Itrtforu inquirer. BKUrOKD. PA.. FRIDAY, APRIL '26. I*o7. Republican State Convention. HAKRISBCXG, April 10, 1867. The " Republican State Convention" will meet at ibc "Heulic House," iu Williams- PI : . on \\ ednesday, the 26th of Juue next, at 10 o clock, A. M., to nomiuate a candidate for JUDGE of the Supreme Court, and to ini tiate proper measures for the ensuing State eanvass. As heretofore, the Convention will be com posed of Representative and Senatorial Dele gates, chosen in the usual way, and equal in number to the whole of the Senators and Representatives in the General Assembly. 15y order of the State Central Committee. F. JORDAN, Chairman. GEO. W. HAMERSEY, } A. W. BENEDICT, Secretaries. J. UOBLKY Dcaoi.isox, J 1 HE people of Altoona, on Tuesday of last w> EK, voted by alarge majority against trans f .ruling that town into a city. A MSI'ATCB from Pottsville says: A fire damp explosion occurred at Concroft's Ash land colliery, by which twelve miners were killed. JOHN MICKEY has been convicted in the Crawford county court of murder in the sec or.D degree, in causing the death of his wife at Titusville, some months ago, while both V .-re tindcF the influence of liquor. CI'.IT i) llt'BStl).—A little daughter of Dr. A B. Brumbaugh, of Huntingdon, was se reiy burned, a few days since, by falling against the stove. One of her hands was so badly burned, that it is fear- d she will lose the use of it. i HE whole town of Stormstown. in Half- II n \ alley. Center county, was consumed by lire tin Sunday last, ft consisted of four • ~n hon-EG. including three stores and two lioiels. The fire broke out about an out-even. 1 Cambria Iron Company, during the p i inter. maintained two night schools at i: own expense—one in Millville, under the charge of Mr. Uarrold. and tee other in Cambria city, under Mr. Krise. Both schools were largely attended and well conducted. Ms--.- JESSIE SCOTT, of Shaver's Creek, 11 .ntingdon county, took pa-sage at Peters ! .rg. on the 13th iust., for Hollidaysburg, and on arriving there she discovered that the p ket had been cut out of her dress, and a i rtmonia containing S2OO was missing. The u: • v had been given to ber at the depot in ]\ • sburg, by her father. STATE LOAX. —We call the attention of rt: ns desirous of investing iu the new -.->te Loan, to the advertisement of Jay Cooke A Co. in our column of New adver tisements. BIT FOUND. —The body of J. Harry Ty pvr was found on Sunday last and interred at Martinsburg on Monday, the loth. He was a- Mently drowned in Raystown Branch at Hopewell, on the 13th of February last.— Huntingdon Globe. A GOOD BECIXXIX<;. —Quite a stir has been u le this week among the petitioners for li censes for hotels and eating-houses in this county. As a beginning the Court announ ced that a strict compliance with the require ments of the law would be demanded. This threw out at once quite a number of petitions that had not been tiled within ".he specified 'ime, and public notice of which bad not been given a sufficient length of time prc •'nous to application. It was next announced that wherever the applicants were either : nown or shown to be men of bad moral haracter, or intemperate habits, license, would be refused: also, that wherever the ap p" ants were known or could be shown to he violated the license law, either by sell - i minors, selling on the Sabbath day. to ,: r nkards or to have kept disorderly houses r.'es would in all cases be refused: also, ' tat tie commission of any of the offenses • rated would be sufficient cause for re voking license at any time. Let the keepers of hotels, restaurants, Ac. make a note of ttics ihings. We hope to see the Court car y out its resolutions with the utmost strict n If this is done, while the sale of iu ' .'Xiviiting liquors a3 a beverage is not pro h ited. it will abate many of the evils arising fr :n this fruitful source of all sorts of crime and wickedness. I HE DIAMOND DIOKKXS. —The second vol ■ of this elegaut edition, " Our Mutual 11 tend" complete in one volume, handsome ly illustrated and beautifully printed has just I- i-vi issuc-d by the cuterprising publishers, Messrs. Ticknor A Fields. The convenience of this form is such that it will be much pre fer: el to the large edition of Dickon's works, and hence it is not surprising to hear of the extensive patronage which has been bestow ed upon the publishers in their new issue of tl work- .f this great author. The chcnp : - - of these volumes is an important consid ers ,n which should not lie overlooked. So heap and at the same time so elegant an I c .-n of Dickens' complete works has nev er before been offer'd to the public. An k United copy of oar Mutual Friend or I i. rick Papers, can be purchased for $1.50 a - ,:!c volume : -1.—each, without illus t -n. Address Ticknor A Fields. Boston, -Ma achusetts. L ■-[ MAGAZIXE AXD HAKEEK'S WEEKI.T. New ork: Each ;1 a year. '"lhe Pictured Hocks of Lake Superior,' is the : Aiding article in the monthly, for May. Us il'.-.i '.rations, and the historical features of Abe articles arc worth mote than the cost of J. WILLIAMS & SONS, Xo. 16 Xorth Sixth Street, Philadelphia. MARCFACTntEKS SF yrj&rww ra>s AKP SHADES. Blinds repaited: Shades Lettered; Trimmings and Fixtures: Plain Shades of all Kinds, Picture Tassels; Cords; Bell Pnlls, etc. apll9:2mo IjlOR SALE.—The subscriber offers at Private Sale the Farm on which he lives, between Bedford end "The Springs," containing 145 ACRES of Limestone land: 100 acres in cultiva tion, the rest excellent Timber. Improvements are the Mansion, built in ISBO, containing ten rooms: a tenant-house, barn, carriage-house, ice house, wood-shed, smoke-house, spring-house, Ac. Also a never-failing spring of best soft water, with running pump at barn and mansion: several himdred choice young bearing fruit trees; three hundred bsaring grape vines, font years old, one hundred of which are Delaware?. This place will be found a most desirable residence, or it would be admirably calculated for the establishment of a boarding-house for summer resort. The view is very fine: the supply of cold, soft water, is ample and" excellent for baths of all kinds, and it is three fourths, of a mile from the celebrated Bedford Mineral Springs. Price $14,000 —in reasonable payments. A -portion of the land is worth S2OO per acre—could be sold in lots at that. If desired I will divide the place and sell the mansion house with ten or twenty acres separately. ApU9:::m W. M. HALL. HARDWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS GEO. BLYMYEB, & SON Have just received a full stock of all goods be longing to their trade: GARDEN TOOLS of all kinds; ShoTels, Hoes, Rakes, Spades, Ac WOODEN WARE, Buckets, Tubs, Churns, Baskets, Ac. Si leer-Plated Ware, Pocket Book.*. " TOILET SOAPS, all kinds. BROOMS, BRUSHES, OIL-CLOTHS, Ac. COAL OIL LAMPS AND COAL OIL, WHITE LEAD, all grades. VARNISHES, LINSBKD OIL, TURPENTINE, WHALE-OIL, lit OX, A 'AILS and GLASS. ; S®,Pleaso call and see our stock. We keep a full assortment of every-thing in our line of busi ness, and will sell at a reasonable profit Sign of the MILL SAW. Aprill2:4t ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of Administration having been grant ed to the undersigned, by the Register of Bedford county, upon the estate of John Rowxer, late of Napier township, dee'd, notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate to make imme diate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them properly authentica ted for settlement. DUNCAN M'VICKOR. Admr., April 5. residing in Schellsburg. NOTICE TO TRESSPASSERS.—AH PERSONS are hereby cautioned against trespassing upon the premises of the subscriber for the pur pose of Hunting and Fishing or for any other purpose whatever, as I am. determined to enforce the law agaimt all trespassers. A prill 2: it JOHN U. a HATER LIST OF KETAILERS.—a tutor render* of Foreign and Domestic Merchandise, in the county of Bedford; for the year 1807, aa appraised and clarified by the appraiser of Mercantile Taxes: Class. Bedford Borough. Taxes. 13 0 R A W Oster Store >".O 00 13 A B Cramer A Co do 19 09 18 TIIA N J Lyons do 7 00 18 SAW Shuck do 7 00 18 Robert Fyan do 7 00 18 J lit Shoemaker do 7 09 i 8 A L Defibaugh do 7 00 18 J B Farquhar do 7 00 18 Mrs. VB Tate Fancy Store 7 00 18 Mies M Fefcterly do do 7 09 18 William Shack do do 7 00 H Mrs M Schaffer do do 7 00 18 Mrs E V Mowry do do 7 00 14 Miss M Border do do 7 00 18 Geo Reimund Clothing, Ac. 7 00 14 R W Berkstressor ACo do 7 00 18 Isaac Lippel - do 7 00 18 Hartley A Metzger Hardware 700 18 Geo Blymyer ACo do 7 00 18 B McC Blymyer A Co, Stores, Ac. 7 00 18 l)r B F Harry Drugs 7 00 18 J L Lewis Jo 7 00 14 Irrine A Statler Shoes Ac. 700 14 Mrs. Nsincy Taylor do 700 18 James Hammond Confectionery 700 18 Jacob Bollinger do 7 00 18 Geo Mardorff Grocery 7 00 18 Jacob Bowser do 7 00 18 Daniel Border Jewelry Store 7 00 Heed A Schell Bankers 10 00 Hupp A Shannon do 10 00 Bedford Township. John Yont Distillery la 00 Bedford Min.Springs Ten Fins 7 00 do do do Billiards 7 00 William Wolf Confectionery 5 00 18 Godfrey Yeager Store 7 00 18 EY* Imler do 7 60 Bloody Hno Borough. 13 J B Williams Store sl9 99 18 Charles T Blake do 7 06 14 Jas Barn dollar do 7 00 14 Thomas Ritchey do 7 00 18 Wm States ACo do 7 00 18 Gnmp,BaughmanACo Hardware 7 00 18 Samuel Jaffa Clothing 7 09 18 Mrs J A Mann Fancy Store 7 00 14 Phineas Rubyan Confectionery 7 00 18 John D Lucas do 7 00 18 Frank Masters Drugs 7 00 Broad Top Township. 18 Eicheiberger, LowryACo Store 7 00 18 Langdon A Glazier do 7 00 18 Richard Langdon do 7 00 18 Williams A Loyd do 7 00 18 Daniel Rowland do 7 00 18 R B Wigton do 7 00 HAW Swope do 7 00 18 Dann A Lawrence do 7 99 Alfred Evans Confectionery 5 00 Scott Eicheiberger do 5 00 Cumberland Valley To tenth >p. 18 D R Anderson Store 7 00 14 William do 70 14 Sam'l Hunt ACo do 7 00 Colerain Totenehip. 14 Miss Catharine Deal Fancy Store 7 00 14 AC James ACo Store 7 00 14 CFHetxel do 7 00 Hopewell Township. 14 Wm Grove Store T 00 14 Daniel Ritchey do 7 00 Harrieo rt Township. 14 V B Werti Store 7 00 14 James M Shoemaker do 7 00 ,/?:'llata Township. 14 Zeigler'A Hillegas Store 7 00 14 George Gardill do 7 0C 14 John Markle do 7 00 14 Lewis N Fyan do 7 00 14 William Keyser do 7 00 14 Joseph Foller do 7 00 14 Joseph Ling do 7 00 14 George R. Bailey do 7 00 14 Andrew Ginger do 7 00 John Hughes Distillery 13 00 Nopier Township. 14 Blackburn A Wright Store 7 00 14 Samuel Hefner do 7 00 18 E Richards ACo do 7 00 Middle Woodberry Toicnthip. 18 Andrew Baker Store 7 00 18 A L Beckhoeffer do 7 00 14 J W Ricketson do 7 00 14 Jacob Brenneman do 7 60 14 D F Kcagy do 7 00 14 Qoisinger A Stouffer do 7 00 Christ Stouffer Confectionery 300 >£ F Stock Confectionery,*c.7 00 South Woodberrp Township. 14 Armstrong t Byers Store 7 00 14 Samuel Uster do 7 09 14 George Kauffman do 7 00 14 C L Buck do 7 00 14 Robert Ralston Confectionery 7 00 Eaet Providence Tow neh ip. 14 DAT Black Store 7 00 14 John Nycum A Son do 7 00 14 John Louderbaugh do 7 00 West Providence Township. 14 John Uilbaugh Store 7 00 14 Henry AUen Grocery 7 00 14 John M Barndollcr do 7 00 Southampton Ton He hi p. 14 David Tewell Store 7 00 14 H C Lashley do 7 00 14 J M Purceil do 7 90 14 Laban Johnson do 7 00 14 John Mors Co 7 00 Snake Spring Township. WilliamLysinger, Confectionery, 5 06 Londonderry Township. 14 Jacob Evans Store 7 00 14 J C Devore do 7 00 14 William Devore do 7 00 14 Thos. J. Porter do 7 00 Monroe Township. 14 James R. O'Neal Store 7 00 14 Daniel Fletcher de 7 00 14 Asa M Williams do 7 00 Saxton Borough. 14 JA A E Eicheiberger Store 7 00 14 Mrs C Fockler A Son do 7 00 14 James L Prince do 7 00 14 H S Brode Confectioner 7 00 Liberty Township. 14 Little A Stoler ' Store 700 Daniel Stoler Distillery 15 00 F V Bcsser do 15 00 Schsllsbnrg Borough. 14 Conly A Mullin Store 7 00 14 John S Schell do 7 00 14 Black A Border, do 7 00 14 Miller A Egoif do 7 00 14 Duncan Mcvickcr do 7 00 44 John E Colvin do 7 00 14 Smith A Statlei do 7 00 14 A J Snively Confectionery 7 00 St Clair Township. 14 Blackburn ACo Store 7 00 14 Simon Hershman ,do 7 00 14 Gideon D Trout do 7 00 14 Beckloy A Helsingcr do 7 00 14 Hiram Davis do 7 00 14 Horn A Van Diebl do 7 00 14 F D Begle do 7 00 14 Hershman A Greenbaum do 700 14 G B Amiek do 760 14 Nathan Wright do 7 00 Notice is hereby given, that an appeal will be held at the Commissioners' office, at the Court House, in Bedford, on the 12tb day of May, A. 11. 1807. A. J. SANSOM, Mercantile Appraiser. N. B.—Persons whose names are not contained in the above list, who have commenced business since April 1,1867, will please inform tho under signed of the same. A.J. SANSOM. ap!l9:4w NOTICE TO TRESSPASSERS.—AH persons are hereby cautioned against tresspassing npon the premises of the undersigned for the pur pose of Hunting and Fishing or lor any other purpose whatever, as we are determined to enforce the law against all disregarding this notice. Abraham Miller, William Arnold, Elijah Miller, Knhraim B. Miller, Georgo Baker, Abraham M. Miller, Jacob W. Bardman, John B. Miller. April 12:4t _____ BEDFORD MALE AND FEMALE CLASSICAL SCHOOL, formerly Rev. John Lyon's, now kept by John T. Haggard, B. A., a graduate of the Toronto Uni versity: TERMS or Ti'inos:— English branches $0 00 " " with Latin or French 7 60 " " with Latin and French, with or without Greek,...t. 10 0® " " Latin and Greek, 10 00 Music and Drawing, extra. April 5:3t- A" DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration having been grant ed, by the Register of Bedford county, to the undersigned, upon the estate of Eve Stuckey, late of Bedford township, dee'd, notice is hereby giv en to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them properly au thenticated for settlement. WM. GEPHART. Bedford, April 5, 1807. OYES! 0 YES!—The undersigned has taken out auction license, and tenders his services to all who have sales or auctions to cry. Give him a call. Post Office address, Spring Meadows, i Bedford county, Penn'a. HENRY B. MOCK. Apnis:6n*