licbfort iliu]uirer. BKDFOKD. PA.. FRIDAY, JA A 24. IMW All a ! veniremen!*, except public sale* ta'i legal notices, will be inserted three incntbe and barged Accordingly unless otherwise ordered. DIRECTORY. —.Thi following is a directory . ! thje Ofttgri of Bedford County and the Itorougk of Bedford, of the Ministers of Bed ford. *& the time of meeting of the different i'iat'.oos: SEDFORH cotxrr urFicgaa. Pf.-ident JuJgt —Hon. Alex. King. .!•• i-tte Jmdgt* —Wm. G.Eiebotts *n 1 Geo. Vt. G ni" y. Paiko.nUory, Regl'trr and Recorder, dr.—O. K. Shannon. District A'torury —E. F. Kerr. Treasurer —George Mardorff. Sheritf— Robert Steckinaa. iirpaty Skerif— Philip Howard. Deputy Surety or—Sotmuel Kelterman. r_'.,m'isiamen— Michael Wertz, Michael S. Kiti hrr and I>avir--n and Michael Diebl. Shuttled —.Samuel li.-tibangh. Counsel —E. F. Kerr CVeri—T. R. -,e!tr*- Treasurer —Wildaai Bowie*, rkyicutti —1)?. f- C. Keauier. .U>G'for> —IZavid Kvan-. James Mattingiy and John D. Lucas. SoliolCU MriCIM. It yes* —0. E. Shannon. BorycM— Philip Hunard. ,■ ,7 Thomas H. Ly 'as, John Boor. A. ■ y wcr. J X. Shoemaker. Hiram Lenta sad T. R. fieri —H. Sieodetuas. Treasurer— I n 11. Hush. , !n —S itliaiu Gephart. //,'■ ]k Constable —SeuiUel Waters, y , Director* —JoH Mann. S. L. Rnsselt, T. i.ttys, Jacob Reed. John Cessna and H. Nie leinos. Secretary —J. W. Linge fetter. Treat —T. R. Getty-. iisnttM. —Rev. Alfred J- Burrow. Cr-Cnterian —Rev. A. V. Schenck. Lutheran —Rev. J. if MeAttee. HrthoJis* —Rev. B. O. W. Ree l. ore Reformed —Rev. H. Heckermau. II ,an Catholic— Rev. Thartnas Ueyden. ASMCHTtOXS. />.,! ,rd Lodge, Ne. 320, A. Y. M., meets on tfce first Wednesday en or before faU moon, in the Bedford Hall, on the corner of Pitt and Richard TavefiiW Encamps,t,,Sy. 111, I. O. 0. 1 meets on the first and third Wednesday even •r,s of ea-h month, in the Bedford Hall. "li'dt-ri lodge, No. l'u-\ I. 0. 0. F., meets ev ery Fridar evening, in the Bedford Hall. Bedford Lodge, So. US, LU G. T., meets r, the Court House, on Monday evening of each week. MOSEY ! MOSEY IYASTEBI Again we are compelled to call upon those who are indebted to u- for Subscriptions. Ad vertising and Job Y\ ork to come forward and give us a helping hand by paying up the littie sums which they owe us- Y\ e need money worse now than we have at any time since we have been in business. S herevtr we owe a debt, largy or small, w*e are potiSsu to pay without grace and we desire to do so. but without money we cannot do it. 1 here ia certainiv money in the country. Our .armors have received such prices tor their produce luring the last live years that they must have realized fortunes. They have had very heavy crops and had to buy comparatively tittle. We pray thev may have at least laid cao .gh by to pay the printer. Ia addi" on to the ii'.lle debts that we desire to pay. we intend to make some material improvements. We have purchased the office occupied by t> a few weeks ago. aud J. A . Hinge it felter, ad fining the Menge! House and intend erecting a three story brick building during the sum mer for our Printing office, Job office, Book Store, Law Office, and an other improvement. And. further: if our friends stand by us, as we think they should, we will increase the size of the ISQUSER during the year. Its columns -have been very much crowded with advertisements tor the last six months aad vet we have rejected hundreds ol dollars o, foreign advertising. AH this wi.l require mooev and all we ask i that our patrons pay up promptly and the improvements' which we ua,c iiidivaieu snatl be made. Send us every dollar you owe us on Court week and you wilj do as a very great favor. Those who do not owe us, and there are many of oar readers who do not, will excuse us for boring them with this ariicle. We think that they will) however, be so pleased to hear that we are goingto make further improvements that they will thank us for it and urge delinquents to pay up. The LfQi'ißt* has been very well -ustained by its friends in the county, in fact their are very few county papers in the State that are as well sustained, and we desire to put every dollar into it that we muke out of it to enable those who sustain it to receive the full advantage of the money which they invest in it from time to time. tc W HAY WE WAST. —it is our desire to make the Is qui RUE a correct record of all events of general interest transpiring in the world; but more especially do we wish it to contain in formation of all the occurrences of interest happening in this vicinity and throughout the. ■ inly. ["nfortutiittely we are not übiquitous and are often net apprised of events which would be of great interest to the p-nbiic, until itig after their occurrence, or perhaps not at all, and it may be that censure is often ex pressed that incidents are not noticed, when • is no fault of ours. In order to make a j paper complete in its department of local j ews, it is absolutely essential that its pa- j : "oiis and readers should seud the editors an •; - ouni of all occurrences of interest which I f .me under their notice. We hope that our I •fiends will bear this iu mind, aud seud us i - accounts more frequently hereafter. , -s who raises the biggest turkeys and the j of them, and -end one along with the \ 'it we asionallg.) who killed the fattest t .who has the largest cattle and best bar- : - whose horse ran off with the sleigh, spit- ! * - litems out in the snow , and smash ig things generally: who sold a farm or - --use. and who purchased, wiih the amount; -r-at improvements are going on: who has epped into ecstatic bliss, or plunged into he unutterable woe of the matrimonial sea _ust as the parties happen to realize it,! in snort give us an account of all the happenings m your neighboisood; such a narrative as >oa woDid like to read about soiue'taidv else's i ceigbdorhood. If you haven't time to [ut them ic shape for publication, no matter; just tend them along, and we will fix them up aud print them for the entertainment and edifica- Lon of all. Clip this out and keep it before Os THE ICE. —•' Alum Bark," or as we think it should more properly be called. "Eiin Park, 1 ' was crowded on afternoon last —crowded with skaters, male and female, skimming over the smooth sur face, singly and in pairs. There might have been seen the adept of several winters, and the novice tumbling awkwardly over his or her new skates. There were the young and the old, i,the latter no doubt imagining them selves young:) the rich and the poor, the y uug lady and the little girl, the old boy aidtbe little boy in round-about, all rning ! liug together promiscuously, and tumbling around in like manner. The ice was very good, the air just cool enough, and the beau ty and grace there displayed tended to make the scene one of perfect grandeur. With note book snugly tucked iu pocket, and in company with a friend who, by tbe way. thinks himself "'some on skates," we wended our way to the "park," and whilst our friend ; proceeded to enjoy himself, we took au eleva ted position on a log, and prepared to note the various phases and positions taken by the skaters. We had written du*n a glowing, and we are sorry to say, a slightly liciitioua account of lhe costumes and general appear ance of the different groups, aud thought of leaving the fairy scene, but felt that we could not until we had tried this "healthful amuse ment." notwithstanding we entertained a no tiou that we should afford "laughable amuse ment" for the crowd assembled. With a determination not to lie out-done in venture some valor if we were in the art iueli, we borrowed a pair of skates aud prepared for the attempt. As a whole, we stood* tbe pre liminary or "tying-on" process pretty well, but our corns did not. The friend who kind ly volunteered to tighten our ''toe-straps was certainly teuder-hearted, but we ere sure he had ntf corns, or idea of the mortal agony we endured from his being over anxious that our skates should fit close. We imagine we feel their gentle pressure yet. and cannot ex actly say when we shall get rid of the pain thus indicted. However, alter au effort, tve gamed our feet, and slid away with something of tbe grace of a spring toad on a harrow, and roin gied with the crowd, "bobbing around like a half sled in new ground. In course ol time we begau to feel as though we were im proving. and were congratulating ourselves accordingly, when the wind was completely taken from out our sails, by the approach of one of •• Eve's lair daughters," who accosted us with: "Do you skate. Mr. Local'.' ' We turned and gazed at the speaker in rapturous admirutiou. Jibe was charmingly dressed in "Pitt street store clothed," red mitteus wero upon her dainty hands, and a red "we-forget what-you-eall-it" covered the crown of her bead, whilst from beneath the scarlet skirt peered in matchless beauty, a pair of faultless leet encased in ten dollar skates. How n few words from a woman will take the phi losophy out of a fellow. She waltzed and skimmed over the ice in all becoming grace, and in the goodness of her heart volunteered to teach ug, and showed us how easy it was done. Aud here our trouble began. We forgot our acheing corns, and awkward move menu. being possessed of but one idea —that of learning to cut the various "curley-cuds' she and others so fastidiously and fearlessly indulged in. Several couple gathering around it was prop-oaed that alt go np stream in a string. We joined, and found ourselves nlrung along the shore fcr seveiai feet or more, whilst the rest went "whiriit g on with no part of us but our hat and one glove. Determined uot to give it up so. we gathered ourselves -up and selected the end of the "string" next time. The whole line moved, and we held our position firmly, until, iu the innocence of our nature, we extended our ] hand to a young lady from the "Western j End." whom- we thought, desired our assist \ aace. Unhappily for us, she was only i:: fun, i and in an effort to be polite, t lost our i equilibrium,—aud the result was tu us a dis ] astrou- fail. The faint idea of a sudden clap of thunder, a railroad collision, a torpedo explosion, a fight with the Fenians cubing up by our s>eiog scalped by the Indians, floated through our braiu for u tu.uute or two, and was succeeded by a brass band iu each ear, whilst a troup of "Eastern End" boys held riotous carnival iu the apex of our cranium. We saw stars innumerable, whilst an imprea ■imm tf ot vtc ice resembling a Connecticut butter-bowi, forcibly reminded us of the weakness of fle*h to contend with mightier thing-:. We arose: faintly opened our eyes, and with feeliDgs unutterable, observed the caase of our anguish pierouettiwj away with tbe utmost indifference, whilst a young adept, ;the scamp bang to her both hands and "grinned" out his seeming sympathy between her smiles. We bathed oqr aching bead with snow, meandered carefully to the Bhore, took off our skates, acd soliloquised as follow s: 1. Base-bali is no where in point of exer cise to skating : 2. Both are fallacious in point of enjoy ment ; S. Neither can be considered " child's play:" 4. Common-sense exercise i- immeasura bly superior to both: 5. Evil will be his fate who trosteth to fe males on ice ; bumps and bruises will be his reward : and his end will be bitter and bard to bear. If he should not be able to stand erect at ail times, and especially upon the first ef fort, be might gain for himself the unenvia ble reputation of being drunk. Lastly. He who plaeeth his faith in ice, or upon skates, or females, on either fouud,doeth j that which will eventually cause bim grea 1 ' sorrow- of mind and soreness of system. ! Selah .' ln the neighborhood of „ce hnpdred and seventy five persons were upon the ice at one I time, between the hours of three and six j o'clock ou ."Saturday afternoon. As regards ' the several degrees of proficiency arrived at ■1.25. It can be procured of any bookseller, or will be sent postpaid by the Publishers, Ticknor and Fields, Boston. OLD MOTHER BEDFORD.—The 'good old soul' was formed, we learn from the interesting report of Surveyor General Campbell, on the Ith of March. 1771, out of part of Cumber- ! land countv. Since tben Huntingdon. *-ep tember ffOlh, 17*7: Somerse*, April 17th. 1705: Westmoreland. February 2-lth. 177:5: Fulton, April 19, 1850, and, in part. Blair, February 2Ctb, 181t"> : Cambria, March 20tb, 1804: and Northumberland. March 27th. 1772. have been born of her, and yet she is as "gay and happy" as a young girl of "sweet six teen." "WHITE THE LAMF HOLDS OET TO tu RX" j there is a chance (or restoration of health. If therefore, the constitution has been weakened 1 by disease or excess—the nerves shattered — the stomach weakened—the appetite gone, and all the world appears gloomy—pour some fresh oil into your lamp, in the shape of Plantation Bitters, which will make tbe flame of life again burn brightly, and illuminate a once wretched existence. For ladies it is an elegant and gentle stimulant, exactly such as i they require. Many families will not be without it. It has an immense sale through out the world. 2t Out SCHOOLS. —There are in attendance in \ the various schools of the borough, by rough ei'imae, abootfour hundred and twenty-five pupils. The population of the district, as it now stands, is something less than one thousand six hundred, which makes an atten dance of more than owe fourth of the popula tion, t not counting the colored portion, i upon school. This we argue is pretty good, con sidering that the district embraces considera ble territory outside the borough, which makes the attendance from that portion only equal to that of any couutry district. THE Pennsylvania Teacher says: ••THE LITTLE UORPORAI is the most entertaining 1 publication for the young that we have ever ; examined. We cannot see how it possibly can have a superior, or if it could have, how , the young folks could possibly wish for any- i | thing better." Terms, one druiar a year. Altred L. Se- ' well. Publisher, tliicago. Hi. Otea! induce j meets are offered to those who wish to raise j | clubs, to all of *bom a sample copy will be 1 sent (ree it applied for during the present ! ( month. ' A HIST TO REPCBLKAXS. —Horace Greeley ' occasionally gets off seme Terv true things- Here t* one: ! ''To put a good, effideut journal into the hands of wlo will read it, is the true mode of proseculiry a political canvass: : meetings and speeches ire well enough, but | this is iodespeusable." True every word ofil Will the leading Republicans throughout the county profit by the bint aud help us to (acreage our circula : tion V "A word to the wise," etc. As IMPOSTI-B. Several of our exciiaugee j j speak of a female, passing under the name of j Russell, as travelling around the country pre- j ■ tending to have relations residing in different localities whom she is desirousot visiting, j but, as it invariably turn out, no such per j i sons are to be found. She is addicted to | | whiskey and laudanun-j and is most of the j time under the influenceof oue or the other. | and should be treated nt an evil disposed iu- j dividual and an impostef. LOCAL PAPERS. —The*; are many persons J who either tuke no paper at all, or else take ! I one from a distant eitv.od when they wish i : to see what is transpiriip in their own neigh- | | borhood, they beg or deal the local paper I ' from some citizen motq liberal than them- | sel"es. Many men of if - kiud are engaged , I in business aud freqaetl'v grnmbie because | people do not patronip- ''home industry"' when they practice the very thing of which j j they complain. THE V KATHW;.— DURING the past week the ; weather has been sotuewjat chuugeable. but mostly cold, so much sot times, that it was thought that it would be necessary for the authorities to glove the unds of the town clock and put stockings 511 the feet of the | ' Court House stairs iu rider to keep them | from freezing. It has art yet beeu cold ; enough, however, to prevpt one from telling | the truth, and we hope ujte of our coteinpo- I raries will think so. Vf*,* Harpers' Magazint Atlantic Monthly, j Lippincot't Magazine, hir Young Folks, j Old Guard, Godey s Ladge Book, Demorest's\ I Mirror of Fashion, Ladyi Friend, Galaxg, j Eclectic Magazine, Waccfy Magazine, Har \ pert' Weekly Journal of Civilization, Har : pern' Bazar. Chimney Coper, Leslie's Illus trated, New York Ledger JS'etr York Weekly, he foi sale at the Isqsirstt Book Store, if. BEDFORD Ltittt's. —At the next meeting i of the Bedford Lyceum pe following ques tion will be discussed: • Should the elective Atnehise be extend ' ed to ibe female sex in je United Slates?'' Leading disputants :-Affirmative. J ■ W . j Dickerson ; Negative, J.vl. Reynolds. How IT WAS DONE. —Ihe last I.ewistowu j Democrat comes out strog in favor of Andy ! Johnson for President. This is accounted i tor by the editor of that Electable sheet hav- I ing been recently appojted to a lucrative | ' clerkship in Wasbingtj. Y erily! •' little I I charity covereth a multifile of sins. THE Poor. Horse. —Tie Board of Poor J Directors, at their last ujeting. passed a res ; olution favoring the sale f the Poor House j ' property, which matter be presented to | the Grand Jury for recortuendation and the 1 Court for concurrence, atthe next session of court, GOVE UP.—The Mot/g Union Times has given up the ghost—tfe editors being desirous of engaging in some tetter paying business than publishing a nospaper for mere giory. That it is '"no vain ting " to be able to suc cessfully couduct a aper these times, we I pretend to know frouexperience. SOCIABLE.— The kthodist Mite Society I held its Annual Soctlle Festival at the par- I sonage on luesdsv eening. Plenty of good :h;ngs were on hand.o which the guests did ample justice, and be evening passed off j quietly and pleasantl A CHANGE. —We otiee that G. W. Rupp j j has withdrawn frort the firm cf Hupp & ' ! Shannon. Bankers, ad hereafter the business will be conducted k H. Xicodemus. Esq., iu the name of CLE. Shannon. Banking House iu BlytEjer'sdone Row. PAVED. —At a fescal held by the Metho dists of Johnstown tiring the holidays, some $3,200 were realized it the way of profit to i the church. The pedpt of that section are surely possessed of nuth charity. Can we say as nuch for our r.tiiens in this respect? ALL THE BOOKS in the Common Schools, at the iowi. sttric-es at which they can be sold, at the I.vqfgttt Book Store. MACXOUA WATER i.- a delightful toilet ar | tide —superior to Colqpe and at halt the : price. SHEET MI-tc, at puUiher'S price, at the Iyqt'tßEK Book Store Anything nut on ' baud will be ordered. ATTENTION is called it Be advertisement of ; Kev. W. Case. MARRED. Uu the loth lust.. l>v ftv. V. t'. ScUcuck, Mr. Vi'M. J. PATTERSON tod M > BELLE Mel ! VICKER, both of Bedford uunty. In Schellsbnrg. Dee. 2'"il Dt>:. by Kev. !i. H. Hunt, Mr. RICHARD UIIFFITIi an I .Ui4 i SARAH TAT LOR, both f?t. Clair tp. DIED !n >che!Ubarg, on the6t* mat., Mrs. ELIZA BETH C. POOKMAX, in be 75th year of her | age. fn >t. Cfair ?p. t on the Ith in.**.. sui- ! ne.-H, in good style and it moderate charges, j Terms: r'aeh, unless by special affreeinunt. jau24 6&u. MENfcrEL & BURNS. j pi BLIC SALE <>r V A L I" ABLE RE A L ES T ATE. j The sub - Tiber will ,-e!l at his residence in Na pier tv wn-hii. on Tuesday the 'Eith dayvf t'dnuory, Istkl, j THE FA KM upt>u which he cow re>ide<*, con taining Itil? aores, nett uiw>urt f of which about 120 acres are cleared and under gn>d fence, the balance being well timbered. The buildings arc i a two and a ball story Log House, with stone | kitchen attached, double t-g hare and other out buildings. There arc two good apple orchards, a mill scat and twenty acits of meadow upon it. Excellent water near the door. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock. DANIEL HESS. j jan2l:it V. 8. MARSHAL'* Orricc, ) W. D. or PESjuttxvASiA, > PITTSROROB, Ju. 20th, !M*. j I T H JA T0 GIVE NOTICE : That on the ! j X 3#thd, of November, A. D. I>S7. a War r "A'?.V ,nkru E."y w,s ieaned mtrain*! thr ete . of JAMES B. FARQLHAK, of Uedford. in the County f Ke.iford, anil State of Pennsylvania, I *a",. l " a Kankrajit on ki* own neti ion: that the payment of any debt* and de- i livery of any property belonging to vueh liank rupt, to him, or for his uae, and the Imtfw of any pro|*rty by him are forbidden by Law; that j a meeting of the Creditor! of the raid Bankrupt, j i° prove their Debt*, and to ehooae one or mere j | Af-Igncev of his Estate, will be held at a Court of i j Bankruptcy to be holden at the Court House, in i Bedford, Bedford county. Pa-, before Hatmsei ! tiCUR. Es.(,, Register, on the I Ith dav of Feorua | 'T A- D- I S,; N at if o'clock. A. M. THOMAS A. ROWLEY', | U. S. Marshal, Messenger. j "VI OTIC E TO BUILDERS, j J-' I'hr Board of School Directors of N spier ! | School District, will let to the lowest and best j i bidder, in the Borough of Schellsburg, at the | boas- of Barton Edsall, the building of THREE near School Houses, 22 by 2<> feet, in aaid town j -bip, on Saturday the sth day of February, at 10 j t u clock A. M. of said day. The presence of build- : | ere is earnestly requested. Abo, two old scheol ! j houses now occupying the ground up..n which I two of the new are to be erected, will be sold, j R. M. TAYLOR, Prest. T. B. >TI Dr.SAKEit, Sec'y. ian24:3t jp A I N T I N (I. ! ®* A - U| ld a A rrHF.w p. irmb ■ HILI> A SPIDEL j Kospaetfullj inform the public, that having form- i I ed a partnership, they are now nrepared to do alt kinds of PLAIN and FANCY PAINTING, PA- I PER HANGING, Ac. Sign Painting, and all 1 kinds of Wood Imitation executed beautifully. ; I Prices moderate. The patronage of the public 1 is solicited. We refer to Judge King, Wm. Hart- j ley, 0. E. Shannon, S. L. Russell. janlTAm Orris f QCRTIWCDOM k BROADTOB P.. K. Co,") 258 Sot'Tß 3d aiRZET, PBILADELFHIA, > January I.'lth, ls6s. j i rpilE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stockhold j X er.s of the Huntingdon and Broadtop Moun tain Bad Road and Coal Company will be held at ihe - See of the Company, No. 25S S. 3d Street Philadelphia, on TUESDAY, the 4th day of Feb ruary. 1848, at 11 o'clock A. M.. when an election will be held for a President and twelve Directors to serve for the ensuing year. jan!7:3t J. p. AKRTSON.-Sec'y. j IjYXECUTORS' NOTlCE.—Letters testamenta- | J ry upon the estate of JOS. SELLERS, late of j Bedford tp., deceased, having been granted to the j undersigned by the Register of Bedford countv, J they hereby give notice to all persons indebted to i said estate to make payment, and those having -laims against the same will prese-t them prop- i erly authenticated for settlement. JNO. S. SPROAT, J. T. GEPHAKT. WM. SCHAEFFER, _jan. H flw Executors. i / A EORGE EOLBSBY vs. SUSAN SOLESBY. j jvJ —ln the Court of Common Pleas of Bedford | county. No. 15, Sept, Term, ISB7. Alias sub- ' j preua iu Libel lor Divorce, And now, Sept. 2d. 1867, the Court, on moti. n of G. U. Spang, Esq.. grant a rule on Sasan Solesby, respondent in the ibove case, to show cause why a divorce a riacu- J 'a mntrimoni should not be decreed. The rule returnable on Mondav, Ftb. loth, 1888. 0. E. SHANNON, Prot. ROB'T STICAMAS, Sbff. jani; PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE 1 By virtue of an order.of the Orphan' Court of I Bedford county, the subscriber will offer at public -ale, on the premises, on SATURDAY, the Sth of I February I*6B, the following described tract of I land, late the property of Jonathan. C. I'icken. 1 deceased, situated in Cumberland Valley tp., ad | joining lands of George Miller, Michael Boor and others, containing 200 ACRES 104 PERCHES and allowance about 50 acres cleared and under fence, and having thereon a splendid Orchard of thirtv fruit trees, and a tine varietv of grapes, Ac., TWO LOG DWELLING HOUSES,a LOG BAt N and TANNERY, and other out-buildings thereon erected. TEP.MS : Ca.-'r at the conhrmation of sale. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock of said day. LEVI HARBINGER, janl7 Administrator of J. C. Dicksn. dee'd I IST OF CAUSES put down for Trial at Feb _J ruary Term, David Heidler vs. M. A B. M. R. R. A Coal Co. VY* S Entrekin vs Kenvinger A Fluck. Mary Jane Holsinger vs Josiah Holsinger. Sam'l Moses vs Sill A Zimmers. John Leech vs Jtfo B. Longeneeker. Henry Wertx vs Wilson Hafer. Francis M. Diehl vs. Colerain twp. School Diet. J Geo Black burs vs. County of Bedford, j Kate Border vs Geo A Beegle et al. j John Cessna rs Jonathan Bowser, i I'ertificd Jun. 13th, IsBB. I jaalT O. E. SHANNON, Prot. ; riIAVERN LICENSE.—Notice is hereby given L that'lhc following named persons ke made application for license, to be granted at February ; i Sfssivat. A. I>. 10th day: David Weimer, Monroe da. ■John Reigbart, Union do. : W m II Alien. West Providence Restaurant. John Harris. Bedford Borough do. ; Wm G Eicholtz, Woodberry tp Tavern. 1 Wu M Pearson do. do. | Grnndy F. Ake, St. Clairsville Restaurant. ! Aaron W. Reed, S. Woodberry tp Tavern. | John B. Amiek,St. Clairsville do. Joseph "Kirby, do. Restaurant.; Tobias Snider,Saxton Tavern, j ' has IV Zook, M. Woodberry tp Restaurant. ' Jas L Prince, Saxton, Tavern. Wm t Grove, Bloody Run, do. D. A M. Ott. Bl r confirmation: The account of Joseph Fi-her. Esq., Aritn'r of the estate of Peter Osborne, late o( West Provi dence tp., deo'd. The account of Joseph Fisher, Esq., Adrn'r of the estate of David Pittman, late of West Provi dence tp., dee'd. The account of Robert Fyan, A Jrn'r of the es tate of Mary Bvrn late of Bedford Borough, dee'd. The account of Jodah MUler, Ei'r ot the last Will Ac. of Catharine Wolford, late of London derry tp., dee'd. The a,'count of Jaoob Evans. Bsq., A vim r of the estate of John Raley, late of Londonderry tp., dee'd. The account of Wm. Berkheimer. Ex'r of Jos. Rividle, late of Union tp., dee'd. The account of Thomas McCoy, Auto r of the estate of Elisabeth Blackburn, late of St. Clairtp., dee'd. i The acconnt of Jos. B. Noble, guardian otSam'l Koonti and Mary Ann Bollman. formerly Mary ! Ann Kootr, children of Hetty Koontz, late of , Bedford tp.. dee'd. The account of George S. Bennett and Artemaa S. Bennett, Executors of the last W'iil and Testa ment of Arteatas Bennett, late of Southampton tp.. dee'd. The account ot Mary Ann South, AJmr'x of Franklin South, late of Snake Spring tp., dee'd. The account of John Dicken, Ex'r of Moses Dicken, late of Cumberland Valley tp., dee'd. The account of Daniel Fletcher, Ex'r of John Martin, late of Monroe tp.. dee d. jaol7 O. E. SHANNON, Register. ORIGIN AND HISTORY OF THE BOOKS ! OF THE BIBLE. BY PRO r. emu E. STOW, n. n. A work of real value, and an almost indispen- j sable companion of the Bible, showing what the , BiMe is not, what it is, and Low to nse it: an- ! swering all the objections to its authenticity urged by modern intideis.and tracing the autbori- ! ty of each book up to its inspired authors, giving : a vast amount ot information heretofore locked | up in verv rate and costly volumes, making one of the moat popular books ever puldishfed. 1000 AGENTS WANTED. Experienced agents, clergy men, ladies, school , teachers and thers should send at one* for eiren- ' lara giving further information. Address, ZEIGLER, McCI'RDY A CO., ■>ol Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. i -opt liTtb IJ6T, tm. AITr.NTED —A good Farm band. Liberal wa ll ges will be paid to an able-bodied, sober and industrious man A single man or one with a small family will be preferred. For further in formation apply to M. LI'TZ in Snake Spring township, or by letter directed to Bedford, Pa. jan!o:3t. gHERIFF'B SALES. By rittue of sundry writs of vend, exponas, le- I vsri faciei and Beri facias to me directed there . will be exposed at public salo at the Court House, . iu the Borough sf Bedford, oo SATURDAY, the Sth day of February, A. D., 1888, at 14 o'clock A j M. the following property, to wit; One tract of land eontiing 2V5 acres more or j less, about 240 acres cleared and nnder fence,with i a two story log house plastered, double log barn, tenant house, and other oat buildings there erec j ted, with two good apple orchards thereon, ad joining Philip Shoemaker, deceased, on the west, Abraham Weiael on the north-west, Simon Stuck ; ey on the south, Christian Hetriek on the east, sit uate in Colerain tp, Bedford eo. Seized and taken in execution as the property j of Samuel -'tuekev. AI.SO, One tract of land containing 153 acres i more or less, about 6b acres cleared and'under lenee, with a two story frame house aud double j log barn tnereoa erected, adjoining lands of Wm l.atta, jr., on the south, Joseph Sleighter, on the west, and Hartley Hughe- ->n the north; situate in j West Providence tp., Bedford co. !S iied and taken in execution a* the property of Eliza French. ALSO, One lot of ground containing three- If uribs of an acre, more or less, under fence, with R one story plank howsc and plank stable thereon erected, adjoining lands of Adolphus Ake, Ca.vtle ton Ake and other-: situate in Union tp., Bedford , county. Seized and taken iu execution as the property j of John Shaffer Miller. ALSO, One frame house in the borough of f- ai-laie. known as the post - See, situate OR Spring street, adjoining lots of David Dunn and A. W. Evans. .•seized and taken in execution as the property of A. YV. Evans, Lemuel Evans and Levi Evans. ALSO, One tract of land containiug lOSj acres, i mere or less, with a two story log house thereon erected, being the same tract of laud which P. F. Lehman and Mary Ann, his wife, sold and eon reyed to John H. Weriz and Sophia, hia wife, sil j uate in Harriot n tp, Bedford co. I Seized and taken in execution as the property I of John H. Wertz and Sophia Wertz. ALSO, All that certain two story log house, ncs-uage and tenement, situate in Kaiusbnrg I rough, Bedford county, fronting on Main street; adjoining lots of George James on the South and A. J. Pcnnell on the North, and the lot or piece ground t-urteiege appcrtenant to said building. Seized and taken in execution as the property i of Abraham Mowery. Also, Two tracts of land: No. 1 containing 175 acres, more or less, about 106 acres cleared and tnder fence, with a two story lug dwelling house, log barn and other buildings thereon erected; { there is also a small orchard on the premises, ad joining lands of WmStuckey on the south, Wm Conner on the east, V'm Grubb on the south, Ben jamin Shaw's heirs on the north. No. 2, contain ing 2n acres, more or less, with about 2 acres leared and under fence, adjoining the above land and Samuel Mixell and others, situate in Monroe ! tp., Bedford eo. >ized and taken in execution as Ibe property if John Haron. ALSO, All the defendant's interest in and to a : tract of land, situate in Juniata tp., Bcdtord eo., containing 70 acres, more or less, about 40 acres cleared and under fence, with a one itory log house and log barn and apple orchard thereon, adjoining lauds of Wash Powell on the sontb and west, Peter Hillcgas on the north, and Wm. Lai zer on the east. Seised and taken in execution as the property of Joseph Nicodemue. ALSO, One tract of land containing 144 acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Philip Snider on the north, the defendant's other lands on the east, and Xussey3 mountain on the west, situate inWest Providence tp., Bedford eo. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Joseph H. Sparks. ROBERT STE KM AN, Sheriff. Sheriff 's Office, Jan. 15, 1868. lIST OF GRAND JURORS drawn for Feb- J ruarv Term, (2d Monday) l"th day. A. D. 1868: Schellaburg; Isaiah Conlcy, Foroifls. Bedford tp.: Jacob Fetter. Bedford Borough: Simon Nans. Broad Top tp.: I-evi Rinard. Cumb. Valley; Franklin Hite, Samuel Hunt, Albert Arnold. Harrison tp.: YYiliiam Egolf. Liberty: John Kensinger, Samuel Harvey, Eli Eiehelberger. Londonderry: JL T. Buchanan. Monroe: Abraham Stuekey, Geo. B. Fletcher, Curtis Grubb. Napier: Jeremiah Gordan, Sylvester J. Souser. Providence W.t Alex. Mortimere, Joseph Fisher. Southampton: Lewis Browning, Jas. Collins. St. Clair: Jesse Blackburn, Xhos. J. Miller. Union: Michael Wertz. Drawn and certified at Bedford, this 1 K. H. VIRGTIL PORTER, (late or sew Tone cirr.) DENTIST, Would respectfully inform his nouieroua friends and patrons that he is still in BLOODY RCN, where he is at all times prepared to insert those BEAUTIFUL ARTIFICIAL TEETH at the low price of from TEN TO EIGHTEEN DOA-VRS : per set. Teeth extracted without pain. Tem porary sets inserted if desired. All operations warranted. Special attention is invited to Dr. Porter's scientific method of preserving de caved and aching teeth. Jan.3tf H. VIRGIL PORTER. DENTISTRY. I. N. BOWSER, Rxsidsst Devtist, Woon- SERt-.r, Pa., visits Bloody Run three days of each month, commencing with the second Tuesday of the month. Prepared to perform all Dental oper ations with whieh be may be favored. Term ttilliu tic remei of all and itrictly calk except by epeeial contract. Work to be sent by mail or oth wise, must be paid for when impressions are taken, augo, "#4:tf. I jgEDFORT) CLASSICAL SCHOOL. FOCXfMSU BY REV, JOHN LYOS, l¥3?. FREDERICK WOODS, Principal. A first-class school for the instruction of youth of both sexes in a classical and English education, including Latin, Greek, French, German, Mathe matics and the ordinary English branches. Terms moderate. Students from a distance can obtain board in town at reasonable rates. REYEREXCES: Hon. A. King, John P, Reed, Hon. J. F Hartley, H. Nicodemus, Wm. Hartley, R. B. Lewis, O. E. Shannon, C. N. Hickok, W. H. Watson, M. D.. Geo. Blymyer, B. F. Harry, M. D., G. D. Shuck. •Sam"! L. Russell, C. Colfelt, Jacob Reed, Ross Anderson, M D B. F. Myers, :John Luti. William Lyon. janlOiom QOAL! COAL!! COAL!!! BEDFORD TO HAVE A COAL YARD. Having made arrangements with John Taylor A Sins, who have jnst opened anew Mine in the celebrated Cook seam, I will always have the best of Bitaminons Coal on hand and for sale by the car load, ton or bushel. AH orders promptly filled- WILLIAM DIBERT. January 3. 3m INSURANCE. —Wyoming Insurance Company of Wilks Barre, Capital $130,900. Commerce Insurance Company of Albany, New York, Capi tal $300,000. Fulton Insurance Company of New York City. Capital $230,900 F. BENEDICT Agent at Bedford, office with H. Nicodemus. F. M. MASTEF.S Agent at Bloody Run. December 20th, 1867. m 6 EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE—Letters Testamen tary upon the last will Ac., of Arthur Rose late of Cumberland Valley township deceased, having been issued by the Register of Bedford county to the subscriber, he gives notice to all persons indebted to the estate of said deceased to make payment, claims against the estate properly authenticated, should be presented by claimants immediately. HENRY ROSE, Jan. 3-w8 Executor. EXECUTORS' NOTICE —Letters testamenU ry upon the estate of Jacob Dull, late of Na pier tp., deceased, having been issued by the Reg ister of Bedford county to the undersigned, they give notice to all indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate are notified to present them properly authenticated for settlement. JOHN P.EIMIXGEB. janlo:flw JIC'OB DULL, Executors, EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE—Letters Testament ary upon too mui of Juucs Plp*sr of Hopewell township, deceased, having been issued by the Register of Bedford county to the subscri bers, they hereby give notice to all persons in debted to tbe estate of the said deceased to make payment. Claims against the estate should he presented immediately, properly authenticated for settlement- J. J- BARNDOLLAR, (residing in Bloody Run,) EDWARD ASHCOM, (residing in Hopewell,) jaulDrSw Executors rp3 BUILDERS.—The undersigned Building J. Committee for the Reformed Church near Simon Harclerods's, in Colerain tp., will receive proposals for the construction of the church build ing. until Saturday, January 25, 1868, the con tract to be awarded to the lowest and best bidder. For plan and specifications, address the under signed at Bedford, Pa, HP. DIEHI,, JONA'N. BOWSEK, JOSHUA DIEHL, Jan. J, >1 Building Committee. BOOK agents wanted to solicit orders for Dr. William Smith's Dictionary of the Bible. Written by 79 of the moat distinguished Divines in Europe and America. Illustrated with over 123 Steel and Wood Engrnringe. Complete in one targe octavo volume. Retail price, $3 39. We employ no genera! agents, and can thus offer ex tra inducements to agents dealing directly with us. For full particulars and terms, address the pub lishers, J. B. BURR A CO., Hartford, Con. 4t i IXSTRAY HEIFER—Came to the midence of Fi the subscriber, near Bedford, on or about the i Ist of November last, a read and white 'potted heifer, supposed to be about two years old. The ' owner wtli prove his property, pay the usual | eharges and remove her. EMANCEL SMITH. J January S. "w SEVER AL GOOD _ . CANVASSERS WANTED Ito canvass for Dr. m. J. Muilin s Patophlet on Diptheria as it appeared in Bedfordand Somerset I counties, with numerous Receipts, Ac. Good I wages can he made. Apply to PR.W.J, MULLET, 1 jan.3tf Scbelicburg.