RATES OF ADVERTISING. All advertisements for less than 3 months 10 cents per line for each insertion. Speeia 1 notices one-half additional. All resolutions of Associa tions, communications of a limited or indiridal interest and notices of marriages and deaths, ex ceeding fire lines, 10 cts. per line. All legal noti ces of every kind, and all Orphans' Court and other Judicial sales, are required by law to be pub lished in both papers, Editorial Notions 15 cents per line. All Advertising dae after first insertion. A liberal discount made to yearly advertisers. 3 moots. 0 months, 1 year One square $ 4.50 $ 6.00 SIO.OO Twe squares : - 6.00 0.00 16.00 Three squares 8.00 12.00 20.00 One-fourth oolumn - 14.00 20.00 35.00 Half column 18.00 25.00 45.00 Onecoinmn.. 30.00 45.00 80.00 NawsrarttH Laws.—We would call the special attention of Post Masters and subscribers to the I.vqcißxn to the following synopsis of the News paper laws: 1. A Postmaster is required to give notice by tetter, (returning a paper does not answer the law) when a subscriber does not take his paper out of the office, and state the reasons lor its not living taken; and a neglect to do so makes the I ostnias ter rtpeomrible to the publishers for the payment. 2. Any person who takes a paper from the Post office, whether directed to his name or another, or whether he has subscribed or not is responsible for the pay. 3. If a person orders his paper discontinued, he must pay all arrearages, or the publisher may continue to send it until payment is made, aud ollect the whole amount, whether it be taken from the office or not. There can be no legal discontin uance until the payment is made. 4. If the subscriber orders his paper to be stopped at a certain time, and the publisher con • tinuesto send, the subscriber is bound to pay for it, if he takee it out of the Poet Office. The law proceeds upon the ground that a man must pay for what.be uses. 5. The courts have decided that refusing to take newspapers and periodicals from the Post office, or removing and having them uncalled for, is prima facia evidence of intentional fraud. fcrofrssioaat & Cards. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. JTIMMILL AND LINGENFELTEK, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, inrtas, ra. Have formed a partnership in the practice of the Law, in new brick building near the Lutheran Church. [April 1, 1869-tf JYJ-. A. POINTS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, Pa. Respectfully tenders his professional services to the public. Office with J. W. Lingeafelter, Esq., on Public Square near Lutheran Church. promptly made. [April,l '69-tf. ESPY M. ALSIP, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BsDroRD, Pa., Will faithfnlly and promptly attend to all busi ness entrusted to his care in Bedford and adjoin ing counties. Military claims, Pensions, back pay. Bounty, Ac. speedily collected. Office with Mann A.Spang, on Juliana street, 2 doors south of the Mengel House. apll, 1869. —tf. JR. DURBORROW, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, Pa., Will attend promptly to all business intrusted to his care. Collections made on the shortest no tice. He M, also, a regularly licensed Claim Agent and wll give special attention to the prosecution , '.liu against the Government for Pensions, Back ray, Bounty, Bounty Lands, Ac. Office on Juliana street, one door South of the Inquirer office, and nearly opposite the'Mengel House" April 1, 1869:tf . L. ncSSHLL J. H. LOSGEXEi KKR RUSSELL A LONGENECKER, ATTOR**VS A COUNSELLORS aT Law, Bedford, Pa., Will attend promptly and faithfully to all busi ness entrusted to their care. Special attention given to collections and the prosecution of claims for Back Pay, Bounty, Pensions, Ac. Office on Juliana street, south of the Court House. Apri 1;69:1yr. J' M'D. SHARPS E. r. KERR SHARPS A KERR, A T TORRE YS-A J-LA HI Will practice in the Courts of Bedford and ad joining counties. All business entrusted to their care will receive careful and prompt attention. Pensions, Bounty, Back Pay, Ac., speedily col lected from the Government. Office on Juliana street, opposite the banking bouse of deed A Schell. Bedford, Pa. Apr 1,69:tf W c. SCHAFFELL ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA., Office with J. W. Dickerson Esq.. 25aprly PHYSICIANS. OR. B. F. HARRY, Respectfully lenders his professional ser vices to the citiiens of Bedford and vicinity. Office an 1 residence on Pitt Street, in the building formerly occupied by Dr. J. 11. Hofios. [Ap'l 1,69. MISCELLANEOUS. OE. SHANNON, BANKER, • BEDFORD, Pa. BANK OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. Collections made for the East, West, North and South, and the general business of Exchange transacted. Notes and Accounts- Collected and Remittances promptlymade. REAL ESTATE bought and sold. April 1:69 DANIEL BORDER, PITT STREET, TWO DOORS WIST OF THI BED FORD HOTEL, BBSFORD, PA. WATCHMAKER AND DEALER IN JEWEL RY. SPECTACLES. AC. He keeps on hand a stock of fine Gold and Sil ver Watches, Spectacles of Brilliant Doable Refin ed Glasses, also Scotch Pebble Glasses. Gold Watch Chains, Breast Pins, Finger Rings, beet quality of Gold Pens. He will supply to order any thing in his line not on hand. [apr.2B,'6s. DW. CROUSE, • DEALER IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, PIPES, AC. ; On Pitt street one door cast of Geo. R. Oster j A Co.'s Store, Bedford, Pa., is now prepared I to sell by whulesaie all kinds of CIGARS. All j orders promptly filled. Persons desiring anything in his line will do well to give him a call. Bedford April 1. '69., P N. HICKOK. v , ~ DENTIST. Office at the old stand in BAXX BUILDING, Juliana et., BED. All operations pertaining to Surgical and Mechanical Dentistry performed with care and WARRANTED. Ancrethetice adminittsred, tchen deeired. Ar tificial teeth ineerted at, per eel, $8.0(1 and up ward. As I am detaimined to do a CASH BUSINESS or none, I have reduced the prices for Artificial Teeth of the various kinds, 2rt per cent., trd of Gold Fillings S3 per cent. This reduction will be made only to strictly Cash Patients, and all such will receive prompt attention. "febfiS WASHINGTON HOTEL. This large and commodious house, having been re. taken by the subscriber, is now open for the re ception of visitors and boarders. The rooms ore large, well ventilated, and comfortably furnished. The table will always be supplied with the best the a arket can afford. The Bar is stocked with the choicest liquors. In short, it is mv purpose to keep a FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. Thanking the public for past favors, I respectfully solicit a renewal of then patronage. N. B. Hacks will run constantly between the Hotel and the Springs. mayl7,'69:ly WM. DIBERT, Prop'r. I EXCHANGE HOTEL, J HUNTINGDON, PA. This old establishment having been leased by J. MORRISON, formerly proprietor of the Mor- j rison House, has been entirely renovated and re- I furnished and supplied with all the modern im- i provements and conveniences necessary to a first class Hotel. The dining room bis been removed to the first floor and is now spacious and airy, and the cham fers are all well ventilated, and the proprietor will endeavor to make bis guests perfectly at home. Address, J. MORRISON, , EXCHASG* HOTEL, 31julytf Huntingdon, Pa. MAGAZINES. —The following Magazines (or sale at the Inquirer Book Store: ATLAN TIC MONTHLY, PUTNAM'S MONTHLY LIPPINCOTT'B, GALAXY, PETERSON, GO £?J> MlfM. DEMORESTS, FRANK LESLIE RIVERSIDE, etc. etc. ft JOHN LUTZ, Editor and Proprietor. FNQTTIM COLUMN, rpO ADVERTISERS: THE BEDFORD INQUIRER. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, nr JOHN LUTZ, OFFICE OX JULIANA STREET, BEDFORD, PA. THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN SOUTH- WES TERN FENNS TL TANIA. CIRCULATION OVER 1500. HOME AND FOREIGN ADVERTISE MENTS INSERTED ON REA SONABLE TERMS. A FIRST CLASS NEWSPAPER. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: $2,00 PEIi ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. JOB PRINTING: ALL KINDS OF JOB WORK DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH, AND IN THE LATEST A MOST APPROVED STYLE, SUCH AS POSTERS OF ANY SIZE, CIRCULARS, BUSINESS CARDS, WEDDING AND VISITING CARDS, BALL TICKETS, PROGRAMMES, CONCERT TICKETS, ORDER BOOKS, SEGAR LABELS, RECEIPTS, LEGAL BLANKS, PHOTOGRAPIIER'B CARDS, BILL DEADS, LETTER HEADS, PAMPHLETS, PAPER BOOKS, ETC. ETC. ETC. ETC. ETC Our facilities for doing ill kinds of Job Printing are equalled by rery few establishments in tb* eountry. Orders by mail promptly filled. All letters should be addressed to JOHH LCTZ. H ILocal anti (Srnrval flriuspaprv, Dcbotrti to *>olitirs, ggfrucation, literature antr ittorals. §£*RTRG. THE LONG STORY. I DY WILLIAM SAWYSH. The shadows of the little wood Closed round us iu the burning noon, The lucent shadows of the leaves, Yet tender with the green of June. And there, while in a happy dream, We wandered inward from the sun, Winding and turning at our will, The famous story was begun. A story prodigal of love, Of youth, and bsauty born of youth ; Of sorrow tempered by romance, And trial glorified by truth. Long, long ago, i". all had chanced— Or was it haply passing then ? It might be true of any time Since women were beloved of men. I listened, yet I did not heed ; A rippling voice was all I h