Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, April 16, 1869, Image 1

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All advertisements for legs than S monh 18
cent? per Una for each insertion. Specie 1 notice*
one-half additional. All resolutions of Aisoeie
tione, communications of a limited or individ&l
interest and notices of marriages and deaths, ex
ceeding five lines, 18 cts. per line. All legal noti
ces of every kind, and all Orphans' Court and
other Judicial sales, are required by law to be pub
lished in both papers. Editorial Notices 15 cents
per line. All Advertising dne after first insertion.
A liberal-discount made to yearly advertisers.
3 monts. fi months. 1 year
One square $ 4.50 $8 00 SIO.BO
Twe squares 6.00 8.00 16.00
Three equarcs 8.00 12.00 20.08
One-fourth column- 14.00 20.00 35.00
Half c01umn................. 18.00 25.00 45.68
One column •# 45.00 80.00
NxwsraPKK Laws.—We would call the special j
attention of Poet Masters and subscribers to the
fsucißKa to the following synopsis of the News
paper laws:
1. A Postmaster is required to give notice by
wetter, (returning a paper does not answer tbo law)
when a subscriber does not take his paper out of
the office, and state the reasons lor its not being
taker: and a neglect to do so makes the Postmas
ter repeotuible to the publishers (or the payment.
2. Any person who takes a paper from the Pot
office, whether directed to hit name or another, or
whether he has subscribed or not is responsible
for the pay.
3. If person orders hi! paper discontinued, he
must psy all arrearages, or the publisher may
coniimie to send it until payment is tuadc, and
ollcct the whole amount, whether it Le takeu from
the office or nof. There can be no legal disoontin
uence until the payment is made.
4. If the subscriber orders his paper to bo
stopped at a certain time, and the publisher eon
tinues to send, the subscriber is bound to pay for
it, if he takee it out of the Poet Office. The law
proceeds upon the ground that a man must pay
far what.he uses,
5. The courts have decided thatrefusing to take
newspapers and periodicals from the Post office,
or removing and having them uncalled for, is
prima facia evidence of intentional fraud.
ATTORNEYS AT LAW, bedposd, pa.
Have formed a partnership in the practice of
the Law, in new brick building near the Lutheran
Church. [April 1, 1364-tf
Respectfully tenders his professional services
o the pnblic. Office with J. W. Lingenfelter,
Esq., on Public Pquare near Lutheran Church.
J p#~Colleetions promptly male. [Dec.9/64-tf.
li ATTORNEY AT LAW, Bidpobd, PA.,
Will faithfully and promptly attend to all busi
ness entrusted to his care in Bedford and adjoin-
counties. Military claims, Penrions, back
pay, Boanty, Ac. 6peedily collected. Office with
Mann A Spang, on Juliana sticct, 9 doors south
ofthe Mcngel House. ap! 1, IS64.—tf.
Bibforh, PA.,
Will attend promptly to all business intrusted to
bit care. Collections made on the shortest no
Ht ai-o, a regularly licensed Claim Agent
andwil give special attention to the prosecution
. 'lis i against the Government for Pensions,
Back I ay, Bounty, Bounty Lands, Ac.
Office on Juliar.a street, one door South of the
Inquirer office, and nearly opposite the '.Mengel
House" April 2S, lS65:t
s. L. arssiLL J. b. LOseEtixcKsm
Attorsxts A Cocksxllors at Law,
Bedford, Pa.,
Will attend promptly and faithfully to all busi
ness entrusted to their care. Special attention
given to collections and the prosecution of claims
for Back Pay, Bounty, Pensions, Ac.
,fSC~Office on Juliana Btreet, south of the Court
House. Aprils;lyr.
Will practice in the Courts of Bedford and ad
joining counties. All busine=3 entrusted to their
vara will rxnxirh normfril Trl prompt Attention.
Pensions. Bounty, Back Pay, Ac., epecdily col
lected from the Government.
Office on Juliana street, opposite the banking
house of Reed k Schell. Bedford, Pa. inar2:tf
Respectfully tenders his professional ser
vices to the citizens of Bedford and vicinity.
Office ani residence on Pitt Street, in the building
formerly occupied by Dr. J. 11. Hofiux. [Ap'l 1,(51.
. Bedford, Pa.
Collections made forth. East, West, North and
South, and the general business of Exchange
transacted. Notes and Accounts Collected and
Remittances promptly made. REAL ESTATE
bought and sold. feb22
Pitt street, two doors west op the ssd
roitp hotel, Eeipjrd, Pa.
He keeps on hand a stock of fine Gold and Sil
ver Wa'ches, Spectacles of Brilliant Doable Refin.
Ed Glasses, also Scotch Pebble Glasses. <3old
Watch Chains, Breast Pins, Finger Rings, best
quality of Gold Pens. He will supply to order
any thing in his line not on hand. [apr.2B.'6o.
Travelling Dealers in
In the county once every two months.
Agents for the Chambersburg Woolen Manufac
turing Company. Apl l:ly
On Pitt street one door east of Geo. R. Oster
A Co.'s Store, Bedford, Pa., is now prepared
to sell by wholesale all kinds of CIGARS. All
orders promptly filled. Person? desiring anything
in his line will do well to give him a call.
Bedferd Oct 20. '65.,
Office at the old stand in
Basra Bru-Diso, Juliana st., BEDFORD.
All operations pertaining to
Surgical and Mechanical Dcntiitry
performed with care and
Antithetic* adtnini tiered, ichen detired. Ar
tificial teeth ijttcrud at, per act, SB.OO and up
As I am detei mined to do a CASH BUSINESS
or none, I have reduced the prices for ArtiScial
Teeth of the various kinds, 20 per cent., ar.d of
Gold Fiilings 33 per cent. This reduction will l>e
made only to strictly Cash Patients, and all such
will receive prompt attention. 7feb6S
This large and commodious house, having been
re-taken by the tiuhscriber, is now open for the re
ception of visitors and boarders. The rooms are
large, well ventilated, and comfortably furnished.
The table will always be supplied with the best
the n arket can afford. The Bar is stocked with
the choicest liquors. In short, it is my purpose
to keep a FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. Thanking
the public lor past favors, I respectfully solicit a
renewal of their patronage.
N. B. Hacks will run constantly between the
Hotel and the Springs.
mayl7,'7:ly WM. DIBERT, Prop'r.
Exchange HOTEL,
This old establishment having been leased by
J.MORRISON, formerly proprietor of the Mor
rison House, has been entirely renovated and re
furnished and supplied with all the modern im
provements and conveniences necessary to a first
ciass Hoiel.
The dining room has been removed to the first
floor and is now epaciou3 and airy, and the cham
bers are all well ventilated, and the proprietor
will endeavor to make his guests perfectly at
home. Address, J. MORRISON,
Excbavgk HOTEL,
ljulytf Huntingdon, Pa.
.JOHN LUTZ. Editor and Proprietor.
Onr faeilitieg for doing all kinds of Job Printing
are equalled by very few establishments in the
country. Orders by mail promptly filled. All
letters should be addressed to
.3 iiacal anft (general jlctospaprv, Dcbotcti to politics, duration, literature anb fftorals.
Oh! what a wonderful stream is the river
As it runs through the realm of tears,
With a faultless rythtu and beautiful rhyme,
And a broader sweep aod a surge sublime
As it blends with the ocean of years.
How the winters are drifting like flakes of
And the summers like buds between,
With the year in the sheaf—so they come and
On that river's breast with its ebb and flow
As it glides in the shadow and sheen.
There's a tnsgical isle up the river Time,
Where the softest of airs are playing;
There's a cloudless sky and a tropical clime
Ann a song as sweet as a vesper chime,
And the Junes with the reses are staying.
And the name ot the isle is the Long Ago,
And we bury our treasures there; ere brnwK of hoanly and hosoroa of
snow —
They are heaps of dust, but we love them so!
There are trinkets and tresses of bair.
There are fragments of songs that nobody
And a part of an infant's prayer;
There's a harp unswept and a lute without
There are broken vow 3 and pieces ot rings,
And the garments that She used to wear.
There are hands that are waved when that
fairy shore
By the mirage is lifted in the air;
And we sometimes hear through the turbu
lent roar,
Sweet voices we heard in the days gone be'
When the wind down the river is fair.
Oh ' remember for aye be that blessed isle,
AU the days of our life till night—
When the evening comas with its beantiful
And our eyes are closing to slumber awhile,
May that greenwood of sonl be in sight.
Wc propose now to write an article on the
subject of beauty as applied to the living
rooms of houses.
We hold the truth to be self evident that,
in the arrangements of life, things should be
so disposed as not merely to secure physical
comfort, but also to produce the impression
of beauty.
Now, here wc are met at the outset by
people who tell us that of course tbey want
their houses handsome, and that when they
get money enough, they intend to have them
handsome, but at present they are too poor,
and because they are poor they dismiss the
sulject altogether apparently, and live with
out any regard to it.
We have often seen people who said that
they could not afford to make their houses
beautiful, who had spent upon them, outside
or in, an amount of money which did not
produce either beauty or comfort, and which,
if judiciously applied, might have made the
home quite charming.
Wc will instance one case. A man, in
building his house, takes a plan of an archi
tect. This plan iucludea, on the outside, a
number of what Andrew Fairscrvice called
"curly wurliea" and "whigmaliries," which
make the house neither prettier nor more
comfortable, and which take up a good deal
of money. We would venture to say that
we could buy the chromo of Bierstadt'a
"Sunset in the YoSemite Valley," and four
otli rs like it, for half the sum that wc have
sometimes seen laid out on a very ugly porch,
that locked like a nightmare abortion, on
the outride of a house. The only use of
this porch was to cost money, and to cause
every body who looks at it to exclaim: "What
mnn *o I>L
that on the outside of his house ?"
Then, again, in the inside of houses, wc
have seen a dwelling looking very bald and
bare, when a sufficient sum of money had
Ireen expended on one article to have made
the whole very prttty. The thing has come
about in this way.
We will suppose the couple who own the
| house to be in the condition in which people
generally are after they have built a house —
having spent more than they could afford on
the building itself, and yet feeling them
selves under the necessity of getting some
: furniture.
"Now," says the housewife, "I must at
least have a parlor-carpet. We must get
that to begin with, and other things as we go
on." She goes to a store to look at carpets.
The clerks are smiling and obliging, and
sweetly complacent. The storekeeper, per
haps, is a neighbor or iriend, and after ex
hibiting various patterns, he tells her of a
Brussels Carpet be Is e-ulliuj; numlurfulljr
cheap—actually a dollar and a quarter less a
yard than the usual price of Bru.-sels, and
the reason is that it is an unfashionable pat
teru and he has a good deal of it, and wishes
to close it off.
She looks at it and thinks it is not at all
the kind of carpet she meant to buy, but
then it is Brussels, and so cheap! And as
she hesitates, her friend tells her that she
will find it "cheapest in the end—that one
Brussels carpet will outlast three or four in
grains," etc., etc.
The result of all this is that she buys the
Brussels carpet, which, with all its reduction
in price, is one third dearer than the ingrain
would have been, aud not hall so pretty.
When she comes home she will find that she
has spent, we will say eighty dollar* for a
very homely carpet whose greatest merit it
is an affliction to remember—namely, that
it will outlast three ordinary carpets. And
nc- because she has bought this carpet she
cannot afford to paper the walls or put up
any window-curtains, and cannot even begin
to think of buying any pictures.
Now, let us sec what eighty dollars could
have done for that room. We will suppose,
in the first place, she invests in thirteen
rolls of wall-paper of a lovely shade of buff,
which will make the room look sunshine in
the day time, and light up brilliantly in the
evening. Thirteen rolls of good satin paper,
at thirty-seven cents a roll, expends four dol
lars and eighty-one cents. A maroon bor
dering, made in imitation of the choicest
French style, which cannot at a distance bo
told from it, can be bought for six cents a
a yard. This will bring the paper to about
five dollar* aud a half; and our friends will
give a day of their time to putting it on.
The room already begins to look furnished.
Now, let ns cover the floor with, say
thirty yards of good matting, at fifty cents
a yard. This gives us a carpet for fifteen
dollars. We are here stopped by the prej
udice that matting Is not good economy,
because it wears out so soon. We humbly
submit that it is precisely the thing for a
parlor, which is reserved for the reception
room of friends, and for our own dressed
leisure hours. Matting is not good economy
in a dining-room, or a hard worn sitting
room, but such a parlor as we are describing
is precisely the place where it answers to
the very beet advantage.
We have in mind now one very attractive
parlor which has been, both for summer
and winter, the daily sitting room for the
leisure houm of a husband and wife, and
family of children, where a plain white
straw matting has done service for seven
years. That parlor is in a city, and our
fricuds arc in the habit of receiving visits
from people who live upon velvet and
Brussels; but they prefer to spend the
money whieh such carpets would cost on
other modes of embeffishment; and this par
lor hai often been cited to us as a very at
traet've room.
A id now our friends having got thus far,
are requested'to select some one tint or color
which shall be the prevailing one in the fur
niture of the room. Shall it bo green?
Shall it be blue? Shall it be crimson? To
carry on our illustration, we will chose
green, and we now proceed with it to create
furniture for our room. Let us imagine
that on one side of the fireplace there be, as
there is often a recess about six feet long
and three feet deep. Fill this recess with a
rough frame one foot high, and upon the
top of the frame have an elastic rack of
slats, tuakc a mattress for this, or if you
wish to avoid this trouble, you can get a
nice mattress for tho sum of two dollars,
made of eanc-shavings or husks. Cover
this with a green English print. The glazed
English comes at about twenty-five cents a
yard, the glazed French at seventy-five
cents a yard, and a nice article of yard wide
French twill (very strong) is from seventy
five to eighty cents a yard.
With any of these cover your lounge.
Make two large, squaie pillows of the same
substance as the mattress, and set up at tho
back. If you happen to have one or two
feather pillows that you can spare for the
purpose, shake them down into a square
shape and cover them with tho same print,
and you will then have four pillows for your
lounge—one at each end and two at the
back, and you will find it answers all the
purposes of a sofa.
It will be a very pretty thiug, now, to cut
out what are called lambrikins of the same
material at your lounge, to put over the
windows, whieh are to be embellished with
white muslin curtains. The eornices to your
windows can be simply strips of wood
covered with paper to match tho bordering
of your room, and the lambrikins, made of
chintz like lounge, can be trimmed with
fringe or gimp of the same color.
The curtains can be made of plain white
muslin, or some of the many styles that
come for this purpose. If plain muslin is
used, you can ornament then; with hems an
inch in width, in which insert a strip of
gingham or chambray of the same color as
your chintz. This will wash with the cur
tains without losing its color, or should it
fade it can easily be drawn out and replaced.
The influence of white muslin curtains in
giving an air of grace and elegance to a room
is astonishing. White curtains really create
a room out of nothing. No matter how
coarse the rauriin, so it be white and bangs
in graceful folds, there is a charm in it that
supplies the want of multitudes of other
Very pretty curtain-muslin can be bought
for thirty-seven cents a yard. It requires
six yards for a window.
Now get your men folk to knock up for
you, out of rough, unplancd hoards, some
square ottoman frames—stuff the tops with
just the same materia! a the lounge, and
cuer tUcm with the self-same chintz.
Now you have, supposing your selected
color to be green, a green lounge in the cor
ner and two green ottamans ; you have white
muslin curtains, with green lambrikins and
borders, and your room already looks fura
isbed. II you have in the house any broken
down arm chair, reposing in the oblivion of
the garret, draw it out —drive a nail here
and there to hold it firm—stuff and pad, and
stitch the padding through with a long up
holsterer's tiecdic, and cover it with the
chintz like your other furniture. Presto—
you create an easy chair.
Thus can broken and disgraced furniture
re-appear, and being put into uniform with
tho general suit of your room, take a new
lease of life.
If you want a centre table, consider this—
that any kind of table, well concealed be
neath the folds of haudsomc drapery, of a
color corresponding to the general hue of the
room, will look well. Instead of going to
the cabinet-maker and paying from thirty to
forty dollars upon a little narrow, marble
topped stand, that gives just room enough
to hold a lamp and a book or two, just re
flect within yourself what, a centre-table is
made for. If you have iu your house a
good broad, generous topped table, take it,
cover it with an ample cloth of green broad
cloth. Such a cover, two and a half yards
square, of fine green broadcloth, figured
with black and with a pattern border of
grape leaves, lias been boueht for ten dol
lars. In a room we want, if it covers a cheap
pine table, such as you may buy for four or
five dollars any day; but you will be aston
ished to see how genteel in object this table
makes under its green drapery. We set
down our centre table therefore as consist
ing mainly of nice broad "loth cover, match
ing our muslin curtains and lounge.
Wc are sure that one with a heart that is
humble may command such a centre table
and cloth for fifteen dollars, an 1 a family of
five or six may all sit and work, or read, or
write around it, and it is capaple of enter
taining a generous allowance of books and
You have now for yonr parlor the follow
ing figures:
Wall-paper and border, $ 5 50
Thirty yards matting 15 00
Centre table and cloth, 15 00
Muslin for three windows, 6 75
Thirty yards gTeen English chiutz at
25 cents. 7 50
Six chairs at $2 each, 1200
Total $6575
Subtracted from eighty dollars, whiebwe
s< t down as the price of the cheap and tfly
Brussels carpet, wo have our,_whole ram
papered, carpeted, curtained, and furnish
ed, and now we have nearly twenty dollars
for piettfrcs. •
Now for pictures.
You ean get Miss Oakley's charming lit
tle cabinet picture of
The little Scrap Book Maker for $7 50
Eastman Juhneon's Barefoot Boy,
(Franc) 5 00
Newtnand's Blue fringed Gentians,
(f'rang) G 00
Bierstadt's Sunset in the Yo-Semitc
Valley, (Prang) 12 00
Total, S3O 00
Here are thirty dollars worth of really ad
mirable pictures of our most conscientious
American artists, from which you can
choose at your leisure. By sending to any
leadiog picture dealer, lists of pictures and
prices will be forwarded to you. These
cbromos, being all varnished, can wait for
frames until you can afford them. Wc have
gone through this calculation merely to show
our readers how much beautiful effect may
be produced by a wise disposition of color
and skill in arrangement.
If any of our friends should ever carry it
out they will fiud that the puff paper, with
its dark, narrow border, the green chintz re
peated in the lounge, the ottomans, and
lambrikins, the flowing, white curtains, the
broad, generous centre table, draped with
its ample green cloth, will, when arranged
together, produce a harmony of color aud
ait effect of graee and beauty far beyond
what any one piece or even half a dozen
pieces of expensive eabinet furniture could.
The great, simple principle of beauty illus
trated in this room is harmony of color.
You ean, in the same way, make a red
room by using Turkey red for your draper
ies; or a blue room by using blue chintz. Let
your chintz be of a small pattern, and one
that is decided in color.
We have given the plan of a room with
matting on the floor because that i absolute
ly the cheapest cover. The price of thirty
yards plain, good ingrain carpet, at 1,50 per
yard, would be forty-five dollars; the differ
ence between forty five and fifteen dollars
would furnish a room with pictures such as
we have instanced. If our friends can afford
it, however, the same programme can bo
even better carried out with a green ingrain
carpet as the foundation of the color of the
Our friends who lived seven years upon
matting, contrived to give their parlor in
winter an effect of warmth and color by lay
ing down in front of the fire, a large square
of carpeting, say three breadths, four yards
long. This covered the little space around
the fire where the winter circle generally sits
and gave an appearance of warmth to the
If we add this piece of carpeting to the
estimates for our room, we will leave a mar
gin for a picture, and make the programme
equally adapted to summer and winter.
There are still quite other fields of cheap
ornament for your room that wc shall treat
of in a second article. — Hearth and Home.
The following from the March number of
Lippincott's Magazine concerns this locali
ty so elosely. that we copy the article in re
lation to Provincialism of Pennsylvania al
most entire :
Extending front Ilarrisburg, Pennsylva
nia. Hagerstown in Maryland, is the fertile
and populous Cumberland Valley, whose
continuation in Virginia is the famous Val
ley of Shenandoah. Here, in early times, !
settled numetous Protestant emigrants from
the North of Ireland, of Scottish origin. I
Many Germans have since penetrated the
Valley, but they have made no impression
upon the language as previously spoken.
Western Pennsylvania and portions of Ohio
and West Virginia, likewise settled by the
Scotch Iri-h betray many of the same pecu
liarties of speech.
Apart from the history of this class of our
people, whose industrious habits and at
tachment to civil and religious freedom have
rendered them a valuable element in our
population, a glance at their peculiarities of
speecii w.u .:oo c",lpnt that their
I origin was not far from the Scottish board
: er. and that the identity of name between
the Cumberland region in Pennsylvania and
the Cumbrian in England is not accidental.
Iu no part of England is so much of the
Anglo-Saxon retained, while just beyond
the border, though bearing the name of
! Scotch, live a people of the same origin,
\vhsc dialect in former days differed but
| lit tie from that spoken at the time in
, the North of England.
In the Cumberland Valley many of the
uneducated say 'Aprile,' with t long fo r
All including the educated, say "healing"
anl "healed," in speaking of a common sore
I or boil—the noun 'healing,' and the past
I tense'healed.' suppurated, were once au
| thorncd, bat they are now obsolete, except
1 in Durham, Euglaud.
'B to be,' for 'ought to be,' or 'will be.'
| For 'I will be there,' an uneducated person
i may say, 'I be to be there.'
The cold,'for'a cold,' taking the word
ihfinitely, as we may say 'the toothache,'
toe measles.'
'Fist' (i long), a little dog.
'Further,' in an improper conn" inn, for
j 'as far as'—'This is all the fun cr the les
i an goes.'
'llorseboast,' and sometime* 'beast,' for
| i 'horse.' A woman, visiting, said. 'We
' iiall have to be getting home before dark,
; br we have a wild beast in our carriage.'
j tJrockett, in his Vocabulary of North Conn
j n; Words, says, 'ln some parts of Scot
! and the horse, byway of eminence, is de
' tomir.ated the 'beast.' no other animal re
; leiving that designation.
: 'Hate,'for'the least bit' —'There is not
i hate of truth in that report.' Webster
jives, under "ought," a whit as the Saxon;
ilso "abt," "the smallest thing.' Compare
| vitli the "whit," in the sentence, 'lie is
i tot a wbit better than before.'
Tlallow'eu,' or 'All Hallow Eve,' ancient
t the vigil of All Saints' Day. This is ob
served by young people in the North of
Inglaud, who attempt various devices for
h fjretelling their fate in matrimony, such as
Jpping for apples afloat in water. In
Pennsylvania, besides sport of this kind, the
boys perambulate the streets throwing
Acl!ed corn at the windows, and the more
mischievous delight in transferring one's
cabbages and beets from the garden to the
porch, and in moving gates from their
'Jag,' 'to prick,' to pierce,' as with a pin
cr thorn.
'Lift,' as 'to lift a collection,' where
others would Bay 'to take up.'
'Lives'—' I woud just as lives go as not.'
This colloquialism i not common in new
England. The adverb lief,' willingly, is
said to be derived from the verb 'love.'
'Long'—' Don't you thitd: long to be at
home?' This provincialism is valuable as
showing tho probable derivation of the
English verb ' to long,' as in the expression,
' I long to see you ' Some think there is a
connection with the root to lag, to delay,
and Latin langueo. Ilornc Tooke supposes
that this word originated in the idea of
stretching ourselves out —that is, in making
ourselves long —for the sake of some de
sired object. But our Cumberland Valley
phrase—a relic doubtless of English in the
Middle Ages, for 'think lang' is still com
mon in the Cumbrian district of England—
better supplies the intermediate link be
tween the adjective long (Lat, Longut) and
tho verb. We long for the object when we
think it long before we attain it.
'Mind,' in the sense of 'remember.'
Scotch-Irish, unquestionably, the word be
ing so used in Scotch vernacular phrases.
In a translation ot a Confession of St.
Patrick, is the sentence, 'I minded mc of
my sins.' A'month's mind'is a series of
ecclesiastical services especially relating to
one subject.
'Middling smart' and ' right smart,"
meaning a pretty large quantity, as
'middling smart of bread,''right smart of
'Mosey sugars,' molasses candy with th
meat of nuts mixed with it. May it not
have been originally 'mosaic sugars,' from
mosaic, a species of inlaid work which the
candy when cut resembles? 'Mosey,' mealy,
Gloucestershire dialect.
'Machines,' constantly applied to vehicles,
covered wagons, hacks, drc. The common
use of this word by the middle classes
probably originated in a facetious purpose
to employ a highsounding word. In the
same way, in New York City the firemen
call a fire-engine a 'machine.'
'Outcry.' Handbills sometimes read,
'Will be sold at public outcry,' instead of
'vendue.' The word was formerly used in
this sense in England, and is probably the
old Saxon name for a custom that in the
more civilized hands of the Norman-French
became the vendue. We find the word in
glossaries o( North Country words.
'Poke,' a bag. Local in the northern and
other parts of England. Poke is old Eng
lish for pocket or bag. It is strange how
an obsolete word will lire in a maxim or
cant phrase. To 'buy a pig in a poke' is a
common expression in America and England
for making a bargain without knowing what
you are buying. In Cumberland Valley
common people will, say, 'Put the feather*
in a poke. 1
'Should have,' for 'did'—'l was told
that you should have called him a thief.'
Here the indicative is not used, evidently
because the speaker is reluctant to indicate
or declare what is pleasant or uncertain.
Of Scotch-Irish origin
'Sots,' common yeast.
'Snits,' slices of dried fruits—dried apples
etc. 'Pear snits.'
'That,' for,' —I was that scared I knew not
what to do.' This is an English vu!garim.
In one of the Reade's novels a rustic says,
'I was that eager.'
Till,' for 'to'—'Going till town.' Com
mon in North and Middle of England. Till,
in the sence of to, is found in the Danish,
Swedish and Scottish. It is also Irish, and
Chaucer has 'Home till Athens.'
'Said,' pronounced 'sayed,'—Maryland,
'Severals,' for several or a few.—Severals
came and told us.'
A cold dinner, or a meal hastily provided,
is sometimes called a 'check.'
'Loss,' as a verb—'Did you loss it ?'
'A fall,' for a descent of rain or snow He
thought there would be a fall soon.' 'Falling
weather' is common for the same thing.
'lshes,' for ashes.
'You'ens,' for you, whether singular or
plural, A variation 'you'enses,' for 'us 1 or
'we,' is sometimes heard.
Stop,' for 'object to' or 'hold back from' —
I WOUlll 11 jt C!lU|I to go *•yool P. ' ; *T
would not like to go.'
'Race,' for 'chase,' as 'racing the chick
'Once,' at the end of a sentence, for 'only'
—'Come here onec.' equivalent to 'just come
'Comeback,' meaning 'Come and see me
again.' A lady not accustomed to this com
plimentary phrase, when on leaving the
house of her friend she hears her say, 'Come
back,' is apt to turn around and come in,
supposing she is waDted in the house again.
'Redd.' as to 'redd up a room'—that is,
to put it in order. This is one of the most
marked of the Pennsylvanian provincialisms
and from Pennsylvania it has passed into
Ohio. It is a Saxon or Gothic variation of
rid, aud is common on the English and
Scottish border, In an old collection of
nursery rhymes we find the couplet,
'A seamstress that sews, and would mak>-
her work redde,
Must use a long needle and a short thread.'
In Margaret Maitland, by a Scotch au
thor, we find a 'well redd-up house.' Char
lotte Bronte, in Jane Eyre, has this expres
sion, 'You are redd up and made decent.'—
'Redd,' however, is obsolete: it is banished
from the dictionaries, and ought never to be
'Shut off,' or more frequently ' shet off,
—'freed from.' This is not peculiar to
Pennsylvania. In the North of England
thoy say to ' get shet of;' in the midland
counties, ' shut of.' A woman, besieged
and importuned by a man t-o marry her, at
last married bim, as she said, 'to get shut
of him.' From the root shut and shed, to
throw off, to get rid of.
' Take up ' —' Is the meeting taken up
yet ? ' 'They take up school at nine.'
' Tell on you,' for ' tell of you ;' * wait on
you,' for' wait for you
In some parts of Pennsylvania they say
' sun up ' for sun rise. The Americanism
'sundown,' for 'sunset,' is common through
out the United States, though it is not
palatable to the English.
'Want out,'for 'want,'for wait to go
out,''want to come in.' Says I)r. J. A.
Alexander, in his Commentary on Acts
ii, 3: 'Tyndale and Cranmer have the
singular and now obsolete ellipsis, 'would
into the temple.'
In Pennsylvania, India-rubber shoes are
■omeiimes called gums. A gentleman irom
Philadelphia, with his wife, was on a visit
in New York, and on returning to the
house of their host one evening the
gentleman entered the parlor alone. 'Why,
' where is Emily ?' some ono asked. He
VOL. 42: NO. 15
answered, 'Oh, Emily stepped outside;
and is cleaning her gunia on the mat.' At
this there was a momentary look of as
tonishment, and then a peal of laughter.
A few days since, says a Michigan paper,
one specimen of humanity, chuck full of
fashionable drink, took a seat in the express
train at Jackson and quietly awaited the ad
vent of the conductor, who appeared on
time, and relieved the traveller's hat of his
ticket without any remarks. On his return
traveller button-holed him and inquired :
"Conductor! how far is't to Poleon?"
"Twenty miles."
"That's wot I tho't."
At the next station the traveller stopped
him and again inquired :
"Conductor! how far to Manch'ler?"
"Twenty miles."
' 'That's wot I tho't."
At Manchester the traveller stopped him
the third time and said :
"Conductor, how fartoTccumseh?"
"Twenty miles."
"That's wot I tho't."
I As the train left Tecumscb, traveller ex
hausted the patience of conductor and the
following dialogue explains the result:
"Conductor, how far to Adri'n?"
The conductor threw himself upon his dig
nity, and remarked:
"See here, my friend do you take me for
a fool!"
The traveller "stuck to his text," and
very cooly remarked :
''That's wot I tho't."
The Conductor joined the passengers in a
hearty laugh, and concluded to allow bis
passenger to "tho't" as he pleased.
A STRAY ANGEL. —Rather practical peo
ple, those who manage the little details con
nected with public worship at Rev. Henry
Ward Beecher's church. Up to a certain
time the seats of pew-holders are reserved
without question. Afler that, strangers are
treated with all the courtesy that time and
occasion will allow. Now and then a pre
sumptious ass appears and attempts to
"travel" on his dignity; as was the case not
long since, when a tall, thin-visaged gentle
man, white-cravated, presented himself, and
proceeded to march into the house.
"You can't go in there," said Mr. Pai
mer, the veteran usher.
"But I am a clergyman."
"We have no particular need of your ser
vices to-night, sir."
"Be not forgetful to entertain strangers,"
said the minister; "you may entertain angels
"Very true," said Mr. Palmer. "I have
seated persons in this house for twelve
years. I have seen all sorts of people. I
am very certain if I should see an angel I
should know him. You must bide your
time and take your chance, sir." — Harper's
How TO DRESS. —Many of our readers
may have seen the following, but many of
them will derive no harm from reading it
again: A good natural figure and taste in
the shape of dress may be wholly spoiled by
inappropriate or ill-harinonizcd colors. Re
member that white increases the size of the
wearer, while black diminishes it. Remcm
her. also, that stripes add to height, while
cross-bars lessen it. Large checks are inva
riably in bad taste, unless a person's figure
is so bad that it ought to be concealed.
Never wear a dress of many colors, and
when you have more than one, see that tbev
are what is called complimentary. Thus
green and rsd are complimentary. They
harmonize well; so do yellow and purple, or
ange and blue. Blue and green are utterly
inadmissive together. Then, too these
strong colors ought to be chosen with res
pect to the color of the complexion. Green
gives a coziness to the face of the wearer,
while red tones down the redness of the
skin. Blue assists the beauty of a blonde,
yellow that of a brunette. White vivifies a
bright complexion, black subdues it. Thus
a negress can wear a colored dress which
would be intolerable on a white, and an In
dian nurse is becomingly clothed in muslin,
wmcn is unsuitable iv — r v-t rnnthfnt
question was propounded in our hearing, a
few days since, to a young man who had
been for several months unsuccessfully seek
ing employment as a clerk or salesman in
some of our leading houses. Complaining
of his ill-luck, one of bis friends, who knew
he had mechanical talent, but doubtful
whether he could make himself useful,
either as a clerk or salesman, put the inter
rogatory to him which we have placed at
the caption of this article. The reply was,
that a mechanical trade was not so re
spectable as a mercantile occupation.
Under this delusive idea our stores are
crowded with young men who have no ca
pacity for business, and who, because of
the fancied respectability of doing nothing,
waste away their minority upon saleries
which cannot possibly liquidate their ex
penditures. Late, too late in life, they dis
cover their error, and before they reach the
age of thirty, many of them look with envy
upon the thrifty mechanic, whom, in the
days of their boyhood, they were accus
tomed to deride.
Two Yankees strolling in the woods, with
out any arms, in their possessions observed
a bear climbing a tree, with its, paws clas
ped around the trunk. One of tbcm ran
forward, and caught the bear's paws, one in
each hand. He then called out to his com
rade, Jonathan, run home and bring me
something to kill the varmint; and mind you
don't stay, or I'm in a fix.'
Johnathan ran off, but staid a long time.
During the interval, the bear made several
desperate attempts to bite the hand of him
who held it. At length Johnathan came
'Hullo, what kept you so long V
'Well, I'll tell you When I got home
breakfast was ready, so I staid to eat it."
'Well,' said his comrade, 'come now, and
hold the critter till I kill it.'
Jonathan seized the bears paws, and held
the animal.
'Well have yon hold of him ?'
'I guess 1 have."
'Very well, then, hold fast; I'm off for
| dinner !
"How many children have I ?" asked a
woman of a spirit-rapper. "Four." "And
how maDy have I ?" asked her husband.
"Two," was the astonishing reply. Mistake
The IIFQL-ISKB is published every FBIDAT morn
ing be following rate* :
0* 'YEAR, (in adrxace,) .... 12.00
" " (if rot paid within fix m0i.)... $2.00
" " (if not paid within the year,)... $3.00
All papers outride of the county diacontinued
without notice, at the expiration of the time for
which the fubfcription has been paid.
Iringlecopief of the paper furnished, in wrappers,
at Sre cents each.
Communications on subjects of local or general
nterest, are respectfully solicited. To ensure at
tention favor* of this kind must invariably be
accompanied by the name of the author, not for
publication, but as a guaranty against imposition.
All letters pertaining to business of the office
should be addressed to
! since, at a wedding in Sooth Carolina, a
young lawyer moved that one man in the
company should be selected as president,
that this president should be duly sworn to
keep entirely secret all communications that
should be forwarded to him in hia official
department that night, that each unmarried
gentleman and lady should write his or her
name on a pieoe of paper, and under it place
the name of the person ihey wish to marry,
then hand it to the president for inspection,
and if any gentleman or lady had reciprocal
ly chosen each other, the president was to
inform each of the result, and those who had
not been reciprocal in their choice were to
be entirely secret. After the appointment
of the president, communications were ac
cordingly handed up to the chair, and it was
found that twelve young gentlemen and la
dies had reciprocal choices, and eleven of
the twelve matches were solemnized.
ANECDOTE OF LOUIS Xl.—This king ap
pears to have been outwitted by an astrolo
ger, who had foretold that a lady whom he
loved would die in eight days, which took
place. The unlucky prophet was ordered
before the king, and on a signal was to be
thrown out of the window.
"You, who pretended to be such a wise
man," said the king, "knowing so well the
facts of others, tell mc this moment what
wiil be your own; and how long vou have to
live ?"
Whether the fellow guessed his fate, or
had been threated by the messengers, he re
plied, without testifying any fear:
"I shall die just three days before your
The king, upon this, was not in the smal
lest hurry to canter the prophet out of the
window, but on the contrary, took particu
lar care to let him want for nothing, and to
make him live as long as possible.
THE IRISHMAN'S CAT.—A short time
ago a poor Irishman applied at tho church
wardens office at Mauebenter, for releif and
upon some doubt being expressed whether
he was a proper object far parochial charity
enforced his suit with much earnestness.
'Och, your honor,' said he, 'sure I'd but
starved long since but for my cat."
'But for what ?' asked his astonished in
'My cat,' rejoined the Irishman.
'Your cat! How so ?'
'Sure, your houor, I sould her elevin
times for sixpence a time, and she was al
ways at home before I'd get there myself."
PA,' said a young hopeful the other day,
'didn't I hear you say you wanted a cider
press ?'
'Yes, my son; where can 1 get one ?' asked
the parent.
'Why you jest try Jake Stokes, By the
way he hugged sister Sal the other night,
out by the gate, I should think he might be
about the thing you want.'
Sal suddenly left to ace the things in the
kitchen, and the old gent recollected that he
had not seen to the piece of fence that
neighbor Jones' critters broke down the
other day."
ported that final instructions have been sent
to the new Peruvian Minister at "Washing
ton, Senor Fergea, lor the settlement of the
question with Spain. It is expected that
the Spanish Minister at Washington has full
powers from his Government to enter into
arrangements. All points that may arise
that cannot be settled by the two Ministers
will be submitted to the President of the
United States, whose decision will be final.
COAL. —It is reported that a Profes
•or of Mineralogy in Switzerland has discov
ered a method of communicating to the coal
which abounds in the valley of the Alps ail
the qualities of the best English coal. The
process employed consists of an inexpensive
chemical preparation, by which the coal of
the Alps is mixed with napthaend bitumen,
obtained in large quantities from the Ap-
SMART EDITOR. —An editor out West
who was elected to the Indiana legislature,
was so elated at his success, that he caught
himself by the seat of his trousers and tried
to hold himself out at arm'a length. It is
added in a postscript, that he would have
accomplished the feat if he hadn't let go to
spit on his hands. ,
A HOOSIER editor thus pathetically ap
peals to his debtors for a supply of fuel It
was written during tho recent cold snap;
'Those in arrears for last year, or who wish
to pay their subscription in wood this year
would accommodate us, and perhaps save
the country the cost of an inquest, by sending
it in before we freeze'*
A NEW Hampshire man told a story
about a flock of rooks nine miles long, so
thick that you could not see the sunshine
through it. 'Don't believe it,' was the
reply. 'Wal,' said the narrator, 'you're a
stranger, and I don't want to quarrel with
you. So to please you I'll take off a quarter
of a mile front the thinnest part.'
HENAR WARD BEECHER, in one of his
discourccs, said that "some men will not
shave on Sunday, and yet they spend all
the week in 'shaving' their fellow men;
and many fools think it very wicked to
black their boots on Sunday morning, yet
tbey do not hesitate to black their neigh
bor's reputation on week days"
A FRENCHMAN, stopping at a tavern
asked for Jacob. 'There is no such a person
here,'said the landlord. 'Tis not a person
I want, sarc, but the beer made warm wid
de poker." 'Well,' answered mine host,
'that is flip., 'You arc in de right, sare, I
mean Philip !'
A GIRL presenting herself for a situation
at a house "where no Irish need apply,"
in answer to the question where she came
from, said;
"Shurc, couldn't ye per3ave by my accint
that it's Frinch I am ?"
POPCLATIOS OF CCBA.— The population
of Cuba numbers 764,500 whites and 605,-
550 negroes and mulattoes. Three-fourths
of the whites live in the Western Depart
ment of the island, which has thus far been
pretty free from revolutionary troubles.
THE boppiDg around of a Grecian Bend
in a ball-room reminds one forcibly of a
kangaroo trying to escape the attacks of
sand fleas.