gorin?. HOME l THE oh . „(*•■, the wbtowartdarewad, H„m< alb* beit, dearest ho*" Happier spot h*r oot feet never famam, Home is the beat. dearest home. There fhineth ssniighttbal fcrisceth no daade. There bloom the fiowere that never e • Bloejoms cf troth in tore's ran.'Wee rra*ey heating soui milk, and bread made o. wheat shorts, oi coarse Hour. When three weeks old we givt them dandelions chopped fine and mixed wit! their food. Up to this time we feed sc times a day at regular intervals, and a! way, furnish plenty of fresh water. When sever or eight weeks old wheat makes exceilen feed. We use screenings or small wheat Tbe old turkey will not leave the young: con sequent!? she is not confined."' PLANTING EVERGREENS. Transplanting evergreen trees differs ven little from deciduous trees. The principa difference is in the time. Evergreen shouli not be planted before tbe first of April, ani the planting may even run into the secouc week in May. They can be set out with en tire certainty even when they have sproutet half an iDch. The different spruces, pines, arbor vitaes, Ac., will do well where any com mon tree will grow, and will be better satis fied with poor soil than deciduous trees. But they must be well and flrmly planted in t large, carefully prepared hole, and set a trifle deeper than they stood in tbe uursury, when sometimes they stand very shallow, especiall) if they have been transplanted there for quick ssdes, which is frequently the case. Thej should be well staked that the roots may nol be jarred by the spring winds, which make c full broadside charge upon their unshed fob age, while the ground is still moist from frosl and spring rains. The after cultnre ot evergreens is alt im portant. The soil underneath the branches must be often stirred with an iron rake ot garden fork, and no grans or weeds permitted to grow. Dogs, hogs, chickens, much less cattle, must not be allowed in the enclosure with the trees. Dogs are particularly injuri ous to evergreens, and so are chickens which dust themselves in the soft earth beneath the branches. The fine leaves once rubbed off and this it is easy to do—the branch frequent ly dies, and none other ever sprouts to take its place. In selecting evergreens, be particular to take those which are well and uniformly branched down to the ground, and rise in pyramidal form. A dark color and thin brandies, are al ways tbe best. In case any of your trees, after being plant ed a few years, does not show as deep agreon as it naturally should, mulch it as far as the branches extend with a wheelbarrow load of good barnyard manure, and it will soon meet your wishes. NK W YORKJC QL U M ? a} • j 7Tt-? i an T A * K43srr "spfjji'' "^OBTAR'B PREPARA T IONS. EVERYBODY— XBIES THEM. EVERYBODY—USES THEM. EVERYBODY— BELIEVES IN THEM. EVERY BODY' — RECOM MEN US THEM. Are you troubled by Kate, Mice, Roaches Ante, Ac.? par ßuy a 25c. or 50c. Box of— Cost ar' a Exterminators. "Only Infallible Remedies known." "Free from Poiaen." " Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Rata come out of their holea to die." Improved to keep in any climate. Are you annoyed with Bed-Bugs? Can't rleep nights! jSrßuy a 25c. or s&c Bot tle of— "Costar's Bed-Bug Exter. A Liquid "Destroys and prevents Bed- Bugs." "Never Faila." For Moths in Furs, Woolens, Carpets, Ac. Ac. -jbtUßuv a 2jc or 50c Flask of— "Costar's Insect Powder. Destroys instantly Fleas and all Insects on Animals, Ac. "A sure thing." Thousands testify to its nierits. a 25c or 50c Box of— "Costar's" Corn Solvent For Corns, Bunions, Warts, Ac. "Try it." Don't suffer with Pain! A Wonderful power of Healing! Ererv family should keep it in the hou?e. Boy a2seor 50c Box of "Costar's" Buckthorn Salve. Its effects are immediate. For Cuts, Burns, Bruise?, Wounds, Sore Breasts, Piles, Ul cers, Old Sores, Itch, Scrofula and Cutane ous Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Lips, Ac., Bites of Animals, Insects, Ac. - -——j "A Universal Dinner Pill" (sugar-coated.) 30 years administered in a Physijian's Practice. and 50c Boxes— "Costar's ' Bishop Pills. Of extraordinary efficacy for Costircness, Indigestion, Nervous and Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Dysentery, General Debility, Liver Complaints, Chills, Fevers, Ac. Not griping. Gentle, mild and soothing. "That Cough will kill you. Don't neglect it. ,!E#-25c. and 50c. Sizes— "Costar's" Cough Remedy. The children cry for H—its a "Soothing Syrup." For Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma, Bronchial Affections. Singers, Speakers, and all troubled with Throat Complaints, will find this a beneficial Pec toral Remedy. Beautifies the Complexion, giving to the skin a transparent freshness- Bottles SI .00 "Collar's" Bitter Sweet and Orange Blossoms. Renders the skin clear, smooth and soft. Removes Tan, Freckles, Pimples, Ac. La dies, try a bottle, and see its wenderful quality. SgU ! ! 'Beware !!! of all Worthless Imitations. jJEff-None Genuine without "Costar's" Signature. Sffi,?sc and 50c sizes kept by all Druggists. 3*-$! 00 sizes sent by mail on receipt of price. 2.00 pays for any three SI.OO sizes by Ex press. ZS~ti,QQ puys for eight SI.OO sizes by Express. Address HENRY R. COSTAR, 452 Broadway, N. Y. Fcr sale by HKCKERMAN A SON, Bedford. ''J Wholesale Druggists in PHILA DELPHIA, Pa., and in all the large cities, febll: f XT A It D W \ U K. |a t ne\y HAND AT 'itlE bi : ' fts 1 AT THE OLD STAND Of JtLYMYVR * ON' j The gcJerAgi: A hi.ing po-:0 sure j j rtock of O. PLYMYKRA SOX, and harm • added j therein by FRESH PI'RCUANKS iin the Eavt. Re-cctf :'fy atra-ja-. es the poo- j | lie that he'lf.no* Jfrejoirr.! " sclt ejsiJ fJUCKs. or approved COUNTRY PRO!)! ?■- Everything in the Itiirdo >rc Lue -i CARPENTER?', JOTNF.RS', CABINET. | # AVI SHOEMAKER TOOLS. .\p> FINDINGS, i CROSS CUT tap c.!W MILL S AWF, URINC STONES, iff FIXTURES, SADDLERY of all kind- NAILS, by the kCgg or p-asd, WAGON, FIRE, STRAP IRON, I NAIL ROD, DO! ULL isn SINGLE i SHEAR, BLISTER t.M CA.Si STEEL, j HOUSE SHOES, by th- '-.egg '* *><■ •'! quantifier, j DOUBLE jii SINGLE BITTED AXES, j C CILERY' OF EVERY DESCRIPTION 1 KNIVES AND FORK.-, vei> heap, the very best POCK EI K NINES, POF.TMON IKS Asp rOCKET Js>oKS, SILVER TEA xxl> TABLE I SPOON'S in setts. LB ITAINIA WARE I in set!?, liuy.", , NAD VARNISHES, j Window Olasr, *1! •■■■ W-p- oto J - r the increasing demands ot the public. TERNS. —Two dollars and fifty cent? per n mtm. No orders received without ti - : -h, . all subscription? stopped at the end of the (inn paid for. Specimen number- -rent. Addr - PHILIP R. FRRAS, Editor and Proprietor, mar2o Germantown, Philadelphia, Fa. OEDFOHD CLASSICAL SCHOOL FOTRDBN BV RF.V. JOIIN I.TOX, IS." '. FREDERICK "WOODS, Prim ipal. A firstehsi school fo- thein-tru.hm of youth of both sexes in a classical and English education, including Latin, 1 ■ reek , French. German, Math, malice and the ordinary Englirh branches. Terms moderate. Students from a distaste can obtain hoard in town at reasonable rates. BEFKHBXCAL: Hon. A. King. John P. Reed, Hon. J. F Hartiey, 11. Nieodemn-, Win. Hartley, R. B. Lea : , O. E. Shannon, C. N. Hickok, w. H. Watson. 34. D., Geo. fllyniyer, B. F. Karry, M. D., <}. D. Shuck, Sam'l L. Russell, . C. Coifeli, Jacob Iteed, Ross Andet.-on, 31 I). B. F. Myers, Joliu Luti. William Lyon. janlo:.2ui. DENTISTRY. I. N. BOWSER, KKHIOKST DENTIST, Woon- BKRp.r, Pa., visits Bloody Run three days of each month, commencing with the second Tuesday of the. month. Prepared to perform all Dental oper ations with which be tnay he favored. Term* Itnthin the res--A of all ttati eiri'-t' j rt'nh r>— rpt r ; special contract. Work to be sent by mail or oth wiac, must be paid for when impressions are taken. augs, *61:1 f. QIIEAP PAINTIML ONE THIRD X 100 lbs. of PECOHA CO'B eol / ored Paint,-, icosting SI2J,) will THE COST V Paint as much as 2io lbs. of Lead \ and wear longer. For particu- OF LEAD. J lars address 8, BO WEN. Sec. niarl3m:; ISO N. Uh Street, Phi Fa. ALL KINDS OF CLANKS, Common Admin istrator's and Executor's, Deeds, Mortgages Judgment Notes, Promissory Notes, with ad without waiver of exemption, Summons, Suhpone nas and Executions, for sale at the Inquirer office Nov 2, 1865 ? BOOK, STATIONERY i "** AND i pict rst mm.. i few t>p*e< tn staffer** building, , Julan* sue*', * £W | BOOK, FT ATtONERV AND PICT UK K STORE. ] Having parr!, ■■ A the largest s. - of feel? and j :t*tiucerjrcv-r bf. gbt •-, the, j! ■■■*, at tba -LOWEST WHOLESALE PRICK?, |He tatter*. niwfe it that feu wi fee abla U " CHEATER ! ' !i than RaY othc. {ita-f-in engaged in Uie uiu bull ae?*. Hi* *fe.-k consists ia put of - SCHOOL BOUivK, .MMI'KLLANIXIt HOOKS. STANDARD I'OKTRY, POLFLAiI NOYEIaS, I : Also HYMN ROOKS for all UeDsmitiatienx, IBRHH**iL-MtAYRR BOOKS. MIFNAfiS it. CHiLDKLNS I Story JSrwk-, Bo>- feu Ta.*lt,r JlxfJ-, Uvuk.- .->6 I Game-, Song Boo*?, N< • ' j ■-. . . JH stock of S C H O O L B O UKH! littiurarct 'fc'gar.d'e SeriM f II dt- : ■■-, Bi Hi'* l *. Giraeiwar s BmA'i AritutnetifDavl Alfel.'j. BauVe rj,.ciWr. ,:.j •.; wii i-fl In the CuU! msn Biiiaoh it iiuiSard O intj; #!* COPY BOOK of sil kinds. S i" A T I 0 X I R T ! ot e.ery d4rit*m at 1 mm*' prices, riil befuunJ at few store, foi-ludi; / FaoN :ij>, j,: .i a and ruled, Ledger Cy, fee t' >)T ' ;**,,< ff r ia! Note, Lata* .LA to, JNt LLOl'E.s <4 eii k.n-: and site*, l'. <- J Faucyr, Fine White Wore, ete., e". STEEL I'KNP. P. n-H -Mors, s;-.h , tt .j ! Slate Pnerl -f all number?. Ink-Stands f si.< most litautifui ac-t Convenient d-.ijre-, and INKS of the lafet ijiiaiity- at (ho )/wct j,ri ■t. \ A! so UrsrO aaanrtwentlt 1} RoSK NK i i. A M VH ■ JfeihMid JvwiMijS i, &>iuKIN"• andCHEY- IN'! JXißACtCigar*, Pea knire., , PERFUMERY; . A rpimmhy trill K> made of I tea RlCl'lUb It Ki' A it TiftSl. - , Fine Large Pi>.trail.-, of W whirr gtw>. liaeuln, Johnf.'ia aad'eSttr ditihgtDi .•E4lJ\Al: RCMOYALS W. W. B IRKBTIiE SSK II & CO.. Takajdtuun in iafouiing their n.sy mtati and eutlomerl lu t the;, have mured the Bedford CLOTHING EMPORIUM to Shuck's Old Stand, : one door wet of Sit Wu.-hiogtun House, where th' v hart opened fh largest stock of READY .MADE CLOIIiiNO, ever i to I ford, and r >B*tting ia part - j cf O \ i: R C O A T 8 . DRESS COATS, BUSINESS *)ATS, PANTS, VESTS. o watc'u. They hot* a .i a meat i A IMA CLOTHING ' very let pttoj ; ' BLOUSES, OVEU UOA'iS, r A N T S, BLANKETS, tc.. Ac. Our CASSI MIRE DFTLi RTMKN'f i fiiQ t.B I iIUMMISiiX tc gre.)te-t varu il. Our Notiuu I>ej.tttiaeßt i*]#o (juiie attractive G ENT'S UJtDKiif LOTHtSU lriu_...-J t-. t. " OYKK *-|l t UTS of every tiyle - of pr-e. ! HOSIERY. G LO VE? ■ NECKTIES, BOW SUSPENDERS. LTNEN A.M. | PAPER C|l F:-v. LINEN |OLLAIiS. Wc have tie lagc.-t Stock <-( PAPKK COL- J LARS in Bedford |nd the gr,. test variety. In HATS wt dek • umpttitiuu. at we hare the largest stock, *nd ortet from the M*Ouf.\t TKUMS are Voth or Pm. vffcee. jZ'S- Rvtieil ef tfe p' uo li l "•> * One l 'oor We A ol the House. Nov. {,'. . I H untingdon I droadtop kailruad .—On and oftetThursday, Oct. It'./ 1567, Pav eenger Trarnv wijiirrire rnd d-'pnst a-- follows: Afeeom Mhil. ; IAID .v.- A-'.-.-ia Mail. AND P.M. A. M. SIDING,- A.M. I'. M. 1.ri.1" • e 7..W■ Mliutlngd.-n." t'#9.3o iv.-1.i7 6.02 S.iniNn-C.mneriyrrfwn 0.68 5.37 5.11 8.22 P..ant Grorr. 8.58 S.SB 6.31 8.3.V MVrkleshtiTg. 5.38 8.30 5.50 v.is Cifeta Run. 8.88 3-15 6.00 9.01 R lugh k Kea ly 5.13 3.0S 6.10 0.1?' Clio, 2.5-1 6.20 9.16 Fifeer'a Summit 7.53 2.50 ~ -00 in 9.33'.. , ~"L*2.3 48 i.: 9.10 LE ak2.20 I 10.00 Ri Idle.-* arg, 2.68 ; IO.OS, llopowi 11, 2.00 16.24 PiperN Hunj 1.44 18.12 TafcarHe, 1.19 10.55 Bloody Run, 1.07 An 11.05 Mount Dallas. 1-K 1.00 SHOUTS RUN BRANCH. t.*o.4t) T.K 9.solSastR. 'Alt 7.30 AK2.80 0-55 10.05, Coalmont, -.15 2.15 7.0 0 10.10 Crhwfufd, 7.10 2.10 ap.7.15 ap. 10.20tDndiey. i n 7.05 i.c 2.05 Broad' Top Cily. Oct 15-67. JOHN M'KILLIPF, Snpt. fPHUASUREK-S SALE of Undated Lands A and Town Lot* in Biford e-,acty. Aireewbly to the pre vision* 01 an Act of Ae uibly, dire ting the m-de of *e:list> WcWaatad i ad* for taxes and for other parpoeoe, passed the i Jth uf March, I Mi. and the -upplt-taenU thereto pasted the 13th of March, 1817, and tha 20ib of Man-h, JS3I, the Treasurer of the county of Bed f-ro, hereby giro notice to all perrons concerned therein, that unles* the eeuoty, .-ate, school, j ' •liiitj and road tases do <>•, the foilow.ng ' tract, of nneeate i lands, situate in Be,*ford county, are paid before tin.- day of a!v, the whole, BC-uh part* of each tract as will pay the taxes, -nil she costs chartA!.!e thereon, will be sold at the Court It- use, in t'i® borough of Bedford, on tiii fccond Men Say ov Jkioa, next, 45th day.) for toe arrearagee of t.,Ae- ,t01;. and the co*t aceruad toereoa; "and said : will i.e continued from day to day untit all are ai.-p rd of. apr.3 1. SfKNOKL, Treasoi-.r. BR'ADTOP. Taxes 53 acres, li'm. A Gray I 90 158 do 33 ; er< he •. .JKc- i'jttvt. d 58 410 do 136 do -fo do H 26 { 175 do 131 d - do do 710 163 i.> do 283 •'■S do Jacob Mayer* 798 ; do l ;-si T. Watoton 12 43 •' 2 do vaasttli L. Tobias 28 84 -85 do Newio A Marshall 66 46 do Kph. Foster kV. P. ScU.'i 723 54 do fatevs Figard M '■-■' Si do 12'' d - Janvr, Razor 2 10 "5 do Ulrich IhiV.ntt 3 43 do A iron Evans 46 9 do Yi r>. Pigard 22 75 do • tom I-ewis & Evans 123 HO do lio do dames l'atton 5 78 ■>S do 197 Jaotti Patt-eu 5 53 i• '• do V- 01. AfidvtJonT heirs 38 39 - ' d , Uuoti. g'u 6BTftit C* 117 l -0 do do do 58 S9 * "•5. 4 John Jk-C*4lc IS 38 • V. j'. L. pt, ij 23 65 120 da Phillips & Russell 77 82 il9 ii i lias- ( htfon 6 fj do do do 9 J# 9 d-j Xs-.wi J'fetferr 31 28 i-5 do Join W. R'hitney 119 39 50 do do do - 40 75 ■5 do l da 24 15 h S *i Ji: c.-eux part Jno, Belt 15 20 70 do 145 Jo IV in. M. Hail A James 1 igard ur.-lisided half 13 Lctsiken Duolap tract 2# 59 CGJ.KKAIK townshir. j _ - Aadruw Kybock 48 *27 dj • Vrtirur Bf-wn 96 ,76 d < Philip Diejii 36 HARRISON TMWNMIIP. j-121 do Hicklin *O4 ! -49 u<- -iuhn 'Xtßacxri 7 71 4 Jtph Gar;ner I 76 liz d-. 56 do i.Vrfy A 1 ,y. r,, ftd " ' dv Vr, srew I'. M Ji'.r I 'ft U'JFK'iVLLL TOWNSHIP. | 2W lit John C -rly j 150 do Jama* Ucwari 63 1 i-ilj do .Michael asp* S5 j i*'t tt Richard Moan* 1 16 , 42d d John Uiieoey I 19 Uf -- 5-s-jN M a.'.f t I ; 464 te Mr.am 2#B ' 421 do 35 do ! - .. *i : - Moar-v 2V5 * '32 li-- 3 rcy Moans 1 15 i 280 do 5 4 via J-raH Moans 1 OS j 196 ilo 59 do '/. .arhib M 83 !2"i2 ** 1 riabaffc Riper lla 312 •!, 16 da Joha I'orsd 53 -1 ■> 4 66} -4 • I-afeelia Dvis 53 22); do WUitaat Riper S3 23 ly 2 .N. John ilarittne 63 -I ' > lgatiu - liardir.e 53 I'M 125 ii Jo tat > Wilson 58 42 'ie George P. Albert! 7# '1 ■ •)*>• i .?enh LaxKagter 45 i8 do 37 do Stephen 7.1 *,ir 1 23 -19 do Deter >l,*wr 7J 2' 6 do WatX ieboiu 63 23 no .Miiiigan A iient-iiet it 9 Battei .isugh's heirs 15 * -'2 si f'taaci* J-union 1 4.". Wui. Lane <5 0 I .'.siei Muntgomery 1 1.1 ;-'2! Alex Jobu-ou ' 6i ■l'd do < leer go HinKii 1 ('.> j23 do V.'w, fe-cter S-S d - Kohest Montgomery 23 i I'' d !-.ac tAsvaa 264 0 do Margaret Curan 1 80 JUNIATA TOWNSHIP, it Nivlwiaa Keouff 9 LOS DON I ERR.Y TOWN'SHI P, S't-'. r Bush 1 t-2 :?'■) - T .< 'i.-h 7- j 289 do Cwtharine Hash 96 j : Alary Kiiuior 19 ; 4!iC| on Christian Meyers Jjr 98 i 39 do Dsn-e! Greet) 90 j 220 do Jaase -. Siju'.r 93 * "! v. vVx. Kinz 43 Ge "gc ft „it ,1 14 78 do Philip A taurine 1 25 •' t d ■ Fidv xrd AUec 1 25 do "G rehaai Ataertn? I 2" 117, do At .itthew Shaw I 25 - i do Henry A murine 95 486? do Wm. Shaw I 25 339 do Geerge Auiorlne 1 OS 271 do 1:i i.-riek Atsorine 88 76 do Philip Smith bo 43'". ii- Jac h Smitfi 1 33 453 d ■ -iohn Smith I Jv 41 u b. urge s iuith 138 4 ■-■ - J.iii, Di ■-. 1 25 231 ■ .'..tree 1 ! . c 1 25 19i { do George XicCall 1 27i 4001 do Joseph Jlef'ait 1 25 ÜBt.iUn TOWNSHIP. ( 2i 0 do Mary Gordon 2 85 2"U do .Guar* Gordon 2 ; tOO do Tlonia* Junes 558 j l*3i J-. c !.'phen Kerr 1 0.3 i 1 165 do Edwerd Langlej ?. 3- i 'I do Jacob Miller 1 38 j '. ) do Flixafeeth Jlilh-r 1 38 j ' do Alary Piper 138 , . 200 do Amelia i'.p- r 1 38 I ) ,i„ li {ward Sti.na 54 i i 1 •: . John Tornui 5 50 , •-iii- Montgomery : • ' ii J :.n Kerr 9 03 ! ! :; 1, 'Mobu Razor 1 3v t . ' • FiaMi* Mount 12 j 2 do Milligea •% Jicntdict I 2" 1 oorge Tbvmpaon fi ■ 15 1 l.uke J eeuey 43 I | ?i 1 Geti. ff®. 11. Irvine 8,. i 102 do John McElaaJy 65 j 111 do Daritl Fiper S3 Ili do M urt.a Albertj 125 ! 167 do BuTtlehiiOoli 65 52 do Th uia- A John King 20 ■lO du A. B. Crueti 1 04' i 1 Lot iUnry Stouerouk 13 dy Daniel Stoner !& do Daaie! Rear 15 10 Sa-Auel A inglhig 1 08 P. CliuL-crma!! or S Wi!4iams SO ttt Yr in. t av an , 120 ! , Wm. Long 1 35 •111 do John Crosby 1 23 l'liOViDKNt U WEST led do i'toer Morgart 1 05 1 . 1 Kdwac 1 fii'.-n 141 42111 d,. Edward Gibbon* 1 41 ST CLA fit TP. 11l do Wm Shively ;>9 i 62 (!•■ Henry Koontz 75 t : SOUTHAMPTON TP. j 4,.> ri. Kii bard Heed I ;>2 j I-.' 1 tl Paul Ward ! .57 da Patrick Ward 1 25 | ;>.>! do Jof*epb Ward 1 25 \ /.jg? 'io .louatbin Ward 1 25 Pi 9 do 111 do dames Heed Ji .'/Jo£ 0 do Cooflw Brush Xt 63 433 lo Hugh Porter ( 27 I 339 do Griffith Etui 9 63 463| do i'bUip Ntin* 8 35 ! 43V do Juhii Martin 9 1# j 338 it. WiliooUunt 9 10 ■ 363$ do Alex Scott t 1 ' 127 do Dr P Shoenb-rger 7 68 1 124 4. Jo do 8 77 20 do dt do 50 00 do da d'j part cl Geo La p i 38 ' .'7 do Wm i-aughani j 72 if) do Bower brush Mt 369 ■ 40 do Peter Shimer Brush 3tt 46 . WdODBBRBY BOD'TH. 17;*. Jo 1' t-n-enberger i R'dgc. 270 i d, Wm Flake 4. do !W) do John 3 lit! rick 21 ; 366 do JaeoP Liagenfeiw 46 WOGDUKRRY MIDDLE. 180 do Daniel Montgomery S IT* 22 Jo Ken#iDger' Heir* 125 20 do Frederic Nieodemus i 25 14 do Charle* TypoFs lleiri 125 40 do tjtonerook part of Watt track 165 159 do Robert Montgomery 5 46 13 do Jacob Furrey 75 18 do Ber.ner' Heir* 266 j j'jnO ADVERTISERS; THE BEDFORD INQUIRER, j PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, ur J. IL DUDBORROW k JOHN LUTZ, OFFICE OS JULIAS A .STREET. BEDFORD. PA. THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IK SOUTH HESTERS I'ESSS J L VA SI A. . CIRCULATION OYER 1500. HOME AND FOREIGN ADVERTISE- I ME.NTS INSERTED ON REA SONABLE TERMS. j A FIRST CLASS NEWSPAFEK. TERMS OF S ÜBSCRIFTIOS: f*2.o<> PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. ' AOII PRINTING. ALL KINDS OF JOB WORK DONE TViTII NEATNESS AND DISHATCH, AXI) IS Til* j LATEST & MOST APPROYEDSTYLE, j ■"'•■ HAS J I POSTERS OF AN Y SIZE, j CIRCULARS, BUSINESS CAP< WEDDING AND VISITING CARDS, BALL TICKETS, PROGRAMME!?, CONCERT TICKETS, ORDER BOOKS, j SEGAR LABELS, RECEIPTS, LEGAL BLANKS, PHOTOGRAPHER'S CARDS, BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, PAMPHLETS, PAPER BOOKS. ETC. ETC. ETC. ETC. ETC. Oar facilities fur d.iiug all kind* o[ Job Printing re equalled by very lew establishments in the country. Orders by mail promptly filled. Al! letters should be adurer?ei to Hit KBORROW A LCTZ. 4 RAKE OPPORTUNITY TO A BUY A CHEAP FARM The subscribers take pleasure in offering a farui in Liberty township, on tbe Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad, vritbia one mile of Saxton, i containing ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY ACRES, of which thirty feveaeres re cleared and i under good fence, and in an excellent state of , cultivation, the balance is well timbered. The improvamenU ere a GOOD TWO STORY LOG ' HOUSE, with aeeliar under it. and a small frame Barn. There Is an excellent young orchard of choice fruit on it. We will sell this property and give possession on the lirst day of April, A. D 1868, for $llOO CASH. This is a rare opportu nity indeed. Any person wishing a cheap farui will find this the best offer that has been submit ted for a lrng time. DDRBORROW A LUTZ, L2ltf Rial 1.'.-"ate Agents, Bedford, Fa. 4 SPLENDID SITUATION XT- FOR A PHYSICIAN t A MOST DESIRABLE LOCATION.) A Physician wishing to retire from practice offers ; his location and property for sale. The property j consists of a modern constructed building con- I taining eight large rooms, kitchen, cellar and a good well of water at lhe doer. Two lots planted . In Iruit trees and grape vines, handsomeiy situ-' ate.l in ono of the most tb.iting towns in the Southern part of the State, with a good established practice. Any young Physician wishing to locate f* permanently, would do well to look at this loca tion. The property will be sold for less tban cost and on easy terms. Trice $2,200. Apply to Jan3,6Stf DVRBuRROW * LIIT2. j TAGII SALE. 1 "We take pleasure In offering to the public the billowing tracts of excellent land for sale at very reasonable prices. Persons wishing to buy will dowel! to consult us before purchasing, and those having lands to sell will find it to their advan tage to avail themselves of our reasonable terms, 1 No. 2. N. E. one-fonrth 8, in towr.sbip 85 1 range 45, in Monona county, lowa. 160 acres ; Piaiiie land Price S9OO. No. 3.—-N. E. one fourth of the N. W. one- ! fourth section 22. in township 38, North of range ; 22, it. Pine county, Minnesota. 40 acres timber: land. Prioas2(lo. DURBORROW A LUTZ, Real Estate Agents. I Feb. I, 1867. Bedford, Pa ' ] gBITISH PERIODICALS. i LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW 'Caerer ! KDfKBUBGH REVIEW [Whig.] j WESTMINISTER REVIEW iJUdical.- f NORTH BRITISH REVIEW [Free f an i BLACKWOOIFB EDINBURGH MAGAZ'M "JotT-] There periodicals are ably a attained by :• t . j trihotiuns of tbe beat writers oa B'ieoee, Rc _. . and General Literature, and stand aariymllei - be world of letters. They are iudi'peasab!* Vt tbe scholar and tbe professional man, and reading man, aa they furnish a batter record of th. eerreat literature of the day than can be obta •- froai aoy ether source. TERMS FOR 1867. | For any one of the Reviews. " '* j For any two of tbe For any three of the Reviews ij . r , „ ! For all fur of the Reviews j* - , u ' For Blackwood's Magazine *jg „ | For Blackwood and any one Review... 7.1,15 ! For Blackwood and two of toe P,ev.ew I# u j For Blackwood and three of the Reviewj 13.## „ ; For Blackwood and the four Review* is CLUBS. A discount of twenty per cent. wUi be ) clubs of four or more person:. Thns. f.ur e iie, of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be sent te ■ one addms !■ r >12.86 Four copies f the four Review* and Blackwood, for $ 11,' , and so oa. HOSTAGE. Subscriber! should prepay by the quarter ; : tbe offoe of delivery. The P .STAO* to any part ' of the Unite! States is To: Coo a a satr/" : This rate oa!y applies to current mUtrip. c- For back numbers the the postage is doobX PREMIUMS TO NEW SUBSCRIBER.S New subscribers to any two of tbe above period j cal for 1563 will be est.tied to receive, grat.r.ary ! o*4 of the "Four ficrirtr." for 1887. New ,- -j 1 serif ere to all five of tbe Periodiealf for 1863, 1 receive, gratis. Biackwood, any two of tae "Ft i AercVisa" for 1367. Subscribers may also obtain back the following reduced rates, vim The SortJt BritUk from January, 1863. to Ut eember, 1867 Inclusive: the EJielurg and the W.,- Miavtcr from April, 1564, to December, 1867. elo'ive, and the Zoad .n Quarter! j for the ye,- 1855 and 1-66, at the rate of $1.59 a year : each 01 any Review: also Blackwood for i >2.50. *% Neither premiums to Subscriber-, nor d:r on at to Clubs, nor reduced prices for back nam hers, an be aße.we-1, unless the money is remit:e4 ; direct to the Publishers. No premiums can be given to Clubs. THE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING CO., 140 Fulton St.. X. Y. FARMER S GUIDE, by Henry Stephens, of Edinburgh, and th* lata J. . P. Norton, of Yale College. 2 vols. Royal Cesar* > 164# pages, and nnmercus Ecgravjngr. Price $7 for the two volumes—fcv Mail po* paid, SB. dt-.2! fjl U E GREAT Ail ERICAS COM It IS A TIO.V BUTTON HOLE OVERSEAMING AND i SE WI N G M ACHI NE. Is warrar-te-i to execute in the best nptner sv, variety of Sewing, Hemming, Felling, Cording. Tucking, Braiding. Gathering, Quilting. Over seaming. Embroidering on the edge, and in adjj. . lion maxee beautiful Button and Eyiet Hols.- in ' a!! fabrics. IT HAS SO EQUAL Being absoictely the bsst FAMILY MACII IS V. IN" THE WORLD. And Ir.trinsicaliy the Cheap-est. / *• ■ -:3 Muekieet combined i*a cue by n I , s ; i beautiful meciauica! arraugeiAeut. Circulars with full particular? and samples of work done on this Machine, can be' had on application at the SALES-ROOMS OF THE COMPANY. S. W. Corxs.B KLVE*tb A* CHESTXI T STEEEVS PHILADELPHIA. InttrncGons given oa the machine grataitouUy tu a!! parciiers, AGENTS WANTED TO SELL TB 15 MACHI.NK DIRECTORS. 3. L. FexinutiE, President. WILUI* P. Jesku. Prc-ident Buck Mountain Coal Company. Bbxjxmiv BtLIOCK. Woul .Merchant. No. 40 South Front cl. H. If. BEES, of George W. Reed A Co., Wholesale Clothing, No. 42 "* Market Stres*. A. Hakt. JOHX T. Tarrr, Gno. J. Ricbarbs i. W. B. -Msjesvniii., Of CoatsviHe, Chester County, Pa F. Paxsos, of Pax'on A Co., i janSyl Notk-ns, No. 564 Market Strec:. j OR SALE OR TRADE. Two lots in tbe City of Omaha Nebraska. Two tracts of 180 acres each within three niiios cfa depot on th- Pacific Rail Road back of Oma , ha. First tract of bottom lends timbered and prar:v ; two miles from Omaha City. One third < f 7.'. .r acres in Fulg a Ctanty !'., incinding valuable Ore, mineral and timber lami. near Fort Littleton. Over 4,iWu acre.- of valuable ore, coal and tim ber lands in West Virginia. ALSO, A lot of ground about one acre at Willow Tree, in Nnake Spring Tuwn*hip, on Chambersburg *n 1 Bedford Turnpike, three mile? Bast of Bedford, with frame dwelling house, cooper shop, stable, Ac. thereon erected ALSO. Twenty-five one acre lot*, adjoining th* Borough of Bedford, with lime -tore rock for kiln or quarry on the upper end of each. Also, 320 acre? of land in Woodbury ci.. lowa. 326 acres in Reynold* co., Missouri, j IrO •* •• Shannon " " 2704 " " Bollinger " " . S6 " " Franklin " lowa. 0. £. SHANNON, June 21,-tf Bedford, Fens v. TALI*ABLE TRACTS OF L A N D FOR SALE. The subscriber- offer at private sale the folia ng valuable tracts of land, vir : _ No. I. Tbe undivided half of a tra-1 of land, containing 227 acres, situate on the *outh-ej-t side of the Broad Top Mountain, lying partly r. ' Bedford and partly in Fulton ccunty. and a l joining lands jo Samuel Danner, J*mes Brin hurst and Wishart'* heirs. TWO VEINS OF COAL, one 51 feet, th* other 01 feet in depth ha'* ■ been discovered on this tract. No. 2. A tract of 230 acres near the above. aJ !! joitiing the same lands, and supposed t® cor.t*i* the satue Teins of coal, j No. 3. A tract of 406 acres, within two and a ' half mile* of the above tracts, lying on the North : side of the Harbor across the mountain, well [:ui bercd with oak and pine. May 3,-tf. DURHoRKOW A LUTZ. A FINE FARM FOR SALE IN DITCH CORNER! NOW IS THE TIMK TO BIY CHEAP The subscribers will sell all that fine farm in Bedford township, containing 180 acres, 65 , ! " which are cleared and under excellent fence, *n i the balance, 95 acres, well timbered, adjoining ' binds of Charles Helsel. John Fchneblr, and oth ers. The buildings are a two and a half story LOG HOUSE and BANK BARN, with other out buildings thereon eroded. Water in every , field, with an excellent Saw Mil! seat. A eplen- I did apple svehard also thereon. I'rice S4OOO I TERMS: One third in hand and the balance in three anuua! psvments with interest. DURBORROW A LUTT. I Jun* 21, 1867:tf Real Estate Agents.