pfttmovflttis. NASBY. A Meeting at the Corners t< take iuio Consideration The Best and mo"' Feasible Methods of PreseWM to the Uemrcruey the state* they Won tin* Fall. POST u-t'liiS. C".*metKir X KUADS. | I Wish > hi thr -Suit (iv Kentucky.) | October .10, 1 SO" I I wuz Hitliu in the I'ost Oflis, day before j yesterday, a cogitatin over the glorious re sults uv the Ohio and Peunsylvauy election#, i and hopin for an ekally good report from i Noo York: thinkia the while that perhaps ef j my hopes wuz realized, and such a Constoo- i shnel Demokrntez Pendleton or Seymour' shood be elected, I mite, in cmsidcrushen ; uv my long and 1 beleeve valuable services. J aspire to suthin higher, and better, and more • profitable than a l'ost Oflis, siclt ez I am at j present holdiu. Ido not complain, for the i position has been the means uv establishen a j credit upou wich I Uev lived tiius far com j foitable, but yet 1 shood prefer a pi act where i the salary wood be suftisheut to give me enuti j so that 1 cood lay up suthin tor old age. Ihe j time is not far off when mv indmduel ever j tious will not supply my wants. I felt good over the victory, and ii seemed ; to me ez tho tve oglit to speak ez Kentucky j :tus, to our brethren North, instructin uv em i how to hold the States wich they iiez wen for j us. When 1 decide upon a pint 1 alius act. j and so it wuz this time. I give notis. by Issaker Gavitt, that the j Corners wood assemble at the toouu ut the! horn, for the purpose ot sendtn forth the ! voice uv Kentucky to the Struts North. Ihe j cveniu come, the horn was tooted from the steps uv the church, and the entire Corners woz there. Deekin Program woz in his reg ler seat: Issaker Gavitt wtiz in his sainted father's place, wich he/ gone bent*. Kernel McPelter wuz ther. and also the others who made up the male population uv the Corners, and their wives. It wuz a glorious meetin, and 1 wuz a rubbin my hands and feelin good at the prospeck uv an improvin occasion, when to my utter disgust, I saw the door open and Joe. Bigler, who wuz born to he iny pest, come in, with Pollock. and twenty-five nig gers, oid and young, male and female, white, yaller and black, and all uv em took seat.- in the corner uv the church. 1 kuowed 1 y ihe meek look uv the niggers, and the egg-streem cuielood uv lligler hisself. thut suthin wuz rp, wich would of course develop itself. Bigler and Pollock generally develop I opened the rneetiu by remarks that the times wore an suspishus look. the power uv the nigger in Amerikan politics lied bin demonstrated. The nigger bed bin so man ipulated in Ohio and Pennsylvany, tz to give up these States, wich we cood hold ef we choose. But the Dimocrisy uv Ohio and Pennsylvany bed a work to do, which the; cannot neglect with safety. They bed de ciared the nigger inferior to the Caueasben. wich he undeniably is, and they must keep him so. The nigger must be kept jist eggs ackly where he is, to serve as a irritant to De mocrisy. Ohio gives the niggers uv that State certain facilities for learnin to read and write, accomplishments wich no laboriu class wich is to be guided, controlled and worked exeloosively by a sooperior class, needs or hcz any biznis with. So soon ez a man begins to read he begins to hev a iuquirin mind, and begins to feel a dissatisfaction with his speer. Let Ohio repeel there laws to wunst, that the niggers may uot — '•Reserve the arrangement." sed Joe Big ler, riziu, ''and git to be the sooperior nv the white. Is that it, Professor?" "Not eggsackly that," returned I—not1 —not kuowin what he wuz drivin at, "but ez Heviu ordaiued the niggers to be inferior to us, and serve us, it looks rather dangerous to us to —" "Give him a chance to rise? That's what yoor gettin at. I see. I ant, and always wuz a Democrat ez yoo knoo, but I don't shudder from that cause —not any. I hev faith in the ! Lord, wich yoo appear to lack, wich is (range, eonsiderin yoor professhttn. Ef my colored friends here wuz ordained by the Al mighty to alius okkepy an inferior position to us, why they'll do it anyhow, onless,' indeed, we degrade ourselves below ther level. Ef I understand yoor idea, it is that the proud Caucashutt is the only favored race, which fixes its own poaisheu itsself, bat that all tin other races hed places assigned them, which Godal mighty hevin fixed they can't pass. That bein the case,'s the yoose, Profes ser, uvour fooliu away our time a tryin to strengthen his laws by an act nv ours? Ei the Almighty fixed it so. kin wc do it any better than he?" '•But spesnthe nigger, cf we don't keep him down by law, shood rise above us?" 'I shood unanimously coucloode that there lied bin a mistake in the figgers, and that we wuz, after all, the sons uv Ham, and they the -oits uv Japbeth. How wood you like that ? But that aiu't wat ails us. There, Professor, ain't where our dauger is. Dimocrisy, like a man with a tapeworm, carries the elements uv his own distrnckshen. Missegenasheti is wat's sappin the foundushcu of the party, i Agreein with jm ,hot thr. nigger's place i 3 fixed, and that the Dimocrisy coodent git aloug a minit without the nigger, J here utter my solemn warnin agin the continyooal les -enin nvthe race, becoz that race is ourroc'r, and onto that we stand- Wat sense is there in wastin our capital, or rutber dilutin it?" "Wat do you mean?" askt I, not gettin at the drift uv wat he wuz drivin at. "Mean! My nteauiu is plain. The blacker the nigger is the farther be is below us—the whiter he is the nearer our equal he is. "In this calculation we don't take intelli gence or virchoo, or anything uv the kind into account, but perceed upou the hypothe sis that a devilish mean white man is consid erable better than a smart and honest nigger. Iherefore, any drop uv white blood in a nig ger s veins makes him just one drop less ob jectionable. Look at the specimens which I iiev brought with me to illustrate my pint. The light colored niggers will rise." And every cussed one uv em got up ez ef by magic, and I saw to wunst what he wuz goin for. "Yoo see, Perfcsser, I hev here twenty two spiled niggers. Every one uv them ought to hev bin the son or daughter uv two pure niggers, but they aint. This one's mother for instance, and he laid his band upon the shoulders uv a likely quadroon uv eighteen years, "wnz wunst the property uv Deekin J'ogram, wich circumstance accounts for her hevin the I'ogram nose and general cast av countenance to an alarmin degree, and " Ther was a piercin shreak heard, and Mrs. Pogram was carried out faintin, and the Deekin turned ez red ez a lobster, while Big ler. ez solemn ez & Judge, went on — "This girl wnz onst the property uu Deekin ; McGrath. who is, 1 notis, here to nite. Me i lissy stand up," sed he, and a likely mulatto woman ariz. "You will notis," sed he, that Melissey is rather dark, while her girl wieh you see afore yoo, is quite a half lighter. The race bleached out considerable ou Dee kin McGrath's place. 1 hev in my recollec tions ten or fifteen more uv varum shades, who hev the McGrath face; but—" Mrs. Deekin McGrath, utterin a shreek uv j rage, swung out of the church, while the Dee kin to wunst assootned the color uv his fel low Deekin, Pograra. "I mite go 011, but wherefore? You all see the pint. I can show you in this colleckshun wieh 1 hev picked up, thepecoolyer feachers . uv the Dingesses, the McPelters, the Bas coras, and every family around these parts— | that is. the feechers uv the male members uv em. But sence the emancipation, 1 hev no tist that this thing hez come to a sudden eu din. [ hev notist that sence the niggers hev ; owned themselves* there aint no more uv this mixter. Yoo purpose, I suppose, agin re ; doosin uv em to their normal condition' and makin uvem men servants aud maid servauts. Ef this is done, let me entreat yoo brethreu to stop the bleacbin process. Ef yoo hev any regard for the Dimocrasy don't tolerate iit no more. The moment a half-white nig ger is born, yoo can't enslave only half uv i him,for only halfcomes under the cuss, atnTon ly half under the laws agin niggers. The one ! half keeps down to the 11am level, but tothev , half sores to the Japheth place iu nachor. , Yen can't whale a mulatto with only half the intensity yoo kin a clear-blooded nigger, aud when they keep bleachin out, and out, until they are almost white, what then? When anig ger is nine-tenths Pogram and only one-tenth nigger, what then? Kin thee Deekin be so deaf to the voice of nacber—so bare uv im pulse ez to oppress so muck Pogram for the sake of gcttiu his foot on so little uigger? 1 can't believe it. Besides, when it's all ruu out—when the uigger don't show at all—then ivat is to prevent em from walkin off' alone and settin up in bizuess for themselves ez white men? Wat will become uv the Dimo crasy then? All this time the niggers wuz titterin, and the white women wuz gaspiu for breath, and the ineu wuz tumin red and white by turns, i arose to reduke him, when Bigler remarkt he guest enuff bed bin sed, and thus probably the meeting had better be adjourned. And the audacious cuss give us two minutes and a half to get out uv the buildin. I wood give my next quarter's salary ef the yellow fever wood come to the Corners, pervided I cood be ashoored that Bigler and Pollock wood be victims. PETROI.EIM V. NASBY, P. M., (Wieh is Postmaster.) 628. HOOPSItIRTS - 628. WILLIAM T. HOPKINS. "OUR Own MAKE," After more than Five Years experience and experimenting in the manufacture of STRICTLY FIRST QUALITY HOOP SKIRTS, we offer unr justly celebrated goods to merchants and the public in full confidence of their superiority over all others in the American market, and they are -o acknowledged by all who wear ordeal in them, as they give more satisfaction than nny other Skirt, and recommend themselves in every res pect. Dealers in Hoop Skirts should make a not.- of this fact. £YElt}' LA D Y WHO HAS SOT a I YEN THEM .4 TRIAL, SHOULD DO SO WITHOUT FURTHER VELA Y. Our assortment embraces every style, length and size, for Ladies, Misses and Children, Also, Skirts made to order, altered and repaired. Ask for "Hopkins' Own Make," and he not de ceived. Sec that the letter "H" is woven on the Tar.cs between each Hoop, and that they arc stamped " W. T. HOPKINS. MANUFACTU RER. 628 ARCH ST., PHIL AIT A.," upon each tape. No others are gennire. Also, constantly on hand a full line of good New York and Eastern made Skirts, at very low prices. WHOLESALE AND RKTAIL. At the Philadelphia Hoop Skirt Manufactory and Emporium, No. 628 ARCH St., PIIXL'A. March 15, 1867. lOmo [Cba.-tere~ with Ample Powcrs.j _l-l EIIAXON VALLEY COLLEGE. The second Collegiate year will commence ON" MONDAY, AUGUST 19, 1867. This Institution has been Chartered by the Legislature of the State with full Collegiate pow er-. and the following courses of Study, in which j it is proposed to graduate Students, have been adopted, viz: An Elementary Course for Teachers ( It. E). A Scientific Course, t It. S). A Ladies' Course, ( 31. A). A Classical Course. .1. It). A Biblical Course i /,'. It. S). The School ia intended to supply a great pub lic want and instruction is given in all brandies of a common, a liberal, or an ornamental educa tion. There is a primary or model school connect - ed with the Institution, and also a Commercial Course, so that Students of any grade will he re received and will be put into suitable Classes. With superior accommodations, first-class teach ers, a locatiyn not excelled by any in accessibility and healtbfulness, and in the general morals of the community, we offer to parents aud guardians a pleasant home, where their children and wards will be properly cared for and will be subjected to the best training. EXPENSES: For Boarding, Washing, Light Fuel, aud Tuition, with furnished room, for Fall Term of 18 weeks $85.50 Instrumental Music 18.00 Dou'ole-Entry Book Keeping, (in classes).... 15.00 Painting and Fancy Work, at usual rater. For catalogue and further particular?, address Rev. T.R. VICKROV, A. M., President, Dec. 14:66:1vr Annvillc, Lebanonco.,l'a. OYES: OYES! DYES!—The undersigned having taken out auctioneer license holds himself in readiness to cry sales and auctions on the shortest notice. (Jive him a call. Address him at Bay's Hill, Bedford county, Pa. WILLIAM CRACKY. Oetlß:.6m J JO! FOR THE FAIR ! SAVE YOUR MONEY GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES! The undeigned having made v very impor tant discovery in Photography, is now enabled to reduce the price of all kinds of pictures 25 per rent, less than former prices, and is willing to give his customers the benefit of such discovery. A First Class Picture can now be had for 25 cents, made of the best material and put up in the most substantial manrer. Photograph Albums in great variety, and cheaper than can be bad at any other place in the county. A large assortment of GILT FRAMES, ROSE WOOD FRAMES, FANCY CASES, CORD AND TARSALS FOR FRAMES, suitable for any style of picture, at reduced prices. A superior lot of (Jilt and Rosewood Moulding for Frames, just received, very low. Persons desiring a good likeness of themselves will please call and examine his specimens before going elsewhere. T. R. GETTY'S. Bedford, Sept. 27:3m0s UEGISTER'S NOTICE. . All persons interested are hereby notified that the following named accountants have filed their account in the Register's Office, of Bedford coun ty, and that the same will be presented to the Or phans' Court, in and for said county, at an ad journed Court, to beheld on Tuesday the 12th day of December, next, (1867) at the Court House, in Bedford, for confirmation: The Account of Daniel Sparks and Geo. Karns, Ear's of the last Will Ac. of Peter Karns, late uf F.ast Providence township, dee'd. "oG-i o.k. SHANNON. Rcg'r. jrpO ADVERT] SERB: T H K B E D F.O It I> lIK Q U llt E It.; PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MOIINING, BY J. R. DUKBOItKOVV A JOHN LUTZ, OFFICE ON JULIAS A STREET, BEDFORD, PA. THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN SOUTH■ WESTERN I>ENNX 1L VAN IA. \ CIRCULATION OVER 1500. HOME AND FOREIGN ADVERTISE- i MENTS INSERTED ON REA SONABLE TERMS. A FIRST CLASS NEWSFAI'EIt. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: |2,00 FElt ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. JO R PR IXT J NO. ALL KINDS OF JOB WORK DONE WITH NEA TNESS AND DISPATCH, AND IN THE LATEST A MOST APPROVED STY EE, SU'll AS POSTERS OK ANY SIZE, j CIRCULARS, BUSINESS CARDS, WEDDING AND VISITING CARPS, BALL TICKETS, PROGRAMMES. CONCERT TICKETS, . ORDER ROOKS, SUGAR LABELS, RECEIPTS, LEGAL BLANKS, PHOTOGRAPHER'S CA HPS, RILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, PAMPHLETS, PAPER ROOKS. ETC. ETC. KTC. ETC. ETC. Our facilities for doing HI kinds of Job Printing are equalled by very few establishment in the country. Orders by mail promptly filled. All letters should be addressed to DURBORKOW A LUTZ. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration cum leilauiento upon the estate of Valentine Weirick, late of Cumberland Valley township, deceased, having been granted, by the Register of Bedford county, the subscriber hereby notifies all persons hav ing-claims against the estate to present the same properly authenticated for settlement. And all persons indebted arc requested to make immedi ate payment FRANCIS DONAIIOE, 00* Id \dnir, e. t a. | QAfcll BUYERS TAKE NOTICE ANU SAVE YOUR GREENBACKS! NEW FALL AND W INTER liOODS, JUST KEQBtYSD, AT Greatly Kedueed Pricotj, At J. M. Shoemaker's Store. Having jut returned from the Ka.-t, ho arc now opening a targe Stock of FALL and \VTN TLK GOODS, which have been bought for C'ah at New Prices, and will he sold CHEAP. This being the only FOIL STOCK of floods brought to Bedford this season, persons will be able to j suit themselves better in Style, Quality and Price than at any other store in Bedford. The following comprise a few of our prices, t it: CALICOES. j 1(1, 12, 14, 15, Hi, and thu best at Js. MUSLINS: ; 10, 12, 15, lti, 18,20, and the best at 22. ALL WOOL FLANNELS from 40 eta. up. FRENCH MKKINOKS, ALL WOOL DE LAINES, COBUItUS, Ac. Men's wear, CLOTHS, CaSSI MERES, SATINKITS, JEANS, &e. HOOTS A- SHOES —In this article we have a very extensire assortment lor Ladies, Misses, Cbillren, Men and Hoys, at all prices. IIATS —A large assortment of Men's and Hoy's Hate. CLOTHING—Mt u and Boy's Coats, l'auts, and Vests, all sizes and prices. PAPER COLLARS —Shakespeare, Lock wood, I.itien-lined, Ac. COTTON CHAIN —Single and double, white and colored. GROCERIES Coffee. Sugar. Sirups, Green and Black Teas, Spices, of all kinds, Dye Stuli's, Ac. LEATHER—Soie leather, French and City Call Skins, I'pper Leather and Kip, Linings, Ac. A c. Be will sell Goads on the runic Terms that c.e hate been for the lu-f three months, CASH OR NOTi: with interact tram drte. No bud debts contract ed, and no extra charges to good paying custom ers to make up loss& oil bad paying customers, or customers that .ever pay. < :ah buyer- al ways get the best Birgaitis, and their account is always settled up. N. B. ID per cent, stivctl buying your goods at J. M. SHOEMAKER'S, Cuh and Produce Sturc, No. 1, ANDERSONS' HOW. June 2S, lliti#:6ui HUNTINGDON A BROADTOPRAILROAD .—On and after Thursday, Ogt. 16, 1867, Pas senger Trains willnrrUc .:nd depart as follow*: Accom .Mail., TATIOSB A . ,a, Mail. P.M. A. M. SIDINGS A.M. P.M. 1e.1.10 i.e 7..0 Huntingdon, At ■' 3ti ai-*LI7 •lOJ 8, 10 McConnellatown IM'S 3.37 5.15 5.22 Pleasant Grove, 8,68 3.19 5.31 8.38 Markleaburg, 8.38 3.30 5.60 8.53 Coffee Run, 8.23 3.1 • 6.00 0.01 Hough A Heady 8.13 3.08 6.10 0.12 Cove, * -.68 2.54 6.20 0.16 Fisher's Summit 7.53. 2.50 a,,(UB lk il;,;; saxton, i - k7 - "i:le 10.00 Riddleshei g, 2.0S ! 10.08 Hopewell. 2.00 10.21 Piper's Bun, 1.14 10.12 Tatesrilie, 1. tw 1 1i.0.i Bloody Kan, 1.07 ar 11.05 Mount I>:tlln.-. j ,: t.tto SHOHP'S It FN Jilt A \ H 1b6.40 t,e 9.sß;Sxton, ak 7. oar 2. ' 0.5,". 10.07. (,'onlmont. 7.1 d 2.1.■ 7.00 10.10 Crawford. 7.10 2.10 ai:7.15 tit 1t,.20 Dudley. i.n 7.0", i.r.2.05 Broad Top City. Oct 15:07. JOHN M'KILMPS, Supt. OLOODY RUN STILL AHEAD' FRESH ARRIVAL OF FA 1 jIJ & WINTER GOO I )S AT BLAKE'S CHEAP CASH STORK. CALL AND EXAMINE THE STOCK. Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers, Ornament:-. Millinery Good-. Embroideries, Handkerchiefs, Trimmings, Buttons, Hosiery. Gloves, Notions, 1 ancy Goods, Ladies* and < hiJdrciis' Shoes, liro ceries and lry Goods, a full assortment of Con fcctionarie'', Ac. Av. Also, just received, a large stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING. which is being sold at wholesale prices. MILLINERY WORK DONE TO ORDER. Thankful for former iberal patronage, we hope to be able to merit a continuance of the same. Please call and see our new stock, and remember our terms are CASH. CHARLES BLAKE. Bloody Run, Sept. 27; >tu. pOR SALE OR TRADi;] 1 wo lots in the City tf Omaha Nebraska. Iwo tracts of ?C>o acrts each within three miles of a depot on the Pacific Hnil Road back of Oma ha. hirst tract of bottom kinds timbered and prarie two miles from Omaha City. One third of 7,0(>0 acres in Fulton Ciunty Pa., including valuable Ore, mineral and timber lands near Port Littleton. Oyer 4,000 acres of valuable ore, coal and tim ber lands in West Virginia. ~.^, LBo > £ * ot °f ground (about one acre) at Willow Tree, in Snake Spring Township, on diauibersburg and Bedford Turnpike, three miles Last of Bediord, with frame dwelling house, cooper shop, stable, Ac. thereon erected. ALSO, Twenty-five one acre lota, adjoining the Borough ot Bedford, with lime stone rock foi kiln or quarry on the upper end of each. Also, .>2O acres of land in Woodbury co.. lowa. 0. E. SHANNON, •Line 21,-tf Bedford, Penna. A SPLENDID ARTICLE of Blank Deeds, on the best parchment paper, lor sale at the inquirer office. Nov 2, 1866 WANTED. —Forty heavy locust posts, aud thirty bushels of corn. Apply to Nov.l:2t. • j. R. DURBORROW. A SPLENDID ARTICLE of Blank Deeds on the beU parchment paper, for sale at the Inquirer office, ?Jor 2 1866 J i A HGK'S T, CH KA PEST, J {K.ST j B. 31. BLYMYER k CO. have the LARGEST STOCK OF STOVES, ever brought to lilforl. BLYMYER & CO. have the B KST ST(I CK O F ST OVK S , ever brought to Bedford. CALL AA I) SEE THE MAMMOTH STOCK. 200 STOVES OF EVERY SIZE AND DESCItIITION. 50 SECOND HAND STOVES. THEY Will KOTIIE UNDERSOLD J TIN-WARE OK EVERY* DESCRIPTION. CHEARER TJ/AN~~th. CHEAPEST. Every body will |,lease bear in mind that It. M, BLYMYER A CO., .-ell CHEAPER goods, in their line, than ean be sold by any one else in Bedford. Keueinbei the place NO. I. STONE ROW. OCM :tf. A T TOII NE YS-AT-I, A\V REAL ESTATE ACENTM, BEDFORD, PBNX'A. Those who desire to sell or buy land or lands will tind this agency an excellent medium through which to accomplish their object. All lands of fered for sate are duly registered, likewise the ap plications to buy, and those who desiroto sell and those who Pcsire to purchase are brought together with comparatively little delay, trouble or exprne Persons desiring to use this agency ean apply to us personally or by letter. July 13. yALUABLE TRACTS OF LAND FOR SALE. The subscribers offer at private ALE the follow ing valuable tract* of land, \iai: No. I. The undivided half m a tract of land containing 227 acres, situate on the south-east tide of the Broad Top Mountain, lying partly in B dford and partly in Kulton county, and ad joining lands of S.iuitud Ilanncr, Jaiu: s Briu huret and WisUarf heir . TWO VEINS OF COAL, one J'l feet, the . I CL in depth bait been discovered on ih- tract. No. 2. A tract of 2 d.< res NEAR the ad joining the SAME lauds, and SUPPOSED to contain the SAME vein- of coal. No. . A tract of 400 ACRES, within two and a half mile* of the above TRACE*, lying on thoKorth -idc of the Har* or ACROSS the mountain, well tim bered with oak and pine. May . tf. D! 'E BORROW * LI TZ. y SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE WITHIN A FEW MILKS OF BEDFORD! The subscribers will sell, at private sle, ail that SJPLZETSTIDIID F-A-IRCIM: situate in Pleasant Valley, Bedford township, f, ve miles from liedfci d, now in the occupancy of William 11. Nyciiiu, utamfng I O A< BK?, ON re OR let ibout Sixty Acres cleared and under excellent fence, IS acres of bottom meadow and the balance well timbered, with a sp! -rclid DO 1" 15 LE vV ELLI NG HO USE, Burn, and other oul-buildiugs. A well of excel knt wAier i;c*r the door; also, a good young Or •hard. This i an excellent opportunity to ) n.eure a liOOD lAKM near Bedford, con. intent h) Churches and good Schools. PRICE, .SMO PKIt ACRE. DURRORROW A LUTZ, July l#;tf Ileal Estate Agents. I7IOR SALS. I We take pleasure in offering to the public the Lowing tracts of. xcrllent laud for .-ale at very I, asonablo price Per ns wishing to buy will Jo well to eousuit OS before purchasing, and those bav ing lauds to sell will find it to Their advan tage to avail themselrc*of our reasonable terms X . I. North-west fractional one-fourth of the North-west one-fourth of FACTION 5, IN township K U, North >f range -4, Cedar county, lowa :;■ *7-100 , N-. Prairie lanl. Price $350. N>. 2. N. L. one-fourth <\ in town-hip So, range !o, in Monona county, lowa. ICO acres Piairic land Price S9OO. X. . 3. N. K. one fourth of the N. W. one fourth section 22, in township 38, North of range 22, in Pine cunty, Minnesota. 40 acres timber land. Price S2OO. No. 1 A good farm, situate in Pleasant Valley, Bedford township, five mile* from Bedford, now ia the occupancy of William 11. Nyeurn, contain - ing 100 acres, more or less, about sixty acre cleared and under excellent fence, IS acres ol bottom meadow, and the ba.auce well timbered, with a splendid double dwelling house, barn and other out buildings. A well of excellent water near the door; also, a good young orchard. This is an excellent opportunity to procure a good farm near Bedford, convenient to churches and good schools. Price S3O per acre. DURBORROW &. LI TZ. Real Estate Agents. Feb. 1, 187. _ Bedford, Pr, 4 FINE FA KM FOR SALE IN DUTCH J\ CORNER: NOW IS THE TIME TO Bl'V CHEAP! The subscribers will sell all that fine farm in Bedford township, containing ISO acres, 05 of which arc cleared and under excellent fence, and the balance, 05 acres, well timbered, adjoining lands of Charles HeLeL John Sclinebly, and oth ers. Tho buildings area two and a half story LOO lldhSß and B.VNK BARN, with oiher out buildings thereon eroded. Water in every field, with an excellent Saw Mill scat. A splen did apple orchard also thereon. Price 91000. TERMS: One third in band and the balance in three annual payments with interest. DUKBORROW A LUTZ, June 21, 1867:tf Real Estate Agents. T K. SPKKR, M. D., and p) . A. M. SPKKR, M. !>., Having ass ciatcd themselves together in the practice of Medipinc and Surgery, respectfully offer their services to the public; the former in the various branches of the profession: the latter more particularly in the treatment of the DISEASES OF THE EYE AND EAR. Dr. A. M. SPEKK having availed himself dur ing the last fifteen years of the advantages afford - cd by the best hospitals and teachers in this country and in Europe, for obiainiug a thorough knowledge of the structure and diseases of those important organs, will hereafter devote special attention to their inbdical and surgical treatment. Office. No. I9F> PENN Street, two doors iVoru St. flair street, Pittsburgh. Office hours— A. M. to 12 M., and from 2 to 5 '• M - sep l;>:3ui ALL K INl>h OF BLANKS, Common Admin istrator- and Executor's, Deeds, Mortgage#, Judgment Notes, Promissory Note*, with and * o.ut waiver of exemption. Sumi :nn*. iSubpoe u ind Executions, for ;if the I nnuirer office, •v 2, ISfifi j RICHARD V. LEO & CO., M A Mt! F ACT III! KRH OF CABINET-WARE, CHAIRS, kt„ lisi>r, FA. The un'li-t -lulled being engaged in Um Cabinet- i making biuinc*, will make to order and keep on i hand everything io tbeir line of manufacture. Bureaux, Dresximi Stands, Parlor and. Ex- \ tension Tables, Chairs, Bedsteads, \ Wash stands, See. Ac. will be furnished at all prices, and to suit every taste. They have also added to their stock, French Collage .Suits. Marble TOJI Tables, Cam: Chairs, Sofas, Tete a- Teles, Ac. Ac. Ac. Eastern manufacture. Having puicased the stock and tools of Tho*. Merwine, (Info Win. Stahl's) they have added the same to their manufactory. COFFINS will also be made to order, and a HKARSK always in readiness to attend funerals. Prompt attention paid to all order for work. -StS - hop on West Pitt Street, nearly opposite I he residence of tieorge Shuck. nug.23:3w RICHARD V. LEO A CO. rjiifft men IN DENTISTRY. TEI.TII EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN, By the use I Nitrous Oxide Uas, and is attended j i wirh Be danger whatever. , IE M P 0 Ft A R Y SETS [ inserted if called for. Special attention will be i I made to diseased gums and it cure warranted or : I no charge made. T E K T H J? I L I I I D to lent for life, and all work in the dental line j done to the entire &atifaction of all or the money refunded. Prices üball correspond with the times. I have located (permanently in Bedford, and tdiAll visit Hchciiffhurgti the l>t Monday of each month, remaining one week ; bloody Run the .'id Monday, remaining one week ; the balance of my time I can he found at my office 3 doors .South of the Court House, Bedford, Pa. WM. W. VAN OKMER, Nov. 23, 180(1. Dentist. DENTISTRY. I. X. BOWSER, BKHIOKNT DENTIST, WOOD BCRitr, Pa., visit- Bloody Run three days of each month, commencing with the second Tuesday ol the Prepared to perform all Dental oper ations with which he may he favored. Terms within the reach of all and etrictly rank except by epeciol contract. Work to he sent by mail oroth wiw, must be paid for when impressions are taken. augs, 'tf4:tf. BLOODY IM Y H V It 81. E \\ O II KS. 11. 11. FIPKB hav ing established a manufactory of Monumen . Tomb-stones, Table-Tops, Coun ter-slab?, A • . at Bloody Bun, Bedford co., Pa. and hav ing band a well selected stock of for eign and Am. tigan Marble, i. prepared to fill all orders pro tup iy and do wurk in a neat and work manlike style, and on tbe most reu- rotble terms All wo rk wu rr :•: 1 .1, and jobs delivered to all parts of this and adjoining counties without extra barge. apllibly. fjIHE QUAKER CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE,! Corner Fi t/t ii Chestnut Streets, PHILADELPHIA. The ntotti f mo j ilcic and thoroughly appointed Commercial School in the Country. < nd ;ed up >a the best system of Instruction, - i o.'iering ad\ intone* of the highest order in every Department. IMPORTANT TO YOUNG MEN Who desire .MI <.-> and Promotion in Business Life. PRACTICAL EDUCATION KO THE TIMES. The* Comiuto-ial Course embraces Book Keep ing, Commen ial Calculat ions, Pen in an ship, Cor respond*! co, Business Forms, Customs of Trade, Commercial the Art of Detecting Counter feit M >ner, . This Course may he completed in throe month . DIPLOMAS Award ites,aader Ml and by author ity ui : .vr, ih - i _* a regularly JXl'iHii ORATED COLLEGE. and the iii; i i:h similar power- in the B.a;c, or in the HaltedStaics. OTHER BRANCHES. Telegraphing, the Higher Muthemat i s, Engineer ing, Surveying and Navigation. LOOK KEEPING. In the I v ? ■ .t of Accounts this Institution is wholly !*•:j •a• !. The treaties on this sub ject, published by proprietor, is everywhere i inowie-lgt-d to bo the best "and incomplete woik extant, and being coiai-wd aim* >t exclu sively of -eta obtained frotu Actual Busiueas, pre entm a course *' ustruction such as can be secur ed by no other >• stem Hooka for sale, and sent by mail t address, upon receipt of price, rsboO. YOUNG MEN lilt itc i to -cud . i circulars, or visit the College for further information. L. FAIRBANKS. A. M. President. T. E. MECHI NT, Sr*-rr'he Counting Room and Business Lile in ntiabirs semi Jar circulars. aug3o;.*!in I^NTERPRISI: MACHINE WORKS, 11. I). M.IGI.I' .V SUM)., Proprietors. l). K. I > WIS, Sap't. IRON KM NDEIIS A MACHINISTS, aud MnriuliuluriT. ..f P rtable and Stationary Steam Engin.-!- on i li,, Portable and Stationary Saw ->ds. Iri-n and lirm-f Castings made and fitted up for Mi"-, l .-.- tories. Forget, BIoM Fur naeca, EoLing . : ills. Ae. Menufaeturcrs of AGKTCCLTCKAI, IMPLEMENTS, lonian trect. LEH'I.STU M'.Y, /'. Dei. 1 OOMM UTATION OF RATIONS ! The M idow. Children or Parents cf each soldier who -I i in ar, i.- * jnri.- n, or who was released and died wi 1: <' imniilatiun for Rations, are entitled t . THIRTY CENTS for r.*r, do,/.or* p it .:,., Kft i.rtd l.y r*,- icheh. M'pi.v t" DI'RIIURUOW A LPTZ. ■' itiyl3;tf Claim Agent-. | > KITIMfI I'KKIODMAI.S Loudon Quarterly Review Conservative Edinburgh Review (Whig.) Westminster Review (Radical, North British Review (Free-Church AND Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine' ; ! These foreign periodicals ere reguliri, reli', !,V; b >- 10 ' he Those who know them and whoJteve lon-, scribed to the in, mod bo reminder; thoze " the civil war of the lest few jeer* her, deprive,! their once welcooM supply of the heat tie literature, will ho alad to have them again wVti their reach; and those who may never have Jet theoi, will aaruredly he well pleese'J to receive a credited report* of the progress el Eur',..",' science and lileratove. • 1 TKRIBB FOR 1867. For any one of the He view a. 1 2 fm' UI ° Pur any two of the Review* - (JfJ u For any three of the Reviews...., .. Kor all four of the Reviews 12,'n " Kor Blackwood'* Magazine ;00 For Blackwood and any one Review... 7/,o ,< For Blackwood and two of rfae Reviews 10.00 • For Hiackwood and three of the Review, j.ijd <■ For Blackwood and the four Review- J 'or, CLUB,*-. | A discount of twentyper cent, wiil be allowr ito ; clubs ol four or more persons. Thus, four conies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will he sent to one addressfor $12.80. Pour copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood, for SI,OO, and so on. c POSTAGE. When sent by ineif, the Postage to any one of the Lotted State* will be but TWENTY-FOCR CENTS* year for Blackwood, and but EIGHT CENTS a year for each of the Review-. PREMIUMS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS! New -übseribers to any two of the a hove period cult! lor IBCI will be entitled to rftctive, grßtit,tn} o,i of the "/'our Reviews" for J8641. New'sab scribers to all five of the Periodicals for 1867, will receive, gratis, Blackwood, any two of the Aertearv" for 1866. These premiums will be allowed on all new subscription* received before April I, 1867. Subscribers may also obtain back numbers at the following reduced rate*, viz: The .Vor/7, British from January, 1863, to Be cetnber, 1860 inclusive; the Ediubnfj and the minster from April, 1864, to December, 1866. in elusive, and the Loudon Quarterly for the veart 1855 and 1866, *t the rate of $1.50 a vcar h i each oi any Review: also Jiiaektcood for 1866 |,i $2.50. i-fe Neither premiums to Subscribers, nor di-. connt to Clubs, nor reduced price* fur back nam. bers, .-an be allowed, unless the money is remitted direct to the Publishers. No premiums can be given to Clubs THE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING CO. No. 38 Walker Street, N-w Turk'. U S. Pub. Co., also publish the FARMER'S GLIDE, by Henry Stephens, of Edinburgh, and the late J P. Norton, of Tale College. 2 vols. Royal Get:,-. .' 1680 pages, and numerous Engravings. Price $7 for the two volumes—by Mail t.jst paid, SB. dec.2l: Life Insurance Coiujiuuy, PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL -V ASSETS, JAN. 1. 18G7. $2,455,833 GO. Ktilunl Insurance Combined viith lite Se curity of m Capital. The Girard Life Tun ranee Companv wa- char tered in 1826, and is therefore one of the old-- , a- well as most substantial companies in the I m tc l States. It effects insurance for the |e .? Life; upon the nonforfeitable or ten year plan, or for any term of years. It also issues En l„-.r;aent Policies. Premiums may lie paid Tearly, Semi-annualic or Quarterly. -IU the ittaui txl fot" tchtjlr. of lift. ■:;ic!nil;r : thovo on the ten year plan, j partuijMile nt the profits of tin eoaipaii:. Those insuring in the Girard utav always rest fl-Mired that their Lest intcrvsta will he protected. All whole of Life Polivie.- of seierai years staud it-g, are purchasable by the company, or may be commuted' into a policy ; r a -.nailer amount, without any thing nn-rc to pay—therefor, the in sured need not fear a loss in c-se thev arc not able, after several years payments, bo keep up their policies. B, nvttn . or addition* toyohrm ore mode every or- genre, without a* t iu.r, <■ i H the prrmi::-,. lO), ajhtu or, absolute. Jtlpre.oiuo* moderate, it* prielley.t liberal, it hot paid ana* lots", and ha* nerei e,attested a victim. For books and circulars, free fcharge, saud to the Home office. No. 463 CHESTNUT St.. Phd a. Or to any of its agents. THOMAS KIDG WAY, Pres. JOHN F. JAMES. Actuary. ORHIN ROGER?, Genera! Agent. 323 Walnut Street, 1 cp stairs. > J- T. KEAGA, Agent, marts:l yr ' liajford, I'a. QOOD NKWS KOR THE FARMERS ! THE following kinds of Tln-easliinsr Machines, CONSTANTLY ON HAND AT THE MA CHINE SHOP OF P H SHIRES. BEDFORD. PA TU Celebrated RAILWAY, or TREAD-POW ER Threshing Machines with all the latest and best improvements. ONE AND TWO-HOUSE POWERS. The Two-horse Ma. bine with two horses and four hands will thresh from 100 to 125 bushels of wheat or rye, and tw see as much outs day. ON E-fIOKSEMACH 1N ES with three hands, will thresh front 5U to 75 bu.-h per day. Two and four-horse TUMBLING SHAFT M chines, a;-... four-horse STRAP MACHINES. fR AM BH.VKERS of the mo - ; approved kind at tached tball Machines. ALL MACHINES WARRANTED. REP AIRING of all kinds of Machines done <-n the shortest notice. fciuUOKSES, PIG METAL, GRAIN and LI MBER taken inpayment. SSL-Farmers' wanting Machines, wiil do well to give me a call. PETER 11. SHIRKS, Proprietor and iiannfae'r. A Beautiful Set of Teeth for TEN DOLLARS ! DR. 11. VIRGIL PORTER, (LATE OF JtK*V YIIRS CITY,) 1> E> T IST, Would respectfully inform his numerous trieuds and the public generally, that be has located per manently in BLOODY RUN, where he met he found at ail times prepared to insert from one tooth to a full set of his BEAUTIFUL ARTIFI CIAL TEETH onnewand improved atmospher ic principles. The THJI'MPH OF MECHAXICAL OF. V TISTJtY RVBJIER for the ba*is of artificial teeth. 'his discovery which has met with such uni versal approval throughout this and other coun- has seemingly placed ARTIFICIAL it. A i II at the disposal of all who require them. lilt. PORTER is now inserting the most BE A7- Tth l/L and fit ttAIII.E at prices ranging front Ten to Lighteeu Dollar* per set. Temporary sets inserted if desired. All operation warranted. extracted without pain by the u#c ot MTROVB OX IHE or LM'GHtXG GAS. This is no humbug, but a positive fact. Gun administered fresh every day. As the r. P rt*r is prepared in accord - ar;-c H*ith the purifying method of Dr. Strong, of Kew Haien, Ct.. and Prof. Siliumn (late Professor of Chemistry in \ a!o he ha# no hisita tion in asserting that it is attended with no dan ger whatever. Persons desiring the services of a Dentist would promote their own interest by call ing upon Dr. Porter, as he is determined to spare no effort t please the most fastidious. Dr. Por ter's mode of operating will at. all times be of the mildest character, avoiding the infliction of the slightest unnecessary pain, and carefully adapted to the age. constitution, health and nervous con dition of the patient. Special aUulUn i# invited to Dr. Porter's scicntilic method of preserving decayed and ach ing teeth. Teeth blackened and diseased, cleans ed to appear beautiful and white. 11. VIIU.II* lMlHTtll, Dentist lv . un, Penu'a., March 3# lsf7.-ly,