Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, April 16, 1869, Image 2

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    |ki)fori> inquirer.
BEDFOKfI, PA., FhlflAY, APBIL 16. 1866
(Subject to tbe decision of the Sure Convention.)
(Subject to the decision of the Hist. Conference.)
(Subject to the decision of the Dist. Conference.)
J. W. LINGENFELTEK, Esq., ofliodford Eor.
WILLIAM DIBKRT. of Bedford Bar,
WILLIAM PHILLII'S. of Bedford Twp.
JAMES FINK, of Hopewell Twp.
EMANUEL J. DIEHL, of Cofersin Twj.
DR. A. S. SMITH, of St. Clßirsvffle Bor.
JOHN P. WILLIAMS, of South Woodbery T-.
Congress adjourned on Saturday last at
noon. Tbe most important bills passed by
this, the first session of the Forty first Con
gress, are the amended Tenure ofOffiesAct,
and tbe bill for tbe restoration and recon
straction of the States of Virginia, Missis
sippi and Texas, both of which will be found
in another part of this paper. The closing
scenes of the sesiion are said to have been :
characterized by unusual order and decorum.
All the bills of pressing importance were
disposed of, and the business of the session
is said to have been closed in better shape
than any previous session since the war.
The I'resident called an extra session of the
Senate for tbe confirmation of important
appointments. The extra session is expect
ed to continue two or three weeks. Kever
dy JohnsoD : s Alabama treaty will be con
sidered, and it is said most likely rejected.
Jt will however receive a thorough discus
The following States have ratified the pro
posed Fifteenth Amendment to the Con
stitution: Kansas ratified the amendment
February 27; Louisiana and Nevada, 3larch
1; Missouri, March 2; West Virginia,
March 3; North Carolina, Illinois, Michi
gan and Wisconsin, March 5 ; Maine and
South Carolina, March 11; Massachusetts,
March 12; Arkansas, March 15; and
Pennsylvania .March 25. The Assembly of
New York ratified the amendment March
17; it is yet to be acted upon by the Senate.
Georgia and Delaware refused to ratify.
Rhode Island holds off until May. Missouri,
Kansas and Nevada blundered in their ac
tion and their ratification goes for nothing.
In Indiana the Democrats resigned their
seats in the Legislature and prevented a
The ratification of the 13th amendment
seems now to be rendered certain. Twenty
eight states arc required to ratify it, and
twenty-four have already done so. Con
necticut and Rhode Island are now sure to
ratify it, which will make twenty-six. There
is now every probability that tho states of
Texas, Virginia and Mississippi will speedi
ly be restored under the bill just passed, and
ratify the amendment as required by that
bill. If aDy of these thouhl fail wc still
have Ohio, California and Oregon, from
which to make up any deficiency.
out to have been a complete rout of the
Cops, Though the vote was ten thousand
less than last year, when Grant had three
thousand majority, we carry the State by
about a thousand and gain two Congressman,
electing three out. of the lour. The last
Congressional delegation was three Cops to
one Republics :, the tables are turned now
and we have three of the four members.
Ihe Cops have had a troublesome time in
figuring up the returns as the figures did
not suit them at all; they arc still trying to
count up a democratic victory, but facts are
stubborn things, and the Cops are beginning
to despair.
INSURANCE.—The annual Statement of
the Home Insurance Company of New
Ilavtu, iu|jicscuiea Dy o. u. I'isher in
Bedford, and vicinity, will be found in
another column.
The Home is a well managed, first-class
Company, with a paid up cash capital of
one million, and a surplus of six hundred
and twenty-two thousand dollars; having a
well earned reputation for promptness and
fair-dealing and commanding the confidence
of property owners. Call on J. G. Fisher
and insure in the Home, of New Haven.
W E thought we should have him up
again 1 The World finds consolation in the
Connecticut election by reflecting that "the
Republicans lose 3,0<J0 on their majority
of last 'tall, while the Democracy lose hut
2.t\X)on "their majority of last Spring.''
That, you see, makes a "Democratic gain''
of 5,tX)0 —the curious thing about which is
that la.-t Spring the Democrats carried the
State, while this year, notwithstanding their
heavy gains, they lose it. Who said The
Arithmetic Man was dead ?— Tribune.
A FEARFUL explosion from firedamp oc
curred in what arc known as the Gold Hill
mines in Nevada a few days ago. The
latest reports state that thirty six miners
were literally roasted to death underground.
.1 his is the most dreadful calamity that has
ever occurred in the mining regions of this
country. Such calamities have been con
fined heretofore almost entirely to the deep
mines of England.
Calhoun has been appointed to 01! this
position in Philadelphia. lie lie cab paying
pensions, due the 4th of March, on Tuesday
the 13th inst. The payment has been de
layed far beyond the usual time by reason
of a vacancy in the department. Our in
valid pensioners may now expect to receive
their pensions in a short time.
IHE difficulties between the Pacific Rail
roads. it is said, have been satisfactorily ad
justed and it is now expected that the road
will be completed by tho first of May next
Ihe members of Congress have all been
presented with free passes for one year and
invited to inspect the road at their leisure.
There will therefore be no opening excur
sion over the road.
tion on Tuesday the sth resulted in a splen
did Republican Victory as usual. This is
the second gun since the adoption of the
Constitutional Amendment. Connecticut
led off with her endorsement in the shape
of a splendid triumph and iittleßhody places
herself next on the list
THE Cuban rebellion continues and is <
rapidly gaining favor and symyathy in this 1
country. The late meeting in their favor I
held in New York has been followed by a '
• ianlar one on Sato-flay night last in Phila- '
Islphia. The imprudent conduct of the f
Spanish authorities, in hoarding our ships
md arresting American citizens with pass- 1
ports, fans the flame of sympathy and if per 1
sis ted in seems likely soon to result in the
c ognition of the Cuban provisional gov- j
smnicnt by the United States which wonld J
soon be followed by Cuban Independence. (
SENATOR SPRAOC* of Rhode Island made 1
lnothcr long and bitter speech on Thursday ;
last in which he fiercely abased several Sena
[ore and indulged in a general phillippic
against the Republican party. lie is fast
naling himself notorious if not distinguish- j
id. The disappointed ambition of bis fath- j
r-in-law Chief Justice Chase, is no doubt .
it the bottom of these wild freaks of
■ ; :>rigue's. His performances are not likely
.o redound to his own credit cor that of the .
"iiicf Justice. j
■ urns to day, the ICtb. The passage of 1
:he fifteenth Amendment will ever cousti- '
; .to a bright page in its history, which
s,cry one who voted for it will ever have {
c fcson to bo proud of. As it was passed
by a strict party vote every Republican is ,
right on the record.
GBHVJE S. TWITCIIELL who was to be
hung on Thursday of last week for murder,
liiticipa-ed the sentence of the law and com
mitted suicide on the night previous, by
taking poison. The poison is supposed to
have been conveyed to him l>y some of his
friends who were permitted to visit him the
dry previous.
— r
THE heavy freights by railroad on grain,
siiiprcd from the west have resulted in a
movement in St. Louis for the organization
:>f a company to ship grain down the Mis
n-Bsippi via New Orleans to Liverpool. The
Railroads will, no doubt take a hint as to
the propriety of reducing their charges.
GOVERNOR. GEARY did two things last
week fot which the people of the State
will thank him. The first was his refusal
to pardon the Murderer Twitchell and the
second the veto of the bill authorizing the
Executive to commute the death penalty.
TITUEE of the ncwly-elected members of
Coneress from Connecticut —Messrs.Strong,
Kello -e, and Starkweather—took their seats
in the House on Friday. Mr. Barnum had
not yet put in an appearance.
BESIDE the state elections in Rhode Island
uid Connecticut, which both went Republi
can, the cities of Detroit and Chicago held
municipal elections, and both went Repub
lican. Truly the skies arc bright both East
and West.
THE Hudson Bay Company, long a pow
-3r in British North Ameriea, has ceased to
ixist, all its territory and chartered privi
cges having been recently purchased by the
British Government for the sum of 450,000
pounds sterling.
MESSRS. STCTZMAN, of the Senate, and
Ibongeneeker, ef the House, will accept our
I batiks for copies of the Auditor General's
Report for 180S and other public documents.
A BILL allowing interested parties to tes
tify, was passed by the Legislature of this
State last week.
[From our own CorrcrpondenL]
HARRISBPRG, Pa., April, 10, ISG9.
just past has been a very busy Legislative
one. The amount of local legislation that
bas been acted upon is simply enormous.
Bills of all characters and descriptions still con
iinue to be introduced and take their chances
in the general scramble that will ensue during
be few remaining days previous to the close
of the session.
During the week a bill was hurried through
both branches of the Legislature authorizing
he Government to commute the death pen
ally to imprisonment for life. The bill was
passed to meet the special cases of Eaton and
Twitchell. The Governor has, however, as
yet refused to sign the bill, and although a
very strong pressure was brought to bear up
on him to the last moment, the execution of
Eaton took place on Thursday while his
friends were still pleading with the Executive
lorhis life. Governor Geary in this case as
sumed a terrible responsibility, although he
doubtless feels mystified in his own mind in
the course he has taken. The sympathies ot
the people were however very strong with the
aruicmuca man, anU .. more earnest effort
was probably never made in this State to se
cure a commutation of a sentence.
still forms a prominent topic of speculation.
The chances of its passage have however
quite materially decreased from last week.
The bill passed the Senate some days ago by
a decided majority, and is now in the bands of
the House committee. As yet all efforts to
get it reported have proved unavailing, al
though the ring have employed all the usual
expedients. At a late meeting of the com
mittee the vote is said to have been ten
against the bill to six for it. Those urging
its passage are still unceasing in their efforts
and may yet succeed in pushing it through the
House. The coming week will doubtless fully
develop its fate.
During the first part of the session Mr.
llurritt of Susquehanna introduced into the
House a joint resolution proposing an amend
ment to the Constitution allowing females as
well as males over twenty-one years of age to
vote in Pennsylvania. The resolution came
up for action of Thnrsday evening. Mr llur
ritt made an extended and able speech in la
vor of the proposition and was listened to
with close attention. A vote was then had
on agreeing to the resolution and resulted
yeas 20; nays Go. As this is a subject agita
ting the public mind to quite an extent I give
the names of those who voted for the resolu
tion as tollows: Messrs. Ames, Beatty,
Brown (Huntingdon), BuGiugtou, Burritt,
Chamberlain, Clark. (Warren) Fox, Ilerrold,
Hervey, Kerr Kleckoer, McGin.
nis, Marshall, Ilea, Robinson (Mercer),
Webb, Westlake and Wilson—all Republic
ans except McGinnis of Philadelphia.
It will be remembered that sonic days since
a bill passed both Houses under a suspension
of the rules, and was signed by the Governor
the same night, repealing the act of last year
erecting Lycoming county into a new Judicial
District. The passage of the bill was procur
ed by fraud and a misrepresentation of the
facts, and within two days thereatter the lien
ale passed a bill repealing the last act. This
last repealing bill still remains in the bands
of the House Committee, and it has transpir
ed that it has there been negatived by a vote
of seven to siij. Mr. McMiller, a Democrat
from Montgomery connty, gave the casting
vote, and thus- deprived a Democratic Judge
of his seat. The affair has occasioned a good
deal of excitement among the members of his
own party, and by his course Mr. McMiller
has subjected himself to au inordinate amonnt
of Democratic abuse.
Both branches of the Legislature have pass
ed a general registry law. There is no doubt
of its receiving the approral of the Governor. J
Every reasonable euard is thrown around the
ballot box to preserve its purity, and this law
will doubtless prevent in the future much of .
that fraudulent voting that has been a dis- !
grace to this Commonwealth.
the bill authorizing the Executive to com- '
mute the death penalty to imprisonment for
life. He asserts that the bill was not in ac
cordance with the law he recommended in |
his last annual message. He simply desired i
the Executive should have authority in six
cases distinctly specified to commute the sen- j
tenceto imprisonment for such term as the
ameliorating circumstances might seem to
justify and demand.
The hill allowing parties to contract lor a
rate of interest at seven per cent has been de
feated in the House. No change will there
fore be made in reference to this matter dur
ing the present session. i
Previous to the adjournment the Republic
an caucas will designate the Speaker for the
Senate during the next session. It is pretty
well understood that this honor will be be
stowed upon Senator C. U. Stinson of Mont
gomery county.
The Senate have passed a joint resolution
to adjourn finally oil Friday, the ICth day of
April. If the conference committee on the
appropriation bill make an acceptable report
—as it is now probable they will—the Ilonse
will doubtless concur in the resolution.
FRIDAY April 9th —Mr. Anthony was
again elected President pro tern, in the ab
sence of Mr. Coliax.
On motion of Mr. Trumbull, the House
bill authoriring the submission of the con
stitution of Virginia, Mississippi, and Texas
to a vote af the people was taken up.
Mr. Morton offered as an additional sec
tion the joint resolution offered by him the
other day providing that before Virginia,
Mississippi, and Texas shall be admitted to
representation in Congress their several
Legislatures shall ratify the fifteenth amend
ment to the Constitution. Afterconsidera
blc controversy between Messrs. Trumbull,
Morton, Conkiing, and Sburman, the
amendment was agreed to by a vote of 30 to
The hill was then passed by a vote of 4-1
to 9. The bill to declare and fix the status
of Judge advocate of the army wusamended
and passed.
The President pro tent. laid before the
Senate the President's proclamation calling
an extra session of the Senate, beginning on
Monday next, for the transaction of execu
tive business.
The bill providing for compensating loyal
owners of steamers taken for the of the
Government during t'newar was taken up
and discussed until 4.4b, when the Senate
went into executive session.
Mr. Howard called up the bill to secure
the interests of the United States in the
Pacific Railroad, alter some discussion it
was passed.
On motion of Mr. Sohcnck, the Senate
amendments to the whisky and tobacco bill
were taken from the .Speaker's table and
non-concurred in, and a committee of con
ference requested.
Mr. Butler, of Massachusetts, from the
Judiciary Committee, asked leave to report
back the bill permitting defendants in crimi
nal cases in the United States courts to tes
tify, and to make the State laws govern in
the United States courts in the respective
States on questions of the competency of
Mr. Cook moved to suspend the rules to
enable hiui to report from the Judiciary
Committee the bill to provide for the pub
licatiou of the opinions of the Attorney
General, and for other purposes.
The rules were su pended, and the bill
came before the House for action, and was
pas>ed under the previous question.
Mr. Paine, chairman of the Committee on
Elections, moved that the Representatives
elect from the State of Connecticut be sworn
in. They had not the usual regular certifi
cate because the canvass was not yet fuily
completed, but they had credentials from
State officials which satisfied the Committee
onElectioDs unanimously that tfcey were
duly elected.
The Speaker, appointed Messrs. Schenck,
Aiii-on, and Marshall, the conference com
mittee on the whisky and tobacco bill.
Mr. Paine, from the Committee on Elec
tions, reported a resolution for a sub-com
inittee to take testimony in South Carolina
in the elections in the Third and Fourth dis
tricts. Adopted.
Mr. Julian, from the Committee on Pub
lic Lands, reported bill to establish a land
district in Wyoming Territory.
After a short discussion the bill passed.
Mr. Julian presented a conference report
on the Osage Indians' lands, and it was
agreed to.
The House then, at half past one, re
sumed the consideration of the Myers and
Moffet contested election case from Pennsyl
After two hours' discussion the Ilonse
proceeded to vote on the resolutions. The
resolution reported by the minority, de
claring that.Mr. Moff o >- A*>iiLA •<> l<i
seat, was rejected, and that of the majority,
declaring that Mr. Myers is entitled to it.
was adopted—each by a strict party vote—
and Mr. Myers was thereupon sworn in as a
Representative from Pennsylvania.
The House met aeain at 8 o'clock.
On motion of Mr. Logan, the Senate bili
to facilitate the payment of bounties of
soldiers fo their heirs was taken from the
Speaker's tabic, amended by a provision
that the attorneys' fees shall not be reserved
by the department when the money is paid,
and was then passed.
The consideration of the hill removing
political disabilities was then resumed. The
bill was read in full by the Clerk. The vote
was then taken on the passage of the bill,
and resulted— yeas 97. nays 47. So, two
thirds voting in the affirmative, the bill was
Some slight applause followed the an
The Tenure of Office Act.
President Grant havingsigned the Tenure
of Office bill wc print it in full, so that our
readers, may form their own opinions as to
what powers it confers or withholds, how
far it restrains the President, and how far it
strengthens the hands of the Senate.
SEC. 1. That every person holding any
civil office to which he has been, or hereafter
may be, appointed by and with the advice
and consent of the Senate, who shall have
become duly qualified to act therein, shall
beentiti-d to hold such office during the
term for wmch ha shall have been appoin 1
ted. unless sooner removed by and with the
advice and consent of the Senate, or by the
appointment, with the like advice and con
sent, of a successor in his place, except as
herein otherwise provided.
Stc. A That during any recess of the
Senate the President is hereby empowered,
in I d'cereUou. to suspend any civil officer
apporu: i>v and with the advice and con
sent t to? Senate, until the end of the next
session of the Senate, and to designate some
■ suitable person, subject to be removed in his
. discretion by the designation of another, to
I perforin the duties of such suspended officer
in the meantime; and such person so desig
nated shall take the oath and give the bonds
! required by law to be taken and given by
the suspended officer, and shall, durinc the
, time be performs his duties, be entitled to
tho salary and emoluments of such officer,
no part of tchich shall belong to the officer
suspended; and it shall be the duty of the
1 President, within thirty days after the com
t mencement of every session of the Senate
r (except for any office which, in his opinion,
, ought not to bo filled), to nominate persons
I to fill all vacancies in offices which exist
prior to the meeting of the Senate, whether
II temporarily filled or not; and also in the
r place of all officers suspended. And if the
t Senate, during such session, shall refuse to
advise and consent to an appointment in the
place of any suspended officer, then, and not
otherwise, the President shall nominate
I another person as soon as practicable to said
session of the Senate for raid office.
Message from the President—Restora
tion of States to the l-'nion.
The following is the messago of the Pres
ident sent to Congress on the 7th inst., and
in accordance with which the reconstruction
found in another column was promptly pass
To the Senate and Howe of Representa
tives :
"While I am aware that the time in which
Congress proposes now to remain in session
is very brief and that it is derircd as far as
is consistent with the public interest to
avoid entering upon the general business of
legislation, there is one subject which con
cerns so deeply the welfare of the country
that I deem it my duty to bring it before
you. I have no doubt that you will concur
with me in the opinion that it is desirable
to restore the States which were engaged in
the rebellion to their proper relations to the
Government, and the country at as early a
period as the people of those States shall be
found willing to become peaceful and orderly
communities, and adopt and maintain such
constitutions and laws as will effectually se
cure the civil and political rights of all per
sons within their borders. The authority
of the United States, which has been vindi
cated and established by its military power,
must undoubtedly be aborted for the abso
lute protection of all the citizens in the full
enjoyment of the freedom and security
which is the object of a Republican govern
ment. But whenever the people of a re
bellious State are ready to enter in good
faith upon the accomplishment of this ob
ject, in entire conformity with the con-titu
tional authority of Congress, it is certainly
desirable that all causes of irritation be re
moved as promptly as possible, that a more
perfect union may be established and the
country be restored to peace and prosperity.
The convention of the people of Virginia,
which met in Richmond, on Tuesday, De
cember 3d, 1867, framed a constitution for
that State which was adopted by the con
vention on the 17th of April, 1808, and I
desire respectfully to call the attention of
Congress to tho propriety of providing by
law for the holding of an election in that
State at some time during the months of
May and June next, under the direction of
the military commander of the district, at
which the question of the adoption of that
constitution shall be submitted to the citi
zens of the State, and if this should seem
desirable, I would recommend that a separ
ate vote be taken upon such parts as may
be thought desirable, and at the same time
and under the same authority there shall be
an election for the officers provided under
such Constitution, and that the Constitu
tion, or such parts thereof a.s shall have
been adopted by the people, be submitted
to Congress on the fust Monday of Decern
ber next, for its consideration, so that if the
same is approved, the necessary steps will
then have been taken for the restoration of
the State of \ irginia to its proper relation
to the Union. lam led to make this rec
ommendation from the confident and I opc
fu! belief that the people of that State arc
now ready to co-operate with the National
Government in bringing it again to such
relations to the Union as it ought, as soon
as possible, to estah'ish and maintain, and
to give all its people those equal rights tin
der the laws which were asserted in the
Declaration of Independence in the words
of one of the most illustrious of its son-'. I
desire also to ask the consideration of Con
gress to the question whether there is not
just ground for believing that the Con=titu
tion formed by a convention of the people
of Mississippi for that State, and once to
jected, might not be again submitted to tin
people of that Slate in like manner, and
with the probability of the same result]
(Signed) U. S. GRANT.
Washington, April 7, 18611.
The Itecoiutruction Act.
The following is the full text of the act
authorizing the submission of the Constitu
tions of Virginia, Mississippi and Texas to
a vote of the people. It is approved and
signed by the President:
Br it enacted dec.. That the President of
the I nited States, at such time as he may
deem best for the public interest, may sub
mit the Constitution which was framed by
the Convention which met at Richmond,
Va., on Tuesday, the 3d day of December,
1807 to the registered voters of said State
registered at tie date of said submission, for
ratification or rejection, and may also sub
mit to a separate vote such portions of said
Constitution as he may deem best, such
vote to be taken upon each of the said pro
visions alone or in connection with the other
portions of the said Constitution, as the
President may direct.
SEC. 2. That at the same election the
voters of the said State may vote to elect
members of the General Assembly of said
State provided for by the said Constitution,
and members of Congress ; and the officer
commanding the District of Virginia shall
causa the list of registered voters of said
State to be revised, enlarged and corrected
prior to such election, according to law, and
for the purpose may appoint such registers
as he may deem necessary, and the said
elections shall he held, and rctnrn thereof
made, in the manner provided by the acts
of Congress commonly called the Recon
struction acts.
_ SEC. 3. That the President of the United
States may in like manner submit the Con
stitution of Texas to the voters of the said
State, at such time and in such manner as
he may direct, cither the entire Constitu
tion, or separate provisiqna of the •".,
provided iii tnc first section of this act to a
separate vote, and at the same election the
voters may vote fur and elect the members
of the Legislature, and all the State officers
provided for in said Constitution, and mem
Lers of Congress: provided also that noelec
tion shall be held in said State of Texas, for
any purpose, until the .President so direct.
SEC. 4. That the President of the United
States may in like manner, as he may deem
expedient, direct either the entire Constitu
tion of the State of Mississippi, or separate
provisions of the same, as is provided ir the
first section of this net, to be submitted to a
separate Stale election in the State of Mis
sissippi, and at the same election voters nay
vote for and elect the members of the Levis
lature, and all the State officers provided
for in said Constitution, and members of
_ SEC. 5. That if either of said Constitu
tions shall be ratified at said election'', the
Legislature of the State so ratifying, lected
asprovided in this act, shall asscmblt at the
Capital of said States on the fourth 'lftesday
after the official | romulgation of suyii ratifi
cation by the military officer commatding iu
said State.
SEC. _6. That before the States of Virginia
Mississippi and Texas shall bo admitted to
representation in Congress, their several
Legislatures, which may be hereafter legtlly
organized, shall ratify the Fifteenth Artble
which has been proposed by Congress to
the several States as an amendment to (he
Constitution of the United States.
SEC. 7. That the proceeding in any of he
said"States shall not be deemed final, or
operate a- a complete restoration of he
same, until their action respectively shall be
approved by Congress.
Outrage by a Spanish Vessel—Deliat
of the Imperial Troops.
HAVANA, April 9. via KEY WEST, Ajril
10. —The Spanish man of war Fernando Ca
tolica to-day overhauled the American big
Lizzie Major, ten miles from Carbairfen,
and took from her two paseenecrs. IJ>th
of these persons had embarked at Havana,
and were provided with passports.
A report is current in Cuban circles hat
the Spanish troops, while conveying a sip
ply of provisions from Santa Cruz to Puer
to Principe, were attacked and defeated.
Intelligence has been received that Sjan
ish troops in the vicinity of Nuevita are
suffering from sickness.
On the arrival of the steamship
from New York, five Cubans, who had ta
ken passage to Havana, were arrested-and
carried to the Moro Castle.
V 111)31 SPAIN.
Proposed Amendments to the Sew
MADRID, April 10.—In the Cortes, yes
terday, Olozaga made a speech, in which he
urged upon that body the adoption of a
statute, to be incorporated in the new con
stitution, which shall materially modify the
powers and functions of the Ministry, as
well as reduce that branch of the govern
ment numerically.
poultry is becoming fashionable in Boston,
and hen houses are erected on the roofs of
stylish dwellings.
THE last Illiooia Legislature declared the
right of married women "to receive, use and
pMtess their own earnings and sue for the
same in their own names, free from the in
terference of husbands or creditors."
ported to be fitting ou: an expedition for
Cuba, in conjunction with Gcuetal SteaJ
man. lie is admirably adapted for that
duty, and will succeed, as he always has,
much better with the sword than with the
definitely settled that Hon. ,J. Lothrop
Motley will go to England, Governor Cur
tin to Ru—ia, and General Sickles to >1 txlco.
Governor Geary is pressing L oiis \Y. Hull
for a resident mission with all his .-tr< ngtb.
Mr. Watts will be relieved from Vienna.
Mr. Sanford will stay nt Brussels, Mr.
Dudley as consul at Liverpool and Mr.
Marsh as minister to Italy.
Montana Territory, is a lively plat- . The
elite of tka 14,000 inhabitants live generally
iti the dance houses, grog shops, and gamb
ling dens. In the largest saloon there are
twenty three tables, upon which piles of
gold dust arc staked without cessation, day
or night. Ahout a dozen men vi-it this
place in the cour.-e of twenty four hours,
every one having a lino lookingpi-tol buckled
to his side, only u-ed when it becomes aetu
ally necessary to shoot a friend.
ANTI-TOBACCO. —Tin Providence (R.
I. ) Conference of the Methodist Episcopal
Church has adopted the following rule:
"No candidate for member-hip in this con
ference shall ba deemed eligible until lie
shall have unequivocally and frankly af
firmed his abstinence from the use of to
bacco during so much of-the time of his
trial for membership as shall succeed the
passage of this rub', nor until he shall
have pledfeed him-elf in the future 10 ab
stain from its use, except for medical pur
poses. '' *
THE Pacific Railway controversy has bet n
adjusted, at least for the present. Under
the failure of the two roads to agree upon
some point for meeting, Congress proceeded
to fix that point atOgden, and order d that
bonds should be withheld from each Com
pany, for a sufficient mileage on cither side
of that point to ensure the completion by
each of a first-class road. The two Com
panies then cam? to an immediate agree
ment as to the disputed details—and will
hereafter be allied in the common cause
against the Treasury.
No organization has yet be. n effected in
the Indiana Legislature, the newly elected
opposition members persisting in "their de
mand for inadmi-sable concessions from the
majority. The Democracy have not been
encouraged bv the success of their recent
appeal to the people. The bolters have
been re-elected by largely diminished votes,
in some cases being opposed by independent
candidates of th-ir own party. If our
friends arc tenacious of their position, a sec
ond Democratic bolt is improbable, and if
attempted would be disastrous to them.
The people won't stand nonsense forever.
CONFIDENCE is universally felt that the
reconstruction of Virginia, Texas and
Mississippi will be completed, by their re
-pec-rive ( lections, at an early date, under
the law of last week, and by the Congres
sional approval in P comber. Under the
power conferred upon the President, each
of their C nstitutions will be submitted to
separate votes upon their controverted sec
tions—the effect of which will be to secure
the adoption of the main body of each in
strument. ly the people, and the transfer
of all questions concerning disfranchisement
to Congress for a final settlement.
DISASTER AT BRA. —(In March 2nth, an
English four-masted screw steamer, the Ital
ian, 1,500 tons burthen, running between
Trieste and L-o.pool, struck ou a sunken
rock, five mil • ff Capo Finisterre, and
sunk in ten minutes. The Italian had a
crew of thirty-nine men and three passen
gers on board. Only thirteen wore saved,
being picked up floating on spars in the
water, and clinging to tin bottoms of the
two life-boats which capsized a.s the steamer
went down. The body ol one man. with
his head under water, wa* found in a life
boat. The steamer had five hatchways,
and the water poured down the fourth and
fifth abaft the engines.
Tin: Emperor of Russia, who at first was
exceedingly angry with the young Prince of
Leuchtenberg, his nephew, for running away
with the pre'ty M ile Opetehinin ■ and mar
rying her in Italy, has yield'd to the solici
tations of the Eatpregf ami permitted the
I'rioce to return with his hritle to St. Peters
burg. They will arrive iu April, and the
young Prince will he treated with all the
honors usually paid only to the Princesses of
royal blood. She has a sweet, childlike face,
long, golden ringlets, and a pair of large
dreamy blue eyes, sings like a nightingale,
and is very graceful in all her movements :
hut she was so poor that before she eloped
with the wayward young Prince her be
trothed had to buy her a complete traveling
land Civilian says: We are informed by a
friend from the western part of tb county
that a short time -inee an opening was
discovered in the ground ncai' cramwrry
Summit, which, on being enlarged and
cleared up, proved to be the entrance to an
old mine, in which were discovered several
old English tools. On one of the timber
supports of the roof cf the mine was found
inscribed "1 >08." A further investigation
led to the discovery that it was a silver
mine, which had at one time be n worked.
WO were shewn a specimen of the quarts:
taken from the mine, and grid judges
pronounce it rich in silver. Specimens
have been sent to Philadelphia for assay,
but wc have not learned the probable yield.
SPANISH Taoors IN CUBA. —The troops
that Spain is now sending out to Cuba are
not regular soldiers, but some sort of volnn
tscrs raised among the worst elements of
the Spanish cities. A body of these men
were brought recently from Cadiz, where
they were waiting to embark for Havana, to
put down an insurrection at Xerez, and an
eye witness testifies that they committed the
most barbarous atrocities. "Many of the
officers were drunk," says the writer, "and
yet they urged on their men. Defenseless
people were cut down, houses were pillaged,
and women slaughtered. Two women were
thrown Into wells, and horrible outrages
were committed upon children." This is
the kind of assassins witli which the patri
ots of Cuba have to contend.
York Sun, in recording the sadden death
of Sir Edward CunarJ, in that city, on
Tuesday, says he was born in Halifax in
1816. and adds : "The line of mail steam,
era with which the name Cunard is so famil
iarly connected was started by the lather o-
Mr. Cunard in 1840, at whose death, in 18fi5f
Edward inherited both the title and the
business. He had previously managed all
its affairs on this side of the Atlantic. The
line was started with lour vessels subsidized
by the British Government, but > success
ful did the enterprise prove that from time
to time other lines were .also started by the
company, und now they have twenty-five
vessels on the Mediterranean sea, on the
Atlantic and elsewhere. The Canards,
father and son, preferred safety to speed in
their vessels, and hence they always enjoyed
the public confidence which they hold even
to this day."
MB. SPCRQBON, at the ia.-.t annual meet
ing of the friends ot his College, related
that on a reeent occasion some unknown
friend dropped hank notes to the amount
of £2,000 into his letter box at Clapbatn,
which were found nest morning "lying on
hi oil-cloth. ' "The reckless generosity of
this act," says the Pall Mall Gazette, "al
most leads to the conclusion that the donor
tad been dining out in the rieiehboihocd,
md was acting under the influence of the
lospitality for which Ciaphatn is pro
rerbial. Under any circumstances, he
Jjould bo more careful in future when dis
pensing bis cFarity, for though ho has been
ir-trumental in demonstrating the probity
<f Mr. Spurgeon's housemaid, be was un
questionably an occasion of temptation to
hat good young woman; and, moreover,
he world would never have known but for
iim that the reTcrend gentleman's letter
iox needed repair."
whose attention has not been drawn partic
ularly to the subject, it will be (surprising
to call to mind how many of the most sub
lime and comprehensive pas-ages in the
English language consist wholly or chiefly
of monosyllables. Of the sixty six words
composing the Lord's prayer, forty-eight
are of one syllable. Of the seventeen words
composing the Golden Rule, fifteen are of
ono syllable. The most expressive idea of
thccrratire power of Jehovah is expressed
entirely in monosyllables: "And God said,
let there be light, and there Was light."
One of the most encouraging promises of
Scripture is expressed in fifteen word.--, all
but one of which are monosy tables: "I love
them that love me—and those that seek tne
early shall find me."
BISMARCK'S FAMlLY.— Bismarck has DE
cided that bis sons shall not enter the diplo
matic career. The reason of this decision,
it is thought, is the conviction he has
reached that the youths are not peculiarly
gifted. His daughter posesses by far more
ability than her brothers, and during her
mother's recent illness officiated as the
Count's private secretary. liis wife gener
ally performs that duty.
GEORGlA. —Speaking of the crops, the
Savannah Republican says that while it is
difficult to form a correct idea at this early
day, yet experienced farmers pronounce the
crops at this season oft he year better than
they have ever known them, especially corn.
The cotton lands are reproofed as being iti
goo i condition, and ready for the seed.
\ork police use l'lanehette almost entirely
in detecting rogues of all descriptions, and
employ females from the Five Points to op
erate the machine. These women know the
haunts and the exploits of all the burglars
and thieves in the city, and, under the mani
pulation of the shrewd detective-, let their
knowledge unconsciously slip through'Jbe
ends of their fingers.
Victory for the I nsurgent *--\Yrcck of a
Urig--Itioting in Havana.
HAVANA, April 11.— It is reported that a
column under General La-cia, while acting
as a convoy from Santa Cruz to Puerto
Principe, was routed by the rebels under
Qu' -ado and the convoy captured. The
losses on both sides were immense.
Intelligence has been received that the
Bremen bug Germania, from New York,
bound to Vera Cruz, was wrecked on the
Bahamas. The captain and crew were
Lust night there were farther dieturbaaoe*
in the streets of Havana, arid several per
nios were killed. To-night, however, the
city is tranquil.
Z I N G A R I B I T T E II S .
.4 Sajc Blood Purifier,
.1 Splendid Tonic,
.1 Pleasant Beverage,
A Certain Cure and
Preventive of Disrates.
The ZIXGARI HITTERS are"*cotnpountlei!
from a pr. rcription of the celebrated Egyptian
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anil experiment, discovered the Ziaynriui Htrb—
the most remarkable vegetal,le production, the
earth, pcrhttj s. baa ever yielded—certainly the
most effective in the cure ot disease. It, in com
bination with the other valuable properties of
which the ZIXGARI BIITHES is composed,
will cure
Dyspepsia, Fever and Ague, Bilious Fever,
Cli'dic, Colds, Bronchitis, Consump
tion in its first stage, Flatulency,
Kervoua Debility, Female Com
plaints, Rheumatism, Dys
entery, Acute and ('ironic
D iarrhir a , 'Cholera
Morbus, Chub ra, Ty
phoid and Typhus
Fever, Yellow de
fer, Scrofula,
Diseases of
the. Kidneys
Habitual Costivencss, Ac. Ac.
In the Prevention and Cure of the above dis-
C-t -OS, it has never been known to fail, as thou
■ tnda of our most prominent litizens thronxhoct
all parts of the country, will testify. Let the af
tlieied tend tor circular containing teitimoniai,
ami eertiSeatcs of those who have been cure 1
their eases have been pronounced hopeless by oar
best physicians.
B EC; MM EN I ill SV
Ex. Gov. l>.ivil R. Porter, of PenasjlrinU.
Hon* Robert J. Either, 44 44
Hon. Edward MoPhcr*oti, " "
Hon. .Joel 1>- Da.nn*r, 44 44
Hon. Wm. McShcrry, n 44 and
for Circulars...#^
A Family and an Agricultural Journal.
THE TELEGRAPH is a family Newspaper,
independent in ils nolitics. Its scope embraces
Choieo Literature, ana m/TiicuKare, ibe Rens oi
the DRY. KR.
constantly gircn the most dsirh!© an<l popular
Novelette?, Tales, Poetry and Moral and enter
taining Reading generally. These arc supplied
from the best and highest sources, foreign and
domestic and equal to anything found ia any
journal or magazine.
braces Earning, Gardening, Fruit Raising, etc.
Our labors in this department for over a third of
a century htive met the cordial approbation of the
public. Onr purpose has been to famish useful
and reliable information upon these very import
and branches of industry and to protect them so
far as within our power against the false doc
trines and selfish purposes of the many empirics,
sensation adventurers and speculators by which
the farmer is incessantly assailed. This portion
of the Germantoicn Telegraph is alone worth
double the prieo of subscription.
NEWS DEPARTMENT.—The same industry,
carc, nnd discrimination in gathering and prepar
ing the stirring events of the day, expressly for
tlris paper, which hitherto Las fccen one of its
marked features ami given such universal satis
faction, will be continued with redoubled efforts
to meet the increasing demands of the public.
TEKMS. —Two d -llurs aud fifty cents per annum.
No orders received without the cash, and all sub
scriptions stopped at the end of the time paid for.
Afhlres* PHILIP!?. VUJiAB*
Editor and Proprietor,
Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa.
P. DUFF, Author of Duff's fyatcm of Book
keeping, President.
Established twenty-eight years, having educa
ted man}* thousands of Merchants, Bankers and
Accountants in the United States and Canada* in
the most perfect class instruction, and is DOW the
first College in America to introduce the new im
portant improvement of combining that class in
struction with comprehensive exercise in
Iy Wm. If.. Charles P., and Robert P. Duff, all
experienced lesines Accountants, each having
kept books in extensive firms, giv ing our students
the rare opportunity of becoming at once practi
cal Accountants. DUFF'S new system of Mer
chants', Manufacturer's, National Bank, Railroad
and Private Banker's
Splendidly jointed in colors by Harper A Broth
ers, New York, pp 400. Crown Bvo.. $3 75.
Postage 35c. The only work containing National
Bank and Private Hankers* accounts. No other
work of the kind has been so unanimously and
emphatically recommended by the press, by bus
iness men, by teachers, and by those who have
been educated from it. See our new Circular,
containing aleo fao simile of Win 11. Duff's First
Premium Penmanship. Medals, Ac, Mailed free
by P. DUFF A SONS, Principals.
18G9~ •**' 1869.
Fell stock of STAPLE and FANCY
N. B.—JOBS from AUCTION daily received.
Perhaps Bo one medicine is so universally re
quired by everybody as a cathartic, nos- was :
ever any before so universally adopted into use,
in every or.untry and among ait classes, as this
mild but eflicient purgative Pill. The obvious
reason is, that it is a tuore reliable and far more
effectual remedy than any other. Those who have
used it, know that it cured thein: those who have
not, know that it cures their neighbors and friends,
and ail know that what it does once it does al
ways--thit it never fails through any fault or
neglect of its composition. We have thousands
upon thousands of certificates of tbeir remarkable
cures of the following ecu,plaints, but such cures
are known in every neighborhood, and we need
not publish them Adapted to all ages and con
ditions in ail climates; containing neither calomel
nor any deleterious drug, they may be taken with
safety by anybody. Tb ir sugar coating preserves
them ever fresh and snakes thein pleasant to take
while being purely vegetable no harm can arise
from their use in any quantity.
Tbcy operate by thctr powerful influence on (be
internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate
it into healthy action—remove the obstructions
of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of
the body, restoring their irregular action to
her.ilh, and by correcting, wherever they exist,
uch derangements as arv the first origin of du
Minute direction* are given in the wrapper on
the box, for the following complaints, which these
Pills rapidly euro:
For Dytprptia or Indigestion, Li*tle**ut*a, Lan
tfuor and Lot* of Appetite. they should Ve taken
moderately to stimulate the stomach and re?'ore
its healthy tone and action.
F'ur Liter Complaint and its various sy/nptoms,
Tlifou* Iltodn' /., Si, ;- fUadaehe, Jo',indict or
lirteu Sietne**, liC.dic and Bdioue Fen re,
they should be judiciously taken for each ease, to
correct the diseased action or remove the obstruc
tions which cause it
For Dy*entcry or Diarrhtx, but one mild dose
is generally required.
For Rheumatism, Cant, Gracel, Palpitation of
the Jit art, Pain in the Side, Pack and Loin*, they
should be continuously takeu, as required, to
change the diseased action or ura s/ws,. win,
such change the.-e complaints disappear.
For Drop,'j and Dropsical Selling* they should
be taken iu largo and frequent doses to produce
the effect of a drastic purge.
For Saf>pre**ion* a large dose should betaken
as it produces the desired effect by sympathy.
As a Dinner Pill, take one or "two Pills to pro
mote digestion and relieve the stomach.
An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and
bowels into bcaltbv action, restores the appetite,
and invigorates the system. Hence it is often ad
vantageous where no serious derangement exists.
One who feels tolerably well, often finds that a
dose of these pills ftiakes hiui feel decidedly bet
ter, from tbeir cleansing and renovating efl'ect on
the digestive apparatus.
Du. J. C. AVER * CO..
Prattieal Chemists, Lowell, Mass., U. S. A.
-ocly l)n. D. F HARRY, Agent, Hertford, Pa
8 II A I R T 1 G 0 R
| A dresfing which is at agreeable, healthy,
and effectual for preserving the Hair. Faded or
! gray hair it toon rentored to ite original color and
the gloee and fn:>hnten of youth. Thin hair is
thickened, falling hair checked, and baldness of
ten, though not always, cured t>y its use. Noth
ing can restore the hair where the fallicies are
destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed.
| But such as remain can be saved for usefiiln-ss by
j this application. Instead of fouling tbo hair
j with a pasty sediment, it will keep it clean
vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair
from turning gray or falling off, and consequent!/
prevent baldness. Free from these deleterious
substances which make some preparations dan
gerous and injurious to the fcair, the Vigor oen
only benefit but not harm it. If wanted mere
for a
nothing else can be found so desirable. Contain
ing neither oil nor dye, it docs not soil white
cambric, and yet lasts Jionger on the hair, giria
it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume.
Prepared by.
2?Aug:ly B. F. HARRY, Agt.
j) 11. T A YLOR'S
O LIV E B R A N C H 15 I T T E R S.
Stvcral Hundred Different Figure*.
Several Hundred Different Figures.
Several Hundred Different Figures.
Several Hundred Different Figures.
Several Hundred Different Figures.
Several Hundred Different Figures.
Largest lot ever brought to Bedford county.
Largest lot ever brought to Bedford county.
Largest lot ever brought to Bedford county.
Largest lot ever brought to Bedford county.
Largest lot ever brought to Bedford county.
Largest lot ever brought to Bedford county,
for sale at the
for sale at the
for sale at the
for sale at the
for sale at the
for sale at the
SCHOOL BLANKS.—Articles of Agreement
between Directors and Teachers, Checks
Bonds of Collectors, Warrants of Collectors, l'ond
of Treasurers, Ac., for sale at the /.fairer office.
The subscriber! offer at private sale the follow
ing valuable tracts of land, vix:
No. I. The undivided half of a tract of land
containing 227 acres, situate on the south-east
side of the Broad Top Mountain, lying partly in
Bedford and partly in Fulton county, and ad
orning lands jo Samuel Danner, dames Brin
hurtt and Wishart's heirs. TWO VEINS OF
COAL, one 5 j feet, the other 8 j feet in depth bare
been discovered on this tract.
No. 2. A tract of2'sl> acres near the above, ad
joining the same lands, and supposed to contain
the same veins of coal.
No. 3. A tract of 400 acres, within two and a
half miles of the above tracts, lying on the North
side of the Harbor acroaa the mountain, well tim
bcred with oak and pine.
May 3,-tf. JOHN LUTZ.
FIVE lots of ground in Bedford, 6# by 210,
formerly part of the Lyons' estate.
Two tracts of 160 acres each within three miles
of a depot on the Pacific Rail Road back of Oma
A tract of bottom land timbered and prarie
"Le Gotn Omah is Oil/.
On® third of 7,000 acres iu Fulton C< unty Pa.,
including valuable Ore, mineral end timber lands
near Fort Littleton.
Over 4,000 acres of valuable ore, coal and tim
ber lands in West Virginia.
ALSO, Twenty-five one acre lots, adjoining the
Borough of Bedford, with iime stone rock for
kiln or quarry on the upper end of each.
Also, 220 acres of land in Woodbury CO., lowa.
SO " " Franklin •' lowa.
100 acres adjoining Bedford, with house, barn,
Ac., known as the "Amos farm."
Also, a farm of 107 acres in Harrison t rrp.
A1 eo, >ix acres near Bedford, with 2 houses,
stable and brick yard thereon.
uune 21,-tf Bedford, Penu'a.
The subscribers will sell a number of lots ad.
ERTY in Bedford township,
On two of them dwelling houses have already
been erected. This is a splendid opportunity to
buy a cheap and m/.i daaizahl* home, as the lots
lie immediately opposite the Chalybeate Spring
Park, on the read, and cot more than 120 yards
from the Spring, at the following low prices:
1. One-half acre lot with dwelling house and
other out-buildings, garden and fruit trees, an
the best of water convenient, at S7OO, cash.
2. Haif-acre lot SIBO, cash.
3. Half acre lot SIBO. cash.
4. Half acre lot slSo,cash.
j and 6. Half acre lots with dwelling house,
brick yard, garden and fruit trees thereon lor
$350, cash.
j 7. Contains three acres covered with fruit
: tree?, and in a good state of cultivation, adjoia
i ing the above lots, for S6OO, cash.
! Any person desiring to buy a home, a few
I yards out of Bedford, will find*th:s offer worth
I serious consideration.
JOHN LUTZ, Real Estate Agent, Bedford, Pa.
The following lot of ground, situate in the town
: of Iluncan.ville, Jtlair co.. Pa, fronting on Main
I street (or Turnpike) 75 feet and extending back
[ I HO an Utt. o~i Wania„ < .,,„ d
a large two story BRICK HOUSE, with base
: meet and kitchen, and good cellar, frame Black
smith and Wagon-Maket's Shop, frame stable
and other out-buildings. with fruit of different
varieties on the lot. This w-uld be a good stand
fur a T3Tcrn or B ardir.g House, being conveni
ent to the Rolling Mill and Nail Factory, and the
Railroad. The House is in good repair and very
pleasantly situated, with water at the door.
Also, A lot of SIX ACRES, near the Chalybeate
Spring, one mile from the town of Bedford, with
a Log House thereon erected. Adjoining lands
of Chenomth, Amos, Shannon and others.
Also, 14 acres of Timber Land, adjoining the
Colfelt farm, and convenientto good roads.
For further particulars applv to
ISdcclf Bedford. Pa.
The subscriber offers at private sale a good
farm of lO'i acres, lying on the south side of Dry
Ilidgc, within 2j miles of the line of the Bedford
and Bridgeport Railroad, adjoining lands of Jos.
Ling, Leonard May, Peter F. Lehman, Esq., and
others. The improvements are a two story LOG
HOUSE with kitchen attached, a log barn and
other outbuildings. The land is well watered ,
having a good we'l and two never failing springs.
There is also a fine young apple orchard of 100
bearing trees, besides cherries, plums, peaches,
Ac Sixty acres arc cleared and under fence and
tne balance well timbered with white and chestnut
oak. A large quancity of Chestnut oak bark can
be cut on the land and find a ready market, as
there arc several tanneries in the neighborhood.
; For further particulars address AER.\M RITCHEV.
i West End, Bedford co., Pa., or
JOHN LUTZ. Bedford, Pa.
The subscriber offers at private sale his
farm in Harrison towothip. containing 103
acres, 30 acres of which are cleared and under
fence, part sown in clover, and the balance
meadow, hat ing thereon erected a two story
log bouse and kitchen attached also a double
log barn. The nncleared land is well tim
bered. Two hundred cords of bark can be
obtained on this laud and command a ready
sale. Possession given immediately. The
property will be sold cheap for cash. For
particulars inquire of
Buffalo Mills,
March 20 2t Bedford co., Pa.,
The subscribers will sell all that fine farm in
Bedford township, containing ISO acres, OA of
which ere cleared and under excellent fence, and
the balance, 03 acres, well timbered, adjoining
lands of Charles Ilelsel, John Scbnebly, and oth
ers. The buildings are a two and a half storv
LOO HOUSE and BANK BARN, with other
out-bnildings thereon erc-ted. Water in every
field, with an excellent Saw Mill seat. A splen
did apple srehard also thereon. I'ricc $ 1000.
TERMS: One third in hand and the balance in
three annual payments with interest.
Jnne 2!. 1887:tf Real Estate Agent.
AVe take pleasure in offering to the public the
following tracts of excellent land for sale at very
reasonable prices, Persons wishing to bur will
do well to consult us before purchasing, and th'.se
having lands to sell will fin i it to'.heir adran
tago to avail themselves of our reasonable terms,
No. 2. N. E. one-fourth S. in township S5
range 45, in Monanti county, lowa. 16!) acres
Ptairie land. Price SDOO.
No. 3. N. E. one-fourth of the V At. one
fourth section 22, in township 38, >{orth of rango
22, ir* Pino county, Minnesota. 40 acres timber
land. Price s2t!o. JOH N LUTZ,
Real Estate Agent,
Feb. 1 J 867- Bedford, Pa
A GOOD INVESTMENT. — A houtt and <*
lott for talc in the foirn of llopeicell.
The subscriber offers at private sale lots N■
31 and 33 in the town of Hopewell, Bedford
countv Pa. There is a rood TAVO STORA
PLANK HOUSE erected on the one lot. Ih
two lots adjoin each other and will bo sold separ
ately or together to suit purchasers. For farther
particulars address the subscriber et Bedford l'a,
eetitf JOHN LUTZ.
furnished at the Inquirer Book Store.
on the best parchment paper, for sale at the
nquirer office.
and ail other Illustrated papers for sale it the
Inquirer Book Store. tf