iiicbfori) Inquirer. BEDFORD PA 7 FRIBAT. AT. l, tBeB. DiUCTOtT.—The following is a directory . the Officers of Bedford County and ihe ~,gh 0 f Bedford, of the Ministers of Bed r'i and the time of meeting of the different gssodatioas: SBDfOBP COUNTY orriCKRSt. ~i,hnt Judff— Hoa. Aiex. King, i , ,>? J.aiyrt Wm. U. Eicholtz and Geo. tV.Oump- i o i i r\ pntionotarf, R.jftsr aud Recorder, .tc.—O. K. shaEin-n. 1 ;A"orx -f— -*• '• Kerr. r'.„..,rer— Ise.c Mengel. Hubert Steckiaan. . ~r jf—Philip Jiurxard. Sai.uel Ketterraan. ... —y • bae! S. Ritehey, David -are. and P- M. Rartoa CUrkd- Juhn G. .r.j.. ... I—John \V. Dickerson. rt <•( Poor —D. R. Anierfon, Michael, and J. I. Noble. SteuurJ Sainue! jugb. (' •■?—F.. F. Kerr de l— T. R. •• ■ , Triaenrer —William Bow let. PlgHttjan - i>r. F. 0. Keamer. —James Mattingly, John D. Lucas, and 6. Whip. gnaocoa orricans. ji„ CJi —0. E. Shannon. \ Re—jet —Philip Huzxard. .. i—Th tuas H. Lyons, John Boor, A. W. Jlt'acr. J. M. Sfcr-emaker, iliram Lenta andT. R. dtri—li. Nicoicmus. Treasurer— ha li. R'=sh. >,U—William Gey-hart. >, C'.nttable —John Harris. I !)! —Job Mann. S. L. Russell, T. Ftrvs, JaC' b Peed, John Cessna and H. Nic r.-Mrjs —J. W. LingeafeltcV. Trtae -i. H. Getty's. SUISTIU. i •—Kev. Alfred J. Barrow. o-etk.terivn— —iter. J. Q. MeAttee. ../.V—Bev. 11. G. W. Reed. • , Reformed —lUv. 11. He-.-fctruian. lb ' ■'tkuli< — Rev. Thomas Heyden. ASSOCIATIONS. t Lmi-Ji, No. 32fi. A. V- M., meets on - r.:-t Wednesday on or before full moon, in the • r.i Halt. i n the earner of Pitt and Kicbard . li ! fsei' / 'ifst, 114. X- O. 0. V., :r ts on the first and third Wednesday even each no-nth, inqthe Bedford Halt 11, dye, No. 2i)2, J. 0. 0. meets ev : f i.j evening, in the Bedford Hall. / Lodjt, No. IIS, I. O. G. T., meets in 110- ... on Monday evening of each ' .V. . 102, 0- .1. A'- meets every in seeoad story of Lineenfcitcr's in: I.BQUIKBK TO BR EH.AHGEIJ. Nor 16 TUE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE! lit I Ft IK TUB CAMPAIGN! ; NEW YORK TRIBUNE BEDFORD INQUIRE* OR TH REE DOLLARS! ; t rupr.-Ur will enlarge the ircb loan • lumn paper on or about tfee first of May We are compelled tc do this to meet the :ng wactJt of ocr comraunity. The addition '. a ifiiimn to each page, together wjlb consider uitiv uto the length, will ecaUa o B to lay r cur readers much invre matter than we do repeat, and give them all the advantages of ;h a local and general newspaper. INQUIRER FT >ll THE CAMPAIGN. vVe will ijsue the Inquirer from the let of June .r.til the Tth day of Moverni-r, 1 OS, the close of be Presidential campaign. > for the following Dparatircly low Sgure.- : \y. in advance ...... 75 pics, in advance $6.00 : c-f, in advance 11.00 x 0 i .pica, in advance 25.00 rE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIB UNE. ' c, will also fend the Xew York Weekly Trib- IN i Bedford INQCII ER for one year to any nwl wiT pay uk three dollars ic advance. *e who have already paid us in advance for Ii toirer fince the first of February, by 5g us one dollar additional will bate the r,c .-entllbeni from the 1.-t of May e Ist of May InC'J. Thia is one of the best • rt unities, ever offered. The campaign will be •t animated one, and togivc* our readers the • .vsntagr fa leading newspaper we have made arrangement. Xaw is the time to subscribe, wii rs: j i a club for tbc campaign ? IRKBORROW A JLUTZ, r r J7. Editor* and Proprietor*. i ivSfTrcßE.- Attention is cat led to the ad — .client of Thomas Merwine, in today's Tat RtuiSTEY Lsw.—AVe puLl sh on the j'side of to day s isvue, the new Registry Kill as passed by the late Legislature. V,"e : .a this to the exclusion of other matter, in :dr that oar readers, particularly the dec- Hcera, may have an opportnnity of ex ■ 'x:ing and making themselves fally acqnain ted with its provisions. P.i■ r :rr>. —The office of the Jtailr .ad com ; my. at Uoliidajaburg, was entered by bnr- U, lnes'Juy moming of week t efore - '1 s une forty dollars in money and e hundred dollars in checks, taken > the rafe. {'he checks will be of no nse itercs, as payment has been stopped. •it fa'- vbs estroyed by the use of powder. Af' r one of the severest wiuters s "• ce t in this latitude for many years, :e a; the present signs of a favorable - 1 re; d weather. The winter was - • re on live stock generally, Userve a long summer with | ■ !.-ed and pasture to make amends •inter uf their discontent." -Our pi-catorial friends are •ue ajp emenls of their profes - ■% rou- campaign against the finny - re present season. Some few have, indeed, already commenced it very encouraging success. We ceti able, yet, to try our luck but re time Rfwirtd as from the "rush to enjr.y a short season of ang ■ e moa;,Ui,ii streams, which we -■ r i t learn, are filled with the most " ' >'! the finny tribe-thc beautiful RSPPBUCAH MASS MEET INC.— Pursuant ■to a previous call large number of the Union men and law-abiding citizens of Bedford County assembled in Mass Meet ing, in the.Court House, on Tuesday evening ast, for the purpose of hearing the questions >f the coming political canvass fairly and truthiully discussed. The Republican Hand was in attendance during the evening and discussed some of their finest selections of music. 1 he meeting was called to order by electing .1. .-I. Snowden of Middle Woodberry, to the j chair, after which the following additional officers were chosen for the evening. UtV President*. —H. R Mock, St. Clair, Robert Ralston, South Woodberry, John W. Sams. East Providence, AlbertSmilh,Cumber land Yalley, Thomas Price, Broad Top, Jacob Evans, Esq., Londonderry, Samuel ShutV-r, 1 nior., John Johnson, Southampton, Joseph May, Harrison; N'eo-e/arfes.—Samuel J. Jordan, Bedford, Borough: Samuel Wilbelm, Londonderry: Committee OH Resolutions. —John Lutz, Esq., Chairman: J. W. Lingenfelter, Esq., Benjamin R. Ascbom, Asa S. S'uckey, aud Simon Nycum. J. T. Keagy, Esq., was the first speaker I announced, and led off with a ueat, cogent and argumentative speech, on Reconstruction and Impeachment followed by At. A. Points, Esq.. who, by his learned logic, and pungent thrusts at modern treason, elicited freqnent rounds of uproarious applause. The Committee on then repor ted the followiug which were unanimously adopted, WHEREAS, Under a Republican form of government the supremacy of the law is at all times of vital importance, and especially so in times.ol political excitement, and WUGTTEAJP. Andrew Johnson hasfrequeully, flagrantly and defiantly denounced the law making power of the nation, and deliberately violated the laws, and W HESExe, A sound financial system and a strict fulfilment of the pledges of the nation to her creditors are essential to the financial security and integrity of the uation, It is hereby Rtsolced, by tbe Republicans of Bedford county in Alass Meeting assembled, 1. i'bat we heartily approve of and endorse the impeachment of Andrew Johnson, and believe that his conviction and removal from office is necessary to the safety, prosperity and peace of the country, -. 1 bat tbe honor of the country and com mon honesty require that every dollar of the national debt, incurred in putting down re bellion should be honestly paid, and we heartily condemn as dishonest, unjust and calculated to tarnish the national honor, any and every device looking to the defraud ing of the nation's creditors or the repudia tion of the national debt. ' 8. That we reiterate our choice ol General I lysse-s S. Grant as the standard bearer of the Republican party in the coming Presiden tial contest. believing that be who was first in war is worthy to M made first in peace, and to be entrusted with tbe highest office in the gift of :i grateful people. i. That in the Congressional plan of recon struction we recognize the only true, safe and just, principle upon which our Union can be restored and our free institutions placed upon an enduring foundation. 5. That the thanks of the State are due to the members of the Legislature just adjourned, and to Governor Geary for giving us .a genuine Free Railroad Law and a Registry Bill, and the thanks of the Republicans of Bedford county are hereby tendered to our represen tatives tor their attention to duty auu their fidelity in fulfilling the pledges of the party, particularly on the Free Railroad question, •j. That the thanks of the State ! are due to Governor Geary for his stern j integrity and fearless courage, displayed in j calling attention to public abuses, and veto ing unconstitutional and unjnst laws, without regard to party or personal interests, and in the face of threatened odium, particularly in the so-called Senate Free Railroad Biil. 7. That the thanks of the Republican parly are due to Hon John Cessna and Hon 11. B". Swoor e for their zeal aud energy in ferrettirsg out and exposing the Luzerne county natura lization frauds, perpetrated by Wallace and liis minions. h>. I hat our Representative iu Congress, j Hon W. H. Koontz, by bis personal attention to the duties of his office, his vitilwfSsind stern devotion to tLe great principles of the Republican party and of our free institutions, ; has won the esteem and deserves the thanks ; of the people of this Congressional District. ; Hon. John Cessna, being repeatedly called : upon, responded in scathing, scourging and unanswerable arguments, wbich completely undermined the Copperhead theory and i portrayed in living terms the great principles 1 of the Republican party—Right, Liberty , and Justice. Upon Mr. Cessna's closing, the meeting adjourned with-three hearty cheers for General Ulysses S. Grant, and we feel assured that every Republican preßc-nt left with a determination to go to work with re newed activity and increased zeal for tbe fur therance of the cause of the Union and Re publicanism. IIE.VBT WARD BEECHER. in his latest Sun day moruing sermon, said that if he was a merchant and wanted to sell goods, he would advertise in the newspapers.—A'etr York ; Paper. And Mr. Beecber would -elt his goods. Judicious advertising never fails. Mr. Bee cber would know how to advertise judiciously —which is what a good many don't know. It is :he easiest thing in the world to throw away money in trying to advertise. Letting ori just too little steam is no better than none jat all. Tbe same song continually sung would ruin the best of singers. Tbe weak, ; sickly, timid advertising is simply useless ex penditure of money. TLiu gruel never made ioe fat. Liberal advertising has made more men rich than any other one thing. Mr. Bvet-her is the best advertised man in the country, and he knows the value of advertis ing liberally. THE AIEETIXO OS MONDAY NIGHT. —Tbe Democratic gathering on Monday night, prov i ed a fuilure as far as numbers and enthusiasm t were concerned. A "beggarly account of empty benches," a few office-seeking Demo ; crats. and a respectable sprinkling of Renub- j licans—(there for tbe purpose of gratifying ' cariosity)—were addressed by Messrs. Shan non and Meyers, as nmal. The resolutions were a Lime rehash of by gone balderdash, aud tbe speeches were without force or logic, a worded appeal to tbe people to forget the ' past,-(ah! don't these men wish it could and would be forgotten)—and look only to party i and the offices. One of the speakers declar- ; ed for Hancock for President, but Lis coup- i ling the declaration with the fact that he had ' been a prominent General in the Union army j frustrated the whole scheme, and the mention I of his r.ame was received in profound : silence. I.lc USE STOI.EN. —On Tuesday night of last ; week a horse belonging to Ferdinand Berry, j was stolen from bis stable, on South Front j street. The is supposed to have been ! committed about ten o'clock, as considerable noise was heard in the neighborhood of the • stable about that time. No clue has been j j obtained of tbe whereabouts of the horse or i thief.— ChcMnhcreburg Repository. THE GALAXY. —for May, 18C8, contents I he Black Bess, by Harriet Frescoti Spofford (with au illustration by W. J. lienneasy), Our Millionaires; by T. W. The Trumpet Smith, by Charles Dawson Sfatnly; Persona iism, by \\ alt Whitman; The Shadow ou the W all. Clementina Kinniside: by E. Lynn • Liuton. (With an illustration by Gaston Fay.) Soldier-Statesmen: The House and the Heart, by E. It. Sill. The Pilgrimage to Mecca, by Edna Dean Proctor; Woods and Waters; by Edmund Clarence Sledmau Beecbdale, by -Varion Harland, (with an illustration by IV inslow Homer.) Chapters 1., 11., and 111. VI ords and their Uses; by Richard Grant White, Five years in Japan; by D. B Sim mons, t with au illustration from a Japanese drawing), Steven Lawrence, Yeoman, by Mrs. Edwards. Wreck, by 11. H. Tbe Galaxy Miscellany; Articles by Pierre Blot. Mark Twain, and others. Drill-wood, By Philip Quilipet. Literature and Art, By Richard Grant White, E. 1., Youmans, and S. S. Co nanL Xix. Nebulae, By the Editor. VS ith this number The Galaxy is enlarged so as to contaiu fully fifty per cent, more matter than heretofore. It is now the largest Magazine (with a single exception) iu the country. The illustrations of The Galaxy will hereafter be under the personal charge of Mr. W. J. I.iuton, who stands at the head of Wood Engravers, not only in this country, but also in England. "Beechdale," the serial story by Marion Harland, commenced in this number, will continue to be illustrated by Mr. Winslow Homer. It will run through five or six numbers of the Msgazine. The next (Jaue) number of The Galaxy will contain an article by Mayne Reid, and stories by Henry James, Jr. Miss Crane (the author of "Emily Chester," "Oppor tunity," etc.), and other popular writers. The price of The Galaxy is $4 a year. For sale at the INQUIRE* Book Store. TOE HERALD or HEALTH for May is be fore us. Tbe • 'Only SpicesanuCondiments'' permitted and advocated by this popular monthly are peace, pure air, properly pre pared food, no medicine, and lots of natnre in large doses. Its list of excellent contributors are fully in keeping with its high-toned teach ings. In the Junenumber will be commenced a series of valuable articles to parents on the Care, Education, and Rearing ot Children, fexpres fly written for it by Mrs. HC-race Mann' Miss E. P. Peabody, Grace Greenwood, Frances Dana Gage. Mrs. Dio Lewis, Sarah Jane Ilale, Elizabeth Oakes Smith, etc., and will be continued through the volume. $2 per annum, 20cts. per number. Address Miller, VloodACo., Publishers, lii Laight Street, New York. THE ECLECTIC for May contains: —Don Carlos and Philip 11, Eruptionsof Vesuvius, Westminister Abbey, Migbty Hunters. Sub merged Islands, Deep Sea Soundings, Finan cial Notabilities, Brigandage in the Pontifi cal States. Abyssinia (concluded), Madame Tallien. The Blockade: An Flpisode of the End of the Empire (continued), Historical Sketches of the Reign of George 111, The Earl of Albemarle, Poetry, Notes on Books, Science, Varieties. Single copies, 1-i ceuts: one copy, one year, $-7,00: two copies, one year, $0.00: five copies, oneyear, $20.00. Address W. H. Bidwell A Co., 5 Beekman St, New York. F'or sale at INQUIRER Book Store. A Coxrutsr.—Wc take no delight in complaining, but we are appealed to by the ladies to complain of the rudeness of cer tain parties who are in the habit of congregating in front of several of our places of business every evening. This is particu larly tbe case where opportunity is afforded these "squatters"' to sit down, and to the number of tifteeu or twenty, without any re gard to race or color, tbey make it a matter of courage for a lady to pass. Such behavior is unpardonable, as it is rude, profane and boisterous. We know their conduct is not to the credit of the proprietor,- of these places, and we hope this will be all that need be said in the matter. A WARNING. —K. K. K.- - The heinous crimes being committed by the bloody "Ku- Klax Klan" are not confined exclusively to the Southern States but their warning arid cabalistic missives are occasionally sent to Northern Unionists, notifying them that the "dark and bioody hour has arrived." A note of this kind was sent to us the other day, but oil opening it, we were gratified to find thai it was not from the "K. K's," but from the "Regulator," notifying us to "warn" tbe public that H. F. Irvine had just received the CHEAPEST and BEST lot of Boots. Shoes and Qaeensware ever brought to Bedford. We would suggest, therefore, that purchasers give him a call before buying elsewhere. BIACKWOODS EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. —The April number of tbis well kuown monthly comes, as USUA), filled with good readable matter. Tbe leading article—"Horace, the Causes of his Popularity, merits a careful peru-al. Linda Trosel, Part IE. Cornelius ODowd, Charles Kcan ar.d the Modern Stage, Ac., are all excellent articles. Sub scription price— $4.00 per year. Single cop ies. 35 cents. F'or sale at the INQUIRER Book Store. THE National Publishing Company is about issuing a history of the Rebellion by HOD. A. H. Stephens, The work will doubtless be a most interesting one, being taken from a Southern stand point by perhaps the most competent of all the Southern participants in the contest. It will be looked for with in creased interest on account cf the position of its author at the breaking out of the Rebellion. See advertisement in another column. THE ATLANTIC MosrHLT.—The May num ber of this excellent arid well established magazine comes to u* replete, with highly en tertaining and instructive reading. The char acter of the matter given through the columu g of The Atlantic make it one of the most pop ular and desirableofall the monthlies. Publish ed by Tit-knor A F'ields, Boston. Subscription price $4,00; single eopies—STcts. F'or sale ' J at the INQUIRER Book Store. ! EVERY SATURDAY. —The May number is at : band and is filled with good selections from tbe : j best current literature of Great Britain, and I original translations lrom the Continental journals. "F'oul Play" a new novel by ! Charles Reade, is published in this magazine alno a new poem by Tennyson, from the ad | vanced sheets in this numia-r, l'or sale at ; the INQUIRER Book' Store. WINDOW BLINDS. —A fine variety of win- ; • dow paper, cheap, at the INQUIRER BOOK ! S Store. i MAGNOLIA WATER is a delightful toilet article . i —superior Iu Cologne and at half the cost. 2 ! EXHIBITION-. —The Library Committee, of the M. E. Sabbath School, of this place, wiii give an entertainment, commencing on Wed nesday evening next, to consist of a number of Speeches, Dialogues, Colloquys, Singing, Ac. The proceeds of the exhibition are to be appropriated to the replenishing of the I.ibrary of the Sabbath School. The patronage cf the public is respectfully solici ted. THE REAL ESTATE AGESCT of Durborrow | A I.utr. has effected the sale of & number oi tracts of land within the last few weeks. !■ This is one of the best means of ditposiug of : land that can be successfully mployed. I Lands are sold at the price established by the ) ownar, without any effort on his par, and at comparatively little or no expense: aid wwh out the public even knowing whose laids are offered for sale. Persons having lands to sell will do well to employ them while those i desiring to buy should not fail to apfly at once. tf. A NIMHEK of persons are availing ilcm selvesof our proposition to furnish the I.v- QCIRER and A'ew York Tribune f or one war for THREE i'oi.i.Atis. They will please ic member that we want the noney in advance —s2 lor the IMJCIUEK and $1 for the Tribuiu. The liberality of the proportion must be ap parent to all and unless we have the monev for both papers IX ADVANCE, we cannot do it. We ought to introduce At least 500 cop ies of the Tribune into the tounty by this arrangement. • tf. No Health Without Vigor. The wear and tear of lite tdie ipon us all more or less. ".That are TVE but mlcbuee? The vital principal is the motive powertbß keeps tfie bn man engine in motion; but as beans, pistons, con nection pipes, condenser# AND BALERS wear out, so do organs, muscle", tissues SRJT ill the compound parts of that marvellous piAcc of work called MAS. The mechanism of the body gquires to be re paired and strengthened just as frnuch as the me chanism employed to grind corj, or ppin cotton, or weave elotb. Steam cann-4 drive a broken shaft, or impel a drum OR a WIEEL THAT is oat of gear: neither can the vita! force let through a par alysed limb, or an inert organ. ARE YOU WEARING Do you feel that any one of your organs— yur stomach, liver, bowels, nervous system, or auf other cs-sential part of your organisation, falter) in iu work? If so. repair the damage aith :ic most powerinl, yet harmless, of HOSTETTKIT'S STOMACH BITTERS. Ksnember that debili ty i? the "Beginning of .h< End" — that the cli max of all weakn. -s is a 4iversa! paralysis of the system, and that such ptgalysis is the imme diate precursor of T E ATH. Don't w:, it for disease to OURN.it its ravages be fore you commence the srengthening process. Keep the whole body in a dgorous condition by prm niin'j, as far as possiije, the inroads of de cay. Repair the waste of nature with nature's 1.E.: tonic— HOSTETTER I BITTER.-'. 001.0 ATE'S AROMATIT VEGETABLE SOAP A superior TOILET 804 P. prepared from re fined VEGETABLE OILS 'u combination with Glycerine, and especially deigned f..r tbc use of LADIES and fortheNURSfRY. Its perfuaiei3 exquisite, and its washing wopertie? unrivaled For sale by alt druggists. ju1y,15,67.y I tlAllnhl'S. PuiiADEt.ruiA, April 18—Flour dull aud unchanged; superfine,sS7s@9; extras, $9- 26(ai10. Wheat held firoty: re>i. .■>: No. 2 spring, $2 50(3; 2 58: wbre, $3 20(5,3 30. Rye, $2 16(5,2 19. Corn, it good demand: yellow, $1 22(3 1 221: mixedfc'tatern. $1 21. Oats steady at 86 for heavy Testern; 88f? 90 for Pennsylvania, and 90' Of for Southern. NEW YOUK, April 28. Fitir is dull: 7,000 barrels sold, and prices unttanged. \\ heat is dull, with sales of 7,500 btiheSs at SI 13(5 1 16. Oats are declining, with sates of 18,000 bushels at Bdyc. Beef b steady. Pork is dull at S2B 50. Lard is iet at ISO 18$ c. BALTIMORE, April 28.—Flnr is iirra and active at yesterday's prices. Wheat is dull: sales of Maryland at s'i 10, d Pennsylvania 1 at $3. Corn is dull: sales c'while at $1 lo (•> 1 11, and yellow $1 20. Vats are dull and ] unchanged. Rye is firm at 11 15. "" Avert i&mcnts. All advertisement*, except public sale? ats-J . legal notices, will be insertc ibree month? and ! charged accordingly unlets ordered. TjU'BNITURE AND €Al|x&T ROOMS! THOMAS MERWINE, at thr'Old St ahi Wort- I *<*/>," ha? re-opened the Calinet and furniture busifecn in that part of the totn, and is prepared to furni.-h all fcinds of Faraitirc, at cheap rate?. Call and examine his work before purchasing eLc where. Satisfaction guaritifeed. Special at- I tention paid to the manufVtir< and furnishing of Coffins. Term? reasonable ImavJin A CENTS WANTED FORpANA'S AUTHORIZED VJIKAI'THESTK LIFE OF ULYSFE? i GRANT Comprising a complete andtecarate history uf : ; his eventful AND lot, resting rsreer, with TC au thentic narrative OF bis invalsabie military ser vice,. adding also an imparml estimate of his character a A. man, a SOLOES, and a Statce aau. HR Hon. {'avails- A DATA, late A "is taut Secretary of War The Ipringfield Jlepuh itican raj?:-- "Dana's Life eUGeoeral Grant is sure tu be the m...T antkentk and best Life of Grant published." For partitulars, apply to or address GL'RI ON A CO., Spingfield, Ma-S., or W. D. M YERB, 41 Maiden lane. X. Y. ! Itnay 41 OLD HAMMERED SIIOVJI. MOLDS,G STK HRSTJF.B AND RED HONS AT HART J LEY A METZGERB tf | / T LOBE FACTORY.--Tie subscriber takes | V_JT pleasure in informing his friends that he is 1 prepared to do ' CARDING, SPINNING, FL'ILING, DYING, ! Ac., and though he intends erecting a A NEW FACTORY THIS SI MMER. it will not in'erfore with the RUNNING OF THE OLD ONE. Hi? numerous customer l will find him ever FTEADY TO ACCOMMODATE THEM. 1 may :2m JOHN KEA^Y. ! / A RAIN CRADLES! j l_T GRAIN ( R.SDLKS! Hartley A Mctiger are tbc ONLY AFLENTS in Bedford Co.. for the ORIGINAL GENUINE, GREEN CASTLE GRAIN CRADLES. T'eraoas noeding cradles should ca/1 eoua at HARTLEY A METZGERS. a- the supply ..f "genuine Green Castles" is LIMITED. IET EVERY BODY wanting any thing in J the Hardware line, call at HARTLEY A METZGERS, They have the largest stock of goods ever Seen in a country store, and as they 1 BUY FOR CASH— and many thing? direct from the mnufacturers.--tkey IAN and DO sell at CITY PRICES. G ive there a call. DKEER'S WARRAX r SO FRESH ASH G EXCISE GAJtpEK SEEDS, and a full | assortment of Spades, SPADING Forks, Hoes, Rakes, Shovels. AC Ac., CAN be bought at HART LEY A METZGER'M very low for cash. mr2otf \l7 ANTED— An Agent ia this (.'one, ty for the M EE H EXGLAM) HUT UAL LIFE IX SURASVE CO. This is the oldest Mutual Or ganisation in the country. Uandsnine compen sation given. Address STROUD A MARSTON, General Agents, April2:fit No. 31 North Fifth St., l'hila. 'M'OTICE JO TAX PAYERS.—In pursuance > ,T ~ 101 °f Assembly, to Provide for the collection of State, County, Poor and Military ,a,l e V l . . e<,ont J of littiford, approved the , d y ° f April, IS6B, the undersigned will at end at the tunes aud places balow named, be tween the hours of # o'clock, a. to. and 4 o'clock, p. m., for the purpose of receiving such Taxes, for the year 186S : Monday, June I—Harrison Township, at ibe | t j v ° ottfce Joeeph Cessna. i uesd&y, 2—Juniata township, Buena Viati. j Wednesday, June 3—Napier Township, at New Pari. A bursday, Jue 4—Napier township, and £chlD bnrg Bor., in .Scbailabarg. rrlday, June ,>—Ka?t Proridence township, at D. j . T. Blank's store. Saturday, June 6—West Providence township, ia Rloojy Run. iuesday, June V—Snake Spring township, at the house of Joseph Mortimore. edntsday, Jur :e 10—Union township, at the hou?o of John Reigbard. Thursday, June 11—Union township, at How ry's Mill. Friday, June 12—St.CIair township, in Plea^ant ville. .Saturday, June 13—St. Clair tp, and St. Clairs - r V HI Bor., in .St. ClairsriUe. 31 on day, June 15—Londonderry township, at Bridgeport. Wednesday, June 17—Cumb. Valley township, at CentreviUe. Thursday, June IS—Colerain township, and . . Rainsburg Bor. at Rain*burg. Friday, June 10—Bedford township, in tirand Jury Room, Bedford. Saturday, June 20—Bedford township, in Grand Jury Room, Bedford. Monday, June 22—Southampton township, at Wm. Adams' mill. Tuesday, June 2.v— Monroe township, at Clear ville. Wednesday, June 24—Bloody Run Borough, Bloody Run. Thursday, June 25 Middle Woodbcrry township, in Woodbcrry. Friday, June 26 31 iddle Woodberry township in Woodberry. Saturday, June 27—South Woodberry township, at J. £. Noble's mill. Monday, June 29—Saxton Boreugh, in Saxton, Tuesday, June JO—Liberty township, in Stoners town Wednesday, July I—Broadtop township, and Coaldale Bor., in Coaldale. Thur? lay, July 2—Hopewell township, at Wm. A. Grove's. iriday, July 3—Bedford Borough, in Grand Ju ry Room. "All persons in said county who shall, on or before the 2Sth day of July, aforesaid, pay to the 1 reasurer the amount of his or her taxes, -ball be entitled to a deduction of 5 per centum thereon." A schedule of all unpaid taxes on the 20th day of August next, will be made out and delivered to it Justice of the Peace lor collection. 1 may 4w X. MENGEL, Treasurer. WANTED FOR THE OFFICIAL HISTORY OF THE WAR, hi Cautt', f haracter, Conduct and Hctultt. BV BO".. XLRXAXDBB H. STKCHItXS. -4 Hovk for all Section! and all Portia. This great work presents the only complete and impartial analysis of the Causes of the War yet published, and gives those interior lights end shadows of the greet confiict only known to those high officers who watched the fl.od-tide of revolu tion from its fountain springs, and which were so accessible to Mr. Stephens from his position as second officer of the Confederacy. To a public that has been surfeited witb Appar ently Similar Productions, we promise a change of fare: both agreeable and salutary, aud an intel lectual treat of the highest order. The Great American War has At Last found a historion worthy of it? importance, and at whose hands it will receive that moderate, candid and impartial treatment which truth and justice so urgently ; demand. The intense desire every where manifested to i obtain this work, its Official character and ready sale, C"iubined with an increased commission, make it the best subscription books ever publish ed. One Agent in Eastern, Pa. reports 71 subscribers in three days, One in Boston, Mass, 103 -übscribers in four days. One in Memphis. Tenn. lt'o subscribers in five Javs. Send for Circulars and ,-ee uor tenus and a full ■dceidplion of the work, with Press notices of advas- e tbeets, Ac. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. 26 South Seventh St. Philadelphia, pa. linaj: It ORIGIN AND HISTORY or TBK >■ -BOOKS OF THE BIBLE, _ S BY PROF. CALVIN E. STOWE, D. I>. Showing what the Bible is not; what it a is: and how to use it; tracing the history of each hookup to its origin witb ita inspired authors, and completely answering all infi- "w del cavils and objection? to the .-crictures. ZC ~ It is an ordinary library of Biblical histo " rj in a single volume; brief, clear, accurate, , c nclusive and highly interesting. ■< , The result of a life of study and patient j 3 research, Contains jnst what every Bible ! reader wants to know. Recommended b> / , leading men of a'.l denominations. No _3 1 eompetitition, for there is no other book on "* the -ame subject published or sold in the .. C conntrv. Send for Circulars Address t_ ZEIGLER McCURDY A Co., . y Ima tit SI4 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. A f AXWELL KINKE.4D, J] WITH CHARLES HENDERSON & SON, (gsraßLtSHEn 1538.) Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in HATS. CAPS, FURS AND STRAW GOODS, No. 412 Marketst., above 4th, marJ7:2ni PHILADELPHIA. QELLEKS A FOLWELL, WHOI.ES At B CONITXTIONEBS AND FRUITERS, No. 161 XOKTU THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA, j Order# promptly at!ended to. feb2lm3 J UMBER! LUMBER! MVXSON. JONES A CO., PHILLIPSBI'KG, Pa. w ( K K E D L U M B E It , ..f every kind for sale. Flooring, Sasb. .Weathcr ! >ardinc, Ac. Inqnireof S F. BENEDICT. Agent, at J. W. Lingenfclters office, Bedford, Pa. fc b2l:Sm. faA/in WORTH!! 'JOUUU of BOOTS and SHOES uf every description and beet manufacture. Just received and for sale 23 per cent, cheaper than heretofore. The BOOT and SHOE department of G. R. OSTER A CO. has become a leading feature in their business, and i? now THE PLACE to get GOOD as well as CIIE4P BOOTS and SHOES, as they have the LARGEST and BEST assortment in town. feb2! i m2 I N THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNI- | TED STf TES, FOR THE WESTER* DISTRICT or PEXXSTIVXSIA, IN BANKRUPTCY. AT BEDFORD APRIL 13, IS6S. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of FREDERICK BEN EDICT, of Bedford, in the county of Bedford, and State of Pennsylvania, within said District, who has been adjud'ged a bankrupt, upon his own petition, bv the said District Court. M. A. POINTS, Assignee. To the creditors of said Bankrupt. aprl? 3t J. WILLIAMS A SONS, No. 1C North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, IABRST KVNt-racTi-BES OR YENITIAN BLINDS A!*l> WINDOW SHADES, i-g-SELL AT THE LOWEST PRICES..#* Blind? Repaired. Store Shades, Trimmings, Fixtures, Plain Shades of all kinds. Curtain Cornices Picture Tassels, Cord Bell Pulls Ac. apr24; 2mot. rpilE SIR .1011 X FRAXKLIX OR CHAM L Jt ERSBURG COOKIXG STOVE.— This celebrated stove is now offered to the public by HARTLEY A METZGAR, Agc-nts for Bedford county, who have on hand a full supply for wood or coal. mar2tf CHILDREN'S WAGONS, Carts and wheel barrows, Basket* of all kinds ltope and 1 twine of all sixes. rpWO FARMS AT PRIVATE SALE IX MORItISON'SCOVE. Tbe proprietor of the fallowing lands having concluded to rimers to Missouri, has determined to fell his farms in Morrison's Core, at private sale. The undersigned therefore offer to the pub lic tbe following splendid farms, vis: Ist. THE ' JOHN HOFFMAN" FARM located in Middle Woodberry township, on the Turnpike leading from PaUonsville to Woodberry containing 111 ACRES OF CHOICE LAND, of which about 108 acres are cleared and in a high state of cultivation, and the remaining elev en acres are covered with SPLENDID TIMBER, with a large two story LOG FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, a large DOUBLE BANK BARN, and all neces- j sary out-buildings thereon erected. Also, a ten. j ant house. There is an Orchard of CHOICE FRUIT TREES, said to be one of the beet in tbe Cove, thereon. There is also a Bpring of most excellent water at the door, while the Meadow branch ef Yellow Creek runs across the farm, passing within a few rods of the buildings. 2. THE "MICHAEL KEAGY" FARM, situate in "Hickory Bottom," said township, con taining EIGHTY-THREE ACRES, more or less, of which Sixty-Eight acres are cleared and in a fine state ot cultivation, and the balance consists of most excellent TIMBER LAN\y. Tbe improvements are a story an d a half FRAME COTTAGE HOUSE, A DOUBLE FRAME BANK BARN, and all other necessary out-buildings. There are TWO SPLENDID ORCHARDS of choice fruit upon this tract, which seldom fail. There is also a Spring of never failing water at the door. Both these farms consist of the best lime-stone I land in Morrison's Cove, and are in tbe highest state of cultivation. DCRBORROW A MJTZ, Real Estate Agents, ap!3 Bedford, Pa. VP H B GREAT AMERICAN COMBIXA TIOX BUTTON HOLE OVKRSEAMING AND SEWING MA C HINE , ITS WONDERFUL POPULARITY CONCLU SIVE PHOOP OP ITS (i RE AT MERIT. The increase in the demand lor this valuable machine has been TEN BOLD daring the last seven months of its first year before the public. This grand and turprising meet it unprece dented in the history of sewing machines, and we feel fully warranted in claiming that IT HAS NO EQEAL, BEING ABSOLUTELY THE BEST FA M ILY MACHINE IN THE WORLD, AST) INTRINSIC ALL Y THE CHEAPEST, It is really two machines combined in one, (by a simple and beautiful mechanical arrangement,) making both the Shuttle or Loek-stitcb, and the Overseaming and Button-bole stitch, with equal facility and perfection. It executes in the very hett manner every variety of sewing, such as, Hemming, Felling, Cording, Tucking, Stitching Dradlngand Quilting, Gathering and sewing on, (done at the same time,) and in addition, Over seams, Embroiders on the edge, and makes beau tiful Button and Eyelet-holes in all fabrics. Every Machine is warranted by the Company, or its Agents, to give entire satisfaction. Circulars, with full particulars and samules of work done on this Machine, can be had on appli cation at the Sales rooms of THE AMERICAN BUTTON HOLE, OVERSEAMING AND SEWING MACHINE CO., S. W. CORNER ELEVENTH XSD CBESTSVT STREETS PHILADELPHIA. Instructions given on the machine at the rooms of the Compiny gratuitously to all purchers. AGENTS WANTED. FRED'K PAXSOX, President. W. B. MEXDBXBALL, Treasurer. April 3:3 m SUMMER SCHOOL. The undersigned will open a Summer Ses- j pion in thn "Union School House,' commencing j MONDAY, May 18th, to continue eight weeks, i Those who are desirous of becoming teachers can j receive instruction in the Theory of Teaching, j with any other branches they desire to pursue. • All grades uf scholars will be admitted. 3. M. REYNOLDS, ! A pi f.'4-tt 8. J. JORDAN. BLOODY RUN MARBLE WORKS. R. 11. SIPES having established a manufactory j of Monuments, Tomb-stones, Table-Tope, Coun- j ter-slabs, Ac., at Bloody Run, Bedford eo., Pa. ! and having on hand a well selected stock of for eign and American Marble, is prepared to fill all ! orders promptly and do woTk in a neat and work manlike style, and on the most reasonable terms All work warranted, end jobs delivered to all parts of this and adjoining counties without extra. apUfcly. ______ MARRIAGE CKRTIFCATKB.—On hand and for salt at the fsfsirsr office, a fine assort i inent of Marriage Certificates. Clergymen and I Justice? should have them. V E D* TO THE COLONADE BUILDING. MILLER & BOWSER, HAVE REMOVED TO THE COLONADE BUILDING, and offer great bargains in all kinds of goods in order to reduce their stock before malting spring purchases. They have on hand DRY GOODB. READY MADE CLOTHING, FANCY NOTIONS, COTTON YARNS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES. GROCERIES, QUEENS WARE, TOBACCO, CIGARS, BROOMS, BASKETS, WOODEN WARE Ac. Look at some of their prices: CALICOES, 8, 10,12, 15, 16. GINGHAM, 12j, 15, 18, 20. MUSLIN, 10,12, 14, 15, 18, 20. CASSIMERES CLOTHS, SATTNETT and LADIES SACKING at very low prices, Ladies, Gent's and Misses Shoes, Sandals and Overshoes in great variety. Men's, boys and youths boots; best Coffee, Tes, Sugar and Syrup at market prices. Feed and Flour lor tale here at all times. We invite all to call and seethe goods, and com pare prices, before buying your goods. Our motto is, short profits. Tenet—Cash, notes or products apl3 88 PAPER WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. Several Hundred Different Figures. Several Hundred Different Figures. Several Hundred Different Figures. * Several Hundred Different Figures. Several Hundred Different Figures. Several Hundred Different Figures. Largest lot ever brought to Bedford county. Largest lot ever brought to Bedford county. Largest lot ever brought to Bedford county. Lnrgest lot ever brought to Bedford county. Largest lot ever brought to Bedford county. Largest lot ever brought to Bedford county, for sale at tbe for sale at the for sale at the for sale at the for sale at the for sale at the INQUIRER BOOK STORE. INQUIRER BOOK STORE. INQUIRER BOOK STORE. INQUIRER BOOK STORE. INQUIRER BOOK STORE. INQUIRER BOOK STORE. CHEAPER THAN EVER SOLD. CHEAPER THAN EVER SOLD. CHEAPER THAN EVER SOLD. CHEAPER THAN EVER SOLD. CHEAPER THAN EVER SOLD. CHEAPER THAN EVER SOLD. VI7 ESTERX LAND FOR SALE OR YY TRADE. The subscriber offers for sale or exchange 4008 acres of Westera lands in the counties ofEauclaire Claire A Chippewa, Wisconsin. 1200 acres of these lands are situated in the best lumber region of Wisconsin on tribataries of the Chippewa river with the best facilities for rafting: thev are HEAVI LY TIMBERED and CONVENIENT TO MILLS, and offer superior advantages for engag ing in a profitable lumbering business. They will be sold iu quantities to suit purchasers. ALSO 120 ACRES of unimproved prarie land in Cook's Valley, Chippewa county, in a good set tlement, surrounded ay improved lands, conveni ent to churches and school h coses, and well watered. Also SO acres timber and prairie land within 1J miles of A ugueta, Eauciaire county, Wisconsin. The lands will be sold at from $3 to $lO per acre, according to quality. For particulars inquire of Durborrow A Lull, or the subscriber at Bedford, Pa. Ap124.-3m JOHN WIGHTMAN. Q N. HIC KO K, D E X T I S T, Office at the old stand in BANK BCTLDINO, Jru- ASA STREET, BEDFORD. All operations, pertaining to Surgical and Mechanical Dentistry performed with care and WARRANTED. Ancrttkelics adminutcred, telex desired- Ar tificial teet\ inserted at, per set, RS.OO and up. ward. As I am determined to do a CASH BUSINESS or none, I have reduced the prices for Artificial v Teeth of the various kinds, 20 per cent., and of Gold Fillings 33 per cent. This reduction will he made only to strictly Cash Patients, and all such will receive prompt attention. feb" "yyANTED, AGENTS. SOLDIERS, TEACHERS, ENERGETIC MEN AND WOKEN, for the LIFE OF GEN. U. S. GRANT, By HON. HENRY C. HEXING, Chairman of the Military Committee in Congress. The only work of the kind issued under the sanction and by tbe authority of Gen. Grant Himself. It is official, and is the most intensely interesting biography ever published in America. The author is one of the most brilliant writers in the country. Agents will find this the selling work of the sea son. Terms, the most liberal. To secure choice of territory, apply soon to PARMLEE A CO. Pnblishers, 722 Sansom St. Philadelphia, Pa. aprS4;6t:e o w. HOTEL. This large and commodioua house, having been re-taken by the subscriber, is now open for the re ception of visitors and boarders. The rooms are large, well Tentilated, and comfortably furnished. The table will always be supplied with the beet the a. arket can afford. Tbe Bar is stocked with the choicest liquors. In short, it is mv purpose to keep a FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. Thanking the public for past favors, I respectfully solicit a renewal of their patronage. N. B. Hacks will run constantly between the Hotel and tbe Springs. maylT,'67:ly WM. DIBEP.T, Prop'r. BOOK AGENTS WANTED, for HOWLAND a LIFE OF GENARAL GRANT, AS A SOL DIER AND STATESMAN. An accurate History of his Military and Civil Career. One large octavo vol. of 650 pages, finely illustrated. Agents will find this the book to sell at the present time. The I largest ee emission given. Wc employ no General I Agents, and offer extra inducements to canvassers. ' Agents will see the advantage of dealing directly • with the publishers. For circulars and terms, address, J. B. BURR A CO., Publishers, Hart- I ford, Ct. Apl 15:4t LIVERY' STABLES, in star of the "Mengel House," Bedford, Pa., MENGEL 4 BURNS, Proprietors. The undersigned would inform their friends, and the public generally, that they are prepared to furnish Horses, Buggies, Carriages, Sporting Wagons, er anything in the Livery line of busi ness in god style and at moderate charges. Terms: Cash, unless by special agreement. janS4'6B:tf. MENGEL A BURNS. IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST REAP- Eli, HOW EH, GRAIS DRILL, or any other Farm Implement that is made, and at the lowest price, always go to HARTLEY A MBTZ GER'S old established agency. At their business is a permanent one, they will always keep the extras, which may be needed for any Farm Imple ment they sell. marSOtf INSURANCE. —Wyoming Insurance Company of Wilks Berre. Capital $150,090. Commerce Insurance Company of Albany, New York, Capi tal $500,000. Fulton Insurance Company of New York City, Capital $350,0110 F. BENEDICT, Agent at Bedford, office with 11. Nieodemue. F. M. MASTERS Agent at Bloody Run December 20th. 1867. m