Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, April 12, 1867, Image 2

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S Mr. Alex. K. Agxkw is the authorized ageut
tor the Ikqi ihkr, to receive subscription!., adver
tisements,collect accounts and receipt tor the same.
Mr. AujfEW will call upon all those who are in
debted to us and present our accounts, he will also
give those whose advance subscriptions expire on
'he Ist of April a chance to pay up for the next
1 here is nothing so embarrassing and an
"uying in this life of business as to be un
der the necessity of attempting to transact
business with men who are deaf to all your
apjmals treat your requests .with silent
or who, if they are moved to re
spond to your demands, have been so dere
lict of duty as never to have made any rec
ord of the facts desired, and consequently
ape wholly unable to supply the much desi
)%d information. This is an every day oc
reurrence in the prosecution of claims of wid
ows and mothers for pensions.
A kind and excellent husband, the best of
i jlliitrs, patriotic to the last breath, though
qmor, eoulu not leave his beloved family, for
\ he was the best of providers, until
' sie was drafted into the service; perhaps he
Moubted whether his health was such as to
|iermit hitn to endure the hardships of the
field, but he promptly reported ; a hasty ex
amination by a Board of Enrolment and he
ordered to don the national uniform and
mas hurried forward to the scene of activity
1 ntff'ore Petersburg or elsewhere. The
efange, tlie active life, the anxiety, the
<"*er-cxertion, develope a dormant disease,
lift is ordered to the rear, put into an ambu
iaqoe and expires oil the way to the hospi
i iiT The bereaved widow and orphans real
ize the terrible reality that their hope, their
ail- has been torn from them, and for the
\ first time in life they behold wan, ghastly
rwant approaching humble threshold.
few dollars back pay are secured promptly
through that efficient officer, Hon. E. B.
French, 2d Auditor of the Treasury. At
the same time an application is made to that
superlative of Circumlocution offices,
the Pension Office, for a Pension. Months
roll away before any action is conimunica
► ted to the applicant. In the meantime the
few dollars of btTck pay are consumed and
debt is incurred to provide the necessaries
life. The once happy family is broken
Wy U P>. the widow must labor to provide suste
■ / naubc for her babe; her debtors become im-
R portunate and doubt whether she will ever
get a Pension, and distress the already mis-
P widow and her wretched little ones
on every hand. Death is coveted as a re
[f lief'from the pangs and woes of this ungen-
erous life. At last she is, perhaps, assured
| that all the testimony necessary to the suc
cessful prosecution of her case is made.
, Hope takes the place >f despair. In the
midst of her anticipations conies a demand
for the evidence of some commissioned offi
■ having personal knowledge of the time
wpf when, the place where and the circum
j) stances under which the disease was con
tracted. A year or eighteen months
■ • have rolled away. The officers have
Kj been discharged and gone to the four quar-
W' - • the globe. The Adjutant General is
{ i* applied to, he may know their post office ad
' f dress, or he may not; but grant it that he
p does ; they are written to and weeks and
| months again roll away before any reply is
received, if any is received; or perhaps, uf
f ter several communications they deign to
i reply that they know nothing, verily. This
L is uniformily the case in four applications
out of five, and in nineteen cases out of
twenty in the applications of drafted men.
The above is only one of many cases.
P The Government for the purpose of pro
tecting itself against a few frauds has allow-
L ed the adoption of rules so stringent in the
Pension Office that there is not a county in
the loyal States, but his at least a dozen
cases pending, and we can point to
f , twenty in the county of Bedford alone. Is
Yit not horrible to contemplate the misery
n and wretchedness which is thus entailed by
f "i- the dereliction of those whose duty it was
possess such information and to iui
promptly. We hope every officer
who may read this article, if he has any
such requests made to him, will see to it at
once that it is promptly answered, and with
'i the best information in his possession, as
upon his immediate response may depend
g the happiness or wretchedness of some no
' blc woman and her hapless infants.
[ I The time was when good men were willing
1 to go to Harrisburg as members of the Leg-
Isiature and serve their constituents for three
dollars a day. The value of men and their
services has greatly advanced in these latter
days, and the pay of members has been at
r *<"~v&rious times increased until now it amounts
3 to one thousand dollars per session, or six-
L teen dollars and sixty-six cents per day for
I a* session of sixty days. There
to have been an abundance of good
things on hand in the way of pri
vate and local bills and monopoly legislation
the past winter, but not sufficient to satisfy
the greed of these public leeches, so when
the appropriation bill was reported, there
A was found in it a section providing for the
' ' increase of the pay of members to fifteen
hundred dollars. After some discussion in
K the House, the amount was fixed at $1350.
Now this may not be too much for good
lUCU, but unfortunately the number of such,
that get to the Legislature, is few. Besides
it would have been in much bettter taste to
r have made the increase to take effect for the
next session, than for the present, as it
would have removed any foolish suspicions,
on the part of those who are not capable of
rr —appreciating the valuable services of their
' members, that the thing was not altogether
disinterested. The aye# and nays were not
called, as it was not a party question, and it
seems, singularly enough to have been voted
n for with a glorious disregard of political
proclivities. We hope Col. McClure will
hurry up his proposed amendment pro-
that no Legislature shall increase the
of its own members.
The President has nominated, and the Sen
ate has confirmed, Hon. Wm.;McSherry. of
Adams county, Assessor, and C. W. Ash
coin, Esq., Collector of Internal Revenue
for the Sixteenth Revenue District of Penn
sylvania. With Hon. Wm. McSherry we
have no acquaintance ; we learn that he was
an <lid Line Whig up to the days of Know-
Nothingisaa, when he was forced over to
the Pro Slavery Democracy. We do not
take him to be one of those narrow-minded
bigoted creatures, who have no toleration
for those who happen to hold opposite views
upon the great political questions of the
day, at least this is our experience in a vast
majority of the cases of Old Line Whigs,
and, if we are light in this presumption,
the Senate did very well to confirm him.
He is a citizen of Adams county which he
at one time represented in the State Senate.
C. W. Ashcom, Esq., the Collector, is a
native of this county and for many years,
more than we can remember, has been an
active politician. He represented this coun
ty in the Legislature some eight or nine years
ago. He has not been a successful pol
itician, by any means, never having held
any position at the hands of the party, save
one year in the Lower House, as above sta
ted. lie is a most excellent man and will
make a capital officer. We do not think
that the President could have bettered the
appointment in any way. The appointments
are acceptable to all parties, as far as we
can learn.
We have observed in the Bedford Inquirer
several articles criticising the action of Mr.
Stutzman. Senator from that district, on the
several railroad bills before the Senate. We
feel satisfied that if our cotemporary was fully
acquainted with the subject, he would approve
that Senator's course, during the present ses
sion of the Legislature, most heartily. The
Count llsville railroad had no more abler and
active advocate than Mr. S. He made the
first speech in its favor on the floor of the
Senate and labored night and day faithfully
to insure its passage. His action on the
Southern Pennsylvania railroad bill, compell
ing the Pennsylvania railroad to complete it
in three years instead of eight, as the old bill
provides, ought also be sustained. We know
that the region of country represented by Mr.
Stutzman needs railroad facilities, and we
also know that no Senator or member from
that district has worked more faithfully to get
them extended than Mr. S. If our cotempo
rary knew the power exercised by other cor
porations in the Legislature he would not only
admit the facts above stated, but he would
give their Senator due credit and praise for
having done his duty faithfully.
The bill which Mr. Stutzman read in his
place in the Senate is plain in its provisions,
and for tho purpose of convincing our co
laborer iu Bedford that he has done Mr. S.
great injustice, we publish the same in full,
as follows:
Ax Act for the completion of the Connells
ville and Southern Pennsylvania railway.
WHEREAS, The Connellsville and Southern
Pennsylvania railway company was chartered
by act of Assembly, dated the 29th day of
April, A. D; 1864, in which act of Assembly
it is provided "That the Southern Pennsylva
nia railroad company shall perfect the organ
ization of their company within three months
after the passage of this act, and proceed im
mediately to locate and construct said road
and complete their main line within, three
And. Whereas, By act of Assembly, ap
proved the sth day of April, A. D. 1860, it is
provided in the second section thereof that {
so much of the act incorporating the said
Connellsville and Southern Pennsylvania rail
way company as limits the time for the con
struction of the main line of their road to
three years from the passage thereof be, and
and the same is hereby, repealed ; and that
the time for the commencement of the con
struction thereof shall be extended for one
year, and the time for its completion to eight
years, from the passage of this act;
And whereas , The act of Assembly approv
ed April Bth, A. D. 1866, was passed for the
purpose of hindering and delaying the con
struction of said railroad ; therefore,
Be it enacted, &c., That so much of the
second section of the act of Assembly ap
proved April sth, A. D. 1806, extending the
time of the commencement of the construc
tion of the Connellsville and Southern Penn
sylvania railway for one year from the pas
sage thereof, and the time of its completion
to eight years, is hereby repealed, and that
the said Connellsville and Southern Pennsyl
vania railway company shall put their road
under contract within the period of six
months from the passage of this act, and
complete said road within three years, and in
default thereof shall forfeit their charter, and
all rights thereunder.— Harrisburg Tele
With all due respect for jthe astuteness of
Senator Stutzmaa and the sagacity of the
Telegraph , still we can't see it as the Tele
graph does. If the design of the above bill
was to hasten the completion of the road by
shortening the time, why at the same time
extend the time for beginning? By the Act
of April, 1866, the company were compel
led to begin work on the sth of the present
month ;by Mr. Stutzman's bill it was pro
posed to give six months more time for be
ginning the work. Lamb was once repri
manded for coming late to his work as clerk
in the India house, and is said to have re
plied with the utmost sangfroid that if he
came late he left early. So Senator Stutz
man and his defenders would say, as we are
very anxious to shorten the time of the com
pany for completing their road we will give
them more time to begin. The people of
this section of the State can't see the force
j of this kind of logic, however clear it may
be to Mr. Stutzman and the Telegraph.
NEW YORK, April 4. —The Herald's Lit
tle Rock special of yesterday, says: The
State Union Conventiou has been in session
a'l day and evening. A platform with reso
lutions was adopted of an ultra Radical
character, approving the Congressional plan
of Reconstruction and readmission to the
Resolutions condemning the President,
opposing confiscation and recommending a
conciliatory course toward rebels were tab
A State Central Committee was oppoin
tad and instructed to establish a State
Union Organization.
The Committee appointed to wait upon
Gen. Ord reported that he heartily appro
ved the object of the Convention, and was
desirous of co-operating with them. The
Convention will doubtless adjourn to mor
Pending the Convention a large meeting
offreedmen was held on State House Square.
Several delegates and colored speakers ad
dressed them. Great enthusiasm prevailed
and no disturbance was created.
jyyMr Belmont still refuses to call a
National Convention of the Democratic
party, although importuned to do so by
manv leading members of that party.
three millions of the Papal
loan have been taken in this country, mostly
in Louisiana and New York, upon which
the interest is now being paid here.
Hakrisbuko, April 8, 1867.
The bids for the new State loan were open
ed on the Ist inst. They amounted in the
aggregate, to $31.000,0(X>, or $8,000)000 inorc
than could be accented. This fact must be
gratifying to every Pennsylvanian, inasmuch
as it is an evidence that the credit of the State
is good, and capitalists are not afraid to invest
their money in her securities. The old over
due bonds can now be redeemed.
I notice that some of of the
Commonwealth have misconstrued the true
intent of the bill relative to an increase of the
capital of the Pennsylvania Railroad compa
ny. It is even asserted by certain editoro that
the bill authorizes an increase of $40,000,000,
while others say that there is to be an in
crease to that figure. Neither of them are
correct. The facts are these: —An act of
186G increased the capital of the company to
$30,000,000; that passed at the present ses
sion authorizes further increase of $5,000,-
000, making a total of $35,000,000. The in
crease just granted ($5,000,000) is to be ap
plied by the company to the straightening of
its track at certain points, by which consid
erable distance will be saved, the chances for
accidents diminished, and considerable wear
and tear of rolling stock saved. Although
the Pennsylvania railroad is a grand monop
oly that may eventually gobble up all the
smaller lines in the State, it should not be
misrepresented —particularly by editors, who
wield a powerful influence for good or evil.
It is to be regretted that the Legislature has
not passed an act providing for the publica
tion of the State laws in the newspapers, in
the various counties. The State would not
have been the loser, (as the cost of the pub
lication would be paid by the respective coun
ties,) and the people would be greatly benfit
ted. The "pamphlet laws" published by the
j State only find their way into the hands of
Justices of the Peace and other officials,
while the masses are not permitted to know
what the laws are by which they are govern
ed. There seems to be a determination on
the part of the members of the Legislature
to do as little as possible to benefit the news
papers of the State. Without the aid of the
public Journals no man can be elected to the
Senate or House, and it is high time for edit
ors to "have an eye to business," and decline
to support any candidate who will not pledge
himself to vote for the passage of a bill pro
viding for the publication of the State liws in
at least two newspapers in each county.
In my correspondence published in this pa
per, within the past three months, I have
carefully avoided the indiscriminate puffing of
individuals, believing that it is not advisable
to be constantly bringing into notoriety those
who delight to see their names in print. 1
deem it not out of place, however, to say a
word here in reference to our noble chief
magistrate. It is asserted on the most relia
ble authority that at the close of each Legis
lative session, for years past, it has been no
uncommon thing to find from fifty to a hun
dred bills left in the hands of the Governor,
to receive his approval or disapproval at his
leasure, after the adjournment. Now, affairs
are managed differently, Gov. Geary has dis
posed of every act passed during the present
session, and that, too, without any unnecessa
ry delay. The files are clean, and when the
adjournment takes place, all its enactments
will have been signed or vetoed. Gov. Geary
is a man of business.
On Thursday night the Governor gave the
customary reception to the Legislature at the
Executive mansion. The members, without
distinction of party, were there, and all re
ceived a hearty welcome. The tables fairly
groaned under the weight of good tilings
heaped upon them but not a drop of liquor
was found thereon, neither was there any
about the premises. The Governor drank the
health of his guests in a glass of cold water.
He is a practical temperance man, whose ex
ample is worthy of imitation, and not even
the enemies of the temperance cause can say
aught against His Excellency's noble stand,
as he practices what he professes, and even
when entertaining all the officials of the Cap
itol he did not shrink from quietly and unos
tentatiously exhibiting his love for the tem
perance movement.
The House has passed an act relative to the
last will and testament of John Morrison, lute
of Somerset county, deceased.
Also, an act to regulate the fees ol the di
rectors ef the poor and house of employment
of the county of Bedford.
The Governor has approved and signed a
bill fixing the place of holding elections iu
Harrison township, Bedford county, at the
house of Jonathan Feichtner.
Also, the act extending to Bedford. Fulton,
Somerset and other counties, the act regula
ting fees of notaries public in Philadelphia,
approved May 20, 1865.
The House has passed finally an act to per
fect title to 116 acres of land in Somerset
county, owned by the union coal and iron
Also, an act to extend the time for the pay
ment of the enrollment tax on an act to in
corporate the Keystone coal and manufactur
ing company of Somerset county.
NEW YORK, April 4.—The Herald's San
Luis Potosi (Mexico) correspondence of
March 9th says : "The Liberals, in front of
Queretaro, are rapidly closing in around the
city to give the coup de grace to the Empire.
Escohado writes that on the 6th inst. he
had closed in his lines upon the city of Ca
nana, occupying the west and southwest,
along a line of elevations which command
the city, and Trevino, with the army of the
north, occupying the west and northwest of
the place.
All was expected to be ready for an assault
to-dav, and in a letter to Minister Lerdo, Es
cohado states that he believes it will not re
quire more than three or four days longer
to finish up the work at that point. He says
that while closing his troops around the
place, large clouds of dust were observed, as
if the Imperial army was retreating for
Mexico, but this cloud returned towards
Queretaro as soon as it was evident that it
might be outflanked. He also states that
there is the greatest discord prevailing
among the Imperial officers, that they are
divided in council, and cannot determine
what measures to take, and that the army is
almost in a starving condition.
THE steamship Alabama brings Vera Gruz
dates to the 23d ult., two days later than pre
vious advices. The city of Vera Cruz was
in a state of seige, sixteen hundred men with
five pieces of artillery inside. Provisions
were high, but there was no blockade from
the sea side. There were beseiging the city
thirty-five hundred Liberals, with four small
field Napoleons, but more meuand guns were
daily expected. Maximilian was in Quere
tero with ten thousand men, and had no
money or provisions. There were twenty
five hundred Liberals besieging the place.
Merida. Yucatan, was also in a stage of seige
but still communicates with Sisal.
The following Free Railroad bill, which
is preatty near what the people want, passed
the House of Representatives last week but
we presume has been rejected by the Sen
AN ACT to authorize the formation of rail
road corporations.
SECTION 1 .—/Be it enacted by the Senate
and House of Representatives of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania, in General As
sembly met, and it M hereby enacted by the
authority of the sant\. That any number of
citizens of Pennsylvania, not less than nine,
may form a company ;or the purpose of con
structing, maintaining and operating a rail
road for public use in the conveyance of
persons and property, or for the purpose of
maintaining andoperlting any unincorpora
ted railroad already constructed for the like
public use, and for thit purpose may make
and sign articles of association in which
shall be stated the mme of the company 7 ,
the number of years the same is to continue,
the places from and to which the road is to
be constructed or mairtained and operated,
the length of such rol as near as may be,
and the name of eachjeounty in this State
through, or into whichit is made or intended
to be made, the amourt of the capital stock
of the company whichfehall not be less than
ten thousand dollars fir every mile of road
constructed or proposed to be constructed,
and the number of shares of which said
Capital stock shall consist, and the names
and places of residenci of a president, and
not less than six nor wore than twelve direc
tors of the shal] manage its
affairs for the first year and until others are
chosen in their places; each subscriber to
such articles of sssociatien shall subscribe
thereto his name, plate of residence, and
the number of shares of stock he agrees to
take in said company, on compliance with
the provisious of the second section of this
act such articles of association shall be ack
nowledged by at least three of the directors
before some officer competent, to take ac
knowledgment of deeds in the county, where
the principal officer is designed to be located,
and may be filed in the office of the Secre
tary of State, who shall endorse thereon the
day they were filed and record the same in
a book to be provided by him for that pur
pose, and, thereupon the said articles of as
sociation shall become and be a charter for
the said company, and the persons who
have so subscribed such ai tides of associa
tion, and all poisons who shall become stock
holders in such company, shall be a corpor
ation by the name specified in such aiticLs
of association or charter and shall possess
the powers and privileges following, to wit;
First. To have succession by its corporate
name for the period limited in its articles of
Second. To sue and be sued, complain and
and defend, in any court of law or equity.
Third, To make and use a common seal
and alter the same at pleasure.
Fourth, To hold, purchase and convey
such real and personal estate as the pur
poses of the corporation shall require, not
exceeding the amount limited in the articles
of association.
Fifth, To appoint such subordinate offi
cers and agents as the business of the cor
poration shall require and to allow them a
suitable compensation.
Sixth. To make by-laws not inconsistent
with any existing law for the management
of its property and regulation of its affairs
and for the transfer of its stock.
St- f<">t 2. Such articles of association
shall not be filed and recorded in the office
of the Secretary of State, until at least two
thousand dollars of stock, for every uiilt of
railroad proposed to be made, is subscrioed
thereto, and ten per centum paid thereon
in good faith and in cash to the directors
named in said articles of association, nor
until there is endorsed thereon, and, or an
nexed thereto an affidavit, made by at least
three of the directors named in said articles,
that the amount of stock required by this
section has been in good faith subscribed,
and ten per centum paid in cash thereon as
aforesaid, and that it is intended in good
faith to construct, or to maintain, and ope
rate the road mentioned in such articles of
association; which affidavit shall be record
ed with the articles of association as afore
Section 3. A copy of' any article of associa
tion filed and recorded in pursuance of this
act, or of the record thereof, with a copy of
the affidavit aforesaid endorsed thereon, or
annexed thereto, and certified to be a copy
by the Secretary of this State or his deputy,
shall be evidence of the incorporation of
such company and of the facts therein sta
Section 4. When such articles of associa
tion and affidavit are filed and recorded in
the office of the Secretary of the State, the
directors named in said articles of association
may in case the whole of the capital stock
is not before subscribed, open books of sub
scription, to fill up the capital stock of the
company in such places and alter giving
such notice as they may deem expedient
and may continue to receive subscriptions,
until the whoje capital stock is subscribed ;
at the time of subscribing every subscriber
shall pay to the directors ten per ceutum of
the amount subscribed by him in money,
and no subscription shall be received or
taken without such payment.
Section 5. Whenever the foregoing pro
vi.-ions have been complied with, the per
sons named as corporators in such articles
of a-sociation, are fully authorized to carry
into effect the objects named therein, as fully
as any corporation heretofore created under
any special act of the legislature, and said
corporation thus created shall be entitled to
exercise all the rights, powers and privileges
and be suject to all the restrictions and
liabilities of the general railroad law passed
the nineteenth day of February one thou
sand eight hundred and forty nine, and the
several supplements thereto, as fully and
effectually as if said'powers were specially
incorporated in said charter.
Section 6. Whenever any railroad com
pany heretofore incorporated, or created
and incorporated, under the provisions of
t his act, shall m the opinion of the directors
thereof, require an increased amount of
capital stock, they shall, if authorized by a
majority of the stockholders, file with the
Secretary of the Commonwealth a certificate
setting forth the amount of such desired in
crease, and thereafter such company shall
bo entitled to have such increased capital as
is fixed by said certificate.
Section 7. The number of managers of any
company incorporated in pursuance of this
act, shall be a president and not less than
.six 16), nor more than twelve (12), directors
as shall be fixed by the corporators thereof
at their first meeting to choose directors of
said company.
Section 8. The directors of any railroad
company created under this act shall have
power to borrow money, not exceeding in
amount twenty thousand dollars per mile,
nor more than amount of capital stock sub
scribed, and issue the bonds of the company
therefor, payable at such time, not excced
ing fifty years, after the date thereof, and
at such place and at such rate of interest,
not exceeding seven per centum, as said di
rectors may deem best and may secure the
payment of said bonds and interest by a
mortgage on the said road and franchises.
Section 9. Any company incorporated
under this act shall have authority to con
struct such branches, from its main line, as
it may deem necessary to increase its busi
ness aud accommodate the trade and travel
of the Stale.
SEC. 10. Iloads constructed under the
provisions of this act. or chartered under
the laws of this Commonwealth, shall have
the right to cross the track of any other
railroad in this Commonwealth, Provided,
however, that the cost of making and keep
ing such crossing in repair shall be borne by
the road crossing the track of another, and
provided, further, that the road so crossing
the track of another, shall keep at such
rossing as many persons as may be requi
site to give the necessary signals to prevent
SEC. 11. Roads constructed under the
provisions of this act shall have the right to
connect with roads of a similar character,
within this Commonwealth, or at the line
thereof, upon such terms as may be agreed
upon by those who have the management of
said roads.
SEC. 12. No director, officer or employee
of any road chartered by this act, shall have
any interest directly, or indirectly, in any
express or freight line, or other business,
conducted upon said road not the property
of said company, and any violation of this
provision shall subject the parties so offend
ing to a fine of not less than $5OO nor more
than $lOOO dollars.
Section 13. All acts heretofore passed in
consistent with the provisions of this act are
declared to be null and void.
2—H. R. 1124.
The following is a certified copy of the
new License law furnished us by the Secre
tary of the Commonwealth.
regulate the granting of Licenses to Hotels
and Eating Houses, approved March 31,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate
and House of Representatives of the Com
monwealth, of Pennsylvania in Gcuer<d As
sembly met and it is hereby enacted by the
authority of the same , That when an appli
cation is made to any court of quarter sess
ions of this Uommonweolth for license to
sell intoxicating drinks, it shall be lawful
for said court to hear petitions, in addition
to that of the applicant, in favor of, and re
monstrances against application for such
license, and, in all cases, to refuse the same
whenever, in the opinion ol said court, hav
ing due regard to the number and character
of the petitioners, for and against such ap
plication, such license is not necessary for
the accommodation of the public and enter
tainment of strangers and travelers, and
upon sufficient cause being shown, the said
courts shall have power to revoke any li
cense granted by them; and all laws incon
sistent with this section arc hereby repealed:
Provided, That the sureties in the bond
required of the applicant for license shall be
signers to his petition.
SECTION 2. That applications for license
to keep an eating house, beer house or res
taurant, authorizing the sale of domestic
wines, malt and brewed liquors, shall hereaf
ter be made in the same manner and to the
same authority as application for license to
keep a hotel: Provided, That the regulation
in relation to bed rooms and beds shall not
applvto applicants for an eating house, beer
house and restaurant license; and the tenth
section of the act of twentieth April, one
thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, au
thorizing county treasurers to grant an ea
ting house or retail brewery license, is hereby
SECTION 3. No license to keep an eating
house, beer house or restaurant, under the
provisions of the second section of this act,
shall be granted in any incorporated city,
for a less sum than fifty dollars, nor else
where for a less sum than twenty dollars.
SECTION 4. If any person, after the pass
age of tlii-. act, shall sell spirituous and vin
ous liquors, domestic wines, malt or brewed
iiquurs, without having obtained a license
authorizing him so to do, such person shall,
on conviction in the court of quarter sessions,
be fined, for the first offence, in any sum not
less than fifty nor more than two hundred
dollars, and for the second, or any susequent
offence, such person shall be fined not less
than one hundred dollars, and, in the dis
cretion of the said court, be imprisoned in
the county jail not less than thirty days, nor
more than ninety days: Provided , That
nothing in this act shall be construed to re
peal the provisions of the act of Assembly,
passed March thirty first, one thousand eight
hundred and fifty six, relating to sales by
druggists and apothecaries.
SECTION 5. That the provisions of the first
-section of this act shall not apply to the city
of Philadelphia or to the county of Alleghe
ny: Provided, That nothing in this act shall
authorize the granting of licenses to hotel
and in keepers to vend vinous, spirituous
and malt liquors, and to license beer houses,
eating houses and restaurants, in any locality
where licensing of hotels, inns, beer houses
eating houses or restaurants is now prohibi
ted by law. JOHN P. GLASS,
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Speaker of the Senate.
APPROVED —The twenty-second day of
March, Anno Domini one thousand eight
hundred and sixty-seven.
Of ice of the- Secy, of the Commonwealth, I
Harrisburg, April 6 A. D., 1867. j
I DO HEREBY CERTIFY, That the forego
ing and anueaed is a full, true and correct
copy of the original act of the General As
sembly, entitled "A further supplement to
an act to regulate the granting of licenses to
hotels and eating houses, approved March
thirty first, one thousand eight hundred and
fifty six," as the same remains on file in
this Office.
unto set my Hand and caused the Seal of
the Secretary's office to be affixed, the day
and year above written.
Deputy Secretary of the Commonwealth.
CONNECTICUT. —The election in the State
has resulted in the election of English,
Democratic candidate for Governor by about
J majority, and of a Republican Legisla
ture. The Republican majority in the
House is 30 and iq the Senate 1. This se
cures the election of a Republican U. S.
Senator to succeed Foster. For Congress 1
Republican and 3 Democrats are elected, the
former by about 2,000 majority and the lat
ter by very small maiorities.
MICHIGAN. —The Republicans have elect
ed their State Ticket and a small majority
of delegates to the Constitutional Conven
tion. . .
OHIO. —xVt the municipal election in Co
lumbus, the Union gain is 500 over the vote
of last year. _
At the municipal election in Cincinnati,
the whole Republican ticket is elected bv
3,000 majority.
At Toledo, the Union Republican Ticket,
headed by C. A. King for Mayor, was elec
ted by from 300 to 500 majority. The Re
publicans carried ten of the twelve council
men —a large Union gain.
At Circleville. Walker, the TJ nion candi
date for mayor, was elected by 67 majority
—a large Union gain.
DURIXU the Executive session on Friday
last Saulsbury, who had become very drunk,
caine over towards Sumner, and assumed a
threatening attitude, gesticulating and announ
cing his intention of having satisfaction out of
Sumner for introducing the resolution for his
expulsion. The assistant-at-Arms promptly
interfered, and with the assistance of one of
the Senators got him into the coat-room
where after nearly divesting himself of his
clothing, he laid down upon the floor and re
mained until the close of the session, when
the doorkeeper took him home.
THE Legislature of Connecticut is all right.
The new Sena.e stands 11 Republicans to 10
Democrats. In the House, the Republicans
will have a majority of about 35. Last year
the Republicans had a majority of 5 in the
Senate and 46 in the House. The Copper
head victory is only partial after all, and does
not, by any means make Connecticut a Cop
perhead State.
ALEXANDER C. MCLI.IN, at one time private
Secretary of the late Governor, has been re
jected for confirmAtion as Collector of Inter
nal Revenue in the Cambria District.
TIIE National Democratic Convention call
ed by Kentucky, to meet at Louisville on May
7. has been postponed to the 4th of July.
There is expected to be a large attendance,
especially from the Western States.
THE Board of Commerce of New York
have wisely advised the Secretary of the
Treasury to continue the policy of contraction
until specie payments shall be reached. The
inflationists have had their day, and will soon
be among the most eager to get deliverance
from uncertainty and doubt by fairly touching
A BILL has been introduced into the State
Senate at Harrisburg providing for the consol
idation of Pittsburg, Allegheny City and the
surrounding towns into one city. The consol
idation is to be perfected upon much the
same plan as that used in consolidating Phil
adelphia in 1864.
AMONG the applications for pardon now on
file with the pardon eierk in the Attorney
General's office, are ninety-seven from ex-
United States Navy officers. The naval ser
vice seems to have been the favorite with the
Virginians, no less than fifty-two out of the
ninety-seven being from that State.
THE Legislature of Ohio has sent to the
people for decision, at the election in Oc
tober next, an Amendment to the Constitu
tion, so as to make black men voters, and to
disfranchise deserters. It required the con
currence of three-fifths of the members of
the Legislature to do this deed, and yet it was
RHODE ISLAND has again elected as her Gov
ernor the gallant Gen. Burnside. Messrs.
Dixon and Jenckes, her two members of Con
gress, are also re-elected. The Legislature
will staßd 76 Radical majority on joinfr ballot,
th ? Copperheads having but 14 members all
told. Indeed the Republican triumphs in
Missouri, Michigan, Ohio, and in little Rhode
Island, completely obliterate the late Cspper
head success in Connecticut.
ENGLISH holders of Confederate bonds must
think Jouatban has more dollars than sense,
if they expect him to pay them back the mo
ney that they advanced for aiding the rebel
lion. They seem to think it possible, and
thereby they bring their own wit into suspi
cion. They have taken legal counsel and
they have held a meeting, and what they will
do next will be seen when it becomes visible.
How would they like to trade off some of the
Confederate bonds tor those of the Irish Re
clerk of the House of Representatives, has
announced that he has commenced writing
the life of the Hon. Thaddeus Stevens. Mr.
McPherson is well qualified for the task. He
has long known Mr. Stevens. At one time
he edited the ojd Independent Whig of Lan
caster county, a paper that Mr. Stevens al
ways regarded as his organ ; and besides for
many years, has been intimately acquainted
with him. The work could not have been en
trusted to one better qualified.
SENATOR Geo. Read Riddle, of Delaware,
died on the 39th ultimo, of pulmonary con
sumption. He was born in New Castle, Del
aware, in 1817. His early life was devoted
to surveying, but having studied law during
his spare moments from business, he was ad
mitted to the bar in 1848, and soon after was
appointed Deputy Attorney General tor his
native county, which office he filled till 1850,
when he was elected to the House of Repre
sentatives, where he served two terms. He
was a delegate to the National Democratic
Conventions of 1844-8 56, and took his seat
as a United States Senator iu. 1864. He was
an active politician and a pure and upright
Gov. HAWLEY, editor of the Hartford
Press, thus writes of their defeat in Oonnecti
cnt: —We shall be reproached by grumblers
outside, but we care nothing for that. We
have planted the party fairly on the rock of
impartial suffrage, and if we had won we
should have been indebted in no degree to
many whose sympathy we ought to have had
in abundant measure on such an issue. But
though temporarily checked, we are in no
sense dismayed, or dubious about a final and
near triumph of our principle. Whoever at
tempts to run a high-pressure pro-Slavery
boat over these waters will strike a rock. We
give notice that we have taken a "lower
holt" and the grip is not relaxed.
BY an order of the Supreme Court of
Pennsylvania, Major General Robert B. Pot
ter was appointed Receiver of the Atlantic
and Great Western Railway in Pennsylvania.
The General having been prsviously appoint
ed Receiver by the courts of New York and
Ohio, thus becomes reciver of the whole line
from the Erie railway to Cleaveland and Cin
cinnati. The Receiver is required to ope
rate the lines, to give security in $300,000 for
the faithful performance of his duties ; and
out of the net earnings of the line, to first
pay the interest upon the prior or divisional
mortgages ®n the line, and then upon the con
solidated mortgage.
CONGRESS has decided that our represent
atives abroad shall not go to Court any more
with dresses peculiar to aristocratic Govern
ments, .gnd small swords dangling about their
legs ; but it has reserved a right to prescribe
a Court uniform. It is suggested that at the
opening of the next session there will be rais
ed a Joint Special Committee on Coats and
Breeches. This, it is thought, will involve
the necessity of establishing the office of
Court Tailor at Washington, but whether he
will constitute one of the Cabinet is not yet
surmised. His Excellency ought to be a val
uable counselor in this very delicate matter.
We would, however, suggest a plentiful use
of buckram in the back of the coat to make
up for lack of back-bone.
A CORRESPONDENT has seen John H. Sur
rattin prison and reports him as being treat
ed more like a gentleman than as an assassin.
Surratt remarked that he considered his es
cape to Canada a neat thing, and said that
the reports of his doings in Europe were
mostly true. He declined to say anything
about his connection with the assassination
plot. He regards St. Marie as his enemy, and
a treacherous fellow. Very naturally, he hav
ing given the information which prevented
Mr. Surratt continuing his "doings" abroad
in order that it might be demonstrated wheth
er or not his "doings at home" were connec
ted with the assassination conspiracy.
JUDGE SHAKKEY and Hon. Robert J. Walk
er appeared in the Supreme Court of the
United States on Wednesday on the behalf
of the State of Mississippi. The former rose
to submit a bill of complaint, with the prayer
that President Johnson, and his officers and
agents appointed for that purpose, and espe
cially General Ord, be perpetually enjoined
and restrained from executing the act " to
provide for the more efficient government of
the Rebel States," and the act.supplementa
ry thereto, and that the powers of injunction
and subpoena be issued, directed to the par
ties aforesaid, with any other relief that the
court may deem proper. Judge Sharkey re
marked that the bill had been printed. At
torney-General Stanberry said he believed it
was the general praetice first to obtain the
leave of the court to file the bill. This bill
was against the United States, and he desired
to appear at the earliest moment to object to
it. He repeated there must be a motion to
file the bill in the regular way. Judge Shar
key replied, that was the motion which he now
made. He was aware of the magnitude of the
subject, involving the'important and delicate
question of the constitution of the Congres
sional legislation. It was of great moment
that an early decision be arrived at, as much
mischief must result by delay. Chief Justice
Chase said to Judge Sharkey: You can only
how move to file the bill, and it will be in or
der to discuss this the next motion day. At
torney-General Stansberry—l am ready now
to resist the granting of the leave. Chief
Justice —We do not propose to hear argument
on a motion out of the regular order. The
motion will be filed. Judge Sharkey—l will
now file the application. . This he did, and
the question went over till the next motion
day, being Friday next.
A toilet delight. Superior to ans cologne, used
to bathe the the face and person, to render the
skin soft and fresh, to allay inflammation, to per
tuine clothing, for headache, Ac. It is manufhe
tured from the rich Southern Magnolia, and is oh
faining a patronage quite unprecadcnted. It is a
favorite with actresses aud opera singers. It is
sold by all dealers, at $l. 00 in largo bottles, and
by I)EMAB BARNES & Co., New York, Wholesale
Saratoga Spring Water, sold by all Druggist
Persons of sedentary habits troubled with weak
ness, lassitude, palpitation of the heart, lack of
appetite, distress after eating, torpid liver, con
stipation, Ac., deserve to suffer if they will not
try the celebrated PLANTATION BITTERS,
which are now recommended by the highest med
ical authorities, and warranted to produce an im
mediate beneficial effect. Tbcy are exceedingly
agreeable, perfectly pure, and must supersede all
other tonics where a healthy, gentle stimulent is
They purify, strengthen and invigorate.
They create a healthy appetite.
They arc an antidote to change of water and diet.
They strengthen the system and enliven the
They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers.
They purify the breath and acidity of the
They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation.
They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Head
They make the weak strong, the languid bril
liant, and are exhausted nature's great restorer.
They are composed of the celebrated Calisaya
bark, wintergrcen, sassafras, roots and herbs, all
preserved in perfectly pure St. Croix rum. For
particulars, see circulars and testimonials around
each bottle.
Beware of impostors. Examine every bottlo
See that it has our private U. S. stamp unmutila
ted over the cork, with plantation scene, and our
signature on a fine steel plate side label. See that
our bottle is not refilled with spurious and dele
terious stuft. Any person pretending to sell
Plantation Bitters by the gallon or bulk, is an
impostor. Any person imitating this bottle, or
selling any other material therein, whether called
Plantation Bitters or not, is a criminal under the
U. s. Law, and will be so prosecuted by us. The
demand for Drake's Plantation Bitters, from la
dies, clergymen, merchants, Ac., is incredible.
The simple trial of a bottle is the evidence we
present of their worth and superiority. They arc
so[d by all respectable druggists, grocers, physi
cians, hotels, saloons, steamboats and country
Saratoga Spring Water, sold by all Druggist-
Have you a hurt child or a lame horse? Use the
Mexican Mustang Liniment.
For cuts, sprains, burns, swellings, and caked
breasts, the Mexican Mustang Liniment is a sure
For rheumatism, neuralgia, stiff joints, stiags
and bites, there is nothing like the Mexican Mus
tang Liniment.
For spavined horses, the poll-evil, ringbone
and sweeny, the Mexican Liniment never fails.
For wind-galls, scratches, big-head and splint,
the Mexican Mustang Liniment is worth its
weight in gold.
Cuts, bruises, sprains aud swellings, are so com
mon and certain to occur in every family, that a
bottle of this Liniment is the best inves'iuent that
can be inade.
It is more certain than the doctor—it saves
time in sending for the doctor—it is cheaper than
the doctor, and should never be dispensed with.
"In lifting the kettle from the fire, it tipped
over and scalded my hands terribly. * * i
The Mustang Liniment extracted the pain, caus
ed the sore to heal rapidly, and left vory little
scar. CHAS. FOSTER, 420 Broad st, Phil.
Mr. S. Litch, of Hyde Park, Vt. writes: "My
horse was considered worthless, (spavin,) but
since the use of the Mustang Liniment, I have sola
him for $l5O. Your Liniment is doing wonders
up here."
All genuine is wrapped in steel plate engravings,
signed G. W. TVestbrook, Chemist, and also has
the private U. S. stamp of DEMAS BARNES A Co.
over the top.
Look closely, and be not deceived by Cunnter
Sold by all Druggists, at 25, 50 eta., aud $l.OO.
Saratoga Spring Water, gold by all Druggist?.
u*. . i
It is a most delightful Hair Dressing.
It eradicates scurf and dandruff.
It keeps the head cool and clean.
It makes the hair rich, soft and glossy.
It prevents hair turning gray and falling off.
It restores hair upon prematurely bald heads.
This is just what Lyon's Kathairon will do. It
is pretty—it is cheap—durable. It is literally
sold by the car-load, and yet it* almost incredible
demand is daily increasing, until there is hardly a
country store that does not keep it, or a family
that does not use it.
E. THOMAS LYON, Chemist, N. Y.
Saratoga Spring Water, sold by all Druggist*#
Who would not be beautiful? Who would not
add to their beauty! What gives that marble
purity and distingue appearance we observe upon
the stage and in the city belle! It is no longer a
secret. They use Hagan's Magnolia Balm. Its
continued use removes tan, freckles, pimples, and
roughness, from the face and hands, and leaves
the complexion smooth, transparent, blooming
and ravishing. TTplike many cosmetics, it con
tains no material injurious'to the skin. Any
Druggist will order it for you, if not on hand, at
50 cents per bottle.
W. E. HAGA.N, Troy, N. Y., Chemist
Wholesale Agent M, X. Y.
Saratoga Spring Water, soldbyall Druggist*
Heimstrcet's inimitable ilair Coloring is not a
dye. All instantaneous dies are composed of
junar caustic , and more or less destroy the vitali
ty and beauty of the hair. 1 his is the origuutl
Hair Coloring, and has been growing in favor
over twenty years. It restore.- gray hair to its
original color by gradual absolution, in a roust re
markable manner. It is- also a beautiful hair
Sold in two sizca—so cents and S-I —by
all dealers. C. HEIMSTREET, Chemist.
Saratoga Spring Water, sold by all Druggist-
for Indigestion, Nausea, Heartburn, Sick Head
ache, Cholera Morbus, Flatulency, Ac., where a
warming stimulcnt is required. Its careful pre
paration and entire purity make it' a cheap and
reliable article for culinary purposes. Sold every
where, at 50 cts. per bottle. Ask for "LTOK'S
Pure Extract. Take no other.
Saratoga Spring Water, !>f>ldb.vallDngg"' ll, •
July 13th, 186-eowly