rjtHE WORLD. At the opening of the rear 186?, The World challenges, more confidently than ever, the sympathy and support of all patriotic cit izens. A glorious work has been gloriously begun. Deep already answers to deep. Ihe fidelity of this journal to the cause of Liberty protected by Law stands nobly vindicated in a splendor of victory shining from Maine to California. Connecticut, Ohio, Pennsylva nia, New Jersey, New York, hate thundered forth their verdict upon the misrule and mad ness of the Past. Hut much more still re mains to be done. Never was the peril of the country greater. The Radical party still decrees the death of representative self gov ernment in ten sovereign States. Armed with military despotism and wholesale Negro Suffrage, it desperately grasps at a permanent lease of power, in defiance of public opinion, at tho cost of enormous taxes and of crippled industries, at the cost of Union and Peace. To the great battle still to be fought The World will give all its efforts all its energies. It asks of its friends in their turn as much; it asks of them more readers and a wider influ ence. It asks this with confidence in its claims as a newspaper and as an organ of opinion. The chief use of a Newspaper is to give its readers ALL THK SEWS. For this the facilities of The World are un surpassed by any journal in the United States. It seeks to excel, by an accuracy and candor, a spirit and freshness in its news columns which shall commend it to readers of what ever party, sex, creed or place. As an organ of opinion, The World is the unflinching champion of A LIBERAL rROGKESSfVE DEMOCRACY, whereof the corner-stone is Freedom restrain ed by Justice: Freedom pure and simple, in the largest collective measure: the office of Justice being to protect Freedom from en croachments: Freedom of the individual citi zen, in his rights of thought, speech, religion and locomotion: in his Right to choose his own food and drink, in spite of meddlesome temperance laws; iu his Right to make any money bargains he thinks propet, in spite of foolish usury laws; in his Right to buy and sell in all markets, domestic and foreign, in spite of unjust protective tariffs: in his Right to representation in the legislative bodies which tax him, in spite of unconstitutional exclnsions; Freedom of collective citizens to assemble for discussion of grievances: Free dom of all local communities to manage their )oc*l affairs without central interference; Freedom, iu every section of the country, from the arrogant and unconstitutional domi nation of other sections. This large and comprehensive idea of Freedom suras up the politics of The World which will never be found wanting to this capital interest of the country and of the human lace. A paper published in the metropolis is naturally ISoked to for careful Market Re ports and authentic information, and intelli gent discussions relating to TRADE, COMMERCE AND FINANCE. In these features The World invites com parison with any other journal. EDITIONS. The Weekly World, a large quarto sheet, same size as Daily, is now printed wholly in large type, and (since its union with the New York Argrua) has the largest circulation of any weekly journal published, save one. It is an unrivalled journal for the Farmer. Live Stock or Produce Dealer. Country Merchant, etc. Published Wednesday. The Semi-Weekly World is a large quarto sheet, same size as I>aily, which, by omitting the great mass of city advertisements from the Daily, contains everything else that ap pears in the daily and Weekly editions. Pub lished Tuesday and Friday. The Daily World affords a complete com pendium and discussion of the news of every day. TERMS. —WEEKLY WORLD. 1 Copy, one year, ; $2 (X) 4 Copies, 1 year, separately addressed, 700 10 copies, 1 year, separately addressed, la (X) 20 copies, t year, to one address, 2- r > 00 20 copies, 1 year, separately addressed, 27 (X) 50 copies, 1 year, to one address, 50 00 50 copies, 1 year, separately addressed, 55 (X) SEMI-WEEKLY WORLD. 1 copy, 1 year. $ 4 00 4 copies, 1 year, separately addressed, 10 00 10 copies, 1 year, to one address, 20 00 10 copies, 1 year, separately addressed, 22 00 DAILY WORLD. 1 copy, one year, $lO 00 CLCB FRIZES. For club of 10, to 1 address, 1 Weeklv, 1 year. " " 20, " " " " " " 50, " One Semi-Weekly, " " " 100, " One Daily, " DIRECTIONS. Additions to clubs may be made any time in the year at the above club rales. Changes in Club Lists may only on request of persons receiving club packages, stating edition, post office and State to which it has previi -isly been sent, and enclosing twenty live cents to pay for trouble of the change to separate address. Terms, cosh in advance. Send, if possible, Post Office Money Order or Bank Draft. Bills sent by mail will be at the risk of sender. We have no travelling agents. Specimen Copies, posters, 4c., sent free of charge wherever and whenever desired. Address all orders and letters to THE WORLD. • 85 Park Row, New York. fjVHE PITTSBURGH DISPATCH. The Pittsburgh Daily Dispatch is one of the largest, liveliest and most widely circula ted papers in the State. THE DAILY DISPATCH. Is an eight page paper, independent in politics, ana contains forty-eight columns of matter, embracing the latest news by telegraph the most reliable market reports, the latest cable telegrams, the fullest local reports, with the latest news by mail, including the most interesting personal and political items, full telegraphic market reports from all points of importance. East and West, and much other matter of an entertaining and instructive character. The Dispatch is furnished by mail at $8 a year, or may be had from our agents at fifteen tCnifl 5 -wreck, for a apooimon wjpy. THE WEEKLY DISPATCH. —ONLY $1 A YEAR ! ! I In issuing their Prospectus for 1868, it affords the Publishers gratification to be able to state that their weekly, like their daily, en ters upon the new year under very flattering auspices. It has been enlarged to nearly double its former size and now contains Thirty-two Columns of matter printed on bold copper-faced type making it one of the hand somest as it has long been one of the cheap est, if not the cheapest, weeklies in the conn try. It contains all the latest news of the day— Political, Commercial, and General, and as an entertaining and acceptable Family News paper is not excelled by any paper in the State. The weekly Dispatch is furnished to single subscriber at S1 50, or in clubs of ten to one address at SI,OO each, with a free pa per to the party getting up the club. • Subscribers may remit, us by mail, either in bills or by Postoffice order, which is the safer mode. Postmasters receiving subscriptions for the Dispatch, either Daily or Weekly, are authorized to retain twenty per cent, on our published rates, for single subscribers, or ten per cent on our club rates. Address J. H. FOSTER 4 Co., Publisher, 67 and 6'J Fifth Street Pittsburg, Pa. ALL KINDS OF BLANKS, Common, Admin istrator s Fnd Executor's, Deeds, Mortgages, Sudgment Notes, Promissory Notes, with and with out waiver of exemption. Summons, Subpoenas end Executions, for sale at the Inquirer office. Nov 2, 1866 TO ASSESSORS.—AII Assessors who have no, yet received the duplicate assessments ami blank notices, had better come or send and get them at once, so as to be ready for the appeals. December 20th. wl I) LANK.- —We have on hand a full gupply of J all kinds of Blanks. Any one in need of them will hod we have a complete assortment. rpHE INQUIRER BOOK STORE! The subscribers have just opened in the building adjoining the Inquirer offioe, oppo site tho " Mengle House," lately occupied by Mrs. Tate, a BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE, where they are prepared to sell ail kinds of STATIONERY, SUCII AS FOOLSCAP, CONGRESS, LEGAL and RECORD CAP LONG BILL, SERMON, LETTER, CONGRESS LETTER. COMMERCIAL NOTE, BATH POST, Large and Small, LADIES (GILT) NOTE, LADIES OCTA YO (gilt) NOTE, MOURNING, different styles, FRENCH, NOTE, &c.. &c. E N V E L O P E S of ail kinds and quality. PASS BOOKS, at least a dozen varieties, POCKET LEDGERS, TIME BOOKS, weekly and monthly, TUCK MEMORAN DUMS, twenty different kinds, DIARIES, ol all diseriptions, BLANK BOOKS, such as Long Quarto, Broad, Ledgers and Day Books of al styles, quality and kinds of binding. CHALK CRAYONS, SLATES, differrnt styles, ARNOLD'S WRITING FLUIDS, HOOVER S INKS, CARMINE INKS. CHARLTON'S INKS, ANDSS, POCKET BOOKS, all . kinds, MONEY BOOKS, all kinds, Bank ers' Cases, Lead Pencils, Twenty Kinds of other Pencils, Penn Holders, Different kinds, Stationer's Gum, Claik's Indeliible Pencils, Gum Bands, Pocket Book Bands, Flat Glass Ink Wells and Rack, Metalic School Ink Stands, Sand Boxes, Barom eter Ink Stands and Racks, Pocket Ink Stands, Pencil Sharpers, Receipt Books, Different kinds, Copy Books, ers, Mother Goose and others, A, B, C, Cards, Osgood's Speller, Ist, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and sth Head ers, Brook's Primary, Mental and Written Arithmetic, Michell'sNew Intermcdi ate Geography, Brown's Gram mar, Lossing's Pictorial History of the United States, Sealing Wax, Blank Deeds, Blotting Paper, Photograph Albums, various kinds and sizes, Almanacs, etc., etc. Persons desiring any of the above articles or other articles in their line, will find it to their advantage to give the " INQUIRER BOOK STORE" a call. Wc buy and sell for Cash, and by this arrangement we expect to sell as cheap as goods of this class are sold in the cities, JDURBORROW A LUTZ* V. LEO A* CO., MANUFACTURERS OF CABINET-WARE CHAIRS, Ac., BEDFORD, PA. The undersigned heing engaged in the Cabinet making business, will make to order and keep on hand everything in their line of manufacture. Bureaus, Dressinq Stands, Parlor and Ex tension Tables. Chairs, Bedsteads, WasAsta nds, PAPER CUFF, LINEN COIJARS. We have the of PAPER COL LARS in Bedford and He greatest variety. In HATS we defy competition, as we have the largest stock, and direelfrom the Manufacturers. The latest styles alwav<>n hand. MUSLINS, ' DELAINES, CALCOES, TICKINGS, FLANNELS, CLOAKINI CLOTHS, in great variety. LADIES SHAWLS of latest patterns, and cheaper than the cheapest. Persons buying foi CASH or PRODUCE would do well to call ani sec us. But remember, our TERMS are Cnth or Pro dace. JZB~ Remember the place !!! One Door West of the Washington House. Nov.B:tf. OYES! OYES! OYtS! —The undersigned having taken out auctioneer license holds himself in readiness to cry sales and auctions on the shortest notice. Give him a call. Addresa him at Kay's llill, Bedford county, Pa. WILLIAM OKACEY. Octlß:.6m Q.REAT BARGAINS. The undersigned havejuit opened a very Urge ■apply of FALL A WINTER GOODS! Our stock is complete and ii not surpassed in EXTENT, QUALITY AND CHEAPNESS! The old xystem of "trusting forever" having exploded ; we arc determined to aell goods upon the aborted profit for CASH OR PRODUCE. To prompt paying customer! ire will extend a credit of four montkt, but we with it underetood after periode named —bills will be due, and inter, eat will be charged thereon. Buyers for Caab, may depend upon getting bargains. Oct.2B:3in. A. B. CRAMER. OTHER VETO ON HIGH PRICES. You can save money by baying your goods at mann's corner, OF MILLER & BOWSER, BEDFORD, PA. They are now opening a choice variety of new and deairable FALL tf- WINTER GOODS DRY GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHING, FANCY NOTIONS, COTTON YARNS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, GROCERIES, QUEENS WARE, TOBACCO, CIGARS, BROOMS, BASKETS, WOODEN WARE, Ac. Look at some of their prices: CALICOES, 8, 10,12, 15, lfi. GINGHAM, 121, 15, 18, 20. MUSLIN, 10,12, 14, 15, 18, 20. CABBIMKRES CLOTIIS, SATINETT and LADIES SACKING at very low prices, Ln.liea, Gent's and Misses Shoes, Sandals and Overshoes in great variety. Men's, boys and youths boots : best Coffee, Tea, Sugar and Syrup at market prices : low Feed, Flour for sale hero at all times. We invite all to call and see the goods, and com pare prices, before buying your goods. Our motto is, short profits. TERMS — notes or products. 0ct.25:3m0 ARGEST, CH EA PEST, BEST 11. M. BLYMYER A CO. have the LARGEST STOCK OF STOVES, ever brought to Bedford. B. M. BLYMYER A CO. have the CII E A PES TSTOC KOF STOYES, ever brought to Bedford. B. M. BLYMYER A CO. have the BEST STOCK O F ST O V ES, ever brought to Bedford. CALL AND SEE THE MAMMOTH STOCK. 200 STOVES OF EVERY SIZE AND DESCRIPTION. 50 SECOND HAND STOVES. TIIEY Will NOTBE UNDERSOLD TIN-WARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. CHEAPER TllAN~the CHEAPEST. Every body will please bear ia mind that B. M, BLYMYER A CO., fell CHEAPER good-, in their line, than caii be sold by any one ele in Bedford. Remember the place NO. 1. STONE ROW. OCt.4:tf. QOOD NEWS FOR THE FARMERS ! THE following kindg of T H E S H I N G MACHINES, CONSTANTLY ON HAND AT THE MA CHINE snop OF P. H. SHIRES, BEDFORD, PA. TU Celebrated RAILWAY, or TREAD-POW ER Threshing Machines with all tbe latest and best improvements. ONE AND TWO-HORSE POWERS. The Two-horse Machine with two horses and four hands will thresh from 100 to 125 bushels of wheat or rye, and twice as much oats per day. ONE HORSEMACHINES with three hands, will thresh from 50 to 75 bush per day. Two and four-horse TUMBLING SHAFT Ma chines, also, four-horse STRAP MACHINES, STRAW SHAKERS of the mo approved kind at tached to all Machines. ALL MACHINES WARRANTED. REPAIRING of all kinds of Machines done on the shortest notice. PIG METAL, GRAIN and LUMBER taken inpayment. sSSft, Farmers' wanting Machines, will do well to give me a call. PETER H. SHIRES, Proprietor and Jtanufac'r. WASHINGTON HOTEL. This large and commodious house, having been re-taken by the subscriber, i now open for the re ception of visitor* and boarders. The rooms are large, well ventilated, and comfortably furnished. The table will always he supplied with the best the it arket can afford. The liar is stocked with the choicest liquors. In short, it is mv purpose to keep a FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. Thanking the public for past favors, I respectfully solicit a renewal of their patronage. N. B. Hacks will run constantly between the Hotel and the Springs, may 17,'67:1y WM. DIBEUT, Prep'r. ARD W A RE. A NEW HAND AT THE BELLOWS. AT THK OLD STAND OF BLYMYKR A SON. The undersigned having purchased, the entire stock of 0. BLYMYKR A SON, and hairing added thereto by FRESH PURCHASES in the East. Respectfully annonneea to the pub lie that he ia new prepared to cell at lowest CASH PRICES, or approved COUNTRY PRODUCE. Everything in the Hardware line, streh as CARPENTERS', JOINERS', CABINET ARB SHOEMAKER TOOLS, ARD FINDINGS, CROSSCUT asd SAW MILL SAWS, GRIND STONES, ard FIXTURES, SADDLERY of ail kin NAILS, by the kegg or pound, WAGON, FIRE, STRAP IRON, NAIL ROD, DOUBLE ARD SINGLE SHEAR, BLISTER arc CAST STEEL, HORSE SHOES, by the kegg or small quantities, DOUBLE ard SINGLE BITTED AXES, CUTLERY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION KNIVES ard FORKS, very cheap, the very beat POCKET KNIVES, PORTMONIES ARD POCKET BOOKS. SILVER TEA ard TABLE SPOONS in aetta. BRITAIN]A WARE in aetta, traya, Ac. PAINTS, OILS, AND VARNISHES, Window Glaea, ail sixes, I.amps and Lamp Chim neys, Wooden and Willow Ware, Wash Boardi Churns, Manilla Rope, Halter' Bed-Corda, and Twine, Brushea of every description, Shoe Black ng, Shovels and Forks, Grain Shovele, Chaim of all kinds. Sausage Cotters and Staffers, Sole and Kip Leather, Ac. Also, VERT BEST FRENCH CALFSKINS, Buffalo Robes, and a genetal variety of goods kept in a first class Hardware store. Our object shall be to be governedby the golden rule, "to do unto others a a yon wish to be done by," we intend to sell at fair rates, and by fair dealing hope to merit a continuence of the patron age bestowed upon BLYMYER A SON. THOMAS M. LYNCH. Nov.l:3mo. G 0 T T 0 M FALLEN OUT! D 0 W N ! D O W.N! DOWN! WAY DOWN! DOWN! THEY DROP ONE LOW PRICE AND ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES G . 11. OST E R & CO., Are now receiving at their NEW STORE a large and splendid assortment of DRY GOODS, FURS, CLOTHING, CARPETINGS, FLOOR CLOTHS, HATS A CAPS. BOOTS, SHOES, QUEENSWARF,, WILLOW-WARE, WALL AND WINDOW PAPER,OILS, TOBAC COS, CIGARS. AC., Together with at* extensive assortment of FRESH GROCERIES! Which for extent and CHEAPNESS is unrivaled in Central Pennsylvania, all of which they offer Wholesale or Rctaile at PRICES that DEFY COMPETITION. Piles of CALICO PRINTS and MUSLINS From Six and-one fourth ceDts up as to quality. They invite all to call and see for themselves and be convinced. TERMS POSITIVELY CASH ON DELIVERY UNLESS" OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. Bedford, Pa., Dec. 13, 186".-m3 G2B. 00P _^ IRTS 028. WILLIAM T. HOPKINS. "OUB Own MAM," After more than Five Years experience and experimenting in the manufacture of STRICTLY FIRST QUALITY HOOP SKIRTS, we offer our justly celebrated goods to merchants and the public in full confidence of their superiority oTer all others in the American market, and they are so acknowledged by all who wear or deal in them, as they give more satisfaction than any other Skirt, and recommend themselves in every res pect. Dealers in Hoop Skirts should make a note of this fact. S YER Y LADY WHO HAS SOT 01 YES THEM A TRIAL, SHOULD DO SO WITHOUT FURTHER DELAY. Our assortment embraces .every style, length and sixe, for Ladies, Misses and Children, Also, Skirts made to order, altered and repaired. Ask for "Hopkins' Own Make," and be not de ceived. See that the letter "H" is woven on the Tapes between each Hoop, and that they are Stamped W\ T. HOPk'ISS, MASUFACTU RER, 628 ARCH ST., PHI LAD'A.," upon each tape. No others are genuine. Also, constantly on hand a full line of good New York and Eastern made Skirts, at very low prices. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. At the Philadelphia Hoop Skirt Manufactory and Emporium. No. 628 ARCH St., PHIL'A. March 15, 1867.10m0 Marriage certifcates.—On hand and for sale at the Inqitirtr office, a fine assort ment of Marriage Certificates. Clergymen and i Justices should have them. COTTAGE ORGANS Are still ab*ad of ell competitor* . unrivalled in POWER. PURlfy 0K Tov*^* 4 RRIL.LIA.VCY, and all other poiukS * r '< make a fir.t clae. instrument P * h *" to Th * <,V ?X HUMANA TREMOIiO" j, th greatest of all modern improvement, instruments. It CHAKMH and ST RPKIKPC -ho bear it, by its wonderful J HUMAN VOICE. Do not confound ?hu . a the common tremolo in use. It is entirely differ ent, and far superior to any other. For sale wholesale and retail by. K. il. BRUCE 18 N Seventh Street, Phil JJ-Send for deaeripttve circular and price 1,',, The effect of your "TREMOLO" is entirely to me, and it certainly the beet I ever heirH %' (The fir.t Organist of A meri!.. No TREMOLO has yet been invented that will*' any degree compare with this for beauty of eff.o In fact, it seems to me to tie abroiutciy' perfe-t ' H'w. A . Juknenn, Pipe Organ Builder EeTKT'a Cottage Organs are without a ape ri , , for exceedingly quick artioolation and roundtonl —the essential features in instrument* of tl class.— (ito. Jardiue, Pipe Organ Builder ' Tbo Cottage Organ is the best of its ' lass I ei saw, and the best adapted for church n.nsie r ,f in use. —C. Heinlx, Organiet, Finding, 0. I am much pleased with the Cottage Ore-* which I purchased from you; it corallines swee> ness and power in an unusuai degree, and is , a IZ a favorite in our family circle— tiiekop Simp; We know of no organs of the cla-e which possess so many valuable qualities j dent. " ' For the parlor, iU sweetness is remarkable: for the church it has a power more organ-like than anything we have eeen.—Metkodiet. Persons wishing to purchase an organ are -e quested to examine the Ksty instruments now in use at the Presbyterian and Episcopal Chnr. h ! l e,lf " rrt - July 12 1867 i'a [Chartered with Ample Powers.J JiEBANON VALLEY COLLEGE. The second Collegiate vear will commence ON MONDAY, AUGUST 19, 1567. This Institution has been Chartered by the Legislature of the Btate with full Collegiate' pow ers, and the following courses of Study, in which it is proposed to graduate Students,' have been adopted, vis: An Elementary Course for Teachers ( B. £ A Scientific Course, (fj m' A Ladies' Course, (if. Ail A Classical Course, yj. £ A Biblical Course ( B. B. S). The School ii intended to supply a great pub lic want and instruction is given in ail branches of a common, a liberal, or an ornamental educa tion. There is a primary or model school connect ed with the Institution, and also a Commercial Course, so that Students of any grade will lie re received and will be put into suitable Classes. With superior accommodations, first-class teach! ers, a location not excelled by any in accessibility and healthful,ness, and in the general morals of the community, we offer to parent, and guardians a pleasant home, where their children and wards will be properly cared for and will be subjected to the best training. EXPENSES: For Boarding, Washing, Light Fuel, and Tuition, with furnished room, for Fall Term of 18 weeks —SSB.SO Instrumental Music 18.00 Double Entry Book Keeping, (in classes) 15.00 Painting and Fancy Work, at usual rates. For catalogue and further particulars, address Rev. T.R. VICKROV, A. M., President. Dec. 14:66:1vr Annrille, Lebanon Co., Pa, pRIVATE SALE OF REAL ESTATE. The undersigned, Executor of the last Will and Testament of John S. Ritcbcy, late of Bedford township, deceased; will sell at private sale, the MANSION PLACE of said decased, containing 113 Acres, more or less, with THREE DWELLING HOUSES. GRIST MILL, SAW MILL, DISTILLERT, BARN and other out-buildings thereon erected. Situated three miles North of Bedford. There i.- also a good orchard of choice fruit trees, and a spring of never-failing water on the premises. The place affords a splendid site for" a Factory, there being excellent water power. ALSO, a tract of choice land containing 30 acres, adjoining the above mentioned tract, hav ing a good BARN and ORCHARD thereon. These tracts will be sold separately, or together, as the purchaser may desire. ALSO, a tract of timber land, in Bedford town ship, adjoining lands of Frederick Kunts, Adam Dibert and others, containing about 50 acres. TERMS reasonable. For information, address the undersigned, PattoDsviile. Bedford Co., or Richard Sill, Bedford. JOSIAH It If HEY, nov29tf Executor \ P P E A L S . Notice is hereby given to the taxable inhabitants of Bedford eounty, that appeals will be held by the County Commissioners, on the days and at th# places hereby specified to wit: For Cumberland Valley township, on Tuesday, January 7th, at the house of William W. Leaner. For Colerain township and Rainsburg Borough on Wednesday, Jannary Sth at the house of A. J. Pennell. For Southampton township on Thursday. Janu ary 9th, at the house of William Adams. For Monroe township, on Friday, January 10th at the house of David Weiuier. For East Providence township, on Saturday, Jtn uary 11th. at the house of D. A. T. Black. For Snake Spring township, on Monday Jaouaiy 13th, at house of Joseph Mortimore. For West Providence township, and Bloody Run Borough, on Tuesday, January 14th. at tbo Uouse Ot w. TUOUIM o.u>o. For Hopewell township, on Wednesday, January 15tb at the house of William A. Grove. For Broad Top township and Coaldale Borough, on Thursday, January 16th, at the house of George W. Figard. For Saxton Borough on Friday, January 17th. at the house of James L. Prince. For Liberty township, on Saturday, January 1 Stfa, at the house of C. A. Trieker, in Stonentowa. For Middle Woodberry township, no Monday, January 20th, at the house of William G. EicholU. For South Woodberry township, on Tuesday, January 21st, at New Enterprise, at the house of Samuel Oster. For Union Township, on Wednesday, January 22d. at Muwry's Mill. For St. Clair township and St Clairsville Boro., on Thursday, January 23rd. in St. Clairsrille at tho house of Mrs. Rachel Nawgle. For Napier township, on Friday, January 24th, at the house of Burton Edsall. For Schellsburg Borough, on Saturday, January 25th, at the house of Burton Edsall. For Londonderry township, on Monday, January 27th, at the bouse of James C. Devore. For Harrison township, on Tuesday, January 2sth, at the honse of Joseph Cessna. For Juniata township, on Wednesday, January 291h, at the house of Joseph Foller. For Bedford township, on Thursday, January 30th, at the Commissioners office. For Bedford Borough, on Friday, January 31st, at the Commissioner's Office. When and where all persons and corporations feeling themselves aggrieved at the enumeration and valuation of their taxable property and effects, made pursuant to the several Acts of Assembly ia such case made and provided, are requested to attend and state their grievances for redress, ac cording to law. Special attention is also directed to the following portion of Article 4th. Section 2nd, ol"An act for the organization, discipline and regulation of the Militia of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania." to wit: •' On the day the county or City Commissioners meet, to review the asse.-'- ment, or for holding appeals, they shall, also de termine who are exempt, or not liable to do mili tary duty," Ac. The appeals will be held on the days above named between the hours of 9 o'clock, a. M. and 12 o'clock, u. MICHAELB. KITt liIEV. DAVID UOWSARK. I'ETER M. BARTON. Jso. G. FISRKR, Clerk. Commissioners JjWR SALE OR TRADE. Two lots iu the City of Omaha Nebra-ka. Two tracts of tf.O acres each witlfln three ini.es ot a depot on the Pacific Kail ltoad back of Oma ha. First tract of bottom lands timbered and J rarie two miles from Omaha City. One third of 7,000 acres in Fulton Ctunty i '•> including valuable Ore, mineral and timber lanas near Fort Littleton. Over 4,000 acres of valuable ore, coal and tim ber lands in West Virginia. Ai.so, A lot of ground (about one acre at Willow Tree, in Snake SprinJ Township, on Chambersburg and Bedford Turnpike, three mile' East of Bedford, with frame dwelling house, cooper shop, stable, Ac. thereon erected. ALSO, Twenty"-five one acre lots, adjoining the Borough of Bedford, with lime stone rock f' kiln or quarry on the upper end of each. Also, 320 acres of land in Woodbury 00., lowa. 0. K. SHANNON. June 21,-tf Bedford, Penn'a.