Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, August 20, 1869, Image 1

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All advertisements for leas than 3 months 10
cents par line for each insertion. Bpeeia Inotiees
one-half additional. All resolutions of Associa
tions,. communications of a limited or individa]
interest and notices of marriages and deaths, ex
ceeding five lines, 10 ets. per line. All legal noti
ces of every kind, and all Orphans' Court and
other Judicial sales, are icquired by law to be pub
lished in both papers. Editorial Notices 15 cents
per line. All Advertising due after 6rat insertion.
A liberal discount made to yearly advertisers.
3 moots. t months. 1 year
One square $ 4.5(1 $ 6.0tl SIO.OO
Twe so wares ........... 6.80 0.00 16 00
Tbree squares - 8.00 11.00 20.00
One-fourth column 14.00 20.00 35.00
Half column 18.00 25.00 45.00
One column 30.00 45.00 80.00
XKU'SPAft.r bsws.-Vfe would call the special
attention of Post Masters and subscribers to tbe
Isyi-iHgR to the following synopsis of the News
paper laws:
1. A Postmaster is required to gire notice Ay
tetter, (returning a paper does net answer tbe law)
when a subscriber does not take bis psper oat of
the office, and state tbe reasons tor its n it being
taken; and a negloct to do so makes the Postma,
ter reptoiuihle to tbe publishers for the payment.
2. Any person who lakes a paper from the Port
office, whether directed to his name or another, or
whether he has subscribed or not is responsible
for the pay.
3. If a person orders his paper discontinued, he
must pay all arrearages, or the publisher may
continue to send it until payment is made, and
ollect the whole amount, i ehrther it be tike* from
the office or not. There can be i,. legal discontin
uance until the payment is made.
4. If the subscriber orders his paper to be
stopped at a certain time, and tbe publisher con
tinuesto send, th j subscriber is bound to pay for
it, if he to tee it out of tie Poet Office. The law
proceeds upon the ground that a man must pay
for what he uses.
5. The courts have deeidrd that refusing to t*k
newspapers and periodicals front the Post office,
or removing and having them uncalled for, is
prima facia evidence of intentional fraud.
St tfards.
Have formed a partnership in the practice of
the Law, in new brick building near the Lutheran
Church. [April 1, 1869-tf
Respectfully tenders his professional services
to the publie. Office with J. W. Lingenfe'ter,
Esq., on Public Square near Lutheran Church.
Jt4rCollections promptly made. [April,l'B9-tf.
Will faithfnlly and promptly attend to all busi
ness entrusted to his care in Bedford and adjoin
ng counties. Military claims, Pensions, back
pay, Bounty, Ac. speedily collected. Office with
Mann A Spang, on Juliana street, 2 doors south
of the Mengel House. apll, 1869.—tf.
Will attend promptly to all business intrusted to
his care. Collections made on the shortest no
He 't, atso, a regularly licensed Claim Agent
andatl give special attention to the prosecution
. ' lit - against tbe Government for Pensions,
Back I ay, Bounty, Bounty Lands, Ac.
Office on Juliana street, one door South of the
Inquirer office, and nearly opposite the 'Mengel
House" April 1, 1869:tf
Bedford, Pa.,
Will attend promptly and faithfully to all busi
ness entrusted to their care. Special attention
given to collections and the prosecution of claims
tor Back Pay, Bounty, Pensions, Ac.
/SffOffire on Juliana street, south of the Court
House. Apri 1:69:1yr.
Will practice in the Court 3 of Bedford and ad
joining counties. All business entrusted to their
care will receive careful and prompt attention.
Pensions, Bounty, Back Pay, Ac., speedily Col
lected from the Government.
Office on Juliana street, opposite the banking
house of Reed A Schell. Bedford, Pa. Apr l;69:tf I
Office with ,T. W. Dickerson Esq.. 23aprly
Respectfully tenders his professional ser
vices to the citiicns of Bedford and vicinity.
Office an 1 residence on Pitt Street, in the building
formerly occupied by Dr. J. H. Qufius. [Ap'l 1,69.
Collections made for the East, West, North and
South, and the general business of Exchange
transacted. Notes and Accounts Collected and
Remittances promptly made. REAL ESTATE
bought and sold. April 1:69
He keeps on hand a stock of tine Gold and Sil
ver Watches, Spectacles of Brilliant Double Refin
ed Glasses, also Scotch Pebble Glasses. Gold
Watch Chains. Breast Pins, Finger Rings, best
quality of Gold Pens. lie will supply to order
any thing in his line not on hand. [apr.2S,'6s.
On Pitt street one door ea*t of Geo. K. Oster
<fc Co.'- Store, Bedford, Pa., is now prepared
to *cll by wholesale all kinds of CIGARS. All
orders promptly filled. Persons desiring anything
in his line will do well to give him a call.
Bedford April 1. '69.,
Office at the old stand in
All operations pertaining to
S urg ical and J/ ccha nical Dentistry
performed with care and
Anaesthetic* administered, when desired. Ar
tificial teeth inserted at, per set, SB.OO and up
As I am detei mined to do a CASH BUSINESS
or none, I have reduced the prices for Artificial
Teeth of the various kinds, 20 per cent., and of
Gold l illings s3pr cent. This reduction will be
made only to strictly Cash Patients, and all such
will receive prompt attention. 7feb<s3
This L.rge and commodious house, having been
re taken by the subscriber, is now open for the re
ception of visitors and boarders. The rooms are
large, well ventilated, and comfortably famished.
Tbe table will always be supplied with the best
the ii arket can afford. The Bar is stocked with
the choicest liquors. In short, it is mv purpose
to keep a FIKivT-CLASS HOTEL. Thanking
the public for past favors, I respectfully solicit a
renewal of their patronage.
N. B. llacks will run constantly between the
Hotel and the Springs.
may 17,*69:1, WM. DIBERT, Prop'r.
This old establishment baring been leased by
J. MORRISON, formerly proprietor of the Mor
ris >n House, has been entirely renovated and re
furnished and supplied with all the modern im.
proveoients and conveniences necessary to a first
class Hotel.
Tbe dining room has been removed to tbe first
floor and is now spaeions and airy, and the cham
bers are all well ventilated, and the proprietor
will endeavor to make his guests perfectly at
hone. Address, J. MORRISON,
aijulytf Huntingdon, Pa.
MAGAZINES. —The following Magazines f or
sale a; the Inquirer Book Store: ATLAN
RIVERSIDE, etc. etc. ft
®bc fSwCotb Jfutmirer,
JOHN LUTZ Editor and Proprietor.
fuquim <£jo Jurat*.
Our facilities for doing all kinds of Joh Printing
are equalled by very few establishments in the
country. Orders by mail promptly filled. All
letters should be addressed to
3 Horal antj iGrnrval flftospaprr, Drbotrti to politics, tptmration, literature anb i-Borals.
MONEY ORDERS.— The amount of money
sent through the mail by postal money or
tiers is increasing at the rate of 100 per cent,
annually. This year the aggregate foots up
$30,000,000, against $16,000,000 last year,
and it is estimated that this amount will
again double next year.
THE South Boston flats, now uncovered
and covered by the ebb and flow of the tide,
will soon be converted into an extensive dis
trict, furnishing additional accommodations
for the railroads, and giving a long water
front with great commercial facilities. A
long sea wall is to be constructed.
THE Canadians are troubled by the con
tinued exodus of their French; but the
French are not the only people who leave
them to seek work sod thrift in the United
States.* Emigrants slip through Canada
as through a sieve into our borders. Of
",091 emigrants who arrived at Toronto
during the month of June but 777 remained
in Canada.
THE order directed against the priesthood
in sympathy with the Carlists by Minister
Zorilla was an extremely bold one, and it
remains to be seen whether it will be effec
tual. It is now clear that the chief strength
of Don Carlos lay with the clerical influ
ence of Spain. We can therefore credit the
report that his movement started with sev
eral millions and a calculation of 00.000
men. It seems to have ended, as usual, iu
flight and executions.
THE Cortes will assemble in October —it
may be to elect a king. Castellar decs not
believe that a king can be chosen, but,
writing to a Buenos Ayres newspaper,
makes uote of the singular assurance of the
diplomatist Olozaga that a candidate for
the throne, acceptable to everybody, had
been found. Since both Prim and Olozaga
are reported in favor of Prince Napoleon,
it is just possible that he means Plon-plon.
A YORNG lady in New Haven, sixteen
years of age, recently met with the total loss
of one eye and the serious injury of the oth
er. She had placed a bottle of ammonia in
warm water, with the object ofloosening the
cork. Being heated the natural expansion
suddenly forced the cork and liquid from the
bottle, the latter full in her face. The pow
erful medicine penetrated the eyes, causing
intense pain and fearful discoloration. Skil
ful surgery has saved one eye, but tbe other
is entirely gone.
JOHN CHINAMAN, who is rapidly becom
ing a bone ol contention between the pnlit
ical parties, is being taken hold of vigorous
ly also by the different religious dcuomina
tions in California, aad we are pleased to
learn, with the most gratifying-success. The
Celestials take very kindly to the religious
dogmas of the various churchmen. Being
freed from the .severe restraints and penal
ties which are imposed upon Christian con
verts in China, the California Chinese ap~
Icar to have their minds opened to the re
ception of new ideas and new truths, and
the belief is expressed by many, that in a
few years after their arrival here, all or
nearly all of them will be led to abandon
their heathenish mode of worship and adopt
Christian principles. We hope so.
THE Pennsylvania Central Railroad Com
pany start two trains a day from New York,
the one via the New Jersey Central to Ilar
risburg, and the other via the Cainbcu and
Arnboy to Philadelphia, which carry pas
stagers, without change of cars, to Omaha.
Nebraska, a distance of about sixteen hurid-
red utiles. This stupendous enterprise is to
be followed shortly by improved family car>,
equipped with beds, furniture, kitchens,
for the accommodation of passengers,
and will start at Philadelphia and New Fork
direct for Sacramento, without t-liaDgc, a
distance of over thirty three hundred miles.
The projector of these moving houses is de
voting all his efforts to render them safe and
commodious. They will be built of various
sizes and capacities. A party or family of
fifteen can hire one for the round trip, and
can control it as completely during the time
they use it as they would a rented tenement.
THE EGG TRADE.—There are very few
persons who had an idea of the extent of
the value of eggs as an article of commerce.
It is said that France alone produces seven
to eight billions annually—a rptnMty which,
if hloww and strung, would twice encircle
the globe. Franco exports about six mil
lions. chiefly to England. The estimated
production of eggs in Great Britain is two
billions annually, and yet England pays
about $6,000,000 in gold for importations
from France, Belgium and Holland. The
egg trade in Paris is a very important one,
and subject to municipal restraints. They
are sold in baskets of 1,040 each. They
must not only be whole and fresh, but of a
certain size, and officials are appointed by
the city government to inspect, not the
number and quality, but the size, of the
eggs. These inspectors are supplied with a
ring, all eggs passing through which are
COMPETITION tells upon the cost of ocean
telcgraphy. The new French line begins
with a tariff of $lO for ten words, and the
old line at once comes down to $7,50 for a
message of the same length. We have
reason to anticipate an uniform rate of $5,00
for both lines before the end of the present
season. The press-reports by the new line
show an improvement in quality over those
which, by its elder rival, have been very
regularly one-balf trash. With the aban
donment of the old prohibitory rates of
charge, the business of occau telegraphing
will exhibit a wonderful increase in populari
ty aud profit It is predicted that severa
aiditional cables will be laid across the At'
lantie within the ensuing five years.
AN IRON Cylinder Stove, without any
grate, and which consumes its own smoke,
has recently been patented in Bavaria. In
this the air required in the combustion of
the fuel, is introduced through a system of
holes two or three inches in diameter just
above the bottom. Seven or eight inches
above these are attached the same number
of tubes of equal width, which are brought
to a red heat in the stove, and conduct
heated air into the flame charged with the
products of combustion. Tbe draught
chimney draws the air through these tubes
with greater or less intensity, and it enters
from all directions into the stove with con
siderable rapidity. The flames are thus
mixed together and thega-es brought into
contact, and the current is sufficiently strong
to prevent any of the products of combustion
from escaping into the room. Owing to
the perfect combustiou of the fuel only a
comparatively small quantity is required,
while the room is comfortably heated and
well ventilated at the same time.
For tbe Inquirer
Oh ! lay my bones in the land of l'ettn
That old historic State :
That I may die and be buried there
I crave at the hand of Fate.
In some nook or corner of the stone church
Where the daisy and sweetbriar grow ;
Where an angel mother hath hallowed the spot,
Oh, there lay me low 1 lay me low !
This boon I ask
Oh this my prayer,
In the stone church yard
1-ay me there, lay me there !
I care not for a stone to uiark the spot.
Nor a mound to rise o'er me ;
Neither care I for a slab-carved name,
Let that forgotten he.
But let tbe grass grow green aud rank,
Ijigh o'er iny slumbering bead,
When under the sward of the Nionc
You lay me when I'm dead.
This boon 1 ask —
Oh ! this iny prayer,
In the Stone-church yard
l.ay me there, lay me there !
There the shadows deepen in the twilight
And the dew 3 so gently fall,
Aud the mountain bard by that old Stone
Keeps vigils over all
And the''blue Juniata" my own cherished
By the church-yard placidly Hows—
Oh ! this is the place I desire to sleep—
Oh ! there let rae sweetly repose.
This boon 1 ask —
Oh I this my prayer,
In the Stone-church yard,
I-ay me there! lav me there !
And the robin will come in the early light
And carol his morning song,
And late in the day will the ring dove coo,
And the thrush bis strain prolong,
And tbe sweet-scented clover will waft its
And flowers their fragrance shed,
And the cricket will chirrup for the sleeper
Down, down in bis lowly bed.
Oh ! this be my boon—
Oh ! this is my prayer,
In the Stone-church yard,
Lay me there! lay me there '■
Then back to the soil of my own native Peou,
Give my body when I die ;
In the Stone-church yard near by the Bridge-
Let me with my kindred tie,
Andtherel will sleep that "dreamless sleep,"
No more by tempest torn,
In the calm sweet rest of my narrow home
Till the resurrection morn.
This boon I ask
Ob ! this my prayer,
In the Stone church yard,
Lay me there! lay me there!
W. .1. M.
Around her waist I put my arm
It felt as soft as cake,
"Oh, dear," says she, "what liberty
You printer men do take !'"
"Why, yes, my Sal, my charming gal,
(I squeezed her some, 1 guess,)
Can you say aught against
The freedom of the Press?"
I kissed her soinc—l did, by gum ;
She colored like a beet;
Upon my living soul she looked
Almost too good to eat.
1 gave another bus, and then
Says she, "1 do confess
1 rather kinder sorter like
The freedom of the Press!"
What! another lecture? Yes, girl?,
another lecture. I thought long ago that
1 should have to read you a long one about
minding your mother's. Of course you
know the divine command, "Honor thy
father and thy mother," but very few obey
it. An undutil'ul child is an odious character,
yet. lew young people feci the affection, and
show the respect and obedience to their
natural parents that ate becomiug, right
and beautiful. Did you ever sit and think
about the angui.-h your mother c-ndurcd to
give you being? Did you ever recount the
days of care and anxiety you cost bet? Did
you ever try to measure the love that sus
taincd your Infancy and guided your youth?
Did you ever think how much more you
owe your mother than you will he able to
pay? If so, did you look tour and cross when
sheatktdyou to do anything? Did you
evet vex or disobey her? If you did it is a
sin of uo common magnitude, and a shame
which should make your check tingle every
time you think of it. It is a sin that will
be sure to bring its reward in this world. I
never know an undutiful daughter make a
happy wife and mother. The feeling that
enables any one to be unkind to a mother
will make her who indulges it wretched for
If you should lose your mother, you eau
little dreaui how the memory of every un
kind look or undutiful word, every neglect
of her wishes, will haunt yon. I could
never tell bow I scum-times feel in re
membering instances of neglect of my
mother; and yet, thanks to her care. I bad
the name of being a good child. She told
me, shortly before she died, that I had
never vexed her by any act of disobedience,
and I would not resign the memory of her
approbation for the plaudits of a world,
even though I knew it was her love that
hid my fault- and magnified what was good.
I know many things I might have done to
add to her happiness and repay her care,
that I did not do, but the grave has cut off
all opportunities of rectifying mistakes or
atoning for neglect. Never lay up for your
self the memory of an unkinduess to or nt
gleet of your mother. If she is sick, how
can you possibly get tired of wailing on her.'
llow can you trust any one else to take your
place about her? No one could have filled
her place to your peevish infancy anJ
troublesome childhood. When she is in her
usual health, remember she is not so young
and active a* you are. Wait upon her. If
she wants her knitting bring it to her, not
because she could not get it herself, but to
show that you are thinking about her.
Learn to comb her hair for her (ometimes.
It win make you love to be near her.
Bring her drink, fix her cap, piu on her
handkerchief, bring her shoes, get her
sloves, or do some other little things for
her. No matter how active and healthy
she may be, or how much she may love to
work, she will love to have you do anything
that will show you are thinking of her.
Ho* I should love now to get down on the
floor ind put the stockings and shoes on my
mother's dear, fat feet, or to stand half an
hour toying with her soft, brown hair.
4irla, you du not know the value of your
mother till you have lost her. Nobody
loves you, nobody will ever love you, as she
does. I)o not be ungrateful for that love,
do not repay it with coldness, or a curse of
Coldness will rest upon you, which jou can
never shake off. I nloved and unloving
you will live and die, if you do not love to
honor your father and your mother.
One thing—never call either ''old man,"
or 'old woman. It is quite a habit in
the country for young people to call their
parents thus. Any aged persou is an old
man or old woman. There should Ire
something sacred, something peculiar in
the word that designates parent, The
tone of voice in which they arc addressed
should be affectionate and respectful. A
short, surly answer from a child to a par
ent fail- harshly on the ear of any person
wi.o has any idea of filial duty. Bo rure,
girls, that you each win for yourself the
name of a dutiful daughter. —Letter* to
Country Girl*.
One of ihc eoniniou diseases of children
is worms in the bowels. If a child's diges
tion becomes impaired, and the gasriic
juices become weakened or defective in
quantity by over eating or bad food, the
whole alimentary canal becomes clogged up
and filthy, and furnishes a nest for such
worms as will breed there. In this weaken
ed condition of the system, they cannot be
destroyed by the process of digestion, and
heuce great Latin comes from them. Now,
it is an interesting fact that fresh, ripe fruit,
is the best preventive for this state of things.
Dr. Benjamin Rush pointed this out a
hundred years ago. He made a series of
experiments on earth worms, which he re
garded as more nearly aliied to those that
infest the bowels of children than auy other,
with a view to test their power of restrain
ing life uhdi r the influence of various sub
stances that might be used a* worm mtdi
cines. The le.-ults proved that worms oftcD
live longer in those substances known as
poisonous than in some of the most harmless
articles of food. For instance, in watery so
lutions of opium they lived eleven minutes;
in infusions of pink root, thirty three min
utes; in claret wine, ten minutes; but in the
juics of red cherries they died in six min
utes : black cherries, in five minutes; red
currants, in three minutes ; gooseberries, in
four minute-; whortleberries, in seven min
utes ; and raspberries, iD five minutes.
From these experiments, Dr. Rush ar
gued that fresh ripe fruits, of which chil
dren are very fond, are the most speedy and
< rtt < t uul for rroicja. fn
this theory has proved to be correct.
It'you eat and drink hut and exciting ma
terials the blood becomes inflamed, the
nerves exasperated, and the brain sends out
thoughts that are base aud mean. If we
would do away with those foods that only
influence the passion-, and substitute mere
fruit in their place, we would need less re
straint. on wrong doers, for our heads would
bo clearer, or blood cooler, our nerves stead
ier, our impulses more subject to reason,
and life would be a hundred per cent, truer
and better than it is to-day.
We have only to read the travels of al
most any of our great explorers to learn that
fraits are often the only medicine that will
restore health. Dr. John Ross, in his ex
pedition to the Northwest many years ago,
gives an account of bow he cured bis men of
loathsome diseases by simply feeding them
wild raspberries, found growing abundautly
in all of our Northwestern States and terri
■ torics.
We should be careful, however, not to
jump at conclusiors. A very bad case of
dyspepsia has been known to be cured by
eating two slices of raw onion every day be
fore dirner. But because it cured one per
son is no proof that it will cure another.
Peaches have been known to bring on ery
sipelas. Consequently each person must
determine what is best for himself individu
The Scientific American, discussing the
question, "Why not Grow our own Hair.?"
says Ilair may be likened to vegetable
growth, and each particular hair to a plant,
the skin being the soil from which it de
rives its sustenance. A hair is a hollow
tube containing in its cavity an oil which
gives it color. The only conditions neces
sary for its perfect and luxuriant growth,
arc that the soil be good and the growth of
the crop unmolested by outward circum
If the soil is bad or lias been deteriorated
by disease, it must be renovated before good
erops can reasonably be expected ; but you
might as well expect to improve the quality
of the land by carting stones upon it, as to
renovate the scalp by the use of oil and
pomatums. The compounds contain noth
ing to nourish the hair, while they ob- truer
the action of the skin, upon the healthy
coalition of which, more than anything else,
a full and luxuriant growtli of Lair depends.
The least harmful of oils, if any must be
resorted to, is castor oil diluted with two
parts alcohol and scented to suit the tast;
but even this should be very sparingly used.
A good healthy head of hair should supply
its own soil. A preparation of alcohol one
pint, pure glycerine two ounces, and water
one half pint, scented with rose geranium,
lemon grass, or any other essentia! oil suita
ble for the purpose, is an admirable dressing
for the hair, and one that exerts a healthful
influence upon the skin.
A solution of borax is letter for cleansing
the hair than the bicarbonate of potash in
common use among hair dressers for the
purpose. The latter may be used to advat
tige, however, when acidity is apt to be
gtuerated by perspiration. Either of these
will be rarely required if the hair and scalp
are washed every morning in pure water,
which is not only of great ben, fit to the hair,
hut the very preventive of colds in the head.
Afier such ablution the head should be
wiped nearly dry aud then dressed, but ex
posure to cold winds before the hair is well
dried is not advisable.
Another excellent detergent for the scalp
iathe white of an egg. Two eggs will be
sufficient for a cleansing of the hair as ordi-
narily worn by men, but women who wear
their hair as long as it will grow, will need
four or more. The yolks should be carefully
removed,-and the albuminous portion rub
bed into tbe roots of the hair very thor
oughly for some time, when a thorough
rinsing with WBter and drying with towels
will leave the hair of a beautiful lustre and
silklv softhess. Fiue- toothed combs are
only tolerated under conditions which are
happily rare in this country, and therefore
unnecessary to mention. Brushing is good,
if not carried so far as to injure tbe skin.
Everybody who is fond of investigating
character seeks for tests. Now, there arc
tests which, at first sight, seem to lie good,
but are really woith nothing. You may
search forever, and be forever wrong, to find
the crucial test of a man's character in his
choice of a wife, of a house, of furniture,
even of his friends, or of any of his many
surroundings, for that which surrounds a
man is not necessarily sympathetic with him.
Tests of this kind fail, because of the influ
ence you can seldom eliminate.
Take, for instance, his friends. Friend
ship is often the result of ilie merest acci
dent. One cannot but have some liking for
one's schoolfellows aud college companions,
whether they are especially suitable to one
or not; and, indeed, throughout life, friend
ship depends much upon vicinity.
To find a certain test, you have
something that he says, or does, when lreed
from the influence of others, and when un
controlled by circumstances. Authors are
far better understood than other men, be
cause they cannot heip betraying their real
thoughts and opioious, as, when they write,
they often forget who they are, with whom
they live, aud even what is expected of them.
In minor matters, it is often easy to find
a good test. For example, if you want to
ascertain what is to be ascertained of the
character of a man fiiom his style, open his
book anywhere, aud you are nearly sure to
discern at once the peculiarities of his style,
tie never can conceal them.
If a man means to do a thing, and does
not do it, you have a sure test. To take
writing again as an instance; you can see
that in such a sentence a man meant to do
something forcible and telling, and to pro
duce a great effect; bul. perhaps, it is mere
ly fine writing or hombast. You have at
once a measure of the man's power in that
What he blames, what he praises are
good tests of his character. What he plays
at, what he laughs at, are still better tests.
All serious work is, to a certain extent, com
pulsory; butgamesomenessand laughter are,
for the most part voluntary. The serious
beaver is always building his house, but, in
that constant work of his, shows no pecu
liarity of beaver character.
It is better, in some respeets, to be ad
mired by those with whom you live than to
beloved by them. And this, not on ac
count of any gratification of vanity, but be
cause admiration is so much more tolerant
than love Tf yon arc admired by those
who surround you, you have little to ex
plain or justify. Tbey believe in you. And
this makes the wheels of life go very smooth
ly with you. Of course, love often infers
admiration; but there are many instances in
which the two things are utterly dissevered.
Loose ideas on the subject of business
will not answer. It must be reduced to
something of a science. To embark in
business without this preparatory knowl
edge, is to set sail without a port and with
out an acquaintance with navigation, circum
stances that insure shipwreck.
Be neither lavish nor niggardly; of the
two avoid the latter. A mean matt is
universally despised, but public fame is a
stepping stone to pieferment, therefore
generous feelings should be cultivated.
Remember that self interest is more like
ly to warp your judgment than all other
circumstances combined; therefore look well
to your duty when your interest is con
The world estimates men by their success
in life, and by general consent success is
evidence of superiority of a certain kind.
Never, under any circumstances, assume
a responsibility you can avoid consistently
with your duty to yourself and others.
Base all your actions upon a principle of
right; preserv. your integrity of character!
and, doing this, never reckon the cost
Let your expenses be such as to leave a
balance in your pocket. Ready money is a
friend in need.
Wine-drinking and smoking are bad
habits. They impair the mind and pocket,
and lead to a waste of time.
Education pays an annual income for life
without expense for insurance, repairs, or
Never relate jour misfortunes, and never
grieve over what you can not pievent.
Never make money at the expense of
your reputation.
Whatever be your calling, be proud of it.
Are you a shoemaker? Try to make a better
shoe than any other man can make. Yes,
whatever your trade or profession, excel in
it if you can. Bear in mind that any kind
of honest labor is honorable, but choose well.
"In whate'er you sweat, indulge your
If you like the free life and honest labor
of a farmer, do not drag out long years in
the study of law or medicine, for that would
only be "vanity and vexation of spirit,''
but go immediately to the farm, and in the
life j'ou love enjoy that perfect peace of
mind peculiar to every individual that feels
he is in his fort, doing what God designed
he should, and who will never have to re
alize that cold, humiliating, and sickening
feeling, that his life has been a failure.
Suffer not that feeling to creep over you,
but be up and doing. "Look well to the
ways of your footsteps." Keep clean the
house of clay in which God has placed you.
Touch not, taste not that which will corrupt
it. Go not to your grave a composition,
one-third whiskey, one-third tobacco, and
the remaining third corruption, so filthy
that even the ghouls and ravenous worms
would scorn to touch you.
Be true to yourself. Deal honestly and
plainly with your fellow-men. Kemember
"The pleasure is as great
In being cheated as to cheat."
THE printer who kissed his sweaiheart
saying "please exchange," is believed not to
hare exceeded the "liberty of the press.
VOI.. 42: NO 30
The liomlon Telsgraph describes a new
steam carriage which seems destined to
play an important part. The first point
which would strike anybody who went to
see it (says the Telegraph) was this —that
here was a railway carriage capable of
carrying sixty six passengers (the average
freight of railway trains being thirty-five)
and careering at the rate ol eighteen mile?
an hour round a small garden little more
than half an acre in extent. There might
have been another carriage to carry as many
more passengers added to the train, and the
whole train would have been carried round
the sharp curves of the small garden with
perfect ease. Now, in these days, when we
begin to work railways in the heart of our
great towns, it is important to he able toal
just the wheels of a train so as to turn it on
a curve which has a radius of only 50 fort:
nor is it less impotant to attain this object
in country places, where the nature of the
ground renders sharp turning necessary—
turns which now are avoided by extensive
cutting, tunneling* and viaducts. Nearly
all visitors to Paris have been in itcd to en
joy a fish dinner at Sceaux, and must have
observed there the clever, but complicated,
arrangement, by which the train arriving at
the station turns round in an exceedingly
narrow space. It is one of the curiosities of
railways. But according to the Fairlie
system, exhibited in a small garden attached
to the Hatc-hman iron works, the turn is
contrived by very simple means —may be
made in a much smaller space than that
which the station at 'Sceaux fills, and is
easily adapted to auy ordinary railway sys
tem. In additiou to this, by the adjustment
of weights on the different wheels, Mr.
Fairlie manages to get rid of an enormous
amount of that dead weight which belonirs
to all existing trains, which w< ars the rails
out very soon, and which adds prodigiously
to the expenses of every railway. He pro
fesses, indeed, to have solved the problem
of cheap railways—enabling us to have a
permanent way of much lighter construction
than is usuai, and to provide for carriage
along it at a very great saving of cost.
Nothing hut actual experience will prove
whether or not his anticipations are well
founded; but at least he seems to be on the
fair way to success; and by the exhibition of
the prowess of his engine and his carriage
last week, has established a strong pre
sumption in his favor.' 1
An eminent physician in Hearth and
Home contributes the following exquisite
article for the benefit of young mothers.
He says : An intelligent young mother in
quiring some days since now she could best
preserve her child's linen eleau and sweet
when changed frequently during the day.
I directed her never to dry it by the fire,
but in the sun and open air if the weather
lou thus not only avoid saturating thc
air of your rooms with the volatile and
poisonous gases driveu out of the linen, but
the sun's rays have powers of cleansing and
j disinfecting which artificial heat has not,
and will purify and preserve the linen. She
followed my direction, but as too often the
practice, dried and aired it in the nursery'
window. Her fastidious husband remon
strated in vain against this unseemly expo
sure. Believing that if she saw her prac
tice as others saw it, she would desist, he so
directed their afternoon walk as to bring the
nursery window into full view from a cen
tral part of the town.
Stopping abruptly, he pointed to the of
fending linen flapping conspicuously in the
breeze, and asked sarcastically: "My dear,
what is that displayed from our window?"
"Why," she proudly replied, "that is the
flag of our Union!" Conquered by this
pungent retort, he saluted the flag with a
swing of bis hat, and pressing his wife's
arm closer within his own, said as they
walked homeward, "And long may it wave."
A Roraatic Incident.
Some years ago (says the New Orleans
Picayune), a gentleman named I'aul Escott'
a resider of New Orleans, but formerly liv
ing in France, lost his little son, a lad of ten
years of age, from a vessel off the Canary
Islands. It was night at the time, and al
though every possible exertion was made
to rescue the boy, yet they were unsuccess
ful, and the little fellow was given up for
lost. Shortly afterward the family eame to
New Orleans, and in time the' grief of the
parents for the loss of their son became only
a sorrow living in their memories. He was
dead, they thought, and grief could not
bring him back to life. But he was not
dead, ne had got possession of one of the
planks thrown out to bim, and although
missing bis friends, was picked up the next
day by aa English vessei. In this ship he
made the voyage to China, and failing to
communicate with his family on his return,
continued in the employment of the vessel
for several years. At last, learning the
whereabout of his family, he reached this
city in quest of them a few days since. The
joy which the appearance of one they had
long considered dead can, as the novelists
says, be more easily imagined than described.
It was like one risen from the grave, and
discloses a scries of incidents as fruitful of
romance as often engages the pen of the
novelist and essayist.
working man returning from his day's labor,
with a flower-pot containing a brilliant
fttschia under his arm, was met by a fellow
workman with a "Good-day," hut who at
the same time, made some light remark
about this propensity. '"They don't eat or
drink, bless 'ein," was the reply of the
other, "and it does me and my wife good to
look at em." He made no father remark as
his neighbor replaced his short black pipe
in his mouth, and passed on; but we in
wardly said this was a portion of his rum
and tobacco money. He had several
beautiful plants and choice chromos in his
house; and we knew that his love of the
beautiful cost hi in far 1 >s than his neigh
dor's love of tobacco. Then his gain was
much the greatest. The smoker would gain
a hot, dry mouth, a foul breath, yellow
teeth, sallow skin, full eyes, if he had not
drink. The other would gain the sweet
breath of the flower, and the cheering
presence of the picture; and gladden his
wile and children by bringing them such
beautiful things instead of being wished
out of doors with his nasty tobaceo smoke
; and disgusting spittle. He is uot the richest
who makes the most money; but he who
makes what he has produce the most hap
piness, and eater to the most, refined and
| delicate tastes.
The I agent KB it published at ery FRIDAY morn
ing he following rate*:
OSB 'TEA*, (in advance,) $2.09
" " (it cot paid within six mot. )... $2.50
" " (if not paid within the year,)... $3.00
All papers outride of the county diecontinucd
without notice, at the expiration of the time for
which the subscription bar been paid.
tiinglecopicsof the paper furnished, in wrapper*,
at five cents each.
Communication* on subjects of local or general
nterent, are respectfully solicited. To ensure at
tention faror* of this kind rnnst invariably be
accompanied by the nauie of the author, not for
publication, but as a guaranty against imposition.
All letters pertaining to business of the office
should be addressed to
NEWSPAPER POWER. 'Thirty years
ago," says Wilkes' Spirit, "the orators ruled
America: to-day it is ruled by the editors."
It adds: "There is a class of men among
hankers and merchants and lawyers who
affect a condescension toward the journal
ists which is intensely amusing. The writer
for the newspaper appears to their blinking
eyes a kind of literary adventurer, who is to
be tolerated for his genius, but nt to be
trusted in business. They are ignorant that
it sells their goods, furnishes all their facts,
and presents thetn gratuitou-ly with opin
ion-. They do not know, as J. (,'ooke docs,
that ihe newspaper* ol America sold two
th' usand millions of national bonds. They
d i not know, as Kdwin M Stanton knows,
that the tew spa per? of Ameri'a sent five
hundred ihott-aud men to the war. Newi
papcrw lea 1 them by the nose wherever they
go; hui th y do not fee! the pressure, which
is the reason why we give this special
INDIA MOONSHINE.—Mr. Coffin, in his
recent hint, "<lur New Way Round the
World," tint- writes of its effects oo a mart
within the tropic-. He i. in India: "Tlie
ni ion is at its full, pouring its rays upon the
zenith .-tiaiglit down upon us, with a power
that is almost unbearable a- that of the sun
at day. There is uo heat in its rays,
but they have threat effect upon the brain.
The bloo i rushes to the head and there is a
sens ' (if fullii - and procure which although
uol attended hv aecute pain, is exceedingly
unpleasant. We find it n icessarf to keep
our utiihrell ih [tread at midnight, as we 1
as uu '-day. It i- dangerous to sleep in the
moonlight in the tropics.' In this country
we can see new beiufy in the words of the
I'.-alnii-t. expressive of (rod's care for those
who love him : "The sun shall not smite
thee by day, n ir the m >on by nignt.' "
I>KAL at Home.—lt we combine together
locally, pull together locally, plan together
locally, and that continually, we shall surely
grow t ieh and great together and rapidly.
Patronize Home Institutions —don't send
away for anything that can be manufactured
here. Encourage home enterprise—duu task
men to deal with you aud you not with theni.
Lend all your influence, give all your pat
ronage, to our home mechanics —don't sell
them their groceries aud calicoes and then
seod off for ready inttle houses, eastern
buggies, New York boots. Ohio plows, and
other imported and so-forths. Be liberal
with those who are making you rich, and
don't l e so mean that you only buy of them
a stua'l quantity of this or that which will
I last till you can order by the quantity from
; abroad.
Wit k.n the Empress Eugenie is about io
pass frout her apaitment to her dressing
room, the lirst Jemme de cha.iibn touches
au elect tic hell that corresponds with the
room overhead. Thereupon a trap door in
the ceiling of the dressing room opens, aud
the toilet the Empress has signified her in
tention of wearing is lowered from above —
petticoats, slip, dress, tunics, all ready to
put on, one inside the other, with their
trimmings of flowers and tibbous, flounces
and lace. A quarter of an hour after she is
dressed, necklace, jewels, and earrings are
in their places, und then the hair dresser is
summoned; for the Empress, contrary to
the usual fashion, leaves her coiffure to the
last. The whole process is completed in less
than half an hour.
A LADY is considered vulgar at Saratoga
who does not appear during the day in four
different costumes. A handsome blonde at
Saratoga wore twenty-one new dresses last
week, and she has just begun. The beaux
at Saratoga, for morning drives and walks
to the springs, wear black velvet sack coats,
with Russian duek pants and vests and
white cloth bats.
It' you cannot do as well as you wish, do
as well as you can.
PROMISES made in the time of affliction
require a better memory than people com
monly possess.
WHEN you hear men say, "Lite is but a
dream," tread on his corns and wake him
up. Life is real.
HE who cannot abide the storm without
flinching, lies down bv the wayside to be
overlooked or forgotten.
BE deaf to the quarelsomc, blind to the
scorner, and dumb to those who are mis
chciviously inquisitive.
To mingle the useful with the beautiful,
is the highest style of art. The one adds
grace, the oilier value.
BE always sute of doing good. This will
make your life comfortable, your death hap
py, and your account glorious.
WEAR your learning like a watch, in a
private pocket, and don't endeaver to show
it unless you are asked what o'clock it is.
WRITE yonr name in kindness, love and
mercy, on the hearts of those you come in
contact with, and yon will never be forgot
HORACE GREELEY .-ays that the darkest
day in any man's career is that wherein he
fancies there i- some easier way of getting a
dollar than by squarely earning it.
d\ HEN Friendship is to be Valued —Value
the friendship of bim who stauds by you in
the storm ; swum* of insects will surround
you in the sunshine.
CARPET-IAGOERS are just now in favor
among the Democracy. Packer is from
Connecticut, and ltusecrans, it is discover
ed, is a citizen of California.
NOT one Democratic journal has spoken
against repudiation, while the Republican
press Etsud- as a unit to the determination
that the entire national debt shall be paid.
THE registry act ought tube pronounced
unconstitutional say the Democrats. Rea
son : It will deprive them of using coffee
cßlorcd naturalization papers.
SUCCESS in Life is very apt to make us
forget the time when we wasn't much. It
is just so with a frog ou a jump : he can't
remember when ho was a tadpole—but oth
er fokls can.
MEMORY presides over the past; action
over the prescut. The first lives in a rich
j temple bung with .glorious trophies, and
i lined with tombs ; the other has no shrine
but duty, and it walks the earth like a spirit.
IK you are a wi-c man you will treat the
world as the moon treats it Show it only
one side of yourself, seldom show yourself
too much at a time, and le: what you show
|bo calm, cool and polished, Bqt look at
i every side of the world