Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, October 04, 1867, Image 2

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    § cbforb Inquirer.
JOHN T. Kit IIAKIIS. I'lilton Coinit.v.
JOHN WEJ.I.KK. Somerset omit* .
,1 %. i-iiiXTS. ltcIIorl Borons ie
JOHN It. JORIAN. lt-<lloi-l llonuigll.
W I 1.1.1 AM liIRM.NI. clnlr.
V l>\*i t I.FRY. Mitlrtlc AVHHIb-rr.v.
§ i n H
I'ilrarl frmu Bis Opinion in Oio Cnsi- ol
Boric vs. Troll.
"1)11 the whole, llien. ! am of opinion thus tbc
, r o'. 'ion of the of CoagfOM of February 25th,
I declaring the not. s roue i in pursuance ot
that act to he lawful money, ami a <• '• r.
--This re nders it unnecessary Hiatal should •.■on
bier the e.thcr question which has been made, as
D. the effe t ol the special agreement to pay in
lawful silver in acy >■: th United Stales ! am
in favor of entering judgment for the plain;:t:.
I , tt as a majority .-f the eouit n-ro of different
• .pinion, judgment fr the del. u iaiil. ' /
, the Philiiilrl/iliin Ay of f id vf Ft -,y.
I - '•), where the opinion is published in fu.!.
It may also le found in the Z.<;/ni lutethy
■ March H, 1- - t, page V' 2.
In the cue copy of the Ay isa carefully pre
• .re 1 eulogy of the judge and this opinion, i
which is the following:
"Judge Sua its woo II reasons upon ar. 1 decides
the ea.-e as if ho were souie lofty spirit sitting far
ib. ve and out of the contentions and strifes of
the world."
vvill not the it bier .f greenbacks and ilovorn
mcnt b. nds consider tbc judge as quite too eleva
led audetbrrial for such earthly honors as a seal
on the Supreme Bench
i tit i i i
Momentous issues are before you. The
peace of our country, the liberties of our
people are intperrilk-d. Awake and to the
i . seuc! The hosts of treason, the allies of
ti,..-; be!-, led by the recreant Johnson are
marshalling for the on-ct. The mm who
sanctioned the starving of our gallant sol
diers at Andersonville and Libby, who re
joiced over our defeats and mourned over
our victories are active, vigilant and untiring.
They will leave no means untried, no stone
unturned by which they may gain a vote in
behalf of treason and traitors. They pro
pose to repudiate the national debt, to pro
nounce Legal tenders unconstitutional, to
declare the reconstruction laws voi-1. to pav
don traitors and not only restore them to
the privileges of citizens, but to exalt them
to i.flh-e over loyal men. They sanctioned
the murder of the lamented Lincoln and
condemned the execution of the assassins as
murder. They have constantly opposed
every measure intended to punish traitors
and make treason odious. They are now
aiding and abetting Andy Johnson in his
defiance of Congress and the people, and
0 -nly - motion his threats subvert the gov
• rnment and break up the Congress of the
p-oplc by military force. Encouraged by
these acts of Northern Copperhead-, there
are to-day tin In tlnupnul rrbd sold teartn
-1 J. equipped and officered, in Maryland
rt adyat a moments notice to as.-ist thctrtu
•fohn.ron in mal scliemu? to subvort oui t
government, take away ourlibert i- ■- and him- j
self rule the country with a rebel tyrant's rod. j
Such is the programme of Andy Johnson j
and his rebel and Copperhead co adjutors, j
Friends of freedom, lovers of 'liberty will j
you cau you sit silent and indifferent in j
such a crisis? Shall the national faith be
broken? Shall our debt be repudiated and
iiurb nls dee'ared void? Shall tlio hard dollars of our industrious laborers
with which they hope,to buy bread and
• for their families be pronounced
worthless? Shall traitors bo pardoned and
treason rewarded? Shall the fruits of vie
tory be lost in the hour of triumph by your
indifference? Shall our free government
bought by the sacrifices of our fore-fathers
and preserved '>y the blood q£ our-fathers,
son-, and brothers be given up without a
struggle? Shall the enfranchised lie re
man led to slavery and the manacles of the
bondmen be forged again? Shall the libor
ti--s 1 ught at so fearful a price oft 100-l and
trci-ure 1-3 endangered l.v lethargy and in
difference now? If not. arouse and gird
yourself for the strugek- But a few b'rief
hours remain, but in tb. m all may be -aved
or lost. lc?t no moment be l>-t. From
this day until the polls close on the v thol"
tt.-t.'ber, let every man. who loves hise uii
try and prizes her glerious liberty and her
free institutions, lab-.r un -• i n .-ly in.season
and out of season for the sue v.- : of the
whole Rejiubliean ticket. In ti.- hour • f
peril let every man be at his post, that wh u
the struggle ends all may rejoice aiike in the
victory. Be not satisfied with going to the
poll- yourself, but exhort your neighbor by
all that he bold- dear, by his pride of the
past,, by his enjoyn. Nt of the present, by his
hopes of the future, i • -me forth and de
clare by his ballot, that treason shall be made
odious and traitor ; punished that tb will
of the people is the law of the land and that
no recreant I'r- sident shall defy it with im
punity -that the national faith shall be
strictly kept and every dollarof debt be paid
—that our free government shall he main
tained and our liberties preserved—that the
loyal men, who by their blood and treasure
saved the country, shail rule it also. Let
such be the high reso've of the patriotic, loy
al men throughout the state and when the
polls close'on Tuesday next, Pennsylvania
will lie found to have rolled up such ah over
whelming I'nion majority as shall forever
blight the hopes of rebels and Copperheads,
and administer to Andy Johnson and his
rebel co adjutors, such a scathing rebuke
that they will never again dream of resisting
the laws of the land as expressed by the will
of the people.
John Brown, a worthless drunken negro,
who has lived nearly all his life-time with
Democrats (so-called), and who was drunk
no doubt on Copperhead whiskey, attempt
ed to commit an infamous outrage on a
white woman near Bedford about ten days
ago. Immediately the Copperheads here
abouts began to use this as an electioneering
sell i ;ne. They talked as if the Republicans
w -ic in some way responsible for this out
rage, they tried by indirection to do this.
Among the loudest of these babblers was
Mr. William Bowles, treasurer of the Poor
House Funds. We suggest to him that he
has quite enough to do to keep his accounts
straight as Poor House treasurer, so that
we don't have any more oversights and errors
running away with the money of the tax
payers by the tliou-njiit/s. And another was
Mr. O.E. Shannon who has ever since been
travelling around to Copperhead meetings
commenting on this diabolical outrage. It
is said that Shannon could not have made a
speech at all except for this. It formed the
whole burden of his twaddle. Perhaps lie
could put in his time better as Chief Bur
gess of Bedford Borough in superintending
the making of gutters and a reservoir that
cost thousands of dollars and are utterly
Republicans have a far better .-how for
asserting that the Coppcrheails induced Joint
Brown to attempt this atrocious wickedness
in oidcr that tliey might raise an outcry for
electioneering purposes. Nay more, such a
charge would not be without a show of found
ation. John Brown was drunk. There is
but one tavern kept by a Republican in
Bedford. It can be proven John Brown
did not get his whiskey there. Isaac Men
gel is a tavern keeper, and he is the Copper
head candidate for County Treasurer Mr.
Edward Kerr is District Attorney. He is
the Copperhead candidate for re election.
I t is alleged that he knew of this outrage sir
or tight hours before any effort was made to
arnst John Brown, and that Brown was in
town and could easily have been arrested.
There is nothing in -he antecelents of the
Party to which these people belong to make
it improbable that they would engage in just
such a scheme. Some thirty years ago they
tried to defeat Major Barclay for the Benate
by bribing a negro wench to lay an illegiti
mate child at his office door just before the
election. And their whole career shows
that they arc willing to use any subterfuge
and any fabrications that might promise suc
cess. There cannot be. much doubt but that
this negro was made drunk and put up to
this assault by white men and that ij the
proper < forts had In en made he woidd not
hare ■ coped. Brown it is said was seen in
town two or three hours after the warrant
for his arrest was put in the hands of the
constable. It is needless to say the consta
ble was not a Republican.
i'nion men! War Democrats! Republi
can-! True men and patriots by whatso
ever name known! once again to the Polls,
an. I once again defeat this infamous party ot
Traitors, and Tricksters arid Liars who arc
now capping a career of treason by such
miserably mean and contemptible election
eering frauds.
BLOODY RUN Oct. Ist, I>o7.
MESSUS. EDITORS: Plain facts in regard to
candidates shculd not t>e concealed, if those
facts have any bearing upon the vital inter
ests of the people. In electing men to the
legislature in these latter days, it is right
arid reasonable that all should understand
clearly the opinions of candidates upon
measures that may in the course of legisla
tion result beneficially or injuriously to the
districts which they may represent. In view
of this policy I have thought to disclose a
few facts which I have from reliable au
thority, that the gentleman named above is
trying to secure bis election on the principle
of his advocacy of the "Free Rail Road
policy.'' An electioneering scheme of this
kind may be advantageous to him, but it is
full of danger and deceit. The prevailing
opinion amongst the majority of our people
i->, that it was through the instrumentality
of Mr. Sehell that the Broad Top Rail Road
sprang info existence; hut the truth is that,
through shrewd conjuring, and rich protn
j i-es Mr. Sehell secured for himself the
presidency of that company at a salary of
■ one thousand dollars per annum, and the
! whole amount subscribed by hitu was just
; that sum; so that at the end of the firstycar,
| Mr. Sehell's subscription was credited to
him iri full, and the money remained in his
po<-ession instead of assisting to build the
load. It appears also that Air. Sehell
i promised that if they made him president of
! the company, that he would insure forty
thousand dollars of subscription to the
Road; which was never redeemed and
through some political act of legerdemain
he was exonerated by the company, and the
.-"nsequence was, the Bail Road lingered
along unfinished, for the want of the neecs
-ary mean-.
Now, if the people of this district should
i fleet Mr. Sehell for the purpose of getting
Rail Roads constructed, they will find
; eventually that their labors have been--not
lor Mr. Sehell, but—in vain. The Penna
Central control- legislation at Harrisburg
t > an alarming extent, and those who have
been tried and found true to our interests,
are worthy of confidence.
Messrs. Richards and Weller are in view
of their manifest fit niness heretofore, men
upon whom the district can safely reiy, and
it would be folly to give up a certainty t u- a
j -hadow. Truly \ ours,
The Gazette of this week contains a card
signed by Captain John S. Swart/., the gen
tleman who foots the Republican ticket for
the very distinguished position of County
Auditor, in which he tells the world, after
a silence of three months intervening be
tween the nominating convention and this
time, that he is a Democrat and not a Re
publican, and that he, therefore, DECLINES
('apt. Swartz was a delegate to the Con
vention which nominated him, and by his
silence on the occasion, accepted the nomi
nation. He was a soldier, and though he
had been a Democrat, he had accepted the
position of delegate andacted with the Ke
pv.blican party up to the election last Fall.
He is, apparently, a mere creature, without
mind or decision of character, and ratliei
excites our pity than our contempt. \\ e
presume that lie and his small fisted Cop
perhead friends have made up their minds
that this act of treachery will ruin the Re
publican party, whereas it will affect it about
as much as a toad would impede the pro
gress of a mammoth locomotive.
Since Capt. Swartz is no longer a candi
date our friends will use their own pleasure
in voting. The hour at which we write
makes it too late for the substitution of any
other person, we, therefore, suggest to the
Republicans to merely scratch him off in
President Johnson threatens revolution
and is hacked in his threats by the Copper
heads and rebels. 1 n Mary land they already
have twelve thousand militia, fully armed
and equipped and commanded by officers of
the late rebel army. It is asserted by the
President's most intimate friends that his
further movements will be determined by
the result of the elections in Pennsylvania
and New York, If they go for the Copper
heads, he will forcibly prevent the meeting
of Congress and the rebel militia, of Alary
land, are relied upon-as the nucleus of the
army that is to support him in his revolu
tionary movements. Such are the designs
of Johnson and his Copperhead supporters
and every vote cast for the Copperhead
ticket in Pennsylvania will be a vote in
favor of a new rebellion and another effort to
destroy the Union, subvert our free govern
inc-nt and set up one man power in the per
son of Andy Johnson. Such are the mo
mentous issues of the coming election. Let
no man stay away from the polls or be in
different at such a crisis. His duty to him
self, to his fellowmer calls every friend of
freedom, every lover of his country, every
true patriot, to come forward and sustain
law and order and express his faith in the
government of tlio people by voting the full
Republican ticket.
The Maryland rebels Laving, with the aid
of Andy Johnson, succeeded in saddling a
eon-titution on the State to suit themselves,
have thrown off all disguise feeling perfectly
secure under their new constitution. On
the 24th ult. the so-called Democratic
Judicial Nominating Convention of Balti
more. nominated a straight rebel ticket in
which conservatism was not only completely
ignored but most contemptuously snubbed,
as the following record of the candidates
most clearly shows:
Bartol, the candidate for the Court ol Ap
peals, was arrested during the war for al
leged disloyalty, and imprisoned in Fort
McHenry. Among other candidates for
Judges, who were all active and notorious
-vrnpathizers with the Rebellion, is one 1.
Parkin Scott, a member of the notorious
Fredrick Legislature of 1801, who was. by
McClellan's orders, committed to Fort War
ren: (j. \V. Dobbin, counsel for Kane's Police
Board; Trimble, the bridge-burner; Robert
liilmor. a brother of the notorious llarrv
(Jilraor; C. AY. Pinckney, who is alleged to
have been in the Rebel army on Lee's staff,'
and Gorey, a member of the Constitutional
Convention. The candidate for Clerk of the
Criminal Court, MeKwen, was Clerk for the
Kane Police Board in iwi, and went South,
and returned after Lee's surrender. The
Maryland Democrats have joined hands to-day
with their brethren of Kentucky in awarding
position—to the champions ot the Lost Cause.
Conservatism was entirely ignored, and the
claims of none but straight out and out rebels
Governor Swan of Maryland made a re
quisition a short time ago on General < Irani
for cannon to arm bis* rebel militia. Gen-
Grant promptly refused to give United
States aitillery to Swan's rebels. Gov. Swan
lias since purchased artillery elsewhere suf
ficient to fully equip his rebel forces.. Ev
ery loyal man whether in Maryland or out
believes that this arming of the militia
means mischief. All the signs of the times
indicate that these forces are being armed to
assist Andy Johnson in any mad scheme of
revolution that he may bo reckless enough
to undertake. Let every true patriotic re
buke these treasonable preparation by voting
the full Republican ticket and assisting to
roll up an overwhelming majority against
Andy Johnson and his rebel policy.
Under Democratic rule our state debt in
creased continually for years until it exceed
ed FORTY MILLIONS when the Republican
party came into power. Ever ,-ince that
time it has continually decreased at the rate
of a million or more per year and in the
liast year nearly TWO MILLIONS have been
paid off. At the same time the law taxing
real e.-tato lias been repealed and yet the
amount of the debt yearly paid off lias been
kept increasing each year. Taxpayers, if
you want your taxes lightened and the state
debt rapidly paid off vote the whole republi
can ticket.
DON'T FORGET that WM. P. Sehell, dur
ing the war publicly proclaimed that he was
I a Northern man with Southern principles,
, and that he would sooner see the rebellion
succeed, than that slavery should be abol
j ished. 1 le is as much a rebel now as then
and is unfit to be trusted with any ofliee of
profit or trust among loyal men. Make
treason odious by voting against Win. P.
REMEMBER when you go to the polls that
Ed. F. Kerr, the Copperhead candidate for
! District Attorney, has publicly declared that
he would sooner see Jeff. Davis in Congress
than the Hon. ThatMeus Stevens. Rebels
! every where hate Stevens for the part he
' took in putting down the rebellion.
NINE pledges arc a great matter, no
doubt (There is a mystic power in the num
ber nine.) They ought to be enough to keep
Mr. Sehell straight if he gets to the Legisla
ture. Probably they will he, if he gets
there. And this in spite of his intimate
prrsnnal relations with Thomas A. Scott the
Vice President of tin Penna. /iailrond, the
man who is so potent at Harrisburg input
ting Legislation through for the Monopoly.
Yet against this ostentatious array of
pledges the people have the acts and votes of
Messrs. Weller and Richards. Men's hon
est deeds ought to be as good as other mens
honest wonls. There is an old song
''Words are but air, and air but breath
llow strong BO e'er you make thorn,"
And we dont imagine that the Republi
cans of this district will lie induced by any
number of pledges, although lie would make
ninety and nine of them, to lorget Mr.
Schcll's record during the V ar.
ROAD LAW. —Eight of the ten Copperhead
Senators in the legislature last winter
voted against the Free Rail Road Law.
Yet when election rime comes round their
candidates have the brazen faced impudence
to profess and pledg* themselves as Free
Rail Road men. Even Wm. D. Sehell,
though when in the Senate he was the
pliant tool of the Cenral Rail Road coin pa
ny, now hopes by phdging himself to all
sorts of rail road prijects to dupe the people
into a belief in his professions. The IV-nn
sylvauia may be a good place
for advent urcts to- retrieve their fort unes,
but they are not the men the people want.
\ ote for Riehrrds and Weller who have
shown them sol proof against the tempta
tions of the ".Monopoly.
THE Gaz'tt• publishes, with a tremen
dous buga boo story, the bill passed by the
last Legislature prohibiting corporations
from discrimimting "against persons on ac
count of color, us if it were a terrible thing
to allow colore! persons to travel without
constant insult from a low order of beings
who like to drtf every decent colored per
son down to their own level. We pity the
creature who will be guilty of such mean
ness towards God's rational creatures! lie
is a libel on humanity ! If the -lave system
were in exi.-tore/, and the author nf this sen
sational artic'.,- e .uld <.\vn one colored man,
he would ride with him in his carriage, shave
him, dress him, sleep in the same room with
him, but as a Fee man m n r! Oh, no ! Such
LET THE PKCIM U CHOOSE. —If a man makes
a solemn contract witli you to pay a debt in
gold, is it homst in him to insist that you
must take paym-nt in paper ■ Judge Shars
wood says inc. Judge Williams says yes.
Which ot them do you prefer for Supremo
Judge?— Jieiulinj <iazette.
Judge Shar.-voi 1 -iv- no such thing!
i- the plain English of his <>| inion, and wo
dare successful contradiction. A ( ir has
Judge V iiliums faid what i here attributed
to him. No oiiu will go further to sustain
the law of contracts than Judge V iiliums,
and be, therefore, maintains that the obli
gations of the Government are both valid
and constitutional.
WE have been informed front a most re
liable source that tl, : amount of the mro
takesin the l'oor IF.use funds discovered
last winter was over ' /< thousand dollars.
The Gazetti has repeatedly denied this as
the correct amount, has stated that it
was only four or fid thou-and. During all
this time, six or eight months, the Audit
ors and l'uor Directors 1 ave never given to
the public one single word of explanation.
They have been mute as mice. "Loast .-aid,
soonest mended" seems to be their motto.
The people are to go it b'indfo. the I trim >•
cratic ticket' Perhaps they won't though.
We shall see.
REMEMBER that the Cops are mum all
over the State on the l'ree Rail Road Law.
Neither the resolutions ofth ir State conv n
tion, nor of any of their County ('inven
tions have a word about the FYc R "1 Road
Law. Remember also that Light u; the
ten Cops in the Senate voted against the
law la-; win!.''*- H .i II -o. 1 • Sob .1 do
otherwise? Will l.<- iare to turn his back
upon hi-party , as weli us upon his o\tn rec
ord He has always been a supple tool of
the Monopoly. Hence the necessity for so
many pledges. Sudden conversions, when a
man happens to want an office,are always to
be regarded with suspicion.
DID you ever hear the beautiful story of
the SEVEN SLEEPERS. lIOW the three
.county Auditor-, and the three l'uor Di
rectors, and the very extraordinary duplica
ted gentlemen who is clerk to both Poor
Directors and Auditors, went to sleep and
slept soundly for seven years, and when tin y
wakened, .wo n thousand dollars wasmissing,
and they didn't know where it was;
"Little 80-Peep,
She lost her sheep,
And didn't know where to find them.
()h ' let them alone,
And they'll come home,
With their tails behind them'."
LET the question be asked and repeated:
"Can a political party, that opposed the na
tion in time of war, when its very life was
imperrilled, he tru.-tcd with its interest in
time of peace? Can men who rejoiced at
national defeat:-, and at rebel victories, be
safely trusted with power? lAB. the an
swer come up from every loyal heart, on
m xt Tuesday, with such force a-even to
appal the usurper who holds forth in the
White House.
A COPPERHEAD triumph on next Tues
day, would be bailed with joy by every rebel
from Mason and Dixon's line to the Gulf,
and by every deserter who skedaddled to the
bleak hills of Canada, and send up the price
of gold from 10 to 1". cents, while on the
other hand a Republican triumph will glad
den the heart of every man, patriot
and soldier in the land, and decrease the
price of gold correspondingly. \ ote the
whole Republican ticket.
THE Gazette says the mistake in the l'oor
j House business only amounted to four or
five thousand dollars and not eight or ten
thousand. Oh, well, it makes no difference!
It's a small matter among so rnanv of us.
If it hadn't been for some stupid fellow it
: wouldn't have been known, and the tax
■ payers wouldn't have missed it!
TflE Cop vote in California falls2,OHO short
of their vote last Fall. Queer gain, ain't it?
VOTE early and only once, that is all that
will he necessary!
TIIF. New York Constitutional convention
on the 21 ult., adjourned over to the 12th of ;
IK you want the Poor House accounts to j
exhibit no more SIO, (MMI deficits, vote for j
THOSE desiring the Poor House to be N !
decent resort for the poor and the helpless,
will vote for 1 'llery f
ticket, and he sure that the names of llieh
ards and Weller are on every one!
(Jo to the polls early and dispatch persons
for the aged and the infirm early in the (Jay.
Don't wait until it is too late.
ACTIONS speak louder than words. Re
mcmher that Richards and Wellcr voted
straight and oon-tantly against the .Monop
oly and in favor of a Free Rail Road law.
REPUBLICANS, go to the polls on next
Tuesday and vote the Republican ticket
from Judge Williams to Adam Cilery. '1 he
Cops will not scratch a single candidate.
TllE reception given to Sheridan and
Sickles, on last Friday evening, in Philadel j
phia, completely laid out the last remnant
of CoppcrheadUm. I ale Sharwood !
WHO ever heard of a negro sla ('< having
an unpleasant smell about hint? It has on
ly been discovered since lie ha- become a
freedman. It isa Copperhead di-eovurv!
HE that cries out against taxation desires
to inaugurate repudiation. I he latter fol
lows the former as logically as raiu descend
ing from the clouds strikes the eaith.
REPUBLICANS, watch carefully that ela-s
of men known as Deserters; they have no
right to vote under the existing laws and
our Court, at its last sossion, so decided.
THE Gazette intimate.- that the election
in Pennsylvania will settle the <|uestion of
Negro Suffrage in the Southern States.
This is n :ws ! Yes, G'azitte news!
SHAI.I. too Poor House of Bedford coun
ty cost the Tax payers thousands of dollars
annually, and then not be a decent recepta
cle for swine? Vote fur Adam 1 llery !
THE statute books of Pennsylvania con
tain more legislation in f'avnr of Wm. P.
Sohell than in favor of any other ten men in
the county. Vote for Iti -hard - and \\ oiler!
WHERE the Republicans are organized •
by sub -ehool districts i t each sub school
district commit'.' • see that every Republi
can voter in the district i- promptly brought
out. livery vote should be out by l2o'clock.
THE fellows who said that. Greenbacks
would be taken in exchange for wood, cord
for cord, are now endeavoring to elect Shars
w.iod to make their predictions good. Hon
est men. vote for Henry W. V iiliums.
THERE are a large number of bond hold
ers in this county, it they desire to have
their bonds declared null and void, they had
better vote for Judge Sharswood, or stay
away from the polls.
HON. WM. P. SCHKI.L desire.-to go to the
Legislature to retrieve his fortune. Can be
do it /)■ in - ' t at s' | .tioo session and i ay
expenses? Bosh! \ ote for Richards and j
SOUTHERN master- never complained (S j
their in gro servants occupying seats in the
same vehicle with them, on the other hand j
it was one of their institution-. Copper- .
heads, however, won't stand it!
Wot' lD it not be better to have a Repub
lican in the Hoard of County Commissioners
to watch the majority? it would save thou- '
sands of dollars to the tax payers! Vote for
THE Copperheads have run the machine j
for many years in Bedford county, it is ;
alxuit time that we have some body to inves- !
tigatc the affair-of the Commissioner.-' of- j
(ice. Vote for Karn !
If you want a District Attorney who j
drank toasts to Jeff. Davis during the war j
and prop' ed to raise the rebel flag in your
midst, v<.te for Kerr. If not vote for
Ai'.vrin on tbc part of Republicans is 1
inter] rottd by the Johnson men as an indi
cation of the disapproval of the people of j
the course of Congress. Letevery vote be
polled and all will be well!
t lARIBAI.PJ'S meditated attack upon Rome
has been suddenly frustrated, lie was ar
rested by onler of the Italian Government
on the morning of the 24tl> ult at Sienra
while crossing the Roman frontier and
brought to Florence under guard.
THE friends of the Union will notice that
if the Republican vote fads short but bare
two votes the adherents of Andy Johnson
will claim it as a gain for his policy. Turn
out, friends, and -ee that our vote does not
fall below that of last Fall.
\ COP can seat himself in a barber shop,
allow a colored barber to lather his face
lean over him, pull bis nose, shave him.
or stand at his elbow while he cats his meals,
but he cannot endure the idea of staying in
the same ear with him. < >ut upon such
THE Copperheads are complaining very
much of the apathy of some of their leaders
and blame them with having too many gov
ernment Bonds. That's what's the matter.
The Cops that have bonds know very well
that if Judge Sharswood is elected their
bonds will be endangered. If you desire to
.-ave your Bonds, vote for Hon. Henry W.
MR. SCHKI.L is embarrassed politically
and financially; he expects the people to
return him to the Legislature to retrieve his
fortune. Who ever heard of an honest rep
resentative making money? Richards and
Weller go to the Legislature to represent
their constituents, not t-> make fortunes.
Vote for Richards and Weller!
WE prefer men who go to the Legislature .
to secure hon< -t legislation. Things have j
come to a pretty pass when we are asked to j
send men to the Legislature because they ;
are experts at trickery. Riclwrds and Wel
ler are honest!
WITHIN the last few days the Cops have
gone under; they have ceased to boast or
ev. n to offer to "bet," they have given up
all hope of electing Sharswood, and the last
particle of enthusiasm has oozed out. \ ote
early for Williams!
Till* TNIJI'IHER d senvcrcd a year ago that
Bedford county was SI'J,HOO indebted to the
State, who knows liow many other leaks
might he disc'Vered if a Republican were in
the Board of Commissioners. \ ote for
Ti IE poor creatures whose misfortune it is
to be compelled to avail themselves of the
hospitalities of the Bedford County Poor
House, would be more comfortably enter
tained in a barrack. Those desiring a
change will vote for 1 llery !
won all honor in the last Legislature for their
honesty and integrity. Such men alone
saved it; ifyou wan t to sink the next Leg
islature von for Sehell; if not, vote for Rich
aids and A\ cller'
A Cop tell.- tts that he thought every
body knew that William Kirk. Esq., would
be eb el. ! Jury ('nmii.i--ioiur, and that the
man who didn't know better didn't take the
• a per.- ! We heartily agree with him there,
)> it mu.-t confess that we never suspected
hint of reading even the Gazette.
?I it Si 'HEU. bad no scruples about selling
out to the I'enna. Central Raii Road when
he represented this district in the Senate.
Will lie do any better now with all his
pledges? When the Devil was sick, the
Devil a Saint would be, but when the Devil
got well, Devil the Saint was he.
"WHO care.-I'm Expenses? Dad's rich!"
the 10.-s of ten thousand dollars to the tax
payers is of no account. What the Cops
are keeping wat.-h and ward against now is
" Sigger iijiifdityd They are afraid the
il niff!,i is" might get into office, and that
the public funds mi. lit not be safe.
SOLDIERS, will you vote for the candi
dates of a Party which four years ago was
opposed to allowing volunteers the right to
vote ? Is there a single soldier so lost to all
feeling of self-respect, and respect for his
comrade- in arm-, who laid down their lives
in the war, as to 1 ■ ■ found voting for the can
didates of the t 'opperheads?
THE best way to settle the question of
ri> instruction is to elect Hon. Henry \\ .
Williams to the Supreme Bench of this
State. This aeS u> of the 1 >yal people will
exhibit to the recreant President at \\ a.-h
-ington that the loyal masses are determined
to support Congress as against his usurpa
tion. \ ote for Williams!
FRIENDS of peace and liberty; remember
tb it Andy Ji.-hti--.oii threatens to forcibly I
prevent tie- meeting of Congress and a.- I
-ume a m : itary dictatorship if the Coppei-|
hea Is carry the Pennsylvania election. If i
you do ii • wi b to -. e a new war begun by
Andy John-oii in hi- effort to make himself j
sole ruler of the country, vote the whole ,
Republican ticket.
CHAKAI TKRISTIC. —The new Constitution
recently adopted by the Maryland rebels,
demonstrates the true pro-slavery spirit, in
• its abolition of the common - -hools provid • 1
: for by the Constitution of Truly
, they love darkness because their deeds are
| evil. They can only rule by keeping the
people in ignorance.
MR. Scnn i promises the people of the
i Woodberiie- a tab <>ad. He did not know
that they airoaly have a charter, and had
forgotten that he has no money himself,
that he i- at the outs with the Central, and
1 that the Legislature docsnot appropriate ino
! ney to build Railroads. Vote for Richards
j and Weller!
DOES Wm. P. Sehell expect to make
| money enough, if elected to the Legislature,
! to redeem the bogus oil stock that he duped
| the people of Bedford County into buying?
' If he does he had better pledge himself to
!J -O. It V .11! Ibe a much more tempting
bait than hyp --. ideal Rail lb ad pledges.
| We could not r'-c to vote for liiai even
ill. n. but we e-'u'd accommodate him with
a little oil stock, very cheap.
• LET our friends N the various Loronghs
and township- hold caucuses en Saturday
or Monday night preceding the e! ction, and
! allot to each the work which is to he done on
Tuesday follow ing. By this means every
one will know what .1 vo'ves upon him, and
all he will have to do wile to execute the
i work assigned to him, and all will be well.
We earnestly uige upon < ur friends to at
tcn 1 to this matter without fail.
THE Legislature of Pennsylvania makes
no apple}.* lotions for building railroads.
How does M . Sehell intend to raise money
to build ail the railroads lie has already
promised? Report says he has no money,
the Legislature aj propriates none, and hei<
| <it tin o iifs with tin- Central! Ain't it only
an electioneering scheme. Honest voter,
it i-nothing el - ' \ ote for Richards and
j Weller!
IT is sai! T I.e. T L '. official of the Penn
sylvania CEIIRIITI Railroad induced Mr.
Sehell to co into a i ttain speculation, and
then left him -ti b. nd 'hat. therefore, the
said Mr. S ' 'is ad at him." Suppose
th . fluid w- • come to the relief of Mr.
Sehell. ■!• - a: \ otic suppose for a moment
that Mr. Sehell would not find ic convenient
to support the Centiai? Certainly he would.
Ficon your Free Railroad pledge, it is as
i-lie a- the winds ! Vote lor Richards and
THE friends of Mr. Sch-.-ll say that he has
been at daggers points with the representa
tives of the Pennsylvania Central Company
for pome time, and yet that gentleman
pledges hitusclf in favor of the early com
pletion of the Southern Pennsylvania and
Council--. It. 1! I. livery body knows
that tin Cent-.-id i- building this road. How
then can S i - i do anything towards its
completion? Note for Richards and Wel
Col. John H. Filler the only adv
the Negro Suffrage in P. dford
tumping the county for the I '.,j r |
We have not had the pleasure . • ;
him and therefore connot tell ;
in it.*ll zeal he advocates Negro S ifl
we hear his speeches highly praivi]
Copperhead friends. So much fiq -.
Suffrage and Copperheadi-m in if
President Johnson and his 1),
rebel friends are every day cxpo-uig
hypocrisy on the Negro que.-!i n
son has been almost begging s ,im
gent negro, Fred Douglass aiming t|,,..
her, to take charge of the Freelin'.-n i
reau, expressing his wiHincc.. . ~
Gen. Howard as soon as he can find ,
who will accept the position
THE friends of S hell say that I.e
Broad TOP Railroad. Admit th e '
hand in it; hut who rcaliz- d thea l. , ■
Mr. Sehell, and parties for him, 1 n lr .
all the lands along the route that vv.
ted to have coal or iron on them, a- i ~
inal prise, and the poor honest firu - -
alizod nothing, while on the other!
Sehell pocketed everything, l-'arim r-. ■■
you ready to give Mr. Scheil your laud
build your railroads. If not. vote fbrll
ards and Weller!
LET all good citizens who want the
tary affairs of the County and IV r !!
economically conducted remember that
three Democratic Auditors, and three b
crutic Poor Directors, and a 1> : .
cierk, the- whole a-'en watching with
eyes, "open tight," High torft „ ti.
dollars , leaked out of the Poor IF usef:
"unbeknown" to anybody. Hadn't
better try a few Republicans, ju-t to
the other fellows and poke them up i
sionally, and keep THEM awake?
WE arc credibly informed that when
Sehell sold out to the Rail Road AI .
the consideration was seventy-tire th
dollars. He defends this .-ale of bi
as a Senator, on the ground that it w:i- ■
for in a Railroad subscription to the 11.
ingdon and Broad Top Rail road. T
subscription to the road was only 1..
THOUSAND dollars? J fid the other!
TY FIVE thousand go into Mr. S 11-. -
pocket? Does he hope to make it j-;
this way again ?
DONT forget that AY. P. Schcli wi
the chief managers in the Bedford 11 .
enterprise, to which you were indu -i
subscribe by promises that the money - I
be expended on the road between
Dallas and Bedford. Remember that
a dollar was so expended and thai wi.
some of the subscribers were oouipelted
pay the last cent, the subscription
others, who happened to be in the r:
were cane, lied without the
dollar. Do you want to invest in at,
I more bogus railroad promises, ifyou l
! vote for Sehell! If not, vote for ilichir:
! and AA'eller!
CITIZENS of 8.-dford County, r N .
I that you were duped by William .
• Sehell into expending a- much u.
for worthless oil stocks as would have
la railroad to every village in the .
i Do you wish to invest anything more in Ai:
• Sehell's promises whether in the sin;
stock or new-paper card-.'
THE Cops are at last despondent. !!;.
latest adv ices they gives us Ohio by a: J
TWENTY THOUSAND and have given ; ...
hope of Pennsylvania within the la-t t
weeks. L-t u- have a good turn r
Tuesday next and we will eary the Stau
twenty thousand majority.
Thej'lacc tol-uv GOODS NND SAYK V GIRV: <.
(;. K. Y W. OSTEUF
Who will sill froru this date until the -
Septcnibt-r prior to closing to
otherwise repair their Store room,) their HX 1 L
Many g -<!- t and COST.
Bcdfnrd, Aug.
Uhcnii.-L.- and WIIULV-A;I- Hrii-'-
TZR Nurih Third street, L'hi': it.;
Nov. Iti, ISSti.-lyr.
Colgate's Aromatic Vegetable Soap
A superior Toilet Soap, prepare 1 tr
fined Vegetable Oils, in combine
Glycerine, .nd c.q-i-'edly designed
of I,adit's and fertile Nue-cry. It- | :
is exquisite, and its washing properties unri. a
For P„le by all druggists. liny'-'I
and wholesale dealers in
N0. 303 Race Street,
Also manufacturers of all kinds ..f
ttd Molasses Candy & Cocoanut Work
October 20, lyr
*- will re-open on MONDAY, . K •
Lecture Room of the Presbyterian 1 hurt-H.
Principal. Mr. C. V. R. KONNIA.
TKRMS, per <. carter of ten week*. :
RKFI KKNCI s. —o. K. Shan.l in. I !'•
\V. I\ Sehell, A. King. J.icob Reed,
Bedford, Aug. .*IO:3M
V BY direction of the Court : '
of Bedford County, the W;
of lee, in Bedford, on Sept ! \ I .. R - •
mony to supply the pi a c -I I * : '
fe-t the title ofM?es Robison t thee.*' L "
father, George ROBISON 1 te O* M nr< ■ '! ■ •
aug3O::TT J< >HN P. REED. CO M -
I) A Complete History of THE
Territories, from the Great Hiver t
Ocean. By Albert L> Kichar I- 0 - *
copies sold in one month.
Life and Adventure on Prairies, MOUNT J
. the Pacific Coast. With ov r 200 < V
and Photographic Views of the Scencr>. 1
Land*, Mtn S, People and Curiosities : U
States and Territories.
To prospective emigrants an 1 SETTAI* •••_
Far West, this History of that fert E ■ -
will prove an invaluable ASSISTANCE. -*"•) ! ' J
it does a want long felt of a full, auth*
reliable guide to climate, !', pr • :
travel, Ac. {
AGENTS WANTUU, — Send for eirculai*
our terms, and a full DESCRIPT lON 1 !1 "' " ,
auir'-htt 507 Minor Street. Phil
I 1.1. KINDS OF BLANKS, Cou.lU..u. A
.RV. i.-tratr'l< end Executor'.-'. Deed-. -
Sudgmeut Not* *. Promise >rj N M
out waiver of exemption, Summon*. •"*
and Kxccutions, for sale at the Inquirer
Nov 2, !s'►'