ASH BUYERS TAKE NOTICE SAVE YOUR GREENBACKS! NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS, JUST RECEIVED, AT Oreatly Reduced Prices, At J, M. Shoemaker's Store. Having ja*t returned from the Kwt, *c arc now opening a Large Ftock of FALL and M IN TER GOODS, which hare been bought for Cash at New Prices, and will he sold CHEAT. Thi.- being the only FULL STOCK of Goods brough' to Bedford this season, persons wilt b able to suit themselves better is Style, Quality and l'r ice than at any other store in Bedford. Tho following comprise a few of our prji es, '■ iz; CALICOES: 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, and the !>cst at 18. MUSLINS: 10, 12, 15, 16, 18, 20, and the licst at 22. ALL WOOL FLANNELS from 40 cts. up. FRENCH MERINOES. ALL WOOL DE LAINES, C'OBURGS, Ac. Men's wear, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATINETTS, JEANS, Ac. BOOTS ft SHOES —In this article we have a very extensive assortment for Loiies, Misses, Children, Men and Buys, at all prices. HATS —A large assortment of Men's and Boy's Hats. CLOTHING—Men and Boy's Coats, Pants, and \ ests, all sizes and price*. PAPER COLLARS —Sbakespenrc, Lock wood, Linen-lined, ftc. COTTON CHAIN —Single and double, white and colored. GROCERIES —Coffee, Sugar, Syrups, Green and Black Teas, Spices, of all kinds, Dye Stud-', ftc. LEATHER—SoIe Leather, French and City Calf Skins, Upper Leather' and Kip, Linings, ftc. fto. We will sell floods on the sauic Terms that wc hare been for the last three month-, CASH OR NOTE with intereet from date. No bad debts contract ed, and no extra charges to good paying custom era to make up losses on bad paying customers, or customers that never pay. Cash buyers a! mays get the best Bargains, and their account is always settled up. N. B. 10 percent, saved by buying your goods at J. M. SHOEMAKER'S, Cosh and Produce Store, No. 1, ANDERSONS' ROW. Juno 28, 1867:6 m BOOK AGENTS WANTED to solicit orders for a new BIBLE DICTION ARY. Complete in one volume. This Diction ary embodies the results of the most recent study, re eareh and investigation, of about sixty-five of the mo-t eminent and advanced Biblieal Scholars now living. Clergymen of all denominations ap prove it, and regard it as the best work of the kind in the English Language, and one which ought to he in the hands of every Bible reader in the land. In circulating this work, Agents will find a pleasant and profitable employment. The numer ous objections which are usual); encountered in selling ordinary works will not exist with thin. But, on the contrary,encouragement and friend ly aid will attend the Agent, making his labors agrecablo, useful, and lucrative- Ladies, retired ClcrgymeD, School Teacher., Farmers, Students, and all others who possess en ergy, are wanted to assist in canvassing every Town and County in the country, to whom the most liberal inducements will be offered. For particulars, apply to, or address, PARMLEE BROTHERS, sopthfit. 722 Sansom street, Philadelphia. ¥ A RGBS T, CHEAPEST, BEST B. M. BLYMYEIt ft CO. have the LARGEST STOCK OF STOVES, ever brought to Bedford. B. M. BLYMYEIt ft CO. have the CIIE A PES TST OC KOF STOVES. ever brought to Bedford. B. M. BLYMYEIt ft CO. have the BEST STOCK OF STOVES, ever brought to Bedford. CALL AND SEE THE MAMMOTH STOCK. 200 STOVES OF EVERY SIZE AND DESCRIPTION. 50 SECOND HAND STOVES. THEY Will NOT~~BE UNDERSOLD TIN-WAIIE OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. CHEAPER THAN the CHEAPEST. Every body will please hear in mind that 11. M, BLYMYER & CO., sell CHEAPER goods, in their line, than can be sold by any one else in Bedford. Remember the place NO. 1. STONE ROW. oct.4:tf. J£NTERPRISE MACHINE WORKS, 11. 1> BLA(LE & IIKO., Proprietors. O. It- DAVIS, Sup't. IRON FOUNDERS A MACHINISTS, and Manufacturers of Portable and Stationary Strain Engines and Boilers, Portable and Stationary Saw Mills. Iron and Brass Castings made and fitted up for Mills, Factories, Forges, Blast Fur naces, Rolling Mills, Ac. Manufacturers of i AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Logan strut, LEWISTOWN, Pa. i Oct. 4 ' HUNTINGDON A BROADTOPRAILROAD —On and afte ThursJay, Sept.l 2, 1867, Paa -engcr Tri : ns will arrii e and depart as follows: Aecomj Mail. STATIONS Accom Mail. AMD I' M A. M. SI INOS A. M. LE5.50 EI B.oo: Huntingdon, J A89.41 X 84.47 6.12! 8.20 McConnellstown: 9.18 4.2 622 B.22;Flea*ant Groviy #• ® 6.41: 8.48 Marklesburg, 8 - 4S 4.03 7.00 9.03 Coffee Run, 8.33 3.48 7.1f1i 9.11 'Rough A Readyl 8-23 3.41 7.25' 9.22 Cove, j 8 - 08 3 - 2y 7.30' 9.26fFiher's Summit; 8.03 3.25 A.R.& S:": SAX,ON ' ; AHXJo 10.10 Riddleshurg, 2.14 I 10.18 '.Hopewell, I 1 2.38 10.34 Piper's Run, ! 2.18 1 10.52 Tatesville, i 1.49 11.05 Bloody Run, 1.37 i an 11.15iMount Dallas. .LB 1.30 SIIOUP'S RUN BRANCH. 1.E7.50 LB lO.OOjSaxton, * ARS.OO <.05 10.15' Coal ni on t, 7.30 2.45 810 10.20 Crawford, 7.20 2.35 A Ii3.2O; AR 10.30 Dudley, LB 7.15JLE2.30 Broad Top City. 31 ay 10:67. JOHN M'KILUPS, Supt. JEWISTOWN FOUNDRY J AXD .MiA-OHIITE SHOP. T. B. REESE & CO., Pro's. Manufacturers of Portable and Stationary Steam Engines and Boilers, Portable and Stationary Saw Mills. Iron and Brass Castings made and fitted up for Mills, Factories, Forges, Blast Fur uaces, Rolling .Mills, Ac. We call the attention of Tanners to our oven for burning tan under 81caui Boilers. TF.RMS REASONABLE. All orders hy mail promptly attended to. May 17.- m. T. B. REESE A CO. JQRUOS, MEDICINES, DYE STUFFS, PERFUMERIES, AC. The Rev. lI.HECKERMAN A SON have pur chased the DRUG STORE of J. L. Lewis, on Juliana street, Bedford, where they are now re ceiving and intend always tc keep on hand, a large assortment of one as, MEDICINES, DYE STUFFS, PERFUMER K STATIONERY, (plain and fancy,) BEST QUALITY OF TOBACCO, Best brands of SEGARS, SEGARRES, Ac. Also, l'A TENT MEDICINES, and cver.v thing else to be enquired for at a drug store. PI ysiciang will be supplied with every thing in their line, on favorable terms. All OR OK US promptly attended to and all PRESCRIP TIONS carefully compounded. By careful and strict attention to business, they hope to merit a liberal share of the public patron age. July26-3m rpo ADVERTISERS: THE BEDF.ORD INQUIRER. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, BY J. R. DURBORIiOW ft JOHN LUTZ, OFFICE ON JULIANA STREET, BEDFORD, PA. THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN SOUTH WESTERNPENNSIL VANIA. CIRCULATION OVER 1500. HOME AND FOREIGN ADVERTISE MENTS INSERTED ON REA SONABLE TERMS. A FIRST CLASS NEWSPAPER. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: $2.00 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. JOB PRINTING: ALL KINDS OF JOB WORK DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH, AND IN THE LATEST ft MOST APPROVED STYLE, SUCH AS POSTERS OF ANY SIZE, CIRCULARS, BUSINESS CARDS, WEDDING AND VISITING CARDS, BALL TICKETS, PROGRAMMES, CONCERT TICKETS, ORDER BOOKS, SEGAR LABELS, RECEIPTS, LEOAL BLANKS, PHOTOGRAPHER'S CARDS, BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, PAMPHLETS, PAPER BOOKS, ETC. ETC. ETC. ETC. ETC. Our facilities for doing all kinds of Job Printing arc equalled by very few establishment* in tho country. Orders by mail promptly filled. All letters should he addressed to DURBORROW A LUTZ. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF JUDG MENT and Promissory Notes, cither with,or | without waiver of exemption, for sale at this office nov 2-66 rpo CAPITALISTS. I have for salo, on en-y terms, over 200,000 Mies of Farming, Timber, and Mineral Lands, situato in Bedford, Ontro, Clearfield, Fulton, Huntingdon, Somerset, Westmoreland, and other countios, in Pennsylvania, which will be sold in tracts ranging from 100 to 10,000 acres: FARMS: Several fine limestone farms near Bed ford. FARMING LANDS: With limestone and red sloie soils. TANNERIES, and five sites for same, with large tr*cts of rock oak timber. FURNACES AND FORGES, and sites for same, with large tracts of timber and iron ore lands. WATER PRIVILEGES, on never failing streams. IRON ORES: Bog. Specular, Fossil and Hema tite. Fossil vein from 3to 5 feet thick. Hem atite bed from 1(1 to 40 feet thick. COAL AND COLLKRIES: Colleries in full ope ration, with houses, shutes, tracks, cars, Ac. Undeveloped Coal Lands with u seam 20 feet thick. Also, gas, cannol and anthracite coal lands. TIMBER: Large tracts coveted with white and yellow pine, spruce and heiplock, red, white and rock oak, cheenut, walnut, locust, oberry, poplar, Ac. Ac. Also, Steam Saw Mills. FIRE CLAY, of superior quality for making fire brick. SAND STONE, of pure quality, for making glass, Ac. ALSO, farms, and forming, timber and mineral lends in all Western, Southern and Pacific States, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland. WILLIAM P. BCII ELL, Attorney at Law, July 19:3 m Bedford, Pa. [Chartered with Ample Powers.] TBBANON VALLEY COLLEGE. The second Collegiate year will commence ON MONDAY, AUGUST 19, 1867. This Institution has been Chartered by the Legislature of the State with full Collegiate pow ers, and the following courses of Study, in which it is proposed to graduate Students, have been adopted, vis: An Elementary Course tor Teachers f R. A). A Scientific Course, (B. ft)- A Ladies' Course, (-'/• J)- A Classical Course, A. It). A Biblical Course _ {lt. 11. S). The School is intended to supply a'groat pub lic want ami instruction is given in all branches of a common, a liberal, or an ornamental educa tion, There is a primary or model school connect ed with the Institution, and also a Commercial Course, so that Students of any grade will be re roccivcd and will bo put into suitable Classes. With superior accommodations, first-class teach ers, a location not excelled by any in accessibility and health fulness, and in tbo general morals of the community, we offer to parents and guardians a pleasant home, where their children and wards will be properly cared for and will be subjected to the best training. EXPENSES: Fur Boarding, Washing, Light l'uel, and Tuition, with furnished room, for Fall Term of 18 weeks $88.50 instrumental Music 18.1 Double-Entry Book Keeping, (in classes)-.. 15.0u Painting and Fancy Work, at usual rater. For catalogue and further particulart, address Rev. T.K. VICKKOV, A. M., President, Dee. 14:66:1vr Annvillc, Lebanon co., Pa. PSTgY'S COTTAGE ORGANS Aro still ahead of all competitors and stand unrivalled in POWER, PURITY OF TONE and BRILLIANCY, and allotlior points which go make a first class instrument. The -VOX HUMANA TREMOLO" is the greatest of all modern improvements on ree l instruments-. It CHARMS and SURPRISES all who hear it, by its wonderful resemblance to the HUMAN VOICE. Do not confound this with the common trctnolo In use. Tt is entirely differ ent. snd far superior to nny other. For sale wholesale and retail by. K. M. BRUCE, 18 N. Seventh Street. Philadelphia. jp#"Scnd for descriptive circular and price list. The effect of your TtceuOLo" entirely new to me, and is certainly the bent I ever heard.— Otio. W. Morgan. (The first Organist of America. No TREMOI.O ha* yet been invented that will in any degree compare with thi for beauty of effect In tact, it seem.- to me to be abiolutely perfect.— WIN. A. Johnaon, Pipe Organ Builder. ERTKY'K Cottage Orgensarc without a superior for exceedingly quick articulation and round tone —the e-sential features in instruments of this cln*s.— Geo. Jardine, Pipe Organ Guilder. The Cottage Organ is tho best of its class 1 ever saw, and the Vicsl adapted for church mo-tie of :ny in use. —C. Ifcintz, Organist, Find .<) I nm much pleased with the Cottage Organ which I purchased from yon; it combine- -wet ness and power in an unusual degree, and is quite a favorite in oar family circle. — Bikop Simp •>. We know of no organs of the class which possess so many valuable qualities.—lndepen dent. For the parlor, its sweetness is remnrkable: for the church it has a power mure organ-liko than anything we have seen.— ifethoditl. Persons wishing to purchase an organ arc re quested to examine the Esty instruments now in use at the Presbyterian and Episcopal Church, Bedford. July 12 1867 9m yA LUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. Tho subscriber wishing to move West, will pell the Farm whereon he now resides, situated on the water* of the Ray £ town Branch of the Juniata, in Napier township, Be lford county, Pa., ten miles west ot Bedford, and 21 miles south of Schelhburg, containing 377 acrew and 8 per ches, with a large double Log II use, weather boarded, large double Log Barn, with other out buildings, thereon erected. A No, a good Tenant House on the upper end of the Farm. About 240 acres are cleared and in a good state of cultiva tion. the balance well timbered. Aboo: .'do ..ores this land is of the best Sandy Bottom, good for cither wheat, corn or grass. The balance i date land, v6ry good for wheat. The . Drove Pond passes hy the door. The track o the Southern Pennsylvania Railroad passes through the farm, within a short distance of the house. Thero is a fine young orchard of choice fruit near the bouse: also, a good sugar camp on the farm, affd water in nearly every field. Any person wi.-htng to purchase n No. i farm will do well to look at this one, as it la ono of the best for either grain or stock farm in this part of the State. Persons wishing to look at the property can do so by call ing on the subscriber living on the premises. O. W.WILLIAMS. August 23:8 m. 628 l HOOPSKIKTS. 028 WILLIAM T. HOPKINS. "OUR OWN MAKE," After more than Five Years experience nu 1 experimenting in the manufacture of STRICTLY FIRST QUALITY HOOP SKIRTS, wc offer our justly celebrated goods to merchants and the public in full confidence of their superiority over all others in the American market, and they are *o acknowledged by all who wear or deal in them, as they give moro satisfaction than any other Skirt, and recommend themselves in every res pect. Dealers in lluop Skirts should make a note of this fact. E VEU YLAI) Y WHO HAS SOT GIVES THEM A TRIAL, SHOT 1.1/ DO SO WITHOUT FURTHER DF.LA Y. Our assortment embraces every style, length and size, for Ladies. Misses and Children, Also, Skirts made to order, nltored and repaired. Ask for "Hopkins' Own Make," and bo not de ceived. See that the letter "II" is woven on tho Tapes between each Hoop, and that .'hey arc stamped " IF. T. HOi'KISS, MAM FACT I'- ll E It, 623 ARCH sr., I'll ILA H-A.,- upon each tape. No others are genuine. Also, constantly on band a full line of good New York and Eastern made Skirts, at very low prices. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. At the Philadelphia Hoop Skirt Manufactory and Emporium, No. 628 ARCH St., PHIL'A. March 15, 1867.10m0 rpillS IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the 14th JL of August, A. D. 1867, a Warrant in Bank ruptcy was issued against the estate of William Spidie of Bloody Run, in the county of Bedford, and State of Pennsylvania, who has I con adjudg ed a Bankrupt on his own petition; that the pay ment of any debt" and delivery of nny property belonging to such Bankrupt, to him or for his use, and the transfer of nny property bv him are for bidden by Law; that a meeting oi the Creditors of tho Baid Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more Assigns of his estate, will bo held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holdcn at the offico of John Cessna, Esq., in Bedford, Bedford County, Stato of Pennsylvania, before HASTINGS f* EH u, Register, on the 17th day of September, A. D. 1867. at 11 o'clock a. m. THOS. A. ROWLEY, aug23:4t. U. S. Marshal. A SPLENDID ARTICLE of Blana Deeds on the best parchment paper, lor sale at. tho , Inquirer office. ' Nov 28, 166 1 y AMIABLE TRACTS OF LAND FOR SALE. Tho subscriber* ofl'cr at private salo the follow ing valuable tracts of land, vii: So. I. Tba undivided half of a tract of land, containing 227 acres, gituato on the south-east side of tho Brood Top Mountain, lying partly in Bodford and partly in FrtHoO county, and ad joining lands of Samuel Banner, James Brin burrt and Wishart's licir*. TWO A KINS OK COAL, one 61 feet, the ether 01 feet in depth have been discovered on this tract. No. 2. A tract of 2:10 acre* nes.r the above, ad. joining the same lands, and supposed to contain the satac veins of coal. No. 3. A tract of 100 acre*, within twu and a half miles of the above true; , lying on the North sido of tho Harbor across the mountain, well tim bered with oak and pine- May 3,-tf. DURBORROW A LUTZ. FANCY AND MILLINERY STORK □PARALLELED ATTRACTION! MILS. iiOIiDKU & CO., (at the store lately occupied by Mrs. Cart) A C 0.,) havejust received tho best assortment of FANCY, BUY AND MJLI.INEUY UOODS that ha* ever been brought to this place, which they will sell VEIIY LOW Ft/it CASH; consisting, in part, of PERSIAN TWILI.S. WOOL BE I.AINES. PUKE MOHAIR LUSTRES, DE LA INKS, CALICOS, -MUSLINS, WHITE COLORED CAMBRICS, SACKING FLANNELS, CLOTH FOR SACKS, Ac., LADIES' A CHILDREN'S SUA WES, NOTIONS, in great variety, Kid, Heaver, Back, Silk, Lisle and Cotton Gloves: Lamb's Wool, Me rino and Cotton Hose, for Ladies and Gentlemen; Dress Buttons and Trimmings in great variety, Paper and Linen Cuffs and (,'< tlar .or ladies and gents. Worsted and Cotton Braiding, Brai l-. Vel vet Ribbon-*, black and bright color*, t'rap- \ oil*, and .* ii. 11-' it ' r Veil ; I! .pkin.-' Make" lioup Skirts, alls. re*; G. W. Lair Us Bloom of Youth,' for the complexion, Ac. MILLINERY GOODS OF ALL KINDS, consistingof Bonnet*, Hats, Ribbons, Laces, Flow ers, Ac. ' s ®Millenery work dove on short no tice, in the neatest and latest styles. and see for yourselves before buying elsewhere. We will show our goods with pleasure free of eharge. [SlaylO.'lm] DUSI NE S S C OLE EG E. BRYANT, STRATTON & KiMBERLY'S Cor. 10th and Ciu iuut Streets, PHILADELPHIA. VOUNU .MEN prepared for the Counting Room and Buslacs Life in < literal. THEORY AND I'HACTIGE combine 1 by UicoUA f*. bu-ic .• and the ufu of all kiml* of Busine?.- I'ujit r. Til 18 INSTITUTION is endorsed by the business men ol the City. STUDENTS RECEIVED AT ANY TIME. COLLEGE OPEN ALL THE YEAR. lor part tail iis send for circuit rx. aug3o:3m N'EW ARRIVAL. JUST RECEIVED AT M. (. FETTER LPS FAU Y STORE, STRAW HATS and BONNETS, STRAW ORNAMENTS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, MILLINERY GOODS, EMBROIDERIES and HANDKERCHIEFS, BEAD TRIMMINGS an t BUTTONS, HOSIERY and GLOVE.S, WHITE GOODS, PARASOLS and SUN UMBRELLAS, BALMORALS and IIOOP SKIRTS, FANCY GOODS anil NOTIONS. LADtE'S and CHILDREN'S SHOES. Our assortment contain* all that is NEW and DESIRABLE, Thankful for former patronage, we hope to bo able to merit a continuance from nil our customers. Please call and see our new stock. May 31. U v I ALE. I We take pleasure In offering to the public the following tracts of excellent land for * ,1c at very reasonable, prices. Person* wishing to bay will do well to consult us before purchasing, and those ha\ ing lands to sell will find it to'heir advan tage to avail themselves of our reasonable terms No. 1. North-west fractional one-fourth of the North-west one-fourth of section 6. in township fit'. North of range 1, Cedar county, lowa 38 *7-1011 acres, Prairie land. Price $360. No. 2. N. E. one-fourth >, in township 86, range *ls. in Monona county, lowa. 160 acres l*i airie land- Price s',olo. No. 3. N. E. one fourth of the N. 11. one fourth section 22, In township 3S, North of range 22, it. Pino county, Minnesota. 3ft acres timber land. Price S2OO. No. 4. A good farm, situate in Pleasant \ alley, Bedford township, five mile* from Bedford, now in the occupancy .f William 11. Nyeum. contain ing 10(1 acres, more or less, about .-ixty acrc.- clcjirod and under excellent fence, 13 acres of bottom meadow, and the balance well timbered, with a splendid double dwelling house, barn and other out buildings. A well of excellent water near the door; also, a good young orchard. This is an excellent opportunity to procure a good farm near Bedford, convenient to churches anil good schools. Price S3U per acre. DREBORROW A LUTZ, Real Estate Agents. Feb. 1, 1367. Bedford, Pa. jjURBORROW * LUTZ, A T T O li N E Y S-AT-LA W —AND— REAL ESTATE AGEXTS. BEDFORD, PENN'A. Those who desire to sell or buy land or lands will find this agency an excellent medium through which to accomplish their object. All land* of fered for sale are duly registered, likewiso the ap plications to buy, and th sc who desire to sell and those who desire to purchase are bronght together with comparatively little delay, trouble or expens Persons desiring to uso this agency can apply to us personally or by Icttor. July IS. DW. CHOUSE WHOLESALE TOBACCONIST, On Pitt street two doors west of B. F. Harry's ! Drug St .rc, Bodford, I'a-, is now prepared to .-ell l,y wholesale "li kinds ot CIGARS. All i order promptly filled. Persons desiring anything •i hi* lnt" will do well to givo him a call, Bedford, Oct 2;). '(55 , CIPLENDJD OPENING I OP SPRING A SUMMER GOODS AT FARQIAJHAR'S li I/O EI >'S BUI IJDING. CALICOES. t >oo D —l2s et*. HEft'f—lß cts. MUSLINS. BROWN—lit cts. BEST—2O ct. BLEACHED, 10eta. BEST, 26 cts. DELATNEB. BEST STYLES, 26 el*. DRESS GOODS. ALL KINDS, very cheap. MEN'S A BOY'S COTTON ADES. GOOD A CHEAP. A large stock of FANCY ALL WOOL CASS I MERES. ASTONISHINGLY CHEAP. BOOTS k BIIOES. MEN'S AND BOY'S HATS. GROCERIES. BEST COFFEE, 30 it*. BROWN SUGAR, from 10 te Lt cts. MACKEREL AND POTO MAC HERRING. QUEENS WARE. AND A GENERAL VARIETY OK NOTIONS. Buyers art invited to examine our stock, as we arc determined to sell CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. J. 11. FARQUHAIT May 17,' fit. rjpilK QUAKER CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE, Corn, r ! ijt/i i( Chestnut Streets, CIULAItKCI'UIA. The man complete mid thoroughly ajrpoinled Commercial School in the Country. Conducted upon the best system of Instruction, and offering advantages of the highest order in ovcry Department. IMPORTANT TO YOUNG MEN Who desire Sueee-.- and Promotion in Business Life. PRACTICAL EDUCATION vote run TIMES. The Commercial Course embraces Book Keep ing, Commercial Calculations, Penmanship, Cor n-ponder ce, Business Forms, Customs of Trade, Commercial Law, the Art of Detecting Counter feit M ney, Ac. This Course utay be completed in three months. DIPLOMAS Awarded to (•raduates ? uodcr seal and by author ity of law, this being a regularly INCORPORATED COLLEGE, and s p only on- with -iiuiiar in the Slate, 'r in the Cniic i States. OTHER BRANCHES, Telegraph inthe II: Mathematics, Engineer ing, Surrey:!)g and Navigation. BOOK KEEPING. In the I>cpfirtu:ent of Accounts this Institution is wholly unrivalled. The treatic on thi* sub ject, publish*: I by th j roprietor. is everywhere Acknuwledgcd t be the best and inost complete vork extant, and being compofed almost exclu sively 01 is obtained from Actual Business, pre ruts it course of instruction such as can be **ccur ed by no other system. Hook.* for sale, and sent by mail to any address, upon receipt of price, AO. YOUNG MEN Invite 1 to semi for circulars, or visit the College for further information. L. FAIRBANKS, A. M. President, T. E. MU.ich AXT, Secretary, maySh^m. 523.000.000. | THE NEW SIX PER CENT. PENNSYLVANIA STATE LOAH" FREE FROM ALL STATE, COUNTY aki MUNICIPAL TAXATION. Will be furnished in sums to suit, on applica tion to the nearest Bank or Banker: also by either .f the undersigned, JAY COOKE & CO. DREXEL & CO. E. W. CLARK & CO. April 26:6 m. " Banker*, Philadelphia. SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE WITHIN A FEW MILES OF BEDFORD! The subscriber* will sell, at private sale, all that siPLiEisriDiiD ituAte in Pleasant Valley, Bedford township, live miles from Bedfcr d, now in the occupancy of Wiliiaui 11. Nyeum, containing 10 ACHES, more or less, about Sixty Acres cleared and under excellent fence, IS acre* of bottom meadow and the balance well timbered, with n splendid DOUB J.E D WELI.I NG IIOUSE, Barn, and other out-buildings. A well of excel lent water near the door; also, a good young Or chard. This is an excellent opportunity to procure a 'iOOD FARM near Bedford, convenient to Churches nr.d good School?. PRICE. SAO PER ACRE. DURBORROW A LUTZ, July 18:tf Ileal Estate Agents. T>ICHAKD V. LEO & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF CABINET-WARE, CHAIRS, AC., Bedford, I'a. Tho undersigned being engaged in the Cabinet making business, will make to order and keep on hand everything in their lino of manufacture. liureaus, Dressing Stands, I'arlor and Ex tension Tables, Chairs, lledsteads, Washstands, tl-c. &c. will bo famished at all prices, and to suit every taste. They have also added to their stock, French Cottage Suits, hlarbie lop Tables, Cane Chairs, Sofas, Tete a-Teles, Ac. Ac. Ac. Enstorn manufacture. Having poreused the stock and tool* "f Thus. Mcrwinc, (lato Win. Stahl's) they have added the same to their manufactory. COFFINS will also be made to order, and a IIKARSG always in readinessto attend funerals. Prompt attention paid to all ordors for work. "tj-StShop on West I'iit Street, nearly opposite 1 the residence of George Shuck. aug.23;3m KICHARD V. LEO A CO. BLANK DEEDS FOR SALE ciie A? at the! INQUIRER OFFICE N-ov 2, V SPLENDID ARTICLE of Blank Doeds | on the best parchment paper, for sale at the Inquirer office. Nov 2,1 Stiff ' NQTHER VETO ON HIGH PRICKS' WHICH IS WORTHY OF NOTE. You .riui eave 26 percent, by buying your good* of GEO. R. k W. OSTKK, Bedford, I'a. They lire now opening a choice variety of new and desirabli STAPLE anil FANCY DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTH ING FANCY NOTIONS, COTTON YARNS, DATS. CAI'S, BOOTS, SHOES. GROCERIES, QUEENS WARE, TO BACCOS, CIGARS, Brooms, Bankets, VVnotion ware, &c. Look at souio of their I'RIGKS: Best new style* DKLAINS, 22, 23 eta. CALICOES,IO, 12, 14, 16, ix.. 20cte. GINGHAMS, 12, 15, 20, 25 cts. MUSLINS y, 10, 12, 15, 16, IH, 20, 25 cts. CASSIMERES 75, 85, SI.OO *1.15, |1.25, $1.50, $1.7-5. LADIE'S 6 4 SACKINGS, $1.75, $2-00, all wool. DRILLINGS, l'atitaloon Stuffs, 2<), 25, 30, 35, 40 cts. GENTS -i HOSE, 10, 12, 15, 20,26,30, 55 cts. LADIES' HOSE, 12, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 cts. LADiKS' SHOES as low asoo cK CARPETS, 45, 60. 75, 1.25, 1.35, 1.40, 1.50. GOOD RIO COFFEE, 25, 28; best 50 cts. Extra Fine Ookmpr. Japan, Imperial and Young Hv-on Teas. SUGARS iiml t-'iRI PS, ;i choi>- a -ort ment. SHAD, MACKEREL and HERRING, choice fat fish. We invite all to eali and see for themselves. A bavy el.,re arid inowuiog trade: a telling FAIT that their low price! are popular. TERMS CASH, uulese otherwise specified. May 21, I -07.-3 m. jp NTISTRY ! DENTISTRY ! A Beautiful Set ol' Teeth for TIC INI DOIiLARS! I>l{. 11. VIRGIL- PORTER, (I.ATE OF KIT YORK CITT,) DENTIST, Would respectfully inform his numerous friend* and the public g< nerally, that he has located per manently in BLOODY RUN, where he may be found at ill times prepared to insert fcotu one tooth to a full set of bis BEAUTIFUL ARTIFI CIAL TFETII on new and improved atmospher ic principles. The TR!I'MDH OF MECHANICAL DEN TISTRY Hl'ltftEß lor the basis of artificial j teeth. This di.-eovery which ha* met with -trvh uni- | vcrsal approval throughout this and oth< rcoun- : tries. )••• seemingly placed ARTIFICIAL ■ TEETH a? the disposal of all who require them. ; I)It. DORTER is now inserting the most HE A I - | TIFVL and DDR A RLE at prices ranging from ' 'lVii to Liglilt't'ii Dollars per set. Temporary sets inserted if desired. All J operation warranted. -Teeth extracted without pain by the use of ! HIT HOI S OXI UK cr LACGHISQ GAS. This is no humbug* hut a positive fact. Gas administered fresh every day. As the Gas ad ministered v I)r. Porter is prepared in accord ance with/be purifying method of Dr. Strong, of New Haven, t 't., and Prof. Siliman (late Professor of Chemistry in YaJo College) be has no hisita tion in asserting that it ie attended with no dan- ! ger whatever. Person s desiring the services of a j Dentist would promote their own interest by call ing upon I>r. Porter, as he is determined to .-pare no effort to please the most fastidious. Dr. Por te*'- mode f operating will at ali times le of the rnildett character, avoiding the infliction of the slightest unnecessary pain, and carefully adapted to the age. constitution, health and nervous con dition of the Dativut. Special : .fo.jtion is invited to Dr. Porter"? scientific i.e r pre .-erring decayed and ach- ; in- teeth. Teeth kenod and diseased, cleans- J ed to appear beautiful and white. li. YIKfilL POKTKK, UeatiNt. Bloody 1 uu, Pe-MD" March 28, 1867.-ly. rjMRIUMPIi IN DENTISTRY. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN, By the u.-e of Nitrous Oxide Gas, and is attended with no danger whatevtr. TEMP OR A "it Y SETS inserted if called for. Special attention will be made to diseased guui? and a cure warranted or no charge made. XEET II F I L L E D to last for life, and all work in the dental line done to the en ire satisfaction of all or the money refunded. Price- .-hail correspond with the times. I have Jocat< i ] . laneutly in Bedford, and -hall visit Seheli v urghr the Ist Monday of each in ,r th. remaining icv week ; Bloody Run the 3d Monday, one week ; the balance of my time I crri *e found it my office 3 doors South of the Court House, Bedford, Pa. W.M. W. VAN GP.MER, Nov. 21566. Dentist. Dent ISTRY. I. N. BOWSER, Resitoejet DEXTIST, Wooi>- LEEHY, Pa., visits Bloody Run three days of each nu-rith, commencing with the second Tuesday of the month. Prepared to perform all Dental oper ations with which he uiay be favored. Terms within (he reach of nil and (strictly cash except by *)■<' inl contract. Work to he sent by mail uroth wisc, must he paid for when impressions are taken. nugo, '64:tf. \TO MORE BALD HEADS! x\ NO MORE GRAY LOCKS l>i*. I^EONS' ELECTRIC HAIR RENEWER, Is pronounced by all who have used it the very best preparation lor the hair. It is a positive cure for Baldness, eradicates Dandruff and Humors, stops the Hair from falling out, and speedily res tores Gray Locks to their original buc and luxu riance. It operates * n the secretions and fills the glands with new life and coloring mdtter. Thin, dead, faded or gray i-air will always be brought back by a few applications, to its youthful abundance, vitality and color. It makes the hair soft, glossy, fragrant, pleas ant to the touch and easy to arrange. Dry, wiry and intractable locks become moist, pliant and disposed to remain i . any desired position. As a Hair Dressing it has no equal. The sates arc enormous and it is a universal favorite with old and young of both sexes. Fold hv Druggists throughout the United States. Address all orders to ZIEGLER At SMITH. SOLE PROPRIETORS, Nov. 16/67-lyr. 137 North Third St., Pfaila. i i LORE WOOLEN FACTORY.—2O,OOO LBS. \J OF WOOL WANTED—The proprietor of this well established institution return? his thank? to hi? numerous customers for their former pat ronage, and beg- to assure them that he is now better prepared than ever to accommodate them. His machinery, wCi b is abundant, is in excellent order, and he can car l and spin for customers on the shortest notice, at 2.~> ceutsper pound, and be is prepared to do all kinds of manufacturing. Mr. IHlery will wait upon OUT former customers through- it thceouniy and afford them an oppor tunity to exchange their wool f r goods. At least 20.0(H) lbs. of good wool is anxiously desired. Please "ire us a call if convenient, if not, "wait lor the wagon." Alay 21 3m. JOHN KEAGY. 1> LDODY Id N > *i A KII L E \V OUK S. R. 11. 81PE& having established a manufactory of Monuments, Tomb-stone?, Table-Tops, Coun ter-slabs, Ac., at Bloody Itun, Bedford co., Pa. and having on hand n well selected stock of for eign and American Marble, is prepared to fill all orders promptly and do work in a neat and work manlike style, and on the most reasonable terras. All work warranted, and jobs delivered to all parte of this and adjoining counties without extra harge. aplßkly. (AAAA AGENTS WANTED V-vU.UU Vali- and Female, to introduce our .\ BW PAT BS l\ ST A R 811U TT LB SEWDUG MACHINE. It i? adapted for family use and Tailoring. It makes aF 1 toll alike u both sides. Price ulv TWENTY DOLLARS. Extraordi nary inducement* to Agents. For tull particulars ad die.- DC MONT * WILSON, rt.'iO A uOII Street, Philadelphia, Pa. July 12;'iui Cauls, Business Cards, Bill Heads, I ireuiars, ami all kind of Mercantile! Blanks, neatly and expeditiously executed at the IMJURKK Job Office. JyltlTlSll I'KHIOIUCAL,*. London Quarterly Review vativ ,.: Edinburgh Review (W hi p.)' Westminster Review 4 lUdienl). | Worth British Review Frw LWf, AND Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 'I , Tlit-.e foreign j.criul to have them again w their reach; and those who may never h,:,. them, wiil assuredly I t well phrmcd to icotu. credited reprirta of the pror< n of Ko - science and literature. TKFvMH KOK 1567. >, . ■ ■ ptr win j,- ifur any ©© uf tuc Reviews I For any two of the Reviews *7 i.., u ■ For any three of the Keviewe „ ! For all four of the Reviews J2 00 " | For lih. (wood's Magazine : „ ; For Bia. '(wood and any one Review - „ j For Bla. * wood and two of the lie. iwi )a. : For Blockwood and thrt* of theKeview, I 1 For JJlachwood and th: four I' v'ew. CLUBS. !A discount of ttcmty j,c. cevt. wj|J ho cluhi of four or more person*. Thm.Vio) of Blackwood, or of one iteview, wi'l L„ ' : one addres- for 412.51 J. I our copies of .i | Reviews and Blackwood, for tic,oo,'and v/va" POSTAOB. j When sent by mail, the Postage to any one r I 'DC united Statej wiil he bat TWENTY FOI k 1 ££•>!£* Y*ar for Blackwood, and i,ut Kluil'r CRN T,-> a year for each of the Review,. PREMIUMS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS! j New ruhacrilx.-re to any two of the above pari i j cals lor 1867 wiil he entitled to receive oralis . : on, of the-- four He" for IW.' New rdrilters to all 6ve of the Periodicals for 1867, w ;ii receive, grati> f Blackwood, any tu-< vI the Utrieu for ISC6. There j-remiuius will be allowed on a!' suhzeripUons reeciied before April 1 ISC7 Snbaeribors may also obtain hack ouu: , the following reduced rate , viz: The A <>rth Ilrilith from January, I*eo ■ ] fr ceinber, 1866 inclusive; the Edintmry and the ;l • Min.i'.r from April,' 1-6J, to Decern) ,'(■ " ; cioaive, and the Lr toholt of lift. (including those on the ten year plan,) parti r p • >' It*profit* arc abeednte. /•'? omnii. f.. It* pririierptt liberal. It hoy paid IHOHIJ . , aud ho* never contested a 'lain. For books and circnlar?, frets of char, e, • :id • . the Home oSce, No. 403 CHESTNUT St., Phti u. Or to any ol its agents. THOMAS KTDGWAY, IV. JOHN F. JAMES .\ct- -y. ORRIN HuGEKS. tieneral Agent. 323 Walnut Stu- t, stair?.) J. T. KEAGY. marls:lyr Bedford. Pa. NEWS FOR THE FARMERS ! THE following kind? of Threshing Machines, CONSTANTLY ON HAND AT THE MA CHINE SHOP OF P H SHIRES BEDFORD PA The Celebrated RAILWAY', or TREAD-POW ER Threshing Machines with all the latest and best itnpruvomonU. .ONE AND TWO-HORSE POWERS. Tke Two-burse Machine with two horses and four hands will thresh from 100 to i2.i bushels of wheat or rye, and twice as much oats par day. ON Kfl ORBEMACIIIN ES with three hand.", will thresh fr .u: 60 to To bush per day. , Two aud four-horse TUMBLING BIIAFT Ma chines. ale., four-horse STRAP MACHINES, STRAW II AK'ERS of themo- approved kind at tached to ali Machines. ALL MA OH INKS YYAivRANTED. KKPXiUI Aii of ail kinds of Machines done n the shortest n -tu e. MO METAL, GRAIN and LUMBER taken in payment. Farmers' wanting Machines, will d, well t. give me a call. PETER 11. SHIRES. Proprietor cd J/.,,n/c'r. QOOD NEWS i'OU MOTHERS! Mothers, arc you oppressed with anxiety for your little ones? Arc your slumber, and heart broken by their cries? Do you awake in tin t: m ing unrefroshed and apprehensive? If s- . py - cure at once a bottle of Dr. Leotis' Infant Remedy and you villi have no more weavv burs ol ■ t, ing and anxietv. DR. LEONS' INFANT REMEDY has stood the test of years. Th-ai-ands of n and uiuthers bear witness that it never fails to -lie relief if used in season It is a mild, i c -are and speedy cure for C.die, Cramps and Windy Pains, and i- invaluable for all complaint- inci dent to Teething. B:dd by Druggists throughout the United Stat' ;• Address all orders to ZED3LEP. A SMITH, Sour. Paoruirrous, Nov. 16,'C6:1y IST N rth -■ 1 . Phii'a QOMMUTATION OF RATIONS! The Widow, Children or Parents cf cauh soldier who died in n rcb 'l pri - >n, or who w:i? released and died without Commutation fojr R.-.tions, are entitled to THIRTY CKNTS for every day - oh prisoner wait held by the rebel*. Apply to DVRBORROVr A LVTZ, July 12: tf Claim Agents. ALL KINDS OF BLANKS, CWMMiAdmin istrator'? and Executor's, Deeds, Mortga.iie.", Judgment Note?, Promissory Note*, with and without waiver of exemption, Summons, Subpoe nas and Execution?, for .-ale at the I nquircr office. Nov 2, 1866 A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF JUDG xV. MKNT and Promifsory Note?, either with or without waiver of exemption, for sale at this office nov 2-66 4 SPLENDID ARTICLE oi Bh.nk Deed?, on XX the beat parchment paper, lor sate at the Inquirer office. Nov 2, 1566 4 SPLENDID ARTICLE of llank Deeds XJL on th best parchment j a per, for sa'c at the Inquirer vsffice. Nov 2 1866