been do- j
nounced as an attack upon civil society, put-1
ting everybody pledged to it in antagonism
to his fellow-citizens. At first sight it might !■
seem that under a Constitution, founded
unon the right of private judgment and the j
will of the majority, there would be no great
reason to fear an external claim to entire |
spiritual and social submission. But it is
plain the Americans entertain a strong dis
like to the kind of thing altogether, and
that any maintainer of the Pope's infallibil
ity and supreme authority in the chief af
fairs of life will often find himself at a disad
vantage. So the American Bishops would
rather be oat of it. Indeed they say they
cannot hold themselves; the new converts
stipulate for their liberty. If this be the
case in the United States, it cannot be oth
erwise in all the States of the Old orld,
where religion Ls all a matter of controversy,
and where there are such things as converts
from one communion or one school to an
other. The objections to infallibility are
-aid to take a great variety of forms, but
I that must be only a variety of language, ex-
VOI,. 43: sro •}.
n pression and circumstances. Tbore in oo<
i, , master objection at the root of all objections
i and that is the individuality and self-con
sciousness which make every man. whc
thinks at all, think for himself by laws and
rules of his own, and from bis own point ol
i view. The man who thinks is already on a
r throne, and he does not even vacate it when
I he has solemnly accepted the Pope for his
; paramount. He still holds it in that See.
- i —Rome (Dec. 14) Correspondence London
; | Times.
In <lencral Spinner's recent report to the
Secretary of the Treasury, he makes some
strong statements in relation to the female
clerks employed by the Government, and
incidentally supplies proof of some of the
assertions made by the advocates of suf
frage for women' After stating that all
the coupons and all the mutilated United
Mates notes and fractional currency are
assorted, counted and prepared for de
struction by female clerks, he adds that
they not only do their work better, but
also do more in a given time than the male
clerks, who receive double the salary,
possibly can. To prove this the female
clerks were required to re count the work
of the male clerks, and it was found that
they not only corrected errors in the count,
but that they detected counterfeits that had
not before been discovered, or known to any
person connected with the Treasury De
partment, in this city or elsewhere, and
which had been overlooked bv the male
clerks in the offices where they were
originally received, and by those in this
office, who had counted thorn. But for the
discovery of these counterfeit coupons, the
Government would have suffered great loss.
\\ ashiDgtou and Philadelphia, he states,
are the ouly offices where female clerks are
employed, and the best work is done in
these offices by these clerks. "It has been
remarked here, all along, that the remit
tances of mutilated currency to this office
from the office in Philadelphia are better
prepared, more neatly done up, with less
mistakes in count, and containing less
counterfeits than those from any other office.
The reason is (hat that office employs female
'JjhLs emphatic testimony, it will be re
membered, comes from a department filled
by women, who have had no previous
business training, and who, it is constantly
| asserted, are kept there, not from any reason
of personal fitness, but purely through the
influence of friends and relatives; and who
are unrelentingly opposed and slandered
by a large portion of the public. One of
the most frequent reasons given against
the employment of women in responsible
positions is that they are less exact, and
are unreliable. This assertion this state
ment denies, and if these women do so
well, working better than men who have
every advantage of training over them, there
can be no question of their fitness for any
similar position they may desire.
Bat when the matter of payment comes
in it is the old story of equal work and half
poy To this fact General Spinner directs
attention, but in a very remarkable man
ner. He asks what he stylessimn'"'—
to us it seems cumpuuua injustice. "It is
not even asked that because they do more
| work, and do it better than male clerks,
j they should receive like pay." The reason
for this is one that ought to strike joy into
The Revolution camp. "For it is believed
that, should this be done for them, men who
have votes would, to a degree, qualify them
selves for such work and thrust them out of
their places and out of employment entire
ly." The italics are ours, but the reason
belongs to the Treasurer. Dr. John Todd
gives, as a reason against allowing women en
trance into work now monopolized by men,
that they will drive men away and eventually
depopulate the East. But, according to
General Spinner, this is impossible, for the
men holding the balance of power, the
only resource the women have is in under
bidding them.
It is therefore asked by the Treasurer
that the female cleiks shall be classified
according to merit, as the male clerks are,
but at lower salaries- Thus, while the
fifth class male clerk receives two thousand
a year, the woman in the same grade, doing
better and more work, is to have twelve
hundred. This places them on a level
with the lowest class of male clerks, the
corresponding female clerk getting but seven
If this in any way deserves the name of
justice, it is because it is the kind that is
dispensed by the character that Lucy t?nowe,
in "Villette," drew for the benefit of Paul
Etnanuel and his colleagues.
The truth is, let the opponents of woman's
suffrage say what they will, that there is no
competition on equal terms. Let sex once
enter, and the woman must work for less
money. If it is a question of power only,
the possessor, whether man or woman, can
make their own terms. If the favorite
author is a woman, the magazines will pay
her what she asks; when the houses are
crowded to hear Anna Dickinson and empty
iV. o •-*-, - HVUIdU CttU ttSH ItUAt
she pleases. If the soprano is paid better
than the bass, it is not because she deserves
rao-e because she is better, but because she
holds the power of drawing the best houses,
and these the manager is bound to secure.
This is because their ability is exceptionable;
but in all branches of work where ability is
equal, the man holds the power, in his
political position, and the most that Gen
eral Spinner can do is to ask proportionate,
not equal payment. — Philadelphia Morning
Many, doubtless, like ourselves, have
been not a little perplexed as to the mean
ing of these strangely sounding words, the
theme of the New Poem with which the
Laureate of England is now delighting his
countrymen, as he soon will ours. We find
in one of our English exchanges this solu
The Iloly Grail was a cop made of a sin
gle precious stone, from which the Saviour
of Mankind was said to have drunk at the
Last Supper, which was afterwards filled
with blood flowing from His wounds on the
cross, and which was said to have leen
brought into this country by Joseph oi Ar
imathca. According to the old legend, this
mystical vessel miraculously disappeared
one day from the custody of its keeper; and
thenceforth it was the highest ambition of
all worthy knights to go in search of it, and
|if possible, to effect its recovery. "The
Quest of the Holy Grail" forms an impor
tant and very beautiful part of the old re
mancc of "King Arthur," compiled, in the
reign of Henry VII., by Sir Thomas Malo
ry—a work from which Mr. Tennyson has
derived several of the materials of his Ar
thurian poems. The adventure was at
length achieved by Sir Galahad, the virgin
knight in act and thought, of whom Mr.
Tennyson, years ago, wrote a charming bal
lad poem. In the longer and more ambi
tious production now given to theworld.
the adventures of several of Arthur's knights
in their search after the wondrous CUD arc
are related by fc>ir Perot vale, now become a
hermit, to his fellow-recluse, Ambrosius.
Ihe narrative, however, is preceded by a
shorter poem, called "The Coming of Ar
thur,' in which the miraculous origin of
the great warrior king is described.
The poem on 'The Holy Grail" is pitch
ed throughout in a higher key. The imagi
nation is more fervid, the language more
rich and sensitive, the music of the versifi
cation sweeter, profounder, and more sono
rous. Mr. Tennyson seems here to have
been thoroughly penetrated by his subject.
Ho writes of the Grail as though he himself
firmly believed in it, or as though he had
actually engaged in the quest, passing
through dim and perilous ways, through
tnarvtls, and shadows, and phantasmal
scenes, and seeing only the shine of the far
glory over dark horizons and portentous
lands. The religious faith of the old legend,
and its beautiAil romance, are equally bro't
forth by the intense poetic sympathy of the
writer. We follow him through splendid
and majestic visions into the heart of a su
pernatural world and are content lor the
time being to dream with the old monks,
and believe according to the fancies of an
elder age.
As what relates to the Father of his
Couutry seems the inheritance of our nation,
the following incidents—for which we are
indebted to Dr. Alfred Langdon Elwyn of
this city—properly belong to the public,
fhey are told in the unpublished journal of
one of the Signers of the Declaration of In
dependence—an authority which places
their reality beyond doubt, and they are of
interest, as revealing the inmost thonghts
in critical periods of some of the principal
men of the Revolution.
•Shortly after Washington was appointed
Ly Congress commander-in-chief- that is in
the latter part of May or the beginning of
June, 1775; the exact date given in the dia
ry is nit teniembered—after the battle of
Lexington, but before the Revolutionary
M'ar had fairly begun, some intimate friends
gave a dinner to the general at the Gray's
terry Tavern, near Philadelphia, on the op
posite bank of the Schuylkill. The party,
of whom the journalist was one, consisted,
besides Washington himself, of Dr. Frank
lin, John Adams, John Langdon, Thomas
Jefferson, and Dr. Benjamin Rush. After,
dinner, John Adams, filling his glass, rose
and said: 'T propose the health of the com
mander in-chief of the American forces!"
Washington's face became a little suffused
with emotion and he started back in his
chair, but said nothing. The others filled
their glasses and stood up, exchanging
looks. As by an electric flash, while they
glanced into each other's eyes, the feeling
came over all that the occasion was too grave
for hilarity; the prospect of an uncertain
civil war rose darkling before their minds,
and, their wine untasted, they sat down in
The other incident shows Washington's
. character in a new and interesting light.
The narrator, at that time surgeon of a
Pennsylvania regi'monf —•- j ■ -
icut a day or two before the battlo
of Trenton. The general was engaged in
writing, when suddenly tearing off a pieco
of the paper on which he had just scribbled
something, he crumpled it in his hand,
and rising from his seat threw it on the
ground, and then paced the floor absorbed
in thought. This act was repeated several
times, and the doctor's curiosity being
arousedj he put his foot on one of the pieces
of paper which happened to fall at bis feet,
and as Washington walked away transferred
it to his pocket. On reaching his own
quarters be found the words written were,
I wtory or Death. This phrase was given
out the next day to the troops as the coun
tersign. From Ot-R Monthlv Gossir, in
the January number of LippincotCs Maga
'1 be enterprise of journalists .recently in
preparing obituaries, has furnished a theme
for no little fun in some quartern, and has
been the cause of many grave anecdotes. It
is related of one editor that he had au elab
orate sketch of General Wool prepared sev
eral years since, but having mislaid it in
the meantime, while the old hero existed,
could not find it when it was needed, and a
serious amount of labor and research was
entailed in preparing another article. I®
seems, however, that the English journalists
have exceeded ours in this matter. Indeed,
it is likely that the fate of a British obituarist
may include the necessity of preparing bis
own epitaph before that of many a notabili
ty, whom he has obituarized, is published.
This is said to have been the case with a
biographer of Lord Brougham, who wrote
an article chronicling the death of that ao
bleman "yesterday," almost eighteen years
before the event, and twelve years before
his own. When, six years after his own
death, that of Lord Brougham occurred,
another hand took dawn the yellowed man
uscript from its dusty pigeon hole and coui
ifoulXtofe art tiw&wAw
ter story is told. In the office of the Lon
don Daily Star a biography of the deceased
nobleman had been in type for sixteen or
seventeen months. The paper died four
teen days before the earl. A "gay and fes
tive" former attache of the New York Her
ald, who was a graduate of Union College,
wrote, in 1861, a long and elaborate sketch
of the Rev. Dr. Nott, the venerable presi
dent of that institution, for which the "man
aging editor" of that enterprising journal
gave him a hundred dollars down, and con
tracted to give him another hundred when
the subject of the ante-mortem article should
depart this life. Dr. Nott did dot die until
Januar> 29, 1866. During this interval of
five years between the writing of his eulo
gistic obituary by his former pupil and the
doctor's death, the writer, like most report
ers, bccamequite "hard up," and was wont
to remark that "Old Nott cluDg to life with
fearful tenacity. He told me when he gave
me the facts contained in my sketch of his
life and character that he could not live a
year, which is the only lie I ever knew him
to tell: but such is my luck, you know!"
A French author says: "When Host my
wife every family in which I was acquainted
offered me another, bat when I lost my horse,
not one of them offered to make him good."
A St. Louis paper, speaking of a family in
New York that made a fortune out of whisky,
.•ays they lire on Twenty-third street, in a
perfect delirium tremens of splendor.