Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, January 14, 1870, Image 1

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All advertisement* for less than 3 months IS
eeot per line for each insertion. Specie I notices
one-half additional. All resolutions of Associa
tions, communications of a limited or indirida)
interest and notice of marriagna and deaths, ex
eeeding fire tines, 10 ets. per line. All legal noti
ces of every kind, and all Orphans' Court and
other Judicial sales, are required by lass to be pub
lished in both papers. Editorial Notices 15 ceots
per line. All Advertising due after firstinsertion.
A liberal discount made to yearly advertisers.
3 moots. 6 months, 1 year
One square $ 4.50 $ 6.00 SIO.OO
Twe squares 0.00 9.00 10.118
Three squares 3.00 13.00 20.00
One-fourth eoluxnn - 14.05 20.00 35.00
Half column 18.00 25.00 45.00
One oojamo . _ ......... 30.00 45.00 80.00
NCWSPAPK* LAWS.—We would oall the special
attention of Post Masters and subscribers to the
I.vqEiEKR to the following synopsis of the News
paper laws:
1. A Postmaster is required to give notice AJF
:'er, (returning a paper does not answer the law)
when a subscriber does not take hit paper out of
the office, and state the reasons tor its nut being
taken,- and a neglect to do so makes the Postmas
ter reptoneibl* to the publishers for the payment.
2. Any person who takes a paper from the Post
office, whether directed to his name or another, or
whether he has subscribed or not is responsible
for the pay.
3. If a person orders his paper discontinued, he
must pay all arrearages, or the publisher may
continue to send it nntil payment is made, and
ollect the whole amount, whether it be taken front
'*e office or wot. There can be n. legal discontin
ucoce until the payment is made.
4. If the subscriber orders his paper to be
stopped at a certain time, and the publisher con
tioues to seou, the subscriber is bound to pay for
it, ij he taket it vut of the Poet Office, The law
I' -eeda upon the ground that a man must pay
for what be usee.
5. The courts have decided that refusing to take
newspapers and periodicals from the Poet office,
or removing and having them uncalled for, h
prima facia evidence of intentional fraud.
AH business entrusted to his care will receive
prompt and careful attention Office three doors
South of the Court House, lately occupied by J.
W. Dickarson. nor3C
Have formed a partnership in the practice of j
the Law, in new brick building near the Lntheran
Church. [April 1, 1869-tf j
Respectfully tenders his professional services
TO the public. Office in the ISQCI neßui iding,
(second floor.)
Collections promptly made. [April, 1*69-tf.
Will faithfßlly and promptly attend to all busi
ness entrusted to his care in Bedford andadjoin
ng counties. Military claims, Pensions, back
psy, Bounty, Ac. speedily collected. Office witb
Mann A Spang, on Juliana street, 2 doors south
of the Mongel House. * apl 1, 1869.—tf.
Will attend promptly to all hesiness intrusted to j
hi- i are. Collections made on the shortest no- j
He ' s also, a regularly licensed Claim Agent
sedwil give special attention to the prosecution
. 'til s against the Government for Pensions,
Tack T ay, Bounty, Bounty Lands, Ac.
Office on Juliana street, one door South of the
Inquirer office, and nearly opposite tbe i Mengel
House" April 1, 189:tf j
Bedford, Pa.,
Wil) attend promptly and faithfully to all busi
ness entrusted to their care. Special attention
given to collections and the prosecution of claims
for Back Pay, Bounty, Pensions, Ac.
.■JSP" Office on Juliana street, sonth of tbe Conrt
House. Apri l:9:ljr.
}• M'D. SHARPS..... E. r. EERH
Will practice in the Courts of Bedford and ad
joining counties. All business entrusted to tbeir
care will receive careful and prompt attention.
Pensions, Bounty, Back Pay, Ac., speedily col
lected from the Government.
Office on Juliana street, opposite the banking
house of Keed A SchelL Bedford, Pa. Apr l:(S9:tf
Respectfully tenders his professional ser
vices to the citizens of Bedford and vicinity.
Offico an! residence on Pitt Street, in the bnilding
formerly occupied by Dr. J. H. Hofius. [Ap'll,69. j
B ill attend to all business entrusted into his hands
with promptness and despatch. Will remit mon
ey by draft to any part uf the country. ITsely j
He keeps on hand a stock of fine Gold and Sil
ver Watches, Spectacles of Brilii&nt Double Refin
ed Glasses, also Scotch Pebble Glasses. Gold
Watch Chains. Breast Pins. Finger Rings, best !
- vality of Gold Pens. He will supply to order
any thing in his line not on hand. [apr.2B,'6s. j
On Pitt street one door eaat of Geo. R. Oiter i
A Co.'s Store, Bedford, Pa., is now prepared j
tc sell by wholesale all kinda of CIGARS. All j
orders promptly filled. Persons desiring anything
in his line will do weil to give him a call.
Bedford April 1./69-
p N. HIC KO K ,
Office at the old stand in
All operations pertaining to
Surgical and Mechanical Dentistry
perlermed with care and
Anceethetice adminietered, tchen detired. Ar
t ial teeth interted at, per let, 88.00 and up.
As I em detwimined to do a CASH BUSINESS
or none, I have reduced the prices for Artificial
Teeth of the various kinds. 2t> per cent., ar.d of
Gold fillings 33 per cent. This redaction will be
utaile only to strictly Cash Patients, and all such
will receive prompt attention. ,feb6B
. rat,tacts a General Banking Business, and makes
collections on at! accessible points ia
the United States.
EXCHANGE bought and sold.
U.S. REVEXUS STAMPS of all descriptions
always on hand.
Accounts of Merchants, Mechanics, Farmers and
all other solicited.
Jan. 7, '7O.
This old establishment having been leased by
J. MORRISON, formerly proprietor of tbe Mor
rison House, has been entirely renovated and re
furnished and supplied with all tbe modern im.
provtiQeuts and conveniences necessary to a first-
Cats Hotel,
The dining room has been removed to the first
"Our and is now spacious and airy, and the cham
bers are al! well ventilated, and the proprietor
wi.l endeavor to make his guests perfectly at
bome. Address, J. MORRISON,
Ijulytf _ Huntingdon, Pa
Mrs. \. B. TATE has enlarged her residence on
•"•Liens street for the purpose of taking borders
-weekly or yearly. 3dec4t
LUTZ & JORDAN. MB&Uor* atal PraprtHore,
gaquim Column.
Oar faeilitiet for doing all kinds of Job Printing
are equalled by Terr few establishment* in the
country. Orders by mail promptly filled. All
letters should be addressed to
3 &ocal ant) i£sr jural flrtospaprr, ZDrbotft) to l>olitirs, <£iniraiion, literature ant) Morals.
To the Senate and House of Representa
tives of the Commonwealth of Peun
GENTLEMEN From the days of
William Penn, the great and pious
founder of our Commonwealth, it has
j been the universal custom of my pre-
I deeesscrs, when making their annual
communications to the General Assetu
-1 bly, to acknowledge their gratitude to
| and de|>endenee upon the Great Law-
I giver of the Universe. In imitation
i of thier noble example, let us earnest
ly invoke His blessing and guidance in
our efforts to perform the great work
of legislation now before us, in such
manner as to meet His approbation, as
well as that of our commou constitu
In transmitting to you the seventy*
• ninth annual message since the organ
ization of the present state government,
it affords me the highest gratification
to congratulate you and our fellow-cit
izens generally on their enjoying, to an
unusual degree, the blessings of health
and unstinh-d prosperity; and that our
principles and institutions—the pride
and tioast of every true hearted patriot
—although tried again in the crucible of
a heated political contest, the heavings
of popular passion, and thecollusion of
parties, from which we have just_ emer
ged, remain unimpaired and vital in
every part.
Under such auspicious circumstances
you have assembled, for the purpose of
I discharging the important dutie-., and
: assuming the special responsibilities
: which devolve upon you. It is ex-;
! treinely difficult; even with the great
est caution in yourdelila-rations, toen
! act laws that will fully meet theexpei 1 -;
taiions and approbation of all the peo
ple; Out much of this difficulty may
lie overcome by avoiding legislation
for personal and special interests and
not being unmindful of the magnitude
of tho interests of the State, and
of its rapidly advancing population,
wealth and influence to destinies bey
ond the reach of human vision. A no
bler heritage was never given to man
thanthat which wepossess geographical
ly and politically of the greatest impor-;
tance, an area of more than forty four
thousand square miles; diversified with
mountains, valleys, plains, rivers;
mountains covered with majestic for
ests of valuable timber of almost every
variety; plains dotted with comforta
ble homesteads, and presenting well
cultivated farms and luxuriant fields
marked by theadvancemcnt of agricul-'
ture—the parent, supporter ar.d stimu- j
lator of every species of industry, ex- j
change and commerce ; bills* and val- i
leys with teeming mines of all the va
rieties of coai, iron, oil, salt and other
minerals; with farmers,manufacturers,
mechanics, woolgrowers. coal and iron
miners, oil producers, and merchants
full of activity and confidence; with,
thousands of miles of railroads and ca
n,-Us to transfer vast products to mar- h
ket, and accommodate the travel of
four millions of happy and properous j
people. Nor should we be forgetful of
education in all its branches, of the
publiccharities,prisons, reformatories, :
the collection of prtqierly imposed tax
es the speedy reduction of the State
debt, the preservation of order, and the
more certain protection of life, busi
ness and property. All these interests
and perhaps others of equal importance,
demand legislation of the most enligh
tened, liberal and comprehensive char
In conformity to the requirements of
the Constitution, I proceed to invite
your attention to such measures as are
deemed necessary for your considera
tion, and to assure you of my willing
ness to share with you the anxieties
and resjKtnsibilities of ail legislation
calculated to advance the prosperity of
the people and the best interests of the
From the reports of the Auditor:
General and State Treasurer, the follow- j
ing statement has been carefully pre
pared, and exhibits the receipts and !
disbursements for the fiscal year end
ing November 30, 1869 :
Balance in Treasury, Nov 39. 1869 $1,012,926 67
Ordinary receipt# during the fiscal
year ending Nov. 3C,1869 !. 5,241,711 28,
Total in the Treasury during the
year ending Nor. 30. 1869 6.254,636 65 •
Ordinary eipeuwspaid during the
Tear ending Xov.
30 1869 $2,165,114 27
Loans, 4c redeemed at
Treasury 109,041 09
Loans redeemed by
the Cim?Biotiera of
the Sinking Fund.. 362.762 09
Int'st paid at Treas'y 170,665 74
Interest paid by Com
missioners of Sink
ing Fund.......... 1,725,587 97
Balance in Trcarary, Nov 30 1869.... 1,400.362 49
It will be observed from the above, :
that part of the loans and part of the i
interest are paid at the Treasury, and
part of both by the Commissioners of j
, the Sinking Fund. This produces a;
j complication of accounts; which in or- j
tier to avoid, and to simplify the finan- :
eial statement, I recommend that au- j
thority be given hv law to charge the
, Commissioners with the whole amount.
! of the State debt, and also with all the ;
: money applicable to the payment there
of, and that they alone be credited with
i all payments on l>oth principal and in
; terest of State debt.
Public. Debt.
The following is a statement show
ing the nature of the indebtedness of;
the Commonwealth, on November 30,
Funded debt, viz :
6 per cent. 10ad....525.311.150 CO
5 per cent 10an5.... 7,277.384 38
4 j per cent, 10an5.... 112.999 00
Unfunded d' bt. viz.;
Rcleif notes in cireulatior.s96 397 00
Interest certificates out
Interest certificates un
claimed 4,448 38
Domestie creditor's cer
tificates 44 07
Amount of public debt, Xov 30,'69 32.814.540 95
The public debt NOT. IS6B 33,266,947 13
Deduct the amount redeemed at
tbe Treasury, during the year
ending Nov 30.1909, viz :
5 per cent loans $472,367 16
Relief notes cancelled.. I 9 60
Public debt XOT. 30,1869 as above. 32,814 540 95
Reduction, of the Public Debt.
At the commencement of the present
administration in January, 18417, the
total outstanding indebtedness ol
the State was thirty-seven million, seven
hundred and four thousand, four hun
dred and nine dollars and seventy-seven
cents. Since then, and up to Novem
ber 30,18t!9, the sum of four million,
eight hundred ami eigh/y-nihe thousand,
eight hundred and sixty eight dollars and
eighty-two cents have been jmid. and at
five per cent., the sum of £244,498 44, in
interest, is aunually saved to the Com
monwealth. Consequently, the to
tal amount of indebtedness of the Com
monwealth on November 30, 1869, was
thirfy-two million, eight hundred ana
fourteen thousand, fre hundretl and for
ty dotfars and ninety Jive cents.
The reduction during the year end
ing November 30, 1869, amounts to
* four hundred and seventy-two thousand
four hundred and six dollars and eigh
teen cents.
Assets in Sinking Fund.
The assets remaning in the Sinking
Fund arc as follows, viz —Bonds ol
BEDFORI), PA.. FIUDA Y, J AY. 14 1870.
; the Pennsylvania Railroad Company,
six million, three hundred thousaa I
dollars. Agreeably to an act date 1
March 30, 1809, the Sinking Fun I
Commissioners delivered ail the ooli
gations of the Sunbory ahd Erie Rail
• road Company, lieing third mortgage
bonds, to the Allegheny Valley ltail
rbud Company, aud received therefor
thirty five second mortgage bonds of
! one hundred thousand dollars each,
• making in all three million, five . hun
dred thousand dollars, executed by the
said Allegheny Valley Railroad Cotll
; pany, and guaranteed by the Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company, the North*
: ern Central Railroad Company, and
the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad
Company payable to the Common
wealth as follows, viz:
The principal of one of said bonds
(sloo,ooo} shad be payable each and ev- i
cry year beginning January 1,1875, and
so continuing annually thereafter until i
the said sum of three million,five hun- j
dred thousand dollars shall be paid, ;
with interest thereon from January 1, i
1872. |
The citizens of Pennsylvania have j
: always borae taxation not only pa- '
tiently but cheerfully, and they are j
still as willing as ever to contribute to '
the pay men tofalltheobligat ions resting '
upon the State, but they expect their j
j public servants who are intrusted with
ihe management of their affairs, to act j
. upon the most prudent and economi- |
cal basis. In a word, they demand re- i
form in the management of the flnanaci
|al affairs of the Slate, and,[as fur as pos
: sible, the retrenchment of all unneces
sary expenditures.
On the 30th of January last, reply
ing to a resolution of the Senate, I j
sab I :
I have the honor to acknowledge the j
receipt, through the Clerk ol your
Honoroble body, a copy of the follow
ing resolution, passed on tiio 12th inst.,
to wit:
"Resolved, That the Governor be re
quested to submit some plan to the I
,Bk*ate to secure the State from loss by ;
the accumulation of large amounts of;
surplus funds in the Treasury.
"In reply, I beg leave to direct your j
attention to my message of January 8, j
18(W, in which I say, 'the balance now j
in the Treasury might be rendered :
productive by lieing invested in ilrc
bonds of the State, bearing six per
cent. interest;*and totheinessageofJan
uary 0, ltsGH, where I remark, 'when
ever there may be surplus funds in
the Treasury, ihey can with safety and
benefit to the State, be employed in the 1
purchase of its outstanding bonds, and ;
in saving the interest on them which
would accumulate prior to their ma-,
Since making these suggestions, and j
maturely deliberating upon thesubject,
I have seen no reason to change my
mind in relation thereto ;and now sub
mit the same plan, more specifically
set forth, based upon the following
statement of the loansof the Common
wealth, viz;
Amount ofeoveolue, loansiucluding bank chnrfer !
loan* and relief note* unrfde mc<i $ 3*<9 482 25
Ain't payable in 'st 1870. iis p. ct. 1 483.815 65 j
do 1871..d0..6..d0.. 2.820.750 00 I (
do 1872..d0..6..d0.. 4,907.150 00
d 0..... 1872..d0. .5..d0.. 92.850(H) <
do 18 7..d0..d0.. 7 9 9.600 60
d 0..... 1877. .do. .5. .do.. 3.9U.400 00
d 0... lb"8. .do. .5. .do.. 321.000 0!) 1
do 1879. .do. .6. .do.. 400,000 00
do 1882. .do. .6. .do.. 9 273,050 00
do 1882. .do. .5. .do.. 1.185.950 00 (
do 1882. .do. .4^.d0.. 112 000 00
Amount ©f loans 32,810.04 7 90 •
To the liquidation of these loans the
surplus funds in the Treasury could,
with great propriety, be applied. This
indebtedness is held in bonds bearing
interest; and it will readily be per
ceived that this interest will lie saved
to the Stale upon whatever amount of
these bonds may he redeemed, and the
State be saved from all risks of loss ba
ttle accumulation of large amounts of
surplus funds in the Treasury.
A few illustrations Will show the
beneficial workings of this plan. At
the termination of the fiscal year end
ing November 30, 1808, there was an
unexpended balance in the Treasury ot
$1,012,915.38. If the suggestions here
tofoie made had been carried out, by
the investment of one million of dol
lars, at that time, in the five per cent,
bonds that will fall due July 1, 1870,
and which I am credibly informed
could then have been purchased at
something less than their par value,
the interest on the same, from Novem
ber 30, 18G8, to July 1, 1869, would be
seventy-nine thousand, one hundred
and sixty seven dollars and sixty-seven
cents, which has been Inst to the
State. Again, on the 30th of No
vember, IsOO, there was in the Treas
ury an unexpended balance of $1,400,-
862.49. If one million, four hundred
thousand dollars of this sum had been
invested in the same kind of bonds at
par, on the Ist day of December, 1860,
the interest for the seven remaining
months, ending July I, 1870, would be
$40,833.35, but which, ill consequence
of non-conformity to this plan, will be
lost to the Commonwealth. 1 cannot
i reiterate too strongly my recommend
ations on this subject, and would,
I therefore, recommend that a law be
I pa—ed making it the duty of the Com
missioners of the Sinking Fund to in
vest all surplus funds as rapidly asthey
accrue in the Treasury, in the pur
chase of the bonds of the Common
wealth next falling due.
I beg, once more, toremindthe leg
islature that the salary of the State
Treasurer should at least be equal to
that of the Governor. It is only seven
teen hundred dollars, a sum entirely
insufficient to command the services of
any responsible mum who is required
to "furnish a bond with good and ap
proved sureties, for eighty thousand
dollars, and to run the risk of hand
ling at least five or six million of dol
lar- per annum, without the unlawful
use of the State funds, and subsidies
i from sources that dare not be revealed
to the public becau-e they arc posi
tively prohibited by law, under penal
ties of no ordinary magnitude. Yet
there are but few men who have held
thisoflice, however poor they may have
been when they took charge of it, who
have not become rich. There is cer
tainly some advantages to be gained
by the holding of the (xisition of Stats
Treasurer, unknown to the public, bid
which readily accounts for thedisgrae
ful scramble, and for the political ami
moral debauchery which the people oi
this Slate seem to be doomed annualh
to witness, in the election of that otti'-er
and because of the disgrace it bring?
upon their representatives, the peoplt
hang their heads in indignation am
shame. Then, in thenamcof thegoot
jieople of Pennsylvania, I ouil upoi
the members of the Legislature, with
out distinction of party, to riseabovi
the murkyness of the polluted atraos
phereof the past, to the true digniti
of manhood and exalted patriotism
and purify the election of Treasurer a
well as that of every other officer wiil
in this Commonwealth,and punish ev
•ry one who tampers with the puritj
of elections, whatever may be his posi
tionor pretensions. Aml then every on
who shall have performed his whole
duty to sustain the true interests of th<
State and to maintain the high digni
ty of her character, may return unpol
luted and with a clear conscience tc
hi?constituent,who will receive him
with open arms, and with the joyfu
exclamation of "well done good ami
faithful servant."
Liberal appropriations are made an
nually to our penitentiaries, lunatic a
sylt-jas, ond other charitable and ben-
■ efitial institutions, without requiring
from those who receive and disburse
, the money any satisfactory evidence
that it has been faithfully applied to
the objects intended. This is .wrong,
and should be corrected without delay.
All officers of the State who receive pub
lic moneys, not excepting the Governor
are required by law and usage to set
tle their accounts, on proper vouchers,
in the Auditor General's office. To is
is right; and there is no good reason
why the same accountability should
not be enforced against all those who
receive annually such large sums of
j money from the bounty of the Com
monwealth. I, therefore, recommend
| that a law he passed requiring all per
, sons who receive and disburse State
appropriations, to take proper vouch
ers for all moneys so expended by
them, and to make quarterly settle
ments of the same in the Auditor Gen
eral's office. This is important, not
i only to protect the interests of the
! State, but also the good name of those
I who receive and disburse the money,
I and of the members of the Legislature
l through whose influence the appropri
ations are represented to be procured,
j Formany years the general appropri
ation Mils have been signed on the day
: of the adjournment of the Legislature
j and I here repeat my suggestions of
last year on this subject. ''The Gov
| ernor lias been forced either to sign the
bills without projier investigation,
notwithstanding any objections he
may have; suspend the means to de
fray the operations of the government
for the ensuing year; or call an extra
session of the Legislature. It is there
fore earnestly desired that the appro-
I priation bill he taken up, discussed
! and passed at a sufficiently early period
during the session to enable the Gov
ernor to give it that thorough exam
ination its importance demands."
Common Schools.
The peculiar interest which Is al
ways manifested by the people in the
subject of education, is an inducement
i to lay before you, more at length than
: would otherwise be done, the princi
pal statistics of the system drawn
I from the report of the Superintend
' ent of Common Schools.
There are within the State 1,971
school districts; 1:1.930 schools ; 2,445
graded schools; 12.900schooldireetors;
70 superintendents; 17,142 teachers,
and 815.753 pupils. The average cost
of tuition for each pupil is ninty
seven cents per month. The whole
cost of tuition for the year is $3,500.-
704.26. Total cost Including expendi
tures of all kinds during the year, $6.-
986. 148.92. Estimated value of school
property $14,015,632.
Notwithstanding the fact that our
school law was made gen ral in the
year 1848, it is remarkable that there
it3l remain five districts within the
State which have not yet conformed
thereto. Mopes arc entertained that
fosr of these will soon accept thooon
ditions of the law, and the remaining
one. known as the Harmony District,
under the control of the "Econo
mies," having a good school of its
own. will probably not adopt the pub
lic school system so long as the present
otganizntion of that society exists. It
is, therefore, a subject worthy of hearty
congratulation that our school system
has been so universally adopted by the
voluntary consent and general acquies
cence of lhe people.
As important auxiliaries tooureom
mr.n schools, the Normal schools are
entitled to assume the front rank.—
Their flout i.-hing condition may lie un
dprstood from the following statistics:
'lhe whole number of students that
tpve attended the four Normal schools
i 10.237. of whom 321 have graduated,
luring the past year there were in
tiese institutions 76 teachers, and 4.-
i'B students. Since my last annual
communication, a State Normal school
his been fully established and recog
n zed at Bloomshurg, Columbia couti
tv. Its buildings are of the most fin
ished and substantial character, and it
ccmmencPs its career under the ino-t
atspicious circumstances. Another is
now in a state of preparation at Cali
fornia, Washington county, and will
ptohably be completed during the cur
rent year.
Your attention is again invited to
the fact that there are about seventy
fire thousand children in theStatethat
do not attend schools of any descrip
tion. and who -are permitted to grow
up in ignorance and without employ
ment, and, in many instances, front
lack of industrial and educational
training bociimo not. only the votaries
of vice, hut a prolific source from
which the inmates of our prisons and
penitentiaries are supplied.
The number of children througnout
the State attending private .schools, is
estimated at eighty-five thousand.
The aggregate of theeducational con
dition of the children of the Common
wealth, may be thus stated :
Attending the public tehooli 515.,.3
Attending private schools. 85,0ut*
Not attending schools of any kind ' 000
Whole number of children ...076,i53
The subject of non-attendance by so
large a portion of children, is specially
and most earnestly commended to your
consideration. It is true economy on
the part of the State, if possible, to
save these children from ignorance, va
grancy and crime. To neglect them
would bo inexcusable, if not criminal.
Doubtless in vour assembled wisdom
you will he able to devise some effect
ual mode by which this evil can be
Many < f the recommendations con
tained in the report of the Superin
tendent are or the utmost importance,
and eminently -deserving of serious at
tention and legislative action. Thefaets
above set forth illustrate most forcibly
the practical value of our most admi
rable common school system, and hear
testimony that cannot he misunder
stood, to the wisdom and liberality by
: which it has been conceived and so
• successfully carried into effect.
Soldiers' Orphans' 1 School*.
Attention is invited to the report
of the Superintendent rf the Soldiers'
Orhpans' Schools, for the year ending
May 31, 1369. in which is exhibited
their condition, circumstances and ex
The whole number of ad
mitted into these schools from their o
rigin to the 31st day of May, 1869, is
four thousand five, hundred and nine;
of whom three hundred and seven
have been discharged on order, five
hundred and eighteen on age, anil nf
ty-three have died ; making a to
tal of eight hundred and seventy
eight, which left three thousand, six
hundred and thirty-one in the schools
jat the end of the year. Up to May 31,
j 1569, the numtier of discharges from
I the schools have exceeded former esti
! mates by one hundred and seventy
j five. The number of applications toi
admission on tile and not acted on, war
-even hundred and one; some from ev
! ery county in the State except six.
The sanitary condition of the chil
dren in thi-e schools lias been remark
ably good. And from the foregoing
statement it appears that during the
tour years in which they been in
operation*, the whole number of deaths
has been less than one-third of oue per
cent, per annum.
The entire cost for maintenance, ed
ucation, clothing and general expenses,
for the vear ending May 31, 1869, dif
fers but"little from the original esti
mate of the Superintendent, and
Amounts to $500,971 82
Topj Wbi"h ttare ws an
nao.poadod balance 0f... $8 001 74
Appropriated April 11 AS 400 OflO 00
Appropriated March 13,'09 50.000 00
450,004 74
Balance unprovided for 44,950 as
For which sum there should be a
special appropriation without dtflay,
to meet the pressing wants of the
teachers of the different institutions,
who have been already compelled to
await its payment for more than seven
In his last annual report, the
Superintendent estimated the ex
penses for the current year termina
ting May 31, 1870, at $494,700. The
sum appropriated for that year, by act
of April 16, 1860, was *450,000. As the
Superintendent reports the expenses
will not materially vary from his es
timate, there will therefore be a defi
cit of $44,700 for the current year, to be
provided for during the present ses
For the maintenance of these schools
during the year ending May 31, 1871,
it is estimated that $534,600 will be re
quired. Which sum I recommend to
ie appropriated, with the positive un
derstanding that the expenditures shall
not exceed that amount.
We are admonished by the rapid ex
pansion of the system, and by the con
stantly increasing desire to obtain ad
mission in these schools, that some def
inite limit should be determined upon
by law. It is therefore recommended
that the indigent children of Pennsyl
vania soldiers, who served in Pennsyl
vania regiments, and who died prior
to Jan. 1,1866, from wounds received or
disease contracted in the service of the
United States during the late war,
shall be hereafter admitted, and none
With unsparing patience, well con
sidered measures, and earnestness of
purpose, many defects have been erad
icated, and the schools have been ad
vanced to a more perfect and efficient
system than that by which they were
at first characterized, ami elevated too
condition not second to any similar in
stitutions in the country. This humane
and philanthropic service is being per
formed by intelligent officers and faith
ful teachers, which will be more fully
shown by their reports, communicated
for the information of the Legislature.
The establishment of these institu
tions, where the destitute orphan chil
dren of the soldiers who lost their lives
in the suppression of the late rebellion,
are fed, clothed and educated at the
public expense, continues to command
the cordial support, approval and en
couragement of our citizens, and tends
to elevate, everywhere, the reputation
of Pennsylvania, (the first State to es
tablish such schools,) to the highest
degree, for her justice, patriotism and
Most heartily have the people en
dorsed the past action of their repre
sentatives in relation to these schools,
and there exists not a single doubt but
that they will most cordially approve
all necessary appropriations for the
continuance of the support, education
and guardianship of these adopted
childien of the Commonwealth. To
the honor, State pride and humanity
of the Legislature is confided the guar
ding and maintaining of these sacred
interests, and in the faithful discharge
of this noble duty, you shall receive
from me a special anil zealous vuucui
Agricultural College.
The establishment, of this college was
undoubtedly intended as a progressive
movement, and under the impression
that it would contribute much to the
easy acquisition of a combined knowl
edge of agriculture, science and litera
ture, and to promote the practical edu
cation of the industrial classes in the
several pursuits ot life. It has been
fostered by the most liberal legislation
and is endowed with the sum of $381.-
500, invested in United States and
Pennsylvania bonds, yielding an ag
gregate interest this year of $25,551 90,
which has been paid to the trustees of
the institution. Thus far the most sat
isfactory results from the workings of
the college have not been realized. But
it is now under the direction of a pres
ident and six professors. It receives
for its pupils only males over the age
of fifteen years, qualified for admission
by a good common school education.—
There are in ut present forty-five stu
dents, with a fair prospect of a consid
erable increase in number. Tuition,
hoard and the ordinary necessaries of
life, nro ttmre furnishfsi ut a less rate
than is generally demanded for boa/d
--ing alone, thus affording an extraordi
nary opportunity to the youth of the
country to acquire an accomplished ed
ucation with comparatively small ex
pendiiures. Under these circumstances
the college deserves the indulgent sym
pathy and support of the people.
Three experimental farms are con
nected with the college, purchased at
an aggregate cost of $43,880 50. One is
located at the college, one in Indiana
county, and one in Chester county. —
Operations have been commenced up
on them under the prescribed pro
gramme of aseriesof experiments with
promises of complete success; the re
sults of which are to be reported annu
ally to the Legislature by the Professor
of Agriculture. It is confidently ex
pected ihat the reeord of these experi
mental results will prove highly inter
esting, and greatly beneficial to the
The military department is one ci
importance to th honorable history of
the Commonwealth, and to that of her
citizens individually. It is the custo
dian of all the military records of the
State, embracing that of every officer
and private soldier, and the history of
every military transaction performed
by the State for the suppression of the
rebellion. It has also in its custody all
the regimental, State and National
flags borne by our soldiers, and many
trophies of war won by their valor on
the field. All of which should be sys
tematically and carefully presorv. it*
During the last three years all the
staff officers rendered necessary by the
war, and the different offices establish
ed for the convenience of the soldiers,
have been discontinued, and the dutit -
performed by them, as well as official
books and papers, have been transfer
red to the Adjutant General's depart
ment. He is, therefore, the only mili
tary officer remaining, to whom re
course Is constantly had for statistics
and information, not only by the
soldiers, and their relatives and attor
neys, but by oth<*r States and by the
War Department at Washington. Ali
these circumstances, connected with
the present flourishing condition of tht
volunteer militia in the State, induct
m<> to request the continuance of legis
lative favor for the Adjutant General's
department, and that it may be gencr
erously supplied with such appropria
tions as have been requested by the
Adjutant General for that office.
An unusual martial activity prevails
throughout the State, but more partic
ularly in Philadelphia. The encour
agement which has been afforded to the
uniformed militia has been responded
to with alacrity, and is exhibited as
follows: In 1866, there were eight vol
unteer companies; in 1867, thirty-eight;
in 18G8, sixty seven, and in 1869, one
hundred and eighty four. No less than
one hundred and seven companies were
organized during the year ending No
vember 30, 1869, of which fifty six are
VOL. 43: NO 2.1
| in Philadelphia, and fifty one ,n other
| parts of the State.
This is a small but efficient and well
equipped force l , which, In case of riot,
rebellion, or other publicdanger, would
be ready at once to imperil itself for
the enforcement of the laws, and the
protection of the lives and property of
the citizens. It is, therefore, desirable
that the Legislature should give the
volunteers Mien practical aid as would,
in some degree, compensate thern for
the time and money expended to main
tain their organizations, in which the
people are as much interested as the
volunteers themselves.
The report of the Adjutant General
will be found a very interesting docu
ment, containing much valuable infor
mation and many important sugges
tions. A careful perusal of its contents
and such action thereon, as seems to lie
demanded by their iinportanco, is re
commended. Gen. D. B. M'Creary
has been elected to membership in one
of your honorable bodies, and with his
last report he closed his career as Adju-
General. In losing his valuable
services from a position he has so ably
filled for more than two years, the hope
is indulged that the department will
gain an intelligent and devoted friend
and an able and efficient advocate in
the halls of legislation.
Military History.
The report of the State Historian is
deserving of your careful attention. In
it you will find a detailed account of
(he operations of his department from
its commencement to the present time.
The work entrusted to his edre is one
of no ordinary character and responsi
bility, requiring talents of a high order,
patient industry, careful research, and
unbiased judgment. The labor to ta>
performed is immense, and can only he
properly appreciated by those fully ac
quainted with its magnitude. It em
braces a faithful account of ail the or
ganizations of Pennsylvania troops du
ring the war of the rebellion ; the col
lection and adjustment, in a compre
hensive form of each military organi
zation, and an unprejudiced description
of all military transactions of import
ance, so far as the volunteers of this
State are concerned, in the camp and
in the field, throughout the most ter
rific conflict of arms that has ever oc
curred in the history of the world.—
The propriety of such a work must be
apparent to every intelligent citizen of
the Commonwealth. Certainly it is
due to the citizen soldiers, who offered
their lives in the defence of their coun
try, that their names should, at least,
receive a place in the archives of the
state, toward whose honor and glory
their gallant deeds have so largely con
The work of the Historian, when
completed, will embrace four large oc
tavo volumes, in which the name of
every Pennsylvania volunteer will
have its appropriate place. Two of
these volumes are already completed,
in a manner highly creditable to the
Commonwealth. The third is rapidly
progressing, and with a generous ap
propriation on the part of your
honorable body the entire history will
he executed, if not before, soon after
the close of the present year. Most
yther States are publishing histories
similar to this, and it is due to the im
portance of the subject, and to the
•rctJlt of the State, that Pennsylvania
should not be behind in this patriotic
Home for Disabled Soldiers.
There is, prouatiiy, no .Mate in the
American Union that has contributed
more liberally toward the support of
charitable and benevolent institutions
tnan that of Pennsylvania. The ap
propriations annually made for the
uenefit of thesoldiers' orphans' schools,
isylums for the deaf and dumb, blind
md insane, and many similar worthy
stablishments in which the poor,
lelpless and otherwise friendless are
sired and provided for, reflect great
Tedit upon the Legislatures who have
lonaied the requisite means for their
support. But there is one other insti
ution needed, and the claims for which
ire more strongly urged by every prin
;iple of humanity and patriotism, than
my other now in existence, which lias
uot yet received the attention its vast
inportance imperatively demands.—
Fliis is a home for the soldiers who
have "borne the battle" in defence of
:he honor, integrity and perpetuity of
:he American Union. No men living
iave as powerful claims upon the gen
erosity and nurturing care of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania, as those
ivho, upon the battle field, fought to
protect it from threatened devastation
inn (Ksitrucuon, ana who in this patri
otic service, endangered their lives,
sacrificed their health, lost their limbs,
md became enfeebled and disabled for
life. And yet we daily see these men,
(and who does not blusli to see them?)
to whom we owe the preservation of
aur government, the homes we enjoy,
md almost everything we possess,
hobbling about our streets upon crutch
es, with missing limbs, and otherwise
so enfeebled as to be entirely unfitted
tdr any remunerative employment,
begging their bread from door to door
ur sitting upon the corners of thestreets
turning an organ for the few pennies the
charitable passer by may feel.disposed
to bestow. Everyone of these helpless
men, whose patriotic devotion to his
country has brought him to this de
plorable condition, is a burning re
proach to the State for whose welfare
he has met the most serious and la
mentable of all misfortunes. All of
them appeal, by their wounds and des
titution, to the people of the Common
wealth for that care which, in such
contingencies, was promised the soldier
of the Union, his widow, and his or
phan children. It is time that all such
promises should be redeemed. The
wounded and helpless soldiers have a
claim upon the State which should not
and cannot be ignored. And 1 do earn
estly recommend in their name, and in
th< ;r behalf, that measures be taken by
your honorable body, to establish for
them a home where they shall lie ain
plv provided with the necessary com
for of life, and 110 longer be compelled
to be pensioners upon the scanty chari
ty of the worlu. This a debt the State
absolutely owes, and no time should
be lost in its honorable liquidation.
Insurance Drjxirtment.
In two former communicatoins your at
tention wa> called to the importance of es
tablishing in the State an insurance depart
ment similar to those existing in other
States. But the Legislature has thus far
failed to give the subject that consideration
which interests of such magnitude to the
people seem to demand. Insurance depart
ments in some of the Stan - are regarded of
paramount importance, as they effectually
guard the interests of the iusured, and
through their healthy influence frauds and
spurious companies, so common in l'enn-yl
vania, are rendered almost impossible. Tht
greatest benefits would certainly accrue both
to the companies and policy holders as bus
alreadv been demonstrated in the States of
New York and Ma-sachusetts, where the
subject of insurance Las received the most
cartful study and attention, and been re
duced to a science which commands the ap
probation and conGdence of all who set k its
"protection. The necessity for such a de
partment, with full powers to organize and
examine all insurance companies, is sane
tioncd by the wisdom of experience. And
as I have heretofore remarked, the result oi
the protection thus afforded, is, that whilst
foreign companies do immense buMuess in
this Btate, so little confidence ishad in those
of Pennsylvania that their business is almost
entirely confined within the State limits;
and even here foreign companies maintain
an ascendency. To this same defect is at
The IHCI-IR R u is published et ery BRIDAT mom
ing he following rater:
0n Tear, (in adr&nce,) $2.00
" " (it not paid within tlx moe.)—
" " (if not paid within the year,)... Sd.OC
All paper* outside of the county direontinued
without notice, at the exp'ration of the time for
which the subscription bar been paid.
Singleeopiesnf the paper far nUhed, in wrapper*,
at five cent* each.
Communication* on sub ject* of local or general
ntereet, ere respectfully solicited. To ensure at
tention fevors of this kind must invariably be
accompanied bp the name of the author, not for
publication, bat as a guaranty against imposition.
All letter* to business of the office
should be addressed to
L.U t'/j a JORDAN, Bmroae, ?s.
fthouxdbc addressed to
tributable the operations of the number of
worthless companies that have suddenly
sprung into existence without any solid ba
ds, and as suddenly expired to the injury of
those whose confidence they obtained, and
to the dishonor of the Commonwealth.
In view of these facts. I earnestly repeat
the recommendation made to the Legisla
ture at its last session, that an insurance de
partment be established, and a superinten
dent appointed by law. who shall have su
pervision and control over all insurance com
panies allowed to transact business within
the State. The community is deeply inier
estca in this matter, and demands legislative
O-* laws in relation to life insurance com
panies are defective and need revision and
correction. Without the protection referred
to these laws bear unequally upon our own
and foreign companies. The latter, being
protected by legi-lative enactment, are en
abled to transact an immense amount of
business within the limits ol this Common
wealth, whilst our companies, having no
such protection, can do but little in other
states. _ The consequence is, that foreign
companies can readily afford to pay a li
cense of fire hundred dollar* to conduct
their extensive operations in Pennsylvania,
whilst onr companies would be sorely op
pressed by the imposition of the same li
cense tax in States where their operations
are exceedingly limited. And yet these
other States have retaliated upon our license
law, by adopting its provisions and demand
ing from our companies the same amount of
license in each State, that we demand of
their companies in ours. This i 3 not on'y
oppressive to our own neglected companies.
Hut it fails to furnish a iust and equitable
revenue from the various companies for the
amount of budne's transacted. The tax
should be made to bear equally upon all
companies, whether home or foreign, and
b; adjusted proportionately to the extent of
their several operation'. This arrangement
would beju'ttoall—oppressive tonone. TTie
aholi-hment, therefore, of the license law,
:nd the substitution in its place of areason
able and equitab'e tax, would meet the ap
probation of alt companies, in favor of equal
jnd exact justice, whether belonging to this
>r any other State. At the same time it
would insure a larger income to the Treasu
ry. For instance, there are (hirfy-tntn life
ri>urancc companies from other States do
ing business in Pennsylvania, who each pay
i license of five hundred dollars, making the
-urn of eighteen thousand and five hundred
dollars. Not one of the companies would
abject to paying an equal I ax of say one half
! one per cent upon the amount of their
business. This, in tne aggregate of the
thirty-seven companies, is more than five
million:; of dollars, on which a tax of one
ialf of one pur eenf. would bo twenty-five
Shousaod dollars, increasing the revenue of
he State Item this source more than six
ftou-and dollars, and at the same time
qualizine the tax in accordance with the
: usinesa.done and profits received. An effi
cient law, establishing an Insurance Depart
nent, such as is recommended, would meet
his and all matters connected with the sub
let of insurance, in all if branches.
The Ar on dale Dixatter.
The recent disaster in the Avondale Coal
Mine, Lot rue county, is still fresh in the
uinds of the people. It caused a thrill of
lorror to spread throughout the country ;
m l even in Europe it has been productive
>f the most painful emotions and deepest
•orrow lor the sufferers. Women and ehil-
Iren who had been accustomed to regard
he occupation of the miner as one of ordi
nary character, now look upon it as fraught
-UN CUF", —. HII relatives sua
friends, when about to pursue their perilous
occupation, with fearful forebodings. And
evin the sturdy miner, himself, trembles at
his dangerous calling, and demands greater
protection than has hitherto been afforded.
The history of this terrible calamity seems
10 be as follows : Early on the morning of
;he f>th of September last, one hundred and
right men entered the Avondale .Mine to
prosecute th'-ir avocation. None of them
mticipated danger as they descended the
Fatal shaft; not one supposed that he was
ntering a tomb in which he was doomed to
>e buried alive. But the destroying angel
riovcred over them, and the shaft, construct
i 1 principally of combustible materials, hav
ing Income ignited from some cause, yet
indetermined, was soon a sheet of flame,
md huge burning timbers came tumbling
from above, choking up with fire and smoke
the only avenue of escape. Sensible 6f' their
peril, the unfortunate men sought a place
11 safety, but it was not to be found. They
.-ried for succor, but uo earthly arm could
rive thciu help : hopeless they huddied to
gether, and clasped in each others arms,
net death >n one of its most frightful and
tgonizing forms.
V\ tutsi tula iearful scene was transpiring
he shaft took fire, and burning with frigbt
rul rapidity, was soon reduced to a crumb
ling mass. Thousands of men, women and
children soon surrounded the place, aod
being unable to afford the slightest relief to
their suffering friends below, filled the air
with lamentation, appalling even to the
stoutest hearts. Never before was a scene
more heart-rendering witnessed within the
limits of this Common wealth, and it is trust
jd that through jour prompt and efficient
legislative tic ion, another such will never be
permitted to occur. ,
The mines in many cases are constructed
at d managed in the most selfish and parsi
monious manner, the owners exacting the
largest amount of profit from them, from
the i. :>>t possible outlay , consequently some
of theia, like that of Avondale, are nothing
but underground man traps, without any
other outlets than wooden chimnies, and
these constantly liable to become blazing
volcanoes, through which escape is imtiossi
b'e. The lives of so useful a class of men
as our miners should not. and must not be
permitted to be thus sacrificed upon the al
ter of human cupidity. Vet a reprehensi
ble heglect to give them that protection by
law which their valuable services, at best
laborious and dangerous, unquestionably de
serves,. renders our mining system worse
than that of any other country, whilst our
mining interests are unequalled by those ol
any other part of the word.
The most appalling accidents on record
have b-en traced to unsate methods of ven
tilation, and more especially to the employ
ment of furnaces at or near the bottom of
the shafts. Where the furnace is need, and
the smoke is carried through a wooden
chimney, it seems almost certain that, soon
er or later, by the inevitable accumulation
ot soot or carbon upon the fratne-wotk, it
mus ignite from the ascending sparks or
from the heat of" the furnace, and a confla
gration ensue. To guard against this, it
should be made obligatory, if the ventila
ting furnace be still allowed, to build the
chimnies, the sides of the shaft, and the
buildings surrounding it at the top with in
combustiblo materials. But even this pre
caution is not a sure safeguard, for the tire
is liable, at any moment, to communicate
with the "fire damp' ! or other gaascus va
pors, that, despite of all known means of
prevention, will generate in the best tegula
ttd mines. The propriety of dispensing en
tirely. therefore, with the furnace, has re
ceived the serious consideration of scientific
miners and engineers, and the fan in that
instance, has been substituted, which being
worked by machinery at the surface, pro
duces a more constant current of air, dis
penses it more freely through the gangways
and chambers, and. in all respects, accom
plishes the object derived -with better effect,
and when the shaft- and surface buildings
are fire-proof, without the possibility of dan
gar. This system of rentilatiftti, with ad
vantages so palpably obvious, will, no doubt,
be universally adopted. But the very na
ture of mining operations subjects them to
other dangers. The walLs and roofing of the
mines, from the effects ol blasting and oth
er causes, frequently give way and fill up
the gangways so as to render them
hie, as in the more recent calamity at
{Continued OK M P"B' )