Ilcbforb Inquirer. BEDFORD. PA., FRIDAY. JAS. 20. 180. DIRECTORY. —The following is a directory of the Officers of Bedford County and the Borough of Bedford, of the Ministers of Bed ford, and the time of meeting of the different associations: eenrosD corxrr OFFICERS. President Judge — HOß. Alex. King:. Associate Judges— VVm. G. EiehoiU and Geo. W. Go in p. Protkanotary,' Remitter and Recorder, Ar,—o. £. Shannon. District Attorney —"R. F. Kerr. Treasurer —Men pel. Sheriff — Robert S - cknrin. Deputy Sheriff —Philip Mustard. Deputy Surveyor— Hvit ue! K etterman. Commissioners—Michael S. P.itchey, David Hcwsare, and P. M. Hart..ll Clerk —John G. Fisher. Counsel —John W. Diekerson. Directors of Poor— i>. \i. An*JeTton; Michael, Die hi, and J. T. Xohlc. St e tea rd Samuel Defibaugrh. Counsel —E. F. Kerr Clerk —T. R. Gettys. Trensurer —William Bowles. Physician —Dr. F. C.'Reamer. Auditors —James Matfingly, John D. Lucas, .and S. Whip. BOROUGH orriCERS. Burgess —V. Steckmnn. Assistant Burgess —A. J. Pftlisom. Council —Thomas H. Lyon?, John Boor, A. TV. Mower, J. M. Shoemaker, Hiram Lenrz and T. R. Getty s. Clerk —H. Nicodemus. Treasurer— John 11. K'xsh. Constable — William Gephort. High Constable —John Harris. School Directors —Job Mann. 6. L. Rnsscll, T. R. Getty•, Jacob Heed, John Cessna and H. Xic odetnofl. Secretary —J. W. Liogeafeltcr. Treas urer—T. R. Gettys. MISIBTERS. Episcopalian —Rev. Alfred J. Barrow. Presbyterian —Rev. R. F. Wilson. Lutheran —Rev. J. Q. McAttee. Methodist— Rev. B. G. W. Keed. " German Reformed —Rev. H. Meckermau. Roman Catholic —Rev. Thomas Heyden. ASSOCIATIONS. Bedford Lodge, Xd. 320, A. Y. M., meets on the first Wednesday on or full moon, in the B dford Hall, on the corner of .Pitt and Richard streets. Pea re Branch Encampment, No. 114, I. O. O. F.. meets on ike first and third Wednesday even inv Mr. J. S. C. Abbot, "My Enemy's Daughter," by Justin Mc-Carty. "Preachers and Preaching," by Robert Somes, "A Wile ot the Period" by Catherine F. Williams. "Changes in Popula tion." by Nathan Allen, "The Insurance on the Highflyer," by llar-iet Prescott Spoflbrd, "Light Houses." by M. Scheie de Vere, Cur tis is even better than usual this month in his talks with big readers. T Bit American Year-Book for 1869 is the title of the initial volume of a proposed an nual publication by O. D. CASE A Co., of Hartford, who have sent us a portion of its pages in advance. Since the '"American Almanac "Was discontinued in 18'ift, and the two years of the "National Almanac" in '63 and "6.4, the broad field of information thus to be annually harvested has been entirely un occupied. These publishers enter upon it now, appreciating the public needs, under standing the perils of the work, and confident of their ability to supply successfully and permanently, a year book and register which ghali be indispensable forthe intelligent pub lie The sheets before us fully sustain their promise to give to their work a broader and more valuable range than was covered bv either of the annuals above spoken of. As a compendium of astronomical, historical, religious, political, financial and con'mercial information, as well relative to our National and State governments as to foreign countries, aud carefully edited by competent writers, the completed volume of 80ft pages will satisfy so nearly all the current requirements of public men or private citizens, as to com mand for the enterprise n well-merited suc cess. It is to be issued in February, and travelling agents will soon place copies within every man's reach. To ORR PATROSS. —We have a large amount of money charged upon our books, but we find the money in our pocKet very scarce. Our friends have always responded liberally to our call and we trust that they will do so again. We have been building during the past season, and our carpenters, lumbermen, painters, in short every one we employ wants money. In fact money is the very thing we want ourselves. Now all we ask is that every one who owes us, however small the sum, will promptly pay us. Every dollar we get will pay two dollars of debts. We only want those who owe us to pay, in order that we may pay our debts; and we are quite sure that all this class will cheerfully aid us in so laudable an enterprise. Every one can tell the exact amount be owes us lor subscriptions by examining the label that he finds each week on his paper. Geo. Giles Apl. 1 08 indicates that Mr. Giles has not paid in advance tor his paper but has been going it on tick. Now if he knows how to save money he will hurry up and pay us $2.50 before Apl. 1. 09 for atter that time it will be $3.00; if he had paid for it nine months ago it would have only been $2.00 and he would have saved OOcts. In the came way each one can determine how much he owes, always re membering that it is economy to pay in ad vance. All who owe us for advertising if they have not received bills, can ascertain the amount by culling at onr office, where we will ' at all times be pleased to see them, and to ! receive and receipt "for all the little bills due as. Come along quick. W< want money badly or we would not ask for it. t. f. MARRIED. On the 2Ut inst., at the parsonage, in Martina burg, liy Rev. 11.I 1 . ShesJer, Mr. MAKIIX I. TAUBEK to Miss SUSANNA KKAIi V; both of Bedtord Co. Pa. DIED- Jan. 20th 1869, of congestion of the bruin, l/>- KEJfA. yoongcst child of Win. L. and ciALLIE K I,I.NTZ, of this place, aged'J months and 1 day. ' Jan 22d, 1869. in this place, after u short ill ness, Mrs. ELIZABETH C. SMITH, a member of the Prc?byteriau church, aged 76 years, 1' months and 17 days. Jan. 21st, 1869, near Marietta Union Township, infant child of ISAAC WYANT aged 3 mouths and 23 days. ciUuv .JUm'Hscmcnt.s. All advertisement*, except public sales and . legral notices, will be inserted three month* and charged accordingly unless otherwise ordered. f rpilE LAST NOTICE. Persons knowing themselves indebted 10 H. F. ; Irvine, will please call and settle their accounts f last year by cash or note. This is positively ; the lasv notice. H. F. IRVINE. 29jan2t ARCHITECTURE. General and detailed plans and drawings, for j churches and other public building, private resi- j deuces Ac., furnished at short notice and at rea sonable prices. C. N. lIICKOK. ?9jan ly Red lord, Pa. IT* STRAYS—came to the premises of the sub- J scriber, living in Iloptwell Township Bed f r County Pa., on or about the first of December 1868, 10 head of sheep: mark, crop of the left car. The owner i* requested to come forward, prove property pay charges and tako them away, or they will be disposed of according to law. 29jan3t JAMES PRICE. , f|Mil\ BEST place in Bedford to boy choice 1 BRANDS of Chewing Tdaccus and Scgars, at wholesale or retail, is at OUTER'S. GO JD SOUND NATURAL LEAF Cavendish Tobacco, 75 cents per pound. 22janlm 13 RESPONSIBLE AGENTS WANTED to di 1 pose of gnarauteas for the sale of Landed and other valuable property in different parts of the United State*. Profits very literal, sales easily t-lltTi.-d, and no lo** of time fro other busaineae. A : Ire- J. T. MILLER J- CO. 22jan6t Box 4, P. 0. Port Deposit, Md. piTTS B CRGII COM M EIICIAL DAILY AND WEEKLY. Now is the time to Subscribe—Grant's Election a New Era. EVERY MAN SHOULD KNOW WHAT 18 ! GOING ON. The election of Grant marks an era in the his tory of the country. The future is full of prom ise. We stand on the thresh hold of a period of remarkable interest. If the Presidential cam paign awakened a desire for reading and intelli gence, the election of Grant must create a wish among all classes to be well informed at every step in the career on which, as a people, we are about to enter. Thar people having elected a Preside nt by an unexampled majority, they will i naturally wish to observe him at every stop, know of every event as it happens, and have no intelligent uuderst tnding of men and thing* not only in our own country but throughout the world. More than ever now a jjpod newspaper becomes essential to every man, who would keep himself informed concerning passing events. THE PITTSBURGH COMMERCIAL has won a place among the first journals of the country, and by common consent is the BEST PAPER IN PENNSYLVANIA. We GIVE ALL THE NEWS. And the habitual reader of the Commercial will find hira-elf well informed on all topics of gener al interest. Few papers in the country have eo expensive a correspondence, none ha* eo com plete arrangements #<>r gathering the news, and no other pays so much attention to adapting what it print* to the wants and associations of its read ers. J'he Commercial is NOT MERELY A POLITICAL PAPER. An advocate of the principles of the Republican party, it returns to political friends and foe a thousand times what he pays. THE DAILY COMMERCIAL, since it was established, has been ahead in giving the latest, fullest and most reliable news. Sot [,r •fessing to be a party organ, and wi-hing not to be understood as the instrument of any set. ecet or combination, yet devoted to the great principles which have so signally triumphed in Grant's election, the C mmrrcial claims to be an educator ot the public mind, the medium through which it will find expression, and the advocate and friend of troth io all things. If it isthe organ of anything, it is of PEN NSY LVA NIA INTERESTS, more especially of the great industrial classes, with whom it is in the closest sympathy, and of whom it is a part. As a commercial paper, es pecially in its EXTENSIVE AND RELIABLE M ARKET RE. PORT?. the Com mo <-ial is recognized every wh< re as au tnority, aoil it is daily read and relied on in Ranks, Counting Room*, hy the Mechanic, Trades man and Reprentafire, Man of every calling. In a word, if you desire the latest and alt the news; the tulle.-1 and meat complete market re port-', the choicest general reading and literature and a complete newspaper in every respect, take the commercial. THE WEEKLY COMMERCIAL, IS a very largo sheet, each number containing an aim-unt ot tending equal to a dollar volume, pre pared expressly tor those who desire in one yaper ail the News, and Newspaper reading enough for a family, io this end wc give in the Weekly Commercial the particulars of leading event* whether of POLITICS, FINANCE, HOME OCCURRENCES OR FOREIGN I.N i ELLIGEM K. To render the 1 tekly Commercial of especial value to the rural portion ot the population, we give extensively of AG BIG" L'LT U HAL BLA DIN (}, for which wc have special arrangements; so that no number of the paper shall fail ti give what to any tuau with an acre of ground will he worth many times the cost of a years subscription. Be. sides this each number ot the weekly is stored with CHOICE FAMILY AND FIRESIDE READ IXG. Including entertaining sketches of Biography* Travel and D -cererv, ißtcrspQCfrvl with Poetry, Stories and light reading. To this we add what has already caused the Week!y Commercial to be "ought after very widely—a Fl LL WEEK !t *ai.| I Borough, dee'd; that all person* indebted to said CB*xtt* arc notified and required to make pay incut immediately, and those having claim* thereon | can present tbcin duly authenticated for settle nieut. Wit. HARTLEY, • i ; Fxr confirmation: ihe account of Abm Ritchey, one of the Exec utor.- of the la-t Will and Testament of Abm Ritcbey, late of Soake Spring tp, dee'd. T&e account of llcnry and Samuel Miller Ex ecutors or the l.i t will Ac., of John Miller late of L< ndenderry Tow'p., deceased. The final account of John Zollcr, Admit.Dtrator f the p-t it© of John S. Zeller, late of Juniata tp, dee'd. O. E. SHANNON, 22jan Register. £)UFP'S COLLEGE, No. 37 FIFTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. I*. DUFF, Author of Duff's System of Book keeping. President. Established twenty-eight years, having educa ted many thousands of Merchants, Banker* and Accountant* in the United States and Canada* in the most perfect class instruction, and is now the fir.-t College in America to introduce the new im portant improvement ot combining that elass ir - Btruction with comprehensive exercise in REAL BUSINESS, By Wm. 11. Charles P., and Robert P. Duff, all experienced be-ines* Accountant*, each having kept books in extensive firms, giv ing our student* lb-- rare opportunity of becoming at onco practi cal Accountants. DUFF'S new system of Mer chants', Manufacturer'*, National Bank, Krilroad and Private Banker's BOCK-ICEEPING, Splendidly printed in colors by Harper A Broth ers, New York, pp 400. Crown Bvo., $3 76. Postage 35c. The only work containing National Bank and Private Bankers' account*. No other work of the kind has been so unanimously and emphatically re corn mended by the press, by bus iness men, by teachers, and by those who have been educated from it. See our new Circular, containing also fuc simile of Win H. Duff's First Premium Penmanship, Medals, AC, Mailed free by P. DUFF & SONS, Principal*. p d i ff&s o n s, *2l SECOND AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, Commission Merchant?, Manufacturers' Agents, anti Wholesale Dealers in Flour, Grain, and all kinds ol Produce. Consignments solicited. Advances made. for our Weekly Price Current. 22jan3mos. fl] A A A MONTH can be made by male and r? iUU female Agents. We have nothing for cariosity seeker?, hut reliable, steady, profitable employment, for those wbu mean business. Ad dre-s. with 3-ct. stamp, C. L. Van Allen t Co., 48 New street, N-w York. 22ian4w OtOMUrHING NEW AND USEFUL.—A New k> Era in Musi-. POPULAR MUSIC at pop I I.AK l'Klol-8. "H.tehcoek's lUtf-Dimjs Sa rin? of Musi.! for the Milli? n." No. 1 now ready, Mu?ie and words of tha Comic r?ong. "Captain Jink? of the Horse Marines."' Others to follow rapidly. Price een r s each. Your Newsdealer ha- it or will get it for vou. Mailed on receipt ol price. Address REN J. W. HITCHCOCK, Pub lisher, 89 opring street. New York. 22jan4w 4 LENTS WANTED.—To sell a new Book pertaiwing to Agriculture so l the Mechanic Arts. Edited by G. E. Waring, Esq. the distiu gui? .Ed author and Aizri-ultural Engineer of the Y. N. Central Park- Nothing like iteverpubli?h ed; 200 Engravings; sells at sight to Farmers, Me chanic? and Wnrkiagmeri of all classes. Ac'ive men and women arc coining money. .Send for Circulars. E. B TREAT A CO., Publishers, 22janfw 60l Broadway, Ji. Y. A WATCH FREE.—Given gratis to live, en ergetic A genu* male or female, in a new, light and honorable business, paying thirty dol lar* per day sure. No gift lUterpiiae, no humbug. Address R. Monroe Kennedy a Co., Pittsburgh. Pcnn'a. 22jau4w ivi T 0 B A C C O A N T I 1> 0 TJK . Warranted to remove all desire for Tobaeco. It is entirely vegetable and harmless. It Purifies aud enrich' " the Blood. Invigorates the System, possesses great Nourishing and Strengthening power, is ?in excellent Appetizer, enables the Stomach to Digest the heartiest food, make* sleep refm-'brr \ and e t ihllnbea robust health. Smo kcrh-aul Ch' ■ TM jor Si J 1 5 year* cured. Price. Fifty cents, post free. A treatise on the injurious effect* of Tobacco, with lists of references, testi monials, Ac.. ei t free. Agents wanted. Andresl -T. R. ABBOTT, Jersey City, X. J. Sold by all Druggists. 22janl2w C'IAAA PER YEAII onaravfed, and etcady Mul'v e f ploy went. We want a reliable agent in ever? county to sell our Patent White Wire Clothe* Lime ( Everlasting.) Addre.-s WHITE WIRE st., Chicogo, I'l. 22jan4w /"XARPETS f— Don't Pay thk ITigh V KRlt.'Es! -THE N'EW KNGL.VXD CAB PET CO., of Boston, Muss., established nearly a quarter of a century ago. in their present location, iu Halls over 71. 73, 76. 77. 79. 81, 83. 85 and S7 Hanover Street, probably furnished more honees with Carpets thuu any other house in the country. In order to afford those at a distance the advantages of thoir low prices, propose to send, on the receipt/ f the price, 20 yards or upwards of their beautiful Cottage Carpeting, at 6i cents per yard, with samples of ten sorts, varying in price from 26 cents to $3 per yard, suitable for furnish ing every pr tof any house. 22jan4w lIST OF CAUSES put down for Trial at Feb rua*y Term, 1869, (8b day.) Josith llolsinger vs. Mary J. Holsinger. Isaac L. Snider vs. Sam'! Kochendorfer A wife. Sophia Hook et al vs. Thomas Growdan et al. O.C.Y&ughan, endorse". Ac. vs R. M. Trout ctal. Henry Bridenthal vs. Richard Har.lett* Isaac L. Fickes vs. George T. MoCormick et al. Benj. W, Garretson vs, Philip Little et al. Same. vs. 0. E. Shannon. A. B. Cramer & Co. vs. same. Ann C. Diinnaker's exr. vs. Christ A. Danaker. Certified January 9. 1369. lijan 0. K. SHANNON, Prot'y. I IST OF CAUSES put down for F'eLruary X Term 1869. Adjourned Courted day. S. S. Flock et al. vs. Abel Putt. Same. va. Jacob Rati 111. Same. vs. Jam < Bowser. I". I>. Beeglc, vs. Yal. Dull. Mary A. Forney, vs. Mathias Forney. A. C. Vaughen. vs. R M. Trout, et nL Hester S. Bar lav, et al. v*. Win. Hoffman. Isaac L. Fickes, v .T. MoCormiok, el al. Same. \ . Same. Laana Smith, et aT v \le\ Mekservtrtith. Wm k ■ :• iz. Tate. F I>. Beegin, v.- D mil 1 \* ot*. et 4. Sim-. Wsn. Kellerman, > S-cbwl l.ehmtn. et a?. M tnriU Kb. r<- v •. 1 e U A B T M R It k C Co R. Langdott, vs. Riddic'b'g C k Ix<>n C ot al. Henry F, Loguc. et al. vs. Samuel Smith. Middle W.h. ib'y Tp. >s- Eph Longenecker et al Certified January 26. 18U9. 29jan O. E. SHANNON, Prot'y. nPAYERN LICENSES. X Notice is hereby given, that the following named pervoaa have made appiication lor Licen ses to l© granted at February Sessions, on theßtb day of Fe irua.y. 1869, to wit: 0 Bunnell a Manly, Bridgeport, Tavern. John Reigu.irt, Union tp., laveru. Lewis A. Mav, llainj'bui 2, Tav*rn. D.-.niel RiteJiey, W. Providence, Ronton rant. John llarriti, Bcliord, do. Alain it. Cam, do Aaron Grove, .St. do. laaho Grove, de do. Henry Rose, Centerville, Tavern. Wis. (i. Eifholts, Woc.dberry bor., do. Win. Long. L ndendorry Tow'p., do. George Troarman, Juniata Tow'p., do. Icaa" Men gel. Bedford bor.. do. Jno. B. Ainicb, St. Clairtville, do. Wm., Napier tp, do* Miobaol Oft, Bloody Kun, do. S. R. BottomtieM, do, do. 1). M. Snxton, do. William Weimer, Ciei.rvil?e, do. Certified January 9. 1569. I6jan O. E. SHANNON, Prot'y. gtdmttejemeiU#. NOTICE. All persons interested are hereby notified that the folb.wing named accountants have filed their accounts in the Register's office of Bedford coun ty, and that said accounts will be presented to the Orphans' Court in and for said county, on Tuesday the 9th day of February next, at the Court House, in Bedford, for confirmation. 1. The Final accouut of John W. Sam*, Esq., Trustee for the sale of the real estate of Valentine Metx, iate of Broad Top tp, dee'd. 2. The account of Jacob Snook, administrator of the estate of Kmanu&l Snook, late of Napier tp. dee'd. 3. The account of Wesley M. Aker*, adminis trator of the estate of Nathan Layton. late of Moi roe township, dee'd. 4. The account of John B. Amos and Saml B. Amos, administrators with the will annexed of John Amos, late of Bedford tp., dee'd 5. 'I he account of David L. Ke&gy, administra tor of the estate of J. F. Hoover, late of Middle Wood berry tp, dee'd. 6. The account of Win. H. Dasher and John B. Fluck, Esq., administrators of the estate of John Dasher, late of Hopewell tp, dee'd. 7. The final account of George If. Sleek exeeu tor of the last will Ac, of Joseph W. Sleek, Ute of Napier tp, dee'd. 8. The account of Henry Rose, executor of the last will Ac, of Arshon Rose, late of Cumberland Valley tp, dee'd. 9. The account of Wiju. W. Cuppet, executor of the last will Ac, of Isaac Cuppet late of St. Clar tp, dee'd. 10. The account of John W. Knox, administra tor of the estate of Thomas Knox, late of Bedford tp. dee'd. 11. The account of John Rinioger and Jacob Dull, executor* of the last will Ac. of Jacob Dull, late of Napier tp., dee'd. Certified Jan. 9, 1869. 13jan 0. E. SHANNON, ProL 1869. _ 1869. In order to reduce our present stock, we will offer FOR CAS 11 All kinds of WINTER GOODS A T .0 0 S T. Great Bargain? can now be had in CLOTHS, CASSIMERS, FLANNELS, Mcrinoes, Delaines, Hosiery, Carpeting?, j Shawls, Ac. Ac. COME WITH THE CASH. You can buy cheap, as we are deter mined to reduce onr stock to half its present size. A. B. CRAMER k CO. Jan. 8, I8e. gHERIFFS SALES. By virtue of sundry writs of vend, exponas and levari facias to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, in the borough ot Bedford, on Saturday, Febru ary 6th, A. 1). 1869, at 10 o'clock A. M. the ' following real estate, viz: One lot of ground fronting 60 feet on Mill street, and running back to an alley 160 feet, with a two story log rough cast house thereon, adjoining lands of John B. Longenecker on the East and West. Situate in Middle Wood berry township, and taken in execution as the property of Jacob Strock and John B. I.ongenecker terre tenant. Also, one lot of ground containing 10 acres, ail cleared and under fence, with a two story log house, and log barn thereon erected, also a young apple orchard thereon, adjoining lands of Alexander Shoemaker on the East, Joseph Ling on the West, and Daniels on the Xorth. Situate in Junia'.a township,"and ta ken into execution as the property ot Ellen Showman. Also, one tract of land containing 295 acres more or less, with about 240 acres cleared and under fence, with a two story log house, double log barn, tenant house and other out buildings thereon erected, and two good ap ple orchards thereon, adjoining lands of Phil ip shoemaker, dee'd, on the west, Abraham Weisel on the northwest, Simon Stucky on the south, Christian Ileterick on the east. SituaXe in Colerain township and taken in ex ecution as the property of Samuel Stuckey. Also, two lots of ground with a one story plank house thereon, adjoining lots of John M. Walter on the north, on the Schellsburg road on the west. Situate in Uflion town ship. and taken in execution as the property of John G. Seder aud wife, formerly Xaucy Benthimer. Also, A certain tract of land situate iu Har rison township, containing one hundred and eight and one fourth acres, more or less, be ing the same tract of land which P. F. Leh man and Mary Ann, his wile, told and con veyed to John 11. Wertz and Sophia Wertz, his wife; you cause to be levied as well acer tain debt of two hundred and nine dollars and ninety three cents, which Samuel Heffner lately in our county court of Common Pleas aforesaid, by the consideration of the said Court, recovered of John H. Wertz and So phia his wife, to be levied of the said lot of ground, as also the interest thereon from the 18th ol December. 186". and also the sum of &10.U7 which accrued thereon according to the lorm and effect of an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth in such case made and provided, aud have you these moneys before our Judges at Bedford, at our County Court of Common Pleas, there to be held on the 2d Monday ot February (nextl. there to ren der unto the said Samuel Heffner, use of O. E. Shannon, for the debt and interest and costs aforesaid, and taken in Execution as the property of JohnH. Wertz and Sophia Wertz his wile. Also, all the defendant's interest in and to a tract of land containing 100 acres, more or less, about 50 acres cleared and under fence with a double log house and grist mill, frame bank barn thereon erected, aud an apple or chard thereon, adjoining Deaner i Hull on the wpgt. Valentine Riseling on the east, Hi ram Blackburn on the north, Joseph L. Daughertv on the South. Also, one tract of wood lend containing 10 acres more or less, adjoining Jesse K. Smith on the west, James Taylor on the north, and others on the east. Situate in St. Clair town ship, and taken in execution as the property of Joseph C. Blackburn. lr.jan ROB'T STECKMAN, Shff. IIEDFGUD COINTY PS. _ At an Orphans' Court be! J at Bedford „ .f\in and for the county of Bedford.on the v day of November, A. D. 1868, be -0 ~ fure the Judges of the said Court, on motion of Hon. John Ctssna, Esq., the Court grant an alias rule upon the heirs and legal representa tives of Henry Brant, late of Cumberland Valley township, deceased, to wit: George Brant, resi ding in Allegheny coun.y. Mil., Jacob Brant, whose alienee is Win Blair, John Brant, now deao, leaving issue whose names and residences are un known, Andrew Jackson Brant, residing in Cum berland Valley township, Bedford county, Catha rine, intermarried with George Leacurc, residing in Cumberland, Allegheny county. Md., and Ile becoa rat, now deceased, leaving no issue, to be and appear at an Orphans' Court to be held at Bedford, on the 2d Monday, Bth day of February next, to accept or refuse to take the real estate of said Henry Brant, deceased, at the valuation which has been valued aud appraised in pursu ance of a writ of partition or valuation issued out of the Orphans' Court and to the Sheriff of said county, for that purpose, directed, or show cause why the same should not be sold by order of the said Court. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my band and the seal of the said Court at Bedford the day and vear aforesaid. Attest: ' 0. E. SHANNON, Clerk. Rob't Steckmax, Sheriff. jan!s /"HOURT PROCLAMATION. \ . To the Coroner, the Jueticre of the fence, and t'anetable* in the different Toicnehipe in the to inty of Bedford, Crettunj; Know ve, that in pursuance ot a precept to me directed, under the baud and seal of the Hon. ALEN AN lIEli KIN G, President of the several Courts of Common Pleas, in the Ifith District, consisting of the countks of l'rankiin, Fulton, Bedford aud Somerset, and by virtue ot his office of the Court of Oyer and Ter miner and General Jail Delivery for the trial of capital and other offenders therein, and the Gen eral Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace; and (}. W. Gi mp and Williak G. Eichoktz, Judges of the samo Court in the same County of Bedford, You and each of you, are hereby required to he and appear in your proper persons with your He curds, Recognizances, Examinations, and other Remembrances, betore the Judges aforesaid, at Bedford, at a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the peace therein to be holdcn for the county of Bedford, aforesaid, on the 2d Monday of Feb. briny the 81* day, 1869, at 10 o'clock in the fore noon of that day, there and theu to do those things to whieh your several offices appertain. Given under my hand and seal the 15th day of January, in the year of our Lord, 1869. ROBERT STECKMAN, Sheriff's Office, ) Sheriff. Bedford, Jan. 15, 1869. j fw ALL KINDS OF BLANKS, Common, Admin istrator's end Executor's, Deeds, Mortgages,. SudgmentNotes, Promissory Notes, with and with out waiver of exemption, Summons, Subpoenas and Executions, fuf sale at the Inquirer office. I Nov J, 1866 pterdliwrouiSu JF YOU WANT SLEIGU BELLS, SLEIGH BASKETS, SLEIGH RUNNERS, STEEL SLEIGH SOLES, BUFFALO ROBES, AND RORSE-BLANKETS, goto LYNCH S HARDWARE STORE. A fine stock of SKATES for Ladies and gentle men. A beautiful lot of LAMPS, LANTERN'S AND CHIMNEYS. DOUBLE-BARRELLED SHOT-GUNS AND PISTOLS, CONCENTRATED LYE, DOBBINS' AND CASTILE SOA P, FANCY SOAPS, A superior article of LUBRICATING OIL for machinery, A fine lot of AXES. SAUSAGE MEAT CUT TERS A STUFFERS, Cheap. If you want a BRASS OR BELL-METAL KETTLE. If you want the best CLOTHES WRINGER, If you want DEMIJOHNS, all sites, If you want GUM SHOES, fot llorses, If you want GRASS MATS, for doors, It you want a plain set of HARNESS, fcheap, j If yt>u want a cheap WAGON WHIP, If you want CARRIAGE or BUGGY WHIPS, If you want a RIDING WHIP, If you want a WOODSTOCK WHIP, If you want LASHES, If you want CARRIAGE or FLOOR OIL CLOTH, If you want ENAMELED LEATHER, It you want a CHAMOIS SKIN, If you want HOUSE or GONG DOOR BELLS, If you want all kinds of CAN and TUB PAINTS, If you want WHITE LEAD and OILS, If you want SPRINGS and AXLES, If you want STEEL and STEEL WIRE, If you want PICKS and MATTOCKS, If you want WATER PIPE, If you want HUBS. SPOKES, FEI-LOES, SHAFTS, If you want BOWS, BUGGY-TOPS, PROPS, Ac. If you want CROSS-CUT and MILL SAWS, In short, everything that people may want in the Hardware line may be had at LYXCH'S HARDWARE STORE, BEDFORD. PA. SU.. PATTERSON'S FLOUR FOR SALE. HUNTINGDON A BROADTOP RAILROAD On and after Wednesday, Sept 16, 1868, Pas senger Trains will arrive and depart as follows: UP TRUSS. BOWK TRAIKS Accom Mail. gT DION'S Accoai M P. M. A. M. j " A. M. P. M. 1k4.35'1.k 9 05 : Huntingdon, j AK9.20 ar4.21 4.<6 9.12 Long Sidmg , 9.12 4.16 4.56 9.25 MeConoellstown 8.54 4.00 5.(H 9.33! Pleasant Grove, ! 8.47 3.52 5.21 9.49 Markleshurg, 8.30 3 40 5.40 lO.OSXvtto stun. 8.14 3.25' 5.49 10.13 Rough A Keadv 8.05 3.17 6.06 10.28 Cove, " j 7.50 3.01 6.10 10.32; Fisher's Summit 7.10 3.00 ak6.27 10.55 Sax ton, i.E7.30j 2.46 11.13 Riddlesburg, 2.16 11.21 Hopewell, 2.09 1t.39 Piper's Run, 1.49 12.00 Tatesville, 1.28 12.12 Bloody Run, 1.15 1R 12.18 Mount Dallas. j lel.lo I | ; SHOCP'S RUN BRANCH. " __ 1f.6.30 t.g 11.00 Saxton, ar 7.25 ar2.30 6.45 11.15 Coalmont, 7.10 2.15 6.50 11.20 Crawford, 7.05 2.10 ar7.o