RATES OF ADVERTISING! AU *ilvertim:ttances promptly made. REAL ESTATE fc aght and sold. April 1:89 hB AN'IEL BORDER, PITT STREET, TWO DOORS WEST OP THE KD ' JRD HOTEL, BEIPURD, Pa. MATCHMAKER AND DEALER IN JEWEL RY. SPECTACLES. AC. He keeps on hand a stock of fine Gold and Sil- Tst Watches, Spectacles of Brilliant Double Refin, -i '• asses, also Scotch Pebble Glasses. Gold Watch Chains, Breast Pins. Finger Rings, best i ty of Gold Pens. He wili supply to order * thing in his line not on hand. [ ipr.2S. 80. N W. CROUSE, • DEALER IW CIGARS, TOBACCO, PIPES, &C. i P.:t street one door east of Geo. R. Outer 1 -5; .re. Bedford. Pa., is n.w prepared -f by wholesale all kinds of CIGARS. All " je- promptly filled. Persons desiring anything mo will do weil to give him a call. Bedford April 1.'59., p N. HICKOK * • DENTIST. :■! at the old stand in BINE Bcii-Drso, Juliana St., BEDFORD. A derations pertaining to £ rgical and Mechanical Dtntistry performed with caro and WARRANTED. . adminittered, when desired. Ar :"'K imerted at, per set, 98.0 ft and up. uirer B, ' ok ?lore; ATLAJf. l-IPPlVrftT^i- 7 ; PCTNAM'S MONTHLY FRANK LESLIE tftSlDE.eteetc. ft JOHN LI'TZ. Editor and Proprietor. inquirer tftatamn. e | ' ; HPO ADVERTISERS: i A ) f $ i| ? THE BEDFORD INQUIRER. e I \\ PrBUSHED EVERY PRIDAY MORNING, 'I ! BY ) j JOHNLUTZ, OFFICE ON JULIANA STREET , j BEDFORD, PA. THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM SOUTH- WESTERNPENNSTL VANIA. CIRCULATION OVER 1500. HOME AND FOREIGN ADVERTISE ! MENTS INSERTED ON REA SONABLE TERMS. A FIRST CLASS NEWSPAPER. TERNS OF SUBSCRIPTION: ' 12.U0 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. 11 JOB PRINTING: ' < ALL KINDS OF JOB WORK DONE j ; WITH j NEATNESS AND DISPATCH, J AND IN THE I 1 LATEST k MOST APPROVED STYLE. 1 I ■ I seen AS POSTEPaS OF ANY SIZE, CIRCULARS, < ( BUSINESS CARDS, ; i WEDDING AND VISITING CARDS, 1 j I BALL TICKETS, PROGRAMMES, CONCERT TICKETS, ORDER BOOKS, 1 j 1 I SEGAR LABELS, j ! RECEIPTS, | < LEGAL BLANKS, , ; i PHOTOGRAPHER'S CARDS, P < BILL HEADS, I I , LETTER HEADS, . PAMPHLETS, 1 : PAPER BOOKS, ' ; t ETC. ETC. ETC. ETC. ETC * ! ] ■ < ; i' Our facilities for doing all kinds of Job Printing I t t are equalled by very few establishments in the " \ t j 1 country. Orders by mail promptly filled. All 1 I 1 letter 3 should be eddreseed to 1 1 1 I 9 JOHN LUTZ. | s .3 Jlorai anfc (General flrtospaprr, Drbotrti to felines, (Pburatton. 3Litcratute aito fllorals. ITEMS. ; GERMANY haus a man without a breast bone. There are plenty in the country who are without a back bone. GREELEY lost a hat on the Harvards. It was a new one, "old whity'' still being safe in his possession. THEY were going to present an American Girl to Vanderbiit, but he bought her him self. REMARK of an lowa man during the total eclipse: "Gentlemen, I have been to a hundred circuses, but that beats 'em all!" A PARIS laundress secured the payment , of her bill by carrying off the wooden leg of a refractory customer. THE \ iccroy bought a doll in Paris for I the Sultan's daughter. The ear-rings of the toy woman cost SIO,OOO. IN choosing a carpet get one with small ' figures ; in choosing a wife get ooe with few : relations. A PHILADELPHIA telegram says: The loss by the Cape May fire is estimated at $250,000. Boynton, the pearl diver, iu whose store the fire originated, has been ar rested, charged with causing the fire. The United States Hotel was valued at $90,000, and insured for $47,000. THE workmen at the ca„t end of the Hoosac Tunnel have unexpectedly nuck a vein of soft rock, of the mica slate order, which is quite easily pried and picked off without blasting. What will be developed as to the extent of the vein is of course un certain, and future developments will be watched with interest. The Tunnel Com mittee of the Legislature visited the work on Tuesday. THE loading Canadian papers sjeak in generous terms of the defeated crew in the international boat race. The Toronio Globe describes bow much more attention has been paid to rowing in the English universities than in the American, and says that Har vard has shown huw excellent a crew she can turn out, and cannot justly be disap pointed at hating been beaten by Oxford un- 1 dersuch circumstances. AARON S. PENNINGTON, a prominent law yer of Patterson. New Jer-ev. and brother of the late Governor Pennington, died very suddenly on Wednesday afternoor. He was playing whist with a party of friend-', when, raising his hand to his head, he com plained of faintness. A g!as of water was brought, but gave him no relief. He was then laid upon a bed and a physician was sent for but before his arrival Mr. Penning ton expired. His disease was understood to be apoplexy. PURCHASING BONDS. —The Secretary of the Treasury has instructed hi- assistant at Washington to continue through September the weekly purchases of bonds and sales of gold which have been made throughout August, Any one who pleases has a right to guess that Mr, Boutweil means to Tcrrp doing so until directed by Congress to do otherwise. We heartily trust that such is his purpose. The bst answer to the demagogue cry that the deht can never be paid b to persist in steadily paying it. GREAT BRIDGE ACROSS THE OHIO. —On Thursday the largest span of any truss bridge in the United States was completed on the great bridge across the Ohio river at Louis ville, which is destined to connect the K- ntucky and Indiana shores. The bridge itself will be, when fini-heJ, (and the en gineer in charge expects to turn over his con tract fbr the building some time in Xovem her,) one of the most splendid structures of the kind in this or any other country. This last span covers three hundred and seventy feet, and is a marvel of engineering -kill. THE idea of constructing a ship canal across the Isthmus of Darien and thus uni ting the Allan ic and Pacific ocean, has re ceived a new impetus in the fact that Rear Admiral Charles 11. Davis, recently return ed to the United States in the steamship Guerriere from the command of the South At'antic fleet, has been ordered to make ar rangements for a survey of the I-thmus in order to ascertain ihe pracicabibty of cut ting the cam!. L k ly enough this will be the next great w,:-rk to wbi; h the construe tive gmius and enterprise of Am • v-on en gineers will be allied. MUTILATED CURRENCY. —Tres-urer Spin ner has written a letter in respect to the re demption ol .Mutilated curret-cy, and as to any rules authorized or approved by the Department for detecting counterfeits, in which he says : "No instructions have been i-sued by the Department relative to the mode of ascertaining the genuineness of United States notes: but the decision as to the character of the notes presented to them has been left to the discretion of the officers themselves. The Department has never promulgated or approved anv sy-tem or sets ol IUICS for the detection ot counterfeits, tor the reason that it. i* helieewl no g.-n-ml rrilnn can be laid down which would render all persons who may study tbem good judges, of money. A careful compariron of sus pected notes with those known to be genu ine, good natural di-ccrnment, and familiari ty with the different kinds of notes, are requisite to enable a person to distinguish counterfeits from genuine notes with cer tainty. SAN FRANCISCO MINT ROBBERT.— The San Franeiseo Chronicle of the says: For several (lays i ast Gtoeral La Grange, the Special Agent of the Treasury Depart ment, has been investigating an affair re specting the abstraction of about T2o ounces of gold baliion fiom the office of William Schujoiz, the former Coiner in the Mint. The deficit was first discovered by Mr. Scbmolz on the 3d of Augorf, while making up his account of coinage from the Ist ot Julv to the last day of the same month. This loss was immediately made known to Dr. Lindcrman, and that officer, acting un der instructions from the Government, com mc-nced an investigation on the 14th instant. Three days after, General La GraDge entered upon the duties of his office, and was in formed of the deficit which had occured in the office of the Coiner. It is alleged that this deficiency occurred between the Ist of July and the Ist of August, and that cwiog to the confusion which existed on account of the change of offices, some one abstracted the bullion from the (Joiner's office. It has been stated that Mr. Schwolz intend* to place securities for payment of the amount missing from the Treasury in the hands of Mr. Swain, the late Superintemiaot. The matter is still being investigated, and at last accounts no cloe bad been found to fasten suspicion on any one. BEDFORD, PA., FRID V, SEPT. 10, 1869. SEPTEIBER DAYS; In lliokenng light and shade the broad stream goes, With cool, dark nooks and checkered, rip. j,ling shallows ; Through reedy fens its sluggish current flows, Where lilliea grow and purple blossomed mallows. : The aster-blooms above its eddies shine, With pollened bees about them humming slowly, And in the meadow-lands the drowsy kine. Making mostc with their sweet bells, tink ling slowly. : The shrill cicada, on the hillside tree, Sounds to its mate a note of love or warn ing, And tnrtle doves re-echo, plaintively, From upland fields, a soft melodious mourn ing. A golden haze conceals the horizon, A golden suuehine slants acroi- the mead ows ; The pride and prime of Summer-tinae is gone, But beauty lingers iu these Autumn shad ows. The wi.d hawk's shadow fleets across the grass, Its softened gray the softened green outvy ing : Aud fair scenes fairer grow while yet they pass. As breezes freshen when the day is dying. 0 weep September ! thy first breezes bring The dry leafs rustie and the squirrel's laughter, i The cool, fresh air, whence heahh and vigor spring, And promise of exceeding joy hereafter. WAIF. Nodding to the zephyr, bowing to the breeze: Riding on a sunbeam, floating o'er the trees: Up the lofty mountain : down the open plain, Crossing o'er the meadow, then back again ; Gliding into gardens everywhere so free, Kissing pretty flowers, coquetting with the bee. Merry as a cncket, gentle a- a dove, Happy as a pigeou cooing to his love : Gossamer your person, dress so very airy, Graceful as a -wallow, lighter than a fairy. Sailing through the country dancing o'er the town, What on earth so happy as the thistle down. MOUTH lll.lt WEIGHT IN GOLD. "Thank fate I sha'l never be the prey of a fortune hunter." As Sally Rcauriere ottered the words she threw h-. rself back upon the sofa and tossed her hands- me head with a little laugh. "Your fortune is yoar face." rejoined her companion, as he gazed admiringly on her fine features, fsally opened her large eyes : in astonishment. "A compliment from you Tom !" she ex claimed. The gentleman colored. "I know I am not much given to pretty compliment-, bu'' you know, fially, that I admire you all the same." To tell the truth Turn Middleton had for a long time loved Miss with all the strength ol an earnest and constant nature : but he was very diffident, he had shrank lioni making known his attachment, fearing Sally - ridicule, though had he been more 1 confident of himself he might have read : long ago a secret that Sally's eyes tcok little j paias to conceal. But Tom never imagined j how Je.-iral lo a fellow he was in himself, and knowing he had no great fortune to bestow, he did not venture to offer his hand : to the duughtcr of Senator Beauclere, and the reigning belie of the city. Sally was one of a large family, it is true, and portion less, but her father's position and her own beau'y made Turn imagine her to be far re moved from him. Now, he only looked hurt when she thus playfully sneered at hi small compliment and turning away to the window did not catch the tender look that stole over Sally's hand-ume features. "Well, what is the weather?" she asked, after a mom nt, as he still stood gazing out into the night. "It i- a beautiful moonligbt, anl I think I had better go." "Go! Ob, Turn ! Why this is the last time I shall -ee you for ever ,-o long." "Aod will you care?" he asked, as he came to hi r -ide. Sally blushed. "Of c urse I shall care. Tom." "No, Sally, to-morrow you are going to i Washington. Yon will be a belle there, as as you are everywhere, and you will soon i forget me." "No, indeed, Tom !" she replied ramest : ly. "Among all those strange faces and ; people I don't care anything about, I shall ; long for n.y old friends." But not me. You won't care much whether 1 am among the number or not." "Yes I shall." Tom was a foe! where women were con ccrocd, or he would have known what those words in that soft tone meant. As it wa.s a wild hope did spring up in his heart, but when he looked again at that beautiful woman it died away. "I am net briiliaot, enough for her," he thought, hut lie plaek el up sufficient courage to put out his hand and take one of hers. "You are very kind. Sally," he said. "I shall come on to Wa.-hington by aDd by, and then I shall know how sincere your words are." Sally's checks burnt; but at that moment the door opened. Tom dropped her hand, as owe of the numerous young sifters came in, and the golden opportunity passed away, for they were not together again for that evening. On that very same night, nearly a thous and miles miles away, two young gentlemen were speaking of this same young lady. They were travelers, who had accidentally met on board a steamer on ]>ake Erie. Thev were total strangers, and wtre igno rant of even each others name, but had fal len into a chat as they strolled on the deck, uddor the rays of the full moon. "I never was so far from land before in my life," said the elder of the two, a fine looking man perhaps thirty-five. "Indeed 1" exclaimed his companion, a handsome city-bred looking gentleman. "May I ask where you are from, that yout experience has been so limited ?" "Prom the interior of North Carolina." "Ah!" cried the stringer, and his c,ll features li* up into sudden interrst. Then terhipa you knew the Beaueere's I cry well, indeed ; ihey are old friends of mine." '"And Miss Reauc'. re ; you know her?" "Certainly."' "I hear she is very handsome." r "Ii es. Do you know her?" ' 'No. 1 bare merely heard of her ; but I expect to meet her in Washington this win ter. She i- the oldest daughter, is she not?" "Yea." And is Senator Beauclore a man of wealth ?" II s, Tkat is he has a very fine estate." 'Mi.-s Sally is the daughter of the first marriage, is Ac not?" It ts, any a noble girl. Why she is worth half a million in herseil alone," ex i claimed the North Carolinian entbusiasti ; L-ally. His eomftinion started a little at the i words, but thangc-d the conversation to j other subject-, and before long the twogen . t ■ tnea parted for the night, still in igno • rSiSee of each others names. They did not meet again, hut in the morning exchanged j merely a distant bow as they left the boat in ] opposite directions. The weeks passed on, and Sally Beau- j elere *•*- ablished with her parents at i IV illard s Hotel in \\ ashingtoo. As Mid j die ton had predicted her beauty and talents • drew around her a circle of admirers, and j before !• u she was established as one of the j reigning belles of Washington. The adriiiratiou and adulation that she re- I ceivd Sally found more intoxicating and | delightful than -he had imagined. It was very pleasant to be the beauty of every ball room and constantly surrounded by a circle of admirers. The idea of returning to the hum irum life of home was not always pleas ant to her, and -he sometimes felt half in clined to think seriously of accepting some l of th brilliant offers that were made to her. She had been a good deal put out too with Tom for not speaking before she came away. Sometimes she was half inclined to doubt h ; s love for her. and although his earnest eye- haunted her with their wi-tful look of aff -ctioo, -he had more than one serious thought of trying tobani-h his remembrance and marry, a- many others around her did, fir money rather than love. 51 >st prominent among her sworn admir ers wa- Mr. Charlton Murray, of New Y<> k. Handsome, distinguished looking, an 1 reputed to be of great wealth, he seem ed to be a match not to be despised. Since the in >mtnt <•( hi- first inti duetion to Sally he had devoted himself to her most persist ently. Every diya bi qu-1 of fresh flower came to Ltr ii em v-i'h l is compliments; evcty morning he hung over her chair; every evening be wa- ready to attend her at the receptions. Sally, to tell the trulh, wa- very we'll pleased with his admiration—h understood -o well how to f lay the agreeable, he paid such pretty compliments, he was so hand some and thorough bred. He had already made his propo-a!in form, and Sally was iisienme to his ■ arncst t leading, as they sat half hidden fr.ra ob-ervatioD in one of the deep windows of the L-oel parlor. "Pray Mi-- Sally think favorably of my suit. Mj hopes of happiness, my future life depend upon your reply." The wordi were earnest, the tone impas sioned. Saiy s eht-i k burned as she hesi tated for a reply. "I have known you for so short at tne," she faltered. "What ii that? You have known me for five we k-, and during that time have seen lite m re "requently than you would in a whole year under different circumstances. I have knovn you buig enough to love you —madly, di-:ractedly love you I And you have kuowi me long enough to bid me at least hope. She did rt reply, and he bent toward her, taking h'-r band in his eagerness. "Sally, my dearest Sally." His wurd- :nd actions r-called her to her position, and she drew back. "Yon may forget where you are, slr. Murray !" At that moment she caught sight of a gentleman who was talkiuc with her father. "There is an old friend of mine. I must go and .-peak to him. And she sprang up wlti out any reply to her impassioned suitor. "Murray looked after her with a -mile of triumph. He bad little doubt of his ulti mate success. "Mr. Trnmbull, how do you do ?" cried Su !y as she can e forward. "Ah. Miss Silly, I am glad to see you aeain," exclaimed the gentleman. The dissippaton of Washingt a ha-not spoiled you. I see you are more blooming than ever." Sally laughed and blushed. "Come, now, pa. don't you bore Mr. Trumbull with pi Pic*, but let me have him for awhile to tell mo how every one is at home." Senator Bcauclere, after a few more words, turned away, and Sally and her old friend :at down side by side. Mr. Trumbull had married or.e of her school-mates, and she regarded him almost as a brother. "Well, Miss Sally, tell me about your beaux. Whose heart have you broken ia?t Involuntarily Sally glanced towards Murray, who -tmd in the window regarding her with j alous eyes. "Nobody's," she replied liph'iy: but Mr. Trumbull's look followed her "Why, who is that fellow th it "is welch ing you so earnestly?" he exclaimed with a start. "Mi. Murray, of New York, if you mean the young gentleman in the window." ''lt is the very man I saw last fall, and spoke to of you," said Mr. Trumbull. "Has he been making love to you?" "What did he say about me?" asked Sally, ignoring his last words' "Ha did not say much, he a.-ked a great many qut.-tions about you. But, say, has he proposed to you?" "Never mind whether he has or not, but tell me what he said," urged Sally eagerly. "He a ked if your father was rich, for one thing." "And vhat did you sav?" 'I said yes." "And what el-e? Tell ins all about if," she cried imperiously. Mr. Tiambull laughed. "I told him you were wor h hilf a million of dollars, said he. Sally's brow contracted and lrcr eyes flashed. "You did! Why Mr. Trumbull did you sty that ?" "I m.!Ut that you are such a fine girl that yoc are worth it; and really Miss Sally I think It too low an estimate. I ought to have said two millions." V Sally laughed. "Oh, that is founy ! And do you suppose that he believed it?" ' Ccrtain'y. And so he has been courting you? Mr. Trumbull said shrewdly. "Perhaps so; but are you sure he is the ; same man ?" "I think he is; but a question will soon set that at rest." Sally started in her impulsive manner. "Come and I will iutroduce you and then I .-hall know the truth of this extraordinary ! story." Mr. Trumbull would have remonstrated, but she was half across the room before he I could interfere. Murray started forward with jdeasure as he saw her approaching him. "Here is an old friend of mine, whothink he has seen you before," she said. "Mr. Trumbull, slr. Murray." The gentlemen shook hands, and then Mr. Trumbull said: "I think we met on board a boat on Lake Erie, last fall." "Yes." replied Murray with a faint smile, "I remember it perfectly." A few words were exchanged, and then Murray walked away. 'Are you going to marry him, Miss Sally?" asked Mr. Trumbull. "No indeed." "Is he rich " "He is said to be." "Then you suppose fortune will be a matter of indifference to him ?" "But what if his is as mythical aimine?" "You must find that out" "No, I don't care to know now," said Saily. "Let us talk of something else'" "Yes, I thought you were going to ask after your old friends. Have you forgotten al! about them in these gaities?" "Oh, no!" and Sally put query after query about her friends, until at last Mr. Trumbull said : "But you do not ask after Turn Middleton, aod yet you might, for he cares more for you than all the rest put together." "Oh. that's nonseose! But how is he?" "He will tell you himself." "Tom here?" exclaimed Sally, her face lighting up with delight. "Yes, indeed, we came on together." "And why hasn't he come to speak to rac ?'' "He says he did not dare, before all these people, but if you will go to your parlor I will send him there." Sally started up at once, and slr. Trum bull looked after her with a smile. He had been hoping for this match for a long time, and nor as he went out to find Tom he whispered to him: "Speak to her to-night man. lam sure she loves you.'' Tom scarcely knew whether he was on his head or his heels as he made bis wav to the private parlor. He never could remember afterwards exactly what happened when he reached it He only knew that Sally came to meet him with a bright, blushing face, and the next thing he was certain of she was clasped in his arms. At a tolerable early hour the Dext morn ing a Bote was handed to Sally. It was from Mr. slurray. renewing his offer and begging for a speedy interview. "Ask the gentleman to come up," Sally said to the servant, and Tom. who was with her. weDtout without one particle of jealous objection. The young man came up aDd would have seized Sally's hand, but she drew it back haughtily. "Stop a moment. Murray, I should like to ask you a question. He paused abashed by her resolute face. "What is it Miss Beauclere?" "Do you know how mack money I am worth " He hesitated and stammered. At last he said : "Tour friend Mr. Trumbull did men tion to me that you had some fortune, but I assure you, dearest Sally, that it is of your self alone I" Sally checked him with an imperious gesture. ''l have not a penny in the world!'' He stood still, looking at her with a pale, astonished face. "Yes, sir. I am entirely without fortune, and whoever weds me must take a portion less bride." "I am very sorry"—he gasped out the words. "No need to express your regrets, sir, I am engaged to be married, and I will bid you a good morning." Murray got out of the room as best he could, and vani-hed that day from Wash ington. His wealth turned out to be a mere fabrication of his own, and he was heard of no more in fashionable circles. "After all wasn't it funny that I should be courted for my fortune?" Sally said, as -he related Mr. Murray's discomfiture to Tom. "But I agree with Mr. Trumbull," he replied enthusiastically, "that you "that you are worth your weight in gold." 'KEPlfiilATloJt. The repudiators are getting hold as they advance to the ballot-boxes, and if the people of Pennsylvania vote for Packer ID October in view of the deliberate declara tions of his intimate friend, \ allandigham. whom he entertained so handsomely at his residence shortly after the war, and George H. Pendleton, Brick Pomeroy, Andrew Johnson, and Emerson Etheridge, they will have done their level best to precipitate that catastrophe. Last Tuesday evening Andrew Johnson spoke at Knoxville, Tennessee, in the course of which he used these words, as printed in the Knoxville Press and Herald of Wednesday, the ISth of August: There is a debt owinc by the United States amounting to $2,600,000,000 The men who are engaged in the conspiracy to change this Government into an empire say that this debt was "created to preserve the Repub lie." Now, what is assumed? Simply that ice must destroy this Republic for the pur pose of paying the debt ley converting the Re public into an empire. My countrymen, be fore Go>i and this people to-night, I vcould rather that the Republic icat preserved and the debt Ut go. | Loud cheers, ] This debt was created to save the Republic. Now the Re public must be destroyed to pay the debt. Rather let the Government be preserved and I let the debt go. The election of Johnson to the United i States Senate would be preferred by most of the Democratic leaders of the North, and on this platform. The election of Packer ; in Pennsylvania, and Pendleton in Ohio, would be the endorsement of this platform. Repudiation was never so near the hearts of the Southern leaders as it is to day, and Packer and Pendleton hive always acted I with these leaders.— The l\ess. VOL. 42: NO 33. ASA I'.tCK EK. The Gerrnantown Telegraph —an inde j pendent paper—gives this history, political : and otherwise, of the Democratic nominee i for Governor: For the high and responsible office of j Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, the Democratic party has nominated a man who h not a native of the State, nor | distinguished for eminent ability of any kind | in connection with public affairs. Asa Pack er has been a member of the Legislature and also cf Congress, but in both cases he was a : silent member, without ability or influence, ! and the record of his public -ervices is limit ied to votes in the affirmative or negative. If i he ever drafted a bill of any importance we have never read of it. If he ever offered a substitute for any bill we cannot find the record of it. If he ever offered amend ments of any consequence to any pending measure, his party friends have not yet shown the act, and we doubt whether they ; can do so. If be ever expressed his views I on any questions of moment io language worthy of quotation, or to which his con -tituents could refer with pleasure or pride, it has yet to be shown. If he ever exercis cised any potential influence with his party in the Legislature or Congress the public is io blissful ignorance of it. How, then, does it happen that such a man has obtained a nomination for Gover nor of a State containing four million® of in telligent and prosperous people, and untold resources ? How does it happen that a'l the bold, able, thoughtful leaders of the Demo cratic partv, whose restless exertions, and commanding ability have maintained thru party strength under all that disa-trous di> eouragements of the past ten years, have been thrust aside to make room for this si lent member? How does it happen that Pennsylvania is asked to disregard the con spieuous public services of her own native born sons, and to elevate to the chief magis tracy a man of no ability at all, from another section of the Union? Before answering these queries we desire to a.-k especial at tention to the impudent assumption of in tellectual superiority incessantly paraded before the country by emigrant Yankees on behalf of the New England States whence they come. We are constantly told by them that New England supplies the progressive power and intelligence of the republic, and no matter how much of that movement is furnished by the Middle States we never get any credit for it. Thus while Pennsylvania emigrants outnumber those of all New Eng land, ten to one, in Kansas, we are constant ly told that the Kansas struggles were car ried on by Yankees. In the same way these emigrant Yankees claim the credit of all that is progressive in the west, while the fact is that the emigration from the Middle States in the west overshadows a!! else. We do not raise this issue against Asa Packer for any personal dislike of New Eng land men whom, as a general thing, we like, but the Democratic party itself raised the issue all over the South against every North ern man. and in the electiou of iSo7 it rais ed the same issue precisely in Pennsylvania. We insist that if New Englanders are to be elected to high offiees in Pennsylvania they shall at least be men of ability. But here is a man whose career as a legislator is one of unvarying imbecility, and whose advance ment rests entirely upon the fact of being worth twenty millions of dollars. He was presented on that basis as a candidate for President of the United States, and the Democratic National Convention fairly laughed at the idea of such a nomination. These men had some sense and some princi ple. They had Statesmen and soldiers in their ranks; and they spurned the idea of nominating a money bag. A great deal has been said about the lib erality of Packer in giving a half a million of dollars to endow a college. But Ezra Cornell has done as much in New York and nobody proposes to elect him Governor or President for it. And what shall be said of Packer when compared with Peabody? There are citizens of Philadelphia who have given away unostentatiously ten times the amount that Packer makes such a flourish on. And what shall be thought of Packer's liberality in view of the fact that he fled to Philadelphia from his residence in Mauch ChuDk. to avoid paying the local tax assess ed on him to defray soldiers' bounties ? This tax he never yet paid, while the poorer property holders of Mauch Chunk all had to pay it This is the New England emigrant we are asked to make a Governor of. The truth is, we have here simply a money getting and money hoarding monopolist, a typical man from among those who have amassed such tremendous fortunes by running up the price of coal so heavily. We have all of us paid our shares of the cost of making up these enormous fortunes. If we admire this sort of "enterprise" and want others to help themselves at our expense, all we have to do la tr oloot Pockor GoYCrHOT Ot Pennsylvania, and the force of the example will soon produce a large crop of imitators. If the extortionate price of coal is a desira ble thing, then Asa Packer is just the man for Governor. He represents fairly the in fluences whereby the coal trade had been so mismanaged. We invite our readers to ex amine the subject dispassionately for them selves, and we are quite sure they will come to much the same conclusion that we have ourselves. DRET OF BRA™ WORKERS.— A New York doctor has been writing up the "Diet of Brain Workers." He combats the theory | that they should live on nothing. Those authors and thinkers who delight in luxurious dinners will find the doctor's ; labors very palatable. He is Dot content with opposing theory to theory, but calls upon all to witness the fact that the most ! arduous brain workers are the hearti-st eaters. The an-wer to the inquiry "Why is this?" is because they need it. And they ; need it became: 1. Labor of the brain causes greater waste of tissue than labor of the muscles. Three hours of bard study produce more important changes of tissue than a whole day of muscular labor. 2. Brain workers, as a class, are more active in their work, and work more time than mechanics or laborers. The thinking pow ers, the tools of trade of brain workers are always at hand, and seldom idle. 3. Brain workers exercise, more or les3, all tbe other organs of the body, as well as the brain. THE miser and giutten—two facetious buzzards; one hides his store, and the oth stores hit hide. To reaiove stains from Character —Get I rich. UIWB HILLING HOYS A CHAIICE. The lesson inculcated in the following brief sketch is worth studying : A green, rustic lad esme years ago to the metropolis from a Connecticut village. At home he had done well in an honorable way, but he had read and beard of the wonderful city. He made up bis mind he could do something in it. When he reached the city no place seemed open to him. Day after day he hunted for business. Want stared him in the face. He would not go back to his friends. Dropping into a large dry goods hou-e one day in the search for work he chanced to come lace to face with the proprietor. ''We have nothing for you to do, sir," this great bu.-iness man said in reply to his inquiry, "but stay, what can you do?" be continued, "you seem to be an bonest look ing lad." i "Oh, sir, I can do anything—only try me. Only give me a chance to do something!'' And the tears came out and trickled down the checks of the almost discouraged, for lorn boy, though he tried a# hard as hecouid to repress them. "I will take the poorest place and do my best" He was engaged and set to work. He was sent down to the cellar and commenced hi- businc-.s- care r in New York by pound ing bent nails, which had been thrown io a pile beside the backing boxes, so they could be used. This was his woik for two weeks, and he barely kept body and soul together .