Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, December 03, 1869, Image 1

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AH HlvertiMoeoti for lei than S months 10,
cents per line for each insertion. Specie 1 notices
one-half additional. All resolutions f Associa
tions, communications of a limited or individal
interest and notices of marriages and deaths, ex
ceeding five lines, 10 eta. per line. All legal noti
ces of every kind, and all Orphans' Court and
other Judicial sales, are required by law to be pub
lished in both papers. Editorial Notices IS cents
per line. AH Advertising due after first insertion.
A liberal discount made to yearly advertisers.
3 monts. 6 months, 1 year
One square $ 4.60 $ 6.00 sto.oo
Twe squares 6.00 9.00 16.00
Three squares.....— 8.00 12.00 20.00
One-fourth column - 14.00 20.00 35.00
Half column 18.00 26.00 45.00
One column - 30.00 45.00 80.00
NAWSRACKB LAWS —We would call the special
attention of Post Masters and subscribers to the
Isurißiß to the following synopsis of the News
paper laws :
1. A Postmaster Is required to giro notice by
wtter, (ratnrnii.g n paper does not answer the law)
when a subscriber does not take his paper out of
the office, and state the reasons tor its not being
taken; and a neglect to do so makes the Postman
ter repsonsibie to the publishers for the payment.
2. Any person who takes a paper from the Post
office, whether directed to his name or another, or
whether he has subscribed or not is responsible
for the pay.
3. If u person orders his paper discontinued, he
must pay all arrearages, or tha publisher may
continue to send it until payment is made, and
ollect the whole amount, whether it be tare* from
tie office or not. There can be Bo legal discoutin
uence until the payment is made.
4. If the subscriber orders his paper to be
stopped at a certain time, and the publisher con
tinues to send, the subscriber Is bound to pay for
it, if he takes it out of the Poet Office. The law
proceeds upon the ground that a man must pay
for what he uses.
5. The courts have decided that refusing to take
newspapers and periodicals from the Post office,
or removing and having them nncallevl for, is
yrima facia evidence of intentional fraud.
grofasstoaal &
Have formed a partnership in the practice of
the Law, in new brick building near the Lutheran
Church. [April I, 18#9-tf
P.espectfully tenders his professional services
to tbe public. Office in the Ixquiuxßuild ing,
(second floor.)
SB-Collections promptly made. [April,l'69-tf.
Will faithfully and promptly attend to all busi
ness entrusted to his care in Bedford and adjoin
ng counties. Military claims, Pensions, hack
pay. Bounty, Ac. speedily collected. Office with
Afann A Spang, on Juliana street, 2 doors south
of the Mengel House. apl 1, 1869.—tf.
Will sttend promptly to all business intrusted to
bis care. Collections made on the shortest no
lie <s, also, a regularly licensed Claim Agent
end ml. give special attention to the prosecution
laic s against the Government for Pensions,
fa- k I ay, Bounty, Bounty Lands, Ac.
Office on Juliana street, one door South of the I
inquirer office, and nearly opposite the 'Mengel
House" April 1, 1869:tf
Bedford, Pa.,
Will attend promptly and faithfully to all busi
ness entrusted to their care. Special attention
given to collections and the prosecution of claims
for Hack Pay, Bounty, Pensions, Ac.
T-fT"Office on Juliana street, south of the Court
House. Apri 1:69: lyr.
j' M'n. BSAP.ES E. r. XERB
Will practice in tbe Courts of Bedford and ad
joining counties. AH business entrusted to tbeir
care will receive careful and prompt attention.
Pensions, Bounty, Back Pay, Ac., speedily col- ■
looted from tbe Government.
Office on Juliana street, opposite the banking j
house of Reed A Schell. Bedford, Pa. Apr I;69:tf
Office with J. W. Dickerson Esq.. 23aprly
Respectfully tenders his professional ser
vices to the citizens of Bedford and vicinity.
Office an I residence on Pitt Street, in the building
formerly occupied by Dr. J. H. Hofius. [Ap'l 1,69.
Will attendto all business entrusted into his hands
with promptness and despatch. Will remit mon
ey by draft to any part of the country. 1 Tsely
Collections made for the East, West, North and
South, and the general business of Exchange
'ransacted. Notes snd Accounts Collected and
Remittances promptly made. REAL ESTATE
bought and sold. April 1:69
He keeps on hand a stock of fine Guld and Sil
ver Watches, Spectacles of Brilliant Double Refin
ed Glasses, also Sootch Pebble Glasses. Gold
Watch Chains, Breast Pins, Finger Kings, best
quality of Gold Pens. He will supply to order
any thing in his linewot on hand. [apr.2B,'6s.
On Pitt street one door eaat of Geo. R. Oater j
A Co.'s Store, Bedford, Pa., is now prepared j
to sell by wholesale all kinds of CIGARS. All j
WAUCIS fit vutptij uiicu. reraons uceirrag nuj iuiug J
in bis line will do well to give him a call.
Bedford April 1. *69.,
Office at the old stand in
All operations pertaining to
Surgical and Mechanical Dentistry
performed with care and
Anesthetics administered, when desired. Ar
>'f rial teeth inserted at, per set, 98.00 and up.
As I am deteimined to do a CASH BUSINESS
or none, I have reduced the prices for Artificial j
Tei th of the various kinds, 20 per cent., and of
Gold Fillings 33 per cent This reduction will be
made only to strictly Cash Patients, and all such '
will receive prompt attention. 7feb6S
This large and commodious house, having been
re.taken by the subscriber, is now open for the re- I
eepiion of visitors and boarders. Tbe rooms are
large, well ventilated, and comfortably furnished.
The table will always be supplied with the best
the narketcan afford. The Bar is stocked with
the choicest liquors. In short, it is my purpose
to keep a FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. Thanking
the public for past favors, I respeetfully solicit a
renewal of their patronage.
N. B. Hacks will run constantly between the
Hotel and the Springs.
mayir,'69:ly WM. DIBERT, Prop'r.
Tbis old establishment having been leased by
J.MORRISON, formerly proprietor of the Mor
rison House, has been entirely renovated and re
furnished and supplied with all the modern im
provements and conveniences necessary to a first
class Hotel.
The dining room has been removed to the first
four and U now spacious and airy, and the cham
bers are all well ventilated, and the proprietor
• 11 endeavor to make his guests perfectly at
home. Address, J. MORRISON,
3 'julytf Huntingdon, Pa.
JOHN LiUTZ. Editor and Proprietor.
Jfcqwim sokmn.
Our facilities for doing ail kinds of Job Printing
are equalled by very few establishments in the
country. Orders by mail promptly filled. All
letters should be addressed to
? Scnrral jlrfcuspaprr, Dibotrti to i>outirs, tPbucation, literature anb Morals.
SENATOR SHERMAN is preparing a bill to
fund the public debt, with all the features
of that introduced by him last year, but at
a lower rate of interest.
ANOTHER woman's organ is proposed
with the title of tbe Woman's World. The
cause grows at such a rale that it needs
I more utterance.
THE duty on ploughs exported from the
United States to the Argentine Republic
has been reduced sixty cents on each plough,
and on lumber four dollars, gold, per thou
sand feet.
A NATIVE of Moscow, now (raveling in
the South, expresses his surprise that al
though be has been in this country for six
months, he has never been asked to show
his passport a "single time."
IT is reported that there are already pend
ing, in the three financial committees of
Congress, over five bills providing for the
resumption of specie payments, and four on
the national bank and currency issues.
A BOSTON dentist, who sued a man for
$20,000 for reporting that his wife bad died
in consequence of the administration of
nitrous oxide gas at his office, has recovered
one eent.
WEST India advices by mail state that the
cholera, yellow fever and small pox are
raging fearfully at Santiago De Cuba, three
hundred deaths having occurred from
cholera alone within a period of thirty days.
It was found inpossible to give the dead
proper sepulchre, bodies being covered with
only a few inches of earth. As a conseqence,
the stench from the cemetry has almost be
come a pestilence.
A CARGO of four hundred and sixty
Coolies sent out by an agent from Calcutta,
arrived at Demarara. Tbe scheme meets
with no favor, and will prove a great loss.
The Governors of Bermuda, Barbadoes and
Jamaica proposed to send convicts from
these islands to Demarara to serve out their j
sentences, Demarara to receive the benefit
of their labor, but the Governor declined to
have tho colony transferred into a penal
AN iron safe of the Ilarnden Express
Company, which disappeared from a ear
on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad on
Friday evening of last week, between Burton
and Cameron, was found the next day at the
foot of an embankment near Bellton, and is
supposed to have fallen out, the motion of
the car in rounding sharp curves causing the
door to slide open. The contents of the
safe, consisting in part of a considerable
amount of money, were undisturbed.
THE following is the subject of the lecture
which George Francis Train is delivering
throughout tbe West: "Why is the reli
gious press opposed to women suffrage?
Woman can keep a seciet. The empty
chambers of woman's mind, where the
devils dance the polka. Woman the com
ing reformer. Why don't husbands give
their wives half the money? What has
made women adopt the Grecian dress and
tide horseback sensibly? Women must vote
in 1872. We want women lawyers, doctors,
jurors, and statesmen. Women arc better
than men." '
PRESIDENT CESPEDES has forwarded to
the Cuban Junta a casket of jewelry, valued
at $25,000 in gold, which he desires to have
sold for the benefit of the patriot army.
The articles of greatest value are a cluster
pin containing about twenty diamonds for
which he paid five thousand dollars in gold,
several diamond aud pearl rings of rare de
sign and workmanship, and a number of
wathes, chains aud Hnset stones are among
the collection. Donna Cespedes contrib
utes four bracelets, one of which is worth
six thousand dollars, a most beauti
ful work of the jeweler's art. Several pa
triot ladies of Cuba Lave contributed valua
ble ornaments, and even the soldiers in the
field have offered their watches, seals and
finger rings, to be converted into cash, in
aid of the cause. The money value of these
offerings is little short of $50,000.
UTAH book-keeping is a.s hard to under
stand as some of its grammar. One of the
papers printed in that territory appeared
with the following notice at the head of its
columns the other day : "Notice is hereby
given to every subscriber to the Reporter,
whether daily, tri weekly, semi-weekly, or
weekly, that we want them to notify us at
once how their subscriptions stand; wheth
er they are behind, or whether they have
paid in advance, aud if so, how long or how
far ahead or behind they arc. All not an
swering to this notice will be deemed delin
quent subscribers, and tbeir jtaper stopped
at once. Wc arc obliged to take this course,
as we have recently taken a lease on the
Reporter, and can tell nothing from our
predecessor's books how the subscribers
stand with tbe paper."
A FEW days since two boxes were shipped
fiom New York and consigned to parties in
Lexington, Ky. Upon their arrival there
they were loaded upon a dray and started
for tbe house of tbe consignee. -Upon the
arrival of the colored driver at the place he
was informed that the consignee had re
moved to other quarters, and the party oc
cupying the premises refused to receive the
packages, whereupon the drayman reseated
himself on the boxes and started to return
them to the depot. He had proceeded but
a short distance when both of the boxes ex
ploded with a loud noise, knocking tbe dar
key off the dray and some distance into tbe
street, fortunately, however, without severe
ly damagingjnur. Tbe eases are supposed
to have contained sky-rockets, torpedoes
and toys of that kind.
THE Fenian leaders are disposed to take
advantage of the Winnepeg insurreetiou to
strike a blow at England. At a meeting in
Now York on Monday a proposition to aid
the insurgents was discu-sed with much
animation. One member declared, as the
insurrection was against the Canadian Con
federation, and not against Great Britain,
interference by the declared enemies of the
mother country would probably be unwel
come to the Red river half breeds. Another
member urged that the coldness of the win
ter in the Hudson Bay region would pre
vent, for some months, at least, extended
military operations. Another speaker crea
ted an unpleasant impression by drawing a
contrast between the conduct of tho op
pressed Irish and that of the oppressed
half breeds, which was unfavorable to tbe
former. After a brief but lively discussion,
the fuither consideration of the subject was
deferred to a further occasion.
I've a sweetheart who's kind and attentive,
But who gives me a deal ofconcern :
For this youth is so timid and bashful,
llis intentions I hve yet to learn.
No*, a word has be whispered of marriage,
Though he calls every day in the week.
What ou earth is the cause of his silence?
Good gracious! why doesn't he ipeak ?
One would think me an ogre or griffin,
Since I frighten the man in this way;
Yet I treat him with all condescension,
And I study each word that I say.
All my pains are bestowed to small purposes
Upon one who's so mild and so meek.
How he blushes, andstammers, and trembles'
How he sighs ? But why doegn't he speak ?
Six months have pass'd by in such cocrtship,
Aud 1 find that he's ever the same ;
His conduct is most aggravating.
For he's only a sweetheart in name.
I don't doubt but he loves me most truly—
Then what comes he hither to seek ?
If a wife, why I'm ready to wed him—-
Good gracious! why doesn't he speak?
A Sleigh Hide Extraordinary and what
came of it.
Joseph Blenehford, with coat, hat and
gloves already on, heard the tinkle of the
sleigh bells, and arose to go down, but when
he reached the door, be felt a light touch
upon his arm, and heard the well known
voice of his daughter.
"Fa, may I go?"
"But I am only going to the batik, Graee."
"After thut, father. I will go there and
wait for you. It will uot take tac five min
utes to get ready."
"Well —well! Be spry, and I'll wait,"
said the old gentleman, quite merrily, "and
I'll give you sueh a sleigh ride as you never
had before — *a sleigh ride extraordinary.
You know I have the black before the cut
"So much the better," said Grace; and
she rsn away to dress, little dreaming how
well the promise would be kept.
John Nortuaudy stood by the window
looking out upon the busy street, ever and
anon glancing at his watch, as though im
patient for the time to pass. And indeed
he was. He had no thoughts for what was
passing in the street below. He saw Joseph
Blenehford and his daughter as they drove !
up to the bank, but forgot them the mo '
ment they passed from sight within the
entrance. lie had weighty thoughts upon 1
his mind, that could not be cast aside by any
ordinary occurrence.
He was somewhat about thirty years of
age, tall, erect, dignified and very plain fea
ture. lie had battled with discouragements !
and poverty until his very face bore marks
of the terrible struggles, but he had con- :
quered. His motto had over teen, "On
ward and upward," and, never flinching,
never giving way, he had at last become
cashier of the bank at E , a position
both honorable and lucrative.
Ouly a twelvemonth had he held the po
sition, but in that short time he had won ,
the confidence of the officers of the hank,
the regard of his fellow employees, and was
generally liked by those doing business with i
Still he was unsocial. Ho lived a life of
his own. He a.-ked no companions—want-
ed none. When the bank closed for tbe
day, ho hurried away to his lodgings, and
was .siren no more until the hour of business
on the following day. Business was his
only pita ere. He talked little—woiked
much, he was a poor companion, but a true
He merely turned his head when the
president and his daughter entered the bank,
and then went back to his thinking ! but
Blenehford seemed disposed to molest him.
"Day dreaming, Normuridy?"
"I have encountered so much reality that
there is but little of the imaginary left,"
said he, turning toward them, half reluc
"Oh, fie ! Normandy. Not quite thirty,
| I should judge, and settling down into an
: older man than I am. What are you think
j ing about? It mu.-t not be. Grace, can
you do anything to show this practical old
gentleman the error of his ways? I'll leave
you with him to try, while I devote a few
moment* to business."
"Don't forget the tide, father."
"Never fear. You shall have it."
Normandy was really vexed to see the old
gentleman trot away, and leave him to en
tertain the peerless Grace Blenehford.
| Grace suspected it, and she led him a pretty
I race of words that brought the smile to his
face in spite of himself, EDd provoked some
I almost merry replies, that sounded strange
|ly from his lips. When Blenehford re
i turned, lie found them quite sociable. Nor
mandy, loaning'over the de-k, listening to
• rrace's merry talk, and occasionally put*
: ting in a word that showed how well he was
' enjoying it.
"Thawing, by smoke!" exclaimed
f Blenehford in surprise, but by manner
i changed immediately. "Grace, wo must
I postpone the ride. Some very urgent busi
ness keeps me here. Wait! Normandy can
can take my place."
"I should fcc pleased," said he.
"Very good, Normandy ; and remember
that I promised her a ride such as she never
had before."
"A ride extraordinary, father."
"Yes, yea; that was it. Do not disap
point her."
While Normandy was drawing on his
greatcoat, a gentleman stepped to Lis side
and spoke to him in a very low tone. Nor
mandy's face blanched whiter thau the
snow, but he recovered instantly.
"Thauk you, Ganson, for the proof 0/
your Iriend.-hip, but I have known it for
some hours, l'lease let it rest where it is,
if you can, and 1 will make it all right in
the morniug."
With a buoyancy of manner that surprised
Graee, after what she had seen, he conduct
ed her to the sleigh, and with a gallantry
, little expected from one so practical, 112
i handed her in, arranging the robes about
her more skillfully than even her old fath
er could have done. Then he took his sent
by her side, aad off they went.
Through the crowded streets, through the
less crowded suburbs, out into the quiet
country, Nortuaudy all the while chatting
merrily, a startling contrast to his real ficl
ing*. Ji it when once they were out of the
great city, his manner changed entirely.
Turning his dark, searching eyes full upon
bis companion's beautiful face, he asked,
earnestly, almost beseechingly:
"Missßlenehford, can yon trust mc?"
Surprised and somewhat annoyed, she
haidly knew how to answer. But she saw
that he was in earnest, and in the brief
time, she thought of all her acquaintances,
and not one of them would she trust soon
j ' do y OU ask, Mr. Normandy?"
"If I should tell you," said fic, "thai
those whom you hold most dear, yourself
included, were in great peril, and a peri!
that you never could guess, and I had the
powr to save you all, would you believe
mo ! Would you trust rue ? Would you be
guided by mc for a brief time?"
Startled by his manner, and convinced by
his earnestness she replied as earnestly;
"I es, Mr. Normandy; I can and do trust"
yau. But why do you ask 1"
Do not ask me. It will be enough to
iell you that you and your father and broth
er are truly in great danger, and if you will
| plate implicit confidence in me, I can save
you Drop your vail if you please. Thank
you." %
Almost tenderly he wrapped the robes
around her, yet uttering no word. Then
gathering the reins, he gave the horse a
ligb: blow, and away they went, it a pace
that soon left the city far out of sight. "An
extraordinary ride, surely," thought Grace,
as they sped over the erisp enow ; and
there was a wonder how it would end. But
she felt no fear, no regret, that she bad
placed herself in his bands.
For rode, he doing all in his
power to entertain her, succeeding so well
that she almost forgot the singular position,
in listening to his brilliant talk and varied
experience. About dark, they dretf up at
a farm house, where Normandy ordered
supper. While it was preparing, he looked
after tbe comfort of his horse, rubbing him
down with his own band and feeding him ;
for the ride was not yet over.
"We have four hours yet to ride," said
he to grace, "Shall we go on ?"
"I trust you, Mr. Normandy. Let me
help you if I can."
"Thank you! Thank you, Miss Bleneh
ford," he said, gratefully. "You shall not
repent ir."
Out into the night (bey startc.l again, j
lie procured additional robes at the farm
house, and wrapped his fair companion so !
closely that she did uot feel the biting cold.
He needed no covering; his blood was at a
fever height, defying the cold north wind
more effectually than the warmest furs.
On they drove through the still keen air,
past farmhouses, over hills, across rivers, '
through dense woods and damp valleys, and
yet the end of that ride was not yet.
Gould it be that John Normandy was
playing false? Did he know that the officers
of the law were searching for him far and
near? That his name and description had
been flashed over the wires in all directions?
That his came was whispered upon the
a Jtsfiiuhci a roV>Vw? That he
was already charged with the abduction ot
Jonas Blenchford's fair daughter? He could
not Lave driven faster had he known all of
these, nor have seemed more impatient to
get over the ground. It looked very dark,
yet Graee Blenehford trusted him.
"We are almost there," said he, halting
the steaming horse, and pointing to a light
ahead. "Arc you sorry that TOU trusted
me ? It i 3 not too late yet."
"Your conduct is very strange, yet I have
no fear," replied Grace.
"You arc one among a thousand," he
said, honestly.
He stepped out, and taking the hells from
the horse, stowed them away in the sleigh.
Then he drove on cautiously toward the
"It is our beacon," said ho. "It tells
mo that I am iu rime."
He stopped again, when within a few
hundred yards of the house. Securing and
well blanketing the horse, he helped Grace
to alight, and t-ogether they walked toward
the building.
"We must be very cautious, else our ride
will be for naught."
He drew a revolver from his breast and
1 placed it in his p-eat-coat pocket, where he
could reach it without waste of time.
"1 have come prepared," he whispered,
(jfccling his companion's arm tremble within
'his own. "Do not fear. I would sooner
|!ose my own life than that one hair of your
i Lead should be harmed."
They stopped in the shadow, just before
the door.
"Now, Miss Blenehford, you will have
need of all your courage and fortitude," he
whisper*d. "Within this, liou-e you will
see all thut which will be agony to you, but
it can not bo avoided. By no other means
Gould I save the Blenehford name from dis
grace. Follow me."
Revolver in baud, he burst the door, and
entered quickly, followed closely by Grace.
With a cry of fierce anger, the only oc
n.pant of the room sprung up to meet the
j intruders; but the moment tbe light fell
upon their faces he tank back into the
ciair with a gn an, aud buried his face in
lis hands.
"Oh God ! Lost, lost!"
Grace Blenehford recognized her only
lrother, James; and, seeing his distress, the
inning to bis side to comfort Lira.
"Don't touch me, Grace" he exclaimed,
terror. "Normandy, take her away!
| Don't let her come neat me! Vt by did you
bring her hero? Oh, my sister ! Is it pos
tible! Great God ! I shall go mad! I c-an
not endure it! Why did you ever brin£ her
"To save you," replied Normandy.
He had closed aad bolted the door, but
still retained the revolver in his hand. He
moved uearer to the conscience-stricken
! "James Blenehford calm yourse'f,"
' said he. "Wc have come, not to harm, but
jto =avo you. The presence of your si-ter .
should tell you that."
A'oung B enchford raised bis 1 ead with a
\ hopeful look.
"God bless you, John Normandy ! You
know not what I have suffered, but I dared
aot come back 1 And now you will keep it
from my dear father "
! "I will," said Normandy, solemnly, "No
' one shall ever know of it, save ourselves."
"But Gruca?" sa'd James Blenehford.
"She need know no more," said Nor
iuaudy. "I brought her hero that the sight
of her might give rou courage to return to
"John, 1 shall tell Iter all," said Jameg.
"I s'uill tell her everything, but not now."
"Spare her the pain, James."
"No, John. It is my duty. But not
"Where is your accomplice?
"lie will arrive by the next train," said
Blenehford, with a shudder. "I was wait
ing for him."
"And that is due in thirty minutes,"
said Normandy, looking at his watch.
"Give me the money, James, and we will
leave this place before the villain arrives."
Grace saw all, but lieqrd nothing, for
they had withdrawn to the other side of the
room, that she might not be pained; but a
great fear was weighing upon her heart, —
\£ dread of some approaching calamity.
When they came back, she looked from one
to the other for sonic explanation, but very
little they gave her. Normandy spoke
"Miss Blenehford, you are puzzled at my
words and notions, but you will pardon me,
I know, when I tell you that it is better for
all of us to say but liUlu about it. Your
brother has been led into an error that
threatened to be almost serrious. For
tunately, everything is now arranged quite
satisfactorily, thanks to your presence, and
he will return to the city with us. Watch
over him, and pray for him," he added,
solemnly, "that he may not stumble again."
"I ask it," said James, bowing his head;
and without another word they left the
house, and were soon on their way hack to
the city:
Silently they rode until the limits of the
city were reached. Then John Noamandy
gave the reins to Blenehford, and alighting,
bade the brother and sister adieu.
"But you, John?" said James. "What
will you do?"
"Fear not for mc," replied Normandy,
adding in a whisper, "I shall not betray
you, whatever happens."
Then he charged them both never to tell
what had passed between thcui that night;
aud, without waiting for their replies he
Btrode rapidly down the street.
He went direetl to the bank, reaching it
ju.-t at opening time, and, without a word
to any one, went straight to the vaults—his
custom every morning—ami deposited the
money that James Blenehford had stolen
from them. Then he went back, and met
the officer to arrest hiai. He expected it;
but ho had left the money in its place, and
now he was ready for prison. He felt thank
ful that he had been allowed so much time.
He had saved James Blenehford and his
father, and Grace, and what did he care
now? He was alone in the world; he had
douo his duty; and he had hope. James
Blenehford went to him in prison but Nor
mandy would Lear uothing about surrend
ering himself.
"I will tell you a secret, James, and then
you will see a motive for my actions. I love
your sister better than my own life, and I
could not bear to have a word whispered
against her. Let it rest as it is. lam con
Again James Blenehford promised, but it
was hard for him to abide by it. With all
his faults, he had a generous heart. That
every day he told Grace the whole story of
his disgTace, and how John Normandy was
suffering for them; and he was touched by
the recital, and thought of every means to
liberate him.
"The money, James, where is it now?"
"Normandy placed it in the safe, un
known to any one."
"And has it not been found? Would
uot the whole matter be looked upon as a
great blunder ; and would not Mr. Norman
dy be liberated at once, and be exonerated
from all blame, if the money was found
Away went James Blenehford, without
waiting to answer his sister's question, aod
within ten minutes was mounting the steps
to the bank. He sauntered up to Ganson,
and carelessly inquired if there was any
thing new in Normandy's case.
"Nothing," replied Ganson. He pro
tests his innocence, and I am inclined to
thiufc he speaks the truth.
'So am I, Ganson. Do you know I am
half certain that it is all a great mistake —
that the money is now somewhere about the
'I don't believe it is gone,' said Bleneh
ford, controling himself wonderfully. I
would like to have another search made.
I'll ask father, and here he comes.
Jonas Blenehford felt very sore over the
disgrace of his favorite, and especially since
his daughter had returned, and spoken in
the warmest terms of her treatment during
the ride. He was therefore very willing to
do anything to clear up the matter. He
readily consented to make another search
for the missing money, though he was well
satisfied that it would be fruitless.
And indeed it came very near being so.
For full two hours they looked, pulling
drawers, turning and unfolding papers, till
every oue but James was satisfied that jt
was not there. He, knowing, or fully be
lieving that Normandy told the truth, did
uot give up, and at last brought the pack
age to light, from an chsouro corner where
it might have been overlooked a score of
times. '
With a cry of joy, Jonas Blenehford took
the package and counted out the money, all
in bills of a large denomination.
'lt's all right boys!'he shouted. Nor
mandy is innocent.
Then all was confusion. Jamcs ran hmne
and told Grace, and they rejoiced together;
while their father went in person and pro
cured the release of Normandy, telling the
strange story as he went. It was the hap
piest moment of his life when John Nor
mandy took his place in the bank again.
James profhtcd by his bitter experience.
He never again swervfcd from the right, aud
is now living, a respected citizen of his na
tive place. Grace never has forgotten her
extraordinary sleigh ride, and never will,
for her name is now Grace Normandy, and
she loves her plain, noble-hearted husband,
with true affection.
THAT was a beautiful idea in the mind of
a little girl, who, on beholding a rose-bush,
on the topmost stem Of which a rose was fa
ding, while below and around it three beau
tiful crimson buds were just unfolding their
charms, at once and earnestly exclaimed to
her brother: "See, Willie, these little buds
have awtkened in time to kiss their mother
before she dies."
IT is worthy of observation that the Latin
word for mistrable has been applied to des
ignate an individual who possess, but cannot
enjoy. And well may he be called a miser,
for of all men he is the most mean, and ab
ject, and comfortless.
VOL. 42: NO 45.
It has long been Die proud boast of all en
gaged io literary composition that the press
is one of the mightiest powers which affect
mankind. Among tbe products of the
press there are oertainly none which has a
more direct and intimate relation to its read
ers than the daily or weekly newspaper. It
is a constant and a welcome guest, consulted
as a teacher and trusted as a friend.
\Y bile the high claims advanced by edi
tors may not be universally acknowledged;
though many may deny that it is the leader
as well as the recorder of thoughts and
deeds, yet all must admit that it has a pow
erful influence throughout the civilized
world. By it, the occurrences in all parts
of tbe world are noted; the proceedings of
small sections are proclaimed throughout
the world; nations are brought into sympa
thy with nations; mankind are united in one
common brotherhood; thought is auicken
ea, activity promoted, and the laborsof one
made subservient to the good of all.
But great as is its power for good, it is
equally powerful for evil; insidious teachings
may be spread abroad throughout the
world, and gain admittance to places which
they could never otherwise reach.
None can have failed to notice the num
her of papers whose contents are of tbe
worst character, destructive to the minds
and morals of those who read them. Of
large size and filled with expensive engra
gravings, their cost must be very great,
while being independent of advertising pat
ronage and dependant entirely upon their
subscriptions for support, the fact of their
continuance proves that they must have a
very extensive circulation. The existence
of these papers seems to have been ignored
by those interested in the public welfare,
under the supposition, doubtless, that to
bring them more prominently into notice
would only increase their influence. Even
should such be the case, it may be Well to
inquire whether the fact that these sheets
arc so extensively read does not indicate a
condition of the public mind which demands
renewed zeal in those devoted to the moral
improvement of their fellows, and an in
creased determination to labor.
A sadder evidence of a diseased state of
the public mind is afforded by the fact of
the full reports of improprieties and crime
given in respectable journals, and especially
in the list of papers claiming to be organs
of the working classes.
The claims of the superiority of American
to European workmen need to be earefully
considered if it be true that attendance upon
mechanics' institutes and the reading of
moral and instructive papers is replaced by
attendance upon police courts and the eager
perasal of criminal uews. As friends of
workingmen we deny that their tastes are
altogether on the side of vice. We know
too well how many attending evening schools,
listen to instructive lectures and select im
proved books; and we believe that any pa
per which really wishes to become an organ
of the laboring classes should contain only
articles adapted to the improvement of its
readers and encouragement for them to bet
ter their condition.
Sensational articles we believe to be the
result of a yielding to the demand of the
public; but if the press has the power that
it claims, it ought certainly to strive to check
rather than submit to the feeling. Not only
are accidents described ID glowing language,
and proceedings which should not be made
public described to the minutest details, but
the most trifling occurrences are magnified
to subjects of the greatest importance. Sim
pie terms and mild adjectives no longer sat
isfy, but the most extravagant words are
deemed necessary to express the simplest
ideas. As a mere fault in the use of lan
guage this tendency should be condemned,
but we cannot but believe that this course
will have a more pernicious tendency.
When words are no longer understood in
their proper significance, when articles are
not believed to mean what they express,
must there not be a weakening of that re
gard for the absolute truth of what we say
which will eventually undermine if not de
stroy that sense of honor which is expressed
in keeping our word. But there is a worse
danger to be dreaded, and that is in the be
lief, which amounts almost to certainty, that
the rage for sensationalism leads many to
delight in the recital of suffering, and may
even lead to the desire for accidents to hap
pen or even to a determination to cause
It may not be thought well to pass from
these important faults of modern journal
ism to speak of faults in mere propriety of
language, but believing this fault to lead to
greater ones, we desire to call attention to
the increasing use of slang terms and for
eign phrases. Purity of language is an evi:
dence not only of a sound mine and good
education, but, to a great extent, of moral
uprightness. The use of vulgrr terms must
lead to vulgar thoughts, and the employ
ment of I slang phrases is too often an indi
cation of fumilian'tj nitL a low class uf ooci
ety. Whatever justification may be render
ed for the substitution of foreign words and
phrases for equally expressive English
equivalents, the practice is one to be eon
detuned and not encouraged. There is some
cxcu.-e for the use of foreign words by a per
?CII just commencing the study of a foreign
language, but those who profess to be farnil
iar with that and their own should certain!}'
be able to translate the expressions tbev
may meet in the course of their reading. It
cannot certainly be said that the use of for
eign expressions increases tbe number of
those who can understand what is written,
while the foolish mistakes continually made
cither by the writer or the priuter ought
certainly to lead to the avoidance of this
It is unnecessary here to speak of gram
matical mistakes, which are far 100 common,
but wo must close with the expression of the
wish that greater attention to literary execu
tlon and an increased zeal for the preserva
tion of the purity of our language may char
acterize all writers for the press. The news
paper has just passed its infancy, and is le-
I ing educated for its work; thtra is befoie it
| a future of power and glory greater than it
S has yet attained.— lndustrial American.
RICHES do not consist in having more
gold and silver, but in having more in pro
portion than our neighbors; whereby we
are enabled to procure to ourselves a great
er plenty of the conveniences of life than
comes within their reach, who, sharing the
gold and silver of the world in a less propor
tion, want the means of plenty and power,
and so are poorer.
The IEQCISE* li publi*lledn\Ery fttfPAT morn
lug be following rntns i
Out TEAR, (is Ativan*,) s2.ofi
" " flf not paii within lii not.).'..
" " (if not paid within tbe .Tir,p Of
All papers uaUide of the county discontinued
without notice, at the expiration of the time for
which the subscription fans been paid.
Single copies of tbe paper famished, in wrappers,
at fire cents each.
Communications on subjects of local or general
ate rest, are respectfully solicited. To ensure at
tention favor* of this kind mast invariably be
accompanied by the name of the author, not for
publication, bat as a guaranty against imposition.
All Utters pertaining to business of the office
should be addressed to
JOHN LUTZ. Banrotp. PA.
How he Looked, Dressed and Acted
when a Young Man.
Stephen A. Douglas first came to reside
io Springfield, Illinois, sometime in April,
1.537. lie had already served one term in
the Legislature, and had then recently been
appointed, by President Van Buren, Reg
ister of the Land Office of that place. At
the date above mentioned, be was a little,
active, wiry fellew, about five feet five, and
weighed uot more than 110 pounds. He
had a beardless, boyish face, dark blue lus
trous eyes, a short thick neck, square shoul
ders, and large round, bushy bead, which,
somehow seemed much disproport toned to
the sire of his frame. He dressed plainly
and rather slovenly, for his wardrobe was
rather scanty, and his finances at a low
Altogether, he presented quite a youthful,
and, atfiist view, unprepossessing appear-
AIICC. Do* be was uncommonly quick and
vivacious io couvcuuuo b , lj WJtu
berant flow of animal spirits, which render
ed him a delightful companion. Of a pecu
liarly social turn, he soon made the ac
quaintance and won the heart of every citi
zen in the town; and what is more, like
Themistocles of Athens, he knew them all
by name. He attended all the local politic
al gatherings, was present at all the village
frolics, and took part in all the manly pass
times of the day. He is said to have been
especially fond of wrestling, and could throw
a man twice bis weight. He paid assiduous
court to the elderly dames, and danced with
their young and interesting daughters ; but
in treading the mazy meshes of Terpsichore
he never was considered an expert.
He went about with his pockets crammed
with newspapers, pamphlets and other po
litical documents, and when called upon for
a speech was ready. If an opponent was to
be demolished, there was no man so compe
tent to the task : and he always carried the
reeord with him to substantiate whatever
charge he made. He was gifted in a rare
degree with those peculiar qualities of head
and heart wLich secure to their possessor the
ascendency and the leadership in all matters
of public concern. Even at that early peri
od of his fortunes, his Democratic support
ers considered him a prodigy of political wis
dom, consulted him as they would an ora
cle, and predicted for him a high destiny.
But the more aspiring among his Whig ac
quaintances, being jealous, perhaps, of his
rising reputation, ridiculed his pretentions.
Mr. Douglas was then just entering, as it
were, upon his brilliant and cxampled pub
lic career, and was himself scarcely conscious
of the possession of those amazing powers
of intellect which qualified bim for acting
such a distinguished part in national affairs.
—lllinois State Register.
We long for the day when this custom
shall be obsolete. It is unbecoming the
truly afflicted one. The wearer says by the
black garments: '-I have lost a dear friend.
lam in deep sorrow. ' But true grief does -
not wish to parade itself before the eye of
the stranger; much less does it assert its ex
tent. The stricken one naturally goes apart
from the world to pour out the tears. Real
affliction seeks privacy. It is no respect to
the departed friend to say we are in sorrow.
If we have real grief, it will be discovered.
When God bas entered a household in the
lawful chastisement of death, it is time for
religious meditation and communion Nrith
God on the part of the survivors. How
sadly out of place, then, are the milliner,
and the dressmaker, the trying on of dress
es arid the trimming of bonnets. There is
something profane in exciting the vanity of
a young girl by fitting on a waist or tying on
a bat, when the corpse of a father is lying
in an adjoining room. It is a sacrilege to
drag the widow forth from her grief to bo
fitted for a gown, or to select a veil. It is
often very oppressive to the poor. The wid
ow, left desolate, with half a dozen little
children, the family means already reduced
by the long sickness of the father, must
draw on her scanty purse to pay for a new
wardrobe for herself and children, throvring
away the goodly stock of garments already
prepared, when she most likely knows not
where she is to get bread for those littlo
ones. Truly may fashion be called a tyrant,
when it robs a widow of her last dollar.
Surely your sorrow will not be questioned,
even if you should not call in the milliner to
help display it. Do not, in your affliction,
help uphold a custom which will turn the
afflictions of poorer neighbors to deeper pov
erty, as well as sorrow.— The Central Bap
MANY years ago the good people of Lyme,
Conn., were earnestly opposed in their ef
forts to settle a pastor over the only church
in town, by a cross-grained man by the name
of Dorr. At a parish meeting, while the
matter was under discussion, a half-witted
fel'ow arose and said he wanted to tell a
dream he had last night:—"l thought,"
he said, "thai X filed auX went *.a- -,L,,c
wicked people go, and as soon as Satan saw
nee, he asked where I came from.' "From
Lyme, Conn.," I told him right out. "Ah !
and what were they doing in Lyme ? v he
asked. "They are trying to settle a minis
ter," I answered. "Settle a minister! he
cried, "I must stop that. Bring me my
boots; I must go to Lyme this very night."
I then told him as he was drawing on his
boots that Mr. Dorr was opposing the set
tlement, and likely he would prevent it alto
gether. "My servant Dorr," exclaimed his
Majesty. "My servant Dorr! Here, take
my boots, if my servent Dorr is at work,
there is no need of my going at all.' " This
speech did the business. Mr. Dorr made
no further opposition The minister was
settled, but his opponent carried the title of
my "sarvent Dorr" with him to his grave.
Which will you do —smile, and make your
household happy, or be crabbed, and make
all those young ones gloomy, and the elder
ones miserable? The amount of happiness
you can produce is incalculable if you show
a smiling face, akind heart, and speak pleas
ant words. Wear a pleasant countena'nce;
let jov beam in your eyes, and love glow on
your forehead. There is no joy like that
which springs from a kind act or a pleasant
de?d ; and you will feel it at night when you
rest, at morning when you rise, and through
the day when about your business.
1 IT is with our thoughts as with our flow
* era—those that are simple in expression
' carry their seed with them ; those that are
i double charm the mind, but notb