licbforb Inquirer. BEBFOKO. PA., FBIDAT, AltilST V, 1868. THC INQ UIK K K exlabgeu, NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE! JIO! FOK THE CAMPAIGN! We will Mue the Isgt rnsa from August Ist until the 7th day of Xovemer, 1568, (the close of the Presidential campaign,') foe the following cooperatively low figures: 1 copy, in advance 60 1# copies, in advance .. $5.00 2 copies, in advance 9.00 50 copies, in advance 20.00 Jfccal Affairs. MOSEY WASTED. —We believe we have as prompt paying subscribers and patrons as any newspaper iu the country can boast of. and we are therefore not inclined to com plain. But not being able to go oat among our people to collect, when we are in need ot money we are obliged to call on them through the columns of our paper. The books of the late firm of Durborrow k Lutz are in our bands fur settlement and on them we find a large number of unsettled accounts for ad vertising and subscriptions, amounting to sev eral thousand dollars. There are outstanding debts of the late firm which must be met and paid, and to enable us to do this we must rely upon our patrons for prompt payments. They have never yet failed ns when called upon and we are confident that they will not now. But ai a further inducement, we will accept, from all who are in arrears for subscriptions and who pay for the past year and the year in ad vance, before or during September Court, $2 per year, the same as if they had paid for all in advance. We have greatly enlarged and improved our paper, at a heavy expense, without any increase in its price, and the lib eral terms now offered cannot be extended be yond September Court. All parties not pay ing up at that time will be strictly held to the advertising rates viz; $2 in advance, $2.25 if not paid in advance, $2,50 if not paid with in six mouths and $-1.00 if not paid within the year. Call and settle. Now is the time to save money by prompt payment. CHOICE BRANDS of chewing Tobaccos, just received and for sale by G. B. Oster k Co. MAO NOLI A WATER. —A delightful toilet article—superior to Cologne, and at half the price lt- FOB THE BEST and cheapest Hats in town, go to G. If. Oster & Co's New Store. REV. MB. COOK, of Philadelphia, will preach next Sabbath at the Catholic church at 10 o'clock, when for the last time service will he held there as the building is to be pulled down. G. R. OSTER k Co.. have a good cigar, 2 for 6 cents. Try them. PACKARD'S MONTHLY for September is on our table and contents noted. The leading article, "The Magdalene of New York City," from the pen of Oliver Dyer, author of the Wickedest Men in New York" is an interesting expose of licentiousness in the great metropolis. For sale at the INQUIRER Book Store. Price —Fifteen cents. IF you want good boots and shoes, go to G. R. Oster k Co's spacious New Store. They have just received a large assortment of D. R. King's I.adie's Gaiters. Boots and Shoes made to order. THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY for September has been received and is for sale at the INQUIRER Book Store. It contains its usual amount of live and interesting reading matter and is deserving of the reputation of being the best monthly magazine in the country. Published by Tick nor A Fields, Boston. TEN THOUSAND Fine standard brands of Cigars at 5 cU., at G. R. Oster k Co's cheap store. All to end in smoke. Oi R YOUNG FOLKS for September i 6 on hand and is filled , as usual, with interesting and highly instructive reading for young people. This is undoubtedly the best jour nal of this kind published, and should be placed in the hands of every girl and boy in the country. Published by Ticknor A Fields, Boston. Price 20 per Dumber. For sale at the INQUIRER Book Store. A BEAUTY.—The Norwood collar, worn by ail young Gents of taste. For sale by G. R. Oster k Co. THE HERALD OF HEALTH for September comes to us this month with a large number of articles from distinguished authors, all of which will repay a careful perusal. We may mention particularly a paper on Good Bread, and How to Make It. This article contains a large number ot new receipts for making wholesome and delicious bread, which ought j to be read by every woman. $2 per annum 20cts. per number. Miller Wood k Co., Publishers, 15 Laight Street, New York. THE Sailor collar pointing over the shoul ders. now worn by young Ladies. For sale by G. R. Oster & Co. THE EDINBURGH REVIEW FOR July is on our table with the following table of contents Tiz: Salem Witchcraft, English Dictionaries, The Apocryphal Gospels, I.ytton's Chronicles and Characters, Wellington's Correspondence, 1M9 —1825, The modern Russian Drama, letters and Speeches of I.eon Faucher, Prince Henry, the Navigator, New Germany, A The National Church. Reprint by Leonard Scott Publishing Co. 140 Fulton Street New York. For Sale at the INQUIRER Book Store. ONE of the latest novelties of the season. The yacht collar, for sale by G. R. Oster A Co. OUR readers have observed that we rarely ! raise patent medicines, and that we adver only the very best of them. But now, > remarkable recovery of Mrs. Rice, of MAS: ota, from her distressing and almost seipless scrofulous disease, which is known -rougboiit the community, aud unquesuon : ab.y the effect of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, leads ( *o publish without reserve the remarkable j ef.i"acy of this medicine. We do this in the ; interest of the afflieted. Any remedy which an so effectually "raise one from the dead," j shoald be universally known; and we wish it { |nay be universally as successful as it has been in the case of Mrs, Rice.-Doily Journal, i ■Syracuse. GRANT AND COLFAX. THE CAMPAIGX VIA'It LEADS THE VA SI AS OTHER GLORIOUS DEMOX STRA TIOX! Thrilling JddressM bu Hon, T. J. Coffey. Col. Geo. F. McFarland, and. Hon. John Cessna. A befitting contrast to the Copper head fiasco, rebel f'a mlango and rhoelomontetde indulged in by the Democratic street or- ' a tors on last Satur day night. Another large Grant and Colfax Campaign Club meeting was held in the Court House, on Saturday evening last. The Silver Cornet Band was in attendance and entertained the audience with their choicest patriotic airs. The meeting was du ly called to order by Jacob Barohart, Esq., President of the Club, when, on motion, the following officers were elected for the ensu ing term: Indent— SlMON NAUB. Vice Presidents —WlLLlA* KISER, VACHEL BRENGEL, ROBERT MONTGOMERY, SAMUEL Y ONDKRSMITH. Recording Secretary —D. S. ELLIOTT. Corresponding Secretary— Captain R. W. COOK. Treasurer— JOHS LUTZ, Esq. The following resolutions offered by John T. Keagy, Esq., were unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, Divine Providence has bereaved us by death of the services and usefulness of one of our patriot Statesmen, the Hon. Thaddeus Stevens, in whose wisdom and skill in the management of National affairs we re posed the greatest confidence, and WHEREAS it is fitting that we should ex press our sense of the loss which the country has sustained in his death, therefore Resolved. By the Grant and Colfax Club of Bedford that we deeply regret the removal from the field of action of one who labored so zealously, honestly, wisely, and patriotica! ly for the good of the land. Resolved. That we shall ever cherish the memory of the true courage and firmness wiih which he labored to deieud the rijriit and ad vance the good. Resolved, That in the recent great national contests, in which he contended with the ene mies of the county to the last, we behold an example of undying devotion to the Fnion, which should nerve us to renewed efforts to secure for our country the blessings for which be sacrificed rest and health, and finally life itself. ew Hon. T. J. Coffey, latlf assistant Attorney General of the United States was then intro duced and in a speech of an hours length logically treated the questions now affecting the people, examined the status of the iate rebellious states, referred to the provisional ; governments established by Congress, iht rights of the conquerors, the duties of sub dued belligerents, and the relations now sub- j sisting between these territories and the legislative power. At the conclusion of his 1 address Mr. Coffey made an earnest appeal to the people of this District to elect their local standard bearer, the Hon John Cessna to Con- , gress. showed the interest manifested in our success in Philadelphia, and in all portions of the country. His allusions to Mr. Cessna were greeted with tremenduons -cheers. Col. Geo. F. McFarlaud, known and be- i loved throughout the Commonwealth as the Superintendent of the Soldiers' Orphans' Schools, was rapturously applauded on ma- 1 king bis appearance, supporting himself on his remaining shattered limb, having lost the j other on the field of Gettysburg. Right nmn- j fully did the brave soldier plead in behalf of General Grant. Standing there a monument '■ of rebel inhumanity and butchery, who could withstand his doubly eloquent appeals to his late comrades in arms to rally round the ■ standard of Ulysses S. Grant. The appear- i ance of such a gallant citizen was a stinging ' rebuke to the miserable rebel crew that yell ed obedience to the picked beauties from Ma- • ryland, and cheered the Louisiana Tigers that cracked their whips over the tender backs of fiunsy Democrats in our town at their recent gatherings. Hon. John Cessna being loudly called for made a brief, earnest speech, planting him self squarely on the principles for which all loyal men are now battling. CAMF MEETING. —A camp meeting'ol con siderable interest has been in progress since last Thursday, on the Schellsburg Circuit near Hillegas' Mill in Nspier township. The lo cation of the camp is a beautiful one, and there are twenty-four tents erected on the ground. On Sabbath there was between three thousand and four thousand people in atten dance. The utmost good order prevailed throughout the day, a fact which speaks creditably for the large and promiscuous crowd present. The Rev. McMurrar, au eminent Methodist minister from Altoona preached an able and impressive sermon on Sabbath morning. Rev. B.G.W.Reid, ol Bed ford. conducted the afternoon service in a most affecting and powertul discourse. Rev. Hyde, of Holiidaysburg, preached an eloquent and effective sermon in the evening, followed by an exhortation by Rev. Barnhart, Presi ding Elder of the District. A number professed conversion during the progress of the meeting. "HUSBAND.-, LOVE YOUB WIVES," and give them Plantation Bitters when I hey are suffer ing from Nervousness, General Debility, Faintneag, Spasms, or any of the thousand and one diseases to which the weaker sex is liable. Having yourselves experienced the benefit of their use, extended the BLESSING to others. This invaluable tonic will chase Hy pochondria or "the Blues"—give tone to the damaged nervous system—gently stimulate languid secretions—dispel vapors and ennui, and generally build cp the worn constitution. For each sex and all ages it is a gentle stimu lant and a refreshing cordial. Millions of bottles are sold daily all over the world— LL Tut London Quarterly lor July contains the life of David Garrick, Indian Railways, Coleridge as a Poet, Gunpowder, Maico Polo and his Recent Editors, History of Lace> Sir Roderick Murchison and Modern schools of Geology, Proverbs Ancient and Modern, and Ireland once more. All the British Re views and Blackwood's Magazine are re-pub lished by the Leonard Scott Publishing Co., 140 Fulton street New York, and should be in the bands oi all who wish to keep posted in current English Literature. For sale at the INQUIRER Book Store. The Heated Term. Augns' is invariably an unhealthy month, and the dog-days are aniverjally quoted as an un healthy reason. Diseases more frequently ter minate fatally at- this time than at any other, ow ing to the relaxation of the system. This is, therefore, the proper time to use a remedy that will recuperate the strength and fortify the sys tem against the attacks of disease. Experience has demonstrated the fact that HOSTETTER'S STuMACH BITTERS is the best medicine used to accomplish this desirable object. By its use the appetite is increased, digestion promoted, all feelings of depression removed, and the vital functions restored. The afflicted should avoid all pernieioas alcoholic preparations purporting to be tonics and restoratives, as they only afford letnporary exhilirafions, and eventually entail i dangerous, if not fatal, results. This fc never the ense with HOSTKTTER'B STOMACH BIT TER'S. They afford permanent benefit and soot ha the nerves without reaction following their use. The weak and debilitated, by ite aid, awake tc a sense of the enjoyments of life, and they are enabled once more to lake their accus tomed position* in society. HOSTETTER'S BITTERS are now considered the standard rem edy for all diseases arising from as impurity of the blood. They are manufartared in great quan tities, and there is scarcely a city or hamlet on he habitable globe where they may npt be found. If ARMED. Aug 9, 18SS, in St. fltlmllh, at the Lutheran Parsonage, by the Rev. 1. Peter. Mr. REUBEN H. BARLKY to Miss TILLIE BEAM, both ef St. Clairtville, Bedford eo. DIED- Died, in Aiieghanv Twp., Somerset Co., on the 4th, inst.. Mr. PETER R. HILLEGAS—aged 56y. 6m. 7d. Mr. Hiliegass wet widely known, and all who knew him, respected and loved him. He was a model eitiien and a model christian. Hit low Is | deeply felt by bis many friends and relatives. ■ But what is their loss will be his gain. He has j gone to his reward, in that world of blessedness, whither his pious and devoted wife preceded him about eleven months ago. "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." All advertisements, except public sale- and legal notices, will be inserted three months and charged sccordingly unless otherwise ordered. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. —The undersigned ap pointed Auditor by the Orphans' Court of Bedford County, to make distribution of the bal ance in the hands of J. W. Lingenfelter, Esq., Administrator of the est Me of Jonathan Horton, dee'd., will attend to the duties of bis appoint ment at his office in Bedford, on THURSDAY", Sept. a, IS6B, at ten o'clock A. M., when all in terested mzy attend. auglß:lt M. A. POINTS, Audtor. gTOVES! STOVES!! >TOVES !!! B. M. BLYMYER A CO. have added to their large ns-ortment of stoves several improved pat terns. SPEAR'S improved Anti-Dust COOLING STOVE is one of the greatest inventions of the age. SPEAR'S Revolving Light Anti-Dust PAR LOR BTOYE, which is a perpetual burner, and is warranted to need replenishing with coal but once a day, and at'er once being filled will burn 24 boars. " Also, Agents for Spear's Parlor and fire place stoves. We have also the Oriental Parlor and Heating Stoves, which has given universal satisfaction. In addition to the above we have in store the celebrated Wellington, Prince Royal, Oriental, Noble, anil other patterns of Cooking Stoves. We have a fine assortment of Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron ware. Brass and Porcelain Kettles, all ' of which we will sell low for cash. 2Saug3m ! Y E R 7 ? HAIR VTG OR, FOB THE RENOVATION OF THE HAIR. I THE GItEAT DESIDERATUM af tie AGE ! j A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the Hair, Faded or gray kair ,* sow* restored lo it* original rotor and . the giant and fretkuett of yon <4. Thin hair is thickened, falling hair checked, and baldness of | ten, though not always, cured by its use. N'oth i ing can re'tore the hair where the fallicies are de>trvcd, or the glands atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can be saved for usefulness by | this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sediment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair i from turning gray or falling off, and consequently i prevent baldnes-. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dan - j gerous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not barm it. If wanted merely ; for a HAIK DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Contain | ing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white I cambric, and yet lssti- longer on the hair, giving | it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by. DB. J. C. AYER A CO, Pst< M-AL AXI> ANALYTICAL Casaisr-., LOWELL, MASS. PRICE 51.60. 28Aug:Iy B. F. HARRY. Agt. J' IST OF GRAND JI'RORS drawn for Sep J texuber Term, Irt Monday. 7th day, Is6B. Daoiel Wau-habaugh, Bedford tp., Foremen. Daniel L. DcfiLangh, do. Henry Dor#ey f do. 183& c I niter. do. A J ?*en§otn, TWdford Borough. Daniel Roland, Bruadtop towT>hip. Abraham McClellan, t'oteraui. Lewis A. May, do. Samuel o\t, "do* John Holderbanm, do. George W. Stuckey. do Jacob Barudollar, Bljuody Ren. Daniel It. Anderson, Cumberland Valley. George Vonj-tioe, .Monroe. Andrew Criaman. Napier. Wn Wioegardner, dc. David Hull, do. Anthony Smith dc. Joseph 11. Griffith, Union. Mosei R. Goeheneur do. Samuel Dnbbs, do. A. H. Hall. do. Samuel Bcckley, St, Clair. Joseph Shoeritelt, South Wvodberry. LIST OF PETIT JURORS drawn for same term : John S. Sproat, Bedford township. William Chexioweth do. John Arnold, Bedford Borough. James Clearer, Broadtop township. William Rodger?, do. Alexander Tate, Bloody Run. Samuel Williams, Colerain. Reuben Smith, do. John Bittioger, Jr. do. Albert Brunner, Cumberland Valley. John C. Vickroy, do. William Eider, do. Michael C. Miller, Harrison township. Daniel Earnest, do. Abraham May do. William Gorauch, il. pewell. Michael Hillegasa, Juniata. Jesse G alter do. Uriah Conley, do. Sauiuel Londonderry. Jacob Carpenter do. Abraham II Egolf. Napier. Samuel Foor, E. Providence. George Metiraw, do. Wilao-n W. Sparks, W. Providence. Jeremiah Weight, do. John Ciayc mb, St. Clair. Gideva D Trout, do. Abner J. Griffith do. Henry Berkley, fit. Clainriße. Soi4mon Wilkinson, Southampton. John 8. Fickes, Union. Joseph linler, do. Joseph Taylor do. Samuel Oster, S. Woodberrj. Samuel R. liair, M. Woodberry. John B. Furry, do.' William C. Elder, do. Drawn and Certified at Bedford, this 2Stb dav of April A. D. I*6s. ISAAC KKXSINGER, Attest: WILLIAM KIRK, Jso. G. FISHER, CTk. Jury Commissioners. IBHTS WANTED FOR MEN OF OUR DAY: The men who govern our com:try, make its laws, have fought its battles, charmed us with their eloquence, founded onr colleges, eontroi our railroads, manufactories, and onr finances—one attractive volume, full of vivid interest, life-like illustrations and characteristic anecdote. 650 well-filled pages—42 fine steel portraits, and the lives of over sft men. Price low to suit the times. The cheapest as well as the most interesting book published within fiva years. Sales immense. Ev ery body wanta to know the life history of these men. Send for circular to ZEIGLER, McCCBDY A CO. Philadelphia, Fa., Cincinnati, 0., Chicago, 111., or St." Louis,- Mo. 21 augfitu VTTASHINGTON HOTEL FOR SALE. The subscriber offers this well known Hotel property, ,-ituated on the corner of Jniiana and Pitt streets, Bedford, Pa, at private sale until September 1, after which time, if not sold, it will be offered for rent. The building is FAR SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHER IN TOWN and is one of the MOST FAVORABLY LOCATED in Southern Pennsylvania. Persons wishing a GOOD HOTEL PROPERTY will do well to give this their attention For terms or further particulars address the subscriber at Bedford, Pa JHjnlytT MICHAEL LUTZ. HARPER'S WEEKLY, HARPER'S BAZAR, FRANK LESLIE, CHIMNEY CORNER, and all other Illustrated papers for sale at the Inquirer Book Store. tf DIRECTORY.—TBFC following is a directory of the Officers of Bedford County and the 1 Borough of Bedford, of the Ministers -of Red i ford, and the lime of meeting of the different associations: SKDPOBO COCKTT OSRICES. President Judge — Hon. ATOX. King. Aimoriutt Judge*- —WM. G. Eiebolti GEO. W.Gunifj. Protkomotajy, Register aud Recorder, B. Fhanuon. ZKFFLRTRF '/OMFJ —E. F- Kerr. * Treamnrer —lsaac Mengel. Sheriff— ROBERT Steckman. Deputy Sheriff — Philip ILUXXARJ. Deputy Surveyor —SAMUEL Ketltrxnxn. Com mi set oner 4 —Michael S. Rite be j, lMvi4 ! HOW rare, AND P. M. Barton Cl+rk — John S. | FUhor. Counsel— John W. Dtckernm. • P'Vffter# of Poor —D. R. An LEWOFI, Michael, Diehl. and j. L Noble. t*ard Defibaujh. Onnntel —E- F. Kerr. Clerk T. H. Getlys. Treasurer-William Bowles. Phycon —Dr. F. C. Reamer. A editor*—James Mattingly, John D. Lucas, and S. Whip. SOHOCCH orrtcaas. Barge,* —V. SteSkmon. A. eietaat Jinrgem* —A. J- Sanson). Court ii —Thomas H. Lyons, John Boor, A. W. Mower. J. M. Shoemaker, Hiram Loots and T. K. Gettys. Cleft— H. Nicodemus. Trentnrtr John U. Rush. CoueinbU —(Yilliam Uaphart. High f'"ut'nitie —John Harris. School Director* — Job Mann* S. L. Ru*-*IL T. K. (iettT*. Jacob REND. John Cee#n*and H. odetnti*. Set retary —J. W. Lingewfalter. Trtat mrer—T. R. Getty f. ■ UnSTBM. Episcopalian—Rer. Alfred J. Barrow. Presbyterian —Rev. R. F. WfIWR Lutheran —Rev. J. Q. McAttee. Methodic— Rev. B. G. W. Beavid J. on the south, Lewi* kooLfl and Jieory O'Neal on the weft, and Fred erick DavU on the north; titeaied in Wen iutirt townahip, Bedford mußty, Seized and taken into exeeution as the property of Philip Chamberlain. ALbO, One tract of land containing 147 acres more or lew, with about 88 aere# cleared and un- , der fence, with a 2J story log house and double log b~rn thereon erected, and small apple and peach orchard thereon; adjoining lands of Samuel Kerr and Jackson Karr on the west, Jame* Wertx •on the south-east. Widow Mullin on the north, and situate in liarrifon township, Bedford co. beixed and taken into execution ae the property •f .Nelson B. Miller. r r j ALSO, One tract of land eoi taining 240 acres more or less, about 86 acies cleared and under fence, with two two-story houses and two barns thereon erected; also ayonng apple orchard there on; adjoining lands of E. L. Anderson, John Laf fcrry and others, and situate in Juniata township, ! Bedford county. ! beiscd and taken in execution as the property of Robert Adair s and Ja-ob Egolf. ALSO, One lot of grouid containing one acre more or le**, with a log boa** and log stable thereon erected: adjoining lands of Daniel Brum, baugh; siti.:te in Middle Woodberry township, Bedford county. Seised and taken in execution as the property ofW P, Wfiiner and Hannah Weimer. ALSO, One l't of ground containing one acre mure or with a two story house there on, adjoining lands of Cha?*. Grubenater on the South, llughv Moore on the North and West and fronting on the road leading to Dutch Corner; sit uate in Bedford township. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Ereiine iiartieroad. ALSO, All that certain tract of land situate in Broad Tup township, Bedford county, bounded and described as follows, ris: Beginning at a black oak, a corner of the hereinafter described tract, ther ce south by line of said tract 89 degrees and 39 minutes east 78 perches to a post; thence south 2j degrees east 26 and 46-996 perches to stone?; thence outh 2 degrens and 11 minutes ea#t 71 and 7-10 perches to a chestnut; thence south three degrees and forty-two minutes east twenty-three perches to a poet: thence north sev enty-eight degrees west three and nine-tenths perches- to a chestnut oak; thence south seventy six degrees and forty-eight minutes west twenty two one-tenth perches to a chestnut; theoce south twenty degrees and thirty-three minutes eighty-six perchca to a white oak; theDce north • twenty-two degrees west forty-two and sixty-five j hundredths perchea to a beech: thence north thir- j ty-two degrees and seventeen minutes west twen- • tv-four and fire-tenths perches to a maple: thence . north forty-j&even degree? and ten minutes east gixty-six and sixty-five hundredth? perches to stones < white oak gone): thence north I degrees and thirty-three minutes west forty-four j and four tenths pe.ches tea white oak stjmp; thence north fourteen and three-fourths degree? \est seventy and five-tenths to black oak, the place of beginning, containing abaut fifty-eight acres, leaving out of and taking from the said fifty-eight acres as above described,, ten acres and sixty-five perches of the same, convey ed by deed of said James Maguire and John B. Given and wife to John Komuell and John Roin mell, Jr., dated the 4th day of August A. D. 1866, . and recorded in Bedford county, in Record Book j "A N,'' page 684 et Leg; and leaving ont of and taking from said fifty-e ; gbt acres above descri bed, al so, a small lot o' about one-fourth of an j acre, conveyed by deed of said James Maguire j and John B Given and wife dated the third day | of April, A. D. 1866, to Lewie Anderson, recorded in Bedford County. A L page 379, but retaining ae subject to the said mortgage all the rights and privileges reserved to the .-aid grantors, their heirs and assign* in the said part? so conveyed to ?aid Rommells and Anderson*. Also, the un- •; divided one-third part of a tract of land contain- ; in g two hundred and five and one-half acre*, more or lest, of which about one hundred acres are j cleared and under fence, and having thereon j ♦ retted two dwelling bouses and two barns, be ing the same tract conveyed to liexekiah Easton et al by William Anderson by deed recorded in Bedford county, in bock A A. page 349; adjoining lands of Asa Duval et al, situate adjoining the first above described tract, and in the same town ship: the light and title of liexekiah Easton there in being the one third part i having passed by j Sheriff* -ale to John McCanless. and his right by Sheriffs sale to Samuel J. Brown. Esq., who convey? the same by deed dated 12th May, 1862, to said Maguire and Given; situate in Broadtop township. Seixea and taken in execution as the property of Jaine- .Maguire and John B. Given. ROBERT STBCKMAN, Sheriff. ] Sheriff * office, August 6, 1868. J REGISTER'S NOTICE. All persons interested are lierebj notified that the following named accountant- have filed their , accounts in the Register's office of Bedford conn- ; tv, and that ihe same will br presented to the Ur- : phso-' Court in and for said County, on Tuesday j the sth day of Sep ton be r next, at the Court i IF se, in Bedford, for confirmation: The account of Simon L. Hsmaker and J. Piper ■ Smith, administrators of the estate of John Smith, j Esq* late of Schtllsburg Borough, dee d. Tbe aeeount of Duncan McVicker, Esq. Trustee | lor tbe sale of the real estate of Famuel Hall, late of Napier tp , dee'd. The account of Isaac L Snyder, Adm'r of the e.-tatc of Samuel Snyder, late of Middle Wood berry tp- dee'd. The account of J. H. Dillin- and Geo. Hoover, admr's of the estate of Martin Hoover, late of Liberty tp . dee'd. The account of John T. Ake and .Abraham Hull, adrn'rs of tbe estate of John Ake, late of Union ip.. dee'd. The account of Michael S. Miller, adm'r of the estate of John H. Miller, late of St. Clair town ship, deed. The account of William Gophart, adm'r of the estate of Eve Siuekey, lare of Bedford tp., dee'd. The account of John Louderbaugb, late guar dian of Joseph, Catharine and Peter Garliek, mi nor chddreu of Rachel Garliek, dee'd. The account of John G. Smith, guardian of Franklin Kegg, minor son of John Kegg. dee'd. The final aeeount of Levi llardinger. adm'r of the estate of Jonathan C. Dicken, late of Cumber land Valley tp., dee'd. The account of Peter U. Shires and Samuel Stahl, adtn rs of the ertate of Wm. Stahi, late of Bedford Borough, dee'd. The account of P. F. Lehman, Esq., Executor of the last will and testament of Mary Hyssong. ' late of Londonderry tp., dee'd. The account of Lewis M. Slatler, administrator of tbe estate of Joseph Brinkey, late ol Juniata I tp., dee'd. | The account of George D. Shuck, one of the Executors of tbe last will and testament of Josiah I). Shuck, late of Bedford Borough, dee'd. The account of John Major, Esq.. Trustee to sell the real estate of Michael Reed, late of Liber- j ty tp.. dee'd. i " Tne final account oK Cyrus Penrose, adm'r of : the estate of Wm. Pentose, late of St. Clair twp., dee'd, for confirmation un the 15th Sept. next, at an adjourned court. i lau g 0. E. SHANNON, Rcg'r. /-qOUKT PROCLAMATION. \_y To ri (Mrmer, the Jrrtictr of the Pence, anil C-ueiaWm in tie different Tmrnekific in tie C'auntr of Bedford, Greeting: Know *, that in i.ursuance of a precept to me directed, under the hand and seal of the Hon. ALEXANDER KING, President of the several Courts of Common Fleas, in ihe 16th District, consisting of the counties of ! Franklin, Fulton, Bedford and Somerset, and hy virtue ui his office of the Court ot Oyer and Ter miner and General Jail Delivery for the trial of capital and other offenders therein, and the Gen era! Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace; and G. W.Gvnr and WILLI.UI G. EICHOLTX, Judges of the same Court in the same County of Bedford, You and each of yon, are hereby required to be and appear in your proper persons withyonr Re 1 ords, Recognizances, Examinations, and other \ Remembrances, before the Judges aforesaid, at Bedford, at a Court of Oyer and Terminer and ! Genera. Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of 1 the peace tbereiu to be holden for the county of I Bedford, aforesaid, lw I IST OF CAUSES j p a t down sor trial at September Term, 1866, 7th day: Paul S. Mock vs. Josiah Burk. S. thick et al vs. James Bowser. Kiddlesburg 0. A I- Co. vs Broadtop C. AI. Co. Joseph Williams vs Solomon Williams Thomas Ritohey vs Jacop Lingenfelter et si Fredaline Smith et al rs John Carender et al John Peterson vs James Heffner A Co. Mary Jane Holsioger TS Josiah Holfinger. "Sophia Hook et al vs Thomas Growden et al Elizabeth Beeler et al vs S L Russell, Trustee, Ac. John Metzgar's adm'r vs Dry Ridge Church John Cessna rs Jonathan Bowser Fredaline Smith et al vs Alexander Fletcher I Joseph Garliek vs Abraham Garliek. John S. ILuard vs David B. Kockendarfer B. W. Garretsuc vs Philip Littk ct al Susannah C. Tayler vs William Calvin Peter Cramer vs William Karns Thomas Growden vs. Archibald Blair et al Same vs Mary Wigfield et al Certified August 10, 1368. Hang 0. E. SHANNON, Prot. | f 00 K OUT. The Books of IRVINE A STATLEK are stiU IQ HIT Jijiiid? for ii'llcctioo. AH iccuHßb rrWAiD mg unsettled HN LUTE, R.U Estate A|t, Feb. 1,1M7. Bedford. fiQQ ACRES OF EXCELLENT FARM i LAND FOfl SALE. ONE TRACT containing 282 acres. with good log hoase and bars thereon; also • good SAW MILL, worth a rental of S2OO per annum. About half this tract is excellent bottom and the balance upland. About 100 acres are cleared, well fenced, and in a good Wats of eultrvatica; balance well timbered. Tha whole tract is well watered, and , is -ituate on Runnings creek, in fit. Clair tp., ad , joining iands of John Alstadt, Jacib Andrews and Jaoob Beeklcy. The mill and farm will be 1 sold separately, or together, to suit purchasers. AL-A, one tract containing 182 acres, having a goed leg house and barn and out-buildings there on. About 65 acres cleared, well fenced and in a good state of cultivation; balance eoTered witk an excellent growth of valuable timber—well watered and sitnate near Pieaaactrille, in St- TTair tp., adjoining lands of Jacob Alstadt, Jaeob Bowser, Jacob Berkley and Joseph ; mith. ALSO, one tract ooutainiag 127 acres, abont 20 acres cleared, welt fenced and in a good state of cultivation: balance covered with an excellent gTOWth of valuable timber: well, watered and situ ate in St. Clair Township, adjoining lands of Jacob Hockley, Joseph Smith and Christian Mock. These lands formerly belonged to the estate of Nicholas Lyons, deceased, and are in a neighbor hood well supplied with schools, churches, store:, Ac. Each of these tracts will be sold as a whole or in parts, to suit purchaser', and will be offered at private sale until SATURDAY, the 14th of Nov. next, when, if not disposed of, the; will be sold to the highest and best bidder at public sale, of which timely notice will be given. For further particulars, address personally, or by letter, J. W. DICKER.SON, A ttorn7-at-Law Sjnly: tf Bedford, Pa. VALUABLE VIRGINIA FARM FOR SALE. IThe sabaertfeer not having time to give it at tention, offers for sale his farm, North of James River, near Lynchburg, Ya. It eon fists of near i iy 1.000 acres, about 600 cleared, balance in I timber, and ail well adapted to TOBACCO, I GRAIN, GRASS and FRUIT. There is a large mansion on it with a handsome lawn, negro qnar ' ters, stable, tobacco barn and other buildings, i It ht' a bearing orchard of apples, peaches, , pears, cherries and other fruit, and a young or | 'hard recently planted. The climate is mild and ' healthy, and the city of Lynchburg two miles | distant affords an excellent market for everything ! produced. I will sell with the farm all the stock upon it, > •.nfi-t;Bg of five bead of horses, about forty head I of cattle, including some Devon cows, Durham Bull. and two yoke of oxen, hogs, farming uten sil*. Ac. If sold before the first of October the corn crop a ill be included, and the purchaser will get the benefit of the fallows for wheat- The cattle and ' com crop are alone worth $2,080. About 100 : a res of the '.and are set in young elover. Price ' for whole, 120.000. half cash, balance in pay | neuts to suit, with interest. $17,000 will be ta . ken without the stock and crops. For further information apply to JOS. PORTER, on the premises or to L. T. WATTSON, 2laug3t 525 Walnut street, Phil'a. A HOUSE AND ACRE LOT POR SALE AT THE CHALYBEATE SPRING. We take pleasure in offering to the puplie the above property now occupied by Evaline C. Har clerode, at the Chalybeate Spring, in Bedford I township at private sale- It consists of one acre ; f good land, in excellent state of cultivation, under new paling fence, with a FRAME PLANK HOUSE, small STABLE and other out-buildings hereon erected. There are also a large number Of fruit trees upon it and a spring of excellent vaterat the door. Price SBOB, one half cash in hand and the balance is one year. JOHN LUTZ, may:ls Real Estate Agent, Bedford, Pa. MtostUmtM. pUMPS! PUMPS!! PUMPS !!! SYLVESTER ti. MASON'S DOUBLE-ACTING. NON-F REE ZING F O R C E P U M P - Patented August 2;tb, 1556, and awarded the PREMIUM at the Pennsylvania, Ohio, and New York State Fairs, in 1808. The advantages claimed for this pump over all other patent pump6areas follows, vix: The valve?, are composed entirely of cast iron, rendering it be most durable of any pump yet patented. This pump is so constructed that it never freeies the water dropping back to the level with the water ; in the well. Is easily worked, and can be used, by attaching hose, in washing wagons, horses, wat ering gardens, and in case of fire is of valuable -erriee, as water may be thrown to the distance i ..I foam* tm mvoiy foet in the air from it by the use of a small section of hose. This valuable pump is now offered to the pnblic at the following prices : Three quarter in. Pump. Inch Pomp. From 7 to 10 ft. sls 00 From 7to 10 ft. sl7 00 " 10 to 15 ft 17 00 " 10 to 15 ft IS 00 " 15 to 20 ft 20 00 " 15 to 20ft 22 00 " 20 to 25 ft 25 00 " 20 to 25 ft 20 00 •' 25 to 30 ft 30 00 " 25 to 30 ft 30 00 " 50 to 25 ft 95c pr ft " 30 to 35 ft 35 00 •' "5 to 55 ft 9Oc pr ft : " 35 to 40 ft 40 00 " 55 to 60 itSiepr ft " 40 to 50 ft 95c pr ft A liberal reduction from the above prices w ill be made to parties sending us several orders from one place at the same time. In sending orders please give the depth of the well to the top of the platform. County, rights for sale in Somerset, Fulton, Huntingdon, Franklin, Blair and Centre counties, Address J. W. ROHM * W. W. SHUCK, july 17.3 m Bedford, Pa. g 0 M E T H I X G N E W . The undersigned has just returned from the city with all the I.ATE IMPROVEMENTS in Photography, and is introducing the new style of Picture called the "CABINET SIZE PHOTO GRAPH." which has attracted so much attention in New York and Philadelphia. Having gone to considerable expense in refit ting and improving his Gallery, he is enabled to make any of the new style of Pictures at very low prices—FßOM 25 CENTS UP. He would also invite attention to his splendid stock of ALBUMS, at greatly reduced prices; also. GILT, ROSEWOOD, and OiI,ED WALNUT FRAMES AND MOULDINGS—VERY CHEAP. Also, WALNUT BRACKETS for ornamenting parlors. His FANCY CASES are of the 'atest style and made of the best material. PHOTOGRAPHS COPIED and enlarged from old Daguerreotypes, Ambrotypes, Paintings or any other kind of Picture. Thanktul to his friends for their patronage during the past fifteen years, he hopes to merit a continuance of the -use, and would respectfully invite all who wish a correct likeness of them selves to call and examine his work before going elsewhere, satisfied that he can give entire satis faction to any who may favor him with their cus tom. Ljunel9:3m3 T.R. GETTYS. jgUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS TAKE NOTICE. Pealed proposals for the erection of the Bedford County Poor House will be received at the office of the County Commissioners, in Bedford, until SATURDAY, the 15th day of SEPTEMBER next, when the contract will be awarded to the lowest and best bidder. The Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all of the bids. The building to be erected on the present Poor i House property, to J>e two stories and a basement in height, large enough to accommodate one hun dred and twenty pauper-, and to be completed, and ready for use, on or before the Ist day of October. 1569. The Commissioners will furnish the bricks. All the labor, and all other materials, must be sup plied by the contractor. The plan, with detailed specifications, can be seen at the Commissioners' Office, on, or any day after the 31st inst. The plan and specifications will be made part of the contract, and the con tractor will be held to a strict compliance there with. All proposals should be addressed to Jxo. G. FISHER, Commissioners' Clerk, Bedford, Pa. MICHAEL S. RITCHEY, DAVID HOWSARE, PETER M. BARTON, 17jnly2it Commissioners. ILLOUGHBY'S PATENT IGTM SPRING GRAIN BRILL, CHALLENGES COMPETITION. It i* the only Drill that will sotc grain Regularly. Has no pins to break and can bo used on and stumpy fields and on the hill side w,t h the ! same advantage as on level ground. V the supply is limited and demand greater I than ever, engage what you want scon from HARTLEY A METZGER, 1 the enly Agents for the genuine WHloughby Drill I in this pari of Penn'a ' DLFJF"BOWSER, RsstBSST DenvtsT, Woo- Bloody S with Ve w.ti.e tie r~rk aeinillf LfiTWI WOf tO MWD J .i_ when imprest a" , augs,