Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, December 17, 1869, Image 1

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All advertisements for lees than 3 months 10
cent? per line for each insertion. Specie 1 notices
one-half additional. All resolutions of Associa
tions, communications of a limited or individal
in -crest and notices of marriages and deaths, ex
ceeding fire lines, 10 eta. per line. All legal noti
ces of every kind, and all Orphans' Court and
other Judicial sales, are reqnired by law to be pub
lished in both papers. Editorial Notices 15 cents
per 1 inn. A ll Advertising due after tint insertion.
A liberal discount made to yearly advertisers.
3 monts. 8 months. 1 year
One square - $ 4.50 $ 8.00 SIO.OO
Twe squares 8.00 9.00 16.00
Three squares 8.00 12.00 20.00
fine-fourth column 14.00 30.00 35.00
Half column 13.00 25.00 45.00
One cola .... TIO.OO 45.00 80.00
SZWSCAFEF. LAWS. —We would cell the special
attention at Post Masters and subscribers to the
IsgiriKEit to the following synopsis of the News
paper laws:
1. A Postmaster is required to give notice by
teller, (returning a paper does not answer the law i
when a subscriber docs not take his paper out of
the offflfe, and state the reason* tor its not neing
taken; and a neglect to do so makes the Postmas
ter rtpsoneible to the publishers for the payment.
2. Any person who takes a paper from the Post
office, whether directed to his name or another, or
whether he hot subscribed or not is responsible
for the pay.
3. If a person orders his paper discontinued, he
must pay all arrearages, or the publisher may
continue to aeud it until payment is made, and
olloct the whole amount, tcketker it be taken fr tm
fke office or not. There can be no legal disoontin
uence until the payment is made.
4. If the subscriber orders his paper to be
stopped at a certain time, and the publisher con
tinues to send, the subscriber is bound to pay for
it, if ke takee it o*t of the Poet Office. The law
proceeds upon the ground that a man must pay
for what he uses.
5. The courts hare decided that refusing to take
newspapers and periodicals from the Post office,
or removing and having them uncalled for, is
prima facia evidence of intentional fraud.
grotassicnal & (£sv&s.
All business entrusted to his core will receive
prompt and careful attention. Offioe three doors
South of the Conrt House, lately occupied by J.
W. Diekerson. nov2B
Have formed a partnership in the practice of
the Law, in new briek building near the I.ntheran
Church. [April 1, 1869-tf
]yj A. POINTS,
respectfully tenders his professional services
to the public. Office in the Ivqcj Rslluild ing,
(second floor.)
promptly made. [April, 1'69-tf.
Will faithfhlly and promptly attend to all busi
ness entrusted to bis care in "Bedford and adjoin
r.g counties. Military claims, Pensions, back
pay. Bounty, Ac. speedily collected. Office with
Mann A Spang, on Juliana street, 2 doors south
fthe Mengel House. apl 1, 1869.—tf.
BEaroBD, PA.,
Will attend promptly to all business intrusted to
hi- care. Collections made on the shortest no
He n, also, a regularly licensed Claim Agent
ss i w 11. give special attention to the prosecution
'aii.f against the Government for Pensions,
Hack I ay, Bounty, Bounty Lands, Ac.
Office on Juliana street, one door South of the
:■ ■.airer office, and nearly opposite the 'Mengel
House" April 1. 186U:tf
Bedford, Pa.,
Will "attend promptly and faithfully to all busi
ness entrusted to their care. Special attention
given to collections and the prosecution of claims
for Back Pay, Bounty, Pensions, Ac.
on Juliana street, south of the Court
House. Apri 1:69:1yr.
Will practice in the Courts of Bedford and ad
jt ining counties. All business entrusted to their
c .re will receive careful and prompt attention.
1 en-ions, Bounty, Back Pay, Ac., speedily col
lected from tha Government.
Office on Juliana street, opposite tbe banking
bi use of Reed A Schell. Bedford. Pa. Apr l;69:tf
Respectfully senders his professional ser
vices to the citixens of Bedford and vicinity.
Office an i residence on Pitt Street, in the building
formerly occupied by Dr. J. H. Hofius. [ Ap'l 1,69.
Will attend to all business entrusted into Lis hands
with promptness and despatch. Will remit mon
ey by draft to any part of the country. ITsely
He keeps on hand a stock of fine Gold and Sil
ver Watches, Spectacles of Brilliant Double Refin
ed Glasses, also Scotch Pebble Olasses. Goid
Watch Chains, Breast Pins, Finger Rings, best
ualitvof Gold Pens. He will supply to order
any thing in his line not on hand. [*pr.2S,'6s.
On Pitt street one door east of Geo. R. Oster
d Co.*s Store, Bedford, Pa., is now prepared
' -ell by wholesale all kinds of CIGARS. AH
: ders promptly filled. Persor.s desiring anything
in his line will do well to give him a call.
Bedford April 1. '69„
Office at the old stand in
All operations pertaining to
S n-gical and Mechanical Dentistry
performed with care and
Antithetic* administered, ichrn deeired. Ar-
Inl teeth inserted at, per eet, 98.00 and up.
As I am deteirained to do a CASH BUSINESS
r none, I have reduee<l tbe prices for Artificial
l -th of the various kiads. 20 per cent., and of
l " i t 'liings S3 per cent. This reduction will be
: ale only to strictly Cash Patients, and all such
* -receive prompt attention. 7feb6S
- r his large and commodious house, having been
rc taken by the subscriber, is new open for the re
ception of visitors and boarders. The rooms are
rgo, well ventilated, and comfortably furnished.
Itc table will always be supplied with the beet
ell arket can afford. Tbe Bar is stocked with
' '-e choicest liquors. In short, it is my purpose
keep a lIKSI CLASS HOTEL. Thanking
the public for past favors, I respectfully solicit a
renewal of ther patronage.
X. B. Hacks will run constantly between the
Hotel and the Springs.
mayl7,'69:ly WM. DIBERT, Prop'r.
This old establishment having been leased by
MORRrSON, formerly proprietor of tbe Mor
rison House, has beeD entirely renovated and re
' ■ nr.shed and supplied with aU the modern im
provements and conveniences necessary to a first
tiass Hotel.
The dining room has been removed to the first
r and is now spacious and airy, and the eham
■ ■ ■ - are all well ventilated, and the proprietor
endeavor to make his guests perfectly at
borne. Address, J. MORRISON,
oolytf Huntingdon, Pa. TB BOARDING.
\ . b. TATE has enlarged her residence on
nana street for the purpose of taking boarders
teekly or yearly. 3dec4t
JOHN LsUTZs Editor and Proprietor.
Oar facilities for doing all kinds of Job Printing
are equalled by very few establishments in the
country. Orders by mefl promptly Slled. All
letter* should be addreeeed to
ftjifcoral anft (Renrial jjlrtospaprr, BcbotctJ to s>olitirs, (Sbucation, Uttrraturr anti Jttorals.
THE Legislature of Vermont lias enacted
a law which makes liquor dealers responsible
| for any damago accruing to either persons
or property through the conduct of tbore to
whom they sell liquor.
HILPEBRAND, the Missouri outlaw, has
written a letter in which he says: "God has
tarried away the bullet aimed at my life, and
I put my trust in Him, and believe the bal
ance of my days will be spent more happily."
GEO. C. SCDAFFEB, of St Louis, wants a
divorce from his wife because she lets the
cat cat his supper. His wife is equally anx
ious for the divorce because he sleeps with
his back to her.
GARIBALDI, though suffering severely
from rheumatism, will make an effort to at
tend the Council of Free Thinkers at Na
ples, on Pecerpber 8, and will probably ven
tilate some of his peculiar opinions on eccle
siastical despotism and kindred subjects.
A Wisconsin paper giyes an account of
the capture in northern Montana of "an an
imal of a species wholly unknown to natur
alists, which is claimed by some to be a relic
of the mastodon." This marvelous crea
ture is only two years old, but stands seven
feet high.
MRS. MKBCY BRYANT, of Freedom, Ohio, !
who died last week at the age of 93, has
kept a suit of grave clothes ready for more
than fifty yrs. Among the articles was a
pair of Gne white cotton stockings, which
she knit for*funeral stockings before her
marriage, more than seventy years ago.
THE Duke of Genoa's family have con
tradicted the assertions of the Madrid jour- I
nals that the young I'rince, if elected, will
accept the Spanish crown. The Duke's
mother and the father-in law are, and al
ways have been, strongly opposed to his ac
ceptance of the crown, and the Duke him
self has expressed his Grin determination j
"not to accept the crown of Spain either
now or at any other time."
THE wheat growers of California comp'ain
bitterly of the want of sufficient vessels to
export their produce. There are now 10,-
000 tuns of wheat in store on the banks of
the Tuolumne River in Stanislaus County,
and more than 5,000 tuns in Napa county,
awaiting shipment. The farmers who re
fused in the early part of the season to ac
cept $2 a bushel for their wheat, would now
be glad of an offer of $1,50 per bushel.
THE Central Pacific Railroad has a notice
posted in its station at Sacramento warning
its patrons that where passenger tickets and
freight charges are payable in currency, gold
will not be received, at any figure. The
steady decline of the premium on gold seems
to have had the natural effect of enhancing
the value of breenbacks in the eyes of the
company, and of inducing them to prefer
receiving their pay in currency, which is
relatively increasing in value.
petition has been forwarded to Congress by
the ladies of Maryland: "To the Honora
ble the Congress of the United States:
We, women of the State of Maryland, in
the name of civil and religious liberty and
Christian charity, respectfully petition that
jour honorable body do accord to strug
gling, suffering Cuba (he right of a belliger
ent power, and at once recognize the inde
pendence of her long oppressed people from
tHe tyranny of a foreign yoke, which inde
pendence they have for more than a year
maintained, unaided, by the triumph of
their arms."
TBCRLOV WEED tells the following story
about himself: "During the late war, after
the evacuation of Yorktown by Gen. Mc-
Clcllan, I entered a car on a Philadelphia
train, and sat by a gentleman who wore a
military cap, but showed no other sign of
military rank. We got into a discussion of
McClellan's campaign on the Peninsula.
He defended him mildly, and I answered
with a scorching ex position of his incapacity
and blunders, demonstrating them fully.
When we reached Trenton, a ycong officer
came up aod saluted my companion very
deferentially, and, on inquiry, I discovered
that I had been talking to UcClellan him
self. I think he felt, however, that I was
right in what 1 had said, by the feeble way
in which he answered my criticisms."
boats of the American Coal Company, as
well as those of other parties engaged in the
canal trade, stopped loading at Cumberland
on Saturday for the winter. The water in
the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal was let off
on Saturday the 4th iost., but enough will
be allowed to remain in the Alexandria canal
during the entire winter to afford excellent
skating and a good crop of ice, should the
weather be cold enough to freeze it. Tbe
work of building coal boats for the Ameri
can Coal Company will be prosecuted with
vigor at Cumberland during tbe suspension
of navigation, only four of thirty contracted
for having as yet been completed. A boat
arrived at Georgetown a few days ago com
manded by a female captain, who exhibited
a good deal ot tact in soliciting back freight.
"Loeky" Ostrom, a singular woman and for
seventy-eight years a resident of Pough
keepsie, N. Y., died at ten o'clock last
Thursday evening. For years she never
j entered a church. In her early days her
parents refused to give ter hand in marriage
to an humble suitor, and since that time
"Locky" has wandered about the city alone,
all of her blood relations hereabouts being
dead. Her brother, Hendrix Ostrom, is
said to have died of starvation, leaving a
snug sum of money behind, $3,000 of which
fell into "Locky's" hands. From that time
forth she seemed to inherit the disposition
of her brother, and became miserly in all
her actions, working very hard and saving
every cent of money paid her, and eating
her food at other people's tables. A few
days ago she took cold, which resulted in
fever and death. As her end drew nigh she
was asked if she wished to settle any busi
ness matters, but she replied in the nega
tive, and died leaving $25,000 behind with
out a will. It is reported on the streets,
that many whose houses "Locky" visited
in her lifetime will make out heavy bills
against the estate, ard that it is possible
near!}' all of the $25,000 will be used up to
satisfy such demands. The property is now
in the possession of Mr. John P. H. Tall
man, a lawyer of this city.—A 7 ". Y. Paper.
There is many a rest in the road of life,
If we would only stop to take it;
j j And many a tone from a better land.
If the querulous heart would make it!
' jSo the soul that is full of hope,
And whose beautiful trust ne'er faileth,
} The grass is green and the flowers are bright,
Though the winter storm prevaileth.
Better to hope, though the clouds hang low,
| And to keep the eyes still lifted ;
For the sweet blue sky will soon peep through,
] When the ominous clouds are rifled !
There never was a night without a day,
t jOr an evening without a morning ;
- | And the darkest hour, as the poverb goes,
| Is the hour before the dawning.
i There is many a gem in the-puth oflife.
Whiob we pass in our idle pleasure,
That is richer far than the jeweled crown,
Or the miser's hoard of treasure ;
| It may be the love of a little child,
' Or a mother's prayer to Heaven,
; Or only a beggar's grateful thanks
For a cup of water given.
, Better to weave in the web of life
A Lriglit and golden filling,
And to do God's will with a ready heart,
And hands that are ready and willing;
■ Than to snap the delicate, minute threads
Of our curious lives asunder,"
1 And then blame heaven for The tangled ends,
And sit and grieve and wonder.
0 for one hour of such euchanted light,
As made a fairer daytime in the shy,
When on the willow bank we sat that night,
My old time love and I!
Awhile we talked so low and tenderly,
We felt the listening trees above to lean ;
j And loader far the silence seemed to me
That felt at last between.
Her heart lay floating on its quiet thoughts,
Like water-lilies on a tranquil lake ;
j And Love within, unknown, because unsought,
| Lay dreaming half awake.
Ah, Love is lightest sleeper ever knowr.!
A whisper, and he started plain to view;
■ Old as the heavens seemed our story grown,
While yet the moou was new.
And when she'spoke, her answer seemed the
Sweeter for sweetnsss of the lips that told, t
Setting a precious word within a smile—
! A diamond ringed with gold.
I _ 1
j Then bloomed for us a perfect century-flower:
i Then filled the cup and overran the brim ;
I And all the stare -processional, that hour
; Chanted a bridal bjmn.
Ah. Time, all after days may fly away,
j Such joy as that thou hast but once to give,
; And Love is royal from his crowning day,
Though kingdomless he live.
THE COAL til;ESTlo.\.
The free trade press, East and West, tak
ing recent events in the anthracite coal re-
I gions for a text, are making a wholesale
assault upon the coal and iron interest of
i the country, ia the bope'that by mere force
of clamor they may influence Congress to
some legislation upon the tariff, early
in the coming session. My attention has
been called to an article in the Chicogo Tri
bune which contains the current misrepre
sentations of the subject, and so clearly re
veals the animus of its party that I propose,
with your permission, to answer it, extract
ing its material points as follows:
"The advauce in the wholesale price of
coal from #3.50 to SB.OO per ton has brought
I home to the country the knowledge that
protection may amount to monopoly."
Antracite coal is the only coal that has
materially advanced in price, and the duty
upon it is only foity cents a ton. This duty,
imposed by the act of June 30, 1864, has
made no trouble for five years past. Will
the Chicago Trifsune be kind enough to ex
plain to its readers how this protection of
forty cents per ton "amounts to a mono
poly," and why after sleeping for five years,
it is suddenly awakened and become to pow
erful as to raise the price of anthracite coal
four dollars and a ha'f a ton ?
The repeal of this duty would not affect
the price, for instead of beiug "found in
Nova Scotia in unlimited quantities," as
the Tribune asserts, no anthracite coal is
found there, very little is found elsewhere,
and, as may be seen by the commercial re
ports, none whatever is brought into the
"The coal interest of Pennsylvania have
combined with the iron interest, wheroby a
duty of $9.00 per ton is placed on pig iron,
and of $1.25 on this coal. The result is
that the whole manufacturing interests out
side of Pennsylvania, especially the iron
establishments, have to submit to the tax of
$1.75 on Ue coal they obtain from Nova
Scotia, or pay the same tax to the coal com
panics of Pennsylvania."
1 do not- see why in this statement the
duty jumps so suddenly from $1.25 to $1.75,
and it is, to say the least a sinister blunder
of the types which I have seen repeated
elsewhere. The duly on bituminous coal is
$1.25 as stated, or say $1.40 on the long
ton, and honest inquiry as to how it affects
the coal market must be profitable. It was
imposed by the act of 1804 to compensate
for the difiercnce and cost of labor, &c.,
here and abroad, and up to this time no
evils can be imputed to it. Assuming that
it keeps some coal out of the country, it is
worth while to ask what amount its repeal
would let in, and if, as the Tribune alleges,
there is an "unlimited Quantity, J ' or any
considerable quantity, waiting to come.
The agitation for repeal of duty is in the
interest cf Nova Ceotia coal and an in
creased supply is promised. Front the best
data I can obtain, the annual production of
coal in Nova Scotia has not attained to five
hundred thousand tons, which docs not
amount to twenty-five per cent, of the an
nual increased consumption of Ameiican
coal. Reliance upon Nova Scotia for more
than an inconsiderable part of cur supply
would raise the price of Nova Scotia coa!
much more than the duty of $1.25 now paid,
and tie least discouragement of domestic
production would be as effective in enhanc
ing the cost as a doubling of the duty.
Taking the Tribune's statement for veri- j
ty, it muil appear that repeal of the duty
would be but a slight encouragement to
importation compared with the alleged in
crease in price of coal from $3.50 to SB.OO
per to >. If it could come at all at $3.50
per ton, and the payment of the duty ltfl a j
profit, why should not an unlimited quanti
come in at SB.OO
Why do not the free-traders rely upon
this immense profit to stimulate importation
of an "unlimited quantity" for the supply
of our market, instead of clamoring for a
repeal of the duty which, upon their own
showing, is trivial?
-J'bis gap in their logic indicates a sup
pression of material facts. The scarcity is
I in anthracite coal, the duty complained of
is upon bituminous. There is no anthracite
coal in Nova Scotia, or anywhere else, to
come, and neither Nova Scotia nor Ameri-.
eaa bituminous coal can take its place. The
trouble in the anthracite regions slightly
•utgeased 4 the consumption of bituminous
coal, but the extra demand soon slackened,
and the price was not mateiially affected
by if.
Repeal of the duty on bituminous coal
won'd not reduce the price of anthracite
coal to aDy appreciable extent; the produ
cer y of the former- are in no fault—if the
tarifrts any protection they are just as de
serving of it now as they ever were, and the
outcry against them is merely an effort by
interested parties to excite such a prejudice
as may result in a blind raid upon the pro
ductive interest of the country.
The resources of the United States for a
supply of bituminous coal, under all circum
stances, are practically unlimited, and the
duty bas been and still is beneficial as a
means of saving our market from becoming
a reservoir for surplus foreign stock, and
thus steadying it, and of extending the area
of douestic production. The assertion that
the duty has been a tax upon the consumer
is false, for it is but the equivalent of less
than one hundred miles of transportation,
beyond which distance from the searboard
Nova Scotia coal, if free of duty, would
neve? penetrate. The duty has helped to
make and operate a good many miles of
railroad from which the country has derived
large incidental improvement, and, if cut
off, the development of the coal fields of
Middle Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio,
Indiana, lowa and the Southern States, in
which great activity now prevails, might be
arrested. Owing to the doty, a considera
ble part of the domestic supply meets the
foreign upon equal terms upon the Atlantic
seaboard, but the duty being removed, it
would be in equilibrium a hundred miles
inland, and must go forward at a loss. In
consequence, the seaboard cities would re
ceive a less domestic supply, and in the end
they might find Nova Scotia coal freeof du
ty costing them more than it docs now.
The anthracite coal field of this country,
and I may bay of the world, is limited in
extent, and combinations for the control of
its products are practicable. Owing to a
variety of causes, the interest has been
gradually consolidated in comparitively few
owners with large capitals, combined with
the control of lines of transportation, and
the result is a creation of a virtual monopoly
which for the first time in the history of the
country has.thown capacity for serious mis
chief. The iron makers who are consumers
ol anthracite coal are the worst sufferers
froui its high price and short supply, yet
they are so violently assailed and threatened
by the Chicego editor as if they wcreco con
spirators, and for added matter of aggrava
tion he elaborately misrepresents the iron
question, in such fashion as to deserve a re
ply, which I hope to make hereafter.
The attack upon the bituminous coal in
terest is wholly gratuitous, and must be at
tributed to ignorance the most dense, or
reckless malevolence. I am not defending
the Anthracite Coal Combination. All
combinations for speculative purposes aro to
be deprecated, but, to my mind, those for
enhancing the cost of the food of the peo
pie are worst of all. The coal miners and
operators are doing now, for the first time,
what Chicago speculators in meat and bread
stuff are doing constantly! and the duly on
coal may as justly be charged with the one
abuse a- with the other. The operators
were in the coal combination at the start,
but the men took it up and carried it out
for their own benefit, for the purpose, dis
tinctly avowed, of making an increase of
wages. I think strikes are generally a mis
take, and often disastrous, and this one, so
far as the interest of the miners are con
cerned, may be no exception; yet it docs
seem somewhat ungenerous that there
should be such general outcry against the
workingmcD, who are exposed daily to such
horrible risks as that disaster at the Avon
dale mine, reported as I write, which is
supposed to have cost the lives of more than
two hundred men, and involves present and
prospective agonies of body and mind, of
which the consumer of anthracite coal, sit
ting comfortably by his pleasant fire, can
form no conception whatever.— From the
Pittsburgh Commercial
In every clime under the sun flirtations
have been indulged in from time immemo
rial, but perbaj s in no age more extensively
than our own. Can any one recall a seaside
recollection, a ball or paity reminiscence, the
memory of a day's blithe and careless ex
cursion, or, indeed, any pleasure or a like
character, in which those of opposite sexes
participated, unmarked by one or more fiir
It is somewhat remarkab'e that cveu th;
mos't desperate flirts will rarely acknowledge
th mse'ves guilty of flirting. They denom
im his species of amusement under vari
ous names, as though the name, and not tbe
thiug itself, oppressed the conscience. The
only two classes, however, into which "flir
tations" can be divided, are innocent and
wicked. What an innocent flirtation may
be, we leave for tbose who understand it to
defiee. The author of a book of essays,
called "The Gentle Life," mildly defines a
wicked flirtation as "the exercise of our
powers of fascination and of pleasing, with
tbe express purpose of conveying to the
mind of a person of the opposite sex the as
surance that his Or her society is particular
ly agreeable to ÜB. There ore a thousand
ways of doing this, and every way is wrong.
A word, a squeeze of the hand, a gesture of
admiration, or, at times, one of impatience;
will equalfy serve, and will send back tbe
blood to the heart of a silly girl with a flut
ter of impatient and tumultuous joy. Both
sexes arc equally to blame; for this kind of
flirtation is a species of lying, and one can
lie with the eye or tfce band as well as with
the tongue."
We tbiuk it was Buiwer who said in one
of his early novels, that "conscience is the
moct elastic material in the world. To-day
you cannot stre'eh it over a mole-bill, to
morrow it hides a moun'ain." The first
trifling with a human heart occasions re
morse—but when what was once the pastime
of an hour becomes the pastime of a life, the
conscience is cheated into the belief that
flirtations arc harmless, and unworthy of the
denunciations of even those who suffer.
Many a maiden, laughing away regret,
leads her adorer further and further into
the domain of I/jve's rapturous kingdom,
weaving around him the toft network of her
enchantment, until, poor fool, he breathes
a lotus-laden atmosphere; is deaf to all
sounds save the low, sweet song of the sy
ren, and his very soul d:unk with the in
toxication of the melody. He dreams the
ecstatic dream of reciprocated affection, and
wakes to find himself excluded from the
kingdom, deserted for a new admirer, the
song which so enraptured him sunk to an
other listener, and something gone from his
life that, were he to live a thousand years
will never come back to it.
Shut out from his earthly paradise, per
chance he seeks to drown his bitter disap
pointment in the excitement of perilous ad
venture ; finally, it may be, having lost faith
in woman's truth, changing into that thing,
a male flirt; whose business in life it is, per
haps without a single written of spoken vow
of love, simply by thoso delicate attentions
that cost so little but mean so much, to win
the fresh, pure, trusting heart of a girl— to
toy with it as with a token—and finally to
throw it back upon itself as something too
poor to keep; teaching her, as he has been
taught, that "there are other songs without
words besides those of Mendelssohn's" and
when her every sense is wrapt in the soft
"That gentlier on the spirit lies,
Than tired-eyelids upon tired eyes."
Suddenly stopping the soul satisfying
strains, and leaving her to carry about with
her a heart that will feel an aching void until
the airs of heaven sweep ovci her weary
spirit, and, awakening answering chords,
make of her everlasting existence a harmo
ny. Willis sang:
"Give me a sly flirtation,
'Neath the light of a chandelier,
With music to fill up the pauses,
And nobody very near." _
And well known is it that the atmosphere of
parties, sided by the seductive accompani
ments of music, the feverish dance, the bril
liant tuillettes, the generous wines, the
sparkle and mingled wit, wisdom, and folly
of conversation, and above all, the conspic
uous display of beauty in woman, and grace
in man, quickens into active life this fascina
ting source of pleasure.
Nightly, words which, if'honestly spoken
to hearts that listen because they love to
hear, would make life sweeter to two souls,
words and vows oflove emptier than air are
listened to with kindling eye, and panting
bosom, and burning blushes; and low-voic
ed protestations, that seem to bear the very
soul of truth, but "false as Crcssids," thrill
many a manly heart whose awakened love is
worse than useless.
If these "wicked flirtations" were confin
ed to those who arc in maiden meditation
fancy tree, and those who rejoice in bachelor
freedom, the unhappiness resulting there
from might be of less consequence ; but the
most careless observer cannot fail to notice
that flirtations arc as much, if, indeed, not
more indulged by tbose who, at the altar,
once promised to love, chetish, and cling to
one only through life.
By those who thus belittle their true
manhood aod womanhood, in a little while
it comes to be considered
"A glorious prowess, in sooth, with a word
To wpund the trusting and tame the proud,
E'en as a leaf by a breath is stirred,
A spray by a dew-drop bowed.
And so the battle goes bravely through,
i {And hearts get hardened as tongues flow
And swells the blazon, 'I conquer you,
Lest you should conquer me.'
Fight on, brave souls, 'tis a merry game,
Play on rosy lips, 'tis a merry game,
Tourney for tourney, and life for life,
Weapons and lists the same.
Since language was framed but to hide tbe
(Moral as deep as the proverb old,)
Since daily the delicate miracles wrought,
Hourly the legend told;
You'll surely own it an idle creed.
Frivolous, gallant, and fatherless maid,
That forbid, the victim to suffer and bleed,
For one vain hour's parade.
You'll surely deny, by the evident token
Of trophy on trophy won day by day,
That hearts may be broken, by light words
Only for something to say.
The power of habit cannot be estimated.
It exeits its influence in physical, mental,
and spiritual matters. Every man is more
or less liable to its abuses, and open to its
benefits. Habit is a wise provision of a
kind Providence, but this blessing, like ev
ery other, can le abused. Of course, evil
habits are evil, and that continually, but
even good habits sometimes become an evil.
For example, no babit, perhaps, can be bet
ter t han the habit of calling on God in pray
er; and yet this habit grows so strong
that the man can engage in prayer with
thoughtless indifference, it is to be depre
cated. That the habit does sometimes be
ocme so strong, is evident in every Chris
tian congregation and in every praying fam
It i=, however, of the advantages, and not
of the evils, of religious habits that we pro
pose to speak. One of these advantages is
in giving greater ease in the discharge of
religions duties. When a child takes his
first lessons in penmanship, writing is a
a slow .and wearisome operation. Every
letter is painfuily traced, and a line or two
is the work of an hoar; but when the habit
of writing is acquired, the hand moves ensi
ly and rnpidly. So far as mechanical exe
cution is concerned, pages can be written
almost without thought. So it is in reli
gious matters. Every Christian who is ac
customed to lead in family or in private
prayer will tell you what a difficult thing it
was to do at first. He will tell you how his
heart failed and his body trembled, and that
failure often attended his efforts. But by
long practice, the habit was at last formed,
and the duty became easy. What was once
a positive pain and dread is now a pleasure.
This ease in the discharge of this duty was
reached through the power of habit. And
so it is with nearly all religious duties. They
are hard at first, but frequent repetition
will make them easy. All Christians de
sire to be able to discharge their duties with
ease and pleasure; but the diffident think
that this can never b accomplished. It is
true, there is no royal door which money,
or family, or learning will open; but there is
VOL,. 42: SO 47.
a common road, over which the rich and
| the poor, the learned and the unlearned,
must alike travel, and that is the road of
habit. If the members of the Church
; would take half the pains to acquire the
habit of leading in public prayer that they
took to acquire che habit of writing, there
would not be a Single one of their number
who could not, when ocearion offered, lead
the devotions of his fellows.
Another advantage of religious habit is,
that it makes our duties more profitable to
ourselves. This point also can be Illustra
ted by a reference to a well-known fact.
ben a child is learning to read, and is com
polled to spell out the words, be will not
obtain much benefit from the sentiments in
the book before bim. But when, front long
habit, he can read with fluency, the printed
page speaks eloquently and profitably to his
soul. It may arouse his patriotism, or
awaken bis piety, or call forth the noblest
aspirations of his being. So, habit makes
our religious duties more profitable than they
Otherwise would be. "W hen we first sat at
the communion table, we were so taken up
with the strangeness of our surroundings,
that wc could not keep our thoughts fixed
on God. And if our mimis are not fixed on
the proper subjects of thought, the sacra
ment of the Lord's Supper will be of little
or no profit. But when, from very long
habit, we become familiar with the exercises
of communion season, our attention will not
be so much distracted, and wc can engage
in these exercises with continually increas
ing profit.
Another advantage of religious habit is,
that it enables us to make more rapid pro.
gress in the divine life. When our duties
are performed with ease and profit, we has
ten on from duty to duty. We wonder at
the labor we perform, and at the progress
we make. Every dsr we make sensible ad
vances in grace, and every night the prize
of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus
appears to be nearer.— United Presbyterian.
I know it is sad to be young, fresh and
attractive, aid in a few years to be old, fa
ded and forlorn, with a weight of care never
lifted from the aching shoulders, and the
duties of six pressing upon a feeble pair of
hands. It is sad to see, inexpressibly more
sad must it be to experience. I recall a
dozen at least of these hopeless women,
whom I once knew as fresh young girls; and
yet I think of the husband of each one of
these hastening home from his desk, and
the long columns of vexatious figures, to take
the ailing, fretful child from the weary wife
and mother.
Sometimes the fading of a woman is un
avoidable. Poverty is bard to tear, but,
after all, much is the result of placing our
standard in dress, in living beyond cur
means, so much that I have sometimes
thought the fixed classes in the unalterable
costumes, really blessed. O, sister, when
wiil you learn that a simple dress of inex
pensive material, neatly fitted, home sur
roundings suited to your means—which your
neighbors know as well as yourself—will do
more to win admiration and respect, to say
nothing of comfort and happiness, than the
silks, satins, velvets and laces in which you
appear simply out of character and ill at
ease? This striring after the unattainable
is killing our women; living in houses be
yond their means, poorly, if at all supplied
with servants ; buying the most expensive
materials, leaving no surplus money to pay
for the making of garments ; following the
constant change of fashion, and when some
one with merciful intent, provides a sewing
machine, filling the leisure time it should
have given to endless tucking, ruffling and
embroidery, till what was intended for a
blessing has become almost a curse. A wo
man should devote a reasonable amount of
both thought aod time to her personal ap
pearance. But we destroy our charms in
our efforts to enhance them. A little atten
tion to the blending of colors, to the style
prevailing, to the hang of a garment, as
women say, will do more to produce the de
sired effect than any amount of expensive
material and trimming alone.— Hearth and
A MYSTERY.— The Onondaga county (X.
Y.) giant, as the singular statue or petri
faction dug up at Cardiff is called, seems to
be still an enigma to scientific men. One
authority claims that it is made of gypsum,
and that from the known solubility of that
material it could not have lain in the wet
soil, where it was found, more than three
hundred and seventy days. Another expert
is sure that it is a petrifaction, basing his
opinion on the naturalness of the body, the
harmonious proportion of its parts and the
contorted position in which it lay. Stil!
another observer regards it as a wonderous
work of art, thus contradicting those who
pronounce it rough and clumsy. The di
verse judgments may be classed as follows:
First, it is the corpse of a giant; second, it
is the production of some sculptors of a re
mote Bge; third, it is an imposture, having
been buried by some speculators, who dis
interred it at the proper time to realize profit
from its sale or exhibition. Where there
is so much disagreement, we do not attempt
'o form a difinite conclusion. It is evident,
however, that the subject is one wbich de
serves careful and impartial investigation.
If it shall be finally • decided that it is a
petrified body, the fact is established that
there ooce lived upon this earth a human
being ten feet seven inches in bight, with
arms nearly five feet in length, measuring
thirty seven inches around the neck, and
proportionately large in other respects.
"As to being afflicted with the gout,"
said Mrs. - Partingdon, "high living don't
bring it on. It is incoherent in some fami
lies, and is handed down from father to son.
Mr. Hammer, the poor sonl, who has been
so long ill with it, disinherits it from his
wife's grandmother."
F FRIEND relates ibe following:—A mile
or two from town he met a boy on horseback
crying with cold.
"Why don't you get down and lead biro?
that is the way to keep warm."
"No," said the boy, "it's ab-b-borrowed
hoas; and I'll ride him if I freeze."
WE may be engaged in the work of the
Lord as well with a spade or a plough in
our hand as a Bible; on our knees ?crab
bing a floor, as on our knees in the attitude
of prayer.— Guthrie. \
AN old negro on the Peninsula forcibly
illustrated the rapidity of the rebel "tke
daddle" there. He said, "You could see the
lightning flash from thar boot hce'.s.
The Ivoviaia it published every BRIO AT mors
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Fiee trade in its unlimited seme, such
free trade as is preached by the most
vociferous of its advocates, means depend
ence upon foreign sources for everything
that can be produced cheaper abroad than
it can be made at home. It means death to
the mechanical and manufacturing interest
of the country, and the conversion of the en
terprising mechanics, who now add so much
to the industrial wealth of the nation, into
agriculturists. It means a glut in the
market of all agricultural product", and con
sequent low prices and discouragement to
tho.e engaged in agriculture. It means ex
posure to sudden deprivation of those nec
essaries of life for which we rely upon
foreign sources, at any time our foreign re
lations become disturbed, consequent and
large advance in their price, and distress re
sulting from a diminished supply.
Protection, on the contrary, does not im
ply prohibition, as its opponents, many of
them, unfairly claim. It only means the
ajuotroent of tariffs so that we can compete
with foreign producers iu all industries
which may, with moderate encouragement,
thrive here, and for which we possess equal
natural advantages with foreign competitors.
It means protection of labor against forced
competition with the cheap labor of Europe.
It means opportunity for those whose
natural genius leads them into other fields
of industry than agriculture, to develop that
genius aDd thus add to the mental wealth
of the country as well as its material re
sources" All cannot be successful farmers
or merchants, and any policy which tends
to eoufine the abilities cf men to any one
channel is a bad policy.
We hear a great deal about the distinc
tion between a revenue tariff and a protec
tive tariff, as though the e were or ought to be
considered separately; "we do not believe in
this distinction. We hold that the best
rerenue tariff will be on that protects the in
dustries of a commonwealth—the sources
from which all revenue must come, notwith
standing the sophistry by which it is at
tempted to disguise this important and
fundamental truth.
No more fatal error has ever found ad
herents in the political history of our
country than the doctrine of "free trade."
When mankind become one nation, one
brotherhood; when all produce equally, not
alone for self but for the good of the wLole:
when ignorance, and greed, and lust of
power no longer exist; when the millennium
has come, fiee trade will b the thiug,
meanwhile we seem to live in an epoch too
early for that blissful consummation.
The truth of the above proposition is
found not only in logical conclusions from
well established premises, but in the history
of the United States for the last half centu
ry. T1 e tariff of 1833 produced its legitimate
results in the ruin of 1837, and the country
recovered only under the protective tariff of
1812. Tho subsequent adoption of a free
trade policy in 1846 brought us to the very
verge of disaster in 1849, which was staved
off a few years by the gold production of
California. ButJßs7 brought the climax of
distress upon the country, and there are
many young men who can remember that
bitter lesson. To use the words of Henry C.
"Once again do we find the country
driven to protection, and the puplic credit
by its means so well established as to enable
the Treasury with little difficulty to obtwin
the means of carrying on a war whose
annual ccst was more than the total public
expenditure of half a century, including the
war with Great Britain in 1812. Thrice
thus, with tariffs of 1842 and 1860, has pro
tection redeemed the country from almost
ruin. Thrice thus, under the revenue
tariffs of 1817, 1834, and 1849, has it been
sunk so low that none could be found "so
poor as to do it reverence," Such having
been our experience through half a century)
it might have been supposed that the
question would be regarded now as settled,
yet do wo find among us men in office, and
out of office, secretaries and senators, owners
of ships and railroads, farmers and laborers,
denouncing the system under which, at
every period of its existence, and more
especially in that of the recent war, they
had so largely prospered—thereby proving
how accurate has been the description of
them by an eminent foreigner as "the
people who soonest forget yesterday."
These are well known and often asserted
facts, yet blind to their teachings, the
preachers of free trade are urging their
views upon the public, have enlisted in
their behalf even the services of eminent
divines and college professors, in order to
win by clap-trap a certain class who are led
by distinguished names and high sounding
titles. Such men, distinguished for their
want of financial ability almost as much as
for their great acquirements in letters and
theology, are the men who are to instruct
the country upon political economy.
None are more likely to be deceived by
their special pleading than farmers, and no
class would be uiore seriously injured by the
adoption of a free trade policy. Far re
moved from commercial centres, and not
conversant with the details of trade, it
seems difficult for them to comprehend how
cheap- ning iron and gotten goods should
not be beneficial to them. They 3o not see
Connection between the prices of manu
factured goods, aud the prices of their pro
duets, and the value of land. The best way
to convince them is to point them to the in
disputable faot that when such goods havo
hitherto advanced io price under the genial
influence of protection, their ability to pur
chase has always advanced in a greater ratio
from the consequent increase in the value
of farm products. We trust farmers will
not permit themselves to be deceived iu
this matter. Let them judge of the present
and the future by the past, which sheds a
clear unmistakable light upon this subject,
and in the history of which stand yoked
together, invariably, protection aud pros
perity, free trade and disaster.— Scientific
MB. J. HARRIS says in the Agriculturist
that he does not know how he could get
along without petroleum. He keeps the
wood work of his farm tools audrimpliments
saturated with it, to keep the sun, rain and
air from swelling and shrinking and rusting
IN Mc.Henry county, 111., there are eleven
cheese factories, which use the milk of about
3,400 cows, and the past snasou have made
about 1,000,000 pounds of cheese.