sebfbrb fnqrarer. BKDFOKB. PA., FBIBAI, APEIL 30. ISFFFF DIRECTORY. —The following 19 a directory of the Officers of Bedford County and the Borougb of Bedford, of the Ministers of Bed ford, and the time of meeting of the different &?.cociations: BEDFORD CO TITTY OFFICERS. President Judge —Hon. A "ex. King. A**ocinte Judge* —Wm, Q. Eicholtx and Uett. W.Gump. Prathonotary, Rcgittcr and Recorder, d~<\—o. E. Shannon. District Attorney —E. F. Kerr. Trtnturer —Teaao Men gel. Sheriff— Robert Bteekm*n. Detmty Sheriff —Philip Huizard. County Surveyor —Samuel Ketterman. CommMomer-~9. P. BeegU-, David H, A. Y. M., meets on the first Wednesday on or before full moon, in the Bedford Hall, on the corner of Pitt and Richard streets. ice Branch Encampti rnt, So. 114, I. O. 0. p.. meets on the first and third Wednesday even ings of each month, in the Bedford Hall. Bedford Lodge, No. 202, I. O. 0. F., meets ev ery Friday evening, in the Bedford Hall. Bedford Bodge, No. 3 IS, I. 0. G. T., meet? in the Court House, on Monday evening of each week. Stonrt Affairs. Q35 cO FASHIONS —A city exchange says "ears are worn very long. HALL'S Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer cleans the scalp of dandruff, and allays all j unpleasant irritations. LARGE HAWK. —Mr. Wm. Williams of East Providence some time in February last killed ah :wk which measured three feet from tip to tip. Ax INDIAN IN TOWN —He stays at D. W. Grouse's tobacco store, where a bran new show case in sticking plumb full of every thing in that line. Go and see for yourself. A number of Odd Fellows in the town and vicinity left for Philadelphia on Saturday to attend the grand occasion in that city on Monday. P.. ST MASTER APPOINTED. —Major Daniel Washabaugh has been appointed Postmastet ini - place. He will make a good officer. QRITC a number of healthy looking orna n itai shade trees have been planted along IV i and Juliana Street during the past week —There Is still room for more —Follow -cite :: it-nds, and the next deal you will be flash. COT'RT WEEK for once has been unusually I leasaut, bright, clear and warm with but oue slight sprinkle of rain. An unusually large number of people have been in ai'.en ;auee for April sessions. STRIDE IN SOMERSET COUNTY. —A young man named Emerick residing in the section i ! country known as the Savage, in Aile ghenv township Somerset County hung him : on la COLLECTORS: In the Internal Revenue Department, assessors are allowed and paid a salary ot sl,- • per year, and in addition where the re 's of the coiiectien district exceed the :n of SIOO,OUO per annum and do not exceed ' ie sum of $440,000 annually, one hmlf of one per cent, npor, the excess of Receipts over *IOO.OOO and other percentages, but no arses i -r's salary is to exceed $4,000 a year. The ectors are allowed for their services, and 'at of their deputies, a salary of SI,BOO. and m addition a commission of three per cent, upon the first SIOO,OOO and one per cent, on - 1 sums above SIOO,OOO, and not exceeding f' l "-C induce one of them to turn the gun against the other is not known. Jobrr Embich, who lives at the Falling Mill just above the scene o! the tragedy, passing along the road, was hailed by Harmony, who informed him that he had killed a man. Not liking 10 go alone with him. Mr. Embich went on a short dis tance to where Jacob C. Strealyand J. Fran* Snyder were collecting gravel, and told then, what Harmony had sard. They went down in the meadow and there found the dead hotly oi Spital. Near it lav the gun, and in a clump of bushes close at hand was the flask of whis key. Continuing down the creek, they found Harmony on the foot-log opposite one of Mc Clure's cottagrs. He said he bail killed S[ i tal and be wished they won't! kill him. Be ing asked why be had killed him, he answer ed that he did not know. Information given to officer Houser, who arrested hiin and lodged him in jail. ihe body of Spital was brought in about dusk and conveyed to the residence of his mother. Here an inquest was held by H. B. Davidson Esq., a Justice of the Peace in this borough, at which the foregoing facts wen elicited. A post mo-tem cxauiinalion of the body was by Drs. M'l.anahan. Montgomery and Boyle. It was found that a large charge of shot had entered the left breast, forward of the shoulder and above the heart, passing ihrnueh the upper portion of the left lung and lodging in the muscles of the back. The muzzle of the gun must have been close to the body when the discharge took place, as some of the wadding was found in the wound. A RAILROAD MEETING was held on Tuesday evenii-g at the Court House. Hon. A. King was called to the chair. Mr. Wm. Hartley was called upon to state the object of tht meeting. and responded in a forcible address portray ng the advantages of a railroad to this place and urging the importance of the enterprise. On motion of J. R. Durborrow Esq., the following resolution was passed. Resolved, That the chairman appoint a committee of oue each, for Bedford Borough and Bedford, Colerain. Napier, Harrison, Juniata,and Snake Spiring townships to so licit and procure subscriptions to the Bedford and Bridgeport railroad. The committee were 'hen appointed by the chairman as follows : COMMITTEE. Bedford Borough— John Ilafer. Bedford Township—Wea. Chenoweth. Colerain —Martin L. Hetrick. Napier —Hon. George W. Gump. Harrison —Joseph Cessna. Snake Springs —George Blackburn. Juniata Wm. Kiser. The meeting then adjourned. During the meeting the books were open for receiving subscriptions, but no one appeared tc sub scribe a d iar. We have no patience with the stubborn, stingy spirit with which many of our citizens r..eel the effort now making to wake old Bedford from her Rip Van Winkle sleep. There i.- not yet half the money . i.b" scribed that will be required to build the ro.d, and scarcely any outside of B- dford, yet our friends in the country treat the pro ject with the utmost ir difference. If we can raise as much in ail the balance of the ccuntif as has already been subscribed in Bedford the road will surely be built. Will not the sturdy farmers and mechanics of the middle and western portion of the county come nptothe work? Let them only second our effort in a reasonable manner and the work will soon be done. We assure them that the borough of Bedford will do more toward the road than all the balanc - ot the county but we cannot War the whole burthen. Now that men have be en appoint ed to solicit subscriptions in the townships principally interested let us have the work pushed forward promptly; it has been lag ging too long already. 'I here are quite a number of persons in Bedford who have done nothing yet, we hope Col. Hafer will wake them up to their trj# interests and get the name 01 every property holder in the town promptly on the books for a liberal subscription. Mr. William Chenoweth will take care of Bedford township. He has al ready set tbetn a good example by subscri bing a thousand dollars himself: if be can Only per.-uade them to imitate his example the work will go on swimmingly. Let us have earnest work now, we have had plenty of talk. MURDER AT CUMBERLAND, MIL— On Mon day afternoon the 19th inat., a young man in the employ of the Hamden Express Com pany, named Jay Johnson, was killed on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Conductor Sheridan was attempting to ej*-ct a drunken miner named Duckworth from the train, when the latter drew a pistol and fired at the conductor, the ball from which missed its aim, but struck young Johnson, entering his right side and pa-sing through both h ; s lungs and heart. The unfortunate man, strange to say, survived for about an hour. The shooting occurred about three miles west of Cumberland, and the express ear at once returned to the city, where the remains of the deceased were taken in charge by his brother, and removed to his former home in Well-burg. West Va. Duckworth was a' once arrested, and placed in jail at Cumber land. Much excitement prevailed, and it was feared that the murderer would be lynched by the citizens. Johnson was aged about "25 year-, was unmarried, Rod was much esteemed by the Company. Exchange Si : HIE.— On Friday morning last the 'J:I, inst., Mrs Catharine Mower?, of Junia'a township in this county, committed filicide by drowning herself in the river which runs within a few yards of the house. Mrs. .Mow ery was upwards of seventy years of age and bad been partially deranged for a year or two. but never before had shown a disposition to harm either herself or others. For some days previous to her suicide she had been ta iloring under a delusion that a famine was prevailing in the land and seems then to have meditated something of this kind, as she had inquired of some parties which tbev thought would be the easier death drowning or hang ing. when some one replied drowning, but no suspicion was excited that she contemplated anything of the tind. She is supposed to have ari.-en quite early in the morning before any other members of the household were astir and to have gone directly to the river. MAGNOLIA WATER. — Superior to the BEST imported German Cologne, and sold at hal t ie price. tf. WE wish to cali particular atteution to Sew ard & Bentlcy's Constitution Bitters, adver tised in our paper this week. 'Their Bitters are said to be the finest tonic and most agree able stimulant for the weak and delica'e, < any Bitters heretofore in nsc. They have been used in many localities with the most gratifying results, and are highly recommend ed by Physicians for the prevention of Fevers, never and Ague, and all malarious diseases. I hey create a healthy appetite, and strengili en the whole system. We are glad to bare them introduced in this section, and hope they will take the place of ail the poisonous Compounds heretofore palmed off on the in vslid as flitters. From what we have heard ettid of them by those who ought to know, wc are satisfied that a fair trial will convince all that they are as represented—a superior medicinal pseparation. They are sold by all Druggists. For a Cough, use Rewards Cough Cure. MsRVEI ors INDCHTHT; —It is scarcely nec essary at this day to say anything in praise CUIEY.'. —Near Sehelisburg ou Friday lust, Mr. Mteha 1 Wermett, formetly, a citizen of this couuty hut lately residing at Marklesburg Huntingdon County, while eree mga seed for a brick kiln at Mr. Fgulf's one mile west of Sehelisburg ..s fatally in jured by one of the scaffold polls falling and striking him 011 the head. He lived until Saturday evening but was insensible from the time of the accident until bis death, except about an hour immediately after he was in jured. Ihe corpse was forwarded to his home in Marklesburg for interment. How often dojou hear the complaint from mother and fa'her that their son or daughter is not well; that they have no appetite; that they fee! languid: that their head aches; that they are growing thin and feeble, and that they have no life or energy left. That they are low spirited, a d perfectly incapacitated to participate in any pleasures, 01 perform any mental or physical duty. And the ques tion s often asked, wbat shall I do for them? or, what shall I give them ? Our answer is, let ibem try PLANTATION BITTERS moderately three times a day, and our word for it tbey will recover. Rex OFF. —On Friday last Mr. Kern 3 hitched his young horse in a spring wagon with the intention of driving up the river to fi-h. From the word "go," the horse started up Richard street on a dead run. pitched Mr. Kerns out at the corner of Richard and John streets, slightly injuring him. and cut a blue streak through west Juliana and Main street,, halting at the conic; if ea-t nd I'.tt streets, •etween a locust tree and a paling fence. A few miles drive at the same gait tamed the ani mal beautifully. RAIT.RO At 1 MEETING. —A railroad meeting will be held in the Court house on Tuesday of Court week the 27th inst at 4 o'clock I'. M. Let there he a full turn out of all who feel any interest in >ur railroad enterprise. Now is the time if we ever expect to get a railroad Couie with y >ur minds made up to subscribe to the utmost limit of your ability and we w ill 'MU have a road. 2t, Books and Periodicals. THE LITTLE COHIVKAI. Contains: The Children's picture. Ihe Dream Cjadle. Maggie |Reiioi'is' first vi-it to the Country Mice Afton. The King's Home. The Dia mond. A year at Riverside Farm. The Lo cust*. Hide and Scrap's So ry. From Clay t-> Cupr. Lulu. The Man without a Country, ind Private Queer's Knapsack. Puhlished by A. L. Sewell k Co., Chicago 111 iui- at SI.OO per year. THE CHILDREN'S HOUR Contains a portrait Hope Harrow. Paying School. Dandy'-. Kxperimeut. Brownie, for the very little ones The. Smiling Face. The Story of a Flower. The Bird <■ Party. The Tables Turned. Ihe Stars. Tomy a-id Jacob, and an in iio-'ing pieet entitled "Violet-." Publisbe 1 yT. S. Arthur A* Sons SO!) A 811 Chestnut Street Philadelphia. Terms $1,25 per. year. ONCE A MONTH contains: The Mills of Ttixbury, Twilight Memories, Ice Morsels. Statute Making, A wreath of Fancies. Toe man who tried to borrow himself out of Debt, The Merchant's Sermon. Leafless Trees, So cial life in the Tropics, Who was the murder er, OSicc seeking at Wash' r->n. Battle of lb? .Starlings, Swedenborgiani-m, A costly Table, Gertrude, a:. the discovery of methods of reform and cure. It i edited by Joseph Punish M. D. and issued from the Sanitarium Media Patina. Price SI,OO per year. THE HERALD OK HEALTH for May contains Whipping Children. How to manage men, Laying up Treasures, The Vegetarian Move ment in England. Sonnet's on the Heart, the Brain, the Eye. the Ear. the Hand How -had we be clothed ? The Faults of Factory Girls, Pompeii and its Baths. Functional Disease of the Heart. Recent Thoughts from Our Best Thinkers. In the Editorial Depart ment we have, Experience of Vegetarians, Christ as a Physician, Results ofTemperance Mr. helton'g Prediction) Two Kinds of thought, Claims if the Lifting Cure, The Siamese Twins, Remedy for Colic in Horses, Cure for Obesity, Treatment jf Feeble in fanss, Transfusion of Blood, Raising Opeutu, Carbonic Acid in the Air. Miller, Wood A Co., Publishers lb aud 15 Laight Street New York. The LaxpweLove and ihe New Eleetic Mwgaxine for May contains. Dominic Pirn's Woodcock* PhineasFiiin, the Irish Member. 4 They Desire * better Country." Litiie Bare fi>ot. City Moid to Country Lover. Dr. Dab nev'g Reply to General Karl*. Bertbo'd Auerbech. The Out c-tfl* of Poker Flat. Wat ittg for the Title. About women antl Dregs. About Beranger. The Seal for Virginia. Science, Discoveries, inventions, Ect. The Haversack. Review.-. Miscellany. Ex Ca thedra and Menu Da Mois. Pnhllabed by Turn bull A Murdoch 51 Lexington Street Baltimore. Do not* Trifle with Danger. A single spark may kindle a (Uuie that willcoa sniLc a cify, and small sit-Binf neglected, may end in fatal disorders. IT siring this (act in mi d. let the find ?yuiptns of debility #r oervu* pru*- trat ton he met promptly with invigorating treat meet Foremost among the rcge'ahlc tonic* d tbc age ?ludar nOSTKfTERV cTO.\(*lt BIT- T[.lu\ nfi'l wbenever the vita! power# fc-ui t laugui.-l*. r there is any reason to suspect that the auiuiai funetion? oscntiri to the /usteuation ir*d purification of the body a:-c imperfectly per formed, this iu valuable invigj>rsiit and antiseptic su uld at once be resorted to. I*idige faas it is required. This object is fully accomplished by th use of the Bitters. They tone and gently stimulate the cellular membrane which secretes the gastric juice, and the result is :h.f the *ohent - iningU-d with the food tn snOi den* quantity t e.unve't a!l its i.ourtJhing parti Fca inu pure and wholesome element. If, on the th r band, there is ;• l •!: :;citey of appetite, with out any r rre-p- dt nt dvfiiviency of digestivepow er. the •f• { • :he tonic s to stimulate a desire f !>.u I.* nineteen caaes out of twenty, head ache. nausea, n rv inchiiie which we will dispose of on easy terms to anv one who wants a good machine: and who docs not want a good sewing ma chine '! ALSO a new Singer Sewing Machine lor sale as cheap as can he sold in the com munity and on the beat of terms. ALSO a Seventy tive dollar Machine ol the American Buttonhole ami Overscaming Sewing machine Company s Manufacture on the most favorable terms. Either ofthe two last named machines can he seen ill operation in loan, where they have given the most complete satisfaction. Fur ther particulars can Lc had by calling at, or writing to, lite ISQCIUKU Office Bedford I'n. tf. >1 V II l\ KIN. PHILADELPHIA, April 21. The Odd Fellows' celebration to day at tracts much ofthe attention of the mercantile c rout unity. and there was but a small allow ance on 'Change this morning. In seeds no change. Clover may be quoted at $S 50(" 2-5. timothy at 54 f>o. and llaxsccd at 52 tio <■" 2 Tope bushel. The latter in very scarce, and :s wanted bv the crushers. There is no' hing doing in flour, but prices have under gone no essential change; the home trade continues to confine tin- operations to the belter grades, of extra family: sales ot 503 barrels, chiefly lowa, Wisconsin and Minne sota extra family, at $6 50(" 7 25 per barrel, including some Pennsylvania do do at 5" 00 (it 7 50, Ohio do d. at 57 2T.'< 00. fencv lots a! 510 00'' 12 00, extras at 55 750' 0 50, am! superfine at 55 (S t{ 5 I lor tax paid lots. TIIED- Ap il 22d, lit 9, Eddie 1 M Shß -k, infant sua ol ticurge I>. a" 1 M. I. Shot-It, aged 11 tauntiis and dtp's. tAciv v\f]vcvtbcmnvt.r;, \)i a-ivertirtenionti, except public saic* l and legal notice*, will be inserU! three months and char red accordingly otherwise ordered. NOTI HTo TAX PAVELS--In pursuance of an Act >( A?eiiUj. to Provide tr the col lection '! State. U uu*y, Poor and Military Taxes in the county <>t Bedford, approved tbe t.iih day of April, 1>69, the ui dernigned will attend at the tin i - and piuct - bei *w n*!u*d. between the h uirt of y o'clock, a. in., and 4 'oh*ck p. w., for the purpose of receiving *uch Tuxe?, for the year 18f®: Monday and Tuesday. May 24ih and 26th, at Woodberry, for Middle Woodberry t wp. and Wood berry ilor. May 26, a* P Alton? ville, f.r South Woodlerry. Thursday, M y 27, at Hi••ady Run, f r Bloody Run llr. and West Providence two. Fiiday, May 28, at Joseph Mortimorc's for Snake Spring tvrp. Monday, May 31, at Daniel Fletcher's store, in Monroe tap. Tuesday, June I, at Win. Adaius' mill, in South i buraday, June J, at Rainsharg, for Kuinsburg 15 or. and Col era in twj. Friday, June 4, at D. A. T. Black's fr East Providence twp. Saturday, Juno 6, at Joseph CeasnVs for Har rison twp. M inday and Tuesday, June 7th and Stb, Moar r)'.- twill, for Union twp. Wodm sdiy, June y, at Plcm?ntviUe, for St. Clair twp. Thu. r Fl u-. Fe?d. At*, every affcernom, at 1 o'c n of raloalle information upon subjects of pnbHc im portance. It ja intended to make use of all re *ourcc*. original and selected, douieetic and for eign, which can give intere-t and variety to its pages ■ and neither exertion nor expense wi:i be {•parod t. s.-. ur the aid of th- best talent of the time. M'e abstain trom the large profession and tbc pandc of conspicuous name? so ct'iomon on these occasion*, and trusting to the intelligence of the people, shall be content to let the Journal speak for itsc'f. The department f literature will embrace:— ; I - i ti'a, in the form of both serial Novels and short stories: Kssiys up .n Literary and So ial Topics; sketches of Travel and Adventure; Di cussions upon Art, Books, ami Kindred Themes; Papers upon all the various subjects that per tain to the pursuits and recreations of the peo ple, whether of Town or Country : and Poems by our foremost Poet*. Illustrations will form an important feature in tbc plau # f the Jocrxal. Nearly every number vritl be accompanied by cither an Itlfrtrafted supplement on soma popular Theiue, a fiterl liagravdog in th.i best style of the Art, or a large Cartoon en graved on wood. No. I.—Contains a Cartoon of the Grand Drive in the Central Park, a Spirited and Animated Scene. No. 2. —Contain* an Fight-Page Supplement of Uudcrgivetid Life and Mining, with 10 Illustra tions. No. 3. A Steel Engraving of Noon on the Seashore, !'r-*n a Picture by Kensett. No. 4.—An Art Supntctncni. containing New York Illustrated with 13 Superb Illustration*. No. 5.—A Superb Curt won of the Levee at New Orleans. Novelty, freshness, and continual change will be aimed at in this department. The Illustra tions will usually b • valuable as work? of art: those on steel, and (be Cartoons, consisting of views of American c n.-rv, by oar most distin guished printers, and illustration? of character and life, bv our foremost draughtsman. They trill U printed vith extra cmre on meparat- eheeU, and may le either b uad in the volume at the close of the year, or framed to hang upon the wall. The JorSNAI., in thi* feature, t ill be unlike any Other E: h Number f APPLETONS' JOURNAL CONTAINS +<• i'a.-es Quarto. Price | #l2 10,1100 IFord, -i,, ! litanies* <>' •' "Iher jMe- j Iw.ia. Viewed as a whole, are confident that no | other living language has a dictionary which so tally and faithfully .-c's forth its present oonditi' n ; as this last edition of Webster does that of our written and spoken Kng ish tongue.— Harper's Magazine. lacsc three linuks arc the turn total .. great libraries: the liiblr.* Sbakzp c,/.*e, ., /Vc't C„t>„jr. The must useful and remarkabla compedinmoj \ hat,-.** kaiarl*ti-jr in our Un-oage. H'. S. Clark, f'r.ftrvt Moot. Agricultural College. WKUSTEICS NATIONAL PICTOHIAL DICTION A UY. 104 ii Pares Octavo. 600 Engravings Price #6. T he work is really a gem of a liietionnry, just the thing for the miiiion."—A tare left* Education a! Mimikly. •'ln Many respecls, this Dictiunnry is the most convenient ev.r publl*h#d."'— Rochester Itemocrut •*A a ■ avuai of reference, it ia eminently fitted fat use iu tainides ami schools."— JV. 7 rthnue. "It is altogether the host treasory of words of its uize which the English language has ever pos sessed."—Hartford Crete." Published by i. k C. MERKIAM, Springfield Mass. SOaprOt gta g E W A R D *S C O L' G II C U R K, A SAFE. CERTAIN AND SPEEDY CURE FOR COLDS, COUGHS. ASTHMA. BRONCHI. TIS, HOARSENE "P. OROri*. INI'LU KNZA. WHOOPING COUGH, IN CI PI ENT (OA.. 1 M PTION, AND ALL IHAEA KS OF THE THROAT AND LI. NOP. This COUGH Ct ItE hw> l.wn irici for year*. ,ui] the experi act of THOUSANDS WHO HAVE USED IT in ih <)ieMe above nu::ier.ite l, have pronnae el i: to be a SAFE AND RELIABLE MEDICINE ; and at leaf ONE EOTTLL .-bould i-ckept ineverv lajiily a* a ready reiuedv. Duu't nejlect a re vere Cough, or throw ,*hj money on woUbiesi medicine. PRICE 50 CENTS PER B< )TTI,E. PKIOPARKD BY SEWARD, BENTLKY CHENEY, DRUGGISTS. BUFFALO, N. Y., who arc also Proprietors of the Celebrated CONSTITUTION BITTERS & ALiSMA. HOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. \ GREAT REMEDY KUR TBI CUKK OF THROAT AND LUNG DISEASE. DR. W J> 11 ART'S PIN Ii TREE TAUCORM VL. It is 'he vit—ll prin'. ijde -f the Ps; • Tree, b taioed by a peculiar tirurcss in be dtstiliatiuu of the tar, by which its LlgheNt medical propcitien are retained. It is the only safe guard and reliable remedy which ha? ever been prepared from the juice of the Pine Tree It invigorates the digestive organ- and restores th*- appetite. It strengthens the debilitated sy.-tem. It purifies and enriches the blood, and expeh from the system the corruption which ecrofula breeds on the lungs. It disolvcs the mucus or phlegm which stop* the air parage of the lungs Its healing principle acts up r- the irritatei surface of the lungs and throat, penetrating to each diseased part, relieving pain and subduing infiamatinn. It in the result of years of study and experi ment, and it is offered to the afflicted, wi'h the positive assurance of its power to cure the follow ing diseases, if the patient has not too long delay ed a resort to the means of cure : Consumption of the Lungs, Cough, Sore Throb? and Breast. Bronchitis. Livtr Complaint. Blind and Bleeding Piles, Asthma, Whooping Cough. Diptheria, Ac., Ac We are often asked why are not < ther route lie? in tbc market for Con- tuptiou. Coughs. Colds, and o.'her Pulmonary uffi* ttoi e equal to I>r L. Q. Wishart't Pine Tree Tar Cordial. We an swer— -Is- It cures, not by stopping ct ugh, but by loosening and assisting na'ure to throw off the unhealthy mutter collected about the throat and bronchial tubes, causing irritation and cough. 2d. Most Throat and Lung Remedies are com posed of anodynes, which a Bay the cough for : while, but by their co effect*, the fibres become hardened, and fh* unhealthy fluids coagu late and ar<* retained ii. the system, causing dis ease beyond the control of onr mort eminent phy sieians. 3d. The Pine Tree Tar O rdial, with its assist ants, are preferable, because they remove tin causes of irritation of th* mucous membrane and bronchial tub*??, assist the lungs to act and throw off the ui;healthy secretion*, and purify the blood, thus scientifically making the cure perfect. [jr. \\'i*h< t ha* on Jile at hi* ••Jfire hundred* aud thousand* of Certificate* t from il> n and BV wtea of uu y e*iionabfe cAoratter who irtre one* hopeleet'y girett up to die, Ant through the Proti dente of Cod were ton pletely retim ed to health by the Pine Tree Tar Cordial. A Physician tn attendance who can be consulted in person or b\ mail, free #/ charge Price of Pine True Tar Cordial $1.50 per Bottle. $! 1 per Viz. Sent by Express on rceipt id piir Addre*? L. Q. C WIHII ART, M. If. No. - '2 North 2d Street, Pnila duiphia Pa. .'m 1869. ;: iN ' ; ' : 1869. EI" HONS, it It!. !NKRY A N I; • 'I 11 * IV G' 10DS. AHMSI'RONG. GATOR A CO.. 1.--7 .i L.IL MOKE -THKET. LA LTI-M"R E IMPOK EE.- AND ToL' EU- t.'i - BONNET AM) TRIM MING RIBBONS. VKLV El AND aASH KO'.RwNS, RON NET CRAPES. SILKS AND S IT INS. ILi USIONS, BLONDS, LACES, RUCHES, SETTS AND VELVET-. FRENCH FLOWERS AND FEATHERS. STRAW L 'NNEIS AND LADIES 11 ATS, TltIXME]> AM) V TRIM MED, SRXIXNVNS AM. SHAKKU HOODS. The largert of Milliner; Goods in tbi.* Country uud uaequu'L d iu eh' ica variety which we t>ffer at | rices that wi'l defy C 'un etifi ;o. ORDERS ELICITED. I6.vpr3ui "VTOTIOE. At AH persons kn'iwing themselves indehteil to i'. mas Kit "hey, either !>y Store. Book account or otherwise, please call and settle. The notes are io the hands of James A. Mann Ksij . and thu Books ate at the store of the subscriber. If not attended to by the Ist day of Jut e. they ill then be placed in the bands of an Attorney for collection. Bloody Hun. l a, April 27, 15.19. .".Oapriw REBECCA KITCHEV. CtHAMPOONIXti, HAIR DRES.SIN'G AND IO SHAVING. I am determined to fight it f*ut on this line all summer and wiil warrant entire sttisfaction to all my patrons. I am also prepared to weave hair, make switches and curls on the shortest no tice and most improved styles. Room on Juliana St.. one door south of the Express Office. 2Japrotn 11. F. CKAIVLEY. l&ijSceUmimte. HUNTINGDON A BROADTOP RAILROAD On and after Wednesday, Sept 16, IS6B, Pa-? sengcr Trains will arrive and depart a? follows: VP TKAI N>. DOWN TRAINS Accom Mail. STATIONS cco, ° Mail. IV M. A. Us _ ' * A. M. P. M. i.k4.36 i.k 9R5 siuutincd'n, ak'..2o \n4.2l 4.40 9.12 Long Siding 9.12 4.16 4.56 9.2s'McCoD'dellftown *54 4.00 5.04 9.33 Pleasant Grove, 8.;7 3.62 5.21 9.49 Marklesburc. >■3 40 5.49 -u. B.H 3.25 5.19 10.13 Rough at Heady S.Ob 3.17 6.01' 10. Cove. 7.59 3.01 6.10 10.32 Fisher'* Summit. 7.46 3.00 Ar0.27 10.55 Saxtou, 1k7.39 2.40 11.13 Riddlcsburg, 2.16 11.21 Hopewell, 2.99 1U39 Piper'? Bun. 1.49 12.00 Tatesville, 1.28 12.12 Bloody Run, 1.15 ar 12.18 Mount Dallas. lbl.lo - UOUP>B RU Y BRANCH. 1e0.30 lc 11.00; Saxton, v?: 7.25 ar2. -9 *U4c. 11.15 Coaimont. 7'o 2.15 6.50 11.20 Crawford, 7.05 2.10 arT.OO ar 11.30 Dudley, i * 6 -^ : ' L82.0d Broad Top City. Sept. 16,'68. JOHN M'KILLIPS, Supt. \VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. The subscriber offers for sa c that valuable property kn-nrn as WHITE HALL, situate in Hast Provitlenee township, eight miles east <>f liloody Kan, on tbe turnpike, about the centre of the township, in a desirable situation, containing 310 acre.-, with 120 acres cleared, and in a good stat. ol cultivation, the t alsocc well timbered with white and yellow pine, convenient to saw mills. The improvement, are a large three story house, large stable, two tenant houses, wagon-tunker and smith shops. Church, school house, post • fhic. store and mills convenient. Terms reaso able Tint! icsse-sion given on toe Ist of Apro. 1 Smartf I). A T. BLACK. JAUNTING. Tbe Subscriber respectfully informs the public, thai ho ia pret>-c I to do all k, nds ol PLAIN and FANCY PAISfTINU, PAPER HANOISU Ac., at shorten notice, in town and country. Aod all kintia ol Wood Imitation ear fully executed. Price moderate. The patronage of the public is reßpectlulljsi.lic.toil. i SaprlSM Ijr M. P. SPIDEL. ate I IST OF RETAILERS. * 4 A list of venders of Foreign nd domestic merchandise in the county of Bedford for the year M6'J, as appraised and classified by tbe Appraiser of Mercantile taxes. Clan. Bedford Borough. 7 fi It Ogter A Co. store $lO 00 8 A B Cramer A (Jo. do 30 00 I I T H A N' J Lyons do 7 00 13 Robt Fyan do 10 00 10 Miller A Bwwter do 20 00 10 Hartley A Melzger do 20 00 9 J M Shoemaker do 20 00 IS A L iMibaugh do 10 00 11 V. VV Shuck do 7 00 13 Miss M B- rder do 10 Oft 11 George Beiruoud do 7 Oil 13 Mrs. E V Mowry do 10 00 14 Isaac Lip|>el do 7 00 12 T M da 12 50 12 B Me. Blyruyie ACo do 12 50 11 Dr. BF Harry do 700 11 II Heckcrman A son do 7 00 11 It VV Berksireeser do 7 00 11 .1 iceh Ilailiv-er eonfec't 7 00 11 () Srni h do 7 00 11 George Mat-doff do 7 M I 1 Mrs. M Shaffer t*tore 7 00 ] I lia'iiei H uder jewelry 700 II John Lull store 7 0 13 E M Fisher do 1000 11 Reed A Schell banker 15 0" 11 O E Shannon do 15 no 14 1) VV Crouse store 7 00 12 11 i It v ne do 12 50 11 VV tu Kin-r do 7 00 11 Simon Ling whip'-A saddler 700 12 John I- lllyinyer hardware 7 00 11 Nycutn A Lmdi-ay drugs V 11 Margaret Fetterly store 7 00 14 l>aviu Bioile confec't 7 (HO 11 J 1. Minuich do 7 00 11 John Harris do 7 (HI 11 A B Cam do 7 00 II Jacob Ban.hart do 7 0 Bedford To unship. 11 Bedford Mineral Springs leu-pins 7 ( 11 A B Cramer do 750 11 A tj Allen Bedford Springs segars 7 Oil 11 do do do bifliardg 700 II f> • trey Wager store 7 On 11 E Y Imlet- do 7 l m.i Bloody Bii u Borough. 13 J M BarndoUar A son .-tore 12 5" 7 J I! WilriainsA Co do 10 00 11 F Masters drug- 7 00 13 Slates A Mo-gart store 10 On 11 James Sheedrr coufee't 7 00 11 Thomas Kitchey store 7 (Kr 14 A J Nycutn do 7 (H. 11 John 0 Black coufee't 700 11 J Ramsey store 7 00 11 Eliza Grow millenery 7 Oti 12 B Gump A Co hardware 12 50 11 .1 11 Lucas coufee't 7 (W 11 J B Tobias A Co stoves etc., 7 00 Broad Top Township. 11 Daniel Roland store 7 (HI 11 R B Wiglon do 7 00 12 Lnwrv. Etchelberger A Co do 12 50 14 Eicheiberger brothers do 7 (Ml 11 Mrs. C Kichelberger coufee't 700 11 Bedding & Jenkins store 70" Cumberland Valley Tp., II 1) R Anderson store 7 00 14 William Laney do 7 00 11 E Dicke i do 7 00 Colcrain Township. 11 Mrs. Kate Corle store 7 00 14 A C James do 7 (Hi 11 Evans A He trick do 7 00 11 Benjamin Kegg do 7 00 11 Samuel Hunt do 7 00 llopewell Township. 14 McCamant A Byers store 7 00 Harrison Township. 11 B B Wertz store 7 (Hi II James Shoemaker do 7 on 11 Nycutn Brothers do 7 (HI Juniata Township. II Hillegast & Co store 7 00 14 William Keyser do 7 00 14 J. X Fyan A Co do 7 (Hi 11 George Gardill do 7 00 11 Leonard Market do 7 00 11 Joseph Fo ler do 7 (' Xapter Township. 11 E Richard A Co store 7 On 11 ( hole- (.'rissman A Co do 7 • 14 VV iiliam J Statler do 7 (■ 1 Middle Woodberry Township. 11 D F Keagy store 7 00 11 D Stover do 7 00 14 A. S. Longeoecker coufee't 700 jl4 George Kvjtfman store 700 jll Jacob B i-unemai] do 7 (Hr ;11 Oliver Fla'-ie coufee't 7 in. i I John HissOng do 7 o 1 11 William R Smith drugs 7 00 II VVi'Jiam Rob rts store 7 00 doulh ""vodberry Township. 14 J Rater A Brothers store 7 l.undcn lerry Township. 14 Thomas Porter s ore 7 u" 14 Jacob Beales do : ir II Jacob Evans do 7 do >S'i utkampton Towns/lip. 11 John Mors store 7 00 14 H C Lashey do 7 0" 11 George Dish ley do . (M 14 James Elder do I i .1 M Perce!! do 7 0 14 Jeremiah Beimelt do ' Oil 14 Daniel Tewell do 7 00 Monroe Township. II .1 110'Neil store 7 (Hi 14 Daniel Fletcher do 7 00 Sax/on Township 12 JA k E Eicbeiberger store 12 00 12 Little A Stoler do 12 ">0 14 David M Jones confec't 7 00 Liijerty Township. 14 John V Besser store 7 00 Coaldale Borough. 14 Mrs. Annie Prince store 7 00 14 Richard Langdon do 700 Schcllxburq Borough. 1.4 Cooler & Hull store 10 00 14 Kgolf'A SOU do 10 011 14 Black A Marbourg do 10 on 14 J S Scheli do 7 00 13 J E Colvin do 10 on 13 J A Songster baidwnre 10 00 14 A Haymaker store 7 15 J T Long confec't j>oo 14 Henry Sellers do 700 Sf. ClairsciUe. II G B Amick store 7 0(1 14 F D Beegle do j_ 00 14 Isaac Hahn do i_ 00 14 S Oster do 7 00 St. Clair Township. 14 M Walker store 7 (* 14 N 11 Wright do 7 0(i 14 Simon U-rshman do 700 14 E Blackburn ACo do t_ 0o 14 G D front do 14 15 F Horn do 00 14 Thomas Heckler do •_ do 14 IckesA -on do 14 Mary Blackburn ACo do iOO I nion Township. 14 J M Walters store 700 14 John Lamburn do .00 Notice is hereby given that an appeal will !„■ held at tbe Commissioner's office at th- Conrt Hi use in Bedford, on Fuesdsy the L s, ti day of May, lßti'.b JOHN A. CESSNA, mercantile appraiser. X. B. Persons whose names are not com lained in the above list who have commenced business since the Ist of April 1869. wo please inform th undersigned of the same, also any that bare discontinued. spr24:4t JOHN A. CESSNA. AUDITOR'S NOTICE Hv iug In to apfbmted l>y thu Orpbau.- < ourt uf p.. "!rd cuua.y to examine and report the facts, and stale an account ir. tho matter <>t ibe ritat ... against Hoary J. Kroner, guardian of the G- wdvu minors. I will attani tu the do •ies uf 111 ' -nd appointment at my office in b - .r ! n Tuesday Ihe Jdth day of April inst., where all ietere-ted may attend it they desire. J. K. D' KBURROW. Auditor. Itiaprlt _ GENTS WANTED f'K TuE SIGH IS A \ND SECRETS Ol Tilt MAIIONAL j (• \PIT 4 L —Tii m- t startling, instroetive, ami i entertain ng h-k of the oar. Send for circulars and see our tonus. Address l". S. Publishing | Co., No. ill Broome t., N. V. llnuurlt | /CAUTION:— , . \j My wife Rachel Barkman, havmg left me without anv just or reasonable cause, all persons are hereby notified not to harbor or trust her on my account, as I au. determined not to pay any deb" | of her contracting. gUto ttetmtfa. j_£OU£sE FURNISHING, HARDWARE GOODS &<■.., JOHN F. BLYMVEK bMOjnmeda full stock of HARDWARE, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, WOODEN" WARE, BRUSHES, FAINTS, NAILS, GLASS, OILS, SH< (KM A KER S FiXDINGS, BUILDER'S HARDWARE, OiL, DOCKET BOOKS, COAL OIL LAMPS, COAL OIL, SADDLERY, CUTLERY, BUCKETS, ( HURNS, TUBS, fit:., k'-., kr. kr., Ac., lie li >iv, i.t s t ct attention to business, ■ lifa r pii-.Tv i<> meiit ~ -bare of Public a't ■• - • -.11 -a IMO'II .1- aviipix] by B. M. ILLY M VKR A Co. as a ST< >VE AND TIN STORE ■r r ti I'ATEMKNT UK TUB HOMr I N'Si IUWCE COMPANY, XK w HA VEX. CONN. J.IM AltV J. 1800. • IIT 11. S SI,OS>,tIOII,UO Sr*es 22JJ7f,30 A-SETS. Ma:kit Value lte-.l 1 1 i.y 11,0 ' illlpuiy.. J 430,1*2. J .O0 . u.--li Vb.ugag. ...., 4, I OO.tIO ' H4 • t ~ li.'llfls. 2 1 ] Mis: ir ; s-a-o t .- 22,562.59 Virgil. .C Bauds .. 26.035.68 iVirnt- . S nieh.mi* 1£,005 90 \lalafna State I; loi.-. 9.000.00 W i> i*. 'r oi v tj,*.' ' u'i bvlh rear uod trout, JBid hM • • isr t Lai -.c Uoiver uo iot wori. freely. Fr:s ai d ht v!i y Kaki-. .n iHirs. Shovel pl- ws and Unit: . iior-. a7i ;>% i'ther implement.* of any 3e*c sp?i-j.. /hatl ij-r thtai fn,u Mci. N vHAK. ST'-NE A ISKTT, ih. i i*. t - iliey have *.l.e largest ud ie.-t a urtiiient • in.-. I HAL implements ri,. i cii icv'iuri" in ih- stAte. M LAN All AN, i I ONE A IS KIT, iQiiDuioc ui> r.- aim 'lealera in all kin i of AOKl I LTV! I. IMPLEMENTS. ;i.( -, -r a\>m ii : < A3 bir,e . w !.op, IloEtdar#- I . me : r . vi ur "rn interest, buy aia w w jv u can he repair? at a min re* wa.'uitij. 16apj6ai r\Mt TIIK . HOOL DIRE TORS OF DED- I ¥ 'M> COi'NTY. Uj nTLEMA. :In lurMinne *.f the Irty-tbild ... : bu -tu : May. IS5*, v a are ■ ■' r • : i'j C nvMitson at ibe M.ri itM.ii. • I'orii ■ tb: first Tuesday in A. L' . 16. bc.u-; ibe day of tbe o* i;'U, at 1 - ui.. and seUel viu vce by a : } "■ 1 • iio'c ntfiwb r t>f direjt'*rs present, • per.* •.I <•; . • t. MIUI >cicetigc ucju?reu:eiiis, iiid ui .-k: 1 at: • experience iu the art of leaching, • '} sup rit tindcui. f#r the three sucoeediug <: ,-i . miue the . itouol of compensation for * Blc; . f i.i n-rtiiv ihe re*u;t to tbe S ate Sil .. *. i• • •*nr at 11 art:.-burg, :s rtcju rcJ by ihe I. -v n .th .ui ; r ictb fc - ti >iis .t M.i act. li W. FISHEK, •i " * • . Supt. o Bedford co. 13.00 "BS® 1 83.00 i N I il.les in any field with other .••ok- \ I'ATrINT Pv'K *TT I'ROSIICTIS KEE. t'AKMELKE t 0>.,75-" Sunsom .St., Paiia. 4w \ GENTS W AN 1 ED FOK THE EIGHTS ANI) SECRETS OF THE NATIONAL CAPITAL, A *trk ~ '''ey Lived, Fouyht and Died for the I limn, tcith Seme* mid incident* in the Ureal Rebellion. Comprising narrative, of Personal Adventure, Thrilling Incidents. Daring Exploits, Heroic Deeds, Wonderful Escapes. Life in the Camp, Field, and Hospital, Adventures of Spies and - -outs, with the Songs, Ballads. Anecdotes and Humorous In- idcots of the War. It contains over 100 fioe Engravings and is tho spiciest and cheapest war book published Price only pure'py. Send for circular and see •ur terms, and fu J description of tbe work. Ad dress NATION 1L PUBLISH INF CO.. Philadel phia, Pa IGapriw n STATE OF PAUL WERTZ, dee'd 1 j . testamentary having been granted to the undersigned, executor of the last will and testament of Paul Wertz. late of Camb' Valley, deceased, by the Register of Bedford county, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby not lied to make immediate payment, and -.ill having claims against tbe estate are requested to present them properly authenti cated for settlement. Accounts can be pre sented to D. K. ANDERSON, at Centerville, or JOSEPH WERTZ, Executor. March 26 tit \I V ANT ED.—First-class traveling salesmen, to \ > sell by saint, e; good wages or a liberal per cent, and stead v employment. Address with -tautp. B F. HOWK, 63'.' Arch Street, Philadel phia. P 16apr4w \yilY NOT MAKE MONEY tl \\ iih our Stkscil a*T> Kkt Chkck Outfit, and by selling Novel and attractive articles? C'ir ■ .1' ;l, - foe. sTAFFAKD MFG. CO , 66 Fuiton Street, New York. 12w OAIErHKN WANTED hy a Manufacturing travel and soil by sample a new line of v.. mis. Situation* permanent; age good. H. ■1 l'.l HANDS k CO., 413 Chet'unt St., Phila delphia, IV Haprlw MARRIAGE CERTIFCATBS. —On hand and for :-ulc 'M tho Inquirer office, u fine Resort- Hicnt of Marriage Certificates. Clergymen and Justice* shunM have them a CEKTIFICAT OF h A the •S'fttou rf- A.f*Hr Business College of Philadelphia, for sale at this office- r , ,-vttVF.ODY can be accommodated with fid W ALL PAPER • "he Inquirer Boo* - lore.