Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, November 12, 1869, Image 1

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    rates of advertising. !
AH *! vert iewnent* fr Ww than 3 month? 10
cent- p-r Hoe fr exffH tn>ertnn Sppcii UintQer
on-*-h*)f •*!. Alt rp*lg?ln* f Assiwia
tidM, f a limited 'f in iivi lal
intcreKt *n i m*tiee of iarrt)(tß nl He*'he. ex
ceding five line*. 10 er* per line AH e-xU n* r
ces >t ever} knl. ia4 aII Orphans' Curt and
other .lud trial ale*. are required by l* to be pub
lished in"both papers, Cifituriil Notice# 15 ceof?
per One. AH Advertising ta*'after first insertion.
A liberal discount toaric to yearly advertiser*.
3 foont- 0 Mooth. I year
One square $ 4.50 SOO flft.oo
.< y.oo i
Three eauar-- *OO I -."0 20 00
Ot.r-lnurh column MOO Stt.oo 85JH
H,:,- (...inrno l*"° 25.00 45 00
Oo" column 3 00 45-00 *.#
\.%*X?APK LAWS.—We w<nld call the ajuv>ml
at icntioo of Post \l.>ter.* and *u user i here to the
Inquirer to tbe following synopsis of ibe Nekra
pupcr i*w- :
j. A Postmaster in required to jf ve notice by
(returning a r doe* not auswur Sne law)
when a subscriber does n t take hi.- paper o<it of
the office, nod s at-- The r*aufns lor if* not being
tfik*o: anil n neglect to d *o make- the
ter tn the pub imbues for th payment,
2. Auv person who take? w paper from 'he Post
office, whether difyctoti to bin name or another. or
whe'her he bus 'siheribed or not is rt pon?ih:e
fur be pay.
3. If a person orders his paper diaountinned, he
roust pay ail arrcar&gis. t ,r the ptddbbor may
continue to f nd it until payment i- made, and
die-r the whole amount. scU+iktr it be take*
the or nut. Xhere cm t. eg*l discon:ia
ueitc-e until the piymont is made.
4. It the snbaciber orders his paper to he
slopped at a certain rime, and the publisher coo to send, ihe subscriber 9 b->aud to pay for
t*. •/ Ac tike* if i.uf 0/ the /' >t Ojfice The law
P o.' . U up. o the grouud that a uian must pay
for wh t be uses.
a. i'tie court have decided that refusing to Lka
new-paper* and periodical- from the Poet office,
or relieving aid having theiu uncalled for. is
I rituu /'"cio evidence n intentional fraud.
ATTORNEY? AT LAW, BKt'Pußr>, r\.
Hive formed a partner hip ; n Lc practice of
tbe Law, in new brick buii-iiug near the Lutheran
Church. [April I. 18*9 tt
\ ] . A. PtHNTo,
• etfulh renders his professional services
i .• t'die. OTP.-.- iu tbj Iv) 'ft:3 li! I injr.
(sec nd floor.)
'*y Collections promptly male. [April,lT 9 tf.
•\TToRNKY AT LAW, BRT>pokv>. PA..
Will faithfully and promptly attend to all husi
entrusted to bis care in Bedford and adjoin
Of counties. Military claims. Pensions, hart
f.i* j ' un'v. Ar. speedily collected. Office wit*
Mann A Spang, on Jnliana street. 2 doors sontl.
of the Mengel House. apl 1. 1869.—tf.
Flkkporo. PA.
Wit iff end promptly to all business intrusted t
his are. Collections made on the shortest no
lle k 100, a repn larly licensed Claim A gem
ri 1% *i give sp' il attention to the prosecution
iix s a:'4tn" f he Government fr Pensions.
, * 1 ay. Bounty, Bounty Lands. Ac.
1 •;cr .D Juliana street, one dnr s -iitb of the
/..Direr office, and nearly opposite the Men re'
IT,use" April 1. ISfi9:tf
-J.1,. Rl'S EM, I H. 1,0 VC £XECK Kfi
Be lfonl. Pa.,
Wij] Attend promptly nd faithfully tn all husi-
- - nfruited to their care. Special ittCDtioi
given to collrrliwDi and proseoutton of cbiions
f r l*.*k Pay. Bounty. Pennons. Ac. on Juliana street, south of the Court
C,.use. Apri 1:69: lyr.
J M'n. Pn\CPR v — r - K BHI:
O . TTOHM: YS- A T- I A \V.
Will practice in the Courts of Bedford and ad
j• • i 1!i 112 (V'tionrs. All husioess ei trusted to their
c ire will rewire careful ..nd pruipi att-otioi.
p li uutv, iwk Pay, Ac., speedily col.
In- d from the Government.
Offire. on .Icltun* -treet, opposite the hankint
b 01-e of Heed & Sehcll. Bedf.ird. Pa. Apr l::tt
IlEiipurtD. PA ,
ofii<v witb J. W. Dtrkcrsiin b.srj . 2"'pr l y
Pll YSi CI AN 8.
Respectfully lenders his professional ser
vices to the citizens of Bedford and vicinity.
Office an 1 residence on Pitt Street, in the building
formerly occupied by Dr. J. If. Hofiis. [Ap l IJ9
>1 Isr Kl. LA N Lot' S .
C LAIM AG' ' T, and Ex-Officio JLSTI* K
WiP attend to a'd Hu*ine-a entrusted into bi J hand-*
wih promptt)"-*? itu I de-patch Wll rami ra n
--ty by drati to Mi;y part .l the country. 17-ely
# Tl nronn. PA
t'ollecti<.n- u.ade f<r the Fast. West, North and
South, MII<I the general BUSINESS of Exchange
transacted. Notes and Account* C.ollected and
Bmittance> promptly made. REAL B^T\TB
nought ud doid. April I:6J
noTt i.. BK§ v >RP. PA.
He keeps <n han I h -tm-k of tine Gold an i Sil
ver Watches. Spectacles of Brilliant Double Refin
■] Gla--es, also Scotch Pebble Glasses. Gold
Watch Chains. Breaat Pins. Finger Rings, best
q.a itv of Gold Pens. He will supply to order
:r;y thing in hi-line not n hand. [ ipr.28,'65.
f \ w. CHOI'S E ,
I nr. vi p.r tv
Gfi Pit.l street "ne dour east < *e. 1. 0-t i
A Co.S Stre. B* I ford. Pa., s >'*w prepared
to ><eß hv wholo-ale all kind* <♦ A!
orders promptlv filled V rson- I -siring anvthin.
in his lwi* will d w.*l to give him a call,
Bedford April L 6,.
( y HICK 0K ,
Office at the oi l stand "n
RANK Bt i!.r>iso JnLana st.,
All •operations pertaining to
Sury icu I uml Mechanical Dt ntixtrti
perf"rtned with care and
.4 mrttheti' * n>fuiintteretj, trhnt Centred. At
i inl tteih inserted 'if. per 08.00 uif/ ?/
As I am d-teimined •.!• n CASH BUSINESS
or none, { b ve reduced the prices for Artificial
Teeth of the varnu ki d>. 2' per cent.. #r.d <<!
Gold 1 ißings ->M per cent This reduct.n will IK
only t stri'dlv Cash P itients, aud all Biw-b
will receive pr- wpt ftttention. Tfebfi.*
This Urge •! consmodioiiß house, having beet
re by the subscriber, is nw j cn for the re
cepto-n of vi* and boarders. The roo.ns nri
large, well tciitila'e i. and itnfortablv furnished
The F.hl >ll HIW.VVS bo sui>pßed with 'he BES
the ii arket can affiird Toe Bar is stcked witi
the ehoheeit liquors. In -h'.rt. if i* toy purposi
to keep CLASS H >TEL. Thankin:
the public lr past lTrs. I respectfully solicit j
renewal of beir patnmage.
N. B. HIF-K- will run constantly between th<
Hotel M1 the springs.
may 17/69:1y WM. DIBERT, ITop'r.
p X II A N G E HOTK Ij .
This old ertablishmeiit having been lea.-e i by
J MoKUJSOX, formerly pro pi 'tor of ti:e M t
rison House. ha> been entirely renovated and re
tarnish d and supplied with alt the tmaiertt t;n
prmt'iietitii and convenience* necessary to a first
eUc* Hotel.
d'bc li iig roots b** been removed to the fir-i
flo-r and is it>.w *,•*. ioua an I airy au I the * h • (fi
bers are all wi-|l veutilat> d. an<f the pr.prirt r
will ritdeavor t make hi- guest* j-erf-etly at
b u. . ddi4**, J.
dljulytf HupuiigdoD, Pa.
JOHN LUTZ tsiitor and Proprietor.
gnijuim. Column.
Our facilities for doing *ll kinds of Job Printing
ire b\ very few establishments in tie
.-ountry. Order, by mail promptly filled. All
letters should be addressed to
31 Jlocal anh g&rnrtal Jlrtospapfr, DrbGtrh to politics, (Diuiration, ?iitrvaturr anh ill ovals.
IT i: Ms.
LONDON •- iuf Pt<*.l by I gtnn of" TLM <
famtthir inlets known i< "da!<ly 1 Mulej>,"
INSECTS devastate the United Sut.s toti •
a moo nt nl three hundred thousand <iul!a.'
A FRENCH expedition tog >to the M d
iterrnncan, to observe the meteoric shower
iii NoVi in her.
A BEEOIAN ci 'iz it has invented an app .-
ratti* t'..r removing deleterious ga ets Tio .
lit: lies.
AN Kngli-h chemist ha*discovered a flu i which he affirms will cause
bodies plunged into it to petiitiy and becnOn
stone within five years.
NEAR Puducah. K.. there is on intn.en
dep.>si' ot clay suitsh'e lor the inanul'acare
id" stoneware. vvhieh is .shipped to St. L-mis
and I niciiiniti.
PROF. KSTY, of Amherst (hill g'-, has re
etuitiy finished a .iiu|>nta'ion ol th-orbit
f Satu.n's -at. l ite.-, a I. tig m 1 d ffiouli
work. which no mathematician has befolc
MCCiUltp idled.
A WISCONSIN paper alleges that b & •
e.f-t 111 the success ol Oil C .-O i-ew-pap-rs
• ie- in th. I er that every man and womu
oi to.- town tik. s eve v taper, for fear a <li
vorce nmicu in wi ich they are ietce-t' t
tuny he puhli-hed and the., not find it on.
THE famous kr olite ti.'ne at Ivig ot i
the only pi ice in the world where the
Valuable Illi'C el (wiili bis almost pll es. d )
Ills h-eti disc ivtl*. d Til anon.l plO lu>"
tion l the nit tie i- a'aint 12.1HK) tons, the
halt' of i- shpp.d to th (Jiii-ed
S ate-.
IT is claimed hi a Fi . n ice p-o'es-o-
It >t si on nam i u'tstn may lie cur- d by simply
w nd ng a c pi e wi e t mlei ami ll* xi 1.-
.irnotid the lea of the |at el t 1 aving an
•nd long enontli to to.ich the ground. Th.*
theory is that the wore conducts away ill
eec ri- ity of th body.
A LAMV Ihimr at C nn ant. Ohio, va
'ecently -> v rely injured tnd ■ ' one time ii
wa- feared t.'iat -lie would the. Her Inl
and had hoc >ll Cali ornia, and th.
! a-t lour 111. nulls ri-itl.o. had h a* ft f>. 11l ill.
tier, although I'equ nt h-tiers h d b .11
written. Some da sa--. hcartiv dat(J m
-1 ant, on hi- w-.y home, and stated that a
few wei ks'ago. corre-|*o:iding in time wi'li
th- ti'ght "I the day Upon which his wii.
wis injured lie -. em Ito s bet >r\ irig an i
holding a cli'd t >wa: I him. The d cam
made so d ep an 1111 pre--). n on h tu tl-a I C
so 11 started I' r home.
THE effiwß which will nn Vmhti d N he
made hy it ten st< d patti. s to infl cue- Con
E*. -s tn incr. a e the tax on wiii.-ky dii. tnc
the appro-c't ing -es i -ti tit doomed to I -ti
ll re. The Piesid. tit, So c y of 'le
fr- asury, and Commissioner of Internal
Revenue concur in the opinion th.-i -m-h a
-ti pat th : s tint w ud be fkn id. d'y injudi
■iett?. They argue that the arguments ad
ranped itt -upp rt of t arc Very strong, :t'nl
let whisky might he tix-d more lor the
purp -e of i. dm ine the las on articles ot
tnce-ity, l-ut they re satified that th.
Pr sent in.-, nt front the gpim tax caMto
!KJ ineri a-etl.
THE n. w one >l..!lir legal tenders which
ire ju-t now being |Ut int > e'reu' 'ion, ate
-SO-, d eg y well finished and the han-lsotn
i-st ol the -e.|. s yet i-sued. On the face of
the n'-'-'-s, which ar. • nent'cl and {.tinted
at the Bureau ol iv graving and'ing,
i-the head of Washington in the c ;it. r;
?n th* |. f r e'.d js a \ go- t'e of 'he di-cover v
oi In J hy 0 lunil tt-; and on the -ther • :-d
is -J seal ol the United States Tin- cn-riv
in-, is o- the h>uhc-t order, and i- -uffieien'
> videttce that they have thi talent an I ran
do as good woik at til • Treason Department
as can be il me in am part of th * World.
G6l.d QI;A! ra MINING —It p mspob
ah'e thai tile Si- I. a Butt.- or Powne villc
I' ak, about t 'i miles cast of the town ol
I) ovnievill... Cuh'on.ia. will soon take r >nk
tt xt to Gra s Val ey, as a m-tre <f gd
tjo'ir z niinmg. The Sier . or H- t-
Mme, has l eeti more recti! n in n- yte'dt
and its pr. fits, f,,r tin- la-t fift en yens,
th.n any other time in'h ■ S it-. Tnel.-
il.-l cndt tn--. adj-.ining it. - a'-o rich, hit
l a I*, en badly managed; has lost several
n iiis b -It ' sinh s. and his 1.0 ncovtr.-'
lr- m'h debts ii-curtid >ll act nt of 'hem.
The K >s "ti . only 'hue mile- d s ant, nt
lln Oj p--it -side of the N'orili V' .b.i. ha
lately 'is. n ' I e one "f 1. most ir. fi iti'.
qtlattZ mines of ill se regions. The Mo it
oet tal, a will•• 1 ewl) 01 ettel a B ltte, h ;
li ey nun d nut nn- 1 i-ee ■!' g.-l I weigh
n; IHG ; O'Jnds, wild worth B'_.),o'X'.
THERE are four indl idu a now .w . ti .j warrants Pennrj Ivan: 1 f..r eoiivtc
ti-.ii of minder, naiic ly. .James F d. <•
Ljeoning' c.utity; U m. A. B nk ol B i I
eat ty; Ahraham Titos. <>f eutn' t- lan
e tiri'v, and Pr. I'.'i .-due. ! of Coii-le
A 1 the-, eas- sb IV.- Ie 111 j lac- din the A
t .rin-y li .'u.rd s hand* tor repot", and hi
jno .jiiilni -ateth-ii the report-w> uid hav.
la- -II aC'td Upon eie thi- had 1 i.e G V.-1110
hten iii a coudi'io:t to atte d to hi- i-x-ccu
tuc tint e-. In the ca-e of Pr. Sci.(,.{a
there i- a . unu-nal j.r* - tire In. tight tobea
u [ion t e pardoning power for Ins pardon o
reprii ve. some ot ih medical fraternity h.-
ing prominent in the upp-. al, on sen 11 ISi
giounds, and tii ■ (J .vcmor will give tin in ;
full hearing. The judge- presiding in eve. ;
case above cited have written ;he Go- er
nor t hat th y -ee ti" r. a-ort why t here shouii
te any lurthi r 1. gal ff-rts or pmc.-s fo
the pardon or miti-at on of tie off-use-.
OUR State finances appear ju-t now to h.
in a very healthy fundi im. But • h
week- ago the Cmntui-.-ioue's .f the.
ing F'utui aumiutic d th. ir r.-aditie-- to p.)
off one uobioti dol ar.s of the tuuded del.
ot th.- State, atid now our woiiliy and eih
cet t State Tica-uter gives notice that he i
prepared to lift, upon 1 r -eutatioii. tin' the five pe. cent, loau w.-i hI .■
cue Jul. 1-t, INTO. This atinouucetiK-ni
coining -o soon after the fir-t. is pecuharb
gratifying, and speaks well for the tnantiri
in w ieh tin- fimricml afia-rs f the S'..t.
are a I mi. is ee I. In INtiO the debt o
Pennsylvania wa- $37.849,125, the Urges
del" ow. tl sy any S'ate in the Union. Af
tei Ii iey r- ol Repuh icau ml .ur .li-!.
is $33 280 %4, Imi we have itt 'heTV aup
tHiic s .[[. in the i l.mei.t f ou. in
d b edu aid no oth.-r purpose, autoun
ing 10 $9,5N2.1MH1; showing .-ur debt to ii
I less a-M ts held by 'he C'uiiu-.iiwea'ih <n
above,) $23.9<i4 904. Ti. s ■''< uient show'- aga ust our indebtedness o" $9 582,
tMMI, and an acual te.luelion nt $4,6fi2 lft
and therefore an imp'-.o em-of in our condi
tiou in uiuo years of $14,144,161.
BEUKORO, I'A. jjUDiV. SO?" IJ is ; >.
BY tUU*£C*.
0:i ifie ev*nit:g ot the year IH-i'j &ni
young ladies mid g*jifle:i:e vrre at * h.
h<ut of u fneud in the village of Mount
I'lea^aof, .Jeffemm county, to wtch
".be old year OUT nnd the iow year in.
During the evening the writer of thi*
ed to one of tbe ladies (MD- the pr*
piiety of availing lfof the privilege* oi
leap year hiiiJ clmbciguig Home literary gen
tieuiaii to a correspondence, and inc-nfioiod
Qhlleek a* likely toreliab the joke. Ihe cor
respotidenCC WHS OPET ed by the lady in <*
poem tit l eculiar beauty, of the same length
and measure HS Ha deck's reply. Her al
dres.s Was Ellen A. F. Campbell (not her reaf
name). Al i Cottage, Mount Pleasant. Jt-l
ferson county. Ohio.
TO Kit : N* (Tiie MO< KPG BIRD).
The Scottish border titinsireFa iw
Entranced me oft in boyhood v d y :
H s forest-*, gfena and sipniin,
M un'a tin. and heather blooming fair,
A Highland lake w! lady were
ihe play matt of my dreams.
Years |H ! away ; -my dreams were gone ;
My : ilgnm pressed alone
L 'i:h Katrine's storied shores;
And wind- that wi g I me o'er the lake
Breathed \* w, as f fhey (eared to breaa
The mu ic of my oars.
No tramp of warrior men WHS heard :
F- r welcome song r challenge word
I listened, hut in vain ;
And, moored bertea ti hi- ; e tree,
A - vamly wooed the minstrelsy
Of gray haired "A linn B iiiC."
1 saw th' 1 Hiahhitid hf&th flower smile
In beauty upon E len's isie;
A nd. e- iieln d in Eden's bower,
I watcdied, h'-neith the latticed havefi,
Her c oni' g thr • a sum nr eve a
Youngest and h Veiiet hour.
She came not : l-mely was her home;
llnr-elt of any shapes that come,
Like shadows to depart.
Are there two Ellen- of the mind ?
Or have I lived a ia-f to find
An Elien of the heart?
For mu-ic lihe the boid; rcr's now
King* rm d me. and gam I bow
H-li>ri; tfie shrine of sung.
DfVunuy as I bowrd in youth ;
For heart* that worship there itt truth
And j: y ?"• • vcr you >g.
And wi 11 my har responds to day.
And willingly ii> chord* obey
The ri:n>tre!s ?• ved command :
A minstrel nisi 1 whose i fant eyes
Looked "ii Onio's woods and - ies,
My school book's sun-et land.
And beauti :i the wr atli she fwines
Round 4k Albi C t'age,' bowered in vines,
Or ble.-d in sleigh bell mirth;
And lovelier s'iU her - mile, that seemfi
l o bid ma welcome m my dreams
Beside its peaceful hearth.
L >• g shai? \ de m that wmni g smile
Some lonctv h< ur of care.
And will this Ellen prove iu be,
But like h r name.-ake o'er the sea.
A being of the air ?
Or shail I take the monmVs wing,
Armed with a p:t - on a* .1 a r.-.g,
Speed b'.ll and Vale along,
A"d at her voitage hearth ent night
Change into fluttering* of delight,
Or [ what's m e -* lively . of utTight,
The merry mack b: d s song ?
J la / leek.
"I d- n' kit IW WI IMIKT ><>u wi 1 -nit ui
in n i ' -!> i M>>s T'iW' r-, r. tiectiv. ly.
"I ui! J i uiy In ma aiu, sani littl.
Li . ky.
"Anv ot j ctions to the com try ? <lc
iii itid il Mi-> Tow i-a. in a bru 'iu -, tu>
"Jt'i", Ul-i aiu.
"1 ii- ver In B kopl a |>M lu i' -e, f- nil
Mss T.-w-t . r-n- y. "tiut iny b ntli-r i~
mni.iiu (fine ■li - i-niiitwr, ni'l i d.m't
w iut in i • oi- if din b>- in tlu ki i-h nll p
u liill. I'm . Wher- !-a<—yon •vp 1 li t?"
Bi ky II il ind iiiiv j ink it incr,
'"I hil l- 11-v r lived "lit i fill ", ru i'iiii:
but my iiiic!" ii ed >ul*b nly and iherc *<•
ii" in w tii in eie'tiith 1-ft to --Ui |"irt mi
am t. <" I'm gninn to try rn p-U|-fOi t mjs- lf."
'W y • i_h• ami piojirr,' >-i i Mi-aTn*
-rs. **W 1, He t-e-i. I will try you at al
i ipnt-. * x dnl'ar. a liii-nt'i i v* ry innift-r
an* ua. ami a 'bn ah you ilmi t mna n
.--tut. yi, I think i can uiikeyou very u .
•ii! b nit iho bone.
* I Mis- T-IVI'O t k Bi k;> 'I I ;ck
with li r til the "111 8' "lie la in ll 'US ill thi
ll i -atone wii A i 1 B ik. w s ie >r
t-r- d of hi lyinji Mi-. Tout r- -tiain i(e
unlk, and w.>rk ovei- the b-ttep, an i pa h •'
hi .k buy tt ki , and it-e-l the 1 t'le d" - .
nytmke-i-. Ami •he rn- • ill In r C'n- k
L-it w d I'p -r and tint v *ivH I.l>Kim of In :
bps sernn-d toC't-di ihe -e;i-le of (be wonn
■nrawbt riie., and -M • T-nv rs <lmla *-d
an admiriiu- ii ai pi} ai imr -iule "f.eltha
''she fl"in' Inok like the aiu ch id .-h w-;.-
t-fi<p.-, tlnit siie didn't."
M anwbile 'lie i 'jiir ii s o | M Tow
els' "brother" went hri-k'y on.
"I'll in ike up a lot of eoeoan it. pound
cake," Mi s T-.wei- ii, with tli r< e i
hook in bfba d. "Thai - what be lis i
to b<- (1 ■- rit fuel of 1 - was a boy
"IVvli as ni-las-c-uni* have cbanxcl,
Said Be'ky. who Wi- liii.'.-nr ill* oi'i
luahoaafiy furniture with a .v iied eoth, a
the other end of the* mom.
"I don't, know about, that," M -
T-iw r , with a trouble 1 .V. "I haven't
-e> tt him since ! •
"Not seen hiui since he ua- a boy .
echoed I' i-ky, wi'h open 'due c.i-s.
"Wed, it does sound strum -, don't i : V'
sail MISS Towers; bur you see he want
away lrtu home when he v. - a- fif ■ en, an ;
h be* n out in ihe world evi r sine- !"
"Is he a v< ry old jronticiiia-i Mi* Tow
ers?'" n-.oc ntiy quo 'i ed R cc-i, a- -It
rubli'-d away at the efiw fixi' of the unt-qui
iiici t itiic.
"OM?" ec'o.d Miss 'f ie'-. npi-Titii;
both ha 11- i i tut tz • n nit. "W uy, he s
ev r o ttiUi'h youm-er than 1 sin.
'I he?" asked B-eky. 1 AViiy, I've' e ti
'aiic.iiti2 bint, all along, an old gentleman 1"
a wis and cane."
Mi-s T'.wors burst into a fit of hearty
lau.'t t .
"Wei!, if that dou'i beat oil?" Ue cried.
wi.tmr the rear* from under her viKjetael
- 1...V . "Ba l *!:•• ail. to a -trtnirer lite
f-n"t know the Fund!,. - ><y, ir wight \er.
dy appear -n. You see, child, my moth
er vv.s a wid • wh- n she married lor ill
•'•woad time. and— {ear heart alive, |i t
?i" a 1 ! that bit •* turkey chiek, quAum
Iko a J cse--nl cr-'atar.' ? Run, R Ijcetw.
lO'l sen. I'm ttlr.i'J the ohl perkJe lln
#ts broken lie - ;rittu" nnl i* w trryine it.
1! h i- a was >5 t'ng in the- rwihall' On t'•
1■ • stone that evening, OKA vh■■■ It tcs in
other! nl ami herey. s li'ea ntly fisel i n
ile- tar ij(| wall of \ mi.i, gi owing purpl iii
die tMiiitri"' dak. Mr• < Tower* had gom
! s i irry a basket of her rip.-st Wtls il straw
'> rri.* to a - i.-k wrick r, ami 15 cky vva
.!' alone, ih uki ■* over her past, and yon
■I- l ine vaguely on li r Fufcui
"How Mrnm it mciii> that I should be
v, • t'mujihl, "wlv'u it is scire !•
■ • r-if - I was limp V"6t little butterfly in
' v ry city Lad r- tuu ! The ect oes o: tii -
■ld wln s and gttlopa come back to in
fm< lime-, when I am fallng a*lnp wjtf
•tm iie.oiluht i.n my face, ami the mat I
ejos iu dug softly at my otietj ea-eiin o: ;
oi l ye? j'oii't r h ij'fvif, di Th t i-, i
-tio id! if [ e oil i only firaer one >h : r? .
I wond r what air I* wont to Im so fr'ul am'
..•apticoat for? (Jh, de.r," aid B eky •
olti" eyes *wo iu with liar* a-l>6 rem-in
or d th" hand-oni- lover who hod he n n
•n nn-i fai'hful -Old ens'nut, ont 1 herow*
nuetrv ha l driven hon away from lie
-id . ' I would Ikoso to know what Co'"-
n I Fa'eoner i-di'irnr now. and whither h
• tti'tr i d yet and if h ever think* of me
f would vr 'iie to him if I woe the pi tted
•in -s si'll; hut a* litrl 15 eky •h• vl
house wink lor It r daily bread—ah, neve .
n-o i rh"
And C.cky atixi us to escape front lin
• wit il th uvlit.- jumped no and i n
,TO * til ■ d try 111 I'll w to meet Ml-* T
whose tall I'yolir yum Wis just eotti
in; i i ieht rou d the curve of the ma, L
• w i 111 p.
' 111 ■* find s vi' the child!" cried M -t
T twet's. "It'lo . I! In i;i you ain't aftiiio '
"No— —I di n't ktmw. L. • nc ca ty
.our hu-ket, pie is.
"il h. cm" ei i d tie old b dy. n s< morn;.
iitjg, a* -h" drove th ■ shaggy lit'!" pony iot
lie- d "ir ya !, nmttiin*; froci the vil nc
p.m • (fie--, ' I've it •it a left r. Jit com op
0 night."
"I* In ! *.i' l th" girl-nitlior I t His
M's- T -t ci> lace wa- -o radiant. "Th i
1 d !■ to r run •ut ; r the aari'ti ami gut In i
a fte-h ho of -t ub ire- hi foe h run g t
any I igher. '
"Vis, Hill "ttg; a d til n i. 11 <c
•a ill tha' I've told y u ahout -if-ig qtii 1
am] m ver tli 'u li h ui whin he v m's ti
vv it -, and >p ak ug vt y low, and ke. piiu
oit of his >va , i seept win n you are wanted
for he ha* jo-' C >me from Ki-glaiid *h r
h y oe very pa i ,!ar a -ou' ttctv ml*.
"1 s. tnu'jiu, I wifi remetnh-r, sh
in ide an- w'• mct'k y. i;ltd fo'ded Up Ait*
I'-.wi i.*' 'lnk larec slot" k wh : le that l.<ly
l.o'iv ! out ito h-kiti-h'-o '0 see whtil-e
[li fie v< i* in pt<i r •: imi-.i -u tor 'h
kituf of diver and *uu*lr> --ivory Coin
j tin-id• : ii d ?0 ' uipt the • i o
'he expt c'ed sues!.
"I wt.-h h wii-n't com'na !" thought oui
I> '' "IVe have been -o happy log" he
■l'i 'to •timui'-r. mid now—"
"Cot Mis- Towers' vni'te .*hr : i;y ca'iine
10 B ckv to come and stole* is'sui-* for Lc
"ti i rrt: t -d the di- on'etit-d tisppip nt of
I-ev lie into w i ch sin had la''i- n.
>f s, j'ovv- -r* was a;- a,i. ! jike onto i! i
..f tbe fi-11 in her n--w ateelcolored st-'-
dress—our siuiile applies to the getters
v "ceon-iie-s of the appttrel, not its w ! a
uteri- v*—and whit • satin rihhons in her cat
when the stage ruathl -i into sicltt tontn
th enin- ro the fetiC . when* i It- •vv '
low vi hv d its gre- ti hatoi r, shut ting "ff a
■ oit- de v ew oev oini i'- sfrtaooiu! hourtt-.
JjOi|e 15 -ky H lrlatid. who hid linen m
the q*> ft' • it Ih" g-v ml window. catUA (1
ing i .wn si air- like a ti.i tledowo blown ii
i life -umitier hrci Z '.
' Oil. Miss I"'■ VV" s! Mi a T "rer.-l the I
i- i pent email 1 alono nil th •ha k sei' o
h - siav'. and I am sure it must h M .
T. wo*!"
* 31 . To • 1" 1" rep atiil the old l.el
... ; th an u'Ci-' t almost in t;t i o. "Wfi
11 v-:t I ill sine Ive tod ti-tl that li
urn-- i -n't T- wers ; it i— '
But live she si f.i off. Imrryii.-e t
■- e f' n - -i o in f C't 'he new e-o! ir. wio
B'kv. oi an a c luntahlo li' of s'vn" ••
h ink i-nek int" the con r slid loked n
,ij• L>- p; "ure ol Ruth Hti'J N'.'Ullii t hai
hone over -he luandep'Ctn*.
"I w: -fi he hadn't, com ! I w'sh he Lathi
-on - !" ti'ceit'-d B ky over ml •vet
h -s li. "We wa re so happy > t-v !
A (I 'len nw ink y' M - Towi-t.s j i
oi. oiu- a i>. tc- a- to k- ep n. ou' < f tin- wa
xcept v ho sin- Wit* want, d. 15 eky turn,
t • i-eapc out Hii.ooc hr iii'-ods. thed.wn
t iek tii s uh it .r ; but t hi-
,i d' coo,fit ,te, just a- she op n iin
■ 1 31 T< Wer- steel Ooht i d i k ru-'l t
Ip tot 0 thre-liold, VV h H tall, Matey ft
iu*.- hy In r ride, and poor litl ■■ Becky cam
t ,e to I* c ■ wiih them, her ch- 'k- d.-
• a ! n I hr red brown ha r di-bew il. i
oy her has:*', yet looking wotei r:u | tv''
"11 beef ■!" -1 w'y cUQot" itc i ■ ' vv
ors, ill iu ae lit hctokeuing a s-U; ol ,i I
li-i ea -i e
But h t tall •ompati'ctt. a liisr. a■ of
holy five, wiihd'.k g.i-ycye-, .fair na ■
s l"H ctl *vv it;g. and a lint! Wl icit, ii 1 '
-.od on. . born tin i xr.msite ronlmes of
fiticue if, ha i ha iy r {>' ■-•-cJ h.r, ami on
•i. I ihe room.
' i "ky ! m■' da: l n* B <ky .
"Ci!i net Fah'tor!" was a! the #ri
• -id t gasp, so totalh bewthl is-i was she
"B ; - ss my soul! • j icuUted 3li*s Towers
rnhltillif In r sp' - • le- as it she woulil w-u
I h'e ill the | '.'siui I r s-s : "how rv- r(1
H'-oeCCJ get BCiju-iiltmi With my b'O'U r.'
T wis engaged to he married to hiu
nc ■. H'lt Tow-, rv," ~i Becky, cv'iorim
mil smi i"g. for there was .-uno'i hoic it
Coiutml Fait* ut'-r's .-yes th it fold htrall th
p;t-t wa- io a fair wy t" h ■ foremen.
"Ait I she will be waiii, Uaui a, nuh -- i
t.av-* 1 st nil itiv ol I artsot per u.isi -u, d
o.u •ly add i Cel. Fu' Oft v.
"Bo," er-'-d M's-Towers, whv did no
v out 'l tiic, Reb ecu
B.Cius'. M'ms Towers," answert.
B o-ky, " I never iheom- d for an in t uit tha
v -ur 1 -titer's rami* wa* atvythitti? lint i -' -v
ei's. or that. Colonel r could by <•;
pn-sil ility he rc'at •) to you I"
"Vv . it, ere I Miss oi-V'-ih, vl this d m
heat a.l ilut I ever heard oi—that Mourio
FaV th< r-—houbi'—d r urn th'-re goes the
kettle l-olling over n ib back ki:eb<n!"
Ami away- went M.- Towers, 6'cry house
iri~ iii in liur Lo>om ron-<il by flu
.-!• lam siuti'ls of ihe oscßpiwg clouds o!
When .she came Lick— it is but , just to
-late that -h<- (topped to take the two pan
• F tmtW" .n'ik i i-cuit out ofthe overt, an-1 to
reach down sundry tuuih? rol amber j !]y
irout til" top sh, If ui tl cuplinuiil—-Colonel
Fa'cOiOf and B'eky Hit-Lad w- r<- snug
'-oii'id mini t.n the front porch. Becky
Mu-li <1 a Utile when >Lir Towers cam-' our.
but she ill i not uih imw her band from
Mauri a lfd. oner's.
"U'.ii," wnd the lady, after a single keen
law • through the g*rld sport icier. "J I'JMIM-
I si-.U 10.-Yuiy liir- d li-dp."
"Yea; but th tl. i-i-tor Eiiirraid, tip'
CoTon-l, ' I shall gain such a sweet littic
"I- it really so :' raid M'r-Tov. i -
i<-!, it <- nally hi," laughed Becky.
But ohr Mies Towers, [ never iu ail
M>y ii'e J'oigtet how kind you have been to
And .-ho tubs Op t i Jli-s Towers and
s-d her wiiiiered cnc< ks so fondly that
,he --id lady had to wink hard to keep Lack
I he tears,
"Wei 1 , vol!, go al-tig! ' quoth the oh)
nly, "1 don't know tl. t I 1 iaiue you Ke
o-cea, or M luric- cither. Young folks wiii
cyniinc folks.-"
Arid she very tens';' 1y went Lack to finish
t ing ti a.
iUK M'O.VhF.
A correspondent wi-lp s to submit the*
ntaik-on tlie ma v iluai- who have a hibii
f iihsnrbing other p -pie's tiuic, or proper
v, in away so p- rf ctly ea- y and natural
hit it i> not called st- -a ling, when it ought
.. 1.-:
There are several species of the sponge.
[ wil -p ak of one or two. First is the in
. Lint , v, nitin al sot of sj n ci?. lie is a
liioiee at.d dli t know i . Tie goes every
vh if. and evcrywht • be got - he carries
i- inc iiafde ah-orbing prnpi n ir\. You
-■ ti nor he a rueicbant 1 bi fore you s
n- of the villure sponge- r->'!in hilnsell
no vuur -lore, aud squatting l.iu o'lt i'
uu b a chair. by iin- -ufe of your -utra
t rii. or i.i-i-iii box. and then a< natural a
ten ! i. . be will L tin ab-ijrl ing, fir-t you
n;e, hy discu-s'ug ihe rpte- ion, wliethe
1V [e> .J in- trail did run . way B
y J• -• n-oii " or "whose hen ean lay th
ic'se teg —and second tour sugar an
•i. ti . As i u-'iy ai.d iintuially as sponvi
ui, ji-t ait- r ihe "i-crpetr-iti a ' of a joke
i d ho #n-l you an giggling, lit will lift th
• eer .d th- barrel and eonfi cate a niarv
' in- mouth Fit! of your -utnifin- muscovado.
You can in it e-itaialy have been a student,
r a minister, without having th** KC
i nun ariee of scores of this species. Ira
led nr. y, u iaiunQt have be* n one long, be
ore having all yeur nilabsorbedby sponge*
voo, i* y**u ntake dr- .*d f ui fu-s, will—ah
■ihs on body else sil to pay you. l i |
■ver nt'-vv- r t > buy to, k- in n* eg", f r il
.n sd • not gobble ih'-tn up *-ntir- ly. s,
hat you ean ru-ver see ib in again, ih-y
■ lie* r.aiuly lan row them so many times
i- to unlit them for your own library.
Or, if ihey don't. d*> that, they will wait
to i .*ad by your light, warm th* mta-lves by
. i,r fi -. piie iln msr *ves on your lounge
nv ti ' t\v lve or * to r.'el- ek. tiotwith-iand
g v- nil hin sto leave, stay till yen cum
•1 .!: a* to go, and tin want to borrow
our or five mutch''- or a postage stamp a
j>:<rtitrig token.
But *be Ui lisf r suffers most from this
,*t. II" is tl ■ igtsf to he so m*ek, an'
i-gimr, that li s namral safeguard agtpn-t
such is ink* n ; \v.y. The consequence is,
very wandering bt*"k peddler finds his way
the minister's, and settV- down tipni
.in* iioi.-e, lu. *!."-. and worst **fall bisown
: sorbing cooipany. And the America*
T ,* tSo i-1 . and Btl h- Soe'ety, and Ftced
n in'.- U* in a • y; u-!y eommi.-ii-tiing a*
ui, s **t tins- sj ■ Oe-s. who not only su*-l
i fn-m the |*oili:'s p.eket what th*-y
e gbt wil iruly to give, bu' ab-orb from tin
uini C'-'s substnret- what he ought nut t
give. Who evil- li'C-1 long enough at t
Minister's house v. iln ut barniiig thai
.i-i nt- ' ure ciiln r d"-uded or despised?
Bui tine is atn-th-1 kind fa sponge—
seaii-lal-'-M gns-iping -p-mge. Thest
rill ir.iv.l am Hid the town absorbing a'l
h-seeri is that are ab orb.d ie. H--or sh
■ir these spun - ar>* both ma i nline am
i'lin ; wi I gently pullip out of you what
i ihuik ol your neighbor, ai J tl en ui ot
• n* -QittecMl a iiule by that neighbor wil
3 i ati uu?.
Y- n -r.d your ir will quarrel ard
- , S,.,umed nk iu tlie part cu'.a s and In
ui out to -one thiru pereon. Tliu
. .in.'i's iue the in: t-gators and perpe
rat'>rs• ! iieigi; oihood h-uds.
I' ad ! tt :t tl ese spoiiges arealmo.-i
ay- grea- a! soiher- o! rum, tohaeeu, e'c.
1 ih .i i* does nor. rt quire any squei z m
0 induce ll.eiu to leave ih ir mark on the
lo if in the shape of tobacco juice am
pud-.— A'htmce.
FRWKR —Tti .t- riiity it will be a terri'il
ing lor many a mm to meet his own
!' Tn.-ir Vny language will coil
■utt him, for he knew hi- doty and did it
■ t. Th fervent prayers vli ihu gcim
ti u has labored tu make tff*ctli i' will he
-.-iiiniiic i ues" in white raiment to emi
do I ill ir author into tli ■ haiKjucung
i-Use of tie; Great Kmg. But this false
■ * id uttered at ihe throne of grace will livi stormenting scorpions in the day of
■ Lord's appearing. "Be not rash with
1 , in uth, nor fit thy h, .n i be has y o
utter anything in loreG'd, is an oltjectinn
.hat forbids- niore than irreverence in pray
er. It lorbids us, by implication, ti a-k lor
i u i ieli we do not sino-rviy desire,
v ove nil, it forbid • the asking from God
!. -i- f.'es ti. s which We are hindering by
ir oegb-ct. or thwarting by our rclfishncs
.nd utliie'iei'.
COCNT BISMARCK oiice prt -etitcd a I'aith
t'ul but pour m re aty with a portfolio bound
like a bonk, in which wvifl deposited 500
tialnrs. Oil meniing the secretary the next
Uy, the C• mot neked him if he had perusid
i; : volume. "Yes, .yuur highnes," said
he M-cmtary ; "mid 1 wa> so captivated hy
ts c-uoctits ihail am wailing the appear
iiic— of tl. ccmid voltime wi'h fWiwas of
iHe greatest interest." Tie Count >uiiUM
ut said n tiling. A few days alterward
he si erctary received a second portfolio,
•iiiind gr.d b!led lik" the first, on the titm
p.gcof which was the sentence: "This
work is complete iu two volumes
roi. 42: \(> 12.
Olive Login recited her cr-.-ay on "Girl-,"
■) a *•:>■}■ C!;iV."d:; ! Ac-l b tllV hl-i* night. It
wa< grand.
The grandear was not so much in tin
lanimtig", which was common plsce, ami
fHy gram ma tied; noi so in the an, all tf which wr> ha i previously ee•■!
in til I Harpers'. 1) lawets; hot so modi i:
ber silverytone*, wbielt, although pitched too
lii*h, were tlidfifiuously na-;tl; not so mud
inlt r attitude-, and buoyant way of <J*bo
iag around in fashionable wigdtis, though
.til tho-e weft- graceful ami imposing.
But the grandeur wu- in tit- git'ish vivao
ity.of the csay: in it.- terrific lunge* at tin
eg-p rlorm-re; in its carefully studied aid
aatitjiully ieei ; '-d.apostrophe to the Diaui
y of:Latmr; iu its marvellous consistency .
in its ch-ntns of wisdom, almost pa—iug'om
prehension; and in 'he bewitching naiveo
with which the lecture-- murmured: "1
tva- a gir! onae myselfl"
We have seldom enjoyed such a corn pi .
hen-ive, intellectual treat. Sits brought in
the near-pap*r Irishman. i - h his "be j..-
'ters;" -hi touch< d on the Methodist, with
his voeifen u- amen; Ac lashed the fcn.ab
'tiis-inoarifs, who rend handkerchiefs t<
South Sea Islanders; sh- di-hed up stiaw
berries ar.J crcaui—a sinji'e for girls wri'h
iretty lac-; she showed the necessity oi
,nung gii!- climbing fence* fur h-a!th"s?ake.
n J rebuked the tyranny of itu-oV-- parent
ho f rrtvid them ; she put in a good word
'or freckles, and female philanthropy; sir
ietnoli-hed the the ry that woman is a
• ling tig vine; -he nulo dramatically pictured
the la-tend of a young girl wh -.-e beautj
hid b en her ruin, whose—beauty—had—
i.e-n—her—ruin! and drawing cut het
tan Ikerchief with these words, brushed
away an unbidden tear. [Applause.]
11 addition to all this she showed how
•he had ut irtyted herself to i urify the dra
oia ; hitw .-he had got heavenly letters Iron:
I rgymeu afar off in consequence ; how s 11■
liail -wept the Eiigii-h blondes from the
tag'', a- leaves ate swept by a whirlwind ;
how women would not want offi- oif thy
• t 'b: ballot ; how .-he was going to vote
for Anna Dtck uson for Pre-ident—and
uany other pertinent things that drevrdown
it liou-c.
.v together it wa- a high tribute to th'
i: era ry culture of our great metropolis, that
- ich an immense as-embly of people could
ve lieen drawn together and held spell
und lor two mortal hours by a single lect
or' s-. It wa- a uibute to the power ol
Woman's Intellect, that augurs wed tor th<
OUe. eau-eot female refill m ; wherefore \y>
go e it ihi- much valuable space to-day.—
t' i ding Star.
i 11.1.V i. 1)1 I V .VMt OBEDIENCE.
Even when patents and iii uno-ered sti
unreasonable, they should be treated with
respect and forbearance by their children.
Olytnpus, mother of AhxaDtler the Great
aa a woman of ambitious disposition, and
consumed much trouble to her son. >!• v
lth'dets when pur-uir.g lit- conquests ii-
V- la, he sent her uiany splendid pre-eu-s
m of tin -p -il- which he had taken a- to
ken- of his affection. lie only begged that
-be would ti<.t mc-d'ile with State affairs, bin
would allow bis kingdom to be mtutag'-ti
tea ■ ably by the governor, Antipaim.
When she sent him a harsh reply to this
• quest, he bore it patiently, and did not
nst; sha- p language in return.
On one oc-- .s on, win n -lie bad been tin
n-uaily troublesome. Antipster sent hin.
I it- is complaining of her in very grievous
'erm-. Alexander only said, "Antipater
lotb not know that one sitigde Par of m>
i.other is able to blot out sis hundred of
his epi-tles."
A hoy was opcc tempted by some of bis
mi ratiinns to pluck ripe cherries from a
tree which hi- father had forbidden him to
"You need not be afraid, said one of
hi-companions, ' for, if your father should
find out that you have taken them, he is
-o kind he would not hurt you.
'"That is the very reason," replied the
'my, "why I would not touch them. It is
true my father would not touch me; \et nt>
ti-ohelience, I know., would hurt my fatb
r. and that would be worse to me than
mytlii ig el.-e."
A boy who grows up with such princi
pies will lie a man in the best sense of tht
word. It shows a regard for reeti'ude thai
would render him trustwotthy under every
Horace Greeley has no bobby that is moo
, hubby than his tnaxim of "Keep out of
lebt." Rags and iuui result from the pur
•hase of unnecessary peri -liable things on
- edit. Rut this view found in an exchange,
li is out In arty approbation:
•'Many young men of good bu-inc.-s anil
ties lack amid ion. They car" little forth,
.inter which wealth gives. They are enri
•nt to drc-s well, appear well in society, unlimited facilities for amusements,
jve in a good house so long as they can
.ff rd to pay the rent; and they are sati
(ied with what they save, be it ever so little.
'-I t acts as a spur. It is astonishing how
iyitis to economist; in a thou-and need
s things, w!i n one is paying for a poet
; land or lot* a hou-c. Asloni-hing how
any new ways open for making and saving
money. One can do without new
new clothes, a horse and carnage, opera, a
hundred otoei* desirub.e things, and tie in
finitely the h-ppi'r in theii absence.
What every man wants in life is ad ft
nito aim; s no special oluect to be accotii
[dished. The greater and more desira! 1
rim ol j.ct to he ; thieved, the more int. n
wiil Ix; the activity towards its accomplish
un nt. s*t. Paul's command wa-to "covet
earnestly the best git's. Aim at larg.
riling. 2>"W a mechanic, working at bis
bench, setting bis heart ou • five hun lied
!""ar lot, or an humble cottage, is real y
aiming to accomplish a.- largo an object a
sonie n ibionnaire who ic; ks to gtasp a util
mad. And the fir.-t twenty-five tl"l'a 8
-avcti and laid away for the ac! invent' tit ot
his pur; (j-c, is usually the certain augury
,f final succes-. We hold that every man
-iu olu go tu debt fur hiU'i who is not already
:i f:e< holler, it should le his aUfl-iti ato
~wn about-. G<td made the earth, and lie
made it so large that every human being, u
h<- will, may have a little spot which he can
caii his own.
IT is a mi-take to suppose tint the
supported by its 'nemos,
LAZIXISS travels so slowly that poverty
soon overtakes her.
"HI 8 (Ml !P'f IO N TMK MB, & C
ih.lJ J*V' " :I ■ if ) •.<K.r ■ &HTK
tlg 1* Vt'.wtee f'f-: "
■ *.. 'Y ■"■; fin ■!•' ■■•,) . **•*•
'* it p.-id within ia WO*.).*.
•> '• fr.r.t : it ' . 'if J '.ar.j... ''-.Oil
AV j-'-.p.-i H ..ui . Is <>f U. county jitwoieionnd
ijutit-t;. attic- ctp ratio;. or - toe limn lor
Uclj (he aiil.scrif.tioii lias 1-een paid.
- ~".el a of lis pttpei furnished, io mnpptrl,
at five cent* o;toh.
Coluiftuai- atloßf oi- aabjeeto of looft or genera!
otemt, are iic-pertraUy solicit*'!. Tooosiir# t
--•fct.ii n fsror? of tbtf kiad out invariably bo
iO".(of>iu>icd byt'ou Bauin of tbe author, uot for
,iui.|ioat!..n t but,as a guaranty against iir.po-ilion.
ATI Mter'jo-rtaintsg to bnaineM f the offiet
■hotiMbe fi'lrerard to
JOHN LVTZ, Beproun. 10.
AVkHAt.iNt. fXI'fc.MtKS.
It bt fry -<ddom that soy business can
?>.•! ■ tint •<] u|).,o hi -u to yield a Urge
e/tri-atit it.' There tire nusy chances
and casualties io trad- and business which
'"tru.of !<3 foresee p. llnis a fortunate uias,
indc d, whatever hit coding, who docs not
find hitiivlf, f-annor or titer, going "out of
fashi.ui" The ucvr comer, or wore da-h
--ing, in,a. ii'ous, orwittfcompetitor. will some
times distance at <>! d puttie faveiitc. Or a
>ticca%• ftd ma:. tiia% i" kjjoiftii bj* sucenss,
r over i- 'tiSdci! ".' in !:i; reputation. For
ill- • and mart b ; a-ori.'. it rhtmld be
the effort of ■ n ry man to become ii.tiopenii
i. Nt (if hi- i t itr We mean that be
J -liouJil ! 1 tee a part however ttunll, of his
. aroint io t-.or •.:•'!• crip'ion of hire ' tnsnt,
which shall I ee.ire from the chancer
which affect hi; regular calling. To do this,
!ae horld tax, not his business meaijs, Lut
.os per -rial vanity, and !econtent to creep,
; tl. phrase goes, before he attempts to
•*!: an ! to walk before he essays to tun.
i Th ?o is uuny a uian who looks hack on the
J catch-as expenditure of past years with fe
rret, hut who might now he w sistad by tiro
j ntei st of his prosperous acquisition, if he
1 hod bat funded, instead of spending hie
i >n y f r temporary gratification. Work
nan, en, white in the priuie ol their strength
| ind n. mhood, and ia ti.e receipt of liberal
wages, might secure themselves not only
! ig.iins. the distant day of old age, but also
' .ciiii-t touch of the inconvenience of dull
imes, of sickness, or f foreed inactivity
from :■> other cau-e. Whoever will umko
i firm rule, en 1 abide by it. always to live
within his income is on the safe road to com
j petenos, if not to wealth.
INDIAN SIMMER. —The New York Far
inert* Ciub speculates upon the cause of
loihaii Summer in this wise; The warm,
liiokv spell known as Indiu Summer,
which perhaps is more peculiar to the North
e a.-tarn Siav - of America than any other
i-ortiou of the gl ! 0, always occurs after the
iir.-t killing frost. not the first white frost,
nut on t' .it i- severe enough to bring down
nearly a i the fort - t leaves and kill the her
b.ict ous plants. The hulk of vegetation
hits d. v-t i> almost incalculable. In
its sf \v decav this is undergoing slow eotn
itstton. Wi. i can calculate the amount of
-tnok- and h-at given off, or what effect,
his must |"rii slice upon the atmo-phere, or
el' whether that is not the trap cause of
11 dan summer? In support o! thi- theory,
;he fact i- patent, that when frosts were
iinch more extensive, the Indian Summer
wis longer, warmer and more smoky than
GoD Ic* t hanked for books! They are the
voices 0! the distant and the dead, and
make os h irs i.f the spiritual life of past
ages. Books are the true levelers. They
ive to ail who will faithfully use them, the
society, the spiritual presence, of the great
e.-t and best of our race. No matter how
lie. >r 1 am —no matter though the prosper
ous of my own time will not enter tny oh
scuve dwelling—if the Sacred Writers will
| enter nl t-.ko op their ssbodo under nip
o-'f-—il Milton wiii cross my threshold to
sing to me of Paradise, and Shakspearo to
open to mc the worlds of imagination and
Ihe winkings of the human heart, ar.d
Franklin to enrich mc with his practical
wisdom —I shall not want for intellectual
companionship, and 1 may become a culti
vated man, though excluded from what is
.•lled the best society in the place where I
h ve. Cham ting.
THERE is nothing which helps to Csiab
ii-h a man's character and standing in so
ciety uiure than a steady attendance at
church, and a proper regard for the first
lay of the week. Every head of a family
-hould go to church for au example.
Lounging in the street and barroom on the
-abbaih is abominable, and deserves cen
-nre, because it lays the foundation of hab
its which ruin both soul and body. Many a
man can date the comnieDcement of his dis
sipations, which made him a burden to him
s, If and friends, an object of pity in the
sight of enemies, to his Sunday debauchery.
Idl-ne-s is the mother of drunkenness —the
Sabbath i- generally an idle day; therefore,
if it were not properly kept, it were better
struck out of existence.
THE SPONGE. —The best quality of sponge
s found in the M< diterranean sea; but an
'xeeil 'tit quality is found upon 'he rocks of
.he Bahamas and the coast of Florida. The
ipoege, when torn froui the rocks to which
t adheres, is a heavy black looking mass,
iiavimc a sttoug aud offensive odor. In order
o clean the sponge, it is huried in the earth
..r some wi tks, at the > nd of which time all
lie organic matter wi 1 be decomposed, only
lie pure fibrous skeleton remaining. The
sponge, when purified, is liable to become
xcvdioaly hard, and to obviate this the
i.nritk'd sponge is iuitu rsed in water con
fining from ten to twenty per cent, of
tlycetine; after liC'Dg -queiztd dry it will be
•ntirely soft and elastic.
Mis SPENT EVENINGS —The young man
u h ) spi :; is an hour each evening lounging
: i!y on a sticet corner, or in a saloon play
ing "mugging." wastes in the course of a
car the.- hundred and sixty five precious
I: >ui -. which, if applied to study, or some
useful employment, would fit him for al
most ai.y situation. But in addition to thi%
n nine cast s out of teu he adds, to the debt
or si te of the time wasted, ten cents for a
.•igar, ten cents for lager, until lie piles up
enough to have furnished him with all the
leading periodicals and newspaper* of the
ountry. We believe in lecreation; but
soloou I, an l street corner loafing, is
not rem cation, by any means. It is time,
uioiiey and character mis-spent.
('UANCE. —Tlic adequate meaning of
Chance, as distinguished from Fortune, is
that the !att< v is und rstood to befall only
, atiotml agents, but Chance to be among
iiavi'uuatu bodies. Chance is but a mere
name, and really nothing iu itself; a eou
-fcption in our minds, and culy a couipcnd
ious way of speaking, we would express,
that uch effects as are commonly atlribu
ied to chance, were verily produced by
their true ami proper causes, but without
the Je.-ig Ito produce them. — Dr. Bentlny.
THE editor of ayankee newspayer says that,
he never dotted au i but once in his life, and
•hat was in a fivht with a contemporary.
TiiK greatest pleasure 1 know, is to ao a
good action by stealth and have k found out
by accident. —Lund'.