Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, December 06, 1867, Image 3

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    jfiifori} ilnqutrcr.
Di"t( TOBr.—Tht following is a director?
I tLe Officers t.f Bedford County and the
rough of Bedford, of the Ministers of Bed-
I and the time of meeting of the different
• ■ inaoPi;
IUTOU) Corsrrr ortrct:it>-
fo Ti'rfciir Jvdyt —llea. Alex. King,
tiule Jud'jtt —Win. (LKieboltz and Geo.
t*r ' i uOofii ry, Heyieier Hurl hv r/hr, ,I'r.—(v.
. Shannon.
It-'etriet A't- fj- K. F. Kerr.
►ti*ttrcr—George Mardorff.
■ i ijf— Rooert St , .oau.
i S'.rrirf —Philip Huzzurd. *
J> ■ Shti yr —Samuel Kettecmuti.
,—Michael Wertfc, Mirhael
• ry indßjivid tVerfc—John U.
her. Cuum I —John W.-Oiuherson.
lit• etore or !'■ —Sunu,>; Beckley, B. K. An
r -n and Mici ■- '* rM. Sieirttrd — N:imll el
augb. Cot ?--( L. P. Kerr. Vierh— T. U.
nr. Treasurer—Wilt jam Bowles. I'hunicutu
- l)r. P. C. Returner.
;■ (Dor*—alavij Leans, James Martin gly and
Too D-. Lavas.
• f—O. E. Shannon.
Nt //arycit*---Philip 11 :t V.CKIIL
—Tti -mas H. Lyons, JoFn i H or. A. VV
■a r, J. M. Sbiawßtrt-, Birtria Iwista and T. K.
(h Nil''!.(cuius Freaeorer—
:■ 11. it'.ah.
I'm ill l de —lViilia'n (FepbarA.
fii'i' Cotentahle —Samuel Waters.
' Director* — '■ 'oh Mann. S. 1,. Russell. T.
Gcttys, Jacob Fred. John Ce--ns and It. Nic
:o ... SerreOncy —J. W. Liljtufe'tcr. Trine -
r —X. Ji. fietty-.
I:fin imlinn —Kev. Alfred J. Barrow.
/ .Kyter tan—Rev. A. V. Kobrm;it.
. -ti—Bev. J. t). McAttce.
i l, Cm,Hit —Rev. B. I*. W Reed.
itiinnu iie.formed. —Rev. 11. Heckerman.
; ■■•■ in Culhoiic —Rev. Th .ina Heydsn.
Bedford Lodtje, No. 320, A. Y. M,, meets on
.. first Wednesday on or before fall moon, in the
Iford llall, on tbe corner of Pitt and Richard
I'ciee ttrawh Lncamp,,-,,!, No. 114, I. O. O.
'.. meets on the first and third Wednesday even
o/s of each month, in the Bedford Hail.
hiitfmd Ludgty No. 202, I. O. 0. P., meetsev
;Frulay evening, in the Bedford liail.
Bedford Lodge, No. 1 IS, I. O. O. T., tntels in
he Court House, on Monday evening of each
Newspaper Laws. —We would call the ?pe
„1 attention ■ f Post Masters and subscribers ;
the "Juquirer" to the following sygnopsis !
' no Newspaper Laws;
1 A Postmaster is required to give notice j
tier, (returning a paper does not atiswer |
i*i when a subscriber does not lake his j
or oat of the office, and state the reasons •
..s nut Utki n; and a ut gleet to do so j
\'es the Postmaster responsible to th pub
s', r for the payment.
. Any person who tuk. - a paper from the
: office, whether directed to his name or
taer, or whether he bus subscribed or no;
•sponsible for the pay.
If a person orders his paper di-contln- j
i. le nutsi iay all arrearages, or the pub 1
.sh-.-r may continue to send it until payment
made, and collet the whole amount.
In 'iter it be taken from the office or not.
here can be no legal discontinuance until
ae payment is made.
4. If the subscriber orders his paper to he
pped at a certain time, and the publisher
ontinues to send, the subscriber is bound to
ay f*C it.'i;' he take* it out of the Post Office.
he law proceeds on the grouud that a man
l ist pay lor what he uses.
5 i tre courts have decided that refusing to
ise newspapers and periodicals from the
Ulice, oi removing and having them un-
I for, is prima facia evidence of inten- ,
I fraud. tf
: tf.d States Mails. —Proposals will be
• d at tbe Contract Office of the P. O. |
rDueut up till March Ith, IhtiS. for the
big of thejjpw* Mails on the following
s in BedtWu county, by the schedule of
jurtures and arrivals:
2! s b From Hopewell, by Yellow Creek, j
alt nisville, New Enterprise, Waterside and
i oodbury, to Martiusburg. lfci| miles ami
nek, three times a week. Leave Hopewell i
londay, Wednesday and Friday at 12 >i.—
.rrive in Martinshurg hv 6 p. M. Leave Mar
ushurg Monday, Wed?-d,ty. and Friday ri
;30 a. Arrive at Hopewell by libit) a. m. ;
'roposals invited for six limes a week ser
ice between Hopewell and Woodburry, 114 j
tiles, o hours time each way.
2 : t4 From Mount Dal'as Station -n. o.) to
ledford. t;j miles and baek, six times a week,
eave Mount Dallas Station daily, except
unday. on the arrival of the cars—say at 12
Arrive at Bedford at 2p. M. I.eave Bed
>r<: daily, except .Sunday, at 7a. v. Arrive
i Mount Dallas Station in time to connect
ith the cars—say by it a. m.
218-3 1 rout Bloody Run. by Clearville. Rob ,
isonvilie. and Buck Valley, to Warlords j
urg. 2S miles, and back once a week. Leave j
Joody Kur, Friday at 7a. w. Arrive at
' urfordruurg Saturday at 10 a. m. Arrive at ;
lloody Hun by 7 p. m.
186 From Bedford, by Stuckeysville. 1
ehellsburg, Buckstown, Stoystown. Jenner
nvn, Jennerbs Cross roads. Laughlintown. •
■ ig outer, and Youngstown. to Latrube,
Mies and back, six times a week. I.eavt I
;■ iford daily, except Sunday, at 6 a. m. Ar
• eat Laughlintown daily, except Sunday, at
A. M. Arrive at Bedford by 6:30 P. M. — J
ave Laughlintown daily, excep* Sunday, at !
a. w. Arrive at Latrobe in time for tbe.
lailYor I'ittsburgh—say 10:00 a. m. Leave
i;robe daily, except Sunday, at 1:30 P. M.
rriv- nt Langblintown by 6 P. s.
21 --7 From Bedford, by Saint t'iairsviile,
oh, East. Freedom, Newry, and Duncans- j
e. to Hollidavtburg, 33 mile? and back,
x : a weejt. Arrive at Hullidaysbiirg
I m. Leave HoUidaysburg daily, except
.inday at 10 a. it. Arrive at Bedford by 8 ;
21-8 From Bedford, by Cumberland \ alley, j
Cumberland, 30 miles and hack, three
a week. Leave Bedford Monday,
inet-day. and Friday, at Ha. m. Arrive-in I
uir.beria 1 at 6P. si. I-eave Cumberland
lay. i bur-day, and Saturday at BA. v. ;
ea; Bedford by 6p. M. Proposals also
oiied for six tiroes a week service.
2ISO Front Bedford, by Bedford Springs,
• sti'ile, llainsburg. and Chaneyville, to i
iii-tillt'. 23 miles and back, twice a week.
■ Bedford Tuesday and Saturday at 7a.
Arrive at Elbinsviile by 3P. u. Leave
oisville Monday and Friday at 7s*. m. — j
■ rive at Bedford by ,3 p. u.
I! -o kwood's EniKBPRfiH Eaua/.ike i Re-,
(or November comes to us with the
■wing table of contents, Brownlows, Part
At the Alps Again, Conversation. Linda
•I. Far 11, Reynolds and the Portrait
■inters of the Past century,, Cornelius 0'
td—a very popular fallacy—24th August
,tria—Garibaldi's Let, The Impending j
in America. B'ackwood and the four
.gi'.h Reviews, viz London Quarterly,
■ J i,. burgh Review, Westminister Review
I the North British Review are ail repub-
I. "i by the Leonard Scott Publishing Co.
• Walker Street New York. For terms
e ?t 'ryrUfement in another column.
I'ritcHASKii.—The "Mengel House," sold
i at Executor's sale on last Tuesday, was pur
: chased by Mr. Isaac Mengel, the present
I proprietor, for eight thousand aud five
, dollars.
j iMANK.-uivi.vit. — The day was pretty gen
et-ally observed here, the principal places of
j business remaining closed the day throughout.
Rev. Mr. Barrow of the Episcopal Church
preached a trnwi excellent sermon in the
German Reformed Church am} • listened
Ao by a respectable antt highly edified assem
: blage.
The first number of the State (retard has
been received and it tuakes quite a neat aud
sprightly appearance. It is , dited with abil
ity and will soon leave i't mark upon the pol
; itics of the Stale. \\ v like its independence
, utd feeffe it may long live to maintain it.
| Price *6 jer j ear in advance. Go and sub
| scribe for it.
IhkNev. \oiik Methodist baa commenced
ttf- 1 publication of sermons delivered in this
j country by the Rev. Newman Ilall, and ex
pressly repoiie.l for it. The Methodist also
publiahe, -eriuons by tbu Rev. Hrury Ward
Beecher, and the Bishops and other repre
sentative ministers of it? own Church. Ii is
a iive paper, full of interesting matter,
j I.Mrr.ovEMEvr. — W„ notice several very
j necessary arid timely improvements in the
way of building-, in process ot completion,
j The enterprising firm of G. 11. & W. Osier
• hatne enlarged and othcrw-- t greatly added to
■ their -tore room, in.? .1: g it the finest in tLe
! to vii. wlu!-i a number of our citizens have
| improved and built addiljons to their private
j residences.
Patent Gem Scat iii.ek, —We have been
shown, and there may ! e seen at ntir office,
one of these convenient inventions tor the use
of h-'use wives. ft is altogether a simple
; though very desirable hou.-chold article, and
; Mr. S. B. Taylor, agent for the sale of tbe
| scrubber will visit our citizens and offer an op-
I portunity of investing in a useful and labor
| saving invention. We h-ve seen it tried, and
! it set-tns to work admirably.
ScAKfiTV of Hoists.—There .-taenia to be
> an unusual scarcity of tenant hon-es to tippiy
the demand for next year, and as a conse
quence, rents are extraordinarily high. Thirty
or forty tenant houses, at reasonable rents,
would scarce meet tbe number required, and
yet none of those who are certainly able,
seem t<> think it worth while to build. Why
is this? is there no enterprise in 'he mi i.ds of
our monied men?
The Herai.o iif Health for Decexhek. —
This number closes the volume for 1-6? of
j one of the l-est monthlies now published in
i America, During the rear it has given to the
| world a multitude of the best j apers npon the
much neglected science of human life, the
be-t ever published. It ought *o be in the
hands of every person who knows how to
read. Try it tli's coming year. The Publish
ers will scud the October, November, and
I December numbe-a free to new subscribers.
! and a Wheeler & Wfl-on Sewing Machine,
worth 7 '', for 3o subscribers and c<-o. S2
per Annum: 20 Cent* per Siag'c Number., Wood ,V t.0., No. 13 Laight Street
New York.
The Matrimonial M a ikiit.— The Matrimo
uial Market of this town ha-been exceedingly
nctive of late. Whether it is owing to a plu
rality c t "stamps, or whether cufiid has been
unusually tent** in pretuiring tlie hearts of
our lads and lasses to melt into one w can't
say. Many of our youi.g friends have jumped
into the harness, and ore now trolling down
the course in double team. W bale to
loose them, but if they think it better to go
with a mate, as a matter of course we acqui
esce. The world's a st: _e and be who per
forin- well the marriage •'act' Is entitled to
the applau.-c of the vast ici Ji u u i . but tLen
; it is to be hoped that all of our jo-;- g friends
I will not get married ut one,-. : - th ■ g ,ip
i pers wcula then loose tb-ir stock in trade.
WtSTK ;.—Snow and Ir.-e, piercing blast and
, the dismal bowl of Old Boreas, making n
j passable music with swinging sign- and loose
■ windows. —everything around, and about us
! tells us of the advent of winter. This brings
i to tbe mill ?s of fortune's favorite-, the n.i st
pleasurable e notions, lively anticipations of
enjoyment—the dance, oyster sapper, sleig'n
and skating parties. But it has a different
effect upon the less fortunate, who look upon
it with gloomy forebodings,—;be stern rea
ties of a life of poverty ootweigbir g scenes of
fancy with them. On Saturday morning ln-r
the fir.-t real indications of the approach were
made visible and on the afternoon of that day
the thermometer fell so low a- 24 degree-,
and up to writing has continued "smacking
cold," calling into requisition overcoats, and
au additional amount of bed covering.
Unclaimed Letters, remaining in the
Post office, at Bedford. Pa Oct Ist, IS',7.
Anderson J. M. & Brother. Anderson -L P.,
Anderson da-. Bnrkholder J. 1... Bowser
Daniel K.. Breclibiel Abram, D. Kspy, Bakeis
P. Si-ler. Crocker Geo. W.. Cragg.Tno.
Hnyson, C'ri--man C. 8.. Conklin Henry
Earnest Ariam, hirnt Sarah Mi--. Fockler
J. Lee. Grogan William, Garett J. C. Garett
J. C. Hunter Daniel Kq. Harba'igh Martin,
Hote Amanda, Koin'z John, Mills Samuel,
G. Millor Joseph. Mathew Robnt. Mci'erron
Samuel. McGillen M. Morris David. Mullen \
Jas., T. Russell, Tate Irvine, Reddinger
Michael. Rock M. J. Stayer A. S. Smith
Jacob, C. Sitters \V. S. Stayer Andrew Stuckey i
George M. Forney S. S. Way I'. S. Wolfe j
Murv Miss: Walter James. Welsh Howard.
The great pedestrian Mr. Seth Wilbur j
Payne, who is now making a tour on foot !
across the Continent, from New York to j
San Francisco, California, arrived in Bedford j
on the evening of the 27th ult. Mr. Payne j
has lately arrived from Europe, where lie ;
made a tour on foot through England, Scot
land. Iruland and Wales, He is to r.-ake his
trip in 130 days from New York to Califor- ,
nia. He is not. traveling i n a wager but to
gain a thorough knowledge of tbe country.
Mr. Sa-n tei Stall', the geutleinau'v Clerk a'
the Washington. House accompanied him -t
short distance the next morning on his long
'•tramp" and says he counts himself "eome'
on a walk, but il the Union Army had a
brigade of such men in the servo e, there
would have been no u-e for Cavalry, for fast
marching, be keeping Mr, S. on u "trot as
far as he accompanied him Mr. Payne ha*
the best wishes of the many friends he made
during hit ihor; stay here, fr bis Euccew
M INTER s NIGHTS. —"The harvest is past,
the summer is ended"—and the long winter
nights have come. Tho farmer has been
bountifully blessed with an abundance. lie
looks around upon his broad fieldsjust spring
ing into life with the new sown grains, and
smiles with gratitude for the harvest over
and the rich promises for next year. The
"fatted cattle' are upon a "thousand hills"
and or. every side contentment reigns supreme
! whilst joviality rules the hour. Only those
have sorrow, and repining, and bitterness,,
who do not lake their bonte paper. To them
the seasons open and close with but monofi
nous, never varying pace, and in tlieir homes
no cheerful corner is set apart for reading the
paper and ditx-u -ii.g the news with intelligent
and "posted, neighbors, who read and think
of the events happening around them. The
BEDFORD Ispi IREU is only two dollars a year,
and at that low price your leisure hours can
be employed in instructive and entertaining
reading, ond your children will grow up in
knowledge, and live to "call you blessed."'
Enclose $2 (tOin a letter, stating your name
and post ffioe address, and the paper w ill be
sen! to you f r otic year, postage free.
A NCI IT Ft NT A UTS. —To the Editor of th
Aetc } ork Herald: Respecting the relics -if
porcelain ware found in the late exhumations
I at llerculaneuiii, which have been forwarded
to the Society of A iniquities IH London,
whereof your correspondent says the bottle
resembling Drake's Plantation Biters was
undoubtedly placed among the ruins by the
agent of Dr. Drake, we desire to state be is
incorrect in every respect. If a bottle was
found thi re bearing our lettering, the language
of the Ancieut Romans was different from
the accepted literature cf thut day. Our
Ageut has other business than this in Europe
and has not been in Italy at all. No doubt
Americans carry Plantation Bitter- to Rome;
but trying to impose upon a society of Anti
quarians in this way, seems quite useless, and
we do uot appreciate the joke. It is unnec
essary for us to spend money in Europe while
weari; unable to supply the demand for these
oeiebratcd Bitters here. Respectfully,
2t P. 11. DRAKE & Co.
The Greul .UcUical Annual.
Hosteller'* baited F LITIS Almanac for IS6S, for
distribution , yratie, throughout the Cuitcil Slate*
aud alt civilised countries of tho Western II MB
phere. v. ::L he pub !T-'."<i nbou' the FHST of Jnnuary
au'L all woo wi-B ti under- and the trre phi! - J
pbj of health should read aud ponder the talu
ablc suggestions it contain*. la addition to an
adacruble medical ueatiea ea the OAANAYNRSS
tion aud eureot a great variety of diseases, it eti
hra.-ES a targe amount ot iaformatiou interesting
to ihe merchant, the mechanic, the miner, tne
farmer, the planter, and profes.-ioaal niau : and tbe
caU-uUth I. have been made for -uch tneredian*
and latitudes AS are TUO-t suitable for a ET>rreel
an i rotnpreliFnsive NATIONAL GALENDKB.
Ihe uutu.e, US.S, and extraordinary sanitary
effect# of IP .S I EXTKR'S BTOM AOH li IXT UK'S,
the staple touie and alternative of more than hall
the Christian world, are fully SET forth in its pages,
WFCB H ar.- also ii:ierspers> 1 DB valni.tle reevi|ies,
humorous aneetdoree aud other instructive aud
AAM.inz read ng matter, original an : se'E-. : D
AN OIIG tl. A 1 I; 3 TO apj- 1 OR wirb ' - ■ .etcnS of
the Y C, IE - WIIJ be-..- (THE to - FUL, an •!
mug he /, ,dj;r add rj. >. nd for . ipies to .IK:
T'eutral Mariifattorv, AT IHt -liurg. Pa., or to tbe
ne.ire-: NGEA tor JtU.-TK Ii i. i!' - -RO.VIA li
BIT'IKKS. The BITTi.US are .d in .-very
city, town and village OF the Baited -late*.
At ihe Lutheran PA:-..liag RII-heii-I-urg, on the
24th .I OetrJ r, 1.1 tie-. 11. 11. Hunt, .Mr. LTL< H.
A ITV \\ tL! and Ml M ARTI ARKT A.' UOYI.E.
botii of tI.II- e .ui I; .
At the F R -IDONEE of the bride's parents, on the
lit,, IT it., by riie -ante, Mr. FRANKLIN BLACK
ami Miss K£LIL. I'A \T* 11 1.. oth of thi- county.
Oo the H'Jth ui . In SR. ' lai >v. M \HY
MAltOAl'b lIV 111 ARTN K, daughter of tnth"
ny AND SA ah ZIMMKUA d 3 M-UTBS and 6
Q A. BTRRRBTT, M.J).. OEM LIST. No. 27,"
4J L'T NT: Street. Pitr-burg. Pa. Itemovi -- CaU
tan by * new oj ectir.n, can ring hut - '-AT pain.
Mrs. As!'. ■ i CN, -f Bedford nt/, bar:: EAT,
rar ; forty R 1 irs ON ONE eve tnd ten year- - U the I
rhet. etc.!sing ' rl ! iixli l>r re ;
moved the eataraet* th ' she. w•'h f i'.her eye, ,
iinri i I the fine-t pr'nt with-nt E!as.--. Jlr.. ; u-t'-n al-O from Keiiford. • ■ v-1-- enti; -'Y ■
blind fr-.m eatara-1. a lew days .. u.. Itu rata- i
raet removed and igaiu i-t ii( d. dce 'W t I
rp H ti ALA X Y F<) U 1- 7 .
Thi- iFei-eeohcr) nnoiiicr c mpiete- the fourth
■ lutne of The '7 -IIT ;;.h inert, **ed expert- j
etiee of the wnntsofthe pohlie, and much g-eater J
r. - 'irves, the publishers are confident of their
ability to TNAKE the -NCEEE ling volumes of the ;
N agnzine .Till oiore VNL.OR AND ettraefive t'NMI !
tho-e aiw-ady i--ued. 3 heir aim T- to make The
GO NU A niagtiaine which, white it-hall alwttv - BE
r-adnidet-nd entertaininx. -3*ll al-A inaintaiu a
high tan lard ■ f IP- rare EXCELLENCE : T osscssing I
SIT-nifieM 'E to the T NCHI6:I reader, at the same
time that it offer- ligl ter rmttter tor those wh.l
-eekmerely reere.TT ion in the PUG-, of A TOO ;A.:ine.
Among the spei IAJ feature- of The '• dtirj for
the new year will he :
I. A series of article* on a timely ttuVjcet. by
IVilUam Swinton, the WELL-kno in historian of the
\Y A r.
II A -erie- , I papers liy Rev. Robert Collyer,
of T'hierigo, on sobjert* of practical interest.
111. Richard llraut White will complete hi* val
uable series of poj-erson "Word* and their 1-E-,*'
an ! will follow them with other -igificnnt papers.
IV. TBNRCR Wakeman. whose humorous art IEB'.-
on subjects of R-ti riou- research ha- attr C t.- I -
much interest, will explore new field- of literary
curia .--.ties.
V. t'ro'i--ir Blot w ■ . mtinuc to : .-ni-l. h : .
v.tluablc papers on Cookery.
VI. DK new aud very striking -crisl story will I ,
com -I eu< CD tij-on the eomphttii U of "Steven L.AW
ren E, Veoma ." It will rnn for several months, :
and ho followed IU turn hy 1 now n.U-el hy a dt
lingui-heil author.
VII. Anang. N.ent- have becu MVDC which will I
; s cure t ■ The G'.l.'mry contributions frota the must i
| ii*tirguirhed writers of Kcgland and France. I
1 VIII. Contributions ma- ALSO BE expected from |
tho foil wing rccubtr EN' ribuG .r- to The G'O/OX/."
j Horace Hrocly, T. 3V. Par.- on*.
; Walt Whitman. Rev. E. K. Hale
; Edmund C. Steadm :R, llarii. tP. --I .ITV.rd,
! E. tlodfiey
. I lareticc COO-, itev. .Morgnii !>ix, T>. I). I
; 11. T., The. (lore'l ilton,
i Httuv Jaincs, Jr., Wi iiaiu Winter,
I Mrs. Edwards. i. A. Vi arson,
j Rev. John Weiss, Phtelot t'arv,
| Eugene Pen on. Anne M. Crane,
I Tuliu- \V S, E. 11. Scabrook.
I Mrs. II H. llacis, C. IBVWSON shanley,
i 11 surge M. ROW <e, ' Hivcr Logan,
; Mr*. W. 11. Pabnor. lon Perdicaris.
j L red. 11. Perkins, ' Caroline < besabro,
■ Mis. June tl. AN.-tin, J. Franklin Fit/.,
J R -se Terry. Maria Louisa Pool
i John CSTCN < ike. Virginia Vaughn,
' Marie Howland, Paul 11. llayiie,
S C. WVL'V- Kl'iotl, Anna ( ora Ritchie,
' IWya-O raylor, K. M- ibitry.
M. 11. AIG-r, John Burroughs.
17\. I.r'.tt ctiro will he devoted IN tiie illuatra
tiona of the The Galar*. A series of illustrations
hy W. J. lient.lO-y, engraved by W.J Linton,
wno stands at the he <1 of the art of woo i engrav
ing, ma;. B e.xjiected. lilustratiooa ft ..m designs
by ti l-ton I ay, and Henry Fenu will also be
i'ouimer: with the .fn i -v number. Thr
(fnf.tsy will be turniphevi with a new an i veij
beautiful co\er. dpicnwl by U. ami
by W. Lintßu. the lyj •►graph*"al
Appearance of iie inn.'trine i<i it m hcr re
fpectf improve'li W, C. % T. i*. CitrßOll,
3V lU tV f ■ t-.Tk.
f ITHK underlined,. Auditor to distribuc the bal-
I ance in hands of John Major, administrator
of Alexander Wursing, Into of Broad Top town
ship, Bedford county, deceased, wilt ait for the
purpose! of his appointment at bis Office in Bod
f'rd, on Monday, the 2'L*d of December. Idfi7, at
the h <ur of 1 <?elock, I*. M. 1 ben and where all
if ejested can attend. J* T. KEAOV,
(k 11>- 2 w * A 'I if or.
I This is a Holiday numbdr—snd a magnificent
one. The steel engraving called •The Happier
' time/* i a beautiful and charming design, nr. I
executed in beautiful style. The steel plot , 44 Ti
Immoral Crown." also expressly engraved fortfci?
inogaaine, will touch a solemn but joyful cord in
every heart. lloth of the> steel engraving* ate
of the very first quality in every respect. Then
we have a handsomely elored engraving it a
"Jewel-Case and Pin-Cushion;" and after this
the usual refined ant elegant double page fashion
plate, finely engraved • n steel: not a mere litho
graph or wood engraving li en follow* a num
ber of wood engravings illnsti.tire of the Fash
ions, Needle-Work, Ac., with the usual piece of
music, worth of itself the CGS t u * the hook. The
literary matter is as choice a* usual-—''Only a
Glove," by (iabHdls Lee; " H w a Woman Had
llcr Way,"by JSlixabeih IV ;>tt; " German
Lessons,' by *E. B. KiplJ "The Hid Maid," a j
Poem by Florence Percy : "Preserved Flowers;
•'Pidfiunion : or >Ury of the Mill and Countess
Maria; " •*!•' wtr island and \ a-e," Editorials Ac.
ir ; cements in the way of premium*, Ac.,
;sr t r jnised to new subscriber*:, and our
•1J . t send for a -ample copy, containing all
> c liberal oilers. Sample copies will be scut
for fifteen cents.
Price (with engraving) $2.50 a year- Four |
copies ( with one engraving) One copy of j
Lady's Friend and one of Saturday Evening Po*t
(and one engraving), SI.OO. Address Deacon A
Peterson. 310 Walnut Street, Philadelphia.
The year lftfifi will long la remembered fyr its i
settlement <f the boundary question between •
Ari-t xracy .f Color and Impartial Human Lib !
crty. The War of the Rebel!im being closed, we !
have now to deckle whether the fundamental idc-i j
which impelled ami justified the Rebellion sfali
dominate over our w hole country, molding her in
stitutior.s and shaping her deatinj. if it be ]
tree tkmt God has NOT created ail men, but only 1
all White men, in His own image.and made them
equal in political and civil rights, Uen it is a world
wide calamity that Grant did nkt surrender to ;
Lee at Appomattox : and " The ic-t Cause;,"trod
den into mire under the hoofs s rough
riding cavalry, not only should bit will be regain
ed in < '(institutional Convention#;uud at the bal
lot boxes. If the Black race, Wausc they akj-; i
Black, should be excluded from die Jury-box and
repelled from the ballot-b<.v, theniStonewall Jack
son ought to head the roll of Atiericaii martyrs,
emblazoned high abovetbe names of Warren an l
Mercer and Pulaski; of I.lUwortb. Lyon. Baker.
Reynolds, Wad-w -rth, Kfcarny, Sedgwick, and j
It is difficult to argue with a blind, !>es .tted j
prejudice, grounded in ignorance and fortified bv
self-conceit. Devoid of reason, it is hardly nsuen
able to reasirn. But millions wfco would listen j
unmoved to appeals based upon Justice and Hu
manity can be stirred by fact# which effect their :
own interest and safety. The naked truth that
every S uthern State rcconstracted on the While .
ba-,> is to-day a Itibel State---#ha] e-J and ruled j
by men who execrated Lincoln's reluctant and ;
tardy re-istance to the Rebellion ;vs a caoselc-- I
and criminal aggro -i n, and profoi r.dly rejoi :ed
oyer Ball linn as tl eir victory—will prove invin
cible, if we rau bat bring it home to the appre '
heusion of every loyal voter, "here is no para
tnuunr que.-; i n good lai h of gratitude t • the :
Blocks Their votes are as necessary to the
pei leran e of White loyalty a? to their own pro
feet ion and security. Kccou-ffuet the South uu
the White ba-'s. and ev-ry me of the fifteen
States whi'-b hold .Slaves in I*ol will be intensely,
overwhelmingly Copperhead thenceforth and ev
ermore. Allot. ;■ di\ the plea tl it the Blacks are
ignorant a d degraded, and Ihoti whom you there
by <•! :hc 'h i wer will takcg>od care th it tl.
pica b - . .ad a i well-grounded a centur;,
uenee n it n >w i> Cub ic Education and' ivr
Rights ; ie the Fiecduien cau only be achieved and
maiLlu . through the ballot *' We arc for
Nv_ . ;ij way they ?aflered in N't-w
r.ean-.'* a> the iuscripti-.n on i banner borne In
a late C.;.. crvativ- or Iinucr-itic proceu-ion in
Baltiare; und the spirit wh.rh dictated ibn;
avowal : il r. tapaat in the r outh. But for
what -ugiur . > d -a- Military Deejot!.-m, it !
would daily average by outrage and infliction i
what it deems negro treachery to the Southern
Tkr. '1 riBC -k h - dc-*lirieito l>r lured or turned
aside Ir m the Mn;u QnestfotJi Jt has prtuD
tenßy ; :u- Ito swell the clan.' r for vvgc;nce
on the d- i Rebel#, whttber by exec uti r
by ' r..! n ; ;:a I one • : ts ctr ag rc,.i>oji • for
th; - con J.- .i conviction that no drop of ll.-bci ,
bl< i Id be coolly, <lelilera ! tdy -hed without
* • e " •! y clouding the pr*poet of eeeuri;?g tlie
High* < : Suffrage f the Blacks. Defying the
ut? iuc -oi passion and iho blindueas >f short
;htcd iiiis. -ncepti; r. :i ha> demanded Her n
-tno ti• a (be basis of niwrsnl Atnn ty w h
Impartinl Suffrage, in prfeet onstiousness of
the lart that it thereby alienated thousands who
had been its ze*Lua supporters and lifelong
{iiir-in.c. The hmr of > complete viadkati ' j
c.-ium t be f .r distant.
As fir the man w| he tie c. - •.
-tr.udarJ-' -f the Rr mblican h- -t in the im
pendiug i-ouft -t.. white fo avow our deldverat--
pr* -reive* JOh i-f Charens tbe blrt and
most • "'lit <or virg -:.;e.-ruen. Tax TRIB
in ui 1 i >*r u beuty. cbeerlul, determine 1
u> pr; to . n. • raoi.o -cuat r Wade, or Speak
vr Colfax, s'i mid he be I uiuat- i and supported j
♦ n a; ra which n<l upholds fb< ;
equal p -■ "• a* well at civil rights of all eili
Kens of the E< public. "Ve d ■ not cuutetnpbite a.
po--i v thf •-:•(•} -.rt by publican* of :uy can
didate who doe# not ttani on this platform. And
we do ri'.: lipprehend that the candidate< who, i::
r urapproas king strugglo, shall represent genuine
Democracy in -p; i'. Nt the meanest pha-e of
Aristocracy can * • b aun if proper means b
system-.iti •'y <aket>, as ihey must an ; uiil be, to i
eniighti u and arouse the Amri an pe 'pie.
\\ #• A ill thank such frieu us believe that Tin:
Tr; INK w.l! { rove uj effit n r an I cheap way t
ij-ducijce the ; odeei i d, p t ;.ri us in extending its
circulation. Though .ur is eminently a politics.
journal, but a small portion 'fit* space is cfeviiej
to pohih s. rt bile an outlay -f re than n
j crannum j- inci rred in c<d|pctiis^and tranjtu t
ting new* trom all parts of tjc world. We lmr
have n gular corre-poadeuU ;.t uearly ail the cap
itai - of Karopt-, with a directar at London, who'is
authorized to dispatch spt < ;1 correspondents to |
all poinle where iinportanr in tnt- may u any
time he transpiring or imminent. The progrerV
of the war in Crete, which i* Ihe prrcusor of a
still greater war, has been watched by one of thes*
special correspondents, whiletnetber telegraph*
from Constantinople • ach novel phase of tlu rit
ival diplomaric situation. E -ory step of Lariba]
lii's rooent heroic th < ah unfdtunatc enterprise, !
from its inception to its close, was noted by oar
correspondents, who are also hi# most trusted ad
visers ; t> i de an esteemed memb r f our editor.a! \
.-•jff has just a ompanied th Embassador of
Juarez to Mexico t. ite Mexican problem '
clo ly and under mor- favorable to tb--
Republican chief thaui h - which have colored
du* a Ivieci of our regual coitc.-pendents at Voa •
I 'ruz and the Capital. An t ocr .nre-pondent a.-
< iupanied the hre-tNationaloxpedition to Alaska.
Walrussia, • r wi; Ucvc r our pointer ol the North
Bole may be called, and is u u reporting on th
: j - and eapabilitic- ol that chilly region.
Halyard Taylor is writing u.* n hi* own vein from
Central Europe ; while nbf eorre*pendents re
port to - I 'dorado, liahu, Atoiitaun, Ac.,
more copiously than w- can Irid room to publish.
Our Review* of L -k aadLi.'erary Departtnvnt
. c ia charge of one the ripep Amor lean scholars; !
while Agnrulture. under t competent cLt r.
claims a leading place in uir genii Weekly and
Weekly issues, in short, we have for years spent a I
proportion of the income of our business in j
efforts t'. render Tea TiuntrXß a better and Initfer
newspaper; and, if we hau- not succeeded, the |
fault is not explained by a lack of means or ot"
efforts, whether on our ovrn part or on that of a j
generous and discerning public.
TTIE TUIDI NK i? sent by mail daily (Sunday |
excepted) for $lO, Semi-Weekly for $E aod Week
lv for s2 per annum, payable inflexibly in advance, j
To clubs tor the gcmi-V.'cekly vrc send two copies ;
one year for $7; five copies or over, for each copy i
S:L On receipt of - for ten copies we will send
an extra copy for six in ■nth*. On receipt ofs4f>
for fifteen copies we will -end an extra copy for
one year; for SIOO we will sen.l thirty-four copies ;
and THE DAILY Tmnrvn. We tend the Wirekly j
i;* clubs oflne for : fen copies or over, nddrcs
• J to the names of subseribVrs, each. $1.70? twen
y copies, addressed to names of ?üb*eriU-r*, $2-i ; '
.en copies, to one addirss, slfi; twenty copies, tc
one address, s3s. An extra Copy will be sent for
each club often.
A large una fine steel engraved portrait of the I
f ai'tori '-nt free of charge to any one who. in
•; 'Sing $lO for a Daily, >'4. for a gemi-M'eekly,
rs2 for N Weekly, shall indicate J d -ire to R<
rive it. One will likewise be sent to any person !
.uo forwards a club of ten or more gfiui-Week
its < v twenty or more Weeklies, at our dub ra'es,
md for the portrait at the time -f remitting.
THE No. 151 Nns n-*trecr, e
J£ A R D W A K E.
Jhe andertigned Having purchased, thfc'.niire
J slock of (i. BIiTMYER .1 SON, and having a Med
thereto by
In the East. Respectfully announces to tlin |.uh.
lie that he is now prepared t sell at lowest
CA SH I'JifCfiS,
or approved COUNTRY PRODUCE.
Everything in the Ilardwtue line, ,-uch a*
SADDLER V of nil kind-,
hy lho i-egg !• r pound,
: HOKSI-. £IIOE.S, by the kejrg or email quantities,
fITLERI of every tifsrriplion,
KXI \ and L ORKS, very cheap.
the very befc POCKET KNIVES,
SPOOVS in fttit.
i ic tiays, & .
Wind w tHaai*, ai! Mies>, Lamp? and Lamp Cbitn
j ueys, Wo>icn and Willuw Ware, Wash Bonnie,
Ohtirn*, Manilla Rp*, llniter' Bed-Cords, and
! Twine, Brashes l of every description, Shoe Black
ng, Shovels and Forks, Eraiu Shovels, Chain*
H all kinds, Sauga 'e Cutter* and FtuffVre, Sole
aii i Kip Leather, fcc. Alio,
j Buffalo Kobe*, and a greet al variety of g<>< da
j kept in a first cia>- Jlar-'nrare store.
Our ebject *bali be to 1 e gc erne-1 by the golden
"ire. "to do unto other - a* you wirh to be done
by/* we intend to MJII at fair rub , and bv fair
dealing b"pe to merit a e .ntinuenre I ib© patron
age U,\ wed upon BLYMYER A SOX.
X or. 1:3 mo.
I IST OF Jt-ROIiS Irawa f - special Term.
i 1 Monday, Oth liy of Decern' r, S. V.
! Bedford tp.: An re*% Mellon, J* hn Yont, Epb.
Y. liiiler, Andrew E. Libert.
Broad Top: K. A>hvm, John McC'u\itt,
Stephen 5 Wight.
Coal.biU: J. M. Lehman, iieo. W. F^arJ.
Cutu crbuid Valley : Benjamin F. Bruno er,
1 Franklin May.
Harrison: / - bn \V. M
Hcpewrel!; Ue. ry S. Fiu %,..! T., J .ho Kichel
! berger.
.iuniata: Jo-cph M. iluib.-r, Jn b Fritz, l&uko
R >ek.
Londonderry: (teorxc Real*.
Liberty: Luvil s. Berk stressor.
Monroe: Th mas R. b John l-ish>'| .
Xapior: John Hull,
ib - video u Vv : Le\i Kf
Ft. ( t.uel V ark, Hcorge W. \ t. .r -y,
William B. CrUroaa, George .Vo*re.
Southampton: Leonard v I'ewell, Jacob Kccfer.
Schelleburg: 1 tin E. O .us.
Saxt<"ll; Samuel S- Flack.
Ii j ib: I a-- iuiler.
U . ■ ry M. (iu rgc . Potter, Is* i. Sny
i der. Nicholas I ailey.
' \Y.■ ..ILcrry S : 1 h . V Wi Hams, la b 11.
Ketring, duck.- Rtpley.
Drawn and certified at Bedford, the l ,; :h day if
Set ternlc r. A. I>. ISO7.
; AWe at: Jury Comra.
.TxO. (b FtrMKK, Ci'k.
YUr N(i I. A D IKS.
mc ucxt (jnarter will c-jtuuieu c
MON i AY, NOVESI EE R 11, , fij.
i T:n>■- Per .|Urtr of te i week- tu elfl.
Principal, Aim*. 1 . \ . R. BONNKS.
HEt ERES' E.l.
; lie.. A. v. C. S. 111..K, W, P, -OHi 1.1.,
0. E. Shann'.N. A. KING.
G. W. Km-.
Bed fop I. X •■*. 4:1.u. _ |
r jlll E 51 ASuN A HAMLIN
Forty different i--vle-, a.iej.tcd t- eacrcl and
secular uiiicic. f ri'-it to sft'i> each. Fiß'ty-one
1 (Told and Silver Medal.-, or other iir.-t pn uiii.iits
.1 warded them. Illustrated ("atelo-ue fre.. Ad
-1r..,-. M (SON 4 HAMI.IN, Poetic or MASON
ROTH ER New York.
March tt: lyr.
lAfjTATE OF PAI'T. GEO. SMITH, deceased,
i Id Letters of Admini-irati >n, ti'.u. (eetuwe.i'o
! . inrro on the above estate having been granted
t. the undersigned. Ail ]i:-ins indebted to the
• tat if-ai l decedent w:! make jiayment. and
those ha\ itig claims present them without delay tc
nov2!l tiw GORGE W. SMITH.
Residing in Fulton County, Pa.
NTOTICE i.- hereby given that npniicati ui will
be made to the Governor for tile pardon of M. Ham on d convicted at February Sessions
i |.<66, for 11 oi-e' stealing and breach of Prison.
t.. H. SPANG,
! Nor. 25th. lsf.7. At y. f. r Petitioner,
for sale at the Inquirer office, a fine assort
| uient of Marriage Clergymen and j
Justices should have them.
4 LI, KINDS OK BLANKS, Common, Admin
Ex. iltretor's snd Executor's". Deeds, Mortgages,
Sndgmcnt Notes, Promissory N ites. with and with
out waiver of exemption, .Summons, Subpoenas
end Executions, for tale at the Inquirer office.
I Nov 2, 18fit'/
OCHOOL BLANKS. Articb s i f Agreements j
O between Itiiceto s and Teachers, Checks,
R..nd < of Colic tors, Warrants of Collectors, Bond
of Treasurers, ic., for sale at the Inquirer office.
ME NT and Promissory Notes, either with •. : waiver .f exemption, for sale at this
Ace hov .'-Ob
It * GO D ' Wtnilj"!
> ii A N't El-'-, llvt. .'Ot'is at chuck s Brisk
Yard. J', j. wUI lie received until loth ol
December, b\ JtfllN EPUOA i - 1 '.or
I XO Bsildf Scbo'.i Dir* ' f S ath. tii>'
j township, desire to rinr , I -,,*)■ >i bowl
; Teachers, Thirty dollars .j . r fir 1 '
ctac* <*rt!flt v ... < • -- -i
--j dendfacdi By r'e ~t tii l! \
! ■ VM .
I Isrsel M. Bi \ tr. :
pt'uf.ic < \iv. ■■■•■
I \ Uti.'. i'KOFHKIY.
By virtue id"an r let - hp c -i.-' r .an lb
undersigned adroinMut Ut
uf tiopoweji fv nst.ip, (11,- -itti'. ; t .nil. I iif
premises, at oo uV \ JJ . • RID •. 1 , I
< EMBER fi. T?hT. the f. * i, it
i -arte, rhi A -r DOT "I GjßOi \l>
■i'uate ia taid i-wi - .00 a- ! in Vetiijn
Creek Bos! OS . corJainiug 'I R -
ACRES and allowance, w i'h t vo 1 (*; ,
ing Houses, (one ~3 an .-h ta a Store oofn/l a
good Stable, and ..ibc. i ai.■ !!„„- t U-. f or.
erected. Mid on a..if watet near 'he
door, frale to eou nu-u-tr n ■ -<n~e ;
!' HMS muX*? rowij *q ,| MV 4 .j v .,i,.
a"HN i,. fl.l ■. K,
• •>v. 22. WM li. XA:-IJ'!;k,
£nliiie \ LOW.iihii, >' ■ •.*' /.
The <1 ajijwmfc-'*! J - 'he *>>
Court of lCilioxi -tutr. TruMe- *• ti*?; -.Ft <t
the Ileal Kstuio of J'.• I.* • v . -r .
t&wu#hfp, wt i j !** V
prruilm**, oa :* -o'-. .i.*v . x 1*? ;
i BKK, the : ! !jtu ■ - i * .. .
| A TRACT OF L-\ \,b , . - t ... . . e !
; >r lc*>\ lituidc io \ T .t*r •t. r ■ fictif- -:i
| an'l 4tjohjio£ lanl f '• ,i-' *. M: er -;z eXi •>.
! H. Rowwr c u the U. .. Ot-.r ■,'* h ir.*
'ii the an.] pVft-r R -" r :-j, K;t>t
about f • T .1..-,..
of wfeieh are good wr.u ; v '. i ,s., W pH t •
be red. The iinpj 11.1 • ,u- i
H'-usc an<l T).uble I'g Ram. . c . c : ; CoHJUicDCt '
10 o'flotk A. M. oJ di> . fMn.ll lh j
will be UiaUe knovrn.
DUNCAN \i Vi K ; ; r ■■. ■
r.< .'w J] for tt'• salt f lli.'t •• r. ;
ORIfilX .XD Hlt-T<BY OK ■)■":: no-.KP i
01 i'iji; lUBLK.
11l I'Kfllr. 1 (l.viv K. s7- v., . .
A Work of rout %•;■* • ? ;
fabl companion of the Ifiblt-. bh *rh.*f the i
Bible ia not, woar it , ; .f h v* i> ii. yts
all the objc .• i t" I?v
urged by modern rr. :del*,ar \ tfaoir;* *he aii'A j
fy of eaeh lxok up tf; 4 f mrpirc l tu: hon,givitg 1
a vuftt amount of inforu. -vl.
up in ver* niie and . m'U.ii.g !
of tbe most ponolar lok-5. - • t.ul''yV<c.s
Kx]>cricnced agentr. clergym u f ladie-, n • :
teacher* and others shouM at once for - •><
lars giving further int tnritioti A-ldre>,-,
ZFIGLER. Mv i itUV u (v.,
.#<>l Cheatnut Street, I*•.' ? r* T -'j bix. I'j
Sept. 27th lino.
oOMETHIN'i roc :■>.
IT is EPFicAcroi f v i.v/) - iiEtir. '
Ir you have a cut, old - re. fr.'fc. tetter, or
any ailment Teqniring oatwnrd aofiiicetion yew ;
should use it.
If yoar hordes or cUfcle have- uti, h" u. - ( .ui !
Pcr;tche, or old sore-. yon vh**ui ;~e {
for you can gel nothing be t> oil her tt y our-Ht J
or horses, Jtr;d estUle.
Yen can procure it of HJre ke-per.", an-' den!- |
er- in ualent RiedieioOK the r ; v. j
{ Manufactured only by
J AS. Chi: \\ Kll. I
: iiopewe!). Pa., )fw. ??• m.
j 4 liMIXISTB ATOB -X< f("r
XTL Letters f • ministra'*.>? - ; •■ ; urant '
e j the tjc ic# re-. L. r. • 1 . riiatlmrg. !
Blair county. Pa., by the K. i-i r f ' vtf ;-i j
eoontv. avun th<? estate of J;u A, r . UvUte (
"1 Yi taieWo. ; .i,y township, 'r- n •. i;- :
hereby giv< n Ta"> all par* m-i 'M ui i v •• j:i
to uitil-i; immediate pay men •. •<1 : im*m b.v _ •
clitiiU ag&iitst Uu asue , • ;:t thtin
erly auihcnrical' d for sc-t ... ~
nov!s DAVID L, P < ' lA . Adm'r.
A HMIXISTRATOU'i X ... . - , {
! x\ adioinistration oa ii.< . jt M.. lO TX ,
IMLKR, late of Icioß rowi.s; ;; u. bavi- - J
' can granted to the Fiibieriber; .• <• •/. ih re j
f.-.c, hereby giv* i, to all pert ■ r iebtcd to na-d j
Ksinte, fo make payment a.;i. . ate-'y .he • ..'• I
scril-cr. rctidi&g in said tuwm-b , , a;, i :h- bo- i
ing claims to present them 1 rt}|.*i?h, . i p' ry 1
authenticiUel i r n tUcsc ni.
do- ;i'ii IM LKK,
Xov.S. Adus'r.
bitEY's corrAUE \NS
Are still aic. oi of ail c up- and -taud :
unrivalled ia I'oWEIt, I' 1 RLIV iOXJK and
BRlfkjLlAN'' ' . and ali • t • • r. •
moke ■ tit t •■'•!' iri-5 ruiuc n*.
The "VOX H1 MAX A i- uu
great st of all modem iuipr >veue t - i **. c.
instrument?-. It CUARMS and M Ki'l t-L- jii
who hear it, by it- wonderful ic-c:nb! ": • ' > the
HUMAN VOICE Do not , n: on 1 h:- v.irl
the cotnm'-f) trcintd ia use, Jt - ■ differ
eiii. and fur . erior to any eth:
1 r -ale ivL d •.- da -nd r r.dl ' •.
K. r. ihi t .
.. venth Ssrvt- # 1 adehd
' i . ' rxntii a ghtrt !ar:;ml pi . - -
rhe tfieol "■ y ■ "Tci::rOLo" • Ay cv
■onic, sr.u is TtuiL'y the b'f I ever hfferi.
.Yo Ti!KM-'i • h'ns jet Been inven*- th ■ ivi!l isi *
any degree coiitr.avc with (hi* fori f cT-ct i
I in foe:, it -t m- to -ue t j be b:olut . \ - - '
| .1 . Juki**" l'*pe Ortjan KtriUf
j EsTfcv'b Colt, .e Organ-ar with i ... . i o
| for exceedingly • .nick articalatlon an ! rua'o! tone j
i —the e;?ettiul b . ares in msttniLt. i <' tLw
: J" •</'• . /•(■>••• Ortpn .
The Outrage i> 'he 1 e-t of >f-■ ..h.-- ! t i r
aiT.andthi ft for church r fi'.. f :
; Inure.—f ffrlnlz, Orynitfe', 1 nllfijj. H.
I am mii'.h ;!■ with the Cottage '• a r. ,
! which T jjurehasi-l from jou: it eonjb'ii - •■( *-!
tp--' and jciwcr. iu an unufual degree, nt
a f:\oritc in our fiuii'r circle,— tl-'-A-j •< ■ . [
Wc kr wft u*. organs of the cfi.-v ,-h [
wsf -o main valuable qtral iics. '/-<t,j-ii. ,
i'ur the parlor. Its aweeine.-s is retnarkablr: for
the -iiurvh if lias a j>°* er tnore organ Tike '1 ,t; ,
anytliing we I.l' t • ■ ph.-—-V.'.V ,
.Vrf-ns wifhing to iturehaso an organ are rc- j
iiue.-icd to eaajcit.e tile Esty instrument., tow i
in c-e at the !'i yteriar. and Kpiseojisl Church. .
Bedford. July 1- Iff? Pm .
11PT OB CAI rES put down for Trial at ad- '
..i urn dC. url, Pth Deecml- r,,1 "CT.
'I i os. B. Keating vs. Bedford Railroad e-
Wm Rogers vs. Riddleshurg Coal i I. e .
'. Foek'er <1 Fob t=. Hoa Is i Fockler.
I'aul Mock v--. Joslah Bnrk.
Farab Filsoo's use v.. Isaac Filson, et. .j
Cath. K-on'susers. Same.
ITni. 1 irms'one et al vs. Fink .1 Thick.
John Kemp vs. Riddlcsberg Coal <t I. Co
s. S. F.'u -k ti al \s Jaeoii liohm.
i'.i ldlcshurg C. A- I.Co.Vi. BroadtopC.i I. Co. :
Mich'l Ritchey is. Jos. B.Stoner.
J ... Kcnnard et a! vs. T>an'l I.asbiey eta |
Bao'l 11. Bulger vs. Jacob Jireneman.
riioun AValter vs. .Tos. Hetsei et ai.
.'as. Patton 'S. F.r. M'm.Burch et a!.
John Illaek -t a! vs. Cath. Tfiekef.
James Patton -. !r. Win. 11 arch et ai.
.-..-ml Li -so ua et ai vs. John Jke's adnirs ,tc. ;
Thos. Riteh it v . Jacob l.ingcnfclter et el.
Tr' ialinc Smith et al vs. Alex. Fletcher. >■, ai.
Mi l:'! Ifogan vs. Alvoh Boylan.
Peter J. Little is. Klirabeth Barnett.
John S. Metrii k is. John G. Clark.
Certified X v. UthlSBT.
uc.vlvi 0. E. SRAKKO&, Pro'.
USE DOLLAR commisision wfll he aljowed to
any person rending the names of Sjf" . k suhfc: i
hot - with the moncv for 6he year.
A Copy of tie , o.r for one year will he
| sent to any person sending us /ear *' rub:-ti-
I hers and jt Jot o-w.
a - j .SEWING .MACHINE, either Wlieo'er
i Wilson or flrover i Baker, will be sent to any
per. on sending us the names uf ei'ySfera aeir n '•- •
sec. Acre to the
with the money (ifi.) for one year iu advance.
We have sent neray as premiums more than
: •*. the—- machine*, and ther give univcrta! !-aT •*-
The new subsetibei> may be from one, or
• various plfccei 4 -
j y by cheek. dr;ift, or Post-office order,
j J cpi*9 and Circular# *mt
l\ru!.-. $:.o0 a year, in wlvaocfc
-!L>X kY : M011&K, Jr., A 4.0..
t it i ,t .5 7 Park Row. New ork.
4 i W I"\ ::l A H AKKR ?D> SEW IN 0
a!r\ -V <' il Ia i- f"* 1 ale—one half cafh and tho
ualau. e:u if fear .ixble tiCiO. AppiV to Boj
• Ucdfcrd.
- f> ;v I'E< TU3 OF V
; I \
.. .... .t. f4 j s.ii.i a c-i |>\
.te J,b. 1 r *h • {At; t*t " ••> ... H .IM?'; wotuioV
? in tfarrnii. i j. *' un-i ru:ii+. I<# I) -
known a* THIO DAItV STATE a A.'lll, Uh
(!r-t uuin'c -#t* wfcl:'i wilt u|rH6Ar on Mtodftv,
:♦ • • i !' I -
v <-. 11': i to fo-,tribute t<*
i. * -:t "f Bej iblieitM the;. w*c?
' • ••• •.:. ;! ' f...<;;j : 1 ' Air
i M.i ai ! t. !e?M t*> the Preaidea
• v 'f r • r *. of the l'e*>ub'it*an party "f
P uui'Virum ub WjtHß d ttM
?rr uf ibc -rhv-0, **bi'e -t will iab^r
j i;e p j>a**e with the greyt j inn ia utber part
of the Dmitry hi fri "h?n p f*:# wHh rcli
i ab'e j. t.", a! i ♦ i fa.:b:ui .dt cvate of llepub'i
, r . tnu-iTw, *wl a? tb -aai liute treat erery
liiucc t pit*i-- f'iti/'-u fri!b hatiaitiaHty and
u-:ti /. It will be ihe mm of the condncore *■ >
ccur tVi* lirjjuMie m principles untroxaawiled
: Fa-"- v.->' ; i all t-icctivua aod demand for the R.-
ipttbricau ma?-eF !hc purest and wjy*et
:it t" .
Coiapaieot t iiijorul irrjjßgcoeut* ti xve been
• for |>Vi>etfi' j tbf rcp- r A- c of the pro
- ,: u ' < v -- well Jt# of the .Slate Ij?Z
--; ialjftare. I'.ej r.u- .< ibepreecsedlnga of ii public
M * •> i.-h awe designed to baf* tn influ
' ' < i vrelfnrt will .?leo be gtvetr
•on ; procflri&K *io
iflKflti !?iieH!cir{r wili he the ainv an tbone by
: whi :h fht ieadin* r;- uf the counfry
im - fu*nlabel *v4.J • • th ;t we I#e sMe,
a cry v, f. x ,?i,. ~ fcf. ptv.p! c the c wntics.
• aed iu the rcgirU isatue
• Miid: *x -urt Rd">4 :bn f'apitrtl of the b'tat?, iua
! i --oirfi"n*i:t . p dit>ab IriifclatiT"
jfUii gecerul
- of the ' y which they iw : heretofore beeu
<-upp i- v.'i •; - irb matfer.
!r .'it •{ ' y:•: • Hie OriCD.t-'Ur
' l- - r.- . : aMid ; .ng-years of ex peri-
a> .loss* ti -.V.*'- zn enable tii*' undersigned,
f.r riewspapcr. A prcelating the
•ii uilic* vtbicb -nd all imj* rterpri* f. they
| bu >■ v t C!. ; :rkci in if * pubih;4itf'./D wiihout haw.
j *" i 6w< i'ui ■ < Osiiiitifc'i f• c imp:.rtiMßow. of gng
:r ' re fb* • b;i. .n 2&iJ busiae-- f'/uodatioo,
th At einiilci '. rs? b - fully ttpontd n their u.i
"iertakiiii;. f ii: Ke a permanent iDeiitution,
j be suse it vvi; i?/ cxistfinfj from iu hone*'
r : . ' . 'be it'Trrft, an-t irecaus*
t r ' unr- ni' iin if h;; - £ the aeccfetrv capital to
i e-t ddirb it upoa a flri'i ba.Ma.
It i- <lc§i_ced t i . -- i ihc o&ee <-•: tuv
! StaTk '• ' a i>, on Wc.lcc i*}. the 1 ttb of Decern
■ bcr. and on Vf of each succeeding week
! u weekly p*i*nr. ontuiaibg a vuricty of interest
] iuc aland general utws:
Ifi m- o• Dam.t: Sinjrle J•• n:-.
<: • . .iy op..- ur b*> 1 u
J i'• • - ' ■ s •
• Ten u .j b •, § **
' Tkuhji m W pi;m v:
i)u -••; \ ••; ? yea; -*•'
I? 1 • .. t,- ,;j P./t! Oil! I 2.t
Subscriptifii:- '.nvar'taMy ir. advance.
Sia'e Unard OUlee. Harrifburg.
Si ? y i v :<••>. *rir.x roitnisr,
.>2 turtHAS, Pr jiri*t r
1* /• • htifi. ■I '7 ..lOA/ CKCCCJjf id Fv
iniirf / ' *>'• r " f/ie i. it ion.'
i: ,V 11 i- K*K s W E E K L V •
j . . ' A </ f
i he Mm]* ! Nea>p.r er'f• juuli f —ex mpitic
u ::,e ■ ; :i;.• :.I-• oi a: .\::jcric..a I'duiiiv
1 I'ujx*:" H'tij/ hu.- t urn" 1 fur itself a
1 ri ;l.t t its i i tic, * \ ./vrm' ••/ ''/ UiztloA."—
j AT* Y<>rl- IJ ret* int/ /'vit.
Our future hist* rians uriil vßgwb themselves t at
!. . {J., , . lib- i r . • writer?, and print
i .• t .bp-' er- ! ,rr i ' ItifL-—A*.
I r > >.
; •;• • • .i- .-1.. • -— B+vbtu Tm
5 U< ftt '• "J b- U-.r- .-c-rveily declared
j the be -; ..t-vr ,-pv. UA. viu \w*. ' .— I •lu i- otiulcitt.
Tb :i poLli-.? 'tn -ti which ap-
I i -nt !h>, - II • :i*f : >iii vi- kto week l .rm
a r< <• eerii.- oi I riefpcditieal eggoys. They
i ;,r* birongu .-bt.d by clear md pointed sia e.-uent,
J Mi! "n *. by indepesience and
I -i, : i .* j's.ey a?- the expression
i linrT • •••<..'. it .e _ t principb.. ai. I strong fevi
i ing. and ...rb pi- c aur* g" lire bc a t new
yuij-cr wrilirc ho time.— i*. A .. .• •* J
>♦ j:.-. Hit'Ti —, —Tbe dtd-lhrber? have
1 rfecrcl a - an f 'naijin* by which they can
: -jf.iy tie J/* d •:-// and Hazar | rompt
iy f • tf - vj. j :• j . rottivt iheir jc ri >'Ji *a!s
j (!i. ' u U-to ii. • if Pnb i Mti n. Pust
i-terV A. 1 -tb * 'US *'! i{eUiß up Ciubr
• ill b.- -J. ,bi- , hi r. iv-Rill •;' appiieation.
. j.0.-Mge ..n y/ -yvt. •-(j it - uents a
-. . - 1 .• *•-.•*•! c 1 ib-c subscriber • jw*i
i T. :• /; ?l •, ■nc jear.^i.i'
eitbi tii' M.o'tzi me, UV t %.
; ,A". -,bi •• t:j. !b Ie - ,:* lor every t'fub of
i- • •: ;t! r! " ! •!' ... * rcumta,;
: MUib.-- - au be . • ppiied ''■ ao." iiiue.
i :n; Y'jiaui'. - •. ! fhrrj>" '* t&tt. in
• i . : th • ii'iutg. " : fcCLt t y i-£pfKi, fre.*
. • n - i.-i:. for v t.< • A complete set, c.Jin
r. * n volume*-, nt f re e' tof et?h a? the
* .2a p r i freight it* c> j enJ of pwr
: \|. .-a ii .u:,.. ry Im, I
c*•-•• | ■ fr - Unfi-!. Nb rtli
i'r >\ <e- must be h *-oaipanw:d with 20 eenff d
--j.• • ii*!, to prepav I States p-.aiuge.
• ' 'Xew York.
Ma; ?:.T7.
; . ~,u •■■•■r i- •• '•* ...wv/i"'/ tb*
• j j A?:pi:I; • # .
(Srj: r■' .Vof'(•<;/'i< /Vf
' * 1 lie : i" ;i r J! .-Qthlv iti the world—.V.
i v. ..
We mult rti- "•>: AS 1 the liigb
i t .ie vi! mi.-ltv Hie in'- Mxox
ini-—. jiiru ti with .. monthly croulatiuu ul
about KI'.I t .uwiv-e j.agcs are to be
I found some ..f the choicest light and general lead
ing of the d.ty. Vv'e t jicnk of :h. - work r- au e< i
I lence of the culture of tho American l'cimle: and
' tilt pojiularity it hf s is meri'eJ. Each
■ NombcT eontaias fuily 11' page, of reading tea'
i ler. appropriately jUtte'ratcd withg'K.d wood cut-:
I and il combines .:•. itself the racy monthly ami the
!more philosophical oarterlv, hlended with the
he-t feature- J the ilnily ur'.al. It has great
t-owcr in the dUscininatiou ufa luve uf pure
I' literature.—Ti:"B> t: ' ' .. L"
We.can ae oor.l ior its ot. so.ij- Kr • - .u u
j.'c t tJiai it meet, pr—asc.y the pupuiar taste,
; i.-ruisbinga variety "i plcaeing and bstru ttve
' 'Tdiog for ML- /."' lien,' '. H-t-
'i he pu'ulDhei. have poifeeied a sy.telo i f u,ait
l iv.g I . Whieh they cap rupp'y ti.-
I li'< s" ' Bazer, prompt!t to thc.e who prc
' fer tu receive their periodicals directly train the
' Ci! of Puhli utioa.
The i -tage on linn, r* J'.'goiir is 21 cent.'
! year, which imirt he paid at the MthrerfteP.
j port-ofces
Jleij. ■ . one } ear S! " '
An extra copy of e'dher the M igaaior, Weekly,
... linger, will aupplied gratis for every Clnh
it Five Fubscribere at."? 4 ' ejvjhj iu wC ® rciii.t
--t-.- <■: or Six Copies : r Si'' •'(>.
B t. k N'umtwrs can he supplied at any time.
A Complete Set. now uprising Thirty-five
Volume, in neat cloth l>irding, will he sent by
express, freight at expense of purchaser, for $2.2 j
pit volume. Single solum-*,' ty mail, postpaid,
it. U'nth cures, tor i indiug. JS cents, by mail,
übseriptionr rent hem Rritish North Amen
eao Provioeee must be uv inyanie 1 with 21
• -tits ad iitii ial, t- prepay I nited Slates postage!
I r .2 Frttnklia S<]iuro, New d ork.
/CONSTABLE'S SALE- -We have a very
! neatlv .xe iilcd lot of Idaak CoUsiaMe - Sates.
i Con -tuide iu need of any kind i f Blanks can he,
suj plied xt the ■'. . office.
| > LANK Wc hate on hand a fall supply of
i ) ail kinds of Blank'. Any one in need uf
it em wi i find we have a complete assortment.
VJ.L KINDS' OF BLANKS for le at the /.
r A lull supply ol X>.jds, Taea
se:\ ills it*.,of Agriia .-nf, Ao.
IA LAN K J>£hUt* iDlv liAl>K C9SM' >' '•
i V. 2, i-6d