RATES OF ADVERTISING. All advertisements for less than 3 months 10 rents per line for each insertion. Specia 1 notices or e-half additional. All resolutions of Associa tions, communications of a limited or individa! interest and notices of marriages and deaths, ex ceeding five lines, 10 cte. per line. Ail legal noti ces of every kind, and all Orphans' Court and other Judicial Bales, are required by law to be pub lished in both papers. Editorial Notices 15 eents per line. All Advertising due afterfirst insertion. A liberal discount made to yearly advertisers. 3 monts. 6 months. 1 year One square $ 4.50 $ 6.00 $lO.OO Two squares 6.00 9.00 16.00 Three squares 3.00 12.00 20.00 One-fourth column 14.00 20.00 35.00 Half column 13.00 25.00 45.00 One column 30.00 45.00 80.00 NEWSPAPER LAWS. —We would call the special attention of Post. Masters and subscribers to the INQUIRER to the following synopsis of the News paper laws: 1. A Postmaster Is required to give notice by tetter, (returning a paper does not answer the law ! when a subscriber does not take his paper out ol the office, and state the reasons tor its not being taken: and a neglect to do so makes the Postmas ter repioneible to the publishers for the payment 2. Any person who takes a paper from the Pl 1, 1869.— tf. T R. DUKBORROW, fj . ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA., Will attend promptly to all business inirusted to Lis care. Collections made on the shortest no tice. lie M, also, a regularly licensed Claim Agent andwil give special attention to the prosecution * LIS S against the Government for Pensions, Back I ay, Bounty, Bounty Lands, Ac. Office on Juliana street, one door South of the Inquirer office, and nearly opposite the 'Mengel House" April 1, 1869:tf S. L. RUSSELL J. H. LONGENECKER r> US SELL A LONGENECKER, \J ATTORNEYS A COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Bedford, Pa., Will attend promptly and faithfully to all busi ness entrusted to their care. Special attention given to collections and the prosecution of claims for Lack Pay, Bounty, Pensions, Ac. 7-£F~office on Juliaua street, south of the Court House. Apri L:69:lyr. J* M'D. SHARPS E. F. KERR CJIIARPE A KERR, 0 * rranxx VJSL i T-/. A ir Will practice in the Courts of Bedford and ad joining counties. All business entrusted to their care will receive careful and prompt attention. Pensions, Bounty, Back Pay, Ac., speedily col lected from the Government. Office on Juliana street, opposite the banking house of Reed A Schell. Bedford, Pa. Apr L:69:tf YR C. SEHAESFKR ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA., Office with J. W. Dickerson Esq.. 23aprly PHYSICIANS. QR. B. F. HARRY, Respectfully tenders his professional ser vices to th 9 citizens -of Bedford and vicinity. Office an 1 residence on Pitt Street, in the building formerly occupied by Dr. J. 11. Hofius. [Ap'L 1,69. MISCELLANEOUS. OE. SHANNON, BANKER, . BEDFORD, PA. BANK OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. Collection.* made for the East, West, North and South, ami the general business of Exchange transacted. Notes and Accounts Collected and Remittances promptiymade. REAL ESTATE bought and sold. April 1:69 DANIEL BORDER, PITT STREET, TWO DOORS WEST OF THE BED FORD HOTEL, BEIFORD, PA. WATCHMAKER AND DEALER IN JEWEL RY. SPECTACLES. AC. He keep* on hand a stock of fine Oold and Sil ver Watches, Spectacles of Brilliant Double Refin ed (Masses, also Scotch Pebble Glasses. Gold Watch Chains, Breast Pins, Finger Rings, best quality of Gold Pens. He will supply to order any thing in his lint not on hand. [tipr.2B,'6s. J) W. CHOUSE, CIGARS, TOBACCO, PIPES, &C. ON PIN street ONE door east of Geo. P*. Oster A C".'* Store. Bedford. Pa., is NW prepared to sell by wholesale all kinds of CIGARS. All orders promptly filled. Persons desiring anything in hi* hue will do wall to give him A call. Bedford April 1. '69., RI N. HICKOK, Vv. DENTIST. Office at the old stand in BANK BRTLDIXJ, Juliana St., BEDFORD. All operations pertaining to Surgical and Mechanical Dentistry performed with care and WARRANTED. Antithetic* adminietered, when derired. Ar tificial teeth inserted at, per *et, |80O and up. ic'ard. As I am detei mined to do a CASH BUSINESS or none, I have reduced the price? for Artificial TC th h Patients, and all such will receive prompt attention. 7febi>B YY R ASHINGTON HOTEL. This large and commodious house, having been re-taken by tha subscriber, is now open for the re ception of visitors and boarders. The rooms ore large, well ventilated, and comfortably furnished. Tbe table will always be supplied with the best thenarketcan afford. Tbe Bar is stocked with the choicest liquors. 111 short, it is my purpose to keep a FIRbT-CLASS HOTEL. Thanking the puhiic for past favors. I respeetfully solicit a renewal of their patronage. N. B. Hacks will run constantly between the Hotel aud the Springs, may 17,'69:1 j WM. DIBERT, Prop'r. PXCH AN 0 E HOTEL, JCd HUNTINGDON, PA. This old establishment having been leased by J. MORRISON, formerly proprietor of the Mor rison House, has been entirely renovated and re furnished and supplied with all the modern im. 1 rovemeuts and conveniences necessary to a first class lintel. Tbe dining room has been removed to tbe first floor and is now spacious and airy, and the cham bers are all well ventilated, and tbe proprietor will endeavor to make his guests perfectly at home. Address, J. MORRISON, EXCHANGE HOTEL. lja!>tf Huntingdon, Pa. MAGAZINES. —The following Magazines 'or - sale at the Inquirer Book Store: ATLAN TIC MONTHLY, PUTNAM'S MONTHLY LIPPINCOTTS, GALAXY, PETERSON, UO MD'M. DEMOKESIS, FRANK LESLIE ERSIDE, etc. ate. ft Wb c ftlcMovO aiiiotiiter. JOHN LIJT/ii Editor and Proprietor. f nqmm Column. rpO ADVERTISERS: THE BEDFORD INQUIRER. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, BY JOHN LUTZ, OFFICE ON JULIANA STREET, BEDFORD, PA. THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN SOUTH- WESTERN PENNSTL VAN lA. CIRCULATION OVER 1500. HOME AND FOREIGN ADVERTISE MENTS INSERTED ON REA SONABLE TERMS. A FIRST CLASS NEWSPAPER. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION; $2.00 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. JOB PRINTING: ALL KINDS OF JOB WORK DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH, AND IN THE LATEST & MOST APPROVED STYLE, SUCH AS POSTERS OF ANY SIZE, CIRCULARS, BUSINESS CARDS, WEDDING AND VISITING CARDS, BALL TICKETS, PROGRAMMES, CONCERT TICKETS, ORDER BOOKS, SEGAR LABELS, RECEIPTS, LEGAL BLANKS, PHOTOGRAPHER'S CARDS, BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, PAMPHLETS, PAPER BOOKS, ETC. ETC. ETC. ETC. ETC Oar facilities for doing all kinds of Job Printing are equalled by very few establishments in the :ountry. Orders by mail promptly filled. All etters should be addressed to JOHN LCTZ. I & Hocal anti (feenrral jlrtospapcr, Dcbotrti to Oolitirs, duration, JUtrraturr ant Jfcetals. ITEMS. PHILADELPHIA proposes patting up a monument to Alexander von Humboldt in Fairiuount Park. The corner stone is to be laid on the 14th. THE San Francisco grapes which reach New York are filled with wine instead of juice, which phenomenon is the effect of six ; days of jolting. \ Mayor Fox, of Philadelphia, has offered i a reward of $l,OOO for the arrest and convic tion of the murderers of Revenue Detective James J. Brooks. CAPTAIN JOHN OLIVER, a seaman of I 1812. a sufferer at Dartmoor, and the pilot who conducted the first steamship into Bos | tsn harbor, died near Stillwater, Minn., 1 last week. THE Vicksburg Republican states that there were but three Republican newspa pers issued in Mississippi one year since, where there are now sixteen, and several more will soon be started. THE Ohio River bridge at New Albany, now in progress of construction, will be ex actly one mile in length from town to town; will hav twenty-seven spans, all but eight of which have already been raised. A SON of an Ex-President of the United States from Virginia, who has become ut | terly debased by indulgence in strong drink, was the other day admitted to a charity : ward in one of the hospitals of Washington. IT is reported that the narrow gauge is to be substituted for the broad on the Erie : Railroad. When this shall be done, shall wc be able to perceive le.-s force in the fa miliar line, "Broad is the road that leads to death?" THERE wore six births on the same dav in a house in Bairoll county, Georgia, last ; week. A lady had two twins, and two of her daughters each had twins. The six were all boys. This story is told by a Georgia 1 paper, as a sequel to the eclipse. THE London Fun has the following: "It j is rumored that one of the conditions of which Mr. Motley is instructed to insi-t with regard to the settlement of the Ala bama claims, is that we shall receive George Francis Train in England and keep him here. The condition is a hard one." AGRICULTURALISTS in California are turn ing their attentiou to raising opium. The Poppy piant, it is found, will grow there al most without cultivation, and the gathering of the juice of the heads, of which opium consists, is as simple an operation as the j making of maple sugar. Raw opium is worth about $2O a pound. A SALE of Cotsville sheep took place in Suffield, Ct., last week. Buyers were pres ent from Maine, Maryland, West Virginia and California. The bids ran so low that after selling nine rams at prices ranging from $3O to $l5O, and thirty five ewes at prices ranging from $2O to $42,50, the remainder ON Wednesday morning Dear Cochran ten, says the Meadville Republic, an oil car attached to a freight train, was struck by a meteor. The engineer states that he had just stopped the train when the meteor pass ed close to him followed by a blaze of light and struck the rear car and exploded, tear ing off a portion of the roof, setting the ear on fire and destroying it. A brakeman was 6truck in the face by a fragment of the me teor and severely injured. WHAT can the ladies use to make them selves attractive, without running into dan ger? Chignons convey disease and vermin, (so they say), hair dye is rank poison, and now we are told peculiar cosmetics contain ingredients that produce paralysis and dis figured faces. But where do all these la dies who, if these stories be true, must be crippled and rendered hideous, go to? We never meet any of them anywhere. A YOUNG lady, residing near Earlville, Canada, wearing a highly polished silvei pin, was looking at the eclipse considerably through the ordinary smoked glass, during the time of the transit, and afterward dis covered that the eclipse had daguerreotyped :t>c!f upon her pin at the time that the sun was about half obscured. The impression remains there permanently, re-iating the action of rubbing, as well as exposure to the atmosphere. Two prairie dogs, owned in Portland, Maine, were observed a few days since to gather quantities of grass, which tlicy rolled up into balls and dried in the sun, after which they carried them to their burrows. They have also stripped the cucumber vinca of their fruit and carried vines and cucum ber? to the same place, together with such other food as they could secure, and ou the : 2oth of the mouth tjiey went into winter quarters, and wiil not re-appear again until 1 next spring. The California pioneers' excursion to the Atlantic States will leave Sacramento for Xew York on September 15th, 1869. Tho i round trip is charged for at half fare, and | the cost for each ticket is $112,5(1 in gold, 'or $l5O in currency. The parties must j start together, and can stop for a day or j more at Chicago, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, ! or any other eastern city that a majority may determine on. Sleeping cars solely for the excursionists have been provided. The tickets are available to return within sixty days. IN Decatur county, lowa, there lives an aged hermit, by the name of Yandercroft, who emigrated to the spot which he now occupies twenty-four years ago. For four teen years he has not been half a mile from his hut. lie is described as talkative and intelligent, and appears to have considera ble education. He is very kind to the do mestic animals which he has gathered about him, not wishing to sell a balky horse, for fear it would receive unkind treatment at the hands of another, and he will not pay the man who butehers bis hogs, if he allows them to squeal during the operation. ON Saturday a shocking accident occurred near Bucyrus, Ohio. As an eastward bound train on the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railway was approaching the sta tion, an elderly lady and gentleman, whose names our informant could not ascertain, attempted to drive across the track. The vehicle was struck by the engine and shiv ered to atoms. The lady was instantly kill ed, and the gentleman was frightfully man gled. He was alive when taken up, but it Was thought impossible for him to live ma ny hours. No blame was attached to the officers of the train, as the proper signals were given before reaching the crossing. BEDFORD. PA.. FRIDAY, SEPT. 17- IN AUSENCE. BY FnOF.BE CARY. Watch her kindly, stars — From the sweet protecting skies Follow her with tender eyes : Look so lovingly that she Cannot but think of me ; Watch her kindly, stars! Soothe her sweetly, night— On her eyes, o'erwearied, press The tired lids with light caress ; Let that shadow hand of thine Ever in her dreams seem mine ; Sootb her sweetly, night! Wake her gently, morn— Let the notes of early birds Seem like love's melodious words ; Every pleasant souud, my dear. When the stars from sleep should hear : Wake her gently, morn ! Iviss her softly, wind?— Softly, that she may not miss Any sweet, accustomed blis3 : On her lips, her eyes, her face, Till I come to take your place ; Kiss and kiss her winds ! RESPITE. BY ALICE CAREY. Leave me. dear ones, to my slumber : Daylight's faded glow is gone ; In the red fight of the morning I must tise and journey on. 1 am weary, ob, how weary ! And would rest a little while ; Let your kind looks be my blessing, And your last "Good night" a smile. We have journeyed up together Through the pleasant daytime flown ; Now toy feet have pressed life's summit, And my pathway lies alone. And, my dear ones, do not call me Should you haply be awake When across the eastern bill-tops Presently- the day shall break. For, while yet the stars are lying In the gray lap of the dawn, On my long aud solemn journey I Bhali be awake and gone — Far from mortal pain and sorrow, And from pa-siou's stormy swell, Knocking at the golden gateway Of the eternal citadel. Therefore, dear one-, let mo slumber; Faded is the day and gone, And with moring's early splendor I must rise and journey on. PIMJIWRW. NASHY. Mr, A ashy Dabbles in Ohio Politics—The Declination of Gen. Rosccrans Opens a a™ —l —A JJ- i //>■ Announces Himself as a Candidate for Governor in Jlis Modest Way. Pepper's Tavern, Holmes county, August V, 1869 —There were a providence in my bein compelled to leave Kentucky—a spesh el and crownin Providence in my comin to ()hio. 1 shel never doubt Providence Rgin. 1 thought it hard to he compelled to leave my comfortable quarters at the Corners, and I murmured when forced to tru.-t myself to the cold charities uv an unfeelin world at my advanst age, but it wuz after all for the best. Ez high and exaltid ez is the posi shen uv a Kentucky Post Master, posishen uv Governor of the third State uv the Yooyun is more exaltedcr. The declinin uv Gen. Rosccrans wuz not onexpected. Indeed, when SenatorThurman started for California the next day after the Convenshen to indooso hitu to decline, I knowed he wood succeed. Thurman hez a winnin wav with him ez Yuliandygum di.- oovered two year ago next winter. Boeykrans wuztit never the proper man to the Dimoeracy uv Ohio to vietry. No mat ter how sound he be on ali the questions now before the people, there is an odor at tached to hi? name which is a stench into our nostrils, and the men wich run our State Convcnshun ought to have known it. Tie tioo Dimocratic intellect is limited—it don't take too many idea- to wunst, nor does it shift wi'h lacility. Doorin three years uv the late unpleascntness wc wuz kept bizzy training the Dimoeracy to hate this name, with sieh ez Burnside, ct cetcry. We sue cceded. About the time uv the fightin uv the battles uv Stone River, luky Chirntnau ga, and partikcriy about the date uv the arresttand exi! uv our then marteren saint. Vallandygum, the very mention uv Rosy ktans' name wood set any Dimoerat in Ohio a frohtin at the uiouth like a mad dog. The Dimocratic antipathy to the name ain't •hanged. We mite tell ent that this same llosyrans wuz our candidate, but the pco pie wood, in moments uv forgetfulness, heeve stones at any man who wood perpose "three cheers for Rosykrans!"—they'd apologise immejitly when they remembered themselves, hut kin apology repay for a broken head? Half uv our orators wood hev bin killed before the campaign wuz half over. There ain't no yoose in trying to get up enthoosiasm under sieh circum stances. Now that Rosykrans is out uv the way, the question is, wich uv our chieftans shall take his place ? For obvious reasons, it wood be sooicidle to nominate Vallandyguin. He can't get a Republikin vote, and there ate hosts uv Dimocrats who don't like to hav it sed they voted lor him out uv regard for their pos terity. It won't do to nominate C'ary, for he's too recent a convert, and, besides, he used to occasionally lecter on temperance. Itanney won't anser beeoz Raoney alius wears clean shirts; takes a bath twiet a week, and goes somewhere to church with his family every Sunday. He wood doubt less git some Republikin votes, but he'd lose more than euuff uv the Democracy to balance the account. Henry Clay Dean wood soot exactly but he lives in lowa. Jessee I). Brite wood anser, but he is a citi zen uv Kentucky. Sammy Cox hez alius lived cleanly, tho ho is sufficiently versatee' to change all that in time, but onfortunatly. he's in Spain, and besides, he's a citizen uv Noo York. Who then, shel we comitate V I anser without hesitation, without any affectashen uv modesty—.ME. I am jist now, the chief among ten thous and, and the one altogether lovely. 1 am the Moses wich is to lead the Democracy uv Ohio out uv ther land uv bondage into the land flowing with milk and honey. One advantage in nominatin me wood be there ain t no daDger uv uiy decliuin, I never decline nothin. It may be urged that 1 a'm't known. That's the very reason why I shood be nom inated. Y\ hat wood Vallandygum give cf he wus nt known? Wo never succeed with a known candidate. We kin say in counties where thy prefer men whose hands wuz : drencht in gore that 1 killed my thousands; in counties where they went for peace, Ly | kiilin Provo Marshals and sieh—that I wood hcv died in my door yard, ef I'd had one, sooner than hev gone South. My other piuts are ez follows: I kin hold more uv the Dimocratic party Htrate in traces than any other man in the State. I wuz originally a Democrat; I voted for Jackson and for every Dimoerat nominee from that date on to the present. It is mv proudest boast, with I wish in , scrbed on my tombstone when I hev gone hence —I neve scratched a ticket. My war record is deer. At the breakin out uv th- War, I opposed everything the Government did. I did not stun the Maseaohoosetts sol ,;cr.- in Baltimore, bccoz I wuz not there, but I slung up my hat when I heard uv it, and wept hitter teers becoz I wuz not there, t din not volunteer. On the contrary, when drafted, I made the best uv my way to Can ada to join \ allaudygum, and only failed to make my escape thro the treachery uv a ; kbolisbnist who wormed Lisself into my confidence having a copy uv the Noo "York j Dav Book and a pint bottle uv sod corn >rhi?key in bi- hind coa* pocket. I thought, in my innocence, that one so equipped cood ' not be anything but a true Ilimocrat, hut I • found to my sorrow, that wolves often put ] 1 en sheep's clothing so perfekly ez to decciva ! the very elect. Arrested and taken to a camp uv Linkin hirelings. I wuz clothed in ojus blew, a musket wuz Curst into my un* wiiling hands, and 1 wuz transported south ward to dip my hands in the g-'iar uv my friends. Did Ido it? No! I deserted the first nite, and e -..-ed to the Dimocratic hirsts, with whom I served till G battle wuz imminent, when I made my way North SglD. Rooincd by this unlawful seezeure, for the bars at wich I wnn.-t hed credit ref ■ d to open account? with me agin, I devoted myself to atoosio a tyrannical governae ut engaged in pro-' cootin an uncotistoooshnel war. Ilead d the Holme county patriots who resisted draft-, I organized the Knites of the Golden Cirkle in Oiiio and Injany, and I organized more riots than any one man in these two States. I kin say trooly that doorin that short time, no less than twenty two young men, trained and educa ted by me. who had'nt the descreshen to get out at the proper time, wuz incarcerated in Basteels, were they langui-ht for months. My career since the muuruful enJiu uv the war is well known. 1 supported An drew Johnson the moment he deserted the Ablishnist. I wux with him in his triumph al progress thro the North. I hold up his hands doorin the impeachmen Btmgle. an.l I bought up three uv the Union Senators wi.-h voted for acquittal. I assisted aiso in the -irughter uv niggers in Memphis and Noo Orleans. . I am, uv course, acceptable to the strate out Dimoeracy. cz I hold views entirely in consonance with them. lam inflexibly op p< -ed to the payment uv the nashnel debt, 1 am opposed to the fifteenth amendment, and my dawtera, if I hed sieh, shood nerer marry niggers. <>n these questions no man in Ameriky is more sounder than am I. The Dimoeracy uv Ohio owe me this, for services rendered. I hev Lin dragged throo ! r-e troff- for hurrahin for Yailaudygum. I h> v bm pulled out uv my bed in Janooary ly soJjer- and compelled to fake oaths uv allegiance, and I languished once in a B,s tile for my steadfastness to Dimoerisy. Tlie-e thing- I ounht not to dwell onto, but if r.o one else- wiil I must. I hev made o:lier sacrifices. When torn from my peeeeful home to fite our friends uv the South. I hed a wife which I loved. Life wuz a peeeeful strcem and wc floated calmly along. She took in washin and I talki d politic- at a neighbor grocery, invest in the pr .ceedi uv her labor in the suste nance afforded at. the bar. When I returu ed what met me? The killiu cf men outrito wuz not the most hart reudin incidents uv that fratrisidlo struggle. It wuz the sevrfn uv domestic tic —the teaiin down uv do mestic altars, and separation uv families. When I returned I wuz coldly met. Looiz er Jane wuz wa bin as yoosual, only harder than ever, and I noti.-t tho ehildn h>d new frocks and -hoes. The fu t afternoon I wuz at home I a.-kt her in my old familyer way for a dollar and a half, tz I wanted to go down street. "That'splayed!" she rcmarkt. ■ Haven't yoo got it ?" I a-kt. "I hev," -he replied, "and I perpose to keep it. I It v diskivcred suthin since yoove bin gone. I hev found that's it's ea-y enutT to support myself and the ehil dren, washin at a dollar a dozen, but add to that a hulkin man with a nose like yoors, end its harder than I keer. This house is mine—yoo kin vacate." And she candy rung out a shirt ez tho wut she sed wuz a common place remark la sted uv a practikel divorse. I left her. A feendish Abli-hniit hed put this idea into her head and .-he hed act id onto it. Since that time I Lev- wended my way alone, subsistin by chare". Abli-h -nism owes me the likker I ought to hev hed, uut uv what that woman has earned sence that crooc! day. () what a fearful debt to pay. The acoot Demokrat may ask wat I want uv a nomina-hen when defeat is certain. Its suthin to be a candidate. I sliood make a vigorous eompane. The masses in the rooral destiikcs don't often see a candidate for so high an offis. and I shood beam onto em all. Uv course I shood from this date to the second Tuesday in October hev free likkcr. Tho rank and file wood esteem it an honor to drink with me, and I shood consider it a convenience to drink with them. For two months I shood hev all I wanted, wich would be the happiest two months in my life. I shood probably die uv deliium tremens, but I cood afford it. Oh what a gorgus prospek ! Oh wat an clysium ! Kin the Dimoctisy uv Ohio be so crooel cz to deprive me uv it? I kin at least bold the votes uv the hard liandid Dimocrisy wich wnz knowd ex Copperheds doorin the war, and I can't see that we hev ever got any other kind, no matter who we nominated. Ef that element ain't strong euuff to elect me, I syosc go to jiue the unnum bered throng uv Dimoeratie candidates who hev encountered defeat in the dreary years gone by, and whose ghosts still Lover on the confines uv politikle life. I submit this to the Dimoerisy uv Ohio, feeling that I atn asking only wat is my doo. PETUOLUM V. NASRY, Wich wuz Postmaster. OUlt STATE FINANCES FOlt FORTY YEARS. We have seen in several of our exchanges claims set up on behalf of the Democratic party, that its management of Pennsylvania finances had been wiser and more statesman like than that of the Republican administra tions. Let us briefly state our observations in that respect. Forty years since, to wit, in 1829, the State improvement system, as it Las been called, was under way. During the ensuing thirty years the Democratic party had nearly uncontrolled sway iD this State. Three executives, to wit, Ritner, Johnson and Pollock, had been elected by the opposition, but in all the thirty years not three can be selected when both branch es of the legislature were controlled against the Democratic party. The result of that policy wa the fastening upon the Common wealth of a State debt of fully forty millions of dollars and a State tax upon real estate of three mills, which yielded about $1,800,- 00') annually. We will charge the Repub licans with ten years management of our finances. Governor I'acker, elected by the Democrats, was Governor iu 1850 and I860; yet the Legislature, since 1859, may he said to have been in Republican hands. The Republican administration, therefore, had to encounter a State debt of over $40,000,- 000, and fully $5,00(4,000 extraordinary ex penses incurred by the State in putting down the Democratic rebellion of Jeff Davis & Co. Thev have aiso had to encounter an expense that will reach $10,000,000, in educating the soldiers' and sailors' orphan children, the legitimate result of the rebellion by the States lights Democracy. By the close of Governor Geary's ad ministration, the regular State debt wiil have been reduced Tally $10,000,000. and the war debt and soldiers, orphans edu cation expenses, about $8,000,000, and th-re will remain in the State Treasury, railroad bonds of the Pennsylvania Com ! any, or guaranteed by it of some $12,000,- 00'> more. Let us recapitulate: State delA created by Democrats $40,000,000 War debt, created by Democrats 5,000,000 Soldiers orphans, created by Democrats 10,000,001 Tata! $.i,000,000 Paid off by ten years of Republican rule $18,000,000 Railroad Eoads 12,000,00ft~530,000,00# j Debt unprovided for $25,000,000 The Democratic party, by the act of April 29, 1544, had fastened upon the real estate of the tax payers a State tax from which about $1,000,000 annually was realized. This was repealed by the Republican ad ministration of February 23, 1866. The thirty years' poliey of the Democratic party may he summed up in fighting corporations and taxing the ma es of the people. The IF publicans have repealed the taxes upon the tna.-ses of the people, and put it upon the great corporations that have grown up. Railroads, banks and manufacturing cor porations now pay the taxes which sustain the State government. If Asa Packershould be elected, he, of course, will not like his coal and railroad corporations to be taxed i as they now are under a Republican legisla ture. He will insist on the repeal of all ! this, and that the Democratic legislation of j I >44 taxing real estate should be restored, i —Commercial A FEW MAXIMS FOR YOUNG GIRLS. J Never make your appearance in the ■ morning without having first bathed, if only . with a sponge and a quart of water, brushed ! and arranged your hair, dressed yourself i neatly and completely. Keep your clothing, especially your un- : der-clothing, in perfect order. Never let pius do duly as buttons, ur strings take the | place of proper bands. Examine every garment when ft come* ; from the wa.-h, and, if necessary, mend it wish neatness and precision. Do not sew up. the holes in your stockings, as we have seen some cart-less, untidy girls do, hut take j in a broad margin around the hole, be it small or large, with a fine darning needl* and darning cotton, and cover the fracture nub an interlaced stitch, so close as to be as strongs the body of the stocking, and fine , enough to be ornamental. Stockin s mended iu this way need darn ing but a very few times iu the course of i their existence. Never carry coarse embroidered or laced handkerchiefs. Fine plain ones arc much more lady-like. Avoid open-worked stockings and very fancy slippers. Fine plain white hose, and black kid slippers, with only a strap or rosette in front, arc more becoming. Train yourself to useful occupation. Re member it is wicked to waste time, and nothing gives such an impression of vanity and absolute silliness as a habit of idling and never having anything to do. If you arc in your father's house take some department of household labor upon yourself, and a part of the sewing, and make it your business to attend to it, Do not let a call from this idle girl, or a visit from that, or an invitation from the other interfere with the performance of your duty. Let your pleasures come in as a recreation —not as the business of your life, If you want to marry do not court or try to attract tho attention of a young gentle man. A little wholesome indifference, real or assumed, will be much more likely to act complish the object. Consider, moreover, that it is better to he a woman than a wife, anil do not degrade your sex by making your whole existence turn on the pivot of mat trimony. If you can, cultivate some art by which you can gain an independent livelihood. Do it whether there is necessity for it or not. Do it quietly if you will, but do it. There is no telling when or under what circum stances you may need it.— Demoresl. TUERE I 3 as much connection between the words and the thoughts as there is between the thoughts and the actions. The latter are not only the expression of the former, bu: they have a power to react upon the - oul, and leave the stain of corruption there. A young man who allows himself to use one vulgar or profane word, has not only shown that there is a foul spot upon his mind, but by the utterance of that word he extends that spot and inflames it, till, by indulgence, it will pollute and ruin the whole soul. VOL. 42: NO 83. IRON. '1 hat ours is destined to be a great iron producing as well as Iron-working country, ! every American instinctively believes. lie ; cannot admit that God has filled our soil ! with such enormous deposits of Ore, Coal, | and Limestone, to be forever left there use -1 less and unvalued, while British engines ca | reer thc-reon, drawing cargoes of British j bars and British manufactures for the use of the dwellers on the ttibutaries of the Mississippi, the Colorado, and the San Joa quin. I bus when Mr. Hudgskin, an intel ligent and caodid Englishman residing in this city, recently made an address to a Free J rade Meeting in Brooklyn, wherein he ar gued that we should buy our iron from Eu rope because her low priced labor enabled her to produce it much cheaper than we Free Trade journals at once shrunk from that position choosing to insist that Ameri can iron was dear only because the present Tariff enables our Iron masters to charge an > ci rrhitant price for it 1 Such unworthy shifts cannot abide the j test of time and discussion, 'lire price of ' iron as of anything else, is measured with | geueral accuracy by the cost of producing it; whenever the profit of such production is large, thousands are ineited thereby to em bark in it; and this tendency cannot be checked until the profit falls to (or below) the average of that realized in other invest ments. We shall ultimately produce iron much cheaper than now, though the im provement and perfection of the processes by which we make it and to such improve : tuent it is indispensable that our iron indus try shall not be dead but alive. The un steadiness of our policy in the past has sad ly retarded our progress. Capitalists hesi tate to invest the vast sums required to pro | duco steel rails (for instance) at a moderate | cost, with the sword of Damocles suspended over their heads by a formidable party in tent on the overthrow of Protections but : let the public voice be unmistakably beard on the right side, aui millions of capital will flow into the various departments of our iron industry, iusuring economies unattain able while our policy shall remain unstable, precarious, capricious. Were it this day fixed and proclaimed that no reduction of I our iron imposts would be made during the ; next ten years, mines would be opened and : furnaces erected wherever ore and coal ex j lets in proximity or may be cheaply brought ! together; rolling mills and forges would ' speedily follow in their train; invention j would be stimu ated and improvement per ; feeted, until we should soon have cheaper | iron through the cheapening of the process, the increased efficiency of the Labor employ !ed to make it. The cheapening would not j be fully indicated by the prices ruling in I New York ; for that is the point where, 1 while imported iron is cheapest; American ! iron is necessarily dearer than at the points i of production, hundreds of miles inland, j where it is nearer and worth more to the great body of our consumers than it would Ibe in this city. A genuine cheapness is on ; attained by means consistent with the just j recompense, intellectual enlightenment and j moral elevation, of the Laboring Class r we j 'ball secure the former without sacrificing the latter through the judicious, ample, ! steadfast Protect ion of American Industry. ! —Horace Greeley. WHAT SI. EE I* WILE CERE. The cry for rest has always been louder than the cry for food. Not that it is more important, but it is often harder to get. The best rest comes from sound sleep. Of two men or women, otherwise equal, the one who sleeps the best will be the most moral, healthy, and efficient. Sleep will do much to cure irritability of temper, peevishness, uneasiness. It will restore to vigor an over worked brain. It will build up and make strong a weary body. It will do much to cure dyspepsia, particu larly that variety known as nervous dyspep sia. It will relieve the languor and pros tration felt by consumptives. It will cure hypochondria. It will cure the blues. It will cure the headache. It will cure the heart-ache. It will cure neuralgia. It will cure a broken spirit. It will cure sorrow. Indeed, we might make a long list of ner vous maladies that sleep will cure. The cure of sleeplessness, however, is not so easy, particularly in those who carry grave responsibilities. The habit of sleep ing well is one which, if broken up for any length of time, is not easily regained. Often a severe illness, treated by powerful drugs, • o deranges the nervous system that sleep is never sweet after it. Or, perhaps, long continued watchfulness produce the same effect; or hard study, or too little exercise of the muscular system, or tea and whiskey drinking, and tobacco using. To break up the habit are required: 1. A clean good bed. 2. Sufficient exercise to produce weari ness, and pleasant occupation. 3. Good air, and not too warm a room. 4. Freedom from too much care. .5 A clean stomach. 6. A clear conscience. 7. Avoidance of stimulants and narcotics. For those who are overworked, haggard, nervous who pass sleepless nights, we com mend the adoption of such habits as sbal) secure sleep, otherwise life will be short, and what there is of it sadly imperfect.— Herald oj Health. SON-BATHS cost nothing, and are the most refreshing, life giving baths that one can take, whether siek or well. Every house keeper knows the necessity of giving her woolens the benefit of the sun from time to time, and especially after a long rainy sea son, or a long absence of the sun. Many will think of the injury their clothes are lia ble to from dampness, who will never re flect that an occasional exposure of their own bodies to the sunlight is equally neces sary to their own health. The sun baths cost nothing, and that is a misfortune, people are still deluded with the idea that those things only can be good cr useful which cost money. Let it cot be forgotten that three of God's most be neficent gifts to man—three things the most necessary to good health—sunlight, fresh air and water, are free to all; you can have them in abund ance, without money and without price, if you will. If you would enjoy good health, then see to it that you are supplied with pure air to breathe all the time ; that you bathe for an hour or so in the sunlight; and that you quench your thirst with no other fluid than water. — Journal of Health. COMMENTATORS are folks that too often write on as men with diamonds write #n glass, obscuring light with scratches. S ÜBS CKI FT lON TEEMS, AC The IBCCIRKB i publishedetery FRIDAT morn ■ Qg he following rates : o*e 'Year, (in advance,) $2.00 " " (i! not paid within fix m0t.)... $2.60 " " (if Dot paid within the year,)... $3.00 All paper! outside of the county discontinued without notice, at the expiration of the time for which the subscription has been paid. .Single copies of the paperfmnished.in wrappers, at fire cents each. Communications on subject* of local or general nterest, are respectfully solicited. To ensure at tention favors of this kind must invariably be accompanied by the name of the author, not for publication, but as a guaranty against imposition. All letters pertaining to business of the office thouid be addressed to JOHN LUTZ, Bedford, Pa. A BEACTIPCL EXTRACT.— The following beautiful tribute from Henry Ward Beach er's address at the funeral of the late Hon. Henry J. Baymond is worthy of a lasting record: "He stood on the widest pulpit that is now known in modern society. The lawyer has a narrow sphere before him; the Sena tor and the Representative—the walls hedge in their voices. The Minister has his par ish wall about his church. But there is a pulpit (hat now has no limit —it is the Press. There is, literally, the voice of one that cries in the wilderness, for all across the populous land, out into the territories, and to the very Pacific Ocean, the daily papers speak; and there is not, in modern civilization, a place of power that can compare with this. And among those that have been the build ers up of this great modem engine of civili zation, not the founders but the finishers, bo wtood the most pre eminent. Aside from the genera! ability with which he conducted the Press, I marked how singularly free his whole career has been from bitterness, how he refused to gain strength by advocacy of the passions; how he neither used the ma lign passions himself nor excited them in others. But, rising to a higher moral sen timent, breathed in his work, and addressed those higher feelings in those to whom he uttered. Now he has departed. Lookback upon his career. If he wielded this mighty engine in behalf of good reason, aod in be half of pure moral sentiment, it covers a multitude of imperfections." PAC KER'S MONEY BAGS. "We are gone up !" said a worthy and staunch Democrat frieod. "It is just as I thought it would be," he continued, with a : doleful countenance and solemn voice. "We are whipped and might just as well acknowledge the corn and give up !" "What's the trouble?" We meekly re quired. "Why Packer's money bags! curse them!" "Indeed," said we, "It is Packer's money bags that are nominated, or that nominated Packer." "That's it exactly. That's the very rock upon which we have split. I wish Packer's money was to the d—l. Why, sir, there is not a contempt able little whippersnapper of a country editor, there is not a rum sell er belonging to the party, there is not a loafer, or bummer, that shouts for us or votes our ticket, that is not ciainoriog for a share of Packer's money. Wherever we turn, some fellow seizes us by the button hole and demands hr part. The truth is, if Packer bad a Itunureil millions instead of twenty , and scattered among them every farthing, he could not satisfy their insatiate cravings. There is no use of talking. Geary is elected." THE HOME OF TASTE.— now easy it is to be neat— to be clean! How easy to arrange the room with the most graceful propriety ! How easy it is to invest our houses with the truest elegance ! Elegance resides not with the upbolsterer or the draper—it is not pat up with the hangings and curtains—it is not in the mosaics, the carpetings, the rosewood, the mahogany, the candelabra, or the mar ble ornaments : it exists in the spirit presi ding over the chambers of the dwelling. Contentment must always be most graceful; it sheds serenity over the scenes of its abode, it transforms a waste into a garden. The home lightened by these intimations of a nobler and brighter life may be wanting in much which the discontented desire; but to its inhabitants it will be a palace, far outvy ing the Oriental in brilliancy and glory. BN KIND IN LITTLE THINGS. —The sun shine of life is made up of very little beams, tbat are bright all the time. In the nurse ry, on the play-ground, and in the school room. there is room all the time for little acts of kindness, that cost nothing, but are worth more than gold or silver. To give up something, where giving up will prevent unhappiness—to yield, when persisting will chafe and fret others—to go a little round, rather than come against another—to take an ill word or cross look, rather than resent or return it; these are the ways in which clouds and storms are kept off, and a pleas ant smiling sunshine secured even in the humble home, among very poor people, as in families in higher stations. Much that we term the miseries of life would be avoid ed by adopting this rule of conduct. LESSONS OF SORROW. —Sorrow sobers us and makes the mind genial. And in our sorrow we love and trust our friends more tenderly, and • the dead become dearer to us. And just as the stars shine out in the nights, so there are blessed faces that look at us in our grief, though their features were fading from our recollection. Suffer ing ! Let no man dread it too much, because it is better for him, and it will help to make him sure of being immortal. It is not in the bright days, but only in the solemn night, that other worlds are to be seen shining ia the long, long distances. And it is in sor row—the night of the soul—that we see the farthest, and know ourselves natives of in finity and sens and daughteis of the Most High ! "BAR are," said a sable orator, "two roads through this world. De one am a broad and narrow road dat leads to perdi tion, and de other am a narrow and broad road dat leads to sure destruction." "If tbat am de case," said a sable hearer, "dis eullud individual take to de woods. MAKE friends of none in whom you have not implicit confidence —whom you cannot trust in all places and at all seasons. The best friendship you can make, is that which is based on those feelings which spring from the observance of sacred truths. DECEPTION, hypocrisy and dissimulation are direct compliments to the power of Truth; and the common custom of passing off Truth's counterfeit for herself is strong testimony in behalf of her intrinsic beauty and excellence. A SERVANT was asked how it was to difficult to wake him in : "Indeed, master, it's because of taking your own advice, always to attend to what I'm about; so whenever I sleeps, I pays attintion to it." \. £, too often, make our happiness de pend upon things that wc desire, wbilsl others would find it in a single one of these we possess. The love of God is both the sweetest and strongest emotion that can posscssthe heart.