Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, April 12, 1867, Image 3

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    ¥cbforb Inquirer.
.Mass .Meeting.
There will be a Mass Meeting of the Re
publican Party at the Court House, on Tues
day evening, April '23 d inst.
By order of the Republican County Com
J. B. Cessna,
Union County Committee.
The members of the Union County Com
mittee are requested to meet at the Washing
ton Hotel in Bedford on Tuesday. April 23d
inst., at 2 o'clock, P. M. A full attendance
is requested, as business of importance will
be transacted —election of delegate to State
Convention. Ac.
Chm'n. Union Co. Committee.
A Large Steam Tannery. —Certain par
ties from Huntingdon county have purchased
a site for a large Steam Tannery at the Foot
of Dry Ridge, on the line of the projected
railroad, which they intend to erect during the
coming season. This position has been se
lected with consummate judgment; there is
certainly no better site in the county.
Shah o.x their way up. —Thomas Mtiilinixi
of Snake Spring township, caught a shad at
Hartley's Spriug Run, about six miles below
Bedford, on Wednesday of last week.—
This is the first shad that has been caught in
the Raystown Branch of the Juniata since
the completing of the canal So much for
the bill passed last winter to remove the ob
strue!ions in the Susquehanna and its tributa
BgL. An enterprising citizen has lately
erected a very fine building in this place,
which has attracted crowds of citizens to in
spect and feast their, eyes upon the novelty.
It is so long siDce the people of Bedford have
had the pleasure of seeing a building erected,
that it has been suggested, if the enterprising
gentleman above alluded to were to charge a
small fee a head for the permission to gratify
the desire of the public to see and inspect,
that the fund which would thus accumulate,
would fully pay all the expenses incurred iu
the erection and construction of his edifice.
A Mistake. —Michael Naugle. Esq.. re
quests us to say that he did not write, as ma
ny supposed, nor had he hand in getting up
the "Take Notice," calling for the "organi
zation" of a "new party," a) his house, pub
fished in our last week's issue. On the con
trary. he asserts and confidently asures ns
that he has never even suggested the remo
test sympathy for suck a movement- and that
his name was used in connection with the plot
by some unscrupulous persons with an appa
rent intention to injure him politically. We
are compelled to say this much in v:ndicaiion
of a much injured man.
State cleared up. —The readers of the l.x
■qt iker will remember that we. during the late
canvass, exhibited to then) the indebtedness
of Bedford county to the State which was
then some 816,742. Since then the Commis
sioners have labored assiduously to pay up
this deficiency. A few days ago their Attor
ney, E. F. Kerr, Esq., handed us the follow
ing statement from the office of the State
Treasurer, which we publish with pleasure :
Bedford county in account trith the Com
•nomcealth of Pennsylrania. Tax on Real
and Personal Estate.
To amount of said tax as fixed by
the board of Revenue Commis
sioners for the year 1860 83177 34
Deduct o per cent, for Col
lection $l5B 86
Deduct Treas. Commission
on#3Glß4B@ 1 percent. 30 18 18'j 04
$2388 30
Hal! Mill Tax.
To amount of said tax for
the year 1866 -"•43 7'j
Deduct a per cent, for Col- .
lection/. $27 48
Treat,. Com. on $322 81... 6 22 32 70
Due Commonwealth........ $617 09
Recapitulation of Account.
To balauce due Commonwealth per
settlement of January 11, 1866.516.742 88
Amount due Commonwealth on
this settlement, viz:
State Tax 2,388 30
Half Mill Tax 617 09
<2i',248 25
liy payments into State
Treasury ou State
tax $15,000 00
I educt amount of pen -
alty charged on set
tlement of January
11, 1866 1,016 68 >16,045 68
$4,202 57
By payments into State Treasury. ...$4,202 oi
If this exhibit be correct, and wc have eve- j
ry reason to believe tbat it is, the county of .
Bedford does not owe the State of Pennsyl- I
vauia s farthing. To cancel this formidable!
debt the Commissioners kave been compelled
to ; borow several thousand and to set-ore
tip- ps,s*ige of an act relieving the county
Com the penalty of five per cent, imposed by
lir-c Legislature to impel prompt payments.
The Commissioners, or their subordinates,
i-u 'clently assert that the county is not in- i
debted above five thousand dollars, and that
they will be able to pay the last doliar of in
debtedness by Court week.
I he Commissioners deserve great credit for ■
their prompt efforts to relieve the county of
a debt, that was growing very rapidly and dip- j
tressed our tax-payers, i cho can rent assured
they irill have no State-tax to pay for the ■'
year 1887. We claim a little credit ourselves i
for having aroused the people to the impor- j
ance of making their representatives rid them]
of the incubus which was hanging over them. I
1. O. ok O. F- —The Independent Order of
Odd Fellows, throughout the United States
and the Canada*, intend observing Friday the
26th of this month, (it being the forty-eighth
anniversary of the establishment of the order
in America) as a day of Thanksgiving for
reasons set forth in the proclamation of its
chief national ollicer, which we here publish :
Whereas, the R. W. Grand Lodge of the
United States, of the Independent Order of
Odd Fellows, at its late September Session,
I <6O. in grateful 'recognition of the unerring
hand of God in rescuing the genius of Odd
Fellowship from the ruin which desolated so
many of the benevolent and charitable inert*
tutious of our common Country, as the indis
pensable effects of civil war, —and of the un
mistakable prosperity which has crowned its
labors during the year which has just passed,'
did, by unanimous vote, direct the M. W.
Grind Sire to issue his Proclamation ap
pointing a Day of Thanksgiving for these and
couutless other blessings vouchsafed to our
beloved order :
Now, Therefore, I. James P. Sanders, M.
W. Grand Sire, do hereby fraternally direct
that the twenty-sixth day of April, 1867, be
observed by the Members of our Order
throughout the general jurisdiction, as a day
of Thanksgiving and Prayer, and that they do
assemble on said day in such manner and form
of organization, with their families, as the
appropriate authorities in their respective
State .Jurisdictions may prescribe, to render
thanks to the ever-living God. for his mani
lest favor and protection to that Institution
which we so much love and cherish, and es
pecially for the preservation of its unbroken
unity, through trials and perils of unparallel
ed seA'erity.
Done at the City of Baltimore, this first
day of November, A. D. 1866, and of our
Order the forty-eighth.
Jamks P. Sanders,
M. W. Grand Sire.
In obedience to this proclamation, Bedford
Lodge No. 202 and Cove Lodge No. 868, of
Woodberry, also Peac? Branch Eucampmeut,
No. 114 of this place, will unite in a public
procession in full regalia and appropriate ser
vices in the Presbyterian church, at It)?
o'clock of that day. The public are cordially
invited to attend.-3t
Sat s ok a W ikk. —We complain of the
Mormons fA their plurality of wives, and of
the Indians for their readiness to dispose of
their wives at any time for a consideration,
but we believe that Fulton county can beat
both in disposing of a wife and children by
regular article of agreement and bill of sale.
Mr. Paul M. Dishong, of the classical town
ship of Belfast, in Fulton county, and his
lovely Mary Ann, certainly a frnitful and for
aught we can see a faithful wife, mutually
agreed that the said lovely Mary Ann should
be sold to Mr. James Wilsou. 'which is the
churn pedler," tor the sum of seventeen dol
lars in cash or approved country- produce, and
the cliurn p dlar and his ne-vlypurchased wife
were to go away- on or before the Ist of April
and "to get away the best waythey can,"
and said pedlar is further empowered to wal
lop the children and exercise generally the
rights and prerogatives of the first husband.
We give herewith the article of agreement j
made aud solemnly executed between the
parties, and assuie our readers that it is a
true copy of the original documenl. made in
good faith, and we presume carried out by the
parties. Here it is :
Belfast Tqwsship, Feb. 14th, A. D., 1867
A rtickir- of agreement made and fully
agreead upon this year and date above writ
ten, between Pan! M. Dishong A Wife and
James Wilson, the conditions of this agree
ment are such: Paul M. Dishong doth agree ;
to bind and obligate hiruself that he Will Not
disturb his Wife, Nor Wilson l the churn pod
ler, and is Willing that Mary An Dishong, his
Wife, and children, go with James Wilson :
and Paul W. Dishong is willing to give her
what Property she claims in the bouse, and
also agree for them to get away on or before
the first day of April, 1867, and also to get
away the best-way they can. Paul M. Dish
ong is to have his oldest Daughter in the
spring of 1863, when calling for her. Mary
Catherine, and his wile Doeth agree to let
Lim have her, A the alore said Wilson, is not
to go so far away but what I'aut M. Dishong
can cum and see them, and Will Be treated
with respect. Paul M. Dishong is to have
seventeen dollars in money for a fore said
Wife an Children, or the amount of a bill of
accounts, or to have the Cow, aud also to
have his Bed. A Plate, A Bucket, & Lamp.
Aud if the afore said Wilson Can manage the
Children without abusing them, he has l'rivi
lige to come and get them at any time and is
welcome to all of them. Paul M. Dishong
doth agree that Mary Ann, his Wife, can sen
the Cow to Ennv one she pleases, only not to
make sale to Enny of the Hesses, in Presence
of William Forhner.
Pack M. Dishong,
Mary Axx Dishong,
James Wilson, which
is the Churn Pedler mentioned in the afore
said Art icle of Agreement, and is note propri
etor of Mary Ann Dishong.
Attested— Wti.l.r.tM Fohrner.
Obeuiau Mellott.
—Chambersburg Repository.
On the tth in>t., at the residence of the bride's
sister' Mrs. Richards) by Rev. J. F". Tall helm.
CON LEY, both of New Paris, Bedford co., Pa.
March 27tb, bv the Rev. (}. C. Probst, Mr. W.
Mu-eh 28th. bv the same. Mr. PETER KEG'!
to Mis*SARAH E. MAY. ad of Friends Cove.
March Ist, 1867, near New Paris, Napier tp.,
JESSK HLACKBt'BN. in the s2d -.ear of his
Rest! kind, indulgent Father, rest,
Forthoa hast gained a brighter home,
Che pe*rlj gates were opeu thrown,
And ang-ishade the come.
Thine are the joys at Ws right baud,
.Since death's cold -ilreatn ts passed.
Infinite joys, unending Mis-.
That shall forever last.
Rut oh! we gaae upon thy vacant chair,
Thy face we seem to see,
Rut stdrt to find thou art not there,
Yet hope that thou art free.
In the blessed Redeemer's kingdom
Where saints their ehoras raise,
Wo tinst to join tfw-e. Father,
And sing with thee llis praise.
M. A. R.
Dll. IS. U. SIATLER, pear BuhcUsburg, and ;
Dr. J. J. CLARK E, formerly of Ctimberlei/rt
county, having associated tbeuise!ic in the prac
tice oi Medicine, re-pectfqlly offor their profes
sional services to the citizens of Brhoitnburg and -
vicinity. Dr. Clarke's office and residence same :
as formerly occupied by .T. White, Esq., dee'd.
.Schellsburg, April)2:ly. J. J. CLARKE.
--are hereby cautioned against tresspassing .
upon the premises of the undersigned lor the pur- i
pose of k anting and Fishing or for any other j
purpose whatever, as we are determined SosnfoeCc
the law against ail disregarding this notice.
Abraham Miller, William Arnold,
Elijah Miller, , Ephraiiu B. Miller,
George Raker, Abraham M. Miller,
Jacob W. liar irnan, John E. Miller.
April 12: it
are hereby creationed against trespassing
upon the premises of the subscriber for the pur
pose of Hunting and Fishing or for any other
purpose whatever, as i am determined to enforce
the law against all trespassers. j j URN li. sxumi. j
Consumption Curable by Dr Mchrnck's
To curt consumption, the system must be pre
pared so that the lungs will heal. To accomplish
lllia, the stomach andliver must first be cleansed
and hd appetite created for good wholesome food,
which by these medicines wtft be digested prop
erly, and good healthy blood made; thus build
ing up the constitution. Schenek's Mandrake
Bill's cleanse the stomach of all Milieu? or mucous
accumulations: and by nsing the Bea Weed Tonic
in connection, the appetite is restored.
Schenek's Pulmonic Syrup is nutritious as well
as medicinal, aud by using the three remedies all
impurities are expelled from the system, and good
wholesome blood made, which will repel all dis
ease. If patients will take these medicines ac
cording to directions, Consumption very frequent
ly in its last stage yields readily to theii action
Take the pills frequently, to cleanse the liver and
stomach. It does not follow that because the
bowels are not costive they are not required, for
Sometimes in iliarrbiva they arc necessary. The
stomach mu st he kept healtFy, and an appetite
created to allow the Pulmonic Syrup to act on the
respiratory organs properly and allay any irrita
tion. Then all that is required to perform a per
manent cure is, to prevent taking cold. Exercise
about the rooms as mueh as possibit, eat all the
richest food—fat meat, game, and, in fact, any
thing the appetite crave,*! but be particular and
masticate well.
Nov. 9, 2nd w. ex. mo. 1 yr.
Strength tor the Exhausted.
Thousands die, as it were, inoh by inch, of bodi
ly weakness: for debility will kill as certainly,
though not so quickly, as a raging fever. Is it
asked how the weak shall he made strong; the
debilitated sustained and restored; the exhausted
refilled with vital energy? We aver that of all
invigorating preparations given by science to man,
from the institution of the art of healing to the
present hour, not one has wrought such wonders
in the way of restoration as HOSTETTER'S CEL
deed the tonic' of tonics. As a revitalising,
strength-supporting, life prolonging agent, the
like of it is not to be found in the catalogue of
medicines. Among the various articles used to
arouse the dormant powers of nature, it stands
alone—the great awaketter of the paralysed phys
ique. It not only awakens the physical powers
from a state of collapse and inanition, but it im
parts permanent ) igor to the muscular and ner
vous systems —reinforcing, as it were, both the
stronghold and the outworks of vitality. The
aged, the dccrepid, the nervous, the broken down
of both sexes, are recommended to try it. They
will assuredly find it a present help in lime of
April Dim.
A Cough, A Coltl or A Sore Throat,
Ik aLloweD to continue,
Irritation of the I.ntu>, Perinaneut
Throat Dhcasc or I oiinii ,n fit ion,
For Brourliitittw islliiua. C atarrh, tun
snmpme aii Tiirom
will find Tv< > • a useful in clearing the voire, when
taken before .Singing or Speaking, anil relieving
the throat after an unusual excrtioii ol the vocal
organs. The Tro<£e* are recommended and prc-
rtiyrielkn*. and lutve had testimonials
from eminent men throughout the country. Be
ing an article of true merit, and having pr*trti
their efficacy by a test of many years, each year
find* them in new localities in various parts of the
world and the Tropes are universally pronoun •
•red better than other articles.
Obtain only "Brown's Bronchial Troches," aud
do not ti-ko any of the Worthfclmitation* that
may be offered. Sold kv*kywhere.
2£0v.."i0 1566 ;j6in
A FANCY STOKE at wholesale or retail,
and More room to Ica?e to purchaser. The Mil
linery taurines- and Mantua Making to be contin
ued.* V. B. TATE,
April iStSt Bedford, Pa.
Hat e just received a full stock of all good* lie
longing to their trade.
of all kinds; Ehovels, Hoes, Rakes, Spa tes, Ac
Rackets, Tubs, Churns, Baskets, &e.
SUrer-Plated U'tire, Pocket Pooka.
TOILET -SOAPS, all kinds.
fitp-Please call and .ee our stock. Wckcep a
full assortment of ev ery-thing in our lino of busi
ness, aud will sell at a reasonable profit.
Sign of the Ml LL SAW Aprill2: It
OV tiS! 0 YES!—The undersigned has taken
out auction license, and tenders his services
t. .11 .k- U„-,. -.1., or to .ry. Oiv.
him a call. Post Office address, Spring Meadows,
Bedford county, Penn'a.
'■ formerly Rev. John Lyon'*, now kept by John
Huggard, B. A., a graduate of the Toronto Uni
Tkrn* ok Ti itios:—
English branches 8U on
" " with Latin or French, 7 >0
" with Latin and French, with
or without Greek. It' U#
Latin >Dd Greek. 10 of)
Maaio and Drawing. o,xtra.
April iijt.
Letters of administration having been grant
\e&£ by-:h Register of Bedford c ,nifty, to the
I undersigned, upon the estate of Eve Stuc-key, late
1 of Bedford township, dee'd, notice is hereby giv
en t. all person? indebted to said fest.ite ft) make
immediate payiqciit. and those having claims
aguHrrtt the same will present them properly u
--thehtleatM fur settlement.
Bedford. April 5, IBC7.
Letters of Administmrion having tieeu grant !
ed to the undersigned, by the Register of Bedford
county, upon the c 'ate of John Kowzer. late o!
Napier tvwriship, dee'd, notice is hereby given to
all persons in iebtad to said estate to make iinrno
tliate payment, and those having claims against j
the same will present them properly authentica
ted for settlement.
April 5. residing in Scbellsburg. i
Spring term of eleven weeks will commence ou
For further information, address
J. C. LONG, -
March 22, 41. Bloody Run, Pa. I
1 <2B<l day.)
TUeo. Weil A Co. ct al v. Surf Stem.
Wb. Nveiim vs. Jad>h Bunkle.
Jno. W. Heeler's Adn.'r. re. Dr. B. K. Barry.
Saul S. Fluck vs Ri< h'd I.(ng4o 0 .
C. Fockler A Son TS Geo. Koadea et al.
.lohn B. Peaoock VI. Goo. White JTCo.
Davi! IlebUer vs. Railroad Co.
IVm, States' use vs. Ct*"- Biavklrorn.
Sauie v John fimkiaw.
Daniel Border * Jacob Reed.
Same vs Reed * Sehell.
Jacob Barndollar TS Jno- A. 'tamp, KWJ., et al.
Certified, March 2:>th, 1867.
m ar 2 0. K. SHANNON, Fret.
rpAVJJBN LICENSES.—Notice ii hereby given
I that the following persou, have taken out
petitions for Tavern License, and thai the same
will be presented to the Court of Quarter Sessions
at Bedford, for allowance, „„ the 22d day of
April neat:
Valentine Miller, Londonderry township.
Jacob Mills, Cleanille.
i John Cessna,Oentervlile.
Burton Edsall, Bchnßburg.
Bernard O'Neal, ChaneTsville.
Jos. B. Stener, Bloody Run.
Charles Bush, Palo Alt".
J. Valentine Bessorer, Stonersiowu.
Jos. Mortiiuore, Snake Spring tp.
Cath. Tricker, Stouerstown.
George Weiuier, Bloody Run.
! Isaac F. Grove, Bedford Borough.
Valentine Steckman, Bedford Borough.
John L. Grove, Bloody Run.
Joseph Fuller, Bueoe \ ista.
John Aldstadt, Pkasantville,
A. J. Pennell, Rainshurg.
Joseph Cessna, Harrison tp.
Geo. Al. Colvin, Schellsburg.
Thus. Price, Broadtop township.
A. G. Alien. Bedford Springs.
J M. Shoemaker, Bedford.
Henry Weaver, St. Clairsville.
Geo. W. Figard, Coledale Borough
John Reighard, (Half Way House,) Union tp.
Peter Amick, St. Clairsville.
Cam, Barnhart A McMullin, Bedford Borough.
David Brode, Bedford Borough,
lohn G. Minnich, do do.
A. G. Schroyer, Bloody Run.
A. T. Kegg,
Jus. Hammond, Bedford.
W. A. Grove, Hopesrell tp.
Rachel Naugle, St. Clairsville.
Daniel Stover, Woodberry.
Phineae A. Knnvan, Bloody Run.
March 2'J, 1867. 0. K. SHANNON. Clk.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the
Sheriff of Bedford county, greeting :
Whereas Andrew G. Shroyer did prefer his pe
tition to the President Judge of the Courtof Com
mon Pleas of Bedford county praying for the
causes therein set fourth that he should he divorc
ed from the bonds of matrimony entered into with
Susan Schroyer, setting aside all other business and
excuses whatsoever be and appear in your proper
person before our 1 udge at Bedford on the fourth
Monday, 22d day of April next to answer the pe
tition or libel of the said Andrew Shroyer your
husband should not be divorced from the bonds of
matrimony Ac., agreeably to the act of assembly
in such case made and provided Bnd hereof fail
not: witness the Honorable Alex. King, President
of our said Court at Bedford the Ist of March,
A. D. 1867.
0. K. SHANNON, Prot.
ATTBST : ROBERT frsci**s, Sheriff.
March 28.
ATS EI.IZABETH LITTLE, by 1 In the Common
her next friend,D. IV as'nahaugh - Pleas of Bedford
vs. ) county, No 52,
Daeid Little. ( April Term 1867,
j Alias subpoena
on libel for Divorje.
And, now, Feb. 16,1867, the Court, on motion
of J. W. Lingenfclter, E(. grantarulcon David
Little respondent in the above case, to show cause
why a divorce i Waet/ matrimonii should not
be decreed. The said role returnable on Monday
i the 22nd of April, 1867.
ATTEST: Prothonotary. STECKBAX, Sheriff.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
Commissioner appointed by the Court to take tea
tiinony in the above case, will attend to the duties
of his said appointment at his office in Bedford,
on SATURDAY. April 26, 1867, at ten o'clock, A.
M.. when all interested o-n attend if they think
March 29. Commissioner.
A Beautiful Set 1" Teeth for
DR. 11. V I R<* I IS POUTER,
I> E > T IST,
Would respectfully inform his numerous friends
and the public generally, that he has located per
manently in BLOODY RUN, where he may b
found at all times prepared to in.-rrt from one
tooth to a full set of his BBAI TIKI L ARTII'I
CIAL TEETH on new and improved atmospher
ic principles.
TISTRY It I'IIIIR R for the basis of artificial
This discovery which has met with such uni
versal approval throughout this and other coun
tries, has seemingly placed ARTIFICIAL
TEETH at the disposal of all who require them.
'OR. PORTERS* no inserting the most HEAI -
TIFUL and HI IIA RLE at prices ranging from
Veil to Eighteen Dollars
per set. Tern ftp rarj ret* inserted if desired. All
operation warranted.
Teeth exiroored without pain by the use of
This is no humbug, bat a positive fact. Gas
administered fresh ©very day. As the Gas ad
ministered Uy. Dr. Porter U prepared in aeeord
anoe with the purifying method of Dr. Ftiong, of
New Haven. <'t.. and Prof. .Smiu.m (Lite Profeesor
of Chemistry in Yale College) he ha-no hisita
tion in asserting that it i? attended with no dan
ger whatever. Persons desiring th service? of a
Dentist would promote their own interest by cull
ing upon Dr. Porter, a? he i? determined to spare
no effort to please the most, fastidious. Dr. Por
: ter' mode of operating will at all times l> of the
i mildest character, avoiding the infliction of the
slightest unnecessary pain, and carefully adapted
to the age, constitution, health and nervous eon*
ditionof the patient.
Vfr Special atteutiou is invited to Dr. Porter's
scientific method f preserving decayed and ach
ing teeth. Teeth f-Lu kened and diseased* cleans
ed to appear beautiful and white.
Bloody i uu, l'uuu s., March 26, 18ft7.-ly.
LIST OF GRAND JURORS drawn for April
term, 4th Monday, 22nd day, 1867.
Bedford borough—A. j. Sansom, Foreman, Fred
erick .Benedict \ h<>ma* Merwine.
Bedford township—William Mkkel.
Bloody Run—John D. Lucas, Hartley B;nn-
C umber land Valley—HamncJ Dreaning. William
Giliam, Fonrii Riec. Jo-iah Brunner.
Harrison—Joseph W. Elder.
Juniata—Abraham S. RiU'hey.
Monroe—John f. Snyder.
Napier—G. S. MulHo. Michael Rendle, Ge*r. W.
East Providence—Go. VY . Householder.
West Providence Josenh lisher.
Snake HpTing—Kitww Hartley.
Southampton—Arteinus Bennett, Jeremiah Robi
St. Clair—Eli Miller.
Sooth Woodberry—Jacob Ko:hmderter. J a tries
11. Gmhspfe
PETIT JUKDRJB drawn foi same term.
Bedford borough Marti- Milbtirri, John ii. Min
nich, Richird R. Sill.
Bedford township—Michael Naugle, Gen. Lyriug
cr, C. R. Rca.
Bloody Run—John Filler.
Celcrain—Na'huo 0. Evan?, Ge . M*. ShatVr, V m.
Harrison—John G. May.
Juniata—John H. Keyscr. John l*affeity.
Liberty—Michael L. Putt. Enoch MeUrigor, l-ae
K. Little, David Stolcr. David Cyphers.
— James T. Mattiagly .
Monroe—Jacob Fletcher of J.
Napier—Henry Kerr. William Colvin, Abraham
Dcnni&on, Richard McMullin, Jama O. Robi
East Providence—William Morgart.
West I'rovideuoe—A. J. M*rgart.
Snake Spring—Asa S. Stuefcw, Wo. Lysinger.
Southampton—Daniel Tewcll, Levwn Shipley.
St Clair—Jacob Croylo.
l T nion—John B. Imler, John Pickc-, in.
Woodberry South--William Tetwiler, Martin
Brumbaugb, ANDREVR Snobeiger.
Woodberry Middle—\ alentiae Gla**.
Drawn and certified at Bedford, the I2lh day
of February, A. D. 1867.
ATTEST : Jury OnmmWiqncr?.
John G. FISHES, Clerk.
March 29.
Valuable Real Estate.
By virtu© oi uii order of the Orphans' Court of
Bedford county, the undersigned will offer for ?alc
at the Court lU>u<e in the Borough of Bedford, on
SATURDAY, the 20th day of April, 1867, at Urn
o clock A. M,, the following tracts or pieces of
land, situate in the .-aid county of Bedford, the
property of S. H. Tate, E*q., kite of the Borough
of Bedford deceased, viz :
No. 1. A tract of land in Providence towmhip,
fui veyed on warrant to Sarah Logan, containing
401 acres.
No. 2. A tract of land in Providence township,
surveyed on warrant to Charles Alberti, con tain -
ing 487 acres.
No. 3. A tract of land in Bedford to an .-hip,
surveyed on warrant to Charles Austin containing
403 acre.s.
No. 4. A tract of laud in Providence township,
surveyed on warrant to John iloga, containing 300
No. 5. A tract of land in Providence township,
surveyed on warrant Thomas Logan, containing
483 acres.
No. 6. A tract of Li ad iu Londonderry township,
surveyed on warrant to J. Baker and J. Albright,
containing 181 acres.
No. 7. A tract of land iu Providence township,
surveyed on warrant to Anthony Richard, contain
ing 400 acres.
No 8. A tract of laud iu Providence township,
surveyed on warrant to George Smith containing
300 acres.
No. 0. A tract of land in Cumberland 'Valley
township surveyed on warrant to Samuel Wilson, ,
containing 236 acre*.
No. 10. A tract of land in Providence township,
surveyed ou warrant to .Jatnes Hamilton, contain
ing 443 acres and 91 i perches.
No. 11. A tract of land in Providence township,
surveyed on warrant to John Bittle, containing
44S acres.
No. 12. A tract of land in Providence township,
surveyed on warrant to Richard Era i S,eon tain ing
413 acres.
No. 13. A tract of land in Providence township,
surveyed on warrant to John Benton, contain
ing 402 acres.
No. 14. A trait of land in Londonderry town
ship, surveyed on warrant to James Williams, con
tai ing 198 acres.
No. 15. A tract of laud in Providence township,
surveyed on warrant to Mary Woods, containing
281 i acres.
No. 16. A tract of laud in Napier township,
surveyed on warrant to Isaac Clark, containing
25 acres.
No. 17. A tract ol laad in Monroe township,
surveyed on warrant to Joseph Penned, contain
ing CO acres.
No. 18. A tract of land in Providence town
ship, surveyed on warrant to Nathan Sharplcse,
containing 360 acres.
No. 19. A tract of land in Colcr&iu township,
surveyed on warra-.t to Hill (widow,) con
taining 65 acres.
No. 20. A tract of land in Hopewell township,
surveyed on warrant to Jaine- Cavan, containing
401 acres
No. 21. A trait oi land in Cole run township,
surveyed on warrant to Robert Fyan. containing
155 acre*.
No. 22. A trad of land iu Providence township,
surveyed on warrant to JosephDil worth, contain
ing 400 acres.
No. 23. A tract of land iu Liberty tuwunhip,
surveyed on warrant to John Savage, containing
120 acres.
No. 21. A tract ol laud in East Providence tp.,
surveyed on warrant to Aaron Barton, containing
40 acres.
No. 25. A tract of land in Providence township,
surveyed on warrant to Richard TaP.well, con
taining 147 acres.
No. 26. A tract of ian i in Providence town-hip,
surveyed on warrant to Ethan Holmes, containing
113 acres.
No. 27. A tract of land in Monroe township,
surveyed on warrant to Jauies Means, containing
50 acres.
No. 28. A trait of land in Providence town
ship, surveyed on warrant t< Samuel Gustim, con
taining 301 acre*'.
No. 29. A tract ol land in Providence township,
surveyed on warrant to Thomas Richard.-, can
tain ing 401 acre*.
No. 30. A tract of 'and iu Hopewell township,
surveyed on warrant to Alexander Gavin,contain
ing 40ft acres.
No 31. A tract of laud in West Providence
town skip, surveyed on warrant to John Reamer
(or John Reamer), containing 597 acres.
No. 32. The undivided half of K tract of land,
situate In Liberty township, containing 400 acres,
more or less, about 150 acres cleared and under
fence with a two story dwelling house, double log
stable and other outbuilding* thereon erected.
Also an apple orchard, adjoining lands of Jacob
Cypher, Jacob Kicher and others*, formerly the
property of Win. Fisher.
TERMS : One-third of the purchase money to
be paid in hand at the confirmation of sale, arid
the balance In two cjrta* annual payments.
March 29, 4u Vfhninistrator.
io By virtue bl sundry writs ot vend, exponas
and fieri facias to me directed, there will be sold,
at the Court House, in the Borough of Bedford, on
SATURDAY, April 20th, A p., 1867,.t 10 o'clock
A. M.. the i ai %•* itt, • T
One tract of la.d containing >nc hundred and
ninety five acre*. more or le**, about 45 acres
cleared and und. . fence, with a one story log
houfc and Jog stable und a mail orchard thereon;
adjoining lands of James Bowman. Isaac James,
Mary Jones, Michael Stoner, Elias Murphcy. and
others situated in Southampton township.
Seized and taken in execution and to be *old as
the property of George* W- Buxtoi..
ALSO, One frann house in the Borongh of
Coledale, kuotrn as th' Post Office, and standing
on Spring street, bounded -n the east by David
Dunn, <n the west by A W. Earns, situated in
the borough of Coledale, Bedford county.
Seized und taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of A. W. Evans, Lemuel and
Levi Evan.-.
ALSO, All dependents iuterest iu and to a lot of
ground fronting on Pitt street 69 feet, and run
ning back to an alley 120 t'ert, with a frame house
thereon 23 by 28 feet, u frauie shop 23 by 28 feet,,
with a log stable thereon, adjoining lots of Dr.
Ealy on the west and Win Rock on the east, sit
uate iu the Borough of BchelUburgh, Bedford co.
Seized and taken in execntion and to be sold as
the property of A. F. Poornian.
Sheriff's Office, March 2Sth. 1867.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to Amos
Werta, Executor of the i*i?t will of J amen 11.
BoyUn, late of Harrison township, dee d.
The petition ol Henry Shaffer, a creditor oi
James IJ. Hoylan, dee'd., was read, setting fortu,
among other things, that said Executor, on the
2d day of May, 1*55 file*] an account exhibiting
a balance in hie hand of and thereafter re
moved out of the State of Pennsylvania. That
he never filed any final account and that the peti
tioner is interested in the ©statu as a creditor.
Whereupon on motion of (4. 11. Spang, Esq., the
Court granted *JI alia- citation against the said
Amos Wert*. Wherefore, wt command you as we
have heretofore commanded ym that you, the
said Amos Wertz laying aside.alt other business
and excuses, whatsoever, be and appear in
your proper person before our Register for the
Probate of Wills, and granting letters of adminis
tration, in and for said county at his office in Bed
ford before the time of the return of this writ,
exhibit and file an accouut as Executor aforesaid
and make a true statement according to law, or
show cause why yofi shonM not hare done so to
onr Orphans' Court. t> be hidden at Bedford cn
the -1 tli Monday, 22nd day of April next.
Witness the lion. Alexander King, l*re?idefit
of our said Court at Bedford, the 19th day of Feb
ruary, At. D. 1867.
March 29k
To the Coroner, the .hot*ice* of the. Fevct, umd
CoruitahU* in the different Taienakipi in the
County of Bedford, Greeting;
Know VE that iu pursuance of a precept to me
directed, under the hand and the seal of the iivn
ALEXANDER KLNG, President of the several
Courts of Common Pleas iu the Sixteenth District,
consisting of the counties of Franklin. Fulton,
Bedford and Somerset, and by virtae f his office
of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General
Jai! Delivery for the trial of capital and other of
fenders therein and ib the General Court of Quar
ter Sessions of the Peace; and Wu. G. Ei n-
OLTZ and GEORGE IV. GUMP, Esq?.. Judge? of the
same Court, in the same County of Bedford, you
and each of you are hereby required to be and
appear in your proper per- >na, with your Records,
Recognixanocs, Examinations, and other remem
brances. before the Judges aforesaid, at Bedford*
at a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail
Delivery and General Quarter Sessions of the
Peace therein to be holder* for the county of Bed
ford, aforesaid, on the
Fourth Monday of Apr it {being the 22d day,)
at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, there and
then to do those things to which your several offi
ces pertain.
Given under my baud at Bedford, oft the lfth of
February in th*s year>jf our Lord. 1867.
By virtue of sundry writ* ol veud. expo, und
fieri facias to me directed, there will be sold at the
Court House, in the Borough of Bedford, on Sat
urday the 20th day of April next, a. d. 1867, the
following real estate, situated in Union township,
Bedford county, vis:
All defendant's interest in and to a tract of land
adjoining Valentino Fickes, dee'd, on the north,
Cnurod Iniler, and W, Cook, on the east, John
George on the south, Joseph Cook and Thomas
Cook on the west, containing HHJJacres, more or
Also, All d!endaut's interest in and to a tract
ot land adjoining Edward Shoenberger on the
seutb, nenry Boon at on the west, Peter Shoenber
ger and Wtt Cook on the north, and Win George
un ' lle esut i containing 310 acre;;, more or less.
Also, all defendant's interest in and to a tract
of land adjoining John Berkbimer on the south.
iZ'.t *^ r ' n "r <"> the west. Jchn
George on the north. John Couple's improvement
on the east, eontaming 370 acres, more or lers.
acrea, more or leas. MtmreA and ucder fence.
A Do, all dclou'lant'i interest in wid to a tract
of laad, adjoining lan la of John Fetter on the
et. lands of flcnry Johnson on the -outh, Edwin
Shoenberger and Wm George on the west, and
•John Cessna on the north, containing 100 aere.i.
more or less.
Also, all delendant'e interest in and to a tract
tf land adjoining the summit of Dunninga rnoun-'
tain on the cast, Ji.mes Watt on the south, Wna
Berkhnuvr and others on the vast, and Wit
George on the north, containing 2bs acres, more
or le*s.
Al-o, all defendant's interest to a tract ol land,
.adjoining lands of .John Ake on the North-west,
Conrad Clay comb on the Northeast, and John
Bowser on the Southwest, containing 80*eret and
90 perches more or less.
Also, all defendant's interest iu and to a tract
ol land, udjoining lands of Adam Shaffer on the
raft, fawn -lohnson on the South, t>r. Shoeohcr.
gcr's heira on the west, Jacob Kc khart on tbe
north, containing 259 acres, more or less.
Also, all defendants interest in and to a tract of
land adjoining Edward Eans n the west, Mary
Dyceontbe north, Press's heirs on the east,
Charles Williams on the sooth, containing 250
acres more or lea*.
Also, all defendant's interest in and tu a tract
of land adjoining Conrad Imler on the vest, Ed
wnrd Evans and James Johnson on the north and
lands of Samuel Barclay's heirs on the south, con
taining ISO acres, more or less.
Also, all defendant's interert in and tea tract of
land adjoiniug lands of the defendant on the
.southeast and west and John Shea on the north
containing 173 acres more or less.
Alj<o, all defendant's interest in and to a tract of
land adjoining lands of Charles Petit and the last
described land on the south and east, lands of
John Shea on the north, lands of George Craugh
an, containing 173 acres, more or less.
Asio, all defendant's interest in and to a tract
of land adjoining lands of John Shea and John
Little on the south and west, Edward Evans on
the north, and Charles Williams on the east, con
taining 121 acres, more nr lees.
Also, all defendant's intercut in and to a tract
of land adjoining lands of Joan Boyer and Dr.
Shoenberger on tbe north and west, Edward
Evans on the south, containing 83 acres more er
Also, all defendant's interest in and to a tract
•if land adjoining lands of John Boyer on the east,
Dr. Shoenberger's heirs on the north and east,
and Dr. Shoenlierger's heirs and Joseph Ake on
the wet. containing 144 acres, more or leas, 80
acres, xaore JT les* cleared and under fense, with
a two-story log house and double log barn there
on erected.
Also, all defendant's interest in and to a tract
of laed adjoining the last above described tract of
land on the eouth east, Joseph Ake on the south
west, and Dr. Shoenberger'a heirs on the north
and north cast, containing 121 acres, more or less.
Also, all defendant's interest in and to a tract
of and adjoining other lands of defendant on the
southwest, the Blair county line on the northeast,
Jacob Eckart on the south, containing 10© acre",
more or less.
Also, all defendant's interest in aud to a tract of
land adjoining lands of Mathew Potter on the
southwest, Emanuel Boiiinger on the northwest,
Jacob Burktjt'a heirs on the east, and other lands
of defendants on the southeast containing 100
acres more or Jes.-, being part of Jacob Burket'a.
Also, all ocfendant's interest in and tea tract of
land adjoining lands of Dr. Shoenberger in right
James MeCormick on the north and Jaoobßurket's
heirs on the south, containing 74 acres, more or
Also, all defendant's interest in and to a tract of
land adjoining other lands of the defendant on the
cuutb, ttvw utUMo lire awttb wvai aiud Lite
Blair county lineon th northeast, containing 153
acres, more or less.
Aim, all defendant's interear in and to a tract of
iarid adjoiaing tbe Blair count, tine on the north,
Margaret Bowman on the southeast and Dr. Sho
eiiP'Tyer in right of John Swagart on the south,
containing 117 acres more or lcs improved.
Also, all defendant's interest in and to a tract of
laud adjoining other lands uf the defendant on the
northeast, Jacob Burket'a improvement ot the
soatheast, Leonard Swagart on the southwest and
Philip and George Swagart on the northwest, con
taining 4871 acres, more or less.
Also, all defendant's interest in and to a tract of
land adjoining other lands uf defendant cm the
east, Peter Stifller nn the southeast, by John Linn
on the southwest. John Still and Philip Bwagert
on the northwest, eontaining 414} acres more or
Also, all defendant's interest in and to a tract
of land adjoining other lands ot defendant on the
norrheast Peter Stifller on the southwest, by Henry
Loutz and others on the south, Hugh Porter and
William Long on the northwest, eontaining 420
aeres, more or less.
Also, all the defendant's interest in and to a
tract of land in the name of Wm. Laughon, ad
joining lands of Michael Schaffer, John George,
aud others, containing 50 acres, with a two and
a-half story log dwelling house and stable there
on eTected, 28 acres of which are cleared and un
der fenee. being the same land now in the ocou
pancjof J. S. Fiekes.
Also, ail defendant's interest in and to a tract
oflatid. adjoining lands of Jacob Beard on the
south. Henry Loutz on the west, John Linn on the
northwest, and Frederick Stifller on tbe northeast,
being a part of the Frederick Stifller tract, con
taining 200 acres, about 80 acres cleared and un
der fence, with a story and a half log dwelling
house and lug stable thereon, erected.
A!s6, all defendant's interest in and to a tract
of land, adjoining Siioon Clarr and Emanuel Bol
linger on the north, Matthew Potter and Jasues
Sterling on the south, Fred'k Stifßer and Adam
Bowman on the west, Frederick and others on the
north, containing 252 acres. 10 acres of which are
cleared and under fence, with a story and a half
log house and log stable thereon erected.
Also, all defendant's interest in an to a tract of
land adjoining James Sterling on the west, W.
Kennedy on the south, Geo. Laib and Dr. Smith
on tbe east, other lands of defendant on the north,
containing 390} acres, with one and a-half 9tory
log house and log stable thereon erected.
Also, all defendant's interest in and to a tract
of land adjoining Wm. Long on the east, M.
Taylor un the north, by residue of same tract
now held by John Wi.-oug on the west, and land
of Peter Cassiday on the south, containing 141
ncrvs, with m one.story tog house thereon ©rooted.
Also, all defendant's interest in and to a tract
of land attaining other lands of defendant on
the southeast and southwest, Hugh Barclay on
the north, P. Ritchey on the north east, rontain.
ing US} acres.
Also, alldefendant's interest iu and to a tract
of land, adjoining 11. Barclay, now P. Richey
on the northwest, other lands of defendant on
the northeast, lands of L. Swagert now de
fendant, on the southwest, containing 420
Also, all defendant's interest in aud to a
tract of land, adjoining the land of defendant
on the southwest, Blair county line on the
north, and southeast by L. an 9 J. Swagert,
containing 1?R ai res. r
Also, all defendant's interest in and to a
tract of land adjoining lands of John Martin,
and Griffith Evans on the west, and Blair co.
line on the northeast. .T. Swagert on the south,
containing 12 > acres.
Also, all defendant's interest in and to a
tract of land, adjoining iingh Barclay now P.
Ricliey, on the north. Abraham \\ hitmer on
the east, John Martin on the sOnth and west,
containing 356 acres.
Also, all the defendant's interest in and to
a tract of land, adjourning lands ol Hugh
Porter on the east, William Pierson on the
west, Alex. Scott and Griffith Evans on the
north, containing 439 acres.
Also, all the attendant's interest in and to
a tract of land, adjoining lands of Hugh Por
ter on the south, Jeremiah Jackson on the
west, Jno. Taylor on the north and John Mar -
tin on the east, containing 440 acres.
Also, all defendant's interest in and to a
tract of land, adjoining lands of William
Pierser. on the east, ana on the south by tbe
part sold to Joseph Ake, containing3!4acres.
Also, all defendant's interest in and to a
tract of land, adjoining William Hunt on the
north and east. Jeremiah Jackson on tbe
south, Robert Evans and Israel Jones on the
west, containing 440 acres.
Also, all the defendant's interest in and to
a tract of land, adjoining lauds of Kbenezer
I Branhune on the south, Johß Musser on the
west, Daniel Rees end John Tbomon O J the
north and John Taylor on the east, contain
ing 430 acres.
Also, all the defendant's interests in and to
a tract of land, adjoining lands of Wilson
liunt and John Taylor on the south. Alex.
Scott on the east, George Swift on the uortli
and John Thomson on the vest, containing
439J acres.
Also, all the defendant's interest in and to
a tract of land, adjoining the Blair county
line on the north, Dan'l Itees on the south,
and Hugh Roberts on the west, conlaing 152
acres, part in Blair county.
Also, all the defendant s interest in and to
a tract of land adjoining lauds of Wilson
Hunt on the west. Dan'l lines on the itoiih.
Alexander Scott on the east, and William
Pierson on the south, containing 438 acres.
Also,all the defendant's interest in and to
a tract of land adjoining finds of John lay
lor and Dan'l Rees on the west, the Blair
county line on the north. Philip Stein on the
east and Griffith Evans on the south, contain
ing 408 acres, part in Blair county.
Also, all the defendant's interest iu and t>>
a tract of land, adjoining lands of Hugh Bar
clay on the east. Griffith Evans on the s uth.
Alexander Scott on the west and the Blair
county line on the north, containing 372
Seized and taken in execution a the prop
ertv of David C. McCormack.
•Sheriff's Office. Bedford. Pa., March 29.'37
I V All persons interested are hereby notified tiro
the following named aeo-untant* have filed thei
i accounts in the Register's Office of Bedford county,
[and that the earns will l>r presented to the oj
phans' Court In and for said county, on Tnesdi
the 2.'id day of April next, at the Court House, in
Bedford, for confirmation:
1. The acconnt of Joseph Horn and Henr,
Horn, administrators of the estate of Kenrv Horn,
late of Schelisburg Borough, deceased.
2. The account of Hanird Ritchey, adiniuistr i
tor of all and singular the goods and credb
which were of John Ritchey, late of Union p.wo
ship, Bedford cm, dee'd.
The account of John .Mayer, administrator
of the goods and chattels. * . which were of Ad
am Stayer, late of South Hood berry .township
Bedford co., dee d.
4. The account of Jacob Trontman. Jr., Admin
istrator of William Bunnell, dee'd, who was Ad
ministrator of the e-tate of Cha*. Johnston, late
of Londonderry tp., dee d.
5. The account of Samuel Bender, E-q.. Ad
ministrator of the estate of IVm. Brallicr. late ol
Hopewell tp., dee'd.
6. The account ol WitlLvui Warsing, Admiui
trator of all and singular the goods and chattels
rights and credits which were of Henrv Warning,
Esq., of the township uf Broad top, in the county
of Bedford, dee'd.
7. The account of Michael Wcrtz, Executor of
the last Will and Testament of ,Sarah Pierce. lat
of Union tp., dee'd.
8. The account of llenr.v Pluck, administrator ol
f'hristena Pluck, late of Middle Woodberry town
ship, dee'd.
mar2s <}. E. SHANNON, Reg'r.
JOHN ALSIP. Auctioneer.
By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court til
Bedford County, the undersigned. Administra
tors of the estate of Jacob Sehuebly, late of Pul
ton county, Perm's., deceased, wilt ,-el) at public
outcry, upon the preini-e*. on MONDAY, the Bth
day of April next, all that certain valuable
situate in Morrison's Cove, Middle Woodbury tp..
Bedford county, adjoining lands of George Sharp a
heirs, now Solomon Imlcr, David Stuckcy, Sam'l
Teeter and others, containing about 110 acres
nett measure, about 30 acres cleared and under
fence, and the balance well timbered. There L
also a Spring of good water upon the premises.
The above' property will be sold in LOTS, or
altogether, to suit purchaser,. Immediate posses
sion given and deed made at confirmation of sale.
Title indisputable. Sale to commence at 11 o'-
clock A. M. of said day, when terms will be made
known by BENJAMIN F. SITE.
March Is:ts Administrators.
Ij Estate of Joseph laddie, tut* oj tnie a tp..
Notice is hereby git en that letters testamentary
have been granteJ to the undersigned, by the
Register of Bedford county, on said estate. All
persons indebted to -aid estate will make imme
diate payment, and those having claim.- against
the same are requested to present them forthwith
for settlement.
March 15:#t wi'h the Will annexed
Estate of Christian Ifojf stau, deceased.
Letters of Administration upon the estate ot
Christian Hoffman, late of Middle Woodberry tp.,
Bedford county, Pa., deceased, having beer, grant
ed to the undersigned, by the Register of Bed
ford county. All persons knowing themselec
indebted to said estate are herehy notified to make
immediate payment, and those having claim
against the estate are requested to present them
properly authenticated for settlement.
March] 5:6t Administrators
The undersigned having purehasad the Shq
Tools, Ac., of the late tTu. Stahl, dee'd, is now
prepared to do all kinds of CABINET WORF
in good style and at the shortest notice, at the
OLI) STAND in M e t Pitt street.
Having a HEARSE, he is also prepared
Estate John If. Typper, dereasea.
Letters of Administration having been granted
to the undersigned, by the Register of Bedford
county, upon the estate of John H. Typper, late -1
Hopewell, Bedford county, deceased. Ali per
sons indebted to said estate .ire hereby notified and
required to make immediate payment, and those
having claims are requested to present them for
immediate settlement.
Administrator, residing in Saxton.
March S, St.
Estate of John Dasher, der'd.
The Register of Bedford county bai-mggrante i
letters of administration upon the estate of John
Dasher, late of Hopewell tp. dee'd, to the subseri
hers, residing in said township, ail persons in
debtcd to said estate are herehy notified to make
immediate payment, and those having claim
against it are requested to present them prop- it.
authenticated for sMtiemeut.
Mar. 8, 1887. Administrator
■yiyooD! woor>'
Healed proposals will be received ut the olive of
the Directors of the Poor and House -f Employ
uient of Bedford county on i I'ESDAY, APRIL
2nd. 1397 for 50 cords Of Oak wood and 50 cord
of Pine wood, to be delivered io the month ol
May next.
Bv order of Director-.
March 22. - tttornoy .
You may use one four week- and if not -a'i.-tn
ret um it and get your money hack.
Men buy ail kinds oi ;*- sarins machine.-.-
Why should not w.i-b lavs he mode easier? Try
them! Try them! marl
I7IAKMKRS who want to purchase the GREAT
seed should send ir !h--ir order, to HART
LEY A METZGEIt at ee. -• that they may
: secure them- Jfo pay temteii till s-sf September.
| March 15.
JADIES CALL ! —Max - A t'uskiouahie little
J raff at HARTLEY t MF.TZGER'S, where
you will find a very i-clvf -<>rment of choice
FLOWER SEEDS. Also. >rh and reliable
Garden Seeds of all kind-. iuarfs
Nov. 2, 1868.
Nov 2. 1868