Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, December 24, 1869, Image 1

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All advertisement* for lcs than 3 months 10
eenwapar line for each insertion. Speeia I notices
one-half additional. All regulations of Associa
tions, communications of a limited or individal
interest and notices of marriages and deaths, ex
ceeding five line*, 10 eta. per line. All legal noti
ces of every kind, and all Orphans' Court and
other Judieial sales, are required by law to be pub
lished in both papers. Editorial Notices 15 cents
per line. AU Advertising due afterfirst insertion.
A liberal discount made to yearly advertisers.
3 wonts. 6 months, 1 year
One square $ 4.50 %AM SIO.OO
Twe squares.... 8.00 0.00 18.00
Three squares -. 8.80 12.00 20.00
One-fourth column - 14.00 20,00 35.0 ft
Half column 18.08 25.00 45.00
fine c01umn......... ......... 30.00 45.00 80.00
Xmssrss Law*.—We would call the rpeeial
attention of Post Masters and subscribers to the
IsiIFTKER to the following synopsis of the News
paper laws:
1. A Postmaster is required to give notice 6y
rtter, (returning a paper does not answer the law)
when a subscriber docs not take his paper out of
the offioc, and state the reasons tor its not being
taken; and a neglect to do so makes the Postmas
ter repsonsiblc to the publishers for the payment
2. Any person who takes a paper from the Post
office, whether directed to his name or another, or
whether he has subscribed or not is responsible
for the pay.
3. If a person orders bis paper discontinued, he
must pay all arrearages, or the publisher may
continue to send it until payment is made, and
ollect the whole amount, trhrthcr if 6c taken from
the or not. There can be-no legal discontin
ue-nee until the payment is made.
4. If the subscriber orders his paper to be
Btoup6d at a certain time, and the publisher con
tinues to send, the subscriber is bound to pay for
it, if he takes it nut of the Past Offce. The law
proceeds upon the ground that a man must pay
for what he uses.
5. The courts have decided that refusing to take
newspapers and periodicals from the Post office,
or removing and having them uncalled for, is
prima facia evidence of intentional fraud.
groffSSioaai & gwlotj* (tztfo.
AH business entrusted to his rate will receive
prompt and carcfnl attention. Office three doors
conth of the Court House, lately occupied by J.
W. Diekvrson. nov2o
Have formed a partnership in the practice of
the Law, in new brick building near the Lutheran
Chnrch. [April 1, 166'J-tf
F.espectfully tenders his professional services
to the public. Office in the Isqci nttßuild iug,
(second floor.)
fsJ-CoUeetions promptly made. [April, I'B9-tf.
Will faithfnlly and promptly attend to all busi
ness entrusted to his care in Bedford and adjoin
ng counties. Military claims. Pensions, back
pay, Bounty, Ac. speedily collected. Office with
Mann A Spang, on Juliana street, 2 doors south
of the Mengel House. apl 1, IS69.—tf.
Will attend promptly to all business intrusted to
is care. Collections made on the shortest no
He *s, also, a regularly licensed Claim Agent
and nil. give special attention to the prosecution
,'ais.s against the Government for Pensions,
Seek T ay, B.innty, Bounty Lands, Ac.
Office on Juliana street, one door South of the
Inquirer office, and nearly opposite the'Mengel
House" April 1, 188t:tf
Bedford, Pa.,
Will attend* promptly and faithfully to all busi
ness entrusted to their care. Special attention
given t>* collections and the prosecution of claims
for Back Pay, Bounty, Pensions, Ac.
#3lf~ Office on Juliana street, south of the Court
House. Apri 1:69:1yr.
j- M'D. SBARPE s. r. KERB
Will practice in the Courts of Bedford and ad
joining counties. All business entrusted to their
ire will receive careful and prompt attention.
Pensions, Bounty, Back Pay, Ac., speedily col
lected from the Government.
Office on Juliana street, opposite the banking
b- use of Reed A Sebell. Bedford, Pa. Apr l;G9:tf
Respectfully tenders his professional ser
vices to the citizens of Bedford and vicinity.
Office an i residence on Pitt Street, in the bailding
formerly occupied by Dr. J. IP Hofius. [Ap'l 1,69.
M I S ( ' ELL A N E O V S .
Will attendto all business entrusted into his bands
with promptness and despatch. Will remit mon
ey by draft to any part of the country. 17sely
He keeps on hand a stock of fine Gold and Sil
ver Watches, Spectacles of Brilliant Double Rcfin
e 1 Glasses, also Seoteh Pebble Glasses. Gold ;
Watch Chains. Breast Pins, Finger Rings, best
quality of Gold l'ene. lie will supply to order
any thing in his line not on hand. [spr.2B,'Bs.
On Pitt street one door east of Geo. R. Oster
A Co.'? Store, Bedford, Pa., is now prepared
to sell by wholesale all kinds of CIGARS. AH
orders promptly filled. Persons desiring anything
in bis line will do well to give him a call.
Bedford April 1. '6?.,
n N. nicKOK,
Office at the old stand in
All operations pertaining to
Surgical and Mechatiical Dentistry
per formed with care and
.1 .rllketiss administered, ithen desired. Ar
tificial teeth inserted at, per set , fIS.OO and up.
As I am detumined to do a CASH BUSINESS
or none, I have reduced the prieea for Artificial
T'.-th of the various kinds, 20 per cent., and of
Gold billings 33 per cent. This reduction will be
ma ie only to strictly Cash Patients, and all such
will receive prompt attention. 7feb6B
This large and commodious house, haring been
re.taken by the subscriber, i 9 now open for the re
ception of visitors and boarders. The rooms are
large, well ventilated, and comfortably furnished.
The table will always be supplied with the best
the n. arket can afford. The Bar is stocked with
tho choicest liquors. In short, it is my purpose
to keep a FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. Thanking
the public for past favors, I respectfully solicit a
renewal of their patronage.
N. B. Hacks will run constantly between the
Hotel and the Springs.
majl7, 59:1j WM. DIBERT, Prop'r.
This old establishment haring been leased by
J. MORRISON, formerly proprietor of the Mor
rison House, has been entirely renovated and re
furnished and supplied with all the modern im
provements and conveniences necessary to a first-,
class Hotel.
Tbe dining room hts been removed to the first
floor and is now spacious and airy, and the cham
bers are all well ventilated, and tho proprietor
will endeavor to make bis guests perfectly at
borne. Address, J. MORRISON,
-ljulytf Huntingdon, Pa.
Mrs. V. B. TATE has enlarged her residence on
übana treet for the purpose oT taking boarders
—weekly or yearly. Sdec4t
CPb t Sttflntox.
JOHN LUTZ- If I i tor and Proprietor.
gwjuim Column.
Our facilities for doing all kinds of Job Printing
are equalled by very few establishments in the
country. Orders by mail promptly filled. All
letters should be addressed to
% ivQcal anb ©metal fUtospapnr, Drbotcb to Jolitt'es, duration, literature auS fftorals. "
THERE are in lowa, 21(5 newspapers, of
; whieh 147 ar Republican, SO Democratic,
•22 neutral or unknown, and eight others va.
riously classed.
IOWA paid last year, to school teachers,
#1,440,000, males receiving weekly, on an
average, $9,24, and females, $0,79. There
are in the State 6,407 school houses, atten
ded b? 295,820 scholars.
THE United States Treasury now holds
$75,478,800 in Government securities, for
which $89,282 13 were paid. The accrued
interest on these bonds will amount at the
end of the year to $4,528,728. The Treas
urer's books show tbe amount of coupons
paid during the month of November to be
$12,364,265 50.
ON the 30th of November the Govern
ment works at Harper's Ferry were sold at
auction. For the musket factory $176,000
was received, and for the rifle factory $30,-
000. The sale includes the "buildings,
grounds, and the magnificent water puwer
attached to tbem. The purchasers will use
the buildings for manufactories.
A STUDENT of Ann Arbor, Michigan,
having remarked that men had more endur
ance than women, a lady present answered
that she would like to see thirteen hundred
young men in the University laced up in
steel ribbed corsetF, with hoops, heavy
skirts, trails, high heels, panniers, chignons,
and dozens of hair pins sticking in their
scalps, cooped up in the house year after
year, with no exhilarating exercise, no
hopes, aims or ambitions in life, and see if
they could-stand it as wed as the girls.
Nothing, said she, but the fact that women,
like cats, have nine lives, enables them to
survive the present regime to whieh cus
tom dooms the sex.
SAMANA BAY. —The Consul General of
San Domingo, stationed in England, writes
to the London Times asserting that a treaty
for the cession of the Bay of Samana to the
United States has been negotiated with the
Government of the Republic of San Domingo
by Gen. Babeock and Senator Cornelius
Cole, cf California, the United States Com
missioners. This treaty is now awaiting
the approval of the Uuited States Senate,
and the negotiations had originally in view
the annexation of the entire Republic of;
San Domingo to the United States, and not
merely the cession of the Bay of Samana.
The letter of the Consul General was elicited
in consequence of the publication in the
Times of a statement that the Bay of Sa
mana had been sold to the United States by :
the Haytien Government, and that a United
States fleet had been sent to those regions !
is order to protect the purchase from the
revolutionary armies of Hayti. The Consul I
General says there are no revolutionary dis- i
turbarfces in San Domingo, and that Sa
mana Bay belongs to San Domingo, and not
to Hayti.
Dispatch says: The Supreme Ccurt of ;
Pennsylvania has decided (Judge Shars- j
wood delivering the opinion (that a uiort 1
gagec or purchaser at sheriff's sale, is not;
bound to look beyond the judgement dock- !
et to ascertain whether the entries thereon !
are properly made by authority, and that
where there is a defective entry of a judg
ment, or an authorized entry of satisfaction,
the prothonotary is liable for damages to
tho. party injured. IleDce, where the
prothonotary, without the authority of the
court, entered on his docket against a
judgement, "satisfied on Ji.ft," it was held ;
that the entry was perfectly regular and i
conclusive as to third persons to whom the ■
judgement itself regularly docketed was
constructive notice, and that it was not
necessary to search further and ascertain :
whether there was any record of an order of 1
the court directing such satisfaction.
IMPORTS.— Tbe relative importance of
the several customs di.-tricts in tbe United ;
States is shown by the recent report of the j
Bureau of Statistics. The total importa- j
tions were $437,309,368. New York re- '
ceived more than half of the whole amount i
—5295,117,682. The nest heaviest busi- j
ness was done at the combined cites of Bos- !
ton and Charleston, constituting one port, 1
and amounted to $44,636,967. Much of
this is Canadian trade. S>n Francisco, I
with the whole Pacific tributary to her, re- 1
ccived but $18,088,901, and next in rank
and amount was the exclusively manufacture 1
ing city of Philadelphia, reporting $15,957,- j
556. Baltimore pressed close upon her with
$ i 5,863,032, and New Orleans follows with ;
$11,414,893. Portland reaches nearly three
millions. Brazos exceeds twelve hundred
thousand, but no other port exceeds a mil- i
lion. The northern frontier, however, has j
a third place, when aggregated. Its collec- i
rive amounts reach $19,062,041 from the(
extreme west to the extreme east, and show
what our business with the Dominion may j
some time become. A noticeable feature, .
says the Washington Chronicle, is the insig
nificance of the amounts imported at some
of the best ports of the Southern States.
Savannah importing only $748,977, Charles
ton $401,244, Mobile $413,439, and Nor
folk, which has perhaps, the best harbor on
the Atlantic coast, and is near the site of
the first English colony in America, only
How TO MAKE A FORTUNE.—'Take earn
estly hold of life, as capacitated for, and
destined to. a high and noble purpose.
Study closely the mind's bent for labor or a
profession. Adopt it early, and pursue it
steadily, never looking back to the turning
furrow, but forward, to the new ground that
"ever remains to be broken. Meaos and ways
are abundant to every man's success, if will
and actions are rightly adapted to them.
Our rich men and our great men have carv
ed their paths to fortune, and. by this infer
nal principle—a principle that cannot fail to
reward its votary, if it is resolutely pursued.
To sigh or repine over the lack of inheri
tance is unmanly. Every man should strive
to be a creator instead of an inheritor. He
should bequeath instead of borrow. The
human race, in this respect, want dignity
and discipline. They prefer to wield the
sword of valorous forefathers, to forging
their own weapons. This is a mean and
ignoble spirit. Let every man be conscious
of the power in him and the Providence
over him, and fight his own battles with his
own good lance. Let birn feel that it is
better to earn a crust than to inherit coffers
of go!d. This spirit of self nobility once
learned, and every man will discover within
himself, under God, the elements and
capacities of wealth. He will be rich, in
estimably rich in self-resources, and can lift
bis face proudly and meet the noblest among
fwfatg. _
You're starting to-day on life'journey,
Alone on the highway oflife;
You'll meet with a thousand temptations
Each city with evil is rife.
This world is a stage of excitement —
There's danger wherever you go—
But if vou are tempted in weakness.
Have courage, my boy. to say No.
The syren's sweet song may allure you,
Beware of her cunning and art;
Whenever yon see her approaching.
Be guarded and haste to depart.
The billiard saloons are inviting,
Decked out in their tiniel and show :
You may be iuvited to enter-
Have courage, my boy, to say No.
The bright ruby wine may be offered ;
No matter how tempting it be,
From poison that stings like un adder,
\.y boy, have the courage to flee.
The gambling hells are before you,
Their lights, how they dance to and fro
If you should be templed to enter,
Thick twice, even thrice, ere you go.
In conr'gs alone lies your safety,
When you the long journey begin,
And trust that a Heavenly father,
Will keep you unspotted from sin-
Temptations will go on increasing,
As streams from a rivulet flow,
But if you are true to your manhood.
Have the courage, my boy, to say No.
Reports of the Comptroller of the Currency,
of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue,
the Secretary of War, and the Secretary
of Internal Revenue.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 5, 1869.
The annual report of the Comptroller of
the currency shows 1620 Banks in active
operation. Their condition is more gratify
ing than formerly. Tbe opportunity afford
ed speculators to inflate the money market
is almost entirely done away with, and the
banks have more complete control of their
The Comptroller recommends the passage
of on act requiring all banks that go iuto
liquidation to depo.-it legal tender notes for
their outstanding circulation, and to take up
their bonds deposited with the Treasurer of
the United States as security for their circu
lation within sixty days from tbe date ofthe
vote of the stockholders to wind up. He al
so recommends that all taxes on banks be
made returnable and payable to the Treas
urer ofthe United States, including the spe
cial tax and dividend tax now payable to tbe
District Collectors; That the compensation
of Bank Examiners be increased, and pro
vision be made for its assessment upon the
banks examined, and an increase to a fair
compensation of persons employed under
him in the Currency Bureau.
Tbe recommendation looking to the es
tablishment of a central redeeming agency
in New York in tbe last annual report
The Comptroller says the legal probibi- '
tion to banks to hire deposits is uot suffi
eieutly explicit or positive to prevent it, and ]
hints at legislation to that end.
The Comptroller argues in favor of the
National Banking System as the cause of
the ease in the money market, and lower
rates of interest than would otherwise ho
obtained, lie thinks the government circu
lation which is not convertible", and there
fore not elastic, should be withdrawn and
be substituted by National Bank notes,
which are nominally redeemable, and are
certainly amendable to the laws of trade.
No check for limitation should be imposed
on the latter, other than the law of supply
and demand. A seif adjusting system of
•currency is, the enly one that is adapted to
the exigencies of trade, and to the wants of
the country, and it is a vital question at this
time, whether this result can be reached
before the return of specie payment. If
possible at all it is ou!y through the agency
of National Banks. The machinery of the
Government is not adapted to such ends ;
and further, if possible, it is so only upon
the adoption of a policy which will tend
gradually, but surely to the resumption of
specie payments. It must be a gradual de
velopment of a process which shall at all
times and under all circumstances, be ex
changeable for coin, either of paper, legal
tenders or of gold. A paper currency which
shall gradually increase with the legal tecd
crs for its redemption shall gradually de
crease in such ratio as a healthy demand for
banking facilities may determine, while free
banking may thus be established with safe
ty anterior to specie payment, conditioned
only on the withdrawal and Carscllntion of a
legal tender dollar for every dollar of bank
ing currency issued. Free backing upon a
specie basis may also be permitted with safe
ty ami without delay. With details prop
erly adju-ted, banks may be established with
authority to i-sue and put in circulation
gold notes—limiting the amount only by the
ability of the banks to comply with the nec
essary conditions —and redeem their issues.
By the establishment of banks on specie
basis, the resumption of specie payments is
r only anticipated, and familiarity with gold
values will do much to relieve the subject of
the mystery with which it is associated in
the minds of many looking forward to the
day when uniform values shall again pre
vail. It may be that by wiso legislation
now, a banking system can be e:-tablishid
truly national in its cha r acter and scope,
which will furnish a sound currency of uni
form value in every State in this Union.
Gen. Sherman, in his report, which will
be submitted to Congress on Monday, op
poses any further reduction of the army.
He says the entire army is on duty, and he
, lias constant calls for more troops, which
cannot be granted. He calls for the Brest
dent's earnest attention to this matter, that
Congress may be appealed to not to dimin
ish the military establishment, because of
tbe great extent of conntry, the unsettled
| character of a large region measured north,
south, east and west, by thousands of miles;
| the acts of the Indians who inhabit this rc
i gion, ard the growing necessities of offbrd
| ing greater protection to the roads that trav
erse this region, and the mining and agricul
tural interest therein. While tlje nation at
large is at peace, a state of quasi'war con
tinues to exist over one-half of its extent,
and troops therein arc exposed to labors,
; murders, fights and dangers that amount to
war. V, ithdrawing 0 r largely diminishing
the troops in Texas, the' Indian country,
Aneona. New Mexico, Montana, Idaho, or
Alaska, as well as in sotne parts of the
Southern States, would, he believes, result
in sustaining things amounting to an an
He refers to the labors and exposures of
tbe officers and men, and hopes that they
will receive the assurance to which they are
fairly entitled, that their labors are appre
ciated. Officers have been required to per
form the duties of Indian agents, sheriff!,
&? ■ foreign to their military training, and
have dene this duty without murmur and
with marked intelligence. Never, he says,
has ha known the army officers so poor, but
they hope by the appreciation ol currency
their compensation will scon become more
satisfactory. Any ditnioution of their pay
would result in tho loss to their service of
every good office, to the extreme damage of
he army itself.
* Gem el Sh:rman advises the adoption by
Congress of the new artny regulations as
prepared by the Special Board of officer*.
In referring to the army consolidation
he says there are five hundred and nine
unattached officers, of whom one hundred
and fifty six are awaiting orders. Tbe
number of retired officers is one hundred
and seventy seven. He urges that cavalry
and artillery regiments be officered alike in
regimental and company organizations, and
asks for an extra Lieutenant for cavalry
companies. He urges that it is unjust that
the reduction of the army should fall ex
clusively upon the infantry arm of the
service, and recommends that after Con
gress has enacted the necessary laws, the
President assemble a board of disinterested
general officers to whom shall be committed
the whole matter of reduction and reorgani
Geo. Sherman comments upon what he
called the absurdity of the Staff of Army
making their own reports to the Secretary
of War. If this be continued, he says, we
have the absurdity of the Gen. commanding
the army with his chief staff officers re
porting to somebody else. He hopes for
legi.-lation that will allow officers of the
army to call tipon the Gen. for troops, in
stead of the President
He advocates ao increase of vay for the
soldiers. He recommends ti at forts cover
ing the cities of Portland, Boston, New
York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, New Or
leans, and San Francisco, be completed as
soon a3 possible.
■He calls attention to the earnest recom
mendation of Gen. Thomas, that Seal Is
land of Ala-ka, St. Paul, and St. George
be sold to the highest bidder. He is in
formed that parries in 48811 Frtmcisco are
ready to bid several millions of dollars,
which, he says, would go ir towards in
demnifying the Government for the oth
erwise poor and costly county.
Treasury Department, Office of Internal
Revenue, Washington, Nov. 20. SIR: I
have the honor to transmit herewith the
tabular statement made up from (he ac
counts kept in this office which the Sec
retary of the Treasury is required to lay be
fore Congress. They are as follows : Table
A—Showing the receipts from each specific
source of revenue and the amount refunded
in each collection district, State and Terri
tory of the United States, for tbe fi.-cal year
ending June 30th, 1569. Table B—show
ing the number and value ofTuterna! Reve
nue stamps ordered monthly by the C'on:-
usi-sioncr and monthly receipts from pur
chases of Internal Revenue stamps, the
commissions allowed on the same, and re
ceipt- front agents for the sale of stamps
for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1*69.
Tabic C, showing the Territorial dbtribu
tion of Internal Revenue from various
sources in the United States. Table D,
showing the total collections from each
specific of Revenue for the fi-eal years
ending June 30tb, 1563, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68,
and 69, respectively. Table F, showing the
rates of receipts from specific sources to the
aggregate of all collections for the fiscal
years ending June 30th, 1564, Go, 66, G7,
68, and 69, respectively. Table F, abstract
of reports of the District Attorneys con
cerning suits and prosecutions under the in
ternal revenue laws. The total receipts
from internal revenue source.--, exclusive of
the direct tax upon lands, and the duty
upon the circulation and deposits of Na
tional banks, were for the fircal year 1869,
$160,039,344.29. This includes the sums
refunded for taxes illegally assessed and
collected, amounting to $360,233.12, neatly
all of which was for taxes assessed and col
lected in previous years.
For the fiscal year 1868 there were re
funded $1,018,334.81. Drawbacks were
also allowed to the amount of $1,379,-
980.01. No drawbacks were allowed during
the fiscal year 1869 by this Bureau, ex
cepting on general merchandise, under sec
tion 171 of the act of Marob 31st, 1868, to
ale and patent mcdiccns, amounting to
$377,411.21. Thq, drawback on rum and
alchohol is not allowed by this Bureau.
The receipts for the current year are ceti
mated at $176,000,000.
A comparative statement is submitted
showing the total receipts from the sen
general sources of taxation for tbe first six
niochs of the fiscal year 186* and 1869,
from July to December, 1868 inclusive,
$67,296,388; from July to December, 1867,
inclusive, $66,110,039; total gain for the
first six months of 1869, $1,186,358.
A comparasive statement is submitted
showing the total receipts from the same
sources for the la-t six months of the fiscal
years 1868 andlS69: From January to
June, 1869, inclusive, $90,542,760. From
January to June, 1868, inclusive, _ $94,-
•179,945. Total gain for the last six months
of 1869 over that of 1868, $26,062,912. or
18-10 per cent. Jluring this period the
amount gained on spirits is $9,586,522. The
amount gaicod in stamps $605,.135. Amount
gained on sales $1,666,104. The greatest
loss from any one source of taxation for this
petiod was on income.*, which amounts to
$8,747,499. In special taxes not including
under spirits, tobacco, &c., the loss was sl,-
435,719. It is worthy of special notice that
in regard to receipts from tobacco since
January Ist, 1869, and hereafter referred to
as being largely increased, the loss of Reve
nue on -this article for the preceding six
tuonlhs amounts to $68,232, and it should
be borne in mind in considering this loss,
that the present system of collecting the
tax en tobacco had not gone into fall opera
tion prior to January Ist, 1869.
Total gain for tie above period, $26,-
062,812, cr 40 per cent. It will be observed
that the gain on distilled spirits during the
period of comparison is $2,678,429, on to-;
baceo, $4,768,844; on fermented liquors,
$91,174; on incomes. $2,038,757, on stamps,
$850,515, from gas companies, $134,687;
from banks and hankers, $133,698. The
only articles on which a loss was sustained
are successions and penalties,
special taxes cot included under spirits, &c.
These aggregate only $802,732. Receipts
from same general sccurees for the six
months ending September 30th, 1868 aud
1869, from April to September, 1869, in
clusive $102,861,950- Twenty-six districts
for this period not returned, are estimated
at $1,516,000. T-ital amount for this
period, $104,377,950. From April to
September, 1869, inclusive, $80,543,082.
The aggregate receipts for the present
year will be increased by returns from the
twenty-six districts, amounting, it is esti
mated, to $1,516,000. Total gain, not in
cluding receipts from those districts, $22,-
318t,186. If the receipts from the unreport
ed districts equal the above estimates the
gain will be $23,834,869, cr 291 per cent.
During this pejiod the gain on spirits is
$1,100,115,13; tobacco, $66,085.30; on
sales, $11,016,01 ; on incomes, $27,729,11;
ou stamps, $7,048,60; from bank and bank
ers, $3,274,33.
The gain on spirits during this six months
of comparison is not so large by nearly $6,-
000,000 as it was for the six months ending
the 30th of June last. This is accounted
for by the circumstances that the old spirits
in bonded warehouse on the 30th of Au
gust, 1868, when the new law went into ef
fect, were all by operation of hw to bo with
drawn from bond and the tax to be paid
prior to July Ist, 1869. It is a fact, bow
ever, that the gain on tobacco for this pe
riod of comparison exceeded that for the
six mouths ending June 30th 1868, by $2,-
<.K)0,000, showing a steady and continuous
increase from this source.
The gains on stamps, incomes and sales
correspond very nearly with the gains on
those articles for the six months of compari
son ending June 30th, 1569.
Referring to gains on spirits and tobacco
for these periods it teems proper to say
there is every cause for congratulation that
the law of .July 20th 1868, taxing these arti
cles, was enaetcd.
SPIRITS. —In considering the increase of
revenue from distilled spirits for the last
six months of the fiscal year ending June
30th, 1869, the subjoined facts should be
remembered. There were in the bonded
warehouses on the Ist o' July, 1868, as
shown by tbe accounts kept in this office,
27,278,420 gallons of spirits. This included
all claims for leakage then outstanding, and
a large quantity claimed to have been de
stroyed by the burning of revenue bonded
warehouses, as well as certain amounts
which had been previously withdrawn upon
fraudulent bouds, and still unaccounted for.
Under the provisions of the act of J ulv 20th,
1868, as amended, all spirits in bonded ware
houses at the time of the passage of the act,
were required to be withdrawn and the tax
paid thereon prior to July Ist, 1869, aud by
this requirement 24,383,951 gallons of
spirits were necessarily forced upon the mar
ket during the fiscal year, and served to that
extent to increase the returns from this
source, while on the first of July, 1869,
there remained in bonded warehouses, of
the new product, ODly 16,663,83S gallons.
It thus appears that the quantity of spirits
in bond to be withdrawn and the tax to be
paid during the fiscal year, ending June 30,
1870, is less by nearly eight millions of gal
lons, than the quantity which was compelled
to be withdrawn and the tax paid for the
ending June 30th, 1869.
The following statement exhibiting the
movements in distilled spirits is made from
awtisties furnished by the division in charge
of the subject in this bureau, and although
the figures may not be absolutely acurate,
they approximate so nearly as to be deemed
reliable. Number of gallons withdrawn
from bonded warehouses from July Ist,
1868, to June 30th, 1869, produced prior to
July Ist 7668, at fifty cents per gallon, 24,-
383,951; produced prior to July Ist 1868. on
which tax was paid at $2 per gallon, 99,961.
Total galons of distilled spirits, old product,
24,479,512. Number of gallons of apple
brandy produced prior to July Ist IB6S, and
tax paid after that date at $2 per gallon,
37.122. Total gallons, 24,517,634. Num
ber of gallons, spirits produced from July
20th 1863, to June 30, 1869, on which tax
was collected at 50 cents per gallon 39,704,-
046. Number of gallons of grape and ap
pie brandy, tax paid at 50 cents per gallon,
871.737. Total gallons, 85,578,854. Total
amount on which tax was collected, 62,092-
417. Number of gallons withdrawn for
consumption and export from July Ist 1867,
to June 30th 1863, 10,936,647; of this was
exported with payment of tax, 452,707 ; on
which tax was collected for the fiscal year
1868, 6.706,546; from which it appears that
the amount for which tbe fax was collected
for 1869, exceeded that for 1868, 55,382,870
gallons. There was produced during the
year and in bond July Ist, 1868, 5,459,704
gallons. It would appear also, if the records
of this office exhibit fully all the spirits that
were consumed aud exported during the two
years, that for the year 1869 the consump
tion and exportation exceeded that of 1878
to the extent of 51,155,770 gallons. These
figures are presented not for the j-urpo-e of
shewing the true amount of production and
consumption of distilled spirits, but to ex
hibit the fact that prior to the law of Juoe
30th 186S, the Government did not collect
a tenth part af its tax on distilled spirits.
The total amount collected on the annual
list ofincomes in 1867 was $67,417,757 ; for
1868, $23,390,370- for 1869, up to Novem
ber 25th $293,680. This last sum will be
increased to an amount of over $26,000,000.
As this tax expires with the assessment for
1870 it will be for Congress to determine
whether wo can part entirely with the re
ceipts from this souYce of revenue, and if
not, whether any substitute can be devised
mote just and equitable, and a less burden
some one to the payers. If the income from
this source cannot be spared from the gen
eral receipts, and other objects cannot be
found more acceptable as a substitute, it is
for Congress to determine whether or not
the tax shall be renewed. In considering
this question after determining the total
amount which ought to be realized by the
present system without reference to incomes,
the question will present itself whether the
entire income taxes now assessed shall be
revised, or shall be renewed at a less rate of
taxation. My opinion is that as long as a
large internal revenue is required by the fi
nancial necessities of the Government, a
VOL. 42: N O iOb
poraion of that revenue should le collected
from incomes.
policy of changing supervisors from one ju
risdiction to another has been found to be
advantageous. It inspires new zeal and en
ergy in the officers snd frequently relieves
them from local embarrassments that tend
to diminish their uscfulotss. This office
has proved of great importance to the scr
: vice, and should always Le filled with men
of undoubted integrity and capacity, who
r possess a high order of general business
qualifications. The present salary is not
always sufficient to command such qualifi
cations, and I venture to recommend the
propriety and economy of increasing the sal
ary. The apparent reason for placing the
appointment of Supervisor where it now
rests no longer exists, and is not likely to
again occur. I would therefore suggest
that the law be amended BO that this officer
shall be nominated by the President and
confirmed by the Senate.
Detective*, as they are now termed by
law, are in fact the assistants of supervisors.
I The name has proved of no advantage to
phe service, and is generally regarded as
■ odious, and for this reason many very cotn
; petent men have been unwilling to accept
of the appointment of detectives. lam of
the opinion that the public service would be
promoted by changing the name to that of
assistant supervisor, leaving the manner of
appointment, the tenure of office and com
pensation as now provided by law.
Of the total receipts of Internal Revenue
for the fi.eal year 1869 there were collected
from the following sources: Spirits #45,062,-
-'O4; tobacco $23,430,708; fermented liquors
$60,998.79; incomes and salaries $34,-
791,856; stamps $16,420,710; banks and
bankers $3,335,517; legacies and successions
$2,434,593; schedule A and passports $912,-
414; gas companies $2,116,006; from the
other sources $25,471,359. Total $160,-
039,341. The amount from other sources
was collected from the gross receipts of
railroads, insurance and express companies,
from the sales of brokers, dealers and man
ufacturers, from special taxes and from pen
allies and miscellaneous sources.
It is estimated that at least niiuty per
cent, of the entire receipts was collected from
a few objects and sources, all of which may
be classed as luxuries, or as the accumulated
and associated wealth of the country. It is
difficult to see how the necessary revenue
from internal sources can be obtained with
much greater respect for labor and more
justice to the common industry than is se
cured by the present law.
I desire to add my opinion that the pres- I
ent system ought, in a short time, if faith
fully administered, to yield a revenue not
below the following estimate from the fol
lowing sources: Spirits, $60,000,000. To
bacco, $35,000,000. Fermented liquors,
$8,600,000. Incomes, salaries, and sched
ule A, $40,000,000. Stamps, $20,000,000.
Banks and Bankers, $3,500,000. Legacies
and successions #4,000,000. Gas Compa
utes, $2 500,000. Total, $173,000,000.
There were paid, for expenses incident to
the collection of tin revenue for IS6S, ss,-
776,814: for 1869, $7,395,395. Deduct the
amount paid to storekeepers, Act of July
20, 1807, $605.915, leaving for this year, on
the basis of the account for 1868, $6,885,-
477; decrease in favor of 1869, $1,891,337.
By an amendment to the act of July 20,
1868, parsed March 4, 1869, the compcnsa
tion of storekeepers is to be repaid to the
Government by the manufacturers of distil
led spirits and owners of warehouses. These
repayments are found to be difficult to col
lect, and I am of the opinion that this mode
of paying storekeepers should be abolished
at once. Only $175,785 of the amount ex
pended by the Government for this purpo.-e
had been repaid on the 30th of June 1569.
Aftervfuly 20th, 1863, and prior to June
30th, 1869, a period of eleven months, the
number of gallons of spirits shown by the
records of this.effice to have been produced,
and the tax paid thereon, was 36,705,046,
and of brandy from fruit during the same
period, 671,727. Total on which the tax
was collected, 37,575,783; produced during
the same period and remaining in bond July
Ist, 1809, 16,663,838; showing a production
in the eleven months of 54,239,621, being
at the yearly rate of 59,170,496 gallons.
The following summary from the statisti
cal reports will convey some idea of the I
magnitude and importance of this bureau's J
labors. Number of seizures for violation of!
law for the fiscal year of 1853, 1,744; num
ber of seizures for violation of law for the j
first quarter of 1870, 1,021; number of cases
compromised during the fiscal year 1869,
152. Amount received as tax thereon $15,-
600.486; assessed penalties fixed by law
$44,130.63; in lieu of fines, penalties and
forfeitures $125,169.98; number of cases
compromised during the first quarter of
1870, J-4-4. Amount received as tax there
on $79,227,39: assessed penalties fixed by
law $10,611,06; in lieu of fines, penalties
and forfeitures $5,831,708; number of com
promise opinions prepared from March 11th
o September 30th, 1869, 304. These cases
occur throughout the entire country, invol
ving extensive litigation,^the preparation
f:r and conduct of which on the part of the
Government consumes a large share of the
time and attention of this office, and con
stitutes in itself an important business.
Number of suits brought in Federal courts
during the fiscal year 1809, 4,578.
The number of distilleries registered is
864; number of officers connected with the
luternal Revenue service who report to the
Bureau, 6,003. -
fa concluding this report, I desire to ac
knowledge my obligations to the officers and
the clerks, both male and female, of the In
tertial Revenue Bureau, for their valuable
assistance, for their honest devotion to the
public service, and for the very faithful dis
charge of their official duties.
C. DELANO, Commissioner.
To Hon. GEO. S. BOUTWELL, Secretary of
A FRENcn writer has said that to dream
gloriously, you must act gloriously when
awake; and to bring angels down to hold
converse with you in your sleep, you must
! abor in the cause of virtue during the day.
POVERTY and pride are inconvenient
companions, hut when idleness unites with
j them, the debth of wretchedness is attained.
WHEN once infidelity can pursuade men
that they shall die like beasts, they will soon
j by brought to live like beasts.
8 U B S G &C
Taei iBEB !i pubßfi/, „ vl n* o **
ing h (ftlowiog rate.: - ?* 1 4.
0s T*R, (in advance,) Ex
" " !it net piiil within tit n0t.)... .h
" " (if not pxid within the year,)... s3.t
All papers out* i die <tf the county ditcontinoed
wi'hou' notice, at he esp-ralioc of 'he time tor
which Ihe tubscription kae been paid.
Kins'eeopieiof the paper fami* bed, ia wrapper*,
he five !? each.
Ccremaoicatione or, robjccte of local or general
are rerpoetfully solicited. To cneurn at
t-cnii.n Ihvors of this kind must invariably be
accompanied by the name of the author, sot for
publication, but M a guaranty against imposition.
AH letters pertaining to business of the office
thould be addressed to
JOHN LUTZ, Benroan.Pa.
How few of the young men uow-a days,
who arc seeking wives, care to inquire
whether the women they propose to marry
ever adorn tbeir fingers with thimbles, goto
market, or are of that rare class amongst
the women of this age and generation,
''good housewives?" Anna Dickinson bit
the nail on the head in her last lecture—" A
Struggle for Life"—when she asserted thai
nine-tenths of the helplessness, distress and
shame of women could be properly traced to
uawi-e tendencies of parents, who labored
to teaeb their daughters everything but that
. which, in an emergency or iu married life,
could be made practically useful to them.
Young men are as frequently to blame as
foolish fathers and mothers They look for
biilliaut, not useful women ; forgetting the
fact that what are termed "brilliaut accom
plishment!" are those which are soonest
forgotten by their possessors, and which, in
domestic lile, generally carry with them the
fewest nod shallowest of real enjoyments.
The p rformance of a difficult passage on
the piano, or the faultless execution of a
graceful movement in the dance, are well
enough in their way, hut they are wretched
compensations for sour or heavy bread,
badly-cooked steaks, sloppy coffee, slovenly
dresses and untidy chitnbers. It does not
of course necessarily follow that a brilliant
woman is a poor housewife. Far from it.
j We have known those who excelled alike
upen the piano and gridiron; who plied the
broom as gracefully as they twirled the tiny
sunshade; who were as neat and cleanly in
their hours of domestic leisure and employ
ment as when entertaining company in the
parlor or promenading Chesinut street; but
these were the exceptions, not the rule.
Such women are rare birds—met with once
in awhile, and once in awhile only. Moth
ers and fathers, we want more of them—
more good housewives. "Have your daugh
ters taught music, and drawing, and French,
and dancing, but for theirs, your own, and
the sake of the men they may marry, do not
forget to acquaint them with the fact that
there is connected with their homes such a
department as the kitchen, and that the
| crowning accomplishments of all is to be
| perfectly familiar, not merely with tne local
i ity of this important adjunct to every house
j held, but with the theory and practice of
its operations. Send '.hem to market, and
teach them to be able to discriminate be
tween a beef steak and a veal cutlet, and to
know tbe difference between a turnip and a
head of cabbage—teach them the coveted
art and mistery of good bread baking, pa
latable coffee making, and the thousand and
one other little items of culinary knowledge
and practice that go to make up the "good
housewife." And young men, you who are
on the hunt for partners in life, be advised
and in making your selection, have a sharp
eye to those domestic qualifications to which
< the o'd Frenchman's ward gave such de
cided preference.— Philadelphia Evening
The Minneapolis (Minnesota) Tribune
tells the following good one : An amusing
incident, too good to be lost, occurred at the
Nicollet, a day or two since. A verdant
couple from the vicinity of Winona, who
had never traveled outside of the limits of
their little native town, fell in love, were
married, and on their bridal tour visited
Minneapolis. Arriving on the evening
train, the turtle doves took rooms at the
Nicollet. Before making bis-tcilet the next
morning, the young husband's eye rested
upon the "rules and regulations" tacked
Upon the door, and for tbe purpose of post
ing him ids in fhe requirements of hotel
life, he proceeded to read them. Judge of
his surprise, when after careful study, he
learned that "Washing in rooms is prohibit
ed, except permission is obtained at tbe of
The young man looked about him. Upon
the opposite sid i of the room were wash
bowl, pitcher, tow'es, and all the necessaries
for performing the usual morning ablutions,
but before his face and eyes was the njif
"prohibiting washing in rooom!" What
was to be done ? Bride and groom were at
a loss to know.
They certainly could not think of going
to breakfast without "washing," and it was
rather inconvenient to go to the river for
that purpose.
[ As he reflected upon the awkwardness of
the situation, the young man became im
pressed with the idea that something must
be done, and remembering the solemn
promise made to the Justice of the Peace
who, for the trifling sum of seventy-five
cents, united them in the holy bonds of
matrimony the day previous, he determined
to rise up in his strength and represent the
casein proper terms "at the office." He
did so. Approaching the desk, he beckoned
to the clerk. "Look 'a here f" said he "that
'ere katrd that's stuck on the door says that
nobody can't wash into the room 'less you
Tet 'em. Now, couldn't you let me and
Jane Ann wash our faces and hands there
this mornin'? There's wash things and
towels right in the room, and I wish you
would let us use them 1 I'd be much obliged
to you if you would." The clerk kindly
gave his consent, and the unsophisticated
couple were made happy.
every opportunity of improving your mind.
2. Be careful as to who are your compan
3. To whatever occupation you may be
called as a means of obtaining a livelihood,
determine to understand it well and work
heartily at it.
4. Accustom yourself to act kindly and
courteously to every one.
5. Carefully avoid all extravagant habits.
6. Determine to possess a character for
7. Cultivate a strict regard for truth.
8. If your parents are living, do your
utmost to promote their happiness and com
9. Ileceollcct your progress in life must
depend upon your exertions.
10 Be a respector of religion, and do un
to others as you would they should do unto
11. Be temperate in all things.
12. Avoid all abscence conversation.
13. Be especially regardfull of tbe sab
bath, and on no account desecrate it.
14. Make yourself useful.
Quoquinnapssakesasansgnog is the big
name to a small stream in Mount- \ ernon,
N. 11. The inventor is dead.