Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, December 03, 1869, Image 2

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f KBFOKD, PA., KM PAT, PEC. 3, 1869.
The meeting of Congress cn Monday next
naturally turns the public attention toward
Washington. Members are daily arriving
and preparing themselves for work. The
Committee of Ways and Means have already
bad an informal meeting, with a view to
preparing a report of their investigations
and observations during the recess. A dis
position is shown to largely increase the free
list, in the modified tariff to be recommend
ed by the Committee, admitting*free many
articles not produced by us, which now pay
heavy duties. Many important questions
will come up early in the session that will
command the attention of the whole coun
try and require the most judicious Legisla
tion. The Cuban question will be strongly
urged at the very beginning, and Congress
will no doubt be obliged to take action. The
sympathy of the country is with the Cubans
undoubtedly, but whether the Government
can give them any aid without gross violation
of the neutrality laws, must be carefully
considered, unless we determine to make
law for ourselves in regard to matters on
this continent. Important modifications
in the laws for collecting revenue upon
whiskey will be urged with all the money
and influence of the ring, and it will be a
difficult matter for the moetcaretu! legislator
to determine whether the proposed changes
arc calculated to facilitate fraud or to pro
mote the efficiency of the Revenue Depart
ment. Tbe proposed Reciprocity Treaty
with Canada will also require attention,
though the fact that tbe President oppose#
it may cause a quick disposal of it. The
treaty with Denmark for the bay of Sauiana
will again come up for settlement and it 3
ratification be strongly urged by well feed
Counsel, who will patriotically urge its ne
cessity as a safeguard to our commercial in
terests in the gulf. Tbe currency question
will be a difficult one in which widely d -
verse views and interests will make the task
of harmonizing them and the public inter
ests a labor of more than ordinary magni
tude. The Reconstruction measures and
the admission of the States still unrepre
sented will demand early attention and call
forth no small amount of areiinonious dis
cession. These are but a few of the more
important questions calling for the immedi
ate attention of Congress, but sufficient to
indicate that there is a large amount of
most important work before the nation's
legislators and that the session is likely to
be not only a busy but a long one.
The Cuban situation has at last become
decidedly interesting. Some thirty gunboats
have lately been building in New York un
der Spanish orders and are now almost
ready for delivery. Crews are already in
New York to man them as soon as com
pleted. A few days ago they were taken in
custody by the United States Marshal on
the charge that they were to be used against
a friendly power. A hearing in the case has
lieen appointed for the 14th ol December iu
tbe United States court. In the meantime
a considerable Spanish fleet has been order
ed to New York and the President has or
dered a member of our own war vessels to
that point. So it will be observed that any
Spanish bluster is likely to be promptly met
in such away as to prevent anything like a
show of foTce or intimidation on the part of
the Spanish Admiral, Dalcampo, command
ing tbe fleet. It is a significant fact that
the appointment of the hearing in the
courts will not occur until eight days after
the meeting of Congress. The scntfment
of the country is overwhelmingly in sympa
thy with Cuba, and Congress is not likely to
be uninfluenced by public sentiment. It is
also most likely that the question of tbe re
tention of tbe gunboats will be one of the
first questions brought to the attentiou of
Congress. Under the cireumstauces the
Cuban question becomes at once one of the
very first importance. Tbcugh the osten
sible charge is that the gunboats are intend
ed to make war upon Peru, no doubt ex
ists anywhere that they are really held in
behalf of Cuba. It is doubtful if the gun
boats can be bold by our government under
European rulings of international law, but
these rulings are all in favor of despotisms
and tyrranr.ies. From many quarters we
have calls for American rulings in accor
dance with the famous Monroe doctrine and
in opposition to European domination of
this coutiucut. If the administration has
any intention to inaugurate a new policy
there is now a splcneid opportunity afford
ed, though wc are inclined to tbe opinion
that the guuboats will eventually be re
leased without giving rise to any interna
tional difficulty.
The completion of the Suez canal has
again called public attention to the necessi
ty for a ship canal acro?B the Istmus of Pan
uma. It is not as much a necessity as the
Suez canal for the reason that the.e is al
ready a railroad from Aspinwall on the Car
ribbean sea to Panama on the Pacific coast,
as weli as our great Pacific road across the
continent; thus we have two railroads from
ocean to ocean while Euro]* had none.
Notwithstanding this fact, however, a canal
across the isthmus of Panama will be of as
to tlie commerce of tlio
world as that of Sutz. The dangers and
delays of rounding Cape Horn being greater
than at Good Hope. The distance in this
case will be only half as great as at Suez,
being only fifty miles. The railroad from
Aspinwall to Panama is in reality only for
ty-nine utiles in length. Another advan
tage of the Panama canal would be the pos
session of good harbors on both coasts, while
Suez is at the txj c-nse of constructing arti
ficial ones, brum the interest at present
felt in the work, there is but little doubt but
that in a short time the work will be uuder
taken by American capitalists and vigorous
ly prosecuted to an early completion. With
ship canals at Suez and Panama the voyage
round the world would be shortened one half
and the dangers and risks would be lessened
in an even greater proportion. As any such
cana! must necessarily be under American
control, we hope to see American enterprise
and capital enter upon the work at an early
THE latest Southern news indicates that
tbe South is rapidly increasing in prosperi
ty and wealth. Her cotton crop will reach
about 300,000,600, *lso 000,000 worth of
which will be exported. Tbe nc-ws from the
state fairs, in various Southern states also
indicate a promising degree of prosperity.
Peace and liberal laws will soon renovate
the whole South.
THE Greensburg Herald is advocating the
creation of the office of Additional Law
Judge for that district. The press of busi
ness is too heavy for one Judge. There arc
at present over two hundred cases on the
docket awaiting tria'. We hope tbe Legis
lature will come to their relief.
GOLD closed in New York on Tuesday the
29th at 3,30 P. M. at $1,221
THE people of Huntingdon it seems want
a new jail. In view of the recent murders
in that county, they certainly need a strong
as will as a capacious building for the safe
keeping of criminals.
THE latest news from Cuba reports 60,-
000 Cubans in arras against Spanish oppres
sion and that the number would soon be
doubled if they could be supplied with arms.
1 It is evident that tbe insurrection is still far
from being crushed.
AN extensive meteoric shower was ob
served by Commander Gibson at the Pensa
cola Navy Yard on tbe mornings of the 13th
and 14th of November. Tbe meteors were
most numerous and brilliant from one o'-
clock to daylight The uumbors varied
from two to twenty c-r thirty per minute.
THE reduction of our foreign indebted
ness, resulting from balances of trade against
us, is rapidly going on, thanks to our pro
tective policy. The export of the cotton
crop will more than balance our excess of
imports and leave us a credit, wbicb will
turn gold toward us instead of from us as
has been the rule for a long time. This is
the true secret of the gold decline, and we
owe it all to our protective tariff. No peo
ple can long be prosperous who buy more
than they can sell. Common sense is bet
ter than any free trade theory that was ever
iuvented. No better proof is needed of a
b —j c. ——-l than freedom
from debt and money in your pocket. This
is a tangible sort of evidence that all caji
understand and appreciate.
FREE BANKING. —The latest reports from
Washington indicate that Secretary Bout
well will recommend the gradual withdrawal
of the uotes of the National Banks and the
substitution of a free banking law, for all
parties, upon bonds bearing a four percent,
gold interest. The question, as to whether
the hanks shall issue notes, or whether the
government shall take charge of the circu
lation and issue only gteenbabks, is still un
der consideration. We heartily endorse
any movement to give us a good, uniform
currency that shall be available in every part
of our country. No measure likely to come
before the coming session of Congress will
contribute more to the public prosperity.
Next in order will bo a large increase of
currency. It is absolutely necessary for the
business of the country.
SOME of the School authorities at Wash
ington, a few days ago, intending to remove
the colored children from the public schools,
found themselves in a sad quandary. They
wete unable to assort the scholars, it being
impossible in some instances to distinguish
the black or negro children from theii white
companions. Things certainly are badly
mixed but then the chivalry themselves are
responsible, so they must not complain. It
is too late now; second thoughts are of no
Apropos to the above it is announced
that the brother-in law of tho Minister
Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Portu
gal was to have been married to the daugh
ter of a well known negro caterer and res
taurant keeper in Washington, on Thursday.
Well may the chivalry stand aghast at the
results of their own rash example.
THE Free Traders have been making a
good deal of noise of late. In the W est, in
particular, have they been active. Here
has Profes-or Perry done his heaviest work.
One would think that all this amounted to
a popular movement, and that the people
were inclined towards free trade. Far from
it The thing is a job, from beginning to
end. By paying money very liberally a few
leading papers in the West have been se
cured. If it is disgraceful to American
journalism, such is the fact nevertheless.
The securing of these presses was "the con
dition precedent." Then came Professor
Perry, the mere theorist—thin and weak at
that. Preaching free trade he soon awak
ened a public opinion which forced the New
York Post, the central organ of the import
ing interest to take the back track and de
clare for a revenue tariff. Professor Perry
was forced to abandon free trade, and qual
ify his'arguments so as to assent to a tariff
that will raise as much revenue as the pres
ent one. So, considering the cost, the cam
paign of the importers has not been success
ful by a good deal. A large amount of
money has been as good as lost. A great
noise has been made, but as the machinery
becomes exposed nobody will be afraid. If
anything has been really effected, a strong
er sentiment in favor of American Labor
and Capital has been aroused. It is their
j turn now.— Pittsburgh (Vnmerciaf.
The Bellefonte Republican says: "There
is one important office at its (tho Legi-la
tures,) disposal, on account of the respomi
bility of the the officer. We mean, of
cour-e, the State Treasurership. It will be
ab-o'utely necessary for it to select for this
position, a man who has the financial ca
paei'y, and the honesty of purpose, to do
what is right—a man who will stop up all
| the leaks (if any are to be found), and who
will so disburse the public fuuds that the
pulse of (his mighty Commonwealth shall
beat with regularity, and the people, there
fore willingly pay over their taxes, having
the consciousness that every dollar is legiti-
Dafely used for the benefit of the State.
From present indications there is a wide
spread desire for a new man. Several names
have been mentioned in connection with the
office, but from what we can learn, George
F. Huff, of Greeosburg, Westmoreland
county, is the most formidable candidate.
Seme of our exchanges speak favorably of
biai, and many of the leading men in diffe
rent parts of the State, who have wakened
up to the importance of having a good man,
are laboring for his election, and above all,
the people everywhere, who know him, are
very anxious for him to be the coming man.
Mr. Huff is a successful Banker and an ex
cellent financier—a man of undoubted integ
rity, standing in his own community, and
in all circles in which he moves, above sus
piclon. He is also a life-long Republican,
and one of the most efficient workers in the
He is not an office seeker, but his name
was first suggested by one of tbe most sa
gacious leaders of the party iD the State,
who remarked before he was thought of as
a candidate, 'if you want an honest and able
man for State Treasurer, that man is Geo.
F. Huff. II the office is tendered to him he
will accept of it, and fill it faithfully and
We hope that our Legislature will rise
superior to the "petty rings" that infest
Ilanihfcurg about the first of January, and
elect Mr. Huff to this office."
Minnesota Election.
ST. PAUL. NOV. 27.— The official returns
of the gubernatorial election in tl is State
give Austin (radical), 27,520; Otis (demo
crat), 25,365; Cobb jtemperance), 1.751.
' Austin's plurality over Otis, 2,105; majority
j over both candidatea, 404.
THE Winnipeg insurrection will, it is
thought, die out with an explanation to the
half-breeds by the government.
The Income Tax.
Commissioner Delatw trill Recommend a
Washington, Nov. 2.3.—1t has trans
pired that Commissioner Delano favors the
re enactment of the Income tax, which ex
pires by limitation on Juno 30th next, and
if he shall refer to the subject at all in his
forthcoming report, it will tie to recommend
the continuance of that tax. He believes
that ultimately the tax on incomes, whisky,
and tobacco should form the basis of tbe cn
tire income from internal revenue, for the
support of the Government, and this being
established, taxes on other articles to a
large exteut can be dispensed with.
Explosion of a Po oder Mill—Tito Men
Killed and Several Wounded.
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 27.—The Grant
Powder Mills, situated near this city, ex
ploded last night Two white men wore
killed and one wounded, and eight China
men were injured. The building was blown
to pieces, and tbe glass in neighboring
houses shattered. The shock of the explo
sion was lelt for a great distance.
Dr. Cusemans. a chemist, and the super
intendant of the work- was instantly killed,
his body being fearfully multilated. The
cause of this disaster is unknown. A largo
quantity ot nitro glycerine, the principal in
gredient of the Grant powder, was stored
in the building.
ST. JOHN, N. 8., NOV. 27. —In New
foundland the elections have resulted even
more favorably to the anti confederates than
ill Qisi lOpvirittL Full ictuius ftiuw IWCll
ty-one anti confederates and nice confeder
ates elected.
OTTAWA, NOV. 27. —The government has
received despatches from Hon. M. McDou
gall relative to the Wianepeg insurrection,
which confirm the reports rlready received.
McDougall expresses his belief that the agi
tation will die out as soon as the proper ex
planations are made to the half-breeds.
Itie Report that <i Spanish Fleet have been
Oordered to Ac to York Denied— Hunger
and Misery Prevdling to an Alarming
Extent Among the Insurgents.
HAVANA, November 27.— The dispatch
published in the New York Tribune, and
telegraphed here that a Spanish fleet had
been ordered to rendevous in New York
Harbor and that President Grant had or
dered several Uuited States vessels of War
to cruise in said harbor, is commented by
the Diaro in its issue of to-day.
The Diaro refutes the statement that any
Spanish fleet has received orders to go to
New York, and characterises the story as the
invention of the friends of tho Insurgents,
and says the Tribune's object is to excite the
American people against Spain. The Diaro
adti-es its friends among Americans not to
place reliance in such rumors, which are
started by conspirators, and published for
tho purpose of producing irritation.
Advices from the interior are that hunger
and misery prevail to an alarming extent.
The column under Colonel Hidclgo lately
found a hut in the vicinity of Paluia Soria
no, containing the lifeless bodies of eight
persons, who died of starvation.
.Message of the Governor of Alabama.
The message of Governor Smith, of
Alabama, says the people of that State have
this year been favored with a reasonably
abundant crop Towns and cities are rising,
internal improvements are going forward,
and there is cause for gratification at the
material condition of things. He bears
testimony to the quiet, patient and peaceful
deportment of the freedmen, both as citizens
and laborers. By their efforts to educate
themselves and their children, they are
furnishing commendable evidence of their
purpose to improve their mental condition,
and thus increase their capacity for good
citizen-hip. A cordial desire for emigration
is expressed. Stato indorsements of railway
enterprises now amount to 000,000, iu
aid of three lines, which are progressing
favorably. The expenses of the State
government last year amounted to $1,032,-
404. In addition to this the sum of $380,-
453 was disbursed, which formed a part of
the expenses of the previous year. The
receipts from taxes were $086,451. The
present bended indebtedness of the State is
$5,270,400. It requires $307,354 annually
to pay the interest on the bonded debt.
Murder ID Uucks County
A Man Stabbed to the Heart.
RICHBORO, Buck= county, Nov. 20.—A
young man named Bennett was murdered
in a premeditated and cowardly manner, at
this place, last evening, by one May, a
Southerner, hut who has lived in this vicini
ty and worked as a farm laborer for some
time past. The deceased and his assassin
were suitors for the hand of the same wo
man, and had quarreled on more than one
oeeasion. Yesterday May sharpened a
knife that he was in the habit of carrying,
and informed his employer that if be had
works with Bennett again it would be for
the last time. _ The murderer met his Yival
here last evening, the attraction at this place
being a ball.
A quarrel soon ensued between the men,
with a challenge to fight from May. This
was promptly accepted, and Bennett soon
proved himself the stronger. Finding him
self worsted. May pleaded drunkenness, and
asked his rival if he would take advantage
of an intoxicated man. Bennett, said no,
released his antagonist, walked a few steps
from him, and while stooping to pick up
his coat, of which lie had divested himself
previous to the encounter, May came up be
hind him and stabbed him twice with the
knife that he had prepared yesterday. Ben
nett fell dead almost instantly. The mur
derer was at once, apprehended by the by
standers, and sent to Deylestowc, where he
is now lodged in jail.
Murder in "tew York.
.1 Welt known Journalist Shot by a Lawyer.
NFAV YORK, Nov. 25.— Albert D. Rich
ardson, the well-known correspondent of the
Tribune, durin? the rebellion, the author of
"The l-'ieid, The Dungeon, and The Es
cape," and also of "Across the Mississippi,"
was shot, this afternoon, at 5.30 o'clock, in
the publication office of tlie Tribune, by
I>anie! McFarland, member of the Bar.
the same man who attempted to take Rich
ardson's life last winter on Amity street.
The cause of the two attempts made by
McFarland upon Richardson's life was the
alleged improper intimacy existing between
Mrs. McFarland and the victim. Mrs. Mc-
Farland has been for vears striving to obtain a
divorce from her husband, and according to a
letter written by Richardson to the Tribune,
a few months ago, he (Richardson i intended
to marry her in the event of her obtaining
a divorce. The unfortunate affair is known
to but lew in this city, so retired have been
all the witnesses of the affair. McFarland
came to tho Tribune office about an hour
before Richardson appeared, and remained
in conversation with a clerk behind a desk
until his victim had reached the middle of
the room, when he rapidly drew a pistol
and fired, the ball taking effect in Richard
son's abdomen. McFarland then made his
McFarland was standing behind the
conuter when Richardson came in, and the
latter was standing outside of the counter
talking with a friend, when McFarland
started towards him. The counter being
between them, and when within four or five
feet of him, drew a revolver and shot him
in the abdomen, the bail going through him.
The wound is considered dangerous, al
though he may recover. At last accounts
he was quite easy and comfortable. He is
at the Astor House.
Mr Richardson is now quietly sleeping at
the Astor House under the influence of
opiates. Dr. Sayres and the other surgeons
in charge have hopes of his recovery, though
he nas been spitting blood. The ball took
a course directly baekwrrd, and though ex
plortations have been made it has not been
discovered. It ia supposed it penetrated
the stomach near its iliac termination. The
spinal column does not appear to have been
wounded at all.
McFarland, who shot Ricardson, was ar
rested 00 the corner of Sixteenth street and
Irvin place, and was taken to the room of
the wounded man, who fully identified him
as his assassin.
Ilesniuptlon of Specie Payment*.
It is reported that Secretary Bootwell has
decided to submit, at an early day, proba
bly in his annual report, the following pro
gramme For a return to specie payments, to
the consideration of Congress:
First. National Banks to receive their
notes for greenbacks by July 1, 1870.
Second. The Government to redeem its
greenbacks in gold, after January 1, 1871.
Third. Free Banking for all parties upon
bonds bearing interest at four per cent, in
Fourth. This point is not quite settled,
and there are several divisions in regard to
the question whether the bunks shall be per
milled to issue notes as now, or whether the
United States shall take charge of all circu
lation by the issue of greenbacks, on a plan
somewhat similar to that of the Bank of
England. It is, however, understood that
no greenbacks of a smaller denomination
than $5 or $lO will be issued. The free
banking clause of this programme, which
finds great favor among those who have
been permitted to see it, was inserted to sat
isfy the Western States where the greatest
obstacles to a resumption of specie payments
now exist.
Wiscoverics in the Northwest—A Large
Lake Revealed.
A party of geological surveyors have been
engaged the past season in exploring tho
vast country north of Lake Superior, and
have brought to light some exceedingly
valuable and interesting facts. Tho most
important discovery, perhaps, yet made, is
that Lake Neepignon, which is put down
on the ordinary maps as a small nond or
not put down at all, is a lake as large as
Lake Ontario; that it is broad and shallow,
and filled with islands, snd should be classeti
among the largest inland bodies of water on
our continent.
The common ignorance on the subject is
due to the selfish opposition to investiga
tion of that great monopoly, the Hudson
Bay Company, which for so many years
controlled this entire portion of the British
possessions. The association feared that
the extent and value of the lands under
their power, if known, might create en.y.
and cause thorn injury. In conseauence of
this fear, they deliberately falsified their
maps and charts, and not only in the rase
of the Neepignon, but in many other in
stances, have made important suppressions
and falsifications.
It is hardly to be questioned that an ex
ploration of this country, which is as mich
a terra incognita as Central Africa, woald
lead to the discovery of valuable mineral
resources, and perhaps to deposits of pre
cious stones, the less valuable of which arc
even now found abundantly on the shore of
the great lake, Big Sea Water, as it was
poetically termed by the aborigines.
The Spanish (•L.uboats-Foinial Demand
lor their Surrender.
The* Spanish Government has made a
formal demand on the United States for the
surrender of the thirty gunboats recently
built at New York and at Mystic, Connecti
cut. for the Spanish navy. Simultaneous
with the demand the agents of Spain have
recruited for the vessels, and officers for
them have just arrived. The vessels are
all now complete and ready for sea, except
their at mament, which is understood to be
in readiness for shipment. The Govern
ment holds the demand for the surrender
of the vessels under advisement, and, iu the
meantime, the Attorney General has in
structed District Attorney Pierrepout to
libel them at once. Libels have been pre
pared. in accordance with these instructions,
and the vessels will be seized by the United
States Marshal and held subject to the ad
judication of the Admiralty Court.
Admiral Godan. Commandant of the
Brooklyn Navy-yard, who has had nominal
custody of them, has been directed by the
Secretary of the Navy to surrender them to
the Marshal. This action relieves the Ad
ministration of any responsibility for their
retention, and the right to clear them will
be adjudicated by the proper legal author
The libels are duplicated. There are two
affidavits, one charging that they are inten
ded for use against the llepublic of Peru,
with which we are at peace, and the other
that thc> are intended for use against a
people with which the United States are at
peace, to wit, the people of Cuba. This
raises a new point in international law, and
if favorably considered by the courts will
much simplify the question of Cuban recog
The statute of 1816 makes it an offense to
fit out vessels agaiost any foreign Prince or
State, or any colony, district or people with
which the United States are at peace. The
question now is, are the Cuban revolution
ists a people in the sense contemplated by
this statute?
Defalcation in the Second National
Hank 01 Cleveland.
A letter from an officer in the Second Na
tional Bank, of Cleveland, Ohio, states that
that bank will lose very largely by the de
falcation of its eashier, who recently com
mitted suicide. Over four hundred thou
sand dollars of capital and deposits have
been sunk, and inroads made upon the spe
cial deposits in tin boxes, &c., in the bank
vaults, which may amount to over two
hundred thousund.
These special deposits were taken out and
sold at various times to bridge over the de
ceased cashier's accounts with the baDk. In
a letter he left for the directors, he told
them that they had lost their mouey and he
had lost his life. That be bad played bis
hand, had 10.-t and should pay the forfeit.
He cautioned theni about ever putting so
much temptation in the way of any future
cashier, and stated that the bank examiner,
sent out by the Comptroller, was useles
that when he made one examination of his
book's accounts there was a defalcation of:
over $200,000, and the last time he exam
ined and pronounced it all right there, was
about half a million bhort.
The directors have decided to make good
tlie losses of the special depositors, and to do
this will probably make the total losses ol
the bank over §600,000. Its original capi
tal was §600,000, its surplus, $155,000, and
it bad just called in §400,000 more, less the
-arplus. to makelts total capital $1,000,000
Its stockholders are mostly wealthy met
and can stand the loss.
Chief Justice Carttcr, had $6600 of tin
stock since the commencement of the bank,
and had just paid in his increase to make it
SIO,OOO, one half of which is consequently
swept away. The Vice President, Mr. Ilul
hurt, has resigned his position, but (he
bank will, however, replenish their capita,
to go ahead.
Emigration to the South.
The New Orleans Price Current, in in
article on the necessity of labor on the plan
tations, says:
If the proper exertions had been made by
individuals and associations of planters, it
is more than probable that the result ere
this would have been far different. True it
is that the better class of emigrants woiii
scorn all offers, having the means to carry
t hem wherever they should choose to g,.
There are thousands, however, who are ui
able to come from want of money, and if
agents were sent directly to them, with pov
er to pay their passage here and guarariUa
them employment at good wages iur two >r
three years, they would mo6t willingly corns.
Our planters propose to do this very thiig
for Chinamen, but have never tried it wiili
the European. The white laborer is more
independent, and would not long work for
others, but a new supply could be brougit
over every season, and the country filled up
with an active, industrious, homogeneous
A high rate of wages will draw labor un
less counteracted by some powerful disturb
ing cause. The good demand for the great
staples of the South renders the labors of
the husbandman very remunerative, while
on the other hand the production of cereals
in the West has been extended so far as to
reduce the profits within narrow limits.
The natural tendency of events, then is to
wards an emigration Southward : Land too
has become quite valuable in those districts
of the West most accessible to a market,
and every league the settler advances west
ward increases the cost of transportation,
and consequently lessens the value of his
The low prices now prevailing for grain,
as we have stated on a former occasion, will
ultimately prove a blessing to the South.
We make these latter suggestions, however,
pot with a view to check efforts towards the
introduction of European immigrants, for
we need all that can be had.
JAY GOULD ban resigned the receivership
of the Atlantic and Great Western Railroad.
GOVERNOR CURTIN was presented to the
Emperor of Russia as United States Min
ister on October 28.
THE House Sub Committee on Foreign
Affairs will not report on the I'a rag nay an
difficulties until after the holidays.
THE result of the Newfoundland elections
is the election of twenty-one Anti Con
federate and nine Confederates.
IN an affray with knives, between a
planter of Joe Johnson county, Arkansas,
and his throe negro laborers, the latter were
killed. Johnson, the planter, will recover,
though wounded in twenty places.
As evidence that American ideas are get
ting foothold in Italy, a correspondent cites
the fact that American rocking chairs are
now in high favor, though when fir.-t intro
duced by American families they were
looked upon by the natives as something
You never saw such a happy lot of peo
ple as we had here yesterday, said a land
lady in Indiana to a newly arrived guest;
"there were thirteen couples of 'em,"
"What! thirteen couples just married?"
"Oh, no, sir; thirteen couples just divorc
THE principal objection in England to a
law compelling all children to attend school
is, that if they leave off work for that pur
pose they will starve. M ages are so low
that parents arp compelled to rely on the
wages of children of tender years for the
support of the family.
ONE thousand skilled German laborers
recently arrived in New Orleans on the way
to the Teche Couutry and other parts of
Louisiana. They were transported from
various parts of Illinois to New Orleans at
an expense of twelve dollars each, not in
cluding meals, which cost fifty cents a day.
The laborers found plenty of work and high
Du PAGE county, Illinois, is in a state of
anarchy. In consequence of a division on
the county seat question, feeling runs high,
the people of one section threatening the
other with mob violence. The excitement
is represented as fearful, so that the lives
and property of citizens are in jeopardy, and
it is feared that before the matter is ended
soldiers will have to be called out to pre
serve order.
THE mildness of the winter in Louisiana,
so far, has proved a great annoyance to
hunters and lovers of wild game. But few
ducks have been seen or killed, while the
smaller fry of the feathered tribe are remark
ably scatce. Iu New Orleans there have
been few wild ducks in market this season
worth buying, and not more than eight or
ten days of weather cold enough to make
fires agreeable.
of the Senate to confirm the treaty for the
cession of tho Island of St. Thomas to the
United States, is exciting invidious com
ments in Copenhagen, where it is asserted
that the ratification of the Alaska treaty
was procured under the compulsion of Rus
sia, hut the Denmark is imultcd because
she is weak. 1 uless a formal request is
made to extend the time of the ratification,
it is belt, ved that the treaty will he formal
ly and publicly annulled by the King and
the Rigsrag, on the ground that the United
States failed to fulfill the stipulations.
the year ITTU the English Parliament enact
ed thai "Whoever should lead into matri
monial bonds any male subject of his Majes
ty, by means of rouge or powders, per
fumes, essences, artificial teeth, false hair,
Spanish cotton, iron corsets, crinolines,
high-heeled shoes, or false calves, should
he prosecuted for sorcery, and the marriage
declared null and void. " The Parliament
of 1770 was very ungailant, to say the least
of it. But it is a question whether there
is not quite as much nqpessity in these- mod
ern times for such a law as there was in the
ancient days.
A GENTLEMAN who attended S'ainte-
Beuve's funeral writes: "Among the dis
tinguished ladles present I observed George
Sand rapidly falling into the very yellow
leaf ; l'roudhon's widow, very-delicate ; and
Mute. Ratazzi, who is to be met everywhere.
The terrible Raspail was arm-in arm with
his son, a venerable figure, with flowing
white locks, reminding one of Douglas Jer
rold ; Dumas, father and son—the former
promising to live 100 years, but the son fitted
to occupy the cast-off (.'armolite garments
of his friend Father llyacinthe ; Dr. Ricord,
fat and heavy with the vestige of his last
laugh, &c."
WE notice in the English papers the re
port of the trial of a man employed iu a
warehouse, for stealing one apple. He was
duly convicted and mulcted in the sum of
five shillings for the offense. The magis
trate, in passing sentence, said that this
proceeding had become absolutely necessary
in defense of the rights of more than one
person interested. The property was
freight, in charge of common carriers, and
if every porter, warehouseman and drayman
helped himself, though each only to a sin
gle apple, the "shrinkage" was something
very considerable. The transporters being
liable for the loss, sought a preventive in
the arrest of the first man against whom
they could clearly prove the theft.
RICH MEN aud great men seem to be
cursed through their progeny as frequently
now as in the past. A short time ago Cor
nelius Yanderbilt, Jr., grandson of the
affluent Commodore, offered a check for
fifteen thousand dollars, in payment for
goods purchased, on a bauk in which he had
no money, and got the Hon. Horace Greeley
to indorse the paper. Mr. Greeley will have
to pay the amount, it is said, and will lose it;
all, as this young sprig of New York ar
istocracy has contracted debts to the amount ;
of $300,000, and Commodore Yanderbilt!
says he will not be responsible. Yonng
Yanderbilt has just been bailed out of jail j
by one of his creditors, who thinks he has !
lost enough by the misbehavior of the
youth, without paying his board in prison.
Book Committee of this establishment, after
a careful investigation lasting over two
weeks, has arrived at the following judg
ment in reference to the alleged losses and
frauds connected with the business, to wit:
First, that the last exhibit of the agents is
a true and reliable statement of the financial
responsibility and solvency of the Book Con
cern. Second, That though the agents
have bought paper and other materials
through middlemen, yet the concern has not
suffered anv serious loss by such mode of
making purchases. Third, That their lias
been great mismanagement in the bindery,
and that serious losses have occurred there
in. Fourth, That the general management
of the business, in all matters involving the
credit and integrity of the Book Concern, is
such as to meet the approval of the commit
tee and command the confidence of the com
munity. The report is signed by the twelve
members of the committee.
THE London News, in noticing the work
ingmen's houses erected in London through
the munificence of the late Mr. Peabody,
says: "The first block of buildings erected
by Mr. Peabody's money was opened in
1864 in Spitalfields, and since then other
blocks have been l-uilt in Chelsea, Bermond
sey, Islington and Sbadwell. They are not
intended for habitual paupers, but like
Miss Burdett Coutt's dwellings are designed
for workingmen and their families, especial
ly for those who have been crowded out of
their old homes by the recent metropolitan
alterations, 'these buildings,' said a well
informed writer, a short time ago, "occupy
166,931 square feet, and at present there are
680 persons enjoyiug the benefits of com
fortable houses, at a cost ranging from two
shillings and sixpence to five shillings per
week, according to the class of the appart
mcnts; five shillings giving three good rooms,
in a house drained, ventilated, with water
supplies, and dust regularly removed, with
baths and laundries, wringing machines and
drying-rooms, and with gass free of cost.
Every kitchen is provided with cupboards,
an oven and a boiler ; aud the families being
selected upon the principle of excluding all
persons of known immoral conduct and in
tern perate habits, parents are able to enjoy
the sight of their children's sports, no long
er in the pent-up alleys and dangerous
streets, but in ample and airy spaces which
form the play grounds." The tenants of
these buildings are, with but rare excep
tions, remarkable for their decent and or
derly conduct.
SOME weeks ago the Emperor of Russia,
in a fit of hypochondriasis, refused food for
three days, and serious apprehensions were
felt that bis hypoehondriosis would pass
into insanity. Similar attacks are said to
have occurred at various times during tho
last two years.
(ECUMENICAL. —The exact meaning of this
word has recently In come the .subject of dis
pute The general idea prevails that ascum
enfcal simply signifies "general." The
word, however, is derived from the Greek
noun oikoumcne, meaning the "inhabited
world," which was used by the ancient
Helleoes to designate their portion of the
earth, as opposed to hurharian lands. Later
it became the appellation of the "Roman
Empire," aud persons who adhere to the
primitive meanings of words, and will oot
admit secondary senses, contend that an
oecumenical council- cannot now he held.
The first councils, it is contended, were
meetings of the bishop of the Roman Em
pire, aud were presided over by the reigning
emperor or his representative. In the New
Testament, "oikouraense" is employed to
denote the "Kingdom of Christ, and in this
sense may be appropriately applied to a con
sultation of the entire household of faith.
have a very brusque way of criticising pub
lic officers in the New Dominion journals,
and editors there are evidently no respecters
of persons. One of the Canadian newspa
pers exposes the social life of the augu>t
premier of the Colonial Government, Sir
John A. McDonald, in a style which indi
cates that even knighthood aud the flowing
bowl may exist upon familiar footing, and
King Alcohol s.-ems to have rendered thi*
noble auxiliary of Queen Victoria some
thing less than the equal of common folks.
At a rce< nt dejeuner gkxn in honor of
Prince Arthur, the "hunotable gentleman
at the head of the g err.moot" manifested
his affections lor hisprimitive Mother Earth
more than once, and "went to grass" so
fixedly, that the servants hud to convey biui
home, an almost inanimate lump of human
ity, as limber as a rag._ At another time
Sir John was so intoxicated that, "after
spilling several glasses of wine over the
gentleman seated near hint, and staggering
to his legs at inopportune moments, to fran
tically shake his glass, and articulating a
feeble hooray, without specifying what the
demonstration or the hooray might be in
tended to signify, he was conveyed to his
lodgings in a hack. It is argued that such
a man is not fit to be entrusted with the
conduct of affairs, although every one be
lieves that when Sir John is sober there is
no more able man in the Dominion.
agent of the Japanese colony says wc may
be assured that the colony has t laDted it
self here and means to stay. The balance
of the colony he expected soon from Japan.
Now, by the last steamer, there arrived
thirteen men. women and children. This
same g'earner brings us one of the most ex
perienced agriculturists of Japan, sent over
by Eugene Van Heed, to study what plants
could be sent here with profit. He is hunt
ing up rice to make immediate experiments
in its cultivation. He brings 4iX*t chestnut
trees and a bushel of seeds of the same tree.
This invoice is for sale and distribution.
We are not at liberty to say much in ad
vance, but this is sure, that a great many
Japanese people, stimulated by letters from
the Aidzu colony now here and by other
means, have resolved to leave their country',
; and make their permanent home in Califor
nia. They are intent upon introducing new
agricultural industries and upon becoming
citizens of the country. Arrangements are
perfected to keep thc-ni out of the hands of
the land speculators, so that class of peo
ple may as w<dl save themselves the trouble
of running after them. The Japanese are
as intelligent as we are; they are brave, in
dustrious and economies!. They have asort
of co-operative priifeiple which maintains
the dignity of labor and takes away much of
its subservience. They will win universal
respect by a sort of heathenish habit they
have of minding their own business. —San
Francisco Aha.
TNS INCOME TAX. —From what has been
developed withiu a few days past, it is evi
dent that the question of repeal or modi- !
fication of the Income Tax will cause ex- ;
cited and prolonged discussion in the ap
proaching session of Congress. The mat
ter is of especial importance to large cor
porations and individuals of immense in
come. Certain of these have combined, it
is alleged, and formed a party with a large
aggregate fund subscribed to use in lobby
ing the repeal of the Income Tax which ex
pires by limitation next June, aud failing !
in this, to prevent a continuance of that law j
in a modified form, as is proposed by ;
another party. A ie.v Representatives and
Senators have made known their purpose of
opposing tho continuance of the law in any
form, and will demand that it be permitted
to drop from the statute-book with the ex
piration of* the limitation already fixed by
law. On the other hand, a large number
! of Congressmen are known to be in favor of
modifying the law and continuing it in
definitely. There is a variance of opinion
: as to the extent of modification, some ad- j
I vceating two or three per cent, instead of j
; five, with the provision that no income less I
than five thousand dollars shall be taxed.,
I Others argue that three thousand dollars 1
should be the limit These differences can
; be readily reconciled, it is argued, and this ;
accomplished, the majority in both branches
of Congress is very decidedly in favor of re-1
enacting the law in a modified form. — Hus
ton Fust. |
Our Stock is unusually full and complete.
comprising many entirely new aud desirable
styles of goods manufactured into
GARMENTS of all kind,, ttylet and size,.
The most stylish goods, cut in the latest
fashion as well a * plainer and more moderate
styles, suited to all tastes, and better iu
than any other slock of READY MADE CLOTH IXS
in Philadelphia.
Atno a choice election of
which trill be mad, tip to order in the lIEST and
Ply EST MA NX EK for thotr who prefer. ALL '
Zf-iJ- .Vamj/te of material tent by mail when de
tired, for garment, either ready made or made to
Hallway between F BEXXKT & Co.,
MAGAZINES. —The following Magazine," for
sale at the Inquirer Book Store: ATLAN
RIVERSIDE, etc. etc. ft
MONEY OR NOTE.—AII persons icitehted to
John S. Sproat A Co. for brick, or F. Ben
edict for lumber, must close their accounts by the
10th of December, or suit will be bronght.
13novSt F. BENEDICT.
jyjASONRY. —
HARRY DROLLINGEU of Hopewell, takes
this method of informing tho public, that he is
prepared to execute at short notice and in good,
and workmanlike style, Brick and Stone laying,
furnace building and repairing and all other work
in his line, in Bedford and adjoining counties.
Parties wishing to secure his service, will address
him at Hopewell Bedford county Pa.
j Soctly.
Every Farmer, Every Merchant.
Every Mechanic, Every Manufacturer.
Erery Business Man, and Every Young Man.
Worth ten times its price. Agents are baring
great success. For circulars and full information,
address, O. D. CASE A CO,
500y6t Publishers, Hartford, Ct-
AGOOD INVESTMENT.— A house and two
lotfor tale in the town of Hopewell.
The subscriber offers at private sale lot* No.
31 and 32 in the town of Hopewell, Bedford
county Pa. There is a good TWO STORY
PLANK HOUSE erected on the one loL The
two lota adjoin each other and will be sold separ
ately or together to suit purchasers. For farther
particulars address the subscriber at Bedford Pa,
"A Complete Pictorial History of the Times."
"The best, cheapest, a<l most saccesssul
Family Paper in the Union."
In November will b commenced "Alan and
Wife," a new serial story, splendidly Illustrated,
by Wjikie Collins, (Author of "The Woman in
White," "No Name," "Armadale," ami "The
Moonstone"). New Subscribers will be supplied
with IIsRPEit'S WEKKI.Y from the eommenee
raent cf the Story to the end of 1870 for Pour
Critical .Volices of lie Pre**.
The Monnti NBWSPAPUR of ourcouufry. Com
plete in all the departments of an American Fami
ly Paper, ilaai-NA's WKBKY.Y has earned for itself
a right to its title, "A Joomi or CIVIMZA
TICIN."—AVic York Keening Port.
UARI'KR'S WKEKI.* may be unreservedly de
clared the b,st newspaper in America—A'. Y.
The articles upon public question which ap
pear in HARPER'S WKEKLY from week to week
form a remarkable series of brief political csscys.
They arc distinguished by clear and pointed
statement, by good common-sense, ?-y indepen
dence and breadth of view. They are the ex
pression of mature conviction, high principle,
and strong feeling, and take tbeir place among
the best newspaper writing of '.he time. North
American Review, Ponton, Watte
HARPER'S WBEKLT, one year $4 00
An Extra Copy of either the MAGAZIVI:, WEEK
LY, or BAZAR will he supplied gratie for every
Club o/FIR* SCESCBIBERS at $4 00 each in one
remittance ; or, Sis Copiee for S2O 00, without
extra Copy.
Subßc.ript.ons to HARPER'S MAGAZINE, WEEK
LY, and BAZAR, to one address for one year,
$lO 00; or, two of Haprer'a Periodicals, to one
address for one year, $7 00.
Ilnek Numberr can be supplied at any time.
The anual Volumes of LUIU-IMS WEEKLY, in
neat cloth binding, will be tent by express free
of expense, for $7 each. A complete Set, Com
prising Thirteen Volumes, sent on receipt of cash
at the rate of $5 25 per vol., freight at expense
of purchaser. Volume XIII. ready January Ist
The postage on HARPER'S WEEKLT is 20 cents
s year, wbi h must be paid at the subscriber's
post-office. Address,
snov New York.
"A repoeitory of Fashion, Pleasure and In
A supplement containiag numerous full-sized
paterus of useful articles accompanies the paper
every fortnight, and occasionally an elegant
Colored Fashion Plate.
HARPERS BAZAR contains 16 folio pages of tbe
size of HARPER'S WEEKLY, printed on superfine
calender paper, and is published Weekly.
Critical A oticct of the Prerr
HARPER'S BAZAR contains, besides pictures,
patterns, etc., a variety of matter of especial use
and interest to the family; articles on health,
dress, and housekeeping in all ita branches; its
editorial matter is specially adapted to the circle
it is intended to interest and instruct; and it has,
besides, good stories and literary matter of merit*
It is not surprising that the jonrnal, with such
features, has achieved in a short time an immense
success ; for something of its kind was desired ID
thousands of families, and its publishers have
filled the demand. The young lady who buys a
single "6 umber or HARPER'S BAZAR is madea'sub
serlber for life.— Net: ) ork Evening Part.
The BAZAR is excellent. Like all tbe Periodi
cals vrhhh the Harpers Publish, it is almost
ideally well edited, and the class of readers for
whom it is intended—the mothers and daughter?
in average families—can not but profit by its
s gcod sense and good taste, which, we have no
| doubt, arc to-day making very many homes kap
; pier than they may have been before the woman
i began taking lessons in personal and household
j and social management from this good-natured
! mentor.— The Nation.
j It has the merit of being sensiblo, of conveying
! instructions, of giving excellent patterns in every
deportment, and of being well stocked with good
reading matter.— Watchman and Reflector.
HARPER'S BAZAR, one year $4 00
Au Extra Copy of cither the MAGAZINE, WEEK
LY, or BAZAR will be supplied gratie fur every
Club FIVE SUBSCRIBERS at $4 00 each, in one
remittance; or, Six Copies for S2O 00, without
! extra copy.
Setbrcriptionr to HARPER'S MAGAZINE WEEK
LY, and BAZAR to one address for one year, $lO 00;
or, two of Harper't Pcriodicalv, to one address
for one year. $7 00.
/lock Numberr can be snpplied at any time.
Vols. I. and 11. : f Harper'* Bazar, for the
years ISf.S-9, elegantly bound in green morrocco
cloth, will be sent by express, froight prepaid, for
$7 00 each.
The postage on Harper's Bazar is 20 cents a
year, which must be paid at the Mibscriber'ajiost
office. Address
12nov New York.
"Unquestionably the best sustained work
of the kind iu the world. M
HARPERS MAGAZINE, apart from the illustra
tions, contains fn>tn fifty to one hundred per cent.
more matter than any similar periodical issued in
'he English language.
Critical Xotice? of the Press
The most popular Monthly in the World.— Sew
York Observer.
We must refer in terms of eulogy to the high
tone and varied excellence of HARPERS MAGA
—a journal with a monthly circulation of
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found some of the choicest light and general
reading of the day. We speak of this work as an
evidence of the culture of the American people;
and the p>pu!artty it has acquired is merited.
Each number contains fully 144 pages of reading
matter, appropriable illustrated with good wood
cuts ; and it combines in itself the ra.>y monthly
and the more philosophical quarterly, blended
with the best features of tbe daily journal. It
has great power in the dissemination of a love of
pure literature.—TßUßXEß'S Guide to American
Literature, London. .-t
It is one of the wonders of journalism—the edi
torial management of HARPER'S. * * * All the
periodicals which the Harpers publish are aliuos> ;
ideally well edited.— The Xaiion X. Y.
We can account for its success only by the j
simple fact that it meets precisely the popular ;
taste, furnishing a variety of pleasing and in
structive reading for all.— Zion's He: aid Boston.
HARPER'S MAGAZINE, one year $4 00
Ah Extra Copy of either the MAGAZINE WEEK
IV, or UAZAR will be supplied gratis for every
Club of FIVE StTBRCRIDERS at $4 00 sack, in one
remittance ; or Six Copies for S2O 00, without ex
tra Copy.
and BAZAR, to one address for one year , $lO 00
or, two of Harper's Periodicals, fo one address
for one year, $7 00.
Back N umbers can be supplied at any timo.
A Complete Set of HARPER'S MAGAZINE, now
comprising 30 Volumes, in neat cloth binding,
will be sent by express, freight at expense of
purchaser, for $2 25 volume. Sinuk vuluuiat.
by mail, postpaid, S3 00. Cloth cases, for bind
ing, 58 cents, by mail, postpaid.
The postage on HARPER'S MAGAZINE IS 24
cents a year, which mad be paid at the subscri
ber's post office. Address,
29oct iNew York.
, &c., &c.
Between Howard and Liberty,
Superior White Wine A Cider Vinegar,
For sale by G. R. OSTEIt A CO.
L Wo will send a handsome prospectus of our
to any Book agent, free of charge. Address,
12nov4w Philadelphia, Pa,
General and detailed plans and drawings, for
churches and other publio building, private resi
dences Ac., furnished short notice and at rea
sonable prices. C. N. HICKOK.
29janly Bedford, Pa.
I were shipped from our bouse in One Year
to families, clubs, and merchants, in every part
of the country, from Maine to California, amount
ing in value to over
Our facilities for transacting this immense busi
ness are better than over before. We have agents
in all the principal cities to purchase goods from
the Manufoetures, Importers, and others, f .
Cash, and ofteD at an immense sacrifice from the
original cost of production.
Our stock consists, in part, of the following
Shawls, Blanket a. Quill*, Cotton*. Gingham*,
fire** Good*, Table Linen. Towels, Hoeirry
Glove*, Shirt*, Coreet it, rfo, &r.
.Silver. Plated Ware, Spoons plated on Nir.krl
Silver, Dessert Fork*, five bottled phticd Cotton,
Britlannia Ware, Clan Ware, Table and Pork't
Cul'r ry, in greut variety.
Elegant French ami German Fancy Goode,
Beautiful Photograph Album*, the newest and
choicest styles in Morrocco and Vilvet Bindings,
Wo r roc CO Travelling Bag*, Handkerchief on-'
tjlove Boxen, Ac.
Gold and Plated Jewelry, of the newest style,,
We have also made arrangements with souie of
the leading Publishing Houses, that will enable
us to sell the standard and latest works of pope
lar authors at about one-half tbe regular pr.
such as Bvaoa, MOOBB, B' UK.H, MJLTO*. AND
TES xTSon's WORKS, in full Guilt and Cloth bind,
ings,—and hundreds of other.
Ti ewe and eyerything else for
We do not offer a single article of merchandise,
that can be sold by regular dealers at our price.
We do not ask you to buy goods from u unle
we can sell them cheaper than you can obtain
tbcui in any other way,—while the greater part
of our goods are sold at abont
We want good reliable agonss in every part of
tbe Country. By employing your spare lime to
form oinbs and sending us orders, you can obtain
tbe most liberal commissions, either in Cash or
Htrektuuii.-c, and all goods sent by us will be a'
represented, and we guarar tec satisfaction to
every one dealing with our house.
As the Holidays are coming, we are making
special arrangements to supply every one who
reads our adt.utisenieuls, with the most hand
some and useful Holiday preents that can be
thought of or wished for. aod to enable them to
procure them cheaply and expeditiously, we will
give to any ODC who will become our agent. One
lltindretl free Tiefcets, enumerating some
of the many different arti-.e.- from which you
can make your select! n- of Holidav presents.
For returning full clubs from these free tickets,
accompanied by the cash, we will give the same
extra premiums that we now give, just the ?am
as if you had paid 10 cents for each one of your
Tickets. We wish you to understand that not
any other firm ,o the business can compete with
os iu any way whatever.
As this free ticket is only good for the Holidays,
you must send in your orders before the 2<>tU of
January, 187 U.
In every order amounting to over SSO, accom
panied by theeaeh, the Agent may retain $2.00,
and in every order o( over SIOO, $2,00 may ho re
tained to
This offer is more especcialiy to assist Ager.*
in the Western and Southern States, Lut u.. .\
to all customers.
Ajreots will he paid ten per cent, in Cnah or
Mcrchandi.-o, when they FILL UP THKIK ENTIRE
< LUB, tor which below we give a partial List of
Commission j
FOR AN ORDER OF S3O, from a club ot Thirty,
wre will pay the Agent, as commission, 28 yards
Brown or Bleached Sheeting, Good Dress Pattern,
Wool Square Shawl, Frettch Casiuiero Pants and
Vest Partem. Fine Large White Counterpane, etc.,
etc., or $3.00 in cash.
FOR AN ORDER OF SSO, from a club of Fifty, we
will pay the Agent, as Commission, 45 yds. Sheet
ing, One pair heavy Wool Blankets, Poplin Dress
pattern, Handsome wool Square Shawl, Silver-
Case Watch, etc., etc., or $5.00 in cash.
FOE AN OKUER OF SIOO, from a Club of One
Hundred, we will pay the Agent, as commission,
100 yds. good yard-wide Sheeting, Cohi-Silver
Hunting Case Watch, Kich Long Wool Shawl,
Suit of ail Wool French Casimere. etc., or $lO in
We do not employ any Travelling Agents, and
customers should not pay money to persons pur
porting to be our agents unUvs personally ac
For farther particulars send far Catalogue?,
positive and infallible cure for dyspepsia in
its most aggravated form, and no matter of
how long standing.
TLey penetrate to the secret abode of this
terrible disease, and exterminate it, root and
branch torever.
They alleviate more agony and silent suf
fering than tongue can tell.
They are noted for curing the most desper
ate and hopeless cases, when every known
means fail to afford relief.
No form ot dyspepsia or indigestion can
resist their penetrating power.
It is the vital principal of the Pine Tree,
obtained by a peculiar process in the distilla
tion of the tar, by which its highest medical
properties are retained. It invigorates the
digestive organs and restores the appetite.
It strengthens the debilitated system. It
purifies and enriches the blood, and expels
from the system the corruption which scrofu
lar breeds on tbe lungs. It dissolves the
mucus or phlegm which stops the air pas
sage of tbe lungs. Its healiDg principle acts
upon the irritated surface of the luDgs and
throat, penetrating to each deceased part, re
lieving pain and subdning inflamation. It is
the result of years of study and experiment,
and it is offered to the afflicted with positive
assurance of its power to core the following
diseases, it the patient has not too long de
layed a resort to the means of cure ;
Consumption of tbe Longs. Cough Sore
Throat, Bronchitis', Licer Complaint,
Blind and Bleeding Piles.
Asthama, Whoop
ing Cough,
A medical expert, holding honorable col
legiate diplomas, devotes his entire time to
the examination ot patients at the office par
lors. Associated with him are three consult
ing physicians of acknowledged eminence,
whose services are given to the public FREE
This opportunity is offered by no other in
stitution in the country.
Letters from any part of the country, ask
ing advice, will be promptly and gratuitously
responded to. Where conveuient, remit
tances should take the shape of
Price of Wishart's .Imterican Dyspepsia
Pills, $1 a box. Sent by mail on receipt of
Price of Wisharts Pine Tree Tar Cordial,
SI.OO a bottle, or sll per doxen. Sent by
All communications should be addressed
I, Q. ( WISH ART, M. D.
T • Agents, Teachers, Students,
Clergymen, Fanners and daughters, and all to sell
who having abandoned stage life, now exhibits in
vivid colors the whole show world Before and
Behind the Scent*. Being Truthful, Moral, an 1
High-toned, as well as Sensational, Rich anl
Racy, it outsells all other books. Beautiful,y
illustrated with 40 spirited engravings, 21 full
page cuts, 650 pages, on rose-tinted paper.
Greatest inducements yet offered. Prospectus,
Sample Copy, Boxes, and Stationary, tree, tor
U-ireular, explaining, address immediately.
PAUMEI.EE A CO., Publishers, either at Phila
delphia, Pa., Cincinnati, Ohio, or Middletoo,
Conn. 29oet5w
I hereby inform everybody and all tbeir rela
tions that I have deemed it expedient to curtail
the prices of everything in my line of business-
FREBU OYSTERS u'wavs on hand at 30 cents
per plate. The best READING ALE only Five
Cents per glass, Fancy French and Ameri
can Candies, Nuts, Cigars, and everything per
taining to a first class establishment, I will sell
at very low figures. Call and be convinced of
the facts. A- B- CARN.
Bedford, Sept. 24:3 m
I WAS cured of Deafnoss and Catarrh by a sim
ple remedy and will Amd tbe reeeipt Iree.
MRS. M. C. LEGGET, Hoboken, N. J
for sale at the Inquirer office, a Sue
nient of Marriage Certificates. Clergymen anu
Justices should have them.
and all other Illustrated papers for sale at tno
Inquirer Book Store. "
EVERYBODY can be accommodated with
WALL PAPER at the Inquirer Book Store