FARM, GARDEN# 2\OUSELIOIIL CULTIVATING ORCHARDS. Apple orchards left to themselves beat on ly us alternate years, with snch ani fortuity, that •'bearing year*"' hare come to be regard ed as the order of nature, rather than a hu man device. The trees, in average soil, do not have aliment enough to give full crop every year. Cultivation and manuring will change all this, and give us remunerative crops every season. Possibly manuring might do this even if the orchard were left in grass. But the danger is. it the orchard is left q - it will not get the manure. The common objection offered to plowing is the damage done to the roots of the tree.-. We have no doubt that an orchard might be plowed so deep and so near the trunk of the trees as to damage h past hope of recovery. But discretion is to be used, arid the plow is to lie kept so near the surface under the trees, as not to break off the large roots. It has also been ascertained that grain crops are not good for orchards. We have known or chards to be made barren for several years in o >iise'*. etc, etc., point out particular views as ' expressed in other books, which yon use as guides to practice. The practice will surely i pay. lmericun Agriculturist. TUMOROUS. WHEN is a fowl's neck like a bell? When it is rang for dinner. WHAT is the difference between a soldier and a bombshell? Why one goes to wars and the other goes to pieces. "Ttu. the truth and shame tbe devil. I know lots ol people who can shame the devil easy enufi', but t'other thing bothers 'em. A MAX writes from Pike's Peak that the miners are nearly discouraged. They are ob liged to dig through a vein of solid silver four feet thick before coming to tbe gold. WIN. H measures the most, the exact dis tance of a statement that is "beyond belief," | or the precise elevation of the gentleman who was "above telling a lie?" A I-VDT playfully condemning the wearing ■ of whiskers and moustaches, declared: "It is ' one of the fashions I invariably set my face I against." "TOMMT. my son," said a fond mother, "do you say your prayers night and morning?" "Yes. that is. nights: bat any smart boy cau take care of himself in the day-time. " A XLW author asked an editor his opinion of his book-. Tbe answer was. "I have found a great deal of good and original matter in j them: but what was good was not original, and j what was original was not good." Mas. PARTLKCTOX says the only way to pre i vent steamboat explosions is to make the en ; gineer.- bile the water on shore. It's her j opinion, all bustin is done by cooking the j steam on board. As unwashed street boy being asked what j made him -o dirty, his reply was- "I was made, as they tell me, of the dust of the | ground, and I reckon it is just now working | out." MEN are like bogles: the more brass they j contain tbe more noise they make, and the further you can hear them. Ladies are like violets: tbe more modest and retiring they appear the letter you like them. "IXMIK here, boy," said a nervous gentle man to an urchin who was munching candy at a lecture, "you are annoying me very much." "No-1 ain't neither." said tbe ur chin. "I'm a gnawing this 'ere candy." A x insurance agent, urging a citizen to get bis life insured, said: "Get your life insured for ten thousand dollars, and then if you die next week, the widow's heart will sing for i joy." "Now. then, my hearties," said a gallant captain, "you have a tough battle before you. Fight like heroes till your powder's gone, then—run. I'm a little lame and I*ll start now." "GEOCOE. " asked a minister of one of his j parishioner's little boys, "where is your sis ter Minnie?" "Gone to heaven, sir." "What! is she-deadV'' "Oh. no, sir: she went to bay a box of matches.' "Well, you said last ! Sunday that matches were made in heaven, -o I thought she went there." WHAT city in France is a man about to visit when ho goes to get married? He is going to Havre hare her.) An old bachelor being asked the question, promptly replied: "To Rouen ruin.") And a young bachelor who was courting a young lady named Anna, re plied that he was not only going to Havre, but also to Havana i have Anna). A ix >OKT- or DAMSELS. —A quarrelsome youag damsel—Ann-tagonism. A proud one—Sue-perb. A common, sensible girl—Matt-erialism. A flighty young lady—Fan-cv. A handsome young lady—Elia-gant. A dainty young creature —Deli-cate. A delightful young lady—E-Liz-inn. A transporting young lady—Carry. A girl "great on bonnets"—Hatty. A girl who twines around one—Cord elia. A lady who is burnt out —Lu-Cinder. A daughter in Israel —Jew-lia. A very slender young lady—Ann-atomy. A girl in pickle—Corn elia. A dealer in shellbarks—Nut-Meg. A girl fond of Apples—Core-alie. A girl wbo has a tonge—Belie. A lady married—Anne-mated. A lady and gentleman in one—Henry-Etta. A regular Confederate—Reb-ecca. THE MOKAI. MARKET.—The following re port of matters in the moral market has been made. Wc hope it is not entirely cor rect: Honor— Old stock exhausted and the new will be a complete failure. \ irtue Old growth nearly consumed. Young growth—prospects very unpromising. Honesty -None in market. Patriotism—First quality scarce: none to be disposed of. Second quality eaaiiy bought on speculation at 100 per cent, discount. Prudence—All in the hands ol old stock holders. Modesty—Stock badly damaged. None for sale. 1 ice—Market overstocked. Pride—Market glutted. Politeness —Cheap. Holders unwilling, to dispose of stock at present rates. Scandal—None genuine on hand. Stock generally adulterated. Very few investments. Love— Noneoft'ered, except for greenbacks. Talent—Scarce article. Sold exclusively for cash. Consistency—Out of fashion. QPLEHDID OPENING or SPRING & SUMMER GOODS AT jF.AJK/Q.TJIEIAJR/S HEED'S BUILDING CALICOES. GOOD—I 24 et*. BESST—IB ct. MUSLINS. BROWN—I 6 etc. BEST—2O els. BLEACHED. lOcto. BEST, 2ict? DELAINES. BEST STYLES, 23 eti. DRESS COODS. ALL KINDS, very cheap. MENS I BOY'S COTTONADES. GOOD A CHEAP. A large stock of FANCY ALL WOOL CASSIMERES ASTONtSI'INGLY CHEAP. BOOTS & SHOES. MEN'S AND BOYS HATS. GROCERIES. BEST COFFKE, 39 cts. BROWN SUGAR, fruai 10 to lj ets. MACKEREL AN'I) POTO MAC HERRING. QUEENSWARE AND A GENERAL VARIETY OP NOTIONS. Burer* are invited (o examine oar *toex, we are determined t J -et! CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. ■J. B. FAKLM'HAK May 17,'6 7. \7ALUABLE TRACTS OF LAND FOR SALE. The snbaenber.- oScr at private rale the follow ing valuable tracts of land, vis: No. I. The undivided half ola tra ' • f ian-i, containing 227 acre-, rituals on the -otiib-ua.l side of tbe Broad Top Mountain, lying partly in Bedford and partly in Fulton county, and ad joining land.- of .famuel Darner, Jamc- Erin hurst and Hi-harfa lie-ire. TWO VEINS OK COAL, one Si feel, the other oj feet in depth have been discovered on this tra. t. No. 2. A tra.* 0f220 acre- near the a uvc, ad joining the same land®, and supposed to contain the same veins of coal. Ni A tract of I"" within two and a h*if mile- or tbe above tra-ly in.- on the North .-hie of the Harbor aero-- the in- on tain, well tim bered with oak and pine. May Vtf- DURBORBOW A LITZ. $23,000,000. THE SEW SIX I'KLI CENT. PENNSYLVANIA STATE LOAN FREE FROM ALL STATE. COUNTY AXD MUNICJPAL TAXATION. be famished in sums to suit, on aj jura tion to the nearen Bank or Banker ale > by either of the fUKkrcigDecty JAY COOKE & CO DREXEL & CO E W CLARK & CO April 26:6 m. Banker*, Philadelphia. J;ARM AND FIRESIDE A Journal of Agriculture, Horticulture, Literature and Art, Published every Saturday, in quart" form, eight page-, on fine paper and new type. It it illurtra ted with engraving* of LITE STOCK. FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREE-. FARM BUILDINGS, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT-. Ac. A corps of practical and well-known writers contribute regularly to its columns. A LITERARY IIEPAKTMEAT Of Choice Tales, Poetry, Biography aod general Miscellany, makes the farm out l "/e a wel come visitor to every home in tbe United States. No expense is spared t" make a journal worthy the patronage of an intelligent public. It will advocate the best interests of a Rural Life. IU Market Hrjx.rU a ■ full *.! /t, 1,7,1.1.. TERM.S—S2 a year, invariably in .1 Lance Sold at all New* and Periodical Office- .-peci men copy sent to any address on receipt of 3 cents. S. S. FOSS, Publisher, inarl3:3m No. 402 Prune street. Phil'a. npHOMAS MfcRWIXE, MANUFACTURER OF CABINET WARE, &C., BEDFORD, PA. The undersigned having pnrchasa-1 the Shop Tools, Ac., of tbe late Win. Stahl, dec',l. 1 - now prepared to do all kinds of CABINET 11 ORK in good style and at the ehortest notice, at the OLD STAND in West Pitt street. spec Having a HEARSE, he is also prepared to furnish COFFINS and ATTEND FUNERALS. THOMAS MBKWINE. March 15 3tn. AGENTS WANTED.—f 08 per month aud expenses paid, Male or Female Agents, to introduce a New and Useful Invention, of abso lute utility in every household. Agents prefer ring to work on commission can earn from S2O to S3O per day. For full particulars enclose stamp, and address W. G. WILSON A CO., Aprils:.lm 600 Arch St., Phil*. U~ YES! O YES!—The aodcr-dgned has takes ont auction license, and tenders his services to all who bave sales or auctions to cry. Give him a call. Post Office addr?'?. Spring Meadows, Bedford countv, Penn'a. HENRY B. MOCK. Aprils:6m* ALL KINDS OF BLANKS, Common Admin istrator's and Executor's, Deeds, Mortgages, Judgment Notes, - Promissory Notes, with and without waiver of exemption, Summ- us. Subpoe nas and Executions, for sale at the Inquirer office. Nov 2. lSfl HUNTINGDON A BROADTOP RAILROAD .—On and after Monday, May i, IM", Pas. setger Trains will arrive cod depart • foil owl; Mall. Kxpre? 6TA J^ SB Mali. Xpresa P.M. A. M. SIDINGS A.M. P. M ld.M ii 7.45 Huntingdon, ai).ltia4.4i 6.17 Mi MeCuuneilsUwn 8.49 4.24 6.25 8.17 Pleasant Grove, 8.41. 4.14 .!' 8.2.1 Marklesburg, 5.33 4.96 6.5 4 8.49 Coffee Ren, 8.18 3.45 7.02 5.5? Rough A Keady ,8.10 3.36 7.14 9.09 Cote, iJ,v 3.24 7.18 9.13 Fisher s Summit 7.55 3.J0 A K 7.33 as 9.30 E , LE7.40 IK.. .05 107.4.1 tr 9.4(1 ' AO 7.39 8.0 4 19.09 Riddles burg, 7.10 2.35 8.12 10.08 Hopewell, 7.02 2.27 8.2 4 10.21 Piper's Ron, 4.48 2.09 5.40 10.44 TatesviUe, 6.26 1.47 8.53 10.55 Bloody Run. 6.14 1.34 abS.57 ti 10.59.M0ant Dallas. lb 9.10 LB 1.30 SUOCPS RUN BRANCH. L 87.50 LB 9.50 Sat ton, AR 7.30 tn-'.Of' 8.05 10.65 Coalmont, 1.15 2.45 8.10 10.10 Crawford, 7.95 2.35 AR-.20 as 10.20 Dudley, LB 7.00 LKJ.2O Broad Top City. May 10 67. JOHN M'KILLIPS, SupL AUDITOR S SETTLEMENT OF SOUTH RW berry Township. Jacob Gayer. Supervisor, DR. To amount duplicate 8457 16 >457 16 CK. By amount work and tier cent-age >442 38 paid Auditors 4 50 " " Caeh to J. B. tio.Wio... 10 40 >457 16 Jo*. B. Bnovbergtr, Supervisor, DK- To amulet duplicate 8452 76 '• Cash from Jacob Buyer 10 30 >463 04 UK. By amount work and percentage >562 39 >562 39 Balance due Jos. B. cuowbergrr >99 33 Tbe above is a true statement ot the Supervi sors account of South Woodbeny Township, for the year 1566. JOHN G. SNIDER, ADAM HADERMAS, WILLIAM DKLANCY, April *. 1- 7. [inaylo-3t.] Twp. Auditors. HORSE DEAEERS AND CATTLE TENDERS TAKE NOTICE UK. LATOI K'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS, GOOD FOR CATTLE. HOBSLS. HOLS £ SHEEP. The Inriiisr,' True I'rtead and AM. A safe and Certain care fur Heart*, Oitlemper, Yell" U - Vr. /S?ißO(ory Di.eo.f, r Appetite, Low SjoiWf. and Founder. The tiest condition Powder and one that will keep off disease of all kin-is. A fair trial is only asked. The result will make it a favorite with all wh administer it. Our beat Horsemen and Cattle Traders recuin iucnd it. Prepared and sold at wholesale and retail, by C. C. SIIRIVER A CO, Wholesale Druggists, Cumberland, MtL Aud by Druggists and Dealers in Patent .Medi cine* ever; where. Price 25 cfs. or five Paper, for >l. ap4:tL * GENTS WANTED FOR 21 GKNERAL L. C. BAKER'S HISTuRV OF THE SECRET SERVICE. Tlii, work was announced more than a year ago. but owing to the attempts of the Government to seppret. it, it* publication was delayed It will now be issued, UNALTERED aud UNA BRIDGED, under the supervision of General Baker. These marvellous narratives are all atte * - ted by tbe highest official authority. The Morad* of -.he National Capital are tu-.r oughlv ventilated, anl there art- seme strange ti v'alien v'Dccrnine Head, of Department*. M ioler, „f C< ngrest. Female Partlon Brokers, and dhtingiulun military characters. rend for Circular- and see car terms, and a full description of the work. Address P. GARRETT A CO.. MaylClm. 7' 2 Che-tnut St.. Philadeiphia- QOOD NEWS FOR MOTHERS I Mothers, are you op,pressed with anxiety tor your little ones' Are your slumbers and hearts broken by their cries: Do you awake in the morn ing nnrefreehed and apprehensive!' If so, pro cure at once a bottle of Dr. Loons' Infant Remedy and you will have no more weary hours of watch ing and anxietv. DR. I.EONe' INFANT REMEDY has st.-'-d the test of years. Thousands of nurses and mothers bear witness that it never fails to give relief if nscd in season. It is a mild, yet sure and speedy cure f< r Colic, Cramps and Windy Pains, and is invaluable for all complaints inci dent to Teething. h'--!d by Druggists through- at the United Slate-. Address all orders to ZEIGLER A SMITH, SOLE PBOPBISTORS. Nov. 16, 6S:ly 137 North 3d su. Phil a. tLOTHING tLOTHING EMPORIUM. GEO. RKIM END, Merchant Tailor, Bedford, Pa-, keep? - onstantly on hand READY-MADE CLOTHING, sac-has coats, pants, vests, A--, also a general assortment of CLOTHE, UA.BSIMER.iIS, and GENTS* FURNISHING GOODS of all kind*, also. CALICOS, MUSLINS. Ac., ail of which wii. be SOLD LOW FOR CASH. My ro'.i:: is a few doors west of Fyan's store, and <>p p -i'e Rush's marble yard. I invite ALL to give mc a call. I have iust received a stock of new goods. junel. MORRISON HOUSE, HUNTINGDON, FA. I ho c purchased and entirely renovated the large ,:--ne and brick building opposite the Penn sylvania Railroad Depot, and have now opened it for the accommodation of the travelling public. The CarpeU. Furniture, Beds and Bedding are all entirely new and first class, and I am safe in say ing that I - an offer accommodations not excelled in Central Pennsylvania. I refer to my patrons who have formerly kn >wn toe while in charge of the Broad Twp City Hotel and Jack-on House. may2s tf JOSEPH MORRISON. OIUKEY A HAKES, O LAW, HEAL ESTATE AGENTS, AND AUCTIONEERS. Oil. - on Main street, between Fourth and Fifth, opposite the Court House. Kansas City, Mt>. investigators of Titles, Taxes Paid, Rents Col lected, lion see, Lota and Fanning Lands bought and sold. Information in reference to places ol business in the city and surrounding country cheerfully given. Business respectfully solicited W. a. HAKES*. E. . STCCKEV. ! may3:tf. INXKCUTOR'S NOTICE. 1-4 E't'ltr of Jo-eph Kiddle, l".e of Imiomtp., d-cr.,e. d. Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary have been granted to the undersigned, by the Register of Bedford county, on said estate. All persons indebted to said estate will make imme diate payment, and those baring claims against tbe fame are requested to present them forthwith for settlement. WILLIAM BEHKHIMEB, Executor March 15:6t with the Will annexed. DW. CROUSE WHOLESALE TOBACCONIST. On Pitt street two doors west of B. F- Harry's Drug Store. Bedford, l*a., is now prepared 11 -ell by wholesale all kinds ef CIGARS. AH orders promptly filled. Person? desiring anything in hif ]i-- will do well to give him a call. Bedford, Oct 20. '65., DANIEL BORDER, PIVT STKEET, TWO DOORS WEST OT THE ISO rOBP HOTEL, Basrosn, PA. WATCHMAKER AND DEALER IN JEWEL RY. SPECTACLES. AC. He keeps on hand a stock of fine Gold and Sil ver Watches. Spectacles of Brilliant Double Befin. Ed Glasses, also Scotch Pebble Glasses. Gold Watch Chains, Breast Pins. Finger Rings, best quality of Gold Pens. He will supply to order iny thing in his line not on band. apr.2B, 1845—it. | THE INdUIREB JOB PRINTING OFFICE, Bedford, Fa. We are prepared to execute at short a dice and in tha most approved style POSTERS OF ANY SIZE, | CIRCULARS, BUSINESS CARDS, WEDDING AND YISIZING CARDS, BALL TICKETS, PROGRAMME 8, CONCERT TICKETS, ORDER BOOKS, SUGAR LABELS, RECEIPTS, LEGAL BLANK , PHOTOGRAPHER'S CARDS, BILL IIEADS, LETTER HEADS, PAMPHLETS, PAPER BOOKS, ETC. ETC. ETC. ETC. ETC. Our facilities for doing all kinds of Job Printing are equalled by very few establishments in the country. Orders by mail promptly filled. All letters should >* addressed to DURBORROW A LUTZ. Attention Drafted Men! : Congress has just passed an Act refunding ; 8300 to those drafted men who paid J commutation and alterwards were drafted and who put in substitutes, or who entered the service. We will promptly attend to the COLLECTION OF CLAIMS of persons i entitled to have their money refunded, and will give our special attention to the subject. colli: O\E! COME ALL! J. W. LINGENFELTER, I M. A. POINTS. Attorneys. March hons. '99sl '?l 'GHaisHU nhhav aaaaaHO tp oirajf Xianotms -40 XKEXXHOSST 3 KI.I aaax iodKoa tn.Maavj MIO!)d|JMd4J .MllijJjVt' l(d •/lptdjml ti.l-1.1 /• J'/ Of SO-I Iff! vd 'aaojaaa •H3xou.visaKyism:iaa *BIAMI *T f* rjtRY IT TRY IT: TRY IT Price SO cells, or 5 Bottles for 62. DR. LA TOUR'S | WHITE OIE 1 - knowledges! to be'He very best Liniment for -boulder Galiv. Sprains, Bruises, swelled Joints, Stiffnev and Rheumatism. It is the oniy application that should be applied to kicks an i Every Boatman. Fanner, or Horseman should have a bottle in his stable, ready for cse. F--r sale at wholesale and retail, by C. C. SHRIVER A CO., Wholesale Druggists, Cumberland, Mi. An-1 by Druggists and all Dealers in Reliable Medicines everywhere. ep4:f. J MEN BY MUTTON . WITH Sill MWAY.CHANDLLR A: Co., 4* Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS &c SHOES, No. 221 Market street, and 210 Church street, PHILADELPHIA. per PLEASE GIVE HIM A CALL. -S5 Feb. 15, 3m. | > J. WILLIAMS A SONS, ,V. 10 Sorth SLrlh iSirttt, Philadelphia. MX*; FACTT'BKIUI OT >rjikrx>4jvr£JM2tJ>3 A.jri> SHADES. Ri.nds rcpaiied. Shades Lettered: trimmings sad Fixtures: Plain Shades of all Kinds, Picture Tassels: C->rd-:JBe!l Pulls, ete. apll9:2mo 1t NI '.44 TUBING CON I" EUTIO N KBS. and wholesale dealers in FOREIGN FRUITS. NUTS. At., fit N0.3C3 Race ftreet, pHILADEPf BIA. Also manufacturers of ail kindi of jt®r Molasses Candy & Cocoannt Work Oet ober 24, lyr " QILVKR S WASH POWDER. SAVES TIME, LABOR, MONEY. MAKES WASHING A PASTIM E AND MONDAY A FESTIVAL SOLD EVERYWHERE. TRY IT. ZEIGLER I SMITH. Chemists and Wholesale Druggie.-. 137 North Third street, Philadelphia. Nor. 16,1865.-lyr. riIHE MASON 4 HAMLIN CA B I2sTBTOIL<3-ADtSTS Forty different styles, adapted to sacred and secular mo sic, for 280 to >BOO each. Fifty-one ' 'veld and Silver Medali. or other first premiums awarded them. Illustrated Catalogue free. Ad dress. MASON A HAMLIN, Boston, or MASON BROTHERS, New Y'ork. March 9: lyr. j jURBORROW Sc. LUTZ, ATTORNEY S-AT-L A W —ASD— REAL ESTATE AO EATS. BEDFORD, PENN'A. Those who desire to sell or buy land or lan-i- I will find this agency an excellent medium through which to accomplish their object. All lands of fered for sale art duly registered, likewise the ap ! plications to buy. and those who desire to sell and those who desire to purchase are brought together with comparatively little delay, trouble or exj vus Persons desiring to use this agency exn apply to ns personally or by litter. ju!y 13. A SPLENDID ARTICLE of Blank Dee is on the best parchment paper, for sale at the Inquirer office. j Nov 2 1844 (100 D NEWS FOR THE FARMERS : J THE following kind* of Threshing Machines, CONSTANTLY ON HAND AT THE MA CHINE SHOP OF P H SHIRES BEDFORD, PA The Celebrated RAILWAY, to i rder. altered and rep-aired. TERMS, NET CASH. ONE PRICE ONLY. Wb, T. HOPKINS. March 15, I6'i7.iPmo \TO MORE BALD HEADS I N NO MORE GRAY LOCKS I >i-. LEONS* ELECTRIC HAIR REXEWEIL j Is pronounced by all who have used it the very ; best pref aratioh for the hair. It is a positive cure for Baldness, eradicates Dandruff and Humors, stopa thw Hair from falling out. and speedily res. tores Gray Loci, to their original hue and lnxu : nance. It operates on the secretions and fills the glands with new life and coloring matter. Thin, dead, failed or gray hair will always be brought back by a few applications, to its youthful abundance, vitality and color. It makes tbe hair soft, glossy, fragrant, pleas ant to tbe touch and easy to arrange. Dry, wiry and intractable lock* become moist, pliant and j disposed to remsin ia any desired position. As a ! Hair Dressing it has no evjnal. The sale- are enorm ia? and it is a universal favorite with old and young of both sexes. Sold by Druggists throughout the United States, j Address ail orders to ZIEGLER A SMITH, Sot* PROPKIBTOSS, Nov. 16,'67-lyr IST North Third St.. Phila. J KBAX ON VALLEY COLLEGE. FOR BOTH"SEXES. Th;.- institution is located at ANNVILLL", Leb anon Co., Pa- a beautiful rural village, on the Lebanon Valley Raii Road, 21 mile? ca.-! of Har ; risburg. The school it use of high grade, and affords in- j : straction in CoramsnanJ Higher English, Pure ar d Mixed Mathematics, The Natural and Mental Sceeuces, Philosophy and Polite Literature, The Greek, Latin. German and French Languages. Vocal and Instrumental Music, Penmanship, Drawing and Painting. Ac. Ac. Ac. The r ru- .vrc entirely furnished and the build ing is heated by furnaces. The teachers are all , skillfu. and accomplished. NEXT >L\- - !"X COMMENCES JAN. 7, 1-ST. i a.itei ? VOCERATE axt> xo EXTKAS. For catalogue and further particulars, address ! Fev T.R. ViCKROV, A. M., Prin., AnnviQe, Lebanon eo., Pa. Dec. 14:88:1 vr rrvßll MPH IN DENTISTRY. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN, By tfce use of Nitrous Oxide Gas, and is attended with no danger whatevtr. TEMPORARY SETS inserted if called for. Special attention will be made to diseased gums and a cure warranted or n-> charge made. TEETH FILLED to last for life, ond ail work in the dental line done to the entire satisfaction of all or the money refunded. Price* shall correspond with the tin: os. I have :• 1 jcr- anently it. Bedfo rd, and sfc.t i isit Scheil- urgh the Ist Monday cf each rn nth. remaining ono week: Blood; Run the 3d M cday. remaining one week : the l-alar -o of my tin:- I can be four.,l at my c-ffice 3 door? South of the Court House, Bedford, Pa WM. W. VAN OR.WF.R, Nov. 23, 1 >:>■'" Dentist. j ALL KINDS Oi' BLANKS, Common Admin istratin's an I Ex- nor'?. Deeds, Mortgage? Judgment N.-:es. Promissory Notes, with and with, out waiver of exempt:-n, Summons. Subpoenas. an-1 Executions, for sale at the Inquirer office. Nov 2,1899 j") ItITISIf PERIODICALS , London Quarterly Review Cm -en at, ve. ; Edinburgh Reriew Whig.) j Weftmiiuter Review Radical North Britiifa Review Free-tW-h . AND Blackwood'i Edinburgh Magazine Ton periodical* .re regularly rexmb Ds&ed by 9. it* the same u heretofore Thoae who know tfcm Kit "ho bete lung tub •cribtd to then], need no retain-ier; those wh- lU) the civil war of the last few /ear. has deprived | their onee welcome supply of the beet period . literature. will be glad to here rbeia again with;,, (heir reach: and those who may nerer har-:z { them, will mm redly be well pleased to receive a? credited report, of the progress of science and literature. TERNS FOR WR, per aonuri! Tut any one of the Review*...., {(.to For any two of tie Reviews 7,9# • For any t&ree of the Reviews 10.f>0 " For all ftwr of the Reviews. 12.89 For Biaekwood's Magatine 4.90 ' For Blackwood and any one Review... 1,5 '■ Tor Blackwood and two of the Review* 19.CP - For Blackwood and three of tbe Review? 13.90 For Blackwood and tbe four Review" li I " CLUBS. A dt.-eount oftwrr'f p-o *. will he alli * clubs of four or more persons. Thus, four rot > of Black wood, or of one Review, will be *eo": • one address for sl2.- four eopiea of tbe I Review/ ?nd Blackwood, for $;-,9, ar.d POSTAGE. When rent by mail, the Postage to any oat . the United Stales will be bed TVVENTT-101. 1; CENTS a yearfor Blackwood, ar.d bat KIGH': CENTS a year for each of tbe Reviews. PREMIUMS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS j New subscribers to any two of the above period I cad. for IStl will be entitled to receive, gratia, an | owe of tbe "loar Resisted 9 for 1666. New sab ■ scrii.-ers to all five of tbe Periodical, for 1667, wi , reeeive, gratis. Blackwood, any two of the "/" < heeietei" for 1566. These premium* will be allowed on a!i se ■ ! inscriptions received before April 1, 1697. j Subscriber* may also obtain back auajherc xi ' the following reduced rates, viz: Tbe Sort & Brititk fro a, January, 1683, to I-' cember, 1 OJ9 inclusive; tbe Edtrdptry and tbe B. aiMtsr front April, 1594, to Deeeastwr, 1699, ; elusive, and the London Quarterly for tbe y< , libo and 1699, at the rate of $i.49 a year ; each oi any Review; aUo BUtekmnod for 1 - 2Jb. ■Si Neither premium* to Subscriber-, nor count to Clubs, nor reduced prices for back ntim bert, ran be allowed, najeas the money is remit-* direct to the Publishers. No premiums can be given to Clubs. THE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISH I. - , No. 38 Waizer Street, Sew V • I_ S. Pub. Co., also publish the FARMERS GUIDE, by Henry Stephens, of Edinburgh, and its t .j P. Norton, of Yale College. 2 vols. P. y 1996 pages, and numerous Engraving-.' Price $7 for tbe two volazaea— yM. : paid, $. J. K BCRBORBCW. JOB* t Bznroap, FA., U.S. ARMY CLAIM AGE.YCY FOE TEC COLLE TIOV or BOUNTY. BACK PAY. PENSIONS, and other Claims against tit Governtr.ct::. BOr.VTY AND BACK PAY. To enable those who may have claim United States for moneys i.ue -decease -5: soldiers on account of nt"; tary ss-rvicef re- i, while in the regular or volunteer -errire. w, iish the f -.i . wing order of payaceat: F: F.ST. —If the decease ! WSJ? ■ wiii be made: Ist, to the widow: 2: if r, a to his child or children -if minor- to agu . it. See own.—lf he died Ist, t father. M, if the father is dead. u> tne m- then ' . if "e>th parents are dead, to the brothers an : ten, e .liectiTely: lastly, to the heirs general * be distributed la accordance with the laws ■ ' State in which thedeceasd had hi? domicile. In the number entitled to Bounty may be ad ie the pro rmta Bounty i;e soldiers diaebarge: f j wounds received in actual battle. PENSIONS. 1 ndcr the Act of Congress, approved Juiy, 1652, pensions are granted to the sag claMe.- of persons; Ist. Invalids disabled since Mar h 4:h. !s9l. i: the military and naval serv ice of the United • in the 7te of duty. 2d. Wil Wf of -.-Seers, t Idkrs. or-cat. a. dy ing cf wounds received or of disen-e contracted i the military or naval service as above, 3d. Children under sixteen years ef age, t deceased persons, :f their be rt > wi,: -w serrtri: or from tbe time -i the wi-irw's so .-t,d urrbit. 4th. M.'h rs ! who have no husband imr.r oCcers. soldiers, or seamen, as af.-v --provided the ia'.ter tave left neither w : c ; • children under sixteen years of age: and } also, that the mother was dependent, wl. y r ; part, up on the deceased for soppori -sth. r:sters under sixteen year- >f ir- o! F_ b deceased per- i:pendent on the I-' c:. why or iu part, for sap; - r:: provided there a ret rich:- fal cbi:aants of either of the last j ret- i . : classes. t-:, iai atter.t. .a gives t , CLAIMS FOR Ltr; OF HORSE.-. Jst?~ ApfU-aO'.ns by atiil attended to .- U j made it: perse n. charge made aa'.i; the j Claim is .- -justed, Infjtni:. m given tre >1 | charge. " A-rii 26, l-if - FtOR SALE. We : see pleasure in offering to the pabiie the j following tra* :- ofexcelleat land for sale at very J reasonabie prices. Per- E- wishing to buy w.i: jdo well !. n.- before j-er hafinc, and those having t. -to jeii w.a Sni t ietr advan- I tage t avail themselves of our r< nable terms No. I. N rth-west fractions :.c fourth of the j North-west orc-fourtb of seetfou 6, in township j SO. N-rth of range i, Ceuur Italy, lowa jSO -7-3 Prairie laci. I'ri s J-.50. No 2. N. E. oce-fcorth in touariup 61. rati-e 45. in Mon. na oouaty, 1- WA. ItfO acres Piairie land Price $9. 0. No. 3. N. E. one-fourth of the N. W. one fo.urth so tioa 22. ia township r-. N rth of ranee 22. it Fine unty. Xinnes 'a- acres :in-.i lan i I'ri c 8206. N. . 4 A g i fane, situate in I'lea-aut Valley . Bedford township, five miles from Bedford, now in the upuacy of William H. Nycum. c.-nuin :ng 19'' .. rc-. or is-about sixty acres cleared ard under excellent fence. IS acres of bottom u'.ea i. w, un 1 the balance well timbered. wi:h a splendid double dwelling bouse, bum ar.l other out building*. A well of excellent water near the -1 jr. a good young orchard. This L- an ex elicr t pj -tnait* t >j ore a gs-'-dfasm Bear Bed! rd. c r.vcnießt to '• :r, he- and gt- l schools. Price S3B r cr acre. DrRBOI RO '. X LUTZ, Real Estate Agent.-. Feb. I, 1897. Bedford. Pa. | "WUSIC STORE. Ml Sli iL LYSTRINENTS. B. M. CREEXE fcs peaed hi- M-isic St.vre, in Brvwn's c-w Hardware building. =vherc be kec: - :. r -tantly on hand STEIN WAY 3 SON.- a: F, At EN >. BACON'S, and other PIANOS. MASON i HAMLIN'S CABINET ORGAN- 1 CARHART. NEEDHAM A CO.s* DIONS: 'iuitir;. Violins, Fife-, Fluff-. <- ''r r,cd Violin Striugs. Ml olt BOOKS—Golden Chain,GoJ.dcn Show er, Golden Cewscr, Golden Trio, Ac. Ac. fill ET Ml sIC.—He is • stantiy rece 'ug from Phils-leiphla all the latest music, which per sons at a distance wishing, can order, and have sent them by mail at publisher's prices. fSr Pianos and vrraas Warraot l for FIVE years. Those wishing to buy any . : the above articles are invite! t< call and examine mine before pur chasing elsewhere. My pri c- arc the Mat as in New York and Philadelphia. Circulars of Instruments .-cut promptly up a applicat'- n . with any additional informatl n de sired. li. M. GREENE, li ill -tree', Huat'ingdon. in Br wr.'.< H'-riwarc bailding. ..r. Dr. C. N. HICK' K, Bedford. Pa. deeS:lv 4 DMINISTRATOK'S N TICK A E./<" -" >ll td. Letters of Adrn inistra*: n u■ • tbe estate of Christian H, dta.vr.. iatc of Mil lie lb odlxrry tp.. Bedford county. Pa., le va--- i. havingl-eep grant ed to the undersigned, by the Register of Bc-1- ford county, persons kt:owing themselves indebted to sai l estate are hereby notified to make immediate j.v;. urent. a:.i lb --e having claims against the estate are re