Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, December 10, 1869, Image 2

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    fiebfortr Inquirer.
, Kft FORD. PA., I'tilitAY, DEC. 10. 1860.
The action of the Cincinnati Board of
Kducation in excluding the Bible from the
public schools, and the attending discus
sions, have become matters of such impor
tance that as a faithful chronicler of passing
events we cannot pa=s them by. The action
of the Board is thus stated by the daily
Press :
"The Cincinnati Board of Education has
decided, by a vote of twenty-three to fifteen,
to exclude from the rublie schools not only
the Bible, bat abo all religious books, and
the singing of religious song* Of the votes
in favor ol excluding the Bible there were:
Protestants three: Catholics, teD ; free
thinkers eight."
This action at once raised a cry of alarm,
and roused a spirit of resistance. Protes
tants at once charged that it was not only
an attack upon the Bible but also upon our
American system of free schools. The
Catholics promptly and frankly acknowl
edged the charge and proceeded to defend
their action.
The Tahiti of New York City —the high
est secular authority of the hierarchy of
Rome in America, —says bluntly, that per
mitting the Bible to be excluded, will not
modify the antipathy of the church to our
mode of secular education. Not only is
the church opposed, it avers, to the Pro
testant Bible being used in the schools, hut
if that translation were supplanted by the
Pouay Bible, their hostility would not be
cooled. No. not if Catholic lessons from
the Popish Bible were chosen, and these
alone, with commentaries by the most
learned theologians of the Cathofic Church,
were made the only christian education in
our schools, the Cat ho ics would yet oppose
the continuance of the schools with a deter
mination which nothing but their total sup
pression could, or can, uoder any circum
stances, weaken or allay.
The Roman Catholic Telegraph, teroark
ing upon the succsscs gained in the Cincin
nati Board of Education, says:
"It was a blind worship of expediency to
sustain a sehonl system that tramples upon
tbe rights of Catholics. The blindness has
driven these defenders of the common
schools to a second def at, which, by a skill
ful manoeuvre, they imagined they had
escaped. Tbe first chapter in this school
controversev is now closed : it ends with the
triamph of the law. The second chapter
will open with agitation against the law it
self in the name of Justice and the right
that both l'rotestants and Catholics have to
positive religious instruction in seperate
schools. If the school law be modified to
secure denominational education for ad,
Catholics will cheerfully pay their portion
of the school fund. It' this wise amend
ment cannot be made, taxation for school
purposes must cease. Now that the Bible
has been excluded from the schools, if the
professed Protestants have been sincere in
all that they have Mid in it* favor they
must agree with the Catholics in the second
issue of this question. Consistency will
make them our friends in the future."
Tbe Freeman's Journal, their mouthpiece
io New York city, says:
"If the Catholic tran-iation of the Books
of Holy Writ, which is to he found ;n the
homes of all our better educated Catholics,
were to be dissected by the ablest Catholic
theologian in the land, and merely lessons to
be taken from it—such as Catholic mothers
read to their children ; and with all the
notes and comments, in the popular edition,
and others added, with the highest Catholic
endorsement ; and if these admirable Bible
lessons, and these alone, were to be ruled as
to be read in all the public schools this
would not diminish, i> any substantial de
fine, the objection ire Catholics have to bi
ting Catholic children attend the public
Such evidence as this must convince all
unprejudiced minds that the movement is a
preconcerted and systematic one. In Cin
cinnati tbe work is in its first stage, in New
York City it has advanced to the second.
There they have succeeded in getting
$214,028,40 appropriated to sectarian !
schools and of this they have obtained the
appropriation of $l7l, C ; t,40 to Catholic
schools. It will be remembered that a few
years ago the Pope in his encyclical letter
not only condemned our free schools, but
our free government. All these things
point to a systematic, though insidious war
fare again.-t not only an open B ble, but
against free schools and free institutions.
\Y e cannot believe hat the more liberal and
intelligent Catholics of our own and other
communities, approve of these proceedings.
On the contrary'we believe that every one
who loves our free institutions, be be Pro
testant, Catholic or even free thinker, will
and must unequivocally condemn every
movement that looks to the destruction of
our free schools or in any way attacks out
in-titutions. It is true that Henry Ward
Beccher, Horace Greeley an.l the editor of
the Independent have declred themselves
ready to yield thi- first position, if the Ca'ho
lics will compromise there and cease their
attacks upon the free schools, but they are
contemptuously to'd that the schools are the
mam object of attack and that they will
make no eompromi e. In all charity, kind
ness and christian love and forbearance we
would come to the discu-.-ion ol this ques
tion. At the same time we wou'd mo.-t
positively and distinctly declare thai we can
not for one moment think of surrendvring
either our open Bible or our Free Schools.
There is no one of ordinary intelligence, not
even the merest tyro in history, but knows
that to au open Bible, and that the Protes
taut Bible, the world is indebted for all of
either Civil or Religious liberty that it to
day enjoys. IcTc-warned is lore armed.
The friends of our free institutions are here
plainly and clearly notified that the founda
tions of our civil and religious liberties are
deliberately attacked with a viefr to their
ultimate destruction. it be as distinct
ly announced that we regard an open Bible
an l Frea Schools as constituting the chief
bulwarks of our liberties, that upon them,
without regard to church or party, we plant
our standard determined to defend them to
the uttermost against all assailants.
The second scs.-ion of the forty-first Con
grcss met on Monday. Both Houses are
organized and consequently ready for work
at onco. Ihe Senate stands 57 Republicans
to 12 opposition, with one vacancy from Ar
kansas. Virginia, Texas, Georgia and Mis
sissippi will supply eight more Senators
curing the winter, six of whom will most
likely be radical Republicans and all of
whom will support the Administration of
In the Housj there are 140 Republicans
to 1 2 opposition, while thirty representa
tives are yet to come in from Virginia,
Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi an d Texas.
1 heso new representatives will probably be
two-third Republicans. Regular work will
begin at once ; no important legislation is
likely to be completed before the holidays,
hut the general work of the session will be
mapped out and the initiatory steps taken
in the shape of reading bills and referring
to Committees Ac.
AT the Texas election held oa the 30th
ult., General A.J. Hamilton, conservative
Republican, was elected by a decisive ma
jority. There were three candidates, one
radical RepubliciD, one conservative Repub
lican and one rebel or copperhead
The State Treasurer contest is raging
pretty fiercely already and the partisans of
the opposing candidates are telling ugly sto
ries, that make honest men quite doubtful
if any of them are fit for the place. The
salary fixed by law for the Treasurer is
11700, yet the friends of the respective can
didates each accuse the other as well as pre
ceding candidates of having spent from
$20,000 to $50,000 for the purpose of se
curing the election. If such things are
done, and no one doubts but that they have
been done more than once, it is proof con
clusive that the office is grievously abused
and the public funds deliberately misused.
Now in the first place no man who has ever
made use of money for obtaining the office
stould receive the vote of any honest man.
But we have little hope of seeing any very
.-tartling exhibition of spartan virtue like
this in either party. The next, and abso
lutely necessary thing to be done is to in
crease the salary to an amount sufficient to
remunerate a good, honest and able man for
giving his attention to the work and then
vigorously enforce the law, which at present
is a dead letter on the statute books, pun
ishing any use of the public funds for pri
vate purposes. If there are any defects in
this law, let them be remedied and then let
us have it vigorously enforced. The Re
publican party has done ard is now doing
nobly in the work of retrenchment and re
form, but it still has much to do. The
Treasurers have been derelict we have no
doubt; they have abused their trusts and
have been liable to indictment and punish
ment —why were they not punished? Where
were the Auditor and Attorney Generals?
Why were they not about their duty ferret
ing out the abuse and prosecuting the crim
inal ? Is it not the duty of these officers to
attend to matters of this kind? Has the
magic wand of the Croesus of the Treasu
ry blinded the cerberus that should guard
our treasure ? If but one officer were guilty
and ail the others were active anl vigilant,
the guilty one would soon be found out and
exposed. This Treasury business impera
tively demands reform. It is true we have
dene far better than the Democracy in the
management of the finances, but the - leaks
by which they drained the Treasury are cot
all stopped yet. We rejoice at and aie
proud of what the Republican party has
done for our State, but we none the less de
mand that she shall do more. Let every
newspaper in the State, that is not bought
up by tbe liug, demand reform in this mat
ter and let every commuuity hold its repre
sentative responsible. We want positive
woik. Who will beein?
THE tariff question is severely exercising
the patience of the free traders at present.
Judge Kelley's amended bill is not quite sat
isfactory to tbem. The.Harrisburg Patriot
of the Ist inst., says:
"When tariff reforms are to come from
such political economists as he. the friends
of free trade may well despair."
We are heartily g'ad to hear a cry of des
pair from men who labor for the destruc
tion of the best interestsof the state. We
would be better pleased to hear the editors
of the Patriot say they were ashamed of
their ingratitude toward their native state.
How sons of Pennsylvania can be such in
grates as to advocate free-trade, which all
experience has shown to be most iminical
to our prosperity, passes our comprehension.
We sympathize with them in their distress
but cannot wish them any relief. We rath
er like Judge Kelly's views on most matters
and believe that every true Ptnnsylvanian
will be pleased with, at least, the main fea
tures of his bill. The Cop 3 have at last
been forced to acknowledge that a revenue
tariff is good, if not a necessity ; now if a
little is good, why should not a little more
be better? If absolute free-trade is bad for
us is not free-trade in any shape bad ? Per
haps the Patriot will publish Prof. Perry's
argument in favor of a little tariff, since he
had to back down from free-trade in his
recent lecturing tour, even though he got
his pay for preaching free trade from the
agents of the British manufactures.
York on Thursday morning the 2d inst. from
the effects of the wound received at the hands
of Mr. MeFarland in the Tribune office on
the 25th ult. He was but 36 years old. Mr.
Richardson was one of the rising literary
men of the country. His writings were
mostly confined to newspapers and maga
zines. He only wrote too books, but they
were among the most successful ever pub
tished in America. Field, PuDgeon and
Escape, written after escaping fiom the reb
el prisons in January 1865, after Dearly two
years imprisonment, reach -d a sale of 100,-
000 copies. Beyond the Mississippi, writ
ten afterward on his return from an over
land jiurney to San Francisco with Speak
er Colfax, also reached the extraordinary
sale of 75,000 copies. The extent of their
popularity will perhaps be better understood
from the above figures when it is known
that a book that commands a saie of 15,000
or 20 000 copies is considered a great sue
cess. On whomsoever the responsibility
n ay rest for the bloody tragedy, which re
sulted in his death, the untimely decease of
Albert D. Richardson, in the very prime of
life, will be mourned by every literary circle
in America.
*7,371,454 15—571,1)13,524 78.
Nothing is more conclusive of the success
of Republican financiering than that, in
spite of the efforts, wishes and prophecies of
the modern Democracy to prevent the pay
ment of the public debt, to-day at the end
of nine months of Republican rule restored,
no less than $71,913,524 78 have been paid
off or nearly eight millions per month. The
statement of tbe public debt shows that
$7,571,454 15 were paid during November,
showing that the good work still goes brave
ly on. If we keep on at the same rate the
whole national debt will be liquidated in a
little less than thirty years.
MEXICO has adopted a new plan of pay
ing off uational debts. The debt is large,
the interest heavy, and her credit bad, so
instead of paying off interest, she quietly
g<)es into the market, where her bonds are
offered very low because of her ba J credit,
and buys the bonds at a heavy discount.
YVe have heard of bankrupt individuals
practising this sharp trick but it is tbe first
time wc have heard of a nation outflanking
its creditors in that, style.
THE Mississippi election which took place
on the 30th ult., resulted in the election ol
General Alcorn, Republican, I y a large ma
jority and a Legislature also largely Repub
lican. ______________
MOB law still reigns in Louisiana. On
I>ec. Ist G. M. Stnrbinger, Sheriff was shot
by a negro at New Iberia, when tbe mob
turned out and hung the negro, making a
doable murder.
THE latest news from Texas indicates a
probability that Davis the radical candidate
may be elected Governor instead of Hamil
ton the conservative Republican.
A LETTER from White Pine, Nev., ajs:
Winter set iu two weeks ago. Times are
very dull. Several hundred laborers have
beeu discharged this month. Wages have
been materially reduced.
Report of the Comptroller oi the Cur
WASHINGTON, Dec. 5. —The annual re
port of the Comptroller shows 2,620_ banks
i n active operation. Their condition is more
gratifying than formerly. The opportunity
afforded speculators to manipulate the mon
ey market is almost entirely done away with,
and banks have more complete control of
their affairs. The Comptroljer recommends
the passage of an act requiring all banks
that go into liquidation to deposit legal ten
der notes for outstanding circulation, and
take up their bonds deposited with the
Treasurer of the United States as security
for such circulation within sixty days from
the date of the vote of the stockholders to
wind up. He also recommends that all tax
es on banks ba made returnable and payable
to the Treasurer of the United States, in
cluding the special tax and dividend tax now
payable to District Collectors; that the com
pensation of Bank Examiners be increased
and provision be made for its assessment
upon banks examined, and an increase to
fair compensation of persons employed un
der him in the Currency Bureau.
The recommendation looking to the es
tablishment of a central redeeming agency in
New York in his last annual report is re
newed. The Comptroller says tbc_ legal
prohibition to banks to hire deposits is not
sufficiently explicit or positive to prevent it.
and hints at legislation to that end. The
Comptroller argues in favor of tbe National
Banking system as the cause of the ease in
the money market and lower rates of inter
est than would otherwise be obtained. _ He
thinks the Government circulation, which is
not convertible and therefore not elastic,
should be withdrawn and substituted by
National Bank notes, which are nominally
redeemable and are certainly amenable to
the laws of trade.
No check or limitation should be imposed
on the latter other than the law of supply
and demand. A self adjusting system
I of currency is the only one that is adapted
i to the exigencies of trade and to the _want3
i of the country, and it is a vital question at
ihis time whether this result can be reached
before tbe return of specie payments. If
possible at all it is only through tbe agency
of National Banks. The machinery of the
Government is not adapted to such ends,
and further, if possible, it is so only upon
the adoption of a policy which will_ tend
gradually but surely to the resumption of
specie payments. It must be a gradual de
velopment of a process which shall absorb
legal tenders and put in their place a paper
currency which shall at all times and under
all circumstances be exchangeable for coin,
either of paper legal tenders or of gold—a
paper currency which shall gradually in
crease while the legal tenders for its re
demption shall gradually decrease in such
ratio as a healthy demand for banking fa
cilities may determine. While free banking
may thus be established with safety anterior
to specie payments, conditioned only on the
withdrawal and cancellation of a legal tender
dollar of bank currency issued, free banking
upon a specie basis may also be permitted
with equal safety and without delay. With
details properly adjusted banks may be es
tablished with authority to issue and put in
circulation gold notes limiting the amount
only bv the ability of the banks to comply
with ihe necessary conditions and redeem
their issues by the establishment of banks
on a specie basis. The resumption of spe
cie payments is only anticipated, and famil
iarity with gold values will do much to re
licve the subject of the mystery with which
it is associated in the minds of many. Look
ing forward to the day when uniform values
shall again prevail, it may be that by wise
legislation now a banking system can be es
tablished truly national in its character and
scope, which will furnish a sound currency
of uniform value in every State of the
LONDON. Dec. 3. —Her Majesty's steamer
Monarch is now ready to sail with the body
of the late George Peabody, though she will
probably remain a few days for the rest of
the fleet to come up. Her cabins have been
tastefully and appropriately draped with
black cloth and white silk.
PARIS, Dec. 3. —At the sitting of the
Corps Legislatif to-day Henri Koehefort rose
and demanded that the National Guard be
ordered to guard the hall of the Corps Leg-
I islatif in the future, for the protection of
the members. The demand took the Cham
ber by surprise and created an extraordinary
sensation. Expressions of astonishment
burst forth from all parts of the hall; cheers
followed, which were answered by cries of
derision and disapproval. The Opposition
members generally applauded, but the ma
jority protested against the demand and the
demonstration made in its favor.
MADRID, Dec. 3. —Several other Car list
conspiracies have been discovered in various
parts of Spain within the past few days, and
a number of persons have been arrested.
The authorities are taking extraordinary
precautions to guard against any new out
Several of the Republican journals, the
publication of which was suspended at the
beginning of the recent insurrection, have
been permitted to reappear.
BERLIN, Dec. 3. —The Chinese embassy,
headed by Minister Burlingame, was yester
day received by the King and Queen at the
Royal Palace, with the most imposing cere
Mr. Burlingame presented an address,
and was received with marked attention by
Count von Bismarck, who declared the warm
friendship of Prussia and North Germany
with the United States, and pledged the
hearty co-operation of Prussia with the Em
bassy in its movements. The reception was
a grand affair.
LONDON, Dec. 3. —Dispatches from Rome
announce that a pre-synodical conference
was held yesterday, when the Papal Allocu
tion was delivered, and oaths were adminis
tered to the officers of the (Ecumenical
The Times, to day, says things at Rome
are auguring ill for the Council. Gallicauism
is rampant Austrian and German bishops
demur to the dogma of infallibility, and dis
cord is apprehended among the Italians.
Antonelli shakes his head at a conference in
which he never felt sympathy.
ed with the investigation of the causes of
the decline of American shipping, completed
their labors in Philadelphia Thursday. Be
fore commencing their investigatiou there,
they had been engaged for some time in tak
ing testimony in Portland, Boston and New
York. The testimony taken covers about
800 manuscript pages, and is now being
printed in Washington. The remedies
urged for the great decay in American ship
ping interests have, in nearly every instance,
resolved themselves into three propositions:
1. A drawback of the duty upon all mate
rials entering into the construction of
vessels and a subsidy equal to the amount of
the duty when American materials are used.
2. Permission to purchase and admit the
American registers foreign built vessels.
3. Subsidies to American lines of ocean
The committee have proceeded to Wash
ington, and in due time they will submit
their report and the above propositions for
the action of Congress.
more and Ohio railroad company appears to
have been over-reached again, says the
Washington Star , by the Pennsylvania
railroad, which on Wednesday secured
possession of the Cincinnati and Zanesville
railway. This, line, which is in many re
spects a most important and valuable one,
has from its opening been a large contribu
tor to the traffic of the Baltimore and Ohio
route, and its ultimate and permanent con
trol ha? long been looked upoq as a highly
desirable acquisition by the friends of both
the ereat rival corporations. In buying it
the Pennsylvania Central secures not only a
line which can be made profitable from its
local business alone, but by constructing a
few miles of new road, connecting Zanes
ville with Dresden, Ohio, it will be able to
tap Cincinnati and all the rich country be
yond that city by a much shorter route than
it has jet been able to secure. Indeed, it
may he said that thirlaat move gives to the
Pennsylvania Central control of the most of
the main arteries of trade in and through
the great State of Ohio.
The Credit Mobilier.
The Receiver of the State Taxes.
The Evening Telegraph of yesterday has
the following special despatch:
HARRISBURG, Dec. 3.—Departmental cir
cles were stirred not a little this morning on
reading tho news contained in a Philadel
phia paper of yesterday, in regard to the
celebrated Credit Mobilicr case, us contained
ia the following article:
The citizens can hardly appreciate the im
portance of the verdict which has just been
rendered against the Credit Mobilier of
America, and by which the State Treasury
has been enriched $1,407,000. Tnis was the
tax due by the corporation for the year
1868. This does not end the matter. The
Treasurer and Auditor General will now
proceed to the collection of the tax on "net
earnings," and also filo claims for the taxes
accruing in 1869, and both officers feel as
sured of being able to add at least $31X1,000
more to the treasury. In this matter Messrs.
Ilartranft and Mackey were assisted by Mr.
J. M. Foster, the able assistant of the form
er. This is the case in which Attorney
General B. 11. Brewster took so active a
part, and after months of labor succeeded in
putting it in such a position as to render a
verdict for the State a certainty.
Now, the fact is well known here that the
late law officer of the Commonwealth Lad
nothing to do with recovering this money for
the State. The case was worked up by J.
H.Foster, Esq., of the Auditor General's
Department, and Lewis W. Hall, K>q., of
this city, who was especially retained by the
Auditor General for the purpose. It will be
noticed that this was an appeal case, which
did not require the Attorney General to even
issue a writ against the defendants. A set
tlement was made by the Auditor General
against the company, which settlement, if
not appealed from, would have become an
absolute debt to the Commonwealth. The
eompany, on appealing, as required by law,
filed witn the Auditor General the specifica
tions upon which the appeal is based, and
gave bond with security to abide the result.
These specifications were then filed by the
Auditor General in the Dauphin County
Court of Common Pleas, which put all par
ties in court, ipso facto, without any action
by the Attorney General who afterwards
tried the ease. Here the only steps taken
during Mr. B. 11. Brewster's time were
those in which tho Attorney General bad no
part, and tho trial was conducted by Mr.
Hall, assisting the present Attorney CSener
a!, Hon. F. Carroll Brewster.
The Cuban War.
[Through Spanish Sources.]
HAVANA, Dec. 3.—A military govern
ment w ill soon be inaugurated for the Cinoo
Villas district. Great results are expected
from this measure which, it is supposed,
will lead to the complete re-establishment
of Spanish authority in that quarter.
Advices front Puerto Principe to the 24th
ultimo have been received. Information
was brought by a negro that the insurgents
were approaching San does, garrisoned by
Catalan volunteers. Twenty volunteers,
with officers, sent out to reconnoitre, were
cut off and captured. Next morning the in
surgents attacked San Jose, and after fight
ing for an hour, raised a white flag.
The garrison responded and sent out an
officer and four men, who approached the
rebel lines and proposed capi'ulation. The
soldiers, without orders, fired a volley and
killed two of the Spaniards. Fighting was
then renewed. The Cubans fought desper
ately, and endeavored to scale the entrench
ments, but reinforcements coming to tho
garrison, they finally withdrew. Eleven
Catalans were killed.
The affair caused much excitement at
Puerto Principe. The colonel commanding
the Catalans had been sent to Havana to be
A dividend of four per cent, has been de
clared by the Havana railroad company
since the road has been under the manage
ment of General Clavijo.
HAVANA, Dee, 3.—A letter, dated San
tiago de Cuba, Nov. 23, says : A well au
thenticated report has reached this city that
the steamer Teaser has landed a party of
filibusters in the Bay of Nipe, with a large
quantity of military stores, and that they
nave reached the interior in safety.
On the 20th the Spaniards attacked the
insurgents intrenched at Mogate. The
troops commenced by shelling the rebel po
sition, and then charged with bayonets, but
were repulsed with great loss. Many of
their wounded are coming here. The gov
ernment is seizing animals on the streets
for the use of the army.
Treasurer Spinner's Report.
Treasurer Spinner's report says between
the eleventh of May and twenty-fifth of
November, there were paid for United
States six per cent, bonds on account of the
sinking fund and for the fund held subject
to the order of Congress, interest and pre
mium paid thereon included, $89,282,270.
These payments excel half a million dollars
per annum. There has already been re
ceived for interest on these bonds $704,304
in gold, which has been invested in United
States bonds, representing $788,800, which
are held for the two funds above named.
If the same rate of purchase is hereafter
maintained and the accruing interest in
vested semi-annually in like bonds, the whole
National debt will thus be paid off in less
than thirteen years.
From New York.
NEW YORK, Dec. 6.
Samuel L. Blatchford, who was charged,
with Caldwell Mulligan and othets, with de
frauding the government by means of false
aDd fraudulent drawback claims, appeared
before Commissioner Osborne to-day, and
said he surrendered himself. He was held
in SIO,OOO bail to appear for an examination
on Saturday next, his uncle, Richard M.
Blatchford, the father of Judge Blatchford,
becoming his bondsman. It is believed
that Mr. Blatchford will either be arrested
by Col. Whitely, chief of the secret service
of the Treasury Department, or feared that
he would be, and surrendered himself to
avoid certain arrest.
The Senate met at noon, with fifty-five
members present.
The resignation of Senator Grimes was
Mr. Lot M. Morrill was sworn in as Sen
ator from Maine.
The credentials of the Virginia Senators :
were presented and laid on tbo table.
A Committee was appointed tc inform the ;
House and the President of the readiness of
the Senate to proceed to business.
The Mississippi Election.
General Alcorn's Majority Increasing—
Judge Dent Carries but three Counties.
JACKSON, Dec. 3.—Additional returns
from six counties give Alcorn several thou
sand additional majority. Dent has carried
but three counties and those by very small
majorities- The whole radical ticket, with
few exceptions, has doubtless been elected.
Reduction of the Revenue.
Commissioner Wells expresses the opinion
that the revenue can be reduced $12,000,-
000, and to this end the Committee on Ways
and Means propose to cut down the tariff
$25,000,000, and internal revenue $50,000,-
000. On the vote to take off the duty on
coal, salt and copper, the committee are a
_ THE city of Buenos Ayres has a popula
tion of 180,000 souls, of whom one third are
foreigners, and about 40,000 can read and
write. The province outside the city has
300,000 souls, of whom one-eighth are for
eigners ; aboqt 24,000 can read and write.
Tho other thirteen provinces have an ag
gregate population of 700,000 souls, includ
ing 40,000 foreigners; about 35,000 can
read and write. This would make a total
population of 1,180,000, including 147,500
foreigners, and the number of persons that
can read and write will be about 100,000.
ACCORDING to a moderate estimate, the
amount of money paid for intoxicating drinks
in Trenton, N. J., in one year, is twenty
five times as much as the whole sum paid
for the support of the public schools. Add
to this three-fourths of the sum expended
to maintain the police, and to pay for pau
perism and crime—for at least that, propor
tion of these items is legitimately chargea
ble to tbe account of liquor drinking.
A MAN recently arrived in a town in
Minnesota, bought a lot, built a house, and
set up housekeeping within the space of
forty-eight hours, awl had a son and heir
born to him before tho first meal was eaten
in the house.
Gov. GEARY has just approved the bill,
passed last winter, relative to the payment
of taxes on unseated lands, requiring the
county Treasurers to keep a receipt book to
enter the receipts of the payment of taxes
on unseated lands ; certified copies of said
recorded receipts to he the only evidence of
payment. It also allows owners two years
from tho present date to record in. This is
very important.
A FIRE in GalvestoD, Texas, Friday morn
ing, consumed four entire blocks and three
fourths of two other blocks. It originated
in the clothing establishment of Coben Bros.,
corner of Strandt and Fremont streets. A
liigh northwest wind swept the flaun s in a
southerly direction, burning three blocks on
Fremont street between Strandt and Fost
offieo streets, and three blocks between
Mechanic and Church and West and
Twenty-fourth streets.
Now that the Colombian Government has
accorded permission to the United States to
survey the Isthmus of Darien preparatory
to digging the canal, there is no doubt that
tho great work will be carried out to a suc
cessful accomplishment. Truly does the
world move; and great indeed will be the
change in the Isthmus, when the two
oceans shall_ be connected, from the time
when the discoverer, Balboa, cried, "Eu
reka !" at the first sight of the Pacific.
IN England there are 2,405 cotton mills,
in which are employed 152,056 men and
204,396 women: woolen manufactories num
ber 1,420, employing 52,000 men and 5,000
women; 587 silk factories, employ 1,200
workmen. The total number of factories in
England and Wales is 5,698, giving employ
ment to 278,788 men and 390,380 women.
Scotland has 507 factories, employing 30,-
000 men and 80,200 women. Ireland counts
198 factories, employing 22,622 men an
50,301 women.
A SHREWD TRICK has just been played
by a Pennsylvauian iu the oil regions. It
appears that he had lost everything by spec
ulation, and determined to retrieve his for
tunes by getting up another petroleum ex
citement. He obtained a quantity of crude
oil, wltieb he buried in tbe cellar of his
shanty, and afterwards pretended his land
was full of oil. Some live Yankees from
Bath, Maine, greedily grabbed the bait,
bought the supposed rich oil tract, formed
a eompany, sold a gieat amount of stock,
and prepared for an active development of
their petroleum property. Wells were sunk
and machinery set up, but no oil was to be
found, and the Bathites are out nearly a mil
lion of dollars by tho coliapse of the concern.
They acknowledge tbe gullibility of Ameri
cans is about equal to that of Englishmen,
THE Commissioners of tbe Sinking Fund
have decided to redeem the live per cent,
loans, $1,642,000, on maturity, July 1,
1870. On Notember 1 there was in the
State Treasury an available balance of about
$1,200,000, and on that day Treasurer
Mackey issued a circular in accordance with
his instructions. The remainder of the
money necessary for the above purpose,
$400,000, the Treasurer lias every confi
dence in his ability to raise. By the pay
| ment of this lean the State will be saved the
entire interest, and tbe Commission deserve
the thanks of the community for thus get
ting rid of that much-talked of unexpended
balance. This is the first time in the histo
ry of the finances of the State that the in
debtedness of the Commonwealth has been
anticipated without making a new loan for
the purpose.
standing tbe widely published reports, that
Garibaldi had put by the sword and gone
into the peaceable pursuits of literature —
not because be thought the pen mightier
than the sword, but .-imply because Italy
was satisfied witb Victor Emanuel and de
sired quiet days—the Pope is not sure of
the rea-shirted patriot of Caprera. The
Ecumenical Council, as all the world has
been informed, shortly meets at Rome, and
the I'ope fears that among the expected
crowd which that august assemblage will
attract to the Eternal City there may be
some troublesome mountaineers, red-shirted
and violent. Evidently he has communi
cated his anxi ty to France, for General
Durnont has offend his Holiness, on behalf
of Napoleon, five thousand troops, to be
stationed in Rome while the Council is in
How ro GET A DlVOßCE.—Various and
infernally mean are the subterfuges often re
sorted to by parties desiring to be rid of
matrimonial fetters. The New Albany,
Did. Commercial says :
We have beard of a ca>e illustrative of
this statement that occurred not many years
ago in this county. A widow woman held
property which she might transfer while she
remained single, but which, according to
her husband,s will, she could not dispose of
it if she married again while in a state of
coverture. Well, she did marry again, and
in the course of time she desired to transfer
the property left her by her first husband.
This, of course, she could not do, the pro
visions of her first husband's will inhibiting
her. Here was a quandary A lawyer of
this city was consulted. He "set thingsup"
for the wife and her husband. She went
borne, told Iter husband what advice the
lawyer had given her, and he thought it
"just the thing." And what, reader, do
you suppose that advice was? Simply
this:—The husband and wife were to quar
rel and fight every day, and this was to be
done in the presence of the children of the
wife, who were well grown, and they were
made to believe the quarrelling and fighting ;
was genuine, instead of feigned. The pro
gramme was carried out to the letter, and
then the husband applied for a divorce. He
set forth "incompatibility" in bis complaint,
the wife admitted it, and the children swore
to it. Judge Bickoell granted the divorce.
The same day she transferred the property
as she had desired to do, and the next day
the divorced couple were, remarried. Such
is one of the phases of the divorce prac
OUT Stock is unusually full and complete,
comprising many entirely new and desirable \
styles ot goods manufactured into
GARMENTS of all kind*, style* and size*.
Tbe most stylish goods, cut in the latest ,
fashion as well as plainer and more moderate ;
styles, suited to all tastes, and better in
than any other stock of BEADY MADE CLOTHING
in Philadelphia.
Also a choice selection of
which will be made up to order in the BEST and
FINEST MANNER for theme who prefer. ALL
fitdf Sample of material tent by mail when de- j
tired, for garments either ready made or made to
Halfway between ( BE.VXKT A Co.,
&c., Ac.
Jletween Howard and lAberty,
loctdrn BALTIMORE.
were shipped from Our house in One Tear,
to families, oluhs, and merchants, in every part
of the country, from Maine to California, amount,
ins in value to over
Our facilities for transacting this immense busi
ness are Fetter than ever boforc. We have agents
in ail the principal cities to purchase goods from
the Manufactures, Importers, and others, for
Cash, and often at an immense sacrifice from the
original cost of production.
Our stock consists, in part, of the fallow in z
Shawls, (guilts, Cottons, ft iughom*,
Dress Goods, Table Linen, Towels, Hosiery
Qlaeet, Shirts, Corsets, <kc., <tc.
Sileer Plated Ware, Spoons plated o Nickel
Silver, Dessert Forte, five-bottled plated Caetore,
Briltnnnia Ware, 'Hate Hare, Table and Pocket
Cultcry, in great variety.
Elegant French and German Fauey Goods,
Beautiful Photograph Albums, the newest and
choicest styles in Murrocco and Velvet Bindings,
Morroeeo Tt aeelling Bags, Handkerchief a nil
Glow Boxes, Ac.
Gold and Plated Jewelry, of the neteett stylet.
We have also made a-rangements with some of
the leading Publishing Houses, that will enable
us to sell the standard and latest works of popu
lar authors at about one-half the regular price :
TEUSTSOM'S WORKS, in full Guilt and Cloth bind
ings,—and hundreds of otbes.
T) cse and ejery thing else for
We do not offer H single Article of merchandise,
that can be sold by regular dealer* at oar price.
We -lo not ask yon to buy goods from us unless
we cau sell them cheaper thin you can obtain
them in any other way,—while the greater part
of our good? arD sold at about
We want good reliable agents in every part of
the Country. By employing yonr spare time to
form clubs and sending us orders, you eau obtain
the uiost liberal comnflssions, either in Cash or
Merchandise, and .ill goods veut by us will be as
represented, and we guarantee satisfaction to
every one dealing witb our house.
As tho Holidays are coming, we are making
special arrangements to supply every one who
reads our advertisements, with the most hand
some and useful Holiday presents that can be
thought of or wished for, and to enable them to
procure them cheaply and expeditiously, we will
give to anv one who will become our agent. One
Hundred Free Tickets, enumerating some
of the many different articles from which you
can make your selections of Holiday presents.
For returning full clubs from these free tickets,
accompanied by the cash, we will give the same
extra premiums that wt now give, just the same
as if you bad paid 10 cents for each one of your
Tickets. We wish you to understand that not
any other firm in the business can compete with
us in any way whatever.
As this free ticket is only good for the Holidays,
you must send in your orders before the 20th of
January, 1870.
In every order amounting to over SSO, accom
panied by the cash, the Agent may retain $2.00,
and in every order ol over SIOO, $2,00 may be re
j taint d to
Tbia offer U more especcially to assist Agents
! in the Western and Southern States, but is open
i to all customers.
Age• ts will be paid ten per cent, in Cash or
Merchandise, when they riLL I:P THEIR ENTIRE
I CLUB, for which below we give a partial List of
I Commission;
FOR AN ORDER OF S3O, from a club ol Thirty,
we will pay the i\gent, as commission, 2S yards
! lirown or Bleached Sheeting, Good Dress Pattern,
Wool Square Shawl, Frenc l . Casimere Pants and
Vest Pattern, Fine La*ge White Counterpane, etc.,
etc., or $3.00 in cash.
FOR AN ORDER OF SSO, from a club of Fifty, we
will pay the Agent, as Commission, 45 yds. Sheet
ing, One pair heavy Wool Blankets, Poplin Dress
i pattern, Handsome wool Square Shawl, Silver-
Case Watch, etc., etc., or $5.00 in cash.
FOR AN ORDER OF SIOO, from a Club of One
j Hundred, wo will pay the Agent, as commission,
; 100 yds. good yard-wide Sheeting, Coin-Silver
i Hunting Case Watch, Kich Long Wool Shawl,
| Suit of all Wool French C&sioiere. etc., or $lO in
I cash.
We do not employ any Travelling Agents, and
i customers should not pay money to persons pur-
I porting to be our agents unlet* perao,tally ac
For further particulars send for Catalogues,
j loctly
\ positive and infallible cure for dyspepsia in
its most aggravated form, and no matter of
| how long standing.
] They penetrate to the secret abode of this
' terrible disease, and exterminate it, root and
branch forever.
They alleviate more agony and silent suf
. faring than tongue can tell.
They are noted for curing the most desper
; ate and homeless cases, when every known
means fail to afford relief.
No form ot dyspepsia or indigestion can
resist their penetrating power.
It is the vital principal of the Pine Tree,
obtained by a peculiar process in the distilla-
I tion of the tar, by which its highest medical
| properties are retained. It invigorates the
digestive organs and restores the appetite.
'lt strengthens the debilitated system. It
i purifies and enriches the blood, and expels
from the system the corruption which scrofu
lar breeds on the lungs. It dissolves the
mucus or phlegm which stops the air pas
sage of the lungs. Its healing priuciple acts
upon the irritated surface of the lungs and
throat, penetrating to each deceased part, re
lieving pain and subduing inflamation. It is
the result of years of study and experiment,
and it is offered to the afflicted with positive
assurance of its power to cure the following
diseases, if the patieut has not too 1 ng de
layed a resort to the means of cure:—
r Consumption of the Lungs, Cough Sore
Throat, Bronchitis, Liver Complaint,
Blind and Bleeding Piles.
Asthama, Whoop
inq Cough,
I A medical expert, holding honorable col
: legiate diplomas, devotes his entire time to
the examination ot patients at the office par
lors. Associated with him are three consult
ing physicians of acknowledged eminence,
whose services are given to the public FREE
This opportunity is offered by no other in
; slitution in the country.
Letters from any part of the country, ask
| ir.g advice, will be promptly and gratuitously
responded to. Where convenient, remit
tances should take the shape of
Price of Wishart's American Dyspepsia
Pills, $1 a box. Sent by mail on receipt of
Price of Wisbarts Pine Tree Tar Cordial,
sl-50 a bottle, or £ll per doxen. Sent by
All communications should be addressed
L. Q. C. WISH ART, M. D.
I hereby inform everybody ami all theirjrcia
tions that I have deemed it expedient to curtail
tho prices of everything in my liue of business.
FRESH OYSTERS always on hand nt 30 cents
per plate. The best BEADING ALE only five
Cents per glass, Fancy French and Ameri
can Candies, Nuts, Cigars, and everything-per
taining to a first class establishment, I will sell
at very low figures. Call and bo convinced of
the facts. A. B. CARN.
Bedford, Sept. 24:3 m
} "EVERYBODY can be accommodated with
J WALL PAPER at the Inquirer Book Store
Every Farmer, Every Merchant.
Every Mechanic, Every Manufacturer.
Every Business Man, and Every Young Man.
Worth ten times its price. Agents are having
great success. For circulars and full information,
address, O. D. CASE A CO,
onovGt Publishers, Hartford, Ct.
Mrs. E. V. Mowry has just returned from Phila
delphia and New York, and bos opened a stock
of the latest styles of MILI.NERY and DRESS
on hand a fine assortment of fnrs, and shoes all of
which will be sold at a very short profit.
MONEY' OR NOTE.—AII persons indebted to
John S. S pro at A Co. for brick, or F. Ben
edict for lumber, must close their accounts by the
10th of December, or suit will be brought.
lttnovXt F. BENEDICT.
for sale at the Inquirer office, a fine assort
ment of Marriage Certificates. Clergymen and
Justices shou'd have them.
and all other Illustrated papers for sale at the
Inquirer Book Store. tf
The undersigned Administrator of the Estate
of John Cor ley, Jr., late of Juniata township,
deceased, by virtue of an order of the Orphans'
Court of Bedford county. will sell the real estate
of said deceased, at public outer/, on the premi
ses, in said township, on THURSDAY, the 30th
day of December, A. Li. 1860, to wit:
No. 1. MANSION TRACT, composed of two
tracts of land, one containing 84 acres 37 perches,
patented to Mrs. M. Straney; the othor containing
117 acres, being part of No. 12 church lands,
leased to Geo. Ritter for 09 years, renewable for
ever. subject to the payment of an annual rent of
$7.88. About 80 acres cleared, with a fine dwel
ling house, barn and other improvements tbereon
ere-ted; adjoining lands of Michael flogan, Jacob
Belts, Alvey Boylan, Peter Keagard, Bastian
Wolf and James Leasure; watered by the Juniata
No. 2. Part of a tract of land warranted in the
name of Jeremiah Woods, containing 266 acres.
79 perches, about 170 acres cleared and under
cultivation, having a dwelling house, barn, and
other improvements thereon erected, with an ap
ple orchard thereon, adjoining lands of Adam
(teller, lands in the name of James Daily, John
Harvey and Martin Gray.
No. 3. Composed of four parcels ot land, con
cerning 87 acres, 35 perches, about 35 acres under
cultivation, with a house, stable, A small orchard
thereon, adjoining lands of Peter llillegas, Abra
ham Shelly, Lewis linshiser, Henry Beitx and
and others. These lands are all favorably situa
ted, with conveniences of roads, schools, Ac.
TERMS—One-third to remain in hands of the
purchaser for use of widow during her lifetime;
one-third down at confirmation of sale, and the
balance >n two equal annual payments thereafter
without interest.
Sale to be opened at 10 o'clock A. M. of said
day, OD the mansion place in Juniata township,
when doe attendance and all particulars will be
26nov4t Administrator.
The subsciiber, executor of the last will and
Testament of Nathaniel Elbin, late of Southamp
ton twp., dee'd and under an order of the Or
phans' Court of Bedford Co., will expose t„ sale
on the premises, on SATURDAY the ISth day of
DECEMBER, next, at! the Real Estate of said
dee'd, situate in Southampton twp.. aforesaid
consisting of the MANSION PLACE, being a
tract of patented tan 1 containing ONE HUND
RED and FIFTY-EIGHT ACRES, and now oc
cupied by the widow of said dee'd., about sixty
acres of said land are cleared and under fence,
three of which are good meadow, the residue
is well timbered. The improvements are a small
LOG DWELLING HOUSE and sn old apple
orchard. ALSO, tbe other tract containing one
hundred and twenty-five acres more or less of
warranted land, now in the occupancy of George
Elbin, about forty acres of this land are cleared
and under fence, tbe balance in timber land.
The other improvements arc a one and a half
story log dwelling bouse and log stable. TERMS,
one half of the purchase money in hand, bal
ance in one year without interest, to be secured
by judgments. Deeds delivered and possession
given on the Ist of April next.
26nov4t _ Executor.
The undersigned Administrator of the estate of
PETER MOIVRY, late of Napier township, dee'd,
will sell at public sale, by virtue of an order of
the Orphans' Court of Bedford County, THE
K A R M of which said deceased died seized, on
TUESDAY, the 28 th day of Detrmbtr, A. D. 1868,
to wit: ALL TII \T FINE FARM situate in
said township, on the Shawnee Cabin Creek, con
taining One Hundred and Eighty-nine acres and
65 perches, adjoining lands of John A. Burns,
Charles Colvin, John Doliard and others; about
150 acres cleared and under cultivation, having
thereon erected a dwelling bouse, barn, and other
improvements. This is a beautiful tract of land,
fine meadows, creek bottoms, and upland, near
the village of Scbellsburg, convenient to churches
and schools, and agreeable neighbors.
TEU.M.S—One-third at confirmation of sale,
the balance in two equal annual payments there
after, without interest.
Sale will be opened at 11 o'clock A. M., when
due attendance and full particulars will be given
26nov4t Administrator.
BLE REAL ESTATE.—By virtue of an or
der of tbe Orphans' Conrt the subscriber will of
fer at public salo. on the premises, On SA TUR
DA J', December llrA, 1859, all tbe Real Estaje
late of George Deitrich, dee'd, in Harrison town
ship, Bedford co., being A TRACT OF LAND
lying about three-quarterF of a mile North East
of Buffalo Mills, on tbe iine of the Bedford and
Bridgeport Railroad, containing 185 acres, more
or less, one hundred and twenty acres being clear
ed and under fence and in a good state of cuitiva
i tion, twenty acres being meadow, and tbe balance
well timbered, with chestnut oak, black oak and
white oak timber. The improvements are a two
story LOO DWELLING HOUSE, with kitchen
attached, a bank barn and other out-buildings, a
large apple orchard, a good supply of small fruits
and a good sugar camp. The property is conve
nient to mil), churches and school houses. Sale
to commence at 11 o'clock A. M. of said day.
TERMS —One-third in cash and the balance in
two equal annual payments.
Any person wishing to examine the property
can do so by calling on William Deitrich, on tbe
premises. DAVID MILLER,
19 nov Administrator.
By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court the
undersigned will expose to sale at public cutcry,
on the premises, on SATURDAY, the IS.'A day
December, 1569, THE MANSION FARM of
JACOB BIVKL, late of St. Clair township, dee'd,
containing 240 acres and 141 perches neat meas
ure, 140 acres cleared and under fence, about 20
acre- being good meadow, the balance being veil
timbered. The improvements arc a two story
BARN, and other building?. Also a large Or
chard of Apple, Peach and Cherry trees. Also,
a good Sugar Camp.
This property is about two miies west of Pleas
antville. bale to commence at 10 o'clock of said
! dav t when the terms will be made known.
for the tale of the real eetate of Jacob Bitel, deed.
TATE.—The undersigned Trustee, appoint
ed by the Orphans Court of Bedford County to
sell the real estate of Robert Glosscn dee'd, will
sell at public sale, on the premises, on WEDNES
DAY the 22nd day of DECEMBER, 1569, the
One undivided half of a tract of land, situate in
Londonderry twp., in said county, containing 78
acres, 145 perches, about 45 acres cleared and un- I
der cultivation, with a dwelling house thereon i
erected, adjoining lands of John M. Buchanan,
Christian Albright's heirs, and William Porter's '
heirs. Terms cash. Sale will be opened at 12
o'clock M. of said day, when due attention will 1
be given by
26nov4t Truttce.
The following lot of ground, situate in the town
of Duncansviiie, Blair 00., Pa., fronting on Main
street (or Turnpike) 75 feet and extending back
180 feet, more or less, and having thereon erected
a large two story BRICK HOUSE, with base- 1
mcnt and kitchen, an.l good cellar, frame Black
smith and Wagon-Makei's Shop, frame stable
and other out-buildings, with fruit of different
varieties on the lot. This would be a good stand
for a Tavern or Boarding House, being conveni
ent to the Rolling Mill and Nail Factory, and the
Railroad. The House is in good repair and very
pleasantly situated, with water at the door.
Also, A lot of SIX ACRES, near the Chalybeate
Spring, one mile frota the town of Bedford, with
a Log House thereon erected. Adjoining lands
of C'benowith, Amos, Shannon and others.
Also, 14 acres of Timber Land, adjoining the
Colfelt farm, and convenient to good loads.
For further particulars apply to
ISdectf Bedford. Pa.
The subscriber offers at private sale a good
farm of 192 acres, lying on the south side of Dry
Ridge, within 2J miles of the line of the Bedford
and Bridgeport Railroad, adjoining lands of Jos.
Ling, Leonard May, Peter F. Lehman, Esq.. and
others. The improvements are a two story LOG
HOUSE with kitchen attached, a log barn and
other outbuildings. Tbe land is well w a tore d
having a good we'l and two never failing springs.
There is also a fine young apple orchard of 109
bearing trees, besides cherries, plums, peaohes
Ac. Sixty acres are cleared and under fence and
the balance well timbered with white and chestnut
oak. A large qnancity of Chestnut oak bark can
be cut on the land and find a ready market, as
there arc several tanneries in the neighborhood.
For further particulars address ABBAM RITCHEY,
West End, Bedford 00., Pa., or
JOHN LUTZ, Bedford, Pa.
The subscribers will sell all that fine farm in
Bedford township, containing 180 acres, 95 of
which are cleared and nuder excellent fence, and
the balance, 95 acres, well Umbered, adjoining
lands of Charles Helsel, John Schnebly, and oth
ers. The buildings are a two and a half story
LOG HOUSE and BANK BARN, with other
out-build : ngs thereon erected. Water in every
field, with an excellent Saw Mill seat. A splen
did apple lire hard also thereon. Price SIOOG.
TERMS: One third in hand and the balance in
three annual payments with interest.
June 21, 1567,-4f Head Estate Agent.
The subscriber* offer at private sale the follow
ing valuable tracts of land, vis:
No. I- The undivided half of a tract of land,
containing 227 acres, situat; on the south-east
ride of the Broad Top Mountain, lying partly in
Bedford and partly in Fulton county, and ad
oining lands jo Samuel D inner, James Brin.
hurst and Wishart's heirs. TWO VEINS OP
COAL, one 51 feet, the other 6J feet in depth have
been discovered on this tract.
No. 2. A tract 0f230 acres near the ab >
joining the same lands, and supposed -o , i..,„
the same veins of coal.
No. 3. A tract of 400 acres, within two and a
half miles of the above tracts, lying on the North
side of the Harbor across the mountain, well tiia
beredwith oak and pine.
May 3,-tf. JOHN LUTZ.
The subscribers will sell a number of lots ad
ERTY in Bedford township.
On two of them dwelling houses have alrcadv
been erected. This is a splendid opportunity to
buy a cheap and most desirable home, as the lots
lie immediately opposite the Chalybeate Spiin-
Park, on the road, and not more than 120 yarl
from the Spring, at the following low prices:
1. One-half acre lot with dwelling hoase and.
other out-buildings, garden and frait trees, an
the best of water convenient, at S7OO, cash.
2. Hall-acre lot SISO, cash.
3. Half acre lot SIBO, cash.
4. Half acre lot slßo, cash.
5 and 6. Half acre lots with dwelling house,
brick ya-d, garden and fruit trees thereon tor
7. Contains three acres eovered with fruit
trees, and in a good state of cultivation, adjin
ing the above lots, for S6OO, cash.
Any person desiring to buy a home, a few
yards out of Bedford, will find this offer worth
serious consideration.
JOHN LUTZ, Real Estate Agent, Bedford, Pa.
FIVE lots of ground in Bedford, 60 by 21",
formerly part of the Lyons' estate,
Twq tracts of 160 acres each within three miles
of a depot on the Pacific Rail Road back of Oma
A tract of bottom land timbered and prarie
two miles from Omaha City.
One third of 7,000 acres in Fulton Ccunty Pa.,
including valuable Ore, mineral and timber lands
near Fort Littleton.
Over 4,000 acres of valuable ore, coal and tim
ber lands in West Virginia.
ALSO, Twenty-five one acre lots, adjoining the
Borough of Bedford, with lime stone rock for
kiln or qnarry on the upper end of each.
Also, 320 acres of land in Woodbury CO., lowa.
80 " " Franklin •' lowa.
109 acres adjoining Bedford, with house, barn,
Ac., known as the "Amos farm."
Also, a farm of 107 acres in Harrison twp.
Also, Six acres near Bedford, with 2 houses,
stable and brick vard thereon.
June 21,-tf Bedford. Penn'a.
For a Year, or
less Period
Government and allother
Coupon Securities in- r $1 00 per SI,OOO
eluding Bank Bills, J
Gold Coin or Bullion, 1 25 " 1,000
Silver Coin or Bullion „..2 00 " 1,000
Silver or Gold Plate, under seal. )
on owner's estimate of fullNral- 1 I 00 " 100
ue, and rate subject to adjust- f
mcnt for bulk, on a basis 0f.... ]
Deeds, Mortgages, Valuable Papers gener
ally, when of no fixed value, $1 a year each,
or according to bulk.
Wills, So. which premium covers the re
mainder of the life of the maker.
Tbe Company is also prepared to rent
Small Iron Safes, (each furnished with a Tin
Box,) inside its Burglar Proof Vault, the
Renter exclusively holding the key thereof,
at the following rates, viz: sls, S2O, S3O,
SCO, $75, and SIOO per annum. Also, to
Store Books of Account, Records, Valuable
Title Papers, etc., at reasonable rates. No
charge less than one dollar.
Vict President
Directors :
Secretary and Treasurer:
No. 90S Walnut Street.
Especial attention is invited to this commodi
ous and beautiful establishment, thcexlen-
I sivc stock of seasonable and desirable goods al
ways on hand, the reputation obtained as a lead
cr in fashions, and the great facilities
possessed for the fabrication and prompt dispat-h
of all orders.
Although eminent in the prosecution of EVERT
branch of the trade, for the particular benefit ot
the great nouiber dissatisfied.
is announced; which is an art not obtained by
imitation, but through close study, experience
and practice.
Those desiring easy and stylish Pantaloons, arc
invited to give this method a trial. Boct3m
QV S 111 NG S & BAIL EY ,
252 Baltimore Street, BALTIMORE, MD.
The Largest and Best assorted stock in the city of
General, Bank and Counting House Stationery
of all kinds.
Blank Books made to order in any style of
binding and ruling. 20aug6m
Ed, $75 to S2OO per month, male and
female, to sell the celebrated and original
Common Sense Family Sew ing Machine, im
proved and pertected ; it will hem, fell, stitch,
tuck, bind, braid and embroider in a most
superior manner. Price only sls. For sim
plicity and durability, it has no rival. Do
not buy from any parties selling machines
under the same name as ours, unless having
a Certificate of Agency signed by us, as they
are worthless Cast Iron Machines.
For Circulars and Terms, apply or address,
2'2oct6m 413 Chestnut St., Phil's.
The Subscribers respectfully inform the public,
that they are prepared to do all kinds of
HANGING Ac., at shortest notice, in town and
country. And all kinds of Wood Imitation ear
full j executed. Price moderate. The patronage
of the public is respectfully solicited. Shop on
corner of Pitt and Richard Sts.
9apr1869 lyr
HARRY DROLLINGER of Hopewoll, takes
this method of informing the public, that he is
prepared to exccnte at short notice and in good,
and workmanlike style, Brick and Stone laying,
furnace building and repairing and ail other work
in his line, in Bedford and adjoining counties.
Parties wishing to secure his service, will address
him at Hopewell Bedford county Pa.